Summary: | The following segments are included:
0:00:00: "Young World's Christmas Kaleidoscope," hosted by Marge Payne and Connor Vernon. The show was recorded on December 9, 1982, and it aired on December 11. (The episode is interrupted by long breaks at 0:03:58, 0:17:03, and 0:26:17.)
0:31:19: "Christmas In Our Schools: 'From Our House to Yours,'" hosted by WSFA meteorologist Rich Thomas and featuring choirs from four Montgomery High Schools: the Jefferson Davis Davisinians; the Sidney Lanier Singers; the Carver Senior High Singers; and the Robert E. Lee Choralees. The show was recorded on December 22, 1982, and it aired on December 24.(The episode is interrupted by long breaks at 0:31:45, 0:46:32, and 0:57:43.)