1871 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1871BOARD MD UT 'S Jillle 26, 1871 111 The Annual leet1.ng of the Board. of Trustees cODvene-<i this day . H.everend '(vI . S . Andre1l'is, presidi ng . Pr esent: George C. Dillard , 5 e-cr eit:ary , E. T. Glenn , Treasurer, W. C. H...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7330
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1871BOARD MD UT 'S Jillle 26, 1871 111 The Annual leet1.ng of the Board. of Trustees cODvene-<i this day . H.everend '(vI . S . Andre1l'is, presidi ng . Pr esent: George C. Dillard , 5 e-cr eit:ary , E. T. Glenn , Treasurer, W. C. Hurt , W. A. I'icCarty, W. C. Dowdell, J . H. Harris , T. J . utle.ctge , Si meon Per.ry, E. '. Smith, Geor ge P . Harrison, I saac Hi l L, and J . W. Myrick . Prayer by th.e' Reverend E. S . Smith . Minutes of the last Annual l"J:eeting were read and approved . ON ~IOTION it was agr-eep t hat E. T. G-~ enn, Treasurer', be allowed t ·o furnisr. the Secret a ry with h:i:s -report made at the last Annual Meeting of the Board and it be plaeed on t .he Minutes •. On call of corntnunications , t he cha; r rnan pr e:s.ent:ed a l et t~er to DocDor Hamil­ton (Shairman of ,the Ecl.ucat iona.l Conrrnittee .IDf th.e Gonfer.er:lce) from Doctor Anders n of t he Florence Col l ec;ce =i;.n r ef erence to unifYing t he educational interest of the church ·and the state. ON HOTI ON of B r9th~ r Harrison, it 'tas lai d oh the table for the }Dresent . RE30LVED, 'rhat a cormnitt ee of five be appointed by t he B.bard t o pr ocure from the legislation .at its n ext session such amend.rnt:lnts O'f the' charte)" of t he College as shall conform it t'O the charter off other chilreh inst'i­tutions and tbe cour t be empowered t,J) dQ whatever is nec e s'sary t ·o convey titles of t.he property t 'G Conferen c e . ~ H. McCa rty George ~. Harrison The re,s91ution was adopted and vJ.. A. HcCarty, G e0~!I;lge P . bla r :rison, David Clopton, E,. T. Glenn, and George C. Bi l .lard appointed said c ommi t t ee. ON MOTION of Col,. ljarri,sQn, it w9-s ~OLV.ED\, That the facult~ be in..­fo rmed that t lle Board is ljlow in s e-ssiQn and reaqy to secure ar:lY communi­cation they way desj.re to make Wb-e fa'~ulty mage the f ol l owing I/,epo.iI?t v-lhich ON NOTION of ~ T. Glen!) , was r e9,<?i and ~a.id on the tabl ~ f or' the present. To President and Members of th~ Boar d of Trustees : Gentlemen ~. A year a go. we assumed ch.arge of :this institlition on i nd4.vidl.ual r e s.ponsi­bility, and we sut?:(1ut the fol lowing as -our report tor the pr evious date~ 'V'le have used all possible diligence at home and abroad, and resorted to every expedient to obtain success . Ttie have expended ~ money in adverti simg , travel i ng and other way s to a dd to our patronage and influence as a . college . The results haye not eQualed Gur expect ations . No discourage­ment or opposition has at any time abc;tt ed our z eal and determination to merit success at l east if we di d not obta i n it. Where r e s ponsibility has · 112 i mposed upon us, we have tried to meet it wi.,.th proper spirit . If we have introduced anything which may be deemed an innovation, we did so in obedience to what we conceLved to be the interest of the College and for which we hold ourselves responsiQle t you and the Public . The catalogue of the College for the year will show you the extent of our patronage and the plan upon which we have been acting for this ye&r . Tbe condition of the country induced us to grant extensive indulgence, the conse­quence of 1'1hich maY be the loss of many hundred doll ars of the tuition. After paying expenses for the year, we cannot r easonabl y hope .to realize after goo collections more than $800 .00 each for our year ' s labors. This experience added to the ill1iversal opinron erf t he pountry. as. man:Lfested by ·the endowing of colleges has convinced us t hat we cannot convert thj.s college with a full college classification in a respectable and dependable manner ' without something more than mere tuition . It is our duty 'after making an honest and deterfnined eff'ort to 'acknowledge the r esponsibility of the t 'ask in our hands, thus, we 'cannot taka char ge of the cO'llege ahother year on the same conditions as during the' present year. In returning to you the College, we fe el gr ati­fied in being able to say you will find it. in far ,bett er condition than it has been at any time in the past few years . You will find two elegantly furnished society halls which would do honour to ~y col lege. The members deeply interested in these respective societies , and thereby attracted more permanently 'to t he College. Nearly all the windows. supplied with glass and the ' gr ound 'neatly .enclosed. W.e hav,e al:so 'f·urnished the chapel with seats of which her~etofore it:.. has been . almost destitute. '1'his enabled us to hbld many of our exercises in the college chapel. ·'N'e ar e sorry -to have to say that t he roof of the college leaks very badly and thel building is being seriously damaged therefnom. This uught to be repaired at once. A valuable bui lding like this ought to be kept from being flooded by every rain and its elegant walls ana plastering permanently damaged . We knovl your wishes and 'aspirati0ns of the Coll ege would leatl you t o do everything needful for it and to sustain and uphold your faculty in this effort to build up a first class college, but we feel convinced noth~ng successful can be done until you consolidate your strength by a union of your forces, can nothing be done now to accomplish so desiTable a resultt "lill you ' consent to d'elay it for twelve !honths, when t he ' thing has been resol ved on and only needs a small degr~e of courage and d'etermination to ef fect the object. The time is precious. While other institutions are rising up to contest every inch of ground and drain every pupil from us by extraordinary inducements, and appeal to runbition, is it becoming to us to sit idly by waiting for a sister institutio~which wishes to surrender to go out in prostration? Shall we make any friends by this course? We think not , our anxiety for this College has induced us to briefly refer to t his matter. If you wish our opinion on any point, we will be ready to gi ve- them at all tiw~s and in closing this brief paper, we hope that your deliberations will rebound to the welfare ' of the College. 11 of which is respectfully submitted. Signed-John T. Dunklin A. D. r cVoy Alex Hogg William C. Stubbs E. T. Glenn, Chairman of the Executive Commit~ ee, made the following: W~ the Executive Committee, beg leave to r eport that accordi ng to instruction t o us, we r ented t he Preparatpry Department for one hundred dollars t o be paid quarterly . There peing some complaint wi,t h regards to t he r ates of tuition., w,e thought i t b.et ter bef.o r e the publ,ica.tion of t he last cat alogue , reduce it, which we di d trusting the poard would endorse it. Primary Depar t ment $32 .00, incidental $3 . 00 . Collegiate $70 .00 , incidental $5 .00 . ON HOTION, the report was received and l aid on the table. ON MOTION, the Board adjourned t o meet at 3 :30 ,0 "' cl ock P. H. George C. Dillard, Secret ary William Shapard, resident Pro Tempore 113 114 BOARD l'.lINUT.J£S J.une 26, J..871 { The Board 'met pursuant to adj ournment. Reverend Wi l l i am Shapard presiding . P resERt~ ; G eorg e C. Dillard, Secretary,- E. T. Glenn, Treasurer, W. C. Dowdell, E. S . Smith, ~ . B. Neal, Isaac ,Hill, J. F. Harris, 're J. Rutledge, Will iam Hurt and illiam A. cCarty . Prayer by the Reverend E. S . Smith. The minutes of the morning session were read and approved. E. T. Glenn, Tr easurer., made bfus report which was refer red t o t he Auditing Committee with instructions to r eport during the meeting of the Board of Trustees. ON rJ.:OTION of George C. Dill ard, the r eport of the .c.xecutive Committee was taken f rom the table for di scussi on and on motion of E. S. Smith, i t was referred to a special conmdttee of three to be appointed by the Chair. Corrrrnittee consists of it!' A. McCarty, }!; . S. ;3mith and T. J. Rutledge. Brother E. S. Smith offered the following resolution which was adopted, RESOLVED, That the r eport of the Faculty be refer red t o a committee of . five . Adopted . Committee under this r esoluti on : T. J . Rutledge, W. A. McCarty, VJill i am Hurt, E. S. Smit h and George P. Harrison. Brother Rutledge asked to be relieved of tfue chai rmanshi p of his committee, which was done and W. A. NcCarty was appointed in his place. George C. Dill ard, W. B. Neal and Simeon Perry were appointed to nominate per sons to fill the vacancies in t he Board of Trustees. ON l·jD'l'IOI , a committee of five was appointed to nominate officers of the Board f or the ensuing year. Committee: W. C. Dowdell , J . H. Harris, G. P. Harrison, E. T. Glenn and I saac Hill. ON NOTI ON of Br ot her Neal, the Boa rd adjour ned to meet at 8 'o'clock t omorrow. Geor ge C. Dillard, Secr etary filliarn Shapard, President Pro-Tem BOARD lVinmTES June 2,:/, 1871 8:00 P. M. The Board met pursuant to adjournment .. Reverend William l:3hapard 115 presiding . Present: George ' . Dillard, Secretary, E. T. Glenn, Treasurer, iJ .· H. Lamar, W. C. Hurt , T. J . Rutledge, J. H. Harris, Sineon Perry, Isaac Hill, 111l . A. N.cCarty, ' . ::D . Smith, J . W. Willis , W. C. Dowdell, J . 1~1 . t"lyrick, G. P. Harrison; and • B. Neal. Prayer by Reverend T. J . Rutledge . George C. Dillard, Chairman of the committee to suggest names to fill vacancies in the Board of Trustees, made the follbwing report. We suggest the names of A. ::;.. Br-igg in the place of J. B. Cottrell, removed . L . Lovelace t han of John athews . W. W. Burt that of M. B. Lock, Thomas L. Fr azer ~hat of D. T. Halliday, F. G. McElhany that of T. L. ~ ount > S. H. Dint that of Col. Edwin Ott .- ON I>fO-TION of W. A. M·cCarty, the report :was aFuended and the name of M. L. Bates added . Adopted. The following report of the Auditing Committee on r eport of th-e Trustees was read and adopted . E. T. Glenn, Treasurer To 'amount of Balan"Ce in Treasury·;- July HS70 Received from Preparatory Department Amount paid out as per vouchers Amount of endebtedness: To James F. Dmvdell " J. F. Dunklin II John Darby II J . ~ . Glenn II Sasnett Interest Faculty Interest Repairs $> 316.09 237 .37 64.15 271. 75 209.64 131 .88 704 . 50 56.34 _ l~5~100 $1984.86 423 .89. $423.89 25 .00 $423 .89 -::we==--===== ON JV10TION of • T. Blenn, a cormnittee of three was appointed to consider the claims of all persons against the College and r eport to the Board . Committee appointed by the Chair: W. C. HUFt, J . H. Har ris and ,Simeon Perny. Br ot her Rutledge offered the following r esolution which was adopted, R~30LVED , That a cGmrnittee of three be appointed to look into t he financial condition of the College. Committee: Rutledge, Harrison, and Hill. 116 ON EOTION of George C. Dillard , Reverend .c... ? mith ,..,ras placed upon the committee of endowment in pl ace of John Mathev/s , removed, and that Br other Ross be notified that he is continued on the committee and they be instructed to col lect t he same and increase the list .• ON .QTION of~roth e r Harrison the r e~olrtion was ref~ rr ed to t he firancial. committee • . Brot her Rut ledge offered the following repol~tion, which. wap adopted, RES LVED , That the financial committee be increaped by ~dding tW0 mor e members to it . Brother Dowdel l and Smith were added . Pr ofessor Dunklin, Chairman of the Board of Faculty, was l ntr oduced who submitted to the froard for i t s con sider ation and advide the fpllowing: 1st Define the duties of the Facplty an~ related dut ies of Professors . 2nd bihat cour se of action ought to be ta~en by the f aculty, whe students commit so grav~ an offense as to r~nder him amenable to the laws of the country such as lately occu,r .... e.d ip the College. ON Jv.oTION of Brother Harrison, this paper was referred t o the cormnittee n the r epor t of the Faculty . ON MOTION of Br ot her Rutledge, t he Board t ook a r ecess of one- half hour . On the r eassembling of the Board, Bi shop H. N. McTyier e being present , ON hOTION of Reverend W. Shapard, was r-equested to ad as President Pro-Tern . Bishop }lcTy.iere in the Chair. w. C. Dowdell, caairmrul of the committee to nOL1inate officers for ensuing year, reported the following which wer e adopted, For Pre sident- Honorable David Clopton II Vi ce Pr esident-H. S. Andr e'ltTs II It Secretary-Geor ge C. Dillard Tr easurer- E. T. Glenn Executive Committee: E. T. Glenn G. P. Har rison W. C. Dowdell A. cCarty G. • Dillard R ~.s OLVbj) , That James E. Cobb and F.reqer i ck $ . Fu:r:geI,'son be added to the Board of Trustees . Adopted . RESOLVED , That the newly elected members of the Board be invited to~ke seats with us and !par tiCipate in the deliberation of the Board except t o vote . dopt ed . --. - RESOLV 'D, That ~ . T. Gl enn s ee the newly eLected members of the Board and extend to them the invitation . Adopted. 117 The comnittee on report of faculty submitted the follovnng as report . Number 1 of three r eports which was read an~ adopted. The comnittee ~ o which was referred the question of t he faculty By-Laws report . ~estion 1. ~nat are the duties of t he President of the f aculty? The Chairman is an executive off~cer of the f acu£ y , and as such your committee is of the opinion that the f aculty is competent to rnade the necessary rules for its own government, provided they are not in conflict with the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees. Wuestion 2 . Shall mere honorary degrees be 'conferred and if so to what extent? Great care and circumspection should be ob served in conferring honorary de­grees and hence your comnittee reeommends tha,t it should never be done except by the recommendation of the Fa:culty, two-thirds of the members of the Board concurring t herein. Question 3. 1J.Jhat crut'se of action ought t o be taken by the Fac,ulty when a st udent commits an offense so gross as to r ender him amenable to the law£ of the country? As the faculty may in all such instances find assistance in council from the curators, the committee would but r ecommend that thp Board lea~e all such cases to t he discretion of the Faculty . The committee recommends that the Board request the Faculty to furnish a detailed and speci fic statement of the number of paying students in dif­ferent schools and also the number in all schools, all J f which is respect­fully submitted . Si gned-We A. McCarty, Chairman ON lv'lOTION OF ~ . A. 'cCarty, that the ecretary furnish the f aculty .. lit h a copy of the above report . Adopted . The Board adjou~ ed to meet at 3 o'clock. H. N. 'cTyeire, President Pro Tempore George C. Dillard, ecretary lIB BOAF.D l"IINUTES Jillle J.7, 1B71 3:00 P. N. The Board met as per adjournrnent . Pishop H. N. Mc1'yeire presiding . Present: George C. Dillard, secretary; E. T. Glenn, treasurer; 1. H. Lanmr, I saac Hill; J . H. Harris; • B. NellI; W. A. lIicCarty; James Cobb; E. S. Smith; vQilliam Shapard; B. B. Ross; O. C. Smith; vL C. D ov·rd ell ; T. J . Rutledge; Geor ge .p . Harr ison and Simeon Perry. ~inutes of the last meeting were r ead and appro~ed . The c ommi~~ee to which was r ~ferred the report of t he Faculty, not being ready to report and no other business before the Board, t hey were requested by the President to meet with the Board immediately as the Board desired to discuss the question of illlification of the educational interest ')f the church. ON MOTION of George C. Dillard, the r esolution appoint rung a committee to petition the legislature for a change of ~narter was r econsidered . Brother IVlcCarty offered the following, which was adopted, RESOLVED , That the Vice Pr esident be put in lieu of committee in last cla~se of the reso­lution. Brother Cobb offered the fo~lowing amendment which was adopted. After church insti tutions, President and Secretary of Board of Trustee-s under the -direction and control of said committee. George C. Dillard offered as a substitute for the resolution as amended the fol lowing preamble and resolution: \fH~EAS , we have heretofore been illlder the impression that little of t he College pr operty had been made and turn~ d over to the Alabama Conference , but finding such had not been done , TH~~ORE , RESOLVED , That t he Pr esident and Secr etary of the Bpard bp. instructed to make to the Alab~ Conference a full simple title to the College pr operty . After a full and f ree discussion of the whole question, the substitute was lost and t he original resolution as amended and reading t hus, REdOLVED , 1'hat a committee of five b~ appointed by the Board to pr ocure from the l egislatur e at its next session such a~enilinents of the charter as shall make it conform to the charter of' the church institutions and President and Secretary of' the Board of Trustees illlder t he direction and control of said committee be elupowered to do whatever is necessary to do whatever is neces­sary t o convey titles of the property to the Conference, was adopted. H. N. HcTyeire , President Pro Tern George C. Dillard, Secretary BOARD Ivll NUTES June 28, 1871 119 The Board met pursuant to adjournment . Bishop McTyeire presiding . Present: Geo r ge C. Di l lard, Secretary; E. 1' . ll~enn , Treasurer; W. H. Lamar ; B. B. R o~s; A. Frazer; lsa.,ac' Hill, T-. J . 'Rutledge, J . H. Harris , George P. Har­rison; W. C. Hurt ; William. $hapard; ' • Smith; Smeon Perry; • B. Neal; James • Cobb ; W. A. Mc arty; W. C. Dowdell; O. D. 0mith; F. T. Furgerson; and F. G. McElvoy . PFayer by Reverend W. B. eal. Minutes of last meeting read and approved . T. J. Rutledge, ha:irman of Finance Committe-e, madES the following report which vias read and adopted. Your committee beg leave to report the liabilities of the College to be as follows: Amount due Faculty Due on Repairs 4H859 .86 125 .00 $1984 .86 We further find the College building seriously damaged by a. leaky roof which should be r:emedied as soon as possible and prac't icable whic pro­bably would cost $1000 .00 . Hence, we estimate the liabilities of the institgtion at $2984 . 86 . Our sense cd obligation to (!>Ur conditio with profoundest interest we feel i n ou~ Col ege , expecting he~ to be the handmaid to the church of Christ, i nduces a most intense desire for her relief from all pecuniary embarassment . 1st That the Executive Committee get intc their pos"'eission the r egi ster of subscribers (exc ept the Endowment Fund) ,vith the committee's request to coll ect the same. 2nd That the Board pf Trustees propose to the preachers of our Conference that each member of the ~ onf er ence as sume the responsibilit y t raise ~p 20 . 00 for the liquidation of the debt of the CoLlege .• 3rd That E. 3 . Smith, instead of John Hathews , in connection "lith B. B. Ross be appointed t o coll ect t he Endowment slllhscription and. tO lncrease the same . Respectfully submitted . Bignefi- 'l' . J . Rutledge, hairman Professor Dunklin pre sentea a letter naming sundr:y person, whom the faculty r ecommenEied f or degree, ON HOTlON of Colonel Harrison was laid on the table for the present . 120 W. A. VcCarty, Chairman on Report of the Faculty, made the follow-lng report , which vlaS read and discussed . The Committee to vlhich was referred the report 0'f the faculty, beg leave t o report tha.t in their judgement under existi ng Gircumstanees to make another ef fort to unify the educational interest of the Conference, they, therefore , recommend the Board of T~ustees to appoint a deputati on to the Board of Trustees of the ~o~thern Universi ty at Gr eensbQro, consistUlg of one lay and one cler i cal member of the Board of 'fr ustees. This deputation being and is hereby empower ed to do whatever this Board itself could if present, . t o effect sai d unification of the educational i nterest .in .the Alabama Confer­ence . The Committee further r ecorrunends this Boar d to appoint a committee whose duty it shall bE if after hearllipg from this de~utation, i t shailild be found necessary t o elect and secure a Faculty such as in their judgement shall best promote the interest of the College . l.filliam 3hapard offered the following as a substitute f or the Commit tee r eport: RE.30LV ill , 1st That the Board of Trust ees proc,eed nm'f to elecT, two member s of the Faculty for the ensuing year . 2nd, That a committee of three be appointed, which committee after due consultation shall elect the remaining members of the faculty. 3rd, 'fhat the -Board -do not- feel justifi ecL fTom t he Financial condition ,I()f the Institution t Q)J!lal\e any :change tas to the support-< of the -Fa.culty from the plan o f , last · y~ar Pending the discl'.ssion, i f . B. Neal moved tv adjourn vlhi ch was withdrawn for the purpose of allowing ColQnel Harrison to offer t he followi ng resolution: RESOLVJD , That while the Board of Trustees have been delayed in perfect ing the organization of the Faculty by considering the unification of the educa­tiona] interest j~ the labama Conference, the, assure t he public that a full corps of professors will be, elected in dUE time and the col l ege open for the 2nd i·jednesday in .September next. ON HOrnON , The Board adjourned to attend the CODnnencement Exe,r cis.es, to meet again at 3: 3<:' P. Jl-I. 3 :30 P. M. The Board met .as per adjournment . Bishop HcTyeire presiding . Present: George C. Dillard, Secr etp.ry; E. T .. Gl.eilll, Treasurer ; Simeon Perry; O. D. Smith; E. S. Smith; Louther; B. B. Ross ; Harris ; Shapar d; Rutledge; Hurt ; Harrison; Dowdell; Neal' Hill; • Frazer; Mci l haney . Reverend E. S . Smi tn offered the foll owing amendment tc the report of ~he Committee on the Report of the Faculty : Substituting for the last recom­mendation the fol lowing, That when we adj ourn it will be to meet on Friday the 7th day of Jul y , 1871 to receive the report of said corrnnittee which w~ s adopted . -- BOARD <,I NU'l'ES June 28, 1871 (Continued) 121 Rever~d Wi lliam Shapard~s substitute was .taken up, discussed and t he vote was l ost . The vote then recurring .on tt he report 0 t he C ommi t tee as amended by. E .. .s . Smith . Said r eport was adopted and William Shapard and E. T. Glen,'l appointed to carry out t he ob jects and intents of t he report . -We A. EcCarty and G. P. Harrison appointed alternates . The r eport o"f the Executive Committee was laid on the table until the meeting of t he Board in July, t o which tiwe t he Board adjourned . Bishop H. N. l'_c,Tyeire, Presiding George C. Dillard, Secretary " . I·· +22 BCTA.,RD hINUTES July 7, 1871 The Board met pursuant to adjournJuent . Reverend M. S . 1 ndrews presidi ng. Present: George C. Dillard, ecretary ; E. '1' . Glenn, Tr easurer; Simeon Perry, E. D. Pitts, Tt . B. Neal , J!: . S . Smith, Thomas L. Frazer, Hilliam Shapa,rd" G. P. Harrison , W. A. heCarty, W. H. Lamar, J . W. Hyrick and vJ . ". DOYldell . Prayer by Reverend E. D. Pitts . , ol onel Harrisoh moved we now hear t he report 01 the d'eputation who visited Greensbor o . Reverend 'lliam Shapard, Chair.man, r eported the deputation had performed t he duty assigned them, but had accomplished nothing towards the unification of the educational interest of the church . ON :r-:OTION of Col onel Harr ison, the committee was instruct ed to reduce t his repor t to writi ng and the srone be placed upon the minutes . RESOLVED, That a committee of five be appoi nted to report a plan upon which to run the College for the next year, embr acing the number, what chairs shall be filled, the mode of paying the faculty and committee under t his r esolution appointed by t he chair . Adopted. Comwittee : G. P. Harrison , E. D. Pitts, if . A. vlcCarty , ~Jilliam 3hapa.rd a.nd E. S. Smith . The Board adjour ned to meet at 3 o 'clock . f.~ . S . Andrews , Vice President Geor ge C. Dillard, Secretary BOARD MINUTES July 7, 1871 3:00 P. F. 123 The Board met pursu~t t o adjournment. S. Sm,.i.th , pr esiding . Present: George C. Dillard, Secretar,y; . T. ~;enn, Tre~surer ; A. Fraz ~ r; T. L. Frazer; SimeOl: Perry ; William ~h apard; ~ . B. Neal; ' I . A. JIcCarty; George P. Harrison; E. D. Pitts and J . • Myrick . Prayer by Reverend F . B. Neal . Einutes of t he l ast meet ing r ead and approved . Geor ge P. Harrison, Chairman on Committee of Faculty, made the foll owing report i"'hich was adopted . T'he Committee beg leave to re:p9rt the followi1}g sugg'tstion.s as t he most practicable i n t .heir opinion. which will meet the exigencies of t he occas.i on . 124 BOARD Hl NUTES October 12, 1871 The Trustees of East Alabama Male College convened in Auburn, according to the call ~f the President , October 12, 1871. ITI the absence of the President , Reverend ~1. S. Andr eW's, Vic E: President, took the Chair and called the Board to order . ~v iJ:liam A. McCarty was elected Secretary pro tempor e . E. T. Glenn offered the following resolution, RE~OLVED , That we, the Trustees of the East AlabanB Male Coll ege , tender our College property to the State of Alabama for the establishment of t he Agricultural and :tViechanical College . Resol ution discussed till 1 o ' clock, when the Board adj ourned to meet at 2 o ' clock P. M. At 2: 00 P. fJI . Board met pursuant to adj ournment • Reverend ~'Jilliam Shapard in the absence of the President and Vice Pres:ro.ent , was called to the Chair, who decided th'at the question of the mor ning ' 5 c':liscuJ~sion was out of order . An appeal t aken from the decisli:on of the Chair and appeal sustained . Where­upon , the Chairman resigned, and Simeon Perry was el ected Chai rman ~ Aft er the r e solution was further discussed, it was laid on the table . T. Glenn offered the following r esolution , RESOLVED , THAT vie tender the property of the 3ast Alabama }"lale College to the State for the purpose of t 'ne establishment of the gricultural and Hechanical College, subject to the ratification of the Conference . William Shapard moved t o carry the resolution on the table , which motion was l ost . William Shapard raised a question of order, to wit: That the above r esolution was of the same import as the one laid on the table . The Chairman decided the resol uti on in order, whereupon , an appeal was taken to t he house . The appeal was not sustained . Colonel G. P. Harrison offered the following as a substitute for E. T. Glenn's resolut ion , RESuLVED , 1st That : we , The B.oard··af ~Trus·teeSc of .t he Fas t AlabalIia Ylale: ColJeg~ respectfully tender the control of the buil ding, l and and a pparatus of same to the State of Alabama for the establishment of the Agricultural College , provided the r i ght to make said transfer is vested in said body, and if not , then we respectfully recommend t hat the next Annual Conference make the transfer f or the purpose above i ndicated . 2nd, That a corrunittee of five, consisting of Honorable David Cl opton, Reverend ',Jilliam A. HcC arty, Honorable IV . H. Barnes, Reverend 01 R. Blue , Reverend T. J . Rutledge , to determine in whom the right of transfer is vested and to carry into effect the fore going resolutions . Pending the discussion of the substitute, the Board. adjourned . --- BOARD lilNUT S (No Date Given) The Board ad journed for want .of a quorum to Fr iday at 11 A. M. October 13, 1871 Trustees met pursuant to adjour nrllent . Simeon Perry in the Chair . No quorum being pre'sent , the Ghairman adjourned to Saturday, Oc.tober 14, at 11 A . H. October 14, 1871 125 Trustees met pur suant to adjQurnment. Simeon Perry in the Chair.. No quorum being present , the Chairr,lan adjourned to meet Tuesday , October 17, at 11 A. L October 17, 1871 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. Simeon Perry i n the Chair. No quorum being pr esent , the Chairman adjourned to meet v edn es day , October 18, at 11 A. M. October 18, 1871 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. Simeon Per ry in the Chair . No quor um being present, the Chairman adjourned the meeting to 0atur day, October 21 , at 11 A. M. October 21 , 1871 The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Simeon Perry in the Chair. No quorum bei ng pr esent, the Chairman adjourned the meeti ng to Saturday next , October 28 . October 28, 1871 Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. Simeon Perry in the Chair. No quorum being pr esent , the Pr esi dent adjourned the Board to meet Thurs­day, November 2, at 3 :00 P. M. BOARD IJINUTES November 2, 1871 The Board of Trustee,s met pursuant to adjournment. Simeon Perry in the Chair. The substitute of Colonel Harrison by motion of William Shapard, was laid on t he table . B. B. Ross offer ed the follmving as a substitute t o E. T. Glenn ' s resolution, to wit: That a co~nittee of three be appointed t o draft and r eport suitable r esolutions to this Board . vfuich substitute prevailed, and Reverend B. B. Ross, ,lfill iam A. HcCarty and O. D. Smith were appoint ed said committee . ON LOTION of B. B. Ross , William Shapard and 1 . D. Pitts vleTe added to said commi ttee. The committee , through , the Chairman , Reverend B. B. Ross , reported t he following r esolutions, to wit : R~S LV~ , That the Boar of Tr ustees recommend the adoption of the repor t of t he e ucational committee of t hirteen . R~SOLVED , That a co~nitt ee of five be appointed by t his Board to r epresent the inter est of this College at the session of the Alabruna Conference, with full power to act for the Board in any emergency . BDARD fliINUTES December 9, 1871 127 The Board met pursuant to adjournment in basement of Methodist Church . Present: Messers Perry , Barnes, Harris, Hurt, LMaar, Hi ll, Myrick, Neal, Ross, HcCa rty , Harr ison, Dowdell, and Fr azer. The Pr esident and Vice President, both being absent, ON onON of Reverend W. A. HcCarty, the Honorable William 13arnes was called to the Chair and G-eorge P. Harrison appointed Secretary Pro Tempore . The minutes of last meeting read and approved. Reverend W. A. .cCarty, Chairman of Cormnittee appointed to visi t the Confer­ence at r obile, made a verbal report which was received and the Cormnittee discharged. 'The orruni t tee promi sed a writ ten report, which when handed in will be recorded at end of these minutes . Messers Barnes and Harrison read verbal reports from the Cormnittee appointed to visit the 0tate Legislature, which were received and the Committees con­tinued . o l·lOTlCII.J of the Reverend B. B. Ross, the Board then proceeded to the election of a permanent secretary to fill the vacnacy occasioned by the death of George C. Dillard, Esq . George P. Harrison was unanLmously elected. ON .fOTlON of vi. C. Dowdell , the following resolution was adopted, to wit: REvOLVED , By the Board of Trustees of t he East Alabama Male College at Auburn, Alabama, t at said Board hereby tender t o the .3tate of labama t he College building, land ru1d property belonging to said College for the purpose of the Agriculture College, to be established by the State under the Act of Congress, on that sub ject, approved July 2, 1862 , so l ong as the State will use the said building, lands and property f or that pur pose; and that the President of the Board, the Honorable . avid Clopton, and General George P. Harrison , the Secretary of the said Board, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to make, sign, execute and deliver a deed or conveyance to said building, lands and pr operty to the , tate under such and pr oper and proper discretion of the said buildings, lands , and property it may be deemed sufficient to car ry out t his res olution . 1r. Hill asked leave to prot est against above resolution, which was granted . ON rv~O TlON , The Board then adjourned. George P. Harrison, Jr . , Secretary