1923 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1923BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING February 22, 1923 The Board of Trustees met in the office .of the President at 11 a. .m. Governor Brandon presiding. The roll call spowed all members present except Messrs. Herzfel d and HOOd. who had written President D...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7396
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1923BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING February 22, 1923 The Board of Trustees met in the office .of the President at 11 a. .m. Governor Brandon presiding. The roll call spowed all members present except Messrs. Herzfel d and HOOd. who had written President Dowell that important business engagements' preuented their a ttendance. Governor Brandon directed that the name of Mr. Henderson be substi­tuted for that of J\~r. Feagin on standing committees of the Board. On motion of Mr. Rogers,which was adopted, it was agreed that the president should not read his entire report, but only the summary and recom­mendations. The Board then considered the recommendations of the president as follows: 1. On motion of ~.:r. Rogers, Mr. T. D. Samford of Opelika was unanimously elected to represent the Alabama olytechnic Institute on the State Council of Education. follows: 2 . The Board adopted the president's second recommendation as '\ "That plans for a fraternity row and a faculty roil be approved, and ) that methods be formulated whereby the college may a.ssist frater­nities and faculty members in providing houses of approved type." ./ Mr. 'rerry asked to be recorded as voting "no" on t his resolution. On motion of Mr. Rogers, which was adopted, the following special Committee waa appointed with full power to act in formulating pl ans and pro­viding houses for fra ternities and members of the faculty authorized in the above resolutions: Gov:ernor Br andon, Lt. Governor McDowell, Supt. bercrombie, J\:r. Samford, I'.1r. Henderson and President Dowell. 3. On motion of Mr. Haley, the Board unanimously adopted the third recommendation of t he president, as follows: "Tha t the resident be au thorized to insti tute condemnation proceed­ings whenever it may be deemed advisable in carrying forward plans for a Grea ter uburn". 4 . On mo tion of Mr . Sherrod the Board unanimously adopted tqe pre si ­dent's fourth recommendation amended to read as follows: "That an assi stant to Dr . Drake ·be employed at a sa l a ry not to exceed $2400 per year beginning April 1, 1923, such assistant also to be charged with improvement of. sanitary conditions in and about the college and the physical examinations of students Mr. Samford moved that the Board authorize the College Physician to appoint his ass istant . In t he discussion president Dowell expl ained tha t it is the policy of the college to have heads of departments nominate their . assistants. Mr. samford then amended his motion and it was adopted a s follows: 75 v Resolved, that the president be hereby authorized to employ the assistant to the college physi cia.n authorized above. 5. Dr. P.bercrombie moved that the resignation of Coach M. J. Donahue be accepted and that a special committee composed of Messrs . samford, oates and Terry be authorized to prepare appropriate resolutions concen1ing the long and satisfactory service of 1~r. Donahue as coach at Puburn, said resolu­tions to be filed with the Secretary of the Board. Adopted (: 6. On motion of Mr . McDowell, seconded by Mr . Samford and others, the Board directed that the girls' dormi tory .be named Thach Hall in memory of the late Dr. Charles Coleman Thach, President of the College from 1902 to 1920. 7. The Board then adopted the president's seventh reco~ne ndation as follows: rt'rhat the position of Di rector of Student Activities is hereby crea ted and that the ~resident is authorized to secure a suitable man for this position beg i nning July 1, 1923.". The President indicated that .this officer would be bonded and that his salary would not exceed that of other Directors of the institution. 8 . The Board passed a motion by Mr . Rogers authorizing the President of the college to deposit a tnletic funds and t he funds of all .other student acti vities with the general funds. of the insti tution, beginni.ng July ~. 1923. On motion of Dr. Oa tes, which was adopted . by the Board, tne president , Of the college was authorized to expend for snnitation $1000. if neces sary, from the appropriation for Buildings and Grounds. 9. Mr. Terry moved that the Board accept the proposal of Julian Kendrick of Birmingham to visit the institution and study the problems of wnter suppl y and sewerage and make recommendations, the compensation to be $100. and necessary expenses . On motion of Mr. Haley, :£1.11'. Terry's. motion was l a id on the table. 10. The Board then adopted the following resolution offered by Dr . Oates: Re solved, that the president of the college be authorized to reauest the State Board of Health to send sanitary engineers to Auburn to make a scientific survey of the water, sewerage and sanitary conditions of the college and community and to make appropriate recommendations. Adopted. The Board reques ted the president to send the Governor a copy of the letter to the State Board of Health in order that the Governor might use his influence in securing prompt ac t ion on the request. ) 11. The Board adopted a. resolution offered by Mr . Samford expressing official appreciation of the distinguished service rendered the College by f\ Messrs. Victor H. Hanson, Erskine Ramsay, and Charles F. Del3<lrdeleben of' Birmingham in cOllllection with t he Greater Auburn Campaign. See pages 78 and 79. Mr. Terry brought to the attention of' the Board a letter from Albert M. Warnock of Birmingham making appli ca tion for refund of $24 . 25 , the ba lance of fees which wa s not returned when he submitted his resignation on September 15 . Member s of the Board generous l y cont ribu t ed t his amount personally, feeling that it .would be unwise for the college to va ry from the r egul a tions which permit the r efund of only contingent and l aundry f ees in case a student re s i gns after the f i rst week of a semester. , Mr . Rogers moved t ha t the Board authorize the president to enter i nto contract with t he town of Auburn for paving the s t r eets abutting college pro­perty. Adopted. An applica tion from class of ficers requesting that t he Board au thorize the collection of class dues by the college when a s tudent registers wa s referred to the Executive Council of the Faculty with full power to act. 1\.11'. Haley voted "no" on this motion . Governor Henderson discussed briefly the i mportance of pr acti cal agriculturnl education and sue;ges ted a spec i a l cour se for mature f a rmers not to exceed one-year in length, the ins truction to i nclude pr ac tical work in agri­culture, and rel a ted subjects. President Dowell r ecognized t he merit of the. suggestiol'? and r eq uested Mr. Henderson to write a letter se t ting out his ideas at length for the considera t i on of the f aculty. Dr. Oates stressed the importance of educating the legisla ture and people of the s t a te in regard to the t hree distinct types of work carried on at Auburn,- (1) Resident teaching, (2) experimenta ti on and (3) extension work. In view of the f act tha t the t hree-year period for which ?reside nt Dowell was elected will expire on June 30, 1923, the ma tter of elec t i ng a president wa s cons idered. On motion of Dr. Aberc rombie, Pr esident Dowell wa s r eelected Pres ident of the Alabama Polyte chniC lpst i tute beginning July 1, 1923. t he term t o be inde f inite in accordance with t he general pr ac tice. The Board then ado pted Mr . Ha ley 's mot i on tha t t he se s s ion adjourn to meet aga in, on May 14, 1923. B. L . Shi , Secretary Board of Tr ustees. 7M RESOLUTIONS IN APPREC IATION OF THE GENEROUS SERVI CE of Mr. Chas. F. DeBardeleben. The Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute wish to express their g reat apprecia tion and by these resolutions to decla.re t heir l as ting gr a titude to Mr . Charles F. De Bardeleben for his untir i ng and generous service to t his ins t itution i n the Gr eater Auburn campa ign. Without disparagement to any friend of Auburn, but .with gr a te ful a pprecia tion of the servi ce and con tr i bution of each one, we feel tha t we should record a cordial expr ession of t hanks to t he Genera l Chairman of the Grea ter Auburn Semi-Centenial campa i gn for the signa l service whi ch he has performed a t such a gr ea t personal sacri fice and expendi ture of time and labor. lYe feel t ha t he ha s by this except i ona l servi ce manifested a peculia r interest in the success of t his i ns t i tution which has caus ed him to s tudy and which will in the future cause him to study its needs and its pos s ibilities and its cla ims upon the poeple and the St ate for grea ter support; and as a Board of Trustees, deeply i nterested in the future growth and grea tness of the college, we s hall be gl ad a t a.ll times to have the benefit of. his Wide and helpful counsel and advi ce whenvere he may feel di sposed t o offer it. RESOLUTIONS IN APPRECIATI ON OF THE SIGNAL SERVICE of Mr. Victor H. Hanson. ' The Board of Trustees of the Al a bama Polytechnic Institute wish to express their great apprecta tion, and by these resolutions to decla.re their l as ting gr a titude to 1.11'; Victor H. Hanson for his s i gnal s ervice and his generous friendship to the cause of education and to this '. insti tl~ tion pa rticularly, and to say ' to him, tha t we welcome cordially not only the material contributions he ha.s made and the wonderful ser-vice he has rendered through and by hi s grea t newspaper, but will a t ' all times welcome any suggestions which he may be willing to make to the Board for the upbu"ilding and betterment of this grea t ins titu tion. We fee l t hat he ha.s by his except i onal service manifested a 'special interest in its success which will cause him to study its need and its possibilities and its claims upon the poeple and the St ate for greater support; and as a Board of Trustees, deeply i nterested in the future growth and grea t ness of this c ollege, we shall be gl ad to have the benefit of his wise and he lpful counsel and a dvice whenever he m!ly feel dis posed to of fer it. n RESOLUTION IN APPREC I ATION . OF THE GENEROUS DONATION of Mr. Erskine Ramsay. The Board of Trustees of' the Alabama polytechnic Institute wish to express their great apprecia tion, and by these resolutions do declare their l asting gra titude to l\ r. Erskine Ramsay for his rnunificient donat i on to the Institute, and to say, tha~ we welcome not only this material contribution for the upbuilding of the cqllege,- the greatest i ndividual contribut ion which has ever peen made to this i ns titution-but will a t all times welcome any suggestion which he may be wi lling to make to the Board for the upbuilding and betterment of t his grea t institution. 'ite feel tha t he has by his exceptional generosity manifested a special interest in the success of the college which will cause him to study its needs and its poss ibilities; and as .0. Board of Trustees, deeply. interested in its future growth and grea tness, we shall be glad to have the benefit of his wise and able counsel and advice when~ve' :r: he may feel disposed to offer it. 7H su I ) / BOARD OF TRSUTEES MEETING May 14, 1923 The Board of Trustees met in the office of the P~esident at 10:30 a.m., Governor Brandon presiding. The following members were present: Governor Brandon Messrs. Samford Sherrod Oates Supt. Abercrombie Henderson .. Terry Haley A recess was taken immediately in order that the ~ru stees might attend the Alumni exercises. The session of the Board was resumed at 12:15 p.m. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Governor reappointed the standing comnittees as follows: Executive: The Governor, Henderson, Herzfeld, ~ f/t:{1v4t!YL! McDowell, and Samford ~ . Finance: Rogers, Samford, oates, Hood, Haley, and Merrill. Mechanic Arts: . McDowell, Sherrod, Oa tes, and Haley. Lands and Grounds: Oates, Herzfeld, Sherrod, Rogers, and Abercrombie. President's Annual Report: Henderson, Samford, Terry, McDowell, and Abbercrombie. Course of Study and Library: samford, Henderson, Hood, and Terry. Agricultural and Experiment Station: Haley, Rogers, McDowell , Merrill, and · bercrombie . Animal Husbandry: Sherrod, Hood, Herzfeld, Haley, and }~errill Extension: The Governor, Haley and nerzfeld. On motion of Dr. Abercrombie the Board then considered the President's Recorrmendations. Several members of the Board stated that they had not had time to study the Presid nt's report. After discussion, the Trustees adopted the following motion offered by Mr.Sherrod: Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytech-nic nstitute that the ~residen t of the ~nstitution be requested in the fUture to prepare his reports and mail then to the several trustees at least three days prior to each meeting of the Board of Trustees; and be it further resolved that the Board meet in Auburn on ].1onday during Commencement for So session of two days, Monday and Tuesday. i. That appropriate action be t aken with reference to the budget for the year beginning July 1, 1923. Budget approved as submitted. 2. That the President be authorized to fill vacancies at salaries provided in budget, if possible. Authorized. 3. 4. 5. That the President be authorized to employ addiUonal help as conditions may justif.y. buthority granted. That ' a course in textile engineering be offered beginning with the session 1923-24 provided satisfactory cooperative atrangements can be made with mills in territory adjacent to 'uburh, provided funds can be secured for this purpose. Approved as amended. That the President be authorized to take up options on land needed for expansion, as President deems advisable, and he be a~thorized to secure loan and execute note therefor if it becomes necessary. Approved as amended. 'rhe Board recessed at 1 :10 p.m. to attend the Alurnni luncheon. The session was resumed at 3:15, Jl'. enderson in the chair in the absence of the ~overnor who ~dS reviewing the R.O.T.C. 6. That the part of the budget of the Extension Service not included in the budget submitted by the Pr esident be referred to the Executive Committee for approval after same has received the approval of the Federal authorities. Approved. 7. That the Board consider the advisability of erecting a two-story shop building of brick and concrete to enable us to receive very valuable and much needed equipment which is waiting to be shipped and to enable us to use other equipment which is here but remains unpacked for lack of space, provided that :t'uil.ds can be secured for that purpose. Approved as amended. 8. Tha t short courses for farmers and for boys and girls club members be arranged and t)1at the President be a.uthoti.z.eci, to provide the necessary facilities from Extension funds, if practicable. Approved. 9. That a resolution of thanks be tendered Governor Comer for his recent gift. pproved. 10. That the Board approve the plans for millage tax as proposed by Governor Brandon. Approved wi th "Rising vote". ~1 S2 11. That the Legisl a ture be asked to appropriate $150,000 for the college and $25,000 for the Experiment s tation for the next scholastic year in addition to existing appropriations. Approved. 12. That an appripriation for at least six branoh Experiment Stations be urged upon. the .Legislature, -the stations to be located upon such conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama PolytechniC Institute. Approved. 13. That authorization be given to apply such amount of the unexpended funds remaining in the hands of the College Treasurer on July 1, 1923, to the credit of the Extension Service, as may be agr eed upon by the President and the Director of the Extension Service, for quarters for the said Extension Service in the agricultural building. Approved. 14. That a special commi ttee of the Board of Trustees be appointed to draft a~propriate resolutions of appreCiation for the fifty years of continuous and distinctive service of Doctor Drake. Approved and the following conrnittee appointed: Dr. Abercrombie , Oates, Terry, Sherrod, Haley. Dr. Oa~es read a copy of the report of the sanitary engineers of t he Public Health Department of the State who had made a sanitary survey of the college and community at the request of the Board. The following motion was adopted: Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees that said report be received and referred to President Dowell for final action and resolved further that the thanks of this Board be extended to the State Board of Health for the valuable service rendered the college. On motion of Dr. Oa tes which was adopted the Board of Trustees expressed the wish that the city coUncil of Auburn cooperate with the college in the sanitary work to be undertaken in the community. ~~. samford stated that he had received a letter from Mrs. Thach in which the a ppreciation of herself and family was ex~ressed for the courtesies shown the memory of Dr. Thach by the Board. Mr. Samford s,ta.ted that the letter implied that Mrs. '.L'hach felt some disappointment at the naming of the new Girls' dormitory in honor of Dr. Thach and ) indicated that she felt that an academic building named for him would be more appropriate. The following motion then was adopted: Be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Alabama rolytech­nic Institute that, out of deference to the wishes of Mrs. Thach implied Un a letter addressed to Mr. samford, the action of this Board on February 22, 1923 in naming the new dormitory Thach Hall in honor of . Dr. Charles C. Thach is hereby rescinded and the matter of naming said dormitory is deferred to a later date. ('\ \ 'fhe oase of Dr. c. w. .r'ergu.son appl ying for a year's salary vias then oonsidered by the Board. Dr. ~·ergO.son was present and appeared in his own oehalf. ~r. Dowell and Mr. samford stated faots given to them by .l)r. Cary. °rhe Board then adopted the following motion of Mr. Terry: Be it resolved by the .ooard of ',rrustees that the olaims of Dr. ]'erguson for his salary from Ootober 1, il.922 to June 30, 1923 be disallowed. The Board then oonsidered Dr. Dowell's reoommendation number 15. "That the Board take appropriate aotion wi th referenoe to the oharges made by Messrs. Bishop and Rittenour against the EXtension Service." Gor ernor Brandon read the communication sent to the Board of Trustees by Messrs. Bishop and Rittenour. After full discussion the matter was referred to a speoial committee. Governor ~randon appointed the fo Howing speoial commit tee; Messrs. samford, Henderson and Terry. There being no further business the Board adjourned. B. I,. Shit Seoretary Board of Trustees. FINANCIAL STATEMENT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE July 1, 1922- April 30, 1923 COLLEGE MAINTENANCE Apprn Defn - - - " Indefn - - - 147430.00 22593.22 12848.50 47789.90 Inoome Op era t ions. - l~tric. Regular- - - " S.School - - - " Vooa.Solds Miscellaneous Totals 4922.83 23428.23 20594.72 BUILDINGS - - - Semi-Centennial- - Special. Purposes - - - - Custodial ~. - - - - - Totals- Less Deficit Net Balance - EXPERIMENT STATION APPRO. - --- - Hatch - - - - Adams - - - Local ~ - Inv. Auburn - - - - - 15000.00 - - - 15000.00 - - - 17249.55 - - - - 10656.41 Totals - Income Operations - - Totals- - - - - - - - - - - EXTENSION SERVICE APPRO. Federal S. L. State S. L. - Federal Supl. Totals - - Federal Sup1. S. S. L. Non 156690.28 139991.68 46511.55 Donations Extension - - - - - - Income Operations - - - - - - - . Totals - - - - - - - - Reoeipts 279607.40 24469.42 103158.57 61901.35 97466.98 566603.72 57905.96 7538.38 65444.34 343193.51 25.00 6363.65 349582.16 Less Deficit - - - - - - Net ~lance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUW.ARY. Teaching - - - - - - - - ElDeriment Station - - - - - - Extension Service - - - - - - Tota1s- - - - - - - - - 566603.72 65444.34 349582.16 981630.22 Expenditures 238449.00 83167.39 39708.46 83795.13 79986.20 525106.18 11178.56 11651.10 9778.36 8216.07 40824.09 5126.43 45950.52 119165.32 42071.81 35673.18 196910.31 35317.98 13987.08 40.00 2.00 246257.37 525106.18 45950.52 246257.37 817314.07 May 2, 1923 Balance 41158.40 63450.00 17480.78 122089.29 80591.75 41497.54 3821.44 3348.90 7471.19 2440.34 17081.87 2411.,95 19493.82 37524.96 97919.87 10838.37 146283.20 6361.65 152644.85 49320.06 103324.79 41497.54 19492.82 103324.79 164316.15 Deficit 58697.97 21893.78 80591.75 35317.98 13987.08 15.00 49320.06 ~ 5 EXPEND I TtJRES ALABAYA POLYTECHNIC I NSTITUTE JUl y 1, 1922-April 30 ,1923 May 3, 1923 r Project Allotm ent Maint.Liab .& Bal ance Def icit Expendit ures Administra tion Salary 19595 . 00 17041 . 69 2553.31 Maint. 2820.01 3412 . 28 592 .27 Agric .Engrn. Salary 6270.00 5226.66 1043 .34 Maint. 518.36 423.58 94 . 78 Agronomy salary 6450.00 5338.61 1111.39 Ma int. 1650 . 00 1389 .51 260 .49 A.Husbandry Salary 8650 . 00 7208.31 1441 .69 Maint. 17364.75 14289.46 3075.29 Arcnitecture Salary 6650.00 5626 .43 1023 .57 Ma int . 1000 .91 680.90 ~20.01 Botany Salary 4300.00 3608 .32 691.68 Ma int. 950.00 933 . 60 16 .40 Bldgs . & Grds. Salary 3955. 00 2481.47 1473.53 Maint . 9572.91 11245 . 96 1673. 05 Cat . & Adv . salary Maint . 1600.00 1490.86 109 .14 Cnemis try Salary 16510 .00 13568.07 2941.93 Ma int. 5140.00 4680.88 459.12 C. Eng . Salary 5525.00 4543.68 981 .32 r :Maint. 600.00 594.72 5.28 Commencement Salary Maint. 600.00 600.00 Economics Salary '150 .00 625 .00 125 .00 Ma int. 50.g0 12 .05 37 .95 Education Salary 3245.00 1890.00 1355.00 Maint. 497.00 479 .95 17 .05 Elec. Engr . Salary 7530.00 6198.39 1331 . 61 Maint. 1250.00 1054.32 195.68 Englisn Salary 13725.00 11170 .56 2554.44 Maint . 750 .00 314 . 33 435 . 67 Entomology Salary 4600.00 3762.72 837 .28 Maint. 1400.00 1389.81 10 .19 Healtn salary 4500.00 3175.00 1325 .00 Ma int. 500.00 492.51 7.49 Hwy. Engr. Salary 3050 .00 2500.30 549 . 70 Maint . 950.00 5.82 944 .18 Hist. Latin salary 6600.00 5491.81 1108.19 Maint. 300.00 140 . 98 15::1.02 H • . Economics salary 4500 .00 2900 . 71 1599 .29 Maint . 1635.00 1234 . 97 400 .03 Horticul ture salary 70~0.00 5305 . 65 1784 .35 Maint . 1051 .07 643 .10 407.97 (,,-Insurance salary - - - Maint. 2000.00 10;1.0.09 989.91 library Salary 2450.00 1761 .50 688.50 l\.1aint . 5700 .00 4798 .26 901.74 Macn. Design salary 6300.00 5213 . 79 1086 . 21 Ma1nt . 525 .00 431 . 98 93.02 EXPEND I TtffiES ALABA!1ffA POLYTECBHIC INS'!ITUTE (College proper) (Cont'd) :W.INTENANCE Project Allotment Ma in t .Liah&: Balance Deficit Expenditures Mathema tics Salary 14005.00 11371.09 2633.91 1irra in t 130.00 128.61 1.39 Mech.Engr. Salary 11037.00 9094.09 1942.91 Maint 2185.89 1817.01 368.88 Military Salary 1120.00 1022.00 98 . 00 Maint 540.00 520.57 19 .43 Modern ~ng. Salary 5100.00 4165.34 934.66 :Maint. 75 . 00 29.56 45 .44 Pharmacy Salary 5000.00 4090.86 909 .14 Maint 1850.00 1844 .82 5.18 Phys. CuI ture Salary 1550.00 1291.66 258.34 rt..at nt. 150.00 150.00 Phys i cs Salary 4200.00 3396.00 804.00 N.a int . 825.00 778.89 46.11 S. Session Sa l ary 10118.00 4168.94 5949 .06 Maint. 1800.52 1673.05 127.47 S. Session #2 salary 3318.68 3318.68 ~ Ma int. 209.80 209 .80 Smi th Hughes Salary 8270 .00 6732.98 1537.02 Maint. 3094 . 73 1653.01 1441 . 72 Hughes, S. s. Salary 726.75 726.75 Maint. 273.25 97.41 175.84 St. Dept.of Ed. Salary 55.50 55.50 Ma int. 844 .50 206.59 637.91 Trustees salary Maint . 600.00 394 . 72 205.28 Veterinary Salary 11350.00 8839.49 2510.51 AtTa int. .3401.00 2224 . 97 1176 .03 Voca. Solds Salary 5839.00 4895.91 943.09 Maint. 96 .00 165.41 69.41 Con tings t Salary Maint. 4949.26 5595.41 646.15 Project Tra in-ing Salary Maint. 12.35 12.35 - - -- Totals - - - - - 303384 . 89 246310 .. 06 60068.06 2993.23 Less Deficit - - - ------ 2993.23 Net Balance- - - ------- - - - - - - - - 57074.83 ~. ACTIVITIES Project Carpentry Shop Creamery Dormitories & Cottages Feed Stulfs Glee Club Heat, Ligpt & water Oil Tax ( t of) Picture Show Smi th Hall Board Sweet Potato House Maint. Totals - - - Less Balance Net Deficit EXPENDITURES ALABA1~ POLrrECHNIC INSTITUTE (College Proper) Special Purposes July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 Receipts 27'/5.91 3477.43 2792.83 20970.55 400.00 16059.34 15597.51 227.78 62301.35 Maint.Liab.& EXpenditures 9923.46 4285.70 5774.44 5628.62 35.77 27451.74 375.64 15799.26 15997.99 487.83 85760.45 a . May 3, 1923 Balance Deficit 7:("47.55 808.27 2981.61 5628.62 35.77 6481.19 24.36 260.08 400.48 260.05 284.44 23743.54 284.44 - - - - 23459.10 S8 CUSTODIAL Proj eot Atbletics Glomerata Laundry Oil Tax ( 3/4 of ) orange & Blue Scb.olarships Student Contingent Lectures R.O.T.O.Shoe Acct. Social Y.\V.C.A. TOTALS - - - - Less Deficit - EXPEND I TUBES Alabama Polytechnic Institute (College proper) July 1, 1922 - Apri l 30, 1923 Receipts Maint.Liab.& EApendi tures 5868 .31 5939.16 3881.50 1528.75 25013.40 22504.42 46692.24 40642 .67 1068 .00 513 .74 4256 .53 3183.50 5985.00 791.69 554.00 550 .83 1288.00 5784. 80 2670.00 2831.33 100 . 00 65 . 71 97376.98 84336.60 ---- - -- May 3, 1923. Balance Deficit 70.85 2352.75 2508 . 98 6049 .57 554 .26 1073.03 5193.31 3 .17 4496.80 161.33 34 .29 17769.36 4728.98 4728 .98 Net Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13040.38 ~ J \ , BUILDINGS Project Agricultural Bldgs. Vet. Dept. (Mioroscopes) Vet. Buildings Comer Hall Equlpm. Contingent New Dining Hall EY...PEND I TURES ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE (College Proper) July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923. Reoeipts 1000.00 8147.94 11322.58 3998.90 Maint.Liab.& Expendi tures 24825.49 1000.00 7721.87 10811 .61 26181.28 13016.13 Ma.y 3, 1923 . Balance 426.07 510.97 Totals - - - - - - 24469.42 83556.38 937.04 Less Balance - - - - Net Deficit Architecture Publicity Radio Station Carppaign Exp. Dormitory #2 Delinquits EXPEND I TURES AUBURN SEMI -CENTENNIAL July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 150.00 150.00 4533.97 2500.00 24~4.61 6020.00 . 29147.84 102.25 Contingent 100508.57 TOTALS - - - - - 103158.57 Less Deficit ~­Net Balance - 42418.67 35.39 lID€l508.57 100543.96 -39804.06 - - - - 60739.90 Defioit 24825.49 22182.38 13016.13 60024.00 937.04 59086.96 4533.97 6020.00 29147.84 102.25 39804.06 ~u ESTDvfATED FANANCIAL CONDITION College Proper on June 30, 1923. MAINTENANCE Receipts July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 - - - - - ,- - Expenditures July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 - - - - - - - Balance on hand May 1, 1923 -- Estimated Receipts May 1, to June 30 - - - - , Estimated Expenditures May 1 to June 30 Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL PURPOSES Receipts July 1, 1922 - Apr i l 30, 1923 - - EXpenditures July 1, 1922 - Apr i l 30, 1923 - - - - Deficit, May 1, 1923 - Estimated Receipts May 1 to June 30 - - - Estimated Expenditures May to J-une 30 - - - - - - - - - - - Beficit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CUSTODIAL Receipts July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 - - - - - Expenditures July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 - - - - Balance on hand May 1, 1923 - - - - Estimated Receipts May 1 to June 30- - - - - - - - $279,607.40 238,449.00 41,158.40 34,762.45 75,920.85 65,920.00 10,854.85 61,901.35 83,795.13 21,893.78 27,900.00 6,006.22 12,006.22 6,000.00 97,466.98 79.986.20 17,480.78 7,500.00 24,980.78 Estimated Expenditures May 1 to June 30 - - Balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11,940.40 13,040.38 BUILDINGS Receipts July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 - - - - Expendi tures July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 - Deficit, May 1, 1923 - - - - - - - - - - - Estimated Expenditures to June 30 - - - - - Deficit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24,469.42 83,167.39 58,697.97 1,200.00 59,897.97 (\ \ ('\, \ Estimated Finanoia1 Condition - Cont'd. AUBURN SEMI-CENTENNIAL FUND Receipts July 1,1922 - April 30,1923 - - - - - - Expend1tures July 1, 1922 - April 30, 1923 Balance May 1, 1923 - - - Estimated Expenditures May 1 to June 30 - - - - - Estimated Expenditures May 1 to June 30 Balance - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY Balance - Maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - " - Custodial - - - - - - - - " - Auburn Semi-Centennial- - Deficit - Special Purposes- - - - - " - Buildings - - - - - - 10,854.85 13,040.38 44 ,45.0.11 6,000.00 59,897.97 Estimated net balance on hand-College Proper - June 30, 1923 103,158.57 39,708.46 63,450.11 8,000.00 71,450.11 , 27.000.00 44,450.11 68,345.34 65,897.97 2,447.37 91 PROPOSED BUDGET Alabama Polytechnic Institute July 1, 1923 - June 30, 1924 COLLEGE MAINTENANCE Reoeipts Appropriations, fixed: Federal Morrell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30,150.00 State Endowment - - - - - - - - - - In Lieu of Fertilizer Tax - Maintenance and Support - - Summer Session- - - - - - - - - - Buildings and Maintenanoe (A.Husbandry) Appropriations, Indefinite: Federal and State Cooperating- State Smith-Hughes, Summer Session - - - - - - - - Smith-Hughes, Vooational Education - - - - - State Department of Education,Smith-Bankhead - 20,280.00 - 40,000.00 45,000.00 5,000.00 12,500.00 1,000.00 10, 00.0.00 900.00 Oil Tax (t ), Less Inspections- - - - - - - - 17,700.00 Income from Operations: Animal Husbandry Sales - - - - Hortioulture Sales - - - - - Veterinary Sales - - - Interest on Library Bonds- - Interest on Deposits - - - - House and Room Rent (Less ~~intenance) ~~triculation and Laboratory Fees: Main Session - - - - - - - - Sunm1er Session - - - Vocational Misoellaneous, Diplow~s, Sales, etc., Grand Total 4,000.00 100.00 500.00 1,160.00 500.00 4,000.00 48,000.00 14,000.00 13,000.00 152,930.00 29,600.00 10,260.00 75,000.00 5,000.00 272,790.00 \ / PROPOSED BUDGET Alabama Polytechnic Instit~te July 1, 1923 - June 30, 1924 SPEC IAL PURPOSES Receipts Carpenter Shop - Creamery - - - - - Dormitories & Cottages Feed Stuffs- oJ _ Glee Club -- Heat, Light & Water- - Oil Tax (For Inspection) Picture Show - - - - Smith Hall Board - Project Training (in Agricu1ture)- $8,000.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 2,000.00 25,000.00 400.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 50,000.00 Total - - - - - - - - 142,400.00 94 CUSTODIAL Reoeipts Athletios Glomerata - PROPOSED ]UDGET Alabama Polytechnio Institute July 1, 1923 - June 30, 1924. Plainsman - - Lectures- - - - Social Student Contingent- - - - - - - - $6,000.00 3,900.00 1,100.00 554.00 2,800 .00 - -. 6,000.00 Laundry - - - - - - - - - - - - 27,000.00 Oil Tax (3/4) - - - - - 54,300 . 00 Soholarships 1,000.00 ROTC Shoe Account - 5 , 800.00 Total - - - - - -108,454.00 /"\ _ BUDGET Alabama Polytechnic Institute - July 1, 1923 - June 30, 1924 BUILDINGS On hand Afay 3, 1923: Ramsay - - - - $25,000.00 Other Campaign - - - - - 38,450.00 Total - - - - - - 63,450.00 Since these receipts come from voluntary subscriptions, it is difficult to estimate receipts for year July 1-, 1923 - June 30, 1924. The above figures show the present financial condi tiona 86 BUDGET Alabama Pol ytechnic I nstitute MA INTENANCE July 1 , 1923 - June 30, 1924 ~ V Expenditures Pro,1ect Salary Labor Equipment Supplies Total Colle§e Maintenance Admini s tra tion 12650.00 15.00 350.00 13015 .00 Business 4124.00 25.00 105.00 153.00 4407 . 00 Registrar 4595.00 98.00 1204.50 5e97.50 Agr. Engr. 6425.00 575.00 7000.00 Agronomy G450.00 500.00 850.00 7800 . 00 A. Husbandry 8650.00 3500.00 4900.00 6070.00 23120 .00 Architecture 7405.00 100 . 00 100.00 70.00 7675.00 Botany 4300 . 00 750.00 200.00 5250.00 Buildings & Grounds 8605.00 1000.00 1000.00 3250.00 13855.00 Cata1ob~e & Advert. 1800.00 1800 . 00 Chemistry :1.6510.00 1200.00 2790 .00 2000.00 22490 . 00 Civil Engr. 6250.00 100.00 450 . 00 100 . 00 6900 .00 Commencement 600.00 600 . 00 _ Economics 2750.00 115.00 2865.00 Education 2900.00 175.00 200 .00 3275.00 Elec. Engr. ,7485.00 60 .00 940.00 250 . 00 8735.00 \ English 12675 .00 450.00 100 . 00 450.00 13675.00 Entomology 4950"00 100.00 600 .00 700.00 6350.00 Health 6000 .00 500.00 . 50 .00 500.00 7050 .00 Hwy.Engr. 3000 .00 60.00 900 . 00 10 .00 3970.00 History &: Latin 6850.00 250 . 00 '(5 . 00 7175.00 H. Economics 5300 .00 150 .00 600.00 250 .00 6300.00 Horticulture 6695.00 545 . 00 200.00 500 .00 7940. 00 Library 2450.00 25.00 700.00 4000.00 7175.00 Mach . Design 6425.00 60.00 500 . 00 50.00 7035 .00 Mathematics 12000 .00 15.00 120.00 12135.00 Mech. Engr. 10947.50 840.00 700.00 1200 .00 13687.50 Military 1090.00 150.00 650.00 1890.00 Wl()dern Languages 4700.00 25.00 25.00 4750 . 00 Pharmaoy 5000.00 250 . 00 1500.00 6750.00 Insuranoe 2000.00 2000.00 Physics 5750.00 75.00 560.00 150.00 6535.00 Physical Eduoation 1700 . 00 1700.00 S. Hughes 7100.00 600.00 1000 .00 2664.73 11364.73 S . School 11000.00 500 .00 100.00 1500.00 13100.00 Trustees 500.00 560 . 00 Veterinary 11400.00 400 . 00 1000.00 1800.00 14600 . 00 Vooational Soldiers 2400.00 1080 .00 30.00 3510.00 State Department -Ed. 900 . 00 900.00 _./ Contingent 625.00 625.00 224831.50 11545.00 19338.00 39687.23 295401 . 73 PROPOSED BUDGETT Alabama Polytechnic .institute July 1. 1923 - June 30, 1924 SPEcr L PURPOSES ~pend i tures Carpenter Shop - - - - 8,000.00 Creamery - - - - 8,000.00 Dormitories & Cottages - - - - - 6,000.00 Feed Stuffs - 7,000.00 Glee Club - - - 2,000.00 Heat, Light & water - - - -25,000.00 Oil Tax (For rnspection)- - 400.00 Picture Show - - - - - - - - - 18,000.00 Smi th Hall Board 18,·000.00 Project Training (in Agriculture)- - 50,000.00 Total - - - - - 142,400.00 PROPOSED WDGET Alabama Iolytechnic Institute July 1, 1923 - June 30, 1924 CUSTODLl\L Expenditures Athletics - - ,.6,000.00 Glomerata - - - - - 3,900.00 Plainsman - - - - - - - 1,100.00 Lectures 554.00 Socia.l - - 2,800.00 Student Contingent- - - - - - - 6,000.00 Laundry - - - - - -27,000.00 Oil Tax (3/4 ) - - - - - - - - 54,300.00 Scholarship - - - - - - 1,000.00 R.O.T.C.Shoe Account- - - - - - 5,800.00 Total- - - - - - - - 108,454.00 Salaries for Employees Alabama polytechnic Institu te 1923-24 o as the budget now stands \ Allison, Fred Atkinson, T. P. Benner, T. E. Berney, Mrs. F. Burleson, D. J. Burns, F. W. Biggin, F. C. Crowe, R. B. Basore, C. A. Bidez, P. R. Male It " Female Male " II It It " Prof.& Head P~sics Dept. Head & Prof Modern Lang. Dean Agricultural Educa. Matron Girls' DOlrn!litory Asst. Pro.fe ssor Agronomy Asst. Pr ofessor An. Husb. Head & Prof. Architecture Professor Arc hitecture A sst.~rofessor Chemistry Asst. Feed Stuff Analysis & Picture Show Beams, J. W. It Asst. Prof. Math. & Physics Buntin, Jotm It Stenographer Agri. Engr. Baughman, C. A. It Head & Prof .• Highway Engr. Brown, otto II Asst • . Professor Ho r ticulture Blake, L. S. tt Head & Prof. Pharmacy n Bergthold's Successor It Y. M. C. A. Director \ Barton, W. D. .t District Agent Baker, K. G. It Marketing Agent Bell, J. P. It Sec'y s tation Director Bi nford, E. E. "District Agent Boyd, F. E. "Agronomist Briggs, R. G. It A.sso. Hort i culturist Buckner, Conway Female Ste~ographer Voca. Sold. Clark, J. B. 11a.le Head Economics & Sec 'y Pres. Cammack, W. A. "Supt. Canebreak Station Cary, C. A. "Dean of Veterinary D~pt. Callan, J. A. C. It Head & Prof. Civil Engr. Crenshaw, B. H. " Head & Prof. Mathematics Cooper, Leland Female Instructor Voca. Sold Covington, N. G. Male Asst. Prof. Veterinary Chesnut, S. L. " Prof. Voca. Education Cureton, M. I. Female Asst. State Home Dem. Agt. Crawford, H. L. " Bookkeeper Caldwell, M. K. " Stenographer Dist. Agents Cowan, Leonora " Auditor Dowell, Spright 1~le President Dunn, Berta Female Asst. Bookkeeper Dunstan, A. St.C. Male Head & Prof. Elec. Engr. (\Drake, J. H. " Surgeon Drake , J. W. Jr. ., Supt. Heat, Light & Water Dunoan, L. N. It Director EXtension Dobbs, E. C. .t Special NeglH.7 Men Agent Dobbs, Zoe FeMale PhYSical Director ~ lnstr. Davis, P. o. 1~le Agricultural Editor Duggar, J. F. It Consulting Agronomist Eaton, W. H. it Prof • . An.Husb.& Supt .Creamery May 11, 1923 3200.00 2700.00 3000.00 900.00 2400.00 2400.00 3200.00 2000.00 2000.00 2300.00 2100.00 3000.00 2400.00 2700.00 3000.00 300.00 1080.00 3300.00 3000.00 2700.00 3500.00 1500.00 1650.00 3000.00 6000.00 700.00 3600.00 3600.00 1800.00 2520.00 2600.00 3200.00 2700.00 3000.00 900.00 2400.00 2400.00 3200.00 2000.00 2000.00 2300.00 2100.00 900.00 300.00 1200.00 3000.00 2400.00 2700.00 3000.00 3150.00 3000.00 3150.00 3000.00 3000.00 - - .. 2200.00 1320.00 1320.00 440.00 4609.90 1800.00 3150.00 3000.00 2100.00 2400.00 3150.00 3000~00 3000.00 1080.00 3300.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 3600.00 2700.00 3500.00 1500.00 1650.00 3000.00 2200.00 1320.00 1.320.00 1500.00 1500.00 -- - 6000.00 60.00 1200.00 3600 . 00 3600.00 1800.00 4500.00 1800.00 2520.00 2850.00 300.00 3150.00 . - - - 3490.00 3400.00 2600.00 100 Name Eddy, Josephine Easter, E. C. Edwards, M. Fi tzpa tr ick, S. Floyd, C. M. Funchess, M. J. Fullan, M. T. Gardner, W. A. Glenn, :M. A. Gibbons, S. H. Grant, H. G. Green, H. L. Grimes, J. C. Gentry, H. S. Gray, D. T. Guyton, F. E. Hare, C. L. Hatch, J. E. Hanna, V. C. Harris, A. E. Sex Female Male Female Male " It " Female Male It Female Male " " " " II " Female Harris, Mrs. E.L. It Hardy, V?m. Male Hosmer, Margaret Female Hulse, F. C. Male High, J. T. It Hill, W. W. " Hixon, C. R. " Hand, Lucille Female Horne, E. " Howard, H. Male Hunt, l'il'S .Succ~. Female Hanno., L. G. Hinds, W. E. Isbell, C. L. Johnstone, G. R. .Female Male It It Jackson, J. B. It Jones, Louise Female Jones, ~ . S. Male Jones, Dan T . " Johnstone, Helen Female Jones, H. E. Male .Jones, R. B. Johnston", R. A. It King's Succ' l' • Female Kirkley, J. E. Male Killebrew, C. D. " Kynette, C. M. Lauderdale, A. A. " Lauderdale,Mrs. A Female Lane, E. H. Male LeBron, L. C. " Miller, E. R. " Martin, H. M. " Martin, M. E. Female Title College Exten- Station Tptal sion Cl othing Specialist Instructor Agr. Engr. Stenographer Girls' Club 2000.00 Military Supply Officer 450.00 Plumber 750.00 'lice-Dean & Head Agrononw 2150.00 Head & Prof. Machine Design 3100.00 Head & Prof. Botany 2000.00 Treasurer 800.00 Nightwatchman & st. Asst. 600.00 Alumni Sec'y & Instr. Eng. 3200.00 Head Home Ecnomics 2700.00 Head & Prof. Ani. Husb. 950.00 Asst. Prof. Pharmacy 2300.00 Dean Agr. & Director station 400.00 Asst. Entomology 2100.00 Prof. Chemistry 2950.00 Commandant 480.00 Instructor 'loca. Sold. 2000.00 Dean Women & state H.E.Agt. 800.00 As~t. Matron Girls' Dor. 360.00 Anirlal Husb. Specialist Steno. President Prof. Civil Engineering District Agent Prof. Elec. Engineering Prof. Mech. Engineering Steno. Accountant Steno. Mailing Clerk Special Negro Men Agent Instructor English Negro H. E. Agent Entomologist Asso. Prof. Horticulture As so. Prof. Boiany Analyst Steno. Director Station College Policeman Supt. Carpenter Shop As s t. H. E. Agent Instructor 'loca. Men Negro H. E. Agent Farm Foreman steno. Hort i culture Instructor English Prof. Mathematics Special Negro Boys' Agt. Asst. Prof. An. Husb. Steno. An. Husbandry Horticultural Foreman Asst. Agr. Engineering Research Chemist Ass t. Pro'f. C hemis try Librarian 1200.00 2550.00 2700.00 2700.00 240.00 1125 .00 1420.00 1850.00 2200.00 900.00 2100.00 900.00 2000.00 2600.00 2000.00 300.00 700.00 2000.00 1350.00 2400.00 1080.00 850.00 200.00 1350.00 1200.00 1200.00 600.00 400.00 1650.00 2200.00 3000.00 3150.00 720.00 900.00 1380.00 4100.00 150.00 1020.00 1500.001500.00 720.00 *400.00 400.00 1000.00 2!7-00.GO 1200.00 - - - 1200.00 620.00 400.00 1380.00 1200.00 900.00 2700.00 2300.00 250.00 *state Board 2400.00 2000.00 .~ 1080.00 450.00 1800.00 3500.00 3100.00 3200.00 :WOO.OO 1200.00 3200.00 2700.00 3000.00 2300.00 4500.00 2250.00 2950.00 480.00 2000.00 3000.00 360.00 3000.00 1200.00 2550.00 3150.00 , .J 2700.00 2700.00 960.00 900.00 1:380 .00 1125.00 1020.00 3000.00 2540.00 2250.00 2200 .00 1000.00 900.00 2100.00 2700.00 900.00 1200.00 1200.00 102()'.00 2000.00 2000.00 1380.00 2000.00 1200.00 1200.00 2700.00 3000.00 2000.00 1600.00 Name Marsh, G. H. Mauldin, E. r-' Meyers, J. A. .iiles, L. E. Moore, A. B. Moore, E. J .. McAdory, 1. S. McIlvaine, V. C. McMillan, D. R. Marion, S. J. Meriwether,L. w. O'Neal, J. C. Peacock, E. G. Pr i ce, S. J. T. Petrie, Geo. Title Professor Chemistry Asst. H. E. Agent lnstr. Horticulture Plant Pathologist Ass t. Prof. Modern Languages Asst. Prof. Mech. Engineering Prof. Veterinary lnstr. Elec. Engineering Asst. Prof. Architecture Asst. Research Chemist Asst. Marketing Agent lnstr. Mech. Engineering Steno. Agric . Editor Accountant Dean Graduate Studies & Head History & Latin Parker, F. W. Asst. Prof. Agronomy Pate, T. W. Supt . Bldgs. & Grounds Patterson, F. G. Asst. Prof. Veterinary pollard, E. F. lnstr. Chemis try Pope, B. C. Custodian Powell, P. P. Asso .• prof •. Chemis try Pitts, J. E. Instr. Ma thenntics Pea.rson, M. H. Marketing Specialist Ross, B. B. Dean & Head Chemistry (~ Rawls,Succr. Steno. Horticulture Randolph,J. w. l-sst. Prof. Agr ic. Engineering Reed, C. C. Fann Supt. An. Husbandry Rutland, J. R. Prof. English Robinson, J. H. Prof. Entomology Reynolds, A. W. lnstr. History Salmon, E. D. Asst. Animal Husbandry Sims, T. A. Asst. Boys' Club Agent Sibley, J. L. Asst. Agric. Editor Steele, Sara Steno. Registrar Shi, B. L. Registrar & Pilof. Math. saidla, L.E.A.Suc.Asst. Prof. English Smokey, G. W. " Prof. Accounting Sizemore, E. Chief Clerk Extension Sugg, R. S. As s t. Prof. Veterinary Stivers, E. D. Prof. Voca. Education Simms, Harry Negro Men District Agent Taylor, Rupert . Dean & Head English D~pt. Sonnenday,Dora Dist. Home Dem. Agent Tidmore, J. ¥. lnstr. Agronomy Tisdale, H. B. Plant Breeder Thomas, A. L. Mgr . Picture Show & Thomas, B. F. ..: homa.s, F. L. Trapp, J. H. Tappan, G. Unde :tWood, R. S. Wia.tt, Mrs. J.E. Prof. :Machine Design Physician Aseo. Entomologist Asst • . Accountant Asst. Home Dem • .Agent lnstr. 1~ thematics Clerk Regi strar 11)1 College Exten- Station Total sion 2300.00 2200.00 1900.00 1050.00 2000.00 2000.00 2500.00 Others 750.00 1650.00 1800.00 1800.00 1200 .00 1200.00 450.00 2550.00 4000.00 100.00 1500.00 1650.00 1500.00 2200.00 2200.00 1400.00 4000.00 2400.00 1300.00 2950.00 2500.00 2200.00 1080.00 3300.00 2400.00 2000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 2000.00 2900.00 2400.00 3000.00 2700.00 3000.00 2400 .. 00 2016.00 2400.00 1020.00 720.00 2400.00 2400.00 840.00 1800.00 200.00 2000.00 2300.00 1200.00 200. 00 2400.00 2500.00 2500.00 360.00 2300.00 2200.00 1900.00 2850.00 2000.00 2000.00 2700.00 2400 .00 1800.00 2000.00 1800.00 1200.00 1200.00 3000.00 4000.00 2400.00 1500.00 1650.00 1500.00 2200.00 2200.00 1400.00 3000.00 4000.00 1200.00 2400.00 1500.00 2950.00 2500.00 2200.00 2400.00 2700.00 3000.00 1080.00 3300.00 2400.00 2000.00 2400.00 2000.00 3000.00 2016.00 4000.00 2400.00 2000.00 2500.00 2900.00 2400.00 2500.00 2100.00 2400.00 2400.00 840.00 lU~ Name Title College Ex ten- Station Total sion Wilmore. J. E. He~d. Prof. & Dean Mech. Engr. 4000.00 4000.00 ~ Winslett, I. Steno. Ed. S.S. & Smith-Hughes 1020.00 1020.00 '-J Winston, W. O. District Agent 3150.00 3150.00 Winston,Mrs.W.O. Steno. Boys' Clubs Agents 1200.00 1200.00 Wicker. Mrs. E. Steno. Girls'. Clubs 1200.00 1200.00 Williamson, J. T. Agriculturalist 2600.00 2600.00 Williamson, M. D. Steno. Entomologist 1140.00 1140.00 Brown, Mrs. otto Steno. Agronomy 1200.00 1200.00' Student Assistants Departments Number Total Physics 2 450.00 Mechamical Engineering 4 787.50 Machine Design 1 225.00 Horticulture 3 675.00 Entomology 7 350.00 English 3 600.00 Electrical Engineering 2 435.00 Civil Engineering 4 1000.00 ~ Chemistry 3 500.00 ,./ Botany 2 450.00 .Architecture 3 405.00 Agr icul tural Engineering 1 225.00 Veterinary 2 450.00 r aBADUATES MAY 1923 DEGREE Bachelor of Science Graduates with Highes ~ Honor Foster, William Ware ••••• Elec. Engr. • • • lItk>ntgomery Hunt, James K ••••••••• Cham. Eng. • •• Auburn Jacob, Edward Clare •••••• Civ. Engl'. • •���••• Selma Livingston, Clare Weaver ••• Home Economics ••••• Leesburg Morris, William Chester •••• Civ. Engr ••••••• Tuscumbia Nettles, Jack Finklea ••••• Elec. Eng ••••••• Tunnell Springs Graduates with Honor Bross, William L. McKinney • • Mech. Eng • • • • • • • Nixburg Brownell, Harold Spencer ••• Elec. Engr ••••••• Birmingham Copeland, Gladys ••••••• General.. • ••• Auburn Dowell, Camille •••••••• General •••••••• Auburn Dyer, Luther Thomas •••••• Agr. Education ��•••• :Dfl..alone Espy, Herbert otto ••••••• Civ. Eng •••••••• Gordon Floyd, Harold Cobb •••••• Civ. Eng ••••••• LaGrange, Ga. Floyd, Kate •••••••••• General •••••••• Auburn Gardner, Louis Wright ••••• Elec. Eng •••••••• Auburn Guthrie, Joe Martin •• • • • • Mech. Eng • " • • • • • Inverness Johnson, Oren • • • • • • • • Elec. Eng ••••••• Pike Road LeSueur, Cl arence Preston • • Civ. Eng ••••••• waverly Ma lone, Andrew. • • • • • • • Elee. Engl'. • • • • • • Ensley Marsh, Bryan Bell • • • • • • Elec. Eng ••••••• Yantley Sharpley, Lillian • • • • • • General • • • ••••• Birmingham Stephenson, Henson Knowlen. • Civ. Eng •• • • • Selma Stephenson, James Gordon. • • Elec. Eng • • • • • • • Moulton Stough, Ke lly Howard. • • • • Elec. Eng • • • • • • • Midland ~ i ty Tatum, Colonel David. • • • • Agr. Education ••••• valley Head West, .Alfred Thurber. • • •• Sec. Education ••••• Birmingham 'iVhitson, Maria Rogan. • • Elec. Eng ��•••••• Talladega Williams, Horace Greeley. • • Elec. Eng ••••••• Hurtsboro Williamson, Fred Carr • • • • Mech. Eng ••••• Birmingham Graduates Alley, Frank Hayne ' •••••• Civ. Eng •••• lIt~con, Ga. Arnall, John Fleming ••••• Civ. Eng ••••���••• Senoia, Ga. Arnall, James Wiley. • •• Agriculture •• Senoia, Ga . Baird, James John ••••••• Architecture. • •• Bessemer Barnes, Matullus Ard • • • • • Chem. Eng • • • • • Ozark Ba:ttrnes, Re id Boyl s ton, Jr. • • General • • • • • • Opel ika Barry, James Coyles •••••• El ee. Eng ••••••• Mobile Benning, Augustus H. • • Civ. Eng •••• ' •••• Atlanta , Ga. Bethune, Thomas Reese ••••• General •••••••• Pavo', Ga. Bevis, James Frank •••••• Elec. Eng ••••••• Roanoke Blackmon, Marshall J ••. ••• Elec. Eng • • ••••• Auburn Blair, Villiam Robert ••••• Chem. Eng ••••••• Birmingham Boaz, Oliver ••••••••• El ec. Eng ••••••• Childersburg Hridges, 'James Ernest ••••• Agr . Education ••••• Notasulga Bucha.na.n, Claude n •••••• Agriculture •••••• Riverton 103 104 Butler, William Oscar, Jr •••• General •••••• Chipley, Fla. Caldwell, Edward Gordon •••• Agr. Education ••• Tal lassee Caldwell, Elbert Hays •••••• Agriculture •••• Scottsboro Cannon, James Clifton. • • !gr . Education ••• Marbury Cannon, NahUln Allen ••••••• Architecture. • • • Birmingham Carr, William Jolley •••••• Elec. Eng ••••• Montgomery Carter, Thomas Otto. • • • • Mech. Eng ••••• Birmingham Chambliss, Laurenr-:Morg?-n:.: .•. ••• Elec. Eng • •• Montgomery Chapman, Cha.rlie Stephen • • ��� • El ec. Eng • • • • • Grove Hill Clarke, Franklin Ashton ••••• Agr ~culture •••• Andalusia Conner, Adolph Allen • • • • • • Ci v. Eng ••••• Montgomery Creel, Homer Johnson •••••• Civ. Eng '" Haig Cross, Robert Kernachan. • • Civ. Eng ••• Cherokee Cuninghame, James Ashby. • • • • Elec. Eng • • • Linden Davis,John Elliott ••••••• Civ. En~. • •• Bessemer Davis, James Raymond • • • • • • Chern. Eng • • • Piedmont Davis, Pleasber Newton ••••• Agr. Education ••• Dadeville Dumas, Robert Tipton •••••• Agriculture •••• Mobile Durban, Sebastian Anthony •••• Chem. Eng ••••• Nashville, Tenn Gibson, Homer Franklin ••••• Agr. Education ••• Hartselle Gillespie, Judson Marvin • • • • Elec . Eng ••••• Gallion Godwin, Rufus Branwell ••••• Agriculture •••• Americus, Ga . Gr i sham, William Peal •••••• Agr. Educa tion ••• Athens Hamner, Arthur Lee • • • • • • • Agriculture • • • • Amory, Miss Hardeman, Harry Hilliard •••• Civ. Eng. • • • • Minden, La. Harlin, Edgar Franklin • • • • • Agr. Education •• Roanoke Harris, George Leo ••••••• Agr. Educa tion ••• Grady Hays, Arthur Clairborn ••••• Elec. Eng •• •••• Ha rtselle Hays, Dupree • • • • • • • Civ. Eng •••••• Mobile Hodges, Orville Butler ••••• General �� • • • • • Madison Holstun, Beverly Reid. • • • Agriculture •• waverly HO~drd, Hall Caldwell •••••• Civ. Eng •••••• Carbon Hill Ingle, Erastus Vinam • • • Agriculture •• Oneonta J a ckson, Jul ian Harold • •• Chern. Eng ••••��� Largo, Fla. J ackson, John O' Connell ••••• Mech. Eng ••••• Montgomery Jervis, Richard Albert ••••• ~l e c. Eng ••••• Albany Johnson, Ingram Purser • • • • • Agr icul ture • • • • Sweetwa tar Knowles, Frank Alexander • • • • General. • • • • • Birmingh1lm Knox, Ira Landrith ••••••• Agriculture •••• Chattanooga, Tenn laCroix, Charles Adolphus, Jr •• Mech. Eng ••••• Birmingham Lamar, Charles Hurt ••••••• Elec. Eng ••••• Tuskegee Lawson, James Levi • • • • • Agr. Educa tion. • • Banks Lowery, Julius Caesar. • • • • • Agr. Educa tion. • • Cullman McCain, Gladys •••••••••• Home Demo~stration. Lmneville McDonald, Ernest Percy. • • 1-ech. Eng ••••• Gulfport, Mi s s McDonald, Robert Vincent •••• Elec. Eng ••••• Mobile McKinnon, J ames Lendsey ••••• Civ. Eng •••••• Talladega Springs McLennan, James Alan •••••• Mech. Eng ••••• Decatur, Ga. McWilliams, Clayton Floyd •••• Mech. Eng ••••• Cuthbert, Ga. Mandy, Willia.m Henry • • • • • • Mech. Eng • • • • • Ensley Mardre, Robert Bur t on •••••• Sec. Educa.tion ••• Auburn Mason, Hibbard Livingston •••• Sec. Education ••• Evergreen Mayson, Wilmer Monroe •••���•• Mech. Eng ••••• Mobile Mel vin, Herbert Marshall • • • • Agriculture • • • • Eutaw . Middleton, Walter Conyngton ••• El ec. Eng ••••• Birmingham Miller, Fletcher Edward ••••• Civ. Eng •••••• Florala Moore, Dewey Columbus •••••• Agr. Extension ••• J.ndalusia. / ( , Muckenfess, Charles Henry •••• Ci v. Eng. • • • • Aiken, S. C. Naftel, Bolling King •••• Elec. Eng •••••• Naftel Norwood, Sidney Lawson. • • • General • ••••••• Birmingham O'Donnoll, Claud Wainwright ••• Civ. Eng ••••••• sanford, Miss O'Donnell, Waldrop Lavert •••• Mech. Eng •••••• Sanford, Miss. O'Neal, James Clanton •••••• Sec. Education •••• Andalusia Pate, John William • • • • • Agr. Education •••• Blountsville Patterson, Anita •••••••• General • • • Decatur, Tex. Pearce, James Gibson ���•••••• Elec. Eng •••••• Winfield Perdue, Albert Monroe • • • Elec. Eng • �� •• Elba Perry, Lee Colqui t. • • • • • • • Arch. Eng • • • • • • Newnan, Ga. Pfeil, Theodore Henry • • • • •• Agriculture • • • • • Gadsden Pistole, William Melvin. • • Agriculture ••••• Mobile Ponder, Wil liam Joseph •••••�� .Agr. Education •••• . ,Boaz Preiss, Phil ••••••••••• Elec. Eng •••••• Montgomery Pritchett, Will Tom •• •• • Agr. Education •••• Inverness Purifoy, George Richard • •• Elec. Eng •••••• Brewton Randall, Ernest Franklin ••••• Agr. Education •••• Marion Junction Reaves, Raymond lVlayberry ••••• Agriculture ••••• Montevallo Reece, James Stillman • • • • • • Mech. Eng • • • • • • Gordo 105 Reed, John Thompson ••••••• Civ. Eng. • • •• Chattanooga, Tenn. Reynolds, Cedric stovall ••••• General • • • Greenville Roberson, James Rex ••••••• Agr. Education •••• Haleyville Robinson, Merritt Patrick •••• Elec. Eng •••••• Montgomery Satt~rfield, Reuben Major • • •• Agr. Education •••• Ashland Saunders, Charles Richard •••• Chern. Eng •••••• Pensacola, Fla. savage, Co Ie. • • • • • • • • • • .Agr icul ture • • • • • Gordo Savage, Zack. • • • • • • • ••• Agricul ture • • • • • Gordo Scott, Charles.. • ••••• Chern. & Met • • • Bessemer Shaver, Ross Otis • • ••• Agr. Extension •••• Florence Shirey, John Brett. • • ••• Mech. Eng •••••• Guin Simmons, William Ellis •••••• Agriculture ••••• Auburn Sims, William Bartow. • • • • • • Elec. Eng Grand Bay Stallings, Crofford Freeman ••• Mech. Eng •••••• Newnan, Ga. Staples, Alexander Dewey ••••• Chern. Eng •••••• Birmingham Stevenson, Adlai Ross •••••• Elec. Eng •••••• Notasulga Stewart , Albert Graham. • • • • • .Architecture. • • • • Greenville Stewart, Frank McLean • • • • .t.gricul ture • • • • • Montgomery Stutts, Dewey William • • • • • • Mech. Eng •••••• Florence Taylor, Murray Clinton. • •• Elec. Eng. • • • Ashford Thomason, William Douglas. • Agr. Education •••• Mobile Thornton, Ingram Porter ••••• Agr. Education. • Rogersville Tucker, Arthur Hall • • • • • Elec. Eng • • • • Thomasville Upchurch, William Kendrick •••• Civ. Eng ••••••• Montgomery Waller, Henry Lorenza •••••• Sec. Education •••• Auburn Warren, Felix Dewey • • • • • Mech. Eng •••••• Albany Watson, William Boswell •• eiv. Eng ••••••• Lakeland, Fla. Webb, Ralph POVle •••• •• General ••••••• Birmingham White, William Stenhouse ••••• Agr. Education •••• Th~ rbury Whi tlock, William Parker. • • Agr. Education. • • • Sheffield Williams, Lemmie Lee ••••••• Agr. Education •••• Rutledge Willingham, Raleigh ~ing ••• Agriculture ••••• Lineville Wood, Carl R1chard. • • • Agr. Education •••• Phil Campbell Zuber, Otis Zachry •••••••• Sec. Education •••• Auburn 106 DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Barlow, William W ••••••••••••••• Cochran, Ga. Berry, John William. • • • • • • Red Bay Bryan, James Monroe • • • • • • • • • • • • Auburn castleberry, Watkins Batt • • • • • • • • • • • Castleberry Cuadras, Cristobal, Jr. • • • • • ••••• Santiago, Cuba Duckwor th, James Vardaman • • • • • • • Mendenhall, Mi s s • Harkins, Curtis Ivey. • • • • • • • •••••• Sycamore Orr, James Lee. • • • • • • • • • • • • Waverly Ray, Willis Mor ton ••••••••••••••• Alexander City Ryland, Joseph Henry. • • •••••• Dr~/ry Simmons, William C. • • • • • • • • • • ••��• Louin, Miss Staples, Johnson Heflin • • • • • • • •• Goodwater Sullivat.l, Laten Ray • • • • •• • Boaz Graduate in Pharmacy (Ph.G) Agee, LeRoy Taylor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lamison Champion, Charles Knox • • • • • • • • • • • •• Huntsville Ford, Jesse Hill • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Marion Haraway, Bayless S • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • !t'lorence Killoug~, Erin J~{el ��� •• • • • •• • • Honoraville McMurray, Fred Harrington. • • • • • • • • Heflin Myers, Lucien Evans, Jr. • • • • • • • ••••• Mobile Nunne 11 ey, Mack. • • • • • • • • • • Cullman Page , George Cary. • �� • • • • • • • • Opp Robrenson, James Almon. • • • • • • • • • • • Rockford Snowden, Lawler Frank. • • • • • • • • • • Pine Apple Whigham, Gus Dean. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Blue Spr ings Whi te, John Howard • • • • • • • Selma Williams, Harry Clanton. • • • • • Dothan Certificate in Pharmacy ? ilcher, Jodie Thomas •••• • •• Leslie, Ga. Graduate Degrees Master of Science with Highest Honor Fortier, Louis Joseph ••••• With Honor Killebrew, Mary Feminear • Lawrence, J ames Driskell • • . . . . · . . Auburn . . ·• .• . . . . . Professional Degree in Course Civil Engd:neer With Honor Childree, Linney Leonidas. • • • • • ••• Electrical Engineer • • • Auburn • Plantersville • 'Nashington, D. C. Carlovitz, Giles Homer ••••• Looney, John Burrow. • • • • • • • • • • • • Nas hvi lIe, Tenn ��� ••••••• Pittsburgh, Pal DEGREE FOR PROFESSIONAL WORK Mecha.nical Engineer Black, John Samuel • . . . . . . . . . . • ••• New Brittain, Conn. r Summer School Class of 1923 Degrees Bachelor of Science Graduates with Honor Hale, Yi lliam Thurber • • • • • Mech. Eng •••••• palmer, Martin. • • • • • Agr. Educat ion ••• wyatt, Bartow Hol l ie •••••• Agr. Education . Graduates • Akeley, Pa. • Carson camp Hill Albritton, James Thomas •••• Agricul ture •••••• Hartford Allen, Leland Norcross. • • • • Agriculture. • • Knoxville, Tenn Allen , T homas V~ lton, Jr ••• Agr i cul ture. • •• Eastover, S. C. Bates, Harry Glenn ••••••• Agriculture. • Greenville, S. C. Bates, Josiah Kilgore ••••• Elec. Eng ••••••• Hubert, Ga. Brackin, Rufus Foy . • • • • • • gricul ture • • • Headl and Cone, llaron As berry •••••• Agr. Educa t ion. • Hubert, Ga . Creel , Annie B. • • • • • • Gener al •• • • Morris DelHomme, Will iam Ed~~rd •••• Elec. Eng ••••••�� Mobile DeShazo, Albert Mal colm ���••• Elec. Eng . • • Birmingham Farrell, Oscar Beauchamp •••• Agriculture. • •• Ca therine *Easter, Everette C ••••••• Agriculture. • •• Coxey Gamble, Cary Breckenridge ••• Elec. Eng . • • • ' . ' • Huntsville Gantt, James Roy. • • • • • Sec. Educa t ion. • Deatsville Harris, Peter Horrace ••••• Agr. Education •••• Pl antersville Hooper, Joseph Earl •••••• s gr. Extens ion •••• Auburn Huey, George Whitfield ••••• Agr. Educa tion •• Vledowee Johnston, Hunter Hobson •••• Civ. Eng ••••••• Brundidge Jones, James Mi ddleton •••���• Agriculture .•.•.. New Market Knapp, Albert Dudley •••••• El ec. Eng ••••••• Auburn McCartney, Charles Euge~e ••• Elec. Eng ••••••• Ft. payne Mandy, Norman ilil f red ••••• Mech. Eng . • • • • Ensley Marchman, Robert Le e, Sr •••• Sec. Education •••• Loachapoka Mooneyham, Lester Lee.. • • • • Agriculture. • • • • • Clio Nail, James Clyde ••••••• Civ. Eng ••••••• Dolomite Nixon. Hubert William ••••• Chern. & Met •••••• Merrellton >!Randolph , Jo hn W. • • • • • • • Agr iculture •• Reynolds, Robert Bethel •••• Chern. & Met •• Ruffin, ~ inford hudry ••• Agricult ure. • • Auburn • Guntersville • Deatsville • • • • Moundvi lle • • Cyril Ti dmore , David Borden • • • • • Chern. Eng . • • Tims, Florence. • • • •• • Sec. Educa tion Treadwel l, 'l' homas Andrew •••• Agriculture ••• Tur nipseed, Samuel Guy ••••• Agricul ture ••• (latson, James W.arion •••���•• Agriculture ••• watt, Joseph Tee. Jr... • • Agr. Educati9n • • •• . vaverly • • • """a thews · . • Pensacola, Fla. • Auburn Graduates in Pharmacy (Ph.G) Jones , Daniel Rousseau ••••••••••••••• Russellville Post Graduate Degrees Master of Science Everette C. Easter •••••• Agriculture. • •• Coxy John W. Rando 1 ph. •• • • • • • .Agr i cu I ture. • • • • • Au burn 1 1'7 108 Special Meeting Board of Trustees Montgomery, Alabam1;l.. August 16, 1923. The Board of Trustees met in the office of Governor Brandon at ,~ 2:30 P.M, 'the following Members being present: Governor Brandon, Superintendent Abercrombie, Messrs. W. K. Terry, W. H. Oates, T. D. Samford P. S. Haley, H. D. Merrill, Harry Herzfeld, Charles Henderson, J. A. Rogers, C. M. Sherrod. The Governor stated that he had called a special meeting of the trustees in order that the full Board might re ceive the report of the special commit tee appoili-ted May 16, 1923 to investigate the charges J1l.ade by Messrs. Bishop, Rittenour and Winberg aga inst the Director of Extension of the College On request of the Board, Mr. Samford gave a general statement conoerning the investigation ma.de by the special committee. The Governor stated that Mr. Bishop and others wished to appear before the Board. On motion which was adopted their request was granted. Mr. Bishop talked at length concerning the charges made and stated t hat t he matter should be fully i nvestigated by the Boa.rd. Others who spoke were Messrs. Webb and ]'isher. By request the report of the special committee was read by Mr. Samford. Mr. Sherrod. moved that the Board accept the report of the special committee and that the same be ratified as the action of the Board of Trustees. This motion was unanimously adopted. (See report below) On motion of Dr. Oates the Secretary of the Board \vas directed to give the report to the press. On motion of Mr. Samford the trustees formally voted ~ their appreciation of the co-operation. given t he investigating committee of the Board by Governor Brandon and Assistant Examiners of Accounts, Henry and Chapman. There being no further business the board adjourned. B. L. Shi,Secretary Report of special Committee At the meeting of the Board of 'rrustees of the Alabama Polytechnic held a t Auburn on the 14th day of ~~y, 1923, there was laid before tne Board certain alleged charges and complaints by C. W. Rittenour, PreSident of the A.labama Farm Bureau Federation, Roy C. Bishop, Secretary-1'T.anager of sa id Farm Bureau, and o. F. W. Winberg, Second Vice-President of Said Bureau, against L. N. Duncan, Director of the Extension Service of the Alabama Poly­technic Institute. These alleged charges and complaints were discussed at length by the Board of Trustees and on motion the undersigned were appointed So special committee to investigate said complaints and charges and report back to said Board of Trustees. Subsequent to the meeting of said Board of Trustees as above stated s new set Off 6fficers for the said Alabama Farm Bureau Federatio~were elected other than the above named of ficers who filed said charges and complaints, and the newly elected officers of said Farm Bureau Federation transmitted a cummunication to the Chairman of said Board of Tnlstees formally withdrawing all of said charges and complaints and in express terms commending Professor Duncan very highly for the work he was doing as Director of the Extension Service. Notwithstanding this action on the part of the officials of the Farm Bureau, the persons who had originally made said charges in the name of the Farm Bureau asked to renew said complaints as individuals and protested aga inst the withdrawal of said complaints by the n~Nly elected officers of said Farm Bureau. Thereupon your committee deemed it wise and p~oper to proceed with an investigation of said charges and complaints notwithstanding the change in the status of said alledged charges and complaints. The public was accor­dingly advised tha.t a thorough and complete investigation of the activities expenditures and administration of the affairs of said Extension Servioe by Professor Duncan would be made. 109 Obviously, it was impossible for the individual members of your committee to act as expert examiners and devote five or six weeks of continuous service in conducting said investigation. Henoe, a request was made to the Governor that two of the most expert and trusted examiners in the State's service should be detailed for this service. This was accordingly done, and Mr. John Chapman and Mr. E. A. Henry were designated by the ChiefState Examiner at the instance of the Governor; for this purpo se. In justice to Professor Duncan it should be stated that he had before this time formally requested and insisted that a thorough invest~gatio~be had . This request on the part of Professor DUncan is evidenced by a lel ter addressed by him to Pr es i dent Sp!'ight DowelL This request has no specia.l significance exeept to indicate a desire on the part of professor Duncan that a full in­vestigation be had. All records on finances, reports of work, correspondence and all charges and complaints of every character and kind were placed in the ha.nds of these State Examiners (as they had previously been so placed in the hands of the Federal Inspectors) by the President of the college before said examiners began their work. The examinat i on of the State Examiners which took six weeks to complete embraced the period from July 1, 1920, to June 1923, the entire time covered by the awninistration of Dr. Dowell, as President of the college, and of Professor Duncan as Director of the Extension Service. The report of the f indings of these State Examiners indicate no cri ticism whatever of Professor Duncan nor of Dr. Dowell. Their report to the Governor is as follows: His Excellency William W. Brandon, Governor, state of Alabama. Sir: Mon tgomery t Ala bama, Augus t l, 1923 In accordance with instructions received through Hon. Chas. E. McCall, Chief Examiner of Accounts, we have attempted to collect the information request­ed ~n a cummunication to the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute by Messrs. Roy C. Bishop, C. W. Rittenour and Dr. O.F.E. Winberg, and the same is submitted herewith under separate covers and in the order of their appearance on the request. The tra.vel expense accounts of the district agents and specialists are not given in absolute detail for the reason that it would have made the report so volumnious and would have required so much time in preparation that l1U \ it was thought that a statement of the dates covered by ~T paymentsfor travel e~penses, the places visited and purpose of the trip would answer all questions. The request for a copy of all letters bearing upon the difficulty in question has not been complied with for the reason that the files were searched and all letters written to the parties named by Dire~tor Dunoan, and all correspondence received by him from them was read, and there appeared to be nothing which would have any bearing on the case other than to show that there existed a very loyal organization working under Director Duncan. Most of the letters bearing on the matter came from field agents who had noticed the artioJl!es appearing in the papers and many of them had the clippings attached, and they 'were merely assuring Mr. Dunca:il. of their loyalty to the . service and their willingness to coope~te with him in every possible manner. There was no indication of any instructions having been given that they should participate in any ma.nner in influencing any elections, in fact .most of the letters from Mr. Duncan disclaimed that there was any such desire on his part to have the service take any part in the politics of the Farm Bureau. The report of Mr. ~ohaub, Field Agent for the Extension Service from Vashington, D. C., is made a part of the report on the institute and is not repeated herein. Mr. Duncan was most considerate in making available all of the files, and i~sisted upon a thorough search being made and any findings re­corded in this report. Respectfully submi tted, Messrs. Chapman & Henry, Assistant Examiners of Accounts. Previous', to the examination and report of the two State Examiners as indicated above, President Spright Dowell had requested a full and com­plete examination by the Federal examiners. In response to this request by President Dowell two separate examinations were made by ag~nts sent from Washington. Both of these reports of the Federal Examiners contained no suggestion of criticism and are entirely satisfactory to your committee. The report of the inspector for the Federal Government, May 2, 1923 is as follows: Dr. Spright Dowell, Auburn, Ala. Dear Doctor Dowell: Auburn, Alabama, May 2, 1923. Complying with your request I have made an inspection of all v.ouchers covering expenditures of FeaeralSmith-Lever, Federal Supplemen­tary Smith-Lever and state funds used to offset Federal appropriations. I ma.de this inspection to determine if the expend-itures were in line with the purposes of the Smith-Lever Act and also to see if the classi­fications by projects were in line with the Federal requirements. It was necessary to make some minor adjustments but these have been made and t have passed all inspected vouchers covering expendi tures up to May 1 as -being proper and in accord with the Smith-Lever Act. ,~ I Subsequently this examina tion was brought down to June 30, 1923. with same result and commendation. Sincerely yours, 1.0. schaub, Field Agent. In addition to these reports by the examiners as above set forth, your committee has made diligent inquiry and effort to learn of any facts to substantiate the charges. of ~mproper conduct on the part of Professor Duncan, and aside from complaints of an indefinite and vague sort, from certain ma.nufestly unfriendly and prejudiced sources, we have been unable to learn any facts to justify such complaints as have been filed with your committee. The item of"Administrative Expense" in the annual report of Mr. Dunoan, to which our special attention has been called as being unuaually large as' compared to that of other States is simply and satisfactorily explained by Mr . DWlcan and by the Examiners as a mere ~etter of bookkeep­in~ , as to how and where certain perfectly proper and legitimate items of .~pense are entered, and i ndicates no improper expenditures wha tsoever. We are informed, t hat the fact is, the adm inistra t i ve expenses of the Alabama Extensi on Service under ltt . Dllllcan are smaller than that of any other Southern St ate except possibly two or three. We have requested President Dowell and Professor Duncan to come before your comrnittee from time to time and answer such questions as your committee deemed desirable, and their answers and explana t ions have been fa i r and candid and entirely satisfactory to your committee. ,. In the light of the reports of the Examiners, State and Federal, and of 01~ knowledge of the f acts as ascertai ned by investigation and in­quiry, we are convinced t hat the criticisms against Professor Duncan and against the Extension Service under bis dir ecti on, are unwarranted and un­f ounded. We commend Doctor Dowell, Presi o.ent of t he College , for the becoming dignity and discret i on with which he has handled the provoking charges against the Extension Servic e , and, also, Di r ector Duncan and the Extension force for the construct ive work they are doing for Al abama. Hespec tfully, Members of the Special Committee of the Board of Tnlstees. Wm.W. Br andon, Thos. D. Samford, Chas. Henderson W. K. Terry The above r eport considered ~y full Board and unanimously adopted as the re port of the Board of 'rrus t ees. w. H. Oates ~ . M. Sherrod H. Herzfeld W. K. 'ferry 'rhos. D. Samford J. W. Rogers C. S. 11cDowell 'vvrn. W. Br andon, John W. Abercrombie Chas. Henderson Paul S. Haley 111