Summary: | This footage was transferred to tape from the original 16mm film. (The tape ends with a preview copy of "Women at Risk: Protection, Detection and Survival" [1993], but that segment has been removed from this video due to copyright concerns.) The following segments are included:
0:00:02: Inauguration of Governor John Patterson on January 19, 1959, including portions of his speech.
0:01:02: Governor John Patterson commenting on a report by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
0:01:36: Governor John Patterson speaking before the legislature about the need for increased funding to save the state's education system. He specifically mentions the possibility of a special session.
0:02:29: Governor John Patterson discussing the school relief bill, which would raise certain taxes to increase revenues for the state's education system.
0:03:10: John Patterson with campaign workers after his successful gubernatorial campaign in 1958. (Much of the footage is silent.)
0:04:17: Rally for John Patterson in Greenville, Alabama, during the 1966 gubernatorial campaign.
0:07:51 Rally for John Patterson (possibly in Greensboro) during the 1966 gubernatorial campaign, including a performance by Rebe Gosdin and His Sunny Valley Boys.
0:10:30: Inauguration of Governor George Wallace on January 14, 1963, including portions of his speech.