1856 [pdf for printing]: Board Minutes of the East Alabama Male College

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1856Boo.rd Keeting ,,8,1856 At. a meeting ot the Trus t ee! ot t he East - Alabama ~Ale Collega held a t Auburn this day Ra" , J. B. Glenn "'U fIlect.ed Presi dent.. Colonel E. R. Fluellen - Vice- Presldent. . F . ':I.Il:I.Uard -...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7316
Summary:Minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings held in 1856Boo.rd Keeting ,,8,1856 At. a meeting ot the Trus t ee! ot t he East - Alabama ~Ale Collega held a t Auburn this day Ra" , J. B. Glenn "'U fIlect.ed Presi dent.. Colonel E. R. Fluellen - Vice- Presldent. . F . ':I.Il:I.Uard - Se<: r etaf7 and laaacHill Trea8ut:er. ~ IIIOtion ot E. J. HlIJIil tha letten trD:ll absent IIIOI:be r s wu called tor and rea.d . On IIIOUon it WilS resolved atter t ha reading ot the charter that tor t he presentyea.r tlrteen persons IMIIlbar ot thh board is haraby declar ad a quorum and fully authorized LO trll.naact the busine!& ot said Boar d . OnlllOtionit wII.S rallOlvadthat Br otharsGlann, Ha1tor d, D111ardand AnlIItl'Ong be II. c<NrD1ttae to 8uggest au.1tabla per sons to !111 t.hevacanchs that hllve occurrad in t.ha Board by declanaion; the tollowing gsntleJ::en ~re suggested and unan1miously elected - D. L. Holliday, John C. CartaI', Revflrend F. FrefllNn, Rflverend Joseph T. Cur ry , J,ohn }:a,thews , J&m.es O. )./cOowlllll, F. M. Rene , James W. Kidd, S&ull:unn, and Willis ot Barbour, A. llardin . On motion it was ruolved tha t II. Co_ttee eonsisti ng or Ravamed E. J . ' Hall11l, Reverend W. G. ~ella.niel, lteve rend. L. Dowell, John T . Nall, Rever end S.Arm5tl'OlI8l1.ndF . ·II. lli.llll. r dlleappointad todrarttot.hed1rrerent quartely l!>I!IeUngs in £Out A.l&bil::Ia to t.he predding Eldera and PreaChers letting rorth our plana, desires and wiahes and asking their udstanc.e in t he great. ChuN:h enterprise . On DIOt.J.on W. T. DaviS, J . W. Kldd, F. H. Reese, and C. a.ttord were appointedaComIII1tteetod:-artsuit&bleBy- Lawsrort.hegove r r.r:ent.ot the Boardsnd aubmit thas&1llf! to the next mefltingot tlie1ruat eee . On motion i t W86 ruohed t hat tha tollowing n&:led personl ba constituted and appointed and execute to wi t: lieverend John B. Glenn, J. 8 . Oglet.ree , I. Hill, C. Iia.1tord, and W. T. Davis . nwuresolvedt.h&t. t.ha ronr:er arrall8_nt existing bet""an t.he late Executive Boord and t.he agent or this coUege be reartinled a nd agreed t.o by thh Boa rd . On lriotion it wa ~ r eaolved the t he t.opograhic plal18 ot Kale College II.! agreed t.o by late Exeeut ive Board be adopted Ilnd the s81!le carried out in the building. On motion the tollowing persons Yere substituted with buildil18 committ.ee in place or tho seWhoa~not _bersor t.he Board to wit: JohnT . "aU, A. frazer, J . W. JUdd, and Saul Nunn . On mot.ion the Board a djoun""d unt.111 8 Q' clock t.CBorrow .oming. Frida:r , M.o.:r9 , 1856 8o&Td ot Trult ••• met. . Pra:rer b:yRo"'erondE. I. Ham11. R.port.oCC~tt .. • ppoint.tldt.odraft.an .ddr ... beintcal1edCor t.Il. CoUowing .... introuducod &rIdunatd_Il.:r.dopted. On .,Uon it. .. a r eaolved t.h.t. t.his br<i of T"ut ee~ h.v. learned wit.h high gratHie,Uoo t.1l,t. $50,000 1n ,ood ~uh=eript-lon& have bettn .""W'<!d. Resolye dt.llat. Build.1nc;Commit.tee be inst.Mlct.edt.oproceed t.ot.ll. er .ctioooC theColl"g. according t.oth. pr oposedplen 10 ooonu t.he r equired allAh obtained . OnDOt!onlt. .... resohedthatt.h. proc:e·d1na. ot t.heBoardbe pUllllshedln the Southorn end Nev Orleln. Ad't'Oc:lt.e . Auburn Gazet.t.e end all pe.per. friendly t.o t.he enter prise, r equested t o copy . On moUon it w .. · .... aohed that:t.llh aoar<:ledjourn tOlllolct at t hi, pllC' on ThurS'daJ',22ndt.hilronth. F. W. DiUa.rd, Sec:ret.&ry John 3. Gl'IIO,Prelident. Board MeeUng-A",bum Kay 23, 1856 BOlLrd of Trusteu DC Eaet. Al.b&l:>l. )/.41e Coilese 1IIO!t. at. Ladle Roo& by eill ot the President . Present. : Brothers Glenn, Neil, 1I&l.l, Haail, Dillard, Carlt.on, ~dbwsll. Ha.rd1n, llidd, Jerminge, Armst.rona;. RaifQrd, AndreW's, Reese , Ogletre. , Hillen::! Darby _ The .:\.nutes ot lut. aeet.1ng was read and adopted. On ,.;)t.ion A. Hardin II .. elected.a one oC t.he bW.lding Comm1t.t •• i n place DC S. Nunn declined . On motion W. F. Price >lU electRd t o fill the vacancy DC Brot her S. Nwm lnt-hebI'd. On DOLion B. W. Stone a nd Reverend John Car t-a :- ... as lIJlanioloutly eleetttd in place DC John L. ".' .. t h" ..... de<:lined. On.at.ionthe reaoluUonpaasedat laltmeet.ing ado;rt.ingtha planoC buildingwaa r ne!nded . u OnlllOtion t he thankl ot th8 Board was t.ender8d Reverend C. C. Gallao1e tortha i nt.e r eet he man1!eet in the "uaeen ot Lhh ent.e.-prill" and hi. kind proposition t.opublishinhhplopert.heproe"ed1ng.ott.hiabldy. On.,Uonit.waa,. .. olvedt.hat.aca.d.tt • • conahting or Brothera Darby, RlJ.rord, mUard, a lld Ren.b.appoilltedtotakeim.ocolla1deraUollthe Cj\IOaUOII or sehmrehipand report to lIext. Hating . On .otioll the Board adjol,lmed . P' ...... Dillard, Secretary Johll B. Glenn, Preddellt brdl'.eeting-"'uburn Oct.oberl, 1856 aoard or Trusten /IIet accordir,g to adjournm.ent . Preeent' Pre8ldent J . 8 . Glenn, E. R. Fluellen , F. W. Dilla rd , ... . frazer , lieverend ~: . 8. Neal , ~au.J. Armstrong, M. L. Andre ws , F. C. FUrger~on , k.. J . Hamll , Colonel N. J . seott, J . W. Willis. Isaac Hill, W. r. Davia, D. T . Halliday. Reverend J. R. Cur ,.,. ..... Hardin, J . W. Kidd, J . \oill. Drake John Darby . and J . 8 . Ogletree . The Executive 8oa:rdoUeredt.herollowingreport that they had e Xlllllined theBubocr1ption listor t he&l!ent andlearnedthatthean;.ou.n t hadb-een rai sed to $70, 000 and reported t h.t. F. W. D1Uard , J . B. Oglet.ree , \II . B. Neal, .... Frazer, and 1 . Hill guarant.eed $lOCXl.OO each .... 1d1l8 t.he allOUnt _.175,000 and so &OOn as t.!"at ~unt. _s ralsed they were t.o be relieved . They reported alao, that. the Truet.eee or the Kal<! "'cadell\Y had orfered to t.heBoardrort.heuee or t he Doardor Truneeethe prnent Ma.le "'cadelQY t o beusedasapreparatoryachool t oth"CoUege witht.he underatanding that should it be U$ed for ot.her pU r poses i t was to revert. back to or iginal Trustees or ~.ale "'c.demy . They rurther reported th.t th"y had .greed to add to .aid bu.i1dlll8 .nd t'a 'l'e elect.ed W. "!' . Slaton principal or t.he pr ep8.r.torydepaM.lWnt . Itwu I"esolvedth.t the t each"r or Male Aesder.I,Y be ac cepl ed "pon condit.1one t h8t t.he hrms or the orr er be ao chang"du to illow t he Board to cont.rol it. at pl.,.""re ao that. we sec"re a pr eparat.ory d"partment. to llleet. the .. ants or th O!' cOllmlnit.y . It. .... s r e ao l vedt.h.tt.hisBGardorTruste ... rl1tifytheacUonor t.tte ElIee"Uvs Doard in thO!' elecUon or ~I . F. Slaton as prir>Clplll of preparatory school or the Eut A.la.barA ~:ale College. It waa r esolved t hat if' the trar.arer of t he aale Aca del:\Y be .... de in accordance wit h the reeolul ionsof' t.hiB Bourdthalt.he uecutiveSoard bea"thorhed to proceed rorthwith to sxpeud InaddiUonto salQbuilding not IIIOre t han 51000 for proposed im?rovement . On motion John B. Cl enn , J . B. Oghtree, 'II . B. Neal and F. W. Dil1ud ... e r e appoint.d to notJ.f7U . P. Slaton of hb unanillous ftlOlct.ion by thi s Board as pr!noC1fl'llor th. East Alabar.a Pl"eparator-School an;:: ask i-.iSl1cceptance of U1e laDe and relDTt. ~,is ans .... r on tomor row at. B oclock . On!llOl1oll i twasresolvec t.hat A. Fraz er i.>e r eq"estedto .act asTrN.surer of this Board; carried unanilllOIlVly. ~:r . frazer acc"pted t.he appoir.t,..ent. . - On aIOtion t hO!' BoIIrd s djoW'ned to : eet at. 7 o'clock t onil:ht. . 7 O'Clock P. r!. Bo».rd met according to adjournr::ent . On .,Uon it ..... s resolved that. t.he egents be i""t!"Ucte d. t.o proceed rorth- . with to reducing th e subscriptions for t.he college to notes as set rorth inthee"bs c r iption . 14 On _ tion it. " ... ""lIOhe'd t!\at it is t.he .. ish of thb SoaN! that. the buildi"6 oCt.heCoUe,,,bee..,..,clldueoonasprnctl,,abh. On mot.ion it. was .... .alvod that not. more tll&n $25, 000 be ."pended in t ~e 8"ect1o n of the "ollegebu11.!1113 . On.otion .t.hlBoud.adjourned t.olleetta.orl'Olt.qrn1n,<!&t 8o'cloek . Thu .. -.day. II O'.clack A . ~' . Bonrd .. et acc:o!"d1ng t o &djourraent . PreHnt , John B. Gli.nn, I'1"ellln, O1Uard , Yr">;,, .. , Reverend Curry, Andre .. " , 1'.&11111 , Furgerson , Neal,.I.l":IIetrong, lihit<l, ~Yi. , Willh, Holliday, Hardin, Reeae, Drake, o.rb)'. Hill, McDowell, Oglet.r .. and Carlt.Qn. TIM C-.1tt .. appointed to ".u. on Kr. W. F. Sl&l.on r.epor1.ed hi" aenpt.ance or the ,UIIol"lon tlndered. On IIOtion It \1&1 Wlanil101.ldy ruolvedthf.t t h18 Board will .... the1rbest. .. (forte topromot. .. th.lnt ...... !lt.sofsddprepar.tO l'Y s chool. Un.oUantt. waa ,.ellOhedthat Mr . W. 1". Slaton ~;-eque!lt~ to t .. k" .. eut wtth the Boe.rdaahonary _b<lr . OnIlOUon1twat .. eaohedUlatReverend A. :' . UpeeOlll.b&ncIJo!lnDlrbJ'be r-aqu."te<l t OlXlnrer with each other and adopl. th._t suitable plen th.ir.xper-ienc. and obnrv.tton M,y suggutfor the i nte ...... l arranll_nt of t he coU.Il.bu11aiflll - and aChr adopt.i n« a pl.entheybe r eq,lBs t ed t o.ubtdt the BUltlto.OIIIe&ood.rchltect to.cIop!. the u. .. "and fumbh .... 1t.ble..orHJ'~ plan.pro'rided th •• ..,e doea not co,t Il!Clre than 125,000. On IIOtion it wat r esolved that t hl prepo.rat0r"Y ~chool b. open.d on tn. 2nd W.driesda,yor J..,Uol,-yJ;ut . On.otJ.on it w .. .... oolvedthatthewC'IlUve brdpl"OCe<l<itoCOI'luactCor-th • .... k1l11loCon.a1111onotbr-ickotproper'heanddelll:inoslon;andotherll&ter1.al !or .a1dbuiUillll · On,.ot.ion N. J .Scott, John Darby, D.T. llolllday , J . f . ii!li t e,J . T . llall,John ..': I. . Ik't.k. , A. IIa r dinand J. W. I'J..ddbe duly appoi"t.d a Bu.i.ldif18 Colml1tt.e, whoM dut,)'1t &hall be t o . upclrvin and overlook s&1d build1.ng. On..,Uonitwu .... solvedthatth.E:ucut.i".fIoA .. dbein.truct.edtodi.p""e otth"lIouu onColl.Il" Lotto bu t adv;lntqu &nd proceed to 1.pro ... said Lot to bast advantagu . CnlOOtion it ..... a r .M>lnd that til" Exec",t tve Board proceed to obtain ot Reve .... no C. D. Ollverpropertttlu t oCollegeLotandarre.ng.topa:.rhl.rorth._. On "",tion it .... " solv.d that thl" Board adjoum to ",eel. t he ~r1.day betore t he lOthda,)' ot Dec_l>ernut. r . Ii.IlI.Uard,Secl'<ltaf'J John B. Glenn, Prea1de rn. IlecernMr 10,1850 Board of TrusteeB of East. .uabama II.ale Coll"t;" met accordi"8 to .djourn­cent . Present : J . B. Glenn, F. \rI. ItlUard , $ecrf:t&ry, A. Frazer, Tr-easurer, Isaac Hill, N. J. SCOtt, W. B. l~e.ll , C. D. Oli ver, Dr. JeU Jennill8s, S . Ar:IlBt.rong, J . T. Curry, W. A. McCarty, W. T. Davia, F. G. Furger$on, J . O. McDow-eU . On motion it was resolved that. tne Executive Board are hereby em~red to do aU things necessary to the carrying out. t.he plana romerl,. grant.ed in contracting tor aateriala 8n<:l for the building of t.he college . On IIlOUOt\ t he report of the ExeclitivfI CQnln1ttee in regard to th" contr-acte wit.hMr , S. D. atttora for drawing the pan of eollese bui1dill8be 5&t.iafied . [6(.1.tt .. VI] On motion it was resolved that. the Board ot Tnlsteea do petition the Annual .u.b&ma Conference t o appoint a au.1tabl. agant. for the Ent. .u .. bun ".ale College at Auburn . On IIIOtlon it Vol& resolved that the Boord pay the agent .. Balar,. of $1500 per alU1Ulll, $750 ot wh1chh to be p&.id quartely and $750 at the end of t he ye~ . It shall be th" duty of the acent to report hie progrellll to­gether with all u.tt"rs ot interest to the college qtartely to the &"eutive Board who are hereby t\llly authorized and .,..powered to take aeUon on the same . On motion it wa,8 re&olved that a eOl:llllitt .. eonaistina of Brothen Glenn, McCarthy, Jennircs, P'urgerson and An=trolll be appoint..:! to suggest a 8uit.ble Correspond.i.na Coaaittee, whose duty it shall be to cont.r with various persona tor the Pr"aideney of the Coll"ge and for Protessors to Cill t.he Chairs. Commit.teesuggestedt.hefollowiIllCorre.pondin,g Col'l:llitt.ee, .mo were unal'lilOOusl, elect.ed . F. W. Dillard , E. R. Fluellen, J . W. Willis , W. A. McCarty and r . G. Furger llOn . On IIIOtion it was resolved that the sa4ry or th" President ot East. Alabalna Male College should be $2250 and that of the professors 11500 each . On BOtion it was resolved that t.he &"cutive Soard go 1n body to the next _etingot the Conference, that thell1elect a Suitabl e penon .s .gent and &$\< his .ppolnt.:t:ent. WId if f.fI1 _ber of aa.id Board cannot .ttend to be allowed t.o appoint S PI'<KY who"e duty it will b" to ud in his stead . On BOtion John Darby, Reverend J . K. Jenni",s , W. A. ~cC.rty and W. B. Heal were lIub8tituted for a CCll!l:littee before raised 1n .. ..,. last for dra(t1n.g lluit.ble By- Laws Cor the government or the Board and report the..., at the next. regular meeUn,g . 15 16 OnlDOt.lonth •• f!ent.wllllrwtrueter1 tot.akanotn pByab.h1ntheannU&l inltal.lment.sforal.l'1.It..equent don&t.ion, . 1'he&:>!l.rd adjourned.tOtlllleton t hef1rst.dayof April next . I" . W.Dillard; Secret.a17 John B. alam , "President