1873 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1873Auburn, Alabama July 29 , 1873 The Board of Directors or the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Alabams met in the aa.u of the ~'e it Society at 5 o ' clock p. Ol. There were present of the Board Hh Excellency Governor David P. Le...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7332
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1873 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1873Auburn, Alabama July 29 , 1873 The Board of Directors or the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Alabams met in the aa.u of the ~'e it Society at 5 o ' clock p. Ol. There were present of the Board Hh Excellency Governor David P. Lewis , Col. ~!. L. Stansel , J. N. Malone , Thomas D. Osborne , C. C. Langdon, J . B. Scott , and W. C. Dowdell. Honorable «illiam H. Ba rnea, Preeident of the Board, being absent , on moticn of C. C. Langdon , Mr. J . N. Malone we called to the Chair . On motion of Hr . Osborne, the Board adjourned to 8 o ' cloCk a .m. tomorrow. The Board met at 9 o'clock a .m. in College Buildings July 30, 1873. There .... e:rEI present the Preaident, Honorable ,'lilliam H. Barnes , Messrs . Stanse l , Langdon, Nalone, Oaborne , Scott , and Dowdell. Revuend I . T. Tichenor, President of the College, read hh report which on motion of Hr. "'.alone wa(J ordered to be on the table for the present . E. T. Glenn , Treasunor, submitted his report which cn motion of Mr . Osborne was ordered t o lie on the table for the present . On motion , the President appointed on the Report of President Tichenor ' s report the followiI'l8 comnittee to wit : Messrs . Osborne, St ansel and Langdon . On rn:.tion of Mr . Osborne, the President appointed a coamittee on the report of the Treasurer : Hessrs . "'.alone , Scott., and 00,,6ell. On moticn the request of the Cadets to have the use of the College Building fora hop was granted . On motion the degree of A.M. Ioas conferred by the Board of Director .!! on the following named gentlement, viz;. Lewis A. Dcwdell Alabama Leander Jackson Texas Caleb Und.!58.y Alabama T. J . Lamar Alabama. Rev. A. S. Oouglass Alabama On motion the Board adjourned until 3 o ' clooll: p.m. The Board met at 3 o ' clock p.m. Present - The President, W. H. Barnes, Measrs. Malone , Langdon, Stansel, Deborne , Scott , and Dowdell. Mr. Stansel on conmittee of the report of the President of the College submitted the followil18 report and on motion the report .... as taken up seriative . The committee tc whom "Wn.!! referred the report of the President of the College beg leave to report the following resolutions and recomend their adoption. 1. Re$OlYO<i that the 1'reuw-er ot the Aerlcultural &; K«ht.nieal Collett! ot u..btJu be and he is hereby au thorlzed With tho adv1ee ot tile Pro81dentottheCollegoanciupontheapprovalottheProsicentot th1sBoarei to purd1.R&e sueh lard U lllAybe required f'D rthe use ot the Collego not to oxcoed ono hurdrod acres. 2. Resoll'ed. t~ t thO!IU" ot bIQ thousand. lbUarsbe and the 5lIIIIB 18 hereby appropriated. tor Ulo purpose ot equ1pp1ng the COllef;e tarm 1n aceordanc ew 1threcol!'l!lend.at1on s otUl ll~ortotPres1dent o tthB ~;:I:e~h ... ,. , • ..... .1 ... ~,. .. 'f>t>- ("4,".pt. 0'" "'e.Jf~ P"1e. J. Tho rule il adopted b,. the t'(2l1tyand to be printed. "deh .. hon delle are to be hereto attaehttd. and beco .. a po.rtotthe reoordsol the B<».reiot!)1reemrs. The iblloWing rule ... 8 written out and prepared tor vend. vi'. The Preddont ' s Esoff1c10 eha1man ot the lacultu. am as a mer.iler, will be allowed a vote on all questions and the casting vote i n ease or a till . Hewillh .. e eenllrDleovern:!r)ntottheCollece and exerc1ae &"nera1 3Upems1on OVEr ill IIII.tters ot stu:tY and schola stic dlseipUm _ will alcgest to the Soard ot Directors plans tor ~l';t1' - 1nt:th eclll racter and atand:1ng anddevelop~theustltullmssottbe COllege - ldU reoomrend su.1tabl.e persons to f1llvartoUB chaira."d lwl will be the organ ot cOI1ll1Un:L::at1onbetweentlt Faculw and Eoard of Directors. Cor.urandantofCadets~schargeottheIllll1\:.ary"depart.lllant . !leviU haWl autlmr1ty to pmlbh and. tull power to enfbrce all o rder s he I'IaJ'fiDi:lnecessazytorthegol'erm:entandwellbeingotthecorpsot Cadets to conduct 1n a per tect aanner all the details ot thB m111tar,r systel!l. - to regula to t he time tor parades. drilJ.s ,1n11pecUons. roll call ~ , "'\lnti~ and rel1ev1ng gla reis, to secure proper diue1pUne oreier and cleanl1nl ss and to earry outthe duties here1n us1(ned hiln. During the' absenee ot the President, he ehall exerche t he authority tothatottice. In retard to that portion or the President ' s report. rupecting adclit1o~ profeS80r~1p!1 your coJllll1ttee are unable w1thoot further intoma.t1on to Jr8ke any sat1stactor report and reter thB eatIQ back to the Soard tor furthe r consideration. Your col!fllittee reports tha t it 1$ inexpedlont to in:reaae t he 8&1a17 ot the Coanandant or Cadets em Protes80r oC Civil Erel- neeri~ . Your col!lll1t t.ee reCOlnends the a<bption ot the tollovinjl r uolut1onsl Reoolved. that the Secretary or the Board or Directors be appointed L1l>rarian ot the College with IWthodty to collect 1:.ooks tor the Colle811 with a salaI)" of two hun:lred aid titt,. dollare. P.eoolftd that it be the duty oC the President of the COllege mil tae to Ume to report to Uda Boa rei :6IY derelict10n on the part of officers or the College 1n the discharge ot duty 1n IIOrala or otherw1ee further action ottheBoard.. Your committee report.> favorably to the Educating one aericulturist fr(J'll each county. On J:IOtion the followilll: rules were adopted. (See IJ) on preceding page) . on !!lOtion of Colonel I£ngdon, the rules aCNed on by the Faw.lV be adopted and recognized by t he Board of Directors be rules to pern them. On !!lOtion of Colonel stalsd that the office of assistant proiusor and theswoehblreby~abolished . By the S8JIIII that a chair of English Literature be established With a salary of eighteen hunlred dollars per annum. Resolved 'by Colonel Langdon tha t a chair of ~ral Philosophy be established witb a &.ary of eil11teen hundred dollars per annun. Resolved by Colonal Mal ono that Assistant Prof essor O. D. Smith be unanin::>ualy elected Professor of English Literat ure , which was done by the Eoard. Resol ved by Colonal Langdon that Reverend S. R. Ross be unanimously elected Professor of Moral Philosopl\y, Iobich was done by the Board. On motion the report of the COllnittee on the Treasurer' s :report was adopted, which is in the folloWing words ; viz. We the ccmmittee to..mom the Tr easurer ' s report vas submitted bee leave to report that we have elQl,J:lined the S(llle Or will. as we could in the limited time allowed us and find it correct. In rel ard to that part of t he Treasurer's reportin r elation to the bonds and settlement of the com:dssioners appointed by the lecislature for the settlement of the Agricultural College fund in think they have settled on thll correct basis and we recollV'llBnd that t he TreIl BUrer ins i st upon II .oottlelll'lnt on that basis. We approve of t he Treasurer having t aken AlabW'la !!IOnsy in paym ... nt of the July i nterest for 1872 and as the f acult;y r eoieved this IDOney in part plt;Y1OOn t of thek' salaries at par, which was at the time at a discount at t he rate of 6 per cent. We r ecol!1lllllnd that tte said discount be alloved them. We have exwnined t he Treasurer ' s report and find that all the items have been properly audited and are cOrrect. In regard to the salary of the secretary, ve !XI I.. having the minutes before us, prefer having the matter COJ:le up before the Eoard - all of which ve :respectfull<r submit. George S. Scott, Chairlllan. On rootion of Mr . Malone - the report of the treasurer be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Directors. On motion the Treasurer be directed to pay the balance of exp emes of cadets to the city of Montgomery. On !!lOtion of Col. Stansel that W. H. Barnes, President of the Board, 'iI.C. Dovdell and J. B. Scott be appointed an ex&cuti ve committee. 1'1'1 Moved and l18Con!!ed that the l'8l1Olution b,. Which the Board of Oired:lrll retu58d to confer the degree of D. O. be reoonsidel"8d, ..tU.ch was done. On lIOt1on oC fl.r. Osborne t.hat the A&r1eultural and Mechanical CoUe!:" oonter t.he de!:ree ot D. O. on the Collonnc !:ent.l.er.!ent.; to nt. Reverend W1liu.r. Shapard , MobUs Uab&J:la Reverend M. S. Andrells, Selma, Alabllllla Reverend Josephus $tackeUord, Tu!lCUlllbia , Alaba/!la. Rovllrend J(lseph M. t'eave r , LouieT1lle , Kentucky. TIle IIIOtion was adopted. On IIIOtion of Col. Lan!:dlln the secretary be paid the !IUIII of five hun:lred dollars lor se1'rices tor 11172. On motton of Col. LanBdon the !:Iat.ter oC expenses irz:urred b;r the two societ.ies tor p8no&nent 1J:1pTOl'_nt be subod.t.ted to the treasurer and W. C. Dowdell forreiJllburscent. On IIOtion of Mr. Malone, U1.e Board adjourned sine die. F. M. Reese Sucretar,ytoBoardoC01rectors. Report of the President of the Agricult.ural aoo Mechanical College submitted at the annual r.Jeeting of the Board of Directors held in the CollaeeBuildingJulyJ:l, 1.87). Gentlelllentof t he Board of Directorsf Auburn, Alabama July,l87) The secord 58ssion of the A. &: M. Colleee of Alabama now closing, opened on the lst of January last un:Ier circumstances of peculiar diseourage!lll'lnt. The college was in debt - the faculty unpaid - its nnancial reoources undet.9nnined. We had 00 desk. or other furniture suited to the wants of the students and no money to buy with. For the first week or two , Cadets C8!'le in slowly - even those in Auburn lar;ged behind. ~arraS:ll:lcnts un­paralled in the histo ry of our pcople oppressed the land and ewrything wore an aspect cheerless and dreary. The officers of the College addrossed thenselves to tlx! d1fficulttask =~~~:s~em arxl by patience and coura".. . have achieved an encouraging The action of the Boardatitslastllleetingtogotherwiththepersevcrine effort~ of your treasurer has resulted in a rlaterial imprCl'lBlllllnt of the financialcordi\:'ionofthacollege. One hundred and three sbJ.dent" haw been tBtriculated within the session of seven !'!!Onths. Tho avera!,:e attendance has been abou\:. 95, comparing very favorably in this respect with tha older institutions of tha state. The discipline of the College has been excellent an::!. the procress of tre stUdents generaJ.l,y satisfactory. IJ.NDS All! BUIWI1(lS. The offer of the East AlaballlQ College and of citizens of Auburn to the state included the College Buildings and two hundred acros ofland - thirteenacresofland,onwhichthecollece st.andstogetherwith saventy- five acres lying aboat three fourths of a mile Southwest of the Building, have been deeded t.o the A &: M Collegg . A subscription of twelve acrns of 11ll'Xi llIade by a cUhen of Auburn by my advice was exchaneed for one acred and the building thereon adjoinin(l the colleee COums. '!he ColleE" has tJ1us received the equivalent of one hundred acroe of land. It was un:Ierstood that Mr. Adrian Frazer WJuld e;!.ve the reJllllinin(: one hurdred acres to the CellaE" and on this subs.:ription the pled{;e of two hundred acres was I'\ade to the gt"te. It >ms afterwards ascertained that Mr. Frazer wa!! Willin.:: to eive only the right of use of such lam. A!! these lands from their distance and other consideration could not at present be ma.de avaUable, no action wa5 taken to perfect the arrangement. It was preferred to refer the whola mattor to the BOard. The seventy five acres purchased by Citizen" of Auburn for t.I)e Celle!,:e are not united to its wants. At the last 1118etill3 of the Board, it was stated that the individuall<lho acted as aeent for the citizenll of Auburn in the purchasa oftheselarrl!l hadaereedtotak eth!!mfrol!ltheColleeeattl)f: ~prlce paidforthem . Actineun:ierinstructionsfrO!.ltheBoardandre~upontheir provision, your treasurer proceeded to bareain for the lands desired for the Colleee. A.rter it vu too lat!'! in good faith to 1101119 of the partiee troll! whoI'! wch lAnds W()re purchased to recede troll! the contracts, he l earned that the individual upon wbc>80 proI'llise he had 00 eonr1dmtly relied, was u nw:l.lline to take the la~s purchased by him tor the Coller:e at /!lOre than one fifth Uleircost. 1 careful oonsiderat.ion of the Wlole question brought us to tm COlle&'O to ooneludetho purehaseandthecontractsweroacC()!"'d1nglyco~leted . This vas done With mluctmlce as it d1Jo.inished over lUdte<l l118ans and prevented us trom makillll such ilTIprovel'lents as vere UeatJ.y meded. The land purchased by your TreaS'llrer a short d1stance to the eouthwest ot the Coll.e~ bi1l.dill,'; turn1shed the but location tor a S!W.l.l tanl convenient to the instiwtion. As it NY btl desirable to have SOI!Ie other lams lyin& adjacent to these and u these lands III&Ybc thrown upon the IIIIlrket at a tille when i t h impossible to have ~diate .ction by the Board, it is n\COJaended that the Tmasurer of the College with thlt advice of t he President and Ull approval at the Pl-esident at the Board of Director s be empowered to lIIake purchases at land not to elCC&ed one hundred acres. COIJ.EG1" FA:~. It is des1£ned to devote the lands recentl,y pu.rehased to the purpose of an e"f)erinental f ara.. i'!Ost of the ground which had not beon in rultivation tor SOllie years has been planted in cotton with the viev of prepar!ne it to begin operations tlUs tall. $)ne crasses am fO I"a11l plants have been tried, but the seaoon was 90 tar ad"anced berore tho ooU could be prepared thDt but little wne elCJ>!'!ct.ed frolll than. They hue fully r<lalized our eXpectations. The lands in rear of the collega bu1ld1ncs Will ba set 1n tr..,~ and planted in trees and shrubbery, tlms NkinE tho. a pleasant addition to the campua. The spot just north or the collelle nov under cultivation 1s designed tor a stlall flovor garden in ltdch it is hoped the studentll will take no little interest. A considerable su:a Il1ll be needed the cOJ:U.ne lI.utunn to bep,n the uperilllent.al farm ; itlpllBents, seeds terlUU6r", twoo (pod JII\lle.s or horses - everythil\8 necessary to equip a sr:a.l.l t'rnll'Wst be purchased. The Boud 1:1 a.sked to appropriate at least t,1IIl toousand dollars tor the purpose. ADDITIOUAI. PROFE~li:)RS{IPS . Next year tlw;J 19riC'llltural depcrlment will :roquire all wor k thl! full tin03 or II proflt3sor . If it h oontemplated by the Bo.rd 1.0 continue the dutlos of t.hb chair in connectionvith tOO3e of Prnsidont or the college, it vill be neceaauy to releaM that officer of a.ll other duties of i nstruction. A Professor or Enelilil Uterature is greatly needed in the COllege • .in assistant Pl'ot esllOr of Physical Sciencea who should teach draving would Ilreatly pl'OIDOh thll efticioney of the faculty. 'Ihe labor of the COnnandant who in addition to the duties of that ottice ltall been teaching tour clasMa; sivinc instruction to tventy-nim yannI': lllan in the Ene1neeru. course has been &reat and it 18 recOlDended to allov thia ottica add1tional compensation. As Professor O. D. Smith haa pe r £on:aed an 3fIIount of labor fully equal to that. of other professors, it is hoped the Board will allow him the SaJ:18 salary, both for the past. session and tor the future . His continued connection with the in:lt1tution is vcry desirable. 'i'he College o\lf)1t to have a librarian ..mose principal duty for the present would be the collection of hooks . MaJ1y works of gr'lIst. value could be obtained from the U. S. Govern'Dent and from prlvate Slurces by an efficient officer with comparatively little expense tc the Colleee. If t!:tl.s duty were enforced upon tho Secretary of tho Board of Directors, giving hila such co;npensation for it as mieht be door.l8d proper, it would btl perhaps the Illest efficient and ecol'lOl!!ical arrangement that could be =de. The faculty have referred to the Board cerlain rules, defining t he duties and powers of till! President am the Cor.wandant, which Will be GUbmitt.ed for your consideration. A source of sorno embarrllSsmont. might be r~oved if the Board would def1~ the duties of the President in arother Te"'P8ct. When in the absence of chargesagaill$t an offieerof the College , t.he President of the Colleee should conclude that the best interest of the institution would be 1l'Uh­served by his removal in how far does dut.y require that he should JDake known to the Board lIIlch conclusions. His duty t.o the College might sor.wtimes seem to conflict ldth the duties growing out of his personal relations to other of ficers of till Institution. PUliS FOR TIlE lo'UTUltE. The history of the movement which rewlted in the establbmant by the Congress of the Uw-ted States of Agricultural and KecMnical Colleges shov that the leading design vas to oonefit the Agri_ cultural intarflsts of the country. This interest of OUr state n9(!ds the greatest assistance. A double duty thus descends upon us to mice this the leadine feature of the Colle!:,! ; but ve are I'J3t in theso endeavor s by /llany and fo~idable dHficulties. Men of letters such as usually improve colleee faculties rarely have my knowledge of or taste fo r aer1cultural pursuits. There is dan.,>(lr in every s\l::h institution that tha Agricultural Oepartillent ~ aither be strane;led or starved by those who are expected to be its nurses or guardians . There is also a prejudice in the minds of many agriculturalists llC:IIinst what they call "Book Faming" and a misconception of the scope an:! design of A&ricultural Colleges which lead them to u:rlervalue if not to despise their advantages. The depressed coniition of the country renders it allIIost 1IIlpossible for many of those who am engaged 1n aericulture to !live tlE1r SQM a full collee;l.ate course. The gNat majority of such parent:! vho are able do not desire their sons tobecorne a¢culturbts. Under these cirC'.lfI!st31ces, I submit ldth diffidence and 50II1II dO'l1bt as to its wisdom but as the best that can probably be done for this depart.aent the following pun. That one youl12: man from each county in the state Who9 With the arnOO pllll>ose of becoming a1 aericulturist shall badge hilnself to take the full course in Agriculture, shall receive board, tuition, books, and '" uniform for one year a I. the rate af one hundred dailars. The general idea only is presonted if acted on by the Board, it oUl':ht to be l':Ilarded by ruch restrictions and liJllitations as will more effectiwly secure the object to be accompli~ed . The main question is can t he college afford aid to such ae:ricultural students. It cannc>t be denied that every dollar of our increase llli{:ht be profitably expended in other directions - t.hat if these plans .should be adopted, oome neods that are sore, if 001. 11nperatiw, IllUst reuin unsupplied . But one agricultural intoros-t is perishin;: - Alabama is dl'ln!:: for vant of information or proper actton upon the part of t.hose vho cantrol her soil. How best to expend oW" liJrlted :IIeans is to me a question of deep, even painful, interest. A reviow of aur finances should show that oW" incame may s.afely be entered as follows. Int.erestonendorsernent. TUition t ees. 'I"here will be r<lquired for tllefaculty ,,~ Incidental expenees Total Expenditures $20 ,000 ~ $23,000 $15, 000 2,000 ~ $20,000. This would leave but Ulree t.housand that could be ewropriatftd to such purposes. We would 001. probably need r.v:>re than this gum the first year . For subso(]uont. years SOMe means of in::reasirc our i ncrease of of r<ldllCinl:our expenditures or bot.h >ould enable us to meet the incr<lasod demand. But even it ve should for the fir."!t year or so exceed our present increase, may we 001. with oonfidence expect that an indebtedness ineu~dinfurnish:LJx: education in agriculture in sone 'Jay be Uquidated. I f a student receiving this benefit shauld influence tIC others to attend the college, he would thus repay in .rull all aid extended him. It would eerta.1nly tIIUltiply our friends throughout the state and w!len too poople of Alabana saw ve were struBf:lill3 in "lJ«K lI2:bwrx;tkll;dD;txtlolrtxi:~ _u behalfofthisereatinterest,clIlitbepoesiblethatt\lestatenerself would not come to our relief. !l<:!s1des, there h yet .rtrong hopes that Congress Will eive us additional aid and nothing would so po.,..,rfuliy plea. in our behalf u the fact that this College was e.xertin;: all its energy to promte agricultural interest s. I canrot pass from this part of my report w1thout express1ng the earnest hope, the Confident expectation, that oome measure the vtsdom of the Board of Directors may devise wUl be adopted to aid the aerleultural interests of the state. 70l' II. det.G.ll?d etetement of financial con:l.1t1on of tho colleE'l , you are rospectfully referred to the report of t he Treasure::-. ~.(: laettlty hav .. instructed me to ask the concurrence ot t ~e Board in conferring the deCl"Ce ot Bachelor of Sand L upon JOlJllPh L. Gho18on, Iiew Orleens, louiB1&118, W. T. and P. R. Rutloge of Auburn, Lee Co., Al.abama. Also the decree of )~aster of Arts upon Lewis A. Dowdell, Auburn, Leo Co. , Ala. l.ell.!:der Jackson, Texas; Caleb Lindsay, AlablUll3 ; T. J . '-&mar, .u ... , all of lIlich is :.J.b:dtted respeettull;J. T. 1 . Tichenor, President of the Faculty Report of the Treasurer ot the J.ericu1 turd and ¥.echanicu Colleee or A.1abama submitted at the annual n'lCeting or the Board or Dimctors held in the college building on July 29, IInl )0, 187). Report of tho cOlllr.littee appointed by the e~,doner for the invee:taent of tho fund arising froC! the sale of lar:d donated. to the state of Alabar..a under an act of the Coneress of the United states approvod. ,july 2, 1862. Your cQlJldttee harl~ been appointed on the 28th JaJUlary 187) to ascertUn the condition of the Agricultural Collefll! FUnd arisinc fro", the land or 9Crlp donated by the United States Goverment, to the State of AlabZ\a ; whether al'\Y land or serip therefor has been recoiwd by the state of Ala.; if so, when, by whom, an:! what IIIftOllnt; what disposition has bocn made of it, it any, and in every respect to irrve stit;ate am allCertain tha oondition ofthetundandreport.tot.hisBoard>1ithlJUch~ gestions andl"('c_nd­aliona as thoY!!l1lY deoJ:l e xpcdiEK'lt. Your col:\l'd.t.tee bee leaT(! to report that on July 11, 181l, Ex-Gov. R. Il. Lindsay reported to your Board that be had received 240 ,000 acres of land scrip and had agreed to sell the DtIIIIO for ninetyccnUl (901) perac"" which was th9 _ dll¥ contirmedbY l"Our Board. The date of the aereelllllnt to IJBU aid lAnd scrip being Juno 2), 1871. .By the terms of this contract. of sale 2111 , ooo acros of land scrip was $Old to G. F. LeWis of Cleveland, Ohio, at ninety cents: (90¢) per acre, &1J\01lllt.ine to t.wo hundred and sixteen thousand dollars. P~nt. of fifty tholland dollars of said IICrip was to ~ _de by said Levis within thirty days Ittcr said ocrip was assi&ne<.l and. deposited with Duncan ~(!rnI8.n of !low York financial allents of t.he State of Alabama; am to tully pay for all the balance of said scrip wi thin 000 year frolll this date, June 2), 1671. From the roport ot the stateauditortoyourBoard, Sopt. 2,1671, it appears that fifty thousarrl four humred dollars was received by h1m by advice fro. Dur.can Shorqn to July 211 , and Augurt 2, 1671. At a meeting of your Board on Septel:!ber 2, 1871, t. he auditor wall authori~ed to invellt the !!lOne,. in 6 per cent bonds of the Sate of Alabama due in 1886 at a price not exceedine 1001 or par value . At a lII~ting of your Board on the 21 Dee. 1871, the relllOlution of September 2, 1871 was rescin:iod an:! tho auditor was authorised and required to invest aU .,l11ell then on hand and af1;Y that II1eht thereafter be received by sale ot this land serl? in t.ho bonda of Alablll:l& to be issued by Ue Governor in persuar.ce of act approved Dec . 15 , 1671 at said ooeting of Dec . 11 2, 1871. It was fu rlter rellOlved that the auditor restore to the state tl'Casu~ any JlK)ney not invested in Alabama bonds, said money Ulen be1n{: by the state­~ nt of thB auditor on deposit in the Fil'st lIational Bank of Y.onte;:OJ:IEIry. ~1e6Sl'S . Lehr:1an and Durrow wern made the dep<;.lsitorj' of all bonds purchuad for the College. By the noport of the auditor for the year ending Sept. J:J , 1812 and additional sum of five t housand seven hundred and sixty dollars is stated and the total amount of money received on aCCQunt of the Allriculturlll College fund to that date was fifty six thousand one hund:red and suty dollars and the WIIOunt of state bonds purchased thel'ewith was fifty nine thousand five hurdrod dolla rs, of which only four thousand five hundred dollal's were actually purchased and fif ty one thousand six hundred and :;ixty dollars weJ:'e deposited with Lelwa.n Durrow under a contract made bet ween the auditor and said firT:I of date June 20 , 1872, br which the date at which said bonds were to be priced was to be detenllined by the avera", price of the first two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, IIOld of the one million bonds, issued under an act approved Dec . 15, 1812. Fi.fty five one thousand oollar bonds were set aside the price not beine detem1ned. It will be seen from the forego1n{: statement. that forty five thousani nine hundrod dollars of thi5 f'un:t was deposited in th8 i'U'st Natiohal Bank·l~. fOl'investr..ent. It h submitted to y'Our Board whether or not. the College is ent itled to the interost on Ulis tclount., the same beine on deposit i n said bank for fiv e r:lOnths. The auditors report for 1872 - exhibit no . 3, paee 65, the au icultural collec:e fund is stated as follows. 1871. October 12 - for investloont 1872JlU1 . 20 _ for i nvestment 1872 Jan. 20 - for iITVestl:vlnt ~ 4SOO . oo 59, 400.00 5g ' 2~ .00 " , 1 . 00 By teI'lTtS of contract with Oleaoon F. Leods of Cleveland, Ohio, by the 23rd day June 1872, the balance of one hundred f ifty nine t.'1.ousand eight hundred and forty dollirs was to bo paid to the financial aEents of the State of Alabaman and earlier than date if the land scrip was delivered to said Lewis. In tho annual message of Governor R. B. Lindsay of lIov. 1872 , it was stated the remainder of the fuoo Duncan:;hennant.hefinan:ial agents holdono hundrodandfiftyninetb:lusandofsiadbonds, makineanaggreeateoftwo hundred and eiehteen thousand five hundred dollars , eifJ1.t per cent interost bearing bonds With coupons due July 1872. By le t ter of Duncan Shennan of tiew York, J :n uary 28, 1872, addressed to E. T. Glenn, Esq., Treasurer of the College (Exhibit. A) it is stated "The Goveroor officially asked a:< to assure for him the custody of the securities Which he held fo r account of yourcollelte"= We received the bonds as follows . S<lpt. 27, 1872 from Gov . Lioosay, $108 ,000.00. Ik>s. 753, 761<, em, 804, 806, 810, 812, 868, 870, 885, 887, 900 . Nov. 2, 1872 from New York Guarantee and In.:\emnity Company by order of Governor Lirxisay, nss. 273 and 300 , ' 28, 000. 00, Nov. 6, 1872 frol'1 Col. J . L. Tait by erder of Gov. Lindsay .. 19, 000.00 009 25L., 272, lIov. 22 , 1872, fl'ol<l Messrs. Lehman &: Eros. hy ordor of Gov. I.irdsay oos. S9 &: 6::1 , total ,.159,OOO.00. ;.y. .. ~ ~ By l,tur ot Dunc an Shernan to E. T. Gl.eIVl, Trea~r of the College !:xh1b1t B, it is _ted that too Jult coupons vere attached to the bonds reeeiYed trom Gov. LirrlBa1 and. that the coupons were .subl!lequently de­tached by order ot Gov. Lindsay. By tho contract betwotm the auditor and Leman Durrov to allCertain the price .It which ths a per cent bonds of the st.ate of Alabmu vere to be charl:lld to the Collese , your eor.tdttee repo rt that the Agrleulture1 Cellaee fund would etand as follows . Bo~spur;ba&ed~YR;!4. Re~ldll Market value of .. 51,6ro • 85_ Bal. lIIDl'I81 dept . with Duncan Sheman Salarell «u.e Market value . 159,81&0 • 85¢ Total bonda dull llIent State/of intorollt account Int. due on $Ii$OO Jan I, 1 872 ~l59,ooo in IIIOlIIIy Jan I, 1.87) Total Int. reed. July 1 1.812 $2soo.oo Jan. I , 1.813 1W.OO Bal. due Int. on exeeas of bonds due ~J1 ,JJJ . OO • 14 , 500.00 51, 660. 00 9,12J.00 159,000.00 "".00 ~ S 25J,3lJ.OO ~ ~ ~ . 9, ))6.W. Slould your Honorabls Body decide t hat the College is enti Ued to the interest on the betore !'II!Intioned !45, 900 wtUch vas on depoait for five IIIOnUu, it will be Been then iI an additional. ll'lount at .,15JO to be added to the abetve interest balance due, uJd.nc: $l.ll. 890. 1!O. It will be seen the tot.al lII:IOunt ot the Ao'icultural College £\Ind in B por cent intereet bearl~ boms of t.ho Atat .. of Alab8/lla ari5inc !'rom the lI&lall of the land ~r1p under the act of July, 1862 and t.he cont.rllct for the ilT'I'estnent would be ft25J , J2J. OO and the interest ba).aree doo Jan 1. 187) ireluding t he :rum of ,,15)0 abovo referred to &l'IOunts to <i1O,89Q. Lo. Of thia aJIIOunt. ot ii25J,J2J. oo t.he auditor hn placed in the State Treasury titty nine thousand rift hundred dollars bonds _ one hundred and fifty nine thousand dOllars vas placed in the hands at !)mean Shar..n aa custodian o f the Agricultural COllego !'wid and thelll t.um&d OVCT to t.he HOll. Arthur Bin&hU, 'i'reallUnlr of the State ot AlablllU. and by h1a to H. Claus l< eo. Your COTllllittee 'oCluld r e !p8(:tfully r ~ eo=.erxl tho.t U\e $159,000. 00 be t.rans­ferred t.o the custody of tho State TreaBlirer and iJ1. J2J .OO due be invested in 5UCh ata;o bordo by your Honorably !lody Il!a.Y direct and that the GoierllOr be required to inI:Itnlct tho auditor to drav his varrant on the 'I'roasury- ror the !!lID. of .;9 . J06. /tl balareo of intereot on to;e lii45, 900 before reUeTrod to if tho S<l.l!I(l appear is ju.st and <lIe. All ofvhiell hJlOGt rellplletftUly .ubrltted. S1t~d Bonjani.n Gardner, At.ty. Genl. R. T. SrdUl, Auditor E. T. Glenn, Cellace Trollil. Fl'OIII facts learl1lld since tho fOl"(lCOine report was W1tt ten your QOIrVIIit.tee bee leave further to submit under t.'le contract I113de betveen the auditor and MeS5T~ Leman OUrr & co . for ~on financial aecnt s of the state , it Vill be rer.tembored that tho priC<:l of the bonds turned over to the colleee >laS to be deter.rlned by the average rate at which the first ~240, OOO . OO should be sold. As the Covermr f orbade t ho furthe r sal e of the bonds When 1218, 000 only had been disposed of: tho aU:\itor and Messrs lehman Durr t< Co. somodifindtheorir;inalcontra<:tastosett.lethepri<:eofthebonde for the colleee , t the rate at which said gUr.t of $218,COO had been sold to wit at 85 ~ on the dollar. This loave ll thon a balance due frol:! Me~srs. lehman D.u'r lr. Co. of ;>5,776 in bonds which they have now on hand and a1'9 ready to turn over on proper author ity from the Gover nor. Your c tXMli t tee would, therefore, respectfully recommend that your board requost his excellency Oov. lewis to autnorize E. T. Glenn, 'treasurer of the Col1.eee , to receive and receipt for t hese bonds, that they lIIa,y be deposited in t he state t reasury. Balance bond account then due wuldstand as folloW's. In hands of Lehman OUrr &: Co . Bonds to bo purchased Respectfully subl1litted. 5776. 00 ...ill!ibQQ $37, 32).00 Renja/llin Oardner, At ty. Oenl. R. L. S:t1th, Aud1tor E. T. GlelUl , ColleeoTreas. In pursuance of this report Hr. Speed offered t he follovinZ pre8:'lble and resolution. ~'hereas fifty ona tnousand siX hundrad and sixty dollars was deposited with Messrs. Lehroon Durr lr. Co. forttlr finanCial Reents by R. H. Reynolds former auditor under a contract made and a.:roed upon bet ween tho fott":lr financial a~nt and auditor fixing the price at which the bonds of the s t ate issued undor an act of the eenor al assembly approved Dec. 15, 1871, should be 301dto said auditor at tho avorage prico at Which two hundred an:lfifty . t housand of saidbooosahouldbe sold. And ;,ohereas f,):-'~ov . Undsay forbade U1.efurther sale of said bonds when $218,000 only had been sold, and that by a:;reernent the befor e l!Iontionod contract was so modified as to fix the rate at which the said auditor :il.ou.ld receivett>ll said bonds and the average price at which tbesaid tw:l hundred and fdght cdn thousand dollarse£ said bonds md been sold. And whereas it is found that !'1x...{;ov. Lindaay did deposit with DWlcan ~ennan &. Co . forner financial a~nts of the state in the city of liew York the SUJIl of one hundred am fifty nino thou::;and dollars i n tho bonds of the state issued under an act approved Do,. 15, 1871 baIore m:l nt ioll8d at par. Therefore, be it resolY'!ld that the IIDdification of tho contract between the said Lehr.ta.n !JuIT lr. Co. , forner financial aecnts and !Ion. rl. ~l. Reynolds fonller audi1..or fixin>: the ?rice of said bonds at the aver ace at Which the $ 218, 000 had been sold that 19 at 85 cents on t."" dollar 19 hereby con­curred in and conf:\x1:led. Be it furt her resol~d that tm audit or be instructed to invest the excoss ~Jl~l~~ . in the bonds of the state in accordance W"it~ the forecoing Be it. fur-ther- re!!Ol'l'lld that the Treuurer- of t.he 8't.ate be and 13 ""ren,. inst.ructed to recei're fro_ t. ... e hands ot ~es$ rs . Lehl2ln Durr & Co . late financial .1!:ent., ot t.ho state t.he rmainder ot the 1>0,,;1.$ too t.he amunt ot ... 5TIl., . !:9 in completion ot contract. un:ler >bich the l ate auditor n. Roynold$ i nvo,ted II por t ion ot the fum of the A¢cult.ural and l!echan1cal Colleee otA1aballla. Adopt. ltd. Regular report. ot Tl'8uurer on act. ot DIOne,' l"Ce(!ivod an:! eJCPend&d, etc. ErKbr~nt. . Account The a:aount paid facalty tor 1872 • • ft of ticer, ... Bd. Director' on old debt Prof. J>r-se aparatu, rn,s on diplo= s ?rinting bill diaeount S1205. 1dt l.2$5.02 100.00 250. 00 ) 8. 00 13.'" 62.10 ToW aarunt. ot expenllllll 1.872 paid out of fUnd 187) Paid taculvtor 181) Paidotficers Total paid f aculty and otficers. Chfl.,1calapparatull En~ll8er:irL<: Dept . Books t· Apparatus Furniture am tixtures Reeordbooks tor oolle<:e Colle~ Ileal Bu tton die Unitorn for drurrDer Fla, Tot al furniture , appar at us, etc. ClltalocueS fo r 1872 Billorehelll.icalll In:JUrBnce hcident.ale Amount. CBlTi.-d fOJ'Ward • 90211. 06 989.11 ~ 81)72. 11 "'.00 1)6. 31 )50. 16 "92..'2"5 }).oo 18. 9:) ~ 8: 76) . 78 2)).50 108. 10 165.00 ~ . 1466. 85 12,626. 80 Di scount and expe ro ell or c oll eetion Jllly int. of 1872 685.00 D1 cash. paid on land 2W. OO Pertl8nent~rovclll8ntfar.!l 28)SS OrJinlllYrana expen.sell ~ D1 cOllllli ssions paid trealJlII'IIr m lllill 1 20). ) ) ~ liJ , 878.00 S~'7 Totala."lIt. expenS8B paid out of fun<l 1873 PaM faculty « officers H " tt " Paid furniture , app. , e tc . Ordinary expe nl.les Discounts, oxpenses collecting bords fo r 1872 }'lI.:rmexpens98 C=issions Alnt. interest re<:eived $l5, 100. 00. TUITION illD FEE ACOOUlIT - Credit ToclI.shreceivadtuitton .tl982. surgeons fee 311. Accounts due 534 surgeonsfet'! 76. 2;'9Ob. Debit - By pa,yments 1ndldentally Hardware Work am building and materials 8lOpenses - toHrrt. e;O::lEV expensesrcp::Iirlne roof incidental 8lCpenses paid surgeon Q. rnastcrsact amt . onl866. 48 Bal. accounts due 5_'7 By pay:nent incidentals incurred in 1872 Pelnanent " extra expenses Incidentals, etc . paid surgeon Q. Masters Acts. CommissiDns By bal . acts. due $2296. 00 610 .00 .,2906.00 9024. 06 1)72. 11 16).68 1466.85 685. 00 1203. 33 ~ $11, 878. 00 ~ $15,100. 00 61.18 193. 47 4)) .6) 87. 50 662. 65 117 .15 )lL.oo )82. 86 L6.66 610.00 ~2906 . 00 61.18 137L . 15 U 7.15 31L.00 )82. 86 L6. 66 610.00 2906.00 Current expen ses8J(ClusiYe of ijalary of offic8r.1 PrldfromendDlfIllent fund 1966. 85 Paid f rom tuition C\md 117 .15 mB4.OO This does not be1oTl1:': to too N:611ar report of the ireasu.rer a s advised b," him. The above and foregoing is a true a."ld correct copy of the Tre'8Ul\'Ir ' S report as submitted to Board of Directors. Remarks of Treasurer accompanying repor t . F. W. Reese Secretary to Board. It will be reMembered that seven thousand nine hundred and thirt y- five dollars was paid to faculty and officers March 2), 187), i n AlabaJna money. Said Alabwna money was then at a discount of 6';, Which discount the faculty and officers lost $446. 10. This 8ubr1litt.ed to the Board of the Board of Directors whether t his loss shall be sustained by the faculty and officers orthecoile{,;e . You wiU also observe that in accordarx:e with my instruction of the law, nxed Illne months 11.8' 8 basis of the . calculations in salaries of the faculty , the present being only seven rontbs session. I have calculated that t~ collece is due the faculty (7/9) seven-ninths of a full years salary . Thh too is subJ!littedforyour considerati')n. The report and Slltg9stionsasabove were adopted by t"e Board . STAm€Nl', ASSET3 AND LIABILITIES E. '1'. Glenn, I'reaS'Urer Credit amt. r ecf;l.ved on cndo_en tuition & sureeone fee Q. mi sters act . To balance Warrant on Treasurer Tuition account UnpaidSJrl:t'Onsfens Clothing account stock on hand Q. I. Dept. ,.= llal . of11.abilitifl9 $15 , 100.00 2, 296.00 2, 89L.82 L88.08 $20 , 778.90 $8 , 7/ll. 00 53L. 00 76. 00 63$. 18 L$7 . L5 75.00 ~ ~,,196 . 84 Int.. on defieienee of bon:ls 3L. 82J. axce9s liability . $500 .14 Jh178.76 500. 110 ~:: balar.::eliabilities r . M. Reese Sec . to Board of Di.t-octors. Debit PddoutendOV!:'lentf'Un:l $lL, 878 .00 n " tuij:ion fund 2, 296.00 " " Q master dtlpt. 3, ooL.90 $ 20 , 778.90 ~ Duofacul.y $lO,815 . 32 Officers & directors i307 . LL Old debt 1, 89) . 00 Lam debt. 1, 100 .00 E. T. Olenn IIO:Iney adv. L88.08 Sureeon 76.00 ,,-b Regulat.ions ot tho Literary and Kilitazy Departc.enh ot t\'l!l State Agrlcvltural and Mechanical Colleee of nab&/llll¥lopted by UlO Board or Directors Jul1 30. 187). RroULlTIOHS _ ARTICLE I . Sept.orl. The President, ColTnandant and ot.harproteslIOTS oonstitute the faculty 'oIhicb has cognisance of aJ.IlIID.t t.ers ot academic in,truction, di,cipline and pollce. h ~ealbe r2. The President 1s exolf1cio cha1rr:wl ot the racult;T 21d as. IB!Iber v:lll be allowed to vote on all questions and the cut.ill/' vote in ca3e or • Ue. fie w1llhave ce neral ,,:,vSrTl/llant.or the colleee andexereise gen eral!lUpervi s1on overall Plattersot study and IICholastic dbclpUoo j Will lnIe;;est to the '" Boa.ffi ot Directnrs plans for 1I:Iprovine t he character and st.an:lir\e and develop­i~ the u.sefulncSll ot the collate Will reco_nd suitable per",;on" to fill various chairs; and he will be the or;::an ot co..,.unieaUon between the C.cult;» ardBoardotDil'llctorli. Se~erJ . '!he Commandant or Cadets has charte ot t.he Military department. He 101111 have authority to publish and r.J.l power to .mfol"Ce aU orders he may find ,..cessary for the go verTll"llnt.oo.1I'i!1l bellleof the Corpa ot Cadets; to conduct ina per fec t IIWIn!Ir all thll cetails of the rUlitary systelnl to regulate the tae for parades, drills, in8peeUons, roll calls, .ollnUne a rd relieVing eu,ards; to have . nd secure proper discipline , order and clunl1oosaan:t to carry out the duties herein as!li{lneoi him. DurinI': the abeenc e of the President, he shall exercise t.he autherit.ybelongine t.o the Preaident.. ~~OJIber4. Professors and Teachers. Every professor and teacher ill dndowed With aut.hority at. all t.i...,s to enforce Cood order, discipline an:! at.t.ention to study. For the oiue and proper exereill8 of hill powers. for ~h!I proeress of his pupils . nd for the strict. observance of th", rogulations, he is responaible 1r.V1f!diat.e!y to the facult.y .00. t.hrough t.hea to t.he Directors. Each profenor ill at. the head of IUs 0\111 depart.ent.1 he will thereto", chooae his OVll _ thod of inst.rueUon ane! >till cont.rol in that. respect. such assistant.a u may be elllj)loyeel in his depart.­J! l3nt.. At. recitation t.he i nstructor will ropro"e every indecol"lllll or want. of prepu-at.ion and ent.er on his weekly report a~ conduct. he "'llY deem worthy of such rotice. He will note t.h e absentee", MrIc dailY according to the " tab­lished scale the per fo nlallCe ot each Cadet., exa,,";1ned.t. his recitations.oo. ubcXl1 t.hII lI3:!I8 in a r port of the tom prelloCribed. He vil.l at.tend With ritOrous punctuaUt.y his recitat.ion at. t.he hour s appoint.ee1 for hilt cluses and will not. lor any reall<.>D detain a section beyond. t.he preacribecl t.iIae , nor dismiuit.more thant.enlllinut.ea before the expiration of t.he allot.tedhour , unleu lor s;lt.:istactory re~son 110 professor or teachor shall , Without the consent. of the faculty, absent him$elt tl"OIII hia dutl83 or eIl6&(:o in any parsuit of protes.dolll11 or bueineu charllcter that can in any etfect. his afficiency $0 punctuality in the: discharee of his IlI ties in the coUaee. Ib profanor or teachet' 8hall e1vsacortific.t.1eor!'l&ke&I'IYvrittonatateOlElntorr~rtrelat.i'1: to the qualifications, st.TIdll1(!, conduct, or ctlaractor of any student or ;ny person h8~ been a student or concerning ttle examna tion of any cal'ldidat.e for aohisdon unless required to do SO by special dfreet.lon ot the faculty. the prolU(KIrs and teachers shall IY cpived ,"ory roark of rIIlpect to IoIhlctl t.heir work and otfice a:y entitle Ute- respectively; but no profossor , assi s tallt professor or t.eacher shall reeeive any feo , present or n.lard trom any cadet. of t 'le oollege . s.pt.6>IIher5. A treasure," .!ilall afll'lUally be appointedby t.he Board at Il:1n!ctors with lJUch co~nsat.1on as they lIllY dee;n sufficient., Via shall give bond and security tor the fait.ht'ull pGrfomance at hh duty. All funds bo..lon£~ to the colleeeandalldeposit.s",adeonaccountotthe ca<!ets, ahaUbedeposit.ed in such bank as the Board of Directors may direct., to t.he cl'03dit of t.he t.reasurerofthecolleeo, the ccr1.ificat.esofdeporlt. beillf, filed in the Prcrldont's Office. 'i'he treasurer shall Iooep ~eparate acoountl with the Various departments of the colleee and cadot.e,:mel. alldebt.e: md crcc!it.s to these accounts shall be mde upon t.!'lc order of t.he pros:\.dent.. No IIIOhey shall be drawn fl'Olll the fund ot t.hII college or frol!! t.he deposits ot the cadets, but upon the order of t.he president. a.'ld. a check drawn by the t.reasurer at counterl1gned by the President. . The t.reasurer acco ~ nt. shall be subject. to the revieal and approval of the President. fie ,hall .... k:e a IIW)nthl.y balance sheet, ahowlne t.he con:lit.1on of t.be t.reasury for the use of the president. lie shall make an ab st.ract. of all cash payllIent.e OIilde on account. of t.he cadets for t.he use of the officers charged with keeping t.he check boOks ot the cadets. He shall r eturn to t.he President. on the 15t.h ot June annually all receipt.s for plptent.s lII.:!e on account. ofmdet6. He st.U make annualq a detailed report to be laid before the preddent, set.t.1~ torth all payJEnts and receipts on w::count. of the college ; l18p&ratJ.ne: in dist.:1net. accounts those bel.ont;Lne: to t.he college proper, t.he quarter !'aster, tanl, etc. With t.he neces::aI7 vtIucheraand Nlte SIlCh a con~lid..t.&d e:rllillit. as llhall show the actual condition of the public f'unds. ~~er6. The Quarkr !'..aster who shall be appoint.ed annually by t.he BoILl"d . hall hlWe in charee t.he supplies furnished to the cadetll and shall issue t.hen on orders given by the pres:\.dent. At. prices fixed by the Board of Director e. He ~all Iteep correct accounts of all supp11" wlUc~ he !!laY l'('ceive and all articles fUrnished to t!le cadets &eparat.11'l(': in both accounts the $9Veral epeeies ot articles. He shall keep an acoount. aca1nllt. t.he t.reaaurer in which he shall eharee t.hat. offieer wit.h all t.he artieles delivered tD the cadet.s at their proper prices and shall ent.ertherein all proper credits to the treasurer which may arise in t:.he deparb:lent. He shall IIlnually prepare a detailed repor t ot hb transactions for theprecedineyear, tol(!t.he r wit.haninvontoryoft:.he property remllinill! in his hands and it.s eosts to bo laid before the Board of Directors by tlle President. SIIIp"t".e lilber7. ~'he AdJutant shlll keep t.he record of t.he college so that they may fi%hibit It. all t.iDes the date of the .d:rlssion al'd discharge of tlTel7 eadet, his IIIOnthly and amual. merit. and d(J'!erit. (abst.racts at Which in t.he fore pre­: x:rlbod he will tranamit. to his parent. or guradian) and vhateYer else 1IIa:y be rmeessary to eOllplet.e t.1Il history ot the colleee or t.he academie history of elchcadet. Septe~er 8. A surgeon shall be appointed t or th8 coUegs by t.he 8:lard of Directors at. U1eir annual ",eet.ine. He shal.l hold hill offiee one yelr; lilaU be subject. to reroo'Val tor eaUM at. any t.ioo by the Board ; in case of nClOO7 in interUi i t shall be filled by jhe cor:J::!an:lant. or cadets; he shall pl'Ol'lptly and faith­fully at.tend. upon t.he cadet:! at. the college whenever called upon professionally for that. purpose by any of the officers at the college; ,haH at t.he requiBit.­ion of t~e COClr.lllndill! officerlr.ake caretul exarninat.1on into androport in writing upon the health of any cadet. Who, complaining ot sickness, may ask on that account to be relieved from 1Ill! of his duties; and he shall gcoorally do whatever is proper to be done b- hi:n or health officer of the institution. For the sPrVices 50 rendered in person unless hilllsell' sick, and then by SOI:l8 co:apetent physician at his expense, he shall receive in full compendation the payment provided by the Boaro. "'v sept.ember 9" Undereraduates of marked II>3rlt N:Y be appointed instructors by the faculty and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. They are exeq,t from military duty . ARTICLE II Courses of Instruction - Courses in Letters - Fourth Class. FirstTenn ~ Rnelish I Engli sh I Aleebra In Qeo",etry III ~ D ~ D Nat . SCience or Greek V IGt. Sci. or Gr eek V Drawing VI First. Term ~ English III Trig. &. Geometry IV latin III Uat . Sci.or Greek I First "rerm ~ ~ish III latin I Physics or Greek II Cherustry II French or Genr.an - optional ~ Jo'1RSTCLASS Mentil Philosopl\Y IV Evidences of Christianity IV English Classics V Astroooll\Y Description VI ~!ineralollY &. Palaentology VI Course in Science ~ Fourth Class EnJlish I --"", - Algebra III ,,"och IV Hat. Science Bo tany V Drawing VI FirstTenn Thirti Class English Trig. '" GeO"'. SUrvey. rI 0._ III Nat. Science I Dra1i1ne VI ~ English II L~tin III P~sicsor G reak I Chemistry I rr.nch or German optional SflCon.:lTenn EJlClish Logic III latin I Physics or Greek II Chemistryof .leta15 II French or Gel1"'..an - optional Sccon.:lTer:1 Horal Philosophy rI Political ..,. coflOlI\Y IV GeoloGY and Physics Col. Georgrap~ ~ English I Geometry III French IV Nat. Science V Or1\wing " ~ English II o.~" III Descriptive Geometry Elementary IV CbOOlistry I DraWifl& VI ~ qsccondC1.ss~ ."".., Analyt. Geom. Physics Chemist.ry III Logic In v Calculus V II Physics Mechanics II n CheJdst.ry of Met.als II First.Torm ~ ;;;;t;iPh1losoplly IV ~ !<bral PhilO$)Phy IV Eridence of Christ.Unill' IV Polit.. SCono-.ic~ IV En&lish Classics V Geology" Phy. Ceot. VI lstronomy VI MinDralogy &. Pal.eon. VI Coursein~ineering ~ ."".'" lltebra French !lIIt.. Sci. Botarv­Drawing First Term I III V'" VI English II Trig. &. Oeom. survey. IV German III Nat. Sci. I Drawing VI ~ En&lish III Analytical Goon. V Physics Chmistry n Hydrographical, Swvoyine Brid£e drawing V ~ Cal.eu alus II Ch'n Enginaering III }".cntalPh11osoph1" IV Evidnooes of Chrlsthnity IV htronomy VI Jo'.i ner:Uo1:)' 'Paleon. VI ~~ English Geometry Frenc..!t Nat. Sci. Drawing Se<;ondTem I III IV V VI English II GoI"II\aI III Dn . Geol'llltl79UlYe~ Levelling Use of Instr.IV Topo&~hical Dravil'll!: VI Chemistry I SecondTcnn Logic III Calculus V Mechanic s Chemist.ry II R. road survoyinCI staking Kachill8 &. Sride:e Draw. V. ~com Tem pt)ral Philosophy IV Polit.1eal&.=ol'lOl\Y ri Ci'O'11 Engineerine III Ceologyandphysical gaoeraphy COurse in A¢eul.ture ~ Second rem ~11l!h I &e1hh I Al~bra III Geemet.ry III P'rCnch IV French IV Nat. SciBnce Botany V Theory &. Pract.ice of Agriculture VI Dr~wing Nat.. Science V ,,,0 ~ Second Year En81ish II Trig . &. Geon.survey IV German III Nat. Scienc(l ~ Third Year ENid. of Christianity IV Xental Philosoptw IV Astronomy Descript. VI MiMralo!:y &, Palcon VI Theory & Practice Af;ri ,V "First Tcr!i English Commercial Arithr.letic History Geography Bookkecp1n<; Agriculture First Term English Arithmetic Agl. Chemistry Partial Cour se Mer.\ents of Mechan1.cs "" Physics Bot""" Agriculture ARTICLE III _ A<bnission of studerrts. ~"'. ~t.emberlO . SecoreTenn lDgic In Mechanics Chomstlj' II Theory Practice of Agriculture V Genom III ~ Poli tical Economy IV ¥.or al Philosophy IV Theory &. Practice a: A(ll"iculture V Geology & Ph;ysicaJ. Goog. VI SecondTeno Enelish Arithl!letic Bookkecpi!"(l Chemistry A"gr,ic.u.l-ture ~ ""'lim Bookkeaping Agl. Chemistry Eotan;y PhysioloeY Agriculture Boys 1oIho are prepared to enter upon the prescribed course of study , \l'ill be received as students upon I9plication to tho President, 1I.rd the presl'II:!tatlon of proper testiJnonials of moral character. ~~er.lber ll. Applicants from oUior schools Will be ad:nitted J.:nto any class, for which on examination t hoy rPla,y' be found qualified. Pupils wlv:>se parents do not dear-e for them the full course, may bc admitted U) a partial or selected course , but a study orr;:e taken up cannot, without the written request of tm parent or guardian and consent of the faculty , be discontinued until completed. ~~erl2, !-kl one will be admitted \1M has been expelJe d or diSl"lissed from any other collee:e , or ..no is laboring under any .diSorder cf an infectious or iJm,oral character . ~~berlJ . 'lrl Students on thoir arrival will report im':lOdiately to the President are will enter at once upon their duties. Any one violatine this nile will be report ed to the l'ar:ulty, wmse duty it will then beoo"e to decide upon the question of his adl:rlssion or rejllction. i:1y cadet. :returning from leave ot ab .. ece will report. to the CO_nd..,t by nine 8. rD.. on the day after M" ret.urn. ~.1h. Every Cadet. When he ent.e r s the college "hall $Ubooribe in a book to be kept for that. purpOS'll the fo110101il'l8 IlIatriculation promise : "I hcroby ell8l1,f:e to Sllrvo as a cadet in the Agricultural & Mechanical College ot "lab _ ; and I prolllise on honor While I cont inue a IIIClllber thereof, to obey all bgalorders of t.he constituted authorities of t.he colleee and to discharge alll!lY duties as cadet with reF;U1.arity and fidelity . ~ber15. Cadetll after 981ectinll thair boarding houses with the approval ot the faculty will not. be pl'lnllit.t.ed to lIIIlke chaD?,es wit.hout first obt.ainine pondssion ot the faculty . )T.!pte:!lbe!"1.6. Application to exchange lXIardin,g: house~ will be grant.ed on good and sutticient realOns or upon Vritten request of parent or guardian. Sqrtmbe!" 17. 1be famlq" will feel authorized to reaove cadots fro. boarding houses when it. becOlles mnitest t.hat. Uieyare failing in thei!" duties from illlproper assoc1:l.tions or tor a.n;y other reason de:u.nding such rmtOVal.. Septomber 13. Parents and f)lardians are advised to send all lIJ)noy for payment of tuition and board to the troasurer of tbe colloge wit!'! instructions for its appropriation. Se~er19 . Every cadet upon his entrance i nto colllle:e vill be required to deliver to thll Co~roant all private ams in bie possession. ~r 2() . 'Jh!o cadets !roB eacb county of t.he state of Alabll..,.. recOJUl8nded by the county suporintendent will be received by t.he faculty and their appoinllllents approved by the Board of Dirocto rs. They will not. be roquired to pay tuit.ion fees . Se~ber21 . Eacb state cadet. is restricted in his cl'k:licli of a course of study to Agriculture or Eng1neerinj::. He should be at. least. fifteen years of 8£,! am should produce a teste:llonial of moral character and preparations such as will insure profit to both the applicant and the colleee. TheSll teat.ia:>nials Slould be addressed to the President or tlJl!l IUlcretary of the faC\llty . 5epM1nber 22. "''b_ver any state cadet shall fail to r eport within thirty days after the openine of any tam hh place shall be d(lclared lII'acant and the county superin­tendent notified of the fact and requested to f:la.ke a new appo1ntlllent. ,-~.,J oJ Sapbel:tJer23. Cadets other than state cadets shall detrQ' their own e:q>enscJ and , in addition, lIhall pay annually in advance fifty dollars tor instruction aOO five dollar, IlUrgeonsfee. AR'l'ICLE IV - Examinat.ion and DiplOClas. I,f-~ 't' S6ptor.Iber2L. /., 'I1ler shall be awritten ororalexaminationonthestudiespassoooveratthe end of tho term. SOptember2S. A cadctfoun:J.deficicntinpro6N1ssWillnotbeadvancedtothall9xtclass; sndif found 90 on account of neglect of studies, he shall be diWlisaed. ~er26. The deereesof Bachelor of Letter s , Bachelor of Aericu1tllr.l, Bachelor of Science and lJachelor of Engineering will be granted only to thoso 1100 havc passed satisfactorily eJt8!llinations on the respective courses. Cadots ... ho remain one year after graduat ion in Af!riculture , Lotte!"s, or Science shall on the I"(lCOI'I!IIE!!):iation of the faculty be entitled to tha de£roe of Master, and the completion of the post eraduate COurSB of one year will entitle the graduate of Engineering to Civil Engineer . Certificates of proficiency may be given Ii cadet upon the cOr:;lletion of any depart....1 Emtof a course. All degreaso! r egular courses must be conferred upilln the recollll:>looation ot the taculty, approved by the Board of Directors. Bad character or college delinquency of an)' kind shall be good reason for exclusionfrorna dee:ree . Each graduate Slall prepanl and sublUt to t he facult)' a t ''le si ~ on some sub ject of iIrnediate relation to the s ttldies ot his course . AppliCalts for de(:rees shall notif)' the faculty at least six liVeks before oonrnereeJ!lent. ~ber27 . No cadet of the oollege will be admi tted to artf dellre", unless he Ilhallhave eJChibit ed to the Presiden t of the college a certificate from the treasurer that his collelle dues are all paid and shall have pcrformedthe exercise assigned hiJn by tho f aculty for ro::wencement ARTIClE V _ Mil. Organization an:! Institution. ~:r28. nrn student s of thi s colleee are styled cadets ani constitute a military corps. For lIIilitary eotercises, they are organized into cOlllpanies, cons:Lituti'l: the Battalion of Corpos of Cadets, the officers of Which are appointed by the Commandant . 'l'heselcctions shall be r!l8det rol!l thosecadetswhohavebcen the most active andsoldierlike in tJ"Je perfornance of their duties an::i rnost exemplery in gBll(lral deport:..w:lnt . Section 29 . There shall be daily military eltercises on the field when t!le weathor is fSlllable Saturdays and ~1"liiays excepted at such regular hou rs as t he COImllndantofCadetsmayappoint. SectionJQ. To insure clesnliness of per 'lOn , quarter s and arms, weekly inspections and reviews will be I!I3de by the ColMIan::!:n t . Section)l. For tho academic and other exercises not. purcly military, cadets are fonned i nti:> .<.;(lctions, under the co",,"and of squadmatche:rs, of their own nUJQber, md thU!l !!lu'ched 00 their appropriAte duties. SectionJ2. Cadet guards will be lIIOunt.ed when OOCflSsary but. not in details so frequent a!ltoretardtheiracad""icprogress. Section)). CadetofIicersare regarde<ias assistants in Ute entorcement of discipline ; then orders arc to be consi<ieredasduly authorized and 00 be obeyed accord­ingly. They are expected to get examples of ndJ.itary deporttnent and go reral good eonduct to other cadets. SectionJ4. Cadet officers, squad marchers, and sentries are required under pair at being reported thelllSelves delinquent to report all tacts of delinquency, falli", urxlertheirnotice in the pertormance of their duties. SectionJ5. It is made the especial duty of every noncomndssioned officer to report lateness, disorder in rarks, and all infractions of rule s following under hb notice while on duty with his company, guard, Or other detach:llE!nt . $ectionJ6. No cadet or ot.her person shall be questioned in an,y way on account of reports rendered by h1m , oor shall he bold any conversation rebtinc 00 it with the cadetreport.ed . Saction)7. Appointlllents and pl'Ol:1otions in the corps are honorable distirw::::t.ions for military proficierw::::y am 8000 comuct. Section)8. Promotions will take place in the order of orieinal appointment only When efficiency , fidelity , progress in studies, conduct and other qUalUicat.ions warrent them. Section)9. Every offiCflr, cOflllussioned, an::! non-cOlQrnissionoo upon appointment Or promotion 10 required to plooge himself to a faitht\ll discharge of his official duties. ARTICIEVI - Unl£onnsamEquipments. Section 40. Coat. A frock coat of cadet gray cloth with short skirts extendi,.;: a little below the hips; plainstarxling collar, to hook in front; SlIall buttons fastening dolotl the seam of each cuff - single bressted, with eight large buttons down the front snd three large buttons on esch side edge of the plait behin:;l. Buttons. Cold , of a pattern desired for the military departmant of t.he collegl3 . Shoes. ~raoyer no other will be wom on duty f ora£" cap, grey clotb with patent leather vioorand strap, and black elothband; single row of black braid up each side seam and circular row on the oop near t.h.a edge. Gloves. "''hite linen or cotton - cravat black tie vest, gray cloth, single breasted wiUl 0l'1li row of 5II1alJ. buttons and sLandin!: collar. For swrr:Ier , white marseilles of SIIlIIe pattern - a vest is not a necessary part of U1e uniform. Gmat coat. Gray prescribed pattem. Sash. Crimson worsted a silk with tassel to be worn by officers, sergeant major and first sergeants. Arms and accoreti8l!lents _ :narkets cartridges boxes, bayonets, scabbard and sword will be furnished by U1e college. The badges of rank worn in the corps shall be on the full dress unifonn, those prescribed by the United St _tes Army regulations. SectionLl. Every cadet to when anna and accoute""entll are issued will be held strictly accountable not only for their preservation, but forthese perfectr;oodord Cr atall timos, Section 42. On all parades am other drells duty the coat D'lUst be buttoned up, and most Plinute attention paid to neatness and soldier like appearnace in every particular and at all times when m vest is worn , the buttons of the coat must be buttoned. Section 43. The prescribed dress will be strictly adhered to, nor will he allowed the al1t:hte s t deviation. The wearing of fancy caps , fancy cravats, etc . 'Will not be tolerated on any pretence lo'hatever. Hair Will be worn short md whiskers and lIIOustaChe not allowed . AllTICLEVII _ RulellofDhciplinearrlPollce. Seetion4/J. The strictest attention to study and the most exact punctuality in attendance on recitations and alJ.otherdutieswillbemade the condition of every students continuance in the oollel:'3; and a~ stlXient 1Il0 without authority absents himsell from recitation or srt( other duty deserts his soction, or rcfuses to attend ...nen warned shall be di$lllissed at the discretion of the faculty or less severely pWli:lhed. Scction45. Students am prohibited urder penalty of dismiSsion, from having in their po.5EtssionannunitionW'eaponsoranall not islJUedfor the perfonnance of military duty; nor shall them be retained in quarters loaded under any pretext. 5ection46. Art( student who shdl wear, draw, Or use any weapon against any other person, offer or accept II challenge to fight, aid , abet or promote a duel Ihall be dismissed. Section 47. A.ny student who shall engllee in a tieht or offer violence, to arq person, uphold snother for decUnine to tieht , oruse opprobrious or defamatory language toward amther shalJ. be dismissed or less severly puni~ed. SectionU8. Sb.1dents arc prohibited ent.t!ring into combiIlQtions under whatever pret.t!xt. One who shall b6gin, 6xcit.t!, caUS6 or join in any boisterous or riotous conduct, or become a party t.o any agreement to avoid or violate any regu­lations, to hold no intercourE16 with a comrade, or to do an,y act to th6 pnjudic6 of fOod ord6r and lllilitaljl' discipline shall be di:'£1issed. SectionU9. A st»dent wbo shall b6gin, excit6 , or cause or join in any sedition against U\6 Authorit16s of the collel:e Or any one of th6m, or who Imowilll: of such mutiny and sedition does not inform the faculty and use his utr.\Ost 6ndeavors to Inlppress it shall be disllliss(t(i. section 50. A student who shall drink or brifll> or cau~ to be brought within th6 cadets l1l1I1ts,orhave inhis l'OOIIl, tent,orotherwiselnhispossssslon, ancty fer:nentedor intoxicatineliquor orfruUsorviandspreservedinintoxicatine l1quorshallbediSlllissoo . Section 51 • ..I. student who shall without penqissionfrom the coUege authorities, parent or guardian, (,:otoanypublicoous60rplacewherefermented, spiritiousor .intoncatine liquors are sold shall be dismissed or lllse s(',eraly punished at t oo discretion of the faculty . Section 52 . A student fourn guilty of a breach of a r r est, shall 1.6 j i9!lissed. SectionS) • ..I. cadet 'Who shall be absentfrolllhia quarters or create noilr-an dcistrubllllCe betwe6n tattoo an:! reveille , absent himself from college ~it5 at any tim6 or remain about without leave , orfObeyOtDco1l6gelim:lts orvisitthe rail­road8, t~:!.r.s, or depoD at the tilll8 of the arrival and departure of train8, 8hall be dismis5ed or puniSted at the dlscrctt->:1 f the facul ty. SectionSU. A student 'iho shall rei"use to give evidence 'ihen required to do BO by the raculty shall be df,p.133 t . 3,·ction5S. "vcry cadet shall be requ!I\' d t o atten! divllvt services on the Sabbath. A record shall be nnde at the opf'n.ine o r <!VI'ry session ~howilll the church lit which each cadeit is a :reeular attendant, and to none other shall be be illrowed to Co Without a vritten permission from the President or Cor:vnandant ofthecolleee. Section 56. Astudentwho.shall l'rofenetheSa.bbath, useproIlineorobscenelareuageor behave irrevelently while IIttendinJ divine ser'liee, shall be diSlllisfiOd 01' otherwise punished, according to the degree of hh offence. S$ction". Any student who shall di8CMllle a I!IUskfet or othe r fire IIl'1l1S , explode po\older Within a clldets limits, or in a.I1Y I118.f\ner endaneer college buildine8 in r egard to fire, throw I .... Uciously fro", II Window in II hall, participate in excited eathe:rings , noi5edi8turbanceordi90rder, or shall post offensive pictures, placards, or writing 0 n the vails, etc. in or out of quarters, shall be d1smisood or othervise less severely punished. 5eetion 58. A student who "hall disobey the orders of any offieer of the college, or any officerol'serItinolof the corps in tho dlSMal1!e of his duty, oraetinany insubord1nateordisreapoctful .... nnertotheauLhoritiesotthecolleee, to any ot them, or to an officer or sentinel of the oorps, shall be dismissed or atherds£! punished accordine to the degree of his offense. Sect.ion$9 . ,., A student who shall cut, mart: or otherwise deface or injure, the b.l11,dines, furniture , or appurtenances; the trees, shrubbery, e:reenerou!Kls, fences , stables, Or outhouses; or who shall injure , destroy. or improperly dispose of the arms a.ecoutreJOents, or other property of the University, shall make good allda:::laceandbcdismissed,orotherwisepunishadaccordlne tothe nature of theofrenoo. 5ectioo(;(). A student who shall answorforaootheraspresentatrollcall, orothel''Wise beeuiltyofafalsehoodinanyoffieialstat""!Jnt, orother lilisrepresentation shall be dism1ssed or otherwise punished according to the nature arddeeree of h1a offense. Section 61. Any cadet who i s found preparire , givine , or in any IMnner participating in anentertainnmtin quarters, shall bediSlllissed Or otherwise less severely punished. Section 62. Any student tailing to pay lKld neglecting;:to make satisfactory arrangel:8nts fortheliquidstionof this college. char l:esshallbedismissed. $ection6]. No student shall have in his possession or pla,yat cards or e:al!lesotohaooe, en!:ll&ein a ruffle or in arw=ner wager IIll'lney or cther things on penalty of dismission. Section6L. No cadet shall be allowed to keeps waiter, horse , Or dog. Sootion65. No society shall be or l:anized by the students without speciallioonse from the faculty , nor smll a!lsenblage of students be held for this or any other purpO!ffl without written permission from the President or Commandant. Urder penalty of d ilmlission to the officers presideing at ruch roeetine and such other studente present thereat shall be adjudged deserving of that punishment. seo::tion66. The <"!l l:ular meetines of the llterary societies are appolnted. to be held every Friday nit:bt between call to quarters and 1l o ' clock p.m. At all called meetinge the presiding officer must be furnii9hed with authorl~ from the officer in chare:e. Any officer of the society who presides or officiates in any capacity at an irnll:ular II>getil'l8 s..'Jall be dismiSOOd. Section 67. 'L'he secretarles of the lit.erary 90cietiesand other societies shall report to the officer in charge t.heir respectiverolli at the openine of each session; ardthenamesofalllllel!iber sassoonaselected, 1:!Ullediatelyatterevoryroll call they "''ill report the absentees to Iha officer of t he day to " hom they will abo purx:tually rC!pO r t any member who absllllts himselv :!lOre than ten minutes from the society ooetine . And it shall be the duty of tffl officer ot the day to sea that there absentees are i n their rooms and to furnish a list ot them to the officer in cbaTEe. TIleY shall note in the minutes of each meetinethetiJoeatwhichtheirre9pectiVll!:lOcieticsbellinarxladjournEKland shall 9.lbm1t their ID1nute books to the Commandant as often as he IQY require it. Section 68. Members present at regular authorized roetilltll are excused from quarters, but any cadet who shall visit a society hall in study hours Without permiSSiOns shall be liable toarrellt. Section &;. Should any student f eel that a servant or any ""ploYIl'a of the college has enraeEKlh1Jnorin!lUltedhiJrl, oomustr...-portthecase to the Collllllandantpresent, and t he gri$vance shaU be properly taken up, but in ro case shall he inte rfere pe r!:lOnally with or attBClpt to chastbe any servant or sny other per!:lOn coTUJected with the co11e&e, or with any citizen under penalty of di:;nission. SectiDn 70. Any student who shall wantomly insult, maliciously throw any mis llile or str ike II. eitizen shall be dimTlissed. Section 71. Aswdentwhoisdischergedordi8l'llissooorsuspended, r:rustleaVllttw. coliege grounds iJonediaLel,y. ~o uld he eontinue to wear the uni.fonn, the fact that i'e is no loncer II. r.lem.ber of the collel!e may be published. QUA"""" Section 72. Cadets quarters are organized into divisions ot which each will bf! under the supervi:iion of a cadet officer dellignate<:l as inspector of division, whose duty it shall be to visi t each room at taps to see that the oce",ants are in bed, li~ht8 extinguished , am that qui. t and good order prevail. 'Ihe result of their inspections, he Shall Nl]X>rt to the officer in charge. He 10Ul also inspect at what other times through th<J day as may best gerve to enforce r8euiations and or ders. He will e !lp<Jei ally see that there is no visiting in study hours, nor noise at any tilll9 in quarters Or on galleries; t hat no cadet is in bed after r8V(lUl<Jorbe!oretattoo j that all lights are extingu1shad at taps except in tho rooms of orficer~ allowed t o have thar.l. He shall co!!U:!llll1cate to occnpsnh of rooms in his division all orders relative to police and cause thC!r.l to be observed and w1lJ. report immediately to the officer of the day all violations ofregulatiolUlororder s ob~vooin hisdivision . Section 7). Cadet officers 11110 are allowed to burn lights after taps until 11 o' cloek are cadetinstruetors, adjutant, i nspectorsofdivisions, quartennasterandfirst sergeant . Section 74. I/o pers> n "til be adodtte<:l by the occupants in arw room dlU'int: study hours except the proper servants, inspectors of division, officers on duty am members of the faeultYi c1tizens desiro to visit in barracks Will appl,y to theco!:Vlland.i~ofticer". Section 75. Students shaJ.l walk tile halls and pass up ,,1):1 do1or.'l stairs with as lit tle noise as possible . Playing on musical irlstNments in !wdy hours and on Sunday , entering (lIIard room when not on duty , loitering in the halls or I.' about the nain entrances, scufnine. running, jumping, cli1llbing over railill!ltl, whistling , and other nobe , distrubances and disoNler in halls and passaees or in the vicinity of the wildings, makin!: il'lproper use of premises, stepping from room or appearing in vicinity of barracks Without coat, keeping horse Or buggy, or htrilll'! ona Id.Umut permission, are at all tiJ:les especially prohibited and 1'II!I;y in a ggravated cases be subjects for the special act ion of the f aculty andofseverepenaltics. Section 76 . No student shall visl.t. Or lo1t<)r out of quartor s during stuiy hours. One found absent at any inspection shall be reported to the officer of the d~ towhorotheab'lOlnt.ee!ll\lstreport wit hintelllllinut es, otherwisatheofficer of the day will visit the roOIl1 every fif t oon Minutes until his return and report. the delinquencywith the le~th of time he romainlld absent. Should the absent ee fail to report. his return to t he officer of the day, he Will be reported for neglllct of duty, and if he fails to rrake satisfactory explan­ations when absent over ten minutes he shall be arrested at. the discr etion of thecomrnandineofficerorf'acult.y. Section 77 . ~kine will bot be allowed in st.udy hours, nor on streets, not at arc! time in halls or passages, or on colleee ground. Chewinll tobacco is not pormitted in sectionroolll or on drill , or on othe r lIlilitary duty. Spitting on fioors or wuls in public rooms and other places of resort is strictly prohibited. Section 78. Students are NlquiNld to repair promptly to their roor.lS at caJ.1 to quar ters, to devote study hours to U1eir appropriate acadEmic duties and expecially to donothine inconsistent therewith. Steppingfromroorn, passineoutof barracks , and1dlenessinquartersaresubjectsfordruneritrnrka. Section 79. Students Vill hold books, serials, etc. , or anythifl8 for pastime in their possession, subject to the approval of the faculty . Section 80. The repair of dama...uos in quarters will bl! assessed equally on all student.s , and chareed in th<:!il' bills if not report.ed against or asswned by the depre­dator . SectionSl. Cadet quarters fila,)' be inspected by any r.lerPer of the faculty , at any time . S&ction82. lio cadet shall be absent trOlll a'\l' duty whatever wit.hout. peI"l!dssion from the President or COll\Jllandant unless ex<:uscd by the surgeon for inabill~ in ccn­sequonce ofsicknass. fiECITA'tIO:1S Section 6) . Student.s are l'<lquired to fall into ranks of sections as oreanbed by the faCulty and march quickly to aoo from section roOlllS ; to be order ly and decorous during t.heir attendance the re, only quittine their seat.s or leaving or l.eaving the rom by the iMtructor'lII IlItJiority; and to hlllYe no book or other thing not pertainine to the recitation. Section 84. Any student who Sl:i.l.l. leave hi s section room and remin abll8nt !'lOre than ten ainutea shall be reported by the iMtructor for faculty action. 5ection85. It a :rtudont deserts his :!"ction on the r:lDreh to the section room, thlt SjUad ldareher will 1mmDdiately report h1JII to the office at tho day, Vho wUl enforee attondancltasincasootabsonce. Section 86. Should the instructor filiI on any account to attend punctuaUy at the hour of reci\..ation, the squadlIIarcherwiUdotainhiasltct.ionintherecitationl"OOlll tor tUteen ainutes, unless lIOonor di-.isaed by a lIII!IIber ot the f&cul t,}'. Section 87 . If a atudent repeatodl]' abs.mts lliJo .. lt fro. rltcitation, whether on account at II1cknesa or other caUlII! , or l!II.n1test.e a cont.:inuad want ot IPPUcaUon, or capacity, the instructor will prOlllp~ submit the ru.tter to the facul. . 'Ihe Adjutant will alao report weekl.y for tho .ction of tha I. body, all cun at disobedience at orders, ab_nce t'roJII duty not excused, II'ld vil.!ull ani tlagrant violatiOIl3 or regulations which are entered on the records at his orticer. Secuon88. Students boardinr. wit h parents or euardian will be r equired to attend at t he college only duriq; the hours at which they have recitations. Theywrn not, however, be peradtt.ed to loiter out at the collece buildiJl<:s about the city, or in the suburbs, in the intervals at their recitations . l.tIen they lea.,e the colllll:O crouoos they !'lUst return to their houaos and they will proceed to an:! £ron the college, without loitert,. on Ule w8J' or on tho> colle£" grounds. lbose who are not. receivinr. .il.1tary instruction JlIJst leave t.be col.le£" grounda at. the close at recitations. As tar as practicable they IIlIst.lnCollll to aU requ1r_nts of the rules and regulations; they IIUst be eltnplary While absent troll! the colle£" and any deporl:ftJnt prejudicial to t.~e cr.aracter ot the college will subject the ofrement t.o purdsn-nt at the discretion at the faculty . 53:'lIOII HARCHPRS Sect.ion89. '!'he cadet whoso name stands first upon the roll, shall bo t.ha marcher ot his section. As 11001'1115 t he signal iseiven he shall rom his section at t.he place ot asseelbl1l'1gin the rank a. lIeshal1thel'lcslltheroll, l1nd not.e eachabsent ee whoae n&nI' hs shall give to the otficer at the day. He shall I!ISrch his section to the section room under tho direction ot the ortieer ot the day in an orderly am aoldiorl1kelUllOO!" • .:i<>ction 90 • ... ·hile a aection is under the char:;t' ot tile IW-rcher he shaU be Nlsponllible tn the ab_nce 01' the protesaor or inatructor otthe section tor aIV 1njwy dOll!! ttl the college buildin;ls or other PNporty and tor U'IO ppod order ot his IIItction. 3ection9l • • When di8lllissed by the instructor, he shall tom. his section as betore aOO lnar<:h it in like 1'\arIMr to the place Whero it assemble;! and then diSlliss it. Section 92 . H • • hall report. in writing to the oCticer of the df"y every rlolatiGn of the "&Ulationa which hae been cO!llllitted bYall,T_ber of the eeetion orwichhe ia _reher, which in tbe recitation rocm or ",hll. marehing to or fru: it. SecUon9). When a IUrcher h not present with hls aection , the next highllt on t he roll ahall perlOI'll t he duties or _ reher and shall be ob.".ed ea INch . Section 94. 'I)ie aick requiring preacriptions, or to be excused froll dut;,., w1ll report to the orricerofthe~before8a.lII. Section 95. Sick in Qlarterl wUl be reported to the surgeon bJ" Second Sergeant at "plar lurgeon e&l.l . Section 96 . Cadeta r equiring aurg&On'a attendance at other t1Au than t ha.I prllcrlbed in regulationa an<t ordera, will report the fact to t he officer of the day who will reporttotheCe.r.a.ndant . Section 97. lc&detonthe eick]"f!portU'ld~uaedf..-.dut;,. , whether for the ",hole da;y or • ~rt of it ahall not leaVl hia roo- during the ",hole dSJ' except to perfo"" necesa&ry dutl .. or to take lick exerche bJ the aurgeon'e prescription. He 11 eapeclal.ly problbited from .baenting h1.aaelf from hie rooll during any drill, parede, or roll cell from .. !llch he i . excuaed. Cadets wU1 bear in mind when the,. go on the 11ck lilt on satlU"dSJ' or 5wdv and get exculed from ~ duty, t hat they are depJ"i'l'8d by t hh .ection of all prbUeges gben on t hoae day • • section9S. No Itudent on .1ck liet will be excu""'" rt't* an:r duty except by the aurgeon j and in all ClIOI the exe;nption D,llt be made prior to the OIdallon ot the dut,. and extfU'ld no longer lIan till the next. ~ .lck calln . OtheMdae the exCUBe will be invalid. Convllelcents will retum to dut,. onlJt on the judlemeat ot the lurleon. UJ.VE OF ABSElICE " HOIIORI.BLi> DlSCIWIGCS. SecUon99. It h particularly required that every Itudent. ",ho entera the colle,e ahU.} re ... inthro\lghe::caa1natioo atthe endorthe~tenll . LeaveofabBence and honorable d.1 a!ihargee wUl, t hererore, not be granted ",ithin .ix weeke ot the eJt&J1l1.na.t1on except in exlr_r casu. Sect1on lOO . At the written request of the pt.t"«lt or g\lI.rd1an the Pr aident. will lrant honorabl e discharges to atudent. of approved. good conduct . In all othar caae •• \IOh d.1eeharge lII.ut be author11.ed. by" the faculty. Section 101. No atudent can be granted a Illve or abaenc. aor. than the t~. during a tenll oft"ent,."aeka . seetionl02. Permis.ion to .ttd priYate pt.rt1ae or plece. of public amu.._nt will not be granted during t he aeuioo. L~a.~ of ab"ence and penllinion to ,0 beyond bounds IllUllt b~ 'igned b;y the PrelWent 01' C-.udll'lt. Sect.1on 10). !!:'Jery cadet who obtain8 a lea ... e ot abunco, or penduion to go boyOtld lUdh, and to be ab8111lt at 1"011 c&ll .~ Wlle .. publiahed in ordel" •• how hia pemt to the Flnt. Serg6&llt of 1,15 comparl7&nd.leaYl it with the otficel" of the da.1. CAdett returning tf'(:& le ..... w1ll nport to the Ccmmandant .t hh fir.t offic. hour . S..:.tionl04 . No 1 •• .,. of u,aenc. will t&.ke .ffcc:t untU tho cadet to vhooI. it ia trant.ed ha. left tho COll8g8 ground. and t he city and ..... '7 · l ..... ve~ fol" wh&.t .... er period will expire •• 11001> ., t he cad.t l'8t\U'1'l8 to tho colleg., which "tum he will prOGlptl1" report.. S.ction 10,5. Any atudent who ahall onnt.ay • lea ... e ot abunc. lII1at pl"Oduce .. thfactor1 evid&l\c. of his ha ... ing been d.tained by eicm ... , by hh pa ..... t or guU'dian, Ol" by BOlIO unavoidu,le cauu, othondu he will be d111l1113ud or othond .. punished.. S.ct1on106. Da.:r &cholan detained at homo tree ~ cau .. _.t \Illd.r Vl"ithn .xculle, appl"O'I'cd by pa ..... t. guardian, or ph,J.ician, a.tting f orth .ub8hntial l"U&on1i .. tisf,ctory to t~. C-andant, tor tho detontioo, otheM •• their r'f!portl w1ll not be oxcu .. d • .I..RRE5TS. SoctionlCff. Arl"Oat.1 may be Illad8 by tho Preaident or COIIIII&ndant in pereon or through the .djutant . No one but t he Pr .... idClt. Commandant, or of tic or in coamand for tho thoe bo1na eh&l.l ha .... jXlWor to aM'ett. ucept in cu .. of lIutin,y, direct dillObed1ence ot ordel"S, gr<Iu dhr-eepe(:t to a INperlor otficer, qua.rl"ell, aIfril7l1, riotl, br'f!ach ot peace. or othn.orfOllcea hel"Oin apec1.&l..lJ" provided fol" when U(J proteuor, teach.r, Ol" officer ot whahul" condition, UJ' make the arreat untU tbe officer in c-.nd ia advieed tho~t. Ir.fl7 Itudent who a~ l"efwle to obey aucb &.f'l"Oat thougb II\8.de by an interior in rank ahol.l be d1aa1ued or otberw1.eo lIu ..... erelJ' puniabed . Sictlon 108. Every atud4nt ie arrelt IIhell contine hhouU to hie OM! rOOlll untU reloued, unleuot.herv1leordor1Kl., exceptwben required to absent h1nle.U theretrom tor .eel. and other purpo .... Acad...uc &nd. m1l.1tary dutl" must be punctu.&ll7 at.tellded to during arNI.t. Sect.ion 109. Student. ~ b. re10aaed tro • • m8t withoout trW .t tho d1lCl"Otioo of the ott1c. r by whom th. arMlet ia lllade . S.ction 110. A Itll.d&l\t. in .rreat will not vi ait any auplrior ott1Clr, Wll • .., by pendaaion. which 111&1 be obt.ained by a Vl"itton comnunicat.lon lOtting forth tho object ot the viait . CADETS LDnTS. Sectioo ill. CUltl liId.tl are c,*pri&4ld within the diatance of ooe .ne of college bulld1ne;8. Loit.ring at t he p1cutl ot the &l\cloaun &nd. clbb1ng upon th., aDd 1K11Ie, d1l_ t urb&llce , and d.illOrderly or unbeco.1nt: conduct in their rlcin1ty are otrictl1" forbidden. and may be IIIIde subjects of tacut1 action. S.eUonll2. La .... to go beyond t b" llia1h doea not authon ... &1'17 cad.t. t.o Yidt ndgbborlog t.ownaor phen otpubl1c rellOrtand_.t not be perDltted to th"p.lrpO"'ot procuring 1,nto:r;1cating drlnlt., collm1tt.1nt: troupe.u •• on priY"t.t. right. or p!"Opert,. or clcing any &<::t in violation or regulaUons or gentl~ p!"Oprht}". POS'I'OFFlCE. Seet.iOll1l3 . ," L.thre l.oca;:1"t.t ehould be addrened to th •• t. t.he Agricultliral and M.ehan1caJ. Colleg", Auburn, Alabama. !aXSl.!...UIEOO"s. SecUonll4. Propriet:y otbehl.v1or 11 enjoined on student •• t all tau and all placn_ Conduct. Wlbecocaing an otticer and II. genth..n when it occur. vUl be considered .. proper subject tor action and ... ill b" puahhed by dism.in!on or othuw1ae hIS .everal;r.t the discrotion or ttl. racult.7_ All the otfie." or th" colleg .. are .ccord1nglJ'r~uirod.andc1t1zenll •• m"'tl:rrequlI.t.edt.oWo ... th.!.cult,.ot the Wraet10n or th1. or any other rule . Se<:t·1oa 1l5. All oreene •• &pinet .craJ.s , and all naglecl. , to ~ pr"Judie" or good or<ler not. herein fin_ entad v1ll b4I taken cogn1u.nc. of accoi"d.1ng to the nat.ur. 8lId d.gre. ofth.offenc.&Il.d..,.b.pun.i.hedbyd1I1Ai&aion.orot.h.rw1I.lell8 •• .,.~.t.t. h. dber. t.ion of th. facult.y. S.eUon1l6. Th. cuetca of t.h. II1l1t.,.,. urde. of the Unit&4 Stat.n and of .nit.ef'7 .choole , lnRl"Ilet.1on. on drill or ot.her duty and ord.r. pulJU.hed by proper authorit.l' beeocoela_ for the go'I"nlIIIOIlt. of .t.udent.. of t.hilcoU.g • • SectionU7. An.:r offend.r amenable t.o arlJ' 1.gal 1Tibunal of th • • tate, COWltl' or ciLl', will b. punhhedbl'disai .. ionor oth. rwi • • le .... ., . ... l;r.tth.discraUonofth. facult.l'. S.ctionua. A 'I'10lat.10ll ot eIlJ' minor nU., want.OIIll;r, v11tulq, or persiltmtlr don., in d.fianc. or disr.gard of . prof .. aor. th. facult.y or any authorit.y of the coU.ge w1.ll b. pwU.hedb;r diSild .. ion or otherwi.e len .. .,.ralyatth.dilcret.ion otth" tacultl'. Student.. vill not , th."fortl. und.rltand .. t.h e;r _etim •• profess t o do t.hat. it. iI option.al with th. t.o rlout.e I nUe viler. t.he;r pl. ... se. prorlded they are wU11ng t.o t.&k.t.h. d .... rihat.t.ach~ t.he"'t.o. Section 119. S t.ud.ntl."~uirfldt.o t ",at.e.ehot.h erandot.h.rpersonsw1t.hrnpect. . Th.l' w1.ll not. forg.t. t hat.. -Nl.ut.e- off duty i'lIOr. t.11an • • t.t..r of mUit..a.r:rdut.l' eUqu.t.t.. and that. hi gh t.on.d f e.ling end courtesy Ihould mark the conduct of ever;y IIIlCber of the corpe. S.ction 120. Th. aenenJ. regulation. of the United St.ate. AI'IQ' and the nUu and a rticlu .n.ct.ed for ita go .... rlllunt end foUowed 1D IIilit a,.,. detaU. when .pplicable t.o t.he coU.ge end not. conCllct.1ng vith it.. regulation', Section 121. M.ll..it.al7 othncee ~ ba bt'OUght. betore court. .. rtWs, ordered by t.he COCUIWld&nt ~d COlllposed or ott1cera ot t.he college and at the corps. The proe .. dings vil.l be r sciewed by t he otticer ordering t he court, but. 11 t hs l.ntencs .nends to 01111:11,,100 , he will lubm.1t th_ to the tscult.l'. The toru ot proceed1.l:lt:s will be according to the rulea and articles ter the goV8t'1lDlent at the Al"II1es ot the Un1ted States and the law manial. Section 122. It a Itoomt shall t eel h1Juelt wronged, hi. ccap41nt III&de t hrou,gh the r egular channel ot otticial cOlll!lUll.1cation w1ll " d~ lIIJWIIi.ned and if oaed be redreued . Sectlonl23. I gnorance ot orderl by no u:cuae to the It.udent tor their n olation, as it is hie duty to aake hiAaelt acquainted witn th_ tor which purpose the "orderly book- 11 always open to hb inapoction in the Adjutant'. oftico . Section 124. Subord1nation and obad1wce to proper authorit.y are indespensable duties ot a soldier and will be antor"Ced in every deportllle.nt at t his call ega. Punbhae.ntl to Whicb .tudenh are llabla areo ccapriaed UDdar tha collowiDg clanes, n'l . let . Prival r eprbwKl. 2nd . Sent. trom saction and ott porada tro:/l quarters. Jrd . Prin.tion at recreation and «Xtra dut.y . 4t.h arreat., wit.h conlin_ont iii qUarta rs or guard rDOIII. 5th. Public r epr1Jlland or reprimand in ordars . 6t.h . Probstion . 7th - suspension. 8th _ d1lIll1sdon . Those ot the tirst two cla"es lIII¥ be intlict..:! by any prota .. or or teloher; those ot the tiret live by the Preaident or Coo:raaruIant. , and IUl3 ot t h_ by the facult y . Seetion125. Penalties herein pr escribed ~ be instigated a t the dhor etion ot t.he tsculty . SectiOll 126. W applications t.o t he tacult.,. . ':It be .. da in writlIlg and due r egard paid to aCCUNCY and neatne", or abe t hey vil.l not be coneidered . ARnCL.E VIII . Ott1cer in Charge, Otficer ot the Day, &. Guard. Saction127. An otticer in charge is dul;1 detailed trom tho roster ot cadat otticar a ot t ho collasa ....noaa duty it 11 to attand COlIpall,y parades and Gla" parade. and chappel; to inspect practicee at least twice durinS h1l tena and especi ally to lIu, srrlsa tha daily det.ails and dutias and cluse t o ba tnlorced the dhcipllne and police ot tha corps, aeM'alrt.a attmdance, atc . Ha will r eport. all olucured. nolationa ot r eaulatlool to tne COIIIII&ndant. Section 128. An o[tic er ot the day 11 detail..:! from t.he r Olter ot cadet ottie en and expeci al.l.;r charged wit h t he due entor"Cemlllllt , under the coan.andant. et the da.1.l;r dutlea and ot all rulee and ordera relatins to d1le1pline and police. Section 129. '!he etticer o! the d-.:r wUl alwayl be preaent at guard 1II00000ting, t o nlcebe hil guard, auper1Dtend the lnlpaeti ... and 11M th.t the guard b in good order a.nd. d~aqu1pped.. S*<:t.1onl)O . As soon ." the nev &U&rd h .. been ... n:hed off, t.he otficer ot the de.)" will report. t.o the Cocnandant tor orden and inst.ructions . Sect10nl)1. lt shall be t he dut.yof the orr1cer ot t.he cial to sae that all relleh are properb inspected by t.he sergeant., bothbetore they go t.o and .ttar the;ycame t ..... their post. ; t.hat t.ha non-cOlKil1ss1oned off1cen aNI correct. and punct.ual. in t.ha pIIrtor:ance ot all their chlt.1es, and t.hat the Ient.1nela are properb post.ed , .. eU inst.""ct.eel. and ngUant.. for which p..rPOIe ha w1ll vis1t. ..... e17 reliet. He will rcl&i.n in barr1lcks during Ms tour. wit.hout t.ak1ng ott hi .... ord and Msh. or letr,..-ing ucapl. tor .... la • • uperintending aU d&1lr dut.,.. troa which he 1s excused. Hew1..llnot.be.,uowed tol01terint.herooruototheroad.atadur1Jlg at.ud,rhoura . SectionlJ2 . He will cau •• all 'igna.la to b'l given .t t.he proper t.1a .. , at.t.fInd punctually .. U COII.pa!\T or cl ass parad .... aa .. t.hat. they rap1dlr and qu1et17 tona at cOllCpalV roll call • • receive t.he report. trod. the c .. pt .. in or ottic .. r camandin8 and inspect. qu&rters •• direct.ed . SecUon13). At c411 pa.radas . he w1ll .ee that the IOnior 8qIl&d ma.reher praunt caUa the roll , r eports to hia all who are absent. or ot.herwi." delinquent, then II&reh .. h1ec~t.ot.h.aect1onl"oom end . attel" recitat1 on . .... rch" 1tback t ol" d1sm11010nin an orderl,yand.ol d1erUkelll&l\Zler . Sect.10l'1134 . He w1ll order all absentees not. properlJ' e.xcUled torth Wit.h t.o t.heir l""poect.1v" lactiona . c0<Cp&ll1 ... 01" t.o .. hat.,"er the1r duU.e ..,. I"equire. He will 1aoediat.al1' l"aport.totheott1cel"inc~allWhOlihe doelnottinrtand&Uch"lta.1lto ob&7 . Sect.1onlJS . HI will allo .. no n01 .. , scu.fning, or ot.hal" diet.urbance in 01" about the building, but. wiU t.aka prompt. and ett1c1ent ... Uurll t.o euppl"ua di.ordu ot whatever kind . He w1ll especially Nlport .. U atudent. who ,.., lo1tel" out. quart.n 01" class rooru during atud,)" hour. 01" dr1ll; and t.o thb end he Will ! requent.ly tDIId.na t.ha preza:1.tI . On SWldq'o he .. ill inspect. quartan . Sact.1Q1\136. At.t1!teen-.1.nut.aeatt.al"t.ape. bewillv1&1t.t.he l"DOa.llotallwhoanl"8ported. abllnt b;y inspecton o! d.1via1onl and he v1ll I"epe..t. th1. v1&1t. .... e17 tifteen lllinut. •• t hel"e&.ftel" WltU the retum ot t.he ablent.H • .nd will caretuli.T not.a in hb off1c1alreport t.ha t.1ae ot t ha11" r eturn and t.he penod ot t.h.1rabunce. He w1ll t.urn ovor to the ott1c'lI" who reUn .. hill. all ordera. lea ... 01" permit . in tOl"Ce at guard aounting, w1ch h. II&)" have I"oceived during h1& tOUI" . He " ill, in the tDnllpl""cl"ibed, I"8POI"t. to theC<aa&Ildant when he u.reh .. o!! dut,. lat. The del1nquencies occurring dUI1.n,g h1l tour. 2nd _ Le&ve' and perll1ta granted 01" axpinod during <:turing h1l tour. )rd - Il"regul&rlt1u in the .urgeione report. 4th - anr tacta corulect.ad .. it.h t.he at.eriol" pollce ot t he cOl"pe wh1ch he tind. worth1" ot apacial. not.1ce. Section 137. He wiU ncord on hb NlPOrt. . in the propel" place. err:r delinqua'lc1e. or vio4t1onl ot rul.eI , that III&;Y b'l III&dlll knD'IID to h1a by anr cadet 01" Ituda'l t . Section 1)8. A pendt. gnat.1Id t.o a cadet. on ~rd, 01' to one detailed COl' it, calculated in artf aanner to intel'Cere with t.hat du.ty, shall be invalid u..nl.e!lS it t'u.1l1 stat.ell the Cae t . ARHCL'" D . - Hsrit all ~rit. Section1)? The dail;y p .. fonunce of a student in each branc'l of study is !!larked froll! sero to 10, accordiJJ8 to hill l'ocit.ations, 0 indicating an entira ignonnce, 71/2 an proper knowl.edee, and the intornoediat8 nUllibers a proportionate kmwl edge or his 108sl;lI1. 7 1/2 and above will be considered. as pro(lns" below detid.8CH:y. '/lilt averaev of the marks for QachweQk reported by the inst"'ctor will be r ecorded aslll!lrit int he Adjutant' s Office for inspection by s tudents; and at. the end. of each nonth , an averlleeoflllerit.willOollladeupfortheWormationof parenh aod. euardians. If a student i s absent from aIV nlcUation, ho is "",!'ked 0 ane! if absent troll'l di'i ll, he receives Sd_rit.s, but. the facultyllAY at. the close of t he senionmalee such a rellisdon of these marlcs, as his superior ine!ustryand goodconduct ... y se .. pecuU arlytol\lllrit. . Section l~ . A.ll replrted ilTegularitie s, except t.hose punishabl e with diSJlillsion, are published onpllradedail¥andexcusos, 1t 8f11be had. can be",ade inwritin<: to t.heCO_ndZlt of the college at the mxt orderly nour. Each excueewill 3<ll t forth oonciselyl Ist ­The r~rteddelinquQncyan:lit sdate J 2nd - whate7erm¥ilr .... itorpalUat.e the offence aOO will be lIigned by t.be student trld endorced nExcuse" , set.tin;:: forth the oft'onces and date with his namo . Unexcu/IOd dolinqUlmciQs will be recorded in the Adjut ant ' " Oftico, with proportionat.e de.'lIerit. attached when they are opened tor t he inllpeet.ion of all concerned. Section 1110. To each recorded delinquency a nlD:!er trolll one to ton, proport.ional to the deWoe of tho ottonee in a .:Iral and military dew, is a"siena<! to exprest delll8r1t.. ~hUII for eu..pl.e l Late at. any du.ty Absent.fro .. rollcaU LDiterine; in st.:.ct;y hours Visitin:: in study hours Noi., i n quartors or vicinity Runnins. scuIning, etc. in galleries :bokineorusinet.obaccoinquarters, ealiories, orpassaces. ~itt.illllon noors, _ll~ , etc . J!nterine I118S~ hall before batt.alion Telidlli inranlcsor sectionroolll l demerit. ) df!!llllrit.s 21.04 �� 5 2 to 10 2 Inattention in ranks or section 1'00lIl 2 CaUIlin(: diSOrder in ranks or sect.lon roOl:\s) to 5 Throwing in lIlISS hall LO Out ot unitcn. J to 10 Qoin5 out of barracks betwcen call to quart.e r sand tattoo. ) 1JnitOnll out of order 1 Roos out of polico ) Lidlt.a tt.e r taps or out of bed afte!' taPII. 4 Kakine: illlpl'Oper use ot prclllises S to 10 F..nterin£euardr'OOlll;nennot ondu t.y 1 Changine bayoney, hamrDer, or roo:lvin;:: cock 5 Day S(ll:iolar absent fro", all day duty 15 On bed I~e~:o~~!::~~V~~l;a~~o tattoo l D180Nler Orou di80rder Repeated inat1..e'ntion Taldng provisions tro .. ..,ss hall Remaining out or quarters in 6tudy hours 2 5 delllerits ~ de~rih loncerthan tenllinutos It Throwing vater ,r any lid slle on gallory J to 10 Kimr irogularities not herein emllte r ated 1 to 10 Oross irregul.arit1ea not herein el\W.lorated will be doubled in del!leritmt to exceed 16 torona report. Thollll not herein enw:ll)rated, It to 10. b'bcnever a c.adet is arrested he a'-11 roceiTe not leas than ten de.':oerits. A higher lIUIIber my be awarded by sentenee of court .,.rtid, or the special action of the raculty, but not othel"W1ae. The aonthl,y llltlrit in conduc ~ will be reduced to till! scalo of I!Ierit in stud1es. Ilut durini: a cadet' s rirst year at the inst1tution onef1fth is deduct ed for inmcperience. 3ection112. At Ute annual eX&ltlinationa general _ Tit roll or classification of students, aec:ordi ng to their standincin studies and conduct will be arnl.n&ed by takinl the avu r~e of all the nu::obers exprouine the .. nthl:y _rit in the se .... ral studies or the ,.ear an:! 1n conduct, together vith the .... Tit I'I&rk«1 by proreaaara and Board of Trustees on t he seale or 0 to 100 at the exaainaUon. A teneral yearly average ot 75 (the 1I1&X:bnUl l!la.rit being 1(0) 1n scholarship v1ll. be required to pus a student frolll any class to the next bigi;e rl and 11' a.nark leas than 65 hattained in any study, he shalllnaddi tion be l"'qu1red to pus another e lCalll1.nat10nin that stud;y, atthebetinnioe:of t he ensuingllession beCore b eing alloved to pass it. Section llU. If any student shall tall belO1l 15 in his averaee or merit .. ark s 1n study, he shall be declared derident in progress. S!tctionl14. If any student reeeivea l SO deme rits for t hrl wrole or any part or a ha1f session, or250toranygreaterporiod, hellhall bedecalreddeCic1cnt and dislllissed . For a student to graduate, tho s tandinC r:1.18t bel that of the Int year vill be averat:ed with t rose of the previous years in his collep at.e cour se. AltTICLE X. - Acaderrlc lear and Daily Dutin. Seo:tionlh5. 'l'be acad.snic year lIhich is divided into tva tel'llS of t .... enty weelc:s each, COlli­,,(!!'\( iee on the rirst Wedneadq in October an:! ,ms on the soeond weo:!ne5da,. in July follovinc . The co_ene_nt of the soeord \..c.,. is fixed tor the aecond Wedno~in February. Each day of the veelc: is appointed to till! eeveraldu t1.e s u follows , viz. lieveille (roll- aU) at d:J.ybreak PrQ,)'llr atsunriae Stucb" hours rro .. reveWe tobreakfaat Study hours (rludy or reeitation) from 6 a .m. to 12 noon an:!. 2 p. l'!. to 6 p. lI. Church call hal£ an rour befor e sunrise on Surday Drill an hour and a quart.erbefore r e t.reat a.treat( rollc:all) atsunaet Stuct,. hours Croci half an hour after until t«ttoo. Tattoo at 9130 p. lII. Taps l~htsout at 10 p.m. Soct.ion116. Oro Saturday there will be no ac.de.rrlc exercises. Soctionlln . Each cadet will be r'<l~irftdtoattendnivina 8ef'vicesontoo Sabbath. Section 148. The collete vill be carefully prellerved !'r<l .. Ute oont roU or dOJrlnation of afIY part.yor "",tUon in r l'l1{:ion or polit iclI. Soction149. A copy of tholMl r elrUlations will be furnished each cadet. for U\e safe keepine of whl.ch he will be held relponsibl.e ; end it is nade the dutisa of inspectors of divisions to !lee thlt this l'e£Ulation 111 00..,.:>118d With • .lRTICL1" XI. _ mrsn'. SceUonlSO. A librarian duly appointed shall be N!lponeible far the propilrty in his char.:;a. He will attend at t.he library at such hours end under such by- laws as shall be pr es<:ribed by the facul ty. s..·ction15l. flo book , bal.l be Wlkcn from the library Without the knowledge and pl' 8eo!1l'1Ce ot thel1brar:l.an . Section 152. No perflOn except I'llmbers of the colleee $hall be allo-""d to draw books ft'Olll the library; and for livery book drawn from the llhrat'Y . a roceipt. shall be given. SeeUonlSJ . 110 profe ssor shall be allo ... d to have in his possession a ~ one ~t.a £lore t.lW.n four volumes; and no student more than Ontl , with aeco~ine: plates flXcept by zspocisl plnllisaion from the President . Section15L. No person shall lend SIU' book drawn fro. tne Lib I'a r J . section 15$. Ifo per son !!hall keep any book .oro than two _kat and all violations or this rcguJ..atio!l willbereported bythelibrarlan to the President. S<!ction lS6. AU per~ns draw:l.na: book" hOIl! t.he libl"lU"Y shall be re~ons1ble for any damage to them, the ...,unt ot which shall be estiaat.ed by the librarian and reported t.o the President. Section 157. No person shall be allowod to draw book" trom the library while a tine rema:ins unpaid or while books previouely drawn lira retained beyond the proscribed tillie, unless t hoy "hall be so retained by pomisslon of t he President section 158. All books drawn fro .. the Ubrary l:ilal1 be r tun>ed by the 1st ot July and none shall be ~ taken out by any student until the opoonine of U\e se8sion ln October, without the written ponaissiDn ot the President. "
title 1873 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
titleStr 1873 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7332
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7332
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7332
_version_ 1782466961473536000
spelling 1873 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of AlabamaAuburn University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1873Auburn, Alabama July 29 , 1873 The Board of Directors or the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Alabams met in the aa.u of the ~'e it Society at 5 o ' clock p. Ol. There were present of the Board Hh Excellency Governor David P. Lewis , Col. ~!. L. Stansel , J. N. Malone , Thomas D. Osborne , C. C. Langdon, J . B. Scott , and W. C. Dowdell. Honorable «illiam H. Ba rnea, Preeident of the Board, being absent , on moticn of C. C. Langdon , Mr. J . N. Malone we called to the Chair . On motion of Hr . Osborne, the Board adjourned to 8 o ' cloCk a .m. tomorrow. The Board met at 9 o'clock a .m. in College Buildings July 30, 1873. There .... e:rEI present the Preaident, Honorable ,'lilliam H. Barnes , Messrs . Stanse l , Langdon, Nalone, Oaborne , Scott , and Dowdell. Revuend I . T. Tichenor, President of the College, read hh report which on motion of Hr. "'.alone wa(J ordered to be on the table for the present . E. T. Glenn , Treasunor, submitted his report which cn motion of Mr . Osborne was ordered t o lie on the table for the present . On motion , the President appointed on the Report of President Tichenor ' s report the followiI'l8 comnittee to wit : Messrs . Osborne, St ansel and Langdon . On rn:.tion of Mr . Osborne, the President appointed a coamittee on the report of the Treasurer : Hessrs . "'.alone , Scott., and 00,,6ell. On moticn the request of the Cadets to have the use of the College Building fora hop was granted . On motion the degree of A.M. Ioas conferred by the Board of Director .!! on the following named gentlement, viz;. Lewis A. Dcwdell Alabama Leander Jackson Texas Caleb Und.!58.y Alabama T. J . Lamar Alabama. Rev. A. S. Oouglass Alabama On motion the Board adjourned until 3 o ' clooll: p.m. The Board met at 3 o ' clock p.m. Present - The President, W. H. Barnes, Measrs. Malone , Langdon, Stansel, Deborne , Scott , and Dowdell. Mr. Stansel on conmittee of the report of the President of the College submitted the followil18 report and on motion the report .... as taken up seriative . The committee tc whom "Wn.!! referred the report of the President of the College beg leave to report the following resolutions and recomend their adoption. 1. Re$OlYO<i that the 1'reuw-er ot the Aerlcultural &; K«ht.nieal Collett! ot u..btJu be and he is hereby au thorlzed With tho adv1ee ot tile Pro81dentottheCollegoanciupontheapprovalottheProsicentot th1sBoarei to purd1.R&e sueh lard U lllAybe required f'D rthe use ot the Collego not to oxcoed ono hurdrod acres. 2. Resoll'ed. t~ t thO!IU" ot bIQ thousand. lbUarsbe and the 5lIIIIB 18 hereby appropriated. tor Ulo purpose ot equ1pp1ng the COllef;e tarm 1n aceordanc ew 1threcol!'l!lend.at1on s otUl ll~ortotPres1dent o tthB ~;:I:e~h ... ,. , • ..... .1 ... ~,. .. 'f>t>- ("4,".pt. 0'" "'e.Jf~ P"1e. J. Tho rule il adopted b,. the t'(2l1tyand to be printed. "deh .. hon delle are to be hereto attaehttd. and beco .. a po.rtotthe reoordsol the B<».reiot!)1reemrs. The iblloWing rule ... 8 written out and prepared tor vend. vi'. The Preddont ' s Esoff1c10 eha1man ot the lacultu. am as a mer.iler, will be allowed a vote on all questions and the casting vote i n ease or a till . Hewillh .. e eenllrDleovern:!r)ntottheCollece and exerc1ae &"nera1 3Upems1on OVEr ill IIII.tters ot stu:tY and schola stic dlseipUm _ will alcgest to the Soard ot Directors plans tor ~l';t1' - 1nt:th eclll racter and atand:1ng anddevelop~theustltullmssottbe COllege - ldU reoomrend su.1tabl.e persons to f1llvartoUB chaira."d lwl will be the organ ot cOI1ll1Un:L::at1onbetweentlt Faculw and Eoard of Directors. Cor.urandantofCadets~schargeottheIllll1\:.ary"depart.lllant . !leviU haWl autlmr1ty to pmlbh and. tull power to enfbrce all o rder s he I'IaJ'fiDi:lnecessazytorthegol'erm:entandwellbeingotthecorpsot Cadets to conduct 1n a per tect aanner all the details ot thB m111tar,r systel!l. - to regula to t he time tor parades. drilJ.s ,1n11pecUons. roll call ~ , "'\lnti~ and rel1ev1ng gla reis, to secure proper diue1pUne oreier and cleanl1nl ss and to earry outthe duties here1n us1(ned hiln. During the' absenee ot the President, he ehall exerche t he authority tothatottice. In retard to that portion or the President ' s report. rupecting adclit1o~ profeS80r~1p!1 your coJllll1ttee are unable w1thoot further intoma.t1on to Jr8ke any sat1stactor report and reter thB eatIQ back to the Soard tor furthe r consideration. Your col!fllittee reports tha t it 1$ inexpedlont to in:reaae t he 8&1a17 ot the Coanandant or Cadets em Protes80r oC Civil Erel- neeri~ . Your col!lll1t t.ee reCOlnends the a<bption ot the tollovinjl r uolut1onsl Reoolved. that the Secretary or the Board or Directors be appointed L1l>rarian ot the College with IWthodty to collect 1:.ooks tor the Colle811 with a salaI)" of two hun:lred aid titt,. dollare. P.eoolftd that it be the duty oC the President of the COllege mil tae to Ume to report to Uda Boa rei :6IY derelict10n on the part of officers or the College 1n the discharge ot duty 1n IIOrala or otherw1ee further action ottheBoard.. Your committee report.> favorably to the Educating one aericulturist fr(J'll each county. On J:IOtion the followilll: rules were adopted. (See IJ) on preceding page) . on !!lOtion of Colonel I£ngdon, the rules aCNed on by the Faw.lV be adopted and recognized by t he Board of Directors be rules to pern them. On !!lOtion of Colonel stalsd that the office of assistant proiusor and theswoehblreby~abolished . By the S8JIIII that a chair of English Literature be established With a salary of eighteen hunlred dollars per annum. Resolved 'by Colonel Langdon tha t a chair of ~ral Philosophy be established witb a &.ary of eil11teen hundred dollars per annun. Resolved by Colonal Mal ono that Assistant Prof essor O. D. Smith be unanin::>ualy elected Professor of English Literat ure , which was done by the Eoard. Resol ved by Colonal Langdon that Reverend S. R. Ross be unanimously elected Professor of Moral Philosopl\y, Iobich was done by the Board. On motion the report of the COllnittee on the Treasurer' s :report was adopted, which is in the folloWing words ; viz. We the ccmmittee to..mom the Tr easurer ' s report vas submitted bee leave to report that we have elQl,J:lined the S(llle Or will. as we could in the limited time allowed us and find it correct. In rel ard to that part of t he Treasurer's reportin r elation to the bonds and settlement of the com:dssioners appointed by the lecislature for the settlement of the Agricultural College fund in think they have settled on thll correct basis and we recollV'llBnd that t he TreIl BUrer ins i st upon II .oottlelll'lnt on that basis. We approve of t he Treasurer having t aken AlabW'la !!IOnsy in paym ... nt of the July i nterest for 1872 and as the f acult;y r eoieved this IDOney in part plt;Y1OOn t of thek' salaries at par, which was at the time at a discount at t he rate of 6 per cent. We r ecol!1lllllnd that tte said discount be alloved them. We have exwnined t he Treasurer ' s report and find that all the items have been properly audited and are cOrrect. In regard to the salary of the secretary, ve !XI I.. having the minutes before us, prefer having the matter COJ:le up before the Eoard - all of which ve :respectfull<r submit. George S. Scott, Chairlllan. On rootion of Mr . Malone - the report of the treasurer be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Directors. On motion the Treasurer be directed to pay the balance of exp emes of cadets to the city of Montgomery. On !!lOtion of Col. Stansel that W. H. Barnes, President of the Board, 'iI.C. Dovdell and J. B. Scott be appointed an ex&cuti ve committee. 1'1'1 Moved and l18Con!!ed that the l'8l1Olution b,. Which the Board of Oired:lrll retu58d to confer the degree of D. O. be reoonsidel"8d, ..tU.ch was done. On lIOt1on oC fl.r. Osborne t.hat the A&r1eultural and Mechanical CoUe!:" oonter t.he de!:ree ot D. O. on the Collonnc !:ent.l.er.!ent.; to nt. Reverend W1liu.r. Shapard , MobUs Uab&J:la Reverend M. S. Andrells, Selma, Alabllllla Reverend Josephus $tackeUord, Tu!lCUlllbia , Alaba/!la. Rovllrend J(lseph M. t'eave r , LouieT1lle , Kentucky. TIle IIIOtion was adopted. On IIIOtion of Col. Lan!:dlln the secretary be paid the !IUIII of five hun:lred dollars lor se1'rices tor 11172. On motton of Col. LanBdon the !:Iat.ter oC expenses irz:urred b;r the two societ.ies tor p8no&nent 1J:1pTOl'_nt be subod.t.ted to the treasurer and W. C. Dowdell forreiJllburscent. On IIOtion of Mr. Malone, U1.e Board adjourned sine die. F. M. Reese Sucretar,ytoBoardoC01rectors. Report of the President of the Agricult.ural aoo Mechanical College submitted at the annual r.Jeeting of the Board of Directors held in the CollaeeBuildingJulyJ:l, 1.87). Gentlelllentof t he Board of Directorsf Auburn, Alabama July,l87) The secord 58ssion of the A. &: M. Colleee of Alabama now closing, opened on the lst of January last un:Ier circumstances of peculiar diseourage!lll'lnt. The college was in debt - the faculty unpaid - its nnancial reoources undet.9nnined. We had 00 desk. or other furniture suited to the wants of the students and no money to buy with. For the first week or two , Cadets C8!'le in slowly - even those in Auburn lar;ged behind. ~arraS:ll:lcnts un­paralled in the histo ry of our pcople oppressed the land and ewrything wore an aspect cheerless and dreary. The officers of the College addrossed thenselves to tlx! d1fficulttask =~~~:s~em arxl by patience and coura".. . have achieved an encouraging The action of the Boardatitslastllleetingtogotherwiththepersevcrine effort~ of your treasurer has resulted in a rlaterial imprCl'lBlllllnt of the financialcordi\:'ionofthacollege. One hundred and three sbJ.dent" haw been tBtriculated within the session of seven !'!!Onths. Tho avera!,:e attendance has been abou\:. 95, comparing very favorably in this respect with tha older institutions of tha state. The discipline of the College has been excellent an::!. the procress of tre stUdents generaJ.l,y satisfactory. IJ.NDS All! BUIWI1(lS. The offer of the East AlaballlQ College and of citizens of Auburn to the state included the College Buildings and two hundred acros ofland - thirteenacresofland,onwhichthecollece st.andstogetherwith saventy- five acres lying aboat three fourths of a mile Southwest of the Building, have been deeded t.o the A &: M Collegg . A subscription of twelve acrns of 11ll'Xi llIade by a cUhen of Auburn by my advice was exchaneed for one acred and the building thereon adjoinin(l the colleee COums. '!he ColleE" has tJ1us received the equivalent of one hundred acroe of land. It was un:Ierstood that Mr. Adrian Frazer WJuld e;!.ve the reJllllinin(: one hurdred acres to the CellaE" and on this subs.:ription the pled{;e of two hundred acres was I'\ade to the gt"te. It >ms afterwards ascertained that Mr. Frazer wa!! Willin.:: to eive only the right of use of such lam. A!! these lands from their distance and other consideration could not at present be ma.de avaUable, no action wa5 taken to perfect the arrangement. It was preferred to refer the whola mattor to the BOard. The seventy five acres purchased by Citizen" of Auburn for t.I)e Celle!,:e are not united to its wants. At the last 1118etill3 of the Board, it was stated that the individuall<lho acted as aeent for the citizenll of Auburn in the purchasa oftheselarrl!l hadaereedtotak eth!!mfrol!ltheColleeeattl)f: ~prlce paidforthem . Actineun:ierinstructionsfrO!.ltheBoardandre~upontheir provision, your treasurer proceeded to bareain for the lands desired for the Colleee. A.rter it vu too lat!'! in good faith to 1101119 of the partiee troll! whoI'! wch lAnds W()re purchased to recede troll! the contracts, he l earned that the individual upon wbc>80 proI'llise he had 00 eonr1dmtly relied, was u nw:l.lline to take the la~s purchased by him tor the Coller:e at /!lOre than one fifth Uleircost. 1 careful oonsiderat.ion of the Wlole question brought us to tm COlle&'O to ooneludetho purehaseandthecontractsweroacC()!"'d1nglyco~leted . This vas done With mluctmlce as it d1Jo.inished over lUdte<l l118ans and prevented us trom makillll such ilTIprovel'lents as vere UeatJ.y meded. The land purchased by your TreaS'llrer a short d1stance to the eouthwest ot the Coll.e~ bi1l.dill,'; turn1shed the but location tor a S!W.l.l tanl convenient to the instiwtion. As it NY btl desirable to have SOI!Ie other lams lyin& adjacent to these and u these lands III&Ybc thrown upon the IIIIlrket at a tille when i t h impossible to have ~diate .ction by the Board, it is n\COJaended that the Tmasurer of the College with thlt advice of t he President and Ull approval at the Pl-esident at the Board of Director s be empowered to lIIake purchases at land not to elCC&ed one hundred acres. COIJ.EG1" FA:~. It is des1£ned to devote the lands recentl,y pu.rehased to the purpose of an e"f)erinental f ara.. i'!Ost of the ground which had not beon in rultivation tor SOllie years has been planted in cotton with the viev of prepar!ne it to begin operations tlUs tall. $)ne crasses am fO I"a11l plants have been tried, but the seaoon was 90 tar ad"anced berore tho ooU could be prepared thDt but little wne elCJ>!'!ct.ed frolll than. They hue fully r<lalized our eXpectations. The lands in rear of the collega bu1ld1ncs Will ba set 1n tr..,~ and planted in trees and shrubbery, tlms NkinE tho. a pleasant addition to the campua. The spot just north or the collelle nov under cultivation 1s designed tor a stlall flovor garden in ltdch it is hoped the studentll will take no little interest. A considerable su:a Il1ll be needed the cOJ:U.ne lI.utunn to bep,n the uperilllent.al farm ; itlpllBents, seeds terlUU6r", twoo (pod JII\lle.s or horses - everythil\8 necessary to equip a sr:a.l.l t'rnll'Wst be purchased. The Boud 1:1 a.sked to appropriate at least t,1IIl toousand dollars tor the purpose. ADDITIOUAI. PROFE~li:)RS{IPS . Next year tlw;J 19riC'llltural depcrlment will :roquire all wor k thl! full tin03 or II proflt3sor . If it h oontemplated by the Bo.rd 1.0 continue the dutlos of t.hb chair in connectionvith tOO3e of Prnsidont or the college, it vill be neceaauy to releaM that officer of a.ll other duties of i nstruction. A Professor or Enelilil Uterature is greatly needed in the COllege • .in assistant Pl'ot esllOr of Physical Sciencea who should teach draving would Ilreatly pl'OIDOh thll efticioney of the faculty. 'Ihe labor of the COnnandant who in addition to the duties of that ottice ltall been teaching tour clasMa; sivinc instruction to tventy-nim yannI': lllan in the Ene1neeru. course has been &reat and it 18 recOlDended to allov thia ottica add1tional compensation. As Professor O. D. Smith haa pe r £on:aed an 3fIIount of labor fully equal to that. of other professors, it is hoped the Board will allow him the SaJ:18 salary, both for the past. session and tor the future . His continued connection with the in:lt1tution is vcry desirable. 'i'he College o\lf)1t to have a librarian ..mose principal duty for the present would be the collection of hooks . MaJ1y works of gr'lIst. value could be obtained from the U. S. Govern'Dent and from prlvate Slurces by an efficient officer with comparatively little expense tc the Colleee. If t!:tl.s duty were enforced upon tho Secretary of tho Board of Directors, giving hila such co;npensation for it as mieht be door.l8d proper, it would btl perhaps the Illest efficient and ecol'lOl!!ical arrangement that could be =de. The faculty have referred to the Board cerlain rules, defining t he duties and powers of till! President am the Cor.wandant, which Will be GUbmitt.ed for your consideration. A source of sorno embarrllSsmont. might be r~oved if the Board would def1~ the duties of the President in arother Te"'P8ct. When in the absence of chargesagaill$t an offieerof the College , t.he President of the Colleee should conclude that the best interest of the institution would be 1l'Uh­served by his removal in how far does dut.y require that he should JDake known to the Board lIIlch conclusions. His duty t.o the College might sor.wtimes seem to conflict ldth the duties growing out of his personal relations to other of ficers of till Institution. PUliS FOR TIlE lo'UTUltE. The history of the movement which rewlted in the establbmant by the Congress of the Uw-ted States of Agricultural and KecMnical Colleges shov that the leading design vas to oonefit the Agri_ cultural intarflsts of the country. This interest of OUr state n9(!ds the greatest assistance. A double duty thus descends upon us to mice this the leadine feature of the Colle!:,! ; but ve are I'J3t in theso endeavor s by /llany and fo~idable dHficulties. Men of letters such as usually improve colleee faculties rarely have my knowledge of or taste fo r aer1cultural pursuits. There is dan.,>(lr in every s\l::h institution that tha Agricultural Oepartillent ~ aither be strane;led or starved by those who are expected to be its nurses or guardians . There is also a prejudice in the minds of many agriculturalists llC:IIinst what they call "Book Faming" and a misconception of the scope an:! design of A&ricultural Colleges which lead them to u:rlervalue if not to despise their advantages. The depressed coniition of the country renders it allIIost 1IIlpossible for many of those who am engaged 1n aericulture to !live tlE1r SQM a full collee;l.ate course. The gNat majority of such parent:! vho are able do not desire their sons tobecorne a¢culturbts. Under these cirC'.lfI!st31ces, I submit ldth diffidence and 50II1II dO'l1bt as to its wisdom but as the best that can probably be done for this depart.aent the following pun. That one youl12: man from each county in the state Who9 With the arnOO pllll>ose of becoming a1 aericulturist shall badge hilnself to take the full course in Agriculture, shall receive board, tuition, books, and '" uniform for one year a I. the rate af one hundred dailars. The general idea only is presonted if acted on by the Board, it oUl':ht to be l':Ilarded by ruch restrictions and liJllitations as will more effectiwly secure the object to be accompli~ed . The main question is can t he college afford aid to such ae:ricultural students. It cannc>t be denied that every dollar of our increase llli{:ht be profitably expended in other directions - t.hat if these plans .should be adopted, oome neods that are sore, if 001. 11nperatiw, IllUst reuin unsupplied . But one agricultural intoros-t is perishin;: - Alabama is dl'ln!:: for vant of information or proper actton upon the part of t.hose vho cantrol her soil. How best to expend oW" liJrlted :IIeans is to me a question of deep, even painful, interest. A reviow of aur finances should show that oW" incame may s.afely be entered as follows. Int.erestonendorsernent. TUition t ees. 'I"here will be r<lquired for tllefaculty ,,~ Incidental expenees Total Expenditures $20 ,000 ~ $23,000 $15, 000 2,000 ~ $20,000. This would leave but Ulree t.housand that could be ewropriatftd to such purposes. We would 001. probably need r.v:>re than this gum the first year . For subso(]uont. years SOMe means of in::reasirc our i ncrease of of r<ldllCinl:our expenditures or bot.h >ould enable us to meet the incr<lasod demand. But even it ve should for the fir."!t year or so exceed our present increase, may we 001. with oonfidence expect that an indebtedness ineu~dinfurnish:LJx: education in agriculture in sone 'Jay be Uquidated. I f a student receiving this benefit shauld influence tIC others to attend the college, he would thus repay in .rull all aid extended him. It would eerta.1nly tIIUltiply our friends throughout the state and w!len too poople of Alabana saw ve were struBf:lill3 in "lJ«K lI2:bwrx;tkll;dD;txtlolrtxi:~ _u behalfofthisereatinterest,clIlitbepoesiblethatt\lestatenerself would not come to our relief. !l<:!s1des, there h yet .rtrong hopes that Congress Will eive us additional aid and nothing would so po.,..,rfuliy plea. in our behalf u the fact that this College was e.xertin;: all its energy to promte agricultural interest s. I canrot pass from this part of my report w1thout express1ng the earnest hope, the Confident expectation, that oome measure the vtsdom of the Board of Directors may devise wUl be adopted to aid the aerleultural interests of the state. 70l' II. det.G.ll?d etetement of financial con:l.1t1on of tho colleE'l , you are rospectfully referred to the report of t he Treasure::-. ~.(: laettlty hav .. instructed me to ask the concurrence ot t ~e Board in conferring the deCl"Ce ot Bachelor of Sand L upon JOlJllPh L. Gho18on, Iiew Orleens, louiB1&118, W. T. and P. R. Rutloge of Auburn, Lee Co., Al.abama. Also the decree of )~aster of Arts upon Lewis A. Dowdell, Auburn, Leo Co. , Ala. l.ell.!:der Jackson, Texas; Caleb Lindsay, AlablUll3 ; T. J . '-&mar, .u ... , all of lIlich is :.J.b:dtted respeettull;J. T. 1 . Tichenor, President of the Faculty Report of the Treasurer ot the J.ericu1 turd and ¥.echanicu Colleee or A.1abama submitted at the annual n'lCeting or the Board or Dimctors held in the college building on July 29, IInl )0, 187). Report of tho cOlllr.littee appointed by the e~,doner for the invee:taent of tho fund arising froC! the sale of lar:d donated. to the state of Alabar..a under an act of the Coneress of the United states approvod. ,july 2, 1862. Your cQlJldttee harl~ been appointed on the 28th JaJUlary 187) to ascertUn the condition of the Agricultural Collefll! FUnd arisinc fro", the land or 9Crlp donated by the United States Goverment, to the State of AlabZ\a ; whether al'\Y land or serip therefor has been recoiwd by the state of Ala.; if so, when, by whom, an:! what IIIftOllnt; what disposition has bocn made of it, it any, and in every respect to irrve stit;ate am allCertain tha oondition ofthetundandreport.tot.hisBoard>1ithlJUch~ gestions andl"('c_nd­aliona as thoY!!l1lY deoJ:l e xpcdiEK'lt. Your col:\l'd.t.tee bee leaT(! to report that on July 11, 181l, Ex-Gov. R. Il. Lindsay reported to your Board that be had received 240 ,000 acres of land scrip and had agreed to sell the DtIIIIO for ninetyccnUl (901) perac"" which was th9 _ dll¥ contirmedbY l"Our Board. The date of the aereelllllnt to IJBU aid lAnd scrip being Juno 2), 1871. .By the terms of this contract. of sale 2111 , ooo acros of land scrip was $Old to G. F. LeWis of Cleveland, Ohio, at ninety cents: (90¢) per acre, &1J\01lllt.ine to t.wo hundred and sixteen thousand dollars. P~nt. of fifty tholland dollars of said IICrip was to ~ _de by said Levis within thirty days Ittcr said ocrip was assi&ne<.l and. deposited with Duncan ~(!rnI8.n of !low York financial allents of t.he State of Alabama; am to tully pay for all the balance of said scrip wi thin 000 year frolll this date, June 2), 1671. From the roport ot the stateauditortoyourBoard, Sopt. 2,1671, it appears that fifty thousarrl four humred dollars was received by h1m by advice fro. Dur.can Shorqn to July 211 , and Augurt 2, 1671. At a meeting of your Board on Septel:!ber 2, 1871, t. he auditor wall authori~ed to invellt the !!lOne,. in 6 per cent bonds of the Sate of Alabama due in 1886 at a price not exceedine 1001 or par value . At a lII~ting of your Board on the 21 Dee. 1871, the relllOlution of September 2, 1871 was rescin:iod an:! tho auditor was authorised and required to invest aU .,l11ell then on hand and af1;Y that II1eht thereafter be received by sale ot this land serl? in t.ho bonda of Alablll:l& to be issued by Ue Governor in persuar.ce of act approved Dec . 15 , 1671 at said ooeting of Dec . 11 2, 1871. It was fu rlter rellOlved that the auditor restore to the state tl'Casu~ any JlK)ney not invested in Alabama bonds, said money Ulen be1n{: by the state­~ nt of thB auditor on deposit in the Fil'st lIational Bank of Y.onte;:OJ:IEIry. ~1e6Sl'S . Lehr:1an and Durrow wern made the dep<;.lsitorj' of all bonds purchuad for the College. By the noport of the auditor for the year ending Sept. J:J , 1812 and additional sum of five t housand seven hundred and sixty dollars is stated and the total amount of money received on aCCQunt of the Allriculturlll College fund to that date was fifty six thousand one hund:red and suty dollars and the WIIOunt of state bonds purchased thel'ewith was fifty nine thousand five hurdrod dolla rs, of which only four thousand five hundred dollal's were actually purchased and fif ty one thousand six hundred and :;ixty dollars weJ:'e deposited with Lelwa.n Durrow under a contract made bet ween the auditor and said firT:I of date June 20 , 1872, br which the date at which said bonds were to be priced was to be detenllined by the avera", price of the first two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, IIOld of the one million bonds, issued under an act approved Dec . 15, 1812. Fi.fty five one thousand oollar bonds were set aside the price not beine detem1ned. It will be seen from the forego1n{: statement. that forty five thousani nine hundrod dollars of thi5 f'un:t was deposited in th8 i'U'st Natiohal Bank·l~. fOl'investr..ent. It h submitted to y'Our Board whether or not. the College is ent itled to the interost on Ulis tclount., the same beine on deposit i n said bank for fiv e r:lOnths. The auditors report for 1872 - exhibit no . 3, paee 65, the au icultural collec:e fund is stated as follows. 1871. October 12 - for investloont 1872JlU1 . 20 _ for i nvestment 1872 Jan. 20 - for iITVestl:vlnt ~ 4SOO . oo 59, 400.00 5g ' 2~ .00 " , 1 . 00 By teI'lTtS of contract with Oleaoon F. Leods of Cleveland, Ohio, by the 23rd day June 1872, the balance of one hundred f ifty nine t.'1.ousand eight hundred and forty dollirs was to bo paid to the financial aEents of the State of Alabaman and earlier than date if the land scrip was delivered to said Lewis. In tho annual message of Governor R. B. Lindsay of lIov. 1872 , it was stated the remainder of the fuoo Duncan:;hennant.hefinan:ial agents holdono hundrodandfiftyninetb:lusandofsiadbonds, makineanaggreeateoftwo hundred and eiehteen thousand five hundred dollars , eifJ1.t per cent interost bearing bonds With coupons due July 1872. By le t ter of Duncan Shennan of tiew York, J :n uary 28, 1872, addressed to E. T. Glenn, Esq., Treasurer of the College (Exhibit. A) it is stated "The Goveroor officially asked a:< to assure for him the custody of the securities Which he held fo r account of yourcollelte"= We received the bonds as follows . S<lpt. 27, 1872 from Gov . Lioosay, $108 ,000.00. Ik>s. 753, 761<, em, 804, 806, 810, 812, 868, 870, 885, 887, 900 . Nov. 2, 1872 from New York Guarantee and In.:\emnity Company by order of Governor Lirxisay, nss. 273 and 300 , ' 28, 000. 00, Nov. 6, 1872 frol'1 Col. J . L. Tait by erder of Gov. Lindsay .. 19, 000.00 009 25L., 272, lIov. 22 , 1872, fl'ol<l Messrs. Lehman &: Eros. hy ordor of Gov. I.irdsay oos. S9 &: 6::1 , total ,.159,OOO.00. ;.y. .. ~ ~ By l,tur ot Dunc an Shernan to E. T. Gl.eIVl, Trea~r of the College !:xh1b1t B, it is _ted that too Jult coupons vere attached to the bonds reeeiYed trom Gov. LirrlBa1 and. that the coupons were .subl!lequently de­tached by order ot Gov. Lindsay. By tho contract betwotm the auditor and Leman Durrov to allCertain the price .It which ths a per cent bonds of the st.ate of Alabmu vere to be charl:lld to the Collese , your eor.tdttee repo rt that the Agrleulture1 Cellaee fund would etand as follows . Bo~spur;ba&ed~YR;!4. Re~ldll Market value of .. 51,6ro • 85_ Bal. lIIDl'I81 dept . with Duncan Sheman Salarell «u.e Market value . 159,81&0 • 85¢ Total bonda dull llIent State/of intorollt account Int. due on $Ii$OO Jan I, 1 872 ~l59,ooo in IIIOlIIIy Jan I, 1.87) Total Int. reed. July 1 1.812 $2soo.oo Jan. I , 1.813 1W.OO Bal. due Int. on exeeas of bonds due ~J1 ,JJJ . OO • 14 , 500.00 51, 660. 00 9,12J.00 159,000.00 "".00 ~ S 25J,3lJ.OO ~ ~ ~ . 9, ))6.W. Slould your Honorabls Body decide t hat the College is enti Ued to the interest on the betore !'II!Intioned !45, 900 wtUch vas on depoait for five IIIOnUu, it will be Been then iI an additional. ll'lount at .,15JO to be added to the abetve interest balance due, uJd.nc: $l.ll. 890. 1!O. It will be seen the tot.al lII:IOunt ot the Ao'icultural College £\Ind in B por cent intereet bearl~ boms of t.ho Atat .. of Alab8/lla ari5inc !'rom the lI&lall of the land ~r1p under the act of July, 1862 and t.he cont.rllct for the ilT'I'estnent would be ft25J , J2J. OO and the interest ba).aree doo Jan 1. 187) ireluding t he :rum of ,,15)0 abovo referred to &l'IOunts to <i1O,89Q. Lo. Of thia aJIIOunt. ot ii25J,J2J. oo t.he auditor hn placed in the State Treasury titty nine thousand rift hundred dollars bonds _ one hundred and fifty nine thousand dOllars vas placed in the hands at !)mean Shar..n aa custodian o f the Agricultural COllego !'wid and thelll t.um&d OVCT to t.he HOll. Arthur Bin&hU, 'i'reallUnlr of the State ot AlablllU. and by h1a to H. Claus l< eo. Your COTllllittee 'oCluld r e !p8(:tfully r ~ eo=.erxl tho.t U\e $159,000. 00 be t.rans­ferred t.o the custody of tho State TreaBlirer and iJ1. J2J .OO due be invested in 5UCh ata;o bordo by your Honorably !lody Il!a.Y direct and that the GoierllOr be required to inI:Itnlct tho auditor to drav his varrant on the 'I'roasury- ror the !!lID. of .;9 . J06. /tl balareo of intereot on to;e lii45, 900 before reUeTrod to if tho S<l.l!I(l appear is ju.st and <lIe. All ofvhiell hJlOGt rellplletftUly .ubrltted. S1t~d Bonjani.n Gardner, At.ty. Genl. R. T. SrdUl, Auditor E. T. Glenn, Cellace Trollil. Fl'OIII facts learl1lld since tho fOl"(lCOine report was W1tt ten your QOIrVIIit.tee bee leave further to submit under t.'le contract I113de betveen the auditor and MeS5T~ Leman OUrr & co . for ~on financial aecnt s of the state , it Vill be rer.tembored that tho priC<:l of the bonds turned over to the colleee >laS to be deter.rlned by the average rate at which the first ~240, OOO . OO should be sold. As the Covermr f orbade t ho furthe r sal e of the bonds When 1218, 000 only had been disposed of: tho aU:\itor and Messrs lehman Durr t< Co. somodifindtheorir;inalcontra<:tastosett.lethepri<:eofthebonde for the colleee , t the rate at which said gUr.t of $218,COO had been sold to wit at 85 ~ on the dollar. This loave ll thon a balance due frol:! Me~srs. lehman D.u'r lr. Co. of ;>5,776 in bonds which they have now on hand and a1'9 ready to turn over on proper author ity from the Gover nor. Your c tXMli t tee would, therefore, respectfully recommend that your board requost his excellency Oov. lewis to autnorize E. T. Glenn, 'treasurer of the Col1.eee , to receive and receipt for t hese bonds, that they lIIa,y be deposited in t he state t reasury. Balance bond account then due wuldstand as folloW's. In hands of Lehman OUrr &: Co . Bonds to bo purchased Respectfully subl1litted. 5776. 00 ...ill!ibQQ $37, 32).00 Renja/llin Oardner, At ty. Oenl. R. L. S:t1th, Aud1tor E. T. GlelUl , ColleeoTreas. In pursuance of this report Hr. Speed offered t he follovinZ pre8:'lble and resolution. ~'hereas fifty ona tnousand siX hundrad and sixty dollars was deposited with Messrs. Lehroon Durr lr. Co. forttlr finanCial Reents by R. H. Reynolds former auditor under a contract made and a.:roed upon bet ween tho fott":lr financial a~nt and auditor fixing the price at which the bonds of the s t ate issued undor an act of the eenor al assembly approved Dec. 15, 1871, should be 301dto said auditor at tho avorage prico at Which two hundred an:lfifty . t housand of saidbooosahouldbe sold. And ;,ohereas f,):-'~ov . Undsay forbade U1.efurther sale of said bonds when $218,000 only had been sold, and that by a:;reernent the befor e l!Iontionod contract was so modified as to fix the rate at which the said auditor :il.ou.ld receivett>ll said bonds and the average price at which tbesaid tw:l hundred and fdght cdn thousand dollarse£ said bonds md been sold. And whereas it is found that !'1x...{;ov. Lindaay did deposit with DWlcan ~ennan &. Co . forner financial a~nts of the state in the city of liew York the SUJIl of one hundred am fifty nino thou::;and dollars i n tho bonds of the state issued under an act approved Do,. 15, 1871 baIore m:l nt ioll8d at par. Therefore, be it resolY'!ld that the IIDdification of tho contract between the said Lehr.ta.n !JuIT lr. Co. , forner financial aecnts and !Ion. rl. ~l. Reynolds fonller audi1..or fixin>: the ?rice of said bonds at the aver ace at Which the $ 218, 000 had been sold that 19 at 85 cents on t."" dollar 19 hereby con­curred in and conf:\x1:led. Be it furt her resol~d that tm audit or be instructed to invest the excoss ~Jl~l~~ . in the bonds of the state in accordance W"it~ the forecoing Be it. fur-ther- re!!Ol'l'lld that the Treuurer- of t.he 8't.ate be and 13 ""ren,. inst.ructed to recei're fro_ t. ... e hands ot ~es$ rs . Lehl2ln Durr & Co . late financial .1!:ent., ot t.ho state t.he rmainder ot the 1>0,,;1.$ too t.he amunt ot ... 5TIl., . !:9 in completion ot contract. un:ler >bich the l ate auditor n. Roynold$ i nvo,ted II por t ion ot the fum of the A¢cult.ural and l!echan1cal Colleee otA1aballla. Adopt. ltd. Regular report. ot Tl'8uurer on act. ot DIOne,' l"Ce(!ivod an:! eJCPend&d, etc. ErKbr~nt. . Account The a:aount paid facalty tor 1872 • • ft of ticer, ... Bd. Director' on old debt Prof. J>r-se aparatu, rn,s on diplo= s ?rinting bill diaeount S1205. 1dt l.2$5.02 100.00 250. 00 ) 8. 00 13.'" 62.10 ToW aarunt. ot expenllllll 1.872 paid out of fUnd 187) Paid taculvtor 181) Paidotficers Total paid f aculty and otficers. Chfl.,1calapparatull En~ll8er:irL<: Dept . Books t· Apparatus Furniture am tixtures Reeordbooks tor oolle<:e Colle~ Ileal Bu tton die Unitorn for drurrDer Fla, Tot al furniture , appar at us, etc. ClltalocueS fo r 1872 Billorehelll.icalll In:JUrBnce hcident.ale Amount. CBlTi.-d fOJ'Ward • 90211. 06 989.11 ~ 81)72. 11 "'.00 1)6. 31 )50. 16 "92..'2"5 }).oo 18. 9:) ~ 8: 76) . 78 2)).50 108. 10 165.00 ~ . 1466. 85 12,626. 80 Di scount and expe ro ell or c oll eetion Jllly int. of 1872 685.00 D1 cash. paid on land 2W. OO Pertl8nent~rovclll8ntfar.!l 28)SS OrJinlllYrana expen.sell ~ D1 cOllllli ssions paid trealJlII'IIr m lllill 1 20). ) ) ~ liJ , 878.00 S~'7 Totala."lIt. expenS8B paid out of fun<l 1873 PaM faculty « officers H " tt " Paid furniture , app. , e tc . Ordinary expe nl.les Discounts, oxpenses collecting bords fo r 1872 }'lI.:rmexpens98 C=issions Alnt. interest re<:eived $l5, 100. 00. TUITION illD FEE ACOOUlIT - Credit ToclI.shreceivadtuitton .tl982. surgeons fee 311. Accounts due 534 surgeonsfet'! 76. 2;'9Ob. Debit - By pa,yments 1ndldentally Hardware Work am building and materials 8lOpenses - toHrrt. e;O::lEV expensesrcp::Iirlne roof incidental 8lCpenses paid surgeon Q. rnastcrsact amt . onl866. 48 Bal. accounts due 5_'7 By pay:nent incidentals incurred in 1872 Pelnanent " extra expenses Incidentals, etc . paid surgeon Q. Masters Acts. CommissiDns By bal . acts. due $2296. 00 610 .00 .,2906.00 9024. 06 1)72. 11 16).68 1466.85 685. 00 1203. 33 ~ $11, 878. 00 ~ $15,100. 00 61.18 193. 47 4)) .6) 87. 50 662. 65 117 .15 )lL.oo )82. 86 L6.66 610.00 ~2906 . 00 61.18 137L . 15 U 7.15 31L.00 )82. 86 L6. 66 610.00 2906.00 Current expen ses8J(ClusiYe of ijalary of offic8r.1 PrldfromendDlfIllent fund 1966. 85 Paid f rom tuition C\md 117 .15 mB4.OO This does not be1oTl1:': to too N:611ar report of the ireasu.rer a s advised b," him. The above and foregoing is a true a."ld correct copy of the Tre'8Ul\'Ir ' S report as submitted to Board of Directors. Remarks of Treasurer accompanying repor t . F. W. Reese Secretary to Board. It will be reMembered that seven thousand nine hundred and thirt y- five dollars was paid to faculty and officers March 2), 187), i n AlabaJna money. Said Alabwna money was then at a discount of 6';, Which discount the faculty and officers lost $446. 10. This 8ubr1litt.ed to the Board of the Board of Directors whether t his loss shall be sustained by the faculty and officers orthecoile{,;e . You wiU also observe that in accordarx:e with my instruction of the law, nxed Illne months 11.8' 8 basis of the . calculations in salaries of the faculty , the present being only seven rontbs session. I have calculated that t~ collece is due the faculty (7/9) seven-ninths of a full years salary . Thh too is subJ!littedforyour considerati')n. The report and Slltg9stionsasabove were adopted by t"e Board . STAm€Nl', ASSET3 AND LIABILITIES E. '1'. Glenn, I'reaS'Urer Credit amt. r ecf;l.ved on cndo_en tuition & sureeone fee Q. mi sters act . To balance Warrant on Treasurer Tuition account UnpaidSJrl:t'Onsfens Clothing account stock on hand Q. I. Dept. ,.= llal . of11.abilitifl9 $15 , 100.00 2, 296.00 2, 89L.82 L88.08 $20 , 778.90 $8 , 7/ll. 00 53L. 00 76. 00 63$. 18 L$7 . L5 75.00 ~ ~,,196 . 84 Int.. on defieienee of bon:ls 3L. 82J. axce9s liability . $500 .14 Jh178.76 500. 110 ~:: balar.::eliabilities r . M. Reese Sec . to Board of Di.t-octors. Debit PddoutendOV!:'lentf'Un:l $lL, 878 .00 n " tuij:ion fund 2, 296.00 " " Q master dtlpt. 3, ooL.90 $ 20 , 778.90 ~ Duofacul.y $lO,815 . 32 Officers & directors i307 . LL Old debt 1, 89) . 00 Lam debt. 1, 100 .00 E. T. Olenn IIO:Iney adv. L88.08 Sureeon 76.00 ,,-b Regulat.ions ot tho Literary and Kilitazy Departc.enh ot t\'l!l State Agrlcvltural and Mechanical Colleee of nab&/llll¥lopted by UlO Board or Directors Jul1 30. 187). RroULlTIOHS _ ARTICLE I . Sept.orl. The President, ColTnandant and ot.harproteslIOTS oonstitute the faculty 'oIhicb has cognisance of aJ.IlIID.t t.ers ot academic in,truction, di,cipline and pollce. h ~ealbe r2. The President 1s exolf1cio cha1rr:wl ot the racult;T 21d as. IB!Iber v:lll be allowed to vote on all questions and the cut.ill/' vote in ca3e or • Ue. fie w1llhave ce neral ,,:,vSrTl/llant.or the colleee andexereise gen eral!lUpervi s1on overall Plattersot study and IICholastic dbclpUoo j Will lnIe;;est to the '" Boa.ffi ot Directnrs plans for 1I:Iprovine t he character and st.an:lir\e and develop­i~ the u.sefulncSll ot the collate Will reco_nd suitable per",;on" to fill various chairs; and he will be the or;::an ot co..,.unieaUon between the C.cult;» ardBoardotDil'llctorli. Se~erJ . '!he Commandant or Cadets has charte ot t.he Military department. He 101111 have authority to publish and r.J.l power to .mfol"Ce aU orders he may find ,..cessary for the go verTll"llnt.oo.1I'i!1l bellleof the Corpa ot Cadets; to conduct ina per fec t IIWIn!Ir all thll cetails of the rUlitary systelnl to regulate the tae for parades, drills, in8peeUons, roll calls, .ollnUne a rd relieVing eu,ards; to have . nd secure proper discipline , order and clunl1oosaan:t to carry out the duties herein as!li{lneoi him. DurinI': the abeenc e of the President, he shall exercise t.he autherit.ybelongine t.o the Preaident.. ~~OJIber4. Professors and Teachers. Every professor and teacher ill dndowed With aut.hority at. all t.i...,s to enforce Cood order, discipline an:! at.t.ention to study. For the oiue and proper exereill8 of hill powers. for ~h!I proeress of his pupils . nd for the strict. observance of th", rogulations, he is responaible 1r.V1f!diat.e!y to the facult.y .00. t.hrough t.hea to t.he Directors. Each profenor ill at. the head of IUs 0\111 depart.ent.1 he will thereto", chooae his OVll _ thod of inst.rueUon ane! >till cont.rol in that. respect. such assistant.a u may be elllj)loyeel in his depart.­J! l3nt.. At. recitation t.he i nstructor will ropro"e every indecol"lllll or want. of prepu-at.ion and ent.er on his weekly report a~ conduct. he "'llY deem worthy of such rotice. He will note t.h e absentee", MrIc dailY according to the " tab­lished scale the per fo nlallCe ot each Cadet., exa,,";1ned.t. his recitations.oo. ubcXl1 t.hII lI3:!I8 in a r port of the tom prelloCribed. He vil.l at.tend With ritOrous punctuaUt.y his recitat.ion at. t.he hour s appoint.ee1 for hilt cluses and will not. lor any reall<.>D detain a section beyond. t.he preacribecl t.iIae , nor dismiuit.more thant.enlllinut.ea before the expiration of t.he allot.tedhour , unleu lor s;lt.:istactory re~son 110 professor or teachor shall , Without the consent. of the faculty, absent him$elt tl"OIII hia dutl83 or eIl6&(:o in any parsuit of protes.dolll11 or bueineu charllcter that can in any etfect. his afficiency $0 punctuality in the: discharee of his IlI ties in the coUaee. Ib profanor or teachet' 8hall e1vsacortific.t.1eor!'l&ke&I'IYvrittonatateOlElntorr~rtrelat.i'1: to the qualifications, st.TIdll1(!, conduct, or ctlaractor of any student or ;ny person h8~ been a student or concerning ttle examna tion of any cal'ldidat.e for aohisdon unless required to do SO by special dfreet.lon ot the faculty. the prolU(KIrs and teachers shall IY cpived ,"ory roark of rIIlpect to IoIhlctl t.heir work and otfice a:y entitle Ute- respectively; but no profossor , assi s tallt professor or t.eacher shall reeeive any feo , present or n.lard trom any cadet. of t 'le oollege . s.pt.6>IIher5. A treasure," .!ilall afll'lUally be appointedby t.he Board at Il:1n!ctors with lJUch co~nsat.1on as they lIllY dee;n sufficient., Via shall give bond and security tor the fait.ht'ull pGrfomance at hh duty. All funds bo..lon£~ to the colleeeandalldeposit.s",adeonaccountotthe ca<!ets, ahaUbedeposit.ed in such bank as the Board of Directors may direct., to t.he cl'03dit of t.he t.reasurerofthecolleeo, the ccr1.ificat.esofdeporlt. beillf, filed in the Prcrldont's Office. 'i'he treasurer shall Iooep ~eparate acoountl with the Various departments of the colleee and cadot.e,:mel. alldebt.e: md crcc!it.s to these accounts shall be mde upon t.!'lc order of t.he pros:\.dent.. No IIIOhey shall be drawn fl'Olll the fund ot t.hII college or frol!! t.he deposits ot the cadets, but upon the order of t.he president. a.'ld. a check drawn by the t.reasurer at counterl1gned by the President. . The t.reasurer acco ~ nt. shall be subject. to the revieal and approval of the President. fie ,hall .... k:e a IIW)nthl.y balance sheet, ahowlne t.he con:lit.1on of t.be t.reasury for the use of the president. lie shall make an ab st.ract. of all cash payllIent.e OIilde on account. of t.he cadets for t.he use of the officers charged with keeping t.he check boOks ot the cadets. He shall r eturn to t.he President. on the 15t.h ot June annually all receipt.s for plptent.s lII.:!e on account. ofmdet6. He st.U make annualq a detailed report to be laid before the preddent, set.t.1~ torth all payJEnts and receipts on w::count. of the college ; l18p&ratJ.ne: in dist.:1net. accounts those bel.ont;Lne: to t.he college proper, t.he quarter !'aster, tanl, etc. With t.he neces::aI7 vtIucheraand Nlte SIlCh a con~lid..t.&d e:rllillit. as llhall show the actual condition of the public f'unds. ~~er6. The Quarkr !'..aster who shall be appoint.ed annually by t.he BoILl"d . hall hlWe in charee t.he supplies furnished to the cadetll and shall issue t.hen on orders given by the pres:\.dent. At. prices fixed by the Board of Director e. He ~all Iteep correct accounts of all supp11" wlUc~ he !!laY l'('ceive and all articles fUrnished to t!le cadets &eparat.11'l(': in both accounts the $9Veral epeeies ot articles. He shall keep an acoount. aca1nllt. t.he t.reaaurer in which he shall eharee t.hat. offieer wit.h all t.he artieles delivered tD the cadet.s at their proper prices and shall ent.ertherein all proper credits to the treasurer which may arise in t:.he deparb:lent. He shall IIlnually prepare a detailed repor t ot hb transactions for theprecedineyear, tol(!t.he r wit.haninvontoryoft:.he property remllinill! in his hands and it.s eosts to bo laid before the Board of Directors by tlle President. SIIIp"t".e lilber7. ~'he AdJutant shlll keep t.he record of t.he college so that they may fi%hibit It. all t.iDes the date of the .d:rlssion al'd discharge of tlTel7 eadet, his IIIOnthly and amual. merit. and d(J'!erit. (abst.racts at Which in t.he fore pre­: x:rlbod he will tranamit. to his parent. or guradian) and vhateYer else 1IIa:y be rmeessary to eOllplet.e t.1Il history ot the colleee or t.he academie history of elchcadet. Septe~er 8. A surgeon shall be appointed t or th8 coUegs by t.he 8:lard of Directors at. U1eir annual ",eet.ine. He shal.l hold hill offiee one yelr; lilaU be subject. to reroo'Val tor eaUM at. any t.ioo by the Board ; in case of nClOO7 in interUi i t shall be filled by jhe cor:J::!an:lant. or cadets; he shall pl'Ol'lptly and faith­fully at.tend. upon t.he cadet:! at. the college whenever called upon professionally for that. purpose by any of the officers at the college; ,haH at t.he requiBit.­ion of t~e COClr.lllndill! officerlr.ake caretul exarninat.1on into androport in writing upon the health of any cadet. Who, complaining ot sickness, may ask on that account to be relieved from 1Ill! of his duties; and he shall gcoorally do whatever is proper to be done b- hi:n or health officer of the institution. For the sPrVices 50 rendered in person unless hilllsell' sick, and then by SOI:l8 co:apetent physician at his expense, he shall receive in full compendation the payment provided by the Boaro. "'v sept.ember 9" Undereraduates of marked II>3rlt N:Y be appointed instructors by the faculty and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. They are exeq,t from military duty . ARTICLE II Courses of Instruction - Courses in Letters - Fourth Class. FirstTenn ~ Rnelish I Engli sh I Aleebra In Qeo",etry III ~ D ~ D Nat . SCience or Greek V IGt. Sci. or Gr eek V Drawing VI First. Term ~ English III Trig. &. Geometry IV latin III Uat . Sci.or Greek I First "rerm ~ ~ish III latin I Physics or Greek II Cherustry II French or Genr.an - optional ~ Jo'1RSTCLASS Mentil Philosopl\Y IV Evidences of Christianity IV English Classics V Astroooll\Y Description VI ~!ineralollY &. Palaentology VI Course in Science ~ Fourth Class EnJlish I --"", - Algebra III ,,"och IV Hat. Science Bo tany V Drawing VI FirstTenn Thirti Class English Trig. '" GeO"'. SUrvey. rI 0._ III Nat. Science I Dra1i1ne VI ~ English II L~tin III P~sicsor G reak I Chemistry I rr.nch or German optional SflCon.:lTenn EJlClish Logic III latin I Physics or Greek II Chemistryof .leta15 II French or Gel1"'..an - optional Sccon.:lTer:1 Horal Philosophy rI Political ..,. coflOlI\Y IV GeoloGY and Physics Col. Georgrap~ ~ English I Geometry III French IV Nat. Science V Or1\wing " ~ English II o.~" III Descriptive Geometry Elementary IV CbOOlistry I DraWifl& VI ~ qsccondC1.ss~ ."".., Analyt. Geom. Physics Chemist.ry III Logic In v Calculus V II Physics Mechanics II n CheJdst.ry of Met.als II First.Torm ~ ;;;;t;iPh1losoplly IV ~ !<bral PhilO$)Phy IV Eridence of Christ.Unill' IV Polit.. SCono-.ic~ IV En&lish Classics V Geology" Phy. Ceot. VI lstronomy VI MinDralogy &. Pal.eon. VI Coursein~ineering ~ ."".'" lltebra French !lIIt.. Sci. Botarv­Drawing First Term I III V'" VI English II Trig. &. Oeom. survey. IV German III Nat. Sci. I Drawing VI ~ En&lish III Analytical Goon. V Physics Chmistry n Hydrographical, Swvoyine Brid£e drawing V ~ Cal.eu alus II Ch'n Enginaering III }".cntalPh11osoph1" IV Evidnooes of Chrlsthnity IV htronomy VI Jo'.i ner:Uo1:)' 'Paleon. VI ~~ English Geometry Frenc..!t Nat. Sci. Drawing Se<;ondTem I III IV V VI English II GoI"II\aI III Dn . Geol'llltl79UlYe~ Levelling Use of Instr.IV Topo&~hical Dravil'll!: VI Chemistry I SecondTcnn Logic III Calculus V Mechanic s Chemist.ry II R. road survoyinCI staking Kachill8 &. Sride:e Draw. V. ~com Tem pt)ral Philosophy IV Polit.1eal&.=ol'lOl\Y ri Ci'O'11 Engineerine III Ceologyandphysical gaoeraphy COurse in A¢eul.ture ~ Second rem ~11l!h I &e1hh I Al~bra III Geemet.ry III P'rCnch IV French IV Nat. SciBnce Botany V Theory &. Pract.ice of Agriculture VI Dr~wing Nat.. Science V ,,,0 ~ Second Year En81ish II Trig . &. Geon.survey IV German III Nat. Scienc(l ~ Third Year ENid. of Christianity IV Xental Philosoptw IV Astronomy Descript. VI MiMralo!:y &, Palcon VI Theory & Practice Af;ri ,V "First Tcr!i English Commercial Arithr.letic History Geography Bookkecp1n<; Agriculture First Term English Arithmetic Agl. Chemistry Partial Cour se Mer.\ents of Mechan1.cs "" Physics Bot""" Agriculture ARTICLE III _ A<bnission of studerrts. ~"'. ~t.emberlO . SecoreTenn lDgic In Mechanics Chomstlj' II Theory Practice of Agriculture V Genom III ~ Poli tical Economy IV ¥.or al Philosophy IV Theory &. Practice a: A(ll"iculture V Geology & Ph;ysicaJ. Goog. VI SecondTeno Enelish Arithl!letic Bookkecpi!"(l Chemistry A"gr,ic.u.l-ture ~ ""'lim Bookkeaping Agl. Chemistry Eotan;y PhysioloeY Agriculture Boys 1oIho are prepared to enter upon the prescribed course of study , \l'ill be received as students upon I9plication to tho President, 1I.rd the presl'II:!tatlon of proper testiJnonials of moral character. ~~er.lber ll. Applicants from oUior schools Will be ad:nitted J.:nto any class, for which on examination t hoy rPla,y' be found qualified. Pupils wlv:>se parents do not dear-e for them the full course, may bc admitted U) a partial or selected course , but a study orr;:e taken up cannot, without the written request of tm parent or guardian and consent of the faculty , be discontinued until completed. ~~erl2, !-kl one will be admitted \1M has been expelJe d or diSl"lissed from any other collee:e , or ..no is laboring under any .diSorder cf an infectious or iJm,oral character . ~~berlJ . 'lrl Students on thoir arrival will report im':lOdiately to the President are will enter at once upon their duties. Any one violatine this nile will be report ed to the l'ar:ulty, wmse duty it will then beoo"e to decide upon the question of his adl:rlssion or rejllction. i:1y cadet. :returning from leave ot ab .. ece will report. to the CO_nd..,t by nine 8. rD.. on the day after M" ret.urn. ~.1h. Every Cadet. When he ent.e r s the college "hall $Ubooribe in a book to be kept for that. purpOS'll the fo110101il'l8 IlIatriculation promise : "I hcroby ell8l1,f:e to Sllrvo as a cadet in the Agricultural & Mechanical College ot "lab _ ; and I prolllise on honor While I cont inue a IIIClllber thereof, to obey all bgalorders of t.he constituted authorities of t.he colleee and to discharge alll!lY duties as cadet with reF;U1.arity and fidelity . ~ber15. Cadetll after 981ectinll thair boarding houses with the approval ot the faculty will not. be pl'lnllit.t.ed to lIIIlke chaD?,es wit.hout first obt.ainine pondssion ot the faculty . )T.!pte:!lbe!"1.6. Application to exchange lXIardin,g: house~ will be grant.ed on good and sutticient realOns or upon Vritten request of parent or guardian. Sqrtmbe!" 17. 1be famlq" will feel authorized to reaove cadots fro. boarding houses when it. becOlles mnitest t.hat. Uieyare failing in thei!" duties from illlproper assoc1:l.tions or tor a.n;y other reason de:u.nding such rmtOVal.. Septomber 13. Parents and f)lardians are advised to send all lIJ)noy for payment of tuition and board to the troasurer of tbe colloge wit!'! instructions for its appropriation. Se~er19 . Every cadet upon his entrance i nto colllle:e vill be required to deliver to thll Co~roant all private ams in bie possession. ~r 2() . 'Jh!o cadets !roB eacb county of t.he state of Alabll..,.. recOJUl8nded by the county suporintendent will be received by t.he faculty and their appoinllllents approved by the Board of Dirocto rs. They will not. be roquired to pay tuit.ion fees . Se~ber21 . Eacb state cadet. is restricted in his cl'k:licli of a course of study to Agriculture or Eng1neerinj::. He should be at. least. fifteen years of 8£,! am should produce a teste:llonial of moral character and preparations such as will insure profit to both the applicant and the colleee. TheSll teat.ia:>nials Slould be addressed to the President or tlJl!l IUlcretary of the faC\llty . 5epM1nber 22. "''b_ver any state cadet shall fail to r eport within thirty days after the openine of any tam hh place shall be d(lclared lII'acant and the county superin­tendent notified of the fact and requested to f:la.ke a new appo1ntlllent. ,-~.,J oJ Sapbel:tJer23. Cadets other than state cadets shall detrQ' their own e:q>enscJ and , in addition, lIhall pay annually in advance fifty dollars tor instruction aOO five dollar, IlUrgeonsfee. AR'l'ICLE IV - Examinat.ion and DiplOClas. I,f-~ 't' S6ptor.Iber2L. /., 'I1ler shall be awritten ororalexaminationonthestudiespassoooveratthe end of tho term. SOptember2S. A cadctfoun:J.deficicntinpro6N1ssWillnotbeadvancedtothall9xtclass; sndif found 90 on account of neglect of studies, he shall be diWlisaed. ~er26. The deereesof Bachelor of Letter s , Bachelor of Aericu1tllr.l, Bachelor of Science and lJachelor of Engineering will be granted only to thoso 1100 havc passed satisfactorily eJt8!llinations on the respective courses. Cadots ... ho remain one year after graduat ion in Af!riculture , Lotte!"s, or Science shall on the I"(lCOI'I!IIE!!):iation of the faculty be entitled to tha de£roe of Master, and the completion of the post eraduate COurSB of one year will entitle the graduate of Engineering to Civil Engineer . Certificates of proficiency may be given Ii cadet upon the cOr:;lletion of any depart....1 Emtof a course. All degreaso! r egular courses must be conferred upilln the recollll:>looation ot the taculty, approved by the Board of Directors. Bad character or college delinquency of an)' kind shall be good reason for exclusionfrorna dee:ree . Each graduate Slall prepanl and sublUt to t he facult)' a t ''le si ~ on some sub ject of iIrnediate relation to the s ttldies ot his course . AppliCalts for de(:rees shall notif)' the faculty at least six liVeks before oonrnereeJ!lent. ~ber27 . No cadet of the oollege will be admi tted to artf dellre", unless he Ilhallhave eJChibit ed to the Presiden t of the college a certificate from the treasurer that his collelle dues are all paid and shall have pcrformedthe exercise assigned hiJn by tho f aculty for ro::wencement ARTIClE V _ Mil. Organization an:! Institution. ~:r28. nrn student s of thi s colleee are styled cadets ani constitute a military corps. For lIIilitary eotercises, they are organized into cOlllpanies, cons:Lituti'l: the Battalion of Corpos of Cadets, the officers of Which are appointed by the Commandant . 'l'heselcctions shall be r!l8det rol!l thosecadetswhohavebcen the most active andsoldierlike in tJ"Je perfornance of their duties an::i rnost exemplery in gBll(lral deport:..w:lnt . Section 29 . There shall be daily military eltercises on the field when t!le weathor is fSlllable Saturdays and ~1"liiays excepted at such regular hou rs as t he COImllndantofCadetsmayappoint. SectionJQ. To insure clesnliness of per 'lOn , quarter s and arms, weekly inspections and reviews will be I!I3de by the ColMIan::!:n t . Section)l. For tho academic and other exercises not. purcly military, cadets are fonned i nti:> .<.;(lctions, under the co",,"and of squadmatche:rs, of their own nUJQber, md thU!l !!lu'ched 00 their appropriAte duties. SectionJ2. Cadet guards will be lIIOunt.ed when OOCflSsary but. not in details so frequent a!ltoretardtheiracad""icprogress. Section)). CadetofIicersare regarde<ias assistants in Ute entorcement of discipline ; then orders arc to be consi<ieredasduly authorized and 00 be obeyed accord­ingly. They are expected to get examples of ndJ.itary deporttnent and go reral good eonduct to other cadets. SectionJ4. Cadet officers, squad marchers, and sentries are required under pair at being reported thelllSelves delinquent to report all tacts of delinquency, falli", urxlertheirnotice in the pertormance of their duties. SectionJ5. It is made the especial duty of every noncomndssioned officer to report lateness, disorder in rarks, and all infractions of rule s following under hb notice while on duty with his company, guard, Or other detach:llE!nt . $ectionJ6. No cadet or ot.her person shall be questioned in an,y way on account of reports rendered by h1m , oor shall he bold any conversation rebtinc 00 it with the cadetreport.ed . Saction)7. Appointlllents and pl'Ol:1otions in the corps are honorable distirw::::t.ions for military proficierw::::y am 8000 comuct. Section)8. Promotions will take place in the order of orieinal appointment only When efficiency , fidelity , progress in studies, conduct and other qUalUicat.ions warrent them. Section)9. Every offiCflr, cOflllussioned, an::! non-cOlQrnissionoo upon appointment Or promotion 10 required to plooge himself to a faitht\ll discharge of his official duties. ARTICIEVI - Unl£onnsamEquipments. Section 40. Coat. A frock coat of cadet gray cloth with short skirts extendi,.;: a little below the hips; plainstarxling collar, to hook in front; SlIall buttons fastening dolotl the seam of each cuff - single bressted, with eight large buttons down the front snd three large buttons on esch side edge of the plait behin:;l. Buttons. Cold , of a pattern desired for the military departmant of t.he collegl3 . Shoes. ~raoyer no other will be wom on duty f ora£" cap, grey clotb with patent leather vioorand strap, and black elothband; single row of black braid up each side seam and circular row on the oop near t.h.a edge. Gloves. "''hite linen or cotton - cravat black tie vest, gray cloth, single breasted wiUl 0l'1li row of 5II1alJ. buttons and sLandin!: collar. For swrr:Ier , white marseilles of SIIlIIe pattern - a vest is not a necessary part of U1e uniform. Gmat coat. Gray prescribed pattem. Sash. Crimson worsted a silk with tassel to be worn by officers, sergeant major and first sergeants. Arms and accoreti8l!lents _ :narkets cartridges boxes, bayonets, scabbard and sword will be furnished by U1e college. The badges of rank worn in the corps shall be on the full dress unifonn, those prescribed by the United St _tes Army regulations. SectionLl. Every cadet to when anna and accoute""entll are issued will be held strictly accountable not only for their preservation, but forthese perfectr;oodord Cr atall timos, Section 42. On all parades am other drells duty the coat D'lUst be buttoned up, and most Plinute attention paid to neatness and soldier like appearnace in every particular and at all times when m vest is worn , the buttons of the coat must be buttoned. Section 43. The prescribed dress will be strictly adhered to, nor will he allowed the al1t:hte s t deviation. The wearing of fancy caps , fancy cravats, etc . 'Will not be tolerated on any pretence lo'hatever. Hair Will be worn short md whiskers and lIIOustaChe not allowed . AllTICLEVII _ RulellofDhciplinearrlPollce. Seetion4/J. The strictest attention to study and the most exact punctuality in attendance on recitations and alJ.otherdutieswillbemade the condition of every students continuance in the oollel:'3; and a~ stlXient 1Il0 without authority absents himsell from recitation or srt( other duty deserts his soction, or rcfuses to attend ...nen warned shall be di$lllissed at the discretion of the faculty or less severely pWli:lhed. Scction45. Students am prohibited urder penalty of dismiSsion, from having in their po.5EtssionannunitionW'eaponsoranall not islJUedfor the perfonnance of military duty; nor shall them be retained in quarters loaded under any pretext. 5ection46. Art( student who shdl wear, draw, Or use any weapon against any other person, offer or accept II challenge to fight, aid , abet or promote a duel Ihall be dismissed. Section 47. A.ny student who shall engllee in a tieht or offer violence, to arq person, uphold snother for decUnine to tieht , oruse opprobrious or defamatory language toward amther shalJ. be dismissed or less severly puni~ed. SectionU8. Sb.1dents arc prohibited ent.t!ring into combiIlQtions under whatever pret.t!xt. One who shall b6gin, 6xcit.t!, caUS6 or join in any boisterous or riotous conduct, or become a party t.o any agreement to avoid or violate any regu­lations, to hold no intercourE16 with a comrade, or to do an,y act to th6 pnjudic6 of fOod ord6r and lllilitaljl' discipline shall be di:'£1issed. SectionU9. A st»dent wbo shall b6gin, excit6 , or cause or join in any sedition against U\6 Authorit16s of the collel:e Or any one of th6m, or who Imowilll: of such mutiny and sedition does not inform the faculty and use his utr.\Ost 6ndeavors to Inlppress it shall be disllliss(t(i. section 50. A student who shall drink or brifll> or cau~ to be brought within th6 cadets l1l1I1ts,orhave inhis l'OOIIl, tent,orotherwiselnhispossssslon, ancty fer:nentedor intoxicatineliquor orfruUsorviandspreservedinintoxicatine l1quorshallbediSlllissoo . Section 51 • ..I. student who shall without penqissionfrom the coUege authorities, parent or guardian, (,:otoanypublicoous60rplacewherefermented, spiritiousor .intoncatine liquors are sold shall be dismissed or lllse s(',eraly punished at t oo discretion of the faculty . Section 52 . A student fourn guilty of a breach of a r r est, shall 1.6 j i9!lissed. SectionS) • ..I. cadet 'Who shall be absentfrolllhia quarters or create noilr-an dcistrubllllCe betwe6n tattoo an:! reveille , absent himself from college ~it5 at any tim6 or remain about without leave , orfObeyOtDco1l6gelim:lts orvisitthe rail­road8, t~:!.r.s, or depoD at the tilll8 of the arrival and departure of train8, 8hall be dismis5ed or puniSted at the dlscrctt->:1 f the facul ty. SectionSU. A student 'iho shall rei"use to give evidence 'ihen required to do BO by the raculty shall be df,p.133 t . 3,·ction5S. "vcry cadet shall be requ!I\' d t o atten! divllvt services on the Sabbath. A record shall be nnde at the opf'n.ine o r <!VI'ry session ~howilll the church lit which each cadeit is a :reeular attendant, and to none other shall be be illrowed to Co Without a vritten permission from the President or Cor:vnandant ofthecolleee. Section 56. Astudentwho.shall l'rofenetheSa.bbath, useproIlineorobscenelareuageor behave irrevelently while IIttendinJ divine ser'liee, shall be diSlllisfiOd 01' otherwise punished, according to the degree of hh offence. S$ction". Any student who shall di8CMllle a I!IUskfet or othe r fire IIl'1l1S , explode po\older Within a clldets limits, or in a.I1Y I118.f\ner endaneer college buildine8 in r egard to fire, throw I .... Uciously fro", II Window in II hall, participate in excited eathe:rings , noi5edi8turbanceordi90rder, or shall post offensive pictures, placards, or writing 0 n the vails, etc. in or out of quarters, shall be d1smisood or othervise less severely punished. 5eetion 58. A student who "hall disobey the orders of any offieer of the college, or any officerol'serItinolof the corps in tho dlSMal1!e of his duty, oraetinany insubord1nateordisreapoctful .... nnertotheauLhoritiesotthecolleee, to any ot them, or to an officer or sentinel of the oorps, shall be dismissed or atherds£! punished accordine to the degree of his offense. Sect.ion$9 . ,., A student who shall cut, mart: or otherwise deface or injure, the b.l11,dines, furniture , or appurtenances; the trees, shrubbery, e:reenerou!Kls, fences , stables, Or outhouses; or who shall injure , destroy. or improperly dispose of the arms a.ecoutreJOents, or other property of the University, shall make good allda:::laceandbcdismissed,orotherwisepunishadaccordlne tothe nature of theofrenoo. 5ectioo(;(). A student who shall answorforaootheraspresentatrollcall, orothel''Wise beeuiltyofafalsehoodinanyoffieialstat""!Jnt, orother lilisrepresentation shall be dism1ssed or otherwise punished according to the nature arddeeree of h1a offense. Section 61. Any cadet who i s found preparire , givine , or in any IMnner participating in anentertainnmtin quarters, shall bediSlllissed Or otherwise less severely punished. Section 62. Any student tailing to pay lKld neglecting;:to make satisfactory arrangel:8nts fortheliquidstionof this college. char l:esshallbedismissed. $ection6]. No student shall have in his possession or pla,yat cards or e:al!lesotohaooe, en!:ll&ein a ruffle or in arw=ner wager IIll'lney or cther things on penalty of dismission. Section6L. No cadet shall be allowed to keeps waiter, horse , Or dog. Sootion65. No society shall be or l:anized by the students without speciallioonse from the faculty , nor smll a!lsenblage of students be held for this or any other purpO!ffl without written permission from the President or Commandant. Urder penalty of d ilmlission to the officers presideing at ruch roeetine and such other studente present thereat shall be adjudged deserving of that punishment. seo::tion66. The <"!l l:ular meetines of the llterary societies are appolnted. to be held every Friday nit:bt between call to quarters and 1l o ' clock p.m. At all called meetinge the presiding officer must be furnii9hed with authorl~ from the officer in chare:e. Any officer of the society who presides or officiates in any capacity at an irnll:ular II>getil'l8 s..'Jall be dismiSOOd. Section 67. 'L'he secretarles of the lit.erary 90cietiesand other societies shall report to the officer in charge t.heir respectiverolli at the openine of each session; ardthenamesofalllllel!iber sassoonaselected, 1:!Ullediatelyatterevoryroll call they "''ill report the absentees to Iha officer of t he day to " hom they will abo purx:tually rC!pO r t any member who absllllts himselv :!lOre than ten minutes from the society ooetine . And it shall be the duty of tffl officer ot the day to sea that there absentees are i n their rooms and to furnish a list ot them to the officer in cbaTEe. TIleY shall note in the minutes of each meetinethetiJoeatwhichtheirre9pectiVll!:lOcieticsbellinarxladjournEKland shall 9.lbm1t their ID1nute books to the Commandant as often as he IQY require it. Section 68. Members present at regular authorized roetilltll are excused from quarters, but any cadet who shall visit a society hall in study hours Without permiSSiOns shall be liable toarrellt. Section &;. Should any student f eel that a servant or any ""ploYIl'a of the college has enraeEKlh1Jnorin!lUltedhiJrl, oomustr...-portthecase to the Collllllandantpresent, and t he gri$vance shaU be properly taken up, but in ro case shall he inte rfere pe r!:lOnally with or attBClpt to chastbe any servant or sny other per!:lOn coTUJected with the co11e&e, or with any citizen under penalty of di:;nission. SectiDn 70. Any student who shall wantomly insult, maliciously throw any mis llile or str ike II. eitizen shall be dimTlissed. Section 71. Aswdentwhoisdischergedordi8l'llissooorsuspended, r:rustleaVllttw. coliege grounds iJonediaLel,y. ~o uld he eontinue to wear the uni.fonn, the fact that i'e is no loncer II. r.lem.ber of the collel!e may be published. QUA"""" Section 72. Cadets quarters are organized into divisions ot which each will bf! under the supervi:iion of a cadet officer dellignate<:l as inspector of division, whose duty it shall be to visi t each room at taps to see that the oce",ants are in bed, li~ht8 extinguished , am that qui. t and good order prevail. 'Ihe result of their inspections, he Shall Nl]X>rt to the officer in charge. He 10Ul also inspect at what other times through th<J day as may best gerve to enforce r8euiations and or ders. He will e !lp<Jei ally see that there is no visiting in study hours, nor noise at any tilll9 in quarters Or on galleries; t hat no cadet is in bed after r8V(lUl<Jorbe!oretattoo j that all lights are extingu1shad at taps except in tho rooms of orficer~ allowed t o have thar.l. He shall co!!U:!llll1cate to occnpsnh of rooms in his division all orders relative to police and cause thC!r.l to be observed and w1lJ. report immediately to the officer of the day all violations ofregulatiolUlororder s ob~vooin hisdivision . Section 7). Cadet officers 11110 are allowed to burn lights after taps until 11 o' cloek are cadetinstruetors, adjutant, i nspectorsofdivisions, quartennasterandfirst sergeant . Section 74. I/o pers> n "til be adodtte<:l by the occupants in arw room dlU'int: study hours except the proper servants, inspectors of division, officers on duty am members of the faeultYi c1tizens desiro to visit in barracks Will appl,y to theco!:Vlland.i~ofticer". Section 75. Students shaJ.l walk tile halls and pass up ,,1):1 do1or.'l stairs with as lit tle noise as possible . Playing on musical irlstNments in !wdy hours and on Sunday , entering (lIIard room when not on duty , loitering in the halls or I.' about the nain entrances, scufnine. running, jumping, cli1llbing over railill!ltl, whistling , and other nobe , distrubances and disoNler in halls and passaees or in the vicinity of the wildings, makin!: il'lproper use of premises, stepping from room or appearing in vicinity of barracks Without coat, keeping horse Or buggy, or htrilll'! ona Id.Umut permission, are at all tiJ:les especially prohibited and 1'II!I;y in a ggravated cases be subjects for the special act ion of the f aculty andofseverepenaltics. Section 76 . No student shall visl.t. Or lo1t<)r out of quartor s during stuiy hours. One found absent at any inspection shall be reported to the officer of the d~ towhorotheab'lOlnt.ee!ll\lstreport wit hintelllllinut es, otherwisatheofficer of the day will visit the roOIl1 every fif t oon Minutes until his return and report. the delinquencywith the le~th of time he romainlld absent. Should the absent ee fail to report. his return to t he officer of the day, he Will be reported for neglllct of duty, and if he fails to rrake satisfactory explan­ations when absent over ten minutes he shall be arrested at. the discr etion of thecomrnandineofficerorf'acult.y. Section 77 . ~kine will bot be allowed in st.udy hours, nor on streets, not at arc! time in halls or passages, or on colleee ground. Chewinll tobacco is not pormitted in sectionroolll or on drill , or on othe r lIlilitary duty. Spitting on fioors or wuls in public rooms and other places of resort is strictly prohibited. Section 78. Students are NlquiNld to repair promptly to their roor.lS at caJ.1 to quar ters, to devote study hours to U1eir appropriate acadEmic duties and expecially to donothine inconsistent therewith. Steppingfromroorn, passineoutof barracks , and1dlenessinquartersaresubjectsfordruneritrnrka. Section 79. Students Vill hold books, serials, etc. , or anythifl8 for pastime in their possession, subject to the approval of the faculty . Section 80. The repair of dama...uos in quarters will bl! assessed equally on all student.s , and chareed in th<:!il' bills if not report.ed against or asswned by the depre­dator . SectionSl. Cadet quarters fila,)' be inspected by any r.lerPer of the faculty , at any time . S&ction82. lio cadet shall be absent trOlll a'\l' duty whatever wit.hout. peI"l!dssion from the President or COll\Jllandant unless ex<:uscd by the surgeon for inabill~ in ccn­sequonce ofsicknass. fiECITA'tIO:1S Section 6) . Student.s are l'<lquired to fall into ranks of sections as oreanbed by the faCulty and march quickly to aoo from section roOlllS ; to be order ly and decorous during t.heir attendance the re, only quittine their seat.s or leaving or l.eaving the rom by the iMtructor'lII IlItJiority; and to hlllYe no book or other thing not pertainine to the recitation. Section 84. Any student who Sl:i.l.l. leave hi s section room and remin abll8nt !'lOre than ten ainutea shall be reported by the iMtructor for faculty action. 5ection85. It a :rtudont deserts his :!"ction on the r:lDreh to the section room, thlt SjUad ldareher will 1mmDdiately report h1JII to the office at tho day, Vho wUl enforee attondancltasincasootabsonce. Section 86. Should the instructor filiI on any account to attend punctuaUy at the hour of reci\..ation, the squadlIIarcherwiUdotainhiasltct.ionintherecitationl"OOlll tor tUteen ainutes, unless lIOonor di-.isaed by a lIII!IIber ot the f&cul t,}'. Section 87 . If a atudent repeatodl]' abs.mts lliJo .. lt fro. rltcitation, whether on account at II1cknesa or other caUlII! , or l!II.n1test.e a cont.:inuad want ot IPPUcaUon, or capacity, the instructor will prOlllp~ submit the ru.tter to the facul. . 'Ihe Adjutant will alao report weekl.y for tho .ction of tha I. body, all cun at disobedience at orders, ab_nce t'roJII duty not excused, II'ld vil.!ull ani tlagrant violatiOIl3 or regulations which are entered on the records at his orticer. Secuon88. Students boardinr. wit h parents or euardian will be r equired to attend at t he college only duriq; the hours at which they have recitations. Theywrn not, however, be peradtt.ed to loiter out at the collece buildiJl<:s about the city, or in the suburbs, in the intervals at their recitations . l.tIen they lea.,e the colllll:O crouoos they !'lUst return to their houaos and they will proceed to an:! £ron the college, without loitert,. on Ule w8J' or on tho> colle£" grounds. lbose who are not. receivinr. .il.1tary instruction JlIJst leave t.be col.le£" grounda at. the close at recitations. As tar as practicable they IIlIst.lnCollll to aU requ1r_nts of the rules and regulations; they IIUst be eltnplary While absent troll! the colle£" and any deporl:ftJnt prejudicial to t.~e cr.aracter ot the college will subject the ofrement t.o purdsn-nt at the discretion at the faculty . 53:'lIOII HARCHPRS Sect.ion89. '!'he cadet whoso name stands first upon the roll, shall bo t.ha marcher ot his section. As 11001'1115 t he signal iseiven he shall rom his section at t.he place ot asseelbl1l'1gin the rank a. lIeshal1thel'lcslltheroll, l1nd not.e eachabsent ee whoae n&nI' hs shall give to the otficer at the day. He shall I!ISrch his section to the section room under tho direction ot the ortieer ot the day in an orderly am aoldiorl1kelUllOO!" • .:i<>ction 90 • ... ·hile a aection is under the char:;t' ot tile IW-rcher he shaU be Nlsponllible tn the ab_nce 01' the protesaor or inatructor otthe section tor aIV 1njwy dOll!! ttl the college buildin;ls or other PNporty and tor U'IO ppod order ot his IIItction. 3ection9l • • When di8lllissed by the instructor, he shall tom. his section as betore aOO lnar<:h it in like 1'\arIMr to the place Whero it assemble;! and then diSlliss it. Section 92 . H • • hall report. in writing to the oCticer of the df"y every rlolatiGn of the "&Ulationa which hae been cO!llllitted bYall,T_ber of the eeetion orwichhe ia _reher, which in tbe recitation rocm or ",hll. marehing to or fru: it. SecUon9). When a IUrcher h not present with hls aection , the next highllt on t he roll ahall perlOI'll t he duties or _ reher and shall be ob.".ed ea INch . Section 94. 'I)ie aick requiring preacriptions, or to be excused froll dut;,., w1ll report to the orricerofthe~before8a.lII. Section 95. Sick in Qlarterl wUl be reported to the surgeon bJ" Second Sergeant at "plar lurgeon e&l.l . Section 96 . Cadeta r equiring aurg&On'a attendance at other t1Au than t ha.I prllcrlbed in regulationa an<t ordera, will report the fact to t he officer of the day who will reporttotheCe.r.a.ndant . Section 97. lc&detonthe eick]"f!portU'ld~uaedf..-.dut;,. , whether for the ",hole da;y or • ~rt of it ahall not leaVl hia roo- during the ",hole dSJ' except to perfo"" necesa&ry dutl .. or to take lick exerche bJ the aurgeon'e prescription. He 11 eapeclal.ly problbited from .baenting h1.aaelf from hie rooll during any drill, parede, or roll cell from .. !llch he i . excuaed. Cadets wU1 bear in mind when the,. go on the 11ck lilt on satlU"dSJ' or 5wdv and get exculed from ~ duty, t hat they are depJ"i'l'8d by t hh .ection of all prbUeges gben on t hoae day • • section9S. No Itudent on .1ck liet will be excu""'" rt't* an:r duty except by the aurgeon j and in all ClIOI the exe;nption D,llt be made prior to the OIdallon ot the dut,. and extfU'ld no longer lIan till the next. ~ .lck calln . OtheMdae the exCUBe will be invalid. Convllelcents will retum to dut,. onlJt on the judlemeat ot the lurleon. UJ.VE OF ABSElICE " HOIIORI.BLi> DlSCIWIGCS. SecUon99. It h particularly required that every Itudent. ",ho entera the colle,e ahU.} re ... inthro\lghe::caa1natioo atthe endorthe~tenll . LeaveofabBence and honorable d.1 a!ihargee wUl, t hererore, not be granted ",ithin .ix weeke ot the eJt&J1l1.na.t1on except in exlr_r casu. Sect1on lOO . At the written request of the pt.t"«lt or g\lI.rd1an the Pr aident. will lrant honorabl e discharges to atudent. of approved. good conduct . In all othar caae •• \IOh d.1eeharge lII.ut be author11.ed. by" the faculty. Section 101. No atudent can be granted a Illve or abaenc. aor. than the t~. during a tenll oft"ent,."aeka . seetionl02. Permis.ion to .ttd priYate pt.rt1ae or plece. of public amu.._nt will not be granted during t he aeuioo. L~a.~ of ab"ence and penllinion to ,0 beyond bounds IllUllt b~ 'igned b;y the PrelWent 01' C-.udll'lt. Sect.1on 10). !!:'Jery cadet who obtain8 a lea ... e ot abunco, or penduion to go boyOtld lUdh, and to be ab8111lt at 1"011 c&ll .~ Wlle .. publiahed in ordel" •• how hia pemt to the Flnt. Serg6&llt of 1,15 comparl7&nd.leaYl it with the otficel" of the da.1. CAdett returning tf'(:& le ..... w1ll nport to the Ccmmandant .t hh fir.t offic. hour . S..:.tionl04 . No 1 •• .,. of u,aenc. will t&.ke .ffcc:t untU tho cadet to vhooI. it ia trant.ed ha. left tho COll8g8 ground. and t he city and ..... '7 · l ..... ve~ fol" wh&.t .... er period will expire •• 11001> ., t he cad.t l'8t\U'1'l8 to tho colleg., which "tum he will prOGlptl1" report.. S.ction 10,5. Any atudent who ahall onnt.ay • lea ... e ot abunc. lII1at pl"Oduce .. thfactor1 evid&l\c. of his ha ... ing been d.tained by eicm ... , by hh pa ..... t or guU'dian, Ol" by BOlIO unavoidu,le cauu, othondu he will be d111l1113ud or othond .. punished.. S.ct1on106. Da.:r &cholan detained at homo tree ~ cau .. _.t \Illd.r Vl"ithn .xculle, appl"O'I'cd by pa ..... t. guardian, or ph,J.ician, a.tting f orth .ub8hntial l"U&on1i .. tisf,ctory to t~. C-andant, tor tho detontioo, otheM •• their r'f!portl w1ll not be oxcu .. d • .I..RRE5TS. SoctionlCff. Arl"Oat.1 may be Illad8 by tho Preaident or COIIIII&ndant in pereon or through the .djutant . No one but t he Pr .... idClt. Commandant, or of tic or in coamand for tho thoe bo1na eh&l.l ha .... jXlWor to aM'ett. ucept in cu .. of lIutin,y, direct dillObed1ence ot ordel"S, gr<Iu dhr-eepe(:t to a INperlor otficer, qua.rl"ell, aIfril7l1, riotl, br'f!ach ot peace. or othn.orfOllcea hel"Oin apec1.&l..lJ" provided fol" when U(J proteuor, teach.r, Ol" officer ot whahul" condition, UJ' make the arreat untU tbe officer in c-.nd ia advieed tho~t. Ir.fl7 Itudent who a~ l"efwle to obey aucb &.f'l"Oat thougb II\8.de by an interior in rank ahol.l be d1aa1ued or otberw1.eo lIu ..... erelJ' puniabed . Sictlon 108. Every atud4nt ie arrelt IIhell contine hhouU to hie OM! rOOlll untU reloued, unleuot.herv1leordor1Kl., exceptwben required to absent h1nle.U theretrom tor .eel. and other purpo .... Acad...uc &nd. m1l.1tary dutl" must be punctu.&ll7 at.tellded to during arNI.t. Sect.ion 109. Student. ~ b. re10aaed tro • • m8t withoout trW .t tho d1lCl"Otioo of the ott1c. r by whom th. arMlet ia lllade . S.ction 110. A Itll.d&l\t. in .rreat will not vi ait any auplrior ott1Clr, Wll • .., by pendaaion. which 111&1 be obt.ained by a Vl"itton comnunicat.lon lOtting forth tho object ot the viait . CADETS LDnTS. Sectioo ill. CUltl liId.tl are c,*pri&4ld within the diatance of ooe .ne of college bulld1ne;8. Loit.ring at t he p1cutl ot the &l\cloaun &nd. clbb1ng upon th., aDd 1K11Ie, d1l_ t urb&llce , and d.illOrderly or unbeco.1nt: conduct in their rlcin1ty are otrictl1" forbidden. and may be IIIIde subjects of tacut1 action. S.eUonll2. La .... to go beyond t b" llia1h doea not authon ... &1'17 cad.t. t.o Yidt ndgbborlog t.ownaor phen otpubl1c rellOrtand_.t not be perDltted to th"p.lrpO"'ot procuring 1,nto:r;1cating drlnlt., collm1tt.1nt: troupe.u •• on priY"t.t. right. or p!"Opert,. or clcing any &<::t in violation or regulaUons or gentl~ p!"Oprht}". POS'I'OFFlCE. Seet.iOll1l3 . ," L.thre l.oca;:1"t.t ehould be addrened to th •• t. t.he Agricultliral and M.ehan1caJ. Colleg", Auburn, Alabama. !aXSl.!...UIEOO"s. SecUonll4. Propriet:y otbehl.v1or 11 enjoined on student •• t all tau and all placn_ Conduct. Wlbecocaing an otticer and II. genth..n when it occur. vUl be considered .. proper subject tor action and ... ill b" puahhed by dism.in!on or othuw1ae hIS .everal;r.t the discrotion or ttl. racult.7_ All the otfie." or th" colleg .. are .ccord1nglJ'r~uirod.andc1t1zenll •• m"'tl:rrequlI.t.edt.oWo ... th.!.cult,.ot the Wraet10n or th1. or any other rule . Se<:t·1oa 1l5. All oreene •• &pinet .craJ.s , and all naglecl. , to ~ pr"Judie" or good or<ler not. herein fin_ entad v1ll b4I taken cogn1u.nc. of accoi"d.1ng to the nat.ur. 8lId d.gre. ofth.offenc.&Il.d..,.b.pun.i.hedbyd1I1Ai&aion.orot.h.rw1I.lell8 •• .,.~.t.t. h. dber. t.ion of th. facult.y. S.eUon1l6. Th. cuetca of t.h. II1l1t.,.,. urde. of the Unit&4 Stat.n and of .nit.ef'7 .choole , lnRl"Ilet.1on. on drill or ot.her duty and ord.r. pulJU.hed by proper authorit.l' beeocoela_ for the go'I"nlIIIOIlt. of .t.udent.. of t.hilcoU.g • • SectionU7. An.:r offend.r amenable t.o arlJ' 1.gal 1Tibunal of th • • tate, COWltl' or ciLl', will b. punhhedbl'disai .. ionor oth. rwi • • le .... ., . ... l;r.tth.discraUonofth. facult.l'. S.ctionua. A 'I'10lat.10ll ot eIlJ' minor nU., want.OIIll;r, v11tulq, or persiltmtlr don., in d.fianc. or disr.gard of . prof .. aor. th. facult.y or any authorit.y of the coU.ge w1.ll b. pwU.hedb;r diSild .. ion or otherwi.e len .. .,.ralyatth.dilcret.ion otth" tacultl'. Student.. vill not , th."fortl. und.rltand .. t.h e;r _etim •• profess t o do t.hat. it. iI option.al with th. t.o rlout.e I nUe viler. t.he;r pl. ... se. prorlded they are wU11ng t.o t.&k.t.h. d .... rihat.t.ach~ t.he"'t.o. Section 119. S t.ud.ntl."~uirfldt.o t ",at.e.ehot.h erandot.h.rpersonsw1t.hrnpect. . Th.l' w1.ll not. forg.t. t hat.. -Nl.ut.e- off duty i'lIOr. t.11an • • t.t..r of mUit..a.r:rdut.l' eUqu.t.t.. and that. hi gh t.on.d f e.ling end courtesy Ihould mark the conduct of ever;y IIIlCber of the corpe. S.ction 120. Th. aenenJ. regulation. of the United St.ate. AI'IQ' and the nUu and a rticlu .n.ct.ed for ita go .... rlllunt end foUowed 1D IIilit a,.,. detaU. when .pplicable t.o t.he coU.ge end not. conCllct.1ng vith it.. regulation', Section 121. M.ll..it.al7 othncee ~ ba bt'OUght. betore court. .. rtWs, ordered by t.he COCUIWld&nt ~d COlllposed or ott1cera ot t.he college and at the corps. The proe .. dings vil.l be r sciewed by t he otticer ordering t he court, but. 11 t hs l.ntencs .nends to 01111:11,,100 , he will lubm.1t th_ to the tscult.l'. The toru ot proceed1.l:lt:s will be according to the rulea and articles ter the goV8t'1lDlent at the Al"II1es ot the Un1ted States and the law manial. Section 122. It a Itoomt shall t eel h1Juelt wronged, hi. ccap41nt III&de t hrou,gh the r egular channel ot otticial cOlll!lUll.1cation w1ll " d~ lIIJWIIi.ned and if oaed be redreued . Sectlonl23. I gnorance ot orderl by no u:cuae to the It.udent tor their n olation, as it is hie duty to aake hiAaelt acquainted witn th_ tor which purpose the "orderly book- 11 always open to hb inapoction in the Adjutant'. oftico . Section 124. Subord1nation and obad1wce to proper authorit.y are indespensable duties ot a soldier and will be antor"Ced in every deportllle.nt at t his call ega. Punbhae.ntl to Whicb .tudenh are llabla areo ccapriaed UDdar tha collowiDg clanes, n'l . let . Prival r eprbwKl. 2nd . Sent. trom saction and ott porada tro:/l quarters. Jrd . Prin.tion at recreation and «Xtra dut.y . 4t.h arreat., wit.h conlin_ont iii qUarta rs or guard rDOIII. 5th. Public r epr1Jlland or reprimand in ordars . 6t.h . Probstion . 7th - suspension. 8th _ d1lIll1sdon . Those ot the tirst two cla"es lIII¥ be intlict..:! by any prota .. or or teloher; those ot the tiret live by the Preaident or Coo:raaruIant. , and IUl3 ot t h_ by the facult y . Seetion125. Penalties herein pr escribed ~ be instigated a t the dhor etion ot t.he tsculty . SectiOll 126. W applications t.o t he tacult.,. . ':It be .. da in writlIlg and due r egard paid to aCCUNCY and neatne", or abe t hey vil.l not be coneidered . ARnCL.E VIII . Ott1cer in Charge, Otficer ot the Day, &. Guard. Saction127. An otticer in charge is dul;1 detailed trom tho roster ot cadat otticar a ot t ho collasa ....noaa duty it 11 to attand COlIpall,y parades and Gla" parade. and chappel; to inspect practicee at least twice durinS h1l tena and especi ally to lIu, srrlsa tha daily det.ails and dutias and cluse t o ba tnlorced the dhcipllne and police ot tha corps, aeM'alrt.a attmdance, atc . Ha will r eport. all olucured. nolationa ot r eaulatlool to tne COIIIII&ndant. Section 128. An o[tic er ot the day 11 detail..:! from t.he r Olter ot cadet ottie en and expeci al.l.;r charged wit h t he due entor"Cemlllllt , under the coan.andant. et the da.1.l;r dutlea and ot all rulee and ordera relatins to d1le1pline and police. Section 129. '!he etticer o! the d-.:r wUl alwayl be preaent at guard 1II00000ting, t o nlcebe hil guard, auper1Dtend the lnlpaeti ... and 11M th.t the guard b in good order a.nd. d~aqu1pped.. S*<:t.1onl)O . As soon ." the nev &U&rd h .. been ... n:hed off, t.he otficer ot the de.)" will report. t.o the Cocnandant tor orden and inst.ructions . Sect10nl)1. lt shall be t he dut.yof the orr1cer ot t.he cial to sae that all relleh are properb inspected by t.he sergeant., bothbetore they go t.o and .ttar the;ycame t ..... their post. ; t.hat t.ha non-cOlKil1ss1oned off1cen aNI correct. and punct.ual. in t.ha pIIrtor:ance ot all their chlt.1es, and t.hat the Ient.1nela are properb post.ed , .. eU inst.""ct.eel. and ngUant.. for which p..rPOIe ha w1ll vis1t. ..... e17 reliet. He will rcl&i.n in barr1lcks during Ms tour. wit.hout t.ak1ng ott hi .... ord and Msh. or letr,..-ing ucapl. tor .... la • • uperintending aU d&1lr dut.,.. troa which he 1s excused. Hew1..llnot.be.,uowed tol01terint.herooruototheroad.atadur1Jlg at.ud,rhoura . SectionlJ2 . He will cau •• all 'igna.la to b'l given .t t.he proper t.1a .. , at.t.fInd punctually .. U COII.pa!\T or cl ass parad .... aa .. t.hat. they rap1dlr and qu1et17 tona at cOllCpalV roll call • • receive t.he report. trod. the c .. pt .. in or ottic .. r camandin8 and inspect. qu&rters •• direct.ed . SecUon13). At c411 pa.radas . he w1ll .ee that the IOnior 8qIl&d ma.reher praunt caUa the roll , r eports to hia all who are absent. or ot.herwi." delinquent, then II&reh .. h1ec~t.ot.h.aect1onl"oom end . attel" recitat1 on . .... rch" 1tback t ol" d1sm11010nin an orderl,yand.ol d1erUkelll&l\Zler . Sect.10l'1134 . He w1ll order all absentees not. properlJ' e.xcUled torth Wit.h t.o t.heir l""poect.1v" lactiona . c0<Cp&ll1 ... 01" t.o .. hat.,"er the1r duU.e ..,. I"equire. He will 1aoediat.al1' l"aport.totheott1cel"inc~allWhOlihe doelnottinrtand&Uch"lta.1lto ob&7 . Sect.1onlJS . HI will allo .. no n01 .. , scu.fning, or ot.hal" diet.urbance in 01" about the building, but. wiU t.aka prompt. and ett1c1ent ... Uurll t.o euppl"ua di.ordu ot whatever kind . He w1ll especially Nlport .. U atudent. who ,.., lo1tel" out. quart.n 01" class rooru during atud,)" hour. 01" dr1ll; and t.o thb end he Will ! requent.ly tDIId.na t.ha preza:1.tI . On SWldq'o he .. ill inspect. quartan . Sact.1Q1\136. At.t1!teen-.1.nut.aeatt.al"t.ape. bewillv1&1t.t.he l"DOa.llotallwhoanl"8ported. abllnt b;y inspecton o! d.1via1onl and he v1ll I"epe..t. th1. v1&1t. .... e17 tifteen lllinut. •• t hel"e&.ftel" WltU the retum ot t.he ablent.H • .nd will caretuli.T not.a in hb off1c1alreport t.ha t.1ae ot t ha11" r eturn and t.he penod ot t.h.1rabunce. He w1ll t.urn ovor to the ott1c'lI" who reUn .. hill. all ordera. lea ... 01" permit . in tOl"Ce at guard aounting, w1ch h. II&)" have I"oceived during h1& tOUI" . He " ill, in the tDnllpl""cl"ibed, I"8POI"t. to theC<aa&Ildant when he u.reh .. o!! dut,. lat. The del1nquencies occurring dUI1.n,g h1l tour. 2nd _ Le&ve' and perll1ta granted 01" axpinod during <:turing h1l tour. )rd - Il"regul&rlt1u in the .urgeione report. 4th - anr tacta corulect.ad .. it.h t.he at.eriol" pollce ot t he cOl"pe wh1ch he tind. worth1" ot apacial. not.1ce. Section 137. He wiU ncord on hb NlPOrt. . in the propel" place. err:r delinqua'lc1e. or vio4t1onl ot rul.eI , that III&;Y b'l III&dlll knD'IID to h1a by anr cadet 01" Ituda'l t . Section 1)8. A pendt. gnat.1Id t.o a cadet. on ~rd, 01' to one detailed COl' it, calculated in artf aanner to intel'Cere with t.hat du.ty, shall be invalid u..nl.e!lS it t'u.1l1 stat.ell the Cae t . ARHCL'" D . - Hsrit all ~rit. Section1)? The dail;y p .. fonunce of a student in each branc'l of study is !!larked froll! sero to 10, accordiJJ8 to hill l'ocit.ations, 0 indicating an entira ignonnce, 71/2 an proper knowl.edee, and the intornoediat8 nUllibers a proportionate kmwl edge or his 108sl;lI1. 7 1/2 and above will be considered. as pro(lns" below detid.8CH:y. '/lilt averaev of the marks for QachweQk reported by the inst"'ctor will be r ecorded aslll!lrit int he Adjutant' s Office for inspection by s tudents; and at. the end. of each nonth , an averlleeoflllerit.willOollladeupfortheWormationof parenh aod. euardians. If a student i s absent from aIV nlcUation, ho is "",!'ked 0 ane! if absent troll'l di'i ll, he receives Sd_rit.s, but. the facultyllAY at. the close of t he senionmalee such a rellisdon of these marlcs, as his superior ine!ustryand goodconduct ... y se .. pecuU arlytol\lllrit. . Section l~ . A.ll replrted ilTegularitie s, except t.hose punishabl e with diSJlillsion, are published onpllradedail¥andexcusos, 1t 8f11be had. can be",ade inwritin<: to t.heCO_ndZlt of the college at the mxt orderly nour. Each excueewill 3<ll t forth oonciselyl Ist ­The r~rteddelinquQncyan:lit sdate J 2nd - whate7erm¥ilr .... itorpalUat.e the offence aOO will be lIigned by t.be student trld endorced nExcuse" , set.tin;:: forth the oft'onces and date with his namo . Unexcu/IOd dolinqUlmciQs will be recorded in the Adjut ant ' " Oftico, with proportionat.e de.'lIerit. attached when they are opened tor t he inllpeet.ion of all concerned. Section 1110. To each recorded delinquency a nlD:!er trolll one to ton, proport.ional to the deWoe of tho ottonee in a .:Iral and military dew, is a"siena<! to exprest delll8r1t.. ~hUII for eu..pl.e l Late at. any du.ty Absent.fro .. rollcaU LDiterine; in st.:.ct;y hours Visitin:: in study hours Noi., i n quartors or vicinity Runnins. scuIning, etc. in galleries :bokineorusinet.obaccoinquarters, ealiories, orpassaces. ~itt.illllon noors, _ll~ , etc . J!nterine I118S~ hall before batt.alion Telidlli inranlcsor sectionroolll l demerit. ) df!!llllrit.s 21.04 �� 5 2 to 10 2 Inattention in ranks or section 1'00lIl 2 CaUIlin(: diSOrder in ranks or sect.lon roOl:\s) to 5 Throwing in lIlISS hall LO Out ot unitcn. J to 10 Qoin5 out of barracks betwcen call to quart.e r sand tattoo. ) 1JnitOnll out of order 1 Roos out of polico ) Lidlt.a tt.e r taps or out of bed afte!' taPII. 4 Kakine: illlpl'Oper use ot prclllises S to 10 F..nterin£euardr'OOlll;nennot ondu t.y 1 Changine bayoney, hamrDer, or roo:lvin;:: cock 5 Day S(ll:iolar absent fro", all day duty 15 On bed I~e~:o~~!::~~V~~l;a~~o tattoo l D180Nler Orou di80rder Repeated inat1..e'ntion Taldng provisions tro .. ..,ss hall Remaining out or quarters in 6tudy hours 2 5 delllerits ~ de~rih loncerthan tenllinutos It Throwing vater ,r any lid slle on gallory J to 10 Kimr irogularities not herein emllte r ated 1 to 10 Oross irregul.arit1ea not herein el\W.lorated will be doubled in del!leritmt to exceed 16 torona report. Thollll not herein enw:ll)rated, It to 10. b'bcnever a c.adet is arrested he a'-11 roceiTe not leas than ten de.':oerits. A higher lIUIIber my be awarded by sentenee of court .,.rtid, or the special action of the raculty, but not othel"W1ae. The aonthl,y llltlrit in conduc ~ will be reduced to till! scalo of I!Ierit in stud1es. Ilut durini: a cadet' s rirst year at the inst1tution onef1fth is deduct ed for inmcperience. 3ection112. At Ute annual eX&ltlinationa general _ Tit roll or classification of students, aec:ordi ng to their standincin studies and conduct will be arnl.n&ed by takinl the avu r~e of all the nu::obers exprouine the .. nthl:y _rit in the se .... ral studies or the ,.ear an:! 1n conduct, together vith the .... Tit I'I&rk«1 by proreaaara and Board of Trustees on t he seale or 0 to 100 at the exaainaUon. A teneral yearly average ot 75 (the 1I1&X:bnUl l!la.rit being 1(0) 1n scholarship v1ll. be required to pus a student frolll any class to the next bigi;e rl and 11' a.nark leas than 65 hattained in any study, he shalllnaddi tion be l"'qu1red to pus another e lCalll1.nat10nin that stud;y, atthebetinnioe:of t he ensuingllession beCore b eing alloved to pass it. Section llU. If any student shall tall belO1l 15 in his averaee or merit .. ark s 1n study, he shall be declared derident in progress. S!tctionl14. If any student reeeivea l SO deme rits for t hrl wrole or any part or a ha1f session, or250toranygreaterporiod, hellhall bedecalreddeCic1cnt and dislllissed . For a student to graduate, tho s tandinC r:1.18t bel that of the Int year vill be averat:ed with t rose of the previous years in his collep at.e cour se. AltTICLE X. - Acaderrlc lear and Daily Dutin. Seo:tionlh5. 'l'be acad.snic year lIhich is divided into tva tel'llS of t .... enty weelc:s each, COlli­,,(!!'\( iee on the rirst Wedneadq in October an:! ,ms on the soeond weo:!ne5da,. in July follovinc . The co_ene_nt of the soeord \..c.,. is fixed tor the aecond Wedno~in February. Each day of the veelc: is appointed to till! eeveraldu t1.e s u follows , viz. lieveille (roll- aU) at d:J.ybreak PrQ,)'llr atsunriae Stucb" hours rro .. reveWe tobreakfaat Study hours (rludy or reeitation) from 6 a .m. to 12 noon an:!. 2 p. l'!. to 6 p. lI. Church call hal£ an rour befor e sunrise on Surday Drill an hour and a quart.erbefore r e t.reat a.treat( rollc:all) atsunaet Stuct,. hours Croci half an hour after until t«ttoo. Tattoo at 9130 p. lII. Taps l~htsout at 10 p.m. Soct.ion116. Oro Saturday there will be no ac.de.rrlc exercises. Soctionlln . Each cadet will be r'<l~irftdtoattendnivina 8ef'vicesontoo Sabbath. Section 148. The collete vill be carefully prellerved !'r<l .. Ute oont roU or dOJrlnation of afIY part.yor "",tUon in r l'l1{:ion or polit iclI. Soction149. A copy of tholMl r elrUlations will be furnished each cadet. for U\e safe keepine of whl.ch he will be held relponsibl.e ; end it is nade the dutisa of inspectors of divisions to !lee thlt this l'e£Ulation 111 00..,.:>118d With • .lRTICL1" XI. _ mrsn'. SceUonlSO. A librarian duly appointed shall be N!lponeible far the propilrty in his char.:;a. He will attend at t.he library at such hours end under such by- laws as shall be pr es<:ribed by the facul ty. s..·ction15l. flo book , bal.l be Wlkcn from the library Without the knowledge and pl' 8eo!1l'1Ce ot thel1brar:l.an . Section 152. No perflOn except I'llmbers of the colleee $hall be allo-""d to draw books ft'Olll the library; and for livery book drawn from the llhrat'Y . a roceipt. shall be given. SeeUonlSJ . 110 profe ssor shall be allo ... d to have in his possession a ~ one ~t.a £lore t.lW.n four volumes; and no student more than Ontl , with aeco~ine: plates flXcept by zspocisl plnllisaion from the President . Section15L. No person shall lend SIU' book drawn fro. tne Lib I'a r J . section 15$. Ifo per son !!hall keep any book .oro than two _kat and all violations or this rcguJ..atio!l willbereported bythelibrarlan to the President. S<!ction lS6. AU per~ns draw:l.na: book" hOIl! t.he libl"lU"Y shall be re~ons1ble for any damage to them, the ...,unt ot which shall be estiaat.ed by the librarian and reported t.o the President. Section 157. No person shall be allowod to draw book" trom the library while a tine rema:ins unpaid or while books previouely drawn lira retained beyond the proscribed tillie, unless t hoy "hall be so retained by pomisslon of t he President section 158. All books drawn fro .. the Ubrary l:ilal1 be r tun>ed by the 1st ot July and none shall be ~ taken out by any student until the opoonine of U\e se8sion ln October, without the written ponaissiDn ot the President. "Auburn University Board of Trustees18731870sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and ReconstructiontextpdfBOT_1873.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1873This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7332