1860 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meetings held in 186042 January 17, 1860 TH:::: BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the East AlCi.uama Hale Col lege met as adj ourned . FRESENT, Rever end J. B. Glenn, C. Raiford, A. Frazer , N, J . Scot t, 1. B. Oglet ree, E. J. Hamill , O. R. Blue, A. M. Kimbrough, C. D. Ol i ve...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7320
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1860 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of Trustees
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
description Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meetings held in 186042 January 17, 1860 TH:::: BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the East AlCi.uama Hale Col lege met as adj ourned . FRESENT, Rever end J. B. Glenn, C. Raiford, A. Frazer , N, J . Scot t, 1. B. Oglet ree, E. J. Hamill , O. R. Blue, A. M. Kimbrough, C. D. Ol i ver, S. Perry, J . 'd . v{illis, G. ~'J . Chatfield, . 'v'J . 1. Sasnet, H. B. Neal. PRAYEH by the Reverend B. J. Hamill. j'':.INUTES of the previous meeting read and approved . m,l CALL for communi cations the secretary reported none to present. ON TH.6 CALL for reports of Committees, Reverend O. R. -Blue, 'Chairman of a commit­t ee reported no definite action in the case of amending College charter, and on motion , the Reverend • R. Blue is hereby reque sted to write to the Hon. W. P. Chilton r~qu est ing ' him to urge the passage 'of the Bill ±n the Legislature con­£ empl ated in the petition ; ON FOTION, the Treasurer is requested to pay Reverend W. B. Neal ·10 per cent on t he ~?1 5 0 . 00 collected by him for the college . ON AOTI Ol\' , The Treasurer is instructed to take back the note of Hon . J . G. Shor t er and pay G. 11f. Chatfield t he amount at the per cent. ADJ ClfRt'J3D to 11 :00 , July, 12.60 . J. B. Glenn, President C. Ra~fo rd, Secretary 43 :aOARD KI NUTES July 9, I s60 The Board of Trustees 'of the .L';ast Al abama llale College met at the call of the President . 1 liESEN'I' : Rev . John B. Glenn, A. Frazer, C. HaifoI'd , Rev . O. R. Blue , 'TIj] . H. C. l'rice , A. H: Kimbrough, f{ev . '1,[ . J . Sasnet , Rev . '.G . ' J • . Hamil l, E. T. Gl enn , J. I~ . Carlton ; S; Ferry, Isaac Hill; Hon. ·J. 'F . Dowdell, Hon . D. Clayton , Rev ~ H . H. l'JeaI , Hev . C. D; Oliver , Rev . J. P . Dickens6n . Rev • Ii . N. l'lcTyiere , J ames B ~ Ogl e't ree , arid J . O~ l1cDowell . PHAY2.rt By the Rev . Doctor l'lc Tyi ere • Lflll r1~\U J YJ NUT.G0 of last meeting r ead and confirmed . " ON f:iOTION of Rev . C. D. Oliver, HESOLVw , that the meetings of the Board ~ha:ll not be public and ·t heir proc eedings sh~ll be str ictly confi-dential . . . . eN A GALL for repor t s of committees, the Rev . O. R. Bl ue, Chairman of a committee to pr ocure changes in the Coll ege Char ter, re ~ orted that the petition for amendments in cnarter , prohibiting the sal~ of s piritous l iquors within five miles from the Col lege; and also to give tne election of Truste es hereaf t er to the Alabama Annual Confer ence ' 01' 'the b.ethodist Church .30uth, have both be en made by the Legisl ature . ON l,.cnCN of Rev • .c.; . J . Hammil , the Rev . O. R. Bl ue; James M. Carlton, and E. '1' . Gl enn were a ppoi nted an auditing commit tee in the pl ace of one previously appoi nted, and requested::rune t o ' report on t he Treasury ac count to this Board . PROFE0S0R J. \oJ . GLENN and Vi . F. Slaton, Treasur er of Faculty and Principal of Preparatory Department , made t lieir reports and the S'1iJIle were referred to the Auditing Committee . ON hOTIOI, the tuition of :H . G. Ja.cl{son be ref unded f or the t ime he was absent . THE R3SIGNATICN of Professor W. P . Harris so:r, adjunct Pr ofessor of Ancient Languaee ~ was r ead b~r the Secretary and rec eived by the Board . RBSCLV.cD , that in all casefs]') when the sons of i tin1erant ) reachers are members of the College, they shall not be cha r gea tuition for recitations . they may make in the ?re ;:arat ory Department . R2 ':';O:;:"v.20 , that the Treasur er ' s rC Jort be :efer-ed tc. the cluditi ne:; :::crr~~·:::..t"::::e , ', '~ ich Com;.'littee shall rel:,ort '..1)on it tc the .:.0ceC'L,t .Lv ..:' CCI"_clttec c~t t:~e E'c::i.'li est convenient day . Their action upon the subject shall be regarded as the action of the Board and shal l together with the report of the Treasurer be spr ead. upon the r ecord of the pr oceedings of this body . ADJOUB.N.:c;D TC 30' clock F . l'~ . J . B. Glenn, Fresident C. Raiford , Secretary 44 BOARD l ~~N U T.2S J ul y 9, 1060 3 o ' clock P.E. BOARlJ l\l.CJl as adjourned. FT ~S:;';;:N T: . Rev: J; B: Glerin, C. Raiford, A. Frazer, ~'! . J . Sasnet , S. J . Hanil, J . P . Dickenson, O. R. Blue, F . G; Furguson, B. T. Glenrt, D. T. Halliday, iff . H. C. Price, D. Clayton, .J . F . Dm'ldell, C. D. Oliver, H; N; ]l.fcTyiere; F. ~~'l . Dillard; J; M; Car~'_ton, J. ·B. ·OgIetree, S . Perr~y , ·A. IJi ~ Kimbrough Isaac Hill, J . O. 'McDowell, 'and -I'V . B. 'Neal. P:1.AYER by the Rev. F . G. Furguson. ON rOTION, RE,':>OLVED t hat the Board elect a Professor of Belles let tres and Fol itical Economy and that the Board do now pr oceed to elect the s arne . :;Jhereupon counting out the ballots, 'the Hon . J . H. Dowdell was declared unanimously elected. The Rev . C. D. Oliver rey,uested to n otify him of the same, who appeared and a ccepted the professorshi p to which the Board had elect ed hL'1l . THB fu,V . DR. . SASNET presented the names of vi •. F . Glenn, F . S . J ohn601.£, B. D. Sumsden, ll. C. Theash and A. F . V/oll;y graduates as being install ed t o t he degree of A. B. T;;'h.c;RZUf OlJ, the Board, RlSOLVSD thaT- the degree of A.B . be conferred upon the s a i d young gent lemen. BOARD ADJOURNED to 4 0' clock I ' . H. on \iJednesday next unless called toget her by t he President. Joml B. Glenn, President C. Raiford, S e creta~y i ~ ,~ BOARD HlNUTES JulJT 9, 1860 5 o'clock P.M. BOARD met at the call of the President. PRESENT: Rev. J. B. Gienn, C. Raiford, J. M. Carlton, F. G. Furb~son, N. J. Scott, S .• P ~rry, D. T. H ~ll?-day , J. B. 9gl etree, ~ . B. N e~l, C. D. Oliver, E. J. H~+l, . E . T. Glenn, A • . Frazer, H. N. , Mcfyi~e, O. R: Blue, W. J : S ~sn~t, J. P. D icke~sol,l, ~.,r . H.G. Price, J. O. Mc­Dowell, D. Cloyton, G. F. Price, J. T. Dowdell. PRAYER by the Rev. H. J. Sasnet. 45 ON MOTION by Dr. Sasnet, RESOLVED" t hat no stwlent sha+l be permitted to join or to be a member of any military company. ADJOURNED to 8 : 00 A.E. tomorrow. J. B. Glenn, President C. Raiford, Secretary 46 BOARD NINUTES July 11, 1860 BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the East Alaba~ Male College met in pursuance of adj ournment, it being the annual meeting of said Board. PRESENT: Rev. John B. Glenn, C. Raiford, J. B. Ogletree, J. p o. Dickenson, S. Perry, Rev. C. D. ' Oliver, A. M. -Kimbrough; Rev. ,O. R. Bl ue; A. Frazer, E. T. Glenn, Rev-. "vi . B. Neal, Rev. F. G. Furgu50n; Rev. E. J .. Hamil, Rev. H. N. McTyire, and Hon. D. Clopton. FRAYER by the Rev. 1'1. B. Neal. ON NOTION by Rev. C. D. Oliver, RESOLVED , tfut the By-La1'fs be so altered and amended as to make t he usual meeting of this Board of Trustees to commence on ~!.i:onday of Commencement Week and during the meeting of said Board the election of officers shall take plaee. ON lvIOTION of Hon. D. Clopton, RESOLVED , · that all the proceedings and acts of the Board of Trustees had 'at the meetings on Honday and Tuesday '7 and 10 last be and the same are hereby in al l respects ratified and confirmed . OH MJI'ICN of Rev. E. J . Hamil, RESCLVED, that the Board declare the ap­pointment of Rev. 1nJ. E. Ivi. Sinfield, Rev. G. W. Chatfield and J. VI . H. Drake as Trustees, vacant. ON MCTION of the Board, proceeded t o the election of officer s and t he Chairman ap) ointed Rev. H. N. :tvfcTyire, Rev. E. J. Hamil, and Rev. F. G. Furguson a committee to nominate suitable persons for said officers. The Committee retired and presented the names of: Rev. John B. Glenn for President Rev. O. R. Blue for Vice President C. Raiford for Secretary A. Frazer for Treasurer and for Executive Committee: Rev. John B. Glenn Ja~e s B. Ogletree A. M. Kimbr ough S. Perry Isaac Hill all of whom were elected for the ensuing year. ADJOURNED to 4 o'clock P.M. this day. J. B. Glenn, President C. Raiford, Secretary BOARD ViliT as per adjournment. BOARD MINUTES July 11,. 1860 4 o'clock F.H. PRESENT: J. B. Glenn, C. Raiford, A. Frazer, Rev. W. J. Sasnet, .J. M. Carlton, J. B.. Ogletree, Rev. F. G. Furguson, Rev. E. J. Hamil, Hon. D. Clopton, E. T. • Glenn, Rev. C. D. Oliver, Rev. V.I. B. ·Neal. PRAYER by the. R~v. C. D. Oliver. MI NUTES of th.e previous meeting t his week read and confirmed. ON MOTION , RESOLVED that Rev. E. J. Hamil, Isaac Hill and E. T. Glenn be and the same are hereby appointed a committee to nominate suitable persons as tr.ustees to fill vacancies when necessary. ON l<1.0TION, RESOLV1TI that the Rev. F. G. Furguson, Rev. O. R. Bl.ue, and 47 the Rev. E. J. Hamil be and the same are appointed a committee to report to the next· Alabama Annual Conference of the Methodiat Church South such matter$ connected with the College as is necessary and also to ask the appointment of an a gent for said College. ON HOTION, RESOLVED that the reports of Professor J. W. Glenn,. Treasurer I of the faculty and Profe ssor W. F. Slaton, Principal of t he Preparatory Department be referred to the Auditing Committee whose action thereon I shall be ' with said reports recorded by the Secretary of the Board .of i Trustees. ON MOTION, RE~OLVED that the Treasurer be ~d he is hereby instructed to pay to t he Rev.. Dr. H. N. Mc Tyire fifty dollar'S for expenses to and from Nashville . ADJOURNED , sUQJect 'to call of Presiden~ to the annual meet ing . J. B.. Glenn, President C. Raiford, Secretary RECORD OF THE AUDITING COMMITTE~; ' S REPORT : The Auditing Committee beg leave to report that having carefully examined the books, notes, accounts and vouchers of Adison Frazer, the Treasurer, they find them to be correct as follows: Notes due in 1859 " " II 1860 " II " 1861 " II " 1862 " 11 1/ 1863 " " II 1864,5,6 Endowment fund Probable interest due to Dec. 1, Rail Road Stock Real Estate, The Hardin Sale Good SubscriPtion in agent's hand Doubtful SuQs cription Note on Edmonson Cash in Treasury 1860 $ 8052'.01 12135.84 12271 .00 7262.00 3434.00 1575.00 45475~00 3004.00 6640 .00 500 .00 1130~ 00 600. 00 100.00 676.00 $103,455.45 48 The committee finds in comparing the Treasury vouchers with the assets the pro­bable amount of ~p2000 in his favor. Ide have examined the accounts and vouchers of J. \~ . Glenn, the Treasurer of the faculty and find them correct as follows.: To amount of receipts .from College . To amount of receipts .from Preparator¥" Department To amount unpaid accounts To amount beneficiary Credit By amount paid Salary of Faculty ' By amount returned through sickness By amount. paid sundry, as vouchers By amount unpaid Beneficiary accounts By ronount balance in hands ~.J025 .65 2070..00. 94-.10. 6"...50 rs~.54.25 $4982.95 81.90 24.40 158.60 6.40 I've find on ex.anunl.ng the notes and accounts of VI . F. Slaton, Principal of the Preparatory Department that they are correct as below stated, vuth the exception that the amount of accounts unpaid is diminished from ~~ 75 8 .09 to $540.24. This large discrepancy is according to the fact that accounts in full are made out against beneficiary, charity, Scho1aees and Sons, who, havin§ entered that department afterwards transferred to the College Whole amount of Tuition By expenses, etc. per Vouchers By receipts of Prof. Glenn By Norwoods tuition paid Prof. Glenn By notes in hands for tuition By accounts unpaid By cash in hand All of which is respectfully submit.ted. $ 123.35 2070.00 12.75 28,5..10 758.09 606.87 $3856.17 o. R. Blue, Chai~~n $3856.17 BOARD MINUTES August 6, 11360 :EX.E!X;UTIV11: COHVUTTEE of &st Alabama Male College met by call of the Chairman. PRESENT: John .]3. Glenn, .J • . B. Ogletr.ee, 1. Hill, .3 • .Perry. and A .. M. Kimbrough .. THE AUDITING COMNITTl!;E a ppoL11ted at the last meeting of the Board of Trustees to examine the assets of the East Alabama Hale College and the vouchers of the Treasurer and likewise the books of the Treasurer of the faculty of said College, and the report .of .v.I. F . Slaton,. Principal -of the Freparat.ory Department, made their r eport which was unanimously accepted. 49 THE DI SCREPANCY of about two thousand dollars found in comparing the vouchers of the Treasurer with the assets of the College which is in the Treasurer's favor is here fully relinquished to the' College.
title 1860 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
titleStr 1860 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7320
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7320
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7320
_version_ 1782466961040474112
spelling 1860 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male CollegeAuburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Board of TrusteesMinutes of the Board of Trustees Meetings held in 186042 January 17, 1860 TH:::: BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the East AlCi.uama Hale Col lege met as adj ourned . FRESENT, Rever end J. B. Glenn, C. Raiford, A. Frazer , N, J . Scot t, 1. B. Oglet ree, E. J. Hamill , O. R. Blue, A. M. Kimbrough, C. D. Ol i ver, S. Perry, J . 'd . v{illis, G. ~'J . Chatfield, . 'v'J . 1. Sasnet, H. B. Neal. PRAYEH by the Reverend B. J. Hamill. j'':.INUTES of the previous meeting read and approved . m,l CALL for communi cations the secretary reported none to present. ON TH.6 CALL for reports of Committees, Reverend O. R. -Blue, 'Chairman of a commit­t ee reported no definite action in the case of amending College charter, and on motion , the Reverend • R. Blue is hereby reque sted to write to the Hon. W. P. Chilton r~qu est ing ' him to urge the passage 'of the Bill ±n the Legislature con­£ empl ated in the petition ; ON FOTION, the Treasurer is requested to pay Reverend W. B. Neal ·10 per cent on t he ~?1 5 0 . 00 collected by him for the college . ON AOTI Ol\' , The Treasurer is instructed to take back the note of Hon . J . G. Shor t er and pay G. 11f. Chatfield t he amount at the per cent. ADJ ClfRt'J3D to 11 :00 , July, 12.60 . J. B. Glenn, President C. Ra~fo rd, Secretary 43 :aOARD KI NUTES July 9, I s60 The Board of Trustees 'of the .L';ast Al abama llale College met at the call of the President . 1 liESEN'I' : Rev . John B. Glenn, A. Frazer, C. HaifoI'd , Rev . O. R. Blue , 'TIj] . H. C. l'rice , A. H: Kimbrough, f{ev . '1,[ . J . Sasnet , Rev . '.G . ' J • . Hamil l, E. T. Gl enn , J. I~ . Carlton ; S; Ferry, Isaac Hill; Hon. ·J. 'F . Dowdell, Hon . D. Clayton , Rev ~ H . H. l'JeaI , Hev . C. D; Oliver , Rev . J. P . Dickens6n . Rev • Ii . N. l'lcTyiere , J ames B ~ Ogl e't ree , arid J . O~ l1cDowell . PHAY2.rt By the Rev . Doctor l'lc Tyi ere • Lflll r1~\U J YJ NUT.G0 of last meeting r ead and confirmed . " ON f:iOTION of Rev . C. D. Oliver, HESOLVw , that the meetings of the Board ~ha:ll not be public and ·t heir proc eedings sh~ll be str ictly confi-dential . . . . eN A GALL for repor t s of committees, the Rev . O. R. Bl ue, Chairman of a committee to pr ocure changes in the Coll ege Char ter, re ~ orted that the petition for amendments in cnarter , prohibiting the sal~ of s piritous l iquors within five miles from the Col lege; and also to give tne election of Truste es hereaf t er to the Alabama Annual Confer ence ' 01' 'the b.ethodist Church .30uth, have both be en made by the Legisl ature . ON l,.cnCN of Rev • .c.; . J . Hammil , the Rev . O. R. Bl ue; James M. Carlton, and E. '1' . Gl enn were a ppoi nted an auditing commit tee in the pl ace of one previously appoi nted, and requested::rune t o ' report on t he Treasury ac count to this Board . PROFE0S0R J. \oJ . GLENN and Vi . F. Slaton, Treasur er of Faculty and Principal of Preparatory Department , made t lieir reports and the S'1iJIle were referred to the Auditing Committee . ON hOTIOI, the tuition of :H . G. Ja.cl{son be ref unded f or the t ime he was absent . THE R3SIGNATICN of Professor W. P . Harris so:r, adjunct Pr ofessor of Ancient Languaee ~ was r ead b~r the Secretary and rec eived by the Board . RBSCLV.cD , that in all casefs]') when the sons of i tin1erant ) reachers are members of the College, they shall not be cha r gea tuition for recitations . they may make in the ?re ;:arat ory Department . R2 ':';O:;:"v.20 , that the Treasur er ' s rC Jort be :efer-ed tc. the cluditi ne:; :::crr~~·:::..t"::::e , ', '~ ich Com;.'littee shall rel:,ort '..1)on it tc the .:.0ceC'L,t .Lv ..:' CCI"_clttec c~t t:~e E'c::i.'li est convenient day . Their action upon the subject shall be regarded as the action of the Board and shal l together with the report of the Treasurer be spr ead. upon the r ecord of the pr oceedings of this body . ADJOUB.N.:c;D TC 30' clock F . l'~ . J . B. Glenn, Fresident C. Raiford , Secretary 44 BOARD l ~~N U T.2S J ul y 9, 1060 3 o ' clock P.E. BOARlJ l\l.CJl as adjourned. FT ~S:;';;:N T: . Rev: J; B: Glerin, C. Raiford, A. Frazer, ~'! . J . Sasnet , S. J . Hanil, J . P . Dickenson, O. R. Blue, F . G; Furguson, B. T. Glenrt, D. T. Halliday, iff . H. C. Price, D. Clayton, .J . F . Dm'ldell, C. D. Oliver, H; N; ]l.fcTyiere; F. ~~'l . Dillard; J; M; Car~'_ton, J. ·B. ·OgIetree, S . Perr~y , ·A. IJi ~ Kimbrough Isaac Hill, J . O. 'McDowell, 'and -I'V . B. 'Neal. P:1.AYER by the Rev. F . G. Furguson. ON rOTION, RE,':>OLVED t hat the Board elect a Professor of Belles let tres and Fol itical Economy and that the Board do now pr oceed to elect the s arne . :;Jhereupon counting out the ballots, 'the Hon . J . H. Dowdell was declared unanimously elected. The Rev . C. D. Oliver rey,uested to n otify him of the same, who appeared and a ccepted the professorshi p to which the Board had elect ed hL'1l . THB fu,V . DR. . SASNET presented the names of vi •. F . Glenn, F . S . J ohn601.£, B. D. Sumsden, ll. C. Theash and A. F . V/oll;y graduates as being install ed t o t he degree of A. B. T;;'h.c;RZUf OlJ, the Board, RlSOLVSD thaT- the degree of A.B . be conferred upon the s a i d young gent lemen. BOARD ADJOURNED to 4 0' clock I ' . H. on \iJednesday next unless called toget her by t he President. Joml B. Glenn, President C. Raiford, S e creta~y i ~ ,~ BOARD HlNUTES JulJT 9, 1860 5 o'clock P.M. BOARD met at the call of the President. PRESENT: Rev. J. B. Gienn, C. Raiford, J. M. Carlton, F. G. Furb~son, N. J. Scott, S .• P ~rry, D. T. H ~ll?-day , J. B. 9gl etree, ~ . B. N e~l, C. D. Oliver, E. J. H~+l, . E . T. Glenn, A • . Frazer, H. N. , Mcfyi~e, O. R: Blue, W. J : S ~sn~t, J. P. D icke~sol,l, ~.,r . H.G. Price, J. O. Mc­Dowell, D. Cloyton, G. F. Price, J. T. Dowdell. PRAYER by the Rev. H. J. Sasnet. 45 ON MOTION by Dr. Sasnet, RESOLVED" t hat no stwlent sha+l be permitted to join or to be a member of any military company. ADJOURNED to 8 : 00 A.E. tomorrow. J. B. Glenn, President C. Raiford, Secretary 46 BOARD NINUTES July 11, 1860 BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the East Alaba~ Male College met in pursuance of adj ournment, it being the annual meeting of said Board. PRESENT: Rev. John B. Glenn, C. Raiford, J. B. Ogletree, J. p o. Dickenson, S. Perry, Rev. C. D. ' Oliver, A. M. -Kimbrough; Rev. ,O. R. Bl ue; A. Frazer, E. T. Glenn, Rev-. "vi . B. Neal, Rev. F. G. Furgu50n; Rev. E. J .. Hamil, Rev. H. N. McTyire, and Hon. D. Clopton. FRAYER by the Rev. 1'1. B. Neal. ON NOTION by Rev. C. D. Oliver, RESOLVED , tfut the By-La1'fs be so altered and amended as to make t he usual meeting of this Board of Trustees to commence on ~!.i:onday of Commencement Week and during the meeting of said Board the election of officers shall take plaee. ON lvIOTION of Hon. D. Clopton, RESOLVED , · that all the proceedings and acts of the Board of Trustees had 'at the meetings on Honday and Tuesday '7 and 10 last be and the same are hereby in al l respects ratified and confirmed . OH MJI'ICN of Rev. E. J . Hamil, RESCLVED, that the Board declare the ap­pointment of Rev. 1nJ. E. Ivi. Sinfield, Rev. G. W. Chatfield and J. VI . H. Drake as Trustees, vacant. ON MCTION of the Board, proceeded t o the election of officer s and t he Chairman ap) ointed Rev. H. N. :tvfcTyire, Rev. E. J. Hamil, and Rev. F. G. Furguson a committee to nominate suitable persons for said officers. The Committee retired and presented the names of: Rev. John B. Glenn for President Rev. O. R. Blue for Vice President C. Raiford for Secretary A. Frazer for Treasurer and for Executive Committee: Rev. John B. Glenn Ja~e s B. Ogletree A. M. Kimbr ough S. Perry Isaac Hill all of whom were elected for the ensuing year. ADJOURNED to 4 o'clock P.M. this day. J. B. Glenn, President C. Raiford, Secretary BOARD ViliT as per adjournment. BOARD MINUTES July 11,. 1860 4 o'clock F.H. PRESENT: J. B. Glenn, C. Raiford, A. Frazer, Rev. W. J. Sasnet, .J. M. Carlton, J. B.. Ogletree, Rev. F. G. Furguson, Rev. E. J. Hamil, Hon. D. Clopton, E. T. • Glenn, Rev. C. D. Oliver, Rev. V.I. B. ·Neal. PRAYER by the. R~v. C. D. Oliver. MI NUTES of th.e previous meeting t his week read and confirmed. ON MOTION , RESOLVED that Rev. E. J. Hamil, Isaac Hill and E. T. Glenn be and the same are hereby appointed a committee to nominate suitable persons as tr.ustees to fill vacancies when necessary. ON l<1.0TION, RESOLV1TI that the Rev. F. G. Furguson, Rev. O. R. Bl.ue, and 47 the Rev. E. J. Hamil be and the same are appointed a committee to report to the next· Alabama Annual Conference of the Methodiat Church South such matter$ connected with the College as is necessary and also to ask the appointment of an a gent for said College. ON HOTION, RESOLVED that the reports of Professor J. W. Glenn,. Treasurer I of the faculty and Profe ssor W. F. Slaton, Principal of t he Preparatory Department be referred to the Auditing Committee whose action thereon I shall be ' with said reports recorded by the Secretary of the Board .of i Trustees. ON MOTION, RE~OLVED that the Treasurer be ~d he is hereby instructed to pay to t he Rev.. Dr. H. N. Mc Tyire fifty dollar'S for expenses to and from Nashville . ADJOURNED , sUQJect 'to call of Presiden~ to the annual meet ing . J. B.. Glenn, President C. Raiford, Secretary RECORD OF THE AUDITING COMMITTE~; ' S REPORT : The Auditing Committee beg leave to report that having carefully examined the books, notes, accounts and vouchers of Adison Frazer, the Treasurer, they find them to be correct as follows: Notes due in 1859 " " II 1860 " II " 1861 " II " 1862 " 11 1/ 1863 " " II 1864,5,6 Endowment fund Probable interest due to Dec. 1, Rail Road Stock Real Estate, The Hardin Sale Good SubscriPtion in agent's hand Doubtful SuQs cription Note on Edmonson Cash in Treasury 1860 $ 8052'.01 12135.84 12271 .00 7262.00 3434.00 1575.00 45475~00 3004.00 6640 .00 500 .00 1130~ 00 600. 00 100.00 676.00 $103,455.45 48 The committee finds in comparing the Treasury vouchers with the assets the pro­bable amount of ~p2000 in his favor. Ide have examined the accounts and vouchers of J. \~ . Glenn, the Treasurer of the faculty and find them correct as follows.: To amount of receipts .from College . To amount of receipts .from Preparator¥" Department To amount unpaid accounts To amount beneficiary Credit By amount paid Salary of Faculty ' By amount returned through sickness By amount. paid sundry, as vouchers By amount unpaid Beneficiary accounts By ronount balance in hands ~.J025 .65 2070..00. 94-.10. 6"...50 rs~.54.25 $4982.95 81.90 24.40 158.60 6.40 I've find on ex.anunl.ng the notes and accounts of VI . F. Slaton, Principal of the Preparatory Department that they are correct as below stated, vuth the exception that the amount of accounts unpaid is diminished from ~~ 75 8 .09 to $540.24. This large discrepancy is according to the fact that accounts in full are made out against beneficiary, charity, Scho1aees and Sons, who, havin§ entered that department afterwards transferred to the College Whole amount of Tuition By expenses, etc. per Vouchers By receipts of Prof. Glenn By Norwoods tuition paid Prof. Glenn By notes in hands for tuition By accounts unpaid By cash in hand All of which is respectfully submit.ted. $ 123.35 2070.00 12.75 28,5..10 758.09 606.87 $3856.17 o. R. Blue, Chai~~n $3856.17 BOARD MINUTES August 6, 11360 :EX.E!X;UTIV11: COHVUTTEE of &st Alabama Male College met by call of the Chairman. PRESENT: John .]3. Glenn, .J • . B. Ogletr.ee, 1. Hill, .3 • .Perry. and A .. M. Kimbrough .. THE AUDITING COMNITTl!;E a ppoL11ted at the last meeting of the Board of Trustees to examine the assets of the East Alabama Hale College and the vouchers of the Treasurer and likewise the books of the Treasurer of the faculty of said College, and the report .of .v.I. F . Slaton,. Principal -of the Freparat.ory Department, made their r eport which was unanimously accepted. 49 THE DI SCREPANCY of about two thousand dollars found in comparing the vouchers of the Treasurer with the assets of the College which is in the Treasurer's favor is here fully relinquished to the' College.Auburn University Board of Trustees18601860sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and ReconstructiontextpdfBOT_1860.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1860This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7320