Summary: | Folder contains 52 pages of life histories and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.•
aroh 1Ot.h,1939
la raln,e~/eol&1l7 dur
aaen aaen, cos!
uae, ataira, o. 81
Go? ant 10., blle, la.
.ran oia ac're iarl,
?laor' _
10 e ttae at th e ulnox.
10 thia polnt at 4811 odden'••t tement 1 0
. I ad been a l1ttle furt r down ~he w r'
e up to where he
at ohiJIC • ban
• pereon ne?er t1re. at a.atac. Tha b1l,1o&11 ela?ator. 1th their
bOat b&1 unloaded 10 the ob11e and Ollio 1lro d truit whart,. ·ieht
en Ie.. 0 Ta. pooket. oonta1ntac bun~ e. at re Il b ana. fro the ala.
of the boat,fore and aft. Banana. e alwl)'a p10k n oaraoad sraall,but
it the waather on the upwa tr1p tlOa 10h ~op10. to a 11. and at ar
port. tha7 a de.tillea tor 1. mila 4 .h1ny ,.0 a of t frU1t 19111
r1pall. Thia~tha p10ture. ue p rt of a 11 boat w en a ia batac UJIlo -
ed,t e oooa.10nal 7&110 fru1t 10 e sreen the nqro orker. ill
their a • at ace' anrT k1 of color iaabla, 4 aboTa &1110 ir
drollsome • 1n&,wllioh lea 4iaoo1'4 \17.10 t1ae. th teo eolt1D&
aaohine., the of oth t trei 10 traiae and 10 e ata a10 , a
r1Ter tront
7et elltar1l7,
10 e TOloe. of the 0 nur.,that
bOTa:"" Ilita do lIelO1llf or -
o , .aJlOtoDO 817
I- '!'hia
latter .ean. the r1pe trult for 10 warehouea to 1Ie pl..e4 to it.aU on
the wharf.
or a
hb nat
.alf be.14a 4ell 4dan,I a.ke41
ell,wh 10 part at the &7JI&l1 Ialanda ara 70U troa -
t hb ...11 head a7" .tared .a thro h, ut e a_
ooont .0 00 all to a.t nd1an ao Ie ba r&7&d h1a ..~1T1t7.
-,010 nrT f tr 14. o'.,Ju.t a 11ttla 11&7 down 10 e a.oh
hera I a. rIl,· rad w111 17,a. he pulla out a 11ttla o-r
«_ book troa hia 1na1 a ooat 00 at, «turnad o?ar 110. ,ase •• ra
I' a 1. ~u ir. ~1 d,
rlt.r, M01)Uila
tir.t,.. • ot
.1' 0 rrootlJ,
o 014 I."••,. trloa
....1.or _
Ht. ,.,..
a,t r bout.U or 0 h1o., ar••
..... o
I ••• om alIou~ tw ty 40,. 11 to • 1;
ok pod t I' b.r~an.d 1t 1a
oolt, 4 .... r'f thin in1 ou
in It.
to 1, d ,I ,. •
.......10 1. 001.0 tor
tho ot
• .kl.. •• h. poko,tor a • r1ac ot pl...... --
a 44
hot .lIout 1.4 I..... I·.... laear4 eo noh t.llt _"o t 1t h.n
, 11 t ot 11
• ," I
10' ot • I'
011, dldn't • .duo.tloal ut t
••• ,1 .t ha.... • a ..... 0 or. t,it
• to ••hool 0 a.. .rt l1v
••• lOth,l 39
all. ot t
1'1•• ot ot. 4 • ho
ot 1ffY IIIDt r. labr WlIot t .ohaol 1a 0 or 0100 ,th. bt ed ton 1& tho
~ ymen,to tho pUb110 •• 001. I dldn't .t., t tOUl' or tift .,. .,tor I.hip d ou 0 • .0.08a t .ahoon.r oun tor 1•• a, uth
I 0 ••t • ou 01 l1t on h 1 D thie o•
• • III
it 18, .pt 1I.r }rd,l 9. fou •
• uinox. .10••4 t • ll\tl.
pl•••,. l~. 1. -r 1'.00
t h • 401 otth.
r. 414 ,ou tir.t
• Maroh lOth,19'~
d.n Bodd ,Roca1n& UII
Upstair.,No. 81 OOTarn••
nt ~t., bll., a.
an 01. l.u 'r. 0I1ar4,
R....laor_-..;;-.;;" _
the rl....r tro ',1'4 lik. '0
~14 that the not.4
his pirat.. ot the ..10
.ar 110 t lt sino y .r. om there. I
11 00 ••r 4 Llautanant-oo...ernor ot 1 10
41an water. had t air haunt thara, 4 that
paAiah doubloon. wara toun In a 0 ...e , ere. I. that eo, • Bod .,,?"
plrate. aleo,
obuokle a 11ttl. la h. "1 ea you,too,ha...a haar4 ot the
e ald. aura,lt' a true. I'U tall yo ow th t pirate
1 in hat oa.... w•• ~,e cow. ot a.tray troa others that
wera pastur alo tha beaoh,and tba tallow ln gol to look tor b
traced 1. to t a lia...e. etore th18 har 11 anybody want into that hole
hol.. h.n t • 00 s ant into tha plao t. t1 a waD out an t a rooka dry,
on t a roun wara qult. ar ot ple .a-ot-elabt. Latar
on ot er aold a. tound t .ra;but on too .~ paople had 00 to .aak the
pirata treaaure, d einca tben ... ' ...a d lIany urrlcene. an ro h aaa., 4
t la.t tlae I waD t are abo t tiTa yeara 0 lt wee tUl up ratty oh
wlt t a daap a a. ~ re.... old la y, 0 11...84 at Littl. ayaan Ialan4,
w 0 ot boa. tlra' ,1aoa.-ot-.l ht that wara toun4,an l' wa. nalth-ar
••d nor hld. to • ar p t lt It. O,70U ••e,t t'. w pira'e
tre •• 4. 14 1& .a a pla ot crt •• '0 rta1tor. 0 ~ t •
I •• ut I eUave, u u14 lIa re intare.ta4 in ay .xp.rienoe.
ot t e 'aat th 014 I. a and , a plrate.' oa.....
ft xaotly,. 1 .a14. a out t Old-tiM llora',
e.paolally tho.e that ara Jloonn ot.4 wlth the .......1& t .t 0 e into
1I1le tr ot r parte ot the orld·
wn-re e -any auperatltloJla in the _in • ot t • 01 er .allor.,
oh 10th.19~9
Bdl'lell oUe.
Upatalra • •0.
ent treet.
ClIII1D8 ~..
1 Con:!.'nob11e.
nUl to t ls el.a,-." he a ld; "but not a
ran 01. re ~1 r~.
'rlaor' _
eae late onea ••
a.l1 t .te ahi,. alnca t 014 1Il J r. are praotloally all Olle.
t a 01 a,-s "hen I lrat .. adl 0 t of 11a t are era"
er atltlona riaht ere alo t rl'rer tront. rl ht ere tor t e 41a-t
oe ot about two 100 a e tre I ot the L "
llro d aa built ten to t ln teat allo'r thie w t 1\h a 10
aa approach. la hl h art aa lark a 110 I r .r ona
t1aa ln thoae el.a,-a I waa on a br n ad 1. lae. ne'r.r a pr.ttle
'r••••l antere bl1e h8~bor d boy to oompara wlth It. Undar r bo -
.pr1t aha a a rapre ••ntlll a tly • al. Th1s tl ur. ea .al
baautifully carnel. and .. painh4 Uld hite. d t nl !It lt loolte Ju.t
lilt. a Iho.t. 'fhe.a 11. were })ro e 0 k.ep away tr t 1. Loul...
beoau•••0 e ot the or. bell.'r.el. ln Ibo.t•• an • 1 a tl ur. a ould
tly away .tter the.. 11. and t .n tly baok to t • b ot t oat
re leoe it.elr undar t e bo••prlt. Ot co ••••• 01 er one. oul la at
tboa ot t • ore 0 b.llen4 1Il & .t.. r .r OJl. nl&ht n. ot t e
cr••• a bl&.doubl.-Jolnted 4. by t • ot lot.. a.. er.tltl0.
to the and.a .4 •• to 0 up to"n wltb h1&. Y ot t e or 410't
talt. to Olot. d ..14 e we. a J1JlZ to the ah1p. hi. nipt ... P Y nll t.
Olot 4., .It ...nt to .'r.ry barroa Oil 10 .r Oo'r.naent
t o.e on oy treet a. .11. • oth lot pretty well loadell. eel. an4
.r04 into t. ecl.erlolll 1strlet. h. old oot h.dr••• l'UIlIl1lll 1Il
tho•• d ya, nd •• ted to he un. ot entertainera,llttla
Ueorl. ema.. ,raolt. t e t u. poem I 'Oaler loa.'
blond-heate w 11...ottly play the Ylower 0118. 8114 lot b.S8l1 to
lIl'oll lOtll,19'9
lOll Bodlen, -uaa IlOO
Vpotall'o,_o. 81 ao.,.raw__
o_n_t____ro__o_t obl10 Ala. ~ 1 __
raD?010 Lu4c'ro Dlarl,
ltor,Mobl1e.Ale •
...1001' _
00 tboT bollo"'d hlo sroan1Dg bro ht ba4 luolt to tho ohlp. U ot thea
quit ani Ollt 011 othor boato. ho uioo t1l11oh04 1004111& throo
4OTo or lot'o t1allt,an4 wo put out ot ob110 tor ort-aIl-Prllloo wlth
a carao ot t1abor alI4 w1lldow ooahoa. holl wo sot about a Idle out tro.
u4 Iolan4 llaht a\ tho olltruoo to b110 OT, Olot woo aioo1~. The
thought ot tho.. ot t 0 orow that had atOTod abo 4 tho 10 louioo
woo that Olot ha4 talloll 0...01' oar4 4 tho oharlt. had 80t h1a. Thi•
• 040 tho orow 1'0 por.tltlouo than o'ler botoro that tho ohlp woo
haunt04,an ...... that Iliaht OOM ot t 0 orow .ai4 thoT 'aw tho all&ol
t urolloa4 tlT a.wOT fro. un"'r tho bowoprlt 1'_111 111 11114 oil' 00
thour;h t obip tar. l!a.Ttl. 0 1'1...04 at OT oat,whoro
wo ha4 a 00110 Ollt ot h~or. to plok up,ud our tlrot ll1&ht out ot
Toot 0 w a alr."o. 10 air 0 wa.o a tull 1'1&804 b ItOIl 1Il0.aIl4
lt had oolorod oaUo. 1 ot UO aDd 0 the c-,pta.1Il had noTar""
ot our orow Oll 0.01'0 thoT oaw tho orow 011 thio
bia bult.lI.t1Do .....0 to Uo. It woo aD uno Il phOIlOUl101l 111 1IPPor Gult
w oro. t oouroo, 0 00011. air 0 botoro but 1l0t lUo Thl0 01l0. 0
ludod 1JI ort-au- 11lco oatoly,altho h YO had had t or tbroo uall.
to Jaa ."a1l1Ot. hat do TO t1l1llk: wllOll wo tio4 UP a Port-au- 1Ilo
thoro wu tho b1& 0 lot otalld1Dc Oil tIlo bow ot OIlOthor br1& 1l_4
KarT. ot our orow oaid thoy IlOW know tho 10 leuloo wu a hootoo.
Olot ha b..1I. plok04 up--ho wao a 1004 ..'--or,Tou ItIlOw---a.ttor ..1a&
roun4 1JI tho Gult tor 0''''1'0.1 hour. a.ttor w. ai•••4 hla bT tho bark01l.
t1ll. KarT 0111& troa Oo.1....nOll to .1l.aool.,u4 tho••trair;ht to Ha7-
t1. Olot 0'" alloarl tho 1. leuia. to toll UO allout hio oxp.rlolloo,
Maroh lOth,1933
dd.n B04d.n,Rooa1ns BOu••
Up.t.lra,lIo.8lt GoYern-
••nt Str••t,Kobll., ••
-------------------------- J'ran901a lu. 're Dlar4,
Re"l.or' _
and the r.mainins hull ".. tow.d into • port to b. rabuilt ,1t w.. the 311lX
to g.t • or.w to q;.in aan h.r. Sallor••1_)'. look at a WrJi.d "....1 ..
b.ins bad luok. ao it a .ailor dl.d at ••a hi. bunk "ould rUlain "aoant
aan)' trip. a1't~d.. obo•• on .hip. ".r••l".,.s oona1d.r.d bad luck. It
• man .lip. on a ladd.r or on .tair. l.adins to upp.r d.ok.,or trom the bold
••ilors w.r. elw.,.. tinior and o".r oar.tul th.r.att.r
.U1. ladd.r or .tair. the .ailor had dipp.d on.
"I r.m_b.r right do_ the whart a pin. .t the toot ot )louo.
tr••t s.".ral ton. ot gr it••ton. blook. wer. thrown ov.rboard. ih)'? Be-go
oau•• until th1a " .. don. oould th.)' S.t a or." to! a. tar .. Fort Korlan
wh.r. the ston. was bill.d tor. Th. boat it w•• on was .aid b)' ....en to b.
top h.a\')' and un.aaworth)'. Th.r. a••om. oon.truotion work b.ins dOll. at
Fort rgan and the ston. was tor r.intoro..ent work. "eral ton. h.d to b.
d p.d o".rboard into the ri".r right at the wharf'.. • b.tor. a or•• and
hand. to unlo.d the .tontl at Fort orlan oould b. gotten. I w.. one ot the
or.w hir.d. I r.oond that .ton. i ••till th.r. in the rl".r,tor I ain't n.,,er
h.ard ot it b.ins dr.q.d out. lcht in that .... plac. at the whart .t
the toot ot Mol-ro. tr••t t • Manu.le. la,on. ot t • narro ••t QJId lone••t
.msll.r d••p ••a-goins " ••••1. that .Yer 0 ... into Kobil.,• d 3u.t ••
aha wa. g.ttins r ••dy to 1.&\,. port. Th. whole boat .unk the pilot ' •
oabin. It la)' th.r. tor Ban)' month.,and att.r .",.ral att~t. ~ flod h.r
tail.d there a... alons a t.llow,who was tinall)' .uoo•••tul in rai~nc her.
".rr .eaman that 0_ alone the whart and .aw h.r .dd .he was a Hu,)'.t
the Pla had oro...d man)' d••p .... in h.r t1aa •
• tor )'our••lf I'". b.en plao•• and
4•• Bo44.ll, ooll1l1C Bou••
Upataira, oj 81 Oo,"ma.
llll wu••t, obll., a.
--------------------------- 010 ludclre Vlard,
It.r,Mobile, Ala •
• Tl.or _
KIlD BODD 1.0.
..en th1D&a and p.opl•• You 0•• , I r.ac1 a lot ,n.arl)' .Tar)' book I S.t JIf7 hancl.
on ancl tho bil)' pap.ra .. w.U. I'Ta beel1 0 into bil. ott Oil no
aino. 1902. Did)'o nor ot tho oohooll.r • l111p.-' 011, that'.
h ooa. _ to tirat into thia port. n 1 01 dur1Jl& .pt .r I waa on
tho b.aoh in • Orl••D••wh.r. I ata)'.d tor a t.w w••k. wlth a ....all trlend
n d Ion Ond.....ho ... co tor a trip to • York by tr. 10 train .r.
he n;peotecl to tr)' aa1l1D& out. ae p.rou cl.d lila to 10 with hla. <!tor we goll
10 .r.,I tound the waa too "Tere tor ao,ao I lett h1a att.r b. ehip-p.
d out on a clieh 01D& aoro... h a ao on tho .ew York
dook. I learnod th.t a aohoon.r n .d tho eor. • hlll1p. woo aall1D& to
uthern watara tro ookport, aeaohua.tta. I than nt onr to that port,
d I wee luok)' to S.t Oll thia 1011'0- at.d aohoon.r. ha ooktort tor
.11' York with a oareo oonalai1D& ot 8.000 atoD. paT blooka .e1&h1Jl& about
175 tona. I tound tho tirat 10 thie crow alao aup.rat1tloua about her
oarao b.1JI& aad. up ot .tono .Tar.oll 14&)- oT_b.r 8.
d b)' 8 0' olook aturda)' aorn was 11. C • Cod,w OD • OIl.
10 • ao.t territio .tol'aa I .T.r wa. in at a.a.ODd ODe 0 or ohain artoel.
oau.1D& tho .ohoonor to loa. on. ot her ohor. at about 7 o'olook that OTOD-
1D&. h. atOl'a inoroaaocl in tur)' 811 ht •and • 0pp.. ow it 14 blow all
rain: 10 8 o'olook n.n aomillC,whloh 11''' a anohor .. lo.t. Thi.
put u. in a h.ll ot a 11' olo,tor •• 10 D la)' to under 40ublo raatoel in.all••
until 10 0' olook.whon tho laT. wa)' tr_ tho toro. ot the awtul wind
thd wa. _lowillC. • .00. a. thie saTo a)' troa t • toro.
aIld tho .ohoo.or la)' to until 3 o'olo.k that att.raoo••with tha puc
tho 400k••T.rytll1D& aOTa_l. 11'•• w.ehoel o'"ftoar4, tho bulwark. waehoel Da)'.
Maroh 10th,1939
Bdd.n Bodden,Rooming Boua.
Upata1ra, 0.8li Governm.nt
tra.t ,Mob1l.,Ala.
--------------------------- 1rani01a Lu4a'r. D1ard
r1t.r,Moblle, e .
• v1eor ""'
the binoole and cOIIQaea .aah.d trca the poop deck,but th....e aav.d. At th1a
t1aa the oopta1n d1acovarad that the veaeel waa dr1tting toward tha antuokat
ehoala,when tho echoonor w.. put botore tho. w1nd and began to acud botore tho
w1nd in an att~t to cloar the oouro. ooutha.ot. Att.r .. tho ahoalo.the aohoonar at.ored aouth tor about tltt••n miloa ••h••
ah. hoy. to. The ath.r oontinued to in t1oroeneoo,and tho bar .ter
dropp.d to h.aTT aea. oontinuod to aw••p tho dook. and lt wa. a .ur.
eat. thiDg to run betoro tho oto •
t .... nl ht at 10 0' olook tho .outh .hoal light ahlp ... p.....d,
att.r wh10h tho oohoo••r haul.d to tho eouth ••t,and W. kopt thl. oour•• untll
tha noxt da7 ••hen tha ••athar IIlOd.ratod. oour.e w..a then ehanp;.d to the ard.and the d_ea. .... r.pa1rad aa ••11 ... tho oro. oould po.a1bly
do.att.r .hlch tho .ohoon.r w.. h..ul. to tho oout .at d •• haad.d
ahor.. ha weath.r contlnuad tair,and •• eto.r.d toward Oay lJead,a plaoe alOIl&
ehor.. ue ay c a.but it .aa other .aan woathar b. h.aTT and
rainy. It oontlnu. 11ka thh until about 80'0100k .dneaday nlght,whon 01l1'
baroll.t.r dropp.d down to 29.4 again. e .ad. en attall;Pt to r ••t tho aaila .0
a. to h.av. to. but • a.a .a. eo rouah w. oouldn't do thla. The ••ather oontlnued
th1a way untll aturdaT,th••ohoonor drlttl end .ouddlng bator. the
wind all tho t1llll, and w. tound o. turdaT ott.rnoon .. wore 100 ail•• ·ott
"Duri aturday att.rnoon tho .1.d went dow••but on SundaT lt h-er...
ed OCalll. until lt wa. blowing a tioro. aala tron the nor'w••t,ahltting
to ot nor' .. t.arful haaTT ••a runniJLa. Thlo aal. oarri.d ua 1.
to tho o,ut tr.... and on. at our or•• dboov.r.d the .ohoon.r waa 1.ak1D& ba
oh lO~.1933
4ell odden. 00111118 u.e
a't lra. 0.81t Goyer.ellt
treet. bl1e .,,1••
---------------------------- h o.h 'ra lar4.
rlter,Mobile, lao
eThor' _
DD •
ly. I 4 ot er. ot t e r.- puap••relleT1 e.oh ot er 80 •• to
_ 01 0 Ilta l~ until Deo_ber 31'4. a toun we .ere 200 1I11e.
111 about---lt I r__ber oorreotly--latitu4e 36 4 ree.lo titu4(
e.. e thell 4eolde4 to 0 to d••lIut a. the aohoonar w.. not
e ul ad with a Ohroll eter we, e up 01Jl& thi.. oour.a w.. t ell
e4 to t a .0 t er4 111 op.. th.t would p... e ....el th.t wou14
be le to tell ua our 100.t10n.but th1. 0 e.too.41 't pan outlan .t 1••
attar golll8 through hell 1t.elf .priTationa 4 andetf. .t laat .1ght"
the I.lan4•• Oeal I tall 1Ou.yo t.llow. ar••e 11• 41 1 .4 been
1. othar .tora. that almo. w1pa4 the c. leland. out ot the C 1bbean
•• aT n 111 Tere .tora. r ht hare 1n )lobile other part. ot tu Cout.b t t • eto while 00111111 south Oil the or,. • Phil11p. waa
t e r.t 1 eTC w 1l1. t t bso.uaa wa re in ll14aa••
a ara toroa to ur OTer oer4 Olle thou.ell tour hun4re4 ot tile
s Olla 1IoTlII8 block. ot our 0 a tha. hOller atlo.t. h ..a. ell
a could re oh w1thout op t. tohe. pi4 1 .to the .a. w•• rwm1Jl&
.0. 4 It e had 0 ehad t a.a e. t • hold 14 .Te tl11 and llha
.ohoollar ou14 heTe .unIt.
a .ra 111 • a1nlt1Jl& conditioll .. ell a ra.ohed the Bah
",r er la.T the Bs .ollooller .... 1'1JIl thro h rook.4
all the 1 hta 4 we t en he 4e4 tor ••t Cull...
.... .rcoo. on the e••t Il 01' _....hlch ... reaO d Oil 4.y.
o ar 1.
t thi. port tha r ader of the p.T1l1& block••Oloh .... 6.600. e 41aohar
, I
eh lOth.lg3~ -13-
40n ddo.. 00ll111C 1le0
Up.tair•• 0.61 Go....rDll.nt
tro.t. bl1.. a.
----------------------------- h ... ota Lu 'r. Dlard.
rlt.r,Mobile,Ala .
• vlaor· ---"
D DD • •
• ...4 turn.d t .. ovar to t 0 dlr. w. r.o.l,.od eno\l&h D.ce..
,. rep ir. to pro d on • trlP ....l ••11e tor bll. ,.1. 117
hl cl r ••topped 4 obt.taed a ohrono..t.r •
• Llnrpool
14lht out t'rca
a. 0. ar 10.a larga .ta·-1I1 o.a to ba
• a ' 4 tha .ohooner nara ta latlt a 26 4 rea••lo
t1tuA. 65 4e _4 &4,.18ad that t • oar 0 be throwa ovarboard.but -
tala th ...1 0allta1. JIeIU'7 04dan•• ralatlva at mna,whe auooa.d.ll Call-tatD
th.llaollled to .a,.a t a oar o,lt o••lble, d dld not tollow thl.
advloa tro tha .ud ara. heir aotio...ved tha 10.. ot wonh
ot .tona.but .ubJaoted tile .ohoonar to bout 600 worth at h.aga.whiall
w.. a."1JI& tor tha ownar.who wa. ,.ar,. gretaful tor their 10 -
.llad tora.ight.
"I tor ot to tell 70 , tile .ooond
11Der 0 a vary ••ar 1Dg our ohaonar 40WJl. S a ot the orew on tha
Gear a B. 1 1,••ald thi. w•• a d tor our l'.th1....4 t
.tora wa had run r Ilt tato at tha b • otl r a4 d oOllla at
th. eur..4.but wa age4 b,. t a oa ot the 014 ..tar to _ka lt ••ta
to aroooa.Cub.,ell than to )(obUa.
ar _ re.ohed lIobUa 0. a4a,..10J1uarT 13.1902.",a wara put
0. Arr 400ll:,tha 014 ruoa.. 111Dcer loak at the toot II ,.onbr at
la,.a,to glva. a thoro II o,..rhaul1JLg. Till. wa. thln,.-.a,.... ,.a
o.aJ14 I'va be.1l perl041aallr 0 1Dc tato bUa a,..r .taae tha.. to tha
tiRe tllh 014 r1Ter tro.t I ooul4 OOUJl tile ttaa. ea111JLg ,....d.
tr all) • ot tile orlll to the Il\IRIIer at • llun4red to a hun4re4
/ aak andl abruary 3,1939. -1-
• J'r ob 're D1ard,
Idantltl08~10n o. 0149-5 5 ,
edar 1 rltara' ProJeot,ua.2,
oJaot 0.«54, bila,.l
• ------------------------------
V horon ouaiDa, ooal
uth oyal t.,3rd orth
ot (;ont1 t. , bile, .la.
,JUlIG o •
On Jrlday night, uory th,1339,at exaotly 6:00 o'olook when 10 e
alua oa rl 1Da loudly tr·gm 10 a towara ot tha th dral ot 10 a J..aou-lata
ono pt10 at D uphiD n4 1 1borna ytraeta,aftar a 10 euppar I took
a atroll out au hiD traat to lton .,traat to whara tha Uew Tor
b looo)ad. hh bakary a the ra utat10n ot aak1Da axoellant rya braad
da11010ua oandle4 aaooaroona,whloh I saner lly puroha.a oyary rldoy ttarnoon
lt t1 oielly abla. han I had raoohad tha oppoa1ta ot tha baok
t;athadral,thora waa at d~ at the northeaat oorner at in d au hiD
traata a yo lIaD at tha and a It taat iD he ht. ha on th1n,alii
o r1a4 UDdar hia
on blua- r y
ar tha aatar.
_a.ter,bro n trollaera, d. brown apor &hilJt whioh a ra w:
pair ot unpol1&hed blaok ahoea nca..d hie teet, d he
a yY black a rooot. I w a elk w1th -:r
w an I looke u to atap onto t a curb ot tho
d a p 1r ot the nd aiDoaraa' Iu
ay ayaa T. ad aYer aa n iD a JUA' a ha 4. w.a look 10 118 tor ao-lIent
with a atair ot auap1oion,en4 I than ha tho ht I waa a dateotiY.
at .ama kind,tor ha aoon hurr1ad away to tha oppoaita aida ot tha atreat
Ten1ahad tro aisht iD tha ot 10 a uta obilaa.
I oontlnuad a block further to tha bakery
rya braad and tha ooaroona I waa S01n& aftar.
y drift-in'a taca batora a tha axpraaaion
d uro oaa4 tha loat at
1 10 t nisM 1 4 the'
h ora on aaai ",tor
a waa a tairly santeal,nioa laok youn n with r ul ta turea Dd a
• ••It nd -}-
~..n 018 Lu £1'. lard,
bll•• .1••
, ,,
WI•• '0. 01al t.
}r4 • 01 ontl, bl1.. •
d t e klndn... .r .0•••that 1.,th. hobo oaapl
oharact.r. 1a the plctur.,tor I'T.
topp.d .t Just .uch hobo c
ood. cooklns oYer
ot the
1Da pl....
pln.- ot
d In
d d •• '
ton tat.,on ept .1' 11.
ert ~oue1n•• MJ .ath.r
I exp.ct to .top t 1. roed
bl~.,.rt.r one 1101'. trlp
ht.. ell 10cet. hr., .. •
tor a.o • Y rath.r .e. a
or ed OIl • • the ran OulM
•• ot heron,'
l' he
call.d ' he
• 0 yo • e .... baby
an Irbh .0
er .0
to •
t • tutur. 1 l' 0 d you 111 •• lot. or
tor the 11te .tory, "I urS••
"tou •••• 1 ••• born.t 11.nburs,
1914. 1 t ••on or 11z.beth oDe ott and
te ot ton.looate on tha le .lD. t
to et. Jo _e lDaar
ot t dlta't
roJao In.
Y!D& dowll uth.
tate. ut the 1.
• ant to rlt tor
tha. Oil tate er 0 Pall7. 1Il outt1lls tlab.r w • kl1.lad "y a
r 11 u 1 ree at 1£- 11 ,a~ ton. hl. a 1Il 19 8. e 1
••• only t urteen year. ot ase.aDd bot ~ r thar other e burled 111
h 11.n urs e etery•• ey ere the p.rellte ot thrae ohl1dren,two boy.
d one irl. y older brother, • t ay oalled .. e,la 32 yeare old, d
~ .1etar ze1.who 18 1'•• ry • t ood.le . , old, aha ree1d S
1Il 11. ur , d.ot couree,l t e baby aD .. ot es··
-1 ••e tir. • t to llenbur 11110 o oo~ .t the • ot .aY.1l
7e a,
the th
oOlltl u.d .t the u 110 .0 001. Wltll I re.o ad the
1 ue .d ood .er1'••t • hoo1 •••
a ot
• ALA r
baron Cou.1Jl.,
• oy.l t'l~rd • ot
b I., &lao
IJl, IG , or •
o.ttl•• I bad t
t 1Jl.
• , 0
ur.d to ,.t u into tb. Id country to piok I
bu. at ocat.llo,I4aho,aJld proo••d.d by 1I)'••1t on • trat bt
• iebara
ith the ,r.r••y
u. I tho :&
• t a ••n by t • oa 0' aaghu. Oil a freigbt tr in, he d
the d. Jo • I waD doubttul 1•• t at it w•• the r
0' hu.I _t on t .ro d,' 0 an I 0 tao. to tao
.toolt own.r,I • torq .at oonat.rnatioll that the • 0'
"I n.xt ant to ob.,Id o,w .r. I piolt.d Iriab potato•••bout .u
or .ight a1.l•• north ot Bob.. I .taY.d t .re b. tor .bout al.nn
.It. durill& un., uly u.t. ot 1935 ot t • plolti ••a n. I the
to ot la. on ept b.r l.t haad.d tor ndl••on, on, to at t e od'o
Job ue h.d told .. a out. han I reao ed .ndlet.on,I oall.d at
tb. odeo 0 orral,:ill.d Uh all apul ot obtain t.. JOb, d w .n
I aelted tor a r cb hlllld r to14 h1a I waD 100ltiJls tor a .aD naJll.d Riohard
0' on bu. d aalt.d wb.ra h. oould b. to d. I waD told to by the
r ch hand aJld he would oall hia. .ald th.r. waa only on lchar o'Den-h
• in t.hat ••otion t t 0 .d 0 ttl.. I had told thi. ranch nd I d
old lie
a traa~ a. a l.adta& o.ttlem ~ that .eotiOIl. ·a dr....d lile. a lor ,
aJld had n a tina ridl outtit ,ria at oth.r piece. t tent with
it. ar••t.d .. wlt a aaile ot w.leODUl and a dab.. tn. pdiatal1
.. to worle tor hia in ohara. ot dhpley1Jla hie tin. ,r.r. 1 oattl.,and at
.alary ot 1.5°.00 a .ont ,wbat do yeu mQw about tbatl aelt.d h1a the
Il.xt day wh1 h. he t It.n to t • roa •
IU. wa••
"I lh.d at • , 0
replied th t h. aJlt
bu.'. hoaa,a tin. r ••ia.llo. ot
to •••
. ~..
bout 14 roo:
It and
• 'ranyo18
ire Dlard.
11.. ••
baron 0 .1 ., 00 u••
01.1 t."rd ortb ot
ontl otr••t, bl1e. ••
, 10 or TlI o •
or aor',and turnlahed sup.rb17 wlth t • ot turnltur. d hous.hold .tteot
I at.•• d., .t hl. tabl',and waa tr••ted whl1. t .r. 11ke on. ot
t tsaJ.17, .ltbo 1n t • blUlkhou.. 11k. tb. reat ot hi. r.noh band.,
• 0' onqbu. was a. 1. a ,and two ot bl. brot er. alld a .1.tar 11. d wltl
La. • .1.t.r w•• hl. bou••••per. 1. old.r broth.r w•••11 111••11d traa tat
Ule p &l7d. e1nee • wa. el••all old. I .oon tound t .10 10 18 t
brothar ... a great adldrer ot r&lllcl1n • oo.anlt. • 'onall e. ara .-
'YOU athollca. I tOUlld thb lrbh t ly 10 • klnd••t 1 ad et. '7
a .t 0110 prayar .t table tor graca, d 1 w.a al.o d. to l.arn It.
"I r 1ned th r. O'Jlonagbue tor .1x w••k. tt.r t • ,odeo 010 .t,
d work.d wUh en U a l ••••r .alar7 t.b.&ll the odao Job. 1 toolt to
10 road ..a1ll on 0. .r 15,1935 •altho •• asked to r a wlth 10 •
'Do 10 a. w 10.. e d87 I l.n r. 0' IlI1& • bro t .. 1nto
to bla.alt, •• ort on t • p.....r tr 1n. .a14: o. ytlae 70U
.111 coa. cit your Jo a' r 0 h d 111 • open to 70u.-
"I t e p.... .r tza1n at • ere all tb. ah.ep
.r .r. ath.r to .t t .ir w1nt.r ppll••• I .t.,a at a.per about 10
th.n I oa ht a Unlon acltlc tre tralll d oroa••d t. ocltl••
tor hl0 o,ll~on a o.t 1. tra1n.but w • del 7.d 1n a b7 ral1rea .teo~
tl••• tor t 0 .7' tor .tlon. ben 1 wa. ral.a. ,I contlnu.d n to
losgo on ot r fr.ight tr 1n. I took t. 1 b ay L1ncoln U. • ca
a rld. tor In41anapol1.. r. I .t.,.d at t. t.atlon 10 t Il tt.r
• hb lut as 1n t • b..1JLn1ng ot the wlllt.r ot 19'5. 1 .an h••'YY
w1llt.r had .at In. 1 t.n .a ed tor 01 0, kio, .t y. .r••bout. ..k.
• • - -
ran901a Iud r. Dlard,
obl1., a.
hal'O oualn
th oyal
t" oua ..
...t. ,31'4 orth ot
10., bl a, a.
um, o RO •
oinnetl, hio, n th.r. atayad et tha 'l'ranaient tor t'lrO da,.a,when I
oa ht a tr iaht tor 01 bu.. 10 u. I .tayed the 'l'r.anaient Bure u,
4 th n at 1'10 4 hole on the hi nay to Indian oUe nd ata,.ed th.r at
the haal.r i ..ion....aTi InUan poU. 1 nt to hie 0, but eoon • 01110
ot 10 a tor aT' ort,Io , '1', I ata71 10 a charitabla 1.elon und l' ~n
aT.l ra' up.rTlalon. I latt aT npo.' and went to ~ ine.
a4 olla II h at thia pIa.. 1n a box oar at the tr. ht dapot. LeaTl 'a-ine.
• lt to , ebra. a,w '1" I .t.y.d in 10 0 rallroad y d. In
a box oar. e next rul I wa. luoky, tor I oa ht e 11; 1 aoltl0
tr.lsht tor an I.lanl ,.braaka. 10 thl. plao. I d. ood conn80tlo11 to
he,.enne, lIC,and oa ht a train that niaht tor a. er, YOlll , 4
w. aain In 10 • ab. P er oountry, I 1 tt out ot Caper att.r atayln 1
the polioe ,10 tlon tor the niaht. I 0 ht a train next rnloc tor" lt
k. 1ty, 4 .t.yed oTernl h 10 ere al at 10 • poll0. at tlon. .xt .orn-ina
I ca ht a t1'l tor an4leton, l' son,ed h 10 0 tortun. to ••
in an .tay at t • 004 tr1 , • Rlch 4 • n ue. Olll I all - alIa, a.hi ton tat., 4 10 ye4
Clty Fera,le TII1C tha next aoru1ng 4 rr1Tl that e.en
• ot U.nbur , uh1 ton. ., 110 a•••4 reat to e ain 1n ay old hoaal I
went out 1&Dedlat.1y to .1.ter'a pI c. bout ae.en mile. north ot llen-
a 81 to. e.. .1.1ted all the 01 taatllar plaoe. er.
or Ion. 1n oh1l4hood,or work. ,10 • Yak1aa In41. 10.' 014
baq,and l'
way. 1.,
ha play.
trl I.
ined Ith her tor three thl. t oour ,ay alat.r,aa ahe al-
1 lett .1at.r'a d atert. do
the .at Oa.t 0 01'101
, .
aak and1Dc rabruarr }.19,9.
c usnr,.
• ,
r D901. ds'ra Dlard.
obl1a. ,lao
------------------------------ roD 00 u ••
tk oy 1 ~ •• ~d or~h at
Contl St ••Moblle,Ale.
l,. ,)•
lOa, hara I .ta7a4 tor a ••k.and theD proo••d.d OD to en l.ton and D~
b.ok ~o work tor.,. old frl.D , r. iohard O'Do hb tla. I work.d to
h1a tour Dth•• whloh w•• dur ~h. lat~ar ~art at 19}6. I ten .d oattl.
ra •• betor•• I ul~ ODe .orninc .udd'D17 • t. oDd.rlu.~ bed .in in-
••d.4 • d I took a t. on tk. highw.y tor • 11~tl. ~OWD o.ll.d cO',Colo-r.
o. I trlad to C.t • Job h.r. wlth anD'" .roy 3~.rr,who ad .~ruok
cold .t a or••k ~hirt1 ail•• trom 00.. Dtortunata1y a had all t. aD
antad Ju.t th.nlbut wa. to1 to coma b cit y b h1a l ..ter d
he ou14 .a. w at a coul4 do. I 4i4o'~ 80 b,ck.but .truck out tor 1l1a.bure
olor do.anot 'r aDa ot t a a o.t d•••rt.4 town. .r. so14 ......i11
PanD.d. I .tay.d h.r. a litt1a o••r a wa.k 4 got 11ttl. odd Joba to Ii••
OD. hl. • the .prl at 19'7. I latt 1l1••burC' .tart.d •••~. d e
into, litt1. to.. 0 11.4 1••ourl Vallay.lo "w ieh ia 0 lea Dorth ot
, .and 1 4ad, Job th.r. with a tallow .l kD. by 10 a D ot.rot ur
1.y working with a 00 .truotion u.t in••rinc orpOr.tiOD.
who•• h ottl•• w.. a.anport,Iow•• I rk.4 wlth thl. any tor bout
tl.a aODth. ,It to apt .r,19'7. • .oon a' tha Job w,.. pl.t.d
I tor Chlcago.Ill. I .tay. in hl. 0 in a 10 ou•• at 195th t.
tra.t rei 1 .eau•• I ot little odd Job. n4 pai4 1.50 a ...It
tor ay roc.. I r. aina4 in io 0 until 0. .r.19TI. h.n I t1J:lally ot
41. u.tad,and.t ad turther .,.t nd ot into tington.1Dd. I ••t
it,h ,t.11 tbar••• 0 to14 l@ht C.t on wlth .nbaek 4
Oirou•• 1 .t rt.d tor t air ae u rtar.,~ .ru.Ind. ,and I 4.01ded haD I
cot t ara that I 14o't ~ply tor, Job.b.oau.a I 414D't Ilk. oirou. lit.
cleol4ed to co aD into hl0. 4 nt to t • to ot lI)'ton. 4 tri
to c.t work .t t • rubb.r pI t ••b~t without .uoo•••• Lett 87 on 4 W'Dt
• ok cU obrual7 ~,1939.
&11 010
'ro Llard,
obllo, o.
• ----------------------------.-
v aron, o0a1Dc ..
,outh 01 1 t. rd orth or
ontl wt., obllo, a.
, III •
0 all trie4 t 0 oody.U' b • r otory, aleo wi bout uoo•••• I lett
A .t , hl0,W r. tr1a4 to lI·t Job to t ot
b. o.p Y,bU wa. to14 to 0 b ok 1 tor OA. 1 4.014e to o rraa ore
• town oallo reJa in hl0,&I1d pU. at .te.l alll. int t .OOUOII
ror ork, ut r 11.4,.0 b.o to Yo .to whUo .ta,.o int
d • our.d • '0 in. t 11 • op
i.t... dinnor ••
4.50 ••••k ror bo r4
a t nor rae.t
l1;but. 0 oyer.atter • ertinll to
t e slT tion b rr ok. on T
Oh.l , • I ate
1T tion
• trlo 1. r
trlok,I ate dinner at
• t.l,oonduot.d by t •
• I
I .t rrom
•• Ye .;. wit
ork ror ••t
1I1T1UC. b. latter laoe d no tur e,. but Coodroast b ar,whioh n••rod t 0
eame tor a oor ..h n I roturned ho that 4 dlnnor at
he alT tioll barr ok., • triok .k 4 .. what did e haTe for dinnor,
I to14 hill roa.t b..r. eo 0 id, ell,on vhr1. • d h:r 11nTlh
for a urk.y dinn r with y tBally.
• 0 nl ht hi1 ~ • lyi i d I
.,. oldor rot r, a,who lett
ot try1 to looato
a yoar proTlou. to aT t r'a do t
• dr1T •
h n 018 },ui
ra lard,
&ron oUlliDa, 00
uaa, • 01al ~t. ,3rd
ot Contl ~t., bl1e, a
,n 0 o
at by there .,ery he
och on the atreet••
bl1a waa tha naxt to
a aaoola I talkad wlth a te
to heil
tloatera,who told e
enaaoola try
road out ot ena cola to 0oute
O,and I had ha d tr
aa a c1 nnt.h nd trlendly
ttended to hl. own bua~ne.e
lna ot
" y o.,ar
thet obUa
tile Oil tha 0 10
atlon ottloara on t
• :t
ar ot ell on tha ro d
4 41dn't publicly
- hUa I waa et
4 a tellow cou 4
ouldn't ata)' 10
to ateh 0 10 tor 10
ottloar Cllaa al0ll&
w a to cat to obl1
a a c
at tow rd the City ot 10 a ale .,two 1 ratl0
bile. Mr concern at thla ent
eo atter I ue eoted who they w re er w at the tloatara had told
.e whila in Penaacola,I deoided to keep my mouth ehut lt ueatlone by th •
It aa 10 e rlde to Mobl1e I wented,tor my teet "ere tlred out. Theae e re-tlon
offlcara ad I\e whare I waa 01 ,end I ared e ad tor a.·
ay aaked ere homa w a,and 1 told th et lenbur, allh1ll&ton tate;
lIut ay 40 bted e and aooueed a anadlan,beo ue ot aJ aall
blo d typ, ,per epa, eoauae llenburC a a a nate n ar t e anadian
I then told t _ I waan't any talkillg(w ne teUi the th18, w..
a It), d to a n hold e tor In.,eatl ation,_hioh hey 4i •
I aa told 0 cet into their 0 .and 10 e1 prooeeded towar obile
4wln ount1 d o.,er the bridle oroaa bile .,.. I w.. taken by 10 .. atter
reaohillg bile to the rear at the new U. • urt Bouee d (;uatOlll Houae,_here
10 e., parked 10
tioa. tiera 10
ir c • I w.a 10 en 10 en into
eee orfioera aill acouaed me
the buildin« to the
ot bel1\& a ane ien,end
aile end too it a. • 00 pl ant ,tor ana 1 a e nerally coodlook
people. ne t t e•• ottio.ra eai4;
• 'Bow 40 know 10 .rr ton 10 te"
-I an ere iD turn:
••Ie nd1D&
• -13-
• •
ollil.. c.
U. •• ooai u.o
• oyal \ •• 3rd • ot 0'
•• 0 11., a.
a ... .T~, o •
..0 JaY. It tor -.:.
0110 Dothl
do yo I ro ada?'
7 • 14:
'''It 10 J .1. •• bro •• U 10 10 ,
thlo tt- l •• olluclel1 11 117 .1••• rld
ol•••r ••hil. t .y re play b. .Lll 11I7 11m I
• 1 h. full 01lt14 o. oul4 b. 0 lJl In 0 to nt..
oa the .tre.t. ot the town aoe' ot t tlo.tor. he.o pr 1.e4.... obl1••
oour..... 4 Dot ha4 • 0 rS. plao.d .1D.t .t..y h.4 ho
aroh • I.a the JI1Dda ot bot.h ot th_ thay .till • tertd 0 ...
t 1. t ay In.l.t .but. n I pull. out ..0 lal oourlty ot.
••oount D b .t.7 era & .toun. th.y coul 0 ly .t ~ .1. esc 01. l' 4
tho at •
eno ot th .al:
•• lIT dldn't you .IQW uo your oclal oJ ourlty c
out.leut. ot anaoool •
, b t 1'0 nth.
.. , .11,lt
you ldD't e to. •
Ila" • • I • i " i'O~l~dD 't a• ot a 1'1 to obl., 4
"'l' oy both
o 0 ot t am .ald:
ut a cloy l' pi 00 ot r 0.01' n t •
.' 10 1. tho tirot tlaa
10 tt-.'
aD 0 y 0.01' put 0. r OJl u. 1n a
UlUI .0 • C
Loul••• LaAal.r.
~ 1IcnI~ x.-.... n.'.
Mo_l1•• ::.~. _
h'aAfOb 1G4dn D1U'4.
1'.1'.MollU•• Al.a.
5.ar17 onrT .tbl'llQOIl u4 0.. ..10 IIaIQ' .1Sh'. 4ur1Jla the ••,h.
ot tho 7. • h••~ ••t - •• puoh )'01lJI&.r 1. look. thu hi.••tu1l7 .u b hal&II'.witll tbo k1a4lT t ••turea 4aDOt1a& he b • h •••dut
ot 0••1001'. who ware .1'hor ao141.r. or .tur47 plo...r •• or.p.rh~••sreot
toll U. ot tho •••• 0.. b. .... .tan41a& o. tho 001'11.1' ot 07al u4 Douph18
.tre.t. 1. KobUo. .0 TOrT ott.n h. 10 .... to1k1a& to .1th.r tho tratio
ottloor on ut7.or to onUo•• aD4 p.r••••walt1a& tho arrlY.1 ot whot.
y.r oar. 10 .y a••aou. ot taklllllo 1. 1. 0 I4ul. 0 .....1.1'. •
aa4 hi. po.ltl0. 1. tha' ot 41yl.l0. eup.r18t.n4••t ot .troot oar_.hl. 4u'
10. 00"r1Jl& not only 1DepooUon ot tho .101'00' oar. ot tho 4lttor..t
route•. leoY1Dc tho bU'll••b.t to tt- th.. by .oh04u1••nd to r ...4y alIT
.ro 401D& or ai.teko. th 10 aight arb. .rto181D& to tboa••uoh .. 401.,.••
000140.10.. .ahup•• 41root 4 iDtol.'lR1 po."naor•• oot. Th10 padUo.
1. a "rT r ••po..n1. 0•••1noo.whan on 4uty.tho cOQaD'T a. 11 o. tho PO
II an4 coD4uotor. look to thi. PU tor OY0l'J'thlna to run corrootlT.
o hour. ot hi. 4uUo. • tr 12 noon to 1:45 o'clook ....4 troa
5:000'0100k 0 • to ai Ilt.u4 ha. bo. aployed by tho bU. 101cht
u4 111'004 Co aroh.1923,hl. tlr.t pa.ltlon wlth tbat ooa-
PUT balnc tbat ot coD4uotor•
o I4u1o •• !44Dl_ .180. tak1nc aap10YJUnt 1n bUo witll tho
.treot oar OO"UT baa 18 .0"re1 r ••140ntlal dl.trlot. ot 1111••
but 10 1..10 4 pr••ont ro014enoo • bo.. a ooatortablo .U rooa
.11011 tlOWQ' ca:r4an and _..k 7ard at o. 509 South Lewr.... tre.t.... •
1&4Dlor al• .,. trJ att.r aiAJl.1&lat until ".1'1 lat. 18 tho .rn1a&••• he ho.
to b. on 4uty at 12 0 'olook.he ooula't • tor the wrltor to oon"r..
• I
..k en4111&
prU 21810,19:59.
1 •
, o IVI I
Louia 11. I4lU10r,
509 • I4lwrOJlGe tr..t,
)Iob110, =•.:.' _
all,oh Xu '1'8 D1ar4,
1'11001', bl10, .b....
with hta .10 hi. ro8140noo,but at po.t 01' 4utio. 40WJl town,oomor
01' Roy.l an4 D.uphln tr.ot.,.h.r••11 oar routo. u.t an4 oro•• one all-
• 487 I inteniew04 • Ladn1.r .aa ".r)' 0001 4 in the aidAlo
01' tho IIOnth 01' rU. 'lb..t art.mooll when I 0_. to the oornor 01' Boyal
4 D.uphin .tr••t. it w•• orowd04 wlth ahopp.r.,p". 01'11:111& pooplo,
aIl4 oh1l4rell return1Jls troa .ohool an4 tran.t.rr1ll& 1'1' ono 0.1' to allothor.
• Ladnier in hh w111111& w.y .t ttao. 4 to interupt hie oon.,.
rutloD w1th the wra.r to .tt.nd to hi. 4utl8. 4 t.lII: to hi. IIOtora.
n on the d1tt.r.Dt 0 ••
"I _ tho 1'ourth oh114 ly 01' two 11r18 and thr.. boy.,-
.t.te4 r. Ladnl8r, "bom to • an4 1'.. harlo. • Ladnl8r. I .... born
on Julv 8th.l~89.
in the town 01' ••01l&01l1.,)(hd..lpp11 • 487 01' b1rth ha.. CODO 40wn
1n the hhtory 01' P 111. in tho lt04,tor on thi. 4.y
and ul1han to ht thoir 1'nou•••toh at 10hbourC, 1..1..1pp1 on tho
Gulfport II p I.lan4 .Uro.4 that OOD"8ote with tu Lo_ln1110 II _..h-
'11110 d1ro.4. I h• .,. oa.ra not ollly Jq paronte .peak 01' thla _toll ••
be1q. ro.t .ftnt Oil tha It Coaat,but h=41'04. 01' othor. in thh pan
01' the outh. y ••r1y oh11dho04 ••:p.nt .,.1'7 auo •• tho • .,01'11&0 boy'.,
but 11.,iq 1n •••11 Gulf Co••t port ..1th plenty 01' ...tor .11 ua4 I
aeon 100011: to • 10.,. tor tu w.ter an4 t1&h111&," 011 •• huIlt1D&. I 1'0-
or tho boy. 01' ••oa.soua near a:r 0WIl qo ..ou14 croup tOlother an4
Co thh11l& an4 or.bbl11&. lIIaJIy,.nT t1&o. we alae wou14 &ako up partie.
04 0 40wn to oX-.',whioh la kIloWJl aa the " 1D&111& R1ftr," to
Unen to tha .trllJl8. maio 1111:0 all _11 ha.rp. -
.11' ..
to 18 II. 4J11.r•
~ 8. left.... bU.,Ala.
411'. Dl 4. rlt.r.
a llM 10
.... c.u.w.
••Ie en41q pr11 21.t.1939.
to tho 11' on. wal'1Il& at tho wharf to oarJ1'7 ua t our DeW 110M.
'1'h1. waa the well IcDoWll tea117 ot ah..t t.an4.0. ot the teaU7 are .tUl
11...111& to-487. hen 111''' born 111•• W Ohutdt ha4 •• baptb.d 1Jl
the ,.thol1o taUh d4 .tood .., c04aother. Th. 011. ot the Ohaa ot tal117
1. on. ot th.. plao•• ot the Gult oa.t.tor lt 1. rurnlohed wlth ,he
tlDe.t ot tl u•••both turDltur.,portralt.,oh1Jla- ,silver 4 brle-a-brae
oct. It wa••ure17 a 4.11a;h' \0 0, d at thla b auUtul
aolOll. Croua4. lop..' a r.ot 4..1 ot ..,. 17 ohU4hcod. • .., tdh-
.11' an4 th.r an4 , .ir t_l17 _n4 trea .., blrtQla•• to a 1Iou•• Oil a
.treWl 1Il o....oula ba.k ot Bo.t.r'. oon.whioh lott.r ploo. toc.4 the
oth.r .'r••t. It a. troa thla ploo. I u. d '0 0 to oranton to the publ1•
• oboel to .., t.aoher eator tho
7 oldo.t broth.r Gu. .nt to P.n.ooola.wb.r. • a. In the .t.....dol
bu.lIl.... 4. .tbL. lot.r to thi. h.n I b..... thirt••n 014
.., tath.r d••14.4 to l.a.... a....oula 4 0 to Gulfport, 1••1••lp l,to
orle 11......./hi. 111l. ot worle a. or. 4...ant 00'1.. 11'.11 I 11'.-
_eer .., tather talc1lla; .., 0140. broth.r 4ward ..,••It and 0111& to
Biloxl, h.r. h. r.llt.d a .ohoon.r tr .11' 1Il the Baole 1187 ot 110xl
lar•••no to carJ:'7 our houa.hold .tt.oh. It wa. .thr dTant... to
.an b7 water an4 ODe .ohoon.r 10 d 0 JI'7 .•.,.Jl'7thl th "7 road 1Il
......ra! 10040. r__b.r la. 7••hrd 7 t • 4a7 w. _ ...ot,it .ao a tlll., 07 1Il t month ot 1la7. h. wotor pu.... to Gultport 00
an4 otter 11'1....4 thore. 4 to truOPort our ouooho14 ott.oto to
lan4 7 barc.o that 414 not dro .uoh wat.r. w...4. on. load on the b S.o
• 0' .tned 1Il our new he 0.., totll8r .Il' 1Jlto tho ote...edor1ll& "ua1a .
I bo1ll& thlrt.OIl 7.aro 014 u4 _oll larger thall at "070 at the' 1
1.OU1 •
1.0\118 B. Lauler•
509 • La.ZeDoe • ,Mobile ,All
7rano•oie lu 're Diar4. ri'er bile. a.
etar\a4 to ork under t ther ae water boy. t thie Job I earne4 a 401lar
a 4q. I tho ht then I wau .a Iro up aa Y man tIClu14 b...... 1I00n
I wa. promot.4 t the ~ob ot hatohten4er on all boat.lth.n l.t.r I ..
proJaOted to a better JOb .. e in. • I work 4 at thl8 latter Job tor
.0 year. until I lot J17.elt a '. Job in the. b••1Jl•••~whi.h
I .14 40wn tor quit. a hile. •• al y. worD hard .te y.
"I .. Barried on tbe 29th ot e )(i.. Zoan ht.1I'ho
.. ht.r at 1Ir.. Jtaeo by a tir.t rias.. I 11'" -..rd.4 1Jl ath-er'.
owe by a re.byter1 1.ter by the at e.. lone.. n 7.bru-ary
l!6th.19l2.117 al4e.' 1I0y an4 ohU4 wa. born. He 18 loui. B.
en 117 .eoond oh114 d daUSht born n1net••n month. later oa
..ept er l8th.19l,•
• ine•• lot .lao in the t ••edor1l1&•••• eo I ent to ork
tor th G ltport and i ••1e.1pp1 .t raot10. Co y a• .ctor.aa.....
in thi. cap 01ty I orJr.e until 1315. 1 e or14 ar wa. now 0111& on 1a
urOJ'•• and tu ole outry wa. 1 .xoit. an y .nt tlw United
tate.. .0t84 to b. in.ol.Ted.eo I _ ..4 117 t.-117 to a.o oua.baok
to 117 014 Mre •and I nt to rk tor the t.rnaUonal h1pbu114111& ••
])&117. a1t a ainut. t baok."
lu.t at thl8 .nt a Cr1ohton 0 ro4e '" 4 .to ped to 41e ark
and taka on p.....II&.r.. 4 the _tora•• whh1 to oo•••re••1th Kr. La4-
OD. 110 e b",.ine•• p.rtain1 to hie work.J17 inten1... 11' • int.Z'UPted tor
.. tew, ante. then the General perint.lI4ant ot the .treet 0 110'-
"'JI a. • lednier to .her. I wae tand1na next
to a 1. ht Jlo.t 4 the 1nten1e... er e - with the naral v.par1nten4ent. • P1eker1ns. •
... . . • ~'--' .
• •
MIt eD41J1c "rl1 7th.l9~.
LX 0 Ills
• •
TUller Lee, ..t 14e at
the Bead at 1aok80n S1;.,
Bd«e at DIDIp,Mobl1e ,..J.••
J'raDpoia MuIS'" lard,
T.lner Lee llTe••lolle iD her two-roo••haok built at pleo•• at
tin aDd rouch boarda,.lthouch her .baok ba. been put together more .hap
11' than other. in the "DUIIP Villag•• " - Th18 "DUIIP Tlll..e," as 11; 18 o&1led,18 alODg the edge and nat-tered
throueh the "Clty D\DIP," or plao. where .11 the debris aDd tra.
troll. the oity 18 oarried aDd dUIIPed by the .arb..e dapartaent,and we.t
at the Cr.ighe.d Vi duot,whioh lead... the approaoh to the Mobile B.7
The arternoon ... brlpt and .un.hln:r,and 'l'aiDer Lee had ju.t returned
hOll.e with. bundle at ••ahiDg,.hioh .he .u a..orting and puttiDg
iDto .eTeral tub. on • 10Dg board benoh on the side
Jaokson,.hloh the .haok taoe.,a. w.ll •• the other .treet. and
path. leading up to and aoroe. ill V11lag., the awUIP. aDd wooda
.e.t and north aide. ere aglow wlth TiDe. d tlower.. en the D\DIP
proper .1th it. old part. ot automoblle.,tin oans,broken boxe., d other
debrl. re oOTered .1th • denait7 at tlowering TiDe.. e aparro•• iD
droTe. ere tlitt1ng troll. one teedl hollow on the ~ to another.and
• llOokiDg bird .... a1tt1ng 6A the top at e telephone po.t Yarbl1ng and
aookiDg the notea at other birda. e ~,ho..eTer,.a•• little du.ty
thl••tternooD troll. the sharp Maroh winda oarry1ng the du.t iD aheet.
aoro•• the debrl. and open apaoe••
"I leta ,_ .oak oTemight iD thia a0aPY ••ter,read7 tor bollin'
iD the aorn1ng. "'ralner wa••.,.1ng to a .bort negro lIaD. who was boei •
garden patoh iD one end at the little anolo.ed yard .urround1ng her
.haok,.hen I aPproa.hed,
ainer I.e ... a robu.t oolored _.aD approaoh1ng .eTant7 yeare,b
but her IlOTS-ent. and aglllty gaTe aile the iapre••lon ahe ••• twenty
•• •
rll 7th.1939.
,D :r
TaiDer e. e.t ida
tho &ad ot ukaon
•• ot Plmp.JlobU.,.A..U •
J'ran90ia 1u be VierA,
rit.r,Mobil•• Ala.
, ;Y0UIIC.r. h. w.. re...d iD 8 40tted oalloo droa. ot blue aDd
whit. d••ian with .1••Te. A oollar bordere4 with wide w ite braid,whioh
had been nioe17 launderod. h.r boeoa tront w•• a tan-oent breaetpiD.She
had OP a llood pair ot 1_ t .ho••, and her head wsa a blaok t ..ban-like
.tr.w wit • faath.r pOQon on the aida with. hita quill run throueh it.
h.r t1Dc.r. tour plaiD .old r1Dc. .oapbat rn. two on eaoh haad.
od eTen1Dc,white tolk•• M .he .aiA.polit.17 4 with a aail•• "
TOU a poll.,. -aD "
I .tat.d I wa. not ooll.otiD& in.urano.,but ha4 ooa. tor tho purpo••
ot talk1D& about tolklore ••up.r.tition. 4 hoodoo.
ou ••••••bo aai4 will1DglT.witbout prompti ."1 don't belieTO i
hoodoo aT••lt,but 1 kDo a lot about it tro oth.r oolor.d tolk•• 1
in &ho.ta 4 ap.rit. a 10t.thollCb, d 1 beli.n in .uper.tition•• too ••up
er.tiou. thiD&. that happen on the dot. I r amb.r---it .t haT. b••n
about 1880,tor 1 was Ju.t t.n 014, 4 1 Wa. born in 1 70---wh8n
n.tta.the iOaD quoan d hoodoo .... troa Loubiana to Tielt
old uAJoe I4wb and tha oth.r alaT" tbat liT.d in iOT Town iD ~ a.t.aU
baloJICiJIC to • Gua kosher'. people. rd7,.aan,bow • oolor.d p.opl 14
tlook out th.r. to ••• thi. (I .Illbut ac.t ot tb. p.opl. wer. eith.r a.1.
T•••who w.r. loan bOn,aDd th. n.n lIeneration tbat tollow.4 anu
th••• or oour.e.w. nacroe. born ot later tlao. stt.r tha urroUOI' _nt to
••e ber,' • 1 r'....
wor. a .01i4 r.A TOllo re.. ltbout .1••TO. A hor ..
out buall7 11k. a .ap.or t. ir•••t 1 47'. in t • oirou••16. show. ~
had br ••l.t. ot &014 OD r araa tullT tour inoho. wide A whit.
on. • und r BDkl•••w14. hoop r1Dc. in h.r ear. no.e 47-'
bop. riD&. 08 hOI' tiJIC.r.. h. wa. a .laht to •••• 1 r_all.r th.T h.ld
• 1
• •
~alaer lee, eat Slde ot the
Head ot '.okaon dt. ,lI:q. ot
Fran,ol. ~4,~r. Dlar4,
It.r,Mobll., 1••
LlI:B ,D ]' WORXll:R •
•0_ kill4 ot ahow or r ....hal-llk. attalr ot it. She aaD& 80118. ill real
Atrioan lllll8uag.. b.n ah. told the people ho.... to g.t rid ot their .nemi.a
bT the h.lp ot Go4---what do TOU kno.... about thetl---bT taklng the heir ot
a 1'0110.... dog and... th.n .pr••dtua butt.r or grea.. ot .0•• klnd on a little
tour iIlch whit. cloth and wraPping the dog'. hair up in it, the p.raon ....ho
had y .naa1.a puta it all und.r the tront st.p. ot hl••'a hou•• ,
and thi. will hoodoo hta. h. also told the people n.....r to paas a b~ton,
alwaTa stop and pick it up. I u••d to aT aoth r say that all the 001or.
d tolk. durill8 the .ightl•• dldn't ha.... to buy anT buttons,'oau•• th.y'
.top and piok up .....ry on. th.y'd ••• on the ground and .a.... it. 1fT _ther
had a big tl -pound oan tull ot all kind. ot pr.tty buttons both pearl
and bon. and n gla.s on... alao told about the aoon turntua
blood red durtua the year ot 1 53,whioh wea tollo....ed by the epidea1.
ot 1'.110.... t r all o....r the '"'outh. oth aT grandmoth.r and .other ••14
Mobil. had o r ti.... hundr.d cas.s. I uaed to aT grandmoth.r t.ll
.bout the raill ot .tar. in Ilo..._b.r 1833. h. sald the al...... '014
the .tara .....r. goi to down 11k. drop. ot raill troze iIlto ohunk. ot
hail,80 wh.n t t night 08lll. and the .tara b.gun to ahoot .....ry way the
al...... all ran ck; d .oon th ir OlWl1.ra h.d to ....n go iIlto r
to tilld them,other. r awe:y to N.w Jrl.ans and oth.r plaoe.. gr••t maBT
.1...... on the lant.tion. run I4way I too ,and ca. down to 1l0bll.,.cae ....en
hidtua on the at.abo.te. '1' aoth.r d grandmoth.r usod to tell a. a lot
ot .traD&. thtua. thet h.pp.n.4 ill the put b.tor. the urren4er. I a180
rem..b.r a lot ot tunny .tre.t ay••lt about the town•
• ur. b.ll...... that Io. 13 1e bad luck,.l80 to walk und.r a ladder. I'll
t.ll TOU why. kn..... a aan ono. who 41.d and onlT thirt••n people atblld.
d hi. tun.ral. 011. ot th••• thirte.1l .ai4 it W.81l't bad luck,but n.xt
• •
end1q Apr1l 7th.1939.
, •
Tainar z.a. ut SUa ot the
Bead ot .raok.oll St., 48a ot
D!uI,p .:vob11a, Ala •
hOfoh Lu48ba Dlu-d, riter.
Yoblla •.Ala•
day ho droppad daad. Don't tell mo lt ain't bad luok. I know a man,too.who
.aid it waan't bad luok to walk under a ladder---he.too,droppod dOad tha
next dU'. I ain't had a TOry oaoy tllllo .inoo I gaTe up nureing and at aar-see
rio., tor I quit nur.1q on tho 13th and got IIl8.rriod on tha 13th. YOW how
it turn. out eTary tlllla. III I haT. to go out day'. working u well .. do
.aahing , too ...
70r a moment Tainar Lee lap••d into .11enoe •• though oha wu
th1nk1q at ploaaoter tiaoa.or a h~y thouaht had roturnod to her. I ob-
••nod that oh. wao not • nogro at ordinary bringing up. She e%pre••ed her_f
••It w.ll.uo T.ry tew ungro_atcal or dialact ~d .leng word••• 1IO.t
n.groo£ with little oduoatlon do. Thi. and her general appearoco .how.d
.h. had b.on brought up ound whit. people at ro1'in.mont. r n.atll.a.
was unuaual tor tho n.groo. liT1q on or ound the Duap.yot har little
two rooa houa. waa clao a•• pin on the in.ido.a. both tho tront od baok
door. ar. op.n. d I could look right thro h the au... Th. b.dolothe.
on a n.atly white anamelad iron bed wora .potl•••• and thore w.ra eOTOral
chair. ln 1'in. conditlon.a ...11 tabla with all laap 0 lt in the center
01' tho tront rOQlll.a trunk.a bureau and a wardrobo. h. window.,twc in the
tront roo and two in'th. baok,had tan abede. and halt .orb! curtain•• '!'h.
back roo .which waG uead a. both kltchan and din1q roo. w.. the ._ ea.
a. tho tront b.droom. n thi. kltchen waG a small two hole .toTe wlth an
oTon•••ate tl11.t th dish.e othar thin&•••• ~are t 1. larc. ano~h
tor tour pereon. and tour chair•• Ther. waG • 10Dg .helt on the .ok all
on which w.r. .aT.ral pot•• a try1q pan. tin box.. and oth.r ut.ne110.
"You he contin~.d att.r .. IIOIIl.nt."1 waG born in 1870.whan
Reopn.truotlon tt... war••tl11 going all ln Mobil•• and Phl11ip
• •
W••k end1Jl& Aprll 7tll,1939.
L~ ., 0 IllS •
• •
Tain.r Lee, ••t id. 01' the Be..
01' .Taok.on t., aa. 01' the nu.p,
Kobil. , Al.,
rancoi. lu .re n1ard, Ir1t.r,
yellow IIcl1l8Wag 01' a radioal WIl8 at war with the whit. tolk•• Old ~chia
.Tohn.on waa a pointell:-noae necro who aold The Kobile Ra 1.ter and Th.....
Orle • 'r"'ea-n...oorat and e aw Orb • 1087Un., and he "aa aur. a tna
nemocrat,tor he would g.t on the corner 01' oyal and t. Iranoi. Str••t.
and oall all the reconatructionera 'da-n YaDII:••:- They eTen arra.tad old
chie. He had one l.g and alw.,.. at h. Kobll. Regieter at .,t. Jl1ohael
and Royal treeta in a back room up.taira. I beliaTe h1. boa.,Cclonal
.Tohn L. api.r,u.ed hi. intl.ence and alway. ot chi. out 01' Jail.
chie cot pretty druDII: eTery night,but ha wa. alwaYa out on the corn.r
at daybr.ak .elling paPar•• I rom ber atter I got to b. aix or ••Ten
year. old the children both white an colored were afraid 01' chi. ,tor
he had a Toic. like a loud tog horn. Old yellow Phillip .To.eph Ju.t a
ahort time betore he d1ed k111ed • about h1. r1ght bright tongue-t1ed
n1eoe. Phil11p .Toaeph W88 a raDII: epub11can,and ran a newapaper up to
through the e1ght1•• ,and ote for aaTeral paper•• I remember h1a la.t
year., h. had already be un to uae dope, and d1ed aoon atta arda. He alway••
tayed w1th .o.e a1x-blooded colora t6lk.,who .poke Prench naaa4
.ene. I be11eTe only the crandch1l~.n l' th1. br1ght color.d taaily
e l1T1ng to-day,a. I haTen't .aen y 01' them lor a 10 t1m. They
were 11T1ng on the north .1da 01' DaT1. ATenu. Juat w••t 01' tate .,tr .t
the laat t1me I .aw th.., ' ere wa. another n1ccer that u.. to eit on
th old Poat Ott1ce and C ato. u•• tront that wa. ra 1cal,too. Th1.
was old black Ike rn,but he 1d all h1. blowing dur1ng the ninet1a.,a
long time attar Recon.truct10n t1me., Be had a cr1pplad toot,wh1ch h.
kept wraPp.d U1> ..1t about torty yard. 01' rag.,and alway. walked with
a heaT)' hiokor, .tick. alway. had a rad band a haDll:.rchiet t6.d
around hie and wore hb hat OTer the top l' thh. He was a dght,
x.o,. eat 140 at thoBea4
at ;raokoon t., 0 at D1lII.P,
b110. =a"'. _
:rrs90h Iu4&'ro Dlard, r iter,
)Io)U., •
• •
ook ond1ll& ..,pr11 7th, 19'9·
un STO ns B S.
she wae drunll: sd dlsturbing thfJlll. The drwa wae 111 tho oentor at the olrole
to catch tho DickIes and d1..lHs being toued by the tollco 100lc1D8 oa and
11.tonlng to tho .orvloos. o-a-Ims. plokod up the drwa stlck and bogun
hitting ~Torybody with it,and hon tho talk••o~ttered,oho hit tho draa
ono hard liek and.e tere tho nioklo. end dtme. overywhoro on the whar«.
omo ot tho on y went betwoen tho wh t bo d. into the river undornooth.
A polie man 0 • tr over at tho L. N. depot .nd rr••t04 0- -x..•.
h. wae pretty well drunk now, 4 whon tho laok Mariah oamo sh. got 111
without trouble a. it .ho wa. oine tor nioo rido. hore was other tunny
white tellow they oallod 'Crazy or&ko. ' obo.y ever did know what hie 1ll8t
name wa•• He,too,wa. allowed to go around by htmoell,and tho kid. ddled
htm SO uoh,ho oursod them baok wit suoh dirty n e. everjbody got out at
hie war when thoy would see h eo.i • .ihen • per.on nur.e. ohildren and
take. thea out walk1D8 d to th park to pl y,yOU sure see a lot ot tunny
people and things. I reaember when I wao a girl,when ever e auld .ee
a load at hay,wo'd &ake three wishe., d you'd sure s e • red-he ded er.
on 00.. along. ain,it a e 10 d in the neighborhood,or a do howled,
there was .ure to be a death 111 tone gborhood,an it n vor fail ....
"S1I100 you have boen living ovor this ay,~ainer,were JOu ever
frightened here on the map edg.?" I a.ko •
"Not oxaotly," sh swered,"as I alway. try to got 111 oarly at
• night. Onoe ln a whUe I r;o up to tate Stroot Ohuroh,or Il1 up to Big
Zlon by tho 014 Gravoyard, it thoro'. golDc to be .0_ good proaoh1ng
and .1nt. ng,and on WIT war baok I ooaetiMo tunny 10~1II& n1ggere out
tor no &ood, d oooa.lonally a drunkon .aD. I r ....b.r 0•• night---I had
just gotten 111 trIB Churoh---I heg4 a lot ot .oreamine, d when I ant
to tho door aaw about t1tt)" n1gBo ohuing .omath1n& throuah the DuaP·
..k endua Apr1l 7th.19,9.
LIn :1'0! us n.
1.3 ,DAY
• • -e-
Tain.r Lea, ••t ..ide ot the Hea.
ot _aok.on t.. • ot ~,
Jloblle. "'a"'- _
han90ia Iu "re Dlard. 'ritar.
obile. a.
ca. ot th._ .aid it wa. ethe Ken.t.r' that had be.n trightening eyerybod)'
out ayl. WaT d back ot the ae orke on !sher"'s alle)'. On. Igh1;.
too._yeelf d another oman had b.en to ohuroh,and Wl ha ju.t renohed th.
oorn.r down yond.r,wh.n I wa. telling JA7 triend gOOdDi ht,w eaw a brigh1;
light 1111:. a l1&ht.d ball about the eize ot a tub rlght In the middle ot
Dlap up there b)' e)'Ou Karnotta ••,t tiret I thought it wu a big tall.n
.tar.and JA7 triend .aid it su.t be the _oon,eo we both put out to eee wba1;
it 1'••11)' waa. A oolored men b)' the name ot John oame .long at thi. t~
trom hia work in Kasazine oint,and he joined,ua.and we were g d tor the
Duap with ell the tro a and b s hollering end IIlO ing 1& kinder jitte17
.peoil:)'. This ball ot til'. aur. it up the wholw Dul\p. W. raaoh.d to
h.r. we tir.t. It,but it was ehlning in a ditterant epot ju.t the ....
and Ju.t a. bright, thea when w. went there it had moy.d Into ot.r pari;
ot 1;h. ~ elmo.t to the apurr traok. going into the Ga. ork•• Lord)'.wha1;
1c1n4 ot a tbing 1a thb. 1;ho ht,and ao did the other two. • continu.'
oy.r to the .purr traok.,but it had gone an wa. ahlning in th. .dl. ot
the ..amp. an" h.r. John got to laughl •and eo di th. other .....n and JQ'••
If. tor the Jok. "a. on u•• I wa.' tlr.d out att.r ..alking all 0 ....1'
the Dump talllna at tim•• oy.r old Junk and tin oan. d bogS!
au d)' holaa,until I waa slad to g.t baok to thi. .haok eo
up In
I oould
do rut. John .aid he ... going to tind out ..hat .ort ot thing 1;bli'
b ot l1pt 0 he au.t "80IIl8P.d around lIIIlona th. wbit. tollce.
tor he 0 on. e eniq d told .. lt ... a will-o·-the-wi.p. John .dd
the wbit. tolk. h. bad tallce' wlth .dt 1t w.. OaU.... b)' the g.... tr...
the old rottan t inga .oatt.r.t 0 ....1' the ~ and 'h. aw.-py aJI4 airy ~
d. ~uat. I had n.....r •••n or h.ard ot a l11-o'-the-wi.p betore th.n.but
I ha •••n 1;hl••1;uft you ... atter dark on • .-p nlah'. on the ground
..k ond
Ta1nor I.e 0 , 0 ,
ot laoboa ,.,
140 ot tluo a4
o at ,110-
,D :r
f018 Lud ira 1 d, ritor,
'.lllo, 1 •
callod tiro-ot-toxao or toxtlra. ho me nlghto 18 tull ot It,baoauoa
ot at tAio lout ro 10 I' t ..~. Y iran a uood to oall It aok-
0'- tarn. I rocond t t'o h7 thay Wla laok-o'-Im1torno on Ballow
0' oa nlght. 0 1 htn1D& bllt'lo ara oro by tho thouoaDdo on 0 r nlghto,
d durl tho dU 00 uitohawko,all kin4 at b a booUoa aDd butter-tUoa
e Ill.o horo by thou.aDd•• In or tao, too, tho aart1na d tho
owallowo aoar oyor th 'IIIP tor 00 ultoo., and lato ln SUI! or • tho
bullbat blr 0 and the y lro bat. a 0 out by tha undrod.. ooplo oat
the bullbat bird. liko th07 do aartin.,tho
"~o you oyor plok tho' '" I
bUllbat bird bo1n& tho boot."
oko •
"IIot now, "Tainor an."rod. " u.od to Juot aft r tho orld"ar
'0' n ark lot al oll:,but olnoo thon I co out ao.tly 01D& 07'. work at the
41ftoront whito tolka,aad I tako in waill ,too,w n I oan got It. I'a haY
1D& thia .en hero opado up t 0 ground tor a aollar aDd boan patoh.
tia.. whon I '0' t a .ea at tieh It. aT polo. down tr tho aido ot tho
houlo d go d to the toot at oaur d tr"t d other plaoea along
tho rl.,.r tront d oatoh .elt wator ollttieh d arouers. ha biqa.'
oro or. ako GOd ollowdor. r Ju.t out th up attor 01 Ing th.. into
• 4 8 hoa40 r 10aY8 who10. I aako a ruo tir.t,and whaa thlo
i. br 4 44 tho out-up tlah wo11 popporod aDd oalto ,plonty at out-up
Iriah potatoo., th7ao ,par 1 ,I 110 unlon. out nall, to on bra all
ot thie in tho rue alroady bra od, thon add ator. 0 ots.m.. ut rlae
int 1t oto at oook tho rloo .oparato'; thie ohow or I a4d a oan ot
t toe.,it I ayon't lot .DIU ra oao.. lot thl0 oook untl1 t orouahl:r
dou, d .o.otta.. I ha.,. to a44 IIDro aalt p.ppor to aako lt 'a.\o
J .t rlght. hie with o1100d broad aD4 a oup ot g004 .trong c'lllto. wlth
• .~...... \ ,••k .ndl .oelllb.r
Frenyoi. Lu 'r. Dlard,
Identltloatlon Xo. 0149-5252.
ed.rel rlter.' Proj.ot,Diet.2
PA ojeot 0.4454.)(ob11.,.41e.
Irne.t illiam.,Blaok Gens or
Below Deok Seaman,whoee blle
addree. ia 0.70 OoTernm.nt t.
or18inal hoa. addr••• ,Ko.2005
Cherry tre.t, a.t oledo,Ohio.
ritt.n by
Franvo1. Ludg'r. Dlard.
would heY. help.d to till hi. «=pty .tomaoh. He hta.elt was • young -an ot
tw.nty-••yen yeare. 1. teatur•• h.d • retlned look,whioh he had
had home bre.ding end had perhaps .een better ttae. in the pa.t,or rath.r
tore he took to ••atar1na. h.d on • olean blue work .hirt,no n.oktl.,a
t.irly pair ot brown aood.tutt trou••r. that w.r••till ol41na
or..... y.rr w.ll,and a ot aOod t .hoe•• He re no hat,but hi. hair
wee cut and ooabed. On hie no•• w•• a h it had
b••n don. with. tinaer .0.. d.y. .torQ,tor the narrow aoab w•• brown.
'l'h. dar w••• 0001 4ar ~ the la.t w••k ill oyalllb.r, d ih. LouieTill.
4 B.ebTille ailroad ban wh twa. or0w4e4 wlih n.aro•• aDd whit.,who w.r. w.ltina tor the arriyal ot anoth.r ooooanut .ohoon.r to r.
pl.o. t e on. that had ju.t tini.h.d unloadina • t.w hour. b.tor••
pile. ot h••Y1 ••oke lin the whert ill .taok.,whioh ••yeral n.gro•• arr ina r.ady to b. till.d,whil. oth.r negro•• were a.ttina bu.hel
OanT•• ba.k.t. r.ady with .hioh to unlo.d th. the ••ait.d .ohoon.r.
-Do you know I hay.n't .at.n • tull .ino. I ar boat la.t
• ..It end1Jla Deo..ber :'11 ,19,8.
Pranvoie Dierd,
Identitioation o. 0149-5252,
ederal ritere' ProOeot,Diet.2
A ProJeot O.4454,Mobile, 10.
Bmeet illl~e,Blaolt Gana or
Below Deolt Seam.n,who.e Mobile
ad4re.e i. No.70 Governaent
oriSiaal hoae addre •• 50.2005
Cherry treet, ast oledo,Ohio.
L 0 TBJ: B ClI.
rltte by
9018 Lu .re ])lard.
10 on dry doolte tor repaire,and all the orew were lald ott.
" hat dld you do betore you went to .ea'" I aalted.
ell,1 will haTe to so baolt a bit,· he anawered,SIIIllins. "You
Itnow,when a tellow gete hunsrr,he 10
had to eat. Oh, 111" and he atood up
trca whloh ha had Ju.t eaten the leat
• tor hoa· and the gOOd thl • he onoe
and thre the empty It ooooanut
pieoe ot Itemel into the rlftr at
a1D& .elllull • ..,ea,1 r ....b.r well ~ moth.r'a good old ple. and oalta. and
well ..aacned beet st d tried chlolten. Roly oltel and to th1nlt I .. hun-gry
r1&ht nowI "
"I'd lilte to know .omethins ot yourselt and how you started out
up to now,it you wl11 tell .e," I .aid.
ell,~ name i. ae.t 11ll... ,and I we. born In Toledo,Ohio,on
7th,1 ll,one ot three brother .nd three .i.ter.. tather end mothel
were Charle. end llli.... My t.ther a. a baiter by prote.sion•• d
oould he balte good bread,ple. and oake.,I'. tell youlend truit oaketar
_Ite. ~ mouth water to th1nlt ot baolt ho_.
•• • eelt en41 De. -5-
LIJ'K TORn S lES. Fren90ia Lud@; re Dlard,
Identlrl.atlon Io. 0149-5252,
'ederal rlter.' ProJeot,Dl.t2
~ Pro~.ot 0.4454,Kobll.,
ne.t llllam.,Bleolt Gang or I
Below Dook,who.e Moblle
addreo. 1. 0.70 GoTernment
orlglnal home addre •• Ko.?005
Cherry treet,Keet Toledo,Ohl0
lLOR ° B CR.
rltten by
Fran901. Ludg re Dlard.
"Lllte ~ two brother. I we. .ent early to the pUbllc grommer ochool.
and other ••hool. ln Toledo. hen when I wa. elghtoen year. or age I ent to
the Toledo gh S.hool,where I graduated wh.n I wa. tw nty-one. I ex.elled
in arltbllletl0. 11. and algebra,beoau.e they ay raTorlt••tudle•• I
• hadn't lett .ohool Tery 10 Arter graduatlon.when I got ay tir.t Job in
J:ut Toledo. e l1Tina at 2005 Cherry treet not eo rar rroa the Libby
Owen. Gla•• ork.,tho plaoe where I got ay rlr.t Jo • I had .tarted rrom
heae that morning wlth all the aBbltlon to beo... an expert aaohlnl.t,I .ean
one who oannot only run a lathe but repalr any klnd ot aa.hlnery,and to
I landed up ln • ala.. plant. hia tlret o0ll!Pany orked tor aalt•• all the
ala.. tor the Henry Ford COQany. I worlted there ror two year•• lout glasa,
.haped lt d thinned lt down, d al.o loaded glae. by oran.,_hloh 1. a dell.
oate,or rath.r a tedlou. JOb,a. you haTe to be oaretul on aooount ot breaking
the gla•••• you hol.t It.
"1 next went to work tor the OT.rland,OheTrolet A to obl1e C any
1n ToledO a. an e....bler. Here 1 worked ror a ye d a halt, and then ent
to worlt on the Oreat 14k•• a. a ••Ulan in the blaok gane:. on Tar10u. boat••
• • ••
aak and1Dc Daoambar 5th,1938.
o I
o or
rran90h Ludl! re ierd,
Identifioation 0. 0149-52~2,
~ederal rlter.' iToJeot,Di.t.2,
Pro Jeot 0.4454, bile, la.
meat illi.-.,Blao QaDI! or
Belo Deok euan,who.e )lobile
addra.a i. 10. 70 GOTarnment
original hoae ddra.. 0.2805
Ch erry treet, n t Tolado,Ohio.
ritten by
rran?oi. LUdll~re Dier •
oamber 5th,on the ~ianna, uerto ioan oo••twi.e liha."
"Bow do you .al10ra liTe,"I aekad,*When you gat out ot money whl1e
on tha beaoh?"
a Ju.t a:d.t. unla.. a lIIeat another ter who w111 oan u. a .taka:
ha .eidi"and agein if wa oan let or.dlt on the Coa.t."
ra ha was ratarr1Dc to lowar GoTerumant traet, tha three blook.
trom oya1 traat on althar .ida ot Dunoan Plao. to tha riTer tront,whioh 1.
Imown as tha Berbary oa.t ot MobUa,where a graat ot tha .alllllen haDl!
t a aatlonal itlllla Union Ball and the naarby ra.taurant and
baar diTa••
"Do you aTar mouoh 11ka the other aailor.'" I a.ked.
" a 4iok. era too etro on aTerybody n the wintar' ••at In,"
a ..ared."I neTar mouoh only unla•• you oan touoh up .omabody on a a14a
.treet,whara tha diok••a14 0."
bil lIIa&1
"Eats ought not to ba d to
d plenty of it with ooftaa,milk
at," I ••i4,"whan you gat. whula
or ioe4 ta.,tor fittean oant••t