1924 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1924112 January 2, 1924. At a call meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the office of the Governor on Wednesday, January 2, 1924, at 2:30 p.m. there were present: Governor Bra.ndon and ll1essrs. Abercrombie, Rogers, Sherrod, Hanson, McDowell, Her...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7397
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1924 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly Alabama Polytechnic Institute); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1875-1929: The New South Era
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1924112 January 2, 1924. At a call meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the office of the Governor on Wednesday, January 2, 1924, at 2:30 p.m. there were present: Governor Bra.ndon and ll1essrs. Abercrombie, Rogers, Sherrod, Hanson, McDowell, Herzfeld. The purpose of the meeting was to select an architect and to authorize the preparation of plans for the Erskine Ramsay Engineering Hall. Upon motion of Mr. Hanson and seconded by Mr. Rogers the following resolu­tion was introduced and unanimously passed by the Board: "RESOLVED , that Messrs. warren, .Knight & Davis, Architects of Birmingham, be employed by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Inst itute to draw sui table plans for the Erskine Ramsay Engineering Hall, write t he specifications, superintend the construction of the building to completion and acceptance by the Board, and that their compensation for these services shall he five per cent (5%') of the total cost of the building. "RESOLVED FUR'rHER, that Spright Dowell, President of the Alabama Polytechinc Institllte, and its Chief Executive Officer, be instructed by this Boa,rd to constunma.te the contract with Messrs. Warren, Knight & Davis to perform the service covered by this resolution." Pres i dent Dowell re ported that in view of the ac t ion of the legis­l~ ture in only continuing exist ing appropriations, and the terminat ion of the gift by the General Education Board used in supplementing salaries of faculty members, and the practical conclusion of the work of: rehabili tation on t he part of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, the running expenses for the current year would show a pr obable deficit of $ 25 ,000, this amount being in addition to the expenditures for purchases of certain tracts of land on which options had been secured during the period of agitation for the removal from Auburn to Montgomery. The President aiso st ated that he had communi cated with the General Educat ion Board of 'sw York in an effort to show them the need for continuing the annual appropriation to the college. Upon motion of Dr. Abercrmobie, and seconded by Mr. Rogers, the Board requested the Governor and the State Super intendent of Education to prepare an appropriate letter and resolution, ~etting out the condition which makes the continuation of the aid necessary and to present the same to the General Education Board, either in person or by letter. The motion also provided that this committee should act jointly for the University and for Auburn, in the event it seemed desirable to the University authorities to cooperate. ( The President reported to the Trustees that he had conferred with the members of the committee on Agricultural Extension work concerning the , sale of t he sub-sta.tion at Auburn to the .Alabama Power Company for $7000. in accordance with the terms of a contract exectued by the Alabama Power Company and the Alabama Polytecrulic lnstitute on December 24, 1923. On motion the contract was approved and the Pres ident was authorized to consummate the said sale. . ./ February 22, 1924 . The board of trustees met in the office of presmdent Dowell at 1:10 o'clock, Governor Brandon presiding. Present: Governor Brandon, Mr. McDowell, Dr. Oates, Dr. Aber­crombie, Messrs. samford, Hal~y, Merrill, Herzfeld, Hanson, Henderson, Rogers, Sherrod. , , On motion of Dr. Abercrombie the Board considered the recorrmenda­tions of the President: 1. That a policy be adopted for financing the institution for the year 1924-25. On motion of Dr. Oates, President Dowell was authori zed to fix tne fees for next 595Hion 'in a.ccordance with the recormnendation presented as follows: Amount to be paid on registration: 1st semester 2nd semester College fees {:Matriculation, Incidental Library, Medical & Laboratory 35.00 Each student also degosi t a contingent fee of f~5 .00 all or a part of which is returned at the close of the sbholastic year. Non-residents of Alabama pay additional matriculation fee of $25.00 for each semester. In addi tion to these college fees each student pay the following amounts each semester for the purpose stated: Student-Activities fee Laundry (Men Students) 7.50 12.00 Class dues for session Freshman $ .50 Sophomore .75 Junior 1.00 Senior( Max . )3.50 35.00 2. That the President be instructed to withhold payment for the contractors of such an amount as will compensate for the loss of rent because of failure to have new dormitory ready in accordance with the contract. On motion of lVIr . Samford, adopted by the Board, Presi dent Dowell was authorized to settle with the contractors by deducting such sum as the President con­siders right. 3. On motion of Mr. Raley, the Board approved recormnenda.tion No.3 as follows; That the erection of a two-story shop building to house equ ipment amounting to approximately $,25,000. in value, pledged in the drive, and to provide quarters for engineering research be authorized, provided the cost is not to exceed ?13,OOO. which includes a $5000.00 cash contri­bution from the ~labama Power Company. 5. The Board adopted motion by Mr. Haley instructing the President to take such action as may be necessary to close the opti on on lots of the late Tobe Cullars. 6. That the President be instructed as to the method -of handling the paSnnent for sidewalk improvement, fronting college property. The Board adopted motion of Mr. Samford instructing :Pr esident to nake payments during a period of ten years. 7. That the Horticultural Department be relieved of the responsi­bili ty of the debt on the sweet po tato barn, t.~1,200. maximum. Approved. 8. On motion of Mr. Samford, President Dowell VJaS authorized to fix a minimum rate of not lesS than $1.00 per month per meter for supplying the people of the town ~f Auburn with electric light current, effective April 1; to fix .the schedule of rates for electric current and hear; and to consolidate light and heat on 0ne meter. 9. On motion of ~. Hanson, adopted by the boa rd, the president was instructed to continue payment of half salary to William Rousseau, aged janitor who is now unable to work. The President reco~ended tha t the Editor and Business 1~nager of the Glomerate and the Editor and business hlanager of the Pl ainsman be paid for their services $225.00 each per annum, the salary allowed student assistants. Approved on motion of Dr. Abercrombie. The Board passed the following resolution introduced by Dr. Oa t es: BE IT RESOLVED , by the Board of Trustees of the Al abama Polytechnic Institute that Spright Dowell, President of the Alabama PolytechniC .l.nstitute ~ is hereby authorized to execute bomd on behalf of the Alabama Polytechnic ' Institute in the sum of four htmderd thousand dollars ($400,000.00) to cover the value of Ordnance, Quartermaster, Signal, Engineer and other military equi pment issued by the war Department, United State Army, to units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. On mot i on of Dr. Oates the Board r equested the President to con­sider the desirabil i ty of establishing at Aubul'n a course in Sanitation. On motion of Dr. Abercrombie the President was authorized to cancel the registration of C. G. Gibson, and refund all. second semester fees less the earned part of the laundry, for the reason that sickness prevented his attending clas ses. The Bonrd took a recess at 1:40 R.M. in order that the trustees might be present at the Washington ,Birthday exercises. On motion of A~ . Haley, action was deferred on the request of Dr. Cary that II . E. Galbreath receive a U. D. C. non-residence scholarship from Mississ ;i.ppi. President Dowell stated that Dr. W. E. Hinds, who for fifteen years has been Entomologist of t he Experiment Station, having received . an offer from Louisiana State University carrying a salary and other inducements more attractive than could be made by the Alabama Polytechnic Institute had tendered his resignation with the request that he be released on April 15. On motion of Mr. Samford, Dr. Hinds' resign ation was accepted with regrets. :May 19, 1924 The board met in the office of President Dowell at 8:45 a.m., Governor Brandon presiding. Present: Governor Brandon Messrs. McDowell Samford Herzfeld Rogers Supt. Abercrombie Oates Haley Hood Sherrod Prof. A. L. Thomas, President of the First National Bank of Auburn, was notified that the Board would receive a committee from his bank at 10: 00 0 'clock. GoveEnor Brandon informed the members of the board that representatives of the press had requested that they be allowed to attend the meeting of t he trustees. As there was no objection, the newspaper representatives were admitted. The board discussed the plans and specifications for the Ramsay Engineer­ing Building as presented by Mr. John E. Davis of the firm of garren, Knight and Davis, Architects of the Building. On Motion of Mr. 1~Dowell, seconded by 1~. Hood, the architects' plans were adopted. On motion of Mr. McDowell the Board authorized President Do v~ll to paY .to Warren, Knight and DaviS, Architects of Ramsay Engineering Building, the Archi tects' commission of 3% of $250,000.00 President Dovoell gave an accurate statement of the condition of the Fund . from Which the Ramsay Building is to be financed, t he following statement being submi tted: 1. Total amount collected through alumni office from April 3, 1923 to ~~y 12, 1924 inclusive. • • •• $103,614.00 (In addition to the above is the sum of $600.00 deposi ted in Alexander City Ban}{ for Herzfeld Memorial Ho spi tal) 2. vollections made in special field work f~om December 8, 1923 to May 12, 1924 inclusive. • • 11,157.07 (Including the collections made in the special drive in Opelika the total field collections made 15, 004.74 3. All sources since field work was inaugurated un December 8, 1923 to May 12, 1924 inclusive • • • 65,446.35 (period of five months) (Deducting the Ramsay and Alabawa Power Company check for .;p25, 000 and $5,000 respectively) • 35,446.35 (Average sum collected per month since field worK was inaugarated on December 8 excluding the Ramsay and Alabama Power Company checks • • • • • 4. Approximately 1, 000 subscribers interviewed in the field, twenty-three cOtUlties in t he State visited including lontgomery, Birmingham: Mobile, and other ci ties as well as Atlanta and Columbus, Ga. 7,000.00 5. Subscribers interviewed in the field pledged orl~n­ally approximately $30,000; approximately $20, 000 was prdlmised by subscribers in addition to cash payments in field. ~~40 0 balance due on new Dormitory. 117 After full discussion of the financial situation the board adopted motion of JudgeHood authorizing Pr esident DO-Nell to advertise for bids for the construc­tion of Ramsay Dngineering BUilding 'on the basis of the plans and specifications of the architects, w ith authority to accep t or reject any or all bids. President Dowell informed the board of the steps already taken, in accor­dance wi th authori ty granted by the b oard at its February meeting, to give the college and comr:uni ty an adequate supply of water. The following motion was adopted: Resolve, that President Dowell be authorized to proceed with the const~uction of the new water plant as soon as a special committee consisting of Governor Brandon Mr. Samford and President Dowell have negotiated wi th the Mayor and Council of the town of Auburn a satisfactory and comp rehensive contract obliging the munici­pality to purchase water from the college and a t acceptable rates. Committees representing the First National Bank of Auburn and Bank of Auburn appeared before the Board and presented applications for consideration as deposi tories. On motion of Mr. Rogers, seconded by ].1r. Samford, the board res olved that ·no change in the depository would be made ,as the matter was satisfactory as now handled. President Dowell presented the matter of uniforms to the boa rd· e~laining t he difficulty wlhich the ' college has had in seCuring satisfactory "issue" uniforms. The board adopted a resolution re questing Governor Brandon to transmit through military channels to the war department the wishes of the college wi th regard to commut ation for uniforms or the issuance of new uniforms, the re quest of the col­lege to be furni shed to t he Governor in a statement prepared by Dr. Dowell. The Governor inquired if a commi ttee of Alumni was present stating that he had informed such a committee that the board w~u ld be glad to receive a c0l1D11i ttee from the Alumni at any t ime. The board unanimous ly ~proved Dr. DowelP s recol1D11endation that Pro fes sor ..,. W. Hill be granted leave of absence for advanced study from July 1, 1924 -to July 1, 1925 , without pay. The board also granted to ~r. B. F. Thomas a leave of absence to study for two months during the summer of 1924, one month on pay and one month ,7i th0ut pay. Governor Brandon, Mr. Sherrod and vr. Haley voted "no" on this motion. The boar d r ecessed until 12:15 in order that the members could attend the Alumni address delivered at 10:30 in Langdon Hall by Judge Georg~ A. Carden, Cl ass of 1882. The board resUmed its session at 12:15. ]tr. Samford moved that the budget r eco!:lIIlended by the President, including t he re-ele ction of staffs and the authority to fill any vacancies whiCh m~ occur, be a pproved by the board. The motion was adopted. 11~ The board, " on recommendation of President Dowell, elected Prof. M. J. Funchess Director of the Experimmt Station and Dean Of the College of Agriculture. On motion of Mr. Herzfeld the board directed that Prof. Funchess who was ill in a hospi tal in 1'!ont gorrery be advised by telegram Of his promotion and of the best wishes of the board for a quick recovery. A recess was taken at 1 p.m. as the members vvere guests at the Alumni Luncheon. The session :pf the board was resumed at 2:30 p.m. President Dowell stated that certain friends of the coliege had made inquiry concerning the desirability of requiring the tsudents to wear the uniform " when away from Auburn, particularly when attending athletic games. The matter was discussed but action was left to the Faculty. The board adopted the following resolution: Resolved, t hat President Dowell be authorized to borrow from the Trustees of the Alice Carr Fund the sum of apprOximately forty-ftve hundred dollars at 6% interest. The board approved" the budget proposed for the Extension Service subject to certainadjustrrents which may become necessary after .conference with the U. S. Department of .Agriculture with which the college is cooperati ng. @ The "board authorized President DOl,'lell to proceed wi th the development of Fraterni ty Row in accordance wi th a resolution previously passed by the Board. ~ The board adop ted the following resolutions: Resolved, that Dr. Spright Dowell, President of the Alabama PolyteChniC Institute, be herewith authorized to borrow from the State Department of Education the sum of fourteen thousand dollars ($14000.00) for a period of twenty years at six per cent (6%) interest, with the privilege of repaying saia loan at an earlier date if mutually satisfactory to the Alabama Polyte chnic lnstitute and the St ate Board of Education. r ~ The President called attention to the indebtedness of apprOximately $40000.00 due to the los$ of the General Education Board Fund and to the purChase of additional l and, authorized by the board. He stated that the raise in fees for 1924025 was designed to protect against going .further into debt but would not ab­sorb the present indebtedness of approximately $25000.00 The report of the commi ttee on Animal IndustrY read by 111'. Sherrod follows: "The commi ttee in Animal Industry begs leave to report that we have made as careful an i nvestigation of this branch of the college" as the limited time would p r emi t, and f ind: 1. The condition of this branch of the college is in as good condition as we (X)uld possibly expect to find it with the limi ted funds at its disposal. < " 2. We find that t his department has urgent need f or a flock of sheep ~ that will reflect credit on the college. 3. We find a pressing need for a suffi cient appropriation to purchase material for fenCing and building to separate the di~ferent breeds of cattle. A sufficient amount of land has been acquired and all that is now necessary is a small amount of funds to purChase fencing and building material so that suitable. II!:) houses and pastures ~ be constructed to separate t he dairy breeds from the beef breeds. 4. We find a first class lot of Jersey cows on official test and they all show sufficient merit to warrant the conclusion that these cows will enter the Register of Merit with creditable records. 5. We find that the college has a small breed of Guers~y cattle, consist­ing of one mature cow, three heifers and a bull. The mature cow and the bull appear to be suitable for experimmta,l purposes, but the three imnature heifers are inferior both as to breeding and individuality. We recommend that these heifers be disposed of and replaced with more suitable animals. In this connection we beg to say that we see no reason why the state should not furnish to the college from four to six good Guersey heifers from its herd of Guerseys at ' Kilby, such heifers to be selected by Prof. J. C. Grimes, Professor af Animal Industry, and it urges that this, be done at an early date. C. M. Sherrod H. Herzfeld ' Paul S. Haley" The board adopted a resolution offered by Mr. Sherrod requesting the State Board of Administration to transfer to the Anizml Industry Department of the . college from four to six good Guer,¥ey heifers from Kilby Farm, the heifers to be selected by Prof. J. C. Grimes, Professor of Animal Industry. Mr. Haley read the following report of the speciall. . commi ttee on Agricul- _ tural Extension Service: Report of Comrrdttee on Extension Service. "The purchase of Dan T. Gray's residence property, as practice house for home economics department, was approved. The expenditure of not exceeding $4000.00 .in the Poultry demonstration work was authorized. "As early as funds are available and sui table speCialists are f ound, it is recommended that .the work in Horticulture be strengthened by at least one ~n in truck gro·.ving,- also additional experts in Horti.culture that this work may receive assistance proportionate to its importance and possibilities in this state. N'm. W. Brandon Paul S. Haley H. Herzfeld, C ommi ttee" A resolution offered by Dr. Abercrombie authorizing President Dowell to take a vacation of from four to six weeks annually was adopted. The board also adopted a resolution offered by Mr. Samford extending to Dr. Dowell the thanks and appreciation of the entire board for the President's efficient work, untiring effort and self-sacrificing service to the institution throughout his administration. President Dowell thanked the board for this evidence of their confidence and expressed his appreCiation for the cooperation which the board has given him. 12U On motion of Mr. Haley, the board approved for degrees the candidates recommen­ded by the Faculty. A.motion was adopted authorizQng the executive, comrndttee to act for the Board in the award of c ntract for Ransay Engineering Building when bids are ~ received. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. B. L. Shi, Secretary, Board of Trustees. 121 Finacial s t a t ement Alabama. Pol yt eclmic Institute July 1, 1923 to April 30, 1924 COLLEGE PROPER MAINTENA1TCE May 3, · 1924 r Receipts Expenditures Balance Deficit Apprn.Defini te 149930.00 Apprn.Indefinite 12387;85 Income operations 13055.21 11atric.Regular 52522. 25 " S.School 5848 . 32 Voca. Soldiers 15549. 15 Miscellaneous 8715 . 57 258008 . 35 238827.97 19180.38 Bui 1d ing &Land 3489.99 31657.41 - - - - 28167 . 42 Building Semi- Cent . 135579.99 109688.26 25891. 73 Special Purposes 77475.04 80032.66 - - - - 2557.62 Custodial 139672.43 115006.03 24666.40 Totals 614225. 80 575212.33 69738 . 51 30725 . 04 Less Defici t 30725 . 04 39013. 47 EXPERIMENT STATION Hatch 15000. 00 11771.73 3228.27 Adams 15000.00 12436.63 2563 . 37 Local Ex. 18907.70 7719.17 11188. 53 ( \ Inv.at Aub. 9298. 57 6500.66 2797.91 58206. 27 38428 . 19 19778.08 8675 1 09 6074. 28 2600.81 66881.36 44502.47 22378 . 89 EXTENSION SERVICE Federal S. L. 156690. 28 137417. 73 19272.55 State S. L. 140000. 00 53414.26 86585 .74 Federal Sup 46511.55 37563 . 86 8947.69 Fed. Sup . Offset 22477 . 63 - - - - 22477.63 State S. L. Non-O 4011.80 16607 . 10 - - - - 12595. 30 Totals 347213.63 267480. 58 114805.98 35072. 93 Donat ions Ex.Service 75.00 75.00 - - - - I ncome Operations 9147 . 08 1001135 811.Q . 73 Tota ls 356435.71 268556.93 122951.71 35072. 93 Less Defici t 350ZZ.~3 87878 . 78 SUMMARY College Proper 614225. 80 575212. 33 39013. 47 Experiment Station 66881 . 36 44502.47 22378.89 Extension Service 356435.71 2GS!;i!;iG . 93 87878.78 r Total s 1037542.87 888271.73 149271.14 I\ilA INTENANCE ESTI N~TED FI NANCIAL C01~ ITION College Proper June 30, 1924. Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 • • • Expendi tures, July 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924. • ••••••• $258 , 008.35 • • • �� • • •• 238 , 827. 97 Balance on hand M~ 1, 1924. • • • • • • •• 19,180. 38 Es t i mated Expenditures May 1, - June 30 •��•• • • 29,030.00 Estimated Expendi tures l\fay 1 - June 30 • Estimated Def ici t June 3,0, 1924 · .. .. ACTIVIT1ES Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 •• Expenditures Jul y 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 ••••• De fi ci t M~ 1, 1924 •••••••••• Esti mated Receipts May 1 - June 30 • • • • . .· .. .. ·· .. .. Es t i mated. Ezpendi tures M~ 1, - June 30 •• . . . . . Estimated Defi ci t on June 30, 1924 • ., •• CUSTODIAL Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 • • Expenditures July 1, 1923 - April 30 , 1924 . . .· . . . · . . · ·. .. · . Bal ance on hani 1!~ . 1, 1924. • Estimated Re cei pts ~~y 1 1924. • • • • Estimated Expendi tures lay 1 - June 30 • Estimated Balance on June 30 , 1924 • • • · . . ... . . . BUILDING - SEMI-CENTElI1NIAL Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30 , 1924 ��• •• •••••••• Expendi t ures July 1, 1923 - April 30 , 1924 •••••• • •• Bal ance on hand May 1, 1924. Es timated r eceip t s n: ay 1, - June 30. · . . . . · . Estmi ated expendi tures M~ 1, June 30 •••••• · . Es t irnated Ba l ance on hand June 30, 1924. • • • • $48,210.38 72, 513. 58 24, 303 . 20 $77, 475.04 80 ,032. 66 2, 557. 62 13 . 214.25 ~~1 0 , 6 5 6. 63 15,450. 00 4,793.37 $139 , 672. 43 115, 006 . 03 24, 666. 40 19, 317. 53 5, 348 . 87 135, 579. 99 113 , 948 . 66 21, 63 1.33 36, 313. 58 57 , 944. 91 6, 577. 23 51,367. 68 ES'l'D.lATED PINAtTCIAL COIiJDITION - Continued BUI LDING & L~D - Wu SCELLAl1EOUS Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30 , 1924 Expenditures Jul y 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 • . . . . . Defici t May 1, 1924 •. • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated Expendi tures May 1, .;;, June 30 • • • • • • • • • • Estimated Deficit on une 30,1924 •••••���•••••• SlITvThlTliRY Bal l?...nce - Custodial • • • • • • • • • • Balance - Building, Semi-Centennia l • Deficit - Maintenance ••••••• Defici t - Acti vi ties •• • • • • • Defi ci t - Bui 1dings and .wand Mi sc.. • . . • $ 5 , 348 . 87 . • • 51,367.78 • • 24, 303 .20 •• 4 , 793 . 37 40 , 086. 92 Estimated Net Deficit on College Proper June 30, 1924 • $ 3,489.99 31, 657.41 28 ,167 . 42 11;919 . 50 40, 086 . 92 $56,716.65 69 ,183 . 49 12 , 466 . 84 ., 1~ 4 PROPOSED BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE July 1, 1924 - June 30, 1925. College Maintenance Receipts: Appropriations, Fixed Federal Morrell State End mvme nt In lieu of Fertilizer Mai:p.tenance Sumrrer School Buildings and NJ8.int. (A.H. ) Appropriations, Indifinite Federal and State Cooperating Smi th Hughe s St. Board of Educati on - Rehab . State Kerosene Oil Tax Income from Operations Animal Husbandry Sales Horticulture " Veterinary II Interest on Lib~a±y Bonds II " Deposi ts House and Room Rent (Less Maint . 6000. ) Matriculation 30150.00 20280.00 40000. 00 45000.00 .5000. 00 12500. 00 11364. 73 600. 00 20000. 00 3500. 00 100.00 500. 00 1160.00 500. 00 10000.00 Main Session Summer Session 83000. 00 13000.00 Total estimated receipts - 152930. 00 31964.73 16760. 00 96000.00 $296554. '13 0 I / CUSTODIAL PROPOSED BUDGET l\LABA1TA POLYTECIDHC INSTITUTE Ju~y 1, 1924 - June 30, 1925. Project Athletics (Fees) Athletics (Games) Laundry Glomerata Plainsman Lectures T.M.O.A. Y.W.C.A. Freshman Class Dues Sophomore Class Dues Junior Class Dues Senior Class TIlles Scholarships Estima'ted Receipts 7, 200. 00 60,000. 00 28,000.00 7,000.00 3, 000.00 700.00 3 , 000. 00 200.00 260.00 300. 00 225.00 640. 00 5,000.00 $115 , 525.00 Esti mated' Expendi tures 7,200.00 60,000.00 28,000.00 7, 000. 00 3 , 000. 00 700. 00 3 , 000. 00 200. 00 260. 00 300.00 225.00 640. 00 5,000. 00 115,525.00 1~5 126 PROPOSED BUDGETT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE July 1, 1924 - June 30 , 1925. ACTIVITIES Project Carp en ter Shop Dormitories and Cottages Feed Stut'-fs Heat, Light and Water Picture Show Practice House R .O. ~ .C. Uniform Smi th Hall Board Student Contingent Estimated Receipts 8000.00 6 0 00~00 7000 ., 00 28500.00 20000.00 600.00 8500.00 12000.00 6700.00 97300.00. Estimated Expendi t ures 8000.00 6000. 00 7000. 00 28500.00 20000.00 600. 00 8500. 00 12000.00 -6700. 00 97.300.00 Name Allison , Fr ed Atki n son , T. P . Armstr ong, France s Armst rong ,Ki rk Beas l .ey ,Mary Basore, C. A. Bi ggi n, F. C. Bedel, Geo. Bide z , P . R. Baughman C. ' A. Bl ake, L. S. Be rney , Mrs . F. Bur~e, s on , D. J . Bu rns , F. W. B a-rt on , 1(1. D. Baker, K. G. Bell, J. P. Binford , E. E. . Boyd, F. E. n Buckne r., Conway Clark, J . B. Camack , W. A. . --C ary , C. A • Ca llan, J .A.C. Carnes, A. 4IIt Cren shaw, B. H. Covingt on , N. G. Chesnutt, S. L. Cureton, M. I. Ca l dwe l l, ill. K. -' Cowan, Leonora Dowell, Spr ight Dunn, Berta , Dunstan, A. St.C. Dr ake, J . H. Dr ake, J . V. Jr. Duncan, L. 'N. Dobb s, E. C. Dobbs, Zoe Davis, P . O ~ Duggar ,... J . F ~ Eaton , W. R. I (\ . Eddy , J os ephine Evans, Vi . A. Edward s , M. Fi tzpatrick , S. Floyd , C. M. Funchess, M. J. Fullan, M. T. PROPOSED SALARIES OF ElV1PLOYEES ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC I1qST ITU~ July 1, 1924 ~ June 30, 1925. 127 Title Sour cesf rom whi ch s a l a r ies are paid College :Exten s ion: Station : Tota l Prof.& Head Phys i cs 3200. 00 ~200 . 00 Prof .& Head Mod.Language 2700. 00 v2700 . 00 St eno. English 225 . 00 1.---225. 00 St.eno. Publi city 720. 00 V'720 . 00 Steno. Chemistry 700. 00 .;?o00. 00 As st .Prof . Chemi s try 2000. 00 2000. 00 Pro f .& Head Archi tecture 3200. 00 v3200. 00 Nu r se , 240. 00 , v240 . 00 Asst. Feed Stuff Anal y s i s and Pict ure Show 2300. 00 2300. 00 Prof .& Head Highway Engl'. 3000.00 1-3000. 00 Prof . & Head Pharmacy 2700. 00 ~7 00 . 0 0 N~ t ron Al umni Hall 900. 00 900. 00 Pr of . Agrononw 2600. 00 "2600. 00 Ass t .. Pro f . Animal Husb. 2400 . 00 ~\400. 00 Di s t r ict Agent 3150. 00 :3150. 00 Market ing Agent 3000. 00 3000. 00 Sec'y Stati on Director 300. 00 2100. 00 ~40 0 . 0 0 Di stri ct Agent 3150. 00 3150. 00 Agro~o mi s t 3000. 00 ~OOO . O O Steno Voca.. Soldi ers 1200.00 1290. 00 Read Econ omics & Sec',¥ Pre s" 33 00. 00 vZ300.00 Supt. Canebreak Stati on 600. 00 600. 00 Dean of Veterinary Dep t. 3400 . 00 600. 00 1-4000. 00 Head & Prof. Civil Engr. 2700. 00 t2'100.00 Prof. Edu cation 2000.00 ~O O . OO . Head & Pr of . Ma t hematics 3500.00 v3500. 00 As s t. Pr of. Veterinary 1650. 00 0 650. 00 Pr of. Voca. Educati on 3000. 00 05'000. 00 As st. S t a te Hone Dem. Agent 2200. 00 2200. 00 Steno. Dist. Agents 1320. 00 1320. 00 Audi tor 1500. 00 '""'1500. 00 Presiden t 6000. 00 v6000 . 00 Stenogra.pher V1350. 00 ..-1:350 . 00 Head & Prof. Elec. Engr. 3600 ... 00 b3.600. 00 Surgeon 36qO. 00 /./'3600. 00 Supt. Heat, Light andWater 1980. 00 £/'1980. 00 Di rector Ex tension 4500. 00 v-"4500 . 00 Speci al negro Een Agent 1800. 00, v1800. 00 Phys i cal Di r e ctor & I n s t r. 2700 , 00 ~.7 0 0 . 00 Agri cul tura l Edi tor 2850 . 00 300. 00 l'5150.00 Consulti ng Agr on omist 3400. 00 0'400. 00 Pro f . An. Husb & Supt . Or eam 2600 . 00 t2600 . 00 Clo t ning ' Special i st 2400 . 00 2400. 00 Prof. Engli sh 1500. 00 v1500. 00 Steno. Girsl Clubs 1080. 00 vl08 0. 00 Mi litary Supp ly O'f fi cer 450. 00 1-450. 00 Plumber 750.00 850. 00 200. 00 vrBoo. OO Dean Agric. & Exp . St §.. 400. 00 4100. 00 ~500 .0 0 Head & Pr of . Ma chine Design 3500.00 t,-3500. 00 Name Ti tle Sources from which salaries are paid College Extension Stati on Totals Gardner, W. A. Head & Prof. Botany Glenn, M. A. Treasurer Gibbons, S. H. Ni ghtwatchman & Student Asst. Grant, H. G. Alumni Secretary & Instructor Grimes, J. C. Prof. & Head A. H. Gentry, H. S. As st. Prof. Pharmacy Guyton, F. E. Prof. Entomology - Gunter, L. J. Instructor Chemist~ Gatchell, Dana Pro f . HomeEconomics Garman, ~l . D. Prof. Mech. Engr. Hare, C. L. Prof. Chemistry Hatch, J. E. Commandant Harris, A. E. Dean Women & St. H.D. Agent Harris, Mrs.E.L. Mat ron Girls' Dormi tory Hardy, Urn A. H. Specialist Hulse, F. C. Prof. Civil Engr. Hi gh, J . T. Di strict Agent Hill, W. W. Prof. Elec. Engl'. Hixon, C. R. Prof. Mech. Engl'. Horne, E. Steno. l~ iling Clerk Howard, H Specia l Negro Men Agent Hanna, L. C. Negro H. D. Agent Isbell , C. L. Prof. Horti cul ture Jackson, J. B. Analyst Jones, Louise SteIt9 , J ones, 7. S. College Poli ceman Jone s, D. T. Supt. Carpenter ShOp Johns on , Helen Asst. H. D. Agent Jones, R. B. Negro H. D. Agent Johnston, R. A. Farm Foreman Jones, R. J. Pr of. Engl iSh Judd, Z. V. Dean Ed. & SU!Il.lrerSchool Ivey, J . E. Prof. Poultry Husb. Kirldey, J. E. I nstructor English Killebrew, C. D. Prof . rua t hematics Kynette, C. M. Special Negro Boys Agent Lane, H. M. Ho ~ticultural Fore ~an LeBlron, L. C. -MIst. Agr. Engr. Lindsey, A. E. Prof. Economics ]'1iller, "'. R. Research Chemist Marti n, H. M. Asst. Pro f . Chemistry Martin, 11. E. Librarian Marsh, G. H. Pr of. Chemi stry Mauldin, E. Asst. H. Dem. Agent Mile~, L. E. Plant Pathologist McAdory , I. S. A s~t. P ro f . Veterinary McMi llan, D. R. Asst. Prof . Architecture Illont gorre ry, E. R.Prof . English Nichol's, M. L. Prof. & Head Agr. Engr . ?arrish , L. Bookkeeper Peacock , E. G. Steno. Agr. Editor Price, S.J.T. Acconntant - Petrie, George Dean Graduate St udies & Head History & La t in 2GOO ~OO 800.00 600.00 3200.00 950.00 2400.00 2100.00 1500.00 1800. 00 2400.00 3300. 00 720. 00 8'00.00 720.00 2550. 00 2700. 00 2700.00 1420.00 2200.00 900.00 2100.00 2200. 00 4000.00 1600.00 200 0.00 2600.00 300. 00 1800.00 700.00 2000. 00 1350.00 2300.00 2500.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1080.00 450. 00 4000. 00 1200.00 450. 00 2200. 00 3000. 00 3150. 00 900.00 1380. 00 1020. 00 1200.00 2700.00 1200.00 900.00 1390.00 2700.00 2200.00' 1050.00 others 700.00 1200. 00 2550.00 1200.00 v3200. 00 '-21)00. 00 600. 00 ;('1200. 00 ~ 2 00 .0 0 1650. 00 ~. OO O . O O :~OO.OO 150. QO 1-2250.00 {l500. 00 , vlSOO. OO 1'24 00.00 148 0.00 1200.00 600.00 900.00 2300.00 250. 00 18 00. 00 200. 00 500. 00 / . 2 300. 00 ~ 720. 0 0 1,.,-0000. 00 7,20.00 3000.00 v2550. 00 - 3150.00 1<f2~0 0 -. 00 I 2700.00 )..-900. 00 -' 1380 .. 00 .1020. bo t2900.00 2200.00 1200.00 V'900. 00 ;.n00. 00 2700. 00 1200. 00 ~OO.O O y2z00. 00 v4000.00 l:;-i3l00.00 v 2000.qO v2600.00 1380.00 1A200.00 J-"27 00.00 . vWOO.OO ,. 3000.00 ~2 000. 00 vl"600. 00 2300. 00 2200.00 v2S50.00 Y'~0f) . 00 V.L800.00 v1800.00 Y-BOOO. OO vl080. 00 1/1200. 06 V3000. 00 - ........ v4000. 00 ~-. Name Ti tIe Sources from which salaries are paid College Extension Station Totals Parker, F. W. Asst. ~ rof. Agronomw Pate, T. r1. Supt. Bldgs. & Grounds Patterson, F. G. Asst. Prof. Veterinat,y Pope, B. C. Custodian Powell, P . p .; Asst. Prof. Chemistry Pi tts, J . E. Instr. Math. & Coach Pearpon, M. H. Marketing Specialist Ross, B. B. Dean & Head Chemistry ~andolph, J. W. Asst. Prof. Agr. En~r . Reed, C. C. Supt . A. H. Farm P.u tl and , J . R. Pr 'of. Engli'sh Robinson, J. M. Prof. Entomology & Acting Head Reynolds, A. W. Instr. Hi story Rolfe, W. T. Asst. Prof. Architecture Rose, ,T. L. Prof. Physics " oe, J. W. Prof. 1I.iodern Language - Smi th, Elizabeth Stene I\iech. Engr. 'Saunde rs, A. illnstr. Bnglish Stearns, A. B. Steno. Bus j nes~ Office Salmon, w. D. A sst~ A. H. Sims, T. A. Asst. Boys Club Agent Sibley, J . L. District Club Agent Steele, Saraa Steno. Registrar Shi, B. L. Registrar & Prof. Mathematics Sizemore, E. Chief Clerk, Extension Suggs, R. S. A sst. - Prof~ - Veterinary -Stivers, E. D. Prof. VOGa. Education , Simms, Harry Negro Mep District Agent .Sonneday, Dora Asst. Dist. H. D. Agent Taylor , Rupert Dean & Head English . Tidmore, J . 'ir. In?tructor Agrononw Tisdale, H. B. Pla.nt Bree<;'l-er \ • Thomas, A. L. Mgr. Picture Show & Prof. Machine Design Physician Prof. Horre Economi cs Asst. Accountant Ass t. Home De'm. Agent Thomas , B. F. ThoniPson, H. M. Trapp , J. H. Tappan, G. Unde rwood, R. Wiatt, Mrs. J . S. InstrLlctor Mathematics . Ware, L. M. 'Nilmore, J. J . Winslett, I. '.'licker, Elba E . Clerk, Re gistrar Instructor Horticulture Dean & Head Mech. Engr. Sten~ . Education Steno. Girls' Club !inston, ',V. O. District ' Agent .lilliam.son, J. T.Agricul~llriSt . Williamson, M. D.Steno. Entomology (\:, ---...Z, eliff, C. C. Asst. Prof. Botan-~""T . ~ - Vacant Vacant 'Vacant Vacant Vacant Va cant, Vacant Instructor Math Instructor Civil Engr. Designer & Phys Training Instructor Mach. Design Instructor Mech. Engr. Asst. Bookkeep~r Y.M.C.A. Director 300.00 2300.00 ~600.00 '1500.00 ,~500.00 1650. 00 -/A650 . 00 2200.00 f:2£00 .00 2200.00 L.---£200.00 3750.00 v97,50 . 00 3000.00 3000.00 4000. 00 v4000. 00 2150 . 00 250.00 £..13400 . 00 1480.00 200.00 ;-1680.00 2950. 00 vz95 0. 00 2500.00 ~5 0 0. 0 0 2200.00 v-£200.00 2400.00 v2400. 00 1800.00 vi800.00 2000. 00 t--2000.00 1080.00 0"080. 00 500. 00 V 500. 00 424.00 436 . 00 220.}}0 a080.00 2400.00 ~OO .. OO 2700.00 2700.00 3000.00 3000.00 •· .. 1080.00 L-I080.00 t..--3300.00 ~300.00 2700.00 2700.00 2000. 00 eooo.oo 3000. 00 v3000.00 2016.00 2016. 00 2400.00 2400.00 4000.00 l?4D00. 00 1950.00 250.00 .-..e200.00 250 0. 00 ~00 . 00 2900.00 v2900. 00 2400.00 y2400 . 00 2250.00 v--2250 . 00 175.00 175.00 87 . 50 -437.50 2400.00 2400.00 2400. 00 ,..£'400. 00 v 84 0 . 00 v840 . 00 1900.00 yl-900.00 4000. 00 vrOOO . OO 1020. 00 .AD20.00 1200.00 1200. 00 3150.00 ~ 150.00 260p.00 ~6 qO .00 1850.00 1140.00 vJ;140.00 .,/.l850.00 1700.00 Y1700.00 1000.00 t..-3:000.00 1800.00 ~ 1800.00 600.00 00.00 1500.00 v1500.00 1080.00 y-l080.00 3900.00 3000.00 130 St udent Ass i stants Dep artment Number Amount Phys i cs 1 A 50.00 ~ Mechani cal Engr. 3 . v540. 00 0 Mach . Design 1 'v225.00 • Horti c'.:ll ture 4 1/1650.00 Ent omo l ogy ""700. 00 Engl ish 1 v225 . 00 Elec. Engr. 2 (1050.00 Radio 2 195 . 00 Civil Engr. 1 v100 . 00 ehemi s t ry 3 v500. 00 Botany 2 / 450.00 Hi ghWa:y Engr. 1 v 60 . 00 His tory & La t i n 2 450.00 Libr a ry 1100.00 Mat hematics 1 175 . 00 .. Graduates May 20, 1924 DEGREE Baehelor of Science Graduates with Highest Honor Brow-D, William Phillips • Co llins, Mil ton WJassey. Hagerman, Osie Saxon. • • • • • • Kling , August John. • • • • • • • McKinnon, John Curtis • • • • • • Nunn, Robert Alexander. • •• Price, Val •••••••• Sewe l l, William Haxdey. • • • •• Timb erlake, Phil Samuel •• General •• Elec. Engr ••••• General • • • • • • Elec. Engr. • • Elec. Engr. • • • • Agr.Education • • • Elec. Engr •• El ec. Engr •• El e c.Engr • . . . . . Graduates with Honor Allen, Roland ~llison • • • • 11ech. E ngr. • • •• Brown, Jul ian. • • • • • • • • • Agri cuI ture • • • • Chambers, Duke Merriwell. •• •• Mech. Engr •• Davis, Clyde O •••••• Dickinson, Robert Charles •• Agr.Education • • •• Elec. Engr. • • •• •• Agri cuI ture • • • • Sec. Education. ��� • Gibbons, S. Howard •••••• Hicks, -itJilliam L ••••••• Holman, Frank Louis • • • • • • • Howard, Percy Harry • • • • • • • Johnson, Joseph Thoreau • • • LeBron, Otto K •••••••••• Levy, Edward Jefferson. • • • Mead, Daniel Lewis •••••••• Medlock, Olin Campbell. • • • • • Naff, George ':i:ip ton • �� • •• Orr, Frank Marion, Jr • • • • • • OWen, James Robert • • • • • • • Pate, \Villiam Wesley ••••••• Phillips, George' Wendell. • • • • S·tevenson, Joe Wilson • • • • Swango, Beverly Holmes ••• ••• Taylor, Robert Wooddy • • • • Vliatt, John Edward, Jr •••••• Elec. Engr. • ••• Civ. Engr ••••• Elec. Engr ••••• Me ch. Engr ••• Elec.Engr ••••• Ci v. Engr •• Agriculture •••• Civ. Engr •• Arch. Engr. • General • • • • • • Agr. Education. • • Civ.Engr •• •••• Elec. Engr • • ••• Elec. Engr. • • • • Agriculture •• Elec. Engr. Gradua tes Auburn Ozark Opelilm Mobile Talladega Springs Loachapolra Florala Tarrpa,Fla. Stevenson Ward Yantley Sheffield Dadeville Brundidge Auburn Opelika Yorlr Carbon Hill Neltonsville \7etumpka Girard Selma .Albertville Bastrop, La. LaGrange, Ga. Bessemer Paul Eupora, :Mi ss Notasulga Birmingham Buff alo Aubu I"'I1 Almgren, Fred Justin •• • • •• Mech. Engr. • • •• Fairfield Anderson, Dorothy • • • • • • General ". • • • • • Newbern Apperson, Mary Julia. • • • • Sec. Education. Eclectic Barry, Paul Prui tt. • • • • Pharmacy ••••• - . M:ontgomery Bartle t t, Elmer weaver. El ec. Engr. • • •• Lineville -Basore, John William. • • ��� • •• Mech.Engr...... Birmingham Bates, Bascom Anquest • • • • •• Ci v. Engr •••••• Montgomery Beasley, Yalter Gordon, Jr. • Civ.Engr • • • ••• Samson Berlin, Israel Lionel • • • • • • El ec. Engr. • • • • West Blocton Bostick, William Hollis ••• _. • Agr.Edueation. •• Guin Boyd, Clary Paul. • • • • • • • • Agriculture... • Auburn Browne, J ames Marvin ••••••• Cammaclr, Ralph \Valdo. • • • • • • Champion, )lilliam Perry • • • • • Chapman, vVheeler Elliott ••••• Elec. Engr. • • • • Agr. Education. • • Bee. Education. • • Ci v.Engr •••••• Auburn Grove Hill Auburn Enterprise 1 ~1 Cooke, Herbert Earl • • • Cox, Preston Arthur ••••• C re e I, Eugene Ma tthews. • • • Curtis, Harry • •••••• Douglas, Garvey Dixon • • • • Dowdell, William Oliver ••• Dowdy, Rufus Brown. • • • • • Duke, Andrew Jesse. • • ••• Earnest, Chloe •••••••• Ed~ards, Evans Lavert •••• Fleming, William Yancey ••• Ford , Ross Vext on •••••• Foreman, Clyde ':lesley • • • • Fowle 1' -, Henry Eugene ••• ~ulton , Adelbert Graham ••• Gibbs, Samuel John •••• Goleman , Al bert Syaney •••• Goodwyn, 71illiam Bibb • • Grimley, Kenneth william ••• Guy , Wi lliam Vinson • • Halfman, Errrnett ',7illiam • Ha mi lton, James E ..••••• Hanlin,Frank kirby ••••• Hare, Hugh Frederick ••••• Harri son, Joseph Lawrence • • Harvey, Jesse Ester • • Hawkins, William Burgin ••• He a th, -::-rilliarJl Preston •• Hendley , Flavius Joseph . Holman, Henderson Looney , Jr. Horn, Newton Yeager • • • • • Horne, J ohn • • • • • • • • • Housel, Leslie Raymond •• Hovilell , Lucius Benton •••• J ones, Her man D ••••••• L~~bert, James Ernest •••• Lambert, Robert Eu gene , Jr •• Leath , Alonzo Sylvester, Jr • Livingston, B er~ice Puckett. McCa rl ey , Thomas Earl • • • • 1,lcCu tche on, '.7al ter Ponder McDaniel, Reuben Levi • • • • McLean , John Ernest ••• :Manley , Ge orge Edward • • • • lJa. t thews , ':li lliam Elliott •• Meek , Alfred Edgmont •• Mellen, Henry Levi. • • • Mille 1', Henry Knox. • • • • • Agrioulture ••••• 'Agr. Education. • •• Agr. Education. Elec. Eng r. · .. .. Mech. Eng r •• Pharmacy ••••• Me ch . Engr. • . ••• General ~ • • • • • • General • • • •• Elec . Engr. • • • Sec. Education. • • • Agr. Education. • • • General • . ' . • • • • Agri culture • • Agr. Educat i on. • • • Agr. Education. • • • Archi tecture ••••• High. Engr. , •• Civ. Engr •••••• Elec. Engr. • • • Elec. Engr. • • • Agr. Edu cation. • • • Elec. Engr. • • • Pharmacy ••••••• El ec. Engr. • • • • • Agr. Education. • • • General ••••••• Elec . Engr ••• Elec., Engr •• Archi tecture •• · . . Elec. Engr. • . . . . Meclo1..Engr •• · Elec. Engr. • • • Arch. Engr. • Chern. Engr. • • • • • Agriculture Agricul~ure ••••• Agri cuI ture • • • • • Agr. Education. Agr. Education. .b! l ec. Engr ••• Agricul ture • • • • • Agr. Education •••• Mech. Engr. • •••• Elec. Engr ••• Agri cuI ture • • • • • General ••••• El e c. Ene I' ••• Morgan , Sam . • • •••• Agr . Educa tion •• Morriss, Frank Howard. Morr is., Jesse Edwin ••• • . .Mech. Engr. • • Mo sley , John Erskine . • • • • Mae ley, Wi lli am Kelly • • • • Naftel , Lee Albert Newman, Henry Floyd • • Agr. Education. Elec. Engr ••• Elec. Engr. • • • • • Chern. Engr •• El ec. Engr •••••• o rum, Gtistavus A •••• " ••• Agriculture ••••• Auburn Hackleburg Varrior Auburn Cordova Auburn Florence 13 i rmingham AU-burn Clanton Opelika Hamilton Mobile Uniontovm Dadeville Auburn Whistler Montgomery Fairhope Mon tgomery Montgomery Rogersville Sheffield Las Cruces, N. M. Montgomery Rogersville Birmingham Opelika Livings t on Ozarl{ Mon tevallo Ensley Lathrop Iriarion Dothan Darlington Da rlington , Auburn Auburn Lamar B i rmi ngham Dozier Stroud Bi rmingham Mont gomery Idana, Kan. Livingston Monticello, Fl a . Brantley Talladega Ta lladega Lockhart Pensac ola, Fl a . Auburn LaF~ette Midway Owen, ·-Tillis Lawt on • • • Patriclc, Irving ••••••• Powe, Robert McKee • . Reagan, Frank Alexander • Roberts, Andrew Jaclc •• Russell, Roy Otis ••• Scalco , Vincent Augtlstin. • • Schaub, Alex McKay ••• Scott, Ernest De~i t t ••••• Semmes , Oliver J ohn Jr •• Shelley , Levie Hi ghtower ••• Sherling, Edward Creech • • • Simps on , Robert Lee ••• Smi th , Charles Mil t on, "Jr Spann, Jerome lHlen • • • St ewart , Pauline •••• Stockel berg, Frank Kevan. • • Stoclcelber g , J ohn Gerald. Striplin, Elizabeth Oramantor Swanson , Al gert Rich. • Sweet, Henry ·,7. • . • • • Tapscott, Leldon Hunt er . Tatum, Ruth Zuber •••••• Taylor, Margar et. • . • Taylor, Owen L. • • • • Turner, Warren Ca ndler. • Wa rfi eld, Ralph Henry • • • • Warner, Clarence Wilber ••• I.Vhi taker, Roy Bai rd •• yrilbur, Mar garet Ellen. Winston, Charles Henry, Jr •• Wise, Helen. • • •••• ':7ood, William Thorington. Woodruff , Lloyd · . Woolley , Mary • • • · . Agri cu I ture • • • • • • Agr. Education . • • • • . r\~ecb. Engr •••••••• Aer. Educati on . • • • • Mech . Engr ••••••• Agriculture •••• Chern. Engr. • • •• General • • • • • • E l e c . Eng r . • • • •• .• Ci v. Engr ••• Ci v. Engr • • • �� • • • General • • • • • • • • Mech. Engr •• Chern. Engr . General • • • • • • • • SeQ. Education. • • • • Elec.Engr •••••••• Ci v. Engr. • • • • • •• Home Economics ••• •• Elec. Engr •• Agriculture ••• Agriculture • • • • • • Gene ral ••• General • • • El e c . Engr . . . . . . . -",lec. Engr •• Civ. Engr •• Ele c . Engr. . . . Agri cu l ture •••••• Home Economi cs •• Agri cu lture • General • • •• General • • • • • Sec. Education. Sec. Education. . . . . . DOCTOR OF VETIm INARY MEDICnTE Ashland Vinemont Silas Delta ·7adley Hartsell Birmingham Eufaula Cropwell Pensacola, Fla. Eufaula Greenville Vvashington, D. C. ~.10n t gone ry Dothan Florence . Ancon, Panama Ancon, Panana Huntsville Gadsden Bessemer Fa lkville Auburn Auburn Pratt City Roanoke Por tsmouth, N. H. Jackson PaintRock Plaquemine, La. Gei ger Auburn Mon t gomery Greenville Auburn Clarke, Frank Ashton. • TIllr r, Eddie Harry • • • • Graves , Hobson William. Grif in, Davi s Vhatley •• · . . . . .. .. . Wa l ding, Grover C. • �� 'Yilliamson, Arthur H •••• . . . · . . · . . . . . . .· .. · . Andalusia Brookhaven, Miss Pageland, S. C. Birmingham Midland City Auburn PHARMACEUT I CAL CHEMI ST Smith, Olin Virgil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gfu\DUATE IN PHARMACY (Ph. G) Hixon, Sp3. rks • • • • . . . . . . · . . . . . . CERTIFICATE IN PHARMACY Cox, William hlerrill. • LeGrand, ·,7illiarn Homer, · . . . . . . Jr •••• · . . . . GRADUATE DEGREES 1mster of Science Brooks, Paul P . B ••••••••••• Farrell, Oscar Beauchamp • Godwin, Rufus B ranwe 11 • • • . . . DavIson Dothan Louisville Mon t gomery • I\:ont gomery • Meridian, Miss Americus, Ga • Ki rkley, Bertha • •• • • • • • • • Livings ton, Clare Weaver • ••••• • • • • • Huntsville, Tex. • • • • • • Auburn 133 134 Tatum, Colonel David. • • • • • • • • • • • • Centerville Tidmore, James ·Vallace • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Auburn Wri ght, Barbara •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • Auburn PROFESSIONAL DEGREE IN COURSE Mechanical Engineer McDonald, Ernest Pe rcy . . . . . . . . . . . DEGREE FOR PROFESS IONAL WORK Electrical Engineer •• Auburn Howarth, John Monroe . . . . Pittsburgh, Pa * * * * * * * * * * GRADUATES, SU1m~R SESSION, 1924 August 28, 1924 Bachelor of Science Graduates with Highest Honor Hicks, Patterson. Sec. Education • Graduates With Honor Piedmont Thagard, Thomas Werth. • Agricul ture • • • • •• Greenville Graduates BourgeoiS, Harold Septima. • Elec. Engr. • • •• Cinclare, La Bridges, Chester Cyrus. Agriculture. • •• Notasulga Chambers, Ernest Howell. Elec. Engr. • Boa.:z: Cobb, Howard. • • • • • Elec. Engr. • ••• . Carbon Hill Fancher, Phillips Davis. General • • • Lanett Grant, Raywang T • • • Agr. Education. Guntersville, Hahn, B'red Carl. • • • • •• General •••••••• Birmingham Howell, McKinley • • • • Pharmacy. • • • • • • • Bexar Ke ller, George Morrison. Chem. Engr. • • • • •• Birmingham King , Paul • ••• • • . • El e c. Engr. • ••• Auburn Levie, Archie Wood • • Mech. Engr. • Goodwater Pirkle, James Henry. • Agr. Education ••••• Auburn Reese, John Lewis. • . Mech. Engr •••• •••• Pensacola, Fla. Roebuck, Alfred Fitz • • General •••••••• Jacksonville Sellers, Joseph Cornelius. • Agr. Education. • ••• Ramer Sellers, Thomas Jones. • Sec. Education. • • Daviston Sevv-ell, William Ervin. • • • Agriculture. •• • Sayreton Snapp, '~J i1liam Thomas. .Mech. En,gr. • • • • • • Ensley Tay lor, William CJ.yde. • • • Agr. Education ••••• Pratt Ci ty Turner, Aubrey Douglas. Sec. Education. • • Pell City Wilkes, George Byron, Jr •• Ci v. Engr .••••••• Cordele, Ga. Winter, Leonard Earl. • • • Elec. Engr ••••••• Sheffield Wood, Ernest Sanford • • Pharmacy. • • • •••• Bucatunna, Miss CERTH'ICATE IN PHA.R11ACY Harper, Lomis Barton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aarrrp Hill Executive 60mmittee Meeting July 15, 1924 At a meeting of the ExecUtive Committee of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, held in the Governon's Office at 2:30 p.m. July 15, 1924, for t he purpose of opening bids for the construction of Erskine Ramsay Engin­eering Hall, at Auburn. There was a quormn present, as follows: The Governor, Victor H. Hanson, T. D. Samford, and Harry Herzfeld. On motion of the Governor the committee proceeded to open the bids which were found to be as follows: Alternate "A': Total North-Eastern Cons. Co. Charlotte, N. C. $230, 570.00 Deduct $ 1500.00 Ho llie-Davis Ensley, Ala. 238,000.00 Add 8672.00 A. J . Kerbs 247,446.00 Add Atlanta, Ga. Allen-Artley Const. Co. 226,800.00 Deduct Atlanta, Ga. Southern Ferro Const. Co. 241,552.00 Add Atlanta, Ga. Geo. A. Clayton Co. A tlanta, Ga. King Lumber Co. Charlottesville, Va. West Point Iron Works West Point, Ga. Batson Cook Co. Atlanta, Ga. Revised bid T. L. Moudy Co. Chat tanooga , Tenn C. A. Fulghum Co. Pensacola, Fla. 241, 400.00 No change 319,800.00 Add 223,749.00 Add 230,500.00 . 229,900.00 add 242.600.00 213,967.00 Add 600.00 556.00 4046.00 5000.00 4148.00 12000.00 3650.00 oij,229,070.00 246,672.00 248,046. 00 226,244.00 245 ,598 . 00 324,800.00 227.897.00 241,'900.00, 217,637.00 135 Mr. Samford made a motion, seconded by :Mr. Hanson, that the president of t he institution be authorized to settle the "Clayton matter" and compro­mi se it in such was as may r esult to t he best advantage of the institution. The motion was carried unanimously, the v~te being as fo:blows: Yeas 4; Nays 0 Mr. Samford made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hanson that the president ·of the institution be authorized to sell t he Stoghill property in accor~ance wi th the following resolution: 136 Be it resolved by the Executive Comrrdttee of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute that the President of the College be authorized and elTlPowered to sell a tract ot parcel of land, with all build­ings and ilTlProvements thereon, in the town of Auburn, Lee County, A lab aI"ua., more particularly described as beginning at a point on the westerly margin of Gay Street, 519.7 feet measured along the westerly margin of said street, in a southerly direction from the southerly ' marginof College Street; thence running in a southerly direction along the wasterly margin of Gay Street 94. 5 . feet; t hence no rth 89 degrees and 35 minutes west 140 feet along the northerly boundary of the property of .'irs. Amelia Hodges estate; thence north 13 minutes east 93.6 feet to aroac1; thence south 89 and 57 minutes east 140 feet along the southerly margin of this road to the point of beginning. Said property being a part of the property formerly known as the ason property for the. sum of ~4900 and the assumption on the part of the purchaser of all indebtedness to the tovm of Auburn for thepav.ement fronting said property. The motion was carried unanimously, the vote being as follows: Yeas 4; Nays O. On motion of Mr. Samford, seconded by Mr. Hanson, the committee authorized the president to purchase a certain piece of property fronting the nmin college campus from the Auburn Baptist Chucrh at the best possible price, the vote being as · follows: Yeas 6; Nays O. On motion of 'r. Jamford, seconded by !~ . Hanson the commi ttee also authorized . t he pr esident to sell the Veterinary building now on the proposed Erskine Ramsay Hall site. 'rhe motion was carried as follows: Yeas 6; Nays O. Mr. Samford made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hanson, that !~ . Davis be appointed to investigate the financial responsibility of t he lowest bidder, Mr. C. A. Fulghum, and report his findings to t he committee. The motion v~s carri ed as follows: Yeas 6; Nays O. On mo tion of .Mr • amford, seconded by Mr. tianson, the comni ttee re­cessed until I\londay , July 21, at 2:30 p.m. Yeas 6; lJays O. /.--...., . 3xecutive Commi ttee Meeting July 21, 1924. A meeting of t he Executive Committee of the Boa rd of Trustees of the Alabama. Polyteclmic Institute was held at the office of Governor Brandoii, I,~o n tgomery, Al abama , July 21, 1924 . Present: Governor Br andon, Messrs. Hanson, Samford, Herzfeld, a puorum. Mr . Harry Herzfeld was named as Secretary. Archi teet Davis made a favorable report of the investigation of Cli fford A. Fulghum, l ow bidd~r, for erection of Hamsay Engineering Building at Auburn. 137 Mr. , Cli f ford A. Fulghum appeared and explained hi s ability to qualify for and complete contract. Mr. Samfo rd, speaking for the ~xecutive COmmittee, explained fully to Mr. Ful ghum what funds were in hand and some ~p 6 5 . 000 mst ye t be raised from subscriptions made for additions to the college. lV r. Fulghum said he understood this. Resolution by Mr. Hanson and seconded by :ill r. Samford, as follows: RESOLVED : That the bid of Clifford A. Ful ghum be accepted, same being the lowest reliable bid f or erection and building Ramsay ~.ngineer ing Hall and that Spright Dowell, t he President of t he A laba~ Polytechnic Institu te, be and he is authorized and empowered for and in t he name of the Alabama Poly­technic I nsti tute, to enter into contract wi th said Clifford A. Ful ghum for the bui lding , erection, and completion of the Erskine Ramsay Engine ering Hall i n accordance with contract, terms, plans and specifications made and provided by \'/arren, Knight and Davis, Archi tects, and to do and perform all t hings neces.sary to be done to consummate and e ffec tuate the erection af said build­ing ; and tha t t he alternate ItA" proposal for steel sash be adopted, the total amount of said bid of the said Cli fford A. Ful ghum bing $ 217, 637 and t he f ollowing vQted Aye: Governo r Br andon, Messrs. Hanson, ;Samford and Herzfeld, none voting in the negative. The following resolution was of fered , by Mr. Hanson and secol1ded by Mr. Samford, RESOLVED: ln recognition of the generosity and f riendship manifested by Mr. Erskine Ramsay toward the educational inte~ests of Aa.abama, and special-ly of his wonderful contribution to t he Alabama Po l y technic Institute, ~ BE IT RESO LVE~ by the Executive Commi ttee of the Boa rd of Truste es of Ov said institution tha t fur. Ramsay be re quested to p resent to the College a life N\ size painting of himself to be p laced at some ~p ropriate position in the V( Engineering Hall to bear his name, and ob ject of i nspiration to fUture genera- ~ tions of young men who receive t heir education at t his great State insti t ution. Cl Unanimously adop ted. 11' Dr. Dowell presented the recommendation of the Federal Extension Service with reference to certain changes in t he budget of the Extension Service of this Institution for the year beginning July 1, 1924. All of t hese recommendations I were adopted except t hose which contemplated changes in salary. The Chairman I ruled that the Executive Comrni ttee had no jurisdiction to increase salaries and I 138 re ferred t his phase of the watter to the matter to the next full mee t ing of the Board f or a ction. On motion of Mr. Samford, seconded by Mr. Hanson, the read j ust w~ nt of ~)propriat i ons for work by Negro Extension Agents was left to Dr. Dowell's discretion. Unanimous ly ca rried. On motion of Mr. Samford, se conded by Mr. Hanson, an additi onal non­resident scholardhip, making a total of t hree , was granted the U.D.C. Unani ­mously car ried.
title 1924 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
titleStr 1924 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7397
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7397
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7397
_version_ 1782466965774794752
spelling 1924 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic InstituteAuburn University (formerly Alabama Polytechnic Institute); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1924112 January 2, 1924. At a call meeting of the Board of Trustees held in the office of the Governor on Wednesday, January 2, 1924, at 2:30 p.m. there were present: Governor Bra.ndon and ll1essrs. Abercrombie, Rogers, Sherrod, Hanson, McDowell, Herzfeld. The purpose of the meeting was to select an architect and to authorize the preparation of plans for the Erskine Ramsay Engineering Hall. Upon motion of Mr. Hanson and seconded by Mr. Rogers the following resolu­tion was introduced and unanimously passed by the Board: "RESOLVED , that Messrs. warren, .Knight & Davis, Architects of Birmingham, be employed by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Inst itute to draw sui table plans for the Erskine Ramsay Engineering Hall, write t he specifications, superintend the construction of the building to completion and acceptance by the Board, and that their compensation for these services shall he five per cent (5%') of the total cost of the building. "RESOLVED FUR'rHER, that Spright Dowell, President of the Alabama Polytechinc Institllte, and its Chief Executive Officer, be instructed by this Boa,rd to constunma.te the contract with Messrs. Warren, Knight & Davis to perform the service covered by this resolution." Pres i dent Dowell re ported that in view of the ac t ion of the legis­l~ ture in only continuing exist ing appropriations, and the terminat ion of the gift by the General Education Board used in supplementing salaries of faculty members, and the practical conclusion of the work of: rehabili tation on t he part of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, the running expenses for the current year would show a pr obable deficit of $ 25 ,000, this amount being in addition to the expenditures for purchases of certain tracts of land on which options had been secured during the period of agitation for the removal from Auburn to Montgomery. The President aiso st ated that he had communi cated with the General Educat ion Board of 'sw York in an effort to show them the need for continuing the annual appropriation to the college. Upon motion of Dr. Abercrmobie, and seconded by Mr. Rogers, the Board requested the Governor and the State Super intendent of Education to prepare an appropriate letter and resolution, ~etting out the condition which makes the continuation of the aid necessary and to present the same to the General Education Board, either in person or by letter. The motion also provided that this committee should act jointly for the University and for Auburn, in the event it seemed desirable to the University authorities to cooperate. ( The President reported to the Trustees that he had conferred with the members of the committee on Agricultural Extension work concerning the , sale of t he sub-sta.tion at Auburn to the .Alabama Power Company for $7000. in accordance with the terms of a contract exectued by the Alabama Power Company and the Alabama Polytecrulic lnstitute on December 24, 1923. On motion the contract was approved and the Pres ident was authorized to consummate the said sale. . ./ February 22, 1924 . The board of trustees met in the office of presmdent Dowell at 1:10 o'clock, Governor Brandon presiding. Present: Governor Brandon, Mr. McDowell, Dr. Oates, Dr. Aber­crombie, Messrs. samford, Hal~y, Merrill, Herzfeld, Hanson, Henderson, Rogers, Sherrod. , , On motion of Dr. Abercrombie the Board considered the recorrmenda­tions of the President: 1. That a policy be adopted for financing the institution for the year 1924-25. On motion of Dr. Oates, President Dowell was authori zed to fix tne fees for next 595Hion 'in a.ccordance with the recormnendation presented as follows: Amount to be paid on registration: 1st semester 2nd semester College fees {:Matriculation, Incidental Library, Medical & Laboratory 35.00 Each student also degosi t a contingent fee of f~5 .00 all or a part of which is returned at the close of the sbholastic year. Non-residents of Alabama pay additional matriculation fee of $25.00 for each semester. In addi tion to these college fees each student pay the following amounts each semester for the purpose stated: Student-Activities fee Laundry (Men Students) 7.50 12.00 Class dues for session Freshman $ .50 Sophomore .75 Junior 1.00 Senior( Max . )3.50 35.00 2. That the President be instructed to withhold payment for the contractors of such an amount as will compensate for the loss of rent because of failure to have new dormitory ready in accordance with the contract. On motion of lVIr . Samford, adopted by the Board, Presi dent Dowell was authorized to settle with the contractors by deducting such sum as the President con­siders right. 3. On motion of Mr. Raley, the Board approved recormnenda.tion No.3 as follows; That the erection of a two-story shop building to house equ ipment amounting to approximately $,25,000. in value, pledged in the drive, and to provide quarters for engineering research be authorized, provided the cost is not to exceed ?13,OOO. which includes a $5000.00 cash contri­bution from the ~labama Power Company. 5. The Board adopted motion by Mr. Haley instructing the President to take such action as may be necessary to close the opti on on lots of the late Tobe Cullars. 6. That the President be instructed as to the method -of handling the paSnnent for sidewalk improvement, fronting college property. The Board adopted motion of Mr. Samford instructing :Pr esident to nake payments during a period of ten years. 7. That the Horticultural Department be relieved of the responsi­bili ty of the debt on the sweet po tato barn, t.~1,200. maximum. Approved. 8. On motion of Mr. Samford, President Dowell VJaS authorized to fix a minimum rate of not lesS than $1.00 per month per meter for supplying the people of the town ~f Auburn with electric light current, effective April 1; to fix .the schedule of rates for electric current and hear; and to consolidate light and heat on 0ne meter. 9. On motion of ~. Hanson, adopted by the boa rd, the president was instructed to continue payment of half salary to William Rousseau, aged janitor who is now unable to work. The President reco~ended tha t the Editor and Business 1~nager of the Glomerate and the Editor and business hlanager of the Pl ainsman be paid for their services $225.00 each per annum, the salary allowed student assistants. Approved on motion of Dr. Abercrombie. The Board passed the following resolution introduced by Dr. Oa t es: BE IT RESOLVED , by the Board of Trustees of the Al abama Polytechnic Institute that Spright Dowell, President of the Alabama PolytechniC .l.nstitute ~ is hereby authorized to execute bomd on behalf of the Alabama Polytechnic ' Institute in the sum of four htmderd thousand dollars ($400,000.00) to cover the value of Ordnance, Quartermaster, Signal, Engineer and other military equi pment issued by the war Department, United State Army, to units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. On mot i on of Dr. Oates the Board r equested the President to con­sider the desirabil i ty of establishing at Aubul'n a course in Sanitation. On motion of Dr. Abercrombie the President was authorized to cancel the registration of C. G. Gibson, and refund all. second semester fees less the earned part of the laundry, for the reason that sickness prevented his attending clas ses. The Bonrd took a recess at 1:40 R.M. in order that the trustees might be present at the Washington ,Birthday exercises. On motion of A~ . Haley, action was deferred on the request of Dr. Cary that II . E. Galbreath receive a U. D. C. non-residence scholarship from Mississ ;i.ppi. President Dowell stated that Dr. W. E. Hinds, who for fifteen years has been Entomologist of t he Experiment Station, having received . an offer from Louisiana State University carrying a salary and other inducements more attractive than could be made by the Alabama Polytechnic Institute had tendered his resignation with the request that he be released on April 15. On motion of Mr. Samford, Dr. Hinds' resign ation was accepted with regrets. :May 19, 1924 The board met in the office of President Dowell at 8:45 a.m., Governor Brandon presiding. Present: Governor Brandon Messrs. McDowell Samford Herzfeld Rogers Supt. Abercrombie Oates Haley Hood Sherrod Prof. A. L. Thomas, President of the First National Bank of Auburn, was notified that the Board would receive a committee from his bank at 10: 00 0 'clock. GoveEnor Brandon informed the members of the board that representatives of the press had requested that they be allowed to attend the meeting of t he trustees. As there was no objection, the newspaper representatives were admitted. The board discussed the plans and specifications for the Ramsay Engineer­ing Building as presented by Mr. John E. Davis of the firm of garren, Knight and Davis, Architects of the Building. On Motion of Mr. 1~Dowell, seconded by 1~. Hood, the architects' plans were adopted. On motion of Mr. McDowell the Board authorized President Do v~ll to paY .to Warren, Knight and DaviS, Architects of Ramsay Engineering Building, the Archi tects' commission of 3% of $250,000.00 President Dovoell gave an accurate statement of the condition of the Fund . from Which the Ramsay Building is to be financed, t he following statement being submi tted: 1. Total amount collected through alumni office from April 3, 1923 to ~~y 12, 1924 inclusive. • • •• $103,614.00 (In addition to the above is the sum of $600.00 deposi ted in Alexander City Ban}{ for Herzfeld Memorial Ho spi tal) 2. vollections made in special field work f~om December 8, 1923 to May 12, 1924 inclusive. • • 11,157.07 (Including the collections made in the special drive in Opelika the total field collections made 15, 004.74 3. All sources since field work was inaugurated un December 8, 1923 to May 12, 1924 inclusive • • • 65,446.35 (period of five months) (Deducting the Ramsay and Alabawa Power Company check for .;p25, 000 and $5,000 respectively) • 35,446.35 (Average sum collected per month since field worK was inaugarated on December 8 excluding the Ramsay and Alabama Power Company checks • • • • • 4. Approximately 1, 000 subscribers interviewed in the field, twenty-three cOtUlties in t he State visited including lontgomery, Birmingham: Mobile, and other ci ties as well as Atlanta and Columbus, Ga. 7,000.00 5. Subscribers interviewed in the field pledged orl~n­ally approximately $30,000; approximately $20, 000 was prdlmised by subscribers in addition to cash payments in field. ~~40 0 balance due on new Dormitory. 117 After full discussion of the financial situation the board adopted motion of JudgeHood authorizing Pr esident DO-Nell to advertise for bids for the construc­tion of Ramsay Dngineering BUilding 'on the basis of the plans and specifications of the architects, w ith authority to accep t or reject any or all bids. President Dowell informed the board of the steps already taken, in accor­dance wi th authori ty granted by the b oard at its February meeting, to give the college and comr:uni ty an adequate supply of water. The following motion was adopted: Resolve, that President Dowell be authorized to proceed with the const~uction of the new water plant as soon as a special committee consisting of Governor Brandon Mr. Samford and President Dowell have negotiated wi th the Mayor and Council of the town of Auburn a satisfactory and comp rehensive contract obliging the munici­pality to purchase water from the college and a t acceptable rates. Committees representing the First National Bank of Auburn and Bank of Auburn appeared before the Board and presented applications for consideration as deposi tories. On motion of Mr. Rogers, seconded by ].1r. Samford, the board res olved that ·no change in the depository would be made ,as the matter was satisfactory as now handled. President Dowell presented the matter of uniforms to the boa rd· e~laining t he difficulty wlhich the ' college has had in seCuring satisfactory "issue" uniforms. The board adopted a resolution re questing Governor Brandon to transmit through military channels to the war department the wishes of the college wi th regard to commut ation for uniforms or the issuance of new uniforms, the re quest of the col­lege to be furni shed to t he Governor in a statement prepared by Dr. Dowell. The Governor inquired if a commi ttee of Alumni was present stating that he had informed such a committee that the board w~u ld be glad to receive a c0l1D11i ttee from the Alumni at any t ime. The board unanimous ly ~proved Dr. DowelP s recol1D11endation that Pro fes sor ..,. W. Hill be granted leave of absence for advanced study from July 1, 1924 -to July 1, 1925 , without pay. The board also granted to ~r. B. F. Thomas a leave of absence to study for two months during the summer of 1924, one month on pay and one month ,7i th0ut pay. Governor Brandon, Mr. Sherrod and vr. Haley voted "no" on this motion. The boar d r ecessed until 12:15 in order that the members could attend the Alumni address delivered at 10:30 in Langdon Hall by Judge Georg~ A. Carden, Cl ass of 1882. The board resUmed its session at 12:15. ]tr. Samford moved that the budget r eco!:lIIlended by the President, including t he re-ele ction of staffs and the authority to fill any vacancies whiCh m~ occur, be a pproved by the board. The motion was adopted. 11~ The board, " on recommendation of President Dowell, elected Prof. M. J. Funchess Director of the Experimmt Station and Dean Of the College of Agriculture. On motion of Mr. Herzfeld the board directed that Prof. Funchess who was ill in a hospi tal in 1'!ont gorrery be advised by telegram Of his promotion and of the best wishes of the board for a quick recovery. A recess was taken at 1 p.m. as the members vvere guests at the Alumni Luncheon. The session :pf the board was resumed at 2:30 p.m. President Dowell stated that certain friends of the coliege had made inquiry concerning the desirability of requiring the tsudents to wear the uniform " when away from Auburn, particularly when attending athletic games. The matter was discussed but action was left to the Faculty. The board adopted the following resolution: Resolved, t hat President Dowell be authorized to borrow from the Trustees of the Alice Carr Fund the sum of apprOximately forty-ftve hundred dollars at 6% interest. The board approved" the budget proposed for the Extension Service subject to certainadjustrrents which may become necessary after .conference with the U. S. Department of .Agriculture with which the college is cooperati ng. @ The "board authorized President DOl,'lell to proceed wi th the development of Fraterni ty Row in accordance wi th a resolution previously passed by the Board. ~ The board adop ted the following resolutions: Resolved, that Dr. Spright Dowell, President of the Alabama PolyteChniC Institute, be herewith authorized to borrow from the State Department of Education the sum of fourteen thousand dollars ($14000.00) for a period of twenty years at six per cent (6%) interest, with the privilege of repaying saia loan at an earlier date if mutually satisfactory to the Alabama Polyte chnic lnstitute and the St ate Board of Education. r ~ The President called attention to the indebtedness of apprOximately $40000.00 due to the los$ of the General Education Board Fund and to the purChase of additional l and, authorized by the board. He stated that the raise in fees for 1924025 was designed to protect against going .further into debt but would not ab­sorb the present indebtedness of approximately $25000.00 The report of the commi ttee on Animal IndustrY read by 111'. Sherrod follows: "The commi ttee in Animal Industry begs leave to report that we have made as careful an i nvestigation of this branch of the college" as the limited time would p r emi t, and f ind: 1. The condition of this branch of the college is in as good condition as we (X)uld possibly expect to find it with the limi ted funds at its disposal. < " 2. We find that t his department has urgent need f or a flock of sheep ~ that will reflect credit on the college. 3. We find a pressing need for a suffi cient appropriation to purchase material for fenCing and building to separate the di~ferent breeds of cattle. A sufficient amount of land has been acquired and all that is now necessary is a small amount of funds to purChase fencing and building material so that suitable. II!:) houses and pastures ~ be constructed to separate t he dairy breeds from the beef breeds. 4. We find a first class lot of Jersey cows on official test and they all show sufficient merit to warrant the conclusion that these cows will enter the Register of Merit with creditable records. 5. We find that the college has a small breed of Guers~y cattle, consist­ing of one mature cow, three heifers and a bull. The mature cow and the bull appear to be suitable for experimmta,l purposes, but the three imnature heifers are inferior both as to breeding and individuality. We recommend that these heifers be disposed of and replaced with more suitable animals. In this connection we beg to say that we see no reason why the state should not furnish to the college from four to six good Guersey heifers from its herd of Guerseys at ' Kilby, such heifers to be selected by Prof. J. C. Grimes, Professor af Animal Industry, and it urges that this, be done at an early date. C. M. Sherrod H. Herzfeld ' Paul S. Haley" The board adopted a resolution offered by Mr. Sherrod requesting the State Board of Administration to transfer to the Anizml Industry Department of the . college from four to six good Guer,¥ey heifers from Kilby Farm, the heifers to be selected by Prof. J. C. Grimes, Professor of Animal Industry. Mr. Haley read the following report of the speciall. . commi ttee on Agricul- _ tural Extension Service: Report of Comrrdttee on Extension Service. "The purchase of Dan T. Gray's residence property, as practice house for home economics department, was approved. The expenditure of not exceeding $4000.00 .in the Poultry demonstration work was authorized. "As early as funds are available and sui table speCialists are f ound, it is recommended that .the work in Horticulture be strengthened by at least one ~n in truck gro·.ving,- also additional experts in Horti.culture that this work may receive assistance proportionate to its importance and possibilities in this state. N'm. W. Brandon Paul S. Haley H. Herzfeld, C ommi ttee" A resolution offered by Dr. Abercrombie authorizing President Dowell to take a vacation of from four to six weeks annually was adopted. The board also adopted a resolution offered by Mr. Samford extending to Dr. Dowell the thanks and appreciation of the entire board for the President's efficient work, untiring effort and self-sacrificing service to the institution throughout his administration. President Dowell thanked the board for this evidence of their confidence and expressed his appreCiation for the cooperation which the board has given him. 12U On motion of Mr. Haley, the board approved for degrees the candidates recommen­ded by the Faculty. A.motion was adopted authorizQng the executive, comrndttee to act for the Board in the award of c ntract for Ransay Engineering Building when bids are ~ received. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. B. L. Shi, Secretary, Board of Trustees. 121 Finacial s t a t ement Alabama. Pol yt eclmic Institute July 1, 1923 to April 30, 1924 COLLEGE PROPER MAINTENA1TCE May 3, · 1924 r Receipts Expenditures Balance Deficit Apprn.Defini te 149930.00 Apprn.Indefinite 12387;85 Income operations 13055.21 11atric.Regular 52522. 25 " S.School 5848 . 32 Voca. Soldiers 15549. 15 Miscellaneous 8715 . 57 258008 . 35 238827.97 19180.38 Bui 1d ing &Land 3489.99 31657.41 - - - - 28167 . 42 Building Semi- Cent . 135579.99 109688.26 25891. 73 Special Purposes 77475.04 80032.66 - - - - 2557.62 Custodial 139672.43 115006.03 24666.40 Totals 614225. 80 575212.33 69738 . 51 30725 . 04 Less Defici t 30725 . 04 39013. 47 EXPERIMENT STATION Hatch 15000. 00 11771.73 3228.27 Adams 15000.00 12436.63 2563 . 37 Local Ex. 18907.70 7719.17 11188. 53 ( \ Inv.at Aub. 9298. 57 6500.66 2797.91 58206. 27 38428 . 19 19778.08 8675 1 09 6074. 28 2600.81 66881.36 44502.47 22378 . 89 EXTENSION SERVICE Federal S. L. 156690. 28 137417. 73 19272.55 State S. L. 140000. 00 53414.26 86585 .74 Federal Sup 46511.55 37563 . 86 8947.69 Fed. Sup . Offset 22477 . 63 - - - - 22477.63 State S. L. Non-O 4011.80 16607 . 10 - - - - 12595. 30 Totals 347213.63 267480. 58 114805.98 35072. 93 Donat ions Ex.Service 75.00 75.00 - - - - I ncome Operations 9147 . 08 1001135 811.Q . 73 Tota ls 356435.71 268556.93 122951.71 35072. 93 Less Defici t 350ZZ.~3 87878 . 78 SUMMARY College Proper 614225. 80 575212. 33 39013. 47 Experiment Station 66881 . 36 44502.47 22378.89 Extension Service 356435.71 2GS!;i!;iG . 93 87878.78 r Total s 1037542.87 888271.73 149271.14 I\ilA INTENANCE ESTI N~TED FI NANCIAL C01~ ITION College Proper June 30, 1924. Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 • • • Expendi tures, July 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924. • ••••••• $258 , 008.35 • • • �� • • •• 238 , 827. 97 Balance on hand M~ 1, 1924. • • • • • • •• 19,180. 38 Es t i mated Expenditures May 1, - June 30 •��•• • • 29,030.00 Estimated Expendi tures l\fay 1 - June 30 • Estimated Def ici t June 3,0, 1924 · .. .. ACTIVIT1ES Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 •• Expenditures Jul y 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 ••••• De fi ci t M~ 1, 1924 •••••••••• Esti mated Receipts May 1 - June 30 • • • • . .· .. .. ·· .. .. Es t i mated. Ezpendi tures M~ 1, - June 30 •• . . . . . Estimated Defi ci t on June 30, 1924 • ., •• CUSTODIAL Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 • • Expenditures July 1, 1923 - April 30 , 1924 . . .· . . . · . . · ·. .. · . Bal ance on hani 1!~ . 1, 1924. • Estimated Re cei pts ~~y 1 1924. • • • • Estimated Expendi tures lay 1 - June 30 • Estimated Balance on June 30 , 1924 • • • · . . ... . . . BUILDING - SEMI-CENTElI1NIAL Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30 , 1924 ��• •• •••••••• Expendi t ures July 1, 1923 - April 30 , 1924 •••••• • •• Bal ance on hand May 1, 1924. Es timated r eceip t s n: ay 1, - June 30. · . . . . · . Estmi ated expendi tures M~ 1, June 30 •••••• · . Es t irnated Ba l ance on hand June 30, 1924. • • • • $48,210.38 72, 513. 58 24, 303 . 20 $77, 475.04 80 ,032. 66 2, 557. 62 13 . 214.25 ~~1 0 , 6 5 6. 63 15,450. 00 4,793.37 $139 , 672. 43 115, 006 . 03 24, 666. 40 19, 317. 53 5, 348 . 87 135, 579. 99 113 , 948 . 66 21, 63 1.33 36, 313. 58 57 , 944. 91 6, 577. 23 51,367. 68 ES'l'D.lATED PINAtTCIAL COIiJDITION - Continued BUI LDING & L~D - Wu SCELLAl1EOUS Receipts July 1, 1923 - April 30 , 1924 Expenditures Jul y 1, 1923 - April 30, 1924 • . . . . . Defici t May 1, 1924 •. • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimated Expendi tures May 1, .;;, June 30 • • • • • • • • • • Estimated Deficit on une 30,1924 •••••���•••••• SlITvThlTliRY Bal l?...nce - Custodial • • • • • • • • • • Balance - Building, Semi-Centennia l • Deficit - Maintenance ••••••• Defici t - Acti vi ties •• • • • • • Defi ci t - Bui 1dings and .wand Mi sc.. • . . • $ 5 , 348 . 87 . • • 51,367.78 • • 24, 303 .20 •• 4 , 793 . 37 40 , 086. 92 Estimated Net Deficit on College Proper June 30, 1924 • $ 3,489.99 31, 657.41 28 ,167 . 42 11;919 . 50 40, 086 . 92 $56,716.65 69 ,183 . 49 12 , 466 . 84 ., 1~ 4 PROPOSED BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE July 1, 1924 - June 30, 1925. College Maintenance Receipts: Appropriations, Fixed Federal Morrell State End mvme nt In lieu of Fertilizer Mai:p.tenance Sumrrer School Buildings and NJ8.int. (A.H. ) Appropriations, Indifinite Federal and State Cooperating Smi th Hughe s St. Board of Educati on - Rehab . State Kerosene Oil Tax Income from Operations Animal Husbandry Sales Horticulture " Veterinary II Interest on Lib~a±y Bonds II " Deposi ts House and Room Rent (Less Maint . 6000. ) Matriculation 30150.00 20280.00 40000. 00 45000.00 .5000. 00 12500. 00 11364. 73 600. 00 20000. 00 3500. 00 100.00 500. 00 1160.00 500. 00 10000.00 Main Session Summer Session 83000. 00 13000.00 Total estimated receipts - 152930. 00 31964.73 16760. 00 96000.00 $296554. '13 0 I / CUSTODIAL PROPOSED BUDGET l\LABA1TA POLYTECIDHC INSTITUTE Ju~y 1, 1924 - June 30, 1925. Project Athletics (Fees) Athletics (Games) Laundry Glomerata Plainsman Lectures T.M.O.A. Y.W.C.A. Freshman Class Dues Sophomore Class Dues Junior Class Dues Senior Class TIlles Scholarships Estima'ted Receipts 7, 200. 00 60,000. 00 28,000.00 7,000.00 3, 000.00 700.00 3 , 000. 00 200.00 260.00 300. 00 225.00 640. 00 5,000.00 $115 , 525.00 Esti mated' Expendi tures 7,200.00 60,000.00 28,000.00 7, 000. 00 3 , 000. 00 700. 00 3 , 000. 00 200. 00 260. 00 300.00 225.00 640. 00 5,000. 00 115,525.00 1~5 126 PROPOSED BUDGETT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE July 1, 1924 - June 30 , 1925. ACTIVITIES Project Carp en ter Shop Dormitories and Cottages Feed Stut'-fs Heat, Light and Water Picture Show Practice House R .O. ~ .C. Uniform Smi th Hall Board Student Contingent Estimated Receipts 8000.00 6 0 00~00 7000 ., 00 28500.00 20000.00 600.00 8500.00 12000.00 6700.00 97300.00. Estimated Expendi t ures 8000.00 6000. 00 7000. 00 28500.00 20000.00 600. 00 8500. 00 12000.00 -6700. 00 97.300.00 Name Allison , Fr ed Atki n son , T. P . Armstr ong, France s Armst rong ,Ki rk Beas l .ey ,Mary Basore, C. A. Bi ggi n, F. C. Bedel, Geo. Bide z , P . R. Baughman C. ' A. Bl ake, L. S. Be rney , Mrs . F. Bur~e, s on , D. J . Bu rns , F. W. B a-rt on , 1(1. D. Baker, K. G. Bell, J. P. Binford , E. E. . Boyd, F. E. n Buckne r., Conway Clark, J . B. Camack , W. A. . --C ary , C. A • Ca llan, J .A.C. Carnes, A. 4IIt Cren shaw, B. H. Covingt on , N. G. Chesnutt, S. L. Cureton, M. I. Ca l dwe l l, ill. K. -' Cowan, Leonora Dowell, Spr ight Dunn, Berta , Dunstan, A. St.C. Dr ake, J . H. Dr ake, J . V. Jr. Duncan, L. 'N. Dobb s, E. C. Dobbs, Zoe Davis, P . O ~ Duggar ,... J . F ~ Eaton , W. R. I (\ . Eddy , J os ephine Evans, Vi . A. Edward s , M. Fi tzpatrick , S. Floyd , C. M. Funchess, M. J. Fullan, M. T. PROPOSED SALARIES OF ElV1PLOYEES ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC I1qST ITU~ July 1, 1924 ~ June 30, 1925. 127 Title Sour cesf rom whi ch s a l a r ies are paid College :Exten s ion: Station : Tota l Prof.& Head Phys i cs 3200. 00 ~200 . 00 Prof .& Head Mod.Language 2700. 00 v2700 . 00 St eno. English 225 . 00 1.---225. 00 St.eno. Publi city 720. 00 V'720 . 00 Steno. Chemistry 700. 00 .;?o00. 00 As st .Prof . Chemi s try 2000. 00 2000. 00 Pro f .& Head Archi tecture 3200. 00 v3200. 00 Nu r se , 240. 00 , v240 . 00 Asst. Feed Stuff Anal y s i s and Pict ure Show 2300. 00 2300. 00 Prof .& Head Highway Engl'. 3000.00 1-3000. 00 Prof . & Head Pharmacy 2700. 00 ~7 00 . 0 0 N~ t ron Al umni Hall 900. 00 900. 00 Pr of . Agrononw 2600. 00 "2600. 00 Ass t .. Pro f . Animal Husb. 2400 . 00 ~\400. 00 Di s t r ict Agent 3150. 00 :3150. 00 Market ing Agent 3000. 00 3000. 00 Sec'y Stati on Director 300. 00 2100. 00 ~40 0 . 0 0 Di stri ct Agent 3150. 00 3150. 00 Agro~o mi s t 3000. 00 ~OOO . O O Steno Voca.. Soldi ers 1200.00 1290. 00 Read Econ omics & Sec',¥ Pre s" 33 00. 00 vZ300.00 Supt. Canebreak Stati on 600. 00 600. 00 Dean of Veterinary Dep t. 3400 . 00 600. 00 1-4000. 00 Head & Prof. Civil Engr. 2700. 00 t2'100.00 Prof. Edu cation 2000.00 ~O O . OO . Head & Pr of . Ma t hematics 3500.00 v3500. 00 As s t. Pr of. Veterinary 1650. 00 0 650. 00 Pr of. Voca. Educati on 3000. 00 05'000. 00 As st. S t a te Hone Dem. Agent 2200. 00 2200. 00 Steno. Dist. Agents 1320. 00 1320. 00 Audi tor 1500. 00 '""'1500. 00 Presiden t 6000. 00 v6000 . 00 Stenogra.pher V1350. 00 ..-1:350 . 00 Head & Prof. Elec. Engr. 3600 ... 00 b3.600. 00 Surgeon 36qO. 00 /./'3600. 00 Supt. Heat, Light andWater 1980. 00 £/'1980. 00 Di rector Ex tension 4500. 00 v-"4500 . 00 Speci al negro Een Agent 1800. 00, v1800. 00 Phys i cal Di r e ctor & I n s t r. 2700 , 00 ~.7 0 0 . 00 Agri cul tura l Edi tor 2850 . 00 300. 00 l'5150.00 Consulti ng Agr on omist 3400. 00 0'400. 00 Pro f . An. Husb & Supt . Or eam 2600 . 00 t2600 . 00 Clo t ning ' Special i st 2400 . 00 2400. 00 Prof. Engli sh 1500. 00 v1500. 00 Steno. Girsl Clubs 1080. 00 vl08 0. 00 Mi litary Supp ly O'f fi cer 450. 00 1-450. 00 Plumber 750.00 850. 00 200. 00 vrBoo. OO Dean Agric. & Exp . St §.. 400. 00 4100. 00 ~500 .0 0 Head & Pr of . Ma chine Design 3500.00 t,-3500. 00 Name Ti tle Sources from which salaries are paid College Extension Stati on Totals Gardner, W. A. Head & Prof. Botany Glenn, M. A. Treasurer Gibbons, S. H. Ni ghtwatchman & Student Asst. Grant, H. G. Alumni Secretary & Instructor Grimes, J. C. Prof. & Head A. H. Gentry, H. S. As st. Prof. Pharmacy Guyton, F. E. Prof. Entomology - Gunter, L. J. Instructor Chemist~ Gatchell, Dana Pro f . HomeEconomics Garman, ~l . D. Prof. Mech. Engr. Hare, C. L. Prof. Chemistry Hatch, J. E. Commandant Harris, A. E. Dean Women & St. H.D. Agent Harris, Mrs.E.L. Mat ron Girls' Dormi tory Hardy, Urn A. H. Specialist Hulse, F. C. Prof. Civil Engr. Hi gh, J . T. Di strict Agent Hill, W. W. Prof. Elec. Engl'. Hixon, C. R. Prof. Mech. Engl'. Horne, E. Steno. l~ iling Clerk Howard, H Specia l Negro Men Agent Hanna, L. C. Negro H. D. Agent Isbell , C. L. Prof. Horti cul ture Jackson, J. B. Analyst Jones, Louise SteIt9 , J ones, 7. S. College Poli ceman Jone s, D. T. Supt. Carpenter ShOp Johns on , Helen Asst. H. D. Agent Jones, R. B. Negro H. D. Agent Johnston, R. A. Farm Foreman Jones, R. J. Pr of. Engl iSh Judd, Z. V. Dean Ed. & SU!Il.lrerSchool Ivey, J . E. Prof. Poultry Husb. Kirldey, J. E. I nstructor English Killebrew, C. D. Prof . rua t hematics Kynette, C. M. Special Negro Boys Agent Lane, H. M. Ho ~ticultural Fore ~an LeBlron, L. C. -MIst. Agr. Engr. Lindsey, A. E. Prof. Economics ]'1iller, "'. R. Research Chemist Marti n, H. M. Asst. Pro f . Chemistry Martin, 11. E. Librarian Marsh, G. H. Pr of. Chemi stry Mauldin, E. Asst. H. Dem. Agent Mile~, L. E. Plant Pathologist McAdory , I. S. A s~t. P ro f . Veterinary McMi llan, D. R. Asst. Prof . Architecture Illont gorre ry, E. R.Prof . English Nichol's, M. L. Prof. & Head Agr. Engr . ?arrish , L. Bookkeeper Peacock , E. G. Steno. Agr. Editor Price, S.J.T. Acconntant - Petrie, George Dean Graduate St udies & Head History & La t in 2GOO ~OO 800.00 600.00 3200.00 950.00 2400.00 2100.00 1500.00 1800. 00 2400.00 3300. 00 720. 00 8'00.00 720.00 2550. 00 2700. 00 2700.00 1420.00 2200.00 900.00 2100.00 2200. 00 4000.00 1600.00 200 0.00 2600.00 300. 00 1800.00 700.00 2000. 00 1350.00 2300.00 2500.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1080.00 450. 00 4000. 00 1200.00 450. 00 2200. 00 3000. 00 3150. 00 900.00 1380. 00 1020. 00 1200.00 2700.00 1200.00 900.00 1390.00 2700.00 2200.00' 1050.00 others 700.00 1200. 00 2550.00 1200.00 v3200. 00 '-21)00. 00 600. 00 ;('1200. 00 ~ 2 00 .0 0 1650. 00 ~. OO O . O O :~OO.OO 150. QO 1-2250.00 {l500. 00 , vlSOO. OO 1'24 00.00 148 0.00 1200.00 600.00 900.00 2300.00 250. 00 18 00. 00 200. 00 500. 00 / . 2 300. 00 ~ 720. 0 0 1,.,-0000. 00 7,20.00 3000.00 v2550. 00 - 3150.00 1<f2~0 0 -. 00 I 2700.00 )..-900. 00 -' 1380 .. 00 .1020. bo t2900.00 2200.00 1200.00 V'900. 00 ;.n00. 00 2700. 00 1200. 00 ~OO.O O y2z00. 00 v4000.00 l:;-i3l00.00 v 2000.qO v2600.00 1380.00 1A200.00 J-"27 00.00 . vWOO.OO ,. 3000.00 ~2 000. 00 vl"600. 00 2300. 00 2200.00 v2S50.00 Y'~0f) . 00 V.L800.00 v1800.00 Y-BOOO. OO vl080. 00 1/1200. 06 V3000. 00 - ........ v4000. 00 ~-. Name Ti tIe Sources from which salaries are paid College Extension Station Totals Parker, F. W. Asst. ~ rof. Agronomw Pate, T. r1. Supt. Bldgs. & Grounds Patterson, F. G. Asst. Prof. Veterinat,y Pope, B. C. Custodian Powell, P . p .; Asst. Prof. Chemistry Pi tts, J . E. Instr. Math. & Coach Pearpon, M. H. Marketing Specialist Ross, B. B. Dean & Head Chemistry ~andolph, J. W. Asst. Prof. Agr. En~r . Reed, C. C. Supt . A. H. Farm P.u tl and , J . R. Pr 'of. Engli'sh Robinson, J. M. Prof. Entomology & Acting Head Reynolds, A. W. Instr. Hi story Rolfe, W. T. Asst. Prof. Architecture Rose, ,T. L. Prof. Physics " oe, J. W. Prof. 1I.iodern Language - Smi th, Elizabeth Stene I\iech. Engr. 'Saunde rs, A. illnstr. Bnglish Stearns, A. B. Steno. Bus j nes~ Office Salmon, w. D. A sst~ A. H. Sims, T. A. Asst. Boys Club Agent Sibley, J . L. District Club Agent Steele, Saraa Steno. Registrar Shi, B. L. Registrar & Prof. Mathematics Sizemore, E. Chief Clerk, Extension Suggs, R. S. A sst. - Prof~ - Veterinary -Stivers, E. D. Prof. VOGa. Education , Simms, Harry Negro Mep District Agent .Sonneday, Dora Asst. Dist. H. D. Agent Taylor , Rupert Dean & Head English . Tidmore, J . 'ir. In?tructor Agrononw Tisdale, H. B. Pla.nt Bree<;'l-er \ • Thomas, A. L. Mgr. Picture Show & Prof. Machine Design Physician Prof. Horre Economi cs Asst. Accountant Ass t. Home De'm. Agent Thomas , B. F. ThoniPson, H. M. Trapp , J. H. Tappan, G. Unde rwood, R. Wiatt, Mrs. J . S. InstrLlctor Mathematics . Ware, L. M. 'Nilmore, J. J . Winslett, I. '.'licker, Elba E . Clerk, Re gistrar Instructor Horticulture Dean & Head Mech. Engr. Sten~ . Education Steno. Girls' Club !inston, ',V. O. District ' Agent .lilliam.son, J. T.Agricul~llriSt . Williamson, M. D.Steno. Entomology (\:, ---...Z, eliff, C. C. Asst. Prof. Botan-~""T . ~ - Vacant Vacant 'Vacant Vacant Vacant Va cant, Vacant Instructor Math Instructor Civil Engr. Designer & Phys Training Instructor Mach. Design Instructor Mech. Engr. Asst. Bookkeep~r Y.M.C.A. Director 300.00 2300.00 ~600.00 '1500.00 ,~500.00 1650. 00 -/A650 . 00 2200.00 f:2£00 .00 2200.00 L.---£200.00 3750.00 v97,50 . 00 3000.00 3000.00 4000. 00 v4000. 00 2150 . 00 250.00 £..13400 . 00 1480.00 200.00 ;-1680.00 2950. 00 vz95 0. 00 2500.00 ~5 0 0. 0 0 2200.00 v-£200.00 2400.00 v2400. 00 1800.00 vi800.00 2000. 00 t--2000.00 1080.00 0"080. 00 500. 00 V 500. 00 424.00 436 . 00 220.}}0 a080.00 2400.00 ~OO .. OO 2700.00 2700.00 3000.00 3000.00 •· .. 1080.00 L-I080.00 t..--3300.00 ~300.00 2700.00 2700.00 2000. 00 eooo.oo 3000. 00 v3000.00 2016.00 2016. 00 2400.00 2400.00 4000.00 l?4D00. 00 1950.00 250.00 .-..e200.00 250 0. 00 ~00 . 00 2900.00 v2900. 00 2400.00 y2400 . 00 2250.00 v--2250 . 00 175.00 175.00 87 . 50 -437.50 2400.00 2400.00 2400. 00 ,..£'400. 00 v 84 0 . 00 v840 . 00 1900.00 yl-900.00 4000. 00 vrOOO . OO 1020. 00 .AD20.00 1200.00 1200. 00 3150.00 ~ 150.00 260p.00 ~6 qO .00 1850.00 1140.00 vJ;140.00 .,/.l850.00 1700.00 Y1700.00 1000.00 t..-3:000.00 1800.00 ~ 1800.00 600.00 00.00 1500.00 v1500.00 1080.00 y-l080.00 3900.00 3000.00 130 St udent Ass i stants Dep artment Number Amount Phys i cs 1 A 50.00 ~ Mechani cal Engr. 3 . v540. 00 0 Mach . Design 1 'v225.00 • Horti c'.:ll ture 4 1/1650.00 Ent omo l ogy ""700. 00 Engl ish 1 v225 . 00 Elec. Engr. 2 (1050.00 Radio 2 195 . 00 Civil Engr. 1 v100 . 00 ehemi s t ry 3 v500. 00 Botany 2 / 450.00 Hi ghWa:y Engr. 1 v 60 . 00 His tory & La t i n 2 450.00 Libr a ry 1100.00 Mat hematics 1 175 . 00 .. Graduates May 20, 1924 DEGREE Baehelor of Science Graduates with Highest Honor Brow-D, William Phillips • Co llins, Mil ton WJassey. Hagerman, Osie Saxon. • • • • • • Kling , August John. • • • • • • • McKinnon, John Curtis • • • • • • Nunn, Robert Alexander. • •• Price, Val •••••••• Sewe l l, William Haxdey. • • • •• Timb erlake, Phil Samuel •• General •• Elec. Engr ••••• General • • • • • • Elec. Engr. • • Elec. Engr. • • • • Agr.Education • • • Elec. Engr •• El ec. Engr •• El e c.Engr • . . . . . Graduates with Honor Allen, Roland ~llison • • • • 11ech. E ngr. • • •• Brown, Jul ian. • • • • • • • • • Agri cuI ture • • • • Chambers, Duke Merriwell. •• •• Mech. Engr •• Davis, Clyde O •••••• Dickinson, Robert Charles •• Agr.Education • • •• Elec. Engr. • • •• •• Agri cuI ture • • • • Sec. Education. ��� • Gibbons, S. Howard •••••• Hicks, -itJilliam L ••••••• Holman, Frank Louis • • • • • • • Howard, Percy Harry • • • • • • • Johnson, Joseph Thoreau • • • LeBron, Otto K •••••••••• Levy, Edward Jefferson. • • • Mead, Daniel Lewis •••••••• Medlock, Olin Campbell. • • • • • Naff, George ':i:ip ton • �� • •• Orr, Frank Marion, Jr • • • • • • OWen, James Robert • • • • • • • Pate, \Villiam Wesley ••••••• Phillips, George' Wendell. • • • • S·tevenson, Joe Wilson • • • • Swango, Beverly Holmes ••• ••• Taylor, Robert Wooddy • • • • Vliatt, John Edward, Jr •••••• Elec. Engr. • ••• Civ. Engr ••••• Elec. Engr ••••• Me ch. Engr ••• Elec.Engr ••••• Ci v. Engr •• Agriculture •••• Civ. Engr •• Arch. Engr. • General • • • • • • Agr. Education. • • Civ.Engr •• •••• Elec. Engr • • ••• Elec. Engr. • • • • Agriculture •• Elec. Engr. Gradua tes Auburn Ozark Opelilm Mobile Talladega Springs Loachapolra Florala Tarrpa,Fla. Stevenson Ward Yantley Sheffield Dadeville Brundidge Auburn Opelika Yorlr Carbon Hill Neltonsville \7etumpka Girard Selma .Albertville Bastrop, La. LaGrange, Ga. Bessemer Paul Eupora, :Mi ss Notasulga Birmingham Buff alo Aubu I"'I1 Almgren, Fred Justin •• • • •• Mech. Engr. • • •• Fairfield Anderson, Dorothy • • • • • • General ". • • • • • Newbern Apperson, Mary Julia. • • • • Sec. Education. Eclectic Barry, Paul Prui tt. • • • • Pharmacy ••••• - . M:ontgomery Bartle t t, Elmer weaver. El ec. Engr. • • •• Lineville -Basore, John William. • • ��� • •• Mech.Engr...... Birmingham Bates, Bascom Anquest • • • • •• Ci v. Engr •••••• Montgomery Beasley, Yalter Gordon, Jr. • Civ.Engr • • • ••• Samson Berlin, Israel Lionel • • • • • • El ec. Engr. • • • • West Blocton Bostick, William Hollis ••• _. • Agr.Edueation. •• Guin Boyd, Clary Paul. • • • • • • • • Agriculture... • Auburn Browne, J ames Marvin ••••••• Cammaclr, Ralph \Valdo. • • • • • • Champion, )lilliam Perry • • • • • Chapman, vVheeler Elliott ••••• Elec. Engr. • • • • Agr. Education. • • Bee. Education. • • Ci v.Engr •••••• Auburn Grove Hill Auburn Enterprise 1 ~1 Cooke, Herbert Earl • • • Cox, Preston Arthur ••••• C re e I, Eugene Ma tthews. • • • Curtis, Harry • •••••• Douglas, Garvey Dixon • • • • Dowdell, William Oliver ••• Dowdy, Rufus Brown. • • • • • Duke, Andrew Jesse. • • ••• Earnest, Chloe •••••••• Ed~ards, Evans Lavert •••• Fleming, William Yancey ••• Ford , Ross Vext on •••••• Foreman, Clyde ':lesley • • • • Fowle 1' -, Henry Eugene ••• ~ulton , Adelbert Graham ••• Gibbs, Samuel John •••• Goleman , Al bert Syaney •••• Goodwyn, 71illiam Bibb • • Grimley, Kenneth william ••• Guy , Wi lliam Vinson • • Halfman, Errrnett ',7illiam • Ha mi lton, James E ..••••• Hanlin,Frank kirby ••••• Hare, Hugh Frederick ••••• Harri son, Joseph Lawrence • • Harvey, Jesse Ester • • Hawkins, William Burgin ••• He a th, -::-rilliarJl Preston •• Hendley , Flavius Joseph . Holman, Henderson Looney , Jr. Horn, Newton Yeager • • • • • Horne, J ohn • • • • • • • • • Housel, Leslie Raymond •• Hovilell , Lucius Benton •••• J ones, Her man D ••••••• L~~bert, James Ernest •••• Lambert, Robert Eu gene , Jr •• Leath , Alonzo Sylvester, Jr • Livingston, B er~ice Puckett. McCa rl ey , Thomas Earl • • • • 1,lcCu tche on, '.7al ter Ponder McDaniel, Reuben Levi • • • • McLean , John Ernest ••• :Manley , Ge orge Edward • • • • lJa. t thews , ':li lliam Elliott •• Meek , Alfred Edgmont •• Mellen, Henry Levi. • • • Mille 1', Henry Knox. • • • • • Agrioulture ••••• 'Agr. Education. • •• Agr. Education. Elec. Eng r. · .. .. Mech. Eng r •• Pharmacy ••••• Me ch . Engr. • . ••• General ~ • • • • • • General • • • •• Elec . Engr. • • • Sec. Education. • • • Agr. Education. • • • General • . ' . • • • • Agri culture • • Agr. Educat i on. • • • Agr. Education. • • • Archi tecture ••••• High. Engr. , •• Civ. Engr •••••• Elec. Engr. • • • Elec. Engr. • • • Agr. Edu cation. • • • Elec. Engr. • • • Pharmacy ••••••• El ec. Engr. • • • • • Agr. Education. • • • General ••••••• Elec . Engr ••• Elec., Engr •• Archi tecture •• · . . Elec. Engr. • . . . . Meclo1..Engr •• · Elec. Engr. • • • Arch. Engr. • Chern. Engr. • • • • • Agriculture Agricul~ure ••••• Agri cuI ture • • • • • Agr. Education. Agr. Education. .b! l ec. Engr ••• Agricul ture • • • • • Agr. Education •••• Mech. Engr. • •••• Elec. Engr ••• Agri cuI ture • • • • • General ••••• El e c. Ene I' ••• Morgan , Sam . • • •••• Agr . Educa tion •• Morriss, Frank Howard. Morr is., Jesse Edwin ••• • . .Mech. Engr. • • Mo sley , John Erskine . • • • • Mae ley, Wi lli am Kelly • • • • Naftel , Lee Albert Newman, Henry Floyd • • Agr. Education. Elec. Engr ••• Elec. Engr. • • • • • Chern. Engr •• El ec. Engr •••••• o rum, Gtistavus A •••• " ••• Agriculture ••••• Auburn Hackleburg Varrior Auburn Cordova Auburn Florence 13 i rmingham AU-burn Clanton Opelika Hamilton Mobile Uniontovm Dadeville Auburn Whistler Montgomery Fairhope Mon tgomery Montgomery Rogersville Sheffield Las Cruces, N. M. Montgomery Rogersville Birmingham Opelika Livings t on Ozarl{ Mon tevallo Ensley Lathrop Iriarion Dothan Darlington Da rlington , Auburn Auburn Lamar B i rmi ngham Dozier Stroud Bi rmingham Mont gomery Idana, Kan. Livingston Monticello, Fl a . Brantley Talladega Ta lladega Lockhart Pensac ola, Fl a . Auburn LaF~ette Midway Owen, ·-Tillis Lawt on • • • Patriclc, Irving ••••••• Powe, Robert McKee • . Reagan, Frank Alexander • Roberts, Andrew Jaclc •• Russell, Roy Otis ••• Scalco , Vincent Augtlstin. • • Schaub, Alex McKay ••• Scott, Ernest De~i t t ••••• Semmes , Oliver J ohn Jr •• Shelley , Levie Hi ghtower ••• Sherling, Edward Creech • • • Simps on , Robert Lee ••• Smi th , Charles Mil t on, "Jr Spann, Jerome lHlen • • • St ewart , Pauline •••• Stockel berg, Frank Kevan. • • Stoclcelber g , J ohn Gerald. Striplin, Elizabeth Oramantor Swanson , Al gert Rich. • Sweet, Henry ·,7. • . • • • Tapscott, Leldon Hunt er . Tatum, Ruth Zuber •••••• Taylor, Margar et. • . • Taylor, Owen L. • • • • Turner, Warren Ca ndler. • Wa rfi eld, Ralph Henry • • • • Warner, Clarence Wilber ••• I.Vhi taker, Roy Bai rd •• yrilbur, Mar garet Ellen. Winston, Charles Henry, Jr •• Wise, Helen. • • •••• ':7ood, William Thorington. Woodruff , Lloyd · . Woolley , Mary • • • · . Agri cu I ture • • • • • • Agr. Education . • • • • . r\~ecb. Engr •••••••• Aer. Educati on . • • • • Mech . Engr ••••••• Agriculture •••• Chern. Engr. • • •• General • • • • • • E l e c . Eng r . • • • •• .• Ci v. Engr ••• Ci v. Engr • • • �� • • • General • • • • • • • • Mech. Engr •• Chern. Engr . General • • • • • • • • SeQ. Education. • • • • Elec.Engr •••••••• Ci v. Engr. • • • • • •• Home Economics ••• •• Elec. Engr •• Agriculture ••• Agriculture • • • • • • Gene ral ••• General • • • El e c . Engr . . . . . . . -",lec. Engr •• Civ. Engr •• Ele c . Engr. . . . Agri cu l ture •••••• Home Economi cs •• Agri cu lture • General • • •• General • • • • • Sec. Education. Sec. Education. . . . . . DOCTOR OF VETIm INARY MEDICnTE Ashland Vinemont Silas Delta ·7adley Hartsell Birmingham Eufaula Cropwell Pensacola, Fla. Eufaula Greenville Vvashington, D. C. ~.10n t gone ry Dothan Florence . Ancon, Panama Ancon, Panana Huntsville Gadsden Bessemer Fa lkville Auburn Auburn Pratt City Roanoke Por tsmouth, N. H. Jackson PaintRock Plaquemine, La. Gei ger Auburn Mon t gomery Greenville Auburn Clarke, Frank Ashton. • TIllr r, Eddie Harry • • • • Graves , Hobson William. Grif in, Davi s Vhatley •• · . . . . .. .. . Wa l ding, Grover C. • �� 'Yilliamson, Arthur H •••• . . . · . . · . . . . . . .· .. · . Andalusia Brookhaven, Miss Pageland, S. C. Birmingham Midland City Auburn PHARMACEUT I CAL CHEMI ST Smith, Olin Virgil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gfu\DUATE IN PHARMACY (Ph. G) Hixon, Sp3. rks • • • • . . . . . . · . . . . . . CERTIFICATE IN PHARMACY Cox, William hlerrill. • LeGrand, ·,7illiarn Homer, · . . . . . . Jr •••• · . . . . GRADUATE DEGREES 1mster of Science Brooks, Paul P . B ••••••••••• Farrell, Oscar Beauchamp • Godwin, Rufus B ranwe 11 • • • . . . DavIson Dothan Louisville Mon t gomery • I\:ont gomery • Meridian, Miss Americus, Ga • Ki rkley, Bertha • •• • • • • • • • Livings ton, Clare Weaver • ••••• • • • • • Huntsville, Tex. • • • • • • Auburn 133 134 Tatum, Colonel David. • • • • • • • • • • • • Centerville Tidmore, James ·Vallace • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Auburn Wri ght, Barbara •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • Auburn PROFESSIONAL DEGREE IN COURSE Mechanical Engineer McDonald, Ernest Pe rcy . . . . . . . . . . . DEGREE FOR PROFESS IONAL WORK Electrical Engineer •• Auburn Howarth, John Monroe . . . . Pittsburgh, Pa * * * * * * * * * * GRADUATES, SU1m~R SESSION, 1924 August 28, 1924 Bachelor of Science Graduates with Highest Honor Hicks, Patterson. Sec. Education • Graduates With Honor Piedmont Thagard, Thomas Werth. • Agricul ture • • • • •• Greenville Graduates BourgeoiS, Harold Septima. • Elec. Engr. • • •• Cinclare, La Bridges, Chester Cyrus. Agriculture. • •• Notasulga Chambers, Ernest Howell. Elec. Engr. • Boa.:z: Cobb, Howard. • • • • • Elec. Engr. • ••• . Carbon Hill Fancher, Phillips Davis. General • • • Lanett Grant, Raywang T • • • Agr. Education. Guntersville, Hahn, B'red Carl. • • • • •• General •••••••• Birmingham Howell, McKinley • • • • Pharmacy. • • • • • • • Bexar Ke ller, George Morrison. Chem. Engr. • • • • •• Birmingham King , Paul • ••• • • . • El e c. Engr. • ••• Auburn Levie, Archie Wood • • Mech. Engr. • Goodwater Pirkle, James Henry. • Agr. Education ••••• Auburn Reese, John Lewis. • . Mech. Engr •••• •••• Pensacola, Fla. Roebuck, Alfred Fitz • • General •••••••• Jacksonville Sellers, Joseph Cornelius. • Agr. Education. • ••• Ramer Sellers, Thomas Jones. • Sec. Education. • • Daviston Sevv-ell, William Ervin. • • • Agriculture. •• • Sayreton Snapp, '~J i1liam Thomas. .Mech. En,gr. • • • • • • Ensley Tay lor, William CJ.yde. • • • Agr. Education ••••• Pratt Ci ty Turner, Aubrey Douglas. Sec. Education. • • Pell City Wilkes, George Byron, Jr •• Ci v. Engr .••••••• Cordele, Ga. Winter, Leonard Earl. • • • Elec. Engr ••••••• Sheffield Wood, Ernest Sanford • • Pharmacy. • • • •••• Bucatunna, Miss CERTH'ICATE IN PHA.R11ACY Harper, Lomis Barton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aarrrp Hill Executive 60mmittee Meeting July 15, 1924 At a meeting of the ExecUtive Committee of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, held in the Governon's Office at 2:30 p.m. July 15, 1924, for t he purpose of opening bids for the construction of Erskine Ramsay Engin­eering Hall, at Auburn. There was a quormn present, as follows: The Governor, Victor H. Hanson, T. D. Samford, and Harry Herzfeld. On motion of the Governor the committee proceeded to open the bids which were found to be as follows: Alternate "A': Total North-Eastern Cons. Co. Charlotte, N. C. $230, 570.00 Deduct $ 1500.00 Ho llie-Davis Ensley, Ala. 238,000.00 Add 8672.00 A. J . Kerbs 247,446.00 Add Atlanta, Ga. Allen-Artley Const. Co. 226,800.00 Deduct Atlanta, Ga. Southern Ferro Const. Co. 241,552.00 Add Atlanta, Ga. Geo. A. Clayton Co. A tlanta, Ga. King Lumber Co. Charlottesville, Va. West Point Iron Works West Point, Ga. Batson Cook Co. Atlanta, Ga. Revised bid T. L. Moudy Co. Chat tanooga , Tenn C. A. Fulghum Co. Pensacola, Fla. 241, 400.00 No change 319,800.00 Add 223,749.00 Add 230,500.00 . 229,900.00 add 242.600.00 213,967.00 Add 600.00 556.00 4046.00 5000.00 4148.00 12000.00 3650.00 oij,229,070.00 246,672.00 248,046. 00 226,244.00 245 ,598 . 00 324,800.00 227.897.00 241,'900.00, 217,637.00 135 Mr. Samford made a motion, seconded by :Mr. Hanson, that the president of t he institution be authorized to settle the "Clayton matter" and compro­mi se it in such was as may r esult to t he best advantage of the institution. The motion was carried unanimously, the v~te being as fo:blows: Yeas 4; Nays 0 Mr. Samford made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hanson that the president ·of the institution be authorized to sell t he Stoghill property in accor~ance wi th the following resolution: 136 Be it resolved by the Executive Comrrdttee of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute that the President of the College be authorized and elTlPowered to sell a tract ot parcel of land, with all build­ings and ilTlProvements thereon, in the town of Auburn, Lee County, A lab aI"ua., more particularly described as beginning at a point on the westerly margin of Gay Street, 519.7 feet measured along the westerly margin of said street, in a southerly direction from the southerly ' marginof College Street; thence running in a southerly direction along the wasterly margin of Gay Street 94. 5 . feet; t hence no rth 89 degrees and 35 minutes west 140 feet along the northerly boundary of the property of .'irs. Amelia Hodges estate; thence north 13 minutes east 93.6 feet to aroac1; thence south 89 and 57 minutes east 140 feet along the southerly margin of this road to the point of beginning. Said property being a part of the property formerly known as the ason property for the. sum of ~4900 and the assumption on the part of the purchaser of all indebtedness to the tovm of Auburn for thepav.ement fronting said property. The motion was carried unanimously, the vote being as follows: Yeas 4; Nays O. On motion of Mr. Samford, seconded by Mr. Hanson, the committee authorized the president to purchase a certain piece of property fronting the nmin college campus from the Auburn Baptist Chucrh at the best possible price, the vote being as · follows: Yeas 6; Nays O. On motion of 'r. Jamford, seconded by !~ . Hanson the commi ttee also authorized . t he pr esident to sell the Veterinary building now on the proposed Erskine Ramsay Hall site. 'rhe motion was carried as follows: Yeas 6; Nays O. Mr. Samford made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hanson, that !~ . Davis be appointed to investigate the financial responsibility of t he lowest bidder, Mr. C. A. Fulghum, and report his findings to t he committee. The motion v~s carri ed as follows: Yeas 6; Nays O. On mo tion of .Mr • amford, seconded by Mr. tianson, the comni ttee re­cessed until I\londay , July 21, at 2:30 p.m. Yeas 6; lJays O. /.--...., . 3xecutive Commi ttee Meeting July 21, 1924. A meeting of t he Executive Committee of the Boa rd of Trustees of the Alabama. Polyteclmic Institute was held at the office of Governor Brandoii, I,~o n tgomery, Al abama , July 21, 1924 . Present: Governor Br andon, Messrs. Hanson, Samford, Herzfeld, a puorum. Mr . Harry Herzfeld was named as Secretary. Archi teet Davis made a favorable report of the investigation of Cli fford A. Fulghum, l ow bidd~r, for erection of Hamsay Engineering Building at Auburn. 137 Mr. , Cli f ford A. Fulghum appeared and explained hi s ability to qualify for and complete contract. Mr. Samfo rd, speaking for the ~xecutive COmmittee, explained fully to Mr. Ful ghum what funds were in hand and some ~p 6 5 . 000 mst ye t be raised from subscriptions made for additions to the college. lV r. Fulghum said he understood this. Resolution by Mr. Hanson and seconded by :ill r. Samford, as follows: RESOLVED : That the bid of Clifford A. Ful ghum be accepted, same being the lowest reliable bid f or erection and building Ramsay ~.ngineer ing Hall and that Spright Dowell, t he President of t he A laba~ Polytechnic Institu te, be and he is authorized and empowered for and in t he name of the Alabama Poly­technic I nsti tute, to enter into contract wi th said Clifford A. Ful ghum for the bui lding , erection, and completion of the Erskine Ramsay Engine ering Hall i n accordance with contract, terms, plans and specifications made and provided by \'/arren, Knight and Davis, Archi tects, and to do and perform all t hings neces.sary to be done to consummate and e ffec tuate the erection af said build­ing ; and tha t t he alternate ItA" proposal for steel sash be adopted, the total amount of said bid of the said Cli fford A. Ful ghum bing $ 217, 637 and t he f ollowing vQted Aye: Governo r Br andon, Messrs. Hanson, ;Samford and Herzfeld, none voting in the negative. The following resolution was of fered , by Mr. Hanson and secol1ded by Mr. Samford, RESOLVED: ln recognition of the generosity and f riendship manifested by Mr. Erskine Ramsay toward the educational inte~ests of Aa.abama, and special-ly of his wonderful contribution to t he Alabama Po l y technic Institute, ~ BE IT RESO LVE~ by the Executive Commi ttee of the Boa rd of Truste es of Ov said institution tha t fur. Ramsay be re quested to p resent to the College a life N\ size painting of himself to be p laced at some ~p ropriate position in the V( Engineering Hall to bear his name, and ob ject of i nspiration to fUture genera- ~ tions of young men who receive t heir education at t his great State insti t ution. Cl Unanimously adop ted. 11' Dr. Dowell presented the recommendation of the Federal Extension Service with reference to certain changes in t he budget of the Extension Service of this Institution for the year beginning July 1, 1924. All of t hese recommendations I were adopted except t hose which contemplated changes in salary. The Chairman I ruled that the Executive Comrni ttee had no jurisdiction to increase salaries and I 138 re ferred t his phase of the watter to the matter to the next full mee t ing of the Board f or a ction. On motion of Mr. Samford, seconded by Mr. Hanson, the read j ust w~ nt of ~)propriat i ons for work by Negro Extension Agents was left to Dr. Dowell's discretion. Unanimous ly ca rried. On motion of Mr. Samford, se conded by Mr. Hanson, an additi onal non­resident scholardhip, making a total of t hree , was granted the U.D.C. Unani ­mously car ried.Auburn University Board of Trustees19241920sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1875-1929: The New South EratextpdfBOT_1924.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1924This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7397