1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1866BOARD HINUTES March 20, 1866 BOARD met as per cal l of the President . H.J:1Iml::RS FR.t:.:S.6!~ T , viz : Reverend J . B. Glenn , TIeverood I-I . N. NcTyier e , Reverend 'iL B. Neal, Rever end 1;) . S. Andr mvs , Reverend ~ .. J . Hammi l,...
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Auburn University Libraries
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Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection |
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AU Board of Trustees Minutes |
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AU Board of Trustees Minutes 1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College Auburn University Board of Trustees |
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AU Board of Trustees Minutes Auburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of Trustees Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction |
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Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1866BOARD HINUTES
March 20, 1866
BOARD met as per cal l of the President .
H.J:1Iml::RS FR.t:.:S.6!~ T , viz : Reverend J . B. Glenn , TIeverood I-I . N. NcTyier e ,
Reverend 'iL B. Neal, Rever end 1;) . S. Andr mvs , Reverend ~ .. J . Hammi l,
Reverend :"f . A. HcGar t y , A. ? r azer, Ii . N. Snead, S . Per ry, J . O. Ogl et
r ee , 1. hi l l , ·,L H. C. Price, :::;; . T. C.a enn, I.l . T •. Hal l ar,Jay, and C.
B.aif or d .
?llAY:6R by Rever end Doctor H. N. Mc'l'yiere.
IT CALL f or r eports .
TilL ?l G.3I:U~:JIJT made known t he object of the meet iHg, viz', to take some
steps tOHard collecting t he debts due t he College and to make some
preliminary arr angement s for opening the Fall exercises i n t he College
t hi s year .
R,~:) LVED, That the Tr easurer f urnish t he , Secr etary an Audited r eport
of t he financi al condition of the College .
IDSCLVED , 'l'hat the Tr easurer be instruct ed t o furni sh Ers . · Batt.~ le with
a copy of her obligati on t o t he East Al abarna IVlal e Collef':e .
RB~)OLV~D , That the Board of Trustees make arr angements f or openi.ng
t he r egul ar exercises of t he College i n September next and give publicity
t hereto .
RESCLV..!JD , That t he Reverend M. S. Andr ews be requested t o cHll on
11rs . Bat tle and r epresent t he kind f eelings of t he Board of Tr ust ees
t oward her and t hei r disposition to r ender her all t he r el i ef upon
the question of interest now due upon her endowment obl i gation compatibl
e with thei r duty .
RE30LVl!;D, That the Reverend E. J . Hamrnil be and he i s hereby appointed
gener al agent f or the College .
R.b~:::;C LV.ill ,. That the Audit ing Gonunittee i n connecti on wi t h t he Tr easurer
be instructed to prepar e a det ailEd report of t he financ es of the
Col l ege , cJassi f ying t he assets i..Ylto good, bad and- doubt ful , by the
meeting of t he board on t he 15th Nay next .
Ri!:30LV~D , That the Zxecutive Committee be empowered to empl oy an agent
f or t he College unt il t he next session of the Annual Conference .
RESOLVED , That the Pr esident and SecTet a r-y be authorized to gi ve t o
t he Executive Comnittee new n8tes for t he ones pr eviously given and
HE50LV£.:D, That a cormnittee of five be appoi nted by the President t c consider
t he expedien cy of modifying t he ,course of instruction in the College and to
r eport t hereon to the Board at a meeting on the 15th Nay next . Committee
a ppointed:
i1ev eren9- DQctor n. N. hcTyiere
Reve reng~ , J . Harr~il
R ev ~reJ;1d ~V . A. H9Cart y
:(I.everend G. "'1 . F • . Pr:;Lce
Honorable D. Clopton
THE FSLJIGl'iATICN of A. Frazer as Tre~ surer ,.,as r eceived and accepted and
E . 'I' . Glenn el ected t o fill said vacancy .
H.EV 3EL~t~ D ,r; . J . HalTIr!1il \<vas elected as a meiilber of t he Auditing C orrnTtit tee in
place J . ~i . vJillis , .removed .
11 . N. SN.sAD vvas elected as a member of the Auditing Committee in place of
E . T. (;l erln , who is elected Treasurer .
ON i<CTIOJ of Reverend ['if . S . Andrews, the follmv-ing was unanL'nously passed
by the Doard,
\,frlER,MS, < by the dispensation of an all- wi se , but inscrutible
Pr ovi denc e , the ;-;apt Alabama Hale College and the l~ethodist 0hurch South
have been deprived of the services of our late Presi o.ent , Reverend Doctor
~'i . J' . ;3asnet .
lr!BSR.GAS , we feel it due to pr opr iety and j ust to the ijlemory of
the deceased, this Board should give some expressi on of their f eeling on
the sad occasion .
THill3FORE, lliGoOLVED , That while we bow with submission to the lv-ill of God,
yet we can but mourn t nat so early in it s histoI"J t he College has been
deprived of t he efficient labour s of so r,reat and g09d a man .
H,2.30LV.GD, That in the death of Doctor Sasnet, the church , College and t he
worlci have sustained no or dinary loss .
F/..;:;SCLVill , That ,ve deeply sympathize with the bereaved f arrcLly of our
esteemed brother &'1d we pr ay that God may give them His sustaining grace
in thi s their saddest hour .
R2SCLV3D, That a copy of t hese r e s ol utions be furnis hed t he family of t he
deceased .
(Jl,j :LCTICN the Soard a d journed t o neet on the 1 5th Hay next .
B. Gl enn, Pr esident
c . Raiford, Se c re ta~J
May 15 , 1866
TRUSTEES met as .per ,adj ournment . PH.l£SZNT: Hever end John B. Glenn,
L . Dowdell, C. D. 01.iver , 'Z. J . Hamill, v: . S . Andrews , W. B. Neal,
Isaac Hill , S. P.erry, E. T. Glerl1'1 , "v'J. T. Davis, J . B. Banks , H. N.
Snead, and C. Haifor.d .
Pill Y:i:<l.. t by R.ever~nd C. D. Oliver .
l-a NUTES of last meeting read and approved .
The treasurer, in cOIDl ection with t he Auditing Committee , in obedience
to a motion on l ast meeting reported t he financial condition of the
College which ''las read and order ed to r ecord .
Ad j ourned t o 2 :30 P. H.
2 :30 P. r'1.
PR.ESt'NT: l1ever end J . B. Glenn, E. J . Hamill , III. S. Andrews , C. D. Oliver,
L . Dowdell , vL B. Neal , J . B. Banks , E. T. GleIm, I. Hill, S. Perry , and
C. Raiford .
PRAYEH by Reverend L. Dowdell .
Mr . ~'J . T. Devis asked t his Board to remit the amount he is now endebted
to the College .
ON HOTION, RE00LV3D , 1'hat the Board postpone a.cting upon petition of
Nr . Davis until r egular Annual Heeti ng in July next.
The corrmittee of five appoi nt ed at the last meeting of t his Board to
consider the propriety of a change i n t he course of study in the
College was represented by Reverend :c. J . Hamill. 1'he onl y member
of committee present who states t hat said commi ttee has had no meeting
and a sked further t L le to report . Request granted.
ON LG TIm~ , RE3GLVm , That the President and Secretary with t he assistance
of Rever end Z. J . Hamill furnish each preacher belonging to the
NontgomeF,f Conference with t he naIlles and amounts of each person endebt
ed t o the Col l ege in their r espective circuits or stations with
a r equest t o cal l their attention t o t he same .
ON t OTION, Geor ge C. Dill a rd of Auburn , D. Browden of Hont gomery and
J . P. Harris of Oak Bowery .. er e elected Trustees to fill the va cancy
by death of J . B: Oglett'ee and by removal of J . O. l-1cDowell and vacated
place of J . Vi . ;J. Drake .
Adjourned to Monday aft er the first Wednesday in July next .
C. Raiford , Secretary J . B. Glenn, Pr esident
To amount of subscription notes
Interest on same to Dec. 1 , 1$65
Amount endo,~ent . notes in Tr easury
Interest on Sffiije 40 Dec. 1, 1$65
Amount Rail RQad stock
lITotes for Tuition
. Doubtful Assets
Confederate securities ~~h. , 500 .00
Included in above r eport are doubtful
uncertain securities as foll ows :
Tuition of Preparatory School
Amount of subscription notes
Interest on same t o Dec . 1 , 1865
mount of endmvment notes
Amount of Confederate securities
Total runount available assets
$ 700 .00
7549 .00
3243 .00
100 .00
9~24 , 736 . 00
9,303 .60
31, 645 .00
6, 677 .0Q
6,742 .7'3
1 ,423.12
_ 4, 500 .00
$85, 027 .45
July 9, :1866
Board lnet as per adj ourned .
There not being a quorum presen t , HAft er prayer by Reverend T·:. S . Andrews ,
Board adjourned t o 10:00 A. N. l Oth next .
Tuesday, l Ct h tJuly
Board met at 8 :00 A . . h. . PIUSEHT: Reverend John B. Gl enn , C. D. Oliver,
';; . B. Neal , H. S . Andr ews , vI. A. l:cCarty, Bishop McTyiere , E. T. Gl enn,
Isaac Hill, S. I'erry , H. N. Snead , J . B. Danks , D. 'l'. Halliday, £.: . J.
Earnill , A. . Frazer, C. Hai ford, and G. C. Dillard .
Frayer by Heverend Doctor l1.cTyiere .
Rule sus pended and the case of the endebtedness of the College to
J . O. Ogl etree was t aken up and a f ter discussion, GN LOTI ON, C. l1aiford,
IV . A. l'lcCarty , and I . Hill wer e a ppointed a committee to arrange with
Kr . Ogl etree .
Cn a cal l for reports from committee s , Bishop IJ~cTyiere , Chairmen of
corruni t t ee f ormed in Harch l ast , reported a s .f ollows : That the faculty
be dir ected t o adher e t o the cour se of study already laid dovm and
pursued in gr a duating students , but in view of the d emands of the
tirftes , your comi,littee ; .. rculd reconrrnend t hat liberal facilit i es be
offered to t hose young men who would pur sue their studies in this '
Institution and have not the means or time t o allow them to take a
re8ular cour se .
,On .ca l l for unfinished business , the case of W. T. Davis was taken up
and on motion of J . B. Banks , :"RESCLVlill , That t he r equest of said Dav:is
be granted after discus sion ; ON HOTION of E. T. Glenn , the r esolution
was indefinitel y post poned .
ON l·~C'1'lC,n by G. C. Dillard, P3S0LV;A.l , That the Board of l r ustees
present to a rrange for the opening of exercises in t he College .on
5th September next, during discussion t he Board adjourned to .2 :}0 P . l',~ ,
2 :30 P . E . Board met .
PRS;).GNT : Heverend J . B. Caenn, Doctor h c 'l'yiere , ,i. 13 . Neal" E •. S .
An ' r e>i3 , .0 . ,J, HaJn.ill, i i . A. h cCarty , 2 . T. Glerm , 1. Hill , J . E .
Banl{s, H. I~ . bnea.d , S . Perry, A. Frazer, C~ . C. Di l l ard, 1) . 1:. l-Lalliday
, and C. Rai f ord .
Pf-lAY.t£.R by Reverend D. J . Barnill.
BO RD r e sumed the consider a l,ion of the r esol ution i n r elation to 1'eopenin.
§: the ex ercise s in t he College and voted a f firmativel y .
eN l':O'I'1C~'; of ;{everend ~"[ . A. i.cCarty, i:i.b;:;OLV ,~D , That the Board , declare
t he various chairs in the C ol l.ege va c ated \o[hich ,,{a s ad.opt ed .
or:- Ll'rICN by vi. A. 1\~cC arty , fL,jCLV.:i:D , That the Board pr oceed t o an
elect ion of a presi dent and professor of I'iutual and Hor al Sci ence .
Cf'.l t "'l'~ 'I'J",
Doctor 'ic'I'ylere- nominated Rever end J . F. Dowdell , who was u;1animously el ected
pr esident and yr of essor as above .
ON }~O TI ON , The Board pr oceeded to elect t hr ee ot her pr ofe s sor s , \<fh i ch r esult ed
as follows , viz :
J ohn Darby, A. fl . , Professor of: Natural Science
John '1' . Ju..l1kl in, A. ~,: . , Professor of Ancient Langu;;tges
John 'il . Glenn, J r ., A. H., Professor of Eathernatics
ON ;:QTI ON of .Isaac Hill , 'J;'hat t he Board tender t o Syd .F • .Fr azier , the office
of Principal .of ,the Preparatory Department , al l owing him t he entir.e tui tion
of said .Depar t.ment . Pr esident Dowdel l and ~Pro f esso r .Dunklin being present ,
a ccept ed the offices to l rlhich. they wer e .elected.
S . F . Fr azier being pr esent a sked for 10 days t i me t o decide which was gr anted .
In case he decline s , the Pr esident and faculty ar e authorized t o supply hi s
place .
OH El~ T ION , by l'l • .::> . Andrews , RESOLVED , That t he tuition .in the Coll ege be
sixty dollars per annum and five dollars cont ingent fee .
C. Hai ford, Chairman of ' committee t o arrange with J ohn Ogletree, r e ports
no satisfactory arr angement made .
ON ECTICH, The salarles of President and Pr ofessor s were estimat ed as follows ;
For Pr esi dent
For each Prof essor
'i'wo t housand dollars ,
Fifteen hundr ed dol lar s .
ON LCTION, the Chair was requested to appoi nt a" committee of three t o nomi nate
officers of the Board for tbe .en suing year . " onuni t t ee , viz : A. Fr azer, H. S .
Andrews, and S. Perry , \vho nominated the fol lowing pers.ons who were duly
elected, vi z :
J ohn B. Gl enn , President
C. D. Ol iver , ,Vice President
C .. Rai fo r d, Secret ary
E. T. Gl enn, Treasurer
i2:xecut i ve Commi ttee :
E., T. Glenn"
.I . Jlill
H. N. S.nead
G. C. Dillard
[3. Pe rr~r
S . Perr y, E. J . Hwni ll, G. C. Dillard, and H. N. Snead were appoint ed Auditing
Commi tt ee .
Adjourned t o Tues day, September 4, next .
John B. Glelli~ , Pr esi dent
C. Raiford , Secretary
September 4, 1866
BOARD me~ as per adjournment . PRE;:JENT: lleverend J . B. Cjler).n, J . G. Dowdell,
E. J . Hamill , lVi . S . l\ndr e"v.Js , C. D. Oliver, .e; . T. Glenn , I . Hi l l , A. Frazer,
D. T. Halliday, G. C. Dill ard, and C. Raiford .
PRAY~t by Rever end i . J . Ha~ll .
F,lNU'I'ES of l ast meeting r ead and approved .
On the call f or correspondence, the Secretar;r read the acceptance of
Professor John Glenn and S. T. Frazier to the different positions to
1;~h i c h t hey had been elect ed .
Al so the Secretary read to the Boar d the resignation of S . F . Frazier
elected as Principal of the Pr eparatory Department whicb Wc;tS received
on the condition that the Board b ~ released f r om the pa~~ent of r ent
for the Female College building as owned by the said S . F. Frazier .
ON l'.OTI OIJ of rteverend iE . J . Hamill , F.E3CLV.l::J) , That the Pr esident be
and he i s hereby aut horized to sell at market price one thousand
dollar s North of the E & G Rail Road stock to pay the pr esent and
future necessary liabilities .
eN l-:OTION, B.Ji;SOLVED, That t he Executive Committee is authorized to
sel l or rent t he buil dings on the Col lege gr ounds as thought . best.
ADJ OLl?NSiJ to 14th next .
J . B. Gl enn , President
.C . Rai ford, Secretary
September 11,., 1866
BOARD l·::..r;T but no quoruIli, adjourned to Novernber 20 , 1866 .
J . B. Glenn, President
C. Hai ford, Secretary
BO ill 1- l\'UTES
November 20 , 1866
BO met . 1 RESENT: Reverend J . B. Glenn , '.1 . A. HeCarty, 2. . J . Harnill,
N. B. Neal , J . F • .Dowd.e·l l, L S. Andrews , A. Br azer, E. T. r..;·lenn, H. N.
Snead, G. C. Dillard, and C. Raiford .
PHAY:"-;I?, by Reverend f . B. Neal .
ON MCTION of l everend VI . A. HcCarty, RE3CLV.bD , That the r esident and
Secretary be and they are hereby appoipted a cormnittee to make the Annual
Report of the East Alabama liale College to the l':ontgomery Conferen ce .
ON l'D'I'ION of Reverena W. A. H:cCarty, RESOLV.E,'D, That the Board ask this
next nnual Conference for t he appointment of the Reverend . J . Hamill
to the agency of t he East labarJa Hale College for the next year .
ON j>,OTION of E. T. Glenn , fillSOLVED , That the Boar d pr oceed to the election
of four Lay and three Clerical Trustees . Hhereupon the fol lowing persons
were elected : Eever end J . . Armstrong, H. C. Dowdell , -I'J . H. Lamar, and
O. VI. Stewart as l ay Trustees and the Reverend Cottrel, E. D. Fetrie, and
B. B. Ross as members of the Annual Conference t o fill places of Reverend
Carmical, F'urguson, and McDowell .
Cl LOTICN of the Heverend .Ji . S . Andrews , R1i:SOLVED , That the ixecuti ve (; ommit
t ee be empowered and r equested to borrow $3, 000 .00 and to place the
Rail Road stock as collateral security, also t o sell the vacant lots if
thought best .
ADJOURNED to 27 next .
J . B. Glenn, President
C. Haifor d, Secretary
~ ovember 27 , 1866
BOARD met . . PRESSN'I' : Reverend J . B. c;;.lenn, -VOl . B. Neal , c. D. Oli.ver ,
.r:; . J . Hamill , J . F . Dowdell, Ii, . 1' . Glenn , .A • . Fr azer, S . Perry, ·W. H. ,
Lamar , o. \;~ . Stey.rart , .H • . N • . Sneaci, G. C. Di l lard, aNd G. Raifor d .
PRAYEH. by Reverend J . F . Dmvdell .
~,~ INU TbS of last meeting read and aFproved .
ON LDTION of Reverend J'. L' . Dowdel l , ?.7...3CI,V":;j), Tha t the l'{ecuti ve Board
be authori.zed to borr ow ~?3 , OOO . 0(j upon the bebt terms they can make ,
pl edging t he H. & G. Rail Road s t ock amounting t o about $7 , 000 . 00
for c ol lateral s ecurity, and if t his i s not practica1)le, then to sell
t he said Rail Hoad stock at not less than thi rty cents on the dollar .
J . B. Gl enn, President
C. : aif or d , Secretary
De c emb~r 24, 1866
BOARD met at thl? c9-11 of the Pres:j.dent . Pm;8" iT;
J . F. Dowdell , H. S. ndr ews, J . . R. ArmstrQng, vI.
Ferry, E. T. Glenn , If! . C. iJow-dell, G, C, Di llard;
Stewart, 3 . J . Hrunill , and C. Raifor d .
P Y.6T-t by i ever end J . R. An llstrong .
Heverend ,T. B. Gl enn,
B. Neal, I, Hill, S.
H. N. Sn ead , O. v •
The Executive Committee notified t he Board of t hei r fR i l ur e to ra;,ise the
money r equired .
ON r'..O'rION, ~ E~ ,LV D, That the President owdElll be reque$ted to notify
Professor Darby thqt t he Boaro accepts his proposition.
J . B. Gl enn , President
c. F~ifor d , Secretary
RbSOLVED, That Reverend J . F. Dowdell and k . S. Andrews be aut horized to
effect a compromise at an early day with Mr s . Battle of her endebtedness
to the Coll ege upon an equitable basis . |
title |
1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College |
titleStr |
1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College |
author |
Auburn University Board of Trustees |
author_facet |
Auburn University Board of Trustees |
id |
AUbot7325 |
url |
http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7325 |
thumbnail |
https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7325 |
_version_ |
1782466961137991680 |
spelling |
1866 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male CollegeAuburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1866BOARD HINUTES
March 20, 1866
BOARD met as per cal l of the President .
H.J:1Iml::RS FR.t:.:S.6!~ T , viz : Reverend J . B. Glenn , TIeverood I-I . N. NcTyier e ,
Reverend 'iL B. Neal, Rever end 1;) . S. Andr mvs , Reverend ~ .. J . Hammi l,
Reverend :"f . A. HcGar t y , A. ? r azer, Ii . N. Snead, S . Per ry, J . O. Ogl et
r ee , 1. hi l l , ·,L H. C. Price, :::;; . T. C.a enn, I.l . T •. Hal l ar,Jay, and C.
B.aif or d .
?llAY:6R by Rever end Doctor H. N. Mc'l'yiere.
IT CALL f or r eports .
TilL ?l G.3I:U~:JIJT made known t he object of the meet iHg, viz', to take some
steps tOHard collecting t he debts due t he College and to make some
preliminary arr angement s for opening the Fall exercises i n t he College
t hi s year .
R,~:) LVED, That the Tr easurer f urnish t he , Secr etary an Audited r eport
of t he financi al condition of the College .
IDSCLVED , 'l'hat the Tr easurer be instruct ed t o furni sh Ers . · Batt.~ le with
a copy of her obligati on t o t he East Al abarna IVlal e Collef':e .
RB~)OLV~D , That the Board of Trustees make arr angements f or openi.ng
t he r egul ar exercises of t he College i n September next and give publicity
t hereto .
RESCLV..!JD , That t he Reverend M. S. Andr ews be requested t o cHll on
11rs . Bat tle and r epresent t he kind f eelings of t he Board of Tr ust ees
t oward her and t hei r disposition to r ender her all t he r el i ef upon
the question of interest now due upon her endowment obl i gation compatibl
e with thei r duty .
RE30LVl!;D, That the Reverend E. J . Hamrnil be and he i s hereby appointed
gener al agent f or the College .
R.b~:::;C LV.ill ,. That the Audit ing Gonunittee i n connecti on wi t h t he Tr easurer
be instructed to prepar e a det ailEd report of t he financ es of the
Col l ege , cJassi f ying t he assets i..Ylto good, bad and- doubt ful , by the
meeting of t he board on t he 15th Nay next .
Ri!:30LV~D , That the Zxecutive Committee be empowered to empl oy an agent
f or t he College unt il t he next session of the Annual Conference .
RESOLVED , That the Pr esident and SecTet a r-y be authorized to gi ve t o
t he Executive Comnittee new n8tes for t he ones pr eviously given and
HE50LV£.:D, That a cormnittee of five be appoi nted by the President t c consider
t he expedien cy of modifying t he ,course of instruction in the College and to
r eport t hereon to the Board at a meeting on the 15th Nay next . Committee
a ppointed:
i1ev eren9- DQctor n. N. hcTyiere
Reve reng~ , J . Harr~il
R ev ~reJ;1d ~V . A. H9Cart y
:(I.everend G. "'1 . F • . Pr:;Lce
Honorable D. Clopton
THE FSLJIGl'iATICN of A. Frazer as Tre~ surer ,.,as r eceived and accepted and
E . 'I' . Glenn el ected t o fill said vacancy .
H.EV 3EL~t~ D ,r; . J . HalTIr!1il \<vas elected as a meiilber of t he Auditing C orrnTtit tee in
place J . ~i . vJillis , .removed .
11 . N. SN.sAD vvas elected as a member of the Auditing Committee in place of
E . T. (;l erln , who is elected Treasurer .
ON i<CTIOJ of Reverend ['if . S . Andrews, the follmv-ing was unanL'nously passed
by the Doard,
\,frlER,MS, < by the dispensation of an all- wi se , but inscrutible
Pr ovi denc e , the ;-;apt Alabama Hale College and the l~ethodist 0hurch South
have been deprived of the services of our late Presi o.ent , Reverend Doctor
~'i . J' . ;3asnet .
lr!BSR.GAS , we feel it due to pr opr iety and j ust to the ijlemory of
the deceased, this Board should give some expressi on of their f eeling on
the sad occasion .
THill3FORE, lliGoOLVED , That while we bow with submission to the lv-ill of God,
yet we can but mourn t nat so early in it s histoI"J t he College has been
deprived of t he efficient labour s of so r,reat and g09d a man .
H,2.30LV.GD, That in the death of Doctor Sasnet, the church , College and t he
worlci have sustained no or dinary loss .
F/..;:;SCLVill , That ,ve deeply sympathize with the bereaved f arrcLly of our
esteemed brother &'1d we pr ay that God may give them His sustaining grace
in thi s their saddest hour .
R2SCLV3D, That a copy of t hese r e s ol utions be furnis hed t he family of t he
deceased .
(Jl,j :LCTICN the Soard a d journed t o neet on the 1 5th Hay next .
B. Gl enn, Pr esident
c . Raiford, Se c re ta~J
May 15 , 1866
TRUSTEES met as .per ,adj ournment . PH.l£SZNT: Hever end John B. Glenn,
L . Dowdell, C. D. 01.iver , 'Z. J . Hamill, v: . S . Andrews , W. B. Neal,
Isaac Hill , S. P.erry, E. T. Glerl1'1 , "v'J. T. Davis, J . B. Banks , H. N.
Snead, and C. Haifor.d .
Pill Y:i:<l.. t by R.ever~nd C. D. Oliver .
l-a NUTES of last meeting read and approved .
The treasurer, in cOIDl ection with t he Auditing Committee , in obedience
to a motion on l ast meeting reported t he financial condition of the
College which ''las read and order ed to r ecord .
Ad j ourned t o 2 :30 P. H.
2 :30 P. r'1.
PR.ESt'NT: l1ever end J . B. Glenn, E. J . Hamill , III. S. Andrews , C. D. Oliver,
L . Dowdell , vL B. Neal , J . B. Banks , E. T. GleIm, I. Hill, S. Perry , and
C. Raiford .
PRAYEH by Reverend L. Dowdell .
Mr . ~'J . T. Devis asked t his Board to remit the amount he is now endebted
to the College .
ON HOTION, RE00LV3D , 1'hat the Board postpone a.cting upon petition of
Nr . Davis until r egular Annual Heeti ng in July next.
The corrmittee of five appoi nt ed at the last meeting of t his Board to
consider the propriety of a change i n t he course of study in the
College was represented by Reverend :c. J . Hamill. 1'he onl y member
of committee present who states t hat said commi ttee has had no meeting
and a sked further t L le to report . Request granted.
ON LG TIm~ , RE3GLVm , That the President and Secretary with t he assistance
of Rever end Z. J . Hamill furnish each preacher belonging to the
NontgomeF,f Conference with t he naIlles and amounts of each person endebt
ed t o the Col l ege in their r espective circuits or stations with
a r equest t o cal l their attention t o t he same .
ON t OTION, Geor ge C. Dill a rd of Auburn , D. Browden of Hont gomery and
J . P. Harris of Oak Bowery .. er e elected Trustees to fill the va cancy
by death of J . B: Oglett'ee and by removal of J . O. l-1cDowell and vacated
place of J . Vi . ;J. Drake .
Adjourned to Monday aft er the first Wednesday in July next .
C. Raiford , Secretary J . B. Glenn, Pr esident
To amount of subscription notes
Interest on same to Dec. 1 , 1$65
Amount endo,~ent . notes in Tr easury
Interest on Sffiije 40 Dec. 1, 1$65
Amount Rail RQad stock
lITotes for Tuition
. Doubtful Assets
Confederate securities ~~h. , 500 .00
Included in above r eport are doubtful
uncertain securities as foll ows :
Tuition of Preparatory School
Amount of subscription notes
Interest on same t o Dec . 1 , 1865
mount of endmvment notes
Amount of Confederate securities
Total runount available assets
$ 700 .00
7549 .00
3243 .00
100 .00
9~24 , 736 . 00
9,303 .60
31, 645 .00
6, 677 .0Q
6,742 .7'3
1 ,423.12
_ 4, 500 .00
$85, 027 .45
July 9, :1866
Board lnet as per adj ourned .
There not being a quorum presen t , HAft er prayer by Reverend T·:. S . Andrews ,
Board adjourned t o 10:00 A. N. l Oth next .
Tuesday, l Ct h tJuly
Board met at 8 :00 A . . h. . PIUSEHT: Reverend John B. Gl enn , C. D. Oliver,
';; . B. Neal , H. S . Andr ews , vI. A. l:cCarty, Bishop McTyiere , E. T. Gl enn,
Isaac Hill, S. I'erry , H. N. Snead , J . B. Danks , D. 'l'. Halliday, £.: . J.
Earnill , A. . Frazer, C. Hai ford, and G. C. Dillard .
Frayer by Heverend Doctor l1.cTyiere .
Rule sus pended and the case of the endebtedness of the College to
J . O. Ogl etree was t aken up and a f ter discussion, GN LOTI ON, C. l1aiford,
IV . A. l'lcCarty , and I . Hill wer e a ppointed a committee to arrange with
Kr . Ogl etree .
Cn a cal l for reports from committee s , Bishop IJ~cTyiere , Chairmen of
corruni t t ee f ormed in Harch l ast , reported a s .f ollows : That the faculty
be dir ected t o adher e t o the cour se of study already laid dovm and
pursued in gr a duating students , but in view of the d emands of the
tirftes , your comi,littee ; .. rculd reconrrnend t hat liberal facilit i es be
offered to t hose young men who would pur sue their studies in this '
Institution and have not the means or time t o allow them to take a
re8ular cour se .
,On .ca l l for unfinished business , the case of W. T. Davis was taken up
and on motion of J . B. Banks , :"RESCLVlill , That t he r equest of said Dav:is
be granted after discus sion ; ON HOTION of E. T. Glenn , the r esolution
was indefinitel y post poned .
ON l·~C'1'lC,n by G. C. Dillard, P3S0LV;A.l , That the Board of l r ustees
present to a rrange for the opening of exercises in t he College .on
5th September next, during discussion t he Board adjourned to .2 :}0 P . l',~ ,
2 :30 P . E . Board met .
PRS;).GNT : Heverend J . B. Caenn, Doctor h c 'l'yiere , ,i. 13 . Neal" E •. S .
An ' r e>i3 , .0 . ,J, HaJn.ill, i i . A. h cCarty , 2 . T. Glerm , 1. Hill , J . E .
Banl{s, H. I~ . bnea.d , S . Perry, A. Frazer, C~ . C. Di l l ard, 1) . 1:. l-Lalliday
, and C. Rai f ord .
Pf-lAY.t£.R by Reverend D. J . Barnill.
BO RD r e sumed the consider a l,ion of the r esol ution i n r elation to 1'eopenin.
§: the ex ercise s in t he College and voted a f firmativel y .
eN l':O'I'1C~'; of ;{everend ~"[ . A. i.cCarty, i:i.b;:;OLV ,~D , That the Board , declare
t he various chairs in the C ol l.ege va c ated \o[hich ,,{a s ad.opt ed .
or:- Ll'rICN by vi. A. 1\~cC arty , fL,jCLV.:i:D , That the Board pr oceed t o an
elect ion of a presi dent and professor of I'iutual and Hor al Sci ence .
Cf'.l t "'l'~ 'I'J",
Doctor 'ic'I'ylere- nominated Rever end J . F. Dowdell , who was u;1animously el ected
pr esident and yr of essor as above .
ON }~O TI ON , The Board pr oceeded to elect t hr ee ot her pr ofe s sor s , \<fh i ch r esult ed
as follows , viz :
J ohn Darby, A. fl . , Professor of: Natural Science
John '1' . Ju..l1kl in, A. ~,: . , Professor of Ancient Langu;;tges
John 'il . Glenn, J r ., A. H., Professor of Eathernatics
ON ;:QTI ON of .Isaac Hill , 'J;'hat t he Board tender t o Syd .F • .Fr azier , the office
of Principal .of ,the Preparatory Department , al l owing him t he entir.e tui tion
of said .Depar t.ment . Pr esident Dowdel l and ~Pro f esso r .Dunklin being present ,
a ccept ed the offices to l rlhich. they wer e .elected.
S . F . Fr azier being pr esent a sked for 10 days t i me t o decide which was gr anted .
In case he decline s , the Pr esident and faculty ar e authorized t o supply hi s
place .
OH El~ T ION , by l'l • .::> . Andrews , RESOLVED , That t he tuition .in the Coll ege be
sixty dollars per annum and five dollars cont ingent fee .
C. Hai ford, Chairman of ' committee t o arrange with J ohn Ogletree, r e ports
no satisfactory arr angement made .
ON ECTICH, The salarles of President and Pr ofessor s were estimat ed as follows ;
For Pr esi dent
For each Prof essor
'i'wo t housand dollars ,
Fifteen hundr ed dol lar s .
ON LCTION, the Chair was requested to appoi nt a" committee of three t o nomi nate
officers of the Board for tbe .en suing year . " onuni t t ee , viz : A. Fr azer, H. S .
Andrews, and S. Perry , \vho nominated the fol lowing pers.ons who were duly
elected, vi z :
J ohn B. Gl enn , President
C. D. Ol iver , ,Vice President
C .. Rai fo r d, Secret ary
E. T. Gl enn, Treasurer
i2:xecut i ve Commi ttee :
E., T. Glenn"
.I . Jlill
H. N. S.nead
G. C. Dillard
[3. Pe rr~r
S . Perr y, E. J . Hwni ll, G. C. Dillard, and H. N. Snead were appoint ed Auditing
Commi tt ee .
Adjourned t o Tues day, September 4, next .
John B. Glelli~ , Pr esi dent
C. Raiford , Secretary
September 4, 1866
BOARD me~ as per adjournment . PRE;:JENT: lleverend J . B. Cjler).n, J . G. Dowdell,
E. J . Hamill , lVi . S . l\ndr e"v.Js , C. D. Oliver, .e; . T. Glenn , I . Hi l l , A. Frazer,
D. T. Halliday, G. C. Dill ard, and C. Raiford .
PRAY~t by Rever end i . J . Ha~ll .
F,lNU'I'ES of l ast meeting r ead and approved .
On the call f or correspondence, the Secretar;r read the acceptance of
Professor John Glenn and S. T. Frazier to the different positions to
1;~h i c h t hey had been elect ed .
Al so the Secretary read to the Boar d the resignation of S . F . Frazier
elected as Principal of the Pr eparatory Department whicb Wc;tS received
on the condition that the Board b ~ released f r om the pa~~ent of r ent
for the Female College building as owned by the said S . F. Frazier .
ON l'.OTI OIJ of rteverend iE . J . Hamill , F.E3CLV.l::J) , That the Pr esident be
and he i s hereby aut horized to sell at market price one thousand
dollar s North of the E & G Rail Road stock to pay the pr esent and
future necessary liabilities .
eN l-:OTION, B.Ji;SOLVED, That t he Executive Committee is authorized to
sel l or rent t he buil dings on the Col lege gr ounds as thought . best.
ADJ OLl?NSiJ to 14th next .
J . B. Gl enn , President
.C . Rai ford, Secretary
September 11,., 1866
BOARD l·::..r;T but no quoruIli, adjourned to Novernber 20 , 1866 .
J . B. Glenn, President
C. Hai ford, Secretary
BO ill 1- l\'UTES
November 20 , 1866
BO met . 1 RESENT: Reverend J . B. Glenn , '.1 . A. HeCarty, 2. . J . Harnill,
N. B. Neal , J . F • .Dowd.e·l l, L S. Andrews , A. Br azer, E. T. r..;·lenn, H. N.
Snead, G. C. Dillard, and C. Raiford .
PHAY:"-;I?, by Reverend f . B. Neal .
ON MCTION of l everend VI . A. HcCarty, RE3CLV.bD , That the r esident and
Secretary be and they are hereby appoipted a cormnittee to make the Annual
Report of the East Alabama liale College to the l':ontgomery Conferen ce .
ON l'D'I'ION of Reverena W. A. H:cCarty, RESOLV.E,'D, That the Board ask this
next nnual Conference for t he appointment of the Reverend . J . Hamill
to the agency of t he East labarJa Hale College for the next year .
ON j>,OTION of E. T. Glenn , fillSOLVED , That the Boar d pr oceed to the election
of four Lay and three Clerical Trustees . Hhereupon the fol lowing persons
were elected : Eever end J . . Armstrong, H. C. Dowdell , -I'J . H. Lamar, and
O. VI. Stewart as l ay Trustees and the Reverend Cottrel, E. D. Fetrie, and
B. B. Ross as members of the Annual Conference t o fill places of Reverend
Carmical, F'urguson, and McDowell .
Cl LOTICN of the Heverend .Ji . S . Andrews , R1i:SOLVED , That the ixecuti ve (; ommit
t ee be empowered and r equested to borrow $3, 000 .00 and to place the
Rail Road stock as collateral security, also t o sell the vacant lots if
thought best .
ADJOURNED to 27 next .
J . B. Glenn, President
C. Haifor d, Secretary
~ ovember 27 , 1866
BOARD met . . PRESSN'I' : Reverend J . B. c;;.lenn, -VOl . B. Neal , c. D. Oli.ver ,
.r:; . J . Hamill , J . F . Dowdell, Ii, . 1' . Glenn , .A • . Fr azer, S . Perry, ·W. H. ,
Lamar , o. \;~ . Stey.rart , .H • . N • . Sneaci, G. C. Di l lard, aNd G. Raifor d .
PRAYEH. by Reverend J . F . Dmvdell .
~,~ INU TbS of last meeting read and aFproved .
ON LDTION of Reverend J'. L' . Dowdel l , ?.7...3CI,V":;j), Tha t the l'{ecuti ve Board
be authori.zed to borr ow ~?3 , OOO . 0(j upon the bebt terms they can make ,
pl edging t he H. & G. Rail Road s t ock amounting t o about $7 , 000 . 00
for c ol lateral s ecurity, and if t his i s not practica1)le, then to sell
t he said Rail Hoad stock at not less than thi rty cents on the dollar .
J . B. Gl enn, President
C. : aif or d , Secretary
De c emb~r 24, 1866
BOARD met at thl? c9-11 of the Pres:j.dent . Pm;8" iT;
J . F. Dowdell , H. S. ndr ews, J . . R. ArmstrQng, vI.
Ferry, E. T. Glenn , If! . C. iJow-dell, G, C, Di llard;
Stewart, 3 . J . Hrunill , and C. Raifor d .
P Y.6T-t by i ever end J . R. An llstrong .
Heverend ,T. B. Gl enn,
B. Neal, I, Hill, S.
H. N. Sn ead , O. v •
The Executive Committee notified t he Board of t hei r fR i l ur e to ra;,ise the
money r equired .
ON r'..O'rION, ~ E~ ,LV D, That the President owdElll be reque$ted to notify
Professor Darby thqt t he Boaro accepts his proposition.
J . B. Gl enn , President
c. F~ifor d , Secretary
RbSOLVED, That Reverend J . F. Dowdell and k . S. Andrews be aut horized to
effect a compromise at an early day with Mr s . Battle of her endebtedness
to the Coll ege upon an equitable basis .Auburn University Board of Trustees18661860sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and ReconstructiontextpdfBOT_1866.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1866This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7325 |