Summary: | Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1870BOARD HINUTES
January 20 , I B7Q Y
At a c'alled meeting:: of the Board of Trustees, Present: Rev8;rend M •.. s .
Andrews in the Chair, George C. Dillard, Secretary;. embers pr esent:
Doctor J •• Myrick, imean Perry" 'W ., B .• c Neal,. E .. T.;J..W., H. !.@.mar,
T. J • .Rutledge, . if. .Of.J DO~ldell , H. N. Sneed, - ill i am .-Sha,pard,[ .P.
Harr ispn,. and P.res:irdent"of the Faculty, James F. DowC\,ell. .J.'
< l
George C. Di llard offered the f0ilowing resolutj,on, .which .\<las adopted~ ") "1:'1'
WHEREAS , by the compr omise of the endowment subscription of Mrs. Battle,
we deem the" hair of Battle profe-ssorship null and void and the condi~
tion of sai d cont~ct or endowments i s by said compromise is entirely
changed . WHEREFORE, RESOLVED, That the money recei ved from iiJZ. Battle
as a compromise in settlement of her subscription' tD. the C.ollege beappropriat
ed to the l i quidation of the endebtedness of the same .
T. J . Rutledge offered the follo'll'ring resolution, whi ch wa-s adopt'ed,
RESOLV~ , That in observance of the instr uctions given by the Board
of rI'rustees at its Annual 1eeting to the Executive Committee for
settling the ante bellum debts of the college and t hat we rest the
settlement with t he Executive Committee giving them discretionary
rights after obtaining l egal council in the case of Hiss Bird •
. , .
RESOLVED That all itinerant preachers children or orph~s of same· be
educated free of char ge. ' <
RESOLVED , That T. i J. Rutledge be allowed' one thousand dollars· and his
traveling expenses as his salary as ~gent for the College this ~nsuing
. ....L having been some mi$uuderstanding (between tlie~ Board (anCf facult y
in regard t o paY1I\ent of Rail Road scrip ,to the. facult y, as when I such t '
monies should be placed on the endebtedness to the~. ID was decided
that the endebtedness should be placed upon their salaries and not' upon
t he defi ciencies claliaed by them in carrying on a high scbool in t he '
college building before the regular opening of the college exercises.
RESOLVED, That the Executive Committee be instructed .to make- the- best
arrangement t hey can out of funds due the college in settlement of the
debts of same.
George C. Dillard, S e cretar~ N. S. Andrews , President
~ ( I r
( '~
April 28, 1870 . ., , .
At the r~quast ofl the Executive Board, ,the Board of Trustees convened.this
day in the- College building ., . Present: Reverend .M. S . And,.r e1tls , Pr esident;
E . T. Glenn, ~e easur,-er; and G. C .Dillar d,. Secretary. lI-1emb,ers pree,ent:
Heverend .T. J. Rutledge, . imeorr Rerr3~ ' H . N. Sneed, R everefld ~ . B. Smith, .
W. C. Dowdell, Isaac Hill, .Hev~rend William Shapard, ReverBnd W. B. Neal,
Reverend v.i . A. I cCarty, Reverend L. F. Dowdell, William \i . Lamar, George P.
Harr1son,. Reverend E. D. Pitts, William Leather, and William Hurt.
Faculty pr esent: President· J . F ., Dowdell., Profes.sor.s Hogg, Dunklin, and
Stubbs .
Prayer by Reverend E,. S . Smith.
ON HOTION, The reading of the minutes of the l ast meeting was postponed
until the regular meeting in July . . ,
President Dovfdell made the foll owing report, which ,-ras ,read:
Those departments distinct and complete in thems elves, but related to each
other as parts of one whb!he, under -the' same_ general .control with such
special regulations as are necessary to the proper discipline and instruction
of each department in its distinction and appropriation and then a
school combining in itself the conunon school and a:~'ademy of: the country
and the college, under the name of college.
I. The Common School Department- With presiding teachers furnishing instruction
in spelling, reading, writj~g , geogr aphy, mental and pract i cal arita
metic, English, Ex. in English COJllID'osition and decleni8)tions,
--- -·.!latin Declensions and conjugations, certifi cates given ' for completion of
this course .,will entitle the holder to :. admissi on in the next
higher department~
II . Academic Department-With presiding teachers consisting of only t hose
who have certificates from Department I .
Course of Study
1st Brighams La Gram and Reader
2nd Caesar Cicero-\OIith exercises
3rd Ovid
Al gebra
Greek ..
1st Greek Book and Reader
Exnophon, Anabasis, lulton,
Xerxes, Felton' s Green Historian,
Rose Composition .
- '"
Spel ling, Reading, Writing
Gr arr®ar, Composition , Declaration
Ancient Geogr aphy, History and Mythology
Elements of Natural Science
Geogr aphy-Descriptive and Physica:l
It is intended that t he course in this department shall be thorough and
complete far as it goes--fully qualifying t he st~d ent for entering the
college department with assurance of success. Certificate given on com~
pletion of course in t his department.
III. Collegiate - D epartment-C ornpl ~t ing course' will consist of those who have
finished t he .required in ·-the Academic D epartfi1ent~ -and who have a certificate
to t hat - eUect or who have been admitted .by examination in all the
sub jects necessary t o the successflu prosecution of the course.
Course of StudX
Moral Philosophy and Belles Lettres
Junior - English Language and Literat ure
'rhet oric-Logic
Senior - Political Economy, Nental and l'1oral Philosophy
Evidence of Chr i stianity
Latin Lang~age and Literature
Livy, Cicero, Geor gics of Virgil,
lviilton Exercises, Roman Hi sto.ry,
Tacitus, Horace , Terence, ~ua s imodo
\rlri t ten exercises, Rolpa.Tl Literature.
Preceeding the discussi on, of the above report, the Board adjourned to meet
at 2:30 o_'clock.
2:30 P.M.
The Board met pursuant to adj ournment. Present: Reverend I . S. Andrews,
Pr esident; George C. DillarcL, Secretary; E. T. Glenn, Treasurer. Lembers-.j'IoeO
Present : W. G. Hurt, ~'.filliam Louther, Simeon Perry, oJ . G. Dovldell, G. P.
Harrison, Reverend v.[. A. McG arty, \if . H. Lamar, Reverend L. F' . Dowdell,
Reverend E. S . Smith, H. N. Sneed, Reverend William 3hapard, Reverend E. D.
Pitts , Isaac Hill, Reverend T. J. Rutledge. Faculty present : Pr esi dent
Dowdell, Professors Hogg, Dunklin and Stubbs .
Prayer by Reverend E. D. itts. The minutes of the morning session read and
The r eport of President Dowdell was unanimously adopted .
The following resolution was on motion adopted, RESOLVED, That the faculty
be authorized t o arrange the opening and closing of the collegiate year as_
to make the two terms of twenty weeks each without the winter vacation and
to close in the last Wednesday in June annually.
ON MOTION of Isaac Hi ll, it was resolved that the t uiti on fee of the College
be r educed to $70 .00 .
ON :tJ,OTICN of Ttl . C. DovTdell, the above resoluti on was reconsidered and the
f aculty was requested to make such suggestion as they may deem advisable
as regards t he tuition of the college.
Acting upon the above request, the faculty n~de the fol lowi ng suggestion
whi ch was adopted: That every stu,dent shall be r equired to attend three
schools in the department. In the las.t two schools, he may take t hem
singl y or in connection with or two schools of the department. The
fol lo"ring rates are recommended, the tuitio"n, in the _ _ department, when .
three are t aken each $25.00 , when more than three each $20.00. Tuition
in (7 and 8) above, each $50 .00; (7 and 8) with one $80.00; (7 and 8)
and two schools $100 .00.
Reverend Hill iam Shapard offered the following motion which was adopted.
\1m ~REAS , in view of the fact that Pr ofessor Hogg will be at much expense
in r emoving his famil y-here. Therefore, RESOLVED , That the Executive
C ommi ttee be instructed to provide a house for him free of rent for one
RESOLVED , That the Execut i ve Board and Faculty arrange the tui tion of t Re
Prepar atory Department.
ON HeTION of =. T. Glenn , the following resolut i on was adopted, RESOLVED,
That from the statements made by the Reverend T. J. Rutledge ; agent, he
is hereby released from the agency of the College.
RESOLVSD , That the ecutive Board be authorized to do anything necessary
to put in operat ion the plans adopted today.
The following resolut ion was unanimously adopted, RESOLV D, That all the
members of t he Board who are rnembers of t he General Conference be appointed
a c o~mittee to memorialize t he same, to establish a Theological SchooL or
college at this point.
~ eo rg e • Dillard, Secretary M. S . Andrews., President
July 11, 1870
At the regular .A:nnual l<leeting of the Board of 'l'rust ees, Present.: 11. ~ r
Andrews , Presid,ipg; George C. Dillard, Secret<>.ry; :::. T. Glenn, Treasurer.
Pr esent: David Clopton, George P. Harri son, E. T. Glenn, Vi . C. Dowdell,
S. Perry, E. S . Smith, W. B. Neal, B. N. Snee.d, Isaac Hill , J ., W. ~iillis ,.
C. B. Howard, J .• vL l{yrick, J ohn JVIathews , ,v.' . '. Hurt , E. D . r itt~ , ~}. H.
Lamar George \v :: F'. Price , T. J . Rutledge, 1tJl l liam Shapard .
Pr ayer by Heverend T. J . Rutledge . 4 ..!.. '.I ' .I.
At the r equest of t he Secretar y, T. J . Rutledge was appointed Assistant
Secretary .
On the call of cOIIDlmnicat ions , Reverend i; McGehee J:12o.e ~h~ re- .
quest that the Board reconsider the settleme~t of t he Executive Board
wit h Miss F. Bird . ON l~OTION of Geor ge F. Price, the corrununication
of Reverend fn ,lia.'!l hcGehee was on the table for the present .',
Pr esident J . F. Dowdell rr~d e the following report. (Sec . Paper *1)
The degr ee, of' A. B. was conferred on J . Rehder Dowdell. (\ ( ~
Financial Report of the Faculty-Fall Term
Tuition in college ~otal
Expenses f or, jani tQr .
Pd . H. S. Douglas (Pr ep . )
'V I
1 . Distributed as follows among the Professors
Paid to Professpr Bragg
Owe him on unsettled ~
Def ici:ancy . on sala;ry pd, ~ by Truste es
2 . A similar a.~ount in character distr.ibuted
to Pr ofessor Dunklin • .
3. Collected and Paid Professor Stubbs
Owe him on uncollected
Paid him by Trustee Glenn
Salary for thre e , ~onths
4. Collected and paid to Pr es. Dowdell
Due on uncollected tuition
Defi ciency paid by Tr ustee Glenn
Four months salary
. 50 .00
240 .00
$1916.60 ·
~~431.46 3/4..-
78.93 2/3
$323 .60 '
59 .23
. 67.17
$446 .46 3/4
78 .93
$640 .00
Tuition in College
Prepar&tor:lf L. ~e~l (3
Deficit· in' ~os s. C a"se ,( s ick)J
xpense& for season I s. fuel t
Salaries of Pres'. &
President Dowdell
Professor Hogg
II Stubbs
II Dunklin
Inst ruct . -Duncan
..... ,
J :;
By Deficiency r
... . .. -"':I
Profs. :
, .... '1. ~.
Spring Term 1860-70
. r ( .i '-... , :,
$2557 .00
... r . t<J -2..9~S .00 ~
r .
• ~ ~ I ~ $2).L8~.!..QQ .....
~J .~
$960 .00
900 . O()~·
900 .00
900 .00
~~ -J20~ Xl
... v :+0
~$4"'-'0:""::2-0:::"'". "0:""::0-
~ . ;
.> '.
t '
J) • I
.:)j .. t" .. .159 .50,
. $3315 . 50
4020 .00
• I
t. '
George P . Harrison offered . the foll owing .resolut;ion. whi ch vias adopted,
.RESOLVED, That Professor Stubbs be allovred his salary from the . day he left
home .
,~ -
ON 1-10TION of .Reverend E. S . Smith, it was RESOLVED , That. the report of the
faculty be referred to a Special Commi ttee of seven, with special r eference
to that portion which relates to raising an endm-nnent fund. C.ommittee ·
appointed by the C1).air: _i£. S . Smith , D. lopton, G. T;l . F . Fr i ce, John .. "
lathews, C. VI . H owa-r~, ' -rsaac Hill and H. N. Sneed.
\ . . .
E. T. Glenn , Chairma:n o:i t he E."'{ecutive Committee made the following report:
S -r ) . _. 1 .3 -' .' ,~ J", I r .:. • ~
Brother D. Cl opton offered t he foll owing which was adopted::,::; RESOLVED , [That
the report of the ' ec tive Committee i n procu~g the seryices uf Pro~essor
St ubbs and Hogg and comp-romising the en..deht...edne~s ang this .. action ) be'· 'a.pproved .
ON MOTI N of • D. Pitts, it was moved and carried, that that of the report
not heretofore adopt ed and t he recohunendatic0b cont'ained:) in~ tFre cl'epor.t l br ~
the Exe cutive Committee be referred to a special committee of t hree t o ... ·be
appointed by t he Chair. Committee under t hat resolution consists of W. B.
Neal, E. D. Pitts, and J. W. l illis.
,J .
.RESOLVED, That a commit tee consisting of three members of~. the Board be
appointed, whose duty itl?hall be to have a full conferenc·e . wiUil thedaculty
and prepar e and r eport some definite plan for the future organization and
mana gement of the College.
(Si gned) D .• C lopt oh~~ <.l Lv~ b. . . . "')
Committee appointed by the Chair: D. Clopton, G. \f . F . 'Price, and vIm . Shapard. --
Doctor Hamilton was introduced to the Board by the Chair. Brother Pitts
moved t hat Doctor Hru ilton occupy a seat with and participate in the
di scussion of the Board . Unanimously adopted.
ON HO' ION of Brother f!..athews, the Board ajourned to meet at 3 0 I clock
this afternoon .
George C. Dillard, Secretary H. S. Andrews, President
3 o'c~k
The Board met pursuant to adjourn;nent . l . S. Andrews in the Chair.
Present: S. T. Glenn, H. N. Sneed, D. C.lopton, G. C. iedows, G. P.
Harrison , Isaac Hill, G. \v. F. Price, E. S. Smith , \'h lliam Shapar d,
E. D. Pi t ts, Doctor VJ. H. Lrunar, John '1at'hews, T. J . Rutledge, G • . C • .
Dillard, ~ . C. Hurt, C. \oil . Howard, S . Perry.
E. T. Glenn, Treasurer, made the follm>ling report. (See r~aper No.3.)
Report was read and referred to the Auditing Committee .
ON \lOTI N of \ illirun Shapard t hat conunittee of -three be appointed to
ey~e i nto the financial condition of the ollege, adopted. Committee
appointed by the Chair: William Shapard, George P. Harrison, W. H. Lrunar,
RESOLV~D , That the committee r eport a system by which the records of the
Board shall show at each Annual Meeting the ent ire financial cond~tion of
the College. Adopted .
D. Clopton
ON i<OTICN of Br ot her E. S. Smith, a committee of f ive be appointed to
nominate officers for the next year . Commi ttee consists of: I saac Hill
w. C. Hurt, ,G. C ot Medows and G. C. Dillard.
EESOLVED , That a committee of three be appointed to pr e'sent r es olution
in r eference to our late Pr esident .
John Hathews
. Committee upon this r esolution, G. iii . F. Price, .E . D. Fi tts, and E. S . Smith.
'rhe r egular degree of AM: was unanimously conferred upon Howard Hamill and
J . E. Dowdell.
Isaac Hill , Chairnffill of the committee on nomination of officers made t he
follmring report:
.Executive Boare.:
Honorable David Clopton , Pr esident of Board
George C. Dillard, Secretary
E. T. Gl enn, Treasurer
E. T. Glenn
W. C. Dowdell
I saac Hill
Geor ge P. Harr ison
Teorge C. Dillard
Auditing Committee:
H. N. Sneed
S . Perry
_ George P . Harrison -'
i. "J'
Brother Pitts offered the following resolution, That the report of the committee
as a .whole be .adQpted. Accepted .
ON 1OTION of Brother John Mathews, Reverend 1'-1 . S . Andrews was elected V~.ce :
Honorable D ~viq vlopt on t Qok .the. Chair .
f .. , ,.' r
Brother .0 • • D. ,Fitts, chairn~an ,of .committee on report Qf 1:pceeutive c~ornnlitt ~ e, .
made the following report: , '1
The c,Qmm:i.ttee recommends .such modification of the _ l~ngua g e~ of t,he repQrt ,
which refers to the .discipline of _t 'he college be,'made as will cause it
not to be offensive to James F . Dowdel l , President. That ref erence to
t he a gent be so corrected as to be satisfactory to .him . That the recommendation
of ~he "ExeGu~ive Committee. in regard ~to S~ewards Hall and
g 0in g~ t Q cl1Urc,h are , not .decreed pr:aGticable .
Brother H. S . Andrm-vs off erect , t 'he resQlution which WaS . pef erred to the committee
of conference with the faculty .
Pending the discussion of Brother Pitts report , ON MOTION of G. C. Dillard,
the Board adj ourned to meet at 8 0' clo'ck tomorrow.
George C. Dillard, Secretary ,Davie} Clopton" Pr.esident
-' . .)
,d. I
! '
Jul y 1:2, 1870 ~, _
The Board met pursuant tQ adj ournmel'lt , • S. Andrel'lS, Bres'idi ng as President,;
Pr esent: Geor ge C. Dill ard, Secr etary, E. T. Glenn, Treasurer, S. Perry,
• C. Hurt" J . W,. ~ yrick, C. W. HovTard, \'l . H. Lamar, George P. Harrisorr, -'. S.
Smith, A. Frazer, John Mathe:ws, ~W •. B. Neal, B. B. Ross, "fl . N. Sneed, I saac
Hill, T. J . Rutledge , George Harr i s, '. D. P1.tts, J. 'W. Wil:lis , :) "- ~- :..
ON lOTION of G. C. Dillard, the report of the comrruittee on the report of
the Executive Committee be postpon.ed _unti l after the r eport of -the 'com-mittee
in conference with the f aculty . ~
ON HOTION, it was agreed t hat the Board repair in a body to the
to meet admiral ima.
Brother Hill offered: the following, RES LV:ED" ' Reverend B. B. Ross
and J ohn ~~thews be requested to take char ge of the subscriptions to the
$10 proposition of endowm~t collect the same aru1ually and increase the
l ist. Adopted .
ON OTION of n octor Boward, R&~OLV~~ , That such subscriptions now in the
hands of Brother Rutledge not 4urned- over to Brothers Ross and thews be ~
left · in the nand of he Exe-cutive '.c ommittee ,to dispose of tJiefn 'to the 'best
advant,age . Ad'opted.. ~ ~, ~,
ON MOTION of B.r-other 'athews, the Board, RESOLVED i uself With a (committee of,"
the whole on the slate of the college, S . Perry in the Chair, when a general
discussion took place.
On the arrival of the co~~ittee on comference witn the r§acu. ty, t he committee
arose and the Board r esumed oper ation. • :) ! •
David Cl opton, cHairman of the, corrnnittee of conferen.ce, made, the following
report which was r ead . (See Paper No 3.)
The committee to 'whom was referred t he mat ter of preparing and reporting a .
plan of or ganization and make arrangement of the college submit the followi
ng r eport.
In view of the changes already made in the curricullli~ of the College being
a combi nation of the uni versity and college system and for the pur pose of
securing the greatest benefits to be viewed therefrom and also the highest
degree of efficiency i n t he discipline of t he College , to which end it is
necessary that the faculty shall be made a unit , and equal authority and
r esponsibility be evolved upon each member thereof . Your committee r ecommends
t he adoption of the f ol l owing plan of organization and government :
1 . That the office of President of Faculty be abolished .
2 . 'rhat the government of the College be vested in t he f a culty as a Board
with power to elect and remove at pleasure.6ne of their own number,
whose duty it shall be to act as the Executive Officer of the Board of
Faculty, see that t he l aws made and r esolutions adopted by the Board
be faithfully executed .
104 ~
3. That the Faculty s hall hereafter \cons,ist of the following pr ofessorshi ps, viz,
Moral Sc i ence and Belle Let tres, Gr e ek and Latin Languages, V~thematics,
Chemistry and Natural .:History and .M04e·:ri'll Language • .
: ... 1
4. .Thqt t he Pr eparatory De.partment be under _the. control ano. supervisi-on oJ'
5 .
t he -Fac;.ulty., who .are.. authorized .to make such" arran-gements J or ,the .
management qnd i n str:uction thereof as \h.ey d-eem proper., 'prdvi ded all
the expenses a r e paid out of t he department.
That. the Facul ty be authorized to make arran'gements f or .fillingr the
pr ofes s orshi p of Modern Language or hav:Lng ,the' same tau-ght as pr ovided
in the curriculum .
That t he income of the College from t u i tion f ees i s he.rebY appropuiated
to t he payment of t he Facult y , who by t he acceptance of their r e spective
pr ofe qsor:ship a gre:e to accept \t he same in· lieu of t heir sa;larie·s.
. ') D,. Cl'Qpton, Chai rmall1
The commi ttee on organizati on t o whom was t he resolution in refe r ence t o t he
Execut i ve Committee., make ·t he following re.port . YOl{r ·.commit t e,e recommends
t he follQwing amendment t o ArtiQ:le 7 0f By-Laws, add at t he end: t hereof
t he se words, "Pro'lidecl ,t he ExeQut_ive B'oard .are not ~aut h orLze.d t.o , -interfere
with t he i nternal arrangements of the College, but if any grU:av.:ancB. exist,
it sha l l b e t heir duty to r eport the same to the Pr esident of t he Board of
Trustees ,\vho shall U~~ refore call a s pe,cial .meeting of t he Board.
D. C;lopton
ON ijOTI N of, B.r0lt her Clopt on , the report was made the special .order 'this
afternoon a t 3 o'clock .
ON MOTION of Brother Sn ~e d~ the Board adjourned to me et at '3ry'clqck, this
afternoon. . -
Geor ge C. Bil l ard , Se~re t ary "
-, ..
" .) .r·
David Glopton , Br esident
.t .)
!J • ~ •• : ,
- .,' I
• y
'I . '
. -.
- . ' ....
July 12, 18,(0
3: 00 P.N. '
The Boqrd met pursuant to adjournmen~ . ~resident D. Clopton in the Chair.
Presen~ : .S . P.erry, Joseph Har r~ s, ~ . T. Glenn, G~ Po:. Harrison" John Mqthews ,
B. B. Ro~s , . ' • • -Andr~ws,. W. B •. Neal, G. N., F .( Price, lIv,illiaJ1l ShaP<'trd" E., D1
Pitts, T. J . Rutledg~ , ~ . W. Myr~ck ,. W. p . Hurt , H/" r-{ . Sneeq., v{ . H. -Lamar,
Isaac Hill anq C. W. ~owq rd~ ,
Prayer by Reverend Ill[ . B. Neal.
The hour for consid~ ring the ~eport of ±he committee Qf conference with
the faculty having arr ived, the Board, upon an explanation of the report
by the chairman , entered into the discussion of the same, which resulted
- in the adoption of the report .
The supplementary report was aqopted, the r eport of cthe committee on the
faculty was read . ON :r-mTION of Br qther Pi t ts ,_ the further consideration
of the report was postponed until t he next meeting of the Board .
~ The Board entered into th~ election of a faculty under tqe new arrange-ments,
which resulted in the election of:
James F . Dowdell, Professor of Moral S ci e~ce and Belle Lettres
John T. Dunklin,. Profes.sor. of Languages
Alex Hogg, Professor of t-1athematics
I . C. Stubbs , Professor of C'hemistry and Natural History
ON lOTI OF' E. T. Glenn, John Mathews, ,M . , D. Pitts', E. S. mith were
appointed a commit tee to notify the f ac\xlty of t heir elect i on .
I lN l-lOTI N ,the Board adjourned ,to at 8 a I clOCK t omorrmof .
r:" ~
~e or g e C. Dillard, Secretary . - David 'Clopton, President
" ,
July 13, 1870
The Board met pursuant to adjournment. D. Clopton, 'presiding, George C.
Dillard, secretary, and E: T. G1enn, Treasurer. Members present: ·W. C.
Hurt,. I .' S. Andrews, Isaac Hill,. , .. ·Wi .H iam. Barnes,. C. W. 'Hm'lard, ·H. ·N.
Sneed, George W. F. Pric e, John Mathews,. W.. B. Neal, B. B. Ross, vJ:Hliam. '
Shapard, Simeon erry, W. H. Lamar, T. J . Rutledge; J . W. Myrick .
Prayer by William Shapa:rd .
Brother Andrews offered t he following resolution. Adopted. RESOLVED, That
the Pr esident of the Board of Trustees be requested ~ o prepare a· revised
code of By-Laws for t he c'onsiderat ion of the Board at its next r egUlar
meeting .
The r eport of the committee on report of "the Faculty was taken up and
discussed ·and a motion to adopt it was lost.
Br other Price, Chair man of the cOMnittee on r esol ution on death of Reverend
J . B. Glenn, deceased , which was unanimously adopted.
VJHEREAS , since the date of the last Annual eeting of Trustees, namel y on
the 9t h day of· August, 1869, it has 'pleased Almighty God to remove from our
mi dst our venerable brother, the Reverend J .• B. Glenn,t for more than 15
years the honor ed Pr esident of this Board, and 1ffl-I.l!1.. lEA.S in hi-s dec ease the
East Alabama College has lost the valuable ser\Cices and paternal -guardianshi
p of one of i t s earliest f riends and most devoted supporters and vJHEREAS,
by bis high i ntegrity , his .intelligence" his tireless vigilance,. his earnest
of t he olaims of the i hst:Ltution and his unfli nching fidelity to
its i nterest, he had rendered himself to us not less than by his urbanity,
patience and hristian dignity as a presiding officer, therefore, be Qt this
in Annual Session convened ;
Resolution 1. That we avail ourselves of this first occasion offered us to
record in a formal manner our personal sense of the loss sustained by t his
Institution in the death of t he late venerable and beloved presiding officer .
Res01ution 2. That we reserve a pagy of our minutes upon which to spread
t his pr eamble and resolution .
Resolution 3. That we communicate a copy of the resolution t o the f~~i ly of
the deceased .
George W. F. Price, Chairman
ON MOTIOl , the above report was unanimously adopted .
ON ~LOTION , the Board adjourned to meet at 3 0 I clock this afternoon .
Geor ge C. Dillard, Secretary David Clopton, President
July 13., ~187 0
3 :00 P .} .
The Board met pursuant to adjourmnent. Pre.sicient D-. CD..0ptan, presi.cting. ·,
Present: George C. Dillard, secretary, • T. Glenn, treasurer, Isaac Hill,
S . Perry, W. C. Hurt, T.: J. Rutledge , i . S. Andrews) H. N. Sn{eed, \vill.;iam
Shapard, George W. F. Price, John fJ.::athews, E. D. Pitts, C . ~ . Howar d,
W. H. Barnes , B. B. Ross , Joseph P. Harrison, E. S . Smith, W. B. Neal and
J . C. Medows .
Prayer by Reverend John jI.Jlat hews .
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved .
ON MOTION of Brother athews, B. B. Ross was excused .
The r eport of the committee on the report of the Executive Conrrnit tee was
read and adopted.
ON MOTION of Brother Andrews , that that part of the r eport assembling the
students at the college before Sunday Service be not adopted . Adopted.
Brother Shapard offered t he following r esolution which was adopted,
RESOLVED , That we hereby establish in connection with the Col lege a
Steward 's Hall to be superintended by a person selected by the f aculty
and Executive Boar d . I t being understtod that this Board will incur no
financial responsibility in carrying out this arrangement.
RESOLVED , That part of the report referr ing to Professor Dowdell and
Profes sor Rutledge be not concur red in. Adopted .
ON MOTION of Br other Pitts, a committee of three be appointed by the
Chair to nominate persons to fill any vacancies that may exist in t he
Board of Trustees . Adopted . Committ ee : Pitts, Price and Hurt.
The conrrnittee reported the name of O. D. ,smit h, who was elected to fill
t he vacancy caused by the death of Heverend J . B. Gl enn .
RESOLVED , That part of the r eport of the committee on report of the
faculty relating to the endowment be reconsi dered . Adopted .
Professors Dowdell , Dunklin, Hogg, and Stubbs came before the Board to
make known their deci sion . Professor Dowdell decl ined to accept, the
other gentl emen asked for further time .
ON fOTION of Br ot her Price, It was suggested that the power of the commit tee
on conference be enlarged and that they be instructed to propose , after
consultation with the faculty, such modification of the plan of or ganiza��tion
as shall enable the Board t o continue the operation of the Institution.
Adopted . The COrrIDlittee recorrIDledned such a modifi cation of the language of
the report which refers to the discipline of the Coll ege, as will cause it
not to be offensive to Reyerend J . Dowdell. That the r eference of Agent
be so corrected as to be satisfactory t o hi~. 1hat the recommendation in
regard to a Steward Hall and going to church are not deemed practicable.
Adjourned to meet at 8 0 I clock A. M. tomo,rrow •
George C. Dillard , Se.c r e.tarw David. Cl,optpn, Pr.esident
July 14, 1..870
The Board met pursuant to adjournment . President D. Clopton, presiding .
Pres.ent: Geprg,e . J illard , secretary, £ . T. GiLeru1, Treasurer<,' Isa-a'c Hill,
G. P. Har:r>i s 0).1 , G-. V. Hovrard, T. J .• Rutledge, WJ.lliam Shapar.d, John Jathews,
W. p. Hurt., J .• W~. Willis, O. D,. Smith, E,. 3 . mit h., .• D •. PUts, G. W. F.
Price, w.. B. N.eal., M. S. Acl,nre;ws, Simeon Pe.rry" A'. e.r and~ J . vi. .Myrick.
Prayer by Reverend W. B. Neal .
Minutes of l ast meeting read and approved.
Reverend E. D. Pitts , ChaiTInan of the committee of conference, rnade the
f ollowing report. which was rea~ and discussed . The c o~ttea t ~ whom it
was assigned the duty of further conferEfnce with the , gentlemen of the
late faculty have the honor t o r eport: There was a full, free and frank
inter.changm of views and opinions between th.e committee and the faclJlty.
Reverend J . F. Dowdell, LL . D, declined the pr ofessorship of Horal. Scli.ence.
and Beile Lett res upon the terms. Professors Dunklin, Hogg w1d Stubbs
accept the Chairs tendered them severally in cas.e certain details o.f the
arrangement be satisfactori~Iy adjusteQ..
The committee recolm~smds, 1:hat the Board of Truste,es adhere to the plan
in which the faculty was el~ cte d in all leading points. Next , that ,the
Board agree that if the services rendered be satisfactory to the Board and
the College be successful in its operation t o .such. a degree as proves t he
efficiency of the pil,.an, the Board ~Till feel! under obligation to continue
them in position for as least one year after. the expiration_of the mext
collegiate year. That the Board appoint five of its members to be known
as curators with whom t he faculty may, and t :o whom t hey must satisfactorily
report the operatipn amd~ condition of the 'oll·ege.
:..:; . D. Pitts
ON lviOTION of Br ot her Harrison, we pr oceed to the election of Professor of
Belle Letb'es and Noral Science. Adopted.
ON MOTI ON of Brother 3hapard, t he Chair appoint t hree members to suggest
names to fill the vacancy. The Chair appointed : William Shapard, C. M.
Howard. and E. D •.. Pitts.
The committee on nomination. suggested: M. S. Andrews~ W. A. McCarty,
B. Craven, C. W. Smith, and B. B. Ross.
ON MOTI ON of Brother ~~thews, the election was ' postponed for further
The Board adjourned to meet this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock.
Geor ge C. Dillare, Secretary David Clopton., Pr esident
July 14, l~nO
1: 30 P. f •
The Board met pursuant to adjournment.. President Dp.vid Clopton, presiding .
Pre~ent: George . Dillard, secretary, E. ~ . G~enn, Treasurer, A. Frazer,
\-JilliBlTl Shapard., O. D •. 3mi th." George p.. Harrison., 5.imeon Perry., E. D. Pitts,
J. w.. yrick, George W. F. ' Pr~ce, E. 3 . Smith, W. H. Laman, w. B. N~aL ,
Isaac Hill, C. M. Howard, W. C. Hurt, J •• Willis, and 14. S. Andrews .
Prayer by the Reverend VIilliam Shapard.
Minutes of t he l ast meeting read and approved.
ON NOTION of O. D. Smith, the f ollowing resolution was adopted. RESOLVED ,
That a committee of five be appointed by the Chair ,to cooperate with the
faculty in selecting a professor to fill the chair of Bell e Lettres and
Moral S~ience for the ensuing year. Cormnittee appointed under the resolution
: ~ . D. Pitts, William Shapard, E. T. Glenn, George p . Harrison, and
<T. it1 . Willis.
Doctor C. 1 . Roward of fered the following resolution which was adopted,
RE30LV~TI , That t he resolution adopted by ~he Board of Trustees at its
meeting January 20, 1870, by which the chil dren of our it enerant ministers
or or phans of Sallle he educated free of charge be reaff;i.rmerl and that copy
of the same be furnish e~ t he faculty of the college.
o T HUd UN of. Brother lathews, 'l'hat the committee on election of pr ofessor
of Belle Lettres and Moral Science be author:Lzed to fill 'any vacancy that
may occur i n the faculty. Adopted .
ON l,"O'l'ION of Brother Harrison , It was RESOLVED , That the, Executive Committee
may sell scholarships at one tho'usand dollars each.
ON OTION of Brother O. D. Smith, the Executive Committee was authorized to
expend not exceeding $150.00 in arra.nging for a Steward ' s Hall.
The committee of conference reported Professors Hogg, Dunklin and Stublos
accept t he positions to which they had been elected .
Brother .t\.ndr evfS offered the following resolution, which was-' adopted,
RESOLVED, The Executive Board be allowed to fill any vacancies. that may
occur in that body and that they be authorized to dispose of the Preparatory
Department one year if not used by the faculty.
ON MOTION of Br other ':)hapard, it was RESOLVED , That all menies which may
be secured from the slae of scholarships shall be 1.J.eld as a p erpetua~
endowment and shall be invested by the Executive Board in stocks and
real estate .
ON _OTION of Br ot her Mathews, t he Board adjourned to meet on Friday preceeding
the Commencement.
George C. Dill ard, Secretary David Clopton, President