1863 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meetings held in 1863" BOARD IGT as per adjourned . PRi>S3NT: J. B. Glenn, A. Frazer , C. Raiford, J . B. Ogletree, S , l'e rry:. J . ~I . Willis, D. Clopton , ::. . J . Hamil , II' . B. NeaJ., J . O. !·:eDo .... ell, l~ . Andre .... s , F. G, Furgu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7323
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meetings held in 1863" BOARD IGT as per adjourned . PRi>S3NT: J. B. Glenn, A. Frazer , C. Raiford, J . B. Ogletree, S , l'e rry:. J . ~I . Willis, D. Clopton , ::. . J . Hamil , II' . B. NeaJ., J . O. !·:eDo .... ell, l~ . Andre .... s , F. G, Furguson, D, T. Hallada,;:r • . H. N. ~ead, A. iC Kimbrough , C. D. Oliver, W. H. C. Price, and I . Hill . PRAY:Jl. by Rev . F. C. FurguhQ1l , ell CALL for com;>lW1icationli and repor:ts of co."Jmittees none presented . ON CALL for officers reports , it was by raquest of the Treasurer J RESOLVSO , that he had !\j.rtljer time to r eport, and that he be instNcted to state in '11.3014 r epor t in detail th~ entire assets and "the current financial hilltory of the College . fGSOLV;;:O , that the Wlpaiq nqt.!:!s a.nd acco~t~ due from Preparatory depart­ment be tUl'l1ed over to agent for collection . a;;.soLV::C, ~hat the action qf t.he Executive Committee in erlploy1ng Protessor Slaton for II fortller year and Professor Glenn the present year be ratified by the Board . R:i:5OlV:W , that the Board will prosecute with vigor and determination before the courts of the county any and all persons who may co=it a trespass or trespa sse ~ against the pl"Operty of the College of all classes in the town of Auburn, and the President of the Board be instructed to institute suits for such treapasses against said property that have heretofore been COOllo.itted and in his j udgment shall require prosecution, and that this r8801ution be read publicly t~ree consecutive Sabbaths in the church . ADJCURN.'.D to 2 P.hl . BOAIill)ST . FfGSD<T, J . B. Glenn , C. Raiford, M. Andrews, C . D. Oliver, F. G. Fur guson , James O. !icDowell, '.1. H. C. Price, J. W. Willis, 1. Hill, J . B. Ogletree, D. Clopton, li . T. Glenn, A. fra zer , S . Perry, W. B. Neal , :: . J . Ilarail,D . T. Halliday . PRAYER by Rev . M. Andrews . ON LOTION , PZSOLVUI , that the rates of tuition in the Preparatory Depart­ment shell hereafter be es followa, viz, for the primary class, ~O per annum. }'or the advanced clue, $60 per an:1u;n . TIlE BOARD went into the election of officers for the enauing year and on motion to suspend the rule requiring the same to be done by ballot was auspended, and the same officers were elect~, vez , J . B. Glenn, Prosident ~' . G. Furguson, Vice President A. frazer, Treasurer C. Rai1'ord, ::iecretary " J . B. Glenn J . B . O~(ltr" I . lUll J . rerry J'.,r.liilli, lIi:::3CLVJ;l. t.h.&t the ->tIIcutive C:<lI1".iUee be in~tl"llctec! t.o «Iplo;y II(lIIII! r .. pon­a1bhan< icOlllpetel1twllUelllaZl to liv, at. theCoUese bulld1nt\ in order to protect it againDt. tr""pD.ssClre and to ' ..... ke such other arr3l'l5e~omt~ for th1s pu.rpollea.t.oLh .... ~benec""~,..,.. !GXJLY.:lJ , that the tll1t.iOf\ in the Preparator.! u..,.rt:;.ent a,!;wlt. the ch1l.dren o!t.heReverendR.B. T1ck in surnand !\4Iverend .... . C.T'unat.iaobe noli1l_ qui8holl L"ld th .. eame againet RtonrendJ . Whitley be refunded. :t.:SC'LV.:.D, tl'.. .. 1. C • ...: . Dil.l.ard ana 1;,,1100 ..... t~3 be no<rlnat.ed as Tru~teca to rlllt.hevacanc1eatr,fde.thotl: . J . :.;cottarulJ . S , WUS<ln . iSSCLV.:D, OIi .. On,,;; that.. cono;dttee or tour be appointed to have such r epair. to Lhe Collec' bullding root all neces8ar:.' . Com::U.tte~ : C. !!aiJ'om ., S. f'e rl7. J . O. l!eOowdl andi, . II . C. ?ric. 0:; ::onCI; , E. '1'. Clenn, :.l . i'lr'T3' <l!Id J . • 1 • • dl.l1s ......... eleeted th .. audit.ing co=it.te •. ,; • •'1 . Olllll11l . Treauurer of the faculty, mr.O" hb report. . Read and referred t.oth"AuditingCon:1t.t."" . ki."utu rll:ld:md&ppr oved . Adjoum edt ... r "''''1l&rannl1&.l- ..... ''tiru7t:cntby aft.r l~t :<ednesda1 1rl July next . J . :II . ';;'hr.l! , I'Nlddenl C . ~ifonl , ..eern&ry