1869 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 186984 BOARD HI NUT ])ee·erftbe- 2,-3:$&8- Yo/,/ 12.. I I F69 At t he regular armual meeting of the Board of Trustees , }1 . S . Andr evlS , Vice Presi dent i n the Chair . Hembers present: J . F. Dowdell, E. J . Hamill , .J . B ~ Neal , S . Perr...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7328
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 186984 BOARD HI NUT ])ee·erftbe- 2,-3:$&8- Yo/,/ 12.. I I F69 At t he regular armual meeting of the Board of Trustees , }1 . S . Andr evlS , Vice Presi dent i n the Chair . Hembers present: J . F. Dowdell, E. J . Hamill , .J . B ~ Neal , S . Perry, Isaac Hill" H. N. Sneedj J. [Ji . H. Har r is, W. IC. Hur t , '1' . J . ;, Rutledge, .\II m; Shapar d, . E. T.,, ' Gl enn , .v •. H. Lemar, J .. 11 .. Wi~lis , E. T. Pitts , ' O. • Bl ue , ,'n "" , ," . PRAYZR by Reverend O. R. Blue . E. J . Hamil l tendered his res i gnat'ion as Becret ary , which 1.vas on mot i on of G. C. Dillard accepted . ON HeTroN of Wi lli am Shapard , George G. :Dillard was elected Secretar y . Jresident Dowdell, after a few r emarks as to management of the Coll ege and expr essing an earnest hope f 'or i ts pr osper i ty, t endered:;hi s r esignation . The Zxecutive Committee made the follovring report Nhich was r eceived . In accordance with a resolution passed, the Board of Trustees , the Execut ive Board on the 30th of July, 1868; empl oyed. Reverend E. J . -ramil l Agent for the College. Br ot her Hamill aontinlied in the agency until t he meet i ng of the Annual Conference in December at which t ime T. J . Rutledge was appointed. Br ot her H~llill made t he f ollowing repor t: To amount cash collected Unpaid subscripti on's Amount paid Pr esident II II L. F . Dowdell 11 II II t r aveli ng expenses wi t hheld for salary unpaid subscript i ons * 999 . 00 105 .00 118 .05 750 .00 1248 .80 $3220 . 85 $1972 .05 1248 .80 Unpaid subscd ptions turned over to T. J . Rutledge ~? 1 248 .80 . The Pr eparatoI"J Building having become very dilapidated and unfit for school pur pos es, t he sum of f i f t y ( ~ 50 ) was appr opr iated for r epai rs . This amount was not sufficient to fix t he bui il'.cii ng as it shoul d be , which, was as much as the limited funds in the TreasUI"J woul d war r ant. December 1st , 1868, Professor Glenn t ender ed his r esignation as Pr ofessor of r4athernatics which was accept ed ; since that ti.rne this position has been filled by the President and remai ning members of t he faculty . Er r or 85 December 22, 1868, 1ie r equested t he Confer ence to appoi nt Rever end T. J . Rutledge as Agent whi ch was compl ied with . He agreed to serve in t hi s capacity under the following contr act , vi z--He was t o receive 15 per cent on al l monies collected by hirrl or through his agency under this arrangement . He repor t ed on April 29th as f oll O\ .. s : To amount col lected Insurance on sluldry per sons , about ~ub sc ript ion s t $ 512 .00 3750 .00 455 .00 s ee conclus i on of ~inutes . 11 acr es of cot ton & 250 Ibs . l i nt cot t on Amount pai d Pr esident . mount paid Committee ount for incidentals $430 .60 76 . 80 1,. .60 *;512 .00 '.;... •• ' ... . . >... ~~4717 .00 To . Bal ance ~j;2 , 205 .00 11 ac r es of cotton and 250 pounds of l int cot t on . Since t).1at t ime, we have had no r eport f r om Brot her Rutledge , until the 1st of June , vlhen f r om hi s repr esentat i ons we agr eed to incr ease his pay 20 per cent f r om that time . Your committee r eports t hat Brother Rut ledge was unabl e f or the f irst few months t o ac compli sh much in the Agency and was not a s successful as ''Ie hoped he would be . Si nce then, ho"rever , he has been mor e active and eff icient . Having learned t hrougb an att orney, the Honor abl e David C~ opton , t hat Hrs . Battl e pr oposed to compromise her endebt edness t o the College by pay­i ng ten t housand dollars in t wo notes payable r espectivel y i n 12 and 24 months wit hout int erest . ~'le i nstructed him to submit the following propo­s i t ion, viz, to gi ve us one note f or $5000 due 1st Jru1uary next and one note for $5000 due 1st of January , 1871. If he could not effect this however , then to 'a ccept her pr oposi tion . ~'I[e re4uest t o r eport the bad condit ion of t he college building owing to the d ef ~e > c tive r oof and s eeming impossi bilit y of getting seme suitabl e person t o attend t o t he building . It has been very much i n j ur ed by wind, rain and mi schievous per sons . 1;:e have made eff ort s to have the buil ding repaired and mat t ers bet ter ar ranged , but ci rCUtrlstances which we could not contr ol have until recently pr evented . We have now had the r oof fixed and the ... or k guaranteed . \1e respectful l y suggest some plan be devised to secure the s ervices of some suitabl e man to t alce care of the College buildi ng . We cannot say the College has been as successful during the past year as .. Ie desi r ed and fondly hoped at t he begirmi ng of the year, .v-e attri bute this want of succes s i n no small degr ee to the failur e on the part of t he Trustees at the meetinG of the Annual Conference t o fill the vacancy i n the f aculty occasi oned by the r esignation of Profes sor Glenn . We certainl y have suffered in publ i c estiLati on in ca r ryi ng on the insti­tution with only a Pr esident and two pr ofe s sors . ' As a remedy, we sug­gest the Facul ty be increased to five men~ ers , President ruld f our pr o­f essor s . In order t o enable us financi all y on thi s , we suggext the 86 Preparator y School be ' under the~ immediate supervlslon of the Faculty, and that t he School be r-eniev eGihto t 'he college building and a t utor be employed and that a f emal e college be established an the Preparatory School building under the control of this Boa rd . -']:'he ""hole being under t he supervision of the f a culty of t he Gollege . ~ All .. of which is r espectful ly submitt ed . .i::,; . T. Glenn, Chairman - - ,. , ? The Treasury Report was read and referred to the Auditing Committee . . . . 1"i . . • Andre:.ws" Chairman of the COrrrrn:l, t tee to correspond v'{i t h Qgletre.e and ~the:.rs with :r:ega,rd to t he endebtedness Qf ~he College to them . Report t~at .t here had bee.n 11,0 corres pol1der~c e and the. rn.a,tter r ema:i,ned as it was . Pr ofessor Dunklin offe.red t he r eport of t he faculty "..-hich was referred t o t he Auditing Conmrittee . ON MOnON, a committee of seven (7)' was appoint ed to take Lnto con­si deration t hat most of the r eport of the Executive COllmrittee re­l ati ng to the increase of the faculty and establishing a female col­lege wlder the supervisi on of the facult x . Comnli ttee appointed by '::;hair: ~'iill ialn Shapar d, .E . J . Hami ll, Isaac Hill, id . C. Hurt, 1'J. H. Lemar, ' . T ~ Glenn and O. It . Blue . ~ . p. Fi tts t endered the resignation of f' rofessor J . T. Dunklin • . eN HOTION of S . Perr'J , the Board adjourned to 4. 0' clock P . ]Ii . G. C. Dillare, Secretary Thomas J . :f{ut l edge , Agent To a lOunt cash collected ArnoWlt pai d President " agent ' s commission rr postage, stamps , etc . Subscription To runount notes and sUbscription Cr . ~?795 .60 l 68 ~ 0 5 4.60 " 9LO ~ 00 .25 To 11 acres of cotten :val ue 4 B/( 2000) 20/ To 250 poUnds cotton 20¢ Life i nsurance f or benefit of college , value t 1330 .00 400 .00 50 .00 3850 .00 J,b, {). -6;5~ o .00 968 .25 p6598::25 G. C. Dil lard, Secretary 87 88 BOAH]) NLWlJTES July ;:[2, 1869 4 0 I clock P .h . The Board met pursuant to adjournment . ll( . S . AndreHs, Vice President , in the Chair . George C. Dillard, Sec r etary • 14:embers pr esent: o. R. · Blue " E. J . HamiJ.l, J ohn :r.1athews, ~ . D. Pi t ts, villiam :3hapard, r. Hill, E. T. Glenn, vi. C. Hurt , rlm. H. Lamar, J. H. Harris, T. J . Hutledge , W. C. Dowdell and H. N. Sneed . The minutes of the last meeting v.Jere read and approved . ~~ illi am Shapard made the fol lo~ling r eport : R ?SCLVED , That He deem it practicable to employ and pay a suitable f aculty consisting of a Presi dent and thr ee Professors pr ovided we Can s ecure such a faculty as rill attract patronage . RZSOLVED, That t his Board of Trustees will .render- any aid or countenance i n our pOirier to aid the establishment of a femal e college in Auburn yet so as not to b ecome responsible for the management of said female college . J . A. \ Jillis requested that i:;; . T. Gl eml be allowed to cast his vote on the above resol ution; granted . ON EOTI ON , the Board adj ourned t o. meet t omorrow at 8 o ' clock i n ?rofessor Carby I s r oom. 1'1 . S . Andrelr.f5 , President George C. Dillard, Secretary BOARD HlNUT S July 13, 1869 Board met pursuant to adjournment . Prayer by Reverend Brother Norton . 89 M. 3 . Andrews , Vice President in t he Chf3.ir and George C.Dillard, ,;Secretary . - 1:iember s present: J . B. Glenn, President; v1. B. Neal , l'J. C. Dowdell , 1:, . T. Glenn, W. C. Hurt , 3imeon erry, H. ~ . Sne e~ , Joe. Ha,rris , O. R. Blue , T. J . tutl edge , :S . • Pitts , B. B. 11oss , I saac Hill, John Nat he1:.lS , E. J . Hamill, D. 91 opton. and, J . \'J . Hy,rick . ON, . iOTI()I~ of G~. c. bi;LH-.rg', a' c o~unittee of ' t hre.e m:en ~pPoint.ed .to confer, with Mr . J . Ogl etree. upon the, en~ebt edne ss of tpe pollege to h~ . lbe Chair appoi nted O. R. Bl ue , T. J . Hutledge and I . C. furt . This com­mi t tee on p'lotion 1"l re instructed by the Board to tender to fJjr ,. Ogletree as a compr omise the following to pay him 50 p er~ent of hi s claLm, ' prin-cipl e an~ interest by the 1st of January next . . , N HOTION , 'Isaac Hill, E .•. 1'. ,Gle'nn 'and ' £ ."J . Hamill "fere app~inted a committee to r aiSe - tl:J.e ,:aid of Trustees . ~ t ON IviQTICN , John )iathe1t{s , J . H. Iiarris , and, VI . H. c onfrnittee to nomillat~ officers of t e College . Lamar '!'.(ere appqinted a • J.. • .. ~ J.j ; u '_ .. :) ... ' , jV~OVED AND CARRlm, John IV.iathel.1Ts is appointed r '" a . COEli'nittee to writ~ a -letter to each member, ",of the, Hontgomery ~ onfer en c ~ , condition of the College . sett~g , fQrt h t he claims and ( . •• L . , , ;. .. J...... ... t . Honorable D. Clopton reported he had effected a compromi se of the claim against Er s . Battle , as fol lows , r 'Z'Z" $5090 .00 due 1st J anuar~T next anci. $5boo·.oo dlle July 1, 1 71. _q~toTrCN of 'b. H. Blue , t he B'oar'd approv.ed the ac t~on, of D •. ta .optoh '. . . , . . - ( ,- . ',~ ',J The oard then r esumed the discussion of vlilliarn Shapar d ' s resolution , i£ . D. Pit ts offe~r ed the follCxl-1Ting substitute', , 1 , ~ L RESOLVEb, That we think it practicabl e and wise t o 'e lprOY' a President and four Professors at such remunerative salary as wil l affOl~d a good support . , RESOLVED , That we will adqit into the Col lege young· l~dies as regular IT~triculants with the privilege of pursui ng t he regul ar curriculum and honp;rabl e graduat,ion U-~Ol) the co .. pletion thereof . .'. ' I R330LV~ , That we put the Prepa ratory Departwent under the ca r e and contr 1 of l he' Faculty and' a dfuit into' ,it' subject to its discipline and t uition girls and boys . . , , . t ~ ~ 0 Pending which, the r 1;3.o~rd a,djoVrned. t o .meet a;t 3- 0 ' clock P . '-: . . " " E . S . Andrews , Pr Ejsident George C. Dillard, ' Secretary- J, , , , 90 BOARD UNUTES July 13, 1869 3 0 ' clock P . 1: . The 'l!3oa r GF met· pttrsuant t o 'adjour nment ~ Pr ayer blf the Reverend l,L B. Neal. Rever end Iil • S . Andrews in the Chai r, Geor ge· C. DH.la'rd, >Secr et ary . ' Hembers pr esent : Isaac Hill , B. B. Ross , Joe Ha r r i s , .,~ . T. Glenn , T. J . Hutl edge , O. R. · Blue , vi. H. ' Lama I' , W. B. -Neal, John Hathews, ~ H." N .. · Sneed., 1{o.f.i;.v C . Hurt, E . D. Pi t ts ,. D:. Clopton , IE. J . Hamil 'l , and W. C. Dowdell. . O • . R. Blue r epo!''ted t hat ~.Je could set tle the Ogl et 'ree not e upon the t erms pr oposed t hi s mor ni ng , .vhich'W3.s agreed, t o a...'1d Br ot ner i. Blue i nstructed to make the s ett lement, which was a ccordingl y done and a note of $2510.65 signed by the authority of the Board by H. S . Andrews, Acting President and G. C. Dillard) Secretary, (irr lxeu of the prese~ endebte~ess) under the following resolution. . RESOLVED , That the- Acting Pr e'sicrent, H. S . Andr-ews, .and George C. ' D~llard, Secretary , be authorized to sign the note to J ohn Ogletree for $2510.65 ' due the J-st J anuary r~ext ,in settlement of his claim a gainst the College. ON I.fOTION ·"af E. T-. :Gletm, a-~tl' resolutions and substitutions 'relating to t he establishment of a female college or admitting young ladf es into the College., _ v~a s laid on the table. The de'gree of A·. B.' was conferred' and th<B' f ol £owing named~ graduat'es: A. S . Douglass, -H. G. Dowdell, i. . A. i)an'Vill~, 1. G. JackS'On, C.' H. Lindsey,. J. T. }lIotley and R. C. Persons. The degree of B. P.· on T. D.' Myrick ~ . ON rmTION, Simeon Pe'rfy and T. J. Rutl~dge wer e appointed a comni±ttee to confer with l"1iss F. Bird and tender her the s ame proposition in settlement of : her e;Laim against t pe College t hat wa s effec~ed with ~ohn Ogletree. E. J. Hamill of fered the folloWing resolution which wa s a dopted, REoOLVZD , That a comnlitt~e of seven be a ppoint ed to report the expediency or inexpediency ,of accepting President Dm'ldell's resignation and if tha.t resignation be 'accept ed to report on a name for the Presidency and nomi '::.. nate members of the Faculty 'if this resignation be accepted. In conformity with the above resolution, the following cownittee was by nomination and election appointed: John l'1a t hews; '·.t:, . J . Hamill, D. Clopton, B. B. Ross, E. D. Pitts, J oe Harris and \iJ . H. Lamar. ON HOTION of I saac Hill , it, was ordered t hat t he Trustees pay 'ilTilliam Patello $76.25 , the amount ~xp end ed by him in r epairs 'on the preparatory building . MOVt,1) AND ADOPTED , That the Executive Board employ a sui table person as janitor who may live in t he college' buildlllg , take care of same, the grounds, fences, etc., and that he be paid out of t he contirlgent fund. ON MOTION, The Board a d j ourned to tonight at 8 o'clock at the College. Geor ge C. Di l l ard, Secret ary M. S . Andrews, Pr esident Acting .----­, BOARD OF 1~US TE S EAST ALABAI N'.ALE COLLIDE Janua·ry· 1, 1870 Reverend 11 . S. Andrews , Vice President George C-. Dillard, SecI'etary Auburn, Alabama II " . E. 'r.. Glenn/' Treasurer II, . - II ' Addison, Fr a..z:el\ . " (,"I Ji lit II . ~. I saac Hill II ,II Simeon Perry II II Reverend William B. Neal I r II " II J.a.mes F .- Dowdell --r " II, , " 0 J. VI. Vld:ll i s - ... ,. II , II t w," rJ.f" H. N. Sneed - H. G. Dowdell William H. Lamar Reverend Willi.a,m Bhapard :... George P. Harrison D. T. Ball1.day J . vJ . Hyrick Reverend E. D. Pitts J . H. Harris J . C. Hedows Honorable vJilliam H. Barnes 111/ . C. Hurt Reverend II II II II II Lewis F. Dowdell Joh:t;l G. Hotley George W. F. Price B. B. Ross E. S. Smith W. H. lvicCart y W. T. Davis J . B. Banks Rever end O. R. Blue II John JV.athews II T. J. Rutl.edge Honorable David Clopton T. L. lvIount C. M. Howard M. B. Lack S. H. Dart J . Bl ackmill Bishop H. N. } cTyeire Reverend vlilliam Motley Will iam Southern d, ,J .J r I " • 1') ,):.' : ::i, 11 0 . -,0. ~ I T.cn ! \.' ':11 -',1"";, r ~ J11 + " " II \ It 'f) " II " II \ r ~ " II Opelika, Alabama " " II II " II II II II " " " " " II " II II Vernon, Alabama II II II " MOhtgomery, Alabama n " " " II 11 " " ~l . ' t '" - I , ) BOARD INUTES July. 13, 1869 8 o'clock P.Iv1 . The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was postponed. ~ . . M. S. Andrews, Vice President, in t he Chair. George C. D;Lll.ard, Sec r.etary • embers present: John Mathews, D.; Clopton, E. D. Pitts,. J-ge'. Harri,s , ~ . T .• Glenn, T. J . Rutledge, O. R. Blue,,, H. N. Sneed, E. J . Hamill, B B·. Ross, W. H. Lamar and W. C. Hurt . John Mathews, Chairman under Brother Hamill's resolution, lIl;ade the following report: For President, J. F . Dowdell; Professor of Lang'48:.ges., J. T·. , Dunklin; Professor of Mathematics, T. C. Bragg; Physical Science, A. R. HaJ,.90ml>, . Emeritus Professor of Physical Sc1ence, John Darby; also the prepa ~atory . department be under the irronediate lcontrol of the faculty. . ' ON MOTION, The Board adj ourned to meet at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow. George C. Dillard, Secretary M. S. Andrews, PIle9ident . 1 I ~ 1 t . < - .V 1 • r ..;' r .. J .. - - - BOARD J:lJ NUTES July 14, 1869 The Board met pursuant to adjournment ,. Prayer by Reverend B. B. Ross. Reverend 1- . S. Andrews in the Chair. Present: '11 . B. Neal, Simeon Perry, W. C. Hurt, O. R. Blue, John Mathews, B. B. Ross, E. J. Pitts, T. J. Rutledge, E.' T. Glentl,: Joe' Harris,-,G. W •. F . Price" William Shapard, I John B. Glenn" Pr es id ent~ and Isaac Hill. , t The minutes of the last meeting l,-lere read and approved. The committee appointed to nominate officials. for the year report the fol lowing: for President of the Board, J. B. Glenn; Vice Pr esident, M. S. Andrews; Secretary , George C. Dillard; Treasurer, E. '1' . Glenn; Executive Committee: E. '1' . Glenn, I saac Hill, Simeon Perry, 10[ . C. Dowdel l and George C. Dillard . Auditing Comrnittee: E. J. Hamill, H. N. Sn:ead, W. C { Hurt and George C. Dilla:vd and recommended that Willi~ Shapard be ex officio member. of the , Executive Board which ' report was adopted . ON MOTION of G. C. Dillard a committee of one was appointed to confer Professor Darby and ascertain hi s wishes as to -the r eiation he might sustain to the College . Professor O. R. Blue was appoint ed this commit­teeman. . Professor Blue, after a conference with Professor Darby, reported that Professor Darby expressed himself as much gratified at the respect thus' shown him but could give no positive answer as to his future actj,on, and would be perfectly satisfied with the action of the Board., . ON MOTION of O. R. Blue, the report of the cormnittee on nominating a faculty was adopted by voting separately for President' and each professor. ON M.OTION of O. E. Blue, it was r esolved to vote,viva voce, and the rule requiring the vote by ballot be suspended should,v'there be any such. The Board then·went into ,the election of a faculty; which resultedtin the unanimous election of J. T. Dowdell, President; J. T. Dunklin , Professor of Languages; T. C. Bragg , Professor of r~thematics; A. ' R. Holcomb, Professor of Physical Science and John Darby , emeritus Profes­sor of Phystcal Science. ON lOTI N, B. B. Ross, E .. T. Glenn, and E. D ~ Pitts were appointed a committee to wait upon the ne\vl y elected faculty and notify them of this election • . Revetel'ldt ' J. Hamill moved that the ' salary of the ' President be sixteen hundreddollars and that of the professors fifteen hundred each. Adopted. Board adjourned to meet this afternoon at 3 0 I clock P . ~1 . George C. Dillard, SecretaFY • s. Andr~ws, President 93 94 BOARD MI NUTES July 14, 1869 3:00 poO M. The Board met pursu.ant to adjournment. Prayer by Reverend G. ~'r. F. Price. , ~, ' . S. Andrews in the Chair, . George. C •. Dillard, Secretary. Members present: William Shapard, T. J. Rutledge, Joe ,Harris,. D. Pitts, • C • . Hurt, John Mathews, B. B. Ross, D. Clopton, G. W. F. Price, O. R. Blue, E. T. Glenn, and H. N. Sneed. It was ON 1>1:0TION of George W. F . ,> I?rice agreed to establish the Chair of .odern Languages and the same be. filled by the Executive Committee with the understanding tnat . no pequniary' respon~ibility be attached to the Col­lege. ON 1'10TION of -0 .• R. Blue, the foll'Gwing named men stricken from , th ~ Board. of . Trustees, viz:, J. C. Carter, .H. V. Smith, J. E. Gross, E. R. Fluwellen, tI .M. Kimbrough, D. Browder, J. R. Armstrong and O. W. Stewart. ON .i.OTION of John Mathevrs, a committee of t hree, consisting of John vJ.athews, B. B. Ross and Thomas J. Rutledge, were appointed to norrdnate persons to fill t he Board . , , ON HOTION of George W. F. Price, so much of the proceedings of yesterday as r elated to the connection of the Preparatory D ep~rtment with the College, be reconsidered on account of its endebtednes rf, Adopted. , f ; ~ 'I ".C' . _ ON MOTI ON' of E. T. Glenn, the following resolution. was adopted, 'SOLV1~ , That the Pr eparatory School be taught in the college building and that the faculty be authorized to ~mploy a, tutor at a cost of not more than six hundred ($600) dollars. The same to be under the control and Unction of t he' faculty . John ~thews, chairman of th ~ committee' to fill vacanqiesr in, the Board of , , ,j Twustees reported the following: We recommend t he el ection of C. M. Howard M. B. Lack, John G,. l'4otley, W. H. Barnes, $ . H. Dent, G e~~g e P. Hansom, J. C. }'1edows and '\11 illiam Lenthes and G. P. Hamion as members <Df 1:-he Board of Trustees : Adopten . · . " , '. ' "), ON MOTION of George C. Dillard, the following resolut~ oQ was . ado~ted , RESOLV~~, That the Executive Committee on hereby given authority t o make ar.rangements ,to use the Junior o~ t~ ree years the . P r ~pa~ato ry . bu~ld~g for a f emale school. . Br ot her 3 . J. Hamill asked t~~e to make his r eport as chairman of the Auditing Committee and that he be allov.Ted to have same entered in th ~ m:i.nu~es, .gr a.l1te<;l.. ON MOTI ON, The 'Board adj ourned to meet at Union Springs on Saturday of t he session of t he Annual Conference. Geor ge C. Dillard, S~cret ary M. S. Andr~ws, P res ~dent .