Summary: | George Mulgrue, information liaison officer for the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (UNFAO) spoke on the UNFAO's role in the developing world.�The talk, followed by a Q&A period,�was part of the 1968 Auburn Conference on International Affairs (ACOIA) 1968. The theme of ACOIA 1968 was 'The international year of human rights.'�ACOIA was a�regional conference, originally sponsored by the Auburn University Student�Senate, on international affairs and social issues. Each conference focused�on a specific theme and typically featured 5-10 speakers over a two- to�three-day period. Circa 1970, the conference's format was changed to a series�of speeches over a two- to three-month period; around the same time, the�conference's purview was expanded to include domestic issues. In that�connection, the conference's name was changed from 'Auburn Conference on�International Affairs' to 'Horizons' in 1971. The Horizons�lectures were organized by students on the Horizons Committee of the�University Program Council (UPC) in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. Title�supplied by metadata creator.