1856 [pdf for printing]: Articles of Incorporation of the East Alabama Male College

Document incorporating the East Alabama Male CollegeFAST ALABAMA MALE COLLIDE Auburn, Alabama May ~h, 1857 (OM t PI/. OLt: r' .7 )1"(;5 " -; (( ~n' ( I~ F I f'f f) IrvTC ..1 .s~ Vul o f DOM/) 'fV1I r- l. 7 f ' ] . ~I OA ; ( OF- A-CX . - ' An act to incorporate...

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Main Author: Auburn University Board of Trustees
Format: Electronic
Published: Auburn University Libraries
Online Access:http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7315
format Electronic
collection Auburn University Board of Trustees Minutes Collection
building Auburn University Digital Library
publisher Auburn University Libraries
topic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
spellingShingle AU Board of Trustees Minutes
1856 [pdf for printing]: Articles of Incorporation of the East Alabama Male College
Auburn University Board of Trustees
fulltopic AU Board of Trustees Minutes
Auburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); Incorporation
Education -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
description Document incorporating the East Alabama Male CollegeFAST ALABAMA MALE COLLIDE Auburn, Alabama May ~h, 1857 (OM t PI/. OLt: r' .7 )1"(;5 " -; (( ~n' ( I~ F I f'f f) IrvTC ..1 .s~ Vul o f DOM/) 'fV1I r- l. 7 f ' ] . ~I OA ; ( OF- A-CX . - ' An act to incorporate ~he East Alabama Male College at AubUrn, Macon Coun:t,y, Secti on 1st ',- Be ft enacted by the $enate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, that a Male~: Cbl1egebe and the samels hereby established in the To"Vm of Auburhlh the coUnty 01' Macon to be lai9wn as the East Alabama Male College ~ Section 2nd - Be it further enacted that Reverend John B. Glenn, Colonel N. J. Scott, A. Frazer, J. M. Carlton, J. B. Ogletree, W. L. Davis, Isaac Hill,. ~- ',-,: : . =. C. Raiford, Major J. F. White, Colonel F. W. , Dillard, Professor John Oa;r~y, Doctor J ~ W ~ Jones, Major . Wesley Wil1iam~:, ' Simon , Perry, EdWin Reese, Auburn -- Reverend W. A. McCarty, "Reverend' 'O. R. Blue, Reverend Mark Andrews, Reverend S. Armstrong, Reverend C. D. Oliver, ReverendW. B. ' Neal, F. G. Furgerson, Reverend W. H. McDaniel, Reverend Lewis' Dowdell, Reverend E. J. Hamil, Alabama Conference -- Daniel Pratt, Autauga; Honor­able John E. Grace, Talladega; Honorable William Garrett, Coosa; Honorable , E. R. Fluellen, Barbour; Honorable James F. ,Dowdell, Chambers; Reverend , Saul Harris, Chambers; Reverend A. Lipscomb, D. D., lavid Clopton, Esq., J. W. Willis, Honora't>l,eRobert Dougherty,Tusk~gee, 'Honorable R. A. Baker, DukeW; Goodman, Mobile; Doctor N. B. Powell, Doctor i"V.H. Ellison, J. B. " Banks, ESq., HonorableJ. :;Ctinningh~, Arnold Peal" Esq~ ,Macon; ,John McTYure, RusseA;Frank Gilmore, Montgo~ery Coun~y; John B. Tate, Russell;" John P. NaIl, Lowndes; Honorable Thomas H. Watts, Montgomery; E. G.Richards, Chambers; Reverend J. M. Jennings, Alabama Conference, and their successors, be and the same are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate. to, 'be . .. known by the name and style of the Trustees of the East Alabama Male College, and by that name -- ' shall have perpetual successive; may sue and be sued, plead ahdbe impleaded as -natural persons, may seal and ,dell ver ti tIes to proPerty, both real and personal, may secure donations, bequest anddevise . of real and~rsonal property chases in action and money and 'do such other acts as bbdies incorporate may do and perform, needful or necessary to the establishment and perpetuity or prosperity of said college, and they may have and use a seal, with such device or devices as they may deemnece.s~ " , .. sary, and the same at pleasure, books pro~ded, that in making titles to rea! property under order. of the Board of TrUstees, . thesanie shall be signed by the PreSident · and countersigned by . the Secretary. . Section 3rd - Be it further enacted, that the Board of Trustees shall have power to elect from their own body a Bresident, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secret.ary, and such other officers as they may deem necessary to a proper organization 2 and management of the trust herein confided and assigned to each their respective duties. They shall also have power to fill all vacancies which may occur in the Board by death, resignation or otherwise. Section 4th - Be it further Enacted that said Board shall further have power to elect profes­sors, tutors, and other officers of said college as they may think proper, and fix their salaries with such powers and duties severally and collectively as the Board may prescribe and allow, and who shall constitute the faculty of said college,and who may instruct, in all the Arts and Sciences, grant diplomas and confer all the degrees of literary distinction, usual in' similarmale institutions of learning in the Uni,ted States. The said trustees shall also have power to form adopt a code of" py-i~;s for the government of said college and for their own government" and ,toalt,er Qr ame~d the same at pleasure; proVided the same be not inconsi stent with ' the Consti'tution or laws ' of the State of Alabama and may also determine from time to time the number less than a majority to consti­tute a quorum for the transaction of business, but the number of such quorum shall not be changed more than once in twelve months • . :...,:. Section 5th .- Be it further Enacted, ' that ' said Trustees may procure an ' elldo~ent for said college, or ariy professorship therein the interest of whlch: . .t.he law shall be e~pepde~ provide~ sald ~nd . and interest ehail be under the control and direction of the Trustees. Section M.h . - Be it further enacted that no misnomer nor misconception of said corporat:1on h~reinez:xic1:-ed in any wi:p.,deedand gift grant devise or other :1nstrument of co¢r~ct ,or conseque~ce, shall in ~se . defeat or .viteate the same, Dut 'the same shall take effect in like manner as if said corporation was rigntfully named, provided it ~ sufficiently described to ascertain thei~structors of the PartY, or' Parties to such instz:ument. ' .. , Section 7th - Be it further enacted that the said corporation may acquire, own and be pos­sessive of property, real and personal, not to exceed in value the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and the college ground not to exceed twenty-fi ve acres wi til the improvement thereon together with all the money and personal property of whatever kind the same may be forever exempt from taxation. SectionSth- And be it further enacted that this act shall' be deemed and consj,dered in law a public act and shall ju~cially taken notice of without being specially pleaded. Secretary of State0ffice Montgomery, Hay 6th, 1856 I, Vincent M. Benham, Secretary of State of the State of Alabama, do hereby certify the foregoing ac.j;. to incorporate the; East Alabama Male College at Auburn, Macon County, to be a correct copy, as taken from the original roll on file ·in ,this 0ffice. Given under ~hand and the great seal of the State' at Montgomery, this 6th day of May, A. D., 1856, and. of. American Independence,the BOth year. . V. M. Benham Secretary of State BY-LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TRUSTEES, . EAST ALABAMA MALE COLLEGE Aet:lst - The officers shall all be elected at the annual meeting on the second Wednesday of July, and shall hold office for one year and shall discharge , their duties pertaining .tatheir office until thea:cceptance 'of ' their : . su.ccessor" :b.ut the · Board IDaY . .£'ill :vacancies . at any im'ervening meeting. Act 2nd - Duties af President The president shall preside in all the meetings, see that the provisions ' of ,the charter are complied with; and the by-laws observed by all the members. He shall decide all questions of order; but .there' mal be an' appeaJ. to the · Beard and then a majority ,()£ the" number. present shall decide. .. '. , . • ' It shall be the duty of the president to vote in all balloting; to give the casting vote when there .is a tie; and also to vote when the yeas amd nays are called, which may be done by-the ' demand af two members - at all· other times he is excused. He shall be ex-officio as member of all committees and may partici'pate in all their deliberations (except to vote). It shall be his duty to inquire into the progress of comndttees and see that they perform faithfully their duties assigned them. . '\ He may' call a .meeting of· the Board in the intervals · of regular meetings' 'Of whi.chcall every member shall .have due' and ·timely notic·e., elth,erthrough the public prints or by ·p'ersonal notice served rhrough the' secret;a:ry. .... . . . . l ' ',' ,,' . ! Act 3rd- Duties oithe Vice-President The vice-president shall preside in the absence of the president, but if there is na president or vice-president present, the meeting may choose a president pro tem. Act 4th - . _ Outi es -,,,f the. Sec'retaru . . . It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a fair and correct :record of all the proceedings of the Board and to have said record present at every meeting. He shall inform t .ne chairman of. every eomm:i.ttee of his appointment and furnish him a. ·list .of . the names of all his . associates. Act 5th - .. ~; .. Duties of the Treasurer It shall be the treasurer's duty to receive all moneys due the Board and pass receipts for the same. He shall payout moneys only by order of the Board, signed by the president and secretary, . and said order so signed shall alone be -his voucher. He shall keep a true and faithful record of all moneys received or paidollt and of all papers of interest to the Board and report all such to the annual meeting of the . Soard or oftener if desired. The treasurer's . report accompanied by the auditor's certificate shall be handed to 1(hesecretary and jbt. him filed .and preserved. The treasurer's ',books shall be always open to the inspection of the auditors. Act 6th - Impeachment of Officers . Any officer may be .charged before the Boar.~ for trespassing the bounds of his authOrity:, or his inefficiency. , In either case the Board shall appoint a com­mittee of inve$tigation;. and if .said committee reports the charges sustained, the Board concurring in said report may depose the accused officer; otherwise, the charge shall be. dismissed and the said officer deposed as aforesaid . shall deliver to the B0ard or to any person: or persons appointed by them for that purpose, all papers or other properly in hi~ . possession belonging to the Board. Act 7th - . , : Standing . Committees There shall be an ~cutive Committee of five annually appointed whose duty it shall be to overlook the general interest of the Board,and to perform such duties aft {~y be necessary, and not proVided for by other committees. But the said ~ecuti v:e Committee. shall make no contract and bind the Trustees to no engagement unless authorized 'by the' Board • . Nevertheless, when authorized to. contract gener­ally, by order of the Board, all their acts necessary to carry out said general provisions shall be valid, and the president and secretary of the Bo~rd ~1 sign certificates in the name of the Board, authorizing the treasurer to pay, and said certificates so signed shall be to him a proper voucher. (This provision is con­structi ve of so much of Act 5 as relates to the ~reasurer I 5 voucher.) r I ! ! I I I I ~ .. There shall be a Standing Committee of Correspondence whose duty it shall be to suggest to the Board proper persons to fill the different chairs or professorships, and lay before the Board such information as may be in possession inreference thereto. Other standing committees may be appointed trom . time to time as oc.casion may require. Act 8th - Eleven members present shall constitute a quorum. for the transaction of business but if at any time of meeting there be not a quorum present, the president (after waiting fifteen minutes) may adjourn the meeting to such a time as he may judge best. Act 9th - The following shall be the order of business: 1st - Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd - CODlQlUnications. 3rd - Report of committees. 4th - Treasurer's report. 5th - Unfinished business. 6th - New business. 7th -Reading and confirming the minutes of the present meeting • . Act 10th - The order of business may be suspended on motion, sustained by a majority of the members present. Act 11th - No member shall leave after the Board is organized without permission of the president. Act 12th - Whenever any member of the Board shall become inefficient, either by absenting himself from the meeting or other c~use, it shall competent for a majority of the Board at any meeting to remove such inefficient member. Act 13th - The By-laws shall not be altered or amended except by the-concurrence of two­thirds of the members present, but if notice is given in writing at a previous meeting, a majority of the members present may alter or amend. Resolved, tha-t the aboye rules be adopted as the by-laws for the government of the Board,and that the committee be discharged from the further consideration. of the .subject. RULES OF ORDER 1st - ' Any member of the Board who shall deliYer his 0p~n1on or speak in any debate shall rise and address the president, and shall confirm himself to the subject under con­sideration. If two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the president shall decide who shall speak first. ~- No member 'shall speak more than twice on the same subject without permission. lrd - If amy member while speaking be called to order, he shall cease to speak until it is determined whether he is in order or not o 4th - No resolution shall be entertained unless being seconcred and reduced t 'o writing it is handed to the president. ~th - When a motion is before the house, no motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lay on the table the previous question to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a given time, to commit or recommit or to amend; which several motions shall have precedence, as they here stand arranged; the first three to be decided without debate. -6th - ' When a question has been decided, it may not be reconsidered unless a"motion to that effect be ~de and seconded by members who voted in the majority; nor shall a motion for reconsi.deration be entertained after the next meeting from that atwhiqh the decision was had~hen such motion is made no member shall speak more than once, nor longer than five minutes. 7th - The previOUS question shall be in this form: Sth- Shall the main question be now put; and until it is put, shall preclude all amendments -- but the previous question may not be put -- unless seconded byone-fif.th of the members present. Any member may call for the reading of any piper appertaining to the subject under consideration, unless objections be made by a majority -- when a blank 'is to be filled and different sums, numbers or times shall be named, the question shall be taken on the highest sum, number, or time, first and so on to the lowest. 9th - Every member shall vote on all occasions unless personally interested or excused by the Board. I~ 1 loth - No report shall be altered or amended unless recommitted to the committee wnence it emendated; but all resolutions or motions may be altered-or amended at the pleasure of the Board. 11th - In all cases not provided for by these rules or by the by-laws, the Board shall be governed by parliamentary usage. 12th - These rules shall not be altered or amended except by two-thirds of the members present. Resolved, that the fore~going be adopted as the Rules of Order for the government of the Board. Name of Trustees: George C. Dillard D. T. Browder John Harris Signed: John Darby W. A. McCarty J. M. Jennings MEMBERS OF THE BOARD APPOINTED UNDER CHARTER AND ELECTED SINCE: Rev. John B. Glenn N. J. Scott A. Frazer J. M. Carlton J. B. Ogletree W. T. Davis Isaac Hill C. Raiford I. F. White F. W. Dillard John Darby ltiesley Williams J. W. W. Drake E. Reese D. L. Halliday J. O. Mc Dowell B. w. Stone Rev. I. T. Curry John C. Carter W. A. McCarty O. R. Blue Mark Andrews S. Armstrong C. D. Oliver W. B. Neal F. Furgeson Rev. W. H. MeDaniel Lewis Dowdell E. J. Hamil Hon. J. E. Grace E. R. Fluellen J. T. Dowdell A. A. Lipscomb D. Clopton J. ~4 . Willis Rev. W. H. Elli son Col. R. Dougherty J. B. Banks J. Cunningham A. Seals John McTyire J. B. Tate John P. NaIl Rev. J. M. Jennings G.W. F. Price J. \'/. ~li.ller W. F. Slaton A. M. Kimbrough S. Perry Joshua Wilson A. Hardin John Mathews J. W. Kidd F. M. Reese Saul Nunn H. V. Smith Joel Hamit~ 7 8 , ! i E. T. Glenn John P. Dicki nson Rev. W.Il. Sassnett E. A. Holt W. H. C. Price H. N. HcTyrre Rev. ~v. M. Motty Rev. D. Carmical H. N. Sneed J. B. Glenn J. B. Ogletree A. Lipscombs D. L. Holliday John Darby ~IJTIVE COl'/JHTTEE C. ·Raiford Isaac Hill W. T.Davis BUILDING COMMITTEE J. F. White N. J. Scott John T. NaIl J. Writ •. · .Drake Board Meeting - Auburn May 8, 1856 At a meeting of the Trustees of the East-Alabama Yale College held at Auburn this day Rev. J. B. Glenn was elected President. Colonel E. R. Fluellen - Vice-President. F. vi. Dillard - Secretary and Isaac Hill Treasu~er. On motion of E. J. Hamil the letters from absent members was called for and read. On motion .it was resolved after the reading of the charter that for the present year fifteen persons member of this board is hereby declared a quorum and fully authori zed to transact the business of said Board. On motion it was resolved that Brothers Glenn, Raiford, Dillard and Armstrong be a comrrdttee to suggest suitable persons to fill the vacancies that have occurred in the Board by d~clension; the following gentlemen were suggested and unanimiously elected - D. L. Holliday, John C. Carter, Reverend F. Freeman, Reverend Joseph T. Curry, J.ohn }!athews, James O. NcDowell, F. H. Reese, James W. Kidd, Saul Nunn, and Willis of Barbour, A. Hardin. . On motion it was resolved that a Committee consisting of Reverned E. J. Hamil, Reverend W. G. McDaniel, Reverend L. Dowell, John T. NaIl, Reverend S. Armstrong and F. W. Dillard be appointed to draft to the different quartely meetings in East Alabama to the presiding Elders and Preachers setting forth our plans, desires and wishes and asking their assistance in the great Church enterprise. . On motion W. T. Davis, J. TrI. Kidd, F. M. H.eese, and C. Raiford were appointed a Committee to draft suitable B.y-Laws for the goverr~ent of the Board and submit the same to the next meeting of the Trustees. On motion it was resolved that the following named persons be constituted and appointed and execute to wit: Reverend John B. Glenn, J. B. Ogletree, I. Hill, C. Raiford, and W. T. Davis. It was resolved that the former arrangement existing between the late Executive Board and the agent of this college be reaffirmed and agreed to by this Board. On motion it was resolved the the topograhic plans of Male College as agreed to by late Executive Board be adopted and the same carried out in the building. On motion the following persons were substituted yuth building committee in place of those who are not members of the Board to wit: John T. NaIl, A. Frazer, J. W. Kidd, and Saul Nunn. On motion the Board adjourned untill 8 0 I clock tomorrow morning. 9
title 1856 [pdf for printing]: Articles of Incorporation of the East Alabama Male College
titleStr 1856 [pdf for printing]: Articles of Incorporation of the East Alabama Male College
author Auburn University Board of Trustees
author_facet Auburn University Board of Trustees
id AUbot7315
url http://content.lib.auburn.edu/u?/bot,7315
thumbnail https://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/bot/id/7315
_version_ 1782466960591683584
spelling 1856 [pdf for printing]: Articles of Incorporation of the East Alabama Male CollegeAuburn University (formerly East Alabama Male College); IncorporationDocument incorporating the East Alabama Male CollegeFAST ALABAMA MALE COLLIDE Auburn, Alabama May ~h, 1857 (OM t PI/. OLt: r' .7 )1"(;5 " -; (( ~n' ( I~ F I f'f f) IrvTC ..1 .s~ Vul o f DOM/) 'fV1I r- l. 7 f ' ] . ~I OA ; ( OF- A-CX . - ' An act to incorporate ~he East Alabama Male College at AubUrn, Macon Coun:t,y, Secti on 1st ',- Be ft enacted by the $enate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, that a Male~: Cbl1egebe and the samels hereby established in the To"Vm of Auburhlh the coUnty 01' Macon to be lai9wn as the East Alabama Male College ~ Section 2nd - Be it further enacted that Reverend John B. Glenn, Colonel N. J. Scott, A. Frazer, J. M. Carlton, J. B. Ogletree, W. L. Davis, Isaac Hill,. ~- ',-,: : . =. C. Raiford, Major J. F. White, Colonel F. W. , Dillard, Professor John Oa;r~y, Doctor J ~ W ~ Jones, Major . Wesley Wil1iam~:, ' Simon , Perry, EdWin Reese, Auburn -- Reverend W. A. McCarty, "Reverend' 'O. R. Blue, Reverend Mark Andrews, Reverend S. Armstrong, Reverend C. D. Oliver, ReverendW. B. ' Neal, F. G. Furgerson, Reverend W. H. McDaniel, Reverend Lewis' Dowdell, Reverend E. J. Hamil, Alabama Conference -- Daniel Pratt, Autauga; Honor­able John E. Grace, Talladega; Honorable William Garrett, Coosa; Honorable , E. R. Fluellen, Barbour; Honorable James F. ,Dowdell, Chambers; Reverend , Saul Harris, Chambers; Reverend A. Lipscomb, D. D., lavid Clopton, Esq., J. W. Willis, Honora't>l,eRobert Dougherty,Tusk~gee, 'Honorable R. A. Baker, DukeW; Goodman, Mobile; Doctor N. B. Powell, Doctor i"V.H. Ellison, J. B. " Banks, ESq., HonorableJ. :;Ctinningh~, Arnold Peal" Esq~ ,Macon; ,John McTYure, RusseA;Frank Gilmore, Montgo~ery Coun~y; John B. Tate, Russell;" John P. NaIl, Lowndes; Honorable Thomas H. Watts, Montgomery; E. G.Richards, Chambers; Reverend J. M. Jennings, Alabama Conference, and their successors, be and the same are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate. to, 'be . .. known by the name and style of the Trustees of the East Alabama Male College, and by that name -- ' shall have perpetual successive; may sue and be sued, plead ahdbe impleaded as -natural persons, may seal and ,dell ver ti tIes to proPerty, both real and personal, may secure donations, bequest anddevise . of real and~rsonal property chases in action and money and 'do such other acts as bbdies incorporate may do and perform, needful or necessary to the establishment and perpetuity or prosperity of said college, and they may have and use a seal, with such device or devices as they may deemnece.s~ " , .. sary, and the same at pleasure, books pro~ded, that in making titles to rea! property under order. of the Board of TrUstees, . thesanie shall be signed by the PreSident · and countersigned by . the Secretary. . Section 3rd - Be it further enacted, that the Board of Trustees shall have power to elect from their own body a Bresident, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secret.ary, and such other officers as they may deem necessary to a proper organization 2 and management of the trust herein confided and assigned to each their respective duties. They shall also have power to fill all vacancies which may occur in the Board by death, resignation or otherwise. Section 4th - Be it further Enacted that said Board shall further have power to elect profes­sors, tutors, and other officers of said college as they may think proper, and fix their salaries with such powers and duties severally and collectively as the Board may prescribe and allow, and who shall constitute the faculty of said college,and who may instruct, in all the Arts and Sciences, grant diplomas and confer all the degrees of literary distinction, usual in' similarmale institutions of learning in the Uni,ted States. The said trustees shall also have power to form adopt a code of" py-i~;s for the government of said college and for their own government" and ,toalt,er Qr ame~d the same at pleasure; proVided the same be not inconsi stent with ' the Consti'tution or laws ' of the State of Alabama and may also determine from time to time the number less than a majority to consti­tute a quorum for the transaction of business, but the number of such quorum shall not be changed more than once in twelve months • . :...,:. Section 5th .- Be it further Enacted, ' that ' said Trustees may procure an ' elldo~ent for said college, or ariy professorship therein the interest of whlch: . .t.he law shall be e~pepde~ provide~ sald ~nd . and interest ehail be under the control and direction of the Trustees. Section M.h . - Be it further enacted that no misnomer nor misconception of said corporat:1on h~reinez:xic1:-ed in any wi:p.,deedand gift grant devise or other :1nstrument of co¢r~ct ,or conseque~ce, shall in ~se . defeat or .viteate the same, Dut 'the same shall take effect in like manner as if said corporation was rigntfully named, provided it ~ sufficiently described to ascertain thei~structors of the PartY, or' Parties to such instz:ument. ' .. , Section 7th - Be it further enacted that the said corporation may acquire, own and be pos­sessive of property, real and personal, not to exceed in value the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and the college ground not to exceed twenty-fi ve acres wi til the improvement thereon together with all the money and personal property of whatever kind the same may be forever exempt from taxation. SectionSth- And be it further enacted that this act shall' be deemed and consj,dered in law a public act and shall ju~cially taken notice of without being specially pleaded. Secretary of State0ffice Montgomery, Hay 6th, 1856 I, Vincent M. Benham, Secretary of State of the State of Alabama, do hereby certify the foregoing ac.j;. to incorporate the; East Alabama Male College at Auburn, Macon County, to be a correct copy, as taken from the original roll on file ·in ,this 0ffice. Given under ~hand and the great seal of the State' at Montgomery, this 6th day of May, A. D., 1856, and. of. American Independence,the BOth year. . V. M. Benham Secretary of State BY-LAWS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TRUSTEES, . EAST ALABAMA MALE COLLEGE Aet:lst - The officers shall all be elected at the annual meeting on the second Wednesday of July, and shall hold office for one year and shall discharge , their duties pertaining .tatheir office until thea:cceptance 'of ' their : . su.ccessor" :b.ut the · Board IDaY . .£'ill :vacancies . at any im'ervening meeting. Act 2nd - Duties af President The president shall preside in all the meetings, see that the provisions ' of ,the charter are complied with; and the by-laws observed by all the members. He shall decide all questions of order; but .there' mal be an' appeaJ. to the · Beard and then a majority ,()£ the" number. present shall decide. .. '. , . • ' It shall be the duty of the president to vote in all balloting; to give the casting vote when there .is a tie; and also to vote when the yeas amd nays are called, which may be done by-the ' demand af two members - at all· other times he is excused. He shall be ex-officio as member of all committees and may partici'pate in all their deliberations (except to vote). It shall be his duty to inquire into the progress of comndttees and see that they perform faithfully their duties assigned them. . '\ He may' call a .meeting of· the Board in the intervals · of regular meetings' 'Of whi.chcall every member shall .have due' and ·timely notic·e., elth,erthrough the public prints or by ·p'ersonal notice served rhrough the' secret;a:ry. .... . . . . l ' ',' ,,' . ! Act 3rd- Duties oithe Vice-President The vice-president shall preside in the absence of the president, but if there is na president or vice-president present, the meeting may choose a president pro tem. Act 4th - . _ Outi es -,,,f the. Sec'retaru . . . It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a fair and correct :record of all the proceedings of the Board and to have said record present at every meeting. He shall inform t .ne chairman of. every eomm:i.ttee of his appointment and furnish him a. ·list .of . the names of all his . associates. Act 5th - .. ~; .. Duties of the Treasurer It shall be the treasurer's duty to receive all moneys due the Board and pass receipts for the same. He shall payout moneys only by order of the Board, signed by the president and secretary, . and said order so signed shall alone be -his voucher. He shall keep a true and faithful record of all moneys received or paidollt and of all papers of interest to the Board and report all such to the annual meeting of the . Soard or oftener if desired. The treasurer's . report accompanied by the auditor's certificate shall be handed to 1(hesecretary and jbt. him filed .and preserved. The treasurer's ',books shall be always open to the inspection of the auditors. Act 6th - Impeachment of Officers . Any officer may be .charged before the Boar.~ for trespassing the bounds of his authOrity:, or his inefficiency. , In either case the Board shall appoint a com­mittee of inve$tigation;. and if .said committee reports the charges sustained, the Board concurring in said report may depose the accused officer; otherwise, the charge shall be. dismissed and the said officer deposed as aforesaid . shall deliver to the B0ard or to any person: or persons appointed by them for that purpose, all papers or other properly in hi~ . possession belonging to the Board. Act 7th - . , : Standing . Committees There shall be an ~cutive Committee of five annually appointed whose duty it shall be to overlook the general interest of the Board,and to perform such duties aft {~y be necessary, and not proVided for by other committees. But the said ~ecuti v:e Committee. shall make no contract and bind the Trustees to no engagement unless authorized 'by the' Board • . Nevertheless, when authorized to. contract gener­ally, by order of the Board, all their acts necessary to carry out said general provisions shall be valid, and the president and secretary of the Bo~rd ~1 sign certificates in the name of the Board, authorizing the treasurer to pay, and said certificates so signed shall be to him a proper voucher. (This provision is con­structi ve of so much of Act 5 as relates to the ~reasurer I 5 voucher.) r I ! ! I I I I ~ .. There shall be a Standing Committee of Correspondence whose duty it shall be to suggest to the Board proper persons to fill the different chairs or professorships, and lay before the Board such information as may be in possession inreference thereto. Other standing committees may be appointed trom . time to time as oc.casion may require. Act 8th - Eleven members present shall constitute a quorum. for the transaction of business but if at any time of meeting there be not a quorum present, the president (after waiting fifteen minutes) may adjourn the meeting to such a time as he may judge best. Act 9th - The following shall be the order of business: 1st - Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. 2nd - CODlQlUnications. 3rd - Report of committees. 4th - Treasurer's report. 5th - Unfinished business. 6th - New business. 7th -Reading and confirming the minutes of the present meeting • . Act 10th - The order of business may be suspended on motion, sustained by a majority of the members present. Act 11th - No member shall leave after the Board is organized without permission of the president. Act 12th - Whenever any member of the Board shall become inefficient, either by absenting himself from the meeting or other c~use, it shall competent for a majority of the Board at any meeting to remove such inefficient member. Act 13th - The By-laws shall not be altered or amended except by the-concurrence of two­thirds of the members present, but if notice is given in writing at a previous meeting, a majority of the members present may alter or amend. Resolved, tha-t the aboye rules be adopted as the by-laws for the government of the Board,and that the committee be discharged from the further consideration. of the .subject. RULES OF ORDER 1st - ' Any member of the Board who shall deliYer his 0p~n1on or speak in any debate shall rise and address the president, and shall confirm himself to the subject under con­sideration. If two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the president shall decide who shall speak first. ~- No member 'shall speak more than twice on the same subject without permission. lrd - If amy member while speaking be called to order, he shall cease to speak until it is determined whether he is in order or not o 4th - No resolution shall be entertained unless being seconcred and reduced t 'o writing it is handed to the president. ~th - When a motion is before the house, no motion shall be received but to adjourn, to lay on the table the previous question to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a given time, to commit or recommit or to amend; which several motions shall have precedence, as they here stand arranged; the first three to be decided without debate. -6th - ' When a question has been decided, it may not be reconsidered unless a"motion to that effect be ~de and seconded by members who voted in the majority; nor shall a motion for reconsi.deration be entertained after the next meeting from that atwhiqh the decision was had~hen such motion is made no member shall speak more than once, nor longer than five minutes. 7th - The previOUS question shall be in this form: Sth- Shall the main question be now put; and until it is put, shall preclude all amendments -- but the previous question may not be put -- unless seconded byone-fif.th of the members present. Any member may call for the reading of any piper appertaining to the subject under consideration, unless objections be made by a majority -- when a blank 'is to be filled and different sums, numbers or times shall be named, the question shall be taken on the highest sum, number, or time, first and so on to the lowest. 9th - Every member shall vote on all occasions unless personally interested or excused by the Board. I~ 1 loth - No report shall be altered or amended unless recommitted to the committee wnence it emendated; but all resolutions or motions may be altered-or amended at the pleasure of the Board. 11th - In all cases not provided for by these rules or by the by-laws, the Board shall be governed by parliamentary usage. 12th - These rules shall not be altered or amended except by two-thirds of the members present. Resolved, that the fore~going be adopted as the Rules of Order for the government of the Board. Name of Trustees: George C. Dillard D. T. Browder John Harris Signed: John Darby W. A. McCarty J. M. Jennings MEMBERS OF THE BOARD APPOINTED UNDER CHARTER AND ELECTED SINCE: Rev. John B. Glenn N. J. Scott A. Frazer J. M. Carlton J. B. Ogletree W. T. Davis Isaac Hill C. Raiford I. F. White F. W. Dillard John Darby ltiesley Williams J. W. W. Drake E. Reese D. L. Halliday J. O. Mc Dowell B. w. Stone Rev. I. T. Curry John C. Carter W. A. McCarty O. R. Blue Mark Andrews S. Armstrong C. D. Oliver W. B. Neal F. Furgeson Rev. W. H. MeDaniel Lewis Dowdell E. J. Hamil Hon. J. E. Grace E. R. Fluellen J. T. Dowdell A. A. Lipscomb D. Clopton J. ~4 . Willis Rev. W. H. Elli son Col. R. Dougherty J. B. Banks J. Cunningham A. Seals John McTyire J. B. Tate John P. NaIl Rev. J. M. Jennings G.W. F. Price J. \'/. ~li.ller W. F. Slaton A. M. Kimbrough S. Perry Joshua Wilson A. Hardin John Mathews J. W. Kidd F. M. Reese Saul Nunn H. V. Smith Joel Hamit~ 7 8 , ! i E. T. Glenn John P. Dicki nson Rev. W.Il. Sassnett E. A. Holt W. H. C. Price H. N. HcTyrre Rev. ~v. M. Motty Rev. D. Carmical H. N. Sneed J. B. Glenn J. B. Ogletree A. Lipscombs D. L. Holliday John Darby ~IJTIVE COl'/JHTTEE C. ·Raiford Isaac Hill W. T.Davis BUILDING COMMITTEE J. F. White N. J. Scott John T. NaIl J. Writ •. · .Drake Board Meeting - Auburn May 8, 1856 At a meeting of the Trustees of the East-Alabama Yale College held at Auburn this day Rev. J. B. Glenn was elected President. Colonel E. R. Fluellen - Vice-President. F. vi. Dillard - Secretary and Isaac Hill Treasu~er. On motion of E. J. Hamil the letters from absent members was called for and read. On motion .it was resolved after the reading of the charter that for the present year fifteen persons member of this board is hereby declared a quorum and fully authori zed to transact the business of said Board. On motion it was resolved that Brothers Glenn, Raiford, Dillard and Armstrong be a comrrdttee to suggest suitable persons to fill the vacancies that have occurred in the Board by d~clension; the following gentlemen were suggested and unanimiously elected - D. L. Holliday, John C. Carter, Reverend F. Freeman, Reverend Joseph T. Curry, J.ohn }!athews, James O. NcDowell, F. H. Reese, James W. Kidd, Saul Nunn, and Willis of Barbour, A. Hardin. . On motion it was resolved that a Committee consisting of Reverned E. J. Hamil, Reverend W. G. McDaniel, Reverend L. Dowell, John T. NaIl, Reverend S. Armstrong and F. W. Dillard be appointed to draft to the different quartely meetings in East Alabama to the presiding Elders and Preachers setting forth our plans, desires and wishes and asking their assistance in the great Church enterprise. . On motion W. T. Davis, J. TrI. Kidd, F. M. H.eese, and C. Raiford were appointed a Committee to draft suitable B.y-Laws for the goverr~ent of the Board and submit the same to the next meeting of the Trustees. On motion it was resolved that the following named persons be constituted and appointed and execute to wit: Reverend John B. Glenn, J. B. Ogletree, I. Hill, C. Raiford, and W. T. Davis. It was resolved that the former arrangement existing between the late Executive Board and the agent of this college be reaffirmed and agreed to by this Board. On motion it was resolved the the topograhic plans of Male College as agreed to by late Executive Board be adopted and the same carried out in the building. On motion the following persons were substituted yuth building committee in place of those who are not members of the Board to wit: John T. NaIl, A. Frazer, J. W. Kidd, and Saul Nunn. On motion the Board adjourned untill 8 0 I clock tomorrow morning. 9Auburn University Board of Trustees18561850sAuburn University LibrariesEducation -- Higher Education; History -- 1838-1874: Sectionalism, the Civil War, and ReconstructiontextpdfAI_1856.pdfAuburn University Libraries. Special Collections and Archiveseng1856This image is the property of the Auburn University Libraries and is intended for non-commercial use. Users of the image are asked to acknowledge the Auburn University Libraries. For information about obtaining high-resolution copies of this and other images in this collection, please contact the Auburn University Libraries Special Collections & Archives Department at archives@auburn.edu or (334) 844-1732.http://cdm17353.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/bot/id/7315