Summary: | In this recording, Michael Arnon, Israeli Consul in New York, speaks to the ACOIA attendees on the topic of the Israeli Arab conflict and the prospects for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. He discusses the politics of the refugee crisis, the role of Russia in supporting Arab military capabilities, and the United Nations role in seeking peace. The talk, followed by a Q&A period, was part of the 1968 Auburn Conference on International Affairs (ACOIA) 1968. The theme of ACOIA 1968 was 'The international year of human rights.' ACOIA was a regional conference, originally sponsored by the Auburn University Student Senate, on international affairs and social issues. Each conference focused on a specific theme and typically featured 5-10 speakers over a two- to three-day period. Circa 1970, the conference's format was changed to a series of speeches over a two- to three-month period; around the same time, the conference's purview was expanded to include domestic issues. In that connection, the conference's name was changed from 'Auburn Conference on International Affairs' to 'Horizons' in 1971. The Horizons lectures were organized by students on the Horizons Committee of the University Program Council (UPC) in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.