1922 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1922President. 10:30. Minutes of the Board of Trustees February 22, 1922. The Board of Trus'tees met at 9 :30 a.m. in the office of the Mr. Samford presided until the arrival of the Governon at The foll owing members were present: Gov. Thos. E....

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7395
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1922President. 10:30. Minutes of the Board of Trustees February 22, 1922. The Board of Trus'tees met at 9 :30 a.m. in the office of the Mr. Samford presided until the arrival of the Governon at The foll owing members were present: Gov. Thos. E. Kilby J. .V. Abercrombie C. M. Sherrod C. S. McDowell, Jr. w. K. Tel"ry w. H. Oates T. D. Samford P. S. Haley H. D. Merrill Harry Herzfeld The minutes of the last meeting were not read. On request of the Boal"d, President Dowell read his report and recommendations. Each recommendation of the President was then voted upon sepal"ate1y and ac·tion taken as follows: (1) The action of the Executive Committee and of the President in the building activities was approved. (2) The annual awal"d of a scholarship covering non-l"esident tuition fee to the technological High School of Atlanta (3) (5) (7 ) was authorized. The return to W. Y. Fleming of Opelika of ~5.00 pail" as late re .istration fee was authorized. The account of Rosemont Gardens, Montgomery, of ~ 25.00 for f10l"a1 offel"ings of the trustees, as the funeral of Dl". Thach was approved for payment. The president of the College was authorized to borrow a sum not to exceed $10,000. in the conduct of the Greater Auburn Campaign,- said loan to constitute a priol" cla im on the amount received from donations. The matricula tion fee for non-residents was placed at $25.uO each semester. The section fOl" non-resident fee on page 38 of the cata­logue was changed to l"ead as follows: "An additional matricul.ation fee of ~25.00 each semester is charged students who are non-residents of Alabama. A student undel" 21 yesl"s of age once entering as a non-resident will not be permitted to claim residence unless his parent or guardian becomes a bona fide resident of Alabama and submits satisf ctory affidavits as evidence. A student 21 yeal"s of age Ol" over at the time of first entering college , and coming from another state, will not be permitted to claim residence until he 39 40 r I ' becomes a qualified elector in Al abama, and in addition makes satis­factory affidavit that he is to become a bona fide resident of Alabama. The non-res i dent fee is remitted to sons of mini s t~t:s.I' (8) The president was a ut horized to fix and adjust the fees of post ' graduates on an equitable basis. (9) On motion of Mr . Samford , which was adopted, the Pres i ­dent of the college was authorized to designate a house to be rented to the Commanding Officer of the R.O .T'.C. who acts as Commandant of cadets. (10) Upon the arrival of the Governor, the matter of Dr. Thach's unpaid salary bal ance was considered and the following motion of Mr. Samford was adopted: Resolveq.,that the unpaid balance of the 1920-21 salary appro­priated Dr. Thach, President Emeritus, be paid to Mrs. C. C. Thach, his widow. Governor Kilby and Mr. Terry; by request are recorded as voting uno" on this motion. (11) On motion of Mr. Samford the Board adopted by unanimous vote the f ollowing resolutions: Resolutions of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama .t'olytechni c Institute, upon the death of Dr. C. C. Thach. Whereas, In ' the ever changing current of the course of human events, it has been the will of our Divine Master to t ake from us Dr. C. C. Thach, the beloved former president of thi s Institute~ and Whereas, This Board, in the death of Dr. Thach has sustained an irreparable loss and this Institute, for which he gave his life, has lost one of its truest a~d most loyal friends, Be it resolved, That we accept the Divine Will and bow in submission, knowing full well that some day the ways of providence will be understood and that "All things Vlorketh together for the good of those who love the Lord". That this Board here record and expression of its bereave­ment at its loss and its veneration and esteem for t his great man, who wrought so nobly for the Institution and people whom he loved, and accord him the honor, which is due to one who sacrifices his life in unselfish service of his fellow man. That we acclaim the deeds of an heroic, Christian life, and add, as we may, to the Divine injunction already given, "Well done thy good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of thy reward". That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Board and copy to the Opelika Daily News for publication. (Signed Thos. D. Samford) r The Board then took a recess until 12:45 in order t ha t the members might attend the exercises in Langdon Hall, Governor Kilby presiding. The Board resumed its session at 1:0.0 o'clock when the following matt9rs were considered : (12 ) v0(13 I ~ (14) (15) The Board considered the application of W. R. Taylor, formerly a professor of English, for salary for the months of JUly and August, 1921. After discussion, a motion by Mr. Terry that the application be not approved, was adopted. Mr . Herzfeld brought to the attention of the Board the matter of conferring the honorary degree of D. Sc. upon a member of the College Staff. No action was taken, but it was understood that the President of the College would correspond with other institutions concerning the matter. On motion of Mr. Haley, which was adopted, ~he Board appro­priated $25.00 per month to reimburse the resident of the College for the official use of his private car. Application of W. H. Barber, Jr. of Georgia to be exempted from paying the non-resident fee was disapproved by the Board which expressed its unwillingness to grant the re­quest on the basis of facts set forth in Mr. Barber's letter. There being no further business , the Boa r.d adjourned. B. L. Shi, Secretary, Board of Trustees. 41 42 Minutes of the Board of Trustees May 15, 1922 The Board met in the office of the president at 10:30 a.m. the following members being present, Gov. Kilby · C. S. McDowell J. rl. Abercronibie w. K. Terry .W • . F. Feagin T. D. Samford C. M. Sherrod P. S. Haley H. D. Merrill The minutes of the last meetings were read and approved. President Dowell presented his report and financial statements for the current session, and proposed budget for the year beginning July 1, 1922. On mOtion of Mr. Samford, which was adopted, the Board then considered item by item the thirteen recommendations submitted by the president. The Board voted on each recommendation separately, approving them as follows: 1. That the Budget for the year beginning July 1, 1922, as submitted by the President, be approved. 2. That the salaries and rank of the members of the staff for the year beginning July, 1922, be approved as submitted. 3. That the President be authorized to fill existing vacancies and such others as may occur during t he year within the amounts appropriated. 4. Tha t the Student ctivities Fee be increased by '1.25 each semester to make provision for social a nd religious work among the students. 5. That the President be authorized to install the third story book stack in the Library. 6. That the resident be authorized to purchase additional . acreage and such lots as are needed in the development of the college in accordance with the plans approved by the Board in February, 1921. 7. That the President be authorized to make necessary provi­sion for housing the equipment donated to the college by the Alabama Power Company. 8. That the President be authorized to install a modern Creamery '-'y and Ice nlant of sufficient capacity to meet the needs of the college. Mr. Samford asked to be recorded as not voting. 11:20 a.m. :J. That the President be authorized, with the approval of the EXecutive Committee, to negotiate the sale of the Alabama Bonds owned by the college, the income from which is used for Library Maintenance in accordance with an .Act approved July 31, 1907; the proceeds from the sale of said Bonds to be used .in constrUcting a dormitory for boys, the cost not to exceed $150,000. 10. That the amount necessary to provide for maintenance of ,I'. the Library the equivalent of the income from the Bonds mentioned in Recommendation. #9 be hereby appropriated annually from the treasury of the college. lL That the erection of the dormitory contemplated under Recommendation #9 be referred to the Executive Committee wi th power ' to act when in their opinion the funds available from the Semi-Centennial Campaign justify. 43 12. That the Board renew its expression of appreciation of the \ f,~' 'i gift of the Herzfeld family for a hospital and announce its \~~ decision to erect the same as early as may seem practicable. 13. That the degrees recommended .by the faculty and submitted herewith by approved. There being no further business., the Board adjourned at B. L. Shi, Secretary Board of Trustees \ 44 ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE SUMMARY FINANCIAL STATEM!INT July 1, 1921 - JUne 30, 1922 page 1:- Estimated Financial Condition of College Proper on June 30, 1922. Page 2:- Financial Condition of Maintenance, College proper in detail on April 30, 1922; and Estimated Financial Condition, June 30, 1922. page 3:- Financial Condition of special Ptu'poses, College Proper, in detail on April 30,1922; and Estimated Financial Condition, June 30, 1922 Page 4:- Financial Condition of Building, College Proper in detail on Arpil 30, 1922; and Estimated Finan­cial Condition, JUne 20, 1922 Page 5:- Financial Condition of Building, College Proper in detail on April 30, 1922; and Estimated Finan­cial Condition, June 30, 1922; and Auburn Semi­Centennial, April 30, 1922. Page 6$- Financial Condition of Experiment Station on April 30, 1922; and Estimated Financial Condition on June 30, 1922. Page 7:- Financial Condition of EXtenSion Service on April 30, 1922; and Estimated Financial Condition on June 30, 1922. PROPOSED BUDGET July 1, 1922 - June 30, 1923 Page 8:- Estimated Receipts - Maintenance, College Proper. Page 9:- Estimated Receipts - Special Purposes. Page 10:- Estimated Receipts - custodial. Page 11:- Estimated Receipts - Build ings. page 12:- Estimated Expenditures, Maintenance, College Proper • Page 13:- Estimated Expenditures, Special Purposes, College Proper Page 14:- Estimated Expenditures, Custodial, College Proper Pages 15 - 18:- Proposed Salary Pay Roll Page 1 Maintenance ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE ESTI1~TED FINANCIAL CONDITION OF COLLEGE PROPER June 30, 1922 Receipts to Apr.il 30 - - - - - - - Estimated Receipts May I-June 30 - 267851.23 22959.51 290810.74 Expenditures to April 30 ~ - - - 230597.93 Balance Estimated Expenditures lmy 1-June 30 44228.91 274926.84 15983.90 Special Purposes Receipts to April 30 - - - - - - - Estimated Receipts May I-June 30 EXpenditures to April 30 - - - - Estimated Receipts May 1-June 30 Custodial Receipts to April 30 - - - - - - Estimated Rec~ipts May I-June 30 EXpendi tures to April 30 - - - - Estima ted Receipts May 1-June 30 Buildings - 53350.14 20801.57 74751.67 11308.21 80860.8'7 11646.95 69578.87 20928.95 Receipts to April 30 - - - - - - - -101161.65 74151.71 · 86059.88 92507.82 90507.82 Estimated Receipts :May I-June 30 - - 17775.00 118936.65 EXpendi tures to April 30 - - -107178.02 Estimated Expenditures May 1-June 30-31850.00 139028.02 Less Total Balances - Total Net Deficit - 2000.00 17983.90 Special Purposes deficit of 11908.17 will probably be against the following Departments: 45 Deficit 11908.17 20091.37 31999.54 17983.90 14015.64 Creamery - - 2500.00 - Equipment 150.00, Stock on Bond 1000.00 Permanent Improvements 500.00 Heat, Light, water .- - 5000.00 - Well 500.00, Meters 1150.00, and furnished Heat, Light and water free Sweet Potato House 1~ int. 950.00 - Carpenter Shop - 2500.00 - Picture Show - - - - 2UO.UO - MEMORA1TOUM Auburn Semi-Centennial Fund Stock not yet sold Receipts in this office to April 30 - - - 20081.98 Expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - 2U238.36 Deficit - - - - - - - 156.38 46 ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTI TOTE (College proper) MA INTENA NCE July 1, 1921 - June 30, 1922 Page 2 Amount Expenditures Pro,ject Budgeted April 30, 1922 Balance Deficit AdJilinistration 20530.00 19093.80 1436.20 Agricultural Engineering 6300.00 5240.86 1059.14 Agronomy 7850.00 5667.78 2182.22 Animal Husbandry 23340.00 17778.27 5561.73 Architecture 5048.00 4308.47 739.53 Botany 5200.00 4503.41 696.59 Building and Grounds 8660.00 9045.52 - - - - 385.52 Catalogue & Advertising 1800.00 513.01 1286.99 Civil Engineering 5675.00 4728.83 946.17 Chemistry 21350.00 16708.00 4642.00 Commencemen t Expenses 700.00 - - - - 700.00 Economics 800.00 654.50 145.50 Education 3125.00 2716.17 408.83 Electrical Engineering 8450.00 7478.39 971.61 English 12300.00 9343.97 2956.03 Entomology 5200.00 4476.25 723.75 Greenhouse 1690.00 1303.58 386.42 History & Latin 6600.uO 5100.01 1499.99 Highway Engineering 3060.00 2541.20 518.80 Horticulture 7655.00 6412.19 1242.81 -0 Health 4100.00 3226.80 873.20 Home Economics 6500.00 5439.43 1060.57 Insurance (Premium) 7500.00 14038.96 - - - - 6538.96 Libra,ry 4000.00 2958.01 1041.99 Machine Design 5750.00 4751.91 998.09 Me thema tic s 11105.00 9172.82 1932.18 Mechanical Engineering 12295.00 10277 .79 2017.21 Military 1600.00 1265.55 334.45 Modern Language 4725.00 4084.91 640.09 Pharmacy 6300.00 5413.42 886.58 Physical Culture 1550.00 1291.66 258.34 '?hysics 4375.00 3633.29 741.71 President Emeritus 4000.00 3333.33 666.67 Summer ~ession 8700.00 6028.61 2671.39 Smith-Hughes (Regular) 11364.73 8344.74 2019.99 Smith-Hughes ( S.S.) 1290.00 1342.08 - - - - 52.08 Vocational Training (8. B. ) 540.00 753.02 - - - - 213.02 Trustees 900.00 225.16 674.84 Veterinary 13000.00 9550.40 3449.60 Vocational Soldiers 6145.00 5292.15 852.85 Contingent 3962 .0u 2559.68 1402.32 Totals - - - - a75,034.73 230,597.93 51,626.38 7,189.58 r') ./ Balance Available, according to Budget, June 30 - - 44,436.80 Estimated Receipts, in excess of Amount Budgeted, to JUne 30 15,776.01 Total - - 60,212.81 Estimated Expenditures, May 1 - June 30 - - 44,228.91 Estimated net ba.lance on hand, W.INTENANCE, College Proper June 30 - - - - - - - 15,983.90 Note:- Columns 3 and 4 tor general info:r'mation only 47 48 complled May 1, 1922 EXPENDI TURES ALABAm POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE (College P:rope:r) SPECIAL PURPOSES as of Ap:ril 50,1922. May 4, 1922 Page 3 P:ro.iect Allotment Creame:ry 3600.00 Do:rmit6:ries & Cottages 5900.00 Heat, Light &: wate:r 22065.00 Glee Club 2000.00 Food Stuffs 7150.00 Potato House 500.00 Oil Tax (t of) 300.00 Picture Show 15500.00 ca:rpente:r Shop 3712.50 Smith Hall 15000.00 T,otals 75,727.50 Expenditu:res to April .30 - - - - - - - Estimated Expenditu:res May I-June 30 - - ~pendi tu:res 8720.09 910.9.01 23210.57 43.25 5960.81 978.93 309.13 14452.01 3979.44 7988.43 74,751.67 Balance - - - - 1956.75 1189.19 - - - - - - - - 1047.99 - - - - 7011.57 11,205.50 -74751.67 11308.21 Receipts to Ap:ri1 30 - - - - - - - -- - - - 53350.00 Estimated Receipts 1my I-June 30 - - - - - 20801.57 Estimated net Deficit, Special PU:rposes, College P:rope:r, June 30 - - - - - - - - - - Note: Columns three and four for general information only Defici t 5120.09 3209.01 1145.57 - - - - - - - - 478.93 9.13 - - - - 266.94 - - - - 10, 229.67 86059.88 74151.71 11908.17 Page 4. Pro.1ect Athletics Glomera.ta Laundry Oil Tax (3/4) Orange & Blue Scholarships Student Contingent ElCPENDI TUBES ALABA1!.A POLYTECmnC INSTI'rtJTE (College I?roper) CUSTODIAL as ot April 30, 1922 May 4, 1922 Allotments Expendi tures 6000.00 6625.13 3500.00 1566.05 18000.00 15549.71 54000.00 40448.65 1000.00 1567.66 2000.00 - - - - 5000.00 723.77 Agricultural Engineering 253.33 162.63 Chemical Soils 625.05 9.64 Entomology · 453.26 84 .49 Horticulture 32.48 7.65 Plant Pathology 512.75 217.85 Contingent 1093.76 96.79 R.O.T.C.ShoeAcct. 1980.50 1971.33 Lectures 500.00 299.65 Station Director - - - - 257.87 Totals - - - - 94,951.13 69,578.87 Amount Budgeted - - - - - - - - - - - Amount Budgeted in excess of Receipts Estimated Receipts to June 30 - - - - - Balance - - - - 1933.95 2450.29 13551.35 - - - - 2000.00 4275.23 90.70 615.41 368.77 24 .83 294.90 996.97 9.17 210.35 - - - - 26822.92 94951.13 2443.31 29507.82 Estimated Expenditures to June 30 - - - - 90507.82 Estima ted Balance on hand, Custodial, College propel', June 30- - 2000.00 Denei t 625.13 567.66 257.87 1450.66 50 EXPENDI TlJRES ALABAMA POLYTECmUC INSTITUTE (College Proper) BUILDINGS as of April 30, 1922 May 4, 1922 Page 5 Pro,lect Agricultural Buildings Hangars Well Veterinary Buildings Artillery Buildings Smith Hall Chemistry Laboratory Woodshop Forge Shop President's Mansion Langdon Hall Sweet Potato House Cottage (Spalding) Cottages Allotment Totals - - - 112,000.00 Expenditures 49239.73 5797.01 2171.00 37809.64 291.02 6695.00 980.75 692.18 171.63 134 .50 462.81 675.28 1685.90 371.57 107,178.02 Balance Denci t 4,821.98 Balance available, according to budget, June· 30 - - - - - - (1) Estiw~ted receipts in excess of amount budgeted,Q/30 - 112, 000.00 6,936.65 118,936.65 139,028.02 Total - - - - - - - - - - - Estimated expenditures to June 30- - - - - - - - Estimated deficit Building, College Proper, June 30- - 20.091.37 (1) This includes the appropriation of 15,625.00 due July 1 MEMORANDUM Auburn Semi-Centennial Fund Reoeipts in this office to April 30 - - - - EXpenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20081.98 20238.35 156.38-D STATEMENT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Showing Financial Condition of Experiment Station on April 30 and Estimate Financial Condition on June 30 Page 6 Receipts Expenditures Hatch - - - - - - - .;. 150UO.00 10213.66 Adams - - - - - - 15000.00 12227.82 Local E;xperirnent- - - - - 15050.00 9228.96 Investiga tions at Auburn- 9461.55 5485.06 Total A~propriations- - 64511.55 Income from Operations- - 3333.60 2949.93 57846.15 40105.43 Balance on hand April '30 - Estimated Receipts May I-J1ll1e 30- - '- - - Total - - Estimated Expenditures, May 1- June 30- - Estima ted Bal ance on hand June 30 - Balahce 4786.34 ' 2772.18 5821.04 5976.49 383.67 17739.72 17739.72 550.00 18289.72 9689.24 8600.48 51 Defi ci t 52 ALABAMA POLYTECIDnC INSTI W 'rE STATEMENT Showing Financial Condition of EXtension Service on April 30, a.nd Estimated Financial Condition on June 30. Page 7 Receipts EXpenditures Balance Deficit Federal Smith-Lever 138801.32 101098.49 37702.73 state Smith-Lever 105500.00 45208.60 90291.40 Federal Supplement 53667.18 43631.58 10035.60 Federal Supplement Offset 30194.27 35788.73 - - - - 5594.46 State Smith Lever Non-O 204.35 18822.09 - 18617.74 Total Appropriation 328367.02 Donations Extension 207.23 227.23 I Income from_ Operations 2784.24 291.40 2492.57 331358.49 245068.12 110522.57 Balance on hand April 30 - - - - - - 86290.37 Estimated Receipts May I-June 30 - - 100.00 Total - - - - - - - - 86390.37 Estimated Expenditure May 1- June 30-47261.35 Estunated Balance on hand June ' 30 - -39129.02 20.00 24232.20 Page 8 Appropriations, fixed: Fede.t:al BUDGET Alabama. Polytechnic Institute For Maintenance July 1, 1922 - June 30., 1923 RECEIPTS Morrell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $30.150..0.0. State Endowment - - - - - - - - !n lieu of Fertilizer Tax - - Maintenance and Support - Summer Session- - - - - - - Buildings & Maintenance, A.H. Donati on G. E. B. - - - - - - - - - - Total- - - - - - Approrpiat ions, indefinite: Federal & state-Cooperating Summer Session, Smith-Hughes - - - - - - - - - Vocational Education, Smith-Hughes - - - - - - state Department of Education, Smith-Bnnkhead- - - state 0.i1 Tax (-i ), Less Inspection - Total - Income from o.perations Animal Husbandry Sales - Horticulture Sales - - - - - - - Veterinary Sales - - - Interest on Library Bonds Interest on Deposits- - - - - - - House and Room Rent (Less Maintenance) Total - - - - - - Matriculation and Laboratory Fees Main Session - - - - Summer School - First Sess ion Summer School - Second Session - - Voca tional Soldiers' Tuition Miscellaneous - - - - - - - Total Grand Total 4250.0..0.0. 50.0.0..0.0. . 1250.0..0.0. 160.0.0..0.0. - - - - - - $166,430..0.0. 100.0..0.0. 110.0.0. .0.0. 90.0..0.0. 1770.0..0.0. 450.0..0.0. 150..0.0. 600..0.0. 1160..0.0. 500..0.0. 4750..0.0 390.0.0..0.0. 50.0.0..00. 100.0..0.0. 30.,60.0..0.0. 11,660. . 0.0. 45,00.0..0.0. 37,000.0.0. 3,50.0..0.0. 294,190..0.0. 54 BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INsrlTUTE SPECrAL PURPOSES July 1, 1922 - June 30, 1923 RECEIPTS Page 9 Carpenter Shop - - - - - - - Creamery - - - - - - - - Dormitories and Cottages - Feed Stuffs Glee Club - Heat, Light and Water Oil Tax (For lnspection)- - Picture Show - - - - Smith Hall Board - '- Total $ 7000.00 12000.00 7000.00 7150.00 2000.00 25000.00 400.00 f"', 16000.00 ) 18000.00 94550.00 Page 10 Athletics BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE CUSTODIAL July 1, 1922 - June 30, 1923 . RECEIPTS Glomerata - - Laundry· - $ 6000.00 3750.00 18000.00 Oil Tax (3/4) - - - - - 54300.00 Orange and Blue - - - - - - - - - 1250.00 Scholarships -- 2000.00 student Contingent 4800.00 Lectures - - - - - ,.. - - - - - _ . .- - - - - - -- __4; ;;;.,;;5;...:0...,;.-.0.-,0 Total - - - - - - - - - - $90550.00 55 56 Page 11 BUDGET ALABAMA J;'OLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE BUILDINGS July 1, 1922,- June 30, 1923 RECEIPTS To be used in liquidating deficit on buildings for year of 1921-22 - - $15,625.00 Auburn Semi-Centennial Fund - - - - - - - - - -- 57 BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTI'lUTE MAINTENANCE July 1, 1922 - J'Une 30, 1923 Page 12 EXPEND I TUBES Pro,jeet Salary Labor Eguipnent Supplies Total College Maintenance Admini stration 19575.00 100.00 531.44 1288.57 (Travel 900.00 22215.01 Agri cultural Engineering 6200.00 - - - - - - - - 500.00 6700.00 Agronomy 6450.00 650.00 500.00 500.00 Sl OO.OO Animal Husbandry 8650.00 2660.00 3600.00 8240c~00 23150.00 Archi tecture 7150.00 100.00 100.00 70.00 7420.00 Botany 4300.00 - - - - 750.00 200.00 5250.00 Buildings & Gr~unds 3955.00 4500.00 495.00 1050.00 10000 .00 Catalog & Advertising - - - -. - - - - - - - - 1800.00 1800.00 Chemistry 16510.00 1200.00 1900.00 2040.00 21650.00 Civil Engineering 5325.00 75.00 450.00 75.00 5925.00 Commencement - - - - - - - - - - - - 600.00 600.00 Economies 750.00 15.00 - - - - 35. 00 800.00 Educa tion 3245.00(Trvl) 100.00 337.50 59.50 3742.00 Electrical Engi neering 7500.00 - - - - 1000.00 250. 00 8750.00 English 12075.00 450.00 150 .00 600.00 13275.00 Entomology 4600.00 100.00 600.00 700.00 6000.00 Health 4500.00 240.00 10.00 250.00 5000.00 Highway Engineering 3000.00 - - - - 900.00 50.00 3950.00 History & Latin 6600. 00 - - - - 250.00 50.00 6900.00 Home Economi cs 4500.00 250.00 750.00 500.00 6000.00 Horticul ture 7090.00 150.00 200.00 500.00 7940.00 Insurance - - - - - - - - - - - - 2000.00 2000.00 Library 2450.00 - - - - 2500.00 3200. 00 8150.00 Machi ne Design 5800.00 225.00 450.00 75. ()0 6550.00 Ma thema tics 11275.00 - - - - - - - - 105 .00 11380.00 Mechanical Engineering 10835.00 400.00 500.00 1200.00 12935.00 Mill t ary 1l7 0~0 0 90.00 150.00 250.00 1660.00 Modern Languages 4925 :00 - - - - 25.00 50.00 5000.00 Pharmacy 5000.00 - - - - 250 .00 1500 .00 6750.00 Physi ca l Culture 1550.00 - - - - 100.00 50.00 1700.00 Physics 4200 . 00 75.00 600 . 00 150.00 5025.00 Summer School 10118.00 80 . 00 1302.00 11500.00 Smith-Hughes Summer School 1000.00 - - - - 1000.00 st. Department Educa tion 810 . 00 - - - - 90.00 900.00 Trustees - - - - - - - - 600.()0 600.00 Veter inary 11350 . 00 300. 00 1000.00 1800.00 14450 .00 r Voca tional Educ.( S.H.) 8270 .00 120 .00 188.73 286.00 (Tr avel - 2500 .00 11364 .73 Vocat ional Soldiers 5804 .00 - - - - 65.00 31.00 5900.00 Contingent - - - - - - - - 58 Page 13 EXPENDITURES Project Carpentry creamery Dormitories & Cottages Feed Stuffs Glee C·lub Heat, Light and Water Oil Tax (~., - of) Picture Show Smi th Hall Board BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE SPECIAL PURPOSES July 1, 1922 - June 30, 1923 Salary Labor Eguipnent Supplies Total 1515.00 1200.00 2000.00 1425.00 6140.00 900.UO 2000.00 2000.00 7100.00 12000.00 640.00 6070.00 290.00 7000.00 5850.00 - - - - 1300.00 7150.00 - - - - - - - - 2000.00 2000.00 4720.00 2400.00 3500.00 14380.00 25000.00 - - - - - - - - 250.00 150.00 400.00 ~ 5400.0.0 5600.00 840.00 4080.00 16000.00 900.00 1000.00 3000.00 13100.00 18000.00 19,925.00 12,280.00 17,660.00 43,825.0Q 93,690.00 n Page 14 BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE CUSTODIAL July 1, 1922 - June 30, 1923 EXPEND I TURES pro,iect Supplies Athletics 6000~00 Glomerata. - 3750.00 Laundry - - - 18000.00 Oil Tax (3/4) 54300.00 Orange and Blue 1250.00 Scholarship - - 2000.00 Student Contingent- - 4800.00 Lectures- - - - - - - 450.00 Tota.l - - - - - - - - 90550.00 59 tiU Page 15 Name Atkinson, T. P. Berney, Mrs. F. Burleson, D. J. Burns, F. W. Biggin, F. C. Prof. (Vacant) Bragg. M. C. Instructor (Vacant) Basore, C. A. Bidez, B. R. Baughman, C. A. Brown, otto Blake, L. S. Buckner, Conway Binford, Jno. Bergthold, J. W. Barton,W. D. B1nford, E. E. Boyd, F.E. Baker, K. G. Briggs, R. G. Bell, J. P. Clark, J. B. Cary, C. A. Callan, J. ,A. C. Crenshaw, B. H. Carlovitz, C. H. Cooper, Leland Covington, N. G. Chesnut t, S. L. Cureton, E. I. Crawford, H'. '1. Caldwell, M. K. Cowan, Leonora 'Dowell, Spright Dunn, Berta Dun~tan, A. st.C. Derr, H. M. Drake, J. H. Donahue, M. J. Drake, J. W. Jr. Duncan, L. N. Dobbs, E. C. DalJis, P. O. Duggar, J. F. Eaton, W. H. ProPQsed salaries for Employees Alabama Polytechnic Institute 1922-1923 Title ' College Extension Station Total Head & Prof. Mod.Languages 2700.00 Matron Girls' Dormitory 900.00 Asst. Prof. Agrono~ 2400.00 Asst. Prof. Animal Husbandry 2400.00 Head & Prof. Architecture 3200.00 Prof. Architecture 2000.00 Steno. Horticulture Instructor Architecture Asst. Prof. Chemistry Asst. Feed Stuff ~~alysis & Picture Show Head & Prof. Highway Engr. Asst. Prof. Horticulture Head & Prof. Pharmacy Steno. Voca. Soldiers Pump Operator Y. M. C. A. Director District Agent District Agent Agronomist An. Husb. Specialist Asso. Horticulturist Sec'y.Station Director Head Economics & Sec'y to Presid,ent Dean & Head Vet.Dept. Head & Prof. Civil Engr. Head & Prof. ~fu thematics Instr. Mech. Engineering Instr~ Voca. Soldiers Asst. Prof. Veterinary Prof. Voca. Education Asst. state H. D. Agent Asst. Bookkeeper Steno. District Agent Bookkeeper President Steno. Accountant Head & Pro 1'. Elec. Engr. Prof. ~Lq thematics Surgeon Head & Prof. Physical Cult. Supt.Heat,Light,& Water Director Extension Special Negro Men Agent Agricultural Editor Consulting Agronomist Prof. A. H. Supt. Creamery 1500.00 2000.00 500.00) 1800.00) 3000. 00 2400.00 2700. 00 1080.00 600.00 3000.00 300.00 3300.00 3000.00 2700.00 3500.00 1500.00 1500. 00 1650.00 3000.00 6000.00 700.00 3600.00 2700.00 3600.00 1550.00 1800.00 2600.00 - -, 315U.00 3150.00 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00 2200.00 1320.00 1200.00 1200.00 440.00 4500.00 1440.00 2850.00 1380.00 1700.00 600.00 300.00 60.00 300.00 3400.00 2700.00 900.00 2400.00 2400.00 3200.00 2000.00 1380.00 1500.00 2000.00 500.00) 1800.00) 3000.00 2400.00 2700.00 1080.00 600.00 3000.00 3150.00 3150.00 ,~ 3:) 00.00 . 3000. 00 3000.00 2000.00 3300.00 3600.00 2700.00 3500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1650.00 3000.00 2200.00 1320.00 1200.00 1500.00 6000.00 1200.00 3600.00 2700.00 3600.00 1550.00 ~ 1800.00 ' 4500.00 1440.00 3150.00 3400.00 2600.00 Name Easter, E. C. Edwards, Margaret Edwards, R. L. Funchess, M. J. Fu11an, M. T. Ferguson, G. W. Fortier, lAo J. Glenn, M. A. Green, H. L • .Asst. (Vacant I Grimes, J. C. Gardner, W. A. Asst .Prof. (Vacant I Gentry, H. S. GHmore, A Gray, Dan T. Guyton, F. E. Hosmer, Margaret Hare, C. L. Hulse, F. C. High, J. T. Hill, W. W. Hixon, C. R. Hanna, V. C. - Hollifield, Kate Herron, J. L. Harris, A. E. Hardie, mn. Howard, H. Hunt, Mrs. J. K. Hmna, L. C. Hinds, W. E. Isbell, C. L. Johnstone, G.R. Jackson, J. B. Judd,. Z. V. Jones, W. S. Jones, D. T. Johnston, Helen Jones, R. S. Johnson, R. A. Kellel", W. H. Kirkley. J. E. Kimbrough, W. D. Killebrew, C. D. Kynette, C. M. Lauderdale, A. A. Lane, E. H. LeBron, L. C. Miller, E. R. Martin, H. M. Marsh. G. H. McIlvaine, V. C. Title Instructor Girls' Club Stenographer Mili tary Supply Officer Vice Dean & Head Agronorrw Head & Prof. Machine Design .Asst. Professor Veterinary Instructor Military Science Treasurer Head Economics - Home lnstr. Home Economics Head & Prof. Animal Husbandry Head & Prof. Botany Asst. Professor Botany Asst. Professor Pharmacy Stenographel" An.Husbandry Station Director & Dean Ag. Assistant Entomo10tSY stenographer Professor Chemistry Prof. Civil Engineering District Agent Prof. Elec. Engineering Prof. Mech. Engineering lnstr. Vocational Soldiers " " Boyst Club Agent Dean of Women tt Animal Husbandry Specialist Special Negor Men Agent Instructor English Negro Home Economics Agent Entomologist Asso. Pl"of. Horticulture Asso. Professor Botany ) Analyst Dean School Education Agl"ic. & Summer School College Policeman Supt. Carpenter Shop Asst. State Home Dem.Agent Negro Home Economics Agent Farm Foreman JT i gh twa tc hman Instructor English Instructor Horticulture prof. Ma thematics Special Negro Boys' Agent Instr. Professor An.Husb. Horticultural Foreman Asst. Agricultural Engineering Professor Chemistry Asst. Prof. Chemistry Asst. Prof. Chemistry Instructor Elec. Engineering til College Extension Station Total 1800.00 450.00 2150.00 3600.00 16-50.00 240.00 800.00 2700.00 1800.00 950.00 2000.00 450.00 2300.00 400.00 2100.00 1200.00 2950.00 2550.00 2700.00 2700.00 2000.00 1500.00 720.00 1125.00 2140.uO 1850.00 2200.00 4000.00 900.00 1~00.00 600.00 1800.00 1900.00 2600.00 2000.00 300.00 700 .00 2000.00 2300.00 750.00 1080.00 1200.00 400.00 1200.00 3150.00 3000.00 2880.00 3000.00 1380.00 1020.00 1500 .00 2700.00 1200. 00 1380.00 2500.00 1650 . 00 1350.00 1650.00 1200.00 1800.00 4100.00 1500.00 400.00 400.00 1200.00 900.00 2300.00 1800.00 1080.00 450.00 3500.00 3600.00 1650.00 240.00 2000.00 2700.00 1800.00 3000~00 3200.00 2350.00 2300.00 1200.00 4500.00 2100.00 1200.00 2950.00 2550.00 3150.00 2700.00 2700.00 2000.00 1500.00 3000.00 3600.00 3000.00 1380.00 1125.00 , 1020.00 3000.00 2540.00 2250.00 2200.00 4000.00 900.00 1800.00 2700.00 1200.00 1200.00 600.00 1800.00 1900.00 2600.00 1380.00 2000.00 1200.00 2500.00 3000.00 2000.00 2300.00 2400.00 Name Title Martin, M. ~. Librarian Moore, A. B. A sst ~prof. Mod. Languages MOore, E. J. Asst. Prof. Mech. Engr. McAdory, I. S. Professor Veterinary Mauldin, E. Asst. St. Home Dem. Agent. Massengale (Successor) Instructor Chemistry Nichols, M. L. Head & Prof. Agri. Engr. Peacock, Mrs. Steno. Agricultural Editor Price, S. J. T. Accountant Auditor (Vacant) Auditor Petrie, GeO. Dean of Graduate Studies ~ Head History & Latin Pollard, E. F. Instructor Chemistry Pope, B. C. Assistant Accountant Powell, P. P. Asso. Professor Chemistry Pitts, J. E. Instructor Mathematics Pearson, M. H. Marketing Specialist Ross, B. B. Dean & Head Chemistry Rando l ph, J. W. Asst.Prof. Agricultural Engr. Reed, C. C. Farm Super intendent Rae, WID. Supt. Buildings & Grounds Rutland, J. R. Professor English Robinson, J. M. 'Professor Entomology Reynolds, A. W. Instructor History Rodgers, Annie Steno. Boys' Clubs Salmon, W. D. Asst. Animal Husbandry Sims, T. A. Asst. Boys' Club Agent Simmons, Miss Stenographer Steele, Sara . Stenographer Registrar Shi, B. L. ReGistrar & Prof. Math. saidla, L. Asst. Prof. English Starcher,(successor)Head & Prof. Horticulture Spalding(Successor) Commandant Sizemore, E. Chief Clerk Sugg, R. S. Asst. Professor Veterinary Stivers, E. D. Prof. Vocational Education Steele, Victoria Steno. Agronomy & Agri .• Simms, Harry Negro Men Dist Agent Stevens, F. D. Farm Mgr. Specialist Tay~or, R. Dean & Head Engl Dept. Tidmore, J. W. Instructor Agronomy Thomas, A. L. l~. Piot Show &Prof.Mach.Des. Tappan, Gladys Asst. Home Deomnstration Agt. Thomas, F. L. Asso. Entomologist Tisdale, H. B. Plant Breeder Wyatt, ~~s. C+erk Registrar Wilmore, J. J. Dean & Head Mech. Engr. Whatley, l~s. Steno.S.S.Ed. & Smith-Hughes worley, Gordon Prof. Voca.Education Willis, M. A. Asst. Home Dem.Agent Wicker, Elba Steno. Girls' Clubs Winston, W. O. District Agent Winslett, I Steno. Agriculturist Williamson, J. T. Agriculturist College Extension Station Total 1250.00 2000. 00 2000.00 2500.00 750.00 2000.00 450. 00 1200.00 4000. 00 1500.00 1460.00 2200.00 1400.00 4000.00 2400.00 1300.00 1200.00 2950.00 2500.UO 2000. 00 1080.00 33uu.00 2400. 00 350.00 480.00 1800.00 3000.00 400U.00 2000.uO 2900.00 840.00 4UOO.00' 1350.00 4UO.UU - .. - - 250.00 1500.00 - 2000.00 - 2000.00 200. 00 Others 2200.uO 2700.00 - 2200.00 750.00 1500.00 500.()0 3000.00 - - - - 1200.00 500.00 1200.00 2550.00 940.00 3000.00 360.00 12UO.00 2700.00 3uO.00 240U.UO 1200.00 18UO.00 2700.00 24UO.UO 2400.00 2200. 00 1200.00 3150.00 - - - - 3000.00 - - - - 1200.00 4.000.00 - 1500.00 2200.00 2200.00 140q.00 3000.00 - - - - 4000.00 - 2400.00 200.00 l500~00 240.00 1800.00 - 2950.00 2500.00 - 2000.00 1200.00 2400 . UO 2400 .00 - - - - 2700.00 960.00 960.00 1080.00 - - - - 3300.00 - - - - 2400.00 500.00 111)0.00 - - - - 480.00 - 2400.00 1800.00 3000.00 1200.00 1800.00 - - - - 2700.00 4000.00 - - - - 2000.00 - - - - 2900.00 - - - - 2400.00 2500.UO 2500.00 2500.00 2500.00 - - - - 840.00 Others 1020.00 2600.00 - 4000.00 1350.00 2800.00 2200.00 1200.00 3150.00 1020.00 2600.00 Name Title College wooten (Successor) Head & Prof. Physics 2850.00 Asst. (Vacant) Instructor Physics 1375.uO student Assistant Vacancies 1 Agricultural Engineering - 2" Architecture - - - - 3 Chemistry- - - - - - - - - - 1 Civil Engineering - - - 2 Electrical Engineering - l English- - - - - - - - - 1 History & La ti~- - - - - - - - - - 2 Li?ra ry- - - - - - - - - 1 Machine Design - 2 Ma thematics- - - - 1 Modern Language- 2 State Department of Education- - 2 Vocational Soldiers- - - - - - - Extension Station 300.00 450.00 860.00 225.00 450.00 200.00 400.00 350 .00 225.00 45U.~0 225.00 270.00 224 .00 Total 2850.00 1375.00 tl4 GRADUATES MAY 16, :1,.922 DEGREE Bachelor of Graduates with Science Highest Honor Davis, Richard Orrick •••••••• Gardner, Harmon Austin ••••••• Gottlieb, Leon ••••••••••••••• Helms, Harlie Bee •••��•••••••• Hunnicutt, James Madison ••••• Williams, William Francis •••• Civ. Engr ••••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••••• Civ. Engr ••••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••••• Ci v. Engr •••• · •••••.••••• Civ. Engr ••••••••••••••• Graduates with Honor Allen, James· Harv:ey ••••.•••••• Appleton, Wesley Howard •••••• 'Bailey, Julian Clarke •���•••••• Beasley, Elliot Laney •••••••• Childree, Linney Leonidas •••• Cook, .Curtis Preston ••••••••• Davis, Edmond Pearce ••••••••• Dickinson, Jackson Miller •••• Dowell, William Burton ••••••• Harrison, James Alexander •••• Hodnette, John ·Kogs •••••••••• Kantor, Joseph Benjamin •••••• Keller, Charles Spurgeon ••••• Lawrence, James Driskell ••• -•• Logan, James Thomas •••••••••• McCarley, Frank Hollingsworth McIlvaine, Victor Caryl •••••• Melton, Henry Dallas ••••••••• Mendenha ll, Walter Hamilton •• U~ths, George ' A lv~, Jr •••••• l\.iu ths, Sherman Lewi s ••••••••• Neely, Thomas •••••••••..••.•• orr, Her.man •••••••••••••••••• Pippin, Robert Roy ••••••••••• porter, Roy Thom3s •��••••••••• Proctor, W. Bryan •••••••••••• Sampley, Roy Chesler •••.••••• Smith, Hester Moore •••••••••• Stewart, Dewey ••••••••••••••• Stringfellow, Harry •••••••••• Taylor, Rob.ert Emmett •••••••• Trapp, John Herman ••••••.••••• Tribble, John Furman •••���••••• Ward, George Washington •••••• West, Harry Irwin •••••••••••• Williams, Obediah pumas •••••• Witham, Hamlin Varney •••••••• Mech. Eng ••••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• Civ. Eng ��••••••••••••••• C i v. Eng ••••••••••••• ' ••• Agricul ture ••••• ' •••••••• Mech. Eng ••••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• General ••••••••••.•••••• Elec. En.g ••••••••••••••• J,!ech. Eng ••••••••••••••• Chern. Eng •••••���••���•••••• Agr. Education •••••••••• ~ griculture ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng •••••••••••.•••• Elec. Eng •••���••••••••••• Elec. Engr ••••••...••••• Agr. Education •••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• Elee. Eng ••••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• Giv. Eng ••••• · ••••••••••• Agr. Education •••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• Agr. Education ••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• C 1 v. Eng •••••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••••• Civ. Eng- •••••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ��••••��••••••••• Chern. Eng ••••••••••••••• Civ. Eng •••••••••••••••• Civ. Eng ••••••••••��•• ~ •• Agr. Education •••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• Civ. Eng •••••••••••••••• Decatur Auburn Birmingham Elba. Binningham Pine Apple Anniston Collinsville Demopolis Jacksonville,Fla. Midland City Lisman Oak Grove Billingsley Auburn Birmingham Notasulga Birmingham Hanceville Pl antersville Rockford Buffalo Tampa, Fla . Dothan Ensley Mobile Mobile Demopolis Dothan Ozark Hillsboro Scottsboro Dublin,Ga . Birmi ngham Winchester,Tenn White Bluff,Tenn Auburn Opelika Dora Pine Apple Auburn Pine Apple Aubtirn r GRADUATES Abbott, William Thomas •••••• Adams, Samuel H •.•.••••••••• Banks, John Coleman ••••••••• Bennett, Aubrey Graham •• ~ ••• Blalock, James Crow •••••���••• Bonner, Moffatt Grier ••••••• Boriss, Julian Ivandale ••••• Breedlove Frederick Wallace. B~ow.n, David ••.•••.••••..••• Burton, Thomas Henry.~ •••••• Camp, Norman Glenn •••••••••• Cobb, Marion Clifton •••••••• Coleman, Thomas Wilkes •••••• Cooper, Robert James •••••••• Cummings, Edwin Davis ••••••• Dunwoody, Archibald Bullock Edge, Harvey Arnold ••••••••• Funderburg, Claud Hawkins ••• Gulledge, Euclid Taylor ••••• Haggard, Richard Lester ••••• Harvey, Addison Reese, Jr ••• Hatchett, Benjamin Franklin. Haynie, Jack Duke ••••••••••• Henderson, William Hobart ••• Holt, James Fannin •••••••••• Jackson, Albert Clay ••••••••• Jenkins, Fred Wesley •••••••• Keith, Frederick Fulfs •••••• Kinzer, JamesH~mlin •••••••��� Looney, John Burrow ••••••••• Lynch, Charles Byrne •••••••• McDavid, David Lanier •••••••• McGinty, Robert Heard •••••••• MCMillan, Lauchlin Emerson •• 1~thews, Charles, Lewis •••••• Mellen, William Tart •••••••• Mobley, Steven Douglas •••••• Montgomery, Robert Charles •• Nesbit, Arthur n ' pool ••••••• Newman, Leslie •••••••••••••• Nicholson, Rufus Percy •••••• Ordway, Charles Bou telle •••• Osborn, Fred Wood •••••••• ' ••• Pollock, George Dean, Jr •••• Pow, Adam •••••••••••.••••••• Pulley, Robert Lackey ••••••• Reese, G~orge Wright •••••••• Reynolds, Charles Frederick. Roberson, Jeunes Dee ••••••••• Robertson, Dickson \Vharton •• Robinson, James Paul •••••••• Rose, Crawford Allen •••���••• Sledge, Leonidas Bryan •••••• Smith, Robbie •••••••••���••••• Snuggs, Charles Hiram ••••••• Chern. Eng ••••••••••••• Pharmacy •••••••••••••• Agriculture •��•••• ~ •••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••• Giv. Eng ••• ~ •••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Civ. Eng •••••••••••••• Chern. & Met ••••••••••• Elec. Eng ............. . Mech. Eng •••••• ' ....... . Mech. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Chern. Eng ••••••••••••• Mech. Eng ••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Ag:!:'icul ture ••••••••••• Agr. Education_ .•••���••• Civ. Eng •••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Agriculture •••• ~ ••���••• Chern. Eng •••••���••••••• EleG. Eng ••••••••••••• Chern. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••• " ••••• ' •• Agri culture ••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••......•...• Elec. ~g ••••••••••••��� Elee. Eng ••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••• Civ. Eng •••••••••••••• Agr. Education •••••••• Mech. Eng ••••••••••••• Elae. Eng· ••••••••••••• Civ. Eng ••••• ~ •• .•••••• Elec. Eng' ••••••••••••• Gen e ~al ••••••••••••••• Vharmacy •.•••••••.•••• Chern & Met •••••••••••• Elee. Eng ••••••••.•••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••��� Ci v. Eng ••• , ••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••...•....••• Agr. Educa t ion . ••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••• Elee. Eng ••••••••••.•• General ••••••••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••• Birmingham Dothan Eutaw Auburn uburn Florence Bi,rmingham New Orleans,La . Pratt City Oxford Senoia, Ga. Geiger Anniston Auburn Louisville A tlanta, Ga . Buffalo Bi,rmingham Ta llassee Gadsden Montgomery Athens Auburn Birmingham Montgomery Birmingham Verbena Currie,li.C. Sheffield Winchester,Tenn , Montgomery Atmore Camp Hill Inverness Mathews Livingston Columbus, Ga . Warrior Dec'a tur Opelika. Collinsville Murfeesboro, Tenn Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Huntsville Pensacola, Fla., Clopton Haleyville Birmingham Gil be rt·ovm Era th, La Greensboro Auburn Roanoke ti5 06 Spratling, Sarah Augusta ••••• Spur~ock, Hugh Griffith •••••• Straiton, John Tarry ••••••••• Tamplin, Virgil Cline •••••••• Taylor, Jahn Osman ••••••••••• Trawick, zachary Taylor •••••• Turner, Morton Victor •••••••• Waller, Otis Eugene ••••••• ~ •• Watkins, ·Harry Wilfred ••••••• Weedon, Edward Beall ••••••••��� Wendel, David Deaderick •••••• Wilson, Earle Frederick •••••• Wright, John Peavy ••••••••••• Agriculture •••••••••• Elee. Eng •••••••••••• Mech. Eng •••••••••••• Agr. Education •••���••• Elee. Eng •••••••••••• General •••••••••���•••• Elec. Eng •••••••••••• Agr. Education ••••••• Ciy. Eng ••••••••••••• Elec. Eng •••••••••••• Elec. Ene •••••••••••• Mech. ~lg ••••••••••��• General •••••••••••••• DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Graduate with Honor Gold Hi1l Eufaula Greensboro Auburn Auburn Opelika Quitman, Ga. Auburn Birmingham Eufaula Murfreesboro, Tenn Brewton Auburn Denson, Leonidas Lycurgus........................... Bay S prings, 1~iss Graduates Davis, Ennis AUgll.stuS· •••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• Everett, Edward •••••••••••• . ............... , ...... . McCartha. Charles B ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Miller, Arthur ."'ugus tus ••••••••••••• ' .••••••••••••••• Miller, Jesse Lokey •••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••• Neighbors, Hugh Anderson •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Reagah, Frank Alexander •���••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Stew~rt, Robert Hyman ••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••• . Till, Samue 1 Brightman •••••••••••••••••••••••••��•••• Turnipseed, George Thomas ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Graduates in Pharmacy (Ph.G) Thomasville, Ga. Mendenhall. Mi s s Tallassee Nanafalia Columbus, Ga. Goodwater Delta Caesar. Miss Macedonia Fitzpatrick Ariail, Henry Ellis •••••••••••••••••••••• Dunn, John Edward •••••••••••••••••••••••• C~ston, Charles Ware ••••••••••••••••••••• Hannon, Adrian Ward •••••••••••••••••••••• Johnson, D~vey Hobson ••••••••••••••••••• Sellers, Hugh •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Temerson, Melton ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Birmingham Abbeville Fayet teville Eclectic Brundidge Cottonwood Carbon Hill Post Graduate Degrees Master of Science Blasingame, Helen Louise ••••••••••••••••• Hardeman, Harriet Currie ••••••••••••••••• McLeod, Nonnan Burns ••••••••��•••••••••••• Auburn Auburn Auburn Professional Degree in Course ~~echanical Engineer Festorazzi, Angelo Otto •••••••••••••••••• Mobile Degrees for pr~fessional Work Civil Engineer Daniell, Smith Coffee •••••••••••••••••••• Port Gibson, Miss Mechanical Engineer Schone, Frank Paul ••••••••••••••••••���•••• Iowa Ci ty,I6wa GRADUATES, SUW£ER SESSION,,1922 , August 24, 1922 Bachelor' of Science Draughon, Ralph Brown •••••• ~R~~al ••••••••••••••••• Harlan, John Gilbert ••••••• General •••••••••••••••• '. Saunders, Alex Marion ••••• General ••••••••••••••••• Wilder, Leonadus Virgil ••• General •••••• ~ •••••••••• Anderson, Sam porter ••••• Howe, Orlando Fox •••••••• Ingle , J~lmes Hubbert ••••• Morrow, Samuel Lundy ••••• Reagan, John M ••••••••••• Hawk, George !l1orton •••••• Hollingsworth,Lawrence M. Kirkwood, John Kenneth ••• Agriculture ••••••••••••• Agriculture ••.•••••••••• ~~ gricul tu.re ••••••••••••• Agriculture ••••••••••••• Agriculture •••••••••••• • Agr. Education •••••••••• Agr. Education •••••••••• Agr ~ . Ednoa t iQu •••••••••• Basore, Luoian Kallog •••• Chern. & Met ••••••••••••• Chandle r , Edward J,lontgomery Chern & Met ••••••••••••• Welden, Arthur Luna •••••• Chern. & Met ••••••••••••• Glover, Vernon Joseph •••• Lasater, Marion Earl ••••• Elac. Eng • ���• • • •••••••••• Elec. Eng ••••••••••••••• scarbrough, Charles Phi llip Elec . Eng •••••••••••••• Smi th, Versia Aubrey •••• • • ,Elee. J:ong ••••••••••••••• Zuber, Charles Hodge •••••• Elac. Eng ••••••••••••••• Geneva Alexander City Pensacola, Fla. Birmingham Tuscumbia Montgomery Nauvoo Somer vi lle Delta Nicholsville Jacksonville Parr i sh Birmingham Birmingham Titus Quinton Br,idgport LaFayette Alexander City Auburn IrcCall, Wi l liam Cha.rles ... Pharmacy.............. ••• Mars Hill, N.C. Graduates in PhH,rmacy (Ph.G) Hanson, John Henry ••••••••••••••••••••••• Waverly Shirley, Loyd Henry •• • •••••••••••••••••• Abbeville Certificate in Pharmacy DeLong, Chauncey Hall •••••••••••••••••••• Mobile Lewis, Ulyssee •• ••• ; ••••••••••••••••••••• Birmingham Doctor of Veterinary Medicine COVing.tOll, Clifton Ray.................. Mayfield, Ky . 57 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, Alabama Polytechnic Institute held at Montgomery, Alabama, At the Office of the Governor on November 1, 1922 At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Alabama Polytech­nic Institute, held at the office of the Governor at 3 p.m. on November 1, 1922, the following proceedings were had: . The Committee was called to order by the Governor and the follow-ing members ,noted as present: Governor Thomas E. Kilby, Chairman T. D. Samford, W. F. ~'eagin, Harry Herzfeld and W. K. Terry. Upon motion of Mr. Samford, which was duly seoonded and adopted Mr. Terry was named Secretary, pro tem, of the Committee. 'l'he Secretary noted as present in addition to the Committee, Mr. Chas. DeBardeleben, President of the Alumni Association, Mr. John Davis, Architect, Professor Biggin and Dr. Dowell. Mr. Davis submitted the plans for two dormitories, one for the boys and one for the girls, to be built out of the Alumni funds and as a part of the Greater Auburn plan. The estimate-. of the cost of the two buildings was, t ha t of the boys one to one hundred and five thousand dollars ; that of the girls, ninty to one hundred thousand dollars. Dr. Dowell stated that he had, after advising with various committees of the Alumni Association, employed the firm of Warren, Knight & Davis, as architects to prepare the plans for the two buildings, which Mr. Davis had submitted to the committee, and thereupon Mr. Samford moved that the action of Dr. Dowell in the employment of the architects be ra.tified and confirmed which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted. After inspection of the plans and considerable discussion Mr. Herzfeld moved that the plans that Mr. Davis had submitted be adopted, which motion was duly seconded and carried. Mr. Herzfeld made a motion, which was duly seconded and adopted, that the President of the college be authorized to ask for alternate bids on both buildings, and on each building separately, with the right reserved to reject any or all bids or parts of bids. Dr. Dowell then reported to the board the circumstances of the burning of the barracks recently at Auburn and of the fact that he would collect the insurance of approximately Twenty-four 'rhousand and no/100 ($24, 000 .00 Dollars, during the present week and on account of the urgent need for new barracks that he had entered into a contract for a new building of approximately the sum of Twelve Thousand Five HWldred and no/IOO ($12,500.00) Dollars, which would temporarily provide for the bOYS, who had occupied the burned bllilding and that the new building would be of a character that could be used in the permanent building plans of the Alumni Greater Auburn design; thereupon Mr. Samford moved that the action of Dr. Dowell in said metter be concurred \. in and that he be voted the thanks of the board for his prompt and efficient /-­action in the premise, which motion was duly seconded and upon the question being put was unanimously adopted. Some di scussion was had with reference to the water supply and sewerage in the college and th~reupon Mr. Charles F. DeBardeleben stated t hat he . had a deep well pump that he would present to the college for which they might find serviceable at the college and thereupon Mr. Samford moved . that the generous offer be accepted with t hanks of the committee and upon the motion being seconded and put to vote it was unanimously adopted. Upon motion the committee was then ad j ourned. w. K. Terry, Secretary, pro tern. 7U r.anutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, Alabama Polytechnic Institute held at ].10ntgomery, Alabama, At the Office of the Governor on December 6, 1922 · At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Al abama Polytechnic lnstitute held today at 3 p .m. in the office of the Governor the following were present: Gov. Thos, E. Kilby T. D. Samford W. K. Terry Harry Herzfeld w. F. Feagin Professor F. C. Biggin, head professor of Architecture of the Alabama ' Poly technic Institute was present and stated that Dr. Dowell, Presi­dent, was in New Orleans on official business and could not be present. Mr. J. E. Davis, the Birmingham Architect, making the plans and specifications for the n~N buildings proposed was present also, in an advisory capacity. On motion, W. F. Feagin was elected secretary of the Committee for this meeting. Before taking up the regular business for which the Committee was called together, the Governor brought to the attention of the Committee of lvlontgomery citizens asking to appear before the Executive Commi ttee. After some discus s ion, and on motion of .1111' . W. K. Terry, the Executive Commi t tee unanimously decided to invi te the lI·on t gomery Commi t tee to appear before the Executive . Commit tee immedia. tely. . 'i.'he Chairman of the Montgomery Committee, Mr. Jack Thorington, being temporarily detained, Mr. Jesse Hearin, representing the Committee, made a short t alk in which he stated that the rfontgomery Committee appeared before the Executive Committee of the Board for the purpose of reouesting that no further action be taken at this .time in the letting contracts for buildings at Auburn, until the Montgomery Committee could hav.e an opportunity to appear before this Execl1tive Committee or the entire Board, for the purpose of making proposal to the ' proper authorities for the removal of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute to Montgomery. He gave several ' reasons why, in his o p inion~ this ShOl1ld be done~ Ilk. Hearin's statements were endorsed by the other members of the Committee, Mr. V. T. Sheehan, ].I[r. Robt. F. Ligon, Mr. F. H. Miller, Mr. Henry Hobbie, lIr. A . M. &;ildwin, and Mr. Clayton Tullis. After the Montgomery Commi ttee had retired t he Governor stated to the Executive. Committee of the Board that in his opinion it would be best and probably not unwise to defer further action of the Auburn building program until this Committee or the entire Board ·could give consideration to the matter presented by the Montgomery Committee. He stated that this might be done within the next thirty days. Mr. '.I:. D. Samford stated that he regrE?tted very much that his views did not coincide with those of the Governor and after making a lengthy argument in support of these views rela tive to the matter, made a motion that . the Executive Committee proceed immediately to open the bids submit ted by the contractors for the construction of these buildings. 1his motion was seconded by ].'[1'. Terry and passed. Before opening the bids, Mr. Davis, the Architect, sta ted that some of the contractors did not see the advertisement which required that s certified check for 5% of the bids accompany them, and for this o reason, a certified check would not be found with the bids' of all of the contractors. After making this explanation, on motion of Mr. W. K. Terry, the Committee decided tha t all bids would be open and the successful bidder be allowed ten days in which to submit the certified check, if one wa s not enclosed. The following bids were submitted: CONTRACTORS AS PER PLANS BOYS , - ' 'GIRLS , BOTH Geo. A. Clayton and Co. 105266. , 97633. '199950. Algernon Blair 131766. '1 24356 . ' 248024 . Thomas Purvis 106250. , 105750. '211500. C. G. Kershaw C01£.CO. 125374 . '116770. ' 242144. Smallman-Brice C01£. Co. 112900. '106967. , ~n9867. Opelika Lumber & Con. Co. 107407 '101000 . '206900. Bosworth-Smith COIl.& Eng. Co. '120295.02 ' , . A. J. Krebs Co., Atlanta 115988. , 109344 . '220373. Alterna te bids filed. in Trus tees folder. It was sta ted to the Executive Committee tha t enough money was in sight to build only one dormitory and on motion it was decided to approve con tract for constructionof the girls' dormitory only. fter careful con­sideration of the bids, the contract was given to Geo. P •• Clayton & Company, 507 Gould Building, Atl anta, Ga . The bid was $103,786.00 for the girls' dormitory and i ncluded the alterna te bids A. B. & C. At this time the Governor sta ted to the Execut i ve Committee t~~t Mr. Jack Thorington, Chairman of the JI.lont gomery Commit tee, was on the outside and desired to appear before the Committee a few minutes. This privilege was allowed Mr •. Thorington, who further presented t he ma tter of the remova.1 of the Committee not to make a contract until the entire Boal!d could give cons idera.tion to t.he ma ttet. After an i nformal discussion on the part of the Ex ecutive Committee, Mr. W. K. Terry moved t ha t the making of the contract and bond with the successful bidders, Geo. A . Clayton & Company, 507 Gould Building, .t. tla nta., Ga.. f or the construction of the girls' dormitory be .deferred until the entire Board could be called t ogether and tha t the Governor be authorized and directed to call a meeting of the entire Board at his office a t 3 p.m. Tuesday,December 19, 1922, for the. purpose of considering this ma tter, at which the Montgomery Committee, or any other Committee, could appear before the Board. This motion was seconded by Mr. Feagin and was passed. Mr. T. D.Samford voting, No. ~1 72 rrhe' Board of Trustees of the Alabama :?olytechnic Institute met in the Hall of the House of Representatives a t 3:00 p.m., December 21., 1922 9 all members being present. Governor Kilby stated tha t the meeting was to consider t he letting ~, of contracts for the erection of a Girls' Dormitory. On motion of .Mr. Rogers 9 which was passed9 the matter of the removal of the college was considered first, both sides being allowed 45 minutes to present their views. Mr •• Tack Thorington, re presenting the, proponents of removal, intro­duced Hon, Ray Rushton of Montgomery who sta ted ,that the Montgomery Committee proposed to introduce in the next legis l ature the, following bill: "A BILI, , Jill Act to remove the Alabama Polytechnic .lns ti tute from its present loca tion at Auburn to such point in :l11ont gomery County within the Police Jurisdiction of' the City of Mont gomery as may be se,lected as a suitable site by a majority of its Trus te es~ Be it enacted by the Legislature of Al abama . Section 1. That the Alabama Polytechnic Institu t e now loca t ed at Auburn in Lee County be and ' is hereby removed from i ts present lo ca tion to such point in rv:ontgomery County wi thin the Police Juri sdic t ion of the Ci ty of Kontgomery as may be selected by a ma jority of its Trustees. Sec tion 2 . Tha t this act shall not go i nto eff'ect until the Ci t y ~ and County of I\;ontgomery or the citizens thereof shall, without expenses to the state or sa i d institute donate and gr ant to said Alabama Polytechnic Institute or to the state for i~s use not less than two thousand acres of' l and to be selected by a ma jority of its Board of Trustees and shll ha ve without expense to the state or to said Institute, erected buildings thereon for the use thereof such as t he Ins ti tute may prescribe costing not less than Three Hundred r.l.'housand dollars, said building to be loca ted and constructed strictly according to pl ans approved by the said '~ rustees" As evidence of good f a ith of t he propbnents Mr. Rushton presented the followi ng proposi tion: , " For t he purpose of removing t he Al abama Polytechnic ln stitute to ]);;ontgomery: The Board of Revenue of Montgomery County , Alabama , The Ci ty Commission of the City of Montgomery and the Ghamber of Commerce of the City of J.~ontgomery, offer to the St a te of Alabama the following : 'two 'l'housand (2 , OOO) acres of l and, a cce pt able for the Campus and Experimenta l .:3 tation for the Al abClma ?olytechnic I nstitute. Hespec t fnlly submi tted ATTEST THE BO RD OF REVENuE OF 11ONTGOMERY COUNTY By ____J. __V._ _H__e_u_ste_s_s_ ________ By D. C. Allen ------------------------------ Its President ATTEST THE CITY COMMI SS ION OF MONTGObIERY By ____C_._ _B_. __S_m_it_h_ _________ _ By W. A. Gunter , Jr., ----------------------------- The nresident of the Commi ssion ATTEST TF..E CHP,MBER OF COIvTI;!ERCE OF HONTGm'IERY By \,¥. F. B~ack --~------------------ By J . H. Dewees " },lr. Rushton stated tha t the rna tter was a very serious one for the college and the state and requested that the Board delay action with regard to the awarding of c.onttacts for addi tiona l buildings until the ma tter might be passed u pon by .the legislature. Dr. J. L. Gas ton, capt . V. T. Sheehan and E. • O'Neal also endorsed the removal proposal. Mr . Hood moved tha t an additiona l 15 minutes be allowed both sides, but the motion was defeated. 1".1'. C. ' F. DeBardeleben , resident of the Alumni Association o·f the College spoke against the remova l of t he i nstitution . John V. Denson, Ope lika, Roger apC . Jones , Selma, Judge F. Lloyd Tate, We tum [)ka , R. G. Hiden, -Birmingham, and J. F. Suttle , Felix, Alabama, also opposed the movement . li.l rebutt!ill Hr. Thorington introduced lire Haygood Patterson and Mr. , Ray Rushton of Montgomery~ The Board retired to the Governor's office where the session was continued. Dr. Dowell rjresented to the Board the request of Prof . Z. V. Judd, ;ProfessQr of Educati0n and Director Qf the Summer Sc hool, for a leave of absence without sa lary from January 1, 1923 to August 31, 1924 , in order that he could accept an offer to supervise the C2'llldler Floating School. On mot ion of Mr. Haley, the .request of "Profussor Judd was acceded to . The Boar!;! then unanimously adopted the following res olutions which was introduced by 1h' . lJ:'erry, and seconded by Mr. Samford, The Board of Trustees of the Al abama .t'olytechnic , Inst itute has given very careful and Patient c onsideration to the repre sent a tions made by a number of citizens of Montgomery in relat ion to the ques tion of the proposed remova l of the College from Auburn to Montgomery. The rna tter has been fully discussed pro and con in the public press of the St a te and we have read with interest all tha t has come to our at tention on the subject. \Vithout here setting forth the reas ons in detail which actuate t his Board we are impelled to conclude tha t it would not be to the bes t inter est of the College to remove it to Mont gome ry neither does th'e welfare of the St a te demand t hat it shall be removed at all. We . therefore' recommend t ha t a further agitation of the subjec t cease, "and t hat all who desire the welfare of the college a t .uburn and its be tterment and future usefulness forget any harshness or bitterness of the i ssue and cooperate now for the upbuilding of the i nstitution to the end tha t the Alabama . Polytechnic Ins ti tute may fill its destined place in the educat ional system of our grest State. The award of the contract for the erection of t he new do rmi tory wa,s then considered,. Th'e Architect eXTll a ined tha t his i nvestigation showed the financial and .professional s.ta tus of the lowes t bidder to be sa tisfactor'j . The f ollowing motion by Dr . Abercrombie was unani mously adopted: Resolved, that the Pr esid.ent of the I ns titution be author'ized to 73 ' sign the contract for a Girls' Dormitory a t Auburn, awarded to the lowest bidder, Geo . ft . Clayton & Company, Atlanta, Ga ., when proposed changes in eleva tion are agreed upon by the Presi~ent, Arphitects, and Contrac tors, and approved 74 by the Executive Committee; provided, that the successful bidder will sign the contract after being informeq by the President as to the exact sta tus of the Building Fund of the college Cummunications from Dr. C. W. Ferguson were brought to 'the attention of the Board, but as Dr. C. A. Cary was not present"the matter was referred to the EXecutive Committee of the Board with power to act. Dr. Dowell also informed the Board that the college had been admitted to membership in The Southern Association of Cqlleges ahd Prepara tory Schools. There being no further bus iness the meeting adjourned. B. L. Shi, Secretary Board of Trustees