1872 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1872BOARD MINUTES March 20, 1872 Proceedings of the first meeting of the Board of· Directors of the Agri­cultural and Mechanical College of the state of AU.bama commenced and held in the Hall of the Websterian Society in the College buildings at Aubu...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7331
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collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
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publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
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1872 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1872BOARD MINUTES March 20, 1872 Proceedings of the first meeting of the Board of· Directors of the Agri­cultural and Mechanical College of the state of AU.bama commenced and held in the Hall of the Websterian Society in the College buildings at Auburn, Lee County, Alabama on the 20th day of Harch, 1872. / 2.8' The Board of Directors of theA. & M. College was called to order by Coi. Jo seph Hodgson Vlho nominated Governor Robert B. Lindsay as Chairman. Governor Lindsay took the chair and on motion of Hon. William H. Barnes, Joseph Hodgson 1vas appointed Secretary pro-tempore. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting a..'1.d that the same was called under the act approved February 26th, 1872, entitled An Act in Relation to the Agricultural ani Mechroical College of Alaba..'11a ani that the iollm'ling persons are entitled to seats as members of the Ibard of Directors, viz. The Governor of the State of Alabama Ex Officio Robert B. Lindsay Superintendent of Public Instruction - Col. Joseph Hodgson President of the State Agricultural Society ------ Hon. William H. Barnes, Lee County, Alabama Hon. C. C. Langdon, Mobile, Alabama Thomas D. Osborne, Jackson County, Alabama Col. M. L. Stansel, Pickens County, Alabama J. B. Scott, Esq., Montgomery County, Alabama Q. N. Malone, ,sq., Limestone County, Alabama w. C. Dowdell, Esq., Lee County, Alabama. Of this rrwmber the following gentlemen were present: Gov. LinisaYJ Joseph Hodgson; ~1Tilliam H. Barnes; H. C. DOlidell; C. C. Langdon; T. D. Osborne; M. L. Stansel; and J. B. Scott. , Hr. Barnes offered the following resolution. Resolved that Samuel G. Reid and B. S. Bibb lay before the Board of Directors their claims to a seat ~vith the Board of Directors, both gentle­men claiming to be President of the State Agricultural ,;society. The resolution lias adopted, whereupon B. S. Bibb submitted the follmYing paper. Office of the Alabama State Agricultural Society Hontgomery, 18th Harch, 1872 I hereby certify that the Han. B. S. Bibb of 110ntgomery is the President of the Alabama 'State Agricultural Socie~J. Mr. S. G. Reid submitted the following paper. ~M. P. Vandiver, Sec. of the State Agricultural Society. Samuel G. Reid Director Hontgomery Dear Sir: Executive Dept. state of Alabama l1ontgomery March 16th, 1872 A meeting of the Directors of the Agricultural and l1echanical College of Alabama will be held at Auburn on the 20th instant for the purpose of organizing the College. Your presence as a member of said Directory is urged. Re spe c tfully , Robert B. Lindsay, Gov. Governor Lindsay offered the following resolution. Resolved that neither the President of the Ala. state Agricultural Society nor the President of the Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical Association is entitled to membership in this Board. The second section of the Act appeared February 26th, 1872, designating the President of the State Agricultural Society an ex-officio member thereof. Pending the resolution, G1'l motion the Board adjourned until 4 0 t clock p.m. The Board of Directors met at 4 0' clock P. H. Mr. Langdon offered the following substitute for the pending r esolution. l1esolved that B. 'Sa Bibb, President of the Alabama State Agricultural Society, is entitled to membership in this Board. The substitute was rejected. 1be resolution of Gov. Lindsay being put to a vote Was lost. Gov~ Lindsay offered the following resolution. Resolved that B. S. Bibb is entitled to a seat in this Board under the credentials which he: ·has submitted. The resolution was lost. On motion of Mr. Stansel the Board proceeded to elect a permanent President. Governor Lindsay moved t hat a committee of three be appointed to report upon the number and duties of the Faculty to be elected by the Board of Directors. The motion was adopted and the President appointed as the committee members, Lindsay, Langdon, and Stansel. Mr. Langdon moved that the Secretary be instructed to notify Me ssrs. Reid and Bibb of t he action of the Board of Directors upon t heir claims for a seat in the Board. On motion of Mr. Langdon the Board adjourned until 10 0' clock A. I1. the 21st day of March, 1872. The Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Journal read and approved. On motion of v.Jilliam C. DOiidell the Boark took a r ecess until 12 noon. Gov. Lindsay from Special Committee made the following resports. That there be: 1. A President and Professor of J'1oral Philosophy, Lo gic, History, Rhetoric and Political conomy, with a salary of twenty five hundred dollars ($2500) per annum. 2. A professor of Pure Mathematics. 3. A professor of Natural Sciences, embracing Astronomy, Me ttalurgy , l1echanic Arts, a nd Civil Engineering. 130 4. A Professor of Chemistry, Proper, Agricultural and Annalytical Geology and Minerallogy. 5. A Professor of Ancient and Hodem Languages. 6. A Professor of Mental Philosophy, English Language and Literature. 7. A Professor of Practical Agriculture, Horticulture, Pomology, etc. 8. A Commandant and Teacher of !1ilitary Tactics and Military Engineering. Each of the Professors shall have a salary of fifteen hundred dollars. Report adopted ••• On motion the Board adjourned 'til 4 0' clock P. M. 'The Board me t at 4 O'clock P.M. Mr. Stansel offered the following resolution. That the Faculty be required to equalize labor among themselves am. if nece ssary to that purpose transfer any branch of study from one professional chair to another. The motion was adopted. Mr. Stansel offered l, he follOwing resolution. In t he event it shall become necessary, the faculty are hereby authorized to provide a teacher £or a preparatory department, then action in the premises subject to the : approval of this Board and such teacher shall receive for his services in addition to tuition fees such compensation as this Board may deem reasonable. Adopted. Mr. stansel moved to go into t ~e election of a permanent Secretary to the Board of Directors of t he A. & M. College of Alabama. Mr. Frank H. Reese of Auburn, Lee County, Alabama, was elected ani appointed Secretary to the Board. 11r. Stansel motion to go into the election of a Treasurer of the Board. Mr. E. T. Glenn of Auburn ~ias elected and appointed Tr easurer of the Board of Directors of the A. & H. College of Alabama. Nr, Stansel moved that the pay of the Secretary of t his Board shall be tuo hundred and f ifty dollars pe'r annum and the pay of the Treasurer 2t p er cent on all monies disbursed by him. - Adopted - Governor Lindsay moved that Messrs. Langdon, Stansel, and Osborne be appointed a committee to draw'!> Q)rJaws and report tomorrow. The Board adjourned to 8 o'clook P.M. 13) The Board met at 9 o'clock P.M. On motion of Governor Lindsay that when the Board a djourned it shall adjourn to the 1st }10nday in June next. At which adjourned meeting the Board shall elect the Faculty of Professors. The motion was lost. On motion of W. C. Dowdell the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning, 8 O'clock. Auburn, Alabana March 22nd, 1872 The Board root at 8 o'clock A.M. Hon. William H. Barnes in too Chair. Minutes read and adopted. The report of th e Special Committee on by-laws through their Chairman Hr. Stansel reported the following. This College shall consist of a Faculty composed of the following officers. A President and Professors as named and designated in the r eport of the Sp ecial Committee composed of Gov. Lindsay , Langdon, and Stansel, except t hat the commandant and teacher of military tacti cs and military engineering shall further have charge of the Quarter Masters and commissary departments and that the off icers so named and designated shall hold their respective offices during the pleasure of the Board. The Cadets shall wear a uniform of cadet gray and in summer time white pants, the goods for which may be f urnished t hereby the Quarter l'1aster. Department at costs and charges and the Treasurer of the Board shall supply that Deparunent ld t.'l funds for t he purpo se on the warrant of the President of the Faculty therefor. The said College shall go into operation f orthwith, from which time the salaries of officers shall commence, payable semiannually on the first day of February and the first day of August of each year upon the warrant of the President of the Faculty to the Treasurer. 132.... Duties of Secretary It shall be the duty of the Secretary of this Board to attend all the meetings af the Board, to keep an accurate record of all t he proceedings t..nereof, in a vlell bound book which shall be furnished him by the Treasurer upon the order of the Pre sident of th e Faculty therefor, and to discharge such other duties pertaining to his office as shall from time to time be required of him by the Board and he shall receive for his services t he sun of two hundred am fifty dollars, payable semiannually, the first of February and the 1st of August of each year by warrant of the Treasurer from the President of the Faculty. " Duties of Treasurer It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies coming to the College and di sburse the same only on the warran t of the President of the Faculty. He shall execute his bond for the faithfull discharge of the duties of his office in the sum of twenty thousand dollars payable con­ditioned and approved as required by law and shall annually report to this Board a f ull statement of all his receipts and disbursements and such other matters as may be deemed proper. All of which w~s adopted. Additional by-laws submitted and adopted. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Faculty; to have controll of all disbursements of the monies of the College appropriated by this Board and shall drau hi s warrant on the Treasurer for a:g sums to be paid out of the Treasury and shall keep a record of all such warrants drawn, showing the amounts, dates, in whose favor and for wha t purpo se drawn and shall make annual report to this Board; and he shall not vote in any meeting of the Faculty except in case of a tie. In case of the absence of the President for any cause, the Faculty shall have the power to elect some member of their elm body who shall temporar­ily discharge t:re duties of President. The Faculty shall have pOvler to charge each student such a fee for incidental expenses as they may deem proper. The tuition fee shall be f ifty dollars for each student per annum p~yable on his entrance into the College. The Commandant shall have complete control of the military department. The Collegiate year of t his College shall begin on the first Honday of February of each year and the Commencement Exercises shall take place on t he last Thursday of October of each year and such preceding days as the faculty may arrange. }1r. Langdon moved that the Board proceed to the election of the professors, whereupon the following named gentlemen were elected. Rev. T. T. Tichenor, D. D., President and Professor of Horal Philosophy, logic, history, rehotoric and political economy. Professor Alexander Mogg, Professor of pure mathematics. J. B. Read, I'1.D. Professor of Natural sciences, 'embracing astronomy, metallurgy, mechanical arts and civil engineering. Professor vi. C. stubbs, Professor of chemistry proper: agricultural and annalytical; geology and mineralogy. Professor T. T. Dunklin, Professor of Ancient and modern languages. Rev. B. B. Bnss. Professor of mental philosophy, English language and Ii terature. w. H. Jemison. Profe ssor of practical agriculture, Horticulture, Pomology. J33 Genl. George P. Harrison, Jr. Commandant and Teacher of military tactics and military engineering. It was moved that the Secretary inform the gentlement present elected to professorships of their election and invite them to participate in the deliberations of t he Board of Directors. Which duty was perf.ormed and all the gentlement who had been elected to professorships were notified except Dr. Tichenor, the others bein g present in the town of Auburn. The gentlemen vmo had been elected to professorships entered the Hall of the 1vebsterian '&lciety when the Board was in session am verbally accepted the profe ssorships to which they had been elected. By Gov. Lindsay. Resolved that t he secretary of the Board of Directors be directed to inform in writing each of the professors of their election and to request their acceptance of the same in v~iting. On motion of Gov. Lindsay; that there be three students from each County in the :State of Alabama admitted as members of the A. &:. M. College free of tuition fees. The resolution was amended by inserting two instead of three and adopted. an motion of Mr. StaJ. sel; that the salary of the President of t:l:le A. & H. College of the State of Alabama be twenty-five hundred dollars and that the other professors shall receive the sum of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars and an equal proportion of one half the tuition fe es. Adopted. On motion of 11r. Langdon; the present faculty are hereby au thorized to carry out in good faith the agreement of the faculty of the East Alabama Male College made with the pupils thereof in regard to tuition and all obligations entered into with them. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Stan sel; the tuition funds turned over to t his College is hereby appropriated to repairs on the College buildings under the directbn of the Treasurer of t his Board. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Hodgson that the faculty select the land to be connected ,vi th the A. & M. College of Alabama. - On motion of Mr. Stansel; that the re gular annual meetings of this Board shall be held on the first TUesday preceeding commencement day of each year and such other meetings shall be held as the Pr esident of the Board shall call. On motion of Mr. Stansel; that each of the directors make out a bill of their actual expenses incurred in cOming and going from Auburn in their official capacity and submit the sruae to the President of this Board and flle the same with the Secretary. On motion of Hr. Hodgson; that the thanks of the Board of Directors be returned to the Websterian Society for the use of their Hall. J 3Lj On motion of Mr. Hodgson; the Board of Directors do nOli adjourn sine die. Frank M. Reese, '$ecretary to Board of Directors The City of Montgomery, Alabarna. June 19th, 1872 At an informal meeting of the Board of Directors of the A. & M. College of Alabama held in the rooms of the Executive department at the Capitol Building, Hon. ~. H. Barnes, Pre sident of the Board, took the chair and there were present Gov. Robert B. Lindsay , Thomas D. Osborne, W. C. Dowdell, I. N. Malone, & J. B. Scott. The secretary was requested to read such communications, as were in his hands addressed to the Board of Directors. A communication signed by Professors J. B. Read, Ross & Dunklin was read. On motion of Gov. Lindsay; the meeting of the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning to meet in the home of the executive. Montgomery, Alabama June 22nd, 1872 The Board of Directors of the A. & M. College of Ala. met in the private apartment of Gov. Lindsay at the Exchange Hotel in the City of Montgomery Alabama. Hon. W. H. Barnes presiding, there being present Joseph Hodgson, Hessrs. Stansel, Doudell, Osborne, Langdon, Halone, and Scott. On motion of H. L. Stansel that the Cadets nominated by the county super­i ntendents of Education to-~dt: E. R. Rivers of the County of Russell; Denson & Brock of the Co. of Chambers. Harbin & Hawes of the Co. of Lowndes; Messrs. ''''alker & Johnson of the County of Tallapoosa; Messrs. Horne & Hayes of t he county of Bulloch; 1v. E. Alley of the County of Macon; Messrs. vJilkerson & Davis of the County of Antaugn; Mr. Lazenby of the County of Butler - and who have been received by the faculty of the A. & M. College are hereby approved by the Board of Directors and granted all the rights and privileges of the College under its rules and regulations, free of tuition. Col. Langdon after the reading of a communication from Commandant George P. Harrison and Professor stubbs, moved that there be no change in the time of the commencement. Adopted. Resolved by Col. Stansel that t he salary of the Secretary of the Board of Directors be five hundred instead of two hundred and fifty dollars and that he be required to act as secretary to the faculty. Adopted. Rules and regulations for the g.overnment of the faculty: 1. It shall be the duty of the President of the Colle ge to see that all orders, regulations and plans adopted by the f aculty of th e College are executed. If any officer of the College neglects or refuses to comply with any order, regulation, or duty, to call his attention to the failure and then if t here is not rompliance to report the matter to the faculty for advicE;! and then if necessary, to the Board of J 3<.t> Directors at their first meeting. 2. No professor shall have pOlier to suspend the recitations of a class or to hear it any other hour than that fixed by the schedule except . by an order of the faculty. A professor with the consent of the President of the College may excuse a class from a single recitation but not from several. 3. The privileges of a professor in reference to his department shall be to select his mm textbooks subject to the approval of the faculty and adopt such methods of instruction as he shall deem best suited to the capacities and needs of his class, following the course prescribed by the faculty. h. Before absenting himself from any of his duties, it shall be necessary for the professor t o make a regular application at a preceding meeting for such absence and receive the consent of the faculty, or in an emergency suddenly arising he mqy absent himself and report the same with the reasons therefor to the first faculty meeting thereafter for their approval. 5. It shall not be competent for the faculty to excuse one of their members from Colle ge duty for a longer time than one ,,;eek and then only if no detriment is likely to result to the Colle ge by reason of such absence. 6. It shall not be permitted to any member of the faculty to carry on any busi ness which shall take his attention from his college duties or become a condidate for any public office, but in accepting a position in the college it is understood he thereby devotes his undivided time and attention to his college duties. 7. It shall be the duty of the President of the Colle ge in making his report to the Board of Directors, to give a statement of the time of absence from duty on the part of each professor, the cause of such absence and whether with the consent of the faculty, the manner of division of Labor among the professors as ordered by t he Board of Directors and any other point necessary t o be known to the Board to insure efficiency among the officers of the College. On motion the Board 0 f Directors adjourned sine die. Frank M. Reese, Secretary /37 City of ~·1ont g omery, Alabalna Nov. 19th, 1872 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of t he A. & H. College of Alabama held in the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction there were present the Pr e sident, Hon. WIn. H. Ba.rnes, Gov. Lindsay, Joseph Hodgson, C. C. Langdon, I. N. Malone, and \'lIm. C. Dowdell. Gov. Lind say lva s excused f rom attendance on the Board. On motion of I . N. Malone the Board of Directors adjourned their session until Friday 12 o'clock noon to meet at the office of Supt. of Public Instruction i n t he Capitol Building. Montgomery, Alabama Nov. 22nd , 1872 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the A. & M. College held in the rooms of the Supt. of Public Instructi on there 'Vere pr esent Hon. H. Barnes, President, l'-lessrs. Langdon, Malone, Osborne, Scott, and Dovldel1. Also Col. Noble H. Speed, Supt. of Public Instruction of the s tate of Alabama. On motion of Mr. Speed t he President of t he A. & M. College, Rev. T. T. Tichenor,D. D., were r eque sted to submit his r eport which duty was performed by Dr. T. • Dr. Tichenor lvas:requested by the Board to be present at t he s essions of t he Board of Directors. On motion of Nr. Osborne, Mr. E. T. Glenn, t he Treasurer of t he A. & H. College submitted his report. Col. 'Speed moved that the report of the Pre sident and Treasurer be referred to a committee. The President named as that Committee Messrs. Speed, Osborne, and Langdon. Col. Langdon moved that a committee b.e appointed to investigate the invest­ment of the fund arising from the lands dona ted by the general government. The committee named were Messrs. Malone , Scott, and Dowdell, and on motion the President of the Board was added to the committee. On motion the report of the commandant and other prof essors of the Colle ge were referred to the committee consisting of Messrs. Speed, Langdon, and Osborne. On motion the communications from some of the professors were referred to the proper committee. On motion of Mr. Osborne, l-ir. Speed, and E. T. Glenn, Treasurer, were requested to see the auditor in reference to the Colle ge fund and to ascertain if any funds cm be rai sed on coupons due 1st January next. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock p.m. in the basement of the Baptist Church for the convenience of the members of the Board. /3 J>' The Board met at the place designated. Resolved by Mr. Speed that the subject of the reorganization of the faculty and arrangement of the curriculum be referred to the following committee viz., Mrssrs. Speed, Langdon, and Osborne, t.~at Mr. Halone be added to the Committee and Dr. Tichenor requested to confer with them. Resolved by Mr. Speed that the Treasurer be, ani he is hereby authorized to extend an a mount for the Chemical Department of the College as in tre opinion of the faculty may be necessary and as the financial condition of the College will justify. On motion of Mr. Speed that Mr. Langdon be appointed to memorialize the Congress of the United states on the subject of an additional grant of Public Lands to the A. & 1'1. College of Alabama. On motion that Mr. Speed be requested to present the said memorial to the Congre SSe Resolved that Dr. Tichenor and the Treasurer be authorized and empowered to sell the lands now belonging to the Colle ge and purchase such others as they may deem proper to the interest of the College in lieu thereof and that the Secretary prepare the proper conveyances. Resolved by l~. Malone that Dr. Tichenor be authorized to take into consideration the prospect of organizing model and experimental farms on different portions of the State with plenary powers. Resolved that the sons of ministers of the Gospel in active service and young men preparing for the ministry be received into the A. & M. College of Alabai1R free of tuition. Resolved that Cadets admitted free of tuition be required to take either the agricultural or mechanical course of study and that if such cadets fall behind in their classes, they shall stand dismissed and others sub­stituted in their stead. Mr. Speed moved that the President of the faculty and the Treasurer be empm<lered to erect a Hess Hall for the Cadets of the College. On motion of Mr. Malone that the Secretary and Treasurer be empowered to effect an insurance on the college buildings for the sum of thirty thousand dollars ( {~3) ,0(0). The Board adjourned to meet at the off ice of the Supt. of Public Instruction. 1'1ontgomery, Alabama Nov. 23, 1872 The Board of Director of the A. & M. College lOOt in the room of the Supreme Court at 4 olclock p.m. The Secretary read the action of t he faculty in conferring the degrees of Doctor of Divinity on Rev. i,ri. A. McCarty of Auburn, lee County, Ala., and the Rev. J. T. Murray of Baltimore, Maryland, a nd the honorary degree of A.M. to Joseph D. Morrison, Round Rock, Texas. The action of t he faculty was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors. Hon. Hm. H. Barnes, President of the Board, and a member of a c ommittee appointed at a previous meeting of the Board submitted the following report. To the Board of Directors of the Agricultural and Hechanical College of Alabama. itle the committee to whom was referred the question of looking into the condi tion of t' e f und s of said college arising from the grant of Congress and the investment of the funds arising from the sale of t~e l and , sc~I'lp , beg leave to submit the following report. 1. We find that the sale of the land scrip was for two hundred and sixteen thousand dollars ($216,000.). 2. That the amOlL't1t of f our thousand fi VB hundred dollars (~ 4500) was invested in the bonds of the state at par value prior to the act of the 15th of December, 1871. 3. That the auditor, Reynolds, invested the sum of fifty one thousand one hundred and sixty dollars ($51,160.) in the bonds issued under the act of the 15th December, 1871, and has received bonds to the alirount 'of"'fifty':"iUne thousand five hundred dollars ($59,.500.) including the $4500 ani that he is entitled to five thousand more of bond sat the rate of the market value of said bonds. This leaves the sum of one hundred and. fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and forty dollars ($159,840.) of the money invested by him ani so far as shown by the records of the auditor's office or the Treasurer and the proceedings of t.he commissioners to sell the scrip and invest the SClJ.lle. We, houever, learn from his Excellency Gov. Lindsay that the said balance of $159,840 has been paid to the financial a gents of the state in Nei-T " York. Hessrs. Duncan, 'Sherman, ani the Gov. says he has deposited with said a gent s for the college bonds issued under said act of the 15th of December, 1871, to the amount of said sum of $159,840 being the anount of said sum of $159,840 paid for said scrip counting the bonds at par value; but the auditor says he has not made the investment of the money in bonds under the 8th section of said act approved the 15th day of December 1871 and from wInch we can learn they were only deposited there by the Governor to force the inve stment of said funds in said bonds at par, when the market value was evidenced by the sale of those the fina,'1cial agents of the state had made, to-wit t-1essrs. Lehmon Durrno would be only 80 to 85 cents in the dollar. The committee is of the opinion that no one but the Auditor under the Act of the 15th December 1871 had the authority to invest the funds of said Co lIege donated by the Act of Congress of the 2nd July, 1862, and that it would have beena violation of the trust of Congress to invest these trust funds in bonds which were depreciated below par value. 'V{e find that the laws on the subject of the deposit. and keeping of said bonds or securities of the college are deficient and needs further legis­lation - That the la~1 as it now stands makes no provision as to what officer or who shall be the custodian of the said bonds or how the Treasurer of the College shall obtain the coupons due s emiannually. I;ve are also of the opini on that i t would be to t he interest of the College for the Legi slature to settle the question a s to the investment of the $159,840 not included by ,the auditor~ all of which is respectfully submitted. I. N. Malone Chairman of Committee The report was received and adopted. On motion of Mr. Barnes, }~. Speed being in the chair, that Mr. Speed be requested to take t he financial condition of the A. & M. College in hand in relation to t he debt due to the College resulting from t he sale of t he land scrip , to press the inve stigation and adjustment of the same. Resolved by Col . Speed that the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Directors be allowed t heir actual expenses heretoio re i ncurred by t hem in atteming the meetings of the Board when held ~t any other place tl:a. n Auburh, Alabama. Dr. Tichenor, t he Pre sident of the Faculty , presented the resignationof Professor B. B. Ros s, whih was accepted. By Col • . Speed t hat t he r e solution adopted by t he Boar d at a previous meeting allowing $250 f or acting as secretary t o t he faculty be and the same is hereby adopted. l/..fa Resolved by Col. Speed that the ne~ scholastic year of the A. & M. College of Alabama be gin on Ho nday , the first day of January, 1873, am close on the last l.vednesday of July 1873 and thereafter each scholastic year shall commence on t he first Monday of October and close on the f irst Ykdnesd~ of July of each year. Col. Speed submitted the following r eport. viz. 1. That there be a President and professor of scientific a griculture . 2. A professor of pure mathematics. 3. A professor of chemistry and physics. )4. A professor of engineering, drawing and commandant. 5. A professor of anc i ent and modern l angua ges. 6. An assistant professor 7. A quarte r rna ster 8. A surgeon. The r eport of the committee was r e ceived am adopted. he is On motion of l'1r. 'Speed that the treasurer be and/hereby authorized to pay to Prof e ssor J emison t he Sllin of two hundred and fifty dollars on account of expenses incurred by him in visiting a gricultural colleges in other states. Mr. Speed r e solved t hat the commandant be pl aced in al. thority on an equal f ooting with other professors and all resolutions conflicting be and the same are hereby repealed. Adopted. Resolved by Col. Speed that nine months be considered a scholastic year and the pay of officers be regulated accordingly . Adopted. Resolved by Col. Speed that the President of the faculty be au thorized to make such arrangements for music as he may deem proper and expedient. On motion of Mr. Malone the Board does now proceed to the election of officers. ~fuereupon Col. Robert Hardaway of Chambers Co., Ala., was elected professor of engineering, dravring commandant. Mr. O. D. Smith of Opelika, Lee Co., Alabama, was unanimously elected assista.l1t professor. Hr. E. T. Glen.Y1 was elected quarter master. Dr. J. B. Read was elected surgeon. Resolved by 1. N. Halone that the salary of the President of the A. H. College of Alabama shall from the 1st day of January, 1873 be the sum of two thousand four hundred dollars ($2400) and that each pf'ofessor the sum of eighteen hundred dollars, that of assistant professor the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars and that of the quarter master one thousand dollars per annum, and that no portion of paid salaries shall be from tuition feeso Resolved further that the surgeon be allowed as compensation for his services five dollars as surgeon's fee to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as tuition is collected and that each cadet pay the surgeon's fee. Adopted. Resolved that -the faculty be allowed the authority to establish and regulate a preparatory department under such rules and r egulations as they may adoptee Resolved that unexpended and unappropriated funds be turned over to the President of the faculty for agricultural purposes. Resolved that the sum of four hundred dollars be paid to E. T. Glenn, Treasurer, for extra servic e s. On motion the secretary informs the gentlemen elected to professorships of their election and other changes made. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Frank W. Reese Sec retary to Board J!'( I
title 1872 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
titleStr 1872 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7331
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7331
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7331
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spelling 1872 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of AlabamaAuburn University (formerly Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1872BOARD MINUTES March 20, 1872 Proceedings of the first meeting of the Board of· Directors of the Agri­cultural and Mechanical College of the state of AU.bama commenced and held in the Hall of the Websterian Society in the College buildings at Auburn, Lee County, Alabama on the 20th day of Harch, 1872. / 2.8' The Board of Directors of theA. & M. College was called to order by Coi. Jo seph Hodgson Vlho nominated Governor Robert B. Lindsay as Chairman. Governor Lindsay took the chair and on motion of Hon. William H. Barnes, Joseph Hodgson 1vas appointed Secretary pro-tempore. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting a..'1.d that the same was called under the act approved February 26th, 1872, entitled An Act in Relation to the Agricultural ani Mechroical College of Alaba..'11a ani that the iollm'ling persons are entitled to seats as members of the Ibard of Directors, viz. The Governor of the State of Alabama Ex Officio Robert B. Lindsay Superintendent of Public Instruction - Col. Joseph Hodgson President of the State Agricultural Society ------ Hon. William H. Barnes, Lee County, Alabama Hon. C. C. Langdon, Mobile, Alabama Thomas D. Osborne, Jackson County, Alabama Col. M. L. Stansel, Pickens County, Alabama J. B. Scott, Esq., Montgomery County, Alabama Q. N. Malone, ,sq., Limestone County, Alabama w. C. Dowdell, Esq., Lee County, Alabama. Of this rrwmber the following gentlemen were present: Gov. LinisaYJ Joseph Hodgson; ~1Tilliam H. Barnes; H. C. DOlidell; C. C. Langdon; T. D. Osborne; M. L. Stansel; and J. B. Scott. , Hr. Barnes offered the following resolution. Resolved that Samuel G. Reid and B. S. Bibb lay before the Board of Directors their claims to a seat ~vith the Board of Directors, both gentle­men claiming to be President of the State Agricultural ,;society. The resolution lias adopted, whereupon B. S. Bibb submitted the follmYing paper. Office of the Alabama State Agricultural Society Hontgomery, 18th Harch, 1872 I hereby certify that the Han. B. S. Bibb of 110ntgomery is the President of the Alabama 'State Agricultural Socie~J. Mr. S. G. Reid submitted the following paper. ~M. P. Vandiver, Sec. of the State Agricultural Society. Samuel G. Reid Director Hontgomery Dear Sir: Executive Dept. state of Alabama l1ontgomery March 16th, 1872 A meeting of the Directors of the Agricultural and l1echanical College of Alabama will be held at Auburn on the 20th instant for the purpose of organizing the College. Your presence as a member of said Directory is urged. Re spe c tfully , Robert B. Lindsay, Gov. Governor Lindsay offered the following resolution. Resolved that neither the President of the Ala. state Agricultural Society nor the President of the Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical Association is entitled to membership in this Board. The second section of the Act appeared February 26th, 1872, designating the President of the State Agricultural Society an ex-officio member thereof. Pending the resolution, G1'l motion the Board adjourned until 4 0 t clock p.m. The Board of Directors met at 4 0' clock P. H. Mr. Langdon offered the following substitute for the pending r esolution. l1esolved that B. 'Sa Bibb, President of the Alabama State Agricultural Society, is entitled to membership in this Board. The substitute was rejected. 1be resolution of Gov. Lindsay being put to a vote Was lost. Gov~ Lindsay offered the following resolution. Resolved that B. S. Bibb is entitled to a seat in this Board under the credentials which he: ·has submitted. The resolution was lost. On motion of Mr. Stansel the Board proceeded to elect a permanent President. Governor Lindsay moved t hat a committee of three be appointed to report upon the number and duties of the Faculty to be elected by the Board of Directors. The motion was adopted and the President appointed as the committee members, Lindsay, Langdon, and Stansel. Mr. Langdon moved that the Secretary be instructed to notify Me ssrs. Reid and Bibb of t he action of the Board of Directors upon t heir claims for a seat in the Board. On motion of Mr. Langdon the Board adjourned until 10 0' clock A. I1. the 21st day of March, 1872. The Board met at 10 o'clock A. M. Journal read and approved. On motion of v.Jilliam C. DOiidell the Boark took a r ecess until 12 noon. Gov. Lindsay from Special Committee made the following resports. That there be: 1. A President and Professor of J'1oral Philosophy, Lo gic, History, Rhetoric and Political conomy, with a salary of twenty five hundred dollars ($2500) per annum. 2. A professor of Pure Mathematics. 3. A professor of Natural Sciences, embracing Astronomy, Me ttalurgy , l1echanic Arts, a nd Civil Engineering. 130 4. A Professor of Chemistry, Proper, Agricultural and Annalytical Geology and Minerallogy. 5. A Professor of Ancient and Hodem Languages. 6. A Professor of Mental Philosophy, English Language and Literature. 7. A Professor of Practical Agriculture, Horticulture, Pomology, etc. 8. A Commandant and Teacher of !1ilitary Tactics and Military Engineering. Each of the Professors shall have a salary of fifteen hundred dollars. Report adopted ••• On motion the Board adjourned 'til 4 0' clock P. M. 'The Board me t at 4 O'clock P.M. Mr. Stansel offered the following resolution. That the Faculty be required to equalize labor among themselves am. if nece ssary to that purpose transfer any branch of study from one professional chair to another. The motion was adopted. Mr. Stansel offered l, he follOwing resolution. In t he event it shall become necessary, the faculty are hereby authorized to provide a teacher £or a preparatory department, then action in the premises subject to the : approval of this Board and such teacher shall receive for his services in addition to tuition fees such compensation as this Board may deem reasonable. Adopted. Mr. stansel moved to go into t ~e election of a permanent Secretary to the Board of Directors of t he A. & M. College of Alabama. Mr. Frank H. Reese of Auburn, Lee County, Alabama, was elected ani appointed Secretary to the Board. 11r. Stansel motion to go into the election of a Treasurer of the Board. Mr. E. T. Glenn of Auburn ~ias elected and appointed Tr easurer of the Board of Directors of the A. & H. College of Alabama. Nr, Stansel moved that the pay of the Secretary of t his Board shall be tuo hundred and f ifty dollars pe'r annum and the pay of the Treasurer 2t p er cent on all monies disbursed by him. - Adopted - Governor Lindsay moved that Messrs. Langdon, Stansel, and Osborne be appointed a committee to draw'!> Q)rJaws and report tomorrow. The Board adjourned to 8 o'clook P.M. 13) The Board met at 9 o'clock P.M. On motion of Governor Lindsay that when the Board a djourned it shall adjourn to the 1st }10nday in June next. At which adjourned meeting the Board shall elect the Faculty of Professors. The motion was lost. On motion of W. C. Dowdell the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning, 8 O'clock. Auburn, Alabana March 22nd, 1872 The Board root at 8 o'clock A.M. Hon. William H. Barnes in too Chair. Minutes read and adopted. The report of th e Special Committee on by-laws through their Chairman Hr. Stansel reported the following. This College shall consist of a Faculty composed of the following officers. A President and Professors as named and designated in the r eport of the Sp ecial Committee composed of Gov. Lindsay , Langdon, and Stansel, except t hat the commandant and teacher of military tacti cs and military engineering shall further have charge of the Quarter Masters and commissary departments and that the off icers so named and designated shall hold their respective offices during the pleasure of the Board. The Cadets shall wear a uniform of cadet gray and in summer time white pants, the goods for which may be f urnished t hereby the Quarter l'1aster. Department at costs and charges and the Treasurer of the Board shall supply that Deparunent ld t.'l funds for t he purpo se on the warrant of the President of the Faculty therefor. The said College shall go into operation f orthwith, from which time the salaries of officers shall commence, payable semiannually on the first day of February and the first day of August of each year upon the warrant of the President of the Faculty to the Treasurer. 132.... Duties of Secretary It shall be the duty of the Secretary of this Board to attend all the meetings af the Board, to keep an accurate record of all t he proceedings t..nereof, in a vlell bound book which shall be furnished him by the Treasurer upon the order of the Pre sident of th e Faculty therefor, and to discharge such other duties pertaining to his office as shall from time to time be required of him by the Board and he shall receive for his services t he sun of two hundred am fifty dollars, payable semiannually, the first of February and the 1st of August of each year by warrant of the Treasurer from the President of the Faculty. " Duties of Treasurer It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies coming to the College and di sburse the same only on the warran t of the President of the Faculty. He shall execute his bond for the faithfull discharge of the duties of his office in the sum of twenty thousand dollars payable con­ditioned and approved as required by law and shall annually report to this Board a f ull statement of all his receipts and disbursements and such other matters as may be deemed proper. All of which w~s adopted. Additional by-laws submitted and adopted. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Faculty; to have controll of all disbursements of the monies of the College appropriated by this Board and shall drau hi s warrant on the Treasurer for a:g sums to be paid out of the Treasury and shall keep a record of all such warrants drawn, showing the amounts, dates, in whose favor and for wha t purpo se drawn and shall make annual report to this Board; and he shall not vote in any meeting of the Faculty except in case of a tie. In case of the absence of the President for any cause, the Faculty shall have the power to elect some member of their elm body who shall temporar­ily discharge t:re duties of President. The Faculty shall have pOvler to charge each student such a fee for incidental expenses as they may deem proper. The tuition fee shall be f ifty dollars for each student per annum p~yable on his entrance into the College. The Commandant shall have complete control of the military department. The Collegiate year of t his College shall begin on the first Honday of February of each year and the Commencement Exercises shall take place on t he last Thursday of October of each year and such preceding days as the faculty may arrange. }1r. Langdon moved that the Board proceed to the election of the professors, whereupon the following named gentlemen were elected. Rev. T. T. Tichenor, D. D., President and Professor of Horal Philosophy, logic, history, rehotoric and political economy. Professor Alexander Mogg, Professor of pure mathematics. J. B. Read, I'1.D. Professor of Natural sciences, 'embracing astronomy, metallurgy, mechanical arts and civil engineering. Professor vi. C. stubbs, Professor of chemistry proper: agricultural and annalytical; geology and mineralogy. Professor T. T. Dunklin, Professor of Ancient and modern languages. Rev. B. B. Bnss. Professor of mental philosophy, English language and Ii terature. w. H. Jemison. Profe ssor of practical agriculture, Horticulture, Pomology. J33 Genl. George P. Harrison, Jr. Commandant and Teacher of military tactics and military engineering. It was moved that the Secretary inform the gentlement present elected to professorships of their election and invite them to participate in the deliberations of t he Board of Directors. Which duty was perf.ormed and all the gentlement who had been elected to professorships were notified except Dr. Tichenor, the others bein g present in the town of Auburn. The gentlemen vmo had been elected to professorships entered the Hall of the 1vebsterian '&lciety when the Board was in session am verbally accepted the profe ssorships to which they had been elected. By Gov. Lindsay. Resolved that t he secretary of the Board of Directors be directed to inform in writing each of the professors of their election and to request their acceptance of the same in v~iting. On motion of Gov. Lindsay; that there be three students from each County in the :State of Alabama admitted as members of the A. &:. M. College free of tuition fees. The resolution was amended by inserting two instead of three and adopted. an motion of Mr. StaJ. sel; that the salary of the President of t:l:le A. & H. College of the State of Alabama be twenty-five hundred dollars and that the other professors shall receive the sum of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars and an equal proportion of one half the tuition fe es. Adopted. On motion of 11r. Langdon; the present faculty are hereby au thorized to carry out in good faith the agreement of the faculty of the East Alabama Male College made with the pupils thereof in regard to tuition and all obligations entered into with them. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Stan sel; the tuition funds turned over to t his College is hereby appropriated to repairs on the College buildings under the directbn of the Treasurer of t his Board. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Hodgson that the faculty select the land to be connected ,vi th the A. & M. College of Alabama. - On motion of Mr. Stansel; that the re gular annual meetings of this Board shall be held on the first TUesday preceeding commencement day of each year and such other meetings shall be held as the Pr esident of the Board shall call. On motion of Mr. Stansel; that each of the directors make out a bill of their actual expenses incurred in cOming and going from Auburn in their official capacity and submit the sruae to the President of this Board and flle the same with the Secretary. On motion of Hr. Hodgson; that the thanks of the Board of Directors be returned to the Websterian Society for the use of their Hall. J 3Lj On motion of Mr. Hodgson; the Board of Directors do nOli adjourn sine die. Frank M. Reese, '$ecretary to Board of Directors The City of Montgomery, Alabarna. June 19th, 1872 At an informal meeting of the Board of Directors of the A. & M. College of Alabama held in the rooms of the Executive department at the Capitol Building, Hon. ~. H. Barnes, Pre sident of the Board, took the chair and there were present Gov. Robert B. Lindsay , Thomas D. Osborne, W. C. Dowdell, I. N. Malone, & J. B. Scott. The secretary was requested to read such communications, as were in his hands addressed to the Board of Directors. A communication signed by Professors J. B. Read, Ross & Dunklin was read. On motion of Gov. Lindsay; the meeting of the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning to meet in the home of the executive. Montgomery, Alabama June 22nd, 1872 The Board of Directors of the A. & M. College of Ala. met in the private apartment of Gov. Lindsay at the Exchange Hotel in the City of Montgomery Alabama. Hon. W. H. Barnes presiding, there being present Joseph Hodgson, Hessrs. Stansel, Doudell, Osborne, Langdon, Halone, and Scott. On motion of H. L. Stansel that the Cadets nominated by the county super­i ntendents of Education to-~dt: E. R. Rivers of the County of Russell; Denson & Brock of the Co. of Chambers. Harbin & Hawes of the Co. of Lowndes; Messrs. ''''alker & Johnson of the County of Tallapoosa; Messrs. Horne & Hayes of t he county of Bulloch; 1v. E. Alley of the County of Macon; Messrs. vJilkerson & Davis of the County of Antaugn; Mr. Lazenby of the County of Butler - and who have been received by the faculty of the A. & M. College are hereby approved by the Board of Directors and granted all the rights and privileges of the College under its rules and regulations, free of tuition. Col. Langdon after the reading of a communication from Commandant George P. Harrison and Professor stubbs, moved that there be no change in the time of the commencement. Adopted. Resolved by Col. Stansel that t he salary of the Secretary of the Board of Directors be five hundred instead of two hundred and fifty dollars and that he be required to act as secretary to the faculty. Adopted. Rules and regulations for the g.overnment of the faculty: 1. It shall be the duty of the President of the Colle ge to see that all orders, regulations and plans adopted by the f aculty of th e College are executed. If any officer of the College neglects or refuses to comply with any order, regulation, or duty, to call his attention to the failure and then if t here is not rompliance to report the matter to the faculty for advicE;! and then if necessary, to the Board of J 3<.t> Directors at their first meeting. 2. No professor shall have pOlier to suspend the recitations of a class or to hear it any other hour than that fixed by the schedule except . by an order of the faculty. A professor with the consent of the President of the College may excuse a class from a single recitation but not from several. 3. The privileges of a professor in reference to his department shall be to select his mm textbooks subject to the approval of the faculty and adopt such methods of instruction as he shall deem best suited to the capacities and needs of his class, following the course prescribed by the faculty. h. Before absenting himself from any of his duties, it shall be necessary for the professor t o make a regular application at a preceding meeting for such absence and receive the consent of the faculty, or in an emergency suddenly arising he mqy absent himself and report the same with the reasons therefor to the first faculty meeting thereafter for their approval. 5. It shall not be competent for the faculty to excuse one of their members from Colle ge duty for a longer time than one ,,;eek and then only if no detriment is likely to result to the Colle ge by reason of such absence. 6. It shall not be permitted to any member of the faculty to carry on any busi ness which shall take his attention from his college duties or become a condidate for any public office, but in accepting a position in the college it is understood he thereby devotes his undivided time and attention to his college duties. 7. It shall be the duty of the President of the Colle ge in making his report to the Board of Directors, to give a statement of the time of absence from duty on the part of each professor, the cause of such absence and whether with the consent of the faculty, the manner of division of Labor among the professors as ordered by t he Board of Directors and any other point necessary t o be known to the Board to insure efficiency among the officers of the College. On motion the Board 0 f Directors adjourned sine die. Frank M. Reese, Secretary /37 City of ~·1ont g omery, Alabalna Nov. 19th, 1872 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of t he A. & H. College of Alabama held in the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction there were present the Pr e sident, Hon. WIn. H. Ba.rnes, Gov. Lindsay, Joseph Hodgson, C. C. Langdon, I. N. Malone, and \'lIm. C. Dowdell. Gov. Lind say lva s excused f rom attendance on the Board. On motion of I . N. Malone the Board of Directors adjourned their session until Friday 12 o'clock noon to meet at the office of Supt. of Public Instruction i n t he Capitol Building. Montgomery, Alabama Nov. 22nd , 1872 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the A. & M. College held in the rooms of the Supt. of Public Instructi on there 'Vere pr esent Hon. H. Barnes, President, l'-lessrs. Langdon, Malone, Osborne, Scott, and Dovldel1. Also Col. Noble H. Speed, Supt. of Public Instruction of the s tate of Alabama. On motion of Mr. Speed t he President of t he A. & M. College, Rev. T. T. Tichenor,D. D., were r eque sted to submit his r eport which duty was performed by Dr. T. • Dr. Tichenor lvas:requested by the Board to be present at t he s essions of t he Board of Directors. On motion of Nr. Osborne, Mr. E. T. Glenn, t he Treasurer of t he A. & H. College submitted his report. Col. 'Speed moved that the report of the Pre sident and Treasurer be referred to a committee. The President named as that Committee Messrs. Speed, Osborne, and Langdon. Col. Langdon moved that a committee b.e appointed to investigate the invest­ment of the fund arising from the lands dona ted by the general government. The committee named were Messrs. Malone , Scott, and Dowdell, and on motion the President of the Board was added to the committee. On motion the report of the commandant and other prof essors of the Colle ge were referred to the committee consisting of Messrs. Speed, Langdon, and Osborne. On motion the communications from some of the professors were referred to the proper committee. On motion of Mr. Osborne, l-ir. Speed, and E. T. Glenn, Treasurer, were requested to see the auditor in reference to the Colle ge fund and to ascertain if any funds cm be rai sed on coupons due 1st January next. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock p.m. in the basement of the Baptist Church for the convenience of the members of the Board. /3 J>' The Board met at the place designated. Resolved by Mr. Speed that the subject of the reorganization of the faculty and arrangement of the curriculum be referred to the following committee viz., Mrssrs. Speed, Langdon, and Osborne, t.~at Mr. Halone be added to the Committee and Dr. Tichenor requested to confer with them. Resolved by Mr. Speed that the Treasurer be, ani he is hereby authorized to extend an a mount for the Chemical Department of the College as in tre opinion of the faculty may be necessary and as the financial condition of the College will justify. On motion of Mr. Speed that Mr. Langdon be appointed to memorialize the Congress of the United states on the subject of an additional grant of Public Lands to the A. & 1'1. College of Alabama. On motion that Mr. Speed be requested to present the said memorial to the Congre SSe Resolved that Dr. Tichenor and the Treasurer be authorized and empowered to sell the lands now belonging to the Colle ge and purchase such others as they may deem proper to the interest of the College in lieu thereof and that the Secretary prepare the proper conveyances. Resolved by l~. Malone that Dr. Tichenor be authorized to take into consideration the prospect of organizing model and experimental farms on different portions of the State with plenary powers. Resolved that the sons of ministers of the Gospel in active service and young men preparing for the ministry be received into the A. & M. College of Alabai1R free of tuition. Resolved that Cadets admitted free of tuition be required to take either the agricultural or mechanical course of study and that if such cadets fall behind in their classes, they shall stand dismissed and others sub­stituted in their stead. Mr. Speed moved that the President of the faculty and the Treasurer be empm<lered to erect a Hess Hall for the Cadets of the College. On motion of Mr. Malone that the Secretary and Treasurer be empowered to effect an insurance on the college buildings for the sum of thirty thousand dollars ( {~3) ,0(0). The Board adjourned to meet at the off ice of the Supt. of Public Instruction. 1'1ontgomery, Alabama Nov. 23, 1872 The Board of Director of the A. & M. College lOOt in the room of the Supreme Court at 4 olclock p.m. The Secretary read the action of t he faculty in conferring the degrees of Doctor of Divinity on Rev. i,ri. A. McCarty of Auburn, lee County, Ala., and the Rev. J. T. Murray of Baltimore, Maryland, a nd the honorary degree of A.M. to Joseph D. Morrison, Round Rock, Texas. The action of t he faculty was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors. Hon. Hm. H. Barnes, President of the Board, and a member of a c ommittee appointed at a previous meeting of the Board submitted the following report. To the Board of Directors of the Agricultural and Hechanical College of Alabama. itle the committee to whom was referred the question of looking into the condi tion of t' e f und s of said college arising from the grant of Congress and the investment of the funds arising from the sale of t~e l and , sc~I'lp , beg leave to submit the following report. 1. We find that the sale of the land scrip was for two hundred and sixteen thousand dollars ($216,000.). 2. That the amOlL't1t of f our thousand fi VB hundred dollars (~ 4500) was invested in the bonds of the state at par value prior to the act of the 15th of December, 1871. 3. That the auditor, Reynolds, invested the sum of fifty one thousand one hundred and sixty dollars ($51,160.) in the bonds issued under the act of the 15th December, 1871, and has received bonds to the alirount 'of"'fifty':"iUne thousand five hundred dollars ($59,.500.) including the $4500 ani that he is entitled to five thousand more of bond sat the rate of the market value of said bonds. This leaves the sum of one hundred and. fifty-nine thousand eight hundred and forty dollars ($159,840.) of the money invested by him ani so far as shown by the records of the auditor's office or the Treasurer and the proceedings of t.he commissioners to sell the scrip and invest the SClJ.lle. We, houever, learn from his Excellency Gov. Lindsay that the said balance of $159,840 has been paid to the financial a gents of the state in Nei-T " York. Hessrs. Duncan, 'Sherman, ani the Gov. says he has deposited with said a gent s for the college bonds issued under said act of the 15th of December, 1871, to the amount of said sum of $159,840 being the anount of said sum of $159,840 paid for said scrip counting the bonds at par value; but the auditor says he has not made the investment of the money in bonds under the 8th section of said act approved the 15th day of December 1871 and from wInch we can learn they were only deposited there by the Governor to force the inve stment of said funds in said bonds at par, when the market value was evidenced by the sale of those the fina,'1cial agents of the state had made, to-wit t-1essrs. Lehmon Durrno would be only 80 to 85 cents in the dollar. The committee is of the opinion that no one but the Auditor under the Act of the 15th December 1871 had the authority to invest the funds of said Co lIege donated by the Act of Congress of the 2nd July, 1862, and that it would have beena violation of the trust of Congress to invest these trust funds in bonds which were depreciated below par value. 'V{e find that the laws on the subject of the deposit. and keeping of said bonds or securities of the college are deficient and needs further legis­lation - That the la~1 as it now stands makes no provision as to what officer or who shall be the custodian of the said bonds or how the Treasurer of the College shall obtain the coupons due s emiannually. I;ve are also of the opini on that i t would be to t he interest of the College for the Legi slature to settle the question a s to the investment of the $159,840 not included by ,the auditor~ all of which is respectfully submitted. I. N. Malone Chairman of Committee The report was received and adopted. On motion of Mr. Barnes, }~. Speed being in the chair, that Mr. Speed be requested to take t he financial condition of the A. & M. College in hand in relation to t he debt due to the College resulting from t he sale of t he land scrip , to press the inve stigation and adjustment of the same. Resolved by Col . Speed that the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Directors be allowed t heir actual expenses heretoio re i ncurred by t hem in atteming the meetings of the Board when held ~t any other place tl:a. n Auburh, Alabama. Dr. Tichenor, t he Pre sident of the Faculty , presented the resignationof Professor B. B. Ros s, whih was accepted. By Col • . Speed t hat t he r e solution adopted by t he Boar d at a previous meeting allowing $250 f or acting as secretary t o t he faculty be and the same is hereby adopted. l/..fa Resolved by Col. Speed that the ne~ scholastic year of the A. & M. College of Alabama be gin on Ho nday , the first day of January, 1873, am close on the last l.vednesday of July 1873 and thereafter each scholastic year shall commence on t he first Monday of October and close on the f irst Ykdnesd~ of July of each year. Col. Speed submitted the following r eport. viz. 1. That there be a President and professor of scientific a griculture . 2. A professor of pure mathematics. 3. A professor of chemistry and physics. )4. A professor of engineering, drawing and commandant. 5. A professor of anc i ent and modern l angua ges. 6. An assistant professor 7. A quarte r rna ster 8. A surgeon. The r eport of the committee was r e ceived am adopted. he is On motion of l'1r. 'Speed that the treasurer be and/hereby authorized to pay to Prof e ssor J emison t he Sllin of two hundred and fifty dollars on account of expenses incurred by him in visiting a gricultural colleges in other states. Mr. Speed r e solved t hat the commandant be pl aced in al. thority on an equal f ooting with other professors and all resolutions conflicting be and the same are hereby repealed. Adopted. Resolved by Col. Speed that nine months be considered a scholastic year and the pay of officers be regulated accordingly . Adopted. Resolved by Col. Speed that the President of the faculty be au thorized to make such arrangements for music as he may deem proper and expedient. On motion of Mr. Malone the Board does now proceed to the election of officers. ~fuereupon Col. Robert Hardaway of Chambers Co., Ala., was elected professor of engineering, dravring commandant. Mr. O. D. Smith of Opelika, Lee Co., Alabama, was unanimously elected assista.l1t professor. Hr. E. T. Glen.Y1 was elected quarter master. Dr. J. B. Read was elected surgeon. Resolved by 1. N. Halone that the salary of the President of the A. H. College of Alabama shall from the 1st day of January, 1873 be the sum of two thousand four hundred dollars ($2400) and that each pf'ofessor the sum of eighteen hundred dollars, that of assistant professor the sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars and that of the quarter master one thousand dollars per annum, and that no portion of paid salaries shall be from tuition feeso Resolved further that the surgeon be allowed as compensation for his services five dollars as surgeon's fee to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as tuition is collected and that each cadet pay the surgeon's fee. Adopted. Resolved that -the faculty be allowed the authority to establish and regulate a preparatory department under such rules and r egulations as they may adoptee Resolved that unexpended and unappropriated funds be turned over to the President of the faculty for agricultural purposes. Resolved that the sum of four hundred dollars be paid to E. T. Glenn, Treasurer, for extra servic e s. On motion the secretary informs the gentlemen elected to professorships of their election and other changes made. On motion the Board adjourned sine die. Frank W. Reese Sec retary to Board J!'( IAuburn University Board of Trustees18721870sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and ReconstructiontextpdfBOT_1872.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1872This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7331