"Short Stories, Sketches," Dallas County.

Folder contains 45 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Mildred Thrash for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s., o - 0 ) 1(l1lU'~c1 TbrD8n Dallae COUJ1tl Seam.tree. Pre••ley treet onln r ttle on In It e r trw 4 ot 111ee. Gullil,' 1ta trdl aoro 8 a pl 14 eklrt e...

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Format: Electronic
Published: Alabama Department of Archives and History
Online Access:http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/885
Summary:Folder contains 45 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Mildred Thrash for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s., o - 0 ) 1(l1lU'~c1 TbrD8n Dallae COUJ1tl Seam.tree. Pre••ley treet onln r ttle on In It e r trw 4 ot 111ee. Gullil,' 1ta trdl aoro 8 a pl 14 eklrt e 1 rge 0 n ot ab.ut tort ye ra. e ore ull 9 peleee gr en el1Jt lirea8 anli ner lr atra 11 0 er ceok 8 ou tout 0 r taoe 1 t 0 plne. 0 On rvDOO n gr e IOta la a 1 bOl ot tltte n. bout tile oro eel roo ate bec1roo tlU'lll tare 1vl roo~ eult. At one 1 e a a blg r 10 n De~t to it a tne Db De h re ra. reaa e at a 1 g. Ile a Tot lh In t.l bOu e 10 g e a'o ba ov- 84 about quIto u blt. Sho was born "u~ In t oountt' " ... ,Ion ane t 8 10 pluDe til t .o~o of l' .ltl tolke stl11 11ve. It le about til 1't1 tlve 11. fro to n b ok In ralr1e hUl•• r tat r, Jl 11 s t r or, &n h,r loth r, 11 t, • ho okeej) 1'. Ilero er t elve ohl1 1'8. 1 boye a 81~ lr18, 1 h 11ttle b t ee ob11dren, 11k 08t In tl t eotlon or til oo,ntry, • • ,,. ;Ta IS. P '. 5. D<l ba e bat en selvoe. nte. rll oh en n t look out or thon-a. reaal o~un a house u n <e street ith tive roo a an a bath. T t ul be 'e.'*r beo use ahe oould rent out t t 0 roo an.. ,elp all t bille. Then tnere e t e r en plot in the b kw roo :tor 0 iOKe s. Lee R~ too aotin part in bull i up t e two t in • He ia ver eo n 10 1 u Iraotlc 1 in eel for hia e. e 18 help:t , too, in t hou e. s. !>resale rk very liar.. t 'he hi the t a that ure n 0 .ear." in ... 18 eduov. tion. Books nil olot e a not 00 I e ai w1th t .. " 1t i Oil ore tlllH u~t te gotten an~ kept. Thie ht:tul about tlO 0 re o:t aia oloth s. Th n, too, hll. tonea the grooery bill and iLl re inu nia 'Bot er tb8t tne" v apeut a1 t;,r five oenta 1<Iea or ton oenta lore at. eek t n tile in last. He ia al ~YD putti dish o:t o~l rioe or br u« in t e frigi uire to 0 nne into a.\lu illtS for the next y. On waa uaya io Job ia aorub ing an Ing1D& the 01 tnea. opa8 eO to eoo. e a la er an la no taking aub- Jeot:! • 111 lu h1m In thia rofeaal0 • a s .. aoUve t in 01 In In ao 1 eprt•• 18 .. a 0 " st f at 1 p .. er • • Ive 01 n In e ole 8.,okou b07. ara. resale oe 't tta" a uro. ~ e s ao 0 irf-ereaoe tnu t a «"ea,l 1 ou.a liU taoao e er re a a for not gOing. ?er pa t too 1 tal t fut e anB 111 011& .. 'e or a 18 eapeol 11 to .ohe iLVU lel . friena requea t t a•.a re ur to h r p oe In tbll ohuroh. ollnalta. 10 • ,11· ood.. ~h r t oa A'" .. 10 dar 1... Tah ar , .u.r~arl ag 11011' a "oa:r!, , 1 • II we n 1 va aJl¥ • are AnU on our foot -aaln 1. 0 u. ve our stove n frlgl ..lre oonneat now ti-Dl.l • S r" otU a 1110 le help for relative•• .. All tbe thoy ro vhlUag ln lor ln U oa thoy .tore to to" Ullout all e proQllQo fro. thelr far a. S a aUll re­pays tho, 10 a n, when aha ake. ro~per. ana SuD aulte for 1011 10 olr ahl1drontro aaraps 10 10 ebB baa laft ln her e1l1ng. " 11, I don't know 10 to .a aula be eno h for Il8 to 11vo on. ybo a b.naroa doll..ra lIaul aover all tba tblng. 10 III 10 a r ally nee. You, eoe, I clan' 10 a aD,y furnlture blLla Or anytlllngllke that. It bolpe a 101010, too. I aan't qUlte 0014e to go to llo aapl~l for t~. al ent. ybo De a 00 oa " at C 1. aa 101 a oan e'l a." "Yee, Lll Roy thiDCs there'. notblno 11ko 11811cly. Ho u 10 a e t ~ ant lng • or do a 1. rlght eve" lt the are aovere 11 tault." About a year ago a. Pro ••lay • a .trake 10 10 atteote bie left Bido. eq te oulaal at.tentlo" th a a. re odl04 tho eoat of t la attllatlan nd a a n nOll ar~ to aleoet tho e aa aalt 10 10 ho a al y. done. There le not outward e1 n that e baa ha a etrake. en Mr•• Pre.al,y la at bo e he dOee oat allot the ablng, an t.equ.e tl oan e found aklne dlnner at .. bl~ Pllt at hl. t v rlte-¥veget bl eo.up. ( , .... - I • Mlldred Thrash Dallas County The Martln's Parm Rldln~ alon$ the 0001 pav mant on the early suuny mornlns, I tound a trang compan10nshlp ln the boy at my slde. He wasn't espeolally Ino~1n d to talk exoept when qu stloned, but onoe tlndln a uOjeot tor him, h narrated untl1 It w s weel oovered. The "plaoe" was twenty tlve 11es trom town, he told me. There were about thirty tlve or torty a re oomrr1slns It. Hls ta her a just a renter but he wa doln~ fpirly .ell. There w r tour oows, two mules, and a tloov ot ohiokens pt the house. In the tamily ther wer besldes his tather and mother, two sl.ters, and th yo~e t, a boy ot twenty. There were three grandohlldren. "Both ot my lsters heve been marrled. One ot thelr husbands, Donna's died pnd the younge.t ~1rl has ju t seoured her tinal di­vorce paper. ~e ls plannin~ on marryin~ again, I thinv,· he told me. Atter we had ridden abcu t elve miles on the highway we turned into a well kept oounty road. Finally e made an abrupt turn into wa on rutted road thPt was ardly disoernable tor tIe weeds. e to low. thia tor abou a mile and ere met at the oow gap by he ot r brother, enry, who rode on the side ot he oar to the houae. We drove .oro a the tront yard, around a pi pen, bet een pl1es ot stove ood and. me ns he ohiokens untl1 e r aOh-d t e ba~k door. The three grandohildren, all 11ttl rls ot around even yeara ot age, met ua. tter th Y had politely but a blt 1m tlently walt-ed tor e to et out, they made a grand soro,ble over the rooeriea in the baok ot the oar. They tound and dlvided the a ok ot oendy and ohewlng ~ wlthnut tha sll hteat h alte '0'1' < I' , -2- • I was u bered into the kitohen, "hioh seemA to be the oenter around whioh all ferm life revolvep. It wss a that see d spotless in pite of thB faot that they w re oooking dinner And pots pnd pans were a 11ttle out of plao. Through the w ole bouse hlA s e oleanlln ss preval1ed "lth all the fleors gleam­lng hlte fro oonstant sorulilblng. r. And Mr • Martin met and greeted me wlth suoh ent .uslasm that I edlate17 lost m7 feellng of bein$ an outsider. It dldn't see a bit unusual for thelr .on to bring .0mebodJ to spend the dey. Lottle and Donna C/IlIl into the kltoh n nd hl1e Lottle re­maln ~ be lnd to help her mot er, Uonna oarrle1 me into the sp~re ror to ohange clothes. After donnin~ a gIlngllam dres we start­ed on a tour over the bouse. When the atruoture wae flrAt bul1t lt had Just four roo A, two on elther lde of tha long open hall. Ae the children o~ , " shed fao was added to oook in and th n lt bee e the l1ning room and anoth r roo . ss built for oooking. The furnlture w A an a oumulation of 0'\<1 pieoes but the7 had been oareful17 dusted and on tr,e beds er" home made ppll<lued apreada. AoroAS he foot board of eaoh bed waa a hAnd pI ded q~ilt. About the roo s were pleoes of handlwork, • oretonne be , pl1lows, ani suoh t!l1ngs • • ot .er made all of th•• ,. I wa. to d. ~ou no a e'. al-waya doing aomethlng to br ng baok ber school d ya." .Schoo days,· I estlon, ," -••11 she was a soho' 1 t.ao ,,,r before she marrls·l. She graduated from Montevallo." • It .. ( -8- The girl .aid it rkable ea.e and not all all like it "'aa an u.JU ual aooompliahment for a farm 1II01ll&lI of fifty-fiv.. y..ar. to have been a oollege graduate." Ju.t then Jerry oalled u. and Donna and I ..n with hl to 1e­liver po... hlng. It i. a re lar affair of the we..k. The p..ople aend him a list almost every we k that ran~.. s from safety pins to a .aok of bulls. All he neighbor. 0 out to ...e ue a. we pa••ed. They all m..t me with tha .am.. ho.pitable nAture that Mr•• Martin'. hou...hold had given forth. One woman ~o'oua­11' gave 8e a Gul1t pattern wlth direotiona as to how it ehould b .. made. When w.. return to the houae it waa a o.t noon. Art..r we had wa.hed our hand. ln oold w..ll w ter that had been drawn by a ....et • ellin3 oedar buok..t e all filed into the d1nin7 roo. It wa. a larg.. room with oabin.... and a .mall aoreen..d table for keep­ing milk nd butt..r. The table was laid with a enowy whit.. d.~a.k oloth. For dinner ther wer two lar e platter. of ohiok..n, rio.. , .alad, and pie, and a ho.t o· oanned reU.he. and piokle. t'l"t only a farm "lfe would h ve on hand. Dinner wa. a gay affair with muoh joklng and ..xoban ng of bit of oaaip. Th8J needed a oow and aom.. li tle pieoe of ~ha har­nea. had broken. ould Jerry not forg.. t to 0 by Aunty h..l'e and ",lve h..r a pat of butter if the fixed it. The men with t halr hoarty appetlt..s and the oil Udren, eag..r to g..t baok to th sun.hlny yard, loft h tabl.. early. Tho four wom"n linger..d awhil'. Kra. Kartin wantad to a ow me h..r oanned good. whioh I admir..d very ~oh. There wa. jar after Jar of every oannabl.. fond. On tha bottom ehelf of the oloset th..re were saoks of dried fruit., pea., and beans. , ~. 111ld red Thr ash Dallas Count)' The "lll1am' s Fa1'la )(r~. Rettie Williams Three miles from Selm& on the H1ghwa)' 29 • Nettie Williams is en old wo an, ever)' bit of sight)', I judge. You would never know it, though, from ,er tall straight figure and eas)' walk. Her hair 1s white snd her fRoe is a bit wrinkled but her mind and ways are as alert a8 ever. There have bee~ ten ohildr n. T~ee of them died and the others 11ve w1t·h or around her. The two g1rls, lIaude and lIae, marr1ed and l1ve 1n town. The)' oould hardl)' be oalled 1rls be-oause the)' tIoth havs grown fam111ee. The bo)'S Wheeler, J1Jt., and Frank 11ve at ho e. Claude, who has been more prosperous 11ves 1n town and has a ho e and .bua1neas tl:at 1e well t'1xed. Lee, the last son, has s faJR11)' am farm of hie own. )(re. W1111ams eays she like large f 111ee and be11evps 1n the. Ju~t look at what hers have done for theIl"elves and then there are the be)'s who are left to look after her s1noe her busband d1ed so e fifteen )'ears ago. The OO)'S, 11ke their father and forefathers, are all fSI'lller a heart. )(r • Willi s attende. a oountry sohool but she and her bus­band where both fer better eduo ted t n her ch11dren. All of the children a.tended sohoold until t he)' had a fair eduo t10n but none of the graduated as she would have liked. They were either n &ded at home or marr1en earl)'. • Those at home have n)' amb1t1ons although they are past the age of )'outh and oannot have the ohanoe that the)' would 11ke. A little money stored awe)', 1n rouoh the ~ e a7 as they store their 1n eaoh )'ear is on of the1r ideals. The)' have a oar but it oould be replaoed b)' a muoh better one. The)' are on the1r wa)' to own1n tha land tha)' ar no "ork1na.;. The)' hav been in • • • • The W1111am's Farm, Page 2. the ume plaoe ror the paat ten years, and are try1n~ to make 1t the1r permanent plaoe. It 1s a plaoe th6t 1s 1deal to des1re. One almost 1rnmed1a'.ly reels at home in 1t. The yard 1 lar a and she ed by b1g oaks. Though the house 1s more weather­beaten than pa1nted 1t has a look or serene rr1endship. The poroh 1s broad and vina oovered and as 0001 s a sultry fall day would permit anywhe • The land 18 odd and rioh, 1deal ror ra1sing ootton and oorn and Rood garden. Things are muoh better with ~s. 1111ams and her ram11y now then th re has ever been. All along there were the oh11d­ren com1ng up and th1ns were strenous on the purse. ow 1t 1s muoh eas1er and they rin~ t t the neoess1ties and a fe~ of the luxur1es or 11re are com1ng the1r ay. The1r n,oney 1 not 1dled ror th re are too many plaoes that 1t oan be used 1nstead or spending 1t roo11shly. A other end Father have w1sely taught their ohildren that. Although they are proud or the1r work they find that a .te_dy inoome would be IIlOre weloome. The ra he it. good points and arrer all you 0 ~It et a thin out or your l&od when 1t 1_ born in ,.ou. There are dl8ad'fanta~es and ondering what the orop return. w111 be 1s one or thea. They are rather et 1n thUr way ce taming. Although they 11.ten to the radio programs w1 th reat 1ntere t they will return to the soil w1tn the ame method t~t has prov1ded the well ror 80 man,. years. Onl.,. one member of the tamil,. 11v1ng on the r1U'lll votes. Th.<t 1_ rank. lie 18 really a Demoor t but he 1 1nolined to vote ror who e'fer h& th1nks will be the beat man ror the job. Or rather than vote against hi_ part,. he will probably not vote tor that orr10e at all. Claude 11ves in town an~ 1s 1n- • . ' . • The Wl11lam's Farm, Page 3. cllned tc be Influenced a blt b,. the talk that he hears. Be, too, ls a D ocrat, and falr In not being Influenced by brlber,.. The whole faml1y ls greatly Influenced by the Blble and re­l1g10n. They are ul Baptlst. In church mt>mbershlp but they eo not 0 so regularl,.. They are broad minded In th. r thoughts a­bout thelr grandchildren and neices Bnd nephews toot belong to thls modernlstic era. Mrs. Wl11l .s ls pern,ps more understanding than her 11dren about the ,.oun generatlon for she never lets an artlo1e on youth go b,. her watonful e,.e wlthout readlng It. en wlth such a large f 11y the,. are not slca ver,. muoh. They have apant very 11ttle on mediclne and les- on ho.plt"la. Mra. Wl11lama sa,.s that ahe feels th t the rlght klnA of food and lota of exerclse In the open, wlth proper oare of oneaelf In the wlnter has kep' h r fAD11y In good oon41tlon. She says that ahe never could underatand eo much about all thoa talk of v1temlna and such. Sho 00 es know that ever standlng rule of fr sh vegetablea, frult, and milk and eg a, and she keeps It In motlon thoughout the year. In the summer she haa an abundant supply of fresh food d in the winter they rel,. on her stock of canned cods and freah meat. The four 1'0011I heuse 18 spotl... and aa sorubbed aa could be. There are sOllie pieces of fllrnl ture 1.n 1t to be proud of. One 18 the apool bed that 115 over a hundred years old. An. old .1deboard 1. another plaoll that la ver,. old. Both of t~ are \Ilahogony. An old w"ah atand ls the thlrd plece that IIrs. 11l1am. prldes. It ls \Ilahogon,. and as a lIIarble top. All of these pieces 1 The Williams' Farm, Pa s 4 • . have been lOught atter by antique oolleotors in this eotion. rs. Williams i very proud of hese pieoes and feels flattered that so many people want them. No money oan bu.,. them thou h and at her dea h the.,. will go to some ht her ohildren or grandohildren. She reall.,. hasn't deoided whloh ones. TIle whole famil.,. is fa md of amusements. Not ao muoh moving pioture. t tpnt shows and oirouses that oome into town. The.,. read a good bit and love to li"ten to the radio. They 11 e ball­gamRs espeoially. Base_all 1. their favorite. So et1mes the.,. vi.it their neighbors or entertai. th • The.,. frequenty e into town to spend the day .ith one of ~ he irls, or Claude. ~omet1.es the ear, danoes or partles out their wa.,. and the.,. bo.,.a almost always go to represent .he 1'&Jl1Il.,.. The.,. have an advanta~e that is r8R141.,. coming to the farm, eleotriolt.,.. It enables them to u e lights and radio the same as we enjoy in the town. There water suPpl.,. is one of the best In the oou.,t.. Artesian w"ter from a weill that baa 1'111e .,. a buoket. The dlsadvanta.e of It ls t t It must be e "rled fro an over1'lowlng well ln from of the houee up the hill to te u ed in th kltehen. For thls reason there ia a laek of rlowere areund ~be ho fte t t 'hey would llke 0 IllUch. There lsn't any eourtlng ln th'" 1'amll.,.. Thai 1'e.l that they are too old tor 'hat. J bas been marrle~ but his wlre dled and he has never arrled again. Frank and heeler h~ve never ~rrled and lr 'here has been a love affalr or ome great dis­appolntment It 1 yet to be oud out. On t hole the 1'am11.,. 1a very happ.,.. Ith IDOst or the eonvenlenee. that townfolk enJo.,. d with tne added attractlon of 1'rult tree and a garden and a eow It 1. ea•.,. to see that t ey 0111d rind very ne rl.,. "Let t .,. wllnt on thelr plaee. -_. ., • llilared Thr sl1 oo11"s county A S'CR "'l'ARY You 0 11 tho ubI' n "low l1usk,y voloe ns "rs. "81." You glv" .our ora"r an~ til" vola" ussur" you ~ your ooul 111 b" to 1.1100 1 Could you 8 "tills 11'1 you oul not e 18 ~polnt-e~ in y ur sx~ otlA~lons. er extre h"l 11~ an ru.n" 1. 1." • are o~rn to "I' low vvio. ~ne genal' 11y drss "s in sports olotnes. It el1e ~o en't b"r a otnes a e simple bD~ stralgl1t. the typ" tl1lA~ Is the nsw l' to Ii businsse l~n'e l' e • urie Rut1e e 11vee t 1136 First Avenue. In 1~37 ell" 00 p1e te nlgl1 eo bool. 110 did not a re to a to oollege a on eek litt l' ~~ tlon ell" bog"n bueln" s oour 0 IlIon at tlw 100al sohoo1s nd . e '1'..<1 1. d tro 1. sro i ollruery. 1338. ,no 1 odl te1y t ok up rJt tor e41' rl"noe In '" tur. tu.o n~ Insur nOi:! os b-lien ent. Fro thero, o.e 110 ell "s be-gl :.nor. SIl on~ 1.0 t 0 1.0 1 CI1u:llber t Co eroo ere s 0 worked for 1.110 GU r. • t ,,1st oan~ Job. In n row ne 00 ~ l"rd. 'rl18 e ot l' oe betore 001 l' ve l' le U e "rn tile b ne • fro eeven until tlve no sbe ns I'll thll telephon • 0 to er nol ka. out ille tor t or era. 1. een 1. 1 I. pOsta bel' 1I&1'}1I an lb. "ne ie ver:! rSllerved roun<J. str agora, at Ii 11 like sue is In oor pan;r .1tn ola "oqualnta • be 1e a bit peouli r. ve ¥ l1u orou • ..n od 1 e 1 0 r11n • • • • IUoS tne p ranoe froe fro toat. It 10 Just of bei or 'ture • ot el1, for I.or f 08! very r 'en rul appeur os, t4ut leaves t 11'10 i presslon. "he u os it to her BUV" II. 0, too, whenovor it 0 :J s to thB Ben. be aan ouL~l but sry fil'O "e ny lUll .ors n only no s turns trA t blos on r. Yes, 10 t is tbs ono sho lov.sl . e oos. 't 1'.0 Itb 1 I 11, to S J lstrs! . t target by plannlng or 0 uln6 for thls 00 1 ro '.rue boy s 1 18 arry ls tull • a nu rJ< G she. e is very nl.4 o~e 8 eat at t \rill for hor is to vo III clairo 8 tho go ..lon to' thBr. be ls vor. rou4 of r ao09 lan lSnt n b 00 n't fu11 110 ro rlt bout 1t. er offioe, svo n the 1 st of 00 1 oust nu B Itoh- 1 tr In 1 •.011 kept. T 0 floor is 0 <lU atl~ tbe furni­ture ls 11 ln or or. '"oh oek Ive 11 lars. Hor olothos an Ino i"sn t6.1s rie 18 p 1 o 11 t t I'u.lt 00 out f this SO tnoro is no otual nee to 0 ·ovorol1. oonel er bl to he r I1robe t ero he has l1ue e thlngs b;lUt th OUB t t 8 ut out at her lno B. s r 00 UU • tent bJut il USB of I r a ay. o J..008 a onizin or 0 ntr tin a at n 8 0 aSJl't negloot q 11ty In nytblng that a b ' 8. • er on a tr - v g DO no ~et oskno B 18 U ,0 olate a n • It o. 1n~e. t n't think 1 lnc s ls lar en ug " 11 1 t t. II t 1'1 • • .. t 8\_... •• tat tT ., t , t. 11 • , • a I"t 1 t '1 .... tr 11...11 t 1 t 1. aco • - - d t '. • ,t • I il. • , t .. ... • t l\ t , • ill t \tc, 10 • tr h .. lal17 0 to 0 • t t 1 ... 0 ie 1il. 1Ft. r t \ , • 0 1&. , 0 • .\ •t • 1 • t \ • '. 14M t. J \ " ie , .. 1& 1F l' , , ., • • .ia t _1. U. • \0 , r • lO" l.IIC a _do \ " t 10\' • lull 111, • • ,wi 118 b vi 11 • • U 10'_ a .. t Itl a ta" rna , l •• , • • .- .. • • Chr1sUne 1408 Alab 1 • Al Bron Aveoue b a OK. TAKD LOft lUred Thruah llB11na C unty Tile bouse efor. e a buff oolored Ith a tr~- 1 of 0 ooolute br n. It bb th ap~ear n 0 o~ b In very old u~~ the bl ok iron fe oe ~round h e .r dirt la 0 lo~le a bit nelapid te~. I eot u 00 10 e oro , tbrou h ark i in 11 above wbioh e a dirt 10 lr 0 paused before a noor. It 10 ok ver fe eoon B for tIe 0 r to oyeo ad a 'lrl t~Od 0- tore e. ·Cbr1. U ro 01· X queationed. .Yea, do 0018 in." She open'd the door iuer nod I 'ent into a 1arDe sp raely furnlshed roo, • S e offered e a falrly oo~fort ble bedro01 rooker, aod took self. atr l u bt, sq re 100kin' poro ir for n r- " ybe I bit 01111 ." bett r a e up a 1110 le tire. it i a Fro a 1 rge 010 et on th rl 11 of t e !irepl oe he took .. b ale a kin 11n 0 ell ok or 00 1 1f out a tbe oar. ft r p1 010 10 e 00 on fire a struok toh to a er. Tb fire 8 ok • sputt ra • n tb lIle 00, il1e tel out. "X nevor s erl goo 10 i fire." "Here let • tr,y. " I a te ae e I'" a no loll r 10100 1P t tw. 10 't a allad to ole e 11y • un tie 010 r • pel/lao- • 0 TJ BJ) ,1.0 ". e 7. • • great ova eot 1n tlw roo n. .o~. yee. a I ot a thro r or t 0 for the floor. " I loobel o 0 t the all s pt but unoar,)<1 ted floor. "T ra are Just lots of tblngs that w111 help take tbis u. P aors 11vable--but 1 t a 8bo you my gowo that I got wb11e I It s lovely blue th1n sat1n an georgstte. "I tb1nk 1t ls very pretty but I 0 el 't let Bob bu.y e but 0 e. I nse other olot es lllucah rse. all t at I bave I bo bt 1 8t year exoept ooe sklrt 114 blo~. ao o e&p s11k elrees." l1ttle oet of t olothes ere of a falrly gooel prlo. They weren't sboeld¥ 10 q 11tl nor lel they leok taste 1n sel­eoUon. all of tbe bad been nll kept on bangers anel .ell oleaned. Ith evluenoes ot ury oleaners or, on ost of the • ext ahe pu le out a ooat of reen an the b 6 t t d lay on he ntle. "Bob nte to sive e a r6dl0 for Chrle ~s but no. I nee eel a ooat no b nt d t/;) et bat I nteel. oet people elon't lIl8Q eo UcQb diffarenoa In IIreesnt. an 81 va t e d ls, an,y_,. He be ht Ill. too. I 10Ta 1t." ancl abe fonelled the • 04en tr e and pouoh e 0 Id b 6 a Ilind th Y tur oollar ot b ooat. "Ylell. I Ml1lJt st up and drass or I'll bers In JWlt "1 u.o<1erolotbe ." Sue had not put tbs bathrobe back on and no. sba robe In the 010 st nat. rate Intues deo t1l16 took ao Ii bro n 811k orepe rell. Wi tb a e 111 upper anl1 ebort orepe bolero Jot e.broidere In bro n bral • • • O[{; TAli.J LOll' • P o 9. boy In Qeor;l1 o llkes llrotty all. He thinks I' ~ 1'0 lly s 011 and all of 10 t--ne 08sn't kno .n 10 a to ;lor I b:.ve. e nts to 00 e an ke us buo !th hi • orlt tor an Ineuranoe co pu 07 on- ,akes r al 11. I on't lov hi , tho n, n ltno In., no y other arrla e II nne out-- e l--y u un eretlinu. " anu bel' e s ouant In tor real un rat I nOl1dol1 In sUo 00. I'~e ItteD hi ,tho h, an tal hi that I' eorr lie' s o..... ~t th ring lin Dot to 00 tor e. I yeo I 10 hOlir tro hi looo,so I guess be's trylod to torge t lIIe.· "RB nu B tel' aro orazy about e oh okbor. I guose I' tool tor not taking hi" but I 1100'10 lOve hll11 0 to me 10 like s all the fUtersM In thoe worll1. very-bOdy ella e that I should a IIboad and try to make II go at It but I Jw 10 on't think It ou d work out ell. SO I' oln on lIa I 10 Ink best; I hOlle It's the right y." nd thure s a note of alnoersty In th 10 entenoe i~a~ baun't orept Into a . other speeo "Is B tel's 111 at th orph na e," I aeked. " 0 11ttlu 1 ss t~n :Donth. nt b to ee hi one y. a haa b 0 11ttle on t,e ~wlka.rd sl e 11 ot life but he's s te derhear~ e a a yone y~u've evor osn. He'e re 11 oruz abou\ tho k1 ot Ino, too. on b lett the 0 0 oOuluo't e n 10 ao 10 r orie and 0& 0 to 1e .. u aslted 0 for an or or to et l.n. I rate 10 e ordor an he e 10 b ok, Buster Is at hO e, ow, and .ene~er tho kid al0Dcl Ith hin." oes he xes live t 1 , , • • OK' T J~3 LON~. page 10• ".lth Bob thln's are ltrerent. ~e's th 0 I 0 110 here ln to>t lin hasn't seoureo. Ills dlvoros pere et. • yb lI~ne d he 111 thou 11 dt ln 8 0 .l be ..s I ul 11 e t.e. He .as 0.. Job nd he s real 110e t~ no .11s I s 1 tho ho pl 1. 0 &ale to tlnd a plaoe to!' 0 to love to 'hon 010 rte-1 hunt in' 0" lOe. roo • d 't ~1 e h1m n 10 10 ls one of th r as ns th 10 II III ral 1I~ 60 1U hand bl1e I n t h"me. 311e doo sn' 10 bol1eve 111 oln • 1 11 111"t but T sn' t the "a e or hl ls ltll or hatever 8 d no and 110 ya hs ha n't it, thr 0 e6rs 80 1 t SS8:'10 to e that .1th s 8S lle' are 1t un't b l' tor to go lth hllt " I look about 10 e roo n-1 llon I that thero. oro n~ naJ zln BIt rOOD 1 8sked 81' If slle lIke to 1'0" • nOb, ye~. l"tost allot 10 timo ben 1 uon't have ar~t1ne el 0 tv o. Tbe top drawor 19 full or nug z nes. o 10 at th .oke 1'0 or t 0 "true story" typo. he Idn't b vo an ne e per or a zln s hat auld 'ivo alder s­poot ot ot tile orlde eituatlon. "1 un't ve any 101 uoh a fool 10 • 1 11 allot t 10 t I11n s. on I rea • I a it tor leasuro 0 111 0 Ing about allot t stuft 0 0 an y?" Flnu1n' 10 10 eho ha 0 Duoh tl n on 11 l' hands I aSQe1 1101' ha. h' 11ked to d 0 beet. II, bo t or 11 I 11k daneln ,. I oould do 10 tall ,y 10 • an. not et til' a It. T 11ke pl 0.1' sho e, too, and t 1'6 are VOl' t. tru t I lSB. I lIke 0030 lUB and lovo stori e, btl don't oare for t Is "wl1d a ooly west" nor tor y try. Thers'e oOluch tr ~e y so lv so etllln6 11'ht nd 11- t nl8&. • • 0 • ~li ALO".. , page J,j. ~ • • "yOU know tbat or~ tnun b1u to nave ,You. If 'you IAr" ever 0 n toot :I again droOl ln to eee :'1.8. " I aeeure ~r t~t I uld and t e to, ,,01 .r ..e aile • IJer a' along t • etr.et, e11ngl til. b • 11M 11a ln 113r n , a llel<1 1 , exoept tor an oooa*10081 81<1e « noe to r e" II Da II • lan.