1859 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1859.BOARD HnruT.l!S J uLy ~3 , 1859' THE BeARD OF TRUSTEES -of t he .East Al abama Male Col l ege met pv .. r suant to adj ournment. I"iEtID3RS Pl[:;.;SENT: J ohn B. Glenn , C. Ra ifor d , A. Fr azer, Reverend C. D. Ol i ver, Reve r end F...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7317
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1859.BOARD HnruT.l!S J uLy ~3 , 1859' THE BeARD OF TRUSTEES -of t he .East Al abama Male Col l ege met pv .. r suant to adj ournment. I"iEtID3RS Pl[:;.;SENT: J ohn B. Glenn , C. Ra ifor d , A. Fr azer, Reverend C. D. Ol i ver, Reve r end F . G. Furgu s on , Reverend VI . B. Neal, Reverend Joj:m P . Di ck enson , Reverend O. R. Blu e , Reverend G. W. Chatfiel d , Rever end E . I . Hamil, Hev e r end S . An Tls t r ong, Reverend 1il . A. 1'~c C <lrty , F . \'l . Dilla rd , N. J . Scott , f;v. T. Davi s , A. I-\: . Kimbrough, J . O. HcDovlell, J . Darby , Honorable Rob ert Dougherty , Pr of e s s or W. F . Glat on, J ames IIi . Ca rlton , Isaac Hill , ~ . T. Glenn , D. T. Halliday, Simon Perry and J . B. Ogletr e e . 1--RAYER by t he Rev erend Hm . B. Neal. Ei nutes of the l ast me et i ng read and c onfirmed . C'N Tlli:: CALL f or commu.ni cati on s , the ::iec retary r ead letters from Rever end v.,t. 1. Sa snet , John '1.[ . Glenn , Inn, J onn T. Dunklin and Rever end ~''i . • Harrison , a cc ept ing the pr ofe ssor s hi ;::s to whi ch t hey had b een elec t e d . PROFESSOR JCHJ: .. : DARBY b e i ng ~ r es ent , a c c epted ver bal ly. THE SEX:RZTARY read a l ette r f rom Reverend 'ti . f . Harrison , Adjunct-Prof e s ­sor of Anc i ent Languages , which v.Jas referred f or f utur e a ction . IGP(RT3 CF CC HI TTEES : Reverend 3 . J . Hamil , Chai rman of a c ommittee a ppoi nt ed a t the last meet ing , r epor t ed that sai d Commi tt ee had not succeeded in t he object for v;hic 1 sai d Commi t t ee was appo::.n t ed, and f urther t ir.~e e iven , and t o r epor t to t he Ex e cutive CorIL.7J.li tt ee at their next c ormnen c ement . ON ;·=C TICN , TEE ~e po rt of the Execut i v e Conuni t tee ,,/ s r ead and r e c e i ved and orde r ed t o be pla ced on t he l'li nut es . IIRe:';or t of t he =xecuti ve Cowmit t ee vIe c ontinued uu!" bu i l ding operations under 'Gne supervision of R. N. R. Bu r dHell , unti l vlinter, 1>Then Iv8 thought pr oper t o suspend until s pr ing ; a t whi ch time we r esumed op~ rati on under t he supervision of Hm . G. "I. Shelton, and a r e happi l ;y appr oachi ne c Olll.:..!leti on in ful l time f or the eXi0e c t ed opening of the College i n October n ext . The c ont r a ct f or the ~la s t e r ing wa s l et to Hr . N. F . Sirrunons and i s b einG ex e cut ed t o our satisfa ction . The c ontra ct fo r !Ja inti ng was let to Ge or ge ',\: . Chatfi e l d , \\1ho has empl oyed c ompetent men to do i t wel l and i n anple t ir:.e . T'.<1e c ommi t t e e , in ant ici ;}a t i on of t he ma t ur i t y of our p2.per an d t o r e­lieve the jJr esent bu r den, have borrowed SUI'lS of mone~r at different times whicil with the inte r est up to January next wi ll amount t o ~n4 , 3 47 and t he "lost of whi ch sum ca n be c ontinued on i n t e rest as the Committee may de em nec e s s a ry . All of whi ch i s r e spe ct f ully subnitted . 1I 35 36 }'rofessor ,;m . F . Sl aton invited the Board of Trustees to attend the public exercises of t h · Preparatory School this mornin.'; , ,,[hieri being a cc epted, t~e Boa.rd adj ourned t o 3 0 ' clock l- .h . John B. Glenn, Pr esi dent c . Raifor d , Secretar;;r BC.:"=-:D ~:rHUTES Jul.;y" 13, 10))1 3 0 ' c l ock l) . J-• ~OA}ill 'f·]:;T . Pr e S3ent : Jotm 16 . ~ J enn , .~ . FJ:1a zer , C. ? aifor d , J a.raes E . Carlt oIl} Pr ofes s or ·.i. F . Staton, Heve r end J ohn r . Di ckenson" 0imon Terry, J ames ·O. £'J cDowel l , ,Pr ofe s slClr J . Da r by , Reverend F . G. E'urgus on , Reverend O. R. · Bl ue , Rever .,nd G. "' . C ha t f iel d , E ~ ver end E. J . Bami l , Hev e r-end S • . Armstrong , .c:; . T. Glenn , Reverend .S. &'rmstrong, Rever end Hm. ! . hcCart y , . J . B. Ogletre e , Heve r:end C. D. Oliver, F . ":/ . Dillar d , 1\ . J . Scot t , A. I~ . Limtrough , I s aac ~hll , ~Am . ri' o Davi s , and Rev er end ' . • B. Neal . PRAY:;:'"? by Pr of esscr J ohn lJarby . O~! ,l,; (),;L'I U~ , Simon -erry, JaJnes B. Ogl etr ee and A. ? r a :aer , were a p­pointed a c ommittee t o dispose of the va c ant lots donated t o the College , pr ovi ded , i n t heir j udgment , they c ould obtain t heir val ue . Reve r end ,:! . J '.Sasnet read to the Boa r d t he . course of study t o ,be pursued in the College , toget her idth the stat utes agreed upon by t he f a cult y and s t udents , 'l-d-:ich was . dopt ed , and fllrther r esolved that the Reverend VI. J . Sa snet superintend and have lJrint ed 1 , 000 copi es in pamphlet f orm of t he same , t og'ether. with t he names of t he Tr ustees and fac"c.ll t y , rules of Board , and that t he - Tr easu r er be i n s t r ucted to l a ce in the hands of Doctor Sasnet a suff ici ency t o pay f or the s&ne . el; r e TICH, Hesol ved t hat the price of tuition in the College shall be '+,20 .00 f or the Fall t erm and ;~3 Ci . C O f or . the Spring term . And tha t t he contingent ex pen ses s hall be t o ea ch student one dolla r and fifty c ents f or t he Fall, and t wo dol lars and fifty c ents for the Spring term. ' A'UJC URH3D t o 8 o ! c l o cl~ F . l~ . BOARD 14ET . Pr esent: Reverend J . B. Glenn , A. Fr a zer , C. Ra i ford , J . B. OGl etree , Rever end .:I . Arms t r ong, Rever end O. ::L. I?l ue , Rever­end C. D. Cliver, lleverend F . G. FUTe;us on , ::1.ever end G. ~'; . Chatfi el d , Rever end ~L A. HcGarty, F . T. Davi s , J . O. fJicDowell , Profes s or -{ f . F . 31a t on , Rever end H. B. Neal, Profes s or John DaTby , F . '.: . Dillard, 3.ever end 0 . j . Ha.mi l , and Isa ac Hill . FRAY.2R by the Rever end ~'i . h . i'i. Sinfi eld . R:::;V::';-1.:_!2U o. R. BLU ~ , Vice f r e s i ci.ent , in t he Cha.i r . Oi'J 1-:01'1er , Resolved t hat the super visi on of t he prepar a t ory depart­ment be and is he r eby c oromittAd t o t h~ Pr e s i dent and Fa culty of the College , bot h f'. S t o t he cour se of s t ud;;r t o 'te pursued a.nd the nomi ­nat i on of the principal of said i nstit ut i on . O. 1 . Blue , Vi ce Pr esident C. Rai for d, ~ e c r et ? r;:r 37 3£ Jul~r 1L1-, 1359 7:CC A. E. B OJ~?J) . YiliT . Present : Reverend J . B. Glentl , G. R.aiford, A. Fraz:i-er, A. 1'=. Eimbrough, J • . B. Ogle t re~ , J . O. lvlcDowell, Isaac tIil::j.. , Reverend l) . Ii . Blue , Eeyer:and F . G. Furguson, Rever end G., D. Oliver" Frofessor,J . Da rby, Reverend G. 1) . Chatfield , i1.~ve r end i . J . 1;Iarrlil , Reveqmd S . , AL: s t rong , l~everend ~'J. B. N ~al , J1 . T • .Glenn , ~.[ . F. 31atoo, ~1evy r end :"1-., A. ,McC a rty, F . ' . Dillar d , 'lm. T. Davis , aud Reverend <.7 . ? Di c k~ns9n . , 1: RAy :~a, B:r J.ever end Doctor Sasnet . YDJUT'::S r ead and confirmed . eN :;C'l'Im-i, ~G .) OLV~D the R ~verend C. D. Olj..ver, ..; . J . Hamil and .,T . ~ . H. Sinfield be ~ppo inted a c.omntittee t o solicit donations of books ' for the Col ~eg e Library . or l';O'I'lON of the H~verend ~ . J . Har.ri.l , P:SSOLV5D that a cO:.:1m;Ltt ~e of three be appointed by the Chair to petition t he next ses?ion of the A lab&~a legislature to so amend the charter of the ~ast l\.labama l'lale College as that the Trustees to be her eafter appointed shall pe ~l e c t ed by t he Ala­balna Conference of the K • .6 . Church sout h , the Chai r a ppoi nted Revel'end O. ~ . Blue, D. CIOptOl , and Reverend B. J . Hrunil , ON iT'l'ICN of Hever end (; . D • Oliver, ~~JJ OLV..:1) , that th~ Board elect a / ' profe s sor of appli ed It;:athemat ics and t he said profes sor take charge of the preparatory department of the Colle ~; e as the principal unti:J,. the J Board shall re~uire his ' s ervices · in tl1e College, Said pr incipal s [lall keep a fair and corr ect copy of the financ es of s a.id department and r eport the same to the Board. J ' "] .F • .3L\ TCH was unanimously elected. t~ 'sai d professor~hip and beiLg present , a ccepted the same . ON }TTICIJ of Reverend S . Ar rc.strong , RESOLV~"D that the faculty he authorized to elect ' the as sistance nec es sary for. the prepar a,tor;)f depar t ment and agree t o aHiount of salary •. ON :FOXI CN, the Treasurer ' s report wa s , read and rec eived, but not recorded f or \"ant . of audi tor;,!" certificate . Cf~ ~ij( TION , the Boar d unanimously RESOLVED to alter the By Laws and the s ame are hereby altered, so as t he President of ;the College may be an ' ex officio member of the Trustees . I 'rES R3SIGHATICtJS of Professors J . Darby, h" . F . Sl aton, and B.ev~rend Samuel Armstrong wer e tendered and r eceived. The r esi gnation of Reverend G. :~ . Chetfield t endered was n ot rec eived . - BY VIll'I'UE of an article in th.e By Laws , the Board declared the appointment of J . F . 1"'{lite a s a member of the BO:lrd of Trustees vacant in consequence of conti nual absence. - , crT !'.10'IT f'.T , t he ~-l.eveTend Doct or Sa snet viaS el ect ed a:.'1. ex of fi c i c· meIEber of t he Boa r d of Trustees. R0"J.s~1..sr\D ~,~,j . _';; . l( . SII:ZI;:;L;J , 3 . A. lJeal and 1',lm. C. Price were ele ctec. member s of the Boa r d of Tr1.,).st,l:~ es . R::;V=-~'-ErD C. E , BLUE in . th~ Chair . , 39 ON ::.CTI C'N, K~SOLV3D that t he Zxe cut i ve Corrunittee bA and the same is hereby eIilpcawer ed t o fix the salary of t he donation s . ON l;jOTI DT, Eeverend C. D • Oliver, :1ever end O. R. Blu e , Reverend ",': . E. !;: . Sinfiel d , Reverend ~ ;m . B. Neal and Reverend Nm. A. HcCarty were ,apPQint ed t o peti t-ion the l¥xt Alabama Conferenye Of the Fi.ethodist Church South, to reappoint the :-l.~ve rend 3 . J . Hamil , agent for the . iI:ast Al abama Hale Coll ege. ON }fOTION of F . ~i . Dilla r d , RE.::iCLV2D, t hat a committee of f ive be appo:j.nt~ d to make all n ecessary arra..l1gement s for the opening of t he College i n October. Committee : O . ; ~ . Blue, F . :,r. Dilla r d , .,! , F . Slaton, :3imon I- erry, and I s a ap Hill. ON I'JCTICF, the Board ele ct ed officers f or the ensui ng y ea r : Pr e si:::leni;. - Reverend J . B. Glenn Vice Pre s i dent - R.everend O. R. Blue Se cr etary - C. Raiford Treasurer - A. Frazer And ON EOTICH, the members of the pr esent I~e cutive Committee were r ea ;:point .ed for t he next y ear . ON LCTI CN of Eev erend C. D. Oliver, RESOLViJ) , t hat when -vre ajourn, we do so to t he f irst Tcesc.a3T in C'ctob er next . CN j. C'l'IG,) O:? C. T-?,aifor d , RESOLV':';D , that the Treasurer pay t o L : . t i de. fifteen dolla r s f or tl'anscribi nS t he minutes of t l:.e Boar d of Tru s t ees . BeAll;] A::::c'CC:~I{:;D t o the first Tue sday in. Oct ober next . o. R. Blue, Vice Pr esident c . Rai ford , Secretary 40 BOARD EINUTES October 4, 1859 BOriJD OF TRUSTZES of the East Al abama ~~le Coll ege met as by adjournment . FR.6SENT : John B. Glenn, A. Frazer, C. Haifor d, Reverend vJ. ,J . Sasnet, I ~aac Hill , J. B. Ogletree, Heverend 1;[ . E. r·~ . Sinfield, Reverend 0.. R. Blue, E. T • Glenn, A. H. Kimbrough, S. IJerry, and ':.J . G. C. Price and ·I , 1'-1 . Carlton . PRAY~~ by the Reverend O. R. Blue . l~h UT3S of the last meeting read and confirmed . ~Jo C!ommunications re90rted. S. Perry:, chairman .of a committee appointed . at l ast meeting, reported the sale of one vacant l ot to Doctor J . O. HcDowell for ~200 , and on motion of I . Hill, tQe committee was continued . R~V.L!JRLND O. R. BLUb; reported that the conunittee :appointed ,to make carrii.nge­ment s for a . publ ic demonstration at the opening of the exercises in the College had not acted . ' THi V ACAl'JCY in the Board of Trustees occasibned by the death of J ohn LcT:rore , was made knOim . V" hereupon said vacancy was f illed b;/ the election of the R eve ~" end H. N. rkTyrire of NasQville, Tennessee . C IVlC1'i)£.1 rteJ RSSOl V ~D , that Frofes sor J. \,v. Glerm is hereby appointed Treasurer of the Faculty and that said Tr easurer shall distribute prb-rata at ~ ro p er times aJLong the f acul t y of the College and the teacher s of the pr eparatory de­par t ment all monies received for Tu{ti on, both from the Col lege and pr e­paratory department , ,and account for the S8-me to the Board of Trustees . at thei r annual meeting . And that the fees collected b;c the Treasurer be appropriated by the FacUlty as is usual -in such caSes and . re~ort the same to the Board in connection vath the tuition . ON lJ1CTI ON, RESOLV~ , that the Faculty be authorized. to ''fait with thos~ young men for their tuiti on and contingent fees vfho shall be in their judgment deemed charity cases , until they shall graduate or vdthdraw from the College , it being understood that these young men upon their gr aduation or withdrawal from the Coll ege , give t heir notes t o the Faculty Treasurer for the whole amo~t . of the fees that shall have accrued on ac count of t uiti on and contingent expenses during their membership in t he College . RESOLV~D , that the sons of Iti ·nerant Preachers be received and educated in the College proper free of charges for tuition and contingent expenses . r RESOLV~ , that each student be charged fOD 2 2/3 months - inst ~ad of 3 '2/3 \ .months for the present term, in the College and that Pri ncipal i n the Pr eparatory department make up t he month lost and charge the full amount of tuition . LJ 41 H,3S0LV.2.D , that t he Reverend O. II.. Blue, B. J. Hamil , and J. B. Ogletree be appointed a corrunittee to ask the Legislature to so alter and amend the chartep of the College as to exclude the sale of spirituous liquors for the distance of 'five miles from the Col,leg'e . ' W. G. G. Price, in be'half of Pror"essor John Darby tendered t o' the College the use of his coll.ection of mineral.s for the purpose of t eaching and illustration , to be i n pos session of the College so l ong as t hey used but to be v;ithd:-:-a1,o,.'11 by him if not then used, and the room for the Natural History department be pr epar ed for its r eception, which of fer was received by the Board, and t heir t hanks tender ed Frofe ssor Darby for his liberality . ADJ CURN~D to 3 o ' clock . 3 ,Ole,LOCK P.L Board Net . Present : Reverend J. B. Glel~, C. Raiford, Isaac HilI, 3 . Perry, Reverend O. R. Blue, Reverend ~I. B. Neal, Reverend G. )'1 . Chatfield, Reverend "\1/ . :2: . H • .:ii nf i eld, A. 1~ . Kimbrough , Rever end H. J. Sasnet, Reverend C. D • Oliver, and James B. Ogletree . p,J", Y£..'t by Reverend ':'! . £: . fJi . Sinf ield . M0UL V ~lJ , "Chat each appl icant i nto the Col lege shall have t wenty days all owed for the payment of tuition, at the end of "Thich time if 'n ot paid the appl i­cant shall be discharged. I. ~~.:iOLVED , that Professor Slat on be instructed to require prepa~nent of J t uition in the Preparat~ry 'Department , in such cases as 1...1'1 his' j udgment sai d : payment be nec essary t o secure the tuition . R..,;;,sOLVl?"U , that the Board cal l a meeting of the citizens of Auburn on Friday next at 9: 00 A. ~L to ~vise some means for the suppression of the sale of spirituous liquors. R~SOLVED 1st, that there be no deduction for tuition in any case of absence whether f or sickness or otherwise, when the student upon his r et urn to Col­l ege exercises is permitted to go on with his class. R3,jOLV~D 2nd, ,,[hen a student is absent for the balance of a term for sickness or other providential cause , and this pr ovidential hinder ence has continued to exist during the 'balance of the t erm, and the student afterwards does not return t o College or if he returns falls back into anothe.c class , by reason of loss of time. Then in that case the tuition f or the portion of time he has lost berefunded . RJ;,3Cl,VED 3rd, that i;here be no deduction for tuition in case of ne • .r students ,co:ning in after tpe cterm has advanced, until after the expiration of the fir st month, and t hen the deduction shall be according to the t i Ille of the term which has elapsed . ADJODH.N3D to the 17th day of January 1860 . John B. Glenn, President C. Raiford, Secretary