Summary: | Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1932.The Board of Trustees, Alabama Polytechnic Institute , met
in the of fice of Governor ~I iller at 10:30 a . m. February 26 , 1932 ,
the meeting hav ing been duly called by the chairman in a letter
sent to each member of the Board on February 12 i n which he explained
that the customary semi -annual meeting would not be held in uburn
on February 22 , which date was celebrated as the bicentennial of the
birth of George W~shi ngton .
Present : Governor B. Ivl . Mi l ler, Super i ntendent A. F . Harman,
Chas . Henderson , C. W. Ashcraft , H. H. Conner, Victor H. Hanson,
W. H. Oates, T. D. Samford , P . S . Haley , H. D. Merrill , Harry Herzfeld,
C. S . Culver.
It Vias reported t o the Board that representat ives of the Press
requested that they be allowed to attend the meet ing whereupon they
were admitted by direction of the Board. Several alumni of the i nstitution
also were present .
The Board heard the reading of th e report 0 f the Pres ident, a
copy of which is filed with the records of the Secretary of the Board
of Trustees .
In the report the following matters were presented and discussed :
Doctor Fred llison ' s 710rk
Cash in Bank
Arrangement for Paying Salaries of Extension Service Employees
Interest on Back Salaries
Building Fund Warrants unissued but due Alabama Polyt echnic
I nstitute
Sewage Disposal
Building Funds
Athlet ic Fund
An error i n the Independent udit of State Finances
Ef f orts to Borrow .orey
Insurance on the Life of the President
Se paration of Funds in the Bank
Balances due Experiment Station and Extens ion
Building Warrants
Maintenance Wa rrants
. Experiment Station Funds
Extension ~lork
Plans for Next Year
Fees and Room Rent
Unfair Practices by Students on Exami na tions
Sale of Uniontown Station
Animal Husbandry Building Boiler Guarantee
I nterest on Claims
Bond to Cover Deposits
'Ilemporary Provision for a Hospital, Etc .
page 2 1'1
Minutes of
Board - .API
Feb.26 ,' 32 .
At one o'clock before the reading and discussion of the
President's report was completed the Board took a recess for luncheon
until 2:30 p . m. All trustees who were present at the morning session
were in attendance in the afternoon. ~Vhen t he session was resumed Mr .
Samford stated that Mr . HarrY'S . Houghton a nd his attorney, l.1r . Crum,
desired to appear before the Board and present a matter connected with
the ~ii . B. Houghton estate . By unanimous consent the Board heard Mr .
Crum ;/ho made u request that the Board execute a deed conveying to
H. S . Houghton and Olive P . Arrington any right, title, claim or interest
wh i ch the Alabama Polyte chnic Institut e may have in and to any
property under the will of M. B. Ho ughton deceased . The Board unanimously
passed a resolution referring the matter to the Executive Commi
t tee 0 f the Board 0 f Trustees with full power to act . Resolut ion
is s ho~m on a subsequent page .
After the reading o f the Pres:ident's Report was completed
the Board considered t he f ollowing matters {ith aC Lion as shown.
The Pres ident was r equested to review the matter of the proposed
guarantee of the Ke'.'lanee Boiler Manufacturing Company in place
of a Surety Bond guaranteeing that the .boiler installed in the Animal
Husbandry Building would meet specifications a nd carry 40 pounds
pressure and the mat ter was referred to the Executive Committee of the
Board, with full povler to act .
On motion of Mr . Henderson the President was authorized to
accept bonds , or State Warrants, or other approved securities, in
lieu of a S urety Bond to protect the college deposits in the college
depository, provided he is legally authorized to do so, the President
being directed to deposit said bonds, State Wa r rants, or other approved
securities with t he First National Bank of Montgomery, Alabama.
On re con~endation of the PreSident, Associate Professor J . W.
Roe was voted leave 0 1: absence for one year VIi thout pay to complete
his work for advanced degree.
The Board voted an additional year' s )eave of absence wit hout
pay to Professor R. P . Marple in order that he may complete the· work
for his Doctor ' s degree v;hich he i s P1ll'suing while on l eave this year
at Columbia University.
The President was authorized to r efund to 'fl . M. Blakey , J r . ,
all fees paid for registration in the firs t semester, September 1931,
as t~r . Blakey after three weeks resigned and transferred to the Law
School of t he u niversity of Alabama to shorten the time required to
earn h i s law degree .
page 3
Iviinutes of
Board - API
Feb . 26, t 32.
'rhe :Pres ident was authorized to use h i s discret i on as t o
the ,refund of f ees requested by J . P. Curry ':;ho re c istered f or
the first semester 1931 but who a ttended very few classes because
of ill ness and who early i n October was forced to resign from
college on account of his health .
'1'he re quest of the f ather of Maxwell Benton that the college
pay hospital and surgical expenses amount i ng t o $539 . 99 and also
award to hi s son a scholarship suffi cient t o cover his college expenses
for f our year s , was presented t o the Board by Doctor Knapp
who explained t hat this young man while r eclining on the side line
of Drake E'ield during football pract ice was run over and injured by
players running out of bounds, the injury necessitating a surgical
operation on one of his kidneys . After full discussion , on motion
of lvir . Samford, the Board directed t he Secretary to ';;rite the father
expressing sympathy and regret because 0 f the serious ac c ident to his
son and to say that they r egtetted the Board has no authority to
authorize the payments requested.
Dr . t~napp read a special report regarding the State Examiners
ruling as illegal the payment of a Voucher for ~6 366 .00 f or one Year's
premium on an insurance policy taken out in 1928 on the li fe of the
President for the benefit of the Institution. On motion of Dr . Hanson
the Board directed that this matter be ref erred to the Attorney General
of the s t ate for advice as to what course to pursue l egally and that
the matter wi th the attorney Genera l ' s advice be then referred to the
Executive Comnrlttee of t his Board wi th power to act .
Dr. Knapp submitted the f ollowing resolution regarding the
sale of the Old Canebrake Experiment ~: ta tion a t Uniontown, Alabama ,
owned by the Exp eriment Station, the sale of wh ich had been authorized
by the Le gislature . On motion of Dr . Hans on the resolution was unanimously
VIHEREAS , it i s deemed advisable to sell the h ,nd on which
was located t he Branch "'.gric ultural Experi ment Stat ion
near Uniontown i n Perr~ Co.unty., Alabama , knovlll as the
~anebrake Agricultural,A ~:H~n~1f, to obtain funds f or improvements
on the new El ack Bel t Sub-Station loca t ed at
.,.arion Junction, Alabama; and
· ·rHE_RE.t~ , '7ill i rnn ° Hoy has of f e red the sum of '1hree
Thousand Dollars (,3 , 000 . 00) cash far the said l and,
there :
POLYTECHNIC INS'rl'l'UTE that the President of Al abama
?ol ytechnic I ns titute , Dr. Bradford Knapp , is hereby
authorized and empowered to execute a deed for and in
the name 0 f Alabama Polyt echni c lnst itute , as grantor
page 4
1~ inute s of
Board of API
:;Teb . 26 , '32.
of the followiD,f; descl'ibed property to ' [illiam a Roy ,
Grantee . ;;iaid deed shall be exec uted in the presence
of an d witnessed by B. L. Shi as Secretary. The property
t o be conveyed is as follows , to-wit:
Nor thwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section
eight , township Seventeen , range s ix , in Perry County,
Alabama , containi ng forty acres, more or less , t ogether
with the improvements thereon.
Dr . Knapp stated that the Examiners report of June 30 , 1931,
on page 5 showed that the ~xperiment Station balance shoul d be $45 ,868. 63
and that the balance due the Extension Service was $90, 633. 97 . Since
the Auditor's Report he stated that these funds had been r educed and
that now the General College .J.~t unds owed the EXIe riment Station
$35 ,272. 37 and the Extension Service $60,891 . 75 . He also stated that
the Institution holds Building Fund ',1arrants amounting t o $125 ,000 . 00
and that when the I nstitut ion re ceived cash from the State Treasury
due on warrants held the balances would automatically be restored from
funds of the college div ision. On motion of Dr. Hanson , seconded by
1,lr . Conner , the Board voted approval of the President's expressed policy
to repay the balances due the Ex~, riment Station and Extension Service
as soon as r eceipt of cash for warrants o ~ the College Division makes
it possible to do so .
On motion of Mr. Ashcraft the Board voted to approve the plan
submi tted in Dr. Knapp's report for financing the Extens ion Service for
the period of ~anuary 1, 1932 to June 30 , 1932. ~~ . Herzfeld and ~~ .
Conner for r easons explained to the Board asked to be recorded as not
voting on th i s Motion.
Dr. Knapp stated that since July 1, 1931, all funds re ceived
were deposited i n a separ ate account in the bank , those f or the Experiment
Stat ion being designated "Special Fund Federal esearch" and
t hose for the Extens ion work "Spec ial Fund Federal Extens ion. It He
said that in spite of our di ffi cult ies, 'Iihen funds were re ceived in
January on St ate ' far r ant s due July 1931, for tae use of the Experiment
Station and the Extension Service under regular State appropriatiOns ,
these funds were 1 ikewise depos i t ed in separat e and sp ec ial depos its
in the bank. He asked approval of thi s policy , Vlhereupon:
The Board voted a pproval of the policy of keeping f unds in
five sepa rate accounts in the bank, as follows:
Special Fund Federal Research, Special Fund State Research ,
Special Fund Federal Extension, Special Fund State Extension, md the
General College Acccu nt , in whieh aIle depos i ted all other funds of the
In connection with the discussion of" the overdraft in athletics
page 5
Mi nutes of
Board - API
Feb . 26 , ' 32 .
ment ioned i n t he Eeport of the s t ate Examiner , Dr . ICnapp presented
a s tatement submi t ted by represe n tat ives of' the Alumni Assoc iation
i t emizing cer tain p aym ents and services which had been during a
period o f years paid by t he Department of At hl et ics for the col lege .
A copy of t his s tatement is attached a n d made a par t of these minutes .
On mot ion o f Dr . Oates the Board vot ed to author i ze and direct the
President of t he I ns t itution to ascertain the amounts of monies paid ,
advanced or lo aned to the Alabama Polyt echnic Ins t i t ute by t he Depar t ment
of Athl etics , s aid amount to be credi ted on t he books of the
college ccountant to t he Departme nt o f At hlet i cs .
The Pr e sident explained t o t he Board his eff orts to bor r ow
money on state Warrants held by the col l e ge a nd th at so far a l l pl ans
had failed except cert ain offers wh i ch required a l arger discount t han
he fe l t t he Board woul d approve . Mr . Herzfel d suggested t he possibility
of borrowi ng t hrough some bank which might be abl e to get f unds for the
I nst itution from t he Reconstruction Fina nce Cor poration. After full
discussion , on moti on of l'llr . Ha l ey, the mat t er o f bor rowing money was
referred t o t he, l!:xecutive Commi ttee with power t o act .
Judge Merri l l submi t ted a report for the Spe cial Commi ttee
c onsisti ng o f the Governor, Judge Mer rill a nd Mr . Culver to which Vias
referred at a previous mee ting the itemi ze d bi l l r e ndered by Attorney
William J . Samford for l e gal s erv ices in connect ion with the s ale by
the college to t he Alabama Power Comrany of the light and water dis tribution
pl ants in t he town of Auburn . Judge Merrill stat ed that
the sub- committee on this matter had g iven considerat i on to the account
and had f ixed a f ee of $1 '750 for l e gal serv i ces . He also said that as
t his sum f ixe d by the Corrrrnitt ee was le s s than the bill r endered the
committee felt that Mr . William J . Samford should be given an opportunity
t o appear be f or e the Boar d if he so de s ire d . ',';'hereupon, Mr . T. D.
Samf ord state d t hat Mr . ','rillirun J . Samf ord would not care t o be heard
in the matter a nd that i n h i s opi n ion the Board s hould f eel entirely
free t o act on the :lreport i:rI1I1l3diately . The Repor t of the s ub- c onmU. ttee
was t hen accepted by the full Board which tiuthorized t Ie I2yment of
t;1750. 00 t o Mr . Will iam J . Samford fo r services rendered as l egal representa
t ive 0 f Alabama Polytechni c I nsti tute in all matters pe rtaining
to the above mentioned t r ansaction wit h the Alabama. Power Company.
Dr . Vi ctor H. Hanson then read to t he Board a prepared statement
concerning reports Wh ich had come t o him concerning the affairs of
the college . In hi s s tateme nt t h ere was a s uggest i on t ha t an inves t i gating
c arrmittee he appo i nted . Mr . Culver mov ed t hat such a committee
be appointed but after f ull discussion , by unanimous consent , the paper
presented by !vIr . Hanson was wi thcitrawn.
On motion of Dr . Oates t he Board went on record as requesting
Dr . lierman, State Superinte ndent of Education, t o use his influence to
correc t t he error in the I ndepe ndent Audit 0 f State Affairs which charges
to Alabama Polytechni c lns t i t ute State expenditures in 1929 , 1930 , and
1931 f ar Demonst ration ~ arms at t he State Secondary Agr ~ cult ural Schools
page 6
Minutes of
Board- API
Fe b • 26 , ' 32 .
whi ch error had been cal led to the atte nt ion of the Board in the
President ' s Report . Dr . harmon stated that he woul d do everything
in his power to correct the error and ~event i ts recurrence .
The President called attention to the difficulty at the
present time to f i gure accura tel y the income f or the new year as a
basis for making the budget, saying , "at the present time the
Legislature has made no change i n our app:,::opriation and yet we are
not unmindful 0 f the general situation. r can only say to the Board
now that in making the budget which will be submitted to you in May
we shall plan as carefully as we can t o reduce every item of expenditure .
-:"Ih enever we can be told definitely what the income for next year will
be we expect to stand absolutely ready to keep the expenditures of the
institution within that income . "
On motion of I',ir . Haley, after discussion of t he matter , the
Board r eferred to the President and to a committee consisting of the
Governor and ~/O trustees a ppointed by him t o f ix the estimat ed amount
of imcome for the next f iscal year as a bas is for preparing the budget .
On motion of r::r. Ashcraft t he BO:Hd voted to recess to meet
again on call of the chairman.
B. L. Shi ,
,'!BEREAS under t he l ast will and t estarJ.ent of Vi . B. Houghton,
de ce ase d , l ately a r esident of the City of Montgomery, Alabama, which
sai d will was probated in the ?robate Office 0 f Mont gomery Co unty,
Al a bama, certain real a nd pers ona l property ~as devised and beQueathed
to the houghton ~du cat io nal Society, f~ r certain educational and experime
ntal p UI']!oses , in which will, it was prov i ded that i n the event
the Houghton Educati onal Society f ailed to func t ion in the manner
there in provided, that then, in t hat event , certain rights and privileges
were grant ed t o the ~":omans College of Alabama, and in the event
the said Womans Colle ge of Alabama shot4d not act or function as there-in
provided, certain of said property should go to "The state of Alabama's
A. P. I . College, at Auburn, llabama, p rovided its Trustees in good faith
accept the terms o ffered t he ','/omans College tt ; and
WHEREAS a bill was filed in the Circuit Court of MontE;) ::lery
County, Alabama, in EQuity, by one of the heirs of M. B. Houghton,
deceased, against the Houghton Educat ional Society and rohers, seeking
to declare null and void the p rovisions of said will devising and
beQueathing said properties to the Houghton Educational Society , as
in violation of the rule a gainst p erpetuities, etc; and
VITrnREAS in December, 1927, a f i nal decree was made and
entered i n said cause entitled '~~ s. L. D. Brooks vs Houghton Educational
Soc iety, et al" , granting the prayer of" aaid bill, and
decreeing that the items and provisions of the last will and testament
of said I ;] . B. Houghton, deceased, p urporting to create a trust
in favor of the said noughton Educational Society, were void and of
no e f f ect, and t hat as to such property, the s aid ~!1 . B. Houghton
died entes tate , and that his he irs at law were ent itled t o said
property, which said decree remains in f ull fo r ce and effect; and
"NHEREAS t he said property so involved in saia will has
been divided an ong the heirs 0 f the said 11'1. B. Houghton, and is now
owned by .d . S . Houghton and Olive P . Arrington , of the City of
Montgomery, he irs of t!le s aid 1V:. B. Houghton, deceased, and that
the said h . S . Houghton and Olive P . Arrineton have made application
to the Trustees of the a labama Polytechnic Institute , 8Ild its Executive
Committee , for a deed releasing ~d relinQuishing to t hem all
of the right , titl e , claim and interest of this institution in and
to the said r eal property because of the f act tha t the contingent
or possible interest of "this i nstitution creates a cloud upon their
RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
that it be and hereby i s referred to the Execut ive Committee of this
Bo ard, with full power and authority, pursuant to the statute of the
State of Alabama i n such cases p rovided, approved .L" ebruary 15 , 1927 ,
to c onsider the matter, and to act therein, and upon such terms, and
f or such consideration as it may deem proper, to execute, or authorize
and p rovide for the execution of a deed releasing , relinquishing and
conveying to the said H.S . Houghton and Olive P. Arrington , aDlf right, titl~
c la~ or interest which the Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute may have in and
to apy property under the will of t he said Ii . B. Houghton , deceased, and
do all suell other things as to t he said Executi~e Committee n~y seem meet ,
jus t and proper i n the premises .
Annual Meeting - r,lay 16, 1932
_ I The Board of Trustees met in the Office of the President at
2 P. M., Governor Miller pres iding.
Present: Governor Miller, Superintendent Harman, I'v1r. Henderson, NIl'.
Asc.:!raft, l,it'. Conner, Mr. Samford, Mr. Haley, Mr. Culver.
Telegrams were received from Dr. Oates and Judge Merrill and
letter from Dr. Hansen expressing regret that they were unable to be
Mr. H. S. Houghton, IvIr. Arrington and Judge B. P. Crum, of
Montgomery, appeared before the Bo ard and r equested the Bo erd to adopt
a resolution authorizing the officials of the Alabama Polytechnic Insti-tute
to execute a q:lit claim deed to H. S. Houghton and Olive P.
arrington of the City of Montgo.11lery, he irs of Ivi. B. Houghton, deceased,
~o any clah~ and int eres t the Alabama Polytechnic Institute may have
to arw and all property lll1der the las t will am testament of said M. B.
HOl~ton, deceased. This matter had been referred to the Executive
Committee of the Board of Trustees at the meeting of the Beard held
in th e Governor's Office in Montgcmery on February 26. After full dis-cussion
0 f the matter the Executive Committee approved the execution of
a de ed , the resol ution being shown in full on s ubsequent pages of this
record. The Board of Trustees also passed a resolution confinning t he
action of the Executive ComIlli ttee whi ch resolut ion is also shown on a
subsequent page .
President Knapp presented the tent ative budget ;or the fiscal
year beginning July 1, 1932, wi th the sugg estion that the Board adopt
the following resolution ' concerning the matter:
page 2
Minutes- Board of
Trustees meeting
Hesolved that tho budget for the year 1932-33 for
the three divisions of the Alabama Polytechni c Insti tuteCollege
, Experiment Station and Agric ultural Extension Work,
be approved conditionally as follows:
1. The allotment of funds to the several Departments
and divisions of work i s approved only subject to such
changes as rilay be made necessary on account of changes in'
the appropriations made by the State .
2. Tha",; the Pres ident be instructed to notify all
employees of the i nstit ution that their employment and rate
of salary for the fiscal year is sub ject to cmnge when-ever
the State changes the appropriations to the institution
for the several purIX>ses now covered by the laws applying
to the '\'lork of the Institution and that they may exp ect and
must accept such cuts as are made necessary at ar..y time during
the fi scal year, that every effort will be made to deal as
fairly and equitably in mru{ing such cuts as i s possible under
the circwnstances; that al+ salaries are subject to p~ents
received by the College from the stat e and other sources .•
Zl . That t hj,s Board agree t o meet with Boards of
Trustees of other State Institutions for the PUI'Ilose of
rrorki~; out a uniform proe,Tam for meeting t he s ituation at
t he call 0; the Governor of t he state •
. After di scussion of the financial co ndit ion 0 1' the Institution
and prospective receipts for the next :liecal year the Board postponed
action in regard to the budget and adopted the following resolution
offer ed by Mr. Hal ey.
RESOLVED, that this Board at the conclusion of the session
today recess to meet again on call of the chairman and with the Boards
of Tr ustees of the University of Alabama e.nd Alabama College and with
the State Board of Education, and that action on t he budge t for the
next fiscal year be taken after the joint mee tine wi th the three other
page 3
Minutes - Board of
Trustees Meeting.
In tho discussion the President was requested to furnish
additional information showing the total salary of each employee,
the teaching load of each teacher in every department, and full infor-mation
concerning the work of each JBrson employed in each department.
The difficulties under which members of the teaching staff
are placed because of the inability of the college to pay salaries
due until t he state can pay cash for warrants held by the institution
wero discussed an c~ it was the general sentiment that the situation may
be improved by the issuance to the employees 0 f certificates of in-debtedness
numbered and issued in series against a particular warrant.
On motion of Mr. Samford the Board appointed President Knapp, Dr. Harman
and :rvTr. C. C. Brooks, Accountant, as a COlllil1ittee to work out a plan for
the issuance of such certificates of indebtedness and to submit the
same for approval at the next meeting of the Board.
On motion of Mr. Samford the Board voted that degrees be
conferred on Commencement Day in accordance r:ith the recommendations of
the faculty as shown 0 1: t he program attached hereto and made a part of
these minutes.
On mot ion of President Knapp the Boord voted to confer
Honorary Degrees on tho following:
Eduard A. O'Neal, Doctor of Agriculture.
Clarence Ousley, Doctor of Agriculture.
Theodore Swann, Doctor of Science.
Ci tations arc shown on subsequent pages of this 1"e:ColJ'd.
In connection with the discussion 0 f honorary degrees the
suggestion was made that hereafter p.-oposal of such degrees should be
submitted to the Board and lie over a short time before final action
page 4
Minutes - Board of
Trustees Meeting.
shell be taken.
The Board authorized leave of absence n ithout pay during
1932-33 for the follwVling staff members:
Mr. Geol'ge Scarseth
IUs s Lula Palmer
TI£r. C. G. Gorman.
At the suggestion 0 f the President the Board voted authority
to f ix dormitory room rent as follovlS: Alumni Hall ~ 32 .50 first semester;
~:; 28.00 Second semester ; SEith Hall ~~ 30·.00 firs't semester; ~~ 25.00 second
Dr. Knapp called the attentioll of the Board to a proposal of
certain students that the Activities Fee be increased ~:a.oo to pay for
picturos of students to be used in the Glomerata. Action on this matter
\las postponed until the next meeting of tl.~e Board.
Dr. Knapp reported that the WAPI contract leasing the statio~ V (
had provcn impracticable of fulfillmc nt by the Birmingham Group. ) ~
After discussion action ill the mattor ':ras postponed to a subsequent 1
Superintendent liarman called atte ntion to an error on the
bottom of page 5 in the President' s Confidential Report to the members
of the Board of Trustees v,here ?lState Department of Education!? was used
through error. The statement was corredted by substituting the word
''Boaxd'' for "Departmen til •
There be ing no further bus mess motion was passed to recess
until t he session be resumed on call of the Chairman.
B. L. Shi~
i1J.HERE.AS, by the will of M. B. Houghton, deceased, late
of the Ci ty of Montgomery, Alabama, certain real and personal
property was devised and bequeathed to the Houghton Educational
SOCiety, a corporation under the laws of Alabama" upon the con-ditions
therein r ecited, for too promOtion of the cause of
education, of improved methods of scientific agriculture,
horticulture and floriculture, and of the domestic and indus-trial
sciences, at Morningview, L.labama; and
1NHEREAS, Item 10 of said will provides as follows:
"Item ten: In the event the Houghton Educational Soc iety
heretofore namod and its officers, trustees and their
legal successors fail to rraintain its corporate existence
or partnership form of some other public or co-operative
form or fail to carry out its Educational objects in some
legal or partnership form for a period not exceeding ten
years then and in the. t event said real estate togctrer
wi th its endowment shall go to and b aCOIne the property of
the 1\Tomans College 0 f Alabarna as an adjunct and endovnnent
to be held in trust as the Morningview M. B. Houghton
EndoviIllent of Wan.ens College of Alabama, provided the
Trustees of said college shall in good faith agree to
maintain the same i n I£ rpetuity and carry out its objects
at Morningvierr and shall give an instrument of uriting to
that effect which shall go on record on their minutes and
on tho records in the Probate office 0 f Montgomery County.
Should tho 0 fficers ~d trustees of tho ~lomans College
of i~ labama fail or r e fuse to a ccept the Morningview
property and its elldmnnent after not more than t uelve
months considerat ion then and. in that c.vont s"gid Morningview
property and endowment shall go to <ind become the
property of t he State of Alabama's A.P.l. College at
Luburn, Ala., provided its Trustees in Good faith accept
the terms offer ed the ~:Jomans College. It;
WHEREAS, on to-wit: the 2nd day 0 f December, 1926, one
Brs. L. D. Brooks filed her bill of complaint in the Circuit
Court of Montganery County, sitting in Equity, against Harry
S. Houghton, i ndividually and as the Executor of the v; ill of
-........ , I
M. B. Houghton, deceased, and other heirs and beneficiaries
under said vrill, and the Y!omans College of i;.lGb aIDa and its
several Trustees, a nd the ll.labama Polyt oohnic Inst i tu te and its
sev eral 'l'rustees, seeking to have the provis ions of the vrill of
M. B. HO Lt{Sht on, deceased, devis ing and bequeathing the prop-artics
to the Houghton Educational Society, and conditionally
to the said i/lomans College of Alab ana , and then conditionally
to the i;.labmna Poly-t:.:; chnic Institute, declared null and void
and 0 f no effect, as in violation 0 f thE: rule a gainst perpe-tuities;
VlHEP.E.&S, by a final decree of snid Circuit Court, :rendered
and filed on the 2nd day of December, 1927, the prayer of the
said bill of complaint was granted, and said provisions of said
last will and testament 0 f M. B. Houghton , deceased , held void
and of no effect, and , further, that the complainant and H. S.
Houghton and Mrs . Miriam 1~. Pierce were entitled to said real
and lXl:rsonal property, and directing t he ,Register to sell said
real property for div is ion and distribution amone; them, and no
appeal has been taken from said de crees; and
ViEEREAS, E . S. Houghton and Olive P • .Arrington, claiming
to be th0 present owners of the property so devised and be-qucathed
t o the said Houghton Educati onal Society, have re-quested
a conveyance or release to t hem by the Alabama Polytechnic
Institute, pursus.:nt t ot he provisions of t he .ilct of the Lec; is-lature
hereinafter mentioned, of any probable or possible interest
said I p..s t i tute might/t herein; and
WEEi.&S , at a moeting of the Boord of 'I'rustoes of the
-• I
Alabama Polytechnic Institutef held on the 26th day of February;
1932, in the office of the Governor, at the State Capitol in the
Ci ty of NJOntgomery, a resolution nas adopted referring it to the
Executive Coownttee of said Board, with authority to act upon the
request of the said H. S. Houghton and Olive P. Arrington, and
for such consideration as the said Corru~ittee might deem proper,
to execute or authorize and provide for the execution of a deed
releas ing, relinquishtng and cOlIveying to the said H. S. Houghton
and Olive P. ~rringt on any right, title, c1alin and interest which
tho l~labrnna Polytechnic Institute may havo in i..Uld to any property
under the w ill of said M. B. Houghton, deceased, and to do all
such other things in connection therewith as to said Executive
Committee mi@lt seem just and proper in the l)remises;
'VHERiZAS, tho Executive Cormli ttee of t he Board of Trustees
of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
I does not consider the.t the i nterests of L.1e.bama Polytech.'l.ic
Inst i tute in said will are of am' material value and does not
deem it wise or expedient to accept the trust offered by the
provisions of the said will of M. B. Houghton, decoased, or to func-tion
under the terms and conditions of said nill, e.nd the said
Executive Committee and the managing head o f the Alabama Poly tech-nic
Institute deem it fair and just, in consideration of the premises
and the sum of oD.e. {$l.OO} Dollar to be paid by the said H. S~
Houghton and Olive P. 1..rrington, and pursuant to the provisions
of an .hct of the Logislature of L.labama, entitled:
~~~~~--~- ---------~~------ -----
To authorize and empower any state I nst itution, including
schools, colleges, and other educational institutions, to
dispose of and convey any CD ntingent interest whi ch such
ililltitution or institutions may have in any property,
whether the same be derived through a v/ill or otherwise,
and to authorize such institution to execute the necessary
conveyance or c.onveyances for such purpose."
~pprovGd February 15, 1927, that said l~abama Polyt echnic Institute
remise, release, quitclaim and convey to them, the said H. S .•
Houghton and Olive P. brrir~ton any arr1 all right, title, claim and
interest which said Institute has or may have, presently or canting-ently,
in and to any property, or interest i n any :property vrherever
situated, devised or bequeathed, or which purports to have been
devised or bequeathed to it by the previs iOn,s 0 f the last Viill and
testament of the said M. B. Houghton, deceased:
NOW, T:t-lli'REFORE, BE IT' RESODrED by the Executive Comrl1ittee
of the Board of Trusteos 0 f ';~labama Polytechnic Insti tu te I in
meoting duly assembled at Samford Hall, i n the City of Auburn,
on this the 1 6th clay of I\~G.y , 1932, that in consideration of the
premises, and of t he SUlll of One Wl.OO) Dollar to be paid by
said H. S. Eoughton and Olive P. J~rringt on, and pursuant to the
provisions of the l:"ct of the legislature aforc::;aid, the Governor,
B. M. Miller, as t he Pres i ding Officer of the Board 0 f Trustees
of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, be anc1 hereby is authorized and
emporrered to execute and de liver, in the na11)3 and on behalf of tre
Alabama Polytechnic Institute t a deed or conveyance releas ing', re ...
linguishing , quitclaiming and conveying to them, the said H. S.
Houghton and Olive P. Arrington, aJ~ and all right, title, claim
and iutcrest, present. or conti~ent, of tho ~abamn Polytechnic
I nstitute, in and to any property, r eal, ~crs onal or mixed, conveyecl,
devised or bequeathed, or which purports to hav.e been conveyed.
, C!_ov isod or bequeathed to the said .b.labruila Polytechnic Institute,
under emU. by tl:e provisions of· the aaid fast 'v1ill and testarmnt
of thu late H. B. Houghton, deceased, whi eh \Jas admitted to probate
1n th~ ProbatE: Court of Montgomery County, Alabama, said deed to
tIg attestcd by the Secret ary of the Board of l'rustees of said
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trus tees of Alabama
l I
Polytechnic Institute, in meeting duly assembled at Samford
Hall, i n too Oi ty of l.uburn, on this the 16th day of May,
1932, that this Boa r d does not deem it desirable or expedient
to J ... ccept the trust and property offered to it, conditionally,-
under the provisions of the last uill and testament of M. B.
Houghton, doceased, late of Montgomery, Alabama, which Voill
has been pn: bated in the office of the judge of Probate 01'
Man t gomery Co u.nty, ';;'1[, bmna, or to funct ion under t re terms and
cond itions o f s aid TTillj an(~ t his Board does hereby decline to
accept said trust, or to fun ction under the t erms and conditions
of s ai c1 '. .' ill. and does non di scl a im any inte r es t i n any prope rty
under the terms a ni pr O\Tis ions ther eof, a.'1 cJ. any obligat ions or
duties th ereunder ~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that t he action of the Exec utive
Committee of this Boar c~., as evidenced by a resolution adopted by
it at a meeting this day hele., a uthorizing the execution by and
on behalf of t he alabama Poly technic Institute of a deed or con-veyance
, releasing, r e linquishing; quitclaiming an d conveying to
H. S. Houghton and Olive P. Arrington any right, title , claim and
i nterest, present or contingent of t he ~labama Polytechnic Institute,
i n ane: to any propert y, real, personal or mixed, co nveyed, devised or
bequeathe d, or ~ hich purports to have been conveyed , devised or
bequeathed to it under the provisions of the last will and t ostamert
of M. B. Ho ughton, deceased, admitte ct to probate in the Probate
i I
) Court 0 f Montganery County,"OOma, be and the same IE reby is in
all things f ully ratified, approved and confirmed.
I i
CIT 1>. T ION.
Upon Theodore Swann, native of Tennesseo , former
student of Carson and Nel}Iuan College , eloctric::'an and
cheDD.s'~t mannger 01' aJ.ectriccl cO~'Panies at various t:imcs~
Presidtnt Southern 1iauga'1c so Company, Federal Phosphorus
Company ~, Grganizer of t h~ Swann Corporatton and malW other
chemical ana electrcchemical companies, Lieutenant Colonel
Ordinance Reserve Corps, member Arnerican Iron and Steel
Institute, iunericanChemical SOCiety, 1 • .rnerican Electro-chemical
Society, j, .. merican Institute of Mining and
Metallurgical Engine ers, Ass oc inte Member limer ican Institute
of Electrical Engineers, Member .A.labama Ind.ustrial Develop-ment
Board, outstanding leader in the Electrochemical Industry
the Alaboom Polytechnic Institute dOGS hereby confer the
Honorary Degree of Doctor of Scieme •
CIT .b. T ION.
Upon Clarence Ousley, nnt h re of G-eor gia, graduate of
t h8 i~labmna Polyte chni c I ns titute in t be Clas s of 1881 Yl ith
the degr ee of Bachelor of L.rts, at one time e c1i tor of Farm
an{, ·'1 e.n ch~ ecU t or ane:. edi t orial iiITi t er on the eston
HOFS) Galve sto n Tribune an d HOL1s toJl Post in Toxas, founder
and c cli tor of th e Ft. Worth Recor d , Dil'ector of Lgricul tural
Extension Work i n t he Toxas icul tural 0. 00 Mechanical
College, ";.lSsis tan t Secre tary o f";;..gricL,lture in the United
Sta t e s Dopartment of ~:..gric ul tur o from 1917 to 1919, able
student of oconomic a nd ag:i:Jicul turo.l nffair s , great cmd
wise advocate of sound ngricultural doctrines, loyal and
distinguis hed s on of .l:'uburn, -,ve do nO\7 confer the Honorary
De gree of Doctor of ~Gricul t ure.
Upon Edward Asbury OtNeal, III, native Alabamian,
Bachelor of Arts, Washington and Lee University, fal~r,
farm leader, f01!nerly a-.varded the honor of Master of Farm
Leadership oythis institution, former President of the Alabama
Faxm Bureau, ani other farm organizations in Alabama, active
pn)moter of cooperation and education among farm people,
prominently oonnected with the American Farm Bureau Association,
nOll Nat iona1 Pres ident of the ilmerican :J'arm Bureau Asro ciation
and an active and viril leader among the organized farmers of
illnerica, loyal friend of fue Alabama Polytechnic Institute,
most prominent Alabamian in National affairs relating to
Agriculture, the Alabama Polytechnic Institute does now confer
the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Agriculture.
QImumeu.ceunmf 'lJixer.cises
of tlp~
J\uhurn. ~lahanm
May the Seventeenth, 1932
10:00 A. M.
Marche et Cortege __________________________________________________________________________ Gounod
Auburn Band, P . R. Bidez, Director
Two chorales:
"To God on High" _________________________________________________________________________ Decius
"Morning Hymn" ____________________________________________________________________ Henschel
Auburn Glee Club, J. W. Brigham, Director
Henry Nelson Snyder, A.B., A.M., LL.D.
President, Wofford College
Spartanburg, South Carolina
elass of I932
Seniors who attain 90 per cent of the maximum number of quality
points possible are graduates with highest honor. Seniors who attain
75 per cent of the maximum number of points possible are graduates
with honor. Seniors who meet the graduation requirements, but do not
attain honor, are published as graduates.
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
J ames Denniston Bush, Jr . ........ ........... ........................ .............. ._ Mobile
John Lyle Carr .......................................................................... Redan, Georgia
Arthur Henry Feagin .................................... _ ............... " ...... Union Springs
Elton Zack Huff ............................................................ _ .................. Brundidge
William Bibb Irby ................... ......................................... Lower Peach Tree
Thomas George J ohnson ............................................ ........... Alexander City
Charles Grady McNaron ........................................................... . Birmingham
Benjamin Baldwin Mabson, Jr . ....................................................... Greenville
Langston Hiram Norris, Jr . ................................................................ Ensley
Thomas Irby Pope, Jr . ............ ............................................................ Marion
J ames Lucian Sayer .............................................................................. Ensley
Clarence Henry W est .......... _ .......... ...................... ................ ... Louisville
Daniel Mitchell Winston ...... . ....... _.. ..................................................... Geiger
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
George Neal Anderson ........................ ............................................ Carbon Hill
Henry Lucien Beck, Jr. (with honor) ....................... ..... Charleston, S. C. =-
George Richard Carter ............................ _ ......................................... Vincent
Kenneth Robinson Clark (with honor) ........................................ Fairfield
Alonzo Clifford Cohen, Jr. (with honor) ........................ Brookhaven, Miss.
Thomas Linwood Crew ............................................. ........................... Marion
Lemuel Bill Crouch (with honor) ........................................................ Lanett
Woodrow Darling .................................................................... Natchez, Miss.
Thomas Kidd Davis, Jr . .... ......... _ ............................... ........ .......... Opelika
James Cobbs Dawson ................................. __ ................................ Birmingham
Chalmus Buford Dollins (with honor) .................. ............................. Athens
Charles Barton Elledge, Jr. (with honor) .................. _ .... .......... Red Bay
Walter Milton Floyd ............................................................................ Auburn
William Eliot Free (with honor) ..................... ................. Bamberg, S. C.
Oscar Manigault Gordon (with honor) ._ ........................... ........... Brewton
Benjamin Bolton Gregory .............................................................. Demopolis
Clarence Bruce Gregory ......................................... ...... ... .. Savannah, Ga.
Howard Capps Gunter ...................................................................... Talladega
John Wightman Gwin, Jr. .... _.. ....................................................... Maplesville
William Bradley Hardin .................................................................... Opelika
Albert James Ivey ................................... ................................ EI Paso, Texas
Charles Rattray Jager ... _. ................................................ _.. ............. Bessemer
Raymond J. Kooiman .............................. .............................................. Mobile
Arthur Hamilton Long ............................................................ Savannah, Ga.
r Carl Mason McConaghy (with honor) __________________________________________ Satsuma
Leo Howard McKinnon ___________________________________________________ Talladega Springs
John Henry Meagher ________________________________________________________________ Birmingham
William Henry Mims __________________________________________________________________________ Beatrice
George Lee Morton, Jr. ________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Antonio Nieto __________________________________________________________________________ Celaya, Mexico
Raul Nieto __________________________________________________________________________________ Celaya, Mexico
Cecil Clarence N oel __________________________________________________________________________________ Boaz
. George M. Panhorst, Jr. (with honor) _______________________________________________ Troy
Cornelius Nicholas Paycopoulos (T. N. pyke) (with honor) __ Montgomery
Richard Walden Payne _______________________________________________________________ Phenix City
Angel Perez ___________________________________________________________________________________ Tampa, Fla.
Charles Stockner Perry (with honor) ____________________ Lake Providence, La.
John Robert Relfe _________________________________________________________________________ M t. Meigs
LeRoy Robertson ______________________________________________________________________________ Waverly
William Wilburn Timbes __________________________________________________________________ Red Bay
Frank Norton Williams, Jr. ________________________________________________________________ Mobile
John W al ter W illiams __________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Robert Eubanks Williams, Jr. (with honor) ____________________ Little Rock, Ark.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Jesse Varnel Boyles ________________________________________________________________________ Tuskegee
Henry Elbert Breedlove (with honor) ________________________________ Gantt's Quarry
Jack Frederic Childs (with honor) ___________________________________________________ Mobile
Samuel Mathias Cutler _________________________________________________________________________ Ensley
Clarence Lacey Dykes (with honor) _______________________________________ Birmingham
Charles Alto Hearn _________________________________________________________________________ Opelika
George Park, Jr. ____________________________________________________________________________ Pratt City
William John Rogers (with honor) __________________________________________________ Marion
Milton Davis Stone ____________________________________________________________________________ Anniston
DuPont Douglas Stroud ______________________________________________________________ Bleecker
Alto Lee Teague, Jr. _________________________________________________________________________ Ashville
George Eugene Tucker, Jr. _____________________________________________________________ Talladega
Ignacio Villasenor (with honor) _________________________________ Guanajuato, Mexico
Allen Charles Weissenger __.. ______________________________________________ Worcester, Mass.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Aeronautics)
Philip Appleby (with honor) ____________________________________________________ Birmingham
Joseph Comer Barrett, Jr. (with honor) ________________________________ Birmingham
Alexander Tennille Burton __________________________________________________________________ Mobile
George Kenneth Crain _________________________________________________________________ Birmingham
Harry Maxwell Davis _________________________________________ :_____________________________ Gadsden
Thomas Joseph Peddy ________________________________________________________________ Loachapoka
Victor William Randecker ____________________________________________________ Stoughton, Wis.
William Alan Trou p _____________________________________________________________________________ Mobile
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
John Costley Barrow ______________________________________________________________________________ Lanett
William Barrington Yarbrough ________________________________________________________ Auburn
Bachelor of Architecture
Eugene Lovejoy Bothwell ____________________________________________________________ Decatur, Ga.
Virgil Oxford Callaham, Jr. __________________________________________________________ Vinemont
Edison Hewitt Dimmitt _______________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Hugh Wesley Ellis _____________________________________________________________________ Birmingham
Thomas Abner Glanton __________________________________________________________ Grantville, Ga.
James Richard Rutland, Jr. ________________________________________________________________ Auburn
James Clyde Seale ______________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Guy Windfield Swaim ________________________________________________________ Little Rock, Ark.
Henry Leonard Wailes (with honor) ____________________________________ Birmingham
Bachelor of Architectural Engineering
Charles Francis Davis, Jr. (with honor) ______________________________________ Hartford
Harry William Dearing, Jr. ______________________________________________________ Birmingham
B. A. England, Jr. _____________________________________________________________________________ Florence
Eugene Rogers Enslen _______________________________________________________________ Birmingham
Eugene Houghton Gray ____________________________________ ______________________________________ Mobile
Bachelor of Applied Art
Thomas Eugene Kipp _____________________________________________________________________________ Leeds
Betty Buchanan Ward __________________________________________________________________________ Opelika
Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering
Cleveland Lloyd Adams _______________________________________________________________________ Eufaula
Jack Andrews Cumbee _________________________________________________________________ Five Points
Jesse M. Jones, Jr. _____________________________________________________________________________ Roanoke
Robert Alexander McMillan __________________________________________________________ Talladega
Certificate in Textile Engineering
Stuart Grant McRae ____________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Bachelor of Science
Harry Duncan Barnes ______________________________________________________________________ Prattville
Robert Platt Boyd, Jr. _______________________________________________________________ Montgomery
Gerald Edward Breitling ______________________________________________________________ Demopolia
Alfred Franklin Campbell _____________________________________________________________ Greenville
Jefferson Albert Carnley, Jr. ________________________________________________________ Enterprise
Colvin Earl Ca udell ____________________________________________________________________________ Falkville
Frances Cauthen ________________________________________________ .________________________________ Auburn
Thomas Sanderson Coleman ______________________________________________________ Fort Deposit
Milton Taylor Culver ____________________________________________________________________________ Gadsden
Samuel Burwell Fort, Jr. (with honor) ____________________________________________ Ensley
Christopher Lewis Gholston, Jr. ____________________________________________ Union Springs
Frank Welborn Hardie (with honor) ______________________________________ Birmingham
Cary Solomon Hooks ____________________________________________________________________________ Dothan
William McMurray Keller (with honor) ________________________________ Birmingham
Leland Chalmers McCallum ________________________________________________________________ Dothan
Charles Elijah Mathews ________________________________________________________________ Grove Hill
Tennie Owen (with honor) _________________________________________________ Columbus, Miss.
Jones Taft Phillips _______________________________________________________________________ Birmingham
Harvey Curtis Pitts ______________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Charles Winston Sheehan __________________________________________________________ Montgomery
Harvey Lyndon Simms ________________________________________________________________________ Moulton
Ted Tartt _________________________________________________________________________________________ Livingston
Wyeth Stephens Wallace ________________________________________________________ New Brockton
Victor Rush White,J r. _____________________________________________________________________ Hamilton
J ames Roy W ilder ____________________________________________________________________________ Dadeville
Frances Eugenia Young ________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Albert Binkley Allen __________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
William Hurt Baskervill (with honor) __________________________________ Birmingham
Orbie Bostick ____________________ ~ _______________________________________________________________ Brundidge
John Milford Fletcher ________________________________________________________________________ Opelika
Render Patrick Gross, Jr. ______________________________________________________ Alexander City
Lawrence Brabson Haley ____________________________________________________________________ Oakman
Max Randolph Hollis ______________________________________________________________________________ Banks
Winford Blair Johnson ______________________________________________________________________ Lineville
Elmer Bolton Kennedy ___________________________________________________ Washington, D. C.
James Beniah N ix ______________________________________________________________________________ Lockhart
Fred Dorset Noble, Jr. ____________________________________________________________________ Rome, Ga.
Hamilton Riddle Smith, Jr. ____________________________________________________ Louisville, Ky.
Jack Fleming Turner, Jr. __________________________________________________________ St. Stephens
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Lela Irwin Legare ____________________________________________________________________________ Demopolis
William Gray Li ttle ________________________________________________________________________________ Linden
Joseph Carubba Toscano ______________________________________________________________ Birmingham
Pharmaceutical Chemist
Ferrel Marvel Burgess _________________________________________________________________________ Florala
Willie Ehrmon Rogers ______________________________________________________________________ Speigener
Stell Blake Yates (with honor) ________________________________________________________ Lineville
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Thomas Brice Chesnutt _______________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Karl Page Conradi _______________________________________________________________ Manchester, Ga.
William Houston Cowan ________________________________________________________________________ Tanner
Foy Helms ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Andalusia
William Herbert Johnson ____________________________________________________________ Sweet Water
John A. Locker ______________________________________________________________________________________ Florence
J ames Lester Pate ________________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
William Stark Pollard ____________________________________________________________________ Syl aca uga
George Samuel Sanford ____________________________________________________________________ Crichton
Charles Edward Sellers __________________________________________________________________________ Ramer
John Paul Watts __________________________________________________________________________________ Oakman
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education
Edwin Espy Boles ____________________________________________________________________________ Notasulga
Robert Christopher Brown __ ~_ _______________________________ _ _______________________ Centerville
Howard Lamar Burleson ________________________________________________________________ Hamilton
Hubert Russell Culver ____________________________________________________ ________________ Deatsville
Martin Luther Curvin ____________________________________________________________________ Wellington
Jeff Duke ______________________________________ ...... ______________________________________________________ Cullman
Odell Vel pea u Hill ________________________________________________________________________________ Fairfax
Rance Manton Lawson _______________________________________________________________ Rogersville
Tom Watson Lumpkin ____________________________________________________________________ Millerville
James Williams Mathews ____________________________________________________________________ Carson
Robert Wallace Montgomery (with honor) ____________________________________ Moulton
Ellwood Franklin Oakley, Jr. __________________________________________________________ Pine Hill
Euell Calhoun Richardson _______________________________________________________________ Cullman
David Thomas Rogers ________________________________________________________________________ Marbury
Vester Taylor _______________________________________________________________________________________ Cullman
John Frank Turner ________________________________________________________________________________ Pisgah
J esse Wyatt W alton ________________________________________________________________________________ Ward
Bachelor of Science in Education
Vera Madge Draper _________________________________________________________________________ Langdale
Frederic Fernando Edwards ________________________________________________________ Enterprise
Carolyn Hocker Enloe __________________________________________________________________________ Roanoke
Margaret Agnes Graves ________________________________________________________ Alexander City
Charles Dunnam Harkins ________________________________________________________________ Bessemer
Lindley Lucius Hatfield ___________________________________________________________ Montgomery
George Holdcroft __________________________________________________________________________________ Wylam
Eva Britt Holstun __________________________________________________________________________ Loachapoka
Robert M. Howard ____________________________________________________________________________ Rockford
Julia Tutwiler J ester ______________________________________________________________________ Camp Hill
Rena J unkins _______________________________________________________________________________________ Falkville
Harbin Bailey Lawson ___________________________________________________________________ Nelson, Ga.
Anne Epperson McKinnon ________________________________________________ Talladega Springs
Mae Lunceford Mathews _______________________________________________________________________ Lanett
Mary Emma McPhail Newman (with honor) ____________________________ Goodwater
George Virgil Nunn _____________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Samuel Hamilton O'Hara ______________________________________________________________ Hurtsboro
Roy Harvard Staples ___________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
J esse Harrison Wheeler __________________________________________________________________ Scottsboro
Richard Andrew Wible ________________________________________________________________ Montgomery
Sarah Wilks ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Opelika
Johann Frederick W ullenbucher ________________________________________________ Birmingham
Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education
Louise Lewis _________________________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Sue Parsons ________________________________________________________________________________________ McCalla
Edna Earle Pennington ________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Elizabeth C. Smith __________________ _________________________________________________________ Auburn
Bachelor of Science in Home Economics
Jane Y arbrough ___________________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Robert Lee Durr ______________________________________________________________ Brookhaven, Miss.
Howard Hayes (with honor) ________________________________________________________________ Calera
Charles Eric Kennedy ________________________________________________________________ Castleberry
Lee Roy Mims _____________________________________________________________________________________ Clanton
Harold Wilson Sawyer (with honor) ____________________________________________ Auburn
Kermit Orrville Smith ______________________________________________________________ Bear Creek
William Goodman Sullivan ______________________________________________________ Columbus, Ga.
Marvin Thorwald Thome ________________________________________________________ Laurens, S. C.
Master of Science
Percival Morris Beard __________________________________________________________________ Greensboro
B.S., 1929 Thesis: The Elastic Energy Theory of Stress Analysis.
Hugh Wilbur Bennett ____________________________________________________________________ Ft. Payne
B.S., 1929 Thesis: Histological Studies on the Cotton Fiber and
William Lee Cochran ________________________________________________________________ Union Springs
B.S., 1931 Thesis: The Construction and Operation of a Model
Transmission Line f01· Laboratory Use.
William Allen Hamilton ___________________________________________________________ Birmingham
B.S., 1931 Thesis: The Metallography and Heat Treatment of
Autogenous Welded Joints.
William Welch Hill, Jr. _______________________________________________________________________ Auburn
B.S., 1931 Thesis: The Construction and Operation of a Model
Transmission Line for Laboratory Use.
William Joseph Horsley, Jr. ____________________________________________________ Birmingham
B.S., 1928 Thesis: The Physical Properties of Cast Iron as Related
to Heat Treatment and Crystalline Structure.
Edgar Warren McElwee ____________________________________________________________ Osyka, Miss.
B.S., 1930, Mississippi A. & M. Thesis : Nitrate Levels of the Soil
as Influenced by Different Amounts of Nitrate and Energy-Forming
Shackelford Baxter Matthews ____________________________________________________________ Sellers
B.S., 1931 Thesis: Isolation and Chemical Studies of An Oil
Found in the Mexican Magu_ey Plant, (Monso Fino, Atrovirens,
Mary Emma Moore ______________________________________________________________________________ Marion
B.S., 1931, George Peabody College. Thesis: General Nathan
Bedford Forrest.
Mildred Moore ____________________________________________________________________________________ Opelika
B.S., 1931 Thesis: The Bacteriostatic Effect of CM·tain Dyes on
the Species of the Genus Brucella.
Miriam Moore _______________________________________________________________________________________ Opelika
B.S., 1931 Thesis: The Bacteriostatic Effect of Certain Dyes on
Escherichia Coli, Salmonella Pullorum, and Eberthella Typhi.
Omar Clarence Moore _____________________________________________________________________ Andalusia
B.S., 1930 Thesis: A Study of the Colloidal Nature of Sweet
Potato Starch.
3 -
Harold Guy Scott _________________________________________________________________________ Camp Hill
B.S., 1931 Thesis: Some Aspects of the Social Life of a Cotton
Community in Alabama.
Earle Russell Smith _________________________________________________________________________ Auburn
B.S.,1931 Thesis: The History of the East Alabama Male College.
Martin Luther Van Winkle, Jr. ______________________________________ Alexander City
Ph.B., 1928, Piedmont College. Thesis: A Surve,y of the New Site
School System.
John Virgil Waits ______________________________________________________________________ Newnan, Ga.
B.S., 1931 Thesis: The Differential Predictive Value of the Psychological
Examination of the American Council on Education.
Preston Lawrence Wright ____________________________________________________________________ Auburn
B.S., 1929 Thesis: A Study of the Relationship Between Available
Soil Phosphorus, Soluble Plant Phosphorus and Growth of Different
Vegetable Crops on Different Soil Types.
Master in Architecture
Harry Hubert Hillman _____________________________________________________________________ Selma
B. Arch. 1931 Thesis: The Economical Ratio of the Height of an
Office Building to the Plot Area.
Civil Engineer
Bascom Anquest Bates _______________________________________________________________ Montgomery
B.S. in Civil Engineering, 1924
Thesis: Railroad Engineering and Maintenance.
Talbot Shelton Huff ________________________________________________________________________ Brundidge
B.S. in Civil Engineering, 1927
Thesis: The Use of Graphical Charts in Engineering Des'ign with
Special Reference to Reinforced Concrete St?'Uctures.
Electrical Engineer
John William Jepson _____________________________________________________ : ______ Tangerine, Fla.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, 1900
Thesis: Development of a System of Electric Car Lighting for
Steam Railroads.
William Francis Russell __________________________________________________________________________ Selma
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, 1925
Thesis: The Distribution System of the Birmingham Electric Company.
Engineer of Mines
William Morris Lacy __________________________________________________________________________ Empire
B.S. in Mining Engineering, 1907
Thesis: Mechanical Min'ing at the Sipsey Mine of the DeBardeleben
Coal Corporation.
S U Mr:: ARY
Bleachers for Drake Field and Parade ~round
Shrubery , Hedges, etc . for Campus
Expense of Building Gymnasi~l
Sharing expense 0 f School amendment (state)
Sharing ex~enses Hi gh School Organization (State)
Sharing expenses for college - . la. boys in
rtainbow division
Building Swimming Pool in Gymnasium
Expenses Physical Education salary
Purchase Freshman Chemistry Lab Buil ding
Shari ng Smith Hall Operation Expense
Al~i Semi - Centenial Fund
Sharing expense publishing Or ange and Blue and
Glomerat a
Construction ",'ork, Grading Lower and Upper Drake Field
Purchase and Furnis hi ng Tents fae use of
s tudents after ':'!orld Vlar
Gradi ng , Oonstr uct ion work Parade Ground (Space
in front of Chemistry Buil ding)
Purchase ~rmanent equipment f ar Gymnasium
Aubum' s First Water Supply
Purchase Hof fman Lot (Ravine back of ~ym )
Sharing Expenses of Building Ramsay Hal l
(Greater Auburn Campaign l!'und )
$ 6154 . 05
24985 . 29
100 .00
25 .00
375 .00
7040 . 70
511 . 90
730 .00
749 . 00
4550. 00
997 .43
9929 . 90
667 . 31
1458. '12
792. 03
2563 .03
5000. 00
$ 68011.13
3/ 2/14
4/ 22/14
10/ 5/14
5/ 24/17
2/ 8/18
c heck
c heck
che ck
che ck
c heck
c heck
c leck
c heck
c heck
c heck
Bleachers for Field , A.H. Cox
Fertilizer f ar Shrubery,C .E . Little
Paragon Press , Printing, "Gym" letter
Ope lika Da ily News ,Pri nt ing "
Bank of Auburn , Stamps for mailing Gym Let .
Shrubery for campus , Chase Nursery Co .
Bank 0 f Auburn, eXIXI'ess on shrubery
Tom Bragg, trip to B' ham, i ncident Gym. plans
Bank o f Aubum,Tom Bragg , t rip t".a> Mtgy . It
Bank o f' uburn , stamps, adv . , f or Gym Plans
Bank 0 f Auburn, Postal Cards, Adv . for Gym.
Bank 0 f Auburn , Stamps for Gym letter
M. J . Donahue, t rip to Mtgy. conf . a bout gym.
Post Publishing Co . ,printing letters" "
Bank of Auburn ,starnps f ar rna iling gym l etters
Shrubery for Campus, Chase Nursery Co.
Locblood, archi tect, trip to Mtgy. conference Gym.
Tom Bragg , t r ip to l.itgy . conferring about Gym.
" " II " II " "
Lockwood, ' trip to Auburn from Mtgy" It
Bank 0 f Aubur~ , S tam:ps f 0 1> alumni letter about Gym.
Gym Fund (Actual Building of Gym)
Bk . of .Iluburn,stamps fo r comme ncem.ent letters
Bk . of huburn , stamps for Gym letter
Gymnasium Fund - bulding expense
Bank oi' Auburn , sta:c'Ps for gym le tter
Gymna s ium Fund - buildinG expense
.! . F . Feagi n ,A.'uendment for Schools
' [. J .P ittman , State niGh Sthl etic. ss tn
Gymnasium .:.-'und, Bu ilding Expe nse
Buildi ng 3wL . i ug Pool in Gym
'r • • Abbott, pictures for gymnas ium, Alumni
Tress1ar StudioJ, pictures f or"
Gynmasium i."und,Bu ildiIl6 expense "
Gymnasium Fund , building expense
Gymnasium l·'und , building expense
Gymnasium Fund, Building expense
Clifford Lanier , expendi tures to ~,.lab ama
boys ,167th Infantr y , "RainboViDivision"
C . ~ . Little , fertil izer for shrubery
Ala.:.:ach.& Sup . Co. , Plbg~Sup . for Swim. Pool
Bank of i.uburn, Gymnasium Fund
Hosemont Carden , Etgy . ,Loading ":r'ert i1izer for
campus shrubery
I\~ . B . Eendri cks ,Freight on ~e rtilizer, S rub .
G.P . Edwards , hauling fertilizer t o co ,lpUS
John Reynolds , hauling fertilizer to campus
ddress6graph 80 ., machine for handling letters
to Alumni a out buildin:., gymnasium
(Cont t d Page 2)
$ 525 . 00
443 . 31
47 .00
11. 60
25 . 50
3. 30
7. 16
38. 00
10. 00
10. 00
12 . 81
10 .00
25. 50
6. 00
8 . 90
8 . 90
5 . 00
10 . 00
1000. 00
5 . 00
5 . 00
4000 .00
100 .00
25. 00
7000. 00
8 . 00
12 .00
2500 .00
1000. 00
1000. 00
500 . 00
250. 00
18 . 00
40 . 70
2575 . 00
15 . 00
44 . 92
18 . 20
66 . 60
8 /2A/18
12/18 /19
3 . 8 . 20
1914- 1921
1914- 1921
ch eck
c heck
Gymnasium Fund , buldinC expense
Albert :E . Barris , Capt . Inf . U.S .A. , purchase
Post Exchange Building to be used as Chem. Lab.
Lieut .E .T. Canpbe11, p romoting camp activities
ROsemont Gardens , f ertilizer for shrubery
l;,i .B.Hendrick , Freight on fe rtilizer
E.B.Hendrick, Freight on fertilizer
;{.S .Ws bber, plumbing for gymnasium in part
Tress1ars studio f or pict ure frames (Alumni)
Bank of AubUl~,for Gymnasium Fund
J . T. Hudson , settlement Smith Eall Account
Wm.H. Kess1ar, Arc hi tect, college plans for
future deve10pme nt
II:. B. Hendrick, freight on fertilizer for campus
Ge orge liioxham , hauling fertilizer for campus
I,i. B. Hendrick freight O!l fertili zer for campus
George ;\;oxham, hauling fert ilizer for campus
K. 1!!. Caton, salary as Uins tructor Swim. Pool
E . Sizemore , salary as" Phys . Ed .
F. S . Stubbs , Salary As" ""
P.S . s tubbs, s alary as" ""
Tresslars Studio , for p icture frames ,(Alumni )
Union Stock Yards, Mont y. for f ert ilizer
E . S izemore , salary as i nstruc t or Phys . Ed .
N. l'l . Caton, tl II It "It
E. S izemore, II "" ""
'rhompson 1. fg . Co . , Line pump for gym. heating.
Share Operation expense i n publishing Glomerata
and Orange a ni Blue
Lanor , painting , building fences, hauling dirt,
grading , etc . drake fie l d
Plumbing S upplies and heating Apparatus f or Gym
Labor, moving tents by Screws
27 . 50
730. 00
125 . 00
30 .00
49 . 62
112. 03
3 . 70
2500 . 00
385 . 00
200 . 00
32 .45
75 . 90
87 . 1
50. 00
50 . 00
50. 00
60 . 00
12. 50
212. 90
30 . 00
30. 00
305. 00 '
997 .43
1395 . 75
894. 67
18 7 .51
1 /27/21
L- 121
c heck Departmen t of Horticulture , work on pl anting hedges
che ck
c heck
etc . athletic field a nd campus
C. J .Young Lumber Company, Lumber f or bl eachers
Summers, Crossley and Co., Dynamite f or campus
Dept . of ~i or ticulture, \'lork on campus
E. A. Screws, building bleachers
Underwood Typewriter Co., Of fice Equipment
E. Sizemore, i nstructor physical Ed . salary
E . Sizemo 1'e, inst ructor phsyical ed . salary
E. S izemore, i nstructor ~hysical Ed . salary
B. W. Caton , " " II It
Furni ture for tent s
Stove i'or tents
E. Sizemore , i nstr uctor phys ical Ed . Salary
N. Y. Caton" II II
(Cont 'd page 3)
62 . 50
304. 04
10. 00
39 . 05
758 .80
30 .00
30. 00
30 .00
100. 00
62 . 00
30. 00
~ I
4/2/ 21
5 /19/21
7/ 5/21
7/8/ 21
10/28 /21
12/18 / 21
1 / 5/ 22
1 / 5 / 22
1/29/22 to
2/12/ 22
1 /24/ 22 t o
4 /9/22
4 / 20/22
4 / 28/22
4 / 28/22
9 /22/22
1/8 / 23'
2/10/ 21 t o
L- 120
L- 130
1..- 120
L- 121
L- 121
L- 250
L- 150
L- 1 t32
L- 122
L- 122
L- 140
L- 122
L- 173
L- 122
N. W. Caton, ins tructor physical Ed . saJary
G.P .Edwards, ha uling dirt i nr f ield
Eeating Apparatus f or gymnasium
C. J . Yo ung Lbr . Co., Lumber for fence , Drake F.
Lattresses for Tents (Crane Company )
Blueprints for h", a ting system (gym) by S . \'le11born
Dan '1' . Jones , P1umbirng & Carpentry f or Gym.
Grill wor k i'or gym windows (Moore-Handley )
J . J . Will:J.Ore, :Engi neer for heating plant , gym
Furnace for Gymnasium
ank o ,~' Auburn , payment of note due by Smith Hall
Steam trap for heating plant (Scarco Compa ny)
Hea ter f or Pool (Gris coe Russe11,Co . )
Dr esser for tent ( J .T. Freder ick 00 . )
blumni Semi- Centenia1 Fund
G. P. Edwards, gradi ng parade ground
La bo 1', ha ul i ug dirt parade gr ound
Painting tents, plumbins and carpentry
C. J . Young Lbr . Co . , bleachers for parade
Asst . Semi- C e nte ni al -~rive
Cots and Equip . for tents , ~'1e ste I'Il R. R. Mat . Co .
100 Cot mattresses (West Point '.'lholesa1e Gro . Co . )
800 Steel Oots (West ':.fho1esa1e Gro . Co. )
.lashing Iachine for gymnasium (Carter Elec . Co. )
Pool Cleaning Tool (United Ele c . Co.)
Bleachers for Drake Field
Erecting Bleachers for Drake Field
Fr eight on cots and bedding
Office Furniture
Architect for Greater Auburn Campus
Piping 7.a:ber to Gymnas i um
6/7/23 1-140 La'bJr ,;rading corntruct i on work Drake Field
3 / 6/23 1-268H&F- Purchase Hoffhlan lot, (Ravine back of Gym)
5 /9/23 L- 131 £lectrica1 Equipment for gymnasium
1924 College ck. Greater Auburn Campaign for Hamsay Hall
9/12/25Co11ege ck. Bleachers for rake Field
5 /19/ 24 t o
6/19/25 college ck. Gr ading , , Construction work on
Drake :!'ie Id (Lower Field)
5 '.Tater .Tells , Auburn' s ' :i:'irst l.1at er Supply
$ 30. 00
172 . 90
234 .46
12. 00
30 . 68
14. 50
72 . 40
75 .42
100. 00
3000. 00
364 . 00
20 .14
238. 00
1 7 .50
4000 .00
1175 . 00
101. 50
54 .53
182. 22
250 . 00
64 . 61
44. 80
80 .00
115. 50
137 . 00
2309 . 04
28. 75
100 . 00
363. 03
1128. 96
500 . 99-
217 .48
5000 . 00
2228 .40
7210 . 29
2200 . 00
To'rAL ~;IOUlJT ~680 11 . 13
Note : "Check" indicates At hletic Association check on f ile . tiL" plus a number
indicates Le dger and Pa ge no . ''IE~F" i ndicates Profs. Flare snd :;ful1an who
were o fficers ot' the Athletic Ass ' n when the above investments were made .
· E
.June 24, 1932.
The Board of Trustees met in Montgomery in the Office of Governor
Miller, 4 P. M., Friday, .June 24,1932, on call of the Chairman.
Present: Governor Mill er, Messers. Henderson, Ashcraft, Conner,
Haley, Merrill, Herzfeld, Culver.
Messages from NIT. Samford and Dr. Hanson were read as follows:
t~egret exceedingly Unpossible make connection time for Board
meeting. Respectfully insist that Board take affirmative action
notifying Professors and all employees of College of tr1!lle condition
fli..nances and that all employments or retentions are tentative
and subj ect to such conditions. Please spread this on
minutes. Best wishes.
(Signed) T. D. Samford.
"I have just received your wire : "Board meeting called by Governor
in his office tomorrow afternoon, four O'clock. Hope you can attend".
As I wired you yesterday, I am leaving Saturday by way of Chicago
for California. I have a very urgent ~nd important bUsiness conference
on there next ~1 ednesday and am compelled to leave here
Saturday in order to get there in time to fill the appoin~ent.
This California trip came up unexpectedly but I have no choice but
to go, and I will re~uire every minute of my time between now and
Saturday in getting my own affairs here in shape to be away for ten
days or two weeks .
Please present my compliments to Governor Miller and the other
members of the Board and express my sincere regret at my inability
to attend the meeting.
In this morning's mail I have your -l etter of the 22nd, addressed to
members of the Bo a r~of Trustees, which I have read with a great
deal of care. Please record me as favoring and voting for t he issuance
of certificates of indebtedness as outlined in that letter. I also
approve your plan of budgeting the operating expenses of the institution.
If, of course, the same sum of money is hereafter available tha t
you have heretofore received, them you can continue that budget. On
the other hand, if a substancial reduction is made in the State's
appropriation to Auburn, then there is no chdlce but to cut each
item in the budget in the same proportion th§t the State's appropriation
to Auburn is cut. t,
(Signed) V.H. Hanson.
;{ I
page 2
Board Minutes
June 24, 1932
Dr. Oates telegraphed his regrets that he was unable to att end.
Dr. Harman wired that he preferred the meeting on Monday but that
he would make effort to attend the meeting if scheduled on Friday.
After conference concerning the matters presented by President Knapp,
the Board met formally and took of ficial action as follows:
1. Passed the following resolution with regard to the budget
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1932:
of the ,College, Experiment Stations, and the Extension Service
of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, as p~sented to the Board,
be approved as a working basis for the operation of the various
parts of the institution subject to the following limitations
and conditions:
I. The Allotment of funds to the several departments and divisions
is approved as the laws 0 f the State now atands conditionally
and subject to changes as hereinafter indicated.
II . The Board of Trustees stands ready to make changes in
said budgets and r eadjust them at any time whenever the Leg~slature
of the s tate changes the laws of the s tate making appropriations
to this institution, or whenever , through any action
which is recognized as having authority, there shall be a voluntary
accept~nce of uniform agr eed cuts in appropriations fa the various
functions, services and i nstit utions of the State.
III . That the President he instructed to inform each member
of the staft in each and every division of the work of the institution
in writing that the continuance of his employment and his
rate of pay for the f iscal year beginning July 1, 1932, will be
subject to change upon notice and ~etroactive to July 1, 1932 :
th at the cdntinuance of the position is subject t o change upon
notice; that the institution cannot promise to p~y salaries in
cash until the state can readjust its financial a f fairs and pay
cash to the 'institution; th at the institution will do its utmost
to maintain itself on a cash basis; that in case of severe cuts
of the budget these will be applied as fairly and as justly as is
possible under the circumst ances .
2. On motion of Mr . Conner, which w~s seconded by Messers . Haley
and Culver, the Board voted that the Chairman appoint a committee of
three members to go to Aubum and study the tentative budget with the
President, the Deans and Heads of Departments, with the view of recommend-
page 3
Board !,linut es
June 24 , 1932
ing to the full Board of Trustees what changes and eltminations may be
made in order that the institution may be administered in the present
financial emergency with as great economy as possible. The Committee
appointed by the Governor: Messera . Conner, Culver, Haley.
3. The Board of Trustees then adopted on motion of Mr. Henderson
the following resolution with regard to the issuance of certificates of
inde btedness :
1. That the President of the Institution is hereby
authorized to issue Certificates of Indebtedness upon the
fo1lwoing approved form against specific s tate War rants in
the hands of the institution.
2. That each group of certificates be issued against
each different state Warrant and that the series number of
such group of certificates be not more than the unpaid state
Warrant, the proceeds of which will be used when received to
pay such certificates of indebtedness. The total of each seri~s
is to be the exact total of t he warrant aga inst whi ch they are
3. That when the Warrant in question is paid to the
institution by the s tate, the proceeds are to be placed in a
separate account in the Institution's depository and the certificates
issued against such warrant w ill be called in by notice in
writing being given to t he holders of the certificates to preant
such cert i ficated for payment .
4 . Claims against any particular fund or division of the
institution will of course, be covered by the cer tificate against
the particular warrant issued in payment of the appropriation to
such fund or division, and, so far as practicable, certificates
will be issued in the order of the date of the obligation incurred
against such warrant .
5 . That certificates of indebtedness may be issued in
amounts or denominations suitable to meet too needs of the persons
to whom the indebtedness is due .
6. That certificates as before provided shall be issued
for indebtedness incurred to and including June 30, 1932, and not
th ereafter.
4 . On motion of N~ . Herzfeld, the Board authorized the President
to refund to P. M. Benton all fees paid by tne student's father for the
first semester of t he sess ion because it was necessary for this student
to drop out of college in October on account of a serious injur,r which
J f
page 4
Board Minutes
June 24, 1932
he received while a spectator on the football f ield during pract ice.
It was understood that this re£und would be applied by this student
to cover his fees fbr the second semester of the last session.
5. With regard to the letter from Mr. S. G. Parsons of Birmingham
who requested that the institution consider the t ransfer of certain
lands which he owns in Wilcox County, the title of which will be taken
over by the institution, and the institution furnish to his son an
education, the Board voted that the President be requested to express
the sympathy of the Board for the circumstances which he describes and
their approCiation of his proposal but tb say t hat there is no law
existing which authorizes the institution to consider t he transfer of
property as proposed.
6. The Board postponed action on t he request of the Gl omerata
staff that t he college assess all students $1.00 in addition to the
amount now paid in the Activity Fee, this additional one dollar to
go to the Glomerata and to be applied on the cost of making pictures
of the individual students for use in the glomerata.
President Knapp reported to the Board tha t-
1. The Personal Data Report had been prepared and mailed
to each member of t he Board in accordance with the action taken
at its meet i ng i n Auburn in May.
2. That Station WAPI has been leased by the Committee authorized
to lease the same to 1~ . Bill Pape for a period of five (5) years and
for a monthly rental of $775.
3. That the will of Miss Unity Dancy has been probated; that
the attorneys for t he estate, Eyster and Eyster, had been asked to
notify h~ if there was contest of the will: that apparently there
has been no contest and the will has been probated; that it does not
seem, a t this time, to be necessary to employ legal counsel in the
There being no further business the Board voted t o t ake a r ecess until
called to meet again by the Cha~n of t he Board.
B. L. Shi,
Certificate No. u1.labama Polytechnic Institute...; {)Lj Lf -2,
...Auburn, ...Alabama->
The ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, by authority of the Board of Trustees, acknowledges
itself indebted to ________________________________________________________________________________________ " _________________________________________________________ _
in the sum of______________________________________________________________________ _______ ___ ~ _________________________________________________ Dolla~
payable as hereinafter provided, without interest.
of Alab:: ~::~::o~_~n~::~edne_s:_i:_:::_:f _-I '. ~~e:
for the sum of $ ___________________________ h
INSTITUTE and is due and unpai ,
endorsement will be paid the am u
when the State Warrant above n
Accountant. Pres'ident.
If this Certificate be transferred, the holder thereof ould promptly file his name and address with the
<Accountant of the ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Auburn, la a, and -transf er ee will be notified when the same
becomes payable .
........ ___ .... __ ______ ______ ______ ............... .. ..... _ ............... _ ..... ___ ... ____ 0 ______________ _
This Certificate of Indebtedness is issued to cover the items listed below:
The Board of Trustees of the Al abama Polyt echnic I nstit ute met
pursuant to the call of the Governor at the Governor ' s Office at
the Capitol, T.1ont eomery, Alabama, at 9 :30 A. M., July 28 , 1932.
Presen t :
His Excellency, Governor B. M. ~:l iller, ex of ficio
Hon . A. F. Harman, ~ tate Superint endent of Education ,
ex of ficio member .
C. W. Ashcraft
H. H. Conner
Victor H. Hanson
';{ . H. Oates
T. D. Samford
P. S. Haley
H. D. Merrill
Harry Herzfe l d
C. S. Culver
In the absence of Prof . B. L. Shi, Secretary , C. C. Brooks was directed
to act as Secretary.
Presi dent Knapp presented his f inal r eport and on motion of Mr . Culver
the same was approved and f iled with records of the Secretary.
On motion of Iifll' . Herzfeld , s econded by Mr . Ranson , the President was
directed to obtain such assistance as mi ght be necessary and ma ke ap.plication
to the Reco ns t r uction Finance Corporation for a loan on the
$300 , 000 . 00 bonds heretof ore a uthorized to be issued und Which are now
in the vault of the First National Bank of Ope l ika , and in the event
such appl i cation is unsuccessful the Pres ident , 11r. Samford and the
~ ccountant were directed t o destroy such bonds .
President Knapp reported t o t he Board that in order to meet an old
water system note of ~ 5 ,000 . OO and $600 . 00 int eres t due July 15, 1932
he had borrowed the sum, of ~5,000 . 00 f rom the lexander City Bank on
a note due October 1, 1932 signed by the Governor and t he President ,
and to meet necessary current labor bills , etc., he had in like manner
borrowed ~ 5 , 000 . 00 f ran the First National Bank of Opelika and had promised
in each i nstance tha t such loans would be repaid from matriculation
fe es collected i n September, 1932, or other cash f unds in t he General
Funds of the institution. On motion duly seconded, t he Beard vote approved
t he pledges so made by t he President . fir . ·~erz fe l d r equested to
be recorded as not voting .
On motion of ~f1r . Herzfeld , seconded by Mr • .nshcraft, the Governor as
Chairman was author ized t o appoint a committee of three , i ncludi ng himself
as Chai rman, to draft a r esolution expressing t he Board's appreciation
of the services rendered the institution by Pr esident Knapp and its regret
at his decis ion t o resign. The Governor then appOinted Mr, Hanson
and Mr . Herzfeld on t h e qrnmittee to pr epare such resolution.
page 2
Minutes of Board
Mee t ing- API
J ul y 28 , 1932 .
_ motion by lIlr . hanson was unanimously adopted as f ollows :
Resolved that the action of the Pre s ident i n hol ding
a portion of t he unpaid building warrants to cover and secure
the repayment 0 f the cash bal ances owi ng to t he Experiment
St at ion and Extens ion Service funds be and the same is approved
and the Pr esident is authorized and directed to issue
certificates of i ndebtedness therefor against such unpaid
warrants .
On explanat ion by the President that he had been working under a very
severe strain for many months and was greatly in need of rest , the
Board , on motion by Mr . Haley , gave Pres i dent Knapp a leave of absence
for the _ onth of ;'.u/;;ust, 1932 . The Pres ident expl ained that he vo uld
remi an on duty until the Board had sel ected his successor or an acting
President .
l'"r . Ashcraft inquired of the Governor con-cerning the possibility of
the s tate payi ng the i nstitution an amount s ufficient to pay the salary
due President Knapp before his departure . President Knapp then stated
that he could not accept such preferential treatment - t hat he VD uld
t ake h i s pay only as and when the regular staff and f aculty were paid.
After c ons iderable discuss ion I,Ir . Ashcra f t intr oduced a resol ution ,
which was sec:mded by several different members of the Board, and adopt ed
by the Board as follows :
Resolved by the Board of Trustees , that the Governor as Chairman be
and he i s hereby authorized to appoint a committee of s ix , including
himself as Chairman, to make a thorough survey of the fie l d and r ecommend
a man for election as permanent President . That said cammittee be given
such tbne as it may deem necessary to complete its work and t hat the
Chairman notify the Board when t he committee is ready to make its report .
The Board then adopted a resol ution by Mr . Merri ll , empowering and directing
the committee on the s election of a man for permanent President
to rec anmend a man for appointment as Acting Pres ident , their r eport
thereon to be subIDitted to the Bo ard at a meet i ng to be hel d in the
Governor ' s Office at the Capitol at 11 :00 A. 1.1., Friday , August 5 ,1932 .
'l'he Chairman appointed the following as member s of the rommi ttee so
authorized :
Dr . Hanson , Mr . Ashcraft, Dr . Harman, Col. Sa.:rnford , Judge Merrill .
The Board recessed to meet at the Governor ' s Office at the Capitol at
11 a , m., Fri day, j~ugust 5 , 1932.
(Act i ng 3ecretary.)
The Board of Tr ustees 0 f the Alabarm Polytechni c Insti t ute met pur suant
to the call of t he Governor at the Governor' s Office at the
Capitol, Mont g:>mery, Alabama, at 11 a . m., August 5 , 1932 .
His Excellency, Governor B. M. I.liller , Ex officio
Hon. A. F . Harman, s tate Superintendent of
Education , Ex off icio member
I.'lembers :
C • vr. Ashcraft
E. H. Conner
Victor H. Hanson
',T . H. Oates
T. D. Samf ord
P . S . Ealey
H • D. IIJJ:err ill
Harry Herzfeld
C. S . Culver
In the absence of Prof . B. L. Shi , C.C . Br ooks was dire cted to act as
Governor Ivliller submitted the r e port of the Committee on nomination of
a man for acting President , appointed at the l ast me eting , recommendi ng
that instead of the selection of an individual as Acti ng Pres ident a
committee of three men be selected to discharge the duties of the office
until a permanent President shall have been selected and placed in charge
of the institution, that such Committee be composed of Dr . J . J . Wilmore ,
Dr ~ George Petrie am Dr. L. N. Duncan , and th3.t such committee should
select from among its r,1embers one to act as Chairman and innnedia tely
take over the administration of the Executive Office . On motion t he
re port was adopted by a vote of ten to one , 1r . Halew voting No. Governor
Mill er was directed to notify the members of the Committee 0 f t h eir appOintment
. On motion of Dr . Oat e s , duly seconded , it was order ed that the
Committee above named be known as the "Administra tive CO:T'irnittee of th e
Alabama Polytechnic ' Institute" .
N.r . Hill iTergerson was permitted to address the Board with re f erence to
the possibility of constructing buildings on the carapus at Auburn under
the provision of the Reconstruction Finance Corporat ion Act recentl y passed
by Congress . After discussion of the subject the f ollow ing resolut ion
was adopted by the Eo ard:
"lhereas , the Congress of the United States recently passed an act known
as t he ,rEmerge ncy Relief and Construction ct of 1932" , under the terms
o f which the Reconstruct ion Finance Corp or~t io n is authorized to make
loans to corpor ations farmed wholly for the purpose o f providing housing
page 2
Mi nutes- Board ~v~ee ting
August 5 , 1932
for famil ies of l ow income ,which are regul ated by s tate or Municipal
l aw as to rents, charges, capital structure , rate of return and areas
and Ire,thods of oper ation , to aid in financing projects undertaken by
such corporation which are self- liquidating in characterlt
And t hereas, the suggestion has been made that such additional housing
is JP,uch needed at Auburn to take care of faculty members, parents of
studants i n the Alabama Polyte chnic Institute, and others ,
And, ':'lhereas, it is thought that a private corporation, or corporations t
can be formed to build such housing by means of l oans from the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation.
Ther efore , Be It Resolved , that the Executive Committee of the Board is
her eby authorized to investigate this matter , and to negotiate for the
organization of such a ,corporation, or corporations, make necessary con-
, tracts with said corporation, or corporations, and c,o- operate in securing
the necessary financing from the Reconstruction Finance Cor por ation,
provided, however, that no financial liability shall be incurred thereby
by the State of Alabama or the Alabama Polytechnic Institute .
Provided further that said Executive Committee be authorized to grant to
said building corporation , or corporations, a l ong time ground lease on
a site or sites owned by the Institute , which will be an appropriate location
for such housing , and at a nominal rental charge . It is understood
that the building company, or companies , lnay pledge this leasehold
interest in securing the necessary financing , but with no further obligations
on the part of the Institute .
The Executive Committee is authorized to pass such necessary rules and
reg ulations regarding said housing as may be necessary to make it conform
to government requirements, and to secure the necessary cooperation
from the Town 0 f Auburn.
Mr . Salll'f:or:d reported to the Board that the Sub- Commi ttee on the budget
had given Prof. Shi a leave of absence until September 1 , 1932. On motim
the action of the SUb- Committee was approved by the Board.
President Knapp requested the Board to determine whether or not certificates
of indebtedness issued by tile college against state funds should
be accepted by "the college in payment of matriculation fees . On motion
of Lx . Culver , the matter was referred t o the Administrative Committee
for investigation and report .
The Board then recessed subject t o the call by the Chairman.
C. C. Br ooks ,
Accountant .
(Acting Secretary)
) ,
, ,
$ 55,000.00
$ 135,000.00
June 17, 1932.
Mr . B. L. Shi, ~xe cutive Sec . ,
Alabama Polytechnic I nstitute ,
AilLburn, Ala.
Dear ;3hi:-
Your favor 7th inst . , enclosing copy of proceedings
of the Board of ,Trustees held in l uburn May 16th, is received
on my return here from treatments and I thank you for s ame. I
am gl ad to note that you are able to be a t your post again and
hope you are fully recovered and will rema i n well.
":"I1hile in my opini on a Trustee shoul d a ttend every
Board meeting pOSSible, when he cannot amxx» he should so a dvise
and the record show why he is unable to a t t end. I notifi ed
Dr. Knapp that I could not be there a t the me ting n amed , owing
to having just l ef t the ho s pital after a s ev ere operation and
h ad. to remGi n i n Birmingham f or f urther tre a t ment . However it
is not ne cess ary to ' embody this in the minutes now.
Wi th kindest regar ds a.."1.d corclialx good wi shes , I am
Sinc erely yours,
H. H ~Z;~I Trus tee .