1926 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1926.180 Meeting of the Board of Trustees February 22, 1926. The Board met at 12:30 in t he office of President Dowell, Governor Brandon presiding. Present: Governor Brandon, McDowell, Hanson, Oates, Samford, a ley , Herzfeld, Henderson , Roge rs, Sh...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7399
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1926.180 Meeting of the Board of Trustees February 22, 1926. The Board met at 12:30 in t he office of President Dowell, Governor Brandon presiding. Present: Governor Brandon, McDowell, Hanson, Oates, Samford, a ley , Herzfeld, Henderson , Roge rs, Sherrod Absent: Dr. Abercrombie, 1lerri 11, Hood. 1. President Dovvell stated that he wished p ersonally to express t he deep appreciation of h imself, family and friends for the many courtesies shmvn h im at t he t ime of hi s i njury and duri~ his convalesc ence last summe r. 2. On recommendation of President Dowe ll , t he Board p assed a resolution exp ressing appreciation of Dr. 'B. B. Ross' service while Acting President during President Dowell's leave of absence, and directing that he be paid' $500 additional salary, t hus making his total salary for the ' SUlnmer quarter the same as that of Pre sident. ' 3. The board voted to pay prof. C. L. Hare $200. for extra work i n the Chemical department made necessary because of Prof. Ross' service as Acting President. 4. On mo tion of lIr. , Herzfe ld , the Board voted to pay B. L. Young $62.50 interest for 15 days on loan of $25,000 made available to the college on July 1 but not paid in on that date owing to the delay of the college in p reparing the necessary notes whi ch were dated July l b. A recess was ordered at 1 o'clock for lunCh. The session was resumed at 2:45 p .m. 5. On motion of Dr. Hanson, Dr. B. F. Thow2S was elected college surgeon wi th salary of $3 600 per year, effective March 1. 6. The Board also adopted a motion of' Dr. Hanson directing that Dr. Dr ake's salary for t he full month of FeiTruary be paid to l,rs. Drake. Mr. Samford did not vote on thi s motion. 7. Mr. HerZ feld moved that the office of Assistant Surgeon be abolis:qed effec tive March 1. Motion adopte d. 8. Mr. Her zfeld moved that appropriate resolutions on the death of Dr. Drake be drafted for the Board by Mr. Mc'Dowell and filed wi th the Secretary. Adop ted. The resolutions fo llow: RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED BY C. S. McDOWELL, JR., for the Board of Trustees and unanimously adopted. February 22, 1926. Whereas, God in the exercise of His wisdom has removed from the scenes of his earthly labors John Hodges Drake, who at the time of his death and for fifty-three years prior thereto, was the faithful and efficient surgeon and physician of t his institution , exemplifying in his l i fe and char­acter the hi ghest type of American manhood and Christian character and in his services, the best traditions of the noble pr ofession of which he was a member and: Vofuereas, by the rectitude of his life, his constant attention to duty , his sympathetic association with faculty and student body, he has ren­dered invaluable service to this institution and aided in extending its influence for good throughout the commonvrealth and nati on and: \'v'hereas, it may be truthfully said of him: "He gave his sUbstance to the p oor, His strength to the weak, His sympathy to the unfortunate and His heart to God. If Therefore be it resolved by the Board of Trustees that: In t he p assing of John Hodges Drake, this college has l ost One of its staunchest, most efficient and most l oyal supporter s ; tha t Auburn and the State has lost one of its noblest citizens; t hat the student body has lost its great physician and that t his Board regrets more that can be expressed in words t he passing of t his great and good physician and joins with the comr.uni ty and hi s family i n mourning his loss. . Resolved fu rther that these res olutions be spread upon the minutes of this Board, a copy be furnished to the family and to ~he p res s of the St ate, and to him who is gone -vie say in l ove and sincerety: "Requiescat in pace". 9. On motion of Dr. Hanson, t he college was au thorized to pay the premium on the Treasurer's. bond which has heretofore been paid by the college depositor,y this practice having been inaugurated ~fuen the Bank did not pay i nterest on daily balances to t he college. 10. The Farmers' Summer School was discussed and, on motion of Mr. Samford, the standing commi ttee on Agri cultural Extension Service was requested to cooperate with the President in formu lating p lans for the con­duct of this work in the fUture. ~ The Board discussed the re quest of t he Horticultural Department for au thority to borrow the money necessary to complete the dwelling which the department is attempting to erect as a home for t he Supe rint endent of the Borticultural Farm. No action. 181 182 ll . The enrollment in the college of Ve terin ary' Medi cine was d is­cussed and on motion of Mr. Haley was r e f erred to t he Commi t tee on Agr icultur a for fu rther i nvestigation and for report. 12. luayor Yarbrough of Auburn wa s i nvi ted. to appe ar be f ore t he Board to give i n formation con ce r ni ng the plans of the c i ty to p.ave streets on which college p roperty abu ts. After d is cussion t he fo llowi ng resolu tion offe red by :Mr. Rogers, was on moti on of 1111'. Hende:r:son, unanimously adopted: Section 1 The Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute in r egular session with the Governor presiding , hereby autho rizes t he pavi ng of certain sidewalks and streets abutting the St a te's p r operty i n Auburn. (1 ) Beginning a t the en t ersection of Mag-nolia Avenue and College Street and , e octending to a. p oint southwara beyond ' the 'home nov'; occupied by Pro f . Duggar. (2) Begi :nning at the i ntersection of Thach Avenue and College Street and ex t ending to a point beyond t he President's horne. (:; ) Be ginning at t he intersection of n~a gnolia Avenue and (Jollege St reet and ex tendi ng west to the road l eading from Thomas Street to the S erv~ Plant. Seqtion II It is agreed and understood by all parties concerning t hat wherever any of the p rop erty fronting on t hese streets is owned by private parties, the p roperty is to be p aved and a ssessed in the res'Ular way by i mp rovement bond s. Section III It is furthe r agr eed and understood by all parties concerned t hat this wor};: is to be done under the supervisi on of the State Highway Department, and that the p lans, sp eCifications, and dr ,awing for the work, i ncluding draining culverts, etc. are to be d.one by t he Hi ghway Department. Section IV The 'au thori ty given in thi s wr i tten instrument is contingent upon the acceptance by the State Hi ghway Co w~i ssion of the resp on sibility of directing the ' work and of p roviding t he ftulds with wh ich to pay the cost of the i mp rovements chargeable to the ~ tate's property as above described. 183 In t he event the funds are not immediately available the Executive Committee of this Board is authorized to borrow the money in such amounts and at such a r ate of interest as may be agreed upon by them and .the State Hi ghway Commission. The Executive Comrrdttee of the Boand of Trustees is hereby authorized to p ledge the faith and credit ~f the Institut&j¥or the security of the approved l oans until such a t.ime as t he 0tate Hi ghway Cop.nnission has obligated itself to ~ payoff and reti~e the said l oan. /u' 1/ ?'-.I. (f 13. Mr . Samford moved that an exp res sion of the appr eciation and grati­tude of the Board of Trustees be extended to Dr. Victor H. Hanson for his interest in and contributions . to the Radio St ation of t he college. 14. The memo r ial to Dr. Drru{e proposed by the alumni was discussed and, on mo tion of Mr. Rogers, was r eferred to the ~xecu ti ve Commi ttee wi th power to act. 15. Dr. Oates moved that the Board go on record as approving and co~ mending the action of the a l umni in p romoting a suitable memoriai to Dr. Dr~e. The ~,lo ti o n was adopted, and the ~ ecretary directed to no ti fy t he President of the Alumni As sociation of this action. President Dowell discussed the financial status of t he college stating that approxi mat e deficits on diffe rent funds are: Ramsay Hall New Water Works System New Lots and Land Probab le defici t 1925-26(Maintenance) $50 , 000 45 , 000 50, 000 3, 000 to ~~50 , 000 to ~?3 , 500 16. The Board authorized t he refund of all fees to A. G. Grant who resigned after a week's residence in the fall be cause he could not secure at Auburn the course of i nstruction which he wished. The me eting was adjourned at 4:13 p . m. , B. L . 8hi , Secretary W fL £ 184 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETI Nrr Montgomery, Ala. June 28, 1 925 The Board of Tru stees met in the office of Governor Brandon at 11:00 a.m., Monday, June 28. Pre sent: Governor Brandon, Messrs C'. S. MCDowell, Victor H. Hanson, W. H. Oates, T. D. Samford, P. S. Haley, H. D. Merrill, Harry Herzfeld, O. R. Hood, Charles Henderson, C. W. Ash­craft. President Dowell's report was co~sidered by the Board and action taken as follows: 1. That action with reference to the additio n ~ and expansion of courses be deferred until the necessary funds are available. Adopted. 2. That the Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1926, and ending June 30, 1927, be approved and authorized. Adopted. 3. That provision already made for handling indebtedness be continued. The President of the college was authorized to renew notes covering funds borrowed in 1925 under authority of resolutions adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 1, 1925 and by the Executive Committee on June 24, 1925. 4. That consideration be given to the Fr4ternity Row project. This project was discussed and members expres~ed interest in develop­in~ it as rapidly as possible and agreed to assist the President of the College in finding investors who would make loans for , this purpose. 5. That the President be authorized to remit the non-resident tuition fee for one stUdent annually frpm a ~tate upon satisfactory recommenda­tion of proper U.D.C. off iCials. Adopted. 6. That consideration be given to plans for getting the condition and needs of the Institution as a whole properly before the legally con­stituted authorities. The follo wing committee was appointed to report ba~ k to a special meeting of the full Board to be called during the fall. The Governor, Hanson, Henderson, Samford, Hood, Merrill and President Dowell. . - The President of the college was requested to submit to this ' com­mittee detailed information concerning the needs of the Institution. 7. That a committee be raised to prepare suitable resolutions in memory of Colonel Charles M. Sherrod, the resolutions to be recorded in the records of the Board and a copy sent to the family of Mr. She~rod. I Adopted. Committee: Haley, Hanson, Oates. (See page 186) The following resolution, introduced by Mr. Herzfeld was unanimous­ly adopted: 185 Whereas, Major John E. Hatch having completed his four-year term as Commandant of Cadets at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, in charge of the Reserved Of ficers' Training Corps, and is now ordered to another ( post of duty: 'f' Whereas, during each of these four years the United states War Department has declared this institution a "Distinguished College", among the foremost of our country, because of the high c haracter of its R~served Officers' Training Corps: And Whereas, during Major Hatch's administration the college's mi.litary department has shown marked progress .and has been a stimulus to the student body: Be It Resolved, That the Board of Truat ees of the Alabama Polytec h ­nic Institute hereby express their high a ppr eci a tion of the valuable service rendered this institution and its student body by Major John E. Hatch: Resolved further, That a co py of these resolutions be spread u pon the minutes of this body, that a co py be sent the Adjutant General of the United states Army, and that a copy be transmitted to M~jor Hatch, with this board's cordial good wishes for his continued s u ccess. Governor Brandon assigned Mr. Ashcraft to the following standing committees: Mechanic Arts, Lands and Grounds, Animal Husbandby. Mr. Ashcraft introduced a resolution concerning the award of di p lomas to students who left . college during the world war to attend Training Camps, and received comm i§~ions in 'the Army . After discussion, the president of the college was requested to compile a list of such former students, giving aducational training, war record, and profession­al service of each. Dr. C. S. Yarbrough and s. L. Toomer appeared before the Trustees and asked that theBo~rd authorize the pawing of certain sidewalks and stre e ts abutting on college property in accord.nce with a resolution of the state Highway Commission as follows: Resolved by the state Highway Commission of Alabama that should the Alabama Polytechnic Institute advance the money to pave certain streets in Auburn, Alabama, around the state buildings, the state Highway Commission, with the approval of the Legislature, will pay back to the Alabama Polytechnic Institute the money advanced, when more road funds are authorized. Mr. McDowell moved that favorable action be taken on the matter. After full discussion of the proposal by members of the Board, President Dowell, and Dr. Yarbrough, a substitute motion offered by Mr. Hood deferring action until the special meeting of the Board next fall was adopted. Mr. Haley, as Chairman of a Special Commfttee appointed at the February meeting, reported that the matter of the Farmers' Summer School had been adjusted satisfactorily. 186 On motion of Mr. S~mford, the action of Governor Brandon and president Dowell in aonferring degrees on members of the class of 1926, as recommended by the Faculty, was approved. On motion of Mr. nkley, the date for the ne x t regular annual (' meeting of the Board of Trustees was fixed on Monday of Commencement Week, May 23, 1927. There being no further business the Board adjourned to meet in special session on call of the Chairman. I N :r.rnMORIAM CHARLES M. SHERROn B. L. Shi, Secretary Whereas , since the last meeting of our board Charles M. Sherrod member fGr fifteen years from the Eight District, has been called from his earthly labors to his eternal rest, and Whereas, his relations to Auburn have been manifold - student, alumnus, trustee , and constant friend, and Whereas, his attendance upon the meetings of this body was regular and prompt, and his participation in its councils active and construc­tive, and Whereas, we shall miss his kindly presence and genial fellowship, ( Therefore, be it resolved, that we here~y express our a ppreciation of his life and unselfish ser~ice to the State and shall cherish the memory of our campan ionship. Be it further resolved tha t a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of our deceased comrade, and that a copy be spread upon our mi nutes. June 28, 1926 Paul S. Haley Victor H. Hanson W. H. Oates C O.lVIt1TTTEE Board of Trustees, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. FINANCIAL STATEMENT July 1, 1925-May 31, 1926 COLLEGE PROPER MAINTENANCE 187 June 1, 1926 Receipts Expenditures Balance Deficit Apprn .Definite 153675.00 Apprn.Indefinite . 35510.48 Income Operations 14603.44 Matrie. Regular 102670.00 Matrie. S.School 7087.65 Voca.Soldiers 1901.88 Miscellaneous 16845.53 Building and Land Bui1ding,Misce11aneous Special Purposes Custodial Totals Less Balance Net Deficit EXPERIMENT STATION Hatch adams Local Ex. Purnell Inv.at Auburn Totals 15000.00 15000.00 33888.08 20000.00 9174.51 Income Operations Totals . Less Deficit Net Ba1 ance Extension Service Federal S.L. 156690.28 State S.L. 162500.00 Federal Sup. 46511.55 Fede ral Sup.O. -------- 8.S.1. Non . O. 24912.71 Totals Income Operations Totals Lees Deficit Net Balance SUMMARY Clo11ege Proper Experiment Station Extension Service Totals Less Deficit Net Balance 332193 .• 98 311741.80 20452.18 54033.57 99816.57 ------ 45783.00 93087.17 104115.45 ------ 11028.28 91105.27 92131.75 ------ 1026.48 153163.72 156191.35 ------ 3027.63 72'3583.71 763996.92 20452.18 608 65 .39 20452.18 40413.21 12948.69 2051.31 13794.26 1205.74 26443.50 7444.58 17881.56 2118.44 6360.06 2814.45 93062.59 77428.07 15634.52 18557.59 20381.17 ------- 1823.58 111620.18 97809 .• 24 15634.52 1823.58 1823.58 13810.94 151768.69 4921.59 86278.24 76221.76 43557.53 2954.02 23621.97 ------- 23621.97 42774.38 ------- 17861.67 390614.54 348000.81 84097.37 41483.64 27460.17 20961.20 6498.97 1118074 .71 368962 .01 90596.34 41483.64 41483 .64 49112.70 723583.71 763996.92 ------ 40413.21 111620.18 97809.24 13810.94 418074.71 368962.01 49112.70 1253278.60 1230768.17 62923.64 40413.21 40413.21 22510.43 188 Estimated Financial Condition of College Proper - June 30, 1926 COLLEGE TEACHING: May 31, 1926 Estimated Estimated Balances Deficits Receipts July 1 May 31 Expenditures July 1 - May 31 Balance on hand June 1 332193.98 June 30 June 30 311741.80 Estimated Receipts June 1-3 Estimated Expenditures (includin~ Custodial Deficits)June 1-30 Estimated Blance on TEACHING, June 30 BUILDING - BUILDING & LAND: Receipts July 1 - May 31 54033.57 Deficit July 1,1925 90165.12 Expendtr .July 1-May31 9651.45 99816.57 Estimated Deficit on BUILDINGS & LAND June 30 BUILDINGS - SEMI-CENTENNIAL: Receipts July 1 May 31 66546.73 Defici~ July 1, 1925 3041.69 E~pentr.July 1 - May 31 75235.22 78276.91 20452.18 23120.75 43572.93 43500.00 Deficit J~ne 1 11730.18 Estimated Receipts June 1-30 500.00 SEMI-CENTEmNIAL June 3U BUILDINGS - FRATERNITIES: R~ceipts July 1 - May 31 Expenditures July 1 - May 31 Balance on hand FRATERNITIES June 30 SPECIAL PURPOSES: Receipts July 1 - May 31 Expenditures July 1 Ma~ 31 Deficit June 1 Estimated Receipts June 1-30 Estimated Expenditu~es June 1-30 Estimated Balance SPECIAL PURPOSES June 30 29582.13 28880.23 91105.27 92131.75 1026.48 12120.00 11093.52 8750.00 72.93 45783.00 11230.18 701.90 2343.52 :tl11360 CUSTODIAL: Receipts July 1 - May 31 153163.72 Expenditures July 1 - May 31 156191.35 Defioit June 1 Estimated Receipts (Adjust by Col. Maint.) June 1-30 Estimated Balance CUSTODIAL June 30 189 3027.63 8500.00 5472.37 Total Ba lance and Deficits - Estimated June 30 Less Balance 8590.72 57013.18 Estimated net Dificit June 30 PIUB amount borrowed for Water System Plus Amount borrowed for Ramsey Engineering Hall Estimated Grand Total New Deficit June 30 1926 RECEIPTS: College Maintenance Appropriations, Fixed Federal PROPOSED BUDGET July 1, 1926 - June 30, 1927 Morrell - - - - - - - - - 30795.00 State' Endowment- - - - - - 20280.00 In Lieu of Fertilizer Tax 40000.00 Maintehance- - - - - - - - - 45000.00 Summer School- - - - - - - - 5000.00 Buildings & Maintenance (A.I.}12500.00 153575.00 Appropriations, Indifinite Federal & State Cooperating Smith-Hughes - - - - - - - State Kerosene Oil Tax T 23000.00 Chemistry Analysis - - - - 7000.00 Matriculation Main Session - - - - Summer Session - - - Income from Operations 103000.00 16000.00 Animal Industry Sales- 5000.00 Veterinary Sales - - - 60D.00 Interest on Deposits - 500.00 House & Room Rents (Lesa upk}SOOO.OO Misce11aneous(Includ.Dip.) 3500:00 Extension Teaching - - - - 14700.00 30000.00 119000.00 17600.00 12700.00 Estimated total receipts for College Maint.347575.00 8590.72 48422.46 50000.00 50000.00 148422.46 190 BUDGoET July l~ 1926 - June 30, 1927 TEACHING Department Administration Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Animal Industry Architectural Botany Buildings and Grounds Business Catalog & Advertising Chemistry Civil Engineering Commencement Economics Education Electrical Engineering English Zoology & Entomology Extension Teaching Health Highway Engineering History Home Economics Horticulture Insurance Library Machine Design Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Military Modern Language Pharmacy Physical Training Physics Publicity Registrar Smith-Hughes Summer School Trustees Veterinary Interest on Water System Contingent Totals Salaries 12050.00 6585.00 4463.29 6330.00 9125.00 4300.00 5485.00 3562.00 1000.00 26910.00 7210.00 4725.00 2805.00 9505.00 14175.00 5050.00 9700.00 3600.00 3060.00 7400.00 - 5425 . 00 5270.00 2350.00 7210.00 13230.00 11935.00 892.00 4612.50 4925.00 1500.00 5954.00 1020.00 5195.00 10020.00 16300 1~00 10400.00 Labor 200.00 165.00 350.00 3500.00 20.00 6000.00 600.00 300.00 750.00 100.00 200.00 0 100.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 1eo.oo 600.00 255518.79 13685.00 Supplies 1750.00 800.00 650.00 12470.00 620.00 700.00 4500.00 358.00 2500.00 5940.00 650.00 400.00 100.00 375.00 1590.00 275.00 1000.00 3000.00 1250.00 60.00 325.00 °1375.00 945.00 5000.00 3800.00 150.00 120.00 1124.00 800.50 50.00 2825.00 300.00 686.00 400.00 1365.00 4680.00 2494.26 400.00 2000.00 8000.00 2543.45 78371.21 Total 14000.00 7550.00 5483.29 24300.00 9765.00 5000.00 15985.00 3940.00 3500.00 33450.00 7860.00 400.00 4825.00 3180.00 11395.00 14450.00 6050.00 12700.00 5600.00 3120.00 7725.00 6900.00 6415.00 5000.00 6150.00 7460.00 13350.00 135 59.00 1692.50 4862.50 7750.00 1800.00 6740.00 1420.00 6660.00 14700.00 18894.26 400.00 13000.00 8000.00 2543.45 347575.00 FJtlaOO BUDGET July 1, 1926 -June 30, 1927 ACTIVITIES Carpenter Shop Dormitori~s & Cottages Heat, Light & Water Picture Show Practice House R.O.~.C.Uniform Smith Hall Board Student Contingent R.O.T.C.Shoe Account CUSTODIAL Receipts 12000.00 6000.00 32000.00 22000.00 900.00 9000.00 12000.00 7500.00 1200.00 102600.00 Athletic Fees 9000.00 Athletic (Games) 60000.00 Freshman Class Dues 284.00 Glomerata. 10000.00 Laundry 36000.00 Junior Class Dues 500.00 Lectures 1550.00 Plainsman 4600.00 Senior Class Dues 900.00 Scholarships 15000.00 Sophomore Class Dues 300.00 Social (Y.M.a.A.Rects. $ 250) 3750.00 141884.00 *Expenditures for Social YMCA and YWCA. Expenditures 12000.00 6000.00 32000.00 22000.00 90 0 .00 9000.00 12000.00 7500.00 1200.00 102600.00 9000.00 60000.00 284.00 10000·.00 36000.00 50.0.00 1550.00 4600.00 900.00 15000.00 300.00 3750.00* 141884.00 On July 1, 1926 the Building and Land Account will show approximately as follows: Deficit, Cash - - - - - 45780.00 Deficit, Notes- - - - - 50000.00 Total Deficit - - 95780.00 Interest and one note of $5000.00 to be paid from College Teaching the coming year. This would leave a deficit June 30, 1927 of $90780.00 The Ramsa.y Engineering Building shows the following: Defi6it, Cash - - - - - $11230.00 Deficit, Notes- - - - - 50000.00 Total Deficit 5/31/26 61230.00 Estimated Receipts next year (Less collecting expenses, $ 500.00 3000.00 Est i mated net de f icit June 30, 1927 58230.00 191 192 SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES July 1, 1926 - June 30, 1927 Name Title College Extension Station Total ~llison, Fred Prof. & Head Physics Appleton, W.H . Asst. in Agronomy Atkinson, T.P. Prof. & Head Mod.Lang. Baker, K. G. Marketing Agent Barnes, M.A. Asst. Extension Basore, C.A. Asst.Prof.Chemistry Baughman, C.A. Prof. & Head Hiway E. Beasley, Marye Steno.Chemistry Beddingfield,CH Supervisor Voc.Ed. Berney,Mrs.F. M.ron Alumni Hall Betts, Zelma Steno.Ed. Office Bevans, C. G. Clerk Negro Men Bidez, P.R. Asst. in Chemistry Biggin, F. C. Prof. & Head of Arch Binford, E. E. District Agent Blain, W. L. Asst. Botanist Blake, L. S. Prof. & Head Pharo Boykin, Corinne Steno. Extension Off . Broadus, Terry Steno. Agr. Engr. Brown, L. R. Clerk Negro Men Brown, Mary Steno.Animal Husb Brown,Victoria Stneo.Visua1 Inst. Brown, R. C. Coach Athietics Brown, Phillip Asst.History Burkes,Louise Sten.Business Off. Burns, F. W. Live stock Spec. Burton,G. W. Home Ec. Research Caldwell, M. K. Steno.Dist.Agent Callan, J.A.C. Prof. & Head Civ.Eg. Cammack, W. A. Supt.Canebrake Sta. Carnes, A. Asst. Prof. Ag. Engr . Cary, C. A. Prof . & Head Vet. Champion, W.P. Instr. Mathematics Chesnutt, S.L. Pro f . Voc . Education Clark, J. B. Prof. & Head Economics Collier, Ruth Steno. Sntomology Uovington, N.G. Asst. Prof . Vet. Crenshaw, B.H. Prof. & Head Math . Cureton, M.I. Asst . Home Dem.Agt. Davis, P. O. Agricultural Editor Dimmitt, Roy Director Stu.Activ. Dobbs, E. C. Spec.Negro Man Agt . Dobbs, Zoe Social Director Daughrity,K . Instructor English Douglas, J.A. Instructor Elec . Engr. Dowell, Spright President Duggar, J. F. Consulting Agron. Drake, J. W. Supt.Heat,Light Water Duncan, L.N. Director Ext. Servo Dunn, Berta Steno.President Dunstan,A .StC. Prof. & Head Elee . En . Eaton, W. H. Prof. A. H. Eddy, Josephine Clothing Spec. 3200. ; 2700. 2000. 3000. 700. 2850. 900. 1200. 2300. 3200. 600. 2700. 3500. 750. 412. 3000. 2700. 3000.00 2500.00 1080.00 3150.00 1200.00 750.00 1080.00 782.36 1200.00 2l4 .00 1320.00 2400 . 3000.(400.LSB) 1200. 3300. 3300. 1650. 3500. 4500 . 2700. 1500. 1800. 7500. 2100.00 2800.00 2850.00 1440.00 4500.00 1500.00 3600.00 2600.00 2800.00 2000.00 1800.00 300.00 357.64 424.00 2700.00 600.00 600.00 1020.00 300.00 3400 .00 3200.0 ~ 2000.00- 2700 .00 3000.00 2500.00 2000.00 3000.00 700.00 2850.00 900.00 1200.00 1080.00 2300.00 3200.00 3150 .00 2400 .00 2700.00 1200. 00 1050.00 1080.00 1140.00 1200.00 3500.00 750.0 1080.0t. 3000.00 2700.00 1320.00 2700.00 600.00 2400.00 4000.00 1200.00 3300.00 3300.00 1020.00 1650.00 3500.00 2800.00 3150.00 4500.00 1440.00 2700 .00 1500.00 1800.00 7500.00 3400.0 2100.0L 4500.00 1500.00 3600.00 2600.00 2800.00 Ed~ards, M. steno. H:D.Agts. Faris, T. M. Asst. Horticulture 600~00 £loyd, C~ M. Plumber 750.00 Forney, E. Dist. Agent Ful1an, M. T. Prof. & Read Mach. - ~500.00 Funchess,M.J. Dean Agr.& Dir.Sta. 400.00 Garnder, H.A. po ~ ltry Spec. Gardner, W.A. Prof. & Head Botany2000~00 Garman, W.D. Asst.Prof.M.E.E 2400.00 Gatchel1,Dana Asst. Home Eco. 2000.00 Gibbons, S.H. Horticulture Spec. Gist, F.W. Statistician Glenn, M. A. Treasurer Goleman,A.S. Instr. Arch. Goode, H. G. Asst. Entomology Gover, Kate Steno. Negor omen Grant, H. G. PublicityAgent Green, E.H. Visual Instructor Greenhill,J.I. Instr. Mach.Des. Grimes, J.C. Prof. & Head A.H. Guyton, F.E. Prof. Entomology Hamilton, H.L. Asst.Prof. Engl. Hanna, L. C. Negro.Home Dem.A. Hare, C.L. Prof. Chemistry Hargreaves,GW Asst.Prof. Pharo Hnrris, A.E. Dean lom.& State H. Harris,Mrs.E L Matron Smith Hall High J. T. Distric Agent Hill, W. W. Prof. Elec. Engr. Hixon, C. R. Prof. Mech. Engr. Hughes, D. N. Asst. Chemist ­Hulse, F. C. Prof. Civil Engr. Hutchins,H. lnstr. English Hutsell, W.H. Coach,Athletics Igou, Jennye Clerk Cus to. Off. Ingram, W. T. Asst. Accountant Isbell, G. 1. ~ Asgt.Prof. Hort. Ivey, J. E. Prof. Poultry & S. Jackson, J.B. Analyst Johnston,Helen Asst. H.D. Agt. Johnson,R.A. Farm Foreman Jones, D. T. Supt.Carp.Shop Jones, H. D. Instr. Chemistry Jones,Pearl Food Pres.S~ec. Jones, R. B. Negro H.D.Agt. Jones, Ruth steno. Agronomy Jones, W. S. College Policeman Judd, Z. Dean Education Kil1ebrew,CD Prof. Mathematics Kimbrough ,WD Hort. Spec. Kirkley, J H. Instr. English Kollick, N. Spec. Negro MenAg. Kynette,CM. Negro Boys Lane, H. M. Hort. Foreman LeBron, L. C. Spec. Agr.Engr. Lowder, M.V. Supt. Poultry Pl. Lowery, J.C. D~st Club Agt. McAdory, I.S. Prof. Veterinary 800.00 1500.00 1200.00 ~200.00 1125.00 1150.00 2100.00 2000.00 ~~oo.oo 2000.00 800.00 900.00 2700.00 2700.00 1800.00 2550.00 1500.00 ~500.00 1200.00 120.00 1420.00 1100.00 2200.00 2100.00 1850.00 900.00 4000~00 2600.00 2000.00 300.00 2500.00 1200.00 850.00 2800.00 2700.00 ~OOO.OO 1200.00 1200.00 ~60.00 ~OOO.OO 1~20.00 2800.00 ~150.00 900.00 2800.00 2500.00 1500.00 1200.00 1380.00 1800.00 ~OOO.OO 2100.00 ~OOO.OO (200 Serum . 200.00 4100.00 1200.00 1200.00 1850.00 150.00 Pl.) 14-60.00 1480.00 1000.00 1380.00 2600.00 900.00 193 1200.00 600.00 1800.00 2800.00 3500.00 4500.00 2700.00 ~200.00 24-00.00 2000.00 3000.00 1200.00 2000.00 1500.00 2400.00 360.00 3200.00 3000.00 1125.00 3000.00 2250.00 2000.00 1320.00 3300.00 2000.00 3600.00 900.00 3150.00 2700.00 2700.00 1800.00 2550.00 1500.00 3500.00 1200.00 16 20. 00 2900.00 ~OOO.OO 2 200.00 2800.00 1~80.00 2100.00 1850.00 2500.00 1 500.00 1200.00 900.00 4-000.00 2600.00 2600.00 2000.00 1~80.00 1800.00 1200. 00 ~OOO.OO 2100. 00 . 3000 '000 2700.00 194 McIntosh, Jenny I ns tr. Home Economics 375. McKinnon, J. C. Instr. l~ech. Engr. 1600.00 Mansfield,Thelma Auditor 1320.00 Martin, H. M. Asst. Prof. Chemistry 2000.00 Martin, M. E. Librariari 1350.00 250.00 Mauldin, E. Asst.H.D.Agent 2800.00 Miles, L. E. Plant Pathol~gist 3000.00 Miller, E . R. Reaearch Chemist 700.00 2300.00 M ills~p,D 0 rothy Steno.A.H. 700.00 500.00 Morey, D. B. Coach Athletics 6000.00 Moulton, E.R. Asst~ Coach Ath. 2400.00 Nichols, M. L. Prof. & Head.Ag~,Eng. 2000.00 1000.00 Nixon, H. W. Asst. Chemist 1800.00 Osborne, M. S. Asst. Prof. Arch 2~00.00 Palmer, M. Asst. Botany 1400.00 ~OO.OO Papke, A. P. Asst. Coach.At~. 3000.00 Parker, F. W. Pnof. Agronomy 300.00 2700.00 Parrish, L Bookke~per 1200.00 Pate, T. W. Supt. B1dgs. & Grounds.1500.00 Pat~, W. W. Prof. Agronomy 1750.00 250.00 Patterson, F. C. Asst. Prof. Vet. 1650.00 Peacock, E. G. Steno. Agr. Editor 1200.00 Pearson, M. H. District Agent 3150.00 Petri,Geo. Dean.Grad.& Hist.Dept ~OOO.OO Pierce, M. C. Head Janitor Bldg.Grd. 1320.00 180.00 Pierce, W. H. Prof. Agronomy 2700.00 Pitts, J. E. Instr. Math & Coach 4000.00 Pope~ J. D. Spec. Farm Mgt. 3000.00 Powell, J. Steno. Ath & Pub. 1080.00 Powell, P. P. Asst. Prof. Chemistry ~200.00 Price, S.J.T. Accountant 450.00 2550.00 Randolph, J. W. Asst. Prof.Ag.Engr. 2050.00 350.00 Reed, C. C. Supt. A.H. Farm 1~80.00 200.00 Reynolds, Certie Spec. Nutrition 2800.00 Robinson, J. M. Prof. Act. Head Ent. 800.00 2000.00 Ro binson, A. J. Instr. Mathematics 1500.00 Roe, J. W. Asst. Prof. Mod.Lang. 2000.00 Ross, B. B. Dean & Head Chemistry 4000.00 Rothro~k, Nora Steno. Co.Agents 1200.00 Ruffin, w. A. Spec. Entomology 2700.00 Rutland, J. R. Prof. English 2950.00 Salmon, W. D. Asst. Annimal Ind. 2400.00 Sargent, G.~. Supervisor Cov. Ed. 2850.00 Sewell, W. E. Asst. Prof. Animal H. 2000.00 Shi, B. L. Registrar & Pr~f. M ath 3300.00 Showalter, B. R. Head Extension Teach. 3600.00 Sims, T. A. Boys Club Agent 3000.00 Sizemore, E. Chief Clerk 2700.00 Smit h , Elizabeth Steno. Mech.Engr.etc 1110.00 Spinks, Leslie Asst. Coach Athletics 1000.00 Staples, F. A. Asst. Prof.Arch . 1800.00 Stearns, A •. B. ~~~~, Horticulture 1200.00 Steele, Sara Steno. Registrar 1200.00 Sturkey, D. G. Asst. Prof. Agronomy 2400.00 Stymes, Dorothy Steno. Administration 1120.00 Sugg, R. S. Asst. Prof. Vet. 2000.00 Sullivan, Rebecca steno. Home D. Agts. 1080.00 Tambling, R. L. Instr. Physics 1800.00 375.00 . 1600.00 . 1320.00 , 2000.00 . 1600. 00 " 2800.0(\ 3000.0 3000.00 1200.00 6000.00 2400.00 3000.00 1800.00 2~00.00 1800.00 3000.00 3000.00 12eO.OO 1500.00 2000.00 1650.00 1200.00 3150.00 4000.00 1500 .00 2700.00 4000.00 3000.00 1080.0 2200.0 · 3000.00 2400.00 1680.00 2800.00 2800.00 1500.00 2000.00 J 4000.00 1200.00 2700.00 2950.00 . 2400.00 2850.00 2000.00 3300.00 3600.00 3000.00 2700.00 1110.00 1000.00 1800.60 1200.0~ 12eO.l 2400.00 1120.00 2000.00 1080.00 1800.DO Taylor, Rupert Dean & Head English Thomas, A. L. Mgr. Picture Show & Prof.Mach.Design Thomas, B. F. Surgeon Thomas, Nan Steno.Picture Show. Thompson, H.M. Asst.Prof. Home Ec. Tisdale, H. B. Plant Breeder Trollope, G. A. Spec. Poultry Turner, Lena Steno. Animal Husb. Underwood, R. S.Asst. Prof. Math Ware,L. M. In.tr. Horticul~ure Weidenbach,W.H. Secty.ToSta. Dir. Wiatt, Mrs. J.E. Clerk Registrar Wicker, Elba Steno. Farm Mgt. Williams, E. F. Research Chemist Williamson,JT Agriculturist 4000.00 2900.00 3600.00 720.00 2250.00 2400.00 1900.00 200.00 960.00 Wilmore, J. J. Dean & Head Mech.Engr.4000.00 Winston, W. O. Distric Agent Young, W. A. Asst. Agr. Editor VACANCIES Title TIepartment 1 Student Assistant Agricult. Engineering 1 " tf Architectuee 2 ,. " Botany 4 Assisants Chemistry 1 Student Assistant Econo~ics 1 ft tt Education 1 tt tt E1ec. Engineering 1 Instructor tt 4 Student Assistants Entomology 1 Professor Extension Teaching 1 Assistant History 2 Student Assistants Horticulture 2 " " Machine Design 2 It " Mathematics 3 " " Mech. Engineering 1 It tt Modern Languags 1 " ft Pharmacy 6 " ,,. Physics 2700.00 1200.00 1200.00 31 50.00 2000.00 2500.00 1800.00 1800.00 2600.00 Amount 135.00 225.00 300.00 2310.00 225~00 225.00 225.00 1000.00 950.00 2700.00 725.00 450.00 425.00 405.00 675.00 112.00 225.00 954.00 195 4000.00 2900.00 3600.00 720.00 2250.00 2500. 00 2700.00 1200.00 2400.00 1900.00 2000.00 960.00 1200.00 1800.00 2600.00 4000.00 3150.00 2000.00 196 ~.H N UTES BOARD OF TRUSTENS November 11, 1926 The Board of Trustees met in the office of president Dowell at /\ 12 M on call of Governor Brandon made in accordance with resolution passed at t he session of the Board June 28. Present: Governor Brandon,DDctors . Abercrombie, Hanson, Messrs. Hood, Haley, Ashcraft, Herzfeld and Samford. 1. On motion of Dr. Abercrombie, a new Legislative Committee was appointed in lieu of the one named on June 28, as follows: Messrs. Hanson, Hood, Henderson, Her£feld and Samford. It was understood that the members of this committee would calIon any other member of the board for such service as the committee suggests. 2. On motion of Mr. Hood, Mr. Hanson was named Chairman of the Legis­lative Committee. 3. The Legislative Committee was authorized to supplement the budget proposed to the St a te Budget Commission by president Dowell by adding thereto a more detailed statement concerning needs men­tioned but not specifically set out in the budget recommended by the President. 4. On motion of. Mr. Hood, the board directed the Legistative Committee to arrange a conference with Governor-elect Graves at a.s early a ~ date as possible for the purpose of discussing with him the i mper­ative needs of the institution outlined in the budget presented for the next quadrennium. 5. On motion of Mr. Ashcraft, the board authorized Mr. Hanson, Chair­man of the Legislative Committee, to communicate with the chairman of Legislative Committees or Presidents of other institutions of higher learning which have indebtedness for the purpose of develop­ing plans for the removal of the indebtedness of these institutions by the legislature in advance of other appropriations. 6. At the suggestion of President Dowell, the proposed res u mption of athletic relations' with the University of Alabama was discussed and the follo wing resolution, o f fered by Mr. Hood, was unanimously adopted: Be it resolved, that it is the sense of the Board of Trust ees that atheltic relations between the Alabama Polytechnic Institute and the University of Alabama s hould be resumed provided satis f actory arrange­ments can be made by the Athletic Committees of the t wo institutions and receive the approval of the President. B. L . S hi, secreta,ry ~'tt36() GRADUATES May 18, 1926 ACADEMIC COURSES Bachelor of Science Frank R. Abbott, Birmingham Joseph Henry Johnson, Talladega Clarence William Allgood, Birmingham Henry Anthony Kendall, Mobile Edward Donale Ball, Selma Joe Hill Lamb, Cordele, Ga. Alvin A. Biggio, Birmingham Edward Emmett McCall, Anniston Geurge Proctor Bilbe, Birmingham Claude Everett McLain, Salem 197 (with honor) John Burns Paterson, Mont g omery Rudyard Douglas Bowling, Mobile Terra11~dward Phillips, Hogansville,Ga Robert Young Brown, Dothan George Mallory Riser, Tal ladega Charles Henry Colvin, Sheffield James Fletcher Spann, Dothan Eugene Conrad Dean, Georgiana Marcellus S. Spann, Dothan Dor othy Duggar, Auburn Cecil Oliver Stewart, Munford Simpson Roland Foy, Eufaula Leonard M. Trawick, Opelika Eugene Joseph Honeycutt, Bessemer Herbert tal ton Vaughn, Opelika Charles Vine Ingram, Opelika (with honor) James Borden Jackson, Clairmont Spri ngs DEPARTMENT OF HOME ECONOMICS Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Alma Ad1ine Bentley, West Points, Ga • . Grace Gardner, Auburn (with hon or) ~wi th honor) Tommy Turner, Auburn Millicent Edna Best, Deer Park Margaret Harris Blair, Cave Springs, Annie Laurie Crawley, Banks. Evelyn Waller, Auburn Ga. (with honor) COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Hubert Reynolds Bailey, ffadley Harles H. Barton, Cordova A~brey . Welch nenney, Wadley Keady Robertson Elliott, Emelle William Alton Goode, Rogersville Marvin G'llin, Guin Samuel Parker Harrell, Melvin Iris Self Johnson, Attalla Charles M. Kearns, Jr., Mobile (with Roy Kuykendall, Anniston Coy Melvin Ling, Guin Louis Fort McConnell, Birmingham Samuel Robert Morris, Evergreen James A. Naftel, Auburn John Cary Pricthett, Evergreen Joe Martin Spencer, Ensley William D. Stewart, Auburn Roy O. Swanner, Luverne William Washington Wilson, Oneonta Honor) Henry T. Wingate,Pelahatchie, Jas.Lee Wood , Phil CampbEHl O . .fiss Joseph Lauderdale Young,LaGrange,Ga School of Education Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education Loren LaFayette Aldridge, Boaz Frank Selman Arant, McKenzie(with Amos Campbell, Crossville Wallice FilQ Frederick, Hackleburg Samuel Ray Gibbons, Auburn Benjamin Grady Hall, Hamilton Osburn Charles Helms, Elba Robert Respess Hunt, Auburn Chalmers A Hyatt, Brooksville Loftin Frincis Ingram, Ashland Alfred William Jones, Verbena Charles Ustus LiCroy, Electic William Cooper McCarley, Lamar hon.)Peter Mastin McIntyre,Jr.LeGrand Thomas Harvey Mills, Auburn Walter Leon Randolph,B'ham(with hon William Marvin Reeder, Florence William Gilbert Sellers, Ramer Hulan Alva Small, Notasulga Morgan Byron Smith, Dawson Joseph Benjamin Stewart, Auburn Joe W. Stone, Uniontown Owen Frederick Wise, McCullough 198 Bachelor of Science in Roy Judson Akin, Notasulga Cordye Beth -Avery, Five Points William Dryden Baughman, Auburn Carolyn Betts, Opelika Education James Mallory Jenkins, Talladega Moses Donald Johnson, Bessemer Susan Lipscomb, Auburn Rufus Clarence McCulley,Bloct Sarah Frances Blackmon, Auburn(with Floyd Lester Brown, Roanoke Margaret Brown, Auburn hon) Oriel Nevada McGinty, Camp Hill~ Elta Jewell Majors,McKenzie(with Edward R. Moulton, Mobile Elizabeth Floyd, Auburn (with honor) Agnes Bartholomew Ingram, Marvyn James Gorman Houston, Comer Oliver Turner Ivey , Beatric(With highest Willie Glenn Nunn, Loachapoka Robert Morrison Rountree,Jr.Selma Gerald Douglas Salter,Montgomery honor) Berta Leonora Summers, Opelika SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY Bachelor of SCience in Chemical Engi n eering Lynn H. Dawsey, Auburn Rufus Heartwell Elder, Abanda Dennis Ervin Hart, Andalusia Claude Robert Summers,Jr.Opelika (with honor) Russell Wilson,Sheffield(with honor Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Metallurgy Henry Hunter Pike, LaGrange, Ga. Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy .Cecil Cullen Belcher, Brent Pharmaceutical Chemist Robert Herman Arnall, Senoia, Ga.(with William J. Grant, Jr.Biloxi,Miss Charles Pitts Sellers,Jr. Mont gomery honor) Foster E . Thomas, Birmingham Herman Willard Wooten,Siluria Certificate in Pharmacy Walter Arnold Brown, Ozark Frank Davis Cumbee,Stroud George Crawford Gibson, Lewisburg,Tenn Chamton Brent Petty, Collinsville Clarence Edward Pierce,Crichton Robert Hampton Stewart,Collinsville (with honor) Cranford Trimble, Haleyville COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Gustavus Hendri~k Ashcraft, Florence Evalcus Felto Kilpatrick,Carrollton Marion Elmo Bori.s, Birmingham Walter Alecander McCree,Dadeville John Buford Carte~~ Athens (with high- (with honor) ~ est honor} Richard Wilmer Maury, Spring Hill Hanson Love Cater, ' Jr. Anniston Lenard Warner Moore, Mobile John Wesley Ch~mbers, Mobile(with honor}William W. Moore, Jr. Mobile Frank Geise Crow, Florence George Batchelder Ollinger, Mob~ Lewis Tyus De,Bardeleben ; Burnsville Herbert George Spencer, Mobile ./ Elemer E. DelHomme, Mobile (with honor) William Dennett Horton, Clarendon,Va. Jas.Louis Walmsley,Tuscumbia(with h Thomas Joseph Kelly, Jr~ Montgomery Joseph ' Eraest Whitfield,Demopolis Aaron Tomlin Kendrick,Jr. " Greenville Joseph Marion Wolfe, Opelika . (With highest ' honor) Theodore Franklin Yancey,Opelika 199 Bachelor of science in Electrical Engineering Walter Lewis Kinzer, Tuscumbia Jas. Philip McArdle,Jr. Ensley Philip Alexander, ~r. Birmingham Teddy Roosevelt Bankson,Jamestown Martin Francis Beavers, Cuba (with George Henry Bewig, Selma Samuel Agee Bonifay, Andalusia John Warner Butler, Auburn honor)John Wm. Mc Elderry, Talladega William James McKinney, Mobile Chas.Ware Mc M"ullan,Mobile(with honor} Robert N. Mann, Cedar Bluff Luther Truman Cale, Pratt City Ralph Lawrence Creel, Auburn Theodore Willard Crump, Mont gomery Richard Goff Daniel , Ei~ ~i ngham Lawrence Loui~ Freret, Fairfield Aubrey Clyde Gill ·, Bessemer Benjamin Screws Gilmer, Montgomery Temperance S. Davis, Jr. Oakfield,Ga. William Russell Gray, Jasper James Madison Guy, Jr. Montgomery Frank D. Hayley, America James Earl Moody, Russellville Wilbur Clanton Mosley, Hope Hull Wm. Erastus Perryman, Birmingham James Lawrence Pollard, Jr.She f field Robert Earl P r ide, Pine Hill David Carl Pruitt, Pine Hill Yancey McCollum Quinn,Jr.Russellville P. T. Ray, Auburn Robt.Baugh Sledge,Greensboro(wi t h hon Frank Milton Sparks, Cullman Jasper Fritz Thompson,Jr. Birmingham George Howard Hill, Mont g omer y J·a s. L. Wa 1 ke r, Hu n t s viII e William Edward Hooper, Snowdoun(with Louis W. Howle, Annis t on, With hon or) Jesse Pollard Johnson, Wetumpka Douglas Wesley Killian, Livingston John Henry King, Troy honor) Raeburn C. Wh itson,O~kman Norris Vaughn Woodru f f, Alexandria John Lawt on Wright,C hattanooga,Tenn James Drayton Pruitt, Pine Hill Bachelor of Science in Me chanical Engineering Paul Courtney Ausley,Birmingham Caleb Bernard Burgoyne, Mobile William Phillips Caine, Jr. Ensley Solon Di~on, Andalusia Geor ge Dewey Evans, Mobile William Ch ristie Hughes, Birmingham Felix Powell Jones, Childersburg(with George Robert Lawson, Birmingham Julian P. Mansfield, Anniston Emmett Strakey Maples,Scottsboro Joseph Lipscomb Singleton, Ragland Ray Washington Stain, Georg iana Arnold Luther Taylor, ~ ontgom e ry Charles Wa dsworth Virgon, Montgomery honor} J. Booth Williams, Monroe,Ga. Robert Madison Young,Jr. LaGrange,GA Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering Robert Kelley Pose y , Birmingham(with honor) Bachelor of Science in Arc hitecture Clyde Collins Pearson, Mon tgomery James Aaron Stripling , Mon t gomery William Roper Sandifer, Mexidian, Miss. COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Doctor of Vete r inary Medicine Carlos Helms, Dothan Cecil Haley Johnson, Nauvoo Roberta G. Isbell, Crossville James G. McKee, Auburn GRADUATE DEGREES Master of Science William Phillips Brown, Auburn Thomas Murray Faris, Auburn David Jasper Burleson, Fayetteville, Ark. William Wesley Pate, Auburn J. C. Gaines, Jr. Lineville Robert Wooddy Tay~or, Buf f alo Professional Degree in Course CIVIL ENGINEER John Gerald Stockelberg, Canal Zone, Panama Degree for Professional Work ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Stanton Silvian Hertz, Wilkinsburg, Pa. 200 Graduates Summer Session 1926 ACADEMIa COURSES Bachelor of Science John Fletcher Keenon, Ensley A. O. Martz, Auburn Wallace Guy O'Brien,Dadeville /\ Clarence Arnold Smith, M ontgomer~~ . DEPARTMENT OF HOME ECONOMICS Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Anamerle Arant ~ McKenzie Kate Richards Curtis, Auburn Mildred Lock, Montgomery Nonie Wood, Wahadkee COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Theodore Roosevelt Adkins, Vienna, Ga. Earl Cason, Auburn COLLEGE · OF EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education Thomas Linwood Crowder, Roanoke Bachelor of Science in Education Laurence W~od Dorman, Kotasulgi Sudie Laura Dowdell, Auburn James Norment Ess l inger, Gurley Hubert A. Flowers, Ozark George Kilgore, Cordova Frank Jackson Little, Alexandria Early C. McKnight, Auburn larren Clarke Moore, Auburn George Clifford Morrow,Hamilton (' Geddes Self, Lewisburg, R. A. Stevens, Hamilton Clara Ellen Yarbrough, Auburn SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY Badhelor of Science in Chemistry and Me t allurgy William Thomas White, Birmingham Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy William Cicero Brown, Ozark Th omas Homer Ruffin, Wetumpka. Edward Clements Watt, AubUrn COLLEGE OF ENGI NEE RING AND ARCHITECTURE Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Charles Daniel Smith, Birmingham Bachelor of Science in ~lectrical Engineering William Ale xander Garrett,Hope Hull George Robert McNeill, Birmingham John Preston Horn, Crichton Leon Lavert Nelson, Gadsden Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Spencer Carmichael Johnson, Montgomery Bachelor of Science in Architecture /\ James GDrdon Elliott, Guthrie, Ky. COLLEBE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE noctor of Veterinary Medicine James Cleveland Melvin, Auburn GRADUATE DEGREES Master of Science Thoma s Wi l liam Cli ft , Atlanta t Ga. Martin Palmer, Carson