Summary: | The following segments are included (due to tape deterioration, the screen sometimes flashes black in the video):
0:00:09: Interview with Foy Wayne Harrelson, who was allegedly beaten by police officers near Opp. Also includes interviews with police about the arrest and beating. Presented by Norman Lumpkin, WSFA-TV News.
0:05:11: Boxing match between Ken Norton and Duane Bobick on May 11, 1977, at Madison Square Garden. Also includes an interview with Norton after he won.
0:06:09: A fire destroys a Clanton furniture store owned by Tom Underwood on May 12, 1977. Includes voiceover from an interview with fire chief Houston Nevens.
0:07:24: On May 9, 1977, Don Slatton presents Byron Charles Braggs with the 18th annual Jimmy Hitchcock Memorial Award for his leadership in the classroom, church, and community.
0:08:07: Interview with Baylor University head football coach, Grant Teaff. Presented by Lee Webb, WSFA-TV News.
0:09:26: The Alabama Law Enforcement Planning Agency (ALEPA) approves a grant for the city and the Montgomery Police Department to replace the police radio system that left "dead spots" in some parts of the city.
0:11:07: Special committees of the Alabama Senate and House of Representatives struggle to agree on an education budget, and they challenge Governor George Wallace's power to limit utilities prices.
0:12:44: During a press conference, Paul Hubbert, executive secretary of the AEA (Alabama Education Association), criticizes college presidents for opposing the proposed salary increases in the education budget for college faculty and professors.
0:14:12: Interview with Senator Jerry Powell, in which he criticizes Dr. John Porter, executive director of ACHE (Alabama Commission on Higher Education), for his suggestion that having the legislature adjourn without a budget would be preferable to including salary increases for professors and faculty. Presented by George Mitchell, WSFA-TV News.
0:16:29: George Lawrence of the Montgomery Advertiser discusses the Department of Revenue's new licensing requirement for newsboys and newspaper carries.
0:18:28: Investigation into the disappearance of the organizers of the United Memorial National Bank, which accepted money from investors but was never established. Presented by Norman Lumpkin, WSFA-TV News.
0:21:16: Montgomery's District 8 will hold an election on May 24, 1977 to fill the city council seat left vacant when Emory Folmar was elected mayor on April 12. Presented by Bill Weaver, WSFA-TV News.
0:23:10: Footage of the 1977 A-Day football game at Alabama State University.
0:24:05: Two church leaders criticize proposed legislation on schools, which they feel would violate their freedom of religion and control over ministry schools.
0:26:24: Candidates for the District 8 city council seat discuss their platforms and priorities they would implement if elected. Candidates include, Craig Jackson, William H. Byrd, John C. Starr Jr., Larry D. Adams, Eugene Sims, and James Stallings.
0:29:03: Special session of the Alabama Senate, in which they vote against several bills in Governor George Wallace's utilities package that were designed to prevent rate increases for consumers. An education budget was also been passed ahead of the June 1 deadline. Presented by George Mitchell, WSFA-TV News.
0:32:10: Special session of the Alabama Senate, in which senators discuss bills and the education budget. Includes an interview with Lieutenant Governor Jere Beasley on which bills passed and failed. Presented by George Mitchell, WSFA-TV News.
0:36:33: Portion of WSFA's network coverage of Governor George Wallace's address to a joint legislative session. From the studio, Bob Howell asks George Mitchell about a Senate walkout at the Capitol.
0:38:00: Special report on Governor George Wallace's address to the joint legislative session on May 16, 1977, in which he discussed the Alabama Power Company's new power plant in Dothan; utility price hikes for consumers; and his utility package intended to block such rate increases.
0:42:22: Reactions from legislators to a rumored walkout and Governor George Wallace's address to the joint legislative session on May 16, 1977. In the speech, Wallace discussed the Alabama Power Company's new power plant in Dothan; utility price hikes for consumers; and his utility package intended to block such rate increases.
0:45:36: Telephone interview with a representative of the Alabama Power Company, who gives his reaction to Governor George Wallace's address to the joint legislative session on May 16, 1977, in which he discussed APC's new power plant and a utility package intended to block rate increases. The interviewee suggests that Wallace is motivated by his candidacy for the United States Senate. Presented by Norman Lumpkin, WSFA-TV News.
0:46:53: Mayor Emory Folmar discusses paramedic units in Montgomery and fundraising efforts for new vehicles and equipment.
0:48:08: A police officer demonstrates the use of a radar speed gun on a road.
0:48:43: Governor George Wallace addresses to the joint session of the Alabama Senate and the House of Representatives on May 16, 1977.
0:49:05: Alabama state senators address Lieutenant Governor Jere Beasley, with comments on a vote. The Senate will reconvene the next day to continue the special session. Presented by George Mitchell, WSFA-TV News.
0:50:44: The Montgomery County Jail Study Committee (formed by the county commission in March 1977), recommends the establishment of a city or county jail authority to consolidate jail oversight. After Sheriff Mac Sim Butler stalled legislation to improve jail conditions on May 18, 1977, 16-year-old Robert Mercer hanged himself in a county jail while awaiting his trial date to be set.
0:51:27: Footage of several massage parlors after Mayor Emory Folmar passed a city ordinance that would prohibit professional massages by a person of the opposite sex.
0:52:37: Special report on the disappearances of The Pirate's Lady and The Flying Dutchman in October of 1976, and searches for the two vessels in the Gulf of Mexico. Includes interviews with Coast Guard Commander L. C. Kindbon and Charles Slater, owner of The Pirate's Lady. Presented by Norman Lumpkin, WSFA-TV News, for the 6:00 p.m. newscast.
0:57:16: Low voter turnout in Montgomery's District 8 city council election on May 24, 1977, to fill the seat left vacant by Emory Folmar when he became mayor. Presented by Bill Weaver, WSFA-TV News.
0:58:35: Still-image advertisement for the Empire Theatre at 236 Montgomery Street.