Summary: | Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1865BOARJ)ITNUTES C
July 13, 186'Q
Board of Trustees of the .Gast Al abama I',Iale College met a s per adjourned .
PRi;.:33NT : Heverend John B. Gl enn , Heverend C. D. Oliver , A. Frazer" C. Itaifor d ,
H. N • Sn ead, .3 • Perry , ,] . B • Ogl etree , I • Hill, J . \;j . ~'ii llis , IJ . T • Holladay ,
and i . . T. Glenn .
PPAY~!:H by th e Reverend C. D. Oliver .
EUJUT,SS of the l ast meeting not present .
NO C Ql.jl\iUIH cati ons •
THE EY,i',CUTIV ;~ COlfr,a TTEE r eported t hat Nrs . Battle proposed t o pay her
subscription in Confeder ate money and had sent a draft which was returned
and she notified that t his matter 1tiOuld be referred to this Boa.r d . ;,,'hich
action of the Corrnnittee was r atified by the Board .
TREASUf(Y RE.rORT referred t o the Auditing Committee .
no UlJFHnSHSD business .
By Rev erend C . D. Oliver, Rl~3CLV~~D , t hat the SecretaI"'J be instructed t o
tender the College t o the President and -faculty to r eopen the exercises .
By J . i!~- . i',jillis , 113 ,iCIV:SD, that Pr ofess or Glenn be allowed t o occupy the
College buildi ng for his school .
:::?'~SOlV ,:ill the same officers be elected for t he ensuing year :
Reverend J . B. Glenn , .President
Reverend C. D. Oliver, Vice President
A. Fr azer , Tr easurer
C. Raiford , Sec r etary
J . VI . Thllis
.;, . T. Glenn
S . Perry
I . Hill
J . B. Ogl etree
S . Perry
J . ~'J . -~iillis
BOAPt.D A JJOlJHl~':;';D .
John B. Glenn, President
C. HaifaI'd , Secretary
Nov. 8, 1865
BOAR.D OF TRUSTi.;ES of t he ~ast Alabama 1'J.ale C allege met by call of t he
President .
PH~3EIJT : n.ever-end John B. Glenn, .tteverend C. D. Oliver, A. F:r azer, ,C. ,Raiford,
H. S . Andr ews , H. N. Sn ead, :0:: . 1' . Glenn , D. T. Holladay, ~'l . B. Neal , S. Perry,
J. B. OGl etree, and James F. Dowc.ell.
NO R:::;rl'RT cn cmr:munications .
EE:) ~LV:CD , that t he Secret <",ry be instruc t ed to ,";ive to F r cf ~qj3Oi~ DQ\1del l , Cl enn ,
and J ITlklin c Clrtii'ic9,t ":Os cf indebtedness to the amount of three hundred dol lars
each to be paid from t he interest qn the Endo"nnent Fund when said interest may
be col lected .
Hj~30LV i;D , That t he Executiv:e Committee be authorized to make an arrangement
with the f a cult;)T for COi."ltinuing the College exer cises next year on the basis
of the action just taken, ,viz, of giving a certificate of endebtedness to be
paid from the interest of t he 2ndowment Fund .
Rl~SCLVSD , That the Pr e s id e~lt aiJPoint a special agent t o look after the claims
of' the College and collect the L.'1terest due on ::.Gnoowment .
B:ESOLVEll , That the Secretary, with the advice andcol1s ent of' the Exe cutive
Comwittee, be requested to effect insurance on the College buil ding "to ~h e
amount of t hirty thousand dollars in the underwriting agency of New Book .
John B • . Glenn, . P r ~ s ident
C. Raiford, S eqre~ ary