1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1866BOARD HINUTES March 20, 1866 BOARD met as per cal l of the President . H.J:1Iml::RS FR.t:.:S.6!~ T , viz : Reverend J . B. Glenn , TIeverood I-I . N. NcTyier e , Reverend 'iL B. Neal, Rever end 1;) . S. Andr mvs , Reverend ~ .. J . Hammi l,...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7325
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1866BOARD HINUTES March 20, 1866 BOARD met as per cal l of the President . H.J:1Iml::RS FR.t:.:S.6!~ T , viz : Reverend J . B. Glenn , TIeverood I-I . N. NcTyier e , Reverend 'iL B. Neal, Rever end 1;) . S. Andr mvs , Reverend ~ .. J . Hammi l, Reverend :"f . A. HcGar t y , A. ? r azer, Ii . N. Snead, S . Per ry, J . O. Ogl e­t r ee , 1. hi l l , ·,L H. C. Price, :::;; . T. C.a enn, I.l . T •. Hal l ar,Jay, and C. B.aif or d . ?llAY:6R by Rever end Doctor H. N. Mc'l'yiere. IT CALL f or r eports . TilL ?l G.3I:U~:JIJT made known t he object of the meet iHg, viz', to take some steps tOHard collecting t he debts due t he College and to make some preliminary arr angement s for opening the Fall exercises i n t he College t hi s year . R,~:) LVED, That the Tr easurer f urnish t he , Secr etary an Audited r eport of t he financi al condition of the College . IDSCLVED , 'l'hat the Tr easurer be instruct ed t o furni sh Ers . · Batt.~ le with a copy of her obligati on t o t he East Al abarna IVlal e Collef':e . RB~)OLV~D , That the Board of Trustees make arr angements f or openi.ng t he r egul ar exercises of t he College i n September next and give publi­city t hereto . RESCLV..!JD , That t he Reverend M. S. Andr ews be requested t o cHll on 11rs . Bat tle and r epresent t he kind f eelings of t he Board of Tr ust ees t oward her and t hei r disposition to r ender her all t he r el i ef upon the question of interest now due upon her endowment obl i gation com­patibl e with thei r duty . RE30LVl!;D, That the Reverend E. J . Hamrnil be and he i s hereby appointed gener al agent f or the College . R.b~:::;C LV.ill ,. That the Audit ing Gonunittee i n connecti on wi t h t he Tr easurer be instructed to prepar e a det ailEd report of t he financ es of the Col l ege , cJassi f ying t he assets i..Ylto good, bad and- doubt ful , by the meeting of t he board on t he 15th Nay next . Ri!:30LV~D , That the Zxecutive Committee be empowered to empl oy an agent f or t he College unt il t he next session of the Annual Conference . RESOLVED , That the Pr esident and SecTet a r-y be authorized to gi ve t o t he Executive Comnittee new n8tes for t he ones pr eviously given and lost. / 62 HE50LV£.:D, That a cormnittee of five be appoi nted by the President t c consider t he expedien cy of modifying t he ,course of instruction in the College and to r eport t hereon to the Board at a meeting on the 15th Nay next . Committee a ppointed: i1ev eren9- DQctor n. N. hcTyiere Reve reng~ , J . Harr~il R ev ~reJ;1d ~V . A. H9Cart y :(I.everend G. "'1 . F • . Pr:;Lce Honorable D. Clopton THE FSLJIGl'iATICN of A. Frazer as Tre~ surer ,.,as r eceived and accepted and E . 'I' . Glenn el ected t o fill said vacancy . H.EV 3EL~t~ D ,r; . J . HalTIr!1il \<vas elected as a meiilber of t he Auditing C orrnTtit tee in place J . ~i . vJillis , .removed . 11 . N. SN.sAD vvas elected as a member of the Auditing Committee in place of E . T. (;l erln , who is elected Treasurer . ON i<CTIOJ of Reverend ['if . S . Andrews, the follmv-ing was unanL'nously passed by the Doard, \,frlER,MS, < by the dispensation of an all- wi se , but inscrutible Pr ovi denc e , the ;-;apt Alabama Hale College and the l~ethodist 0hurch South have been deprived of the services of our late Presi o.ent , Reverend Doctor ~'i . J' . ;3asnet . lr!BSR.GAS , we feel it due to pr opr iety and j ust to the ijlemory of the deceased, this Board should give some expressi on of their f eeling on the sad occasion . THill3FORE, lliGoOLVED , That while we bow with submission to the lv-ill of God, yet we can but mourn t nat so early in it s histoI"J t he College has been deprived of t he efficient labour s of so r,reat and g09d a man . H,2.30LV.GD, That in the death of Doctor Sasnet, the church , College and t he worlci have sustained no or dinary loss . F/..;:;SCLVill , That ,ve deeply sympathize with the bereaved f arrcLly of our esteemed brother &'1d we pr ay that God may give them His sustaining grace in thi s their saddest hour . R2SCLV3D, That a copy of t hese r e s ol utions be furnis hed t he family of t he deceased . (Jl,j :LCTICN the Soard a d journed t o neet on the 1 5th Hay next . B. Gl enn, Pr esident c . Raiford, Se c re ta~J -'- BOARD hINUTES May 15 , 1866 TRUSTEES met as .per ,adj ournment . PH.l£SZNT: Hever end John B. Glenn, L . Dowdell, C. D. 01.iver , 'Z. J . Hamill, v: . S . Andrews , W. B. Neal, Isaac Hill , S. P.erry, E. T. Glerl1'1 , "v'J. T. Davis, J . B. Banks , H. N. Snead, and C. Haifor.d . Pill Y:i:<l.. t by R.ever~nd C. D. Oliver . l-a NUTES of last meeting read and approved . The treasurer, in cOIDl ection with t he Auditing Committee , in obedience to a motion on l ast meeting reported t he financial condition of the College which ''las read and order ed to r ecord . Ad j ourned t o 2 :30 P. H. 2 :30 P. r'1. PR.ESt'NT: l1ever end J . B. Glenn, E. J . Hamill , III. S. Andrews , C. D. Oliver, L . Dowdell , vL B. Neal , J . B. Banks , E. T. GleIm, I. Hill, S. Perry , and C. Raiford . PRAYEH by Reverend L. Dowdell . Mr . ~'J . T. Devis asked t his Board to remit the amount he is now endebted to the College . ON HOTION, RE00LV3D , 1'hat the Board postpone a.cting upon petition of Nr . Davis until r egular Annual Heeti ng in July next. The corrmittee of five appoi nt ed at the last meeting of t his Board to consider the propriety of a change i n t he course of study in the College was represented by Reverend :c. J . Hamill. 1'he onl y member of committee present who states t hat said commi ttee has had no meet­ing and a sked further t L le to report . Request granted. ON LG TIm~ , RE3GLVm , That the President and Secretary with t he assist­ance of Rever end Z. J . Hamill furnish each preacher belonging to the NontgomeF,f Conference with t he naIlles and amounts of each person en­debt ed t o the Col l ege in their r espective circuits or stations with a r equest t o cal l their attention t o t he same . ON t OTION, Geor ge C. Dill a rd of Auburn , D. Browden of Hont gomery and J . P. Harris of Oak Bowery .. er e elected Trustees to fill the va cancy by death of J . B: Oglett'ee and by removal of J . O. l-1cDowell and vacated place of J . Vi . ;J. Drake . Adjourned to Monday aft er the first Wednesday in July next . C. Raiford , Secretary J . B. Glenn, Pr esident 63 64 REPORT OF E. T. GLillJN, TREASUHJ:!",lt OF ST ALABAMA r-:ALE COLUbE I.ffiY 15, 1866 To amount of subscription notes Interest on same to Dec. 1 , 1$65 Amount endo,~ent . notes in Tr easury Interest on Sffiije 40 Dec. 1, 1$65 Amount Rail RQad stock lITotes for Tuition . Doubtful Assets Confederate securities ~~h. , 500 .00 Included in above r eport are doubtful uncertain securities as foll ows : Tuition of Preparatory School Amount of subscription notes Interest on same t o Dec . 1 , 1865 mount of endmvment notes Amount of Confederate securities Total runount available assets and $ 700 .00 7549 .00 3243 .00 100 .00 4500.00 9~24 , 736 . 00 9,303 .60 31, 645 .00 6, 677 .0Q 6,742 .7'3 1 ,423.12 _ 4, 500 .00 $85, 027 .45 --- -- 65 BOAED IvIINU'l'E,S July 9, :1866 Board lnet as per adj ourned . There not being a quorum presen t , HAft er prayer by Reverend T·:. S . Andrews , Board adjourned t o 10:00 A. N. l Oth next . Tuesday, l Ct h tJuly Board met at 8 :00 A . . h. . PIUSEHT: Reverend John B. Gl enn , C. D. Oliver, ';; . B. Neal , H. S . Andr ews , vI. A. l:cCarty, Bishop McTyiere , E. T. Gl enn, Isaac Hill, S. I'erry , H. N. Snead , J . B. Danks , D. 'l'. Halliday, £.: . J. Earnill , A. . Frazer, C. Hai ford, and G. C. Dillard . Frayer by Heverend Doctor l1.cTyiere . Rule sus pended and the case of the endebtedness of the College to J . O. Ogl etree was t aken up and a f ter discussion, GN LOTI ON, C. l1aiford, IV . A. l'lcCarty , and I . Hill wer e a ppointed a committee to arrange with Kr . Ogl etree . Cn a cal l for reports from committee s , Bishop IJ~cTyiere , Chairmen of corruni t t ee f ormed in Harch l ast , reported a s .f ollows : That the faculty be dir ected t o adher e t o the cour se of study already laid dovm and pursued in gr a duating students , but in view of the d emands of the tirftes , your comi,littee ; .. rculd reconrrnend t hat liberal facilit i es be offered to t hose young men who would pur sue their studies in this ' Institution and have not the means or time t o allow them to take a re8ular cour se . ,On .ca l l for unfinished business , the case of W. T. Davis was taken up and on motion of J . B. Banks , :"RESCLVlill , That t he r equest of said Dav:is be granted after discus sion ; ON HOTION of E. T. Glenn , the r esolution was indefinitel y post poned . ON l·~C'1'lC,n by G. C. Dillard, P3S0LV;A.l , That the Board of l r ustees present to a rrange for the opening of exercises in t he College .on 5th September next, during discussion t he Board adjourned to .2 :}0 P . l',~ , 2 :30 P . E . Board met . PRS;).GNT : Heverend J . B. Caenn, Doctor h c 'l'yiere , ,i. 13 . Neal" E •. S . An ' r e>i3 , .0 . ,J, HaJn.ill, i i . A. h cCarty , 2 . T. Glerm , 1. Hill , J . E . Banl{s, H. I~ . bnea.d , S . Perry, A. Frazer, C~ . C. Di l l ard, 1) . 1:. l-Lalli­day , and C. Rai f ord . Pf-lAY.t£.R by Reverend D. J . Barnill. BO RD r e sumed the consider a l,ion of the r esol ution i n r elation to 1'e­openin. §: the ex ercise s in t he College and voted a f firmativel y . eN l':O'I'1C~'; of ;{everend ~"[ . A. i.cCarty, i:i.b;:;OLV ,~D , That the Board , declare t he various chairs in the C ol l.ege va c ated \o[hich ,,{a s ad.opt ed . or:- Ll'rICN by vi. A. 1\~cC arty , fL,jCLV.:i:D , That the Board pr oceed t o an elect ion of a presi dent and professor of I'iutual and Hor al Sci ence . 66 Cf'.l t "'l'~ 'I'J", Doctor 'ic'I'ylere- nominated Rever end J . F. Dowdell , who was u;1animously el ected pr esident and yr of essor as above . ON }~O TI ON , The Board pr oceeded to elect t hr ee ot her pr ofe s sor s , \<fh i ch r esult ed as follows , viz : J ohn Darby, A. fl . , Professor of: Natural Science John '1' . Ju..l1kl in, A. ~,: . , Professor of Ancient Langu;;tges John 'il . Glenn, J r ., A. H., Professor of Eathernatics ON ;:QTI ON of .Isaac Hill , 'J;'hat t he Board tender t o Syd .F • .Fr azier , the office of Principal .of ,the Preparatory Department , al l owing him t he entir.e tui tion of said .Depar t.ment . Pr esident Dowdel l and ~Pro f esso r .Dunklin being present , a ccept ed the offices to l rlhich. they wer e .elected. S . F . Fr azier being pr esent a sked for 10 days t i me t o decide which was gr anted . In case he decline s , the Pr esident and faculty ar e authorized t o supply hi s place . OH El~ T ION , by l'l • .::> . Andrews , RESOLVED , That t he tuition .in the Coll ege be sixty dollars per annum and five dollars cont ingent fee . C. Hai ford, Chairman of ' committee t o arrange with J ohn Ogletree, r e ports no satisfactory arr angement made . ON ECTICH, The salarles of President and Pr ofessor s were estimat ed as follows ; For Pr esi dent For each Prof essor 'i'wo t housand dollars , Fifteen hundr ed dol lar s . ON LCTION, the Chair was requested to appoi nt a" committee of three t o nomi nate officers of the Board for tbe .en suing year . " onuni t t ee , viz : A. Fr azer, H. S . Andrews, and S. Perry , \vho nominated the fol lowing pers.ons who were duly elected, vi z : J ohn B. Gl enn , President C. D. Ol iver , ,Vice President C .. Rai fo r d, Secret ary E. T. Gl enn, Treasurer i2:xecut i ve Commi ttee : E., T. Glenn" .I . Jlill H. N. S.nead G. C. Dillard [3. Pe rr~r S . Perr y, E. J . Hwni ll, G. C. Dillard, and H. N. Snead were appoint ed Auditing Commi tt ee . Adjourned t o Tues day, September 4, next . John B. Glelli~ , Pr esi dent C. Raiford , Secretary -- BOARD EINUTES September 4, 1866 67 BOARD me~ as per adjournment . PRE;:JENT: lleverend J . B. Cjler).n, J . G. Dowdell, E. J . Hamill , lVi . S . l\ndr e"v.Js , C. D. Oliver, .e; . T. Glenn , I . Hi l l , A. Frazer, D. T. Halliday, G. C. Dill ard, and C. Raiford . PRAY~t by Rever end i . J . Ha~ll . F,lNU'I'ES of l ast meeting r ead and approved . On the call f or correspondence, the Secretar;r read the acceptance of Professor John Glenn and S. T. Frazier to the different positions to 1;~h i c h t hey had been elect ed . Al so the Secretary read to the Boar d the resignation of S . F . Frazier elected as Principal of the Pr eparatory Department whicb Wc;tS received on the condition that the Board b ~ released f r om the pa~~ent of r ent for the Female College building as owned by the said S . F. Frazier . ON l'.OTI OIJ of rteverend iE . J . Hamill , F.E3CLV.l::J) , That the Pr esident be and he i s hereby aut horized to sell at market price one thousand dollar s North of the E & G Rail Road stock to pay the pr esent and future necessary liabilities . eN l-:OTION, B.Ji;SOLVED, That t he Executive Committee is authorized to sel l or rent t he buil dings on the Col lege gr ounds as thought . best. ADJ OLl?NSiJ to 14th next . J . B. Gl enn , President .C . Rai ford, Secretary September 11,., 1866 BOARD l·::..r;T but no quoruIli, adjourned to Novernber 20 , 1866 . J . B. Glenn, President C. Hai ford, Secretary 68 BO ill 1- l\'UTES November 20 , 1866 BO met . 1 RESENT: Reverend J . B. Glenn , '.1 . A. HeCarty, 2. . J . Harnill, N. B. Neal , J . F • .Dowd.e·l l, L S. Andrews , A. Br azer, E. T. r..;·lenn, H. N. Snead, G. C. Dillard, and C. Raiford . PHAY:"-;I?, by Reverend f . B. Neal . ON MCTION of l everend VI . A. HcCarty, RE3CLV.bD , That the r esident and Secretary be and they are hereby appoipted a cormnittee to make the Annual Report of the East Alabama liale College to the l':ontgomery Conferen ce . ON l'D'I'ION of Reverena W. A. H:cCarty, RESOLV.E,'D, That the Board ask this next nnual Conference for t he appointment of the Reverend . J . Hamill to the agency of t he East labarJa Hale College for the next year . ON j>,OTION of E. T. Glenn , fillSOLVED , That the Boar d pr oceed to the election of four Lay and three Clerical Trustees . Hhereupon the fol lowing persons were elected : Eever end J . . Armstrong, H. C. Dowdell , -I'J . H. Lamar, and O. VI. Stewart as l ay Trustees and the Reverend Cottrel, E. D. Fetrie, and B. B. Ross as members of the Annual Conference t o fill places of Reverend Carmical, F'urguson, and McDowell . Cl LOTICN of the Heverend .Ji . S . Andrews , R1i:SOLVED , That the ixecuti ve (; om­mit t ee be empowered and r equested to borrow $3, 000 .00 and to place the Rail Road stock as collateral security, also t o sell the vacant lots if thought best . ADJOURNED to 27 next . J . B. Glenn, President C. Haifor d, Secretary -- BOARD h I NUT.2:S ~ ovember 27 , 1866 BOARD met . . PRESSN'I' : Reverend J . B. c;;.lenn, -VOl . B. Neal , c. D. Oli.ver , .r:; . J . Hamill , J . F . Dowdell, Ii, . 1' . Glenn , .A • . Fr azer, S . Perry, ·W. H. , Lamar , o. \;~ . Stey.rart , .H • . N • . Sneaci, G. C. Di l lard, aNd G. Raifor d . PRAYEH. by Reverend J . F . Dmvdell . ~,~ INU TbS of last meeting read and aFproved . 69 ON LDTION of Reverend J'. L' . Dowdel l , ?.7...3CI,V":;j), Tha t the l'{ecuti ve Board be authori.zed to borr ow ~?3 , OOO . 0(j upon the bebt terms they can make , pl edging t he H. & G. Rail Road s t ock amounting t o about $7 , 000 . 00 for c ol lateral s ecurity, and if t his i s not practica1)le, then to sell t he said Rail Hoad stock at not less than thi rty cents on the dollar . J . B. Gl enn, President C. : aif or d , Secretary J 70 BOARD MIlJUTES De c emb~r 24, 1866 BOARD met at thl? c9-11 of the Pres:j.dent . Pm;8" iT; J . F. Dowdell , H. S. ndr ews, J . . R. ArmstrQng, vI. Ferry, E. T. Glenn , If! . C. iJow-dell, G, C, Di llard; Stewart, 3 . J . Hrunill , and C. Raifor d . P Y.6T-t by i ever end J . R. An llstrong . Heverend ,T. B. Gl enn, B. Neal, I, Hill, S. H. N. Sn ead , O. v • The Executive Committee notified t he Board of t hei r fR i l ur e to ra;,ise the money r equired . ON r'..O'rION, ~ E~ ,LV D, That the President owdElll be reque$ted to notify Professor Darby thqt t he Boaro accepts his proposition. AD.JOURN2D • J . B. Gl enn , President c. F~ifor d , Secretary RbSOLVED, That Reverend J . F. Dowdell and k . S. Andrews be aut horized to effect a compromise at an early day with Mr s . Battle of her endebtedness to the Coll ege upon an equitable basis .
title 1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
titleStr 1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7325
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7325
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7325
_version_ 1782466961137991680
spelling 1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male CollegeAuburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1866BOARD HINUTES March 20, 1866 BOARD met as per cal l of the President . H.J:1Iml::RS FR.t:.:S.6!~ T , viz : Reverend J . B. Glenn , TIeverood I-I . N. NcTyier e , Reverend 'iL B. Neal, Rever end 1;) . S. Andr mvs , Reverend ~ .. J . Hammi l, Reverend :"f . A. HcGar t y , A. ? r azer, Ii . N. Snead, S . Per ry, J . O. Ogl e­t r ee , 1. hi l l , ·,L H. C. Price, :::;; . T. C.a enn, I.l . T •. Hal l ar,Jay, and C. B.aif or d . ?llAY:6R by Rever end Doctor H. N. Mc'l'yiere. IT CALL f or r eports . TilL ?l G.3I:U~:JIJT made known t he object of the meet iHg, viz', to take some steps tOHard collecting t he debts due t he College and to make some preliminary arr angement s for opening the Fall exercises i n t he College t hi s year . R,~:) LVED, That the Tr easurer f urnish t he , Secr etary an Audited r eport of t he financi al condition of the College . IDSCLVED , 'l'hat the Tr easurer be instruct ed t o furni sh Ers . · Batt.~ le with a copy of her obligati on t o t he East Al abarna IVlal e Collef':e . RB~)OLV~D , That the Board of Trustees make arr angements f or openi.ng t he r egul ar exercises of t he College i n September next and give publi­city t hereto . RESCLV..!JD , That t he Reverend M. S. Andr ews be requested t o cHll on 11rs . Bat tle and r epresent t he kind f eelings of t he Board of Tr ust ees t oward her and t hei r disposition to r ender her all t he r el i ef upon the question of interest now due upon her endowment obl i gation com­patibl e with thei r duty . RE30LVl!;D, That the Reverend E. J . Hamrnil be and he i s hereby appointed gener al agent f or the College . R.b~:::;C LV.ill ,. That the Audit ing Gonunittee i n connecti on wi t h t he Tr easurer be instructed to prepar e a det ailEd report of t he financ es of the Col l ege , cJassi f ying t he assets i..Ylto good, bad and- doubt ful , by the meeting of t he board on t he 15th Nay next . Ri!:30LV~D , That the Zxecutive Committee be empowered to empl oy an agent f or t he College unt il t he next session of the Annual Conference . RESOLVED , That the Pr esident and SecTet a r-y be authorized to gi ve t o t he Executive Comnittee new n8tes for t he ones pr eviously given and lost. / 62 HE50LV£.:D, That a cormnittee of five be appoi nted by the President t c consider t he expedien cy of modifying t he ,course of instruction in the College and to r eport t hereon to the Board at a meeting on the 15th Nay next . Committee a ppointed: i1ev eren9- DQctor n. N. hcTyiere Reve reng~ , J . Harr~il R ev ~reJ;1d ~V . A. H9Cart y :(I.everend G. "'1 . F • . Pr:;Lce Honorable D. Clopton THE FSLJIGl'iATICN of A. Frazer as Tre~ surer ,.,as r eceived and accepted and E . 'I' . Glenn el ected t o fill said vacancy . H.EV 3EL~t~ D ,r; . J . HalTIr!1il \<vas elected as a meiilber of t he Auditing C orrnTtit tee in place J . ~i . vJillis , .removed . 11 . N. SN.sAD vvas elected as a member of the Auditing Committee in place of E . T. (;l erln , who is elected Treasurer . ON i<CTIOJ of Reverend ['if . S . Andrews, the follmv-ing was unanL'nously passed by the Doard, \,frlER,MS, < by the dispensation of an all- wi se , but inscrutible Pr ovi denc e , the ;-;apt Alabama Hale College and the l~ethodist 0hurch South have been deprived of the services of our late Presi o.ent , Reverend Doctor ~'i . J' . ;3asnet . lr!BSR.GAS , we feel it due to pr opr iety and j ust to the ijlemory of the deceased, this Board should give some expressi on of their f eeling on the sad occasion . THill3FORE, lliGoOLVED , That while we bow with submission to the lv-ill of God, yet we can but mourn t nat so early in it s histoI"J t he College has been deprived of t he efficient labour s of so r,reat and g09d a man . H,2.30LV.GD, That in the death of Doctor Sasnet, the church , College and t he worlci have sustained no or dinary loss . F/..;:;SCLVill , That ,ve deeply sympathize with the bereaved f arrcLly of our esteemed brother &'1d we pr ay that God may give them His sustaining grace in thi s their saddest hour . R2SCLV3D, That a copy of t hese r e s ol utions be furnis hed t he family of t he deceased . (Jl,j :LCTICN the Soard a d journed t o neet on the 1 5th Hay next . B. Gl enn, Pr esident c . Raiford, Se c re ta~J -'- BOARD hINUTES May 15 , 1866 TRUSTEES met as .per ,adj ournment . PH.l£SZNT: Hever end John B. Glenn, L . Dowdell, C. D. 01.iver , 'Z. J . Hamill, v: . S . Andrews , W. B. Neal, Isaac Hill , S. P.erry, E. T. Glerl1'1 , "v'J. T. Davis, J . B. Banks , H. N. Snead, and C. Haifor.d . Pill Y:i:<l.. t by R.ever~nd C. D. Oliver . l-a NUTES of last meeting read and approved . The treasurer, in cOIDl ection with t he Auditing Committee , in obedience to a motion on l ast meeting reported t he financial condition of the College which ''las read and order ed to r ecord . Ad j ourned t o 2 :30 P. H. 2 :30 P. r'1. PR.ESt'NT: l1ever end J . B. Glenn, E. J . Hamill , III. S. Andrews , C. D. Oliver, L . Dowdell , vL B. Neal , J . B. Banks , E. T. GleIm, I. Hill, S. Perry , and C. Raiford . PRAYEH by Reverend L. Dowdell . Mr . ~'J . T. Devis asked t his Board to remit the amount he is now endebted to the College . ON HOTION, RE00LV3D , 1'hat the Board postpone a.cting upon petition of Nr . Davis until r egular Annual Heeti ng in July next. The corrmittee of five appoi nt ed at the last meeting of t his Board to consider the propriety of a change i n t he course of study in the College was represented by Reverend :c. J . Hamill. 1'he onl y member of committee present who states t hat said commi ttee has had no meet­ing and a sked further t L le to report . Request granted. ON LG TIm~ , RE3GLVm , That the President and Secretary with t he assist­ance of Rever end Z. J . Hamill furnish each preacher belonging to the NontgomeF,f Conference with t he naIlles and amounts of each person en­debt ed t o the Col l ege in their r espective circuits or stations with a r equest t o cal l their attention t o t he same . ON t OTION, Geor ge C. Dill a rd of Auburn , D. Browden of Hont gomery and J . P. Harris of Oak Bowery .. er e elected Trustees to fill the va cancy by death of J . B: Oglett'ee and by removal of J . O. l-1cDowell and vacated place of J . Vi . ;J. Drake . Adjourned to Monday aft er the first Wednesday in July next . C. Raiford , Secretary J . B. Glenn, Pr esident 63 64 REPORT OF E. T. GLillJN, TREASUHJ:!",lt OF ST ALABAMA r-:ALE COLUbE I.ffiY 15, 1866 To amount of subscription notes Interest on same to Dec. 1 , 1$65 Amount endo,~ent . notes in Tr easury Interest on Sffiije 40 Dec. 1, 1$65 Amount Rail RQad stock lITotes for Tuition . Doubtful Assets Confederate securities ~~h. , 500 .00 Included in above r eport are doubtful uncertain securities as foll ows : Tuition of Preparatory School Amount of subscription notes Interest on same t o Dec . 1 , 1865 mount of endmvment notes Amount of Confederate securities Total runount available assets and $ 700 .00 7549 .00 3243 .00 100 .00 4500.00 9~24 , 736 . 00 9,303 .60 31, 645 .00 6, 677 .0Q 6,742 .7'3 1 ,423.12 _ 4, 500 .00 $85, 027 .45 --- -- 65 BOAED IvIINU'l'E,S July 9, :1866 Board lnet as per adj ourned . There not being a quorum presen t , HAft er prayer by Reverend T·:. S . Andrews , Board adjourned t o 10:00 A. N. l Oth next . Tuesday, l Ct h tJuly Board met at 8 :00 A . . h. . PIUSEHT: Reverend John B. Gl enn , C. D. Oliver, ';; . B. Neal , H. S . Andr ews , vI. A. l:cCarty, Bishop McTyiere , E. T. Gl enn, Isaac Hill, S. I'erry , H. N. Snead , J . B. Danks , D. 'l'. Halliday, £.: . J. Earnill , A. . Frazer, C. Hai ford, and G. C. Dillard . Frayer by Heverend Doctor l1.cTyiere . Rule sus pended and the case of the endebtedness of the College to J . O. Ogl etree was t aken up and a f ter discussion, GN LOTI ON, C. l1aiford, IV . A. l'lcCarty , and I . Hill wer e a ppointed a committee to arrange with Kr . Ogl etree . Cn a cal l for reports from committee s , Bishop IJ~cTyiere , Chairmen of corruni t t ee f ormed in Harch l ast , reported a s .f ollows : That the faculty be dir ected t o adher e t o the cour se of study already laid dovm and pursued in gr a duating students , but in view of the d emands of the tirftes , your comi,littee ; .. rculd reconrrnend t hat liberal facilit i es be offered to t hose young men who would pur sue their studies in this ' Institution and have not the means or time t o allow them to take a re8ular cour se . ,On .ca l l for unfinished business , the case of W. T. Davis was taken up and on motion of J . B. Banks , :"RESCLVlill , That t he r equest of said Dav:is be granted after discus sion ; ON HOTION of E. T. Glenn , the r esolution was indefinitel y post poned . ON l·~C'1'lC,n by G. C. Dillard, P3S0LV;A.l , That the Board of l r ustees present to a rrange for the opening of exercises in t he College .on 5th September next, during discussion t he Board adjourned to .2 :}0 P . l',~ , 2 :30 P . E . Board met . PRS;).GNT : Heverend J . B. Caenn, Doctor h c 'l'yiere , ,i. 13 . Neal" E •. S . An ' r e>i3 , .0 . ,J, HaJn.ill, i i . A. h cCarty , 2 . T. Glerm , 1. Hill , J . E . Banl{s, H. I~ . bnea.d , S . Perry, A. Frazer, C~ . C. Di l l ard, 1) . 1:. l-Lalli­day , and C. Rai f ord . Pf-lAY.t£.R by Reverend D. J . Barnill. BO RD r e sumed the consider a l,ion of the r esol ution i n r elation to 1'e­openin. §: the ex ercise s in t he College and voted a f firmativel y . eN l':O'I'1C~'; of ;{everend ~"[ . A. i.cCarty, i:i.b;:;OLV ,~D , That the Board , declare t he various chairs in the C ol l.ege va c ated \o[hich ,,{a s ad.opt ed . or:- Ll'rICN by vi. A. 1\~cC arty , fL,jCLV.:i:D , That the Board pr oceed t o an elect ion of a presi dent and professor of I'iutual and Hor al Sci ence . 66 Cf'.l t "'l'~ 'I'J", Doctor 'ic'I'ylere- nominated Rever end J . F. Dowdell , who was u;1animously el ected pr esident and yr of essor as above . ON }~O TI ON , The Board pr oceeded to elect t hr ee ot her pr ofe s sor s , \<fh i ch r esult ed as follows , viz : J ohn Darby, A. fl . , Professor of: Natural Science John '1' . Ju..l1kl in, A. ~,: . , Professor of Ancient Langu;;tges John 'il . Glenn, J r ., A. H., Professor of Eathernatics ON ;:QTI ON of .Isaac Hill , 'J;'hat t he Board tender t o Syd .F • .Fr azier , the office of Principal .of ,the Preparatory Department , al l owing him t he entir.e tui tion of said .Depar t.ment . Pr esident Dowdel l and ~Pro f esso r .Dunklin being present , a ccept ed the offices to l rlhich. they wer e .elected. S . F . Fr azier being pr esent a sked for 10 days t i me t o decide which was gr anted . In case he decline s , the Pr esident and faculty ar e authorized t o supply hi s place . OH El~ T ION , by l'l • .::> . Andrews , RESOLVED , That t he tuition .in the Coll ege be sixty dollars per annum and five dollars cont ingent fee . C. Hai ford, Chairman of ' committee t o arrange with J ohn Ogletree, r e ports no satisfactory arr angement made . ON ECTICH, The salarles of President and Pr ofessor s were estimat ed as follows ; For Pr esi dent For each Prof essor 'i'wo t housand dollars , Fifteen hundr ed dol lar s . ON LCTION, the Chair was requested to appoi nt a" committee of three t o nomi nate officers of the Board for tbe .en suing year . " onuni t t ee , viz : A. Fr azer, H. S . Andrews, and S. Perry , \vho nominated the fol lowing pers.ons who were duly elected, vi z : J ohn B. Gl enn , President C. D. Ol iver , ,Vice President C .. Rai fo r d, Secret ary E. T. Gl enn, Treasurer i2:xecut i ve Commi ttee : E., T. Glenn" .I . Jlill H. N. S.nead G. C. Dillard [3. Pe rr~r S . Perr y, E. J . Hwni ll, G. C. Dillard, and H. N. Snead were appoint ed Auditing Commi tt ee . Adjourned t o Tues day, September 4, next . John B. Glelli~ , Pr esi dent C. Raiford , Secretary -- BOARD EINUTES September 4, 1866 67 BOARD me~ as per adjournment . PRE;:JENT: lleverend J . B. Cjler).n, J . G. Dowdell, E. J . Hamill , lVi . S . l\ndr e"v.Js , C. D. Oliver, .e; . T. Glenn , I . Hi l l , A. Frazer, D. T. Halliday, G. C. Dill ard, and C. Raiford . PRAY~t by Rever end i . J . Ha~ll . F,lNU'I'ES of l ast meeting r ead and approved . On the call f or correspondence, the Secretar;r read the acceptance of Professor John Glenn and S. T. Frazier to the different positions to 1;~h i c h t hey had been elect ed . Al so the Secretary read to the Boar d the resignation of S . F . Frazier elected as Principal of the Pr eparatory Department whicb Wc;tS received on the condition that the Board b ~ released f r om the pa~~ent of r ent for the Female College building as owned by the said S . F. Frazier . ON l'.OTI OIJ of rteverend iE . J . Hamill , F.E3CLV.l::J) , That the Pr esident be and he i s hereby aut horized to sell at market price one thousand dollar s North of the E & G Rail Road stock to pay the pr esent and future necessary liabilities . eN l-:OTION, B.Ji;SOLVED, That t he Executive Committee is authorized to sel l or rent t he buil dings on the Col lege gr ounds as thought . best. ADJ OLl?NSiJ to 14th next . J . B. Gl enn , President .C . Rai ford, Secretary September 11,., 1866 BOARD l·::..r;T but no quoruIli, adjourned to Novernber 20 , 1866 . J . B. Glenn, President C. Hai ford, Secretary 68 BO ill 1- l\'UTES November 20 , 1866 BO met . 1 RESENT: Reverend J . B. Glenn , '.1 . A. HeCarty, 2. . J . Harnill, N. B. Neal , J . F • .Dowd.e·l l, L S. Andrews , A. Br azer, E. T. r..;·lenn, H. N. Snead, G. C. Dillard, and C. Raiford . PHAY:"-;I?, by Reverend f . B. Neal . ON MCTION of l everend VI . A. HcCarty, RE3CLV.bD , That the r esident and Secretary be and they are hereby appoipted a cormnittee to make the Annual Report of the East Alabama liale College to the l':ontgomery Conferen ce . ON l'D'I'ION of Reverena W. A. H:cCarty, RESOLV.E,'D, That the Board ask this next nnual Conference for t he appointment of the Reverend . J . Hamill to the agency of t he East labarJa Hale College for the next year . ON j>,OTION of E. T. Glenn , fillSOLVED , That the Boar d pr oceed to the election of four Lay and three Clerical Trustees . Hhereupon the fol lowing persons were elected : Eever end J . . Armstrong, H. C. Dowdell , -I'J . H. Lamar, and O. VI. Stewart as l ay Trustees and the Reverend Cottrel, E. D. Fetrie, and B. B. Ross as members of the Annual Conference t o fill places of Reverend Carmical, F'urguson, and McDowell . Cl LOTICN of the Heverend .Ji . S . Andrews , R1i:SOLVED , That the ixecuti ve (; om­mit t ee be empowered and r equested to borrow $3, 000 .00 and to place the Rail Road stock as collateral security, also t o sell the vacant lots if thought best . ADJOURNED to 27 next . J . B. Glenn, President C. Haifor d, Secretary -- BOARD h I NUT.2:S ~ ovember 27 , 1866 BOARD met . . PRESSN'I' : Reverend J . B. c;;.lenn, -VOl . B. Neal , c. D. Oli.ver , .r:; . J . Hamill , J . F . Dowdell, Ii, . 1' . Glenn , .A • . Fr azer, S . Perry, ·W. H. , Lamar , o. \;~ . Stey.rart , .H • . N • . Sneaci, G. C. Di l lard, aNd G. Raifor d . PRAYEH. by Reverend J . F . Dmvdell . ~,~ INU TbS of last meeting read and aFproved . 69 ON LDTION of Reverend J'. L' . Dowdel l , ?.7...3CI,V":;j), Tha t the l'{ecuti ve Board be authori.zed to borr ow ~?3 , OOO . 0(j upon the bebt terms they can make , pl edging t he H. & G. Rail Road s t ock amounting t o about $7 , 000 . 00 for c ol lateral s ecurity, and if t his i s not practica1)le, then to sell t he said Rail Hoad stock at not less than thi rty cents on the dollar . J . B. Gl enn, President C. : aif or d , Secretary J 70 BOARD MIlJUTES De c emb~r 24, 1866 BOARD met at thl? c9-11 of the Pres:j.dent . Pm;8" iT; J . F. Dowdell , H. S. ndr ews, J . . R. ArmstrQng, vI. Ferry, E. T. Glenn , If! . C. iJow-dell, G, C, Di llard; Stewart, 3 . J . Hrunill , and C. Raifor d . P Y.6T-t by i ever end J . R. An llstrong . Heverend ,T. B. Gl enn, B. Neal, I, Hill, S. H. N. Sn ead , O. v • The Executive Committee notified t he Board of t hei r fR i l ur e to ra;,ise the money r equired . ON r'..O'rION, ~ E~ ,LV D, That the President owdElll be reque$ted to notify Professor Darby thqt t he Boaro accepts his proposition. AD.JOURN2D • J . B. Gl enn , President c. F~ifor d , Secretary RbSOLVED, That Reverend J . F. Dowdell and k . S. Andrews be aut horized to effect a compromise at an early day with Mr s . Battle of her endebtedness to the Coll ege upon an equitable basis .Auburn University Board of Trustees18661860sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and ReconstructiontextpdfBOT_1866.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1866This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7325