"Life Histories/Stories," Tallapoosa County.

Folder contains 11 pages of life histories and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.• BXII!Ill TlJIlI'ER TUrD8r FUll Route #4 U.:zand.r Cit)-, Ala. Ileoeaber SO, lise • llh.. I mooked em tho door &t 12. SO Ber1:1. Tunl.r .."....recl. ·e..f.· .h...

Full description

Bibliographic Details
Format: Electronic
Published: Alabama Department of Archives and History
Online Access:http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/913
format Electronic
collection WPA Alabama Writers' Project Collection
building Alabama Department of Archives and History
publisher Alabama Department of Archives and History
topic WPA Alabama Writers' Project
spellingShingle WPA Alabama Writers' Project
"Life Histories/Stories," Tallapoosa County.
fulltopic WPA Alabama Writers' Project
Alabama--Biography; Alabama--Social life and customs; Alabama Writers' Project; Tallapoosa County (Ala.); United States. Works Progress Administration
description Folder contains 11 pages of life histories and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.• BXII!Ill TlJIlI'ER TUrD8r FUll Route #4 U.:zand.r Cit)-, Ala. Ileoeaber SO, lise • llh.. I mooked em tho door &t 12. SO Ber1:1. Tunl.r .."....recl. ·e..f.· .he la1d. WUh. I t l1 d.eolare. I .. glad to I" you I thought you wer. aae or th. board.r.", .he .&id &••he oloo.d the door b.h1Dd... "Here. 1:&D th1. oh&1r &lid I'll jul1: _lid the fir. &Dd 1e1: ,.OU .1:&,. in tho kitohen with _, and we will te1k whi1. I t1nl..h oooking -:I dinn.r. I be.... ginil Jq board.r. the 1:wo tr<ll1t to! • and Em••t &Dd I u.. the•• 1:wo b&ok ...... I .peDd .011: ot -:I tbl. in th. kitohen l31Tfty." ahe .&1d, u ahe p1&oed .cae hug••pUt O&k log. em tho tir.. "I will .eve tho olml'll out of tho .,. '0 ,.ou will bev. roca to I1t." "E1'11e.t 1. not h.r. to<l&,., h.'. gaae to t01lll &Dd will Do1: ge1: baok till l&t., i. the r.&.... I .t&rted .,. d1no.r .0 lat.. I &1- _,.. try to be djnner by _1.... when h. 10 h.r., "1:hougll. "I be... be dok. I bad & terrible .pell with Jq beok 1&11: .._or tJ1d be Do1: t.11: well .ino.. lo...t1me. I ou h&rd~ go, &Dd I be... DO help. "I .. boarding 1:wo old 1&41... They wer. p1&oed h.r. by tho Ilepo.r1aeut ot PubUo Woltu. &lid 1t 10 right berd em .., beT1nC to -tt on thea llia I do. Th. old.11: 0110, Aunt 1Iu1:h&, 10 DinetT. e, Aunt B4Jr:1. 10 in her .1ghti... They .utf.r lot. with ru-t1a &lid kidDe,. troubl.. They grunt and grou &11 night. Poor th1JIc" I ...0 .orry tor th.. I D....r ge1: & good night'. l1..p, mel be.... Do1: tor & 10llg tbl.. Ba'rlug to _it on th_ ke.p. .. d01lll. • l' • • - • - 2 - bllt I do try to .-1<. lit.... pl....nt tor _ al I caa. I pl,M.d lut 1'''Ii Ir to take a _tiOll tor a f_ daya. and Tiett arOldlAi ..... but ,.ou know they would not let .. go. They are by .. lilal ohlldran would be b7 th.ir moth.r. "W. do not han .0 ""oh to eat." Berti. Turn.r apologised. u Ih. took rrca the new Hca. Ccatort rang. a _ d.lioioul look-ing pen ot .gg bree.d. a dloh ot h,. I _d. eau..g.. a large b....l ot .oroilbled .ggl. and a pot ot Iteudng hot blaok oott••• ·Fred Wrillbt _ •••nt h.re to lin with UI beoau.. hie a1.JId i. not juet rillbt. h. hu thr•• ~ried dlterl. but the:r had rath.r paT hi. board h.re tlan to han hila with th.. Thq go in high 10cietT and b.oaul. h. 10 .1.... mantall,. the,. ju.t dOll't ~ hila. jut to tell the tnrth abollt it. He 10 nry pl.uant. and all right pIly.icall,.. and ..enr ginl an,. troubl.. I juot dOll't lee how the7 o&n be that _,.. and they are not 10 good about paTing hil board••ither. Sca.t~. it il 11% mOllthe betore I get.., pa,.. B. hal all hi••0DOJ' inTe.ted. or thq did it tor hila. and he getl a li~l. laOlllJ' along rrca the ~ ... I luppo.oe I .houldn't lIOrry. but I can't help thinkin about it.· lhe .aid a. lhe plac.d the plat.I on the tab •• • At 1, SO the <Unn.r __ all • and a e-t meal it ftl. lIhan the t1IO old ladi... both ""aring bonnetl. t'o which they did not take the trouble to r_OTI. ""r. leat.d at the teble. B.rti. t.;.,por Itood OTIr the table al .he boaad her head and .aid, "Beavenl,. Father. "" thank Thee tor thi. tood. and tor all other bl...ingl. W. uk thil in Chrlot' I n•••• ,A n.' • I wonder ~ Fred doel not C... to hil dinner.· Ih. laid u Ihe ""nt again to look tor hbl. - Fred suet han been a little t1aid al he n.ver • I • • - - 1I - 0'" in wh11. I _. there. 1l1th Mnner o....r Bertl. furDer bepn puttlDg tho ldtoheD in order a. ehe tallted. "I hope to .u. .... obaDg••• " .h••aid, "1Dll. I .. try1nc to put a 11ttl. lOODO" a_,. to cot... h1nc' tor wq k1toh...~ _ I " nt to ha.... a d.o.nt 111'1Dg r_. wh.r. I OlD eezrt my o...~. nul ie papa', _ r t. h_. plao., _ I 10.... It. 811 Villa 1. 0ca1Dg thl. _k-ead to .pellA! a t_ dap with _. too. "fhere _. a largo tu.11,. ot ... , e1cht oh11drlll1; taor glrl. and tour boye. All the girle -.d. teaoher. and two ot the b..,.•• elootor.. Oae ot tho elootore got me thi. eto..... " .h••a1cl~ lI"hacl Ik to take lt OD d.bt. Ot OOllr••• I paid. hia t\)r lt but lt ellel "ot ooat a• .uGh I., .. new cm.e, aDd it GOOD ... good 1.8 DeW. "1I:y .oth.r _. totally bl1llcl tor _ty-fi... ;year.. C... ill ~ her. IDll. I will .how you her plotllJ'e"••h••aiel a••he ......... (1_- 11" me lnto one of tho b6l ro.... 'That'. pape o....r the...;. ehe cvV" pointed. to a pl0tllJ'e".he .aiel....... glrl. are an 11k. hia." But I woad.red how thie ooulel be. wh... Berti. _lgha about (( 180 pouDd•• whil. thi. n looked to be ....ry thin. That 7 o....r th....." ah. .aiel II .h. pointed to a piotllJ'e ot a ook1llc ~ " olel lady WMr1Ilg oolored gla..... ,.., _ ....ry beo..iDg to her pluap. rOUDd tao.. "It I 0Dl,. Iaunr that I wou1cl be that Coocl 100ltiDg LV -IIneot a. wq .other -.. I woulel "ot a1Ilcl g.ttiDg olel." .h. .aiel. The" ........nt back in tho ldtohn to lit by tho tir••, ••••• It "We .......r wil1.ha... ...,.th1nc."lb••aiel. tor _ ••t ju.t .pellclo an hie tbo t1Jlblr1llc. tryiDg all tho t1ao to in•..." ....th1nc. ozul M- ho 1».. bosn at thie ....r .1Ilo..... married. toor ozul",eloe. look lib he woulel b. CCSl'llslDocl • ....t1ao.. At ODe tiM ho thOllght h. -. goiDg •
title "Life Histories/Stories," Tallapoosa County.
titleStr "Life Histories/Stories," Tallapoosa County.
url http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/913
id ADAHwpa913
thumbnail http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/wpa/id/913
_version_ 1743797184987398144
spelling GSU# SG022773_01031-01042SG022773_01031_01042"Life Histories/Stories," Tallapoosa County.Folder contains 11 pages of life histories and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.1938 circa1930-1939Alabama--Biography; Alabama--Social life and customs; Alabama Writers' Project; Tallapoosa County (Ala.); United States. Works Progress AdministrationTextDocumentsAlabama. Dept. of Archives and HistoryWorks Progress Administration filesSG022773WPA Federal Writers' Project of Alabama, Life Histories-Stories Tallapoosa CountyAlabama Dept. of Archives and History, 624 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130EnglishThis material may be protected under U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) which governs the making of photocopies or reproductions of copyrighted materials. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research. Though ADAH has physical ownership of the material in its collections, in some cases we may not own the copyright to the material. It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in our collections.96 dpi tiff• BXII!Ill TlJIlI'ER TUrD8r FUll Route #4 U.:zand.r Cit)-, Ala. Ileoeaber SO, lise • llh.. I mooked em tho door &t 12. SO Ber1:1. Tunl.r .."....recl. ·e..f.· .he la1d. WUh. I t l1 d.eolare. I .. glad to I" you I thought you wer. aae or th. board.r.", .he .&id &••he oloo.d the door b.h1Dd... "Here. 1:&D th1. oh&1r &lid I'll jul1: _lid the fir. &Dd 1e1: ,.OU .1:&,. in tho kitohen with _, and we will te1k whi1. I t1nl..h oooking -:I dinn.r. I be.... ginil Jq board.r. the 1:wo tr<ll1t to! • and Em••t &Dd I u.. the•• 1:wo b&ok ...... I .peDd .011: ot -:I tbl. in th. kitohen l31Tfty." ahe .&1d, u ahe p1&oed .cae hug••pUt O&k log. em tho tir.. "I will .eve tho olml'll out of tho .,. '0 ,.ou will bev. roca to I1t." "E1'11e.t 1. not h.r. to<l&,., h.'. gaae to t01lll &Dd will Do1: ge1: baok till l&t., i. the r.&.... I .t&rted .,. d1no.r .0 lat.. I &1- _,.. try to be djnner by _1.... when h. 10 h.r., "1:hougll. "I be... be dok. I bad & terrible .pell with Jq beok 1&11: .._or tJ1d be Do1: t.11: well .ino.. lo...t1me. I ou h&rd~ go, &Dd I be... DO help. "I .. boarding 1:wo old 1&41... They wer. p1&oed h.r. by tho Ilepo.r1aeut ot PubUo Woltu. &lid 1t 10 right berd em .., beT1nC to -tt on thea llia I do. Th. old.11: 0110, Aunt 1Iu1:h&, 10 DinetT. e, Aunt B4Jr:1. 10 in her .1ghti... They .utf.r lot. with ru-t1a &lid kidDe,. troubl.. They grunt and grou &11 night. Poor th1JIc" I ...0 .orry tor th.. I D....r ge1: & good night'. l1..p, mel be.... Do1: tor & 10llg tbl.. Ba'rlug to _it on th_ ke.p. .. d01lll. • l' • • - • - 2 - bllt I do try to .-1<. lit.... pl....nt tor _ al I caa. I pl,M.d lut 1'''Ii Ir to take a _tiOll tor a f_ daya. and Tiett arOldlAi ..... but ,.ou know they would not let .. go. They are by .. lilal ohlldran would be b7 th.ir moth.r. "W. do not han .0 ""oh to eat." Berti. Turn.r apologised. u Ih. took rrca the new Hca. Ccatort rang. a _ d.lioioul look-ing pen ot .gg bree.d. a dloh ot h,. I _d. eau..g.. a large b....l ot .oroilbled .ggl. and a pot ot Iteudng hot blaok oott••• ·Fred Wrillbt _ •••nt h.re to lin with UI beoau.. hie a1.JId i. not juet rillbt. h. hu thr•• ~ried dlterl. but the:r had rath.r paT hi. board h.re tlan to han hila with th.. Thq go in high 10cietT and b.oaul. h. 10 .1.... mantall,. the,. ju.t dOll't ~ hila. jut to tell the tnrth abollt it. He 10 nry pl.uant. and all right pIly.icall,.. and ..enr ginl an,. troubl.. I juot dOll't lee how the7 o&n be that _,.. and they are not 10 good about paTing hil board••ither. Sca.t~. it il 11% mOllthe betore I get.., pa,.. B. hal all hi••0DOJ' inTe.ted. or thq did it tor hila. and he getl a li~l. laOlllJ' along rrca the ~ ... I luppo.oe I .houldn't lIOrry. but I can't help thinkin about it.· lhe .aid a. lhe plac.d the plat.I on the tab •• • At 1, SO the <Unn.r __ all • and a e-t meal it ftl. lIhan the t1IO old ladi... both ""aring bonnetl. t'o which they did not take the trouble to r_OTI. ""r. leat.d at the teble. B.rti. t.;.,por Itood OTIr the table al .he boaad her head and .aid, "Beavenl,. Father. "" thank Thee tor thi. tood. and tor all other bl...ingl. W. uk thil in Chrlot' I n•••• ,A n.' • I wonder ~ Fred doel not C... to hil dinner.· Ih. laid u Ihe ""nt again to look tor hbl. - Fred suet han been a little t1aid al he n.ver • I • • - - 1I - 0'" in wh11. I _. there. 1l1th Mnner o....r Bertl. furDer bepn puttlDg tho ldtoheD in order a. ehe tallted. "I hope to .u. .... obaDg••• " .h••aid, "1Dll. I .. try1nc to put a 11ttl. lOODO" a_,. to cot... h1nc' tor wq k1toh...~ _ I " nt to ha.... a d.o.nt 111'1Dg r_. wh.r. I OlD eezrt my o...~. nul ie papa', _ r t. h_. plao., _ I 10.... It. 811 Villa 1. 0ca1Dg thl. _k-ead to .pellA! a t_ dap with _. too. "fhere _. a largo tu.11,. ot ... , e1cht oh11drlll1; taor glrl. and tour boye. All the girle -.d. teaoher. and two ot the b..,.•• elootor.. Oae ot tho elootore got me thi. eto..... " .h••a1cl~ lI"hacl Ik to take lt OD d.bt. Ot OOllr••• I paid. hia t\)r lt but lt ellel "ot ooat a• .uGh I., .. new cm.e, aDd it GOOD ... good 1.8 DeW. "1I:y .oth.r _. totally bl1llcl tor _ty-fi... ;year.. C... ill ~ her. IDll. I will .how you her plotllJ'e"••h••aiel a••he ......... (1_- 11" me lnto one of tho b6l ro.... 'That'. pape o....r the...;. ehe cvV" pointed. to a pl0tllJ'e".he .aiel....... glrl. are an 11k. hia." But I woad.red how thie ooulel be. wh... Berti. _lgha about (( 180 pouDd•• whil. thi. n looked to be ....ry thin. That 7 o....r th....." ah. .aiel II .h. pointed to a piotllJ'e ot a ook1llc ~ " olel lady WMr1Ilg oolored gla..... ,.., _ ....ry beo..iDg to her pluap. rOUDd tao.. "It I 0Dl,. Iaunr that I wou1cl be that Coocl 100ltiDg LV -IIneot a. wq .other -.. I woulel "ot a1Ilcl g.ttiDg olel." .h. .aiel. The" ........nt back in tho ldtohn to lit by tho tir••, ••••• It "We .......r wil1.ha... ...,.th1nc."lb••aiel. tor _ ••t ju.t .pellclo an hie tbo t1Jlblr1llc. tryiDg all tho t1ao to in•..." ....th1nc. ozul M- ho 1».. bosn at thie ....r .1Ilo..... married. toor ozul",eloe. look lib he woulel b. CCSl'llslDocl • ....t1ao.. At ODe tiM ho thOllght h. -. goiDg •http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/913