Summary: | Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 186874
Apr il ~6 , 1868,
A. called m~eting of . th~ Board of .TrlJst ees of the ~ast Alabama hale C.ollege was
held :i.n f\ubu,rn , px:il .6, .1868 . r:REQ~IJT : I(eve' end J . B. Glenn" Isaac Hill,.
A .. Fr:azer , D. '1' . Halliday" E. m . Glerm, .Reverend E • . J . . Hamill , Si meon Ber ry,
Reverend h . S . AndrevlS , J . .J . ,,>Jillis , Reverend J . 1" . ilowdell, Heverend \~ . B.
Neal, and ~] . L. Lamar .
PRAYEl( by Heverend E . J . Hamill .
E. J . Hamill was el ect ed Secretary of the Board pro- tern t o fill the vacancy
oc ca s i by t he dea,th of our es~e erned Brother .Campbell Raifor d . The following
p rearnbJ.e a,nd resolutio]1s \-lere off e r ~d by . . everend f.1 •• S .: Andrevls and,.
after some a pp r opriate remarks, of: several member,s of the .Board .expressi v;e
of their sense of the or eat merit of Brother Raiford, wer e adopted unanimously
by a r ising vote .
itrrIE1:w:A.S , it has pleased Al mi ghty God i n, L is wise Provj,dence to remove from
t his world our much este emed Br other Campbell Haif ord, who has been an a ctive
off icial member of t his Boa r d ever s ince its orf,anization- -a man of sterling
integrity , f irm Christian purpose , and great usefulness . And, iVHEREAS , by
his death the li:ast Alabama Male College , the Church and the COJn.'Jlunity at
lar,ge have sustained no ordinary loss . ' ~ d eem it due to t he memory of the
decea sed and to the fe eling of t he cormnunity t hat a suitable expression of
sentiment shoul d be made by this Boar d .
THE. "'F'C'RE, R~SOLV ':';D , That we t ender to t he f amily of Brother Raiford a ssur ances
of our deepest sorrow, and s incerest sympat hy and condolence with t hem in their
sad ber eavement . no that we unite our prayers t o our Heavenl y Father t hat
He will most mercifull y visi t them wit h Eis comf or t ing and sustaini ng gr a ce .
R3S0LV3D , That a copy of' these r e s ol utions be furnished the f amily of the
decea s ed and b e spread on t he minutes of this Board and also be fur nished the
Nashvil l e , Lew Or l eans , and 3 . Christian Advoeates for publication .
ON l·:OTI ON, j f . C. DOi,rdell was elected ' ssistant- Secretary .
Oi~ I'COTION, J . F . Dowdell was instr ucted to f orward all l e;.:al notices concerni
ng Col lege bus iness to David Clopton , ~ squire .
The .Doard t hen adjourned .
E. J . Hamil l , 3ecretary
- ,
Reverend John B. Glenn, Pr esident (dead)
A . F 'a :6er (st:r.icken off)
~-J. T. Davis
I . Hill (stricken off)
Simee>n Perry
D. T. Hall i da.y
Reverend E. d . Hrunill (resigned)
II -;'F 1 1 .
0 . _ ndrews
II ~1 . B. Neal
II J . F . Dmvdell, Ex Officio
II L. Ii' • Dowdell
II J . .0 . Cottrell (renlOved)
II Doctor H. N. 1'le T-yiere
11 J . T. Curry (stricken off ~
II 1~illiam L. "_otley
11 G. \·'1 . .F' . Price
II O. 1 . Blue
II B. B. Ross
II JOM P. Di ckenson (stricken off)
11 John C. Carter (str icken off)
II VJilliam A. 'ccCarty
Doctor H. V. Smith (str icken off)
Honorable David Clopt on
Reverend Robert ·Doblgherty (deceased)
II C. D. Oliver (removed)
Honorabl e J . E. Grace (stricken fi!)ff)
E. R. Fl ewellen (stricken off)
J . oJ . ~olillis °
Reverend °tJilliam H. ::::alison (stricken off)
J . B. Banks
Reverend J . }II . J eYU'1ings (stricken off )
A. !ft . Kimbr ough (stricken off)
E. '1' . Glenn
V"illiarn H. C. Price (stri cken off)
H. N. Sneed
G. C. Dillard
Davi d Br owder "dead)
J . H. Harris
H. C. Dm-ldell
Reverend J . R. Armstrong
Filliam H. Lamar
O. -,.; . Stewart
VJilliam Shapard
T. J . Rutlege
J ohn l-la. thews
Geor ge P. Davidson
July 6, 1868
The Board of Trustees of East Alabama Male College met in Auburn at the
r egular Annual 'leeting on Monday at 9 : 00 A. N., July 6, 1868 . Iviembers
present : John B. Glenn, C. D. Oliver, E. D. Pitts, J . B. Cottrell, ~,l. B.
Neal, iVI . S . AndrevlS , J . \.J . -vii l lis , J . B. Banks , I saac Hill, H. N. Sneed,
~m . H. Lemar, J . F . Dowdell, D. 1' . Halliday, G- . C. Dillard, .T. H. Ha r ris,
L . F'. Do"rdel l , o. R. Ll ue , and B. B. noss and E. J . Hamill.
PRAYSR by Reverend Doctor T. O. Summers .
HI NU'l'ES of last meetiIlg read and a pproved .
To the call for cormnunications , there was no response .
The repert of E . T. Glenn, Treasurer was read and referred to t he Audit ing
Committee .
ON I,rOTION, it was resolved that E. J . Hamill be requested to fur niJ3h David
Cl opt on t he attorney of the College all necessary information wit h regard
to t he Battle claim.
ON fJIO'rION, - ESCLVED , That the attorney of the College be and he is hereby
i nst ructed to turn over such notes as he deems pr oper to E. J . Ha..Tflill and
said Hamill is hereby clothed with the same discretionary pow8r as t hat
heretofore given t he attorney . Professor J .• Vi . Glenn , Treasurer of t he
Faculty, presented hi s repor t which on motion vms r efe rred to the Auditing
Committee .
ON MOTION of C. D. Oliver, the fol lowing resolution was adopted, liliSOLVSD,
'l'hat the resoluti on of November 1865 authorizing the 3xecutive Boara to
make arrangements with t he Faculty to carryon the Insti tution thereafter
on the basis of a r esolution passed at the same tL'Ile ••• to pay the members
of the Faculty out of the i nt erest on endm'iment fund and, applied exclusivel y
to the School carried on by members of the Fa culty previous t o t he reorganization
of the Coll ege in 1866 and has no reference whatever to s uch salaries
as may have accrued since such r eor garlization .
ON EOTION, the Secretary and Assistant Secretary wer e requested t o prepare
for the Board a full s t atement of the obligations of the. Board of Trustees .
The Board then adjour ned to meet at 3 0 I clock in the tl/ebsterian Hall.
E . J . Hamill, Secretary
July 6, 186.8
The Board met according to adjourmment at 3 o ' clock P. 11 . , July 6, 1868.
l:1embers present: . ". S . Andrews , . ~ ~ D . Oliver, J, . B. C ottre ~l , E. J .
Hamill, Simeon PerFlJ , H. N. Sneed, Isaac Hill, J. F. Dowdell , G. C.
Dillard , .L!.. . 1;>'0 Pi t ts, J . H. H~:tr~_s , B. B. Ross , \ m. H. Lamar, O. R.
Blue, W. C. Dowdell ,
J:'RAYER by Reverend C. D. Oliver .
The SecretarJ and Assistant-Secretary reported according to resolution
the obligation of' the Board to be about $17, 000 .00, as follmvs :
Due ;< l'lr . eletree , about $4394 .66
Due Hiss F. Bird , about $3969 .47
Due faculty up to July, 1867, about $3600.00
Due faculty up to July, 1868, about r$2900 .00 .
The aw"ount due Doctor J . T • Sasnet was not accurately ascert ained,
but was estimated at from twelve to eighteen hundr ed dollars .
ON ImTION, N. S. Andrews, :C: . J . Hamill and J . F. Dowdel l were appoint
ed a committee to correspond with l'Ir . Ogletree and . ss Bird
and Doctor Sasnet ' s executors and ascer taul what compromise can be
had on their several clai:ils .
ON EOTION, the following members of the Board wer e appointed a
c m~itte e to devise some pl an to extinguish the Coll ege endebtewless
at the earliest pract i cable period and the runo~~t of ten t housand
dollars was regarded as the minimum sum r equired for t hat purpose .
Pitts , Hamill, Blue , Cottrell, Neal , B. B. Ross , and 1. IIill, Committee
ON HOTION, it "vas resolved that a committee consisting of Jas . F.
Dowdel l , 1/'l. C. D ov.rd ell , 1I . N. Sneed , VIa . • Lemar and G. C. Dillard
be appointed to r aise subscriptions in Auburn and vicinity for the
relief of the College .
ON HGTI J, of J . F. Dowdell and by recorrrrnendation of the Fa culty, the
Honorary Degree of Doct or ' of Divinity was unanimously conferr ed on
Reverend Alber.t H. Redf ord of the Louisville Confer ence .
ON LOTION, of C. D. Ol iver and by r ecom.mendati on of the Faculty, t he
Honorary Degr ee of Haster of Arts vIas unanirnously confer red on Reverend
Danl 1-1. Hudson of t he l'lontgomery .Annual Conference .
ON NOTI N of O. R. Blue and by r eC0l!1i11endaticn of the Faculty , the
Honorary Degree of 1,' ster of Arts was unaniJnously conferred on Captain
Robert ~ . Par k .
/ "'i ===--=-_:o.=-_~_ '--____ ___ J
ON Iv.: nON of J . ~r . i'fil l is, a committ ee was appointed t o confer "rith the
Faculty and asc ertain upon what terms t heir_ services can be r etained for
t he next collegi ate year. iJlJillis, Harris , and Lema.r wer e appointed 'said
The Boa r d t hen adj ourned to meet at 3:30 p ~m . ; Ju1y 7, l 8~8 .
E. J . Hamill, Sec retary.
July 7, 1868
The Board met acC'ording to adjourmment at 3:30 P . M., July 7th.
:tliembers Pres:ent: J . B. Glenn., ,fH. N • . Mcl'yeir e , O. R . Blue , B. B. Ross ,
E. D. Pitt s, J . H. Harris , J . F . Dowdell, E. J . Hamill, ~V . C. Dowd'ell ,
J . 1;:[ . Willis , C. D. Oliver, S . Perry , 1. Hill , Wm. H. Lemar, L. F .
Dowdell; G. C. Dillard, W. B. Neal .
PRAYER by Rev er end B. B. 1-1.os5 .
-m UTES of ~last meeting read and . approved .
ON HOTION of H. N. McTyeire and \IIJHh the r ecommendat ion of the Faculty,
it was r esolved that the "egree of Bachelor of ArtS' lD e "conferred on
Wm. T. Patello and W"m. 'vl . 14:0 ore ,. t hey hav·ing completed sat iSfactoJ'i ly
the prescribed course' of study in t'he College .•
J . F . Dowdell reported t hat the corrunitt ee to raise funds in uburn
prepare as the more successful JDlan.:to canvass' the towrt of Auburn in
this behalf .
E. n. Pitt s f rom the relief- c.ormnittee repor ted a plan t ·o s ecure tnat
r elief. for the College iricludin:g as in harmony-With this design a
s cheme to extend the benefits of education to those in straitened
circl.1mstances_. The several items of this plan were considered
separat.ely and adopted 'seriatim and .then the report as a I'Thole was
a dopted as fol lows :
After mature deliberation we recor~fiend to t he Board of Trustees
certain suggestions which take ~he f orm of a plan f or raising money .
1 . That an .eff.ort be made to get each citizen of uburn and
vicinity to .give SQ ethin ~--according t o ability .
2 . That t he Dist.ricts of iontgomery Annual Confer ence be
a ssessed as below:
:f'Iontgomery Di strict
'sufala Distri ct
Union Springs District
v-Tetumplca Distri ct
Jack sonville District
Camden District
Harianna District
LaFayette Distr.ict
Gadsden Distric.t
$3, 000 .00
1, 500 .00
1, 500 .00
1, 000;00
800 .00
500 .00
500 .00
500 .00
It is understood t hat ten per cent be allowed the
preacher for ra i~ing funds .
And that these amounts be assessed by each presiding
Elder upon each pa st oral charge .
3. That each residing Elder be appoihted a special agent . -
4. That each P . C. be appointed a s pecial agent .
5 . That the General Agent communicate \ruth each Presiding El der and
seek to systematize collections.
6 . That the Pres id~nt and Pr:.ofessors ef the College be requested to
tra~el as extensivel y as th~y can and labour to enlist interest
and sympa thy ~
7. That a ci rcular letter, full of facts, and eloquent with ea~estness
be sent to such persons within t he Confer ence limits as may
pr obabl y be induced to contribute to the College
8 . That the Relief Subscription inaugurated at the last District
Meeting be revived in some vlise form and pressed "rith vigour .
9. That :some arrangement be made to cneapen the cost of education,
aad thu~ reach the great Q0dy of the people and bring t hem into
f elloVfship wit h t he CQllege and into harmony with Ner plans of
relief, progr ess , and development .
In cow1ection with this 9tb Article, the following preamble and resolutions
were approved by the Board .
VJhereas , in the overthrow of the fort1JU1es of the Southern people, the~e
are many young men who desire a collegiate education who areunabla to
meet t he usual expenses necessary to obtain its, inest~~able advantages:
Therefore, Resolvesi, t hat to put education within the reach of the
largest possible number, we invite young men of limited means to enter
the Auburn College and promise to pr ovide t hem homes at .small cost and
to furnish such f acilities for cheap boarding that those who are willing
to endure har dshi p as good soldiers and to live whiLe str uggling for
the .possession· of knowledge upon soldier's rations, in the style f ami;...
liar t o the thousands of our brave youths, may subsist at ,a cost of:
about six dollar.s a mont h. Further, peso'lved, t hat : Ure Fa culty- be
instructed to re-ceive for the tuition of such worthy youn men of
small means half the usual rates -9f t uition in cash, and t.ake their.
notes for the remainder payable when they shall have earned it after
gr aduation .
E. D. Pi t ts) Chairman
ON :HOTICN, The rule of the Coll ege pro.hib\ ting stuQents .boarding at hotels
vias insofar changed as to II1.ake it disc.retipnary witt. t he Facul-ty .
ON '10TFN, The Zxecutive Board was cha,.rged with the duty of ascertaining
and publ ishing in the church papers " economi cal arrangements can be
made for students in pur suance of the f or egoing plan .
J . "\' . iIillis requested that upon consultation with the .Faculty, the _ President
pr of;o ses t o s erve t he Coll ege f or $1.500 a year, and the Professors for
$1250 each , which sums they wish increa sed if tuition fe es warrant it .
A r esolution with a vievi of securing college real estate from liens \\Tas
offered. b- 1-: •• S. Andrews pending the debate ·the Board adjourned t .o meet at
7:30 A. ,I . on t he 8t h July 1868 .
~ . J . Ha~ill , Secretary
J uly 8 , 1868
Board met according to adjour nment a t 7 :30 A. 11., July 8 . Members present:
J . B. Glenn, E. J . ramill, H. S . And:r;-ews" C " D. +iver, ""' . D. Pitt.s , + ..
Hill , J . B. Banks , L. F . Dov-rdy;ll , G. C. Dilla r d , D. T. Halliday, S . Perry,
James H. Harris , J . I'v. \1i llls, J . B. Cottrell, Vi . ·C. Dowqell, B . ~ .. Ross ,
J . F . Dowdell , H. N. Sneed and O. H. Blue .
PRAYER by E. D. Pitts •.
Board resumed the c onsideration of Brother Andrews resoluti on . After
further debate , the resolution was adopted .
R:SSOLViill , That in all future contracts with the Faculty of the College and
any or all other persons it shal l be distinctly understood and agreed that
the said Fa culty or other persons ",rill never pr esent &"'ly claim v.fhat ever
a gainst the Trustees on ac count of salary or any l abour or compensation,
which shall make liable for said salary or claim exc ept for insur arJ.ce and
repairs, the College ground, buildings, or f i xt ures .
ON ·iJ.OTIGN , The salary of the Pr esident of t he College was fixed at $1500
a year . Sa l a ry of Profes sors of Languages at ~12 50 . The sala ry of
Professor of Iv;athematics at jn 250 .
ON tiD'l'ION of B. B. Ross , the Executive Board is authorized t o contract
with Professor Darby for his servi ces in t he College but not to exc eed
$1250 .
The Executive Board of last year was r eel ected . They a r e: E. T. Glenn,
I saac Hill , Simeon Perry, G. C. Dj.J.lar d , and W. C. Dm'rdell. ON HOTION ,
they were authorized to arr ange with E . J . Harral l f or his servi c es .
ON HC'rreN , Honorable Rob ert Dougher ty ' s position as Trustee on account
of absenc e wa s declared va cant. vi. C. Hurt was elected t o fil l his plac e .
J . W. Willis r esigned his pos ition on the Auditing C orr~nitte e . The following
were t hen el ected Auditing CO!J1lL.ittee for the ensui ng year: E. J .
Hamill , G. C. Dillard , H. N. Sneed and W. C. Hurt . Doctor J . liJ . J1yr i ck
Has elected Tr ustee in place of the 181llent ed Campbell Rai ford . The
f ollowing v-le r e then el e ct e ~ offic ers of the Board for the ensu; year:
John B. Glenn, Pres i dent
r·~ . S . Andrews , Vice Pr esident
E. J . Hami ll, Se c r etary
'v'l . C. Dowdel l , . s sistarlt - Secret a ry
E . T. Glenn, Tr easurer
ON 1v:OTION, the Auditing Committee is instructed t o report to the Ex ecuti ve
Boa r d , who shall upon appr oval , order the Treasurer ' s r eport and t hat of
the Tr easurer of the Faculty to r ecor d .
ON KOTr ON t he Exe cutive Board are required to inform the Fa culty of t heir
salaries and t he cond i tion ther eof.
Messers Hanull, Pitts and C. F. Dowdell are r equeated to vrri te the circular
dir ected in t he plan of Relief .
f t er -t he reading of the minutes " the Board trhen adjourned -to -meat on t he
12th day of Uecember, 1868, ·it being -the Saturday of t he -',onference -at
Greenville , labama .
J . B. Glenn , Pr esident
. J . Hanril l,. SecreiJary
December 11, 1868
The Board.met pursuant tp adjour nment to Gr e envi11 e~ December 11, 1868 .
lembers present: ,E. S . Andrews , Vice Pr esidynt ; ,e;.. J . H~l l , Secretary;
L. F . DOVl(.iell; Wm,. • IvlcCarty; . J •. B. tCottrell; . J . T. Curry; .u; • • D . Pitts ,; .
J . Iv~ . Jenning; o. ~ . Bl ue ; G. H. F . Price ; \rI. B. Neal; ~fm . P. Dickinson; t
B. B. Ross ,
It was , oved and carried, ltlilliam Shapard, John Hathews , T. J . :::?utledge
and David Pratt be added to the Board of Tr ust ees .
Heverend Doctor J . C. Kei nes t hen addressed the Board i mpressively on
t he importance of t he Coll ege to the i nterest of t reli .i on and gave us
an i nt eresting sketch of t he l-lansfield College . Pr ofes sor E. D. Pitts
inquired as to the rights of property in t he College and spgke of t he
duty of maki n , s ecan to t he church; Pr ofess or Price t h en~ addresse d the
The meeting adjourned t o 2 :30 0 I clock • IV:: .
Upon rea ssembling at the. appointed hour, it w~ s ordered t hat the
Trustees be instructed to 'pay over t o Pr ofessor· Dar by outr of any money in
his hands the sum of one. hundred dollars for chemicals .
fJieeting adjourned .
! . S. Andrews , Pr esi dent_
E. J . Harr~ ll , Secr etarv