"Life Histories/Stories," Colbert County.
Folder contains 8 pages of life histories and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.Chad.. l'..ed.l'1a11: Gerb... 3 tl ...t ••od 110..... Cl.o.... l'I'ed...la11: Clarbe.. wl>o .....d to Iu••• tro. Ohl0 IIod know \be 1Ie."r t.U7 1D...
Format: | Electronic |
Published: |
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Subjects: | |
Online Access: | http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/903 |
format |
Electronic |
collection |
WPA Alabama Writers' Project Collection |
building |
Alabama Department of Archives and History |
publisher |
Alabama Department of Archives and History |
topic |
WPA Alabama Writers' Project |
spellingShingle |
WPA Alabama Writers' Project "Life Histories/Stories," Colbert County. |
fulltopic |
WPA Alabama Writers' Project Alabama--Biography; Alabama--Social life and customs; Alabama Writers' Project; Colbert County (Ala.); United States. Works Progress Administration |
description |
Folder contains 8 pages of life histories and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.Chad.. l'..ed.l'1a11: Gerb... 3
tl ...t ••od 110..... Cl.o.... l'I'ed...la11: Clarbe.. wl>o .....d to Iu••• tro.
Ohl0 IIod know \be 1Ie."r t.U7 1D Ge. .'17. aDd \bel' .......1'I'1.d
att... tlloT acha4 ][aB....
Mr. a..t aa1d .1C7 t.\be.. toolt • Ge. PD l~ Il pape.. aDd ea..
an ......U t .bo"t till. t ....ll1C OOUlltl'7 111 oUabe •• and .,l1.t••
and lilloe tllo had be.n .....1'&1 crop t.U".... 1D Iu.... 110 de.,14ed
to CO to Al.baM aDd loolt the cOUDtl'7 0....... Att h• .,onnllc.d hi•••U
that \hi..... coed "0""'1'7. be .61.d out and 7IO d \0 Clolb.... CloUDtl'
1D 1898. d boacht 310 .... ot 1aIl4 12 .U t ot Shett1l14
and CP••111 lO"th ~t f.1lIl ••• Ri....r 0" \be d.
Mr•• Ge..be..'. p.temal CraDdt.tIlo.. broql>t hi. t.l17 ot thre.
bOTl and ...... 1 &1..11 tro lou,," C.ro11na, ho.e.\aa4ed ill lImA.
dal. Clo_V. Ill... ·.t...loo. oUahnp, ill U!e 1820'.. all 0WIl _tental
CI' ll4t.tIlo... 1m lleed.... ,chool taacllo.. who .,u. tro. lorth
CaI'01111& and ••ttled in La1l4.r4a1. CloUDt,. wh.... ha .1'I'1.d the widow
Whit••tt ill 1857.
III'. Gerbe.. b.U...... ill 1.1''' t .U1I.. a•••14 "A taal17 that
iIlc11l4 11 a.. aiebt .,hil4r... 11 bett... ott tlll&Dcl. 17. I beU.....
an ub. la taal17 11 b.tte.. than ••mall ca.. I th1nlt it 1••
• 111 to 11.1' cb114 .
JIoth II Ger1le...... pJ'01l4 of tIlo1r two till. &1..11 of
• ch otllo .
!Ie Ihoweel • pl'14e 111 hi. _c••tl'7 to.. h••pok. of hi. actllo..'.
t.tllo.. 1lell1C • ·to..tT-1l11l.... and ot hll t th... '. craD4t.tha.. flcht1llc
ap1Il.t I.pol_.
lie • tt.nded .chool tourt.an 78.... wh1ch hi .14 pratt7 cood
111 hie 417, but both h• ..,d hi. wit. would 11b to ha thai.. d h .....
coll... edll ted It th.l' could tord U. 1'haJ' •.,. coll... educatiOIl
..~d be .., .cOllO.1c .dTant&p. !he)'. • a......... that tIlo JllWUc
, Cbarlel 7redlr1e11: Gel'b.1' 4
• Icl>ool 171'" in Colllerl 11 Iffiel.., •
Be .id ,_, hil aIli.f ..biUOIl 11 '0 a boa.. n. dO.1 IlO' JlOV
...... a car. Be _Ill '0 ..". Olll lIIl' had \0 it up dunnc "'. dJ1lft11101l.
!hI pl'l Ill' 1IlCo•• of ,he f .. l1~ 11 'er 11l 40llan lIIl' will
110' 1ro;T II auch &I hil l"cOlll would vb... he flnt 1\&n14 out 11l Uf.
tal' hiall1f. Be ~ \heir ac\ull Il I to lie co...l'I4 b7 inco.. &l'I
'UY111C upIIlI.1 of IITlllf IIUI. f ..l17". aIl4 h• .u.a "'"' "10 in -
co...r. \hat.
Be 11 Il'Jl&NIlU~ a 1\7 .-Il "ho .lqlIOI4o h10 inCOll with Ju4clI""
_ apporllo,," lt wil'17 in hil U~.
Itl'. Gerber laid 'I ,hlnIt tho, in ONIl' to U... t.17 a f 117
lhould haT' &Il 1ncoaI of 2.500.00 a 71&1'.'
Be .xp"'"14 pridl 1" "'. faot th h. 11 a t ....-I'. nl 10 olIO a
tll'1~ol,," .echaIlio. d ..... ill tho pnco on au'ollobUe repair bull","
for a "hil. in Lolptoa. ,\labus. HI Ilo...d J 'beta... tho d~","I101l
wi'" hil f-.l17. \0 Sou'" llIIl4, laU • _ held • factol'7 Joll. nl
vlf. allO "Ol'ked "hUe 'h...., but tel' a 71 01' 1lwo 'h"7 dlo14.d '0 ""Ul'Il
\0 ,\].a"o's d lIe~ tal'lllllC lllle1".
1a l'epN \0 1&ad 0""" hip, he ..id 'I doll" 1I.U.... laad .hl>uld
lle _14 ill \00 1&1' h 0'". 1 'hi~k _ll'Ih1p ahould 111 ".11 die'
rlllll\ld. '
1a tIPIIldac of ditf....., '7Pl1 of Ut. d ditfe.....' uY1l'Ou,,,'.
he laid 'I 'ri.1 lloUl fa.. el'7 Uf•• each hal UI alTall I.
Ia \0.... 1 cood aolll7 "hall "'. lIlT'l ....n ... doa•• 1 .....
ao '0 V0l'l'7 allau'. Iv.t "h.. 70U CO' out of a Joll. 1 dca" IeIlOlf
" "". 70U &l'I dell: 7 a'" lIP aplne' U. .1 lUll
Co OIl. 1a COlDl'l'7 0" t, it OOIlnh1IlC ha f'IIll \0 keep 70U
f .... wo for a dOlT 01' ........,."'iac .. oa P...U7 ncb ao ueuall
Cropl CO"UIlU.. to • hl14.. ill 'ha COUll'"" U 10 heal'MIl'I \he...
• •
ClIrl•• J're4.r1ct Gerber 5
• 10 be"er air, "Mr, tr. Mr tood. nc Uoa tor child... lJI ,
coua\~, DOW , 1Io.eo pa.. \he door, .1Iou' .qaal. \ha' ot CU7 chlldrea.
lJI , ..... rq childraa 81ch' be .111. '0 'Joll., 110' 1 81cb'
DO', bee n•• ot • while lJI \h. eolUl~ oa • taN 1 ba a Joll ..
10 • 1 .... won raprdl••• ot ac.. Al.o childrea ba Jolla oa a
t No all \h" won thq 0 do."
Sp.at1111[ of poliUo., Ilr. Gerb"r "aid, "I alllaT• .eta 111 all pr1aeri".
-.4 all .ral .1.0'laao. loa.' rq lIallo' tor \he ... I
,hiat b•• ' tor ,he ottio". I ne. rq ova J~a' and ... DO' 'ana..oed
'" oUlltra: but I alvq• .e'. tor the ... I \biJlt 10 the beat DeaoeraUo
candidata I alvq. "10'" ])1 00 Ue Uoat. I thiJlt the 'reD4
ot polUical Ulouch' 10 troa. co....n-U.... \0 a Uberal poliq."
4 out re11l[10& he .dd"Coaoldered •• a 01•• reli oa hu • b_
.tleW intlu_c" 011 r.b." l.p ro.... ot all el• .,. to... ot &porta.
euch .. too'ball, baae1lall, ....1110. It, .\c. I \h1JIt ollie lJI
\ba M-" 10 all ricb' bu' do a'" "I'Pro.... ot d ela1[ ill Jl1 'olub. or
pulllic pl ".," It 10 all rip' too '0 CO an'o8Ob11. r1diQ. pronded
ao .][O&.....re 1JId lce4 lJI. P1aJ'181[ card. olall.r _. are all
t it DO lIUq 10 lJI"IOlwd. .t.ttaa41J1c picture ahDv. and tM
\h..Mr ltXC 'CD Sa4rq. ia all ricbt d pro.....b17 baa .cae .4ucaUoDltl _lRa. I eoa'ri1loM all I _ allle ia aoa.7 &ad tars probo to 'IT dmroh.
I lOOuld t ..l ....17 eratatul it I wu lJI a ed aad worUl7, tor &JV' aid
",,\eD4ltd '0 a" '" rq church. Bo'h rq t i17 &ad rq••lt are reeuJ.
Ilr. Gerber ..a h10 t ai17 .""ad \h" ..,. Pl••••d U. S. 4.
Pre••'erlaa Church whloh ia 1... tJlan a balt 81le troa ....re \11"7 lin.
So ti.. ll£O 1 va. \altlJle wi 'h h1JI beu'. 1:"" n E n\ 10.. he ia
,~ to 011 1a .. ,hat h" 8&7 baT • tara: d he .aid h" wu afraid
purohu. ot tara he 1I0W r_h d tor Cich he hae .pplied, woulcl. 110'
Charl•• J'rlll.ricit Gerber
lie appron4'o ace"",,\ of \h. co.\. 1 u..n
.enral .11•• _. Bt.......r •• 'I ..,Illclll'\ van\ \0 co\ \ha\ far
_ fro•• cIm.rch.'
Mr. O.rber ea14 u..\ h. had 1Ip"'\ In all .1Iou\ $200.00 for doe\o"
an4 aIl11el.... vi\h no hc,pUal 'ZJ*l'"
n. .&14 '!hi lIeal \h of •••If an4 fl.ll1lT hal alvqe be... c004.
parUallT \0 c004 aIl11eal oar' ""d \0 co04 hoa. 40etorine ...4 llUJ'I1.ne.
Vorle hal helplll \0 kelp u. all hea1U17. 1 han ........r _41 a .\udT of
1Iel...cIl1 411\ bu\ 1 lIell." 1Jl u. 117 vU•• II far a. po aible. plan.
1\h produc. v, r&1ae and caB; and vi\h .111<. bu\\er. 'eee...d ••\co,
for eoaple\olT llalanc die\.'
!hi Gerb.r hoae of four rooa. b alvq. klP\ cl.... and 1Jl flra\
01... ord.r. All _bera of hi. f lT an "rT Ile.t an4 clean of
poraoll. !he hoae b nea\ an4 c..ror blT furnla1w4 ...4 the 1d.\cheIl
baa a co04 voo4b1l.r1111lc ranee. eat•• •h.ln., \oble 4 u\",.U••
lied. are all caotor\able 4 vi\h co04 .U....... and coYer aDd
u.. 41Jllne rooa \Obl. alWaT' baa porrllc\lT 01_ 11.- or • coUon d.··«
clo\h '111"184. 1 414 Ilo\ •• tbe .Ulc rooa, _\ .... \014 U b tu.llT
equipped. !hire b DO ba\hrooa 1Jl \he hau•• \h. fl.ll1lT ua1.ne • mb
for ba\h1Jlc•
!beT \lite an 111\0 .\ In ....lL'7\hine \hlT ha.... ~ Ilft pl_.
of turnlmre .. thlT caD. .ttord, end Mr. Gerber k.IP' U all 11l COo4
In reprd \0 • fanlne ope \lOll', be .&14 'I rab. cottOIl. oom.
chlcltell.. 1 break all • Ullabl.
lu4 1Jl th. la\. fall and "a\or. _d brlak 1lp • oo\t.. laD4 ac&1II
ab ou, April flra'. thea 1 d.oubl. a' U vi\ll • 41. harrow. \hen CO
_r it vi\h ••..,UOIl arrow, \he be""." tM aidd1. of AprU \h.
fir.\ of J_ 1 pUill\ • CO\tOll. whloh 1Jl 19311 ....1 \Ie acre•• vl\1l
• •
ebarl.. J'recl..ricll: Goo l'b r 7
• a \__l"OW plaa"r. ppl71Jlc hrUlb.r "HI> \he .... ope Uo.. I C'Il1Un."
,,1\11 a epri \oou. ""lU_\or 1>. 00\ 0" ph up alMlu\ UIn.
or t01&1' 1..cha•• wh1ch b uual~ arcnmd \he atddl. of • I tollow
t.b. tin\ caUl_Uo.. d1&\..17 "UI> tln\ chop 1Jlcl u.... I "aU aI>o1l\
a ""eIt IIld ....lU_\. apia. 'rhen I w\ tor ab01l\ ,",0 ...eke. 1lnal~
""Ul u... \_Ul of .1""". chop ill. I tollow W. chopp11l& t....ua\.lJ
"HI> a eulU_UOIl. \he.. 1.. abou\ \en dir. eul\ha" lI#&1n d J~ t1ra\
rWl o...r \1>. atl1ole.. !hi. lqa \he coUon llT. !'he abou\ S.p\••ber
tlra\ "••br\ plcldllc co\t • Two or three pl • are ..ac••...,. \0
pt all \he 00\\0... Il;r t 17 do ...\ of \h.. choPJl1ll& and plo1dJl&. I
ba... \0 hire ..... of U. bQ\ no\ _cl>.
°Ill p1all\ wt:I co "hich ill 1938 "eo b"'\7 acre•• I break up
_ill abo1l\ tiT.. acre 'OIl4 Marol> W...U.\I>. thu ...CUOIl harro" H
and pl...\ H vith wo plaa\~r. MaT t1ra\ and titt th I
breelt up \ba o\her titu. rea tor corn•••cUo.. harrow U d plant
"HI> a ,",6-ro" p:UAur. I cuHha" "TOo" "h... H c.u abou\ tour
incl>.. hiab.and ill about tan dq. or wo ..... I culU_t. •
corn C.u t .... b •• \0 ..1&\ 1>1ab I th1Il ou\ and hoe and tollow "HI>
uother eulth.UOII "Uch 14". it llT. I .1d~re.. H jud before \he
1..\ culU_\10. ,,1tl> Ilit.." ot .ode, OIl. mndred pound. \0 \he re.
b ....ber I pther cora and JlIlt U 1.. u.. crill. °
0ll;r hat b d~ aoadov haT. alMlu\ tour Mr••• tIllch I 01l\ ..~
and a••oca a. cured I haul U \0 bara. I t 1l 1~ \vo
°1 ha... OIl..halt aore 1.. II dan ....d ..b. oabbaca. oArroh. ollion••
\.,...\0••• bean.. ..•• Wrnip•• epillach. 11 U •• C1lClIab.ra. tud. l.tnc••
red1ahe.. p U ••quaah. okra......t pepper. and hot pepper. I..
addiUon to a Card.... I rat•• 1 eparat. pa\che.......et and hle Jl6-
\&\08•• aorctma tor .7r1Ip, "at elon•• cutaloupe•• popeo.. and puapki.... |
title |
"Life Histories/Stories," Colbert County. |
titleStr |
"Life Histories/Stories," Colbert County. |
url |
http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/903 |
id |
ADAHwpa903 |
thumbnail |
http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/wpa/id/903 |
_version_ |
1743797184194674688 |
spelling |
GSU# SG022773_00170_00178SG022773_00170_00178"Life Histories/Stories," Colbert County.Folder contains 8 pages of life histories and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.1939 circa1930-1939Alabama--Biography; Alabama--Social life and customs; Alabama Writers' Project; Colbert County (Ala.); United States. Works Progress AdministrationTextDocumentsAlabama. Dept. of Archives and HistoryWorks Progress Administration filesSG022773WPA Alabama Writers' Project, Life Histories/Stories, Cherokee County 2Alabama Dept. of Archives and History, 624 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130EnglishThis material may be protected under U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) which governs the making of photocopies or reproductions of copyrighted materials. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research. Though ADAH has physical ownership of the material in its collections, in some cases we may not own the copyright to the material. It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in our collections.96 dpi tiffChad.. l'..ed.l'1a11: Gerb... 3
tl ...t ••od 110..... Cl.o.... l'I'ed...la11: Clarbe.. wl>o .....d to Iu••• tro.
Ohl0 IIod know \be 1Ie."r t.U7 1D Ge. .'17. aDd \bel' .......1'I'1.d
att... tlloT acha4 ][aB....
Mr. a..t aa1d .1C7 t.\be.. toolt • Ge. PD l~ Il pape.. aDd ea..
an ......U t .bo"t till. t ....ll1C OOUlltl'7 111 oUabe •• and .,l1.t••
and lilloe tllo had be.n .....1'&1 crop t.U".... 1D Iu.... 110 de.,14ed
to CO to Al.baM aDd loolt the cOUDtl'7 0....... Att h• .,onnllc.d hi•••U
that \hi..... coed "0""'1'7. be .61.d out and 7IO d \0 Clolb.... CloUDtl'
1D 1898. d boacht 310 .... ot 1aIl4 12 .U t ot Shett1l14
and CP••111 lO"th ~t f.1lIl ••• Ri....r 0" \be d.
Mr•• Ge..be..'. p.temal CraDdt.tIlo.. broql>t hi. t.l17 ot thre.
bOTl and ...... 1 &1..11 tro lou,," C.ro11na, ho.e.\aa4ed ill lImA.
dal. Clo_V. Ill... ·.t...loo. oUahnp, ill U!e 1820'.. all 0WIl _tental
CI' ll4t.tIlo... 1m lleed.... ,chool taacllo.. who .,u. tro. lorth
CaI'01111& and ••ttled in La1l4.r4a1. CloUDt,. wh.... ha .1'I'1.d the widow
Whit••tt ill 1857.
III'. Gerbe.. b.U...... ill 1.1''' t .U1I.. a•••14 "A taal17 that
iIlc11l4 11 a.. aiebt .,hil4r... 11 bett... ott tlll&Dcl. 17. I beU.....
an ub. la taal17 11 b.tte.. than ••mall ca.. I th1nlt it 1••
• 111 to 11.1' cb114 .
JIoth II Ger1le...... pJ'01l4 of tIlo1r two till. &1..11 of
• ch otllo .
!Ie Ihoweel • pl'14e 111 hi. _c••tl'7 to.. h••pok. of hi. actllo..'.
t.tllo.. 1lell1C • ·to..tT-1l11l.... and ot hll t th... '. craD4t.tha.. flcht1llc
ap1Il.t I.pol_.
lie • tt.nded .chool tourt.an 78.... wh1ch hi .14 pratt7 cood
111 hie 417, but both h• ..,d hi. wit. would 11b to ha thai.. d h .....
coll... edll ted It th.l' could tord U. 1'haJ' •.,. coll... educatiOIl
..~d be .., .cOllO.1c .dTant&p. !he)'. • a......... that tIlo JllWUc
, Cbarlel 7redlr1e11: Gel'b.1' 4
• Icl>ool 171'" in Colllerl 11 Iffiel.., •
Be .id ,_, hil aIli.f ..biUOIl 11 '0 a boa.. n. dO.1 IlO' JlOV
...... a car. Be _Ill '0 ..". Olll lIIl' had \0 it up dunnc "'. dJ1lft11101l.
!hI pl'l Ill' 1IlCo•• of ,he f .. l1~ 11 'er 11l 40llan lIIl' will
110' 1ro;T II auch &I hil l"cOlll would vb... he flnt 1\&n14 out 11l Uf.
tal' hiall1f. Be ~ \heir ac\ull Il I to lie co...l'I4 b7 inco.. &l'I
'UY111C upIIlI.1 of IITlllf IIUI. f ..l17". aIl4 h• .u.a "'"' "10 in -
co...r. \hat.
Be 11 Il'Jl&NIlU~ a 1\7 .-Il "ho .lqlIOI4o h10 inCOll with Ju4clI""
_ apporllo,," lt wil'17 in hil U~.
Itl'. Gerber laid 'I ,hlnIt tho, in ONIl' to U... t.17 a f 117
lhould haT' &Il 1ncoaI of 2.500.00 a 71&1'.'
Be .xp"'"14 pridl 1" "'. faot th h. 11 a t ....-I'. nl 10 olIO a
tll'1~ol,," .echaIlio. d ..... ill tho pnco on au'ollobUe repair bull","
for a "hil. in Lolptoa. ,\labus. HI Ilo...d J 'beta... tho d~","I101l
wi'" hil f-.l17. \0 Sou'" llIIl4, laU • _ held • factol'7 Joll. nl
vlf. allO "Ol'ked "hUe 'h...., but tel' a 71 01' 1lwo 'h"7 dlo14.d '0 ""Ul'Il
\0 ,\].a"o's d lIe~ tal'lllllC lllle1".
1a l'epN \0 1&ad 0""" hip, he ..id 'I doll" 1I.U.... laad .hl>uld
lle _14 ill \00 1&1' h 0'". 1 'hi~k _ll'Ih1p ahould 111 ".11 die'
rlllll\ld. '
1a tIPIIldac of ditf....., '7Pl1 of Ut. d ditfe.....' uY1l'Ou,,,'.
he laid 'I 'ri.1 lloUl fa.. el'7 Uf•• each hal UI alTall I.
Ia \0.... 1 cood aolll7 "hall "'. lIlT'l ....n ... doa•• 1 .....
ao '0 V0l'l'7 allau'. Iv.t "h.. 70U CO' out of a Joll. 1 dca" IeIlOlf
" "". 70U &l'I dell: 7 a'" lIP aplne' U. .1 lUll
Co OIl. 1a COlDl'l'7 0" t, it OOIlnh1IlC ha f'IIll \0 keep 70U
f .... wo for a dOlT 01' ........,."'iac .. oa P...U7 ncb ao ueuall
Cropl CO"UIlU.. to • hl14.. ill 'ha COUll'"" U 10 heal'MIl'I \he...
• •
ClIrl•• J're4.r1ct Gerber 5
• 10 be"er air, "Mr, tr. Mr tood. nc Uoa tor child... lJI ,
coua\~, DOW , 1Io.eo pa.. \he door, .1Iou' .qaal. \ha' ot CU7 chlldrea.
lJI , ..... rq childraa 81ch' be .111. '0 'Joll., 110' 1 81cb'
DO', bee n•• ot • while lJI \h. eolUl~ oa • taN 1 ba a Joll ..
10 • 1 .... won raprdl••• ot ac.. Al.o childrea ba Jolla oa a
t No all \h" won thq 0 do."
Sp.at1111[ of poliUo., Ilr. Gerb"r "aid, "I alllaT• .eta 111 all pr1aeri".
-.4 all .ral .1.0'laao. loa.' rq lIallo' tor \he ... I
,hiat b•• ' tor ,he ottio". I ne. rq ova J~a' and ... DO' 'ana..oed
'" oUlltra: but I alvq• .e'. tor the ... I \biJlt 10 the beat DeaoeraUo
candidata I alvq. "10'" ])1 00 Ue Uoat. I thiJlt the 'reD4
ot polUical Ulouch' 10 troa. co....n-U.... \0 a Uberal poliq."
4 out re11l[10& he .dd"Coaoldered •• a 01•• reli oa hu • b_
.tleW intlu_c" 011 r.b." l.p ro.... ot all el• .,. to... ot &porta.
euch .. too'ball, baae1lall, ....1110. It, .\c. I \h1JIt ollie lJI
\ba M-" 10 all ricb' bu' do a'" "I'Pro.... ot d ela1[ ill Jl1 'olub. or
pulllic pl ".," It 10 all rip' too '0 CO an'o8Ob11. r1diQ. pronded
ao .][O&.....re 1JId lce4 lJI. P1aJ'181[ card. olall.r _. are all
t it DO lIUq 10 lJI"IOlwd. .t.ttaa41J1c picture ahDv. and tM
\h..Mr ltXC 'CD Sa4rq. ia all ricbt d pro.....b17 baa .cae .4ucaUoDltl _lRa. I eoa'ri1loM all I _ allle ia aoa.7 &ad tars probo to 'IT dmroh.
I lOOuld t ..l ....17 eratatul it I wu lJI a ed aad worUl7, tor &JV' aid
",,\eD4ltd '0 a" '" rq church. Bo'h rq t i17 &ad rq••lt are reeuJ.
Ilr. Gerber ..a h10 t ai17 .""ad \h" ..,. Pl••••d U. S. 4.
Pre••'erlaa Church whloh ia 1... tJlan a balt 81le troa ....re \11"7 lin.
So ti.. ll£O 1 va. \altlJle wi 'h h1JI beu'. 1:"" n E n\ 10.. he ia
,~ to 011 1a .. ,hat h" 8&7 baT • tara: d he .aid h" wu afraid
purohu. ot tara he 1I0W r_h d tor Cich he hae .pplied, woulcl. 110'
Charl•• J'rlll.ricit Gerber
lie appron4'o ace"",,\ of \h. co.\. 1 u..n
.enral .11•• _. Bt.......r •• 'I ..,Illclll'\ van\ \0 co\ \ha\ far
_ fro•• cIm.rch.'
Mr. O.rber ea14 u..\ h. had 1Ip"'\ In all .1Iou\ $200.00 for doe\o"
an4 aIl11el.... vi\h no hc,pUal 'ZJ*l'"
n. .&14 '!hi lIeal \h of •••If an4 fl.ll1lT hal alvqe be... c004.
parUallT \0 c004 aIl11eal oar' ""d \0 co04 hoa. 40etorine ...4 llUJ'I1.ne.
Vorle hal helplll \0 kelp u. all hea1U17. 1 han ........r _41 a .\udT of
1Iel...cIl1 411\ bu\ 1 lIell." 1Jl u. 117 vU•• II far a. po aible. plan.
1\h produc. v, r&1ae and caB; and vi\h .111<. bu\\er. 'eee...d ••\co,
for eoaple\olT llalanc die\.'
!hi Gerb.r hoae of four rooa. b alvq. klP\ cl.... and 1Jl flra\
01... ord.r. All _bera of hi. f lT an "rT Ile.t an4 clean of
poraoll. !he hoae b nea\ an4 c..ror blT furnla1w4 ...4 the 1d.\cheIl
baa a co04 voo4b1l.r1111lc ranee. eat•• •h.ln., \oble 4 u\",.U••
lied. are all caotor\able 4 vi\h co04 .U....... and coYer aDd
u.. 41Jllne rooa \Obl. alWaT' baa porrllc\lT 01_ 11.- or • coUon d.··«
clo\h '111"184. 1 414 Ilo\ •• tbe .Ulc rooa, _\ .... \014 U b tu.llT
equipped. !hire b DO ba\hrooa 1Jl \he hau•• \h. fl.ll1lT ua1.ne • mb
for ba\h1Jlc•
!beT \lite an 111\0 .\ In ....lL'7\hine \hlT ha.... ~ Ilft pl_.
of turnlmre .. thlT caD. .ttord, end Mr. Gerber k.IP' U all 11l COo4
In reprd \0 • fanlne ope \lOll', be .&14 'I rab. cottOIl. oom.
chlcltell.. 1 break all • Ullabl.
lu4 1Jl th. la\. fall and "a\or. _d brlak 1lp • oo\t.. laD4 ac&1II
ab ou, April flra'. thea 1 d.oubl. a' U vi\ll • 41. harrow. \hen CO
_r it vi\h ••..,UOIl arrow, \he be""." tM aidd1. of AprU \h.
fir.\ of J_ 1 pUill\ • CO\tOll. whloh 1Jl 19311 ....1 \Ie acre•• vl\1l
• •
ebarl.. J'recl..ricll: Goo l'b r 7
• a \__l"OW plaa"r. ppl71Jlc hrUlb.r "HI> \he .... ope Uo.. I C'Il1Un."
,,1\11 a epri \oou. ""lU_\or 1>. 00\ 0" ph up alMlu\ UIn.
or t01&1' 1..cha•• wh1ch b uual~ arcnmd \he atddl. of • I tollow
t.b. tin\ caUl_Uo.. d1&\..17 "UI> tln\ chop 1Jlcl u.... I "aU aI>o1l\
a ""eIt IIld ....lU_\. apia. 'rhen I w\ tor ab01l\ ,",0 ...eke. 1lnal~
""Ul u... \_Ul of .1""". chop ill. I tollow W. chopp11l& t....ua\.lJ
"HI> a eulU_UOIl. \he.. 1.. abou\ \en dir. eul\ha" lI#&1n d J~ t1ra\
rWl o...r \1>. atl1ole.. !hi. lqa \he coUon llT. !'he abou\ S.p\••ber
tlra\ "••br\ plcldllc co\t • Two or three pl • are ..ac••...,. \0
pt all \he 00\\0... Il;r t 17 do ...\ of \h.. choPJl1ll& and plo1dJl&. I
ba... \0 hire ..... of U. bQ\ no\ _cl>.
°Ill p1all\ wt:I co "hich ill 1938 "eo b"'\7 acre•• I break up
_ill abo1l\ tiT.. acre 'OIl4 Marol> W...U.\I>. thu ...CUOIl harro" H
and pl...\ H vith wo plaa\~r. MaT t1ra\ and titt th I
breelt up \ba o\her titu. rea tor corn•••cUo.. harrow U d plant
"HI> a ,",6-ro" p:UAur. I cuHha" "TOo" "h... H c.u abou\ tour
incl>.. hiab.and ill about tan dq. or wo ..... I culU_t. •
corn C.u t .... b •• \0 ..1&\ 1>1ab I th1Il ou\ and hoe and tollow "HI>
uother eulth.UOII "Uch 14". it llT. I .1d~re.. H jud before \he
1..\ culU_\10. ,,1tl> Ilit.." ot .ode, OIl. mndred pound. \0 \he re.
b ....ber I pther cora and JlIlt U 1.. u.. crill. °
0ll;r hat b d~ aoadov haT. alMlu\ tour Mr••• tIllch I 01l\ ..~
and a••oca a. cured I haul U \0 bara. I t 1l 1~ \vo
°1 ha... OIl..halt aore 1.. II dan ....d ..b. oabbaca. oArroh. ollion••
\.,...\0••• bean.. ..•• Wrnip•• epillach. 11 U •• C1lClIab.ra. tud. l.tnc••
red1ahe.. p U ••quaah. okra......t pepper. and hot pepper. I..
addiUon to a Card.... I rat•• 1 eparat. pa\che.......et and hle Jl6-
\&\08•• aorctma tor .7r1Ip, "at elon•• cutaloupe•• popeo.. and puapki....http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/903 |