Summary: | Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1891204
Auburn, Alabama
..rune 8th, 1891
This being. the day f or the regular annual meeting ' of the Board of Trus.fees of
the Agricultural and Mechanical Colle e of Alabama, On call of the roll ~here
were pr esent His Excellency Thos. G. Jones, Governor of the State and ex 'officio
Presi dent of the Board; }~ . J . G. Harris , $uperintenden~ and ex officio w~mbe ~
of the ,Board; and )1essrs . Armst ron , Gilchrist, Haralson, C ~ C. Harris , Kolb,
. Lin~say and Stan,see l.
Absent: Messrs . Bishop and Li gon. A quorum present.
The minutes of the last regular eeting were read and a~proved. '
The Pr esident of the college read and submitted. his r eport, and On motion of
]vir. Armstrong, the d:i..fferent subjects embr aced in the report of the President
be referred to appropriate committees . Adopted.
Also, that .in conseguence of the absence of the Treasurer on account of illness
that · his report be referred to ' the 'Committee on · inance;' Adopted.
By Nr . Haralson, Col. HavIkins, President of the State .Fair, being pre sent and
desiring to communicate with the Board, an invitation was extended to him to
come bef ore the body.
On mot i on of ,Hr . Haralson, that the matter of maki ng an exhibi t by the college
to the State Fair at Birmingham and the fait at Hontgomery be referred to the
Fi nance ' Committee . ' Adopted.
On mot i on of Mr. Lindsay" That Y..r . Armstrong, supply the place of l'Ir . I . B.
Nitchell, deceased, on Committees of '.,lhich he vIaS a member and Hr . J . G. Harris
t hat of ]V~ . S olo~n Palmer . The motion ~IaS adopted.
By ~Ir . Armstrong, Resolved, that the different heads of departments of the college
be requested by the Secretary to cone before the Board and make reort of t he .
work done by them, in their respective De artments , at the pleasure and convenience
of the Board. Adopted.
By }w. Kolb, that the President of t he college substitute in hi s budget f or the
present fiscal year of the college the sum of ei ht thousand dollars in lieu
of five thousand dollars . Adopted.
By Mr. Stansel, 1bat a committee be designated to report to the Boar d rules
and regulations in regard to uniforms. The resolution \13.S adopted and Hessr s.
Stansel, Armstrong, and J . G. Harris were named as the committee .
Leave" of absence VJa.S r anted t o Mr. J. G. Harris till t omorrow morning.
On motion the Board adjourned until 8 o' clock p.m.
F. 1-1. Reese
Ni ght session:
June 8th, 1 891
The Board met in accordance vnth adjo~nment and t here ~re present: ' The GDver'
nor of t he State , Messrs . Armstrono' H ralson, C. C. Harris , Kolb and Lindsay.
Absent Messrs . Bishop, Gilchrist , J . G. Harris , Li gon, and St ansel . A quorum~
On m9t ion of l1i- • .. A~trong , the Board a:djourned. till 9 o" clock a .m. tomol'rovr • .
F. H. Reese
Auburn, Al abama
~ Jlme 9th; 1891
The , ard met at 9 o ' clock a .m. and t here ~<Jere present: Messrs . ArrIlS t rong, Gilchf.:
i:st , Haralson, C. C. Harris, Kolb, Lindsay, and Stansel . Absent : the Governor
of the St~te, }~ . J . G. Harris , Bishop and Li gon . A quorum.
On mot i on, l1r . St ansel was called to t he Chair . The Secretary read yesterday ' s
proceedings , vffiich after correction vrere approved.
Professors Newman" and Lupton, in obedience t o the resolution of t he Board of
Trustees , came before t hem and mAde statements and s uggest iops - also Profes sor
Lane ~
Lr ~ J. G. Harris and the Gover nor of t he State appeared ana t ook thei!' seats
"nth t he Board.
By }W. ~aralson , Resolved t hat }~ . George Petri e be elect ed Prof essor of Hi story
and Latin. at a salary pf fifteen hundred 9,olla1's per' annu.m. }II' . Petrie 1'las' u'n~mousl.
elect ed.
By Hr . Haralson, :t:tesolved t hat tht;: Chair of Adjunct .Professor of Electrical and
Nechanical Engi neerino be created and t 1at Hr . A. F. l1cKi ssick be elect.ed to the
same at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum. Adopted.
By :Hr . , Gi lchrist , That t he election of a Veterinary Surgeon be postponed, i'lhi ch
,,~s adopted. t
By v1r . Haralson, Resolved t hat the Adjunct Professorship of l-iodern Languages and
Hist ory be changed to Nodern Languages and English. Adopted.
r By ~ • Haralson, That the chair of Professor of Engl i sh and ,Latin be changed to t hat
of English, i'lhich was adopted.
A connnunication f rom Hr . Jno . VI. Bishop addressed to t he Secretary of t he Boar d
maki ng excuse f or his f ailing t o meet -with t he Board at their present session on
account of illnes s .
On mot ion, Hr . Bishop .vas excused.
By Hr . C. C. Harri s , That the s ala~J of Levi ~V . l1ilkerson, Assistant Chemist , be
raised to the sum of fifteen hundres ( ::";1, 500) dollars . Adopted.
By !-fr . Gilchris t , that the sal ar i es of r of es50rs of Eingli sh, l'.la.thematics , Civil
Engineer ing, atural His.t ory, and Chemistry be raised to the sum of two thousand
( ~~ . ) . . \;2! 000 , dol_~s •
}~ . C. C. Har ris moved ap a substit ute f or the mot ion that the Chai r appoi nt a
commit t ee t o take i nto consideration the whole question of salaries of the five
professors named i n the resolution . The substitute Has adopted and Hessrs . C. C.
Harris , Haralson, and Kolb were named the cormnittee .
By l-'Ir . J . G. Harris , Resolved that an i ncrease of sal ary of tir . Bill ing Bl akes
Assistant in Department of t>lechani c Arts be referred to the committee raised under
the substitute of Nr . C. C. Harris . Adopted .
On moti on of Hr . Naral son, the Board adjourned till 3 o tclock p .m.
F . H. r eese
. ecre~ ary
Fvening Session
June 9t h, 1891
_ he Board met at 3 0 I clock p .m. and there ',Je re pr esent: His xcellency Thos . G.
Jones , Governor of the State; }1r. J . G. Harris , and }1essrs . Armstrong, Gilchrist ,
Haralson, C. ' C. Harri s , Kol b , Lindsay , a..l1d Stansel.
Absent Hessrs . Bishop and Ligon. A quorum.
By Mr. Haral s on, That Me s srs . J . G. Harris , Lindsay and Ar mstrong be appoi nted
. a committee to prepare ' suitable resolutions on the death of Nr . J . B. Hitchell
decea sed and late a member of t he Board . Adopted.
Mr. C. C. Harris from· the Spe ?ia~ C01l:unittee submitted t he f ollo,dng r epor t :
To the Board of Tr ustees of the A. & M. College :
Your Committee to whom by resolution of your Board, Has referred t he quest ion of
fixing the salaries of the s everal professors, beg leave to report t he.t they have
p erformed that dut y and recommend that the salar ies n01" pai d remain f or the next
. year lvith the fol1ov~ng ex ce t~ons : . .
\ e recorunend that Pr of essor Anderson be pai d
Assist . BoLling B1akery
11 H. C. Armstrong, Jr.
C. C. Harris ' ) .
(09 1 , 600 .00
906 .00
800 .00
Jon. Haralson) COI.fl:·:ITTE"-'
R. F . Kol b )
By ! • Gilchrist , That the re ort of the S ecial Committee t o ~mi ch as referr ed
t he quest ion .of sal aries, be amended' 0 as t o make t he s al ar ies of Professor Lane
and Smit h ~2 , 000 each and the ~yes and nays were -called f or:
Thos e vot i ng aye "lere 1 • President , Hessr s . Armstr ong, Gilchrist and St ansel. 4
Those voti ng nay "Jere Hessrs ~ J . "'if. Harris , C. C. Harris , Haral son, Kolb, and Li ndsay.
'rhe amenQment Has l ost .
The r epor t of the Committ ee recurri ng was concurred in.
}~ . Armstr ong from the Commit t ee on Library re ~ort by Professor Thach asked furt her
time, whi ch was gr anted.
l1r . Ar mstrong al so read a aper in r ef erence to the Li br ary.
The Board refused t o make an a ppr opr i ation for an exhi bit t o the State, l' air at'
Birmingham and the fair at' Mont 0 ery.
By Mr. Rolb, esolved that the informal action, taken by the President of the
College, by and wit h the consent of a n~jorit 0 the Boar d 'of Trustees 'in ref~rence
t o remitting f ees of students from other, states , is hereby ratified and
a proved by the Board in regular session. Adopted.
By Hr. C. C. Harris , .esolved that t her e is hereby a ro r iated from the funds
r eceived f r om the Stat~ Department of Agri cultt~e, t he sum of ei ht tho 'sand
dollars, or as much thereof as is necessary to const~ct t ne following buildings :
1st , a r oom f or machine work of Mechanical Art Labor at ory,
t he estimated cost of which i s
2~d , to ' repair Langdon Hall
3r d, ' t o build a ctu t ure greenhous e f or Depar t ment of
$ 2, 000.00
4t h, f or building at
(Provided not mor e
farm 1 , 000. 00
than ~ 450 be used f or a poultry house) ~p8, OOO . 00
And that a committee of t he Faculty composed of t he Pr esi dent , Pr ofessors Lupt on
and Smith, are hereby author~ze d wit h the appr oval of the Executive Committee of
the Board of Tr ustees to constr uct new buildings. '
The proviso was st r i cken from the r esol ut i on and the r esol uti on adopted.
By P~ . Haralson, esolved that Pr of essor Mell, be and he is hereby appointed ~uperint
endent of Col lege grounds and buil di ngs un er t he direct ion of the President of
the coll e e . Adopted.
On mot ion, That t he college way have one representative at the Associat ion of
Amer.ican 'Aor i cult ural Colleges , 1"!ho shal l be the Eresident of the. College, or such
member thereof as he rna designate . Adopted.
On mot ion; of ' j}.fr . t,Hara1:s,on that -Degrees as 'recommended by t he Pr-esident in hi s repor t
t o t he Board be conferred. , The names will be f ound i n the report 'of t he P,resident
r ecorded in this book. The moti on vms adopted.
The following expendit ures were recommended to be made from the t .vo i nstallments
due the Colle e f rom t he f und·knoi-m as t he Horrill und, v.JQen -r eceived, said funds
bei ng due July 1st , 1890 and 1891 .
Agr i cUJ. t ural Huseum
Iechanic Arts
Natural History and }iuseum
ngineering and Hathematics
lectrical ngi neering
Li br ary
General Iuseum
Physical Laborato~J
English and History
1st Instal l ment
2, 000
2nd Iristallment
, 500
2, 000
1, 000
By I· • Harris , That the sum of'- ~17 . 00 be allowed to 11r. Amstrong or expenses i ndurred
by hiln in looking after the Morrill Fund. The. Tr.easurer i s- hereby directed to ay
the same . Adopted.
, ~
By }~ . rmstrong, Resolved that the College f arm and experiment station shall be
under the charge of a practi cal farmer, to be knovm and desi gnated as Farm Superintendent
, '!rihose salary shall be $1" 500.
2nd . The sai d fanm superintendent shall hav.e char e of and conduct the oper ations
of the gr icultural Station in all of its several departments , shall em loy and
control the l abor f or the St ation; ' and s~lall look after and keep in good order the
college camp's and gr ounds , using t he teams and labor of the St ation f or the purpose
. .
3r d. To make such experiments , as in his judgment will tend t o advance "t he interest
of the stat ion. ' To Jnake such special experiments in any department of the Station,
and at any time and in such w~er as way be ordered by the Board of Direct ion. -
4th. To keep -a conipl~te record of each and every experiment made, whether in the
Agr icultural, Dairy or other department, givi ng dates , t o e consumed, labor employed
seed a d fertilizers used i'nt h cost of same duly itemized; and in like manner in
the Dairy De~artment the kind and quant i ty of feed used, manner of fe eding -and cost
of same; and u~on the completion of . eacn exper iment, to make a -ull and com lete
re ort of the same t o the Board of Direction.
5th. To s erintend and di rect the erect ion of bui ldi ngs, fences and such other
improvements as may Qe ordered by the rustees or Board of Direction, under and by
the aut hority of the Board of Trustees .
6th . ' or the prompt efficient and successful performance of the duties requi~ed
the Superintendent, shall employ an assistant at a salary of :~800 and one Dai ryman
at a salarY. of q~600 , as ma.y be a reed upon and ap roved by the Boar d of Visitors ;
and vnll employ such other l abor as he may deem necessary for the economic erformance
of the requirements herein set forth . He vall also purchase all t ools, implements
, and appliances , needed f or the Station; r ovided a list of the same ."lith
estimates of the cost be f irst submitted and "approved by the Presi dent of the
Board of Dir&ction.
7th. The Superintendent and his assistants shall reside .upon t he Station and' keep
the buildings, grounds, etc. , in good condition.
. . , • I •
Mr ~ Kolb,Jnoved to lay the resolutions on the t 'able, 'which motion was with~awn .
, , .
}.o1r. J\rmStP9ng, moved ,the preVious question on the passage ot the r esolution and
asked tor the yeas and nays. '
Those voting yea were Mr. President and MessrS . Stansel, Gllchrj"st and ArItIStrong ••
Those Voting nay were Messrs. J . G. HaiTis, Lindsay, Kolb,lfaralson, and C. C.
Harris. 5. The resolutions were lost.
By Mr. Armstrong, Resolved that the Experiment Station shall: be under the Direction'
ot a Board of Direction, to consist of not less than seven members, as follolm:
the President of ,the College, who shall be ex ofticio' Presideht ' of the Board ot
Direction; the Protessors o;f Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture, ' whlch shall be
khown as <the iocal Board and ot three members of~ the ,Board ot Trustees which shall
be known as the Visiting Board.
2nd. It shall be the p.uty· ot the looal Board to prepare trom time to time, the
necessary tormulas tor the experiments contemplated under the law as set forth in
the Hatch Bill and to furnish t~ F~ S~perintendent with copies of same, together
with specific instructions as to how the experiments to be made, giving the objects
and purpOse of the same, and to pertorm such other general duties as 'may be required
under the law, or as may be directed by the Board ot Trustees .
3rd. It shall Oe the duty ~f the Visiting Board to advise and cooperate with the
local Board of DirectQrS, looking to the strict ' compliance with the letter and
spirit ot the law as provided in the Hatch Bill.
- . . - , I
4th. The said visitj,ng Board shall' meet with tpe - l.'oc8J.~ Bo~ at the Station not'
less than once in every three months and the said visiting Board shall be allowed
mileage and per ~em of not.}llOre than five dollars per day while traveling . and
engaged in such duties •
The resolutions were lost. . ~.
By Mr ~ Haralson, Resolved that Mr • • Isaac Ross, in retiring from the semce ot the
Board, at the termination of his contract, does so with the confidence and respect
ot t:tUs Bo~d as .an. honest, efticient' and faithful -otticer ot the Board. '
The Resolution was unanimously adopted.
By Mr. Lindsay, From Committee on the Course of Study, submitted tbe tollowing
report, viz: that the head of each Department in the College be requested to make
their annual reports to the ?re~ident and' that such parts thereot as may. iii the
opinion of the President be ~ valuable to be referred to the .... ~teea, together with ··'
the .report of the President, or such part thereof as he may deem, mater ial be printed
and a copy of the same be sent to each trustee, .ten days before the annual meeting ~
of the Board.
The report was concurred in.
By Mr ~ Haralson, Resolved· that in the matter of int.erest amounting to thirty- three
.12/1.00 ($33.12) overpaid to Mr . James Smith, the builder: of the main college ' '
building, by the Treasurer that the sum be allowed him and J.. atified by the Board.
The res olution was adopted.
Also that the item of one hundred and twenty five dollars ($125), the price of a
buggy: and harness, ' boUght by Professor Newman for the Experiment Station·'and disallowed
him by the Examiner of Public Accounts, be allowed - it being understood
that Professor Newman has been allowed that amount in settlement of his accounts ~
with the Board of Trustees.
Als,p by Mr. Haralson, that the resolution adopted at the last regUlar meeting of the
Board Df .Trustees charging, tuitipn to 'students from .other States be and the same
is hereby rescinded. '
The,resoluti ons -were adopted.
Resolved, That the oftice of Dir8etor and Vice Director~f th&EXperiment Station,
be and " the same is ~reby abolished, and the el1til"e con-crol d the Station be and
the same ' is hereby vested in the Board of. Direction as heretofore appointed and
directed. I£dopted. ' "
On motion.. the.' Board adjourned till tomorrow JOOrning 9 o ' clock.
Auburn; Alabame.
, ~ ,loth, 1891
The Board met at 9 o'clock a~m. and there were present Messrs. Armstrong, Gilchrist,
Kol b, HaraJ.son,' C. C. Harris, J . G. Harri~, and I.iJ?ds&y'~ : " .
Absent the Goyernor of' the State, Bishop, Ligon, Stansel. A quormn. . . . . . .
In the ~bsence of the Governor, ~ir. J . G. Harris 'Was called to the chair.
• • ~ _ .. . 4
A conmrunication from ~iessrs. D. D. Mcleod, J. O. Pinckard, and V'f. D. Taylor
addres'Sed to the Board ot TrU~~~es was read by Mr •• ~trong. :.
...,. ,r •
By Mr~ Lindsay', That Tu~sday morning' ot COllJll8ncemeilt be set" apart as' Alumni DaY.
I Adopted.
By Mr. Haralson, That a change be in the chair of English to that of EngUSh and
Political EconoDG"" Adopted. - . '
, v, r
By r.h-. Kolb, ReBol ved that' the President of the College, De ' and fie is hereby au~ho-r
i Zeid to furnish ~llUSic) Wednesday' night. of Commencement for a ' public banquet .
given by the students on that night; ' and that the same be under the direction and
supervisi on of the 'Faculty. Adopted. . " .
By Mr. Haralson, Resolved that Dr. Lupton be and he is hereby authorized to do such
chemical work as will not interfere with his regular college duties and to retain
the fees of the Laborator.y under his charge provided the fees shall not exceed five
hundred -dollars ($500) annual.l.y, less any breakage or material used in riiak1ng 'bhe
analyses . r Adopted. ~ , ,
. ' j
The res olution was adopted.
Also that the item of one hundred and twenty five dollars ($125), the price of a
buggy: and harness, ' boUght by Professor Newman for the Experiment Station·'and disallowed
him by the Examiner of Public Accounts, be allowed - it being understood
that Professor Newman has been allowed that amount in settlement of his accounts ~
with the Board of Trustees.
Als,p by Mr. Haralson, that the resolution adopted at the last regUlar meeting of the
Board Df .Trustees charging, tuitipn to 'students from .other States be and the same
is hereby rescinded. '
The,resoluti ons -were adopted.
Resolved, That the oftice of Dir8etor and Vice Director~f th&EXperiment Station,
be and " the same is ~reby abolished, and the el1til"e con-crol d the Station be and
the same ' is hereby vested in the Board of. Direction as heretofore appointed and
directed. I£dopted. ' "
On motion.. the.' Board adjourned till tomorrow JOOrning 9 o ' clock.
Auburn; Alabame.
, ~ ,loth, 1891
The Board met at 9 o'clock a~m. and there were present Messrs. Armstrong, Gilchrist,
Kol b, HaraJ.son,' C. C. Harris, J . G. Harri~, and I.iJ?ds&y'~ : " .
Absent the Goyernor of' the State, Bishop, Ligon, Stansel. A quormn. . . . . . .
In the ~bsence of the Governor, ~ir. J . G. Harris 'Was called to the chair.
• • ~ _ .. . 4
A conmrunication from ~iessrs. D. D. Mcleod, J. O. Pinckard, and V'f. D. Taylor
addres'Sed to the Board ot TrU~~~es was read by Mr •• ~trong. :.
...,. ,r •
By Mr~ Lindsay', That Tu~sday morning' ot COllJll8ncemeilt be set" apart as' Alumni DaY.
I Adopted.
By Mr. Haralson, That a change be in the chair of English to that of EngUSh and
Political EconoDG"" Adopted. - . '
, v, r
By r.h-. Kolb, ReBol ved that' the President of the College, De ' and fie is hereby au~ho-r
i Zeid to furnish ~llUSic) Wednesday' night. of Commencement for a ' public banquet .
given by the students on that night; ' and that the same be under the direction and
supervisi on of the 'Faculty. Adopted. . " .
By Mr. Haralson, Resolved that Dr. Lupton be and he is hereby authorized to do such
chemical work as will not interfere with his regular college duties and to retain
the fees of the Laborator.y under his charge provided the fees shall not exceed five
hundred -dollars ($500) annual.l.y, less any breakage or material used in riiak1ng 'bhe
analyses . r Adopted. ~ , ,
. ' j
By Mr. Kolb, That the sum of five hundred dollars ($500 ~ is hereby appropriated for
clerical assistance to the President of the College. Adopted. .. . ..
Resolved, That there be appropriated from any unappropriated b~ce of the funds
received from th~ State De~nt of Agriculture five hundred dollars ($500) to
equip the Culture Greenho~e . Adopted.
Resolved, that the sum of sixty-five dollars ($65) or so much thereof as may be
necessary be -appropriated to purchase a typewriter for use in the office of the
Treas.urer for use in the Office of the Treasurer of the College. Adopted.
On motion the Board adjourned until 3 o'clock p .m.
The Board met according to adjournment and there 'were present Messrs . Armstrong,
Gilchrist, Kelb, - Haralson, ·.n G. Harris, C. C. Harris, Lindsay and Stansel.
Absent: the -Governor of the State and ' Messrs . Bishop and Ligon. A quorum.
By Mr. Haralson, from Committee on Finance, the Committee on Finance beg leave
to report, that owing to the fact that the Examiner of Public Accounts has examined
the finances of the College up to this time, which will be embodied in his report
to the Governor, we have not gone through with the accounts of the Treasurer as
usual and refer to the report of the Examiner wen made as showing a correct
statement of ·these accounts. Adopted. ' .
Resolved, that the President of the College, is hereby authorized to 'procure an
adjustible reading desk for use of Speakers on public occasions. AdOpted. '
Oil motion, the Secretary was requested to inform Mr. Rare, that they nave carefully
examined and -investigated his request to have surgeons fees remitted to him and
that under all the circumstances they find it impracticable and injudicious to ' co~
ply. with his -request . .
Mr. Harris, f'rom the Special CC>IImd.ttee to prepare memotfal of Mr. Hitchell
asked further time for that purpose wich was granted • .
The report when received wtll be spread. upon the minutes •
On motion of Nr. Gilchrist, that the correspondence between Colonel Newman and Hr.
Isaac Ross, and Which was read to the Board by Mr. Armstrong, be filed with other
papers . Adopted.
Report of Resolutions
By Mr. Armstrong, from special committee:
1. Resolved, ' that the Librar!pn and Assistant Librarian shall prepare 'a catalogue
of the Library, including a.:u books on band and all new purchases, t.ogether with
reference to authors, and subjects, for printing when ordered; having Governmental
publications lIlade on separate list . . .
2. The President also is directed to have a suitable carpet placed in the Library
floor .
3. The Library shall be kept open not less thaIi four hours~r day.
The r .e
" I ~ ,I' J.
The Presi dent of the col lege submitt ed hi s annual budgets - as follows :
Pres ent
Civ . Engineeri ng
ngl ' s
C er.~is try
Hechanic .. Ar t s '.
Bi ology , 'H. . ,
His t ory an 'Latin 50 .
lad. a guag .&, ~ ,..
. E is! , l 20q.
Slect al ~ Meeh.
Eng •.
Corrunandant " . 300 .
sst. i n Chem~ s t " ,
2nd Asst . Chem.
3r d s s"' , . q em. () b.
4t h Asst. Chem. ;
Scholarship 5th
s t . in Hech. ~ I . ~ , .
ts' st
Asst . in ~ec h;
Arts 2nd
sst. nglish &
Ass • in Ag 1culture 1st
.If "
For eman
Ni ne Scholarshi p .Al?st •
1 . hysics . .
2 Mathematics '
1 Agriculture
1 English
1 Botany
1 Engi neering
1 Biology
1 Mech. rts .
Asst • .Bot ~ & Sec.
of t ati on ~
T easurer 1000 .
Sec. Trus t ees 350 .
Commut~tion fo ~ house
'r ent for 5 'Prafe'ssor s
and President 1250.
. 14750. ,
t i 500 .
2250 •.
500 • . • t
. 1.500.
'300 .
1000 .
.1. r 500 .
250 .
1 oo~ ,
:300 . '-
1 80.
1 00. "
2 00 .
1BOO , r-
1$00 .
1500 •
, 2QQO . ,
1500 .
1~ . ,.
joO .
~ 00.
500 •
·500 .
9 •
2~50 .
r 37850. ,
·Original . Harrill Hatch Agr.
Endm..mtent Fund Fund Ft.u1d -Total '
Amt. OVer 14; 750 9,050 8, 000 6, 050 37 , 850
Library 500 500 1, 000
Pri nting & Advertising 350 1000 1, 350
Fuel 300 300
Stationery 150 100 25
Po st age 300 50 350
Insurance 200 200
Servant s, College 400 400
Commencement 125 125 .
Grounds , 100 IDO
Genl. Exp. , Frts. & repairs 500 500
Hil itary 100 100
Supplies &. labor
Expt . Station 2500 1000 3500
Supplie s for
Hech. A~s . 1000 100
Equipment , labor,
supplie s ,' Chern. 450 750 1200
Equipment, ectrical
& I1echanic al Engineering 500 500
Coo erative soil
test expts. 400 100 500
Furniture &
Equipment 1000 1000
Trustees 250 100 350
Building 750 750
Physi cs 500 500·
Contingent 550 72 1150 100 1872
Total $ 21, 075-. 9, b22 15, 000 8000 $53, 697
By l1r. Kolb , Resolved- - that the budgets as reported by the President, be a opted
as a whole ; which was adopted.
On motion t he Board adjourned sine die.
Report of the President
F. H. Reese
Sec. to Board of Trustees
of the Agricultural and Hechanical College
of Alabama . ·
To the Trustees of the A & 1-1 College
-The present session of the college has been one of gratifying success. The total
number of students enrolled during the session was 284, the largest number of
matriculates in the history of the college. The order and attention to collegiate
duties, have been in general commendabl e, and the health of the students eJtce11entJ
for this we have reason to be tharu(ful to an all Wise Proyidence. One death occured,
cause by a cadet contracting a contagious diseas~ else~here , ut through the
thou htful and prompt action of the surgeon no other student was affected.
It may not be improper for me in this report to )';lake -mention of the loss to your
ody and to the college by' the death of Col. J . B. Mitchell. The news of his
death caused prof.ound sor row-to all t e of icers of the college, who in their
intercourse with lim, had ' e~ned u es ec a des eero lim for his high character
and for his devotion to the best interests of the instituti on.
': t : - ~
Tre~surer's Report
The r eport of the Treasurer shows th~t the debt on the college buildi g amounting
to ~p4575 . 75 has been red uc'ed, in accordance wlth your orders, by using such funds
as were availabl for building purposes by $3838 . 90 and shOlfS also that the
debt of 1180 being the balance due for the purchase of the Chambers prope~vJ,
has been paid. There exists therefore now only a debt of $736.85 on the main
college building;- which can be readily paid next session. The report also Shows
an unexpended balance in hand in the funds received from the State pepart11!ent oJ
of Agriculture amounting to $3385. 30.
The total expenditures of the department of Agriculture , including farm and daiFY
amounted to $11,6 3. 71. The receipts from farm products were $1190 . 49 - from
the Dairy $943. 56, making the net cost of the department of agriculture ,$9 , 559,. 66.
The department of Chemistry expended $6461. 85, and Mechanic Arts $40f8 . 57 .~ In
this connection your attention is called to the State Examiners- report of the
result of his examination of the accounts of the Treasurer of t e College an of
the Professor of Agriculture .
I beg to call your attention to a brief statement of the financial condition of
the college, with- the limitations and conditions attached to the income from
each endowment.
1. The origi'nal e,rrloi'1I1lent -made "by Act 0 Conp"~ss) ap roved July 2nd , 1862,
gave to Alabama 30~000 acres of land for each senator and representative, the
income of which invested in State bonds, amounting to ~253 , 50D . ~ias b- tj:1e .
terms of the act to be used to establish a college whose chief object· was to teach
science and its applications, 0 ther arts, as in the wo:ro.s of the act, lito teach
such branches of learning as are related to A~riculture and the l1echanic Artsll .
The act is very comprehensive and excludes directly no branch of learning. It
does not exclude the classics, b t it is positive in beginning military tactics to
be taught. • .
2. The endowment of larch 2nd, 1887, of $15,000 per year vias not made for instruction,
but solely for scientific investigation and research respecting the
principles and applications of Agricultural Science" and is limited tD this
character of investigation.
3. The endo'Wment of ugust 30th, 1890, was given "to be applied only in instruction
in Agriculture and the Hechanic Arts, the English language and the various branches
of the mathematical, physical, natural and economic science, with special reference
to their appli:ation in the in ties of l'fe and to t e faciliti 5 for instruction.
This fund therefore cannot be ~ used to pay.for instruction in Ancient or Modern
The first installment of $15, 000 of this fund was due the State June 30th, 1890.
The second installment of $16,000 is due the state on or before July 31st, 1891.
56- 6/100 of each installment, by Act of the Legi slature is due this college for
the education of white students. The amount to ·e received of t e first and second
ins tallments can be used only for facilities for instruction and not for the payment
of salaries, as the session will have exptre for which the app opriati n
was made, \lhen the money is received.
4. The income of the state from the sale of ertilizers , Ivas granted i n accordance
With the act of the Legislature for the development of Agricultural and the
Mechanic Arts, and on conditi on t hat the chemical analyses of fertilizers should
be made free of charge.
The income eceived fron the endO\llTlents made by the acts of Congress, are ,further
conditioned by the provision that no pa t of this income shall be used for repairs,
or f I' building purposes, save "in the act establishing the '?x:pt. Station - 750.00
per ear can De used for building pur:?oses.
In t s hedul of appropriatio s to be prese ted fa your consi de atio , the conditi
ns and limitations attac. ed to t lese several funds aTe carefull- con idered
and strictI observed.
The income fro the State
By the Act of the Legisl ature -lo. 270 reducing the cost of ta s , " sufficient for
a t on of fertilizer to fifteen cents will be the 1 w after 'Sept mber, 1891, the
colle e will eceive from 05000 to ~~60oo per annum, an amount less than one third
of What it has eceivod heretofore- note t he la\V reducing t 1 ta fe ~ to 15 c
per ton i d not ass - The f&e stanG.s as at re"'ent 50 cts. er ton. , secretaI" .
But if the 012 lail shou remain in force and taGs be sold at 50 ets. per ton,
thu giving the coll~~ a nuch 111. .J ' "'~ ' ncomo "'Oi' l1v,{t :lea ... , I' ctill woul recommenG
that. the expenditures for current expenses from this fund be limited to :;;;5000
and t t the une~{pc ded al~ ce be carefully conserved and appl'o ria ted l'>o.;,· the
develo m lt of the depa! '~I' e t 6f Agricul tru (' and Hechanic Arts i 1 construe' iL£: such
ernar..e t tnilc~ing~ as ~~e ::'n the pr esent em r ... ·ed b he groivth of t he de ar t..ments,
and as wil in t 18 f, 'ure1!laterially adv nee tht. education" Inter'ost.s of
the college.
e 8tate la· oe') not inlibi ... t 18 a . plica-L' one of t is fund to building pul oses ;
it only requires t:1at it shal_ e used fOl' the develo T"lGnt of the de artiTI3.'1t::; of
Agrie ture and t 1e Hechanie rts, as the Trustees may deem best an.1 as the college
is now situated, its interests w~ll be best advanced by ap ropriating all available
excess ove_ irru:1.ediate necessities to the repair and constructions of ermanent
buildi gs ,for the us, 0 the depa tInents of Agriculture and l1echanic Arts .
T lere is immediatel required an additional room for the l1acline depa "tment of
Hechanic Arts, in order thaI" t 1e entire room now occu')ie the rnaehine an woo
work ,ay be devoted to 1100d J'Ork alone . Th" .s room ~Jill cost accordlq; to pl ans
s bmitted ~p1800 to :" 2000. I would also recommend that Langdon Hall be encased
With bricl\: and )lave a ne,->' front and metal 'roof. This uoul :make ita d able
building and diminish the daneer from fire . The changes proposed vlould co t
aceoI'din", to the estimates of ai'c:1itect.s :$2150 . 'Ihere is also eeded a culture
hou~e , speciall y construe ,;,ed f I' the pu.rposes of investigating the dif,uClses of
1 ts and their remedIes. The Bi olobist h s undertaken 'the stud or cotton rus t
and other plant diseases and this cul ture house is required in order to conduct
s ccessfull - imrestigations ,of this character. - Plans are here'i'vi th submitted with
a estimated cost of $2000 to ~ 2200 .
The Professor of Agriculture also states, that additional buil dings needed in hi
dopa tment ~1ill cost :;;:1000. Should t e ' ount available b sufficient, when these
required buildings are completed , I would. recom I end the constructi on on the colle e
campus of a specia building for Agriculture alone - to ontain a l arge /: :;ricultural
muse ,to be filled with roducts and implements, illustratine the l~griculture
of ·this and other countries and furnis ed 1dth of fices for the "WOrk of the Expt .
Station. A small building' for assayfng is also needed by the depar·tment of Chem-istry.
Devel opment
The present condition of the college gives promise of increased useful-lness in
the cause of Education and demands careful consideration that. its eA~ansion
should be in accordance with the requirements of the several acts granting its
endo~ment, with. what is best for the Educational interests of the State .
I recommend that the. following additions be made to the off~cers of instruction.
1st. A Professor of History am. Latin. The Department of English is one of the
most i mportant in the college and has so increased in numbers as to demand more
assistance . The best relief will be found by combining History and Latin in one
department under a competent professor. At present the Professor of English gives
instruction in English, Latin, }foral Science and Political Economy.
2nd. That the Adjunct Professor shi p of Modern Languages and History be made the
Adjunct Professorship of 110dern Languages and English. p:/t¢./t'Pif./t'P~t~/Y;~/ipt>I4-#~~
ft/;fpf~pppr/pf/Y~t~ftP~/$it~A¢~1 .
3. That there be appointed an adjunct profesoor o£ Electrical and Mechanical
~. . That there be appointed a professor of Veterinary .Science.
By the appointment of these officers the college will have increased ability to
educate more tho ou&hly the youth who may come under its charge and its courses
of instruction "tvill be expanded consistently with the conditi ons imposed in t he
endowment and with the educational demands of" the State. .
TIlese additional officers, would according to the scheme proposed, increase the
amount required to pqy salaries by about $3500.
As the college is not provided with a gymnasium Whi ch would be a very desirable
addition to its educational eqUipment'S, I ask authority to use any income avaiiable
and not appropriated to purchase appliances necessary for suitable outdoor
Water and Gas Supply
During the year the laboratories of the main building have been ~pplied with -gas
and "tvater. This lfas absol utely necessary .as 'other"torise the laboratory 'work
required coul not be accomplished. Two .>.tanks holding 5000 gallons have been .
placed in the 4th story and hose connected therevuth, capable of reaiing any part
of the building, is placed in each floor , thus affording ppotecti on against fire .
I would also recommend as a further pr tection to the college property the appointment
of one of the officers, living near the col~ege , superintendent of the 'grounds
and buildi ngs, who shall have especial care of the same .
After meeting of the Board held in MontgomerJT Nov. 7th, t here was made conditional
- -
provision for nine scholarships 11i th salary of $250 each. The students of the
graduating class to be appointed to these scholarships , were in accordance with
the ~esolution to give assistance from three t o four hanrs each day and also to
prosecute post graduate studies. I recommend tnat the order establishing these
scholarships be made to apply to the next session.
Non- resident Students
After the adjournment of the Board at the las~ annual meeting in June 1890 a
paper addressed to the Trustees was signed by each member of the Faculty, asking
that the order chal'lging non- resident students $40 tuition be suspended for one -
year. . This application was approved by eight trustees and by reason of this
approval the order \laS not enforced. I recommend that this action be now fonnally
ratified and that hereafter no differences be made in the fees charged resident
and non- resident students. The principle is generally accepted in t he -A & M
Colleges, that by reason of the endo1rJlTlent being a grant from the General
Gover nment a'nd not from the State, no difference is made in the fees paid on
account of residence simply. The presence of non- resident students enhances the
reputation of the college without increasing its current expenses - hence their
presence is desired by the Faculty and by the citizens of Auburn who furnish the
dormitories and board.
Application lvas made to the Secretary of "Jar for the detail of an officer of the
Army to suppl y the place of Lt. J . B. l1cDonald, who has performed the duties of
his 0 ffice in an acceptable manner and who se term of service 1r1ill expire next
September. The Secretary has ordered Lt. 'Jonas A. Emory to report for duty on -
September 1st.
The college building is now insured f or three years for ~p50 , 000 . The Chemical
Laboratory and equipment for $12, 000 and Langdon Hall for $3000 and the furniture
and equipment of the college for $5000. T'ne f arm buildings are insured for
~2000 and the Chamber s residence for $1000, machinery, e t e., in Langdon Hall for
::Ji50oo. All are insured for three years, save the machinery of the l1echanic
Art Laborato~-' and the, Chambers building.
Inventori es
The reports required by the acts of Congre ss and made biennially to t he Legislature
should also incl ude a s urunary 0 the inventories of all the college
property i ncl uding equipment of eac epartment.
In many of the states -this Inventory is made an important part of the annual
r eports, and these reports are printed by the Stat e and given-to the colle'ges for
distribution. It is to be hoped that our Legisla t ure In b e i nduced to extend' the
same liber ality to us .
The Ex~eriment Stati on
The gricultural Experiment Station uas organized as a department of the college
unde~ , a Board of irection , composed of the President of the college and f ull
officers of t he Station. TI1e Soard hol ds r egular meetings an is require I
i n 0 der t o secur e unity on purpo se s to confer al:d determi e t he Experiment ation
and research ,>1 ich shall be undertaken and adopt each -ear a definite ::'ine 01'
wor <. 1!
\/or ing u ' der" his ~ani z tio bel.'8 are no special duties for a Dr
Vice-Dir cwr and in fact s far , no one person has perfom d t e. gen 'al
directive uties 0 the Z:iI..-pt ,. Station 1 ieh t e title of tha.t officer indicates,
the dutie s assigned to a dire inr being in this college given to a Board of
Direction as they are also i som of the A & 1-1 college s i n other stat e",.
\~le t her e is mue: detail wor. to be done i n connection with the general correspondence
of the Expt. Station, the dist ributi on of bulle tins to farmers , and the
care of the Library, ·there is also mora i' rk of a si1nilar character to b ' done '
in eonnectipn 1-1ith the college and its Libra y. Eco orny ~lOuld. r equire that these
duties should be performed by one per on and efficie'ncy '--ould be 'proIjloted by
having the vwrk done in r (jffi at" t e college accessible t all the offic rs.
ulletin No. 23
section .f the
Coopera ive Experiments
of 29 different fan ers in di.:'ferent "
the Station b.y can ucting coope ative, ex- <,
By the conditions of the contract, the term of service of Mr. T. Ross, 1st Asst.
gricu turist eX'Pires on Jul 1st of this year , l-lhila as s t . \'0SS has fait f ull'
erforme the duties as signed 1im by our contract, the cos t of the e erimen
of co c uctine a dair on, t..'he cal c lled :'01' t.he II ittsn -at,re ~l11e lk has .
roved. +...00 gr "at to jll~t i '\ a r ecommendation of i;t,.s c r. in:.1ance . The buildi ngs
and a pliances' lvill jus ify the .employment of a for the purpose of .
making special experim nts in f eeding stock, an in the produ.tti n of butter.
These experiments should be conduc ted so as to be of practical benefit. Without
~ncurring a large outl ay.
It is ifell to observe that the f arm does not conmtut e the station, but only
one of the accessories , .and not the most im ort ant one , fa t. e oon i '(;10n5 'wh ' cll. '
influe.ce field e~~eriment s carulot be controlled anP, are f 'equently i nconclusive.
The labo atories • .Ji th cuJ-;ture .greenhouse uhere conditions' can be controlled and
exact methods followed, and by iihich all important agricultural discoveries have
been made , constitute the important applian es of' t he s t ation. And ldthout the
aid of these laboratories well equipped and well manned, but little benefit to
scientific a riculture can be made or oped for by field experiments al one. Hence
the vrisdom and necessity of ahTays connecting a station wi. th a college - so vrell
is the ivisdom of t his union of college and station now r ecognized that in :Europe
where the experi ence has been greatest, the chief work o~ many important sta ions
is now concentr ated in col lege labor torie s.
Our obj ec t should be to improve the quality of the "t-lOrk done - no.t in attempting
to po ularize the station by lowering the scientific charaoter --lith lumerou s·
r actical experiments but by cont rasting the scope. of i nvestigati on and. maldng
it more sci entific.
Poul try House
The Board appropri ated in June 1890 ~450 to build and stock a poultr,r house
or yard. As the money appropriated for that purpo se was not ' expel ded or availabl
e until the month ' of April; I advised that its expenditure shou d be deferred
until the present meeting . I respectfully state that the present plan of adding
another class of experiments to the station i s in my 0pL~ion not well advised and
therefore I recommend that lie should rather contract and make more scientific
what we have undertaken.
Association of Agricultural Colleges
I beg to report that the me-eti:ng of the Association of Agricultural Colleges and
Experiment Stations, held at the University of Illinois in November, 1890, was
at tended by Professor Atkinson .and myself, and that in June , 1890, on a .call by
telegram from the chainnan of the Executive Committee, I reported at .. lashington
to confer with office s from other colleges in regard to the bill then before
Congress. The. actual and necessary expenses incurred during t.l1e visit were
paid by the college.
The Association of Agricultural Colleges convenes at stated periods and should
have at each meeting one or more representatives from this college. Professor
Atkinson, has also in the prosecution of his experimental work and investigations
relating to cotton rust, visited farms in different sections of the State and I have
approved his account for necessary expenses incurred.
N"ith your sanction I will continue to approve 'the payment of expenses incurred
in these visits , made for scientific observation.
I present here wi~ the reports of the officers of instruction, £iving detailed
statements of their. department , their \-lark and their "tvants, to whic_ your
attention is respe ~tfully invited.
The Faculty a ter due examinat,ion recommend that the post graduate of
Haster of Science be conferred on the follovdng students:
Daniel GiJ.lis
John Hrumn nd . Li~t~e
Andrew Manly Lloyd
Robert Ernest Noble
James Fielder Nilkinson
And that the degre~of Bachelor of Science be conferred on the following undergraduates:
La1-l!'ence ~arne st Baker
Harrison enton
Frank Jaryis Bivins
Leaborn ~im Buckalew
James Alb{3!'t Cox
J ame s Na tp.aniel Dean
Walter Ed¥ard Fitzgerald
\lilliam Nprman Glass
Charles Bpwls Glerm
Clifford ~Roy Hare
Beverly Franklin Harwood
Charle s C~cero Johnson
John Calv~n Kimball
Frank AII~mony Lupton
William A1.ldley l1arshall
Alexander -pawling ~Lennon
Uill:1am Henry Oates
Petit Reynolds
~'lilliam Edtvard Reynolds
Ro ert Charlton Smith
They also recommend that the honorary egree of Civil ngine,ering be conferred
on J . Mc eid 0 Texas an the honorary degree of Master of Arts on ~alter C.
Whitaker of Mont gomery.
A & N College
Auburn, .A:la.
June 8th, 1891. _
Wm. leRoy Broun
The forego"ng is a copy of the report of the president of the college.
F. M. Reese
Sec . , _
t, •
Report of Treasurer for the fispal ear ending June 1st, 1891.
To Balqnc June 1st, 2891
" Endowment Account
II Errors xpense acct.
" " Insurance II
" " Equi ment 11
II " Printing "
" Library Acct.
1/ Surgeons"
" Fuel Sold
( "
( 11
( ,II
By Amt. paid S'a.lax:hes Acct.
II " " Expense It
" II II Music II
College Account
by Examiner)
II It )
II 11 )
II II' )
" II II Special Appropriation Acct.
" II " Equipment Acct. (College)
" 1/ " l1iIi tary "
" " II T~ustees II
II " It Postage II
" " " Print i ng "
" " II Insurance "
" II II Servants " 'II II 1/ s t ationery "
II II II Grounds "
" II II Library II
II " II Bills Payable
II 1/ II SUrgeons Acct.
Bal ance
$ 806. 50
20280. 00
37 . 58
75. 25
6. 00
8. 60
454. 00
1118. 00
2. 50
$ 227lr8 .43
$ 16032. 50
865. 40
100 .. 00
93 .. 00
1096. 00
182. 42
182. 68
3.30 . 47
312. 50 '
310. 50
50 . 75
189. 02
105. 96
32'2. 08
l180 ~ 00
1118. 00
206. 52
i22788 .43
To Balance June 1st, 1890 f
" Experiment Sta. error reported by Examiner
/I Amt. received from Commissioner
/I" /I Chemical Dept.
If" II Societies
By Amount paid Salaries
" " II Equipment & Cur. Expenses Expt. Sta.
" " "Labor
II II If Farm and Labor
II If II Equipment Departments
II II "Chemical , "
II II II Agricult urC!,l Huseum
II II 1\ FieldExp~r.iments
II II " Hechanic Art:;i Dept.
H II 11 Biology . ,
II H II Botany
II II II Balance
To Bal. June 1st 1890 •
It Amount received from Prot .. Lupton
r Disbursements
By amount paid Real Estate (Bills Payable)
" " ' . ... • . Building ~. -
" It "Prot. Lupton
$ 42].2 •. 87
$ 6487. 57
1182. 78
897. 37
5887. 71
958. 45
399. 19
1128. 57
500. 00
485. 09
610. 00
15>. 00
REAL ESTATE (Bills P:.q ~ble). .
. ' Receipts
To Amount received Analysis' Account
" ., tI Incidental"
.. II .. . -Expe Ilse II
. '. Disbursements I
By amount paid Real Estate (Bills Payable)
Receipts .
To Error reported by Elauniner
" Sale Building Material
1. 00 .-
121 • .35
$ 23215. 07
i9~ 29. 77.
3385. 30 ,
1180. 00
1180. oo
To amount Fam Products
11 II Dairy n
II tt Incidental Fees
tt n Diploma Fees , '
tt tI An~sis AecOunt
.. II U. S. Fund . '
Balance paid by Treasurer,
By Balance due June 1st 1890
11 Amount paid Snith (Contractor)
College Account
Agricultural Fwxl
Analysi s Account
Incidental Fees
Farm Products
DairY Products
Sale Diplomas
BuilditlE Material
U. S. Fund
Error Building Account, reported by Examiner
College Account.
Agricul tunl n
.. -,
Real Estate (Bills Payable)
Building Account
Balance * '
To Building Account due TreaSurer
tt Chemical "
tt Biology U
$ 1190 . 49
943. 56
567. 50
115. 00
" 750.00
~ 736. 85
$ 22188.43
1060. 00
1190. 49
943. 56
l2l. 35
22581. 91
liBc. OO
Respectfull1 'SUbmitled,
!' '
J _
4575. 75'
$51314. 90
411)) . 58
51311i.90 '
1280. 46
I E. T. Glenn, .Treasurer
HATCH FUND FooM JULY 1st 1890 ro JUNE 1st 1891.
To U. S. Treasurer
tI Amount received Dairy Dept.
By A100unt paid Salary Account
ft tl tI Incidental
$ 15000.00
$ 1395. 00
" 203. 69
$ 1.5006 . ~
By amount paid Dairy . .
n " •• Botany
.I.I .... .I.t Library .. Printing " .. tI Stationery II .If Postage' ,.
" " " < 'Biology
\I " It BUilding .
" " SOil Test:
.(- ,. .
Correspondenoe:oroered of record:
Mr. I. Ross .
Dear Sir:
$1173. 0.7
543. 73
86. 36'
. 226."~8
$ 11405.92'
)600.. 58
1~o.6. 50
, , .
•E ". : T. .. Glenn, Treasurer
Alabama Polytechnic Institute
A & M College
Auburn, Ala. !. Qet·." -16th,- 1890. ~.
22). .
The misunderstanding between you and Professor Newman .should be
settled ,by mutua1. 'friends. I thel'etoi-e 'ask you.. to place i.ri flffY hahds the correspondence
'With> authority. ,to' 'conter with Professors Lup.ton and .snith !and to. agr~
to abide by the result of. our conference. , ,A." .similar letter is. addressed to
Prof essor Newman. . .
" WIn,. ~!~y Broun., : ... '
Auburn, ' ~ Oct.
Dr . ~. Ilaroy Br()ti~ , .. . .. !
; Dear Sir. .. 1 •
, In· replY to yours ofthB 16th inst. '.suggestmg -,that I Submit
the correspondence upon what you term ·"The misunderstanding" between' Profe.sscir
Newman ani myself' to yourself. Et als, -has been duly considered,. and in reply
say· - That I highli appreciate' your kindly tendered sern:ces, and the lnotives
actuating you in the ,ma't'ter'- ' BUt to be' cardid wi'th you,. I ,pnist s8:JT there is .no
msunders'tanding between Pn;tesS)r Nawiaan and JDYself; 'and .has placed on recOrd
charges insinuating 'agnnst ~ lihich have not, nOl' cannot be sUstained b'y
proof, at 'le'ast ha has persistently ref"used' to show' any 'disposition to dos:i; -
hence, 'I-'cannot -and' will ato:t 'submd.t' ·to any interevention: wliich does not 'clear .
the records in unequivocal tams, and ' the effort iri this~ direction should, come
trom Prof. Newman." ' .
Very' respecttunY; '.
ISaac Ross ... ,
To The Hon. Board of Trustees
of the A & M College.
Auburn, Ala. June 8th 1891.
~ .
Dear Sirs: _
You will find rq official report of the current year in the hands of
Dr. Broun, to which I call your ICare.tul attention; and further ~k to call your
attention to the fact that at your last annual meeting Dr. Browr allowed the
report of the Director of the Expr. Station to pass unchallengeq into your
hands, and the s~ 1i.a~ made a part of the records of that session. This report
does me great injustice and smuld be either sustained by Specific charges and
specifications or expunged from the record,- and it is to this end that I ask
your consideration. ·'lb.e' attacheii ~cbTrespondence will show tha~ I have exhausted
all honorable means to attain the end desired. Hence, I mw come to you and ask
that you open an avenue through. which a fair and impartial investigation may
be had, or that you order the report expunged from the record.
Ross' first. co1llJl11.1lti.cation to _.1'. $.
Prof. J . s. Ne~an.
Dear Sir.
Your Obedient Servant
Isaac Ross
As' ~fessor of Agriculture. in the A & M. College" you on June
4t h, '1890, made a report of that department to the Presi4ent( 1;0 be haMed to
t he Board ot Trustees of 'B.aid institution in which you 'criticise- and make
invidious comparisons in reference to the department of lflich I haye speci,al
charge. I call your attention to several statements therein made using your
own language, as given in quotation aar~, ' and respectfully ask ani demand as
a matter of justice to myself that you give the facts, the specifiC items
entering into and forming the basis of the statements therein made. First, To
wit,- "A defect in the facilities which is seriously felt by both the professor
and students is ~the irIlprac.ticabili ty of giving the desired instruction in the
Stock and Dairy department' Without inf'ringement upon ;erivate iI\terest protec.ted .
by contract. " Second, To wit,- "The zeal and efficiency of the t-wp -assistants
have been striJd.rJg contil" a:s t.he ditference ,in their salaries. The
eff icient one receives $650.00 and the' ,inefficient one -$2000. 00. " . Third. To
wit - "You pay al~ expenses .and' receive only; a portio.n :of the proceed~. "
Fourth.. To wit - "No ~tter how mnest men ar~ when ~ ... private'" interest
clashes With the public, e~n thoUgh they may not be conscious of the fact, 'the
public interest VIill. suffer. " . In reply to the 2nd, 3rdr 4th, quotations to
which special attention is called, examine my contract and' "present ,the facts"
specif.ically wherem I have been inefficient or derelict in duty, Ol: diverted.,
or utilized arry public laterest to rrrr O'Wn" benefi..t. Fifth, To' w:t.t - Valuable f
experiJlents will be . 'conQuct'ed in which the whole peop-le will be :i,nterested.
additional facilities for instruction opened to students in the ~ll~ge 8J1d
visiting fazm:!rs." Have I ever evaded or refused to render every facility
possible for the gratification of ~nquiring visitors, and to make faithful
experiments upon orders' 8JIlinating from the proper authority, and in due fonn?
If so, please state specifically. Sixth. To wit - "Several feeding e:xperiments
were ordered in January last but results have not been reported. Judging from
personal observation of the manner of conducting the se experiments no reliable
r esults were obtained. II Did you ever verbally or otherwise indicate when reports
upon experiments, herein referred to, were to be handed in? And was it not but
a few weeks before handing in your report that they were completed? Seventh.
To wit - "I respectfully submit that a mixture .of priyate and publi c interest under
the contract under which this department is conducted ha s not resulted f avorably
to the latter. II Do you. mean. by t his s t atement to convey the idea that I have
knowingly taken advantage of the tems of the contr act for private gain, or
that you simply set up your judgment in opposition to the unanimous. action of t~
Board of Trustees?
- Isaa"C R<?ss
Newrnail's. reply , to Ra\ ss' fii-st. communication: ·
Mr. Isaac Ross.
Dear Sir.
Your" comunication of the 1$th inst. by Gen. Armstrong. The
report to which you refer is official and not personal. It simply conveys to
the Board of Trustees such information and recomendat;ons as ::'J113 duty as an
officer in charge of, and responsible for, the work of the station called for. I t
expre saas my . opinion of the po1iq of contracting with employees in the Station
work ' and iIi no way refiected or was intended to refiect upon yo1t;t" hones1;.y qr .
integri ty or your faithfulness in complying with your contract. My opinion would
be the same -no matter 'Who. the contracting party was. The report deals with
principles and questions of public poiiqy: am. seeks to point.,out what, . in my
opinion, _the beBt.:~tere~ts of r t.bI3 ·Station l?Ju¥"e.- -This wa~ p~mp~,d . so-leli. "';
by the deep interest which I .felt in I?~moting the 'usefulness of the Ta>rk of t he
Sta tion and College. · . - . . , . .. ; : -- . '
: t p.' v .. .. .
Ross I . No. 2.
Auburn, Ala. Sept. 4th, 1890.
Prof. J . S. Newman.
Dear Sir.
Yours of the 2200 ult. wa2! prontptly delivered, but
owing to pressing duties at that time, am your kmwn absence, reply thereto
has been delq~. Your general disclaimer sounds very weil, but I fail to see
wherein 'the cliB.rges· pera:milly made in your report (to which your at,tenti on
was duly called in Iff3' fir at note) are in arry way modified 0F.:lexp;Lained. More paragraphs nos. 2, 3, &. 4. It is to these I . !1gain call your special
at~n~~on" and as~ that you so amend y.0~ report as ~ give the .~ac~..J"
frOm your standpomt authorized the .statements .. tperein made. . Ani as no. 2, .
Wbich is as toU:on, ~ "The zeal. & e~ficiency of- t~ tJ19 assistapts J\ave been
in as strild.'ng contrast as the difference in. their -salaries. ~ eff iciept · ODe
receives $6~ .OO· and .the inefficient #2000.00.-" does not apply in .arty way to,
the' "'~ublic. policy" of t he." Inst1't ution, but, ~~ purely per~na1. I insis,t upon
its r e traction in, toto, or . ~~ificat~~ns. upo~_ 1b~ .we can take .i ,sue. I do
not consider _that Y0uf positl.On. ~s- Profes~r or Agricl,llture. secur.ep to you jihat
degree ot imperialism whiCh p1ac~s you beyond the rejl~l¥lble· dem~m4s of the
humblest employee or ~he insti 1uti~n, (wpich you ,,?o!lcede that·, ~ am in yours of
the 2200 u1 t . ) .' ' .
Respectfully yours,
Isaac Ross .
Newmanl S
Mr. Isaac Ross.
Dear Sir. ,
Referring to yours of the 4th inst. As to amending or
retracting any portion- of my report, which has been accepted by, and is the
property of the Board of Trustees, I could nei ther amend nor retract it if I
'WOuld, nor would if I could. I consider that my answer to your first complaint
covers the whole ground, am is all that Qne g~ntleman, ~bou:J.d ask of. ano,ther.
You can rest assured that whenever I intend to refiect upon YOll'''Personal1:y-, I
will addre ss you personally am not the Board of Trustees.
Very respectfully.
s. Newman '
~f. J . S~ Newman. '"
Dear' Sir.: . ,
fi Referrii1g to yom;s or the 19th inst. in 1tJ.ich-,:ou
say "As. to ameiiding or retz:oacting ~ portj;on of my "report, whiC;h has, b~Qn"" . ,
accepted-by, 'am is the property O;'f ,'t1\e BoaTd o~ Tru~s, ,I could neither 'ameJld
nor retract -if 1 wOulci, nor -WOUld if I could. If I is not a sa1(isfactory , _
reply to my note of the 4th inat. calling your attention to i t ans 2, 3, &: 4,
and more particular17 to No.2, which in no wise relates to the .I{'ublic p£licy"
of the institution. I ag~in aSk -itS- ~traction or that you give .1nstances and .
reci fications in each, which authorized the statement. In justice to myself
consider thisno'tEIiig ~ -nor ~'-tltah "one gentleman should ask of another."
,1 Isaac Ross.
" r. r
10 A.M. ' and the ot hers .fran 2' to. 4 P. N':) ~ 'SO , 1, was mi'staken in mY statement ,
of your "item" no . 1. and will a~ once ,take advan~~g~ C?!_ the facilities .lor
practical instruction ~n the "stocky&rd, and Dairyn. .No. 2.. You ',will remember
that I called on yOU" to do a li:ttle clerical' 'WOrk, .to w:hich you replie(i, "This
is not my'.business"-. Your. assignment as an assistant, thus reduced me practacally
to one since I, of course,wbuld not caJ."l upon you again after such reply.
Do you -think you would have, made such reply if employed &:S an assistant am oot
secured iri your. position by contract? NO. 4. ' Is a statement of a general pr'incipIe
of human nature, uhiversally reco'gnizea, aM used:to enforce -the 'bad policy
of the contract. You have already told that it did not reflect upon you personally.
Your early attention will oblfge.
Yours. .Resphct:fu11y,
J. S. Newman.
Ross' No. 4
Auburn, Ala. oct. ' 15th, 1890.
Prof. J. S. Neliman. .
, Dear S:jx. ' .'
Yours of. the 6th inst. receivea, am in reply' say
that "Since", according to lj,ur standard, my communication of the 25th ults. is
"couched in. more respecttul anguage", and pertained to matters now personal. You
had no right, in a pretended reply thereto, to engraft a quasi official communication.
Hence I ask you ,to sever the two. Assuring you that upon proper
official request I will do all in my power to afford you ever,y facility possible
in your class observations or practice. If not practicable to do so at the
time, I will endeavor to give you good and sufficient reasons therefor. Your
seaning inexcusable ignorance, of what is permissable and proper, 1lnder the contract,
cIearly shOws ~ur stolid indifference to, or inefficiency in promoting
the interest of my department, in accordance with the letter ani intent of the
action' 0'£ the Board ot; Trustees. Which certainlY may be done without infringing
. upon... rq pravate interest. And t~r .. 'you Under 'the circumstances; at this late
day, to cane With seeming !EileleSS ' ~l1.eity: am iimocency and say ~If. so, I .
was mistaken in my statemen or your em no. 1" is too ridiculous and absurd
for r espect£Ul ' crit:ie1sm~ ~ As to your co'mments on no. 2.. I admit the-language
quoted "That it was not my business" to perform the task asked 'Of mEl' 'at' that .
time, for you certainly had no ~ght ' {contract or po' contrac~) under the. action
of the visiting Committee to command my services. Before my duties were increased
by the Committee you' well know' I never f~led to perforlP.' proinptq am efi'.iciently
every task assigmd to me without regard to the extent or character thereof.
And yet when our o.fficial relationship was changed, ~ I · for a while was being
taxed to the utmost of my physical ability, in faithful effort to promote thepractical
agricultural interest that had been committed to me. You seek to
take advantage of my refusal to obey your unautmrized demands, in a truckling
subservient way, to make it the basis of the slanderous charges' in paragraph
no. 2. T.h~ contract feature referred to in this connection (in a manner most
contemptible) has no bearing whatever. ' Your comment on paragraph No. 4. I
allow to pass,' as it is very evident that you are' seeking ' to· make everything'
general and offiCial, to avoid the force of personal liability for the un:authorized
charges you have made against me.' I have now followed you seria-
.tive, and I think f'ully met the issues made, though fatiguing to patience and
restraining to a just indignation.; If you were as ' fair in the interpretation
of your own English, as you are in admitting the degre'e of respectfulness of
my last communication, this matter colild and l«>uld have been eilied long since.
By the tem "more respecti"ultt you charge t hat the preceding' communications
were di srespectful. ' Which ! , deny and challenge any impartial ·criticism. It
is a reflection upon my common intelligence to s~ that paragraph No. 2 is not
personal and. highly offensive in l'anguage. You. -say, "No Q!/ence has been givsll. .
or intended. " 1nd, yet you :1ntensii'y -its perBOnality atd' offens;Lveness' by saying
in yours of the 19th ults.. that yPU "could-not, - nor wti:uld j.f you e.oul.d." amend -
or retract any part of i t~ (Your report) . :: You have,' it were, sworn out a
warrant', and so far as 'yo~ oou;td, fil-ed· an indie'tlDent' agJlinst. me .. (the onlJ
one on record)· unsustained by eharges,~ and spec1fic~tions . To!1W no offence
has been given ox 'intended, and yet no 'retraction or. honorable 'amends, str:i.p:s the
as-sertion of every semblance' 01 sinceri.tY and exhibits a degree of unmanliness ,
which at once excites 'faelings 'of ,camm:ing1-ed pity and rcontempt~ ~ -
'T J ". ' _ _ ..
Respecttully. 'Isaac ROss •
• '~". No .. 4 •
Oct. 20th, 1890.
Mr. Isaac Ross. ..0
Dear .Sir".,
The character of yours of the 13th inst • .forbids furt.her
notice on my part. Our social and official relations will- cease Wi th this date.
We will pass and repasEt in: future .. as strangers.
-, . -_ Respecttiilly. '
J. S. -Ne1l1l&ll
Montgomery, , Ala.
Jamary 13th, 1892.
j ~. t 1". :c. ..,
At a c'alled meeting bf the Board of Trustees 01.""-the Agrieultural. tam. Mechanical-'
College of Alabama. he~d 'in the EXecutive office at the .Gapit.-ol on January" 13th"
1892. of,the roll of the roll ~he~ . l$re _ p~sE!ntl - ; ,. - - J'" - ,~
-. , .-.
Thos. 0. Jones, ' ,(}overnor ot the ... State ani 'Ex-Qff ..
J . G-. ' Ha.rri~, Supt. of EducatiPn ,and
President-of the Board .... 'l.
Messrs. A.rmstrong~ ' Gilchrist, Ligon.-and -Lindsay.
I Absent: Messrs. Bishop, Kolb, Harris:, 'Haralson, and stanse);.
A quorum being present, 1the JTesident of the college utrdtted 'the following
report. f ., •
To the Board of .Trtrstees
of the A & M College
, 'l 'Lv' I respectfully .
report that George .B. 'Bryant resigned the off ice. of: Director of the Laboratory ,
of Mecnamc Arts Sept. 16th l89x; and,that with 'the approval of the .Faculty
I temporarily appointed 1st ' Asst. J,. J . Willmore to the-vacant position and
promoted ,D .. H. Blakey .tor- the position of. 1st. Asst. I -recommeoo that these
appointment.s be confirmed' and <that InstI11ctors WillmoreJ and Blakey he' granted
the salaries\ assigned to the posi tion-s ~h6Tj pd:W fill. ' ,
On the 1st of October Jas. 'S. Newman' presented his resi-gnation of the '
office. of Professor o£ Agriculture and AgricUltrist to take effect Januar.y 1st
1892. That vacancy remains' to be tilleq,.In order to be .able to recommend to
you a suitable office~ ~~r the vacan~pOsftion ~ich by college law is made the
- j-