Summary: | This is the volume 24, issue 8, April 16, 1895 issue of The Southern Agriculturist: Discusses the Farm, Garden, Orchard, Live Stock and Poultry, and Special Attention to Household, Also contains Alabama State Weather Service Reports, a newspaper published semi-monthly by Key & Son in Montgomery, Alabama. The newspaper includes news, information, facts, correspondence, editorials, illustrated ads, and articles of interest related to agriculture and rural life. Topics include agriculture, livestock, birds, flowers, home economics, food, clothing and fashion, and economics. Articles vary greatly in length and may be written by newspaper staff or outside contributors; summarized or copied from other newspapers; or summarized statements from public figures. This item has been aggregated as part of the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL)'s "Deeply Rooted: The Agricultural & Rural History of the American South" project.The Mexican harlequin bug; Varieties of corns; Sacaline or Saghalin polygonum; Raising damson plums; Beetles destroying beans; Egyptian cotton in the South; Sugar prices and outlook; Another question on lima beans--How to gather and where to market; Sufficient hog figures; Killing insects on fruit trees; Home department (Gentle spring (poem); A woman's brave deed; The Rasse Viverra Malacensis; Children never forget; How children Played in Athens); Young Folks' Page (The Lord's money; The Farmer's girl (poem); The Farmer's boy (poem)); Glycerine for various uses; The rainbow (poem); Decreasing beef cattle; Lime as a fertilizer for corn; Remedies for hog cholera; Vegetables by weight; Sorghum for syrup making; Alabama Weather Review (Alabama weather during March 1895; Monthly summary of meteorological reports of voluntary observers of Alabama Weather Service for March, 1895); Promise of an abundant harvest; New process of saving pea vines--Valuable lesson for farmers; The Poultry Yard (Profits of poultry in the city; How much feed a day); Chufas for hogs and fowls; Too much lime for poultry;