WSFA audiovisual item D141.0005

The following segments are included: 0:00:01: Exterior and interior shots of the W. A. Gayle Planetarium at Oak Park in Montgomery, Alabama. The footage is silent. 0:00:37: WSFA's Bob Inman interviewing Senator Alton Turner at the Capitol in Montgomery on August 9, 1967. The discuss the poss...

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Format: Electronic
Published: Alabama Department of Archives and History
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Summary:The following segments are included: 0:00:01: Exterior and interior shots of the W. A. Gayle Planetarium at Oak Park in Montgomery, Alabama. The footage is silent. 0:00:37: WSFA's Bob Inman interviewing Senator Alton Turner at the Capitol in Montgomery on August 9, 1967. The discuss the possibility of a recess before the start of the next school year, which would leave the Legislature several days to address federally mandated integration in September. At the time, certain Jefferson County senators (the "urban interest" Turner refers to) were blocking passage of the school appropriation bill, which would have allowed them to adjourn. 0:01:39: Representative Bryce Graham speaking in the House chamber of the Capitol in Montgomery on August 9, 1967. He argues in support of a bill (later vetoed by Governor Lurleen Wallace) that that would have allowed individual cities in Colbert County to vote on whether to legalize liquor sales, even though the rest of the county was dry. 0:02:34: Men playing golf on a course, possibly in Montgomery, Alabama. The footage is silent. 0:03:17: Dixie Boys' Baseball Tournament championship game at Meadowview Park in Selma, Alabama, on August 5, 1967. The Highway 78 West team of Birmingham won the tournament, defeating Hueytown in the final game, 8 to 3. (Most members on the winning team are wearing "Astros" uniforms provided by the Forestdale Service Station, and at least one team member has an "East Thomas" jersey.) 0:04:10: Meeting of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce in August 1967. The footage is silent, but the speaker is drawing on a chalkboard, outlining the race track route for the upcoming Commissioners Cup National Sports Car Race, which would be held at the Montgomery Industrial Terminal on August 12 and 13, 1967. Following the meeting are shots of a Ford Mark IV on a trailer, as well as a closeup of a poster for the event. 0:04:59: Brief clip of an organizational meeting (possibly the Lions, Kiwanis, or Rotary Club) at the Whitley Hotel in Montgomery, Alabama. On the table in front of the speaker is a model of a Saturn V rocket. 0:05:06: Aftermath of an explosion in the bakery storeroom at the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind in Talladega on August 10, 1967. The blast was caused by gas leaking from an insecticide in the space. (The footage, which is silent, was filmed on August 11.) 0:05:44: Female cadets of the Civil Air Patrol attending a ceremony at Maxwell Air Force Base, possibly in connection with an orientation course held there in August 1967. The footage is silent. 0:06:24: Interview with Orville F. Rush, Imperial Potentate of the Shriners, about the Shrine Burn Hospitals and the possibility of expanding the program into Alabama: "We have, as I understand it, the only institutions in the world for the treatment and research in the field of severely burned children when we announced this program at our international convention in Toronto, Canada in 1962, we immediately had over 90 applications from large medical complexes and medical teaching institutions, including the University of Alabama at Birmingham. We purposely only selected three so we would know where we were we were going as to the cost and operational aspects, and therefore selected sites and schools in connection with Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital at Boston, University of Cincinnati in Ohio, and the University of Texas at Galveston. I've appointed the committee to go into the feasibility of the further enhancement of this program, and if the committee and our delegates decide that we should expand this program now, why the University of Alabama will be considered along with other applications." (According to notes accompanying this film, this segment was shot on August 8, 1967, but Rush addressed a joint session of the Alabama Legislature about this subject on June 23.) 0:07:29 Footage of legislators in the House chamber at the Capitol in Montgomery during the 1967 legislative session. The footage (a mixture of black-and-white and color) is mostly silent, but during a brief clip with sound, Senator Hugh Morrow of Jefferson County calls out discusses a formula for redistributing the new gasoline tax, which Senator Alton Turner of Crenshaw County planned to filibuster against. (Turner's threat was made in response to the Jefferson County delegation's opposition to certain parts of the proposed school appropriation bill that he supported.) Among the other individuals visible in the footage are Lieutenant Governor Albert Brewer; Senate secretary McDowell Lee; and Senators Aubrey Carr, James Branyon, Alton Turner, and Leland Childs. 0:08:37: Silent footage of the representatives in the House chamber at the Capitol during the 1967 legislative session. 0:09:14: E. H. Gentry, superintendent of the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind in Talladega, discussing the damage caused by an explosion on August 10, 1967, which was caused by gas leaking from a pesticide in the bakery storeroom at the school. 0:09:40: Majorettes practicing with batons beside Cloverdale Junior High School on Fairview Avenue in Montgomery. The school's football field and Huntingdon College are visible in the background. The footage is silent. 0:10:36 Footage of legislators in the House chamber at the Capitol in Montgomery during the 1967 legislative session. 0:11:12: Footage of the legislators in the Senate chamber at the Capitol in Montgomery. The segment is undated, but given the presence of both Albert Brewer and Jim Allen, it was likely shot sometime between 1963 and 1967 (other men present include Senate secretary McDowell Lee, Senator Robert Kendall, and Representative Rankin Fite). 0:11:52: Montgomery City Commission meeting, led by Mayor Earl James. The footage is silent. 0:12:24: Young women moving into Mollie Hollifield Hall on the campus of Auburn University. Also included is footage of students in a lecture classroom at the school, possibly during college orientation. 0:13:09: WSFA-TV's Charles Caton interviewing former George Wallace about a potential run for president in 1967: "Nobody representing any candidate has been talking to me about withdrawing, and I will again emphasize for your television audience and for the people this section of Alabama, that it doesn't make any difference who runs in so far as parties are concerned, that is candidates. If they don't run on a platform that meets the needs and demands of the overwhelming majority of the people of our region and of the country, then I'm not going to pull out for anyone. Now, if any candidate and any party will say, among other things, that they're going to turn the school systems back to the people of the states and local areas - and say it emphatically - along with the other things I've talked about, then I will not be a candidate. But it doesn't make any difference how a candidate looks and how good he sounds and how he might be able to act. If he doesn't tell the people of Alabama that then the people of Alabama could care less." 0:14:19: Footage of legislators in the Senate chamber of the Capitol in August 1967. Included are scenes of Senators Tom Radney, Pat Vacca, and Joe Goodwyn debating a bill that would suspend the licenses of drivers refusing to take alcohol tests when accused of drunk driving. Goodwyn opposed the legislation, arguing that it violated the Fifth Amendment by "requiring a man to give evidence against himself." 0:16:06: Senator Alton Turner chairing a hearing of the Senate Finance and Taxation Committee during 1967 legislative session. In response to claims that he had recommended slashing the budget of the University of Alabama due to his disapproval of activities on campus, he maintains "that there would never be any attempt at any retaliation in any respect toward any institution in this state, any educational institution or otherwise, because of a difference of philosophy." Also included is a brief clip of Dr. Frank Rose, president of the University of Alabama, addressing the committee. 0:17:36: Parachuting exercises from U.S. Army helicopters, possibly at either the Army Air National Guard facility near Dannelly Field, or at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery. The footage is silent. 0:18:50: WSFA-TV's Bob Inman interviewing Juanita Halstead and Nancy Beeland at Dannelly Field in Montgomery. The women discuss their upcoming participation in the All Women's International Air Race, in which they would be flying together from Montreal, Canada, to Miami, Florida. 0:20:24: Dr. Harry Philpott, president of Auburn University, speaking at a hearing of the Senate Finance and Taxation Committee chaired by Senator Alton Turner during the 1967 legislative session. 0:21:28: Press conference by Mayor Joe Smitherman of Selma, Alabama, on August 12, 1967. He announces a curfew in the area near Laura Industries, where employees had been on strike since August 3. He maintains that the measure will not interfere with legitimate labor activities, but will instead prevent large gatherings of people not directly involved in the strike. 0:22:20: Footage, possibly produced by the U.S. Navy, featuring an IUW (Inshore Undersea Warfare) harbor patrol boat and divers off the coast of Vietnam. 0:23:22: Silent footage of the Senate chamber in the Capitol on August 9, 1967. Also included are interviews (with sound) by WSFA-TV's Bob Inman with Senators Hugh Morrow and Alton Turner about appropriations bills, specifically education funding and the proposed medical school at the University of South Alabama. 0:25:23: Senator Pat Vacca urging his colleagues to "act like mature people" so that the 1967 legislative session can be brought to a successful conclusion.