1889 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 18891,36 Auburn, Alabama January 8, 1889 At .a meeting of the Building Committee, o~ the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alab8Jl)a, ther~ were present Messrs , HaralsQn, Kolb, and PalmeJ:. On motion of Mr. Kolb, Resolved that the proposals to...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7353
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collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1889 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1875-1929: The New South Era
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 18891,36 Auburn, Alabama January 8, 1889 At .a meeting of the Building Committee, o~ the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alab8Jl)a, ther~ were present Messrs , HaralsQn, Kolb, and PalmeJ:. On motion of Mr. Kolb, Resolved that the proposals to complete the main build•i ng of the college, be aqvertised in the Montgomery papers and Atlanta Constitution for three weeks, and that all bids for the work prQPosed to be done~ be delivered .to the President of the College on or before the 2nd day of February next. Adopted. . . ( Resolved that the Building Committee of th~ Board of Trustees approve. th~ action of the Committee of the Faculty iq the emplqyment of a Superintendent o~ the Build- ' ing . Adopted. R. M. Reese Secretary to Board of Trustees '101 137 Auburn, Alabama March 7, 1889 At a meeting of the Committee Gf Visitors, there were present Messrs . Gilchrist, Ligon, and . Mitchell, the entire committee . I ~ On motion of Mr . Ligon, Mr . Rosa was authorized' to sell the bull calves born on', the Station . Adopted . Resolved, that the money arising from the sales of butter, dupfng ·the present year ending July 1st, not already appropriated, shall be placed to the credit of the Dairy Department to meet expenses already incurred. Resolved 2nd, That President Broun is hereby authorized to expend the' sum of- five hundred doll ars, to pay the expenses of the Dairy Department already incurred, and to pay for feed and other necessary expenses that may be r equired up to the 1st of July . Resolved 3rd, That the' $500 appropriate~by the 2nd resolution be paid from funds to be received from the department of Agriculture . Resolved 4th, That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars" be and is hereby appr o­priated, out of money to be r~ceived f.rom the State Agricultupwl Department ~or the purpose of fencing land for pasturage . r' ,I The resolutions were adopted. "I Resolved, That Professor Newman and Mr. Ross, be authorized to make the best arrang~ ments they can for uniting pasture lands adjoining the Station . Adopted • . j Doctor Broun reported to the visitors that arrangements with the following -gentle­ment had been made, in various parts of the state to engage in soil :experiment:s, under the direction of the Direct or aa ordered by the Board at their last meeting . Ie Doctor J . , p . Hampton Meridianville, Mauison -County 2. Mr. B. Hampton Leighton, Colbert CoUnty 3. J. J . Morris " Gadsden, Etowah County 4 ~ J . P. Oliver Dadeville, Tallapoos~. C ounty 5. J. W. Welch Alpine, Talladega C oun'i:-y 6. A. W. Allbright Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County 7. ..Doctor A. stelair Tennille Troy, Pike County . 8 . J . A. McCreary Evergreen, Conecuh "County . 9. Wing c J-ackson, Clarke County t . R. M. Reese, Secretary ... Board of Trustees t'" A. & M. College of Alabama 138 Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama Auburn, Alabama June 10, 1889 . _ . This being the day designated for the regular annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, on call of tQe roll, there were present: His Excellency Thomas Seay, Governor of the State; Solomqn Palmer, uperintendent of Education; Messrs. Gilchrist, Haralson, Harris,- Kolb, Ligon, Mit. chell , and Stansel . Absent: Mr . Bishop. A quorum of the aoard was present . Mr. Harris wa~ placed on the Committee o,f Finance, Mechanic Arts and College LancE and Property . Mr . Stansel was assigned to the Committee on Claims and Mr . Paltner to t.he Committee on the Course of Study . Regular order: The report of the ..President of .• the College was read and submitted which on ~oti0n of Mr . Ligon was laid on the table until the President prepared . a synopsis of the same under the different subjeats of the ;report . The reports of the Treasurer and Auditor were read and .on motion was referred to the Committee on Finance, also reports of Professors and ordered on file. , . On motion .of Mr.. Kolb, That those gentlemen present who are' members of the Board of Control of the Branch Agricultural Experiment Station recently located at Abbeville, Henry County, Alabama be invited to come before the Board. The ' motion was carried and the President of the Boar.d requested Mr . Kolb to infoxm tqe~ that the Board would receive them during the morning of tomorrow. On motion of Mr. Kolb, that a committee to consist of three, with r . St,ansel as Chairman, be designated by the President of the Board to prepare re~olutions on the death of C. C. Langdon, late a member of the Board of Trustee~ • . The . motion was carried and the _President named as the Committee Messrs . Stansel, Haralson and Ligon . ,.. -- .. , On motion of Mr . Kolb, That a committee to consist of three, with Mr . Pa1me~ as Chairman, be appointed by the President to prepare resol utions on .th~ deat.h of Mr. J . N. Malone, late a member of the Board. The motion was carried, and the President na~ed as the Committee Messrs . Palmer, Gilchrist and Kolb . On motion of Mr . Palmer, the Board adjourned until 8:30 o'clock A.M. tomorrow. R. M. Reese Secretary 139 The Board met according to adjournment and on call ·of ·the roll there were present: Thomas Seay, Governor of the State; Solomon Palmer, Superintendent of Education, ani Messrs . Qilchrist, Haralson, Harris, ~olb, Ligon, itchell and Stansel . The ~utes of yesterday's meeting were read-and approved by the Board. The gentle­men of the Boaro. of CQntrol of the A '3'L ~f'r 5TA'17il\) at, Abbeville came befor.e the Board. On mot,ion of Mr. Ligon, Resolved, That the reports embracing appropriations be re­ferred to . the Committee on Finanee . The resolution was adopted . 'On motion of Mr . Palmer, Resolved tqat the application made by the Board of Control for ~ an ~ppropriat~on from the funds of this college be referred to .the Committee on Finance . Adopted. ~. On motion the Board adjourned until 8 o'clock p .m. F,. M. Reese, Secretary The Board met according to adjournment and on call. of the roll there were present: Thomas Seay, Governor of the State; Solomon Palmer, Superintendent of Education; and Messrs. Gilchrist,. Hara,lson, Harris, Kolb, Ligon, Mitchell and- ,Stansel, -and . Bishop . , I ' ~ , By Mr. Stansel, ResQlved that .the degrees be conferred on th~ cadets who have graduated in the different courses, as recommended by the 'President of the College in his report to the Board and on Post Gradu~t~s . Adopted . , '. On mQtion ot Mr. Haralson, that the degree of B.S o' be 'conferred on .Monzo F. Cory, after compliance with the rules and regulations of the College in such cases. Adopted. ~~ ~ The report of the Finance Committee 'was received and orde~ed spread on the ~utes • . Report: The Finance Committee beg leave to report, that they have examined the several accounts of ,the Treasurer ,and other matter~ referred to tbem, that they have gone Qver the books and ,accounts 'and vouchers of i.the Treasurer" 'compared his statements submitted to the Board with his books and vouche~s and find his state­ment of his several accounts correct, showing balances in his hands as follows: J On College Account. a balance of " Agrj.cultural 1,1 " " ' " II Analysis "II" II " United States II II" " On State Appropriations Accout ! . $ , , 36.89 6,308.50 500.00 1.941.52 $8,846.86 $7,865 .46.' - ;. The Treasurer submitted to us his Bank passbook and other eVidences of cash assets . in his hands' which satisfied the committee that he had in hand all of these several balances . .J on . Haralson Chairman 140 Cominittee on Claims The Committee .on Claims to whom was .referred the application of Mrs. John T. ~unkljn and Professor W. C. Stubbs, for set tlement of claims against the college, have had the same under . consideration and have directed me to report that they are not tully satisfied as to the liability of ,the college to pay these claims, or as to the pro­pietY' oftordering the paymerit of the sgme without further ~vidence. That the Secr. tary and Treasurer be .directed to examine the records of the Institution, and ascer­tain what action in the past has been taken by the Board in reference to said claims and p"l'Ocure what evidence they can, 'tending to show that the eollege is not respon­sible for 'the same. , And furthe~ that the attorney,General Georcge P. Harrison, for said claimants, be allowed to file such evidence as he may desire, showing that said . cla.ims should be pa.id by the college and report the same to the next meeting of this Board. : . R. F . Ligon Chairman The report of .t he Committee was on motion received and adopted �� • r By Mr . Harpis, 'Resolved, ~erea8 .a proviso in ,the 'Act of Congress approved ·March 2, 1889, making the annual appropriations to the Experiment Stations, require that the IIStations shall devote a portion of their work to the examination and classifica-tion of the soils of their respective states", therefore, Resolved, ~ 1st, Tha.t the officers- of the Experiment Station constuting the Board of Direc­tors, are hereby directed to devote a portion of their time to the examination and cl assification of the soils of the State, and to di vide among themselves the duties of such examination and classificatiGn as may' properly belong to each .Department. 2nd, That when the examination and classification shall have been satisfact orily completed, maps of the state shall, if practicable, be issued as bulletins, giving the Agricultural, botanical, and geological classification of the different soils and sections. 3rd, The President of the College is authorized to pay the travelling expenses of any officer, incurred in making the examinations of , soils herein required 808 he may direct and approve. Adopted. By Mr. Stansel, Resolved, That no order for supplies or equipment for any depart­ment of the college shall be made by any officer, unless the same i'& appl'oved by the President. No bills ~or supplies or equipments of any departmeht of the ,col­lege shall be paid by .the Treasurer unless orders for the same approved by the President of the College ~re filed in the office of the Treasurer. The rcesolution was adopted. Report from Committ ee~n finance by r. Ligon of the Committee: ' The Committee ...on Finance to whom was referred the matter of appropriation of funds to the Agricultural(Departmen~) Experiment Statfon and Agricultural School located at Abbeville, Henry County, beg leave to report: That they have given the subject a very careful consideration and fully appreciate the advantages to this college am to the Agricultural interest of the State, that are likely to result f~m the establishment of this Branch Station and' would be glad to aid all in th ei'1:' power but the financial condition of the college and experiment Bation is such from the heavy demand made necessary made necessary for the equipment and 'Iork of the Exper:i:- ment Station here -- the result of the fire two years ago, that it will be utterly . impossible to give the aid asked, as every cent we can control or more will be absolutely required for said equipment . The Committee further report that they regret they are constrained to advise again~ the continuation of the appropriation of the two tho~sand dollars heretofore' made to the Cane Brake Experiment Station located at Uniontown, Alabama. Your committee is led to make this recommendation for the reason given above -- want of means -­and for ' the. further reason that it· has grave doubts of the l~gal right to make such an .appropriation from the fund derived 'from the HatchAc~ or from that set apa~t by the Legislature to this college from the Fertilizer Fund • . f£hey doubt .~ this Board of Trustees have any authority under the Fed.eral or State law to divert..any part of . these funds from the object and purpose as specified in said acts. The report was received. Hr. Kolb offered as a substitute for the report of the Committee on Finance the ' .following resolution: Resolve~ that this Board appropriate from the Hatch fund $1,500 annually to each of the two agriqultural and Experiment Stations and Schools established by the last Legislature. Lost. Resolved, further that this Board continue the appropriation of $2,000 from the same fund to the 'Cane Brake Experiment Station. Lost .• The substitute having been divided, a motion by Mr . Kolb to adopt the first sub­division of .the ;resolution was lost~ ~r . Kolb voting Yea. On motion of Governor eay, ~~ ,Gilchrist in the Chair, that the second subdivision of the substitute be postponed and made a speCQal. order for tomorrow. Carried . On motion of Mr . Kolb, Resolved, That in ·tuture all students of foreign states entering this college shall be charged a tuition fee of forty ~ollars per annum. Resolved, that this rule shall not apply to such .students who ' are now undergraduates of the college. " J The further consideration was on motion postponed until tomorrow. On motion the Board adjourned until 8:30 o'clock a.m. tomorrow. F. M. Reese' ') Secretary to ·Board-·of Trustees I Auburn, Alabama June 12, 1889 . ; The Board of Trustees met in pursuance to adjournment and on call of the roll there were present: lhomas Seay, Governor of the State; Mr. Palmer, Superintendent of Education, and Messrs. Bishop, Gilchrist, Haralson, Kolb, Li gon, Mitchell, and Stansel. Absent: Mr. Harris. A quorum. Report of Special Committee: Mr. Palmer from Special Committ ee to prepare resolutions on the death of Hon. J . N. Malone late a member of the Board submitted the following, which was adopted. The resolutions on the opposite page . (Next page) The ommittee to report suitable resolutions on the death of John Nicholas ,Malone late a member of this Bo~rd beg leave to ,submit for .adoption the foll owing: Since the last meeting of this Board, John Nicholas }~lone, one of its members has departed this life . It is but proper and in accordance with the promptings of our hearts, that this Board should give some expression to t he serious loss it has sustained by his death. . , J' From the earli est history of this college through all its struggles and embarrass­ments, without interruption, Judge Malone until the day of his death was a faithful and earnest member. The college never had a member of the oard who responded more cheer-fully to its call than did Judge Malone. He felt a deep interest in all its af fairs and rejoiced at its success and increas-ing usefulness. . " By his devotion to ~ the College and his long and valuable services, he endeared ~l . himself to every member of the Board and Faculty, all of whom feel -keenly t he loss ' they have sustained. To the surviving members of the Board, it is a matter of great grief, that our late associate should have been called away from us in the midst of .his useful life and at a time when his f ondest hopes for t he prosperity of this college was just beginning to be fully realized.. But, God lmows best and does all things well and we bow with chastened and sorrowing hearts ~d resignation to His inscrutible will As a friend and brot her, as a husband and fathers a neighbor and citizen, as a judge holding evening t o scales of justice to determine r ight s between man and man, or seeing to the honest administrat ion of the estates of the widow and orphan, or~s an humble follower of Christ, Judge Malone was a worthy exampl e of what true and noble Christian manhood should be. Such ,was his ~ife .that we have every assurance < he was ready to .receive the reward of the faithful. As an expression of our high esteem for him, be it resolved by t he Board: . I . In the death of John N. Mal one, t his Board has lost one of its most active , earnest, wisest and devoted membera. < I I . That we wil l cherish hi s memory and endeavor to pr ofit by his many virtues . I II. That in his death, Alabama has l ost a good and pat riot ic citizen and his f amily a loving and deyoted husband and father. IV. That a copy of t hese resolutions. ana preamble be placed on r ecord in our minutes book, and the Secr.etary ,dir ected to ,furnish the family of Judge Y~l one with a copy of the same. (Solomon Palmer, Chai rman Committee CR. F. Kolb (J . G. Gilchrist 143 The petition of Boling A. Blake,r was referred to the Committee on Finance • .. The resignation of George Petrie, adjunct professor of Modern Languages and History was accepted . r . ' By Mr . ,Ligon, Resolved, that Ute President of the college, be and he is hereby authorized to fill t ,he place made vacant by the resignation of George Petrie, by procuring the services of an adjunct professor at a salary not to exceed $800 if practicable . Mr . Stansel from .a -special committee to prepare resolutions on the death of the late Colonel Cliarl~s C .• Langdon, a member of this Board,. submitted the following which were adopted . Se_e ne~ page .. 144 jo Auburn, Alabar. ,9- A. & M. College June 12, 1889 Whereas death has again invaded our circle and removed f~om among us the Honorable Charles C. Langdon the member of this Board from the Mobile '~ istrict; therefore, be it resolved: I. That in the death of Mr. Langdon, the tate of Alabama has sustained the loss of one of its most eminent and honored citizens, this Board its leading and most distinguished member, one of the original members of the Board, ever present . at our meetings, and to whose wise and prudent counsels is to .be attributed in a large degree the success and prosperity of this College, to whose .interests he was always most earnestly devoted, and which is a monument to his wise statesmanship and' patriotic services. Committee (M. L. Stansel, Chairman (Joh. Haralson (R. F. Ligon 145 The petition of Cadets Gregory, Persons, and Broun was submitted to 'the Board and the prayer of the petitioners was not grant ed. the second subdivi sion of Mr. Ko1b's' resolut ion recurring: Mr. Stansel moved to amend t he same by stri king out the words "per annum" where they occur in the resolution . Mr.. Palmer moved that. the sum, fof "$1500" be inserted in lieu O'f "$2000" . Mr. Ko1b moved to lay the amendment of Mr. Palmer on the table. Carried . On motion the second subdivision of Mr. Ko1b's resol ution as amended 'was then adopted. r . Gilchrist moved to reconsider the vote by which an appropriation was refused to ·the Exper~ent -Stations and Schools estab1ished~ by Act o~ the last Legislature. Adopted. t Mr. Haral son moved to amend by stri king out lithe ,sum of $1500" and inserting in lieu $500. Lost . Mr .. Ko1b I s resolution fixing fees of students from 'foreign states being under con-sideration. ' . Mr. Mitchell moved as an amendment to the resolution to insert :$20 in lieu of $40 . The amendment was accepted. . • On mo~ion of Mr . Ligon, that the resolution and 'amendment-be laid on the table. Carried . The Board adjourned unt il 3 O'clock p.m. F. M. Reese Secretary Evening Session June 12, 1889 The Board met according to adjournment, a quorum was present . ' By Mr. Stansel, Resolved, t hat the salary of P. L. Hutchinson, Assistant in Depart­ment of Chemist ry, be f i ve hundred dollars per annum. 'Adopted. By Mr. Haralson, Resolved t hat t he matter of t he Dairy, and any change pract icable to be made with Mr . Ross, or any change in his servi ces, and what he may do at the Experiment St ation, be 'and the same is hereby ref erred to' the Visiting Committee to act in t he premises as in t heir j udgment may be best for the college. And that the Visiting Committee inform Hr . Ross that the College will not purchase the cows under the option under t he contr act with him. Adopt ed~ By Mr. Mitchel l, Resolved that in making his statement hereafter, the Treasurer shall report to the Board of 'I'rustees the bills payable which he has not pai d. Adopted. The Board adj ourned~til 8 o'clock p.m. F. M. Reese Secretary Night session: The Board met at 8 o'clock p .m. and there were present : Thomas Seay, Governor of ' the State; ~r, . Palmer, ~perintendent of .~ucation; and Messrs . Bishop, Gilchris~, Haralson, Kolb, Ligon, Mitchel l and Stansell. Absent, Mr. Harris . A quorum . By Mr . Haralson, Resdlved, t hat when the ~surance on t he Laboratory expires, that the Presi dent be directe~ to renew the same ~th a three. year poli cy at the sum of nine thousand dollars ($9,000); And that when the main building i s completed that he insure the same for not less tpan f ifty thousand dollars· ($50,000) for the term of three)years; And. imtil com­pleted under the present contract, that he insure the main building from time to time, according to its value as it progresses towards completion in proportion to its approJdJnate value as it approaches completion., . II . Resolved, t hat when the main building is furnished and equipped in whole or in part, the President is hereby directed to insure. the furniture and equip:nents for. three-fourths of its value . All of which were adopted. Resolved by the Board, That the Auditor submit the account of the txperiment Station prepared by him under a resolution of the Board, to the Director, and if any difference be found by the Auditor in such account current , compared with the report of the Dir ector, made through the Board of Trustees t o th~ legisla­ture ~f the State at the session of 1886-7 and t he books of the Di rector; t~ dif ference so found, the difference so found, after allowing all just offsets, to which the Director may be entitled, the 5~~ be charged to him and covered int o the Treasury . (Adopted.) Fr om Endowment Fund President of the College Professor of Chemistry Professor of Natural Hist ory Professor of Mathematics Professor of English . . . APPRO PRIA '!'IONS P~ofessor of Ci vil Engineering . , Adjunct Professor of ~odern Languages and History Director of Mechanical Arts Lab . (in part) 1st Asst . " 11 II 2nd II Chemistry Four Asst . Graduates (tutors) House Rent - Three Professors Treasurer (in part) Secretary and Auditor (in pa~) C onnnandant Insurance Trustef?s ' $ 3,000 1,000 1, 000 1, 800 1,800 .1, 800 , 800 400 250 200 , 1,000 800 1, 000 350 300 400 250 Fuel Printing and Advertising Stationery Postage Servants . Military Music Repairs & Grounds Incidentals Chambers Property Furniture & Equipment United States Fund: Uniontown Station Chemists Salary (in part) Natural History Salary (in part) 1st Asst. Chemist Asst. Botanist Dairy - Salary for Ross (in part) 2nd Asst. in Agriculture Dairyman Treasurer Salary (in part) Auditor Apparatus - Botany Library Printing (in part) Stationery & Postage for Station Trustees Field Experiments Labor in Dairy Feeding Cattle & Expenses Arboretum . Rent Cows Biologist Equipment Biology Incidentals Agricultural Fund: (Disbursements) $ 300 300 50 150 360 100 100 100 400 500 2,500 $ 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 500 1,000 650 500 500 150 200 200 000 100 100 500 200 600 50 500 2,000 750 200 Director Agricultural Experiment Station $ 2,500 2nd Asst. Chemist (in part) 800 3rd Asst. · II Hutchinson 500 Labor forEkperiment Station 1,000 Equipment for Experiment Station 1,000 Fteld Experiments (in part) 500 Chemical supplies 600 lnsurance at farm .LOO ~pt. Agri. in College equipment 1,000 1st Asst. Agriculturist (includes house rent) 1,000 Jquipment of Botany and Blilol ogy 500 Hoods and for Chemical laboratory 300 Director of Mechl. laboratory in part 1,000 1st. Asst. It II II" 500 2nd asst. Blakey " " 4OC> Labor II II 100 Coal It It 250 Supplies II " 4OC> Equipment mech. II " 800 For Cheml. laboratory supplies out of proceeds of farm products 400 Balance of proceeds of farm products to be held as a contingent fund. 147 148 Resolved by the Board that the foregoing appropriations out of the several funds specified, be and they are hereby made for the ensuing fiscal year. Adopted. Resolved by the Board that Geo. F. Atkinson be and he is hereby elected Biologist of the Experiment Station and Professor of Bi ology in the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama at a · salary of . $2 ,000 per annum and the use and occupation of this chamber house as a residence, after vacated by the officers now using the same, until further ordered. Adopted. By Mr. Haralson - Resolved that the President of the College be authorized to correspond with and make application to the proper department at Washington, D. C. for a Na~al Mechanieal Engineer. Adopted. By Mr. Haralson - Resolved that the legitimate travel ling expenses of the Director to the local stations established by this Board be paid out of the funds appropriated for making experiments at said stations. Adopted. By the Board - Resolved that the President of the Board of Trustees appoint a committee to consist of three of its members who shall be known as the Executive Committee of t his Board. Adopted. By Mr. Mitchell - Resol ved that the Treasurer and Secretary of the Board be required to keep their books of account and record, and all valuable papers in the vault of the college building "Then the same is completed. Adopted. By Mr. Haralson - Resolved that the unappropriated .bal ance of the fund known as the United States fund, be expended for equiprnents and library for the DepartEent of Biology. Adopted. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Note F. M. Reese Secretary to Bd. of Trustees A & 11 College of Alabama The resolution introduced by Mr. Kolb to make an appropri ation from the Hotels fund or any fUnd of the college to the Experiment Stations at Abbeville in Henry County, and Athens in Limestone County was not adopted. The Board of Trustees refusing to make an appropriation to t hose stations F. r-1. Reese Sec. to Board of Trustees 149 Report of the President of the College A & M College June 10, 1889 To the Trustees of the A & M College: I respectfully report that during the past session there were 209 matri­culates, classified as follows - graduates, 7; first class, 24; second class, 35; third class, 57; fourth class section A, 64; section B, 22. Under the circumstances in "IDich t he college has been placed \'rorking in contracted and temporary rooms, and in several of the departments without proper equipment, its present pro~perous condition is full of~N~l¥lWIgement. The conduct and dilligence of the students has been satisfactory, through their studies were in many cases much interrupted by sickness resulting from the measels and mumps. There were more than fifty cases of measels among the students, but due to the care and skill of the surgeon all soon recovered. At this writing we received the sad news of the death of Col. C. C. Langdon, one of the first appointed Trustees of this Coilege, .. mo was ahm,ys an earnest and warm supporter of all that tended to advance its interests. No one held the course of education as represented by this institution in higher esteem or "TOrked more earnestly for its advancement. The purity and dignity of his character and his long services of t he state and college, will cause his name in the coming years to be highly cherished by this institution. The College Buildings The college building in accordance with the contract is to be co~pleted by by October 1st. The first contract was made with James Swith for ~43,500. The second contract for the interior of the building was made with the same contractor for $25,000 with the provision that proper deductions were to be made for all parts of the specifications omitted by the building committee • Two-thirds of the amount asked for by the Board at their meeting in l'llontgomery was appropriated by the Legislature. The 825,000 asked for and not appropriated was necessary for supplying the building with steam for heating, with water and gas for the laboratories, with furniture and library, and scientific equipment. We are therefore compelled to work another year as best we can but with the hope that the next Legislature will make the appropriation required in order to make this a scientific institution worthy of the State. The "rork on the building so far has been done in a very SUbstantial manner, satisfactory to the architect and the sub-building committee. It is important that the building should be completed fully in accordance vnth the specifications of the architect. 1tJhether to omit any part of the specifications or to exceed the funds appropriated must be decided by the building committee. It is very clear that the policy of the College no,,; should be to appro­priate all funds that may be available to furnish the necessary scientific equipment. Chambers Property The amount due on the purchase of the Chambers property, $16$0, was paid in April to • L. qpambers, administrator, after each heir had given a deed to the property to the college. The deeds, seven in all, are now with one exception recorded in Lee County. This payment was made in accordance with the action 150 taken at the called meeting of the Board after the deeds were examined and approved. Langdon Hall Authority was given to improve Langdon Hall by removing the tower and changing the front. This has not been done, as no means were available. It should be done as soon as the requisite funds can be appropriat ed for the purpose. Instructors The best economy of the college is to have t he . extra instruction required in the .lower cl.asses performed by graduate students. The probably increase of students next session will render assistance of t his character necessary. It gives an opportunity for t he students sel ected to pursue a post graduate course and to better qualify themselves as teachers. I recommend the authority be given the faculty to appoint four undergraduates with a salary of $250 each - the position to be tenable for one year and the duties to be assigned by the resident Mechanic Arts The students in the higher classes in Mechanic Arts have been engaged in constructing a iLO h.p. steam engine, designed especially for running the dynamo. The engine is about constructed as nearly so and can be exhibited at the Hontgomery Exposition. By act of Congress a limited number of officers of the Navy are detail ed to colleges to act as professors of Hechanical Engi..Yleering. If authority be given to make application for such an office, there p:>ssibly could be seclll'edd the services of a valuable professor in a department now devel oping t hat properly belongs to this college. I hereby present for your consideration t he rep:>rts of t he different officers, showing t he character of worle done in each department, and the < appropriations asked for to furnish the supplies and equipment considered necessary. Accompanying t~ same are the inventories of the equipment of the (; experiment station, including the dairy and of the laboratory of Hechanic Arts. Experiment St ation The annual report of the Experiment Station publi shed in February a..."ld herewith submitted, exhibits the character of work done and the Equipment provided for the station. Dr. A. E. M.ayer el.ected Biologist last November, resigned the p:>sition in April. I recommend for the position nOvl vacant, Prof. R. E. Atkinson of the University of South Carolina to be biologist of the station and perform in biology in the college. - to have special charge of plant pathology and entomology. The investigation of these su.bjects is named in the Act of Congress establishi..Ylg t he experiment stations as of the first imp:>rtance among the duties of the station. Nine l ocalities have been selected in different agricultural sections of the state where soil test experiments are now being made according to methods prescribed by the Director. I advise the continuance and enlargement of this 151 work and would press t he importanqe of thus repeating and verifying field e~riments in different · typical · agricul~ural sections af the state vmer~ · the services 'of intelligent fa~rs can be Qibtained who will .accurately perform the ' work r~quired. In. some of the states these adjunct field expe~iments are re- -' , garded \v.ith great f avor, so they have excit ed general interest in agricultural experimentation and have made t he experiments required at a mirriJmrnn cost~ . , .~ It is important that the O~rector should visit the localities 'in the· differ­ent counties where the soil test experiments are bei ng made in order to cQnfer with the f armers as t o the best ~thods t o be used. I therefore advise that an appro­priation be made for this purpose and that the Director be authorized to visit these localities and r~port the result of his examination. ~ The main qu~stion in t he conduct of the Experiment Station to which all others should be . made subordinate, sho.uld be what methods of ,cultivat~on will restore fer­tility to exhauf::3ted lands , and at the same time give t o ~he farmer a reasonablepro= fit. This que.stion i n my opinion is so far reaching and so important to us, that the chief eXB'arimentation and thought of the Station should 'be directed to its ·solut.i~_- 'T'hat method 9f cultivation which retains the fertility of the soil and' increases its annual yield is . practiced. elsev.ll.ere, notably in England and Germany:; and its solution for us is the great problem 'which should be made the life work \ of the Station • . Special Requirement of Act of Congress In the act of Congress approved ~~rch 2nd, 1889, making the annual appropria­tion[ to the ~eriment Station, it is r equired that the "Stations shall devote a portion of their vrork to the exaroination and cl assification of. the soils of the respective Stat es. 1I This \irork is imperative and can be accomplished by .assigning t he duty t o its officers of " the ~ Station and giving such assistq.noe as may be required. If properly ' done it .will prove a wgrk of · value ,to the State and can be so expanded if ,time and proper assistance are gi ven, as t o include the preparation and publication 6f maps illustrating the results, giving the chemical "agricultural, geological and botani-cal classification of the soils of the State. . , Dairy , The ' Dairy establi shed at , the ~ lCl:st al(rlua1 meeting was begun in December, ,the necessary buildings having then been completed, and has been in operation s~nce under the espe cial charge of }~ . Ross. From his report vre find the entire cost of the plant a~d the current expenses of the . dai~J have been to June l~t . as follows: Cost of Barn and Dairy $ 800.00 II II Equipment 540.29 " II Stock food and ice 730.56 The ~mole amount expended to June 1st being $2,356.61. The oroceeds f r om ·the -sale of butter were $.618.17. -In these expenses here reported, th~ ' sa1aries of offi cers and assistant are not included. I recommend that no private ' propert; b~ 'us; d by the Station for e~riment but that all t he cattle ,necessary for the Daipy. be us~d by the Station, so that they can be used as may be deemed best for e~riment e~ -purp~s es • . A Dairy is an essential part of a complete Experiment Station, necessary f or purposes of experi­mentation. But owing to the absence of pasturage, ·tfiis section. o.f our St ation, I · 152 fear, cannot 'be profitably used for Dairy urposes. Hence, the Dairy should not be expanded, but limited entirely 'to t he olu i n of sci entific questions involved in the production of butter. It can also render ood service in demonstrations by careful experiment, the economy and value 'E ensilage and cotton seed"meal. .. , ' '" ! I consider it essential to economy to have only one officer at the Station author­ized to make purchases; and in fact i t 1tfould be be',st to require copies of all orders for supplies to be approved and filed in the Treasurer's Office before being rriAde. I would ' aiso call your att .ention-to ' the fact, that among th~ commit t ees of the trustees, there i s no ~xec~tive Committee named. 7 I ' recommend t hat section/of the rules passed FeoruarY 25, 1888 or ani zing the Station be so amended; as not to requi re each officer of the St ation to issue a bulletin every tnree mo~ths. , t. Every possible care should be taken to gnard t he property of the colle e against ' injury from fire. Besides keeping the property '1'1811 i nsured, I recommend t .. dt, ls~ a large cistern be bUilt near the college building. 2nd,that one 'or more ' offices ~ in t he ' building should De ass igned to discreet Assi stant Inst ructors as lodgi ng rooms, one of whom should have especial care of the building. 3rd, that t he literary societies should not be permit ted to meet in the building at r;dght. I also recommend t hat the college records of value ' be required to be ke t in the vault constructed i n the neW buildLDg. ' Some instruction has been given in pr actical photogr aphy by the Professor of Natural History 'and Geology, and as 'this ' subject is increasing in tmportance to teaffiers and i Rvestigators of Science. ! recommend that authority be ~given to introduce it as ~ ~le of the l~boratory courses of .instruction' in t his college. Finances A review of the Treasury report that the debt of $1,762.01, reported at the close of the last session haa been paid and there i s a balance of 36.82 on hand. The real' estate account shows a debt of ~1,680 incurred in paying for t he Chambers property. The Agricultural account ShOV1S that there has been received from State Commissioner of Agr i culture since October 1st 1888 ~18, 885.33, from farm roducts, .~1,088 .4l, f rom t he Dairy $669. 57, rnaking $20, 643 . 2l. " ' The disbursements have been -on account of Exper iment Stat ion, ' Chemical Department of Station and Dairy Department $11,800.28, ,leaving a balance on hand after pay­ing t he ~ebt of ~2,475.53 existing at -the last report, of $6,368.50, The account of the United St ates fund f or the Experiment Station, shows according to the Treasu.rer's report a ,balance on hand qf $1,941.52. '. - . The fourth quarterly payment of $3, 750 of the ann~l\ appropriat'on by Congr ess val~ be due on July 1st., This whole balance rnust ~ be expended ~ eonstructir.eiy expended by July 1st, or the part unexnended vall be deducted fr mthe next annUal ap ropriation. ' • 153 , ~ The balance at present unappropriated has been designedly reduced in order t o equip the department of biology. '. - Of the appropriat~on made by the last legislature to complet~ the college building $23,000 has b~en drawn and the application made f or $2, 000, t hel remaining . '25, 000 can be drawn ~fter Odtober 1st at which time the bui lding is to be compl~ted . The recent contrapt requires the college t o pay the contractor ~.3 , 000 July ,~st , ' 3,000 August 1st, $),000 September 1st . The Faculty r~ commend t hat the degree of Bachelor of Sci ence be conferred on t he follo\<u ng stwient:.s: - - L. D. Burdet te O. D. Killebreiv A. J . A. M. Lloyd, J. R. ClovIer . vi. L. Hartin A. J. Cranfor.d T. A. Ross B. H. Crensha~ E. J . Spratl~ng A. ,c. Crm·{der. H. }1. Taylor H. G. Crowder. P. T. Ve;qghn H. S. D oste~ . F. H. Vernon .An . St • C. Dun.stan T. f,f. vJatlington P. L. Hutchin.son Also that the, degree of };laster of Sci ence be conferred on: Geo. F . Bro~, E. VI. Harris A. A. Persons. The De~ree o~ Civil Engineer on: J. T. Gregory: S. C. Pitts ro' Respectfully submitted, vlilliam LeRoy Broun Pr esident II 154 Report of the Treasurer for the fis cal year ~nding June 1st, 1889; From Endowment account 11 Incidental " " Surgeon "'_ II II Library II College Account Receipts II Expense - diplomas and sale of old bell II Repairs aCCOlli"1t "Chemi cal " Disbursements By Amount . paid balance June 11}t, 1888 . " " II Salaries 11 II " Repairs & Grounds II II II General Ex ense " II II Stationery II " " Husi c at Commencement II II II It II II II " /I II II II /I II II u II II It II " 1/ II It 1/ II II II II II II " II II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Trustees Military Servants Postage Fuel House Rent Special Appropriation Insurance Mechanical Current expenses Physics Natural History Engineering Chemical Library Printing Surgeon Real Estate By Balance Real Estate Account Receipts To Awnunt Incidental fees II II Bills Payable Bank of Opelika Disbursements By Amount Paid 1'1. L. Chambers Agricultural Account Receipts o • 'Ii' 20,280.00 82'5.00 ,fU7 . 50 324.00 186.21 8.00 61.10 . $ 22,501.81 $ 1, 762.01 14, 097.50 119.61 528. 55 40.05 77.35 ' 300.10 98.15 312.00 164.15 374.32 1,000.00 58.05 320.00 985.53 3. 65 57.86 100.00 161.10 324.00 210 . 26 817 . 50 553 . 23 36. 84 ~~ 22,501. 81 553.23 1,600.00 $ 2,233. 23 $ 2, 233 . 23 1888 October 1, To amount received from Com. of Agriculture $ 7,976.54 10, 908.79 1,088.41 667 . 57 1889 April 10, II /I II " II II II II II II II II 1/ II II Farm Products Dairy $ 20,643.31 Disbursement's Amount paid balance Experiment StatiGn Current Expenses Salaries " ' , - Part Salary Treasurer Chemical Department Current 7xpenses Salaries House Rent , Dairy Department Equipment & Current Expenses Balance on- Hand To Balance June 1st, 1888 Analysis Account Receipts l>Iay 31, 1889,·.Ca,sh Professor Lupton By Amount Paid Professor Lupton Balance Dis bursement s Amount 1/ Recapitulation Receipts recei~d from College Account " • II Agricultultural A.ccount II ' II • t , lI Analysis II If • ' II Real Estate ,. Balance Insurance Fund . To Amount Bal-. June 1st, 1888 Disbursements By Amount Paid pn College Building II n fI , . Archi t ect II II , I} _. _ Superintendent Treasurers .com.l. State Appropriations ' Dec . 1888 T~ AillU. from State Treasurer Hay 1889 To II II II , II Disbursements Amount Paid on College Buildip~ II !1 ' ,)1 Archit ect II !1 II 11 IT rr II 11 Balance!1 Insurance Supterintendent of Buildings • ,R~ving Debris . Interest and Exchange I $ 2, 474. 53 3,565.73 2, 849 .33 400 .00 940.31 1, 288.31 200.00 2,556. 61 6 ,~68 . 50 $ 20, 43.31 $ 405 .00 155 395.00 ' . $ 800.00 $' ' 300~00 ' 500.00 $ 800.00 22,501:81 14, 274 .8~ , 300.00 " l,~80~Oo 5, 225.34 ~~ 43,~945.,12 ~p '11, 5.53':$5 ;190.00 284. 00 300 .00 $ 12,327. 85 w 14, 000 .00 ' 9, 000 .00 $ 23 , 00q .00 $ 13,558. 67 500.00 367.50 476'.00 148.87 83.50 7, 865.46 t 23,OOO.OO 156 United States Fund from N:a.r.ch 1888 to June 1st, 1888 Receipts 1888 l'ia.rch 27. To. Amount Recei ved from U. S. Treasurer 1888 April 19, tI II II 11 II II II Disbursements By Amount Pai~ Ag~i cultural Department, Equipment II II 11 :Chemical II II , II II II Botany II II II II It '. Library II · , II II II Trustees II II II II Printing II II II Uniontmm Station Balance on: hand JW1e 1, 1888 ,June 1st to 0<:tober 1st, 1888: Receipts To Amount Balance From United-States- Treasurer · Disbursement'S Amount paid s~larie~ II II Chemical Department building II II Farm < II II II· E,q'uipment II II Chemical II II II · , - Bot~t· . ", II II Library II II Exp . Officers II II P:r:int~' II II Stationery II II Trustees II II Advertising 11 11 FUrniture II II Unionto~m St ation United States Fund Recapitulation To Amount received for the year 1877-8 Disbursements Amount Paid Agricultural Department Equipment II II II 11 Building II II 11 11 II - n II II II II II II II II 11 II II II Ch.emic,al II II I Equipment Botanical 11 II Unlontovm Station Liprary Pr.inting Trustees 'Salaries Stationery ~~ 7,500 3,750 $ il, 250 $ 1,7S9.46 803 .75 3is. 65 61 .20 173 .15 17. 50 1, 500.00 $ 4,66:).71 6,586·f 9 ~t 11,250.00 ~p 6,586.29 3,750 .00 $ 10,336.29 , 612.50 800.00 2,200.00 792 .74 3,596.25 181.43 1,437.82 15. 65 88 .• 11 31.00 26 .94 4.15 49~70 500.00 '$ 10,;336.29 $ 15,,000.00 $ 2, 582 .20 2,200.00 800.00 4,400.00 500.00 . 2,000.00 , - 1,499.02 105. 61 200 .00 ' 612.50 31.00 157 , Amount Paid Expenses O! f icers <!i' .jj> 15.65 II II Advertising 4.15 11 II Furniture 41.10 $ 15,000.00 • . October 1888 January 1889 April 1889 Recei pts from October 1st, 18~8 to June 1st, 1889 , To Amount From U. S. Treasurer $ 3,750.00 II II , II n II " II It , II II II ,II Disbursements 3,750.00 3,750.00 $ 11,250.00 Amount Paid Trustees $ 21.07 II II n il II n n ' ~ , tI It n II 11 II II II , .II ' II . II ,.. r II II II It - . 11 H Expenses of Officers Botanical Equipment ... <_ Chemical II ... Farm Library Salaries Uniontown Station Printing Arboretum Stationery PostE!ge Balance 67. 89 ' 444.47 384.37 ~ 400.36 153.10 5,904.00 1,500.00 351.02 46.Q9 . 14.00 22.11 1.1941.52 $ 1l,250.00 E. T. Glenn, Treas~er A. & 1'1. College 0 158 To the Board of Trustees of A. & H. College I herewith submit my report as Auditor. AubUrn, Alabama Jtme 8, 1889 From t ime to t ime, I have examined the books of the Treasurer and compared the large number.-of_voucbers on file, with entries therein. The initials of my name wil l be found endorsed on each voucher. The vouche~s ~nd entri es correspond. In accordanc& with a resolution of the Board, quarterly bal ance sheets of t he . College account proper, and the Department of Agriculture have been made a.l1d whi ch accompany t hi s report marked Expt . A and wai ch I ask to be taken as a part thereof. The United Statea Fund, accruing from the Hatch Act, as required by the Board has been Kept separate and di stinct by the Treasurer. Balance sheets ·of ·that fund mar ked Expt. ~ also accompanies t his report, ,~i ch I ask the Board to adcept as a part of the same. The bank b901-o (pass) of the Treasurer, together l,.r.i.th cash and evi dences of advances made to offioers' .of the college, balance. The appropriation made by the last legislature for building pur oses is being expended by the Treasurer for purposes -of the gr ant . I have also examined the books of the Director of the Exper iment Station. His book consists of one in which t here is itemized his disbursements and recei pts from four products,et c. He has a stub book on l~ich the vouchers are humbered to corr espond ~~th book enties. They were compared and found to be correct, and ~rere noted after comparison . Slllce 1st Jlli~e 1888 I find no errors in the book of the Director. Prior to that time and continuing f r om 1st April, 1888 to 1st June, 18$9, the Treasurer i nforms me the Director has paid into the Treasury one hundred and sixty one 22/1.00 dollars; orie hfuldredJano."fifty three 52/1.00 dol l ars of which are Shovffi in a batch of accounts here\vith r esented (8 copy). The Director informs me he has no book entry of them. In examination I find t wo entri es in t hese accounts whi ch correspond with entries in the old account book of the Director heretofore disposed of, viz: 684 Ibs. pork at 6 cts. 433 II stag pork at 5 cts . making $41.04 23 . 81 $64. 85 These two items have heretofore been accounted for and his old book ~rill show that he char ged himself with the two items. Therefore, the Director should have credit for that amount . Other i tems in the batch of accounts , I do not id~ntify in such a manner as to show that the Director should have any other credits allolved on that account. 159 In accordance ~nth a resolution of the Board of Trustees, requiring the Auditor to prepare in duplicate accounts current for the period of time as shmrffi in the ac­counts, to be taken f rom the books of the Director, from st a-t~ement_ from report of t he Board of Trustees to the Legi slature, based on statement of t he Director, I state t he order of the Board has been complied "nth and that said account current is here,.nth submitted and will be placed on 'file. Any f urther i nformation desired by the Board, if in my pm'Ter i'rill be furnished to them. Respectfully submitted, F. M. Reese Auditor BALANCE SHEE'r COLLEGE ACCOU1lT June 1st, 188$ to October 1st, 1888: Receipts: Expense Account Library " Repairs II Chemical ,, -- Surgeon " Incidental " Endm1lIlent n Balance Overdrawn Disbursements; " By Balance . Repairs Accoupt Expense /I lYIusic n lvli1itary 'I- ~' Trustees It Printing " Salaries n Servants II Postage 11- Fuel n House Rent II . Special Appt •. 11 Mechanics II Library II Surgeon /I' 186.21 148.00. 8.00 13.60 350.00 370.00 5,070.00 lz172.:29 $ 12;218.20 1, 762;Ori 50.52 79.52 77.35 10. 65 202.40 98.35 3,362.50 42.00 94'.81 98'.35 250.00 51.00 476.24 12.50 :250.00 $ 7,:218•20 160 'I BALANCE SHEET AGRICULTURAL ACCOUNT From June 1st, 1888 to October 1st, 1888 Receipts: (nil) Disbursements: By Balance Experiment Station Account Salaries II - Chemical Department II Receipts: To College Account Amount Overdrai'lIl Disbursements: . By Amount College Account RECAPITULATION n II Agricultural Department . , $ $ $"r $ BALANCE .!~liEE~·.FRON OCTOBER 1st, 1888 to JANUA'J1. .Y 1st, 1889 • • ' . -- _<... • • Coll ege Account ~ "Receipts Library II ,. Surgeon [I • • Incidental II Balance cr~erdralqn DisbursemEmts: . Balance Repairs Account Expense II Stationery " . , r'til i tary II Printing " Trustees II Salar i es " Hire Servant It Postage " Ins urance II ~ . •. ". " " Mechanic Arts "DE! t.- Account Library II Physics II Natural HiS'ory II Real Est a,te II Surgeon II $ $ $ 2,474.53 1,163 .14 613 .33 124& 4,375.84 6,145.81 "5z548.23 11, 694.04 7,318.20 4z375 .84 11,694.04 21.00 67.50 52.50 3,146.33 3,277 • .33.. 1,172.39 33 .58 174.30 18. 55 28.85 34.50 48.'15 525 .00 45 .00 26.36 112.50 358.75 74.32 3.65 .10 553.23 67.50 3,277.33 BALANCE SHEET AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT FROH OCTOBER 1ST, 1888 TO JANUARY lST, ~ 1889 Receipts: From St ate .Agr i cultural Department II Farm Products Balance ov:erarawn Disbursements : By Amount Overdra~m Salaries . House Rent . Ourr ent Expenses Experiment Station 11 t1 Chemical Department Dairy Receipts : College Account Agricultural" Department RECAPITULATION Amount Overdi-a'ltm January 1st, 1889 Disbursements : .. , - -- . On College Account.: .: . II Agricultural Department BALANCE SHEET COLLEGE ACCOUNT FROM(JAtIDARY 1st , 1889 to APRIL 1st, 1889 Receipts : From Endo"Wment-. . II · Incidental II Li br ary II Surgeon II Chemical II Incidental II Surgeon ' 11 Balance' 161 ~~ 7, 916 . 54. 265 .98 r " 271. 86 ~~ 4,375 . 84 1,329.89 50 .00 791.33 231.04 1,736. 28 ~p 8, 514.38 141.00 ' ~ 8, 242. 52 " 3,408.19 11, 791.71 $ 3, 277 . 33 8, 514,38 $ 11,791.71 $ 10,140. 00 50.00 20.00 50.00 2. 50 245 .00 175.00 272. 61 $ 10, 955.11 162 Disbursements : By Balance " Repairs Account 11 Expense II St ationery Ii Trustees . '! II Sal aries • II ~lili tary . II Servant Hire-_ ' Postage Fuel House Rent Insurance lvIechanics Li br ary Surgeon Printing Natural History . . r, Re.ceipts : To Balance 1\ Farm Pr oduets " II II • II II n • II Dairy Disbursemen.ts : .. By Balance II House Rent II Salari es II Experiment St ation Chemical Depar t ment Dai ry Receipts: Endovnnent Fund Incidental Surgeon Li brary Chemical Department BALANCE SHEET AGRICULTURAL DEPARTI\1ENT FROH January 1st to April 1st, 1889 BALANCE SHEET COLLEGE ACCOUNT FROH APRIL 1st TO JUNE 1st 1889 $ 3,136.33 11.90 206 .. 43 . 21. 50 44. 50 6,250 .00 33 .1+0 45 .00 2.25 . 13 .97 500.00 97 . 50 231 . 57 89. 65 225.00 11.00 35.16 10, 955 .11 ), 233 .33 406 .09 98.46 117.30 202.21 4J 057 .39 271. 86 100.00 1, 436.09 1,184.05 520 .97 544·42 4,057 .39 5, 070:00 107. 50 175.00 135.00 45 .00 5z532. 5.Q. Disbursements :. By Balance . II Repairs Acc.ount. " Expense - n II Trustees II II Engine er ing II II Salaries " II hlitary II Servants " Postage II Fuel II II Speci al A ptn. Account II Insurance II Mechanics " Library II Surgeon " Printing II House Rent II II II II II II " Natural Hi st9r,{ " II Balance II BALANCE SHEET AGRICULTURAL DEPAR'I'HENT From Apr i l 1st to ,June 1st, 1889 Receipts: From Comwissioner of Agr i culture If Farm Produc:ts If Dairy Di sbursements : By Balance . .. ' Sal ar,{ at ~~eri~ent St ation Experiment St at ipn Chemical Salary . House Rent Dairy Balance BALANCE SHEET UNITED STATES FUND . ~m! ~qTOBER 1, 1888 to January 1, 1889 Receipts: .. . ' . . - ~,. .. Amount from Uni t ed St ates Treasurer Di sbursements : By Amount Tr ustees Account II II Botanical Dept . Account II " Li brary II II II Salary rI II II Uniontmm St ation " II II Printing II II If Agricultural Dept . II II " Chemical II $ 272. 61 23.61 68. 20 4. 50 100.00 3, 660 .00 25 . 25 30 .00 40 . 73 133 . 00 7.05 110.00 247 . 97 147. 53 175.00 16. 40 250 .00 22. 60 198.05 ~~ 5,532. 50 $ 10, 908.79 200. 58 4Vj .36 $ .11, 570 . 73 $ 11, 576.73 3,750 .00 ~"?' 21.07 2.00 6. 55 1, 858. 00 500.00 85.00 310. 70 l46 . 52 164 By Amount Arboretum Account II II BaJ.ance on Hand From January. 1 to April 1,1889: Receipts : Balance Fr om Unit ed States Treasurer Disbursements: By AWDunt to. Expenses Officers 1/ Botanical. Department II Libr ary , I I Salary II Uniontovm. Station II Printing " . 11 Ar bor etum. II Balance. o.n .I18:nd, BALANCE S}~T U"ITED STATES FUND From April 1st t o June 1889: Receipts: To Balance From United . ~ta~es Tre~s urer Disbursements: Botanical Department Library Salary Uniont01,m Printing Agr i cultural D~partment Chemical II. Arboretum St ationery Post age Balance on Hand $ 8.26 811. 60 3,750.00 . 1i' 811.80 3,750.00 ~ 4, 561.60 :ttl 67.89 355. 39 122. 87 2, 019. 50 500.00 107.47 25 .00 ~3~2 . ~4 ~Y ' 4, 5 1. 0 $ 1,372.48 3, 750.00 L~~J& $ 86.78 23.68 2,035.50 ' 500.00 158.55 89. 66 237. 85 12.83 14.00 22.11 1,941.52 5,122.48 E ITONE FRON BALANCE SHEETS ON ACCOUNT OF EXPERlllliNT STATION Fiscal Year f rom June 1st, 1888 to June 1st , 1889: Receipts , from Farm Products,: For the Months of June, July and August of 1888 September and November, 1888 From December 1st, 1888 to February 1st, 1889 In February, 1889 From }iarch 4th, 1889 to April 6th, 1889 II April to June 1st , 1889 Sale 6 bales cot t on and other produce These sbould be added to t his amolint •• a bat ch of alc sales, farm products re orted by Director, but not on his books . Less ~ 64. 85 "lith which the Direc­t or has heretofore charged himself. The sales above alluded to amou.Tlg t o ~~153 . 52 from 169 . 93 96.05 232 . 63 117.30 88.55 112.03 -r-::~27~1. 92 -"' .J 1, 088.41 "rhich deduct fp64. 85. Gives correct amount of f our products $ 88 . 6Z ' ~ " (sales) $ 1,177.08 EPITONE OF DISBURS]1;HENTS BY DIRECTOR For Fiscal Year June 1st, 1888 to JaDe 1st, 1889 : On Account of Labor n II II Repairs n II II Equipments " II It Soils II n II Stationery & Postage II II II Freight II II II Stock II iJ II ' Soil Tests II II It Li brary II II n Supplies 'II .. II ' , .J 11 Salaries, Newman and Lloyd II 11 1/ ' Seeds & Pl ants II II II Ferti l i zers II II II Prin,.ting . - ~~ 1,340.58 436. 22 2, 448;33 39.36 48. 29 185.79 101.92 , 51.9'5 , ' 311'.16 134.90 90.00 - 103'.26 678. 98 '253".18 $ 6,1.33.92 165 166 Professor J . S. Ne~man, Director Auburn, Alabama June, 1$89 Five months wer~ consumed after the creation of t his Department, in obtaining plans, and spepif ications of cattle barns , Dairy and i ce house, and the comple­tion of t he s~ . • t The pract i cal yrork of the dairy dates f rom December 1st 1$$$ and endL~g June 1st 1$89. 1;·e ha~e . made as f olIo fS : . 27,$91 lb9 • of milk 17, 664 oz, butter. The experiments that have been made are published in bulletin 5 ne~" ser i es. Number of cattle on hand June 1, 1889: 1 Jersey bull 2 It calves 1 Holstein • 3 J er s ey co-:,f,3 ..1. It heifers 10 head - which belong to the Station. The Ross cattle are: 10 Jersey co~{S 6 calves . lb - making ~n ~ .26 head. , The St atement fxom Treasurer ' s report .rill show cost of plant, cost of equi pment and f ixtures, Qost of labor and dairy man ' s salary. This Statement ~and an inventory of everything on hand,' both of barn and dairy please find attached t ,o t hls report ., . Statement of r~ceipt s and disbursements of the dairy department of the Agricultural Experiment Stat.ion as shmoffi from the Treasurer ' s books 'whi.ch c01"r espond ,d t h my O\"ffi . To amount of ~ppropriation ~~ 2, 2'70.00 Travelli ng ~enses ' 16$. 96 But ter Se arator 200 .00 $ 2, 638. 96 Disbursements: By Amount Cost Cat tle Barn 450.00 II II II Dairy 350.00 11 II II Equipment 610 . 84 II II 11 Stock Food 660.01 II II " Labor 116.-00 II II If Travelling expenses 168. 96 II II II Separator 200 .00 ae ~~ 2, 556.61 Balance 82. :25 $ 2, 63$. 96 Amount paid Treasurer: Proceeds sale of butter II II 1 bull calf Keeping cows Service 'of bull Flax seed - Doctor Broun Ice to Brya...T1t Salary of J. vi. Hart dairyman Ross, 1st Asst . Agri<?ulturlst 618.17 39.00 7.00 5.00 ,. .15 .25 669 .57 266.50 167 168 Auburn, Alabama Jun~ 2£5-29, 18£59 At a meeting ~ of , the Board of Visitors to the Experiment Station of the A. & M. College of AlaDama, there 1~re present: ~~ . Gilchrist, Chairman; and Messrs. Ligon and lviitcnell, who constitute the Conunittee. By l1r. Mitchel1, Resolved, that t he proceeds of the farm products, be paid into the Treasury as -a contingent fund for t he Agricult ural Department of the Station. Adopted. . By ¥~. Ligon, ResoIved"tnat;it be discretionary 11ith Mr. Ross, 1st Asst. Agri-' culturist, to attend the fair at Opelika, Montgomery and Birmingham; taki ng for exhibition such cattle, farm products, etc., as he may deem proper. Adopted. By !1r. Li gon, Resolved that t he Director of t he Station be authorized to employ, temporarily, at the Station, at a salary not t o exceed ~~20 per month, Hr. Vlatling­ton for t 1tlO months, and after that t o make such arrangements as he may deem proper ~dth one of t he students at a sal ary hot to exceed $15 per mont h. Adopted. By 1~ . Li gon, Resolved that there be set aside ,?140 or so much t hereof as may be necessary from t he contingent fund for f eed and other necessary demands in the department of Mr. Ross. Adopted. Resolved, that the Agricultural Experiment St ations established by the Legisla­ture, being separate and di stinct from the col lege, and not being in any manner under the control of the Trustees of t hi s Institution. No officer of thi s college or St ation 11ill be permit t ed to absent himself from t he college during i t s ses­sion thereby neglecting his official duti es in order to att end to any of~ice connected .. dth said sepa.rate St ations. Adopted. By ~w. Ligon, Resolved that it is expedient t hat ¥tr. Ross, 1st Assistant at the Agri cultural Experiment Station, be authorized and di rected to relieve the Director of the Station of all that portion of the Agricultural farm not required for experi­mental purposes and the case of t he personal property attached to and belonging to the same. That the said Ross be required to superintend the gatheri ng, housing and taking care of the growing field crops and also to control and apply all solid and liquid manure of the St ation. The meaning and intent of t his resolution is so to divide t he duties of the Director and 1st Assistant at the St ation, as to con­fine the Director to experiments to be made so far as f i eld crops are concerned and the said Ross to look to the cult ivat i on of t he remainder of said f arm with the view of making it self sustai ning as to feedi ng all the stock at said St ation. Adopted. F. M. Reese Secretary Auburn, Alabama October 31, 1889 169 At a called meeting of~he Committee of Visitors, there were resent Messrs. J . G. Gilchrist and J. B. Hitchell. A~s ent; Hr. Li gon. Resolved, that there be reserved for Professor Newman for experimental purposes: 1st, 1tfuat is kn01rffi r as the t en acre field and ten acres including original f orest and land her et ofore cultivated nOvi gro'l'm up in pine. 2nd, The present horticultural grounds with the addition t hereto, t he land lying due South, and extending to the edge of the grove near the -dairy. 3rd; Of personal, property: One mule named Jim and the one horse vlagon nOvi on the farm; One Bixie turn plovi and attachments; One one-horse hillside plow; One r homas harrow; One plqvl stock and attachments and such articles, implements, etc., as may be recei ved by him in the division of personal property on the farm. Adopted. Resolved that there be made by Professor and Hr. Ross an inventory of all the personal property belongi ng to the Experiment St ation and that a l ist of such arti­cles as t hey ~y respectively r eeei ve, be f iled 1 ·th the Treasurer of the College. Adopt e ~ . Resolved, t hat t he resolut ion adopted by the Committee be modified to t he ext ent t hat Professor Newman shall have for his use one t hird of the stable manure on the Station and Hr . Ross the balance. Adopted. Resolved, that ~he proceeds, arisi ng from the sale of butter made at the Experiment St ation be· classed as farm products, and the same or so uch t hereof as may be necessary be and is hereby appropriated f or the purpose of conducting experimental and farming operations at the Station. Adopted. eso1ved, that 111'. Ross be, and he is hereby authorized to- sell or exchange as he may deem best, the t wo mules named George and ~1ike and procure two good mules in t hei~ stead. Adopted. Resolved, that Doctor William LeRoy Broun be, and he is hereby authorized to att~nd the American Association of Agricultural Colleges to be held in the City of Washing­ton in November prox. and t hat his expenses be aid by the College~ Adopted. The Committ ee adJourned. F. 11:. Reese Secretary
title 1889 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
titleStr 1889 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7353
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7353
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7353
_version_ 1782466962813616128
spelling 1889 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of AlabamaAuburn University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 18891,36 Auburn, Alabama January 8, 1889 At .a meeting of the Building Committee, o~ the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alab8Jl)a, ther~ were present Messrs , HaralsQn, Kolb, and PalmeJ:. On motion of Mr. Kolb, Resolved that the proposals to complete the main build•i ng of the college, be aqvertised in the Montgomery papers and Atlanta Constitution for three weeks, and that all bids for the work prQPosed to be done~ be delivered .to the President of the College on or before the 2nd day of February next. Adopted. . . ( Resolved that the Building Committee of th~ Board of Trustees approve. th~ action of the Committee of the Faculty iq the emplqyment of a Superintendent o~ the Build- ' ing . Adopted. R. M. Reese Secretary to Board of Trustees '101 137 Auburn, Alabama March 7, 1889 At a meeting of the Committee Gf Visitors, there were present Messrs . Gilchrist, Ligon, and . Mitchell, the entire committee . I ~ On motion of Mr . Ligon, Mr . Rosa was authorized' to sell the bull calves born on', the Station . Adopted . Resolved, that the money arising from the sales of butter, dupfng ·the present year ending July 1st, not already appropriated, shall be placed to the credit of the Dairy Department to meet expenses already incurred. Resolved 2nd, That President Broun is hereby authorized to expend the' sum of- five hundred doll ars, to pay the expenses of the Dairy Department already incurred, and to pay for feed and other necessary expenses that may be r equired up to the 1st of July . Resolved 3rd, That the' $500 appropriate~by the 2nd resolution be paid from funds to be received from the department of Agriculture . Resolved 4th, That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars" be and is hereby appr o­priated, out of money to be r~ceived f.rom the State Agricultupwl Department ~or the purpose of fencing land for pasturage . r' ,I The resolutions were adopted. "I Resolved, That Professor Newman and Mr. Ross, be authorized to make the best arrang~ ments they can for uniting pasture lands adjoining the Station . Adopted • . j Doctor Broun reported to the visitors that arrangements with the following -gentle­ment had been made, in various parts of the state to engage in soil :experiment:s, under the direction of the Direct or aa ordered by the Board at their last meeting . Ie Doctor J . , p . Hampton Meridianville, Mauison -County 2. Mr. B. Hampton Leighton, Colbert CoUnty 3. J. J . Morris " Gadsden, Etowah County 4 ~ J . P. Oliver Dadeville, Tallapoos~. C ounty 5. J. W. Welch Alpine, Talladega C oun'i:-y 6. A. W. Allbright Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County 7. ..Doctor A. stelair Tennille Troy, Pike County . 8 . J . A. McCreary Evergreen, Conecuh "County . 9. Wing c J-ackson, Clarke County t . R. M. Reese, Secretary ... Board of Trustees t'" A. & M. College of Alabama 138 Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama Auburn, Alabama June 10, 1889 . _ . This being the day designated for the regular annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama, on call of tQe roll, there were present: His Excellency Thomas Seay, Governor of the State; Solomqn Palmer, uperintendent of Education; Messrs. Gilchrist, Haralson, Harris,- Kolb, Ligon, Mit. chell , and Stansel . Absent: Mr . Bishop. A quorum of the aoard was present . Mr. Harris wa~ placed on the Committee o,f Finance, Mechanic Arts and College LancE and Property . Mr . Stansel was assigned to the Committee on Claims and Mr . Paltner to t.he Committee on the Course of Study . Regular order: The report of the ..President of .• the College was read and submitted which on ~oti0n of Mr . Ligon was laid on the table until the President prepared . a synopsis of the same under the different subjeats of the ;report . The reports of the Treasurer and Auditor were read and .on motion was referred to the Committee on Finance, also reports of Professors and ordered on file. , . On motion .of Mr.. Kolb, That those gentlemen present who are' members of the Board of Control of the Branch Agricultural Experiment Station recently located at Abbeville, Henry County, Alabama be invited to come before the Board. The ' motion was carried and the President of the Boar.d requested Mr . Kolb to infoxm tqe~ that the Board would receive them during the morning of tomorrow. On motion of Mr. Kolb, that a committee to consist of three, with r . St,ansel as Chairman, be designated by the President of the Board to prepare re~olutions on the death of C. C. Langdon, late a member of the Board of Trustee~ • . The . motion was carried and the _President named as the Committee Messrs . Stansel, Haralson and Ligon . ,.. -- .. , On motion of Mr . Kolb, That a committee to consist of three, with Mr . Pa1me~ as Chairman, be appointed by the President to prepare resol utions on .th~ deat.h of Mr. J . N. Malone, late a member of the Board. The motion was carried, and the President na~ed as the Committee Messrs . Palmer, Gilchrist and Kolb . On motion of Mr . Palmer, the Board adjourned until 8:30 o'clock A.M. tomorrow. R. M. Reese Secretary 139 The Board met according to adjournment and on call ·of ·the roll there were present: Thomas Seay, Governor of the State; Solomon Palmer, Superintendent of Education, ani Messrs . Qilchrist, Haralson, Harris, ~olb, Ligon, itchell and Stansel . The ~utes of yesterday's meeting were read-and approved by the Board. The gentle­men of the Boaro. of CQntrol of the A '3'L ~f'r 5TA'17il\) at, Abbeville came befor.e the Board. On mot,ion of Mr. Ligon, Resolved, That the reports embracing appropriations be re­ferred to . the Committee on Finanee . The resolution was adopted . 'On motion of Mr . Palmer, Resolved tqat the application made by the Board of Control for ~ an ~ppropriat~on from the funds of this college be referred to .the Committee on Finance . Adopted. ~. On motion the Board adjourned until 8 o'clock p .m. F,. M. Reese, Secretary The Board met according to adjournment and on call. of the roll there were present: Thomas Seay, Governor of the State; Solomon Palmer, Superintendent of Education; and Messrs. Gilchrist,. Hara,lson, Harris, Kolb, Ligon, Mitchell and- ,Stansel, -and . Bishop . , I ' ~ , By Mr. Stansel, ResQlved that .the degrees be conferred on th~ cadets who have graduated in the different courses, as recommended by the 'President of the College in his report to the Board and on Post Gradu~t~s . Adopted . , '. On mQtion ot Mr. Haralson, that the degree of B.S o' be 'conferred on .Monzo F. Cory, after compliance with the rules and regulations of the College in such cases. Adopted. ~~ ~ The report of the Finance Committee 'was received and orde~ed spread on the ~utes • . Report: The Finance Committee beg leave to report, that they have examined the several accounts of ,the Treasurer ,and other matter~ referred to tbem, that they have gone Qver the books and ,accounts 'and vouchers of i.the Treasurer" 'compared his statements submitted to the Board with his books and vouche~s and find his state­ment of his several accounts correct, showing balances in his hands as follows: J On College Account. a balance of " Agrj.cultural 1,1 " " ' " II Analysis "II" II " United States II II" " On State Appropriations Accout ! . $ , , 36.89 6,308.50 500.00 1.941.52 $8,846.86 $7,865 .46.' - ;. The Treasurer submitted to us his Bank passbook and other eVidences of cash assets . in his hands' which satisfied the committee that he had in hand all of these several balances . .J on . Haralson Chairman 140 Cominittee on Claims The Committee .on Claims to whom was .referred the application of Mrs. John T. ~unkljn and Professor W. C. Stubbs, for set tlement of claims against the college, have had the same under . consideration and have directed me to report that they are not tully satisfied as to the liability of ,the college to pay these claims, or as to the pro­pietY' oftordering the paymerit of the sgme without further ~vidence. That the Secr. tary and Treasurer be .directed to examine the records of the Institution, and ascer­tain what action in the past has been taken by the Board in reference to said claims and p"l'Ocure what evidence they can, 'tending to show that the eollege is not respon­sible for 'the same. , And furthe~ that the attorney,General Georcge P. Harrison, for said claimants, be allowed to file such evidence as he may desire, showing that said . cla.ims should be pa.id by the college and report the same to the next meeting of this Board. : . R. F . Ligon Chairman The report of .t he Committee was on motion received and adopted �� • r By Mr . Harpis, 'Resolved, ~erea8 .a proviso in ,the 'Act of Congress approved ·March 2, 1889, making the annual appropriations to the Experiment Stations, require that the IIStations shall devote a portion of their work to the examination and classifica-tion of the soils of their respective states", therefore, Resolved, ~ 1st, Tha.t the officers- of the Experiment Station constuting the Board of Direc­tors, are hereby directed to devote a portion of their time to the examination and cl assification of the soils of the State, and to di vide among themselves the duties of such examination and classificatiGn as may' properly belong to each .Department. 2nd, That when the examination and classification shall have been satisfact orily completed, maps of the state shall, if practicable, be issued as bulletins, giving the Agricultural, botanical, and geological classification of the different soils and sections. 3rd, The President of the College is authorized to pay the travelling expenses of any officer, incurred in making the examinations of , soils herein required 808 he may direct and approve. Adopted. By Mr. Stansel, Resolved, That no order for supplies or equipment for any depart­ment of the college shall be made by any officer, unless the same i'& appl'oved by the President. No bills ~or supplies or equipments of any departmeht of the ,col­lege shall be paid by .the Treasurer unless orders for the same approved by the President of the College ~re filed in the office of the Treasurer. The rcesolution was adopted. Report from Committ ee~n finance by r. Ligon of the Committee: ' The Committee ...on Finance to whom was referred the matter of appropriation of funds to the Agricultural(Departmen~) Experiment Statfon and Agricultural School located at Abbeville, Henry County, beg leave to report: That they have given the subject a very careful consideration and fully appreciate the advantages to this college am to the Agricultural interest of the State, that are likely to result f~m the establishment of this Branch Station and' would be glad to aid all in th ei'1:' power but the financial condition of the college and experiment Bation is such from the heavy demand made necessary made necessary for the equipment and 'Iork of the Exper:i:- ment Station here -- the result of the fire two years ago, that it will be utterly . impossible to give the aid asked, as every cent we can control or more will be absolutely required for said equipment . The Committee further report that they regret they are constrained to advise again~ the continuation of the appropriation of the two tho~sand dollars heretofore' made to the Cane Brake Experiment Station located at Uniontown, Alabama. Your committee is led to make this recommendation for the reason given above -- want of means -­and for ' the. further reason that it· has grave doubts of the l~gal right to make such an .appropriation from the fund derived 'from the HatchAc~ or from that set apa~t by the Legislature to this college from the Fertilizer Fund • . f£hey doubt .~ this Board of Trustees have any authority under the Fed.eral or State law to divert..any part of . these funds from the object and purpose as specified in said acts. The report was received. Hr. Kolb offered as a substitute for the report of the Committee on Finance the ' .following resolution: Resolve~ that this Board appropriate from the Hatch fund $1,500 annually to each of the two agriqultural and Experiment Stations and Schools established by the last Legislature. Lost. Resolved, further that this Board continue the appropriation of $2,000 from the same fund to the 'Cane Brake Experiment Station. Lost .• The substitute having been divided, a motion by Mr . Kolb to adopt the first sub­division of .the ;resolution was lost~ ~r . Kolb voting Yea. On motion of Governor eay, ~~ ,Gilchrist in the Chair, that the second subdivision of the substitute be postponed and made a speCQal. order for tomorrow. Carried . On motion of Mr . Kolb, Resolved, That in ·tuture all students of foreign states entering this college shall be charged a tuition fee of forty ~ollars per annum. Resolved, that this rule shall not apply to such .students who ' are now undergraduates of the college. " J The further consideration was on motion postponed until tomorrow. On motion the Board adjourned until 8:30 o'clock a.m. tomorrow. F. M. Reese' ') Secretary to ·Board-·of Trustees I Auburn, Alabama June 12, 1889 . ; The Board of Trustees met in pursuance to adjournment and on call of the roll there were present: lhomas Seay, Governor of the State; Mr. Palmer, Superintendent of Education, and Messrs. Bishop, Gilchrist, Haralson, Kolb, Li gon, Mitchell, and Stansel. Absent: Mr. Harris. A quorum. Report of Special Committee: Mr. Palmer from Special Committ ee to prepare resolutions on the death of Hon. J . N. Malone late a member of the Board submitted the following, which was adopted. The resolutions on the opposite page . (Next page) The ommittee to report suitable resolutions on the death of John Nicholas ,Malone late a member of this Bo~rd beg leave to ,submit for .adoption the foll owing: Since the last meeting of this Board, John Nicholas }~lone, one of its members has departed this life . It is but proper and in accordance with the promptings of our hearts, that this Board should give some expression to t he serious loss it has sustained by his death. . , J' From the earli est history of this college through all its struggles and embarrass­ments, without interruption, Judge Malone until the day of his death was a faithful and earnest member. The college never had a member of the oard who responded more cheer-fully to its call than did Judge Malone. He felt a deep interest in all its af fairs and rejoiced at its success and increas-ing usefulness. . " By his devotion to ~ the College and his long and valuable services, he endeared ~l . himself to every member of the Board and Faculty, all of whom feel -keenly t he loss ' they have sustained. To the surviving members of the Board, it is a matter of great grief, that our late associate should have been called away from us in the midst of .his useful life and at a time when his f ondest hopes for t he prosperity of this college was just beginning to be fully realized.. But, God lmows best and does all things well and we bow with chastened and sorrowing hearts ~d resignation to His inscrutible will As a friend and brot her, as a husband and fathers a neighbor and citizen, as a judge holding evening t o scales of justice to determine r ight s between man and man, or seeing to the honest administrat ion of the estates of the widow and orphan, or~s an humble follower of Christ, Judge Malone was a worthy exampl e of what true and noble Christian manhood should be. Such ,was his ~ife .that we have every assurance < he was ready to .receive the reward of the faithful. As an expression of our high esteem for him, be it resolved by t he Board: . I . In the death of John N. Mal one, t his Board has lost one of its most active , earnest, wisest and devoted membera. < I I . That we wil l cherish hi s memory and endeavor to pr ofit by his many virtues . I II. That in his death, Alabama has l ost a good and pat riot ic citizen and his f amily a loving and deyoted husband and father. IV. That a copy of t hese resolutions. ana preamble be placed on r ecord in our minutes book, and the Secr.etary ,dir ected to ,furnish the family of Judge Y~l one with a copy of the same. (Solomon Palmer, Chai rman Committee CR. F. Kolb (J . G. Gilchrist 143 The petition of Boling A. Blake,r was referred to the Committee on Finance • .. The resignation of George Petrie, adjunct professor of Modern Languages and History was accepted . r . ' By Mr . ,Ligon, Resolved, that Ute President of the college, be and he is hereby authorized to fill t ,he place made vacant by the resignation of George Petrie, by procuring the services of an adjunct professor at a salary not to exceed $800 if practicable . Mr . Stansel from .a -special committee to prepare resolutions on the death of the late Colonel Cliarl~s C .• Langdon, a member of this Board,. submitted the following which were adopted . Se_e ne~ page .. 144 jo Auburn, Alabar. ,9- A. & M. College June 12, 1889 Whereas death has again invaded our circle and removed f~om among us the Honorable Charles C. Langdon the member of this Board from the Mobile '~ istrict; therefore, be it resolved: I. That in the death of Mr. Langdon, the tate of Alabama has sustained the loss of one of its most eminent and honored citizens, this Board its leading and most distinguished member, one of the original members of the Board, ever present . at our meetings, and to whose wise and prudent counsels is to .be attributed in a large degree the success and prosperity of this College, to whose .interests he was always most earnestly devoted, and which is a monument to his wise statesmanship and' patriotic services. Committee (M. L. Stansel, Chairman (Joh. Haralson (R. F. Ligon 145 The petition of Cadets Gregory, Persons, and Broun was submitted to 'the Board and the prayer of the petitioners was not grant ed. the second subdivi sion of Mr. Ko1b's' resolut ion recurring: Mr. Stansel moved to amend t he same by stri king out the words "per annum" where they occur in the resolution . Mr.. Palmer moved that. the sum, fof "$1500" be inserted in lieu O'f "$2000" . Mr. Ko1b moved to lay the amendment of Mr. Palmer on the table. Carried . On motion the second subdivision of Mr. Ko1b's resol ution as amended 'was then adopted. r . Gilchrist moved to reconsider the vote by which an appropriation was refused to ·the Exper~ent -Stations and Schools estab1ished~ by Act o~ the last Legislature. Adopted. t Mr. Haral son moved to amend by stri king out lithe ,sum of $1500" and inserting in lieu $500. Lost . Mr .. Ko1b I s resolution fixing fees of students from 'foreign states being under con-sideration. ' . Mr. Mitchell moved as an amendment to the resolution to insert :$20 in lieu of $40 . The amendment was accepted. . • On mo~ion of Mr . Ligon, that the resolution and 'amendment-be laid on the table. Carried . The Board adjourned unt il 3 O'clock p.m. F. M. Reese Secretary Evening Session June 12, 1889 The Board met according to adjournment, a quorum was present . ' By Mr. Stansel, Resolved, t hat the salary of P. L. Hutchinson, Assistant in Depart­ment of Chemist ry, be f i ve hundred dollars per annum. 'Adopted. By Mr. Haralson, Resolved t hat t he matter of t he Dairy, and any change pract icable to be made with Mr . Ross, or any change in his servi ces, and what he may do at the Experiment St ation, be 'and the same is hereby ref erred to' the Visiting Committee to act in t he premises as in t heir j udgment may be best for the college. And that the Visiting Committee inform Hr . Ross that the College will not purchase the cows under the option under t he contr act with him. Adopt ed~ By Mr. Mitchel l, Resolved that in making his statement hereafter, the Treasurer shall report to the Board of 'I'rustees the bills payable which he has not pai d. Adopted. The Board adj ourned~til 8 o'clock p.m. F. M. Reese Secretary Night session: The Board met at 8 o'clock p .m. and there were present : Thomas Seay, Governor of ' the State; ~r, . Palmer, ~perintendent of .~ucation; and Messrs . Bishop, Gilchris~, Haralson, Kolb, Ligon, Mitchel l and Stansell. Absent, Mr. Harris . A quorum . By Mr . Haralson, Resdlved, t hat when the ~surance on t he Laboratory expires, that the Presi dent be directe~ to renew the same ~th a three. year poli cy at the sum of nine thousand dollars ($9,000); And that when the main building i s completed that he insure the same for not less tpan f ifty thousand dollars· ($50,000) for the term of three)years; And. imtil com­pleted under the present contract, that he insure the main building from time to time, according to its value as it progresses towards completion in proportion to its approJdJnate value as it approaches completion., . II . Resolved, t hat when the main building is furnished and equipped in whole or in part, the President is hereby directed to insure. the furniture and equip:nents for. three-fourths of its value . All of which were adopted. Resolved by the Board, That the Auditor submit the account of the txperiment Station prepared by him under a resolution of the Board, to the Director, and if any difference be found by the Auditor in such account current , compared with the report of the Dir ector, made through the Board of Trustees t o th~ legisla­ture ~f the State at the session of 1886-7 and t he books of the Di rector; t~ dif ference so found, the difference so found, after allowing all just offsets, to which the Director may be entitled, the 5~~ be charged to him and covered int o the Treasury . (Adopted.) Fr om Endowment Fund President of the College Professor of Chemistry Professor of Natural Hist ory Professor of Mathematics Professor of English . . . APPRO PRIA '!'IONS P~ofessor of Ci vil Engineering . , Adjunct Professor of ~odern Languages and History Director of Mechanical Arts Lab . (in part) 1st Asst . " 11 II 2nd II Chemistry Four Asst . Graduates (tutors) House Rent - Three Professors Treasurer (in part) Secretary and Auditor (in pa~) C onnnandant Insurance Trustef?s ' $ 3,000 1,000 1, 000 1, 800 1,800 .1, 800 , 800 400 250 200 , 1,000 800 1, 000 350 300 400 250 Fuel Printing and Advertising Stationery Postage Servants . Military Music Repairs & Grounds Incidentals Chambers Property Furniture & Equipment United States Fund: Uniontown Station Chemists Salary (in part) Natural History Salary (in part) 1st Asst. Chemist Asst. Botanist Dairy - Salary for Ross (in part) 2nd Asst. in Agriculture Dairyman Treasurer Salary (in part) Auditor Apparatus - Botany Library Printing (in part) Stationery & Postage for Station Trustees Field Experiments Labor in Dairy Feeding Cattle & Expenses Arboretum . Rent Cows Biologist Equipment Biology Incidentals Agricultural Fund: (Disbursements) $ 300 300 50 150 360 100 100 100 400 500 2,500 $ 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 500 1,000 650 500 500 150 200 200 000 100 100 500 200 600 50 500 2,000 750 200 Director Agricultural Experiment Station $ 2,500 2nd Asst. Chemist (in part) 800 3rd Asst. · II Hutchinson 500 Labor forEkperiment Station 1,000 Equipment for Experiment Station 1,000 Fteld Experiments (in part) 500 Chemical supplies 600 lnsurance at farm .LOO ~pt. Agri. in College equipment 1,000 1st Asst. Agriculturist (includes house rent) 1,000 Jquipment of Botany and Blilol ogy 500 Hoods and for Chemical laboratory 300 Director of Mechl. laboratory in part 1,000 1st. Asst. It II II" 500 2nd asst. Blakey " " 4OC> Labor II II 100 Coal It It 250 Supplies II " 4OC> Equipment mech. II " 800 For Cheml. laboratory supplies out of proceeds of farm products 400 Balance of proceeds of farm products to be held as a contingent fund. 147 148 Resolved by the Board that the foregoing appropriations out of the several funds specified, be and they are hereby made for the ensuing fiscal year. Adopted. Resolved by the Board that Geo. F. Atkinson be and he is hereby elected Biologist of the Experiment Station and Professor of Bi ology in the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama at a · salary of . $2 ,000 per annum and the use and occupation of this chamber house as a residence, after vacated by the officers now using the same, until further ordered. Adopted. By Mr. Haralson - Resolved that the President of the College be authorized to correspond with and make application to the proper department at Washington, D. C. for a Na~al Mechanieal Engineer. Adopted. By Mr. Haralson - Resolved that the legitimate travel ling expenses of the Director to the local stations established by this Board be paid out of the funds appropriated for making experiments at said stations. Adopted. By the Board - Resolved that the President of the Board of Trustees appoint a committee to consist of three of its members who shall be known as the Executive Committee of t his Board. Adopted. By Mr. Mitchell - Resol ved that the Treasurer and Secretary of the Board be required to keep their books of account and record, and all valuable papers in the vault of the college building "Then the same is completed. Adopted. By Mr. Haralson - Resolved that the unappropriated .bal ance of the fund known as the United States fund, be expended for equiprnents and library for the DepartEent of Biology. Adopted. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Note F. M. Reese Secretary to Bd. of Trustees A & 11 College of Alabama The resolution introduced by Mr. Kolb to make an appropri ation from the Hotels fund or any fUnd of the college to the Experiment Stations at Abbeville in Henry County, and Athens in Limestone County was not adopted. The Board of Trustees refusing to make an appropriation to t hose stations F. r-1. Reese Sec. to Board of Trustees 149 Report of the President of the College A & M College June 10, 1889 To the Trustees of the A & M College: I respectfully report that during the past session there were 209 matri­culates, classified as follows - graduates, 7; first class, 24; second class, 35; third class, 57; fourth class section A, 64; section B, 22. Under the circumstances in "IDich t he college has been placed \'rorking in contracted and temporary rooms, and in several of the departments without proper equipment, its present pro~perous condition is full of~N~l¥lWIgement. The conduct and dilligence of the students has been satisfactory, through their studies were in many cases much interrupted by sickness resulting from the measels and mumps. There were more than fifty cases of measels among the students, but due to the care and skill of the surgeon all soon recovered. At this writing we received the sad news of the death of Col. C. C. Langdon, one of the first appointed Trustees of this Coilege, .. mo was ahm,ys an earnest and warm supporter of all that tended to advance its interests. No one held the course of education as represented by this institution in higher esteem or "TOrked more earnestly for its advancement. The purity and dignity of his character and his long services of t he state and college, will cause his name in the coming years to be highly cherished by this institution. The College Buildings The college building in accordance with the contract is to be co~pleted by by October 1st. The first contract was made with James Swith for ~43,500. The second contract for the interior of the building was made with the same contractor for $25,000 with the provision that proper deductions were to be made for all parts of the specifications omitted by the building committee • Two-thirds of the amount asked for by the Board at their meeting in l'llontgomery was appropriated by the Legislature. The 825,000 asked for and not appropriated was necessary for supplying the building with steam for heating, with water and gas for the laboratories, with furniture and library, and scientific equipment. We are therefore compelled to work another year as best we can but with the hope that the next Legislature will make the appropriation required in order to make this a scientific institution worthy of the State. The "rork on the building so far has been done in a very SUbstantial manner, satisfactory to the architect and the sub-building committee. It is important that the building should be completed fully in accordance vnth the specifications of the architect. 1tJhether to omit any part of the specifications or to exceed the funds appropriated must be decided by the building committee. It is very clear that the policy of the College no,,; should be to appro­priate all funds that may be available to furnish the necessary scientific equipment. Chambers Property The amount due on the purchase of the Chambers property, $16$0, was paid in April to • L. qpambers, administrator, after each heir had given a deed to the property to the college. The deeds, seven in all, are now with one exception recorded in Lee County. This payment was made in accordance with the action 150 taken at the called meeting of the Board after the deeds were examined and approved. Langdon Hall Authority was given to improve Langdon Hall by removing the tower and changing the front. This has not been done, as no means were available. It should be done as soon as the requisite funds can be appropriat ed for the purpose. Instructors The best economy of the college is to have t he . extra instruction required in the .lower cl.asses performed by graduate students. The probably increase of students next session will render assistance of t his character necessary. It gives an opportunity for t he students sel ected to pursue a post graduate course and to better qualify themselves as teachers. I recommend the authority be given the faculty to appoint four undergraduates with a salary of $250 each - the position to be tenable for one year and the duties to be assigned by the resident Mechanic Arts The students in the higher classes in Mechanic Arts have been engaged in constructing a iLO h.p. steam engine, designed especially for running the dynamo. The engine is about constructed as nearly so and can be exhibited at the Hontgomery Exposition. By act of Congress a limited number of officers of the Navy are detail ed to colleges to act as professors of Hechanical Engi..Yleering. If authority be given to make application for such an office, there p:>ssibly could be seclll'edd the services of a valuable professor in a department now devel oping t hat properly belongs to this college. I hereby present for your consideration t he rep:>rts of t he different officers, showing t he character of worle done in each department, and the < appropriations asked for to furnish the supplies and equipment considered necessary. Accompanying t~ same are the inventories of the equipment of the (; experiment station, including the dairy and of the laboratory of Hechanic Arts. Experiment St ation The annual report of the Experiment Station publi shed in February a..."ld herewith submitted, exhibits the character of work done and the Equipment provided for the station. Dr. A. E. M.ayer el.ected Biologist last November, resigned the p:>sition in April. I recommend for the position nOvl vacant, Prof. R. E. Atkinson of the University of South Carolina to be biologist of the station and perform in biology in the college. - to have special charge of plant pathology and entomology. The investigation of these su.bjects is named in the Act of Congress establishi..Ylg t he experiment stations as of the first imp:>rtance among the duties of the station. Nine l ocalities have been selected in different agricultural sections of the state where soil test experiments are now being made according to methods prescribed by the Director. I advise the continuance and enlargement of this 151 work and would press t he importanqe of thus repeating and verifying field e~riments in different · typical · agricul~ural sections af the state vmer~ · the services 'of intelligent fa~rs can be Qibtained who will .accurately perform the ' work r~quired. In. some of the states these adjunct field expe~iments are re- -' , garded \v.ith great f avor, so they have excit ed general interest in agricultural experimentation and have made t he experiments required at a mirriJmrnn cost~ . , .~ It is important that the O~rector should visit the localities 'in the· differ­ent counties where the soil test experiments are bei ng made in order to cQnfer with the f armers as t o the best ~thods t o be used. I therefore advise that an appro­priation be made for this purpose and that the Director be authorized to visit these localities and r~port the result of his examination. ~ The main qu~stion in t he conduct of the Experiment Station to which all others should be . made subordinate, sho.uld be what methods of ,cultivat~on will restore fer­tility to exhauf::3ted lands , and at the same time give t o ~he farmer a reasonablepro= fit. This que.stion i n my opinion is so far reaching and so important to us, that the chief eXB'arimentation and thought of the Station should 'be directed to its ·solut.i~_- 'T'hat method 9f cultivation which retains the fertility of the soil and' increases its annual yield is . practiced. elsev.ll.ere, notably in England and Germany:; and its solution for us is the great problem 'which should be made the life work \ of the Station • . Special Requirement of Act of Congress In the act of Congress approved ~~rch 2nd, 1889, making the annual appropria­tion[ to the ~eriment Station, it is r equired that the "Stations shall devote a portion of their vrork to the exaroination and cl assification of. the soils of the respective Stat es. 1I This \irork is imperative and can be accomplished by .assigning t he duty t o its officers of " the ~ Station and giving such assistq.noe as may be required. If properly ' done it .will prove a wgrk of · value ,to the State and can be so expanded if ,time and proper assistance are gi ven, as t o include the preparation and publication 6f maps illustrating the results, giving the chemical "agricultural, geological and botani-cal classification of the soils of the State. . , Dairy , The ' Dairy establi shed at , the ~ lCl:st al(rlua1 meeting was begun in December, ,the necessary buildings having then been completed, and has been in operation s~nce under the espe cial charge of }~ . Ross. From his report vre find the entire cost of the plant a~d the current expenses of the . dai~J have been to June l~t . as follows: Cost of Barn and Dairy $ 800.00 II II Equipment 540.29 " II Stock food and ice 730.56 The ~mole amount expended to June 1st being $2,356.61. The oroceeds f r om ·the -sale of butter were $.618.17. -In these expenses here reported, th~ ' sa1aries of offi cers and assistant are not included. I recommend that no private ' propert; b~ 'us; d by the Station for e~riment but that all t he cattle ,necessary for the Daipy. be us~d by the Station, so that they can be used as may be deemed best for e~riment e~ -purp~s es • . A Dairy is an essential part of a complete Experiment Station, necessary f or purposes of experi­mentation. But owing to the absence of pasturage, ·tfiis section. o.f our St ation, I · 152 fear, cannot 'be profitably used for Dairy urposes. Hence, the Dairy should not be expanded, but limited entirely 'to t he olu i n of sci entific questions involved in the production of butter. It can also render ood service in demonstrations by careful experiment, the economy and value 'E ensilage and cotton seed"meal. .. , ' '" ! I consider it essential to economy to have only one officer at the Station author­ized to make purchases; and in fact i t 1tfould be be',st to require copies of all orders for supplies to be approved and filed in the Treasurer's Office before being rriAde. I would ' aiso call your att .ention-to ' the fact, that among th~ commit t ees of the trustees, there i s no ~xec~tive Committee named. 7 I ' recommend t hat section/of the rules passed FeoruarY 25, 1888 or ani zing the Station be so amended; as not to requi re each officer of the St ation to issue a bulletin every tnree mo~ths. , t. Every possible care should be taken to gnard t he property of the colle e against ' injury from fire. Besides keeping the property '1'1811 i nsured, I recommend t .. dt, ls~ a large cistern be bUilt near the college building. 2nd,that one 'or more ' offices ~ in t he ' building should De ass igned to discreet Assi stant Inst ructors as lodgi ng rooms, one of whom should have especial care of the building. 3rd, that t he literary societies should not be permit ted to meet in the building at r;dght. I also recommend t hat the college records of value ' be required to be ke t in the vault constructed i n the neW buildLDg. ' Some instruction has been given in pr actical photogr aphy by the Professor of Natural History 'and Geology, and as 'this ' subject is increasing in tmportance to teaffiers and i Rvestigators of Science. ! recommend that authority be ~given to introduce it as ~ ~le of the l~boratory courses of .instruction' in t his college. Finances A review of the Treasury report that the debt of $1,762.01, reported at the close of the last session haa been paid and there i s a balance of 36.82 on hand. The real' estate account shows a debt of ~1,680 incurred in paying for t he Chambers property. The Agricultural account ShOV1S that there has been received from State Commissioner of Agr i culture since October 1st 1888 ~18, 885.33, from farm roducts, .~1,088 .4l, f rom t he Dairy $669. 57, rnaking $20, 643 . 2l. " ' The disbursements have been -on account of Exper iment Stat ion, ' Chemical Department of Station and Dairy Department $11,800.28, ,leaving a balance on hand after pay­ing t he ~ebt of ~2,475.53 existing at -the last report, of $6,368.50, The account of the United St ates fund f or the Experiment Station, shows according to the Treasu.rer's report a ,balance on hand qf $1,941.52. '. - . The fourth quarterly payment of $3, 750 of the ann~l\ appropriat'on by Congr ess val~ be due on July 1st., This whole balance rnust ~ be expended ~ eonstructir.eiy expended by July 1st, or the part unexnended vall be deducted fr mthe next annUal ap ropriation. ' • 153 , ~ The balance at present unappropriated has been designedly reduced in order t o equip the department of biology. '. - Of the appropriat~on made by the last legislature to complet~ the college building $23,000 has b~en drawn and the application made f or $2, 000, t hel remaining . '25, 000 can be drawn ~fter Odtober 1st at which time the bui lding is to be compl~ted . The recent contrapt requires the college t o pay the contractor ~.3 , 000 July ,~st , ' 3,000 August 1st, $),000 September 1st . The Faculty r~ commend t hat the degree of Bachelor of Sci ence be conferred on t he follo\<u ng stwient:.s: - - L. D. Burdet te O. D. Killebreiv A. J . A. M. Lloyd, J. R. ClovIer . vi. L. Hartin A. J. Cranfor.d T. A. Ross B. H. Crensha~ E. J . Spratl~ng A. ,c. Crm·{der. H. }1. Taylor H. G. Crowder. P. T. Ve;qghn H. S. D oste~ . F. H. Vernon .An . St • C. Dun.stan T. f,f. vJatlington P. L. Hutchin.son Also that the, degree of };laster of Sci ence be conferred on: Geo. F . Bro~, E. VI. Harris A. A. Persons. The De~ree o~ Civil Engineer on: J. T. Gregory: S. C. Pitts ro' Respectfully submitted, vlilliam LeRoy Broun Pr esident II 154 Report of the Treasurer for the fis cal year ~nding June 1st, 1889; From Endowment account 11 Incidental " " Surgeon "'_ II II Library II College Account Receipts II Expense - diplomas and sale of old bell II Repairs aCCOlli"1t "Chemi cal " Disbursements By Amount . paid balance June 11}t, 1888 . " " II Salaries 11 II " Repairs & Grounds II II II General Ex ense " II II Stationery II " " Husi c at Commencement II II II It II II II " /I II II II /I II II u II II It II " 1/ II It 1/ II II II II II II " II II " II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Trustees Military Servants Postage Fuel House Rent Special Appropriation Insurance Mechanical Current expenses Physics Natural History Engineering Chemical Library Printing Surgeon Real Estate By Balance Real Estate Account Receipts To Awnunt Incidental fees II II Bills Payable Bank of Opelika Disbursements By Amount Paid 1'1. L. Chambers Agricultural Account Receipts o • 'Ii' 20,280.00 82'5.00 ,fU7 . 50 324.00 186.21 8.00 61.10 . $ 22,501.81 $ 1, 762.01 14, 097.50 119.61 528. 55 40.05 77.35 ' 300.10 98.15 312.00 164.15 374.32 1,000.00 58.05 320.00 985.53 3. 65 57.86 100.00 161.10 324.00 210 . 26 817 . 50 553 . 23 36. 84 ~~ 22,501. 81 553.23 1,600.00 $ 2,233. 23 $ 2, 233 . 23 1888 October 1, To amount received from Com. of Agriculture $ 7,976.54 10, 908.79 1,088.41 667 . 57 1889 April 10, II /I II " II II II II II II II II 1/ II II Farm Products Dairy $ 20,643.31 Disbursement's Amount paid balance Experiment StatiGn Current Expenses Salaries " ' , - Part Salary Treasurer Chemical Department Current 7xpenses Salaries House Rent , Dairy Department Equipment & Current Expenses Balance on- Hand To Balance June 1st, 1888 Analysis Account Receipts l>Iay 31, 1889,·.Ca,sh Professor Lupton By Amount Paid Professor Lupton Balance Dis bursement s Amount 1/ Recapitulation Receipts recei~d from College Account " • II Agricultultural A.ccount II ' II • t , lI Analysis II If • ' II Real Estate ,. Balance Insurance Fund . To Amount Bal-. June 1st, 1888 Disbursements By Amount Paid pn College Building II n fI , . Archi t ect II II , I} _. _ Superintendent Treasurers .com.l. State Appropriations ' Dec . 1888 T~ AillU. from State Treasurer Hay 1889 To II II II , II Disbursements Amount Paid on College Buildip~ II !1 ' ,)1 Archit ect II !1 II 11 IT rr II 11 Balance!1 Insurance Supterintendent of Buildings • ,R~ving Debris . Interest and Exchange I $ 2, 474. 53 3,565.73 2, 849 .33 400 .00 940.31 1, 288.31 200.00 2,556. 61 6 ,~68 . 50 $ 20, 43.31 $ 405 .00 155 395.00 ' . $ 800.00 $' ' 300~00 ' 500.00 $ 800.00 22,501:81 14, 274 .8~ , 300.00 " l,~80~Oo 5, 225.34 ~~ 43,~945.,12 ~p '11, 5.53':$5 ;190.00 284. 00 300 .00 $ 12,327. 85 w 14, 000 .00 ' 9, 000 .00 $ 23 , 00q .00 $ 13,558. 67 500.00 367.50 476'.00 148.87 83.50 7, 865.46 t 23,OOO.OO 156 United States Fund from N:a.r.ch 1888 to June 1st, 1888 Receipts 1888 l'ia.rch 27. To. Amount Recei ved from U. S. Treasurer 1888 April 19, tI II II 11 II II II Disbursements By Amount Pai~ Ag~i cultural Department, Equipment II II 11 :Chemical II II , II II II Botany II II II II It '. Library II · , II II II Trustees II II II II Printing II II II Uniontmm Station Balance on: hand JW1e 1, 1888 ,June 1st to 0<:tober 1st, 1888: Receipts To Amount Balance From United-States- Treasurer · Disbursement'S Amount paid s~larie~ II II Chemical Department building II II Farm < II II II· E,q'uipment II II Chemical II II II · , - Bot~t· . ", II II Library II II Exp . Officers II II P:r:int~' II II Stationery II II Trustees II II Advertising 11 11 FUrniture II II Unionto~m St ation United States Fund Recapitulation To Amount received for the year 1877-8 Disbursements Amount Paid Agricultural Department Equipment II II II 11 Building II II 11 11 II - n II II II II II II II II 11 II II II Ch.emic,al II II I Equipment Botanical 11 II Unlontovm Station Liprary Pr.inting Trustees 'Salaries Stationery ~~ 7,500 3,750 $ il, 250 $ 1,7S9.46 803 .75 3is. 65 61 .20 173 .15 17. 50 1, 500.00 $ 4,66:).71 6,586·f 9 ~t 11,250.00 ~p 6,586.29 3,750 .00 $ 10,336.29 , 612.50 800.00 2,200.00 792 .74 3,596.25 181.43 1,437.82 15. 65 88 .• 11 31.00 26 .94 4.15 49~70 500.00 '$ 10,;336.29 $ 15,,000.00 $ 2, 582 .20 2,200.00 800.00 4,400.00 500.00 . 2,000.00 , - 1,499.02 105. 61 200 .00 ' 612.50 31.00 157 , Amount Paid Expenses O! f icers <!i' .jj> 15.65 II II Advertising 4.15 11 II Furniture 41.10 $ 15,000.00 • . October 1888 January 1889 April 1889 Recei pts from October 1st, 18~8 to June 1st, 1889 , To Amount From U. S. Treasurer $ 3,750.00 II II , II n II " II It , II II II ,II Disbursements 3,750.00 3,750.00 $ 11,250.00 Amount Paid Trustees $ 21.07 II II n il II n n ' ~ , tI It n II 11 II II II , .II ' II . II ,.. r II II II It - . 11 H Expenses of Officers Botanical Equipment ... <_ Chemical II ... Farm Library Salaries Uniontown Station Printing Arboretum Stationery PostE!ge Balance 67. 89 ' 444.47 384.37 ~ 400.36 153.10 5,904.00 1,500.00 351.02 46.Q9 . 14.00 22.11 1.1941.52 $ 1l,250.00 E. T. Glenn, Treas~er A. & 1'1. College 0 158 To the Board of Trustees of A. & H. College I herewith submit my report as Auditor. AubUrn, Alabama Jtme 8, 1889 From t ime to t ime, I have examined the books of the Treasurer and compared the large number.-of_voucbers on file, with entries therein. The initials of my name wil l be found endorsed on each voucher. The vouche~s ~nd entri es correspond. In accordanc& with a resolution of the Board, quarterly bal ance sheets of t he . College account proper, and the Department of Agriculture have been made a.l1d whi ch accompany t hi s report marked Expt . A and wai ch I ask to be taken as a part thereof. The United Statea Fund, accruing from the Hatch Act, as required by the Board has been Kept separate and di stinct by the Treasurer. Balance sheets ·of ·that fund mar ked Expt. ~ also accompanies t his report, ,~i ch I ask the Board to adcept as a part of the same. The bank b901-o (pass) of the Treasurer, together l,.r.i.th cash and evi dences of advances made to offioers' .of the college, balance. The appropriation made by the last legislature for building pur oses is being expended by the Treasurer for purposes -of the gr ant . I have also examined the books of the Director of the Exper iment Station. His book consists of one in which t here is itemized his disbursements and recei pts from four products,et c. He has a stub book on l~ich the vouchers are humbered to corr espond ~~th book enties. They were compared and found to be correct, and ~rere noted after comparison . Slllce 1st Jlli~e 1888 I find no errors in the book of the Director. Prior to that time and continuing f r om 1st April, 1888 to 1st June, 18$9, the Treasurer i nforms me the Director has paid into the Treasury one hundred and sixty one 22/1.00 dollars; orie hfuldredJano."fifty three 52/1.00 dol l ars of which are Shovffi in a batch of accounts here\vith r esented (8 copy). The Director informs me he has no book entry of them. In examination I find t wo entri es in t hese accounts whi ch correspond with entries in the old account book of the Director heretofore disposed of, viz: 684 Ibs. pork at 6 cts. 433 II stag pork at 5 cts . making $41.04 23 . 81 $64. 85 These two items have heretofore been accounted for and his old book ~rill show that he char ged himself with the two items. Therefore, the Director should have credit for that amount . Other i tems in the batch of accounts , I do not id~ntify in such a manner as to show that the Director should have any other credits allolved on that account. 159 In accordance ~nth a resolution of the Board of Trustees, requiring the Auditor to prepare in duplicate accounts current for the period of time as shmrffi in the ac­counts, to be taken f rom the books of the Director, from st a-t~ement_ from report of t he Board of Trustees to the Legi slature, based on statement of t he Director, I state t he order of the Board has been complied "nth and that said account current is here,.nth submitted and will be placed on 'file. Any f urther i nformation desired by the Board, if in my pm'Ter i'rill be furnished to them. Respectfully submitted, F. M. Reese Auditor BALANCE SHEE'r COLLEGE ACCOU1lT June 1st, 188$ to October 1st, 1888: Receipts: Expense Account Library " Repairs II Chemical ,, -- Surgeon " Incidental " Endm1lIlent n Balance Overdrawn Disbursements; " By Balance . Repairs Accoupt Expense /I lYIusic n lvli1itary 'I- ~' Trustees It Printing " Salaries n Servants II Postage 11- Fuel n House Rent II . Special Appt •. 11 Mechanics II Library II Surgeon /I' 186.21 148.00. 8.00 13.60 350.00 370.00 5,070.00 lz172.:29 $ 12;218.20 1, 762;Ori 50.52 79.52 77.35 10. 65 202.40 98.35 3,362.50 42.00 94'.81 98'.35 250.00 51.00 476.24 12.50 :250.00 $ 7,:218•20 160 'I BALANCE SHEET AGRICULTURAL ACCOUNT From June 1st, 1888 to October 1st, 1888 Receipts: (nil) Disbursements: By Balance Experiment Station Account Salaries II - Chemical Department II Receipts: To College Account Amount Overdrai'lIl Disbursements: . By Amount College Account RECAPITULATION n II Agricultural Department . , $ $ $"r $ BALANCE .!~liEE~·.FRON OCTOBER 1st, 1888 to JANUA'J1. .Y 1st, 1889 • • ' . -- _<... • • Coll ege Account ~ "Receipts Library II ,. Surgeon [I • • Incidental II Balance cr~erdralqn DisbursemEmts: . Balance Repairs Account Expense II Stationery " . , r'til i tary II Printing " Trustees II Salar i es " Hire Servant It Postage " Ins urance II ~ . •. ". " " Mechanic Arts "DE! t.- Account Library II Physics II Natural HiS'ory II Real Est a,te II Surgeon II $ $ $ 2,474.53 1,163 .14 613 .33 124& 4,375.84 6,145.81 "5z548.23 11, 694.04 7,318.20 4z375 .84 11,694.04 21.00 67.50 52.50 3,146.33 3,277 • .33.. 1,172.39 33 .58 174.30 18. 55 28.85 34.50 48.'15 525 .00 45 .00 26.36 112.50 358.75 74.32 3.65 .10 553.23 67.50 3,277.33 BALANCE SHEET AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT FROH OCTOBER 1ST, 1888 TO JANUARY lST, ~ 1889 Receipts: From St ate .Agr i cultural Department II Farm Products Balance ov:erarawn Disbursements : By Amount Overdra~m Salaries . House Rent . Ourr ent Expenses Experiment Station 11 t1 Chemical Department Dairy Receipts : College Account Agricultural" Department RECAPITULATION Amount Overdi-a'ltm January 1st, 1889 Disbursements : .. , - -- . On College Account.: .: . II Agricultural Department BALANCE SHEET COLLEGE ACCOUNT FROM(JAtIDARY 1st , 1889 to APRIL 1st, 1889 Receipts : From Endo"Wment-. . II · Incidental II Li br ary II Surgeon II Chemical II Incidental II Surgeon ' 11 Balance' 161 ~~ 7, 916 . 54. 265 .98 r " 271. 86 ~~ 4,375 . 84 1,329.89 50 .00 791.33 231.04 1,736. 28 ~p 8, 514.38 141.00 ' ~ 8, 242. 52 " 3,408.19 11, 791.71 $ 3, 277 . 33 8, 514,38 $ 11,791.71 $ 10,140. 00 50.00 20.00 50.00 2. 50 245 .00 175.00 272. 61 $ 10, 955.11 162 Disbursements : By Balance " Repairs Account 11 Expense II St ationery Ii Trustees . '! II Sal aries • II ~lili tary . II Servant Hire-_ ' Postage Fuel House Rent Insurance lvIechanics Li br ary Surgeon Printing Natural History . . r, Re.ceipts : To Balance 1\ Farm Pr oduets " II II • II II n • II Dairy Disbursemen.ts : .. By Balance II House Rent II Salari es II Experiment St ation Chemical Depar t ment Dai ry Receipts: Endovnnent Fund Incidental Surgeon Li brary Chemical Department BALANCE SHEET AGRICULTURAL DEPARTI\1ENT FROH January 1st to April 1st, 1889 BALANCE SHEET COLLEGE ACCOUNT FROH APRIL 1st TO JUNE 1st 1889 $ 3,136.33 11.90 206 .. 43 . 21. 50 44. 50 6,250 .00 33 .1+0 45 .00 2.25 . 13 .97 500.00 97 . 50 231 . 57 89. 65 225.00 11.00 35.16 10, 955 .11 ), 233 .33 406 .09 98.46 117.30 202.21 4J 057 .39 271. 86 100.00 1, 436.09 1,184.05 520 .97 544·42 4,057 .39 5, 070:00 107. 50 175.00 135.00 45 .00 5z532. 5.Q. Disbursements :. By Balance . II Repairs Acc.ount. " Expense - n II Trustees II II Engine er ing II II Salaries " II hlitary II Servants " Postage II Fuel II II Speci al A ptn. Account II Insurance II Mechanics " Library II Surgeon " Printing II House Rent II II II II II II " Natural Hi st9r,{ " II Balance II BALANCE SHEET AGRICULTURAL DEPAR'I'HENT From Apr i l 1st to ,June 1st, 1889 Receipts: From Comwissioner of Agr i culture If Farm Produc:ts If Dairy Di sbursements : By Balance . .. ' Sal ar,{ at ~~eri~ent St ation Experiment St at ipn Chemical Salary . House Rent Dairy Balance BALANCE SHEET UNITED STATES FUND . ~m! ~qTOBER 1, 1888 to January 1, 1889 Receipts: .. . ' . . - ~,. .. Amount from Uni t ed St ates Treasurer Di sbursements : By Amount Tr ustees Account II II Botanical Dept . Account II " Li brary II II II Salary rI II II Uniontmm St ation " II II Printing II II If Agricultural Dept . II II " Chemical II $ 272. 61 23.61 68. 20 4. 50 100.00 3, 660 .00 25 . 25 30 .00 40 . 73 133 . 00 7.05 110.00 247 . 97 147. 53 175.00 16. 40 250 .00 22. 60 198.05 ~~ 5,532. 50 $ 10, 908.79 200. 58 4Vj .36 $ .11, 570 . 73 $ 11, 576.73 3,750 .00 ~"?' 21.07 2.00 6. 55 1, 858. 00 500.00 85.00 310. 70 l46 . 52 164 By Amount Arboretum Account II II BaJ.ance on Hand From January. 1 to April 1,1889: Receipts : Balance Fr om Unit ed States Treasurer Disbursements: By AWDunt to. Expenses Officers 1/ Botanical. Department II Libr ary , I I Salary II Uniontovm. Station II Printing " . 11 Ar bor etum. II Balance. o.n .I18:nd, BALANCE S}~T U"ITED STATES FUND From April 1st t o June 1889: Receipts: To Balance From United . ~ta~es Tre~s urer Disbursements: Botanical Department Library Salary Uniont01,m Printing Agr i cultural D~partment Chemical II. Arboretum St ationery Post age Balance on Hand $ 8.26 811. 60 3,750.00 . 1i' 811.80 3,750.00 ~ 4, 561.60 :ttl 67.89 355. 39 122. 87 2, 019. 50 500.00 107.47 25 .00 ~3~2 . ~4 ~Y ' 4, 5 1. 0 $ 1,372.48 3, 750.00 L~~J& $ 86.78 23.68 2,035.50 ' 500.00 158.55 89. 66 237. 85 12.83 14.00 22.11 1,941.52 5,122.48 E ITONE FRON BALANCE SHEETS ON ACCOUNT OF EXPERlllliNT STATION Fiscal Year f rom June 1st, 1888 to June 1st , 1889: Receipts , from Farm Products,: For the Months of June, July and August of 1888 September and November, 1888 From December 1st, 1888 to February 1st, 1889 In February, 1889 From }iarch 4th, 1889 to April 6th, 1889 II April to June 1st , 1889 Sale 6 bales cot t on and other produce These sbould be added to t his amolint •• a bat ch of alc sales, farm products re orted by Director, but not on his books . Less ~ 64. 85 "lith which the Direc­t or has heretofore charged himself. The sales above alluded to amou.Tlg t o ~~153 . 52 from 169 . 93 96.05 232 . 63 117.30 88.55 112.03 -r-::~27~1. 92 -"' .J 1, 088.41 "rhich deduct fp64. 85. Gives correct amount of f our products $ 88 . 6Z ' ~ " (sales) $ 1,177.08 EPITONE OF DISBURS]1;HENTS BY DIRECTOR For Fiscal Year June 1st, 1888 to JaDe 1st, 1889 : On Account of Labor n II II Repairs n II II Equipments " II It Soils II n II Stationery & Postage II II II Freight II II II Stock II iJ II ' Soil Tests II II It Li brary II II n Supplies 'II .. II ' , .J 11 Salaries, Newman and Lloyd II 11 1/ ' Seeds & Pl ants II II II Ferti l i zers II II II Prin,.ting . - ~~ 1,340.58 436. 22 2, 448;33 39.36 48. 29 185.79 101.92 , 51.9'5 , ' 311'.16 134.90 90.00 - 103'.26 678. 98 '253".18 $ 6,1.33.92 165 166 Professor J . S. Ne~man, Director Auburn, Alabama June, 1$89 Five months wer~ consumed after the creation of t his Department, in obtaining plans, and spepif ications of cattle barns , Dairy and i ce house, and the comple­tion of t he s~ . • t The pract i cal yrork of the dairy dates f rom December 1st 1$$$ and endL~g June 1st 1$89. 1;·e ha~e . made as f olIo fS : . 27,$91 lb9 • of milk 17, 664 oz, butter. The experiments that have been made are published in bulletin 5 ne~" ser i es. Number of cattle on hand June 1, 1889: 1 Jersey bull 2 It calves 1 Holstein • 3 J er s ey co-:,f,3 ..1. It heifers 10 head - which belong to the Station. The Ross cattle are: 10 Jersey co~{S 6 calves . lb - making ~n ~ .26 head. , The St atement fxom Treasurer ' s report .rill show cost of plant, cost of equi pment and f ixtures, Qost of labor and dairy man ' s salary. This Statement ~and an inventory of everything on hand,' both of barn and dairy please find attached t ,o t hls report ., . Statement of r~ceipt s and disbursements of the dairy department of the Agricultural Experiment Stat.ion as shmoffi from the Treasurer ' s books 'whi.ch c01"r espond ,d t h my O\"ffi . To amount of ~ppropriation ~~ 2, 2'70.00 Travelli ng ~enses ' 16$. 96 But ter Se arator 200 .00 $ 2, 638. 96 Disbursements: By Amount Cost Cat tle Barn 450.00 II II II Dairy 350.00 11 II II Equipment 610 . 84 II II 11 Stock Food 660.01 II II " Labor 116.-00 II II If Travelling expenses 168. 96 II II II Separator 200 .00 ae ~~ 2, 556.61 Balance 82. :25 $ 2, 63$. 96 Amount paid Treasurer: Proceeds sale of butter II II 1 bull calf Keeping cows Service 'of bull Flax seed - Doctor Broun Ice to Brya...T1t Salary of J. vi. Hart dairyman Ross, 1st Asst . Agri<?ulturlst 618.17 39.00 7.00 5.00 ,. .15 .25 669 .57 266.50 167 168 Auburn, Alabama Jun~ 2£5-29, 18£59 At a meeting ~ of , the Board of Visitors to the Experiment Station of the A. & M. College of AlaDama, there 1~re present: ~~ . Gilchrist, Chairman; and Messrs. Ligon and lviitcnell, who constitute the Conunittee. By l1r. Mitchel1, Resolved, that t he proceeds of the farm products, be paid into the Treasury as -a contingent fund for t he Agricult ural Department of the Station. Adopted. . By ¥~. Ligon, ResoIved"tnat;it be discretionary 11ith Mr. Ross, 1st Asst. Agri-' culturist, to attend the fair at Opelika, Montgomery and Birmingham; taki ng for exhibition such cattle, farm products, etc., as he may deem proper. Adopted. By !1r. Li gon, Resolved that t he Director of t he Station be authorized to employ, temporarily, at the Station, at a salary not t o exceed ~~20 per month, Hr. Vlatling­ton for t 1tlO months, and after that t o make such arrangements as he may deem proper ~dth one of t he students at a sal ary hot to exceed $15 per mont h. Adopted. By 1~ . Li gon, Resolved that there be set aside ,?140 or so much t hereof as may be necessary from t he contingent fund for f eed and other necessary demands in the department of Mr. Ross. Adopted. Resolved, that the Agricultural Experiment St ations established by the Legisla­ture, being separate and di stinct from the col lege, and not being in any manner under the control of the Trustees of t hi s Institution. No officer of thi s college or St ation 11ill be permit t ed to absent himself from t he college during i t s ses­sion thereby neglecting his official duti es in order to att end to any of~ice connected .. dth said sepa.rate St ations. Adopted. By ~w. Ligon, Resolved that it is expedient t hat ¥tr. Ross, 1st Assistant at the Agri cultural Experiment Station, be authorized and di rected to relieve the Director of the Station of all that portion of the Agricultural farm not required for experi­mental purposes and the case of t he personal property attached to and belonging to the same. That the said Ross be required to superintend the gatheri ng, housing and taking care of the growing field crops and also to control and apply all solid and liquid manure of the St ation. The meaning and intent of t his resolution is so to divide t he duties of the Director and 1st Assistant at the St ation, as to con­fine the Director to experiments to be made so far as f i eld crops are concerned and the said Ross to look to the cult ivat i on of t he remainder of said f arm with the view of making it self sustai ning as to feedi ng all the stock at said St ation. Adopted. F. M. Reese Secretary Auburn, Alabama October 31, 1889 169 At a called meeting of~he Committee of Visitors, there were resent Messrs. J . G. Gilchrist and J. B. Hitchell. A~s ent; Hr. Li gon. Resolved, that there be reserved for Professor Newman for experimental purposes: 1st, 1tfuat is kn01rffi r as the t en acre field and ten acres including original f orest and land her et ofore cultivated nOvi gro'l'm up in pine. 2nd, The present horticultural grounds with the addition t hereto, t he land lying due South, and extending to the edge of the grove near the -dairy. 3rd; Of personal, property: One mule named Jim and the one horse vlagon nOvi on the farm; One Bixie turn plovi and attachments; One one-horse hillside plow; One r homas harrow; One plqvl stock and attachments and such articles, implements, etc., as may be recei ved by him in the division of personal property on the farm. Adopted. Resolved that there be made by Professor and Hr. Ross an inventory of all the personal property belongi ng to the Experiment St ation and that a l ist of such arti­cles as t hey ~y respectively r eeei ve, be f iled 1 ·th the Treasurer of the College. Adopt e ~ . Resolved, t hat t he resolut ion adopted by the Committee be modified to t he ext ent t hat Professor Newman shall have for his use one t hird of the stable manure on the Station and Hr . Ross the balance. Adopted. Resolved, that ~he proceeds, arisi ng from the sale of butter made at the Experiment St ation be· classed as farm products, and the same or so uch t hereof as may be necessary be and is hereby appropriated f or the purpose of conducting experimental and farming operations at the Station. Adopted. eso1ved, that 111'. Ross be, and he is hereby authorized to- sell or exchange as he may deem best, the t wo mules named George and ~1ike and procure two good mules in t hei~ stead. Adopted. Resolved, that Doctor William LeRoy Broun be, and he is hereby authorized to att~nd the American Association of Agricultural Colleges to be held in the City of Washing­ton in November prox. and t hat his expenses be aid by the College~ Adopted. The Committ ee adJourned. F. 11:. Reese SecretaryAuburn University Board of Trustees18891880sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1875-1929: The New South EratextpdfBOT_1889.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1889This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7353