1921 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1921.6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING, February 22, 1921 The Board of Trustees met in the office of the President at 3 p.m. February 22nd, Governor Kilby presiding. Roll call showed the follow­ing members present: Gov. Kilby Mr. Terry Dr. Abercrombie Dr....

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7394
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1921.6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING, February 22, 1921 The Board of Trustees met in the office of the President at 3 p.m. February 22nd, Governor Kilby presiding. Roll call showed the follow­ing members present: Gov. Kilby Mr. Terry Dr. Abercrombie Dr. Oates Mr. Rogers Mr. Samford Mr. Sherrod Mr. Haley Mr. McDowell Mr. Herzfeld Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The report of the meeting of the Executive Committee held November 16th was read, and on motion of Dr. Oates received, and action ratified by the Board. The Board also adopted the following motion: RESOLVED, that the action of the Executive Committee with regard to p-yment of certain outstanding bills against Smith Dining Hall be, and the same is, hereby approved. President Dowell read his report, cop ~ es of which were supplied members of the Board. The following motion by Mr. Rogers, offered as a ( \ substitute for similar motions of Messrs. Oates and Samford, was adopted ( by the Board. RESOLVED, that the report of the President be received by the Board and that each recommendation be taken up and acted upon separately. Action as fo11o\vs was then taken on the recommendations of the Pre­sident: 1. That permission to carry forward the necessary improvements from the Building and Repair Fund up to an amount not to ex­ceed $5,000. be granted. ADOPTED BY THE BOARD. 2. That the general plan (known as Plan B) for the future growth and development of the college herewith presented be approved. ADOPTED BY THE BOARD. 3. That appropriate action looking toward the rebuilding of Corner Agricrultural Hall be taken. By action-of the Board this mat­ter was referred to the President and Executive Committee with power to act. 4. That the Board adopt some policy with reference to the acqui­sition of more land. The Presi dent was authorized to investi­gate and,when ready to recommend purchase, to confer with Exe-cutive Committee which \vas empowered to take final action. ( ~ tltt360 5. 6. 7. 8. J J That the conversion of Smith Dining Hall into a girls' dormi­tory be authorized. The Board adopted this recommendation provided not more that C?OOO. is expended on said conversion. That the employment of a Dean of Women and at least one teach­er of Home Economics be' authorized. This was approved by the Board provided such, action is not in comflict with the agree­ment signed by Presidents ' of Auburn, University and Montevallo. That somebody be charged with the duty of suggesting to the Board at its neKt meeting a plan for the enlargement of our present water supply. The Board charged the President with this duty. That the necessary power be conferred upon the President to re­adjust the salaries and employ additional help as may be justi~ fied by the action of the General Education Board. ADOPTED. This power was conferred on the president by the Board. The Board adopted the following resolution introducted by Mr. Samford: Realizin~ and appreciating the earnest interest of the Alumn~ of this institution pertaining to its welfare and usefulness, be it resolved, that assurance be formally given to the Almnni Association through its recognized officials tha't this Board will not only welcome, but. invites the cooperation of said association in all things making for the better­ment ' of this college, and will give respectful and careful consideration to all memorials and petitions from said association. On motion of Mr. Samford the Board adopted the following regulation: RESOLVED, that ownership 'of property in Alabama and payment of taxes in Alabama shall not relieve a non~resident from paying the non-resident fee. The Board authori zed the President to pay $100.00 to S.J.T.Price for services rendered in connection with the installation of the a.llege ~c­counting system. There being no further business the Board adjourned. B. L. Shi, Secretary, Board of Trustees. 8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING, May 30, 1921 The Board of Trustees met in the office of the Fresident at 10:00 a.m. The following members were present: Gov. Kilby Messrs. Feagin McDowell Oates Haley Supt. Abercrombie ~.Tess !r s. Sherrod Terry Samford Herzfeld The minutes were read, corrected and approved. Pr.esident Dowell by invitation of the Board read his report. The invitation extended by the officers of the Alumni Association inviting the members of the Bo ard of Trustees to be present at the an­nual luncheon of the Association at 12:30 was accepted by the Board. The Board adopted a motion directing that the name of Dr. Dowell be stricken from the standing committees and in its place that the name of Dr. Abercrombie be inserted. The standing committees are as follows: Executive: The Governor, Feagin, Herzfeld, Terry. McDowell, and Samford. Finance: Rogers, Samford, Oa tes, Hood, Haley., and Merril L Mechanic Arts: McDowell, Sherrod, Oates, and Haley Lands and Grounds: Oates, He rxfeld, Sherrod, Rogers, and Abercrombie. President's Annual Report: Feagin, Samford, Terry, McDowell, and Abercrombie. Course of Study and Library: Samford, Feagin, Hood and Terry. Agricultural and Experiment Station: Haley, Rogers, McDowell, ~.!err1l1 and Abercrombie. Animal Husbandry: Sherrod, Hood, Herzfeld, Haley, and Merrill Extension: The Governor, Haley and Herzfeld On motion of Dr. Abercrombie which was amended by Dr. Oates, the Board decided to take up the recommendations of the President and con­sider them section by section. ( ) ( ) tltt360 On motion of 1~. Haley recommendation No. I was adopted, as follows; 1. "That the Executive Committee be authorized and instructed to ask for bids and to let t he contract for the restoration of Comer Agricultural Building if, in the opin'ion of the Committee, satisfactory terms can be agreed upon." On motion of Dr. Oates recommendation No.2 was adopted, as follows: 2. "That the Executive Conmittee be authorized and instructed to ask for bids and let the contract for the erection of buildings to house the Veterinary Department if, in the opinion of the Committee, satisfactory terms can be agreed upon." . On motion .recommendation No.3 was adopted, as follows: 3. "That the President be authorized to expend a sum not to exceed two thousand. dollars fro~ College funds and such additional amounts as may be received from private donations for the con­version of Smith Hall into a suitable dormitory for women." On motion of Dr. Abercrombie recommendation No.4 was adopted, as follows: 4. If That the President be authorized to expend an amount not to .exceed one thousand dollars to provide temporary quarters for .the Dep8.rtment of Chemistry." On motion of 1tt. Samford recommendation No.5 was adopted, as follows: 5. "That the President of the College be authorized to expend a sum not to exceed twenty-five hundred dollars in digging a well of one hWldred and fifty feet depth, if necessary, in the effort to increase the water supply of the college, IIMr. Sherrod asked to be recorded as voting IINo" on this motion. The Board adopted the following resolution offered by l~ . Terry: Reso'lved, that the Chairman appoint a committee of three from the member­ship of this Board to investigate the feasibility of extending the college water line to the creek or any other project which the committee may adopt for securing per.manently a necessary and adequate supply of water, said committee to report its recommendations to the Board. The Chairman ap­pointed on the committee, Messrs. Samford, Feagin and Terry. After l aying on the table the amendment of Mr. Sherrod to insert; "ten" t"or the words "one hundred", the Board adopted recommendation No. 8 amended to read as follows: "That the number of Women students to be admitted to Auburn shall be limited to one hundred for 1921-22. On motion of 1~. Oates, recommendation No.9 was adopted, as follows: 9 10 "That the Board of Trustees approve the recommendation of the Exe­cutive Committee and the request of the Alumni Council for authority to inaugurate a drive for Auburn for two million dollars." Mr. Samford, with the consent of other members of the Committee on the President's report, moved that the Board approve the financial state­ment of the current fiscal year and the budget recommended by the Presi~ dent for fiscal year, July 1, 1921 to June 30, 1922. The rnatters in­volved were discussed at length by members of the Board. President Do­well explained the financial condition of the Institution on July 1, 1920 and stated that he expected the Institution to be out of debt by July 1, 192+. He stated that the proposed increases in salaries and the employ­ment of additional instructors were made possible by the contribution of the General Education Board of ~ 8,000. 1920-21 and $16,000. for the two years 1921-22 and 1922-23. The President also informed the Board concern­ing the proposed changes in administrative and teaching work. The Board then adopted the financial statement and budget as recommended by the President. See following pages. President Dowell called the attention of the Board to the unsatis­factory service rendered in connection with the laundry of the students and recommended a change of contractors. The Board adopted the fo~lowing motion made by 1~ . Feagin: Resolved, that the contract for the laundry of the students be referred to the ( ) President for negotiation, the contract to be approved by the Executive Committee. The Board adopted the following resolution offered by Mr. Oates: Resolved, that authority be given to the President and the Dean of Engin­eering to formulate plans looking to the removal of the Shop from the Basement of Langdon Hall to .some suitable place to be provided. On motion of Dr. Abercrmobie, the Board authorized the President to fill positions provided for in the budget, but for which nominations had not yet been made and also to fill vacancies which may occur. President Dowell suggested to the Board the propriety of apportioning the student activities fee of $5.00 on a fixed basis. After discussion the Board left the apportionment to the President and appropriate Faculty Committees. On motion of Dr. Abercrombie, the Board took a recess until 2:30 p.m. AFTERNOON SESSION Prof. Judd and Mr. A. H. Collins appeared before the Board to request that the lot owned by the college on Magnolia Street opposite the Engineer- ( ing Building be given to the Masonic Clud for the purpose of erecting there-on a Masonic Home for students who are rna.sons. The Board considered the matter sympathetically but did not take favorable action on the request. }!Itt360 Mr. Haley then moved the adoption of the President's recommendation No.6. The Board then adopted the recommendation as · amended by Mr. Terry, as fol­lows: 6. "That the President be ,authorized to exchange the lot on Magno- 11a street for the Y.M.C.A. lot on Main Street and to execute the necessa­ry instrwnents of transfer, said instrument and title to be approved by a lawyer." On motion of ~~. Samford, recommendation No. 7 was then adopted, as follows: "That the President be authorized to execute a deed for frontage of one hundred feet adjacent to the Presbyterian Church to its Executive Board in exchange for the old Presbyterian Church Building located on Main street, provided the exchange contemplated under recommendation No.6 above· is made." 11 On recommendation of President Do~ ll and on motion of Mr . Haley the 1 -;) Board adopted as the official seal of the Institution the design which. l is engraved on the diplomas av~rded to the graduates of the Class of 1921. On motion of Dr. Abercrombie, the Board authorized the conferring of degrees as recommended by the President and Faculty. See following pages. After discussion, the motion of Mr. Herzfeld to confer an honorary degree, Dro tor of Science, was pos tponed for 00 ns idera tion at the next meeting. There being no further business, on motion of Mr. Oates, the Board adjourned. B. L. Shi, Secretary, Board of Trus tees. 12 ( :f t 1360 Page 1. RECEIPTS ALAB1J{lA POLYTECHNIC INS'r l'rU'rE {College Proper) July 1, 1920- May 30, 1921. Appropriations, fixed: Endowment ------------------------ 20,280.00 Morrell -------- ----------------- 29,520.00 In Lieu ' of Fertilizer Tax -------- 40,000.00 Buildings & Repairs -------------- 47,101.28 Maintenance & Support ------------ 22,500.00 Buildings, Equipment & Repairs{A.H)10,OOO.00 Deficit Act (Special Legislature)- 65.000.00 Appropriations, indefinite: Oil Tax ----------------------- - 62,257.96 Vocational Education (S.H.)------ 9,961,36 Feed Stuffs ---------------------- 4,016,28 Special Receipts: Insurance Agricultural Building --75,000.00 " '. " EqUipment ------------­Boiler House ---------- 16,000.00 '497.40 Laundry Fees -------------------- 14,070.00 Sale on Electric Power Line ----- 12,000.00 Glomerata Fees ------------------ 3,858.75 General Education Board --------- 8,000.00 Scholarships -------------------- 740.65 Athletic Fees ---------- -------- 6,486.00 Orange & Blue .b'ee-s -------------- 1,529.62 Donations for Architecture ------ 600.00 Student Contingent -------------- 4,273.15 Tuition, Vocational Soldiers ---- 25,914,06 Rents from Dormitories & Houses-- 7,573.93 Library Bonds ------------------- 1,193.00 Picture Show -------------------- 14,831.11 234,401.28 76,297.98 Interest, {Extension & Station)-~-~~2L.1~3~7~.~0~5~ _ _ Sales: Coal to Laundry ---------------- Da iry -------------------------- Darpenter Shop Products --------- Horticulture -------------------- Veterinary ---------------------- Lights for Auburn -------------- Water -------------------------- 304.59 5,742.71 420.34 1,352.03 664.81 14,413.22 2,388.85 194,704.72 13 14 Military -----------------___ 452.98 --"-'-'0 ......... -----:-- 25,739.53 Matriculation: Summer School - ___________ _ Main Bchool -------_______ _ 4 ,~25. 0 0 25,040.84 9.840.82 Laboratory ----___________ _ Mi see llaneous ----------------------------------- TOTALS 39,106.66 359.23 $570,609.40 J :tl t t360 EXPEND I TURES ALABJJIIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITU'l'E (College Proper) July 1, 1920- May 30, 1921) Department Expenditure Administration Agricultural Engineering Agronomy Animal Husbandry Archi tec ture Athletics Botany Buildings & Grounds BuIldings & Repair Catalog & Adv. Civil Engineering Chemistry Commencemen t Expense s Cottage & Room Rents Education Electric Engr. English Entomology Farmers' Summer School l!'eed Stuffs l!ue 1 History & Latin Horticu1 ture Infirmary Insurance (Buildings) Agric. Building Boiler House Emergency Hangars Tank Insurance (Premiums) Laundry Library Machine Design Mathema tics Mechanical Engr. Military Pharmacy Physics Pict ure Show Power & Light Summer Session Vocational Ed. (Smith-Hughes) 6736.10 345.70 1520.03 14710.67 860.51 5822.05 1114.53 13878.36 70698.21 1694.26 333.50 4986.68 729.39 1236.95 1024.20 3498.35 131.01 445.26 784.56 351.96 4966.72 67.01 3057.75 226.74 205.19 144.54 2589.98 8039.98 6449.06 4883.81 12510.55 "1430.57 258.87 84.99 1340.85 994.79 1284.65 903.21 8411.47 18383.52 6853.95 1978.51 15 16 Department Expendi ture ( Carpenter Shop 405 . 98 Student Contingent 2961.07 Veterinary 2416 . 01 Vocational Soldiers 806. 97 Water ';/orks & Sewerage 1921. 89 Oil Tax 44785. 10 Summer School (4 weeks) 990 . 06 Contingent 30013. 78 Modern Languages 35.57 Highway Engineering 52. 87 Glome rata 3169 . 70 Inauguration 947 . 80 Trustees ' Meetings 213 . 99 Orange & Blue 1532 . 31 Stock 49 . 88 Lyceum 2608 . 14 St . Dept. of Education 107 . 38 College Creamery 1003. 06 Salaries 194778 . 60 EqUipment Heplacement 121'lQ !48 Total Expendi ture 516937 . 83 - ( ) tltt360 STAT'EMENT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Showing Monies Held for Special Purposes . Project On Deposit Expended Balance Athletics 6486.00 5822.05 663 .. 98 Glomerata 3896.25 3169.70 726.55 Orange & Blue 1529.62 1532.31 Laundry 14070.00 12510.55 1559.45 Scholarships 740.65 ------ 740.65 Bldgs & Repairs 47101 . 28 70698.21 Insurance (Bldgs) 75496.40 20497.40 55000.00 Insurance (Eq) 16000.00 12170.46 3829.54 Student Contingent 4273.15 3140.41 1132.74 Int. Due Extensi'on & Station 2137.05 2137.05 171731.40 131678.14 63652.88 23599.62 Total Amount Incumbered 40053.26 :17 Defic:ii t 2.69 23596.93 23599.62 18 STATEMi::NT ALABAMA POL~EDHNIC INsrnlTUTE Esti~ating the financial condition of College ~roper on June 30, 1921. Balance on hand May 31, 1921 ---------------------- 53691.57 Receipts ------------------------------------.. Vocational Bducation -------------- ----- 2993.32 Feed Stuffs ----------------------------- 1300.00 Carpentry Shop --------- - ---- ------------ 100. 00 Dairy ----------------------------------- 300.00 Veterinary ----------------------------- - 100.00 Lights ----------------------------------- 1500.00 Water -------------- - -- - ----------------- 600.00 Dormitories ------------------------------ 100.00 Horticulture - - - ------- ---------- -------- 200.00 Vocational Soldiers --------- ----------- 18180.72 Picture Show ·--------------------------- 500.00 Summer School -------------------------- 4900.00 State Dept. o f Education ---------------- 90.00 Oil Tax --------------------------------- 1500.00 Total Receipts Expendi ture s Vocational Bducation -------------------- 1300.00 Feeds Stuffs --------------------------- 400.00 Carpentry Shop ------------------------- 100. 00 Dairy ----------------------------------- . 300.00 Veterinary ------------------------ - ----- 100.00 Lights ---------------------------------- 1000.00 Water ----------------------------------- 150. 00 Dormitories ----------------------------- 100. 00 Horticulture ----------------------------- 200. 00 Picture Show ---------------------------- 200. 00 Summer School --------- - ------------------ 4900.00 St a te Dept . of' Education ----------------- 90.00 Oil Tax to State Treasury ---------------- 1300.00 Salaries ------------------------------- 19900.00 Bldgs ' Grounds ------------------------ 1200. 00 Alabama ~o wer Co. for current -- - --- - ---- 2100.00 Loveman, Joseph & Loeb -------------- ----- 1024.01 Commencement expenses ------------------- 700.00 Trustee expenses ------------------------ 250.00 Multigraph outfit ----------------------- 1250.00 Catalog --------------------------------- 1000. 00 Misc. outstanding bills ----------------- 3500.00 E sti ~z ted additional purchases ---------- 4000.00 86055.61 Total Expenditures 45064.01 T ot ~ l cash on hand June 30, 1921 - ---- 40991.60 ) ~'1t36() 'rotal cash on hand June 30, 1921 ----------- 40991.60 Less amount alr~ ady appropriated (Pg. 17) 40053.26 Net balance for College Maint enance Purpose July 1, 1921 ----------------- BUDGET SUMMARY Alabama ~olytechnic Institute July 1, 1921-June 30 , 1922. RECEIPTS 938.34 Amount Maintenance --------- - -------- - - - - - ---------- $275 ,034.73 Specia l Purpo ses ---------------------------- 60,727.50 Gus t odial 41,400. 00 Bui ldings ---------- - -- - ------------- ----------. 112,000.00 .1:0 tal 489,162.23 19 20 BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC IN S'l' IT 1J~E for Maintenance July 1, 1921-- June 30, 1922. Compiled May 21, 1921. Receipts Appropriations, fixed: Federal Morrel --------------------------------------~~ 29,520. 00 State Endowment ------------------------------------ In Lieu of Fertilizer Tax -------------------- Summer Session ~ - - ------ -- --- - --------- - --- --­Maintenance and Support ---- ----------------­Buildings, Equipment & Maintenance (A. H) ----- Donation 20 ,200.00 40 ,000. 00 5, 000. 00 32,500.00 11 ,875.00 G. E. B. ----------------------~------- ------ 16 , 000 , 00 Total $155,175.00 Appropriations, indefinite: Federal & State Cooperating State Summer Se ssion , Smi th-Hughe s --------------­Vocational Educa tion, Smith-Hughes ---- -----­Vocational Soldiers, Smith-Bankhead -------- 1, 000 . 00 11,364.75 540.00 Oil tax (t.), Le ss Inspection ---------------__ =1~7~,7~0~0~.~0~0~ _ ___ Total 30,604.75 Inc ome from Operations: Ani~2 1 Husbandry Sal es --------------------- 4,500. 00 Horticultural Sales ------------------------ 1,775.00 Veterinary Sales -------------------------- - 1,200. 00 Interest on Library Bonds ------------------ 1,100.00 Interest on Deposits ----------------- ------ 300.00 House and Room Rent(1ess Maintenance) ------__ ~4~,~6~2~0~.~0~0 ____ __ Total ---------- 13,555.00 Matriculation and Laboratory Fees Main Session ------------------------------ SUI'IlI'!ler Sessi on 1'ot al ------ --- Vocational Soldiers' Tuition ------- Miscellaneous Grand Tota l 35,000. 00 3,700.00 ----------- 38 ,700.00 55 , 000.00 2 , 000 . 00 $275 , 034.75 ,. ( tIt 13 () ( BUDGET ALABAMA P O LY'~ E CHN I C INS'rITUTE SPECIAL PURPO S~ S JULY 1, 1921 JUNE 30, 1922. Compiled May 21, 1921. REC IPTS Cottage Rent s and for Heating Dormi t ories ----------- ---$5,900.00 Creamery ------------- - -------- -------- --- - - ----- ------ 3,600. 00 Heat, Light & Water fo r Auburn ------ - ------- --- ------ 22,065. 00 Lyceum ------------------------------------- ---------- 2,000.00 Pure Foods & Drugs -------------- - ------- ~ -- - ------ - -- 7,150.00 Sweet Potato Rouse, Maintenance ---------------- ------- 500. 00 Oil Tax ~InspeQtion) -- ----- - ------------------- - - ---- 300.00 Picture Show - - ----------------------- -------------- - - 15,500 .00 Wood Shop ------------ ------ ------------------ -------- 3.712.50 Total BUDGET ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTI'fU'rn CUSTODIAL JULY 1, 1921 JU1~ 30, 1922. 60,727.50 Compiled May 21, 1921. RECEIPTS Athletics 6,000.00 Glomerat e. 3,750.00 Laundry ------------- ------- ---- ----- --------------- 10,000.00 Oil Tax( ) ----------------------- ----------------- 5,400.00 Orange & Blue ----------- --------------- ------------ 1,250.00 Scholarships --------------------------------------- 2, 000.00 Students' Cont ingent 5,000.00 Total 11,400.00 ./ /I.. / 21 22 BUDGET ALABAMA POLyrrSCHNIC INSTITUTE BUILDING JULY 1, 1921 -- JUNE 30, 1922. vompi1ed May 21, 1921. RECE IPTS Appropriati ons -------------------------------- $54 ,000.00 (Burning of Comer Hall) Insurance on Hand ------------------- ------ ---- 58.000,00 Total 112,000.00 ( J!'tt360 23 BUDGET ALABAMA POLYT~mn~ I O INv~ Ii~ TE ~'OR NlAINTLN.ANCE July 1, 1921 - June 30, 1922. EXPEND lTURES: Project Salary Labor Equi pment Supplies Total COLLEGE !v1AINTENANCE Administration 18680. 00 100. 00 250 . 00 1500.00 20,530.00 Agricultural Engineering 5750. 00 50 . 00 100.00 400. 00 6,300. 00 Agronomy 6200. 00 650 . 00 500. 00 500. 00 7 , 850 . 00 Anima l Husbandry 8840 . 00 2660 . 00 3600.00 8240 . 00 23 , 340. 00 Archi tecture 4650. 00 100.00 2:'Z5 . 00 50.00 5,075.00 Botany 4250 . 00 50 . 00 750 . 00 150 . 00 5, 200 . 00 Buildings & Grounds 7000.00 260 . 00 400.00 1000 . 00 8,660 .00 Catalogue & Advertis ing 1800. 00 1,800 . 00 Civil Engineering 5325. 00 25 . 00 250 . 00 75 . 00 5 , 675 . 00 Chemistry 15410. 00 1200. 00 1900. 00 2840 . 00 21,350 . 00 Comrnencemen t 700 . 00 700 . 00 Economics 750 . 00 40 . 00 10.00 800. 00 Educat i on 2975 . 00 75 . 00-tr. 15. 00 60 . 00 3125. 00 Electrical Engineering 7050 . 00 150. 00 1000 . 00 250 . 00 8 ,450 . 00 English 11575. 00 225. 00 150 . 00 350. 00 12,300. 00 Entomolo-gy 4250 . 00 50 . 00 500 . 00 400 . 00 5,200 . 00 Green House 990 . 00 500.00 50.00 150.00 1 , 690 . 00 History & Lat in 6450 . 00 50 . 00 50.00 50.00 6,600.00 Highway Engineeri ng 3000.00 50 . 00 10 . 00 3, 060 .00 Horticul ture 7130 . 00 150. 00 125. 00 250.00 7,655 . 00 Health 3870.00 230 . 00 4,100 . 00 Home Economics 4750 . 00 250 . 00 1000. 00 500 . 00 6 , 500 . 00 Insurance (Premiums) 7500 .00 7 , 500. 00 Library 1600. 00 100.00 2300 . 00 4,000. 00 Machine De sign 5425 .00 250 . 00 75 . 00 5,750. 00 Mathematics 10975. 00 15.00 115.00 11,105. 00 Mechanical Engineering 9795 . 00 400. 00 900 . 00 1200. 00 12,295. 00 Military 1150.00 50 . 00 150. 00 250 . 00 1 , 600.00 Modern Languages 4700 . 00 25 . 00 4,725 . 00 Pharmacy 4900 . 00 200. 00 1200.00 6, 300 . 00 Physical Culture 1550 . 00 1,550. 00 Physics 3600 . 00 75.00 500. 00 200. 00 4,375 . 00 President Emeritus 4000.00 4 , 000 . 00 ~i.muner Se ssion 5850 . 00 450.00 400.00 2000.00 8, 700. 00 Smi th-Hughes{ Summer S) 1000. 00 1 , 000.00 State Department Educati on 540 . 00 540 . 00 Trustees 900 . 00 900 . 00 Veterinary 10550 . 00 300 . 00 750. 00 1400. 00 13,000 . 00 Vocational Educa tion{ S. H) 8220 .00 1000 . 00 250.00 1894. 73 11,364. 73 Vocational Soldiers 6095.00 25 . 00 25. 00 6, 145. 00 Contingent 4225 . 00 4 . 225. 00 208845. 00 8820 . 00 14545.00 42824 . 73 275 , 034. 73 24 EXPEND I' UltES Special Purposes ( Project Salary Labor Eo uipment Supplies Tota l Creamery 900.00 1000. 00 500 . 00 1200.00 3600 . 00 Donnitories & Cottages 000 . 00 1450.00 4~50 . 00 5900 . 00 Feed Stuffs 6850 . 00 300. 00 7150. 00 Heat , Light & Water 4710 . 00, llOO . OO 660 . 00 15595 . 00 22065 . 00 Lyceum 2000 . 00 2000 . 00 Oil Tax (-?d 300.00 300 . 00 Picture Show 4300 . 00 5235 . 00 1585. 00 4380 . 00 15500 . 00 W'ood Shops 1312. 50 1200 . 00 2 ,0. 00 1000. 00 3712.50 Sweet Pota to Ho use Maintenance 200 . 00 300. 00 500. 00 'rotals 18072.50 8735. 00 4395 . 00 29525. 00 60,727 . 50 ( ) ( ) J:lt1360 Name Atkinson, T. p. Burleson, D. J. Burleson, G. L. Burns, F. W. Biggin, F. C. Barlow, Harrington Bragg, M. C. Basore, C. A. Bidez, B. R. Baughman, C. A. Brown, 0 Blake, L. S. Buckner, Conway Binford, JUo. Bergthold, J. W. Barton, W. D. Binford, E. E. Boyd, H. L. " F. E. Baker, K. G. Briggs, H. G. Brown, L. Bell, J. P. Clark, J. B. Cary, C. A. Co t ton, Ines Callan, J. A. C. Cook, W. C. Crenshaw, B. H. Carlovitz, C. H. Cooper, Leland Covington, N. G. Chestnutt, S. L. Cureton, M. I. Crawford, H. L. Caldwell, M. K. Cauthen, E. F. Cowan, Leonora Dowell, Spright Dunn, Berta Proposed Salaries for Employees Alabama Polytechnic Institute 1921-22 r Title College ~tension Station Head & Prof. Mod.Language Asst.Professor Agrono~ Asst. Animal Husbandry Asst. Professor A. H. Head & Prof. Architecture Supervisor Buildings & Asst.Prof.Architecture Steno. Horticulture Asst. Prof. Chemistry Asst. Feed Stuff Analysis Picture Show Head & Prof. Highway Engr. Asst. Prof. Horticulture Head & Prof. Pharmacy Steno.Voca. Soldiers Pump Operator Y. M. C • . A. Director District Agent It " " If Agronomist A. H. Specialis t Asso.Horticulturist Asst. " Entomology Clerk Head Economies' Sec'y to President Dean & Head Vet.Dept. Steno.An.Husbandry Head & Prof. Civ. Engr. Instr. Horticulture Head & Prof.Mathematics Instr. Mech. Engr. Instr. Voca. Soldiers ABst. Prof. Veterinary Prof. Voca. Education Asst. State H.D. Agent Asst. Bookkeeper Steno .Ag. ·Edi tor Agricu1 turalist Bookkeeper President Steno.Accouutant & 2700.00 ------ 2400.00 -. -- 2400.00 3200.00 27UO.00 2UOO.00 1800.00 3000.00 2400.00 2700.00 960.00 600.UO 25UO.00 - - - - 3UOO.00 - - - - 3000.00 1440.UO - 3000.00 - - 3000.00 3000.00 - - - - 25UO.OO - - - - 400.00 3300.00 3000.00 72u.OO 2550.00 1080.00 3500.00 1200.00 15UU.00 ·1650.00 3000.UO 480.00 6000.uO 670.00 2000.00 1320.00 1200.00 1200.00 350.00 2100.00 1380.00 1100.00 600.00 2300.00 300.00 60.0u 25 Total 2700.00 2400.00 2100.00 2400.00 3200.00 2700.00 1380.00 2000.00 1800.00 3000.00 2400.00 2700.00 960.00 600.00 2500.00 3000.00 3000.00 1440.00 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00 2500.00 1500.00 3300.00 3600.00 1200.00 2550.00 1080.00 3500.00 1200.00 1500.00 1650.00 3000.00 200Q.00 1320.00 1200.uO 23uO.UO 1500.00 6000.00 1080.00 26 Name Title College Extension Station Total Dunstan, A. st. C. Head & Prof. Elec. Engr. 3600.00 - - - - 3600.00 Drake, J. H. Surgeon 3600.00 .- - - - -- 3600.00 Donahue, M. J. Head & Prof.Physical Cult. 1560.00 - - - - - - - - 1560.00 Drake , J. W. Jr. Supt.Heat,Light & water 1800.00 - - - - - - - - 1800.00 Duncan, L. N. Director Extension 4500.00 - - - - 4500.00 Dobbs, E. C. Special Negro Men .Agent - - - - 1440.00 - - - - 1440.00 Davis, P. O. Agricultural Editor - - - - 2700.00 300.00 3000.00 Duggar, J. F. Consulting Agronomist - - - - - - - - 3400.00 3400.00 Eaton, W.H. Asso.Prof. A.H. Supt creamery 2600.00 - - - - - - - - 2600.00 Edwards, M. Girls' Club Steno. - - - - 1080.00 - - - - 1080.00 FUnohess, M. J. Vice Dean & Head Agronomw 2000.00 - -- -- 1300.00 3300.00 Fisher, Minnie Dean of Women 2500.00 - - - - 2500.00 PUllan, M. T. Head & Prof.Mach Design 3600.00 - - - - 3600.00 Ferguson, G. w. Asst. Prof. Vet. 1650.00 - - - - 1650.00 Feminear, M. State Home D. Agent - - - - 2700.00 2700.00 Glenn, M. A. Treasurer 800.00 1200.00 - - - - 2000.00 Grimes, .J. C. Head & Prof. A. H. 900.00 300·.00 1600.00 2800.00 Gardner, W. A. Head & Prof. Botany 2000.00 - - - - 1200.00 3200.00 Gentry, H. S. Asst. Prof. Pharmacy 2200.00 - - - - - - - - 2200.00 Gilmore, A. Steno. An. Husbandry - - - - 1200.00 - - - - 1200.00 Gray, Dan T. Station Director & Dean Agr. 40U.00 - - - - 4100.00 4500.00 Hosmer, Margaret Steno. President 1200.00 - - - - 1200.00 Hare, C. L. Professor Chemi~try 2950.00 2950.00 Hulse, F. C. ?rof. Civ. Engineering 2550.00 2550.00 Hill, w. w. Prof. Elec. Engineering 2700.00 2700.00 Hixon, C. R. Prof. Mech. Engineering 2700.00 2700.00 H.ar:Lna, V. C. Instructor Vooa. Soldiers 2000.00 2000.00 Hollifield, Kate " " " 1500.00 - - - 1500.00 Herron, J. L. Boys' Club Agent 2700.00 - - - - 2700.00 Harris, M. C. Steno. Extension Director 1440.00 - 1440.00 Hardie, JIm. An. BUsb. Specialist 2700.00 - - - - 2700.00 Howard, H. Speoial Negro Men Agent 1380.00 1380.00 Hanna, L. C. Negro Home Economics Agt. 1020.00 - - - - 1020.00 Hanna, Julia Steno.Horticulturist 1080.00 - - - - 1080.00 Hinds, W. E. Entomology ., 1500.00 1500.00 3000.00 Isbell, C. L. Asso. Prof. Horticulture 2140.00 400.00 2540.00 Johnstone, G. R. Asso. Prof. Botany 1850.00 400.00 2250.00 Jaekson, J. B. Analyst 2100.00 - -- - - - - - 2100.00 Judd, z. V. Dean School of Agr. Eduoa. , ~ and SUmmer School 3900.00 - - - - - - - - 3900.00 Johnston, H. Asst. State H.D. Agent - - - - 2500.00 - - - - 2500.00 Jones, R. B. Negro Home Economics Agt. - - - - 1200.00 - - - - 1200.00 Johnson, R. A. Farm Foreman - - - - - - - - 1200.00 1200.00 Kimbrough, W. D. Instructor Horticulture 1700.00 - - - - - - - - 1700.00 Killebrew, C. D. Prof. Mathematics 2500.00 - - - - 2500.00 Kynette, C. M. Special Negro Boys' Agt. - - - - 1380.00 1380.00 Lauderdale, A. A. Instr. An. Husbandry 2000. 00 - - - - 2000.00 \ ) Name Lane, Miriam LeBron, L. C. Miller, E. R. Martin, H. M. Marsh, G. H. MGIlvaine, V. C. Martin, M. E. Moore, A. B. McAdory, I. S. Mauldin, E Massengale, o. N. Nichols, M. L. Price. S. J. T. Petrie, George Pope, B. C. Powell, P. P. Pollard, E. F. Pilcher, J. B. Pitts, J. E. Pearson, M. H. Quinn, I. T. Ross, B. B. RaDdolph, J. W. Reed. C. C. Ray. WIn. Rutland, J. R. Robinson, J. M. Reynolds, A. W. Rodgers, A. Steele, Sara Shi, B. L. Sprat;1ing, Wm. Saidla, L. Starcher. G. C. Spalding, I Sugg, L. S. Stivers, E. D. Steele, Victoria Sizemore, E. Simma, Har~ Stevens, F. D. Taylor, R. Tidmore, J. W. Taylor, W. R. Thomas, A. L. Turner, J. S. Thach, C. C. T~ pan, Glad~. Sch1euterbusch,H. Thomas, F. L. Title College Extension Station steno. Light & Power 5AO.00 - - - - - - - - Asst. Ag. Engineering - - - - 2500.00 - - - - Prof. Chemistry .- 700.00 2200.00 Asst.Prof. Chemistry 2000.00 - - - - "" " 2300.00 - - - - Instr. Elec. Engineering 750.00 - - - - Librarian 1250.00 250.00 Asst. Prof. Mod.Lang. 2000.00 - - - - Prot. VeterinarY 2300.00 - 200.001 Others Asst. st. Home D. Agt. - - - - 8000.00 - - - - Instr. Chemistry 750.00 - - - - 750.00 Head & Prof. Ag. Engr. 2000.00 500.00 500.00 Accountant 450.00 2550.00 - - - - Dean of Graduate Studies & Head Hist & Latin 4000.00 - - - - - - - - Ass.t. Accountant 1260.00 -·940 .. 00 Asso. Prof. Chemistry 2200.00 Instr. ChBmistry 1500.00 "" 495.00 - - - - "Mathematics 1400.00 Marketing Specialist - - - - 3000.00 - - - - District Agr. Ext. - - - - 3000.00 - - '- - Dean & Head Chemistry 4000.00 - - - - - - - - Asst. Prof. Ag. Engr. 2400.00 - - - - - - - - Farm Supt. 1300.00 - - - - 200.00 Supt. Bldgs.& Grounds 1300.00 360.00 240.00 Prof. English 2950.00 - - - - - - - - Prof. Entomology 2500.00 - - - - - - - - Instr. History 1800.00 - - - - - - - - Steno.Boys' Club - - - - 1200.00 - -- -- Steno. Registrar 960.00 Registrar & Prof.Math. 3300.00 - - - - Instr. Architecture '1125.00 Asso. Prof. English 2250.00 Head & Prof. Horticulture 350.00 300.00 500.00 Commandant ~OO.OO - - - - - - - - Asst. Prof. Vet. 1800.00 - - - - - - - - Prof. Voca. Education 3000.00 - - - - Steno.Agrono~ & Ag.En. property Clerk Negro Men District Agt. - - - - Farm Mang. Spec. Dean & Head Eng. Dept. Instr. Agronomy Prof. English Mang.Pict. Show & Prof. Mach. Design Asso. Prof. Mathematics President Emeritus Asst. H. D. Agt. Poultry Husbandry Asso. Entomology 4000.00 2000.00 2550.00 2~00.uO 2500.00 4000.00 1200.00 22uO.00 18UO.uO 2700.00 2200.00 300.00 2500.00 Total 540·.00 2500.00 2900.00 . 2000.00 2300.00 750.00 1500.00 2000.00 2500.00 2000.00 1500.00 3000.00 3000.00 4000. 00 2200.00 2200.00 1500.00 495.00 1400.00 3000.uO 3000.00 4000.00 2400.00 1500.00 1900.00 2950.00 2500.00 1800.00- 1200.00 960.00 3300.00 1125.00 2250.00 1150.00 700.00 1800.00 3000.00 1200.00 2200.UO 1800.00 2700.00 4000.00 2000.00 2550.00 2900.00 2500.00 4000.00 2200.00 300.00 2500.00 27 28 Name Title College ExtensionStation Total Tisdale, H. B. Plant Breeder _ __ J _ 2500.00 2500.00 Wiatt, Mrs. Clerk, Registrar 720.00 - - - - 720.00 Wilmore, J. J. Dean & Head Mech. Engr. 4000.00 - - - - 4000.00 Whatley, Mrs. Steno. S.S.Edu.Smith-H. 1350.00 - - - - 1350.00 worley, Gordon Prof. Voca. Eduoation 400.00 2400.00 -Others 2800.00 Willis, M. A. Asst. H. D. Agt. - - - - 2200.00 - - - - 2200.00 Wicker, Elba Steno. Girls' Club - - - - 12uO.00 - - - - 1200.00 Winston, w. O. District Agent 3000.00 - - - - 3000.00 Wilson, H. C. Hog Cholera Spec. - - - - 24UO.00 - - - - 2400.00 Winslett, I. Steno. Agrioulturist - - - - - - - - 1020.00 1020.00 Williamson, J. T. AgriculturiSt " - - - - - - - - 2600.00 2600.00 Zobel, H. L. Carpenter Shop Foreman 1312.50 - - - - 1312.50 Wooten, B. A. Head & Prof. Physics 3uOO.00 - - - - - - - - 3000.00 POSITIONS TO BE FILLEP Vacant Instructor in Agr. Engr. 1350.00 - - - - - - - - 1350.00 Asst. Prof. in Ent. 1750.00 - - 1750.00 " " H.E. 2250.00 2250.00 " " Mech. Engr.1620.00 - - - - 1620.00 Property Clerk,Mil'y 45u.00 - - - - 450.00 Lineman 170.00 - - - - 170.00 Night Operator 700.00 - - - - 700.00 Fireman 900.00 - - - - - - - - 900.00 ( ) Boys Club Agent - - - - 2500.00 - - - - 2500.00 Co t ton Grader - - - - 2500.00 - - - - 2500.00 Steng. Marketing - - - - H~OO.OO 1200.00 Plant Pathologist - - - - 600.00 1800.00 2400.00 Steno.Ex.Sta. Director - - - - 1800.00 1800.00 Record C1rek Exp.Sta. 700.00 700.00 t Time Steno.Agronomist Consulting 5uO.00 500.00 MISCELLANEOUS Student Assistants 2 EX.Sta. 475.00 475.00 2 Botany 4UU.00 4uO.00 2 Chemistry 500.uO - - - - 500.00 1 Civ. Engr. 225.00 - - - - 225. 00 1 Elec. Engr. 150.00 - - - - 150.00 1 Engl ish 225.00 225.00 1 Green House 450 .. uO 450.00 2 Hist. & Lat. 45u.OO 450.00 2 Library 350.00 - - 350.00 1 Mach. Design 225.00 - - - - 225.00 1 Architecture 225.00 225.00 2 Ma thematics 45u.uO - - - - 450.00 3 Mech. Engr. 675.uO - - - - 675.00 ( 2 Phyiscs 6uO.00 6UO.00 ) 1 Veterinary l50.uO - - - - 150.uO STATEMENT ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITU~E BUILDING AND REPAIR FUND JULy 1, 1920-~ 30,1921 Agricul tural Building $681.22 Artillery 10e63.ee Barra oks 27346.26 Blacksmi th Shop 846.43 Chemical Laboratory 1278.26 cott~es 1079.96 Engineering Building 1071.06 Garage 132.41 Green House 269.70 Highway Laboratory 2156.50 Langdon Hall 7360.23 Library 3210.00 Machine Shop 1075.47 Main BUilding 5643.19 Pharmacy Laboratory 115.38 Ph¥sics 328.34 Power House 822.03 Sweet Potato House 296.04 president's Jf.ansion 1244.84 Smith Hall 4400.44' Station Barns 39.85 Veterinary BUilding 435.82 29 $70,698.21 30 GRADUATES May 31, 1921 DEGREE Bachelor of Science Graduates Acker, Joe Morris • • • • Chem. Eng. • • • • • • Gadsden Barker. Marcus Ralph. • • •• General. -.. • • • • • Auburn Barker, w,yss Leo 0 .0 •• o. Cham. Eng ••• 0 ••• Auburn Barks, Herbert Barnard. • • • Chem. Eng. • • • • • • Birmingham Bartee, Homer Gray. • • • • • Elec. Eng ••••••• Cordele, Ga. Biggin, Harold Lyle • • • • • Elec. Eng. • • • • • • Auburn Bivins, Daniel Eugene, Jr • • Elec. Eng •• 0 ��� • •• Bartow, Fla. Bradley, Charles Henry. • • • Elec. Eng. • • • • • • MObile Brown, John Morgan. • • • • • Chem. Eng. • • • • • • Auburn Brown, Robert Crawford. • • • General. • • • • • • • Ensley Buchanan, James Lake. • • • • Elec'. Eng •• ' . • • • • Riverton Bullock, John Kavanaugh • • • Animal HUsbandry • • • Montgomery Byrd, William Fitzhugh. • • • Agronomy .•• ~ • • • Birmingham Caton, Noah Winston • • • • • Mech. Eng. • • • • • • River Ealls Christopher, Ralph Coleman. • Animal Husbandry • • • lsney Cobb, Lucile Meredith. • • • General. • • • • • •• Tuskegee Cook, Samuel Clarence • • • • Agr. Education • • •• Camden Copeland, Rodney Hugh • • •• Mech. Eng. • • • • • • Auburn . Creel, John Paul. • • • • • • Agr. Education • • • • Morris Davis, Clifford Gilmore • •• Civ. Engr. • • • • • • San Benito,Tex Deck, Herman Hoover • • • • • Agronomy. • • • • • • Guntersville DeShazo, Albert Perry • • • • Mech. Eng. • • • • • • Birmingham Dowdell, David Merri ck, Jr. • Horticulture. • • • • Wimauma, Fla Drake, Rosa • • • • • • • •• General. • • • • • • • Auburn Feagin, Joe Daniel. • • • • • Civ. Engr. • • • • • • Union Springs Fuller, l~lville Gray. • • • Elec. Eng. • • • • • • Huntsville Garland, Peter Joseph • • • • Animal Husbandry • • • Jones Griggs, Alfred Flournoy • • • Elec. Eng. • • • • •• Birmingham Handley, Levis Wilson • • • • Chem & Met • • • • •• Lineville Hardeman, Harriet Currie. • • General. • • • • • • • Auburn Hare, Joseph Crosland • • • • Chem. Eng. • • • • • • Auburn Hayley, Arthur Lee, Jr. • • • Elec. Eng. • • ��� • • • America Hillman, Lyle Jarman. • • • • Elec. Eng. • • • • • • Orrville Hodges, Linnie Pitt. • • •• Chem & Met. • • • • • Dothan Holland, Joseph Alfred. • Civ. Eng. • • • • • • Huntsville Hollingsworth, William Strother Agrono~. • • • • • • Edgefield, S.C. Holstun, Hollis Oswald. • •• General. • • ��� • • • • Camp Hill House, Ray Walthall • • • • • Elec. Eng. • • • • • • Acrnar Hurlbert, James Daniel. • Elec. Eng. • • • • • • Cuba Jacobs, Mose. • • • • • • • • Agr. Education •••• Jeffrey, Frank Inge • • • • • Agronomy • • • • • Johnson, Sidney Walton. • Agronomy ••••••• Johnston, Charles Nathan. Mech. Eng ••••••��� Lamar, George Barnes, Jr. • • General •••••••• Lisenby, Amsie Horton. • • • Chem. Eng ••••••• Lovin, John Witty. • • • • • Chem. Eng ••••••• Lowman, . Pierce Ingram • • • • Mech. Eng ••••••• McFaden, Frank Sidney • • • • Ci v. Engr. • • • • • • Bi rmingham Lower Peach Auburn Sweetwater .Auburn Dothan Decatur Orangeburg, Montgomery Tree S.C. McFall, James William. • • • Agr. Education. • • • Anderson, S.C. ( ) ) ) Malone, Joseph Wheeler. • • • Animal Husbandry • • • Maury, James Fontaine, Jr •• Mech. Eng ••••••• Ollinger, Rodney Matthews •• Arch. Eng ••••••• Page, Frank Penn. • • • • • • Chern & Met • • • • • • Palmer, William • • • • • • • Animal Husbandry • • • Peterson, Lyman Loomis •••• Elee. Eng ••••••• Powell, Elwyn Nimmons, •••• Mech. Eng ••••••• Powell, John Stephen ••••• Civ. Engr ••••••• Rayfield, Lee Rasberth •••• Chem. & Met •••••• Reid, Cyrus Eugene'. • • • • • Elec. Eng. • • • • Riley, William Leonard. • • • Chem. Eng. • • • • • • Rogers, John Benjamin •••• Elec. Eng ••••••• Rutledge, Robert Edgar~ ••• Chern. Eng. • • •• Sartain, Ezra Wilson ••••• Elec. Eng ••••••• Seale, Eunice Brooks ••••• Chem. Eng •••• , ••• Simpson, William GullSW, Jr ���• Agr. Education •••• Small, Ernest Gustave •••• Animal Husbandry ••• Smith, Charles Alstin •••• Elee. Eng ••••••• Speigner, Alex Hillary •••• Highway Eng •••••• Spoon, Leroy Page ••••• " Elec. Eng ••••••• Terry, Edward Allison ••••• Animal Husbandry ••• Vaiden, James Winchester ••• Chem. Eng ••••••• Wade, James Dallas, Jr •••• Elee. Eng ••••••• Wadkins, Ross Franklin. • • • Agr. Education • • • • ward, Birma Leon. • ��� • • • • Pharmacy • • • • • • • Warren, Chester Clyde •••• Civ. Engr ••••••• Warren, George Butler • • • • Animal Husbandry • • • Waugh, JOhn Dayton •••••• Animal HUsbandry ••• Whipple, Ulysses Virgil, Jr • Horticulture •••• ,. Wideberg, John Eric • • • • • Arch. Eng. • • • • • • ~ lkinson, Ernest Albert ••• Animal Husbandry ••• Youngblood, Robert Wadkins •• Agronomy ••••••• Graduates with Honor Birmingham Spring Hill Mobile Dothan Ackerville Alexander City Newnan, Ga N 8WII8ll, Ga. Weogufka Montgomery Birmingham Birmingham Ensley Oakman Moundville Snow Hill Minter Syl acauga Dothan Charlotte,N.C. Millbrook Uniontown Montgomery Opelika Dothan Coal City Albany Mathews Cordele, Ga. Jamesburg, N.J. Au taugaville Dothan Anderson, Charles Carlisle •• Agronomy •••.•••• Prospect Barnett, Frank ~~dison •••• Agronomy. • • • • • • Fitzpatrick Bell, Almarion Devaleo •••• Agronomy. • • • • Alpine Bell, Franklyn Evelyn •••• Elec. Eng. • • • ��� •• Pensacola,Fla Boyd, Alfred DeWitte •••• C ~v. Eng. • • • • •• Auburn Bryan, Bert Nathan •••••• Horticulture. • • • • Marshallville,Ga Cooper, John Francis~ Jr ••• Animal Husbandry • • • Echola Crane, Lawrence Welch •••• Ele'c. Eng. • • • • •• Birmingham Darby, Edward Fletcher •••• Mech. Eng. • • • • •• Birmingham Dowdell, l~die •••••••• General. • • • • • • • Auburn Duboise, Thomas ••••••• Agr. Education • • • • Phil Campbell Dunn, Clyde ••••••••• Agr. Education. • •• Millport Easter, Everette C •••••• Animal HUsbandry. •• Coxey Greene, Virgil Roy •••••• ~gr.Education •••• Arley Hahn, Herbert Louis • • • • • Mech. Eng. • • • • •• Birmingham Hardie, ?hilip Henry ••••• Mech. Eng. • • • • • • Birmingham Keenon, Edgar, Jr. • • • • • Mech. Eng ��•••••• Ensley McKinley, John Henry • • •• Animal HUsbandry • • • Demopolis Miller, George Knox • • • • Elec. Eng. • • • • • • Monticello, Fla 31 32 O'Neal, James Cornelius. • Mech. Eng ••••••• Ray, Grover washington • • Agr. Education •••• Reed, Russell Sage • • • • Elec. Eng ••••••• Roberts, Amos Dalton. • • Agr. Education •••• Shealy, James Wellington. Elec. Eng ••••••• Sizemore, Emmette. • • • • Animal HUsbandry •���• Stevenson, Will Allen. • • Animal Husbandry • • • Stokes, Benjamin Boulware, Elec. Eng ••••••• Vernon, John • • • • • • • Mech. Eng ••••••• Wade, Allan Jaokson. • • • Eleo. Eng ••••••• Walker, Marion Newman. • • Horticulture ••••• watson, Luther Boardman. • Eleo. Eng •••••• ~ Watts, Edgar Reid. • • • • ~leo. Eng ••••••• Whatley, John Louis. • • • Animal Hlisbandr.y ••• Wilkinson, Edward Everett. Animal Husbandry • Williams, Homer Eaton. • • Agr. Education • . ••• Williams, Vester Vanderbilt Animal Husbandry • Wilson, Samuel Lee •••• Agr. oEduoation •••• Winton, William Harmon •• Chem. Eng ••••••• Graduates with Highest Honor Collins, Albert Handlton •• Agr. Eduoation ••••• Gottlieb, Jaoob •••••• Meoh • . Eng ••••••• DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Graduates Mobile Alexander City Altoona Fayette Enterprise Guin Notasulga Birmingham Birmingham Birminghain · Clemson Col.S.C. Furman Oakman Opelika . Thomasv ille waterloo Guin Double Springs Greenville Covin Birmingham Burleson, Benjamin Z. • · • • · · · • · · Haokleburg Holloway, Albert Lee. • · • · · · • • · ��� · • • Monroeville May, James Warren • . • • • • · · • • • • • • • Mobile Tyler, Napoleon Bonaparte • • • • • • • · • · • Rioh Square, N.C. Graduate with Honor Patterson, Frederiok Davis, Jr ••••••••• Cuthbert, Ga. GRADUATES IN PHAnMACY (Ph.G.) Andrews, James Glover ••••••••••••• LaFayette Atkins, John Lewis. • • • • • • • • • • • • Heflin Bruner, Oliver Glenn. • • • • • • • • • • • Ft. Deposit Dillon, Hugh Crawford .0 . . . . . . . . • .. . . Birminghattl Megginson, Theodore Jackson • • • • • • • • • • Thomasville Parker, Phillip Harold. ~ ••••••••••• West ~oint, Ga. Sandlin, William Woodfin •••••••••••• Moulton Segrest, Purser George ••••••••••••• Notasulga Wilson, Grady L.. • • • • • • • .• • • • • • • • Troy POST GRADUATE DEGREES Master of sc:l8 noe in Agrioul ture Perdue, Marvin Lucian • • • • • • • • • • • • • Birmingham PROFESSr.ONAL DEGREES IN CaJRSE Civil Engineer Wideberg, Carl Erio • . . . . . . . . . . • • Man tgomery With Highest Honor Hanna, Verner Cyril • • • • • • • • • • • • • Auburn Mechanical Engineer Pearson, Ger8l~ Walstein. • • • • • • • • • • Devereaux, Ga Watson, Lynn Casey •••••••••••••• Birmingham DEGREES FOR PROFESSIONAL WORK Electrical Engineer Smith, Charles Henry ••••• Sparks, Harry Peckham. • • • • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mechanical Engineer Pittsburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa Haynie, Fred Hollis. • • •••••••• Newman, Arthur Bernhart. • • •••• Stewart, Chester A •••••••••••••• , New York, N.Y. Peoria, 111 , parkersburg, W.Va. GRADUATES, S~~R SESSION ~ 1912 Bradley, James Thomas • • Crool, Samuel Donovan • • Festorazzi, Angelo otto • DEGREE Bachelor of Science , • Agriculture. · • • Agriculture. • • • Mech. Eng. • · • • • • Fullwood, Harry Sission,Jr. Elec. Eng. • · · '. Garner, Sannel Gideon • • • Agr. Education · • Hillman, Robert Charles • • Agriculture • . . • Komp, George Barnes, Jr'., • Elec. Eng. • · • • Neel, Oliver W. • • • • • • Mech. Eng. ,. • • • Smith, Charles Linton • • • Agr. Education • · , V~tley, Walter Alexander • Agricul ture. • • • • • • • • · • • • · GRADUATE IN PHARMACY (Ph.G.) Taylor, Norris Pelham • • • • • • • • • • . . . . POST GRADUATE DEGREES t~ster ot scienoe Pilcher, James Byrd • • • • Chemistry • • • • Stephens, William R ••••• Chemistry •••• . . • • • Blacksher · Aliceville · Mobile • New York, N.Y. • Tuscaloosa • orrville · Hattiesburg,Miss • Bearden, Ark. • Covin • Opelika • Gadsden • Dothan • Texas 33 34 Meeting of the EXecutive Comndttee July a, 1921 The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnio Institute met in the office of the Governor on Friday, JUly a, 1921, with the following members present: Governor Kilby, Messrs. Feagin, Terry, and Herzfeld. President Dowell submitted a recommendation from Spencer, Trask & Company which contemplated the exchange of a bond in the amount of $1000 given to the colleg~ by Mr. George Foster Peabody for other interest bearing tunds of like amount. The recommendation emanated from Mr. Peabody who desired that the change be made since the original inves~nt yielding no interest. The President was instructed to investigate the matter and to act as the interests of the college might seem to make desirable. The Executive Committee also approved a contract for the Laundry -work of the college for a ten-year period with J. R. Edwards imd L. J. Blackwelder. Upon Motion the President was authorized to remove the C'arpenter , Shop from Langdo'n Hall to a building to be erec ted on .the Campus a t the rear ,of the present Barracks. the cost of the building and transfer not to exceed $1000. Thereupon the Executive Committee went into the consideration of bids for the 'erection of three 'Veterinary buildings and the reconstruc­tion of Comer Agricultural Hall. The firms submitting bids and the respective amounts of the same were as follows: I. 0. Anderson Comer Hall Finishing third story Three Veterinary Buildings Jeffers Brothers Comer Hall Finishing third story Three Veterinary Buildings Opelika Lumber & $77,000. 6,qOO. 83,000. 46,500. 129,500. 76,920. 4.995. 81,915. 43.584. 125,499. Constructien Co. Comer Hall 76,517. Finishing third story (not giv~en~) ____ _ Three Veterinary Buildings Total for all buildings 44,600. 121,317. 119,600. I' ) Thomas Puris Comer Hall Finishing third story Three Veterinary BU·ildings Eureka Construction Company Comer Hall Three Veterinary BUildings 71,200. 7,895. 79,095. 44,600. 123,675. No Bid 47,850. After carefully considering the matter the Committee decided to reject all bids and to advertise for new bids to be opened in the Governor's office on July 19th at three o'clock. In the meantime, the Architect was instructed to revise the plans and specifications so as to make possible lower bids, provided this could be done without materially affecting the affecting the appearance and value of the buildings. It was also decided that the bids for Comer Agricultural Hall shou~d include the completion of . the third story. After instructing the President to advertise for bids, which should require a B% depos1t with each ~1d and call for the execution of a bond in the amount_of the bid accepted, the Executive Committee adj ourned to meet again in . the office of the Governor at three o'clock on July 19th. B. L. Shi, Secretary Board of ~rustees. 35 36 Meeting of the ,Executive Committee July 19, 1921. The Executive Committee of the Boa~d of, Trustees of the Alab~ Polyteohnio Institute met in the office of the Govern.or on Tuesday, July 19, 1921, at three o'clock, with ' the following members present: Governor Thomas E. Kilby, Messrs. Feagin, Terry, and Herzfeld, President Dowell stated that advertisments for the reconstruction of Comer Agricultural Hall and the erection of -three' Veterinary buildings had appeared in the Montgomery Journal, Montgomery Advertiser, Birmingham Age-Herald, Birmingham News, and MObile Register for two sucoessive days, namely, July 11th and 12th. ' Bids were opened in the ~resence of the bidders, the amount of the respretive bids being as follows: Bidder Comer Hall Veterinary Total Crampton, Jeffers ' Bros'. 88,201-. 43,584. 130,000 I. O. Anderson Eureka Construction Company 47,850.50 Opelika Construction Company 77,768 42,600. 119,000 Thomas Purvh cost plus 5~ 42,750. Upon the motion of Mr. Terry the bid of the Opelika Lumber & Construotion Company for $119,000.00 was acoepted and Professor Biggin, Head of the Department of Architecture, was instr~oted to draw up the contraot in keeping with the plans and specifications, the same to be sent to the Attorney General for approval. Mr. Lanier, president of the, suocessfUl company, stated to the Board that"he would prepare to begin work on Monday, July 25th, and that the job would be completed by January 1, 1922~ Upon the motion of Mr. Terry, the President of the Institution was instructed to return all bids and checks to the other parties submitting bids. Mr. Lanier requested -that he be not required to execute 8 Surety Bond on the ground that his margin of profit was exceedingly low. After careful deliberation the Committee deoided, however, that in view of the fact that this condition had been stipu­lated in the advertisements and for the further reason that good business principles required it the Bond would have to be executed. There being no further business, the Committee adjourned. B. L. Shit Secretary, Board of ,Trustees ( ) ) Meeting of the. Executive Committee Board of Trustees Alabama Polytechnic Institute September 12, 1921 . The Executive Committee met in the Governor's office at MOntgomery on Monday, September 12, 1921, at 4:00 p.m., to consider bids on Plumbing and Heating for Comer Hall and Heating for Gymnasium. The members present were Messrs. samford, Feagin, Ter~ and Herzfeld. Judge Samford acted ,as Chairman and Professor Biggin as Seoretary. . President D~/ell expressed through Professor Biggin his regret at being unable to be present, due to an engagement at Birmingham to deliver a memorial address on Dootor Phillips. Bids were opened in the prese~oe of the bidders as follows: Plumbing for Comer Hall: Perry & MODonald, $7015.00; William Plumbing & Heating Co., $4934.00; Walter Denson~ $5270.00; Miohael Supply Co., $5643.00; M. D. Morgan, $5556.48; E. A. Jones Plumbing Co., $5480.41. No certified oheok aooompanied the bid of Perry & MoDonald and their bid was therefore no~ considered. Heating for Comer Hall: Williams Plumbing & Heating Co., , $8279.00; west Point Iron Works, $8868.00; Price Heating Co. $9990.00; Walter Denson, ' $10696.00; Miohael Supply Co., $8125.00; M. D. Morgan $8009.71; E. A. Jones PlUmbiIig Co., $6791.91. . Heating for Gymnasium: Williams 'P1umblng & Heating Co. $7420.UO; West Point Iron Works, $5100.00; Michael Supply Co., $4975.00; M. D. Morgan, $6139.48; E. A. Jones Plumbing Co., $4936.21. Group Bids: Williams Plumbing & Heating Co., Total for all three Jobs, $19708.00; West Point Iron Works, Total for Two Heati~ Jobs, $13600~00; ~ichae1 Supply Co. Total for All Three Jobs, $18279.00, Total for Two Comer Hall Jobs, (Plumbing and Heating), $13434.00; E. A. Jones Pl~bing Co .,' Total for All Three Jobs, $16910.UO On motion all jobs were awarded to the lowest bidders, the Plumbing for Comer Hall to the Williams Plumbing & Heating Co. of Birming­ham at $4934.00; the Heating for Comer Hall 'to the E. A. Jones Plumbing Co. of Columbus, Ga.," at $6791.91, and the Heating for Gymnasium to the same conoern at $4936~2i. The. total amount for all three contraots as let was $16662.12,- less than the aggregate of any group bids offered. All awarde were accepted by the bidders, who were directed to appear at Auburn ·for the signing of written oontraots, and to start work immediate- ) . ly by giving the General Contractor a1;_ the building the correct position of all openings required for their work in conorete floors, eto. They . were also directed to make arrangemant for the required bonds. 37 38 other business transacted by the "EXecutive Committee at this meet ing was as follows: . On motion of Judge Samford it was resolved that the Op!t.like Lumber & Construction Company, general contractors for Comer Hall and the Three Veterinary Buildings, be allowed to substitute for the Surety Company Bond required by their contract a bond with personal securities approved by Governor Kilby,- said bond to be drafted by Judge Samford. On request of Presiden.t Dowell presep.ted by Dean Wilmore, it was resolved that tpe time within which post graduate students may register without the penial~ing fee for late registration be extended one week. On request of Captain Fortier, Assistant Professor of Military science, presented by President Dowell through Dean Wilmore, for release from payment of certain registration fees for a post-graduate course in the Civil Engineering Department which he desired to take,- it was resolved that he be excused from payment of all fees in this connection. The Committee adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Frederic Biggin, Secretary Pro Tem. ) ) .