"Short Stories and Sketches," Lamar County.
Folder contains 29 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Lula Gloe White for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.• • • • • Dr. "ll1U1.·. 2 )(obl1. IIed1cal 0011-«.. Be cra4uated fraa )(obl1. in 1906. Be u.rr1ed .oon aft.r thi. and .taned hi. practio., and the rear1Jlc...
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Alabama Department of Archives and History
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Online Access: | http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/871 |
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WPA Alabama Writers' Project Collection |
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Alabama Department of Archives and History |
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Alabama Department of Archives and History |
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WPA Alabama Writers' Project |
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WPA Alabama Writers' Project "Short Stories and Sketches," Lamar County. |
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WPA Alabama Writers' Project Alabama--Social life and customs; Alabama Writers' Project; Lamar County (Ala.); United States. Works Progress Administration |
description |
Folder contains 29 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Lula Gloe White for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.•
Dr. "ll1U1.·. 2
)(obl1. IIed1cal 0011-«.. Be cra4uated fraa )(obl1. in 1906. Be u.rr1ed .oon
aft.r thi. and .taned hi. practio., and the rear1Jlc of hi. f&81l7 (two bo7l)
1n tbe cClUlWl1t7 wh.re be va. born, twi.. aile••outh of lInl11«ent.
Dr. Box 11 onl7 f1ft7-.ix 7...... of 0«., but ."P.r1.ne. baa _. h1a
.0 old 1n kno"led8. tbat h. 11 conoulted for advic. about -DT thiD«. - be-aldo.
ae41cin. - b7 hi. ne1&hbore and fri.nd. who trult h1a b1pl1cltl7 and
lOT. h1a dnote4l7. Ita ·Dr. what do ;rou thilllt about th1. -ID for offic.'
And Dr. what ought I to do about Jq b•• that 11 und.r lortee«e" or .nn
th.lr f..ll7 ai0un4.r.tand1D«.: Dr. ·B1Ul.· 1. thought to kno" the .ol~
'1011 to all probl....
Dr. Box talr:.. gIl.t prld. ln hi. boa. and 11k•• to .p.nd 10.t of hi.
t1M tbare, whan be hao &lIT '1.. off an.t;r, vh10h 11 .aldoa. Jut AI be g.ta
h1aoelf ••tted, AI the le«ro "onld Ia7 • j .. fixed to reo to, her. ooae. a
'phon. call or .li••01. one runnlD« on a 1lUl•• or in a·'-'!'Od.!" for the Dr.
to ·coa. quiel<l' a. ln the ca•• of J.unt Marla, a lagro _Ill "ho had a
faall;r of children 11k••ta1r-.tep.. On. of tbe...tep. va. ouM.nl;r nr;r
alel< and tbe Dr. ".. ......01184 111 halt.. !he)' ".re all .tand1D« around eag.r
to h.... what YaI aald - when all of a ouM.n Marla aald 'Ion Borac•• I'.
guine to opH', and .h. epat •..b.r· at the fir••
Dr. Box hao an offio. ln hi. )'aJ'd, wh.r. be k.ep. drug. and .quipa.nt
for flU1D« hi. 0"" p.r.crlpUona and glviD« exal1nationa to paU.nta.
da;r a Jegrn wea.1I brought h.r ...11 ohild to tbe offlc. for 'Dr, Bllll. to
•••• "but ¥us wrOD«,' and the llttl. girl "ould net .how h.r tOIlf:UI, nor
_bait to 8Jl1 I<1nd of .xaalnatlon. Dr. Box oald, ')'our child •••• to b.
opol1..•• !he lotber repl1ed, '.0 Docta, all l1ttl. cullnd ch1Uuno ...U.
det a Ya¥".
Dr. Box 11 .0 ch••rful and al....,.. •••• tbe OUIIIQI' .14. of l1fe, tr;rlD«
• •
Dr. "Bllll.". .3
to chMr hi. U ...h aDd help to 4r1... _ ~he bl_ .. will .. clcn>4. ct
rill clIepa1l'. Ilo baa a\ u ••• alao.~ M4I • hooplRl ot hi. Iula. tor pa--
U ...h who 1I.'Oded hi.. aDd hi. viti". clo......... aDd 1lII1"I1Jlf;. Hi. COod
vit. 11 • r III helper at all ~1011. aDd DO 4oW>~ he could ......1' he... ncc.1<!ed
quU••0 voll. hall he 1lO~ hall nch • helpaa~••
!he JTocro who baa beaIl houe. ad4 all ~he ,.u. ot ~lr aarrled Ht.
I&TI Ihe 11 ". llox ~oo". IIbe hu bee....0 acolt.a~'Od ~ ~ taa1lT IU1'roUlld1Jlf;.
~~ .he baa reaJ.l7 l>ecom ~o till ~he~ ob. JlII~ bllo"C. ~o ~
t ..1l7. !he (Dr.) Bon. are 10T14 '07 all ~helr _."~. aIl4 "Manh.
Dr. Box 11k•• oporh aDd pa.. ct ell 1c1Dlla. Hi. t.TOrU. 41...rl1on
11 tllh1"C, bowI,..I', he baa oacrlt1c'Od all on ~. al~.r ot hi. prot.lllon.
which 11 ......IT hi. call1ll1!. .
Be hal • good road trca highWT JTo. 19 ou~ ~c hi. Iula.. Ilo 11.... on
Bach Jack.on - al.o • good roall trca Sulllg.n~ ~o Oolu.buI, Ml••l ••lppll
bu~ n r~hel••• , he hu INCh 'ball road ~o ~ra l 111 ~h. vid••cop. ot ~errl-
~o.,. co r'Od '07 hi. practic., vh1ch hu • ~w ~,.-t1.... 01' ~hlr~,. .U. ra41ue.
Ilueh ct ~he coun~.,. rourul .bou~ 11 hillT aDd in v1n~.1' U 11 • har4
_~ter to g.~ to Iula•• ou~ 0.. ~he 11~U. t ...... ln ~he hiU.; al.o 111 ." , .1'
the .....-bedo are deop aDd har4 pull1ll1!. In tac~ • d.ep .....~bed 11 .bou~
~he .o.~ iapo.l1ble ~ • car can UIldertak.. One cell go ~hrough 1IlIIIl, vi ~
~he aid ot cbeJ.... or go 111 el••~ aDd II10V '07 villl1ehield dnic•• aDd hM~.re,
aIl4 anti-tl'••••••to., bu~ Lord dell..... one tl'Oll • ....bed.. t.~, ~ Dr.
aue~ go it h. hu ~o bv.1ld ~. roall &I he CO." Ilo UI1all7 carrl••• obo...l
01' axe in ~h. car, or ~bI bo~, aDd 111 ~he cu. ot •••nd-bed, he aue~
eu~ brueh aDd lq down aheall ot hi. vboal. 1.. order to pull ou~; aDd .e •
~1011. it he do•• DO~ ha... cha1Il1, he no•• ~he ......,". tor golll1! oyer
dick clq.
• •
llr. "Billie",
llr. Billi. ball CO'" on hornbeck, in a bau7 ud nan -a:ad to ...
..... patiante. lov he "... the car altot;eth.r, for he ball l&lU'lla4 to co
UIld.r .o.t &lIT oondi tio.... On. Ilit;ht ill .14 vid.r when the COlUlt.,.a1de
..... conrad vith a I!.eep anov anI!. a f .....e on top; vhen it .e_eIl. 110 0 ...
coull!. be out - ud 110 0 ... coull!. unl••• they thout;ht it i. a lite ud death
cae. - ani!. .0 .. llr. Billie vu coatonabl, ...tad vith hie nevapaper, thinkinc
he woull!. wralT ba.,. a fev hour. re.t: th.ra n. a pouJ>il.inc cn the beck
porch ¥hera the "cuU1I4 folk." al....,. enter the ~. of the "¥hit. folb".
!he leero t;1rl lIMd.. opau4 the eloor ...el th. v1JI4 voulcl &Care.l, lat it
cloee ar;a1a, Rovner•• lapoo ruhell. in -.,inc "Lori lIM.i. taU Doc BUll.
c.... qIlialt, Li..'. cJ.T1n l •
llr. Box ruahacl into hi. wrap. &Del out to the oar hou8... quialt1T &Del
vill1nt;lT .. it Li.. hail. be..... ¥hit... the anov - &Del att.r a vh1le he r;tt
thet colcl .nt;1n. purrlllg, ancl bT the help of chelll.. &Del the Lori - he aacle
the trip to the cablll two mU.......,. !hi. ie what he foUlldI .l ••~ fraaUc
froa .nrl.t,. a claut;ht.r crcaIl1ll1 ill palll, who, • fev houra later p.,. birth
to • babT. !h. llr., in fillinc out the certific.t. of birth. aakell., what ie
the nne1 !he nev r;randaother ..iel, "D1pl' a 10 cla n.... V. aunt OIl>' cal
off to .chool ancl cli. 10 vhllt aha bl'Wlg hea•• "
Dr. Box 10 • D ""rat, full fiacJ.cad. IIa intora. hi•••lf anel feeh
praU, aure of hi. con'ticUona, &Del TOt.. accorcl1ncl1. He auat find • "err
COocl roe.on for changinc froa an opillion h. baa thout;httullT foraell.. II. 10
• 10781 ani!. lib.ral llUpporhr of the olmrch. .l .,.ber of the Methodi.t, &Del
tactfull, tolaraat of all el._i_tiona. IIa voull!. net 11.,. 111 • C( w,U,
wh....e thera vu ne clmrch. &Del he &Del hi••on "Billi. lluric." ban elo... llUCh
to bullcl ancl -.1ntain • clmrch in their cc w>1t,.
Dr. Box ball three cranl!. ohilelran. IIa 1& one of the pro1l4••t aacl 1Jl,dulgant
of r;re.ndpe.renh, ud the .... - which he n."er likell. in 111. 'OUUC
• •
Dr. ":BUl1." • 5
dqa - do.. not ••• at all unattract1'oa in hi. .u craa4.on, :B1111.,
Dr. :Box baa a ll&J'Taloua .other 11'01",. 1. 8IIlll.i;ant, to 1dloa II. 10
p.rfact17 dnoted. lie goa. to ••• »r .. ottan .. an opportun1 tT ooa•••
Sh. 10 prouder of »r eon for hi. I1f. of unealf1.h ..mo. to hi. f.llow
_D. than aha would b. of a vllol. gold dna, without hia. ":B1111o" ra1o••
hog. aDd Clh1ckan. on hi. fara. and at hoc 1d1l1",. U •• he brl",.. a hu aDd
all 1t111d. of fraah .eat to ".other", aDd chick.... - a coop at the ti... Loh
dght be aa1d for thi. daar .oth.r; but .. a clo•• frl.1Id haa aa1d, "what her
chUdr.n baTe acc,*!,l1ahed. and the character. th.,. heTe proTen to b. go to
ahOY what It1I1d of aother thaT ba.... " aDd antf1c. H to ...,. Dr. :Box 10 prolld
of hi. allC••t17, .apac1al.l7 hi. own .other and fath.r.
It ..... tbat the I1f. which a dootor 1.&4. would under-in. til. baalth-and
p.rhep. do.. - but Dr. :Box 11.... a t.-perat.,laclral I1f.. lie 10 .troDC aDd
robuat 1n pqaiqua. and hal b••n a haalthT un unti,l the la.t T.ar or aor.
h. hal antfued a pqaical laWown. lie 10••• mora .1.ap than 10 good for
haalth, for he go•• when called - n.n if h. 10 aick.r than the aick.
go•• in ra1n. al••t or .now, aDd "Ca1n .. a lIagro aa1d. "lie'. J'. a l11144.r
01.1118," which .hon how INCh our .outhern lIegro thillk. of hi. "whH. foLIc."
.apac1all7 hi. doctor.
AI to rell.i;1on aDd aoral•• Dr. :SOX'. r.ll.i;1on 10 hi••oral guid., for
h. thillka there 10 DO b.thr coda of 11T1ng than the Tan a_•••nh, aDd
the lloldan lIQl.••
If he .hould IU4Ual7 bacOll. Te17 vMlthT and could lq ..1d. hi. pracUc.
and r.t1re to a 11f. of .... aDd luzur,r; it 1••o.t c.rtain that Dr. :B1111.
would not g1Te up hi. work ..ODC the -41 in the great f1ald of .ed101....
.l poor whih faa1l7 had lah17 aoTed 1nto hi. 'I1c1nHT. and h. waa
called to att.nd the IlOther at the birth of a babT. '1'he 11ttla girl c...
in b.for. the doctor l.tt the hOll., aDd th1Ilk1",. th'T had aore fU117 than
• ,
t"f.l~~~ lox (wII1~l
hlU.-'. ~b .,
k1a ;].oe lIIl1,.
kerr Co V. Ala' 7 •
, JIr.»lW. te • IU'I.. 'Ul. I •• ....tuIl1ec " Id. oW III ,
I ..........Uoll1llc oU.. ".C \110.. "lie "t' __ 111II
t_ ..110M , .. .-IIeecl. It rtal .. IIan tll61J'. "lU.'
ro.... \0 \Ilea ••• ,,,., ....,," \0 11I: "UIl til n. "UIl 1_ fe. •
..tift. M\ ....,...... • ne1aU hi 11I:. Dr.MUle IIae 'PI I
'ru .. \110. 'ru' f •• III IIao re..l"od ill thl ell DIllt7 all \110
pan of Id. pneU.. of 804101... .. 10701 ., all ,ta.., U III n
I "ODllftftCOl\ w. pan .t hi. at1lro.
" ooIIDo1l .t Ide t.\Ilar 414 Do\ 4ep0D4 CIIl 'oedlen tor all \110 , .....
be of IIh _. .. Up' \110 No' of .....ta.. ad , \110 ro8l1T.
41tpHa1 of M. oIl114r1a ad •• 4oep17 414 "U"· appJ .ot ..
.... "14 .., .. on•••, .ble ,. alto'" U •
.... .. 1... ta ,.too, ad "lU.· 17 • ,).1 '-7J ........ all Id...,.
plekbc ••. '0 ~ Id. I .....t dM•
•• 1.\IIor .... _r ~. "UIl 114..... ad 117" 111. '0 Jwlp 111II
\0 oIIeo.. \110 lIee' '\epo " \Ib, -.4 Dr. 'MIU.n lion 11.... 1Ir \110..
14-.1e, "ldlo ...r1.. Idn _ f_117•
.. ta U. nohoo1n of 7 IIPI' 00 '., "UIl \110 _opU..
of _ r-n ta Jotfo~ 00""7. \Ill" '.aclWlc ....l1d..,. ad \oIdJII
.... Idgbor onu..., UM 0 .. 'SM 11 Ido 8041eal _0 _ lie.
ta 1902 - 'U fire' par of wII10ll I" lliralaclloa• .u.b·-. !Ilo DOZ'
, ... 7..... 1. lloapll1o 1lo41cal Co11 Ul4 'Ile lao' of 'Il. fOllr 7-1'1 a\
• .' .... 'HUh'. 2
1lo111h Iledlcal COU-.. .. erad-\e4 froa lIollU. la 1906. .. _me4
._ atwr tIl.l..... ,wne4 1118 preed", u4 \loo reanac of lila full¥.
(\..0 lIoT.) la Ul. 00 Wl1V vba... lie ..., 110m, -.1.. alh. 'Oll\!l of
Dr,Jolt 18 0DlJ'. flft.1-.b 7_rw of &«e, 1lla\ apen..... baa u4e lila
eo 014 1" lmowla4&e Ula\ h. h oOllnlWd for e4~ca all.".\ a • .." \hlap -
bed4&. 118410la. - 1IIr Ill. aelt:llllorw aa4 fnellA. wIIo h \ lila 1&p11oU17
.... 10" Il1& 4"'0\8417, h. 'Dr. vba\ 40 7 .... \IIbk \ tIl.la _ for
.mee' Ae4 Dr.....\ ncb' I \0 40 alIoa.\ rq _' • \ba\ h ....er ao"-,"
er ...e \belr f.-117 alna4.ft\ud1a«a; Dr. ~Uh' h Ulncb\ '0 Imov
\be eola'loa \0 all proU_.
1lr.1olt \eke. cr'.' pn4. 111 Ill. boa. aa4 11k.. w apea4 80.\ et Ill.
'lao Ul.ft. wba. ba baa ..." U .. oU 4av, vlllcll h ••14,.. 01..\ .. lie
p\. 1l1&••lf ••Ule4, .. \lie l.pO wn14 .&7. •J- fbecl \0 ra..., Ila...
c_•• 'phoa. call or .10••_ .........q oa • aul., or la • ",•••4&1·
for \be Dr. \0 .0_ qatell:" .. in tba cu' ot ....\ llana, • IfP'O va 7
vile Ila4 • t.-117 et cIlll4raa lllte -'al,...hp.. CIa. of Ul \epe -
n44~ "l'7 81...... \be Ilr. W... "".4 la baew. ~ all .W116-
lac arollll4 _r h lIeer ...., wae &&14 - .1Iea all of • &1144. Ile.na &&14
1JIo.. Ilonoe., I I. cala. \0 apU', AII4 .1Ie apa\ 'aberA .\ ua. fi ....
Dr,lolt Iled • offl0' 111 Ill. ~ vile... lie Itll'\ 4nee AII4 eqOll,..,
for flUlac Ill..... penenp"•• u4 Il~... -uaU•• \0 peU_'••
CIt. 4q • IfP'O vcae llroOlt;11' IIer _11 oMU '0 \he otfl0' tor IJ)r,BUll.
'0 .... vlla\ ..... vroac.' ...4 \110 11\\10 Ilrl WOlI14 DO' .Ilow IIer \oIlCU, DOr
..bod\ \0 ..." 1<la4 of _laaUca. Dr,Jolt _14, 'T01lI' ch114 ._. \0 be
.poUecl·. '1M ao\ller rep11ed, ' DO, Ilock, all 11\\10 0111184 oll1U •
• ell. 4at-. 1iJ1q,I.
Dr.1olt h eo OMerfal aa4 alwq..... \1Ie. "7 al4. of Ute, 'J'71ac
'tOIl" ....0 ....... 111..... 111. wi'." elo•• un .... Ptata,;. a .....
.-,. eo wll. Ita4 lie ..'.M4 noll & Ml,.....
!be ~ ....0 Ita4 ... II .11-.. -a.. all .. 7oa1"1 of 'hotl' -..t... u,•
•q • •h. to '0 lox '00·. Ill. IIu bee....0oocl1a&'''' .. 'h. , ..t17 -
ro....Abp ..., .M .. real17 ..% .. f ..l ..., .M J'" ...10llCl .. tM
,oat17. file (Dr.) 10_ &1'1 10.... 1I;r all "'11' 'n··'. oa4 ..........
Dr." lill:. opel''' ........ of all 1I::bda. Bt. 'o'l'OrU...h.1'I1...
to ftolWlc. Ilovnol'.M .. _rifte'" all ... ,lie al,"r of 111. P",•••t_.
wl11cll to 1IlI'I17 111. caUla,;•
.. .. 0 , .... 1'.... frOll I11PoM:r 10. l' OIl' '0 M. hoe.. .. 11'0.. ..
IIIch JocIc.... - 0100 po4~ frea IoIlU,"",' .. Col_bU. Ill••hatppt;
..., .....nIl.h••• boo .. av.chh04 road '0 'ra"l til tile wi... ooop. 0' tent....,.,
oon..... 1I;r 111. p....,Uo•• wl11cll .. 0 "'_'JOttn 01' 'I11rl7 II1le .....1...
_"or .. pt .. II" •• a"" ...... lUll. fa... 1& tbo I11U.; al.o 1&. .1'
\Ill lIe4. are deop .... liard poalliJlc. I. fac' 0 ".op .......lIe4 h ,
tho , t.po.atbl. tb1ac 0 .... OM l't&II:.. OD...... CO tIlro1IcIl with
'boo 014 of cll&1ao. 01' CO 1& .1.., ow 1I;r w1JI4.l11.ll .....so ,.....
oa4 ..U-freel _, I.erd ".11'0.1' OIl. frOll .."40....... T.'. tM Dr•
.., CO if M hal .. 'Rill 'Il roa4 01 M «HI. .. 117, oalT1•• & .110"1
or ax 1& 'h. car. 01' aqb. both..... 1& tho .... of 0 II..-b.........,
O1lt brull lq .._ &Il.... of 111. wbool. !II ordor to poa11 "'; .......
..... it M 110' han ohatll.. he ..... 'Il ._ &0&11. fol' coiJlc onl' .U_ alq.
1Ir.X11h 11M .- _ MI' 111 a ,... Ia4 •••• -n... '" ...
• _ ,.U_*.. • ... M .... ~ ear al *_. for M .... learae4 to ..
"'er _, .., 00.4UI_. ca. alp' 111 .U wtAWI' wlla tile _,~
__ 0_re4 wi*he AMp _ew u4 a tl'M" .. tepl .ea. It.. ... ...
••1114 M OIlt - u4 .0 ... 0ea14 wal... *1leT *1lnP* it h a life taetk
.... - Ia4 eo au Dr.Jtllh .... o,at.nablT ...teI with hh ....epapal'.
beek poreh vhere ,he ·CllI1b4 tolk.' al..." "'.1' 'h. ho•• ot "'. 'vhti.
tolk.·. !b•••CrG cll'l Denh. epaa" ,he 4001' ... *he wI.4 v0lll4 .care.17
le' U ct... apla. 1I000uyer. a .ecru I'IlUh" la eqbac ·Lert ll.nh ,.11
lloe lll11h "" , 'l'I1'*. 14sa'. 1r1II'.
lIr.llez 1'IlUhe4 111.. hh ....... ea4 ft' '0 *he oar 1loIIu. au 'l'I1ck17 aa4
wlll1acl7 au 11 14.. Ila4 be.. au vbU. a. ,lie DOW - 1Ul4 athr a vbU. M ..,
~, eo14 acta. poarrlac. ... lIT 'Ile 1le1p of eha1a,. ... "'. Lert - Ile .....
n 'rip" ,Ile cablll 've .U.. aq. !bh h whe' Ile to 4I.l n T. fraaUo
t!'fa -xl.V. a 4auebter eroaalac la pa1a. vho. a t ... hoar. later 16ft b1rtk
.. a ballT. !be llr•• la 1111lac 010' *he eerUfica'. of birth. au.... vba' h
*he •••, !he .... crea4ao'her wal4. "ll1p1_ 18 4. DO... II• .,., oar p1 ,
ott \0 .011001 aD4 db 18 vila, .Ile bl"DC llGol•• •
llr.Box h a llaoera'. N1 fie4ce4. • Wora. llGol••1f aa4 t ••le
pre'V An of 111. coDneU....... "tea aeeor41ac17. • AU' fillt a
ft17 goo4 rau_ tor cIIaD«lac tr.. IUl op1ll1. Ile ha. 'ho'llCb*ta117 torae4•
• h a 10)'&1 aDd llb.ral euppol'hl' of 'Ile olmrch, .l .aber 01 *he
_."'odh'.... \acUN17. "'bru' ot all d_DA1aaU... • veal4 .0' 119• •
la a co ,,'V vIotr. *here .... 110 oiDl.N, aIl4 h.... 111••• "b1111. lluIt.'
u,ft d... pell to bU14 _4 -a1D\ala a eharclllll tIlell' DC ....1*7.
Dr.Box 11M "'re. CI -4 eI111....... B. h OD. of *he pload.d aa4 111dill"""
ot craadpareh.... 'Ile Dn. - vl110llblle ••ftr 11k.. ~ 111. 7'" iC
4a7e - 4.... ..,\ II 1\ all .UracUn W h10 .11 t;ru4....JtlU••
h.IIoz ••• ..-1.....o\m> UftllC b "lUca'. \0 v_ ..
,.1'1..,1.7 d_'M. • PII \0 ... ber U onOll ... all oppor\...U, c .
A. 10 pr'Mer td .1' _ tor hh Ute td .....lnall ..moo w b10 tellow
U', ..... wnld '" td • wIulh &Old 8b•• wi \bft, 111.. ·1111"·a1o••
Iloc- _ olllot em 111. tam. _ .\ bot; k1l1bt; U •• be brtllCl a ball aIId
ell kbd. or t h _\ \0 "wlo\ber'. aa4 ch1ck1D. - • coop 1\ \be U ... 1.0,.
1I1cIl' '" 4 tor \111. doar 8O\her; n' ... c1011 hi.nd baa aa14. 'vIla' ~
liD04. aa4 \he cb&roc\.ro \hq baT' p.......... W '" &0 \0
.bow vba\ k1D4 or ..'ber \hq baft.' aa4 wttlc. U w oq. Dr.llo:< .. prolld
or 111. aac."I)'. ,opoc~ 111. _ .o\ber _d t.'ber.
It 'ba' 'be Ut. vhlch • doc\or 11&41 wnl4 *.1'111", hi. beal\h-aIId
porilap. 4 0 n\ Dr.Bos 11&41 • \""P"ra\•••oral Ut.. Be h '\wac
_ ro1nlo\ b pbTliqu. aa4 baa bolll a bea1\h7 _ .'11 'h. 1..\ ,ear or
.oro be baa wttor" a l'I\7lica1 10\-4_. Be 1.... IIOre ol.ep \haa h coo4
tor bea1\ho tor be "'81 vila cal104 - IT'" it be 10 .1cker \haa ,be liot•
.. "'.. brain••1.., or POW. aa4 a«a11l "' • -aero IOU. ''''. J" & llIiId4.r
J.lI1lII.' villch allow. bow _eb 0lIJ' .ma'berll -OCN \b1nko ot 111. ·vhi'. tolka'
.opoclell.7 Ill. doob1'.
Aa '0 rollt;101l MId IIOral•• h.Ios'. "U&1_ 10 111. IIOral pid•• tor
h. 'h1Ilk. \her. 10 110 boUer code ot llT1llC \hall \be , ... COM.n<la...h. aa4
\be Gold... Ibal••
It be .halald n4401l1, boc"". Tel)' v"UbT _ cmald lIlT ..14. hi.
prsc\le. oad 1'e\l1" '0 • 11t. ot ..... &Ild lUKUrTJ 1\ 1...., c.r'aill \ba'
Dr.111U. vmald no\ t;1" 1lp Ill. ¥OrIt .wmg \be -47 11l \be """\ thld ot
A poor whih t ..ll.7, bad 1&\01.7 ..Ted In'o 111. 'YiclnU,. &Ild h .....
call04 w d\llld \be .o\llr " 'h. lI1nh ot & _117. !h. 1Un. t;1r1 .
b.fore \be 400\01' 10n ,be h.... aa4 \bIdIlt; \hIT bad .01" t ..ll.7 \baa
Doon fa.'....d. aD:l uo", SOl of .,... , .......od. a'o tbo ••••ral 1ll;T.r. of
pip•• which are bullt 111. lIIldor 'h. kila. !he .,••' 10 ..., o.or from llo11.r
rooa a a «rea' pip. to ,he.. __ll.r 0"•• _ di.'ribv.'od. through the IrtlA.
Abou' 15 or SO houn vi 'h conota, ..... of sOl 10 ...od..d. to properlT dr7
l ....b.r which .hou1d "0' contola o••r l~o,o l5~ 8010',," for planillC.
!h. l ....bor 10 ....o..d froa tho 11.. a' 'h....d. of 'hi. d.r:rlDC p.riod.
and carriod. '0 'h. planer which 10 ho....od. 1IIId.er a lar«o &hod.. !he l ....b.r
10 plac.d OA ....rlll 2-wh••l carriap. callod. 'DollT·.' and roll.d alonl'
.lde 'h. roll.r cha1n-a 181'«. nat chei.. bull' 111. o..r a roll.r "p the
.laaUn« floor 1IIlder 'h. plaMr .hed. !h. l ....bor 10 1IIllood.ed frOll the 'dollT.'
oa '0 'hi. chela and carried tip 11:1 ,he 'rlaaer. B.r. U i. plaood. plece by
piece on the 'rlaa.r tablo, OIld 'here it pa.... - .ach ...d. - by a ...11
.av which 'ria. off the .nd. '0 aaII:. 'h. pi.c•• 1IIlifora l~h. rroa 'hi. it
10 camod. by feed roll.r. Into the planlDC "'H ..chlne penac thrOQ&h which
it co••• 0'" .8Ooth l ....b.r and 10 handod. o.er '0 ,be «rad..r and «l"ndod..
I, 2.63.
It an orAer cell. for l ....b.r of 'hicll:a... no' CD head. there 10 a re.aw
••chi.... which cub it '0 a thluaer d.ioo".lon _ 'hi. 10 done before it
10 ca nod. lIP ,he roll.r ohal.. '0 'h. 'riaaer. .l100 if a p1_· 18 of '00
wiAe th.re 10 a rip •• '0 cu, it d iJl width. !h.refore 'hi. 10 why
it 10 cellod. a lIu·ufacturill« pI ..
!h.,. pa.. tho f"-lohed. heber Oll' to B. R. can 'hat sr. "'" 011.' OA
old. 'raclto at 'h. old. of 'h. bulldin« .0 it 10 loadod. here for 1_dia'•
• hipe...'. 'l'lla' "hich 10 .old '0 local _rite' 10 load.d. 0" 'rucII: for 111Ced1a'e
d..U...,.. or .tored In th.d.. for futur. orA.r••
!!lere 10 a oachille for oaIrtllC 0011111« and !loonn«,'" "ell eo plala .'lIff.
J.ll ,he end. which are OIl' off a'''' ,n_.r ,le d""'PM 011.' bacII: _
'here le a ."" '0 cut 'h. lOll« plec.. '0 "ood. 1.D«th and 'hi. 10 .old for
(which cOlll1lt of two lars- pol•• fl'QlO gr"'Dd to Uuck bed) on to til•
track ...d 1lel4 b, wIlat 11 c.ll.4 .hock..... faat...ed "" .1d.. of truck.
!Il... lop han prert...... b.... 'onaIte4" 1Dte a pU. - bT lIo......4 cIle1D. to
b. o""....l ...t for truck load1nc.
low. till 1.... are carried to til. alll .d unloaded on to a .kidwq~
!Il1. 11 a .1uUng fioor 11&4. of pol.. placed on a .caffold oro..wi•••
aDd tile t1'llcD are 4rtnn aloJlCl14. of th1l .kidw.., and lop are 1l1aced on
.kid. and ,..lea••4 onl, on' at 0 U •• on to 0 carrt.r whlcll lIOn. til. 1Of:
back and fortll b, tile .aw cuUlOf: off .U... of tile tree for lunber of
.orioua th1ckn...... "cordlac to the w.., til. bl ock. han b.....et b, tile
block-utter on til. carri.r, wblch 11"1«. tile th1ckn... of tho pl.o.. of
lunber to b••awed off. !Illckn••••• ~ fron 2" to 61 aecord1nc to tha
purpose of tile luaber.
:waber 11 .awed 41ffer_t 18ll&tlle. o. long aa can b. cut fill. the tree
(or lee) In han4. '~fro,. 6 ft. to 28 ft.
!Ile eaw 11 0 lorp rOlUl4 ...n.t,. wttll .... bU. alone the e4p.
oDe 1Ir. lfrtcllt u... 11 a 44 bU .11••
!Ile alab (or 1laJlt plank) 10 tt...t eawed off, !Il1•• 0 7D catch.. aJ7I1
plac•• QSl the r.flu. pU., th.a til. log 11 turned &Il4 .awlllC lUlllHor beg1D.;
...otller nan catclle. till plec. of luab.r IIl4 plac•• U on the e4g1nc .chin••
!Il.... 11 a .... to take th1l lunb.r ...4 plac. it OIl tile .tack for truolt1l to
load and car.., to the pl....r.
lfh... tiler. 11 a ralJl7 .ea.on thou ••U alll. b.lng .0 op...l, Ileuoed,
c.nnot be operated. OIl till•• ~ and .0••U ......n, 1Ir. lfrtcllt IISld. hi•
• on oro Idl.. 111'. lfrlght .pand. thi. Une aro1l7l4 hoae. Be 4... not a.
hi. ho.. a. Ile baa to pIlt the ...t of hi. DCa., abo•• l1dag ."P-•••• for
hi. faa117 of fCllU', aD l'WlIl1Dg ."PIIl.... t1'llcD .4 17&Ob1ll• ..,....d op.raUag
hi. alll. So ho !lao aner acCNl7ll1ated "'oucJ> to ~ aile...
l'e ne in ubator
tra a and .ind if l'e
.s the dqte qnd breed is
rph says he orks for
Lula 'lloe ite
Lemar ounty
r und 85.
e e.r than "'ooe1 fa.
rio!'ove ant
ts en order for bab
ch co~part~ent is electrically hest-
en the chidtena are ta~en out, he are
rs r
his brooder is sbout six (6) stories righ, or
rph sa.s hen he
"lIrp y said "There is aa muc •
out t 0 weeks.
cJ-eck un ia oreer book and then cl-eck r s e
can handle the order in the desired tima.
on each trey.
ed and feedin and terin~ tn • ra arran ed n reac of I"e C1-iCKS
all ours. e aa t "nd drink mos all the time. \t least hile
some are slee in , others are eatin , nd so it aee[l'S !'e ,He con- •
tinua 1 e tin ny time ne loolra "t the , or ni ~r • e are
removed to the rooder house hOllr I"ere and a a t era to be aold as
tr ers or hens and roosters.
rather rire enclosed ahelve .
"'he I"ole set of 1:r', s of e s oan l\e t· rned in a few m' n-rooeers
hic are in the room -ith the incubator. ~re rem~in a-number
equired to fl11 sll booked ord rs are o18ced in b~ • oh ck
d rs of the tpent -one.
local trsde, and sella to trucks carr:in~ chic~ens to 0 her towns.
o~ever. he bandIes ia baby chicks timself. The cl'icks over the
orders are rom a distan e; ho ever, r.
placed directly in the ati in c ses end sent, arcel Post, l'ere
"'he e~ a re~Bin in te incubator compart~ent e I"teen (18)
d,:'a, then they re re oved to the I" t l'in. trl> a rich are directly
un er the ncubator compartment. pere tre ata the rernaininv three
utes whereas in the ol~ ty.a aoch e ~ had to be turned seoaretely.
over the old, a the new
rne for re iste?in the temoature, the other for r iter n the
h~'dity. ~he humidit should rtl
• •
rls !In educ!l-ich
to bUy
reet, one-1"51f
100.CO. Of
the difficult eroblem
LUla r;loe "'hi te
Lamar "'ounty
it s very profits le one.
"elonGs to the l"et1'odist
innin the lack ?ot
ne thinl<a
nd not"ltbstan 1
older brother '3dvlsed
9;ood citizen.
suoports the church.
'p j chicken tusiness.
'urphy said t.ls ecucation "38 li"'i te bec5use of financial
'r. 'urpby says be likes the hstc1'ery husiness better than
re s~ s there is no ~onOjr son et"cen his income JS a barber
c>ic}"en busine s.
block .'i'I~.t~,;from 1"l'-'hwsy 19, leavin
... .h
than in this ,,~ •
liz::ltations. 331d 1'e Is ver er to "lve >is s <l'1l'
tion for te f els that the ~oney could not be more prof •
Fe is a de~ocrat, and a probitionist.
'or. 'urphy hja t"o virls jnd t"o boys. Judging from their
to s anc the ~oney • •
SOffie cticYens nd
o 06~
course he was very much excited and after retiring t1'at nip1't 1'ia
parents overte3rd t1'e little to's talkin", , discussin"
atti tuge nd interest in thair daddy's business, t e ho s "ill be usethe
firm some tlme. The oun er "as lucky at the
feed nd ~roceries 1"olesale.
("hurch ;nd attends
on thing he hss ever
. ' -' •
.llabono _ ltull1gent LUIlber Co • 2
Principal. ot right moral.. Teaching them above all thing. to be "Pright
and honest in all dealing. with their tello....en• .ll80 he gaTe th"", educ~
tionel adTantagee unuaual in their community at that time (1896-1900).
Hovner, Dick, the eldeat ot .1:1:, had onq tvo yeare in W. A. A. S. IIam1lton.
Cwing to headache. hi••tudying va. prevented and later he .uttered partial
llut with hie aptitude tor matbematice and bookkeeping; out ot an
atmolphere ot learning, it naturally tolloved that he vould puraue the
cour.e ot business. 81. tather gan him a businees ot hie ovn about 1907,
and ln the year 1912 - undsr Wl1son'. pre.ldency - he va. appolnted Postma.
ter at Detroit, £labe.....
lie ie a Democrat and a good cltiun ln the true.t .enee ot the vord,
vorklng tor and .".,portlng echoole and church and TOtlng tor clean polltlce
and polltlclan.. He vote. accordlng to hl. conT1ctlona, atter careful conslderatlon
without prejudice, he choose. the candldate vho he thlnks most
naarly "lille the Bl11."
lie ia a total ab.tainer and hetea l1quor "like HellI , itsel!, and
takes hi. stand on the question at all time••
In the year 1907 he -arrled Mia. Beatrice It1rk ot J.cory. Miasiae1ppl.
!hey l1nd ln Detroit until atter the blrth ot thelr the children - In 1924,
D. W. ree1gned a. Po.t_.ter at Detrolt and moved to Sull1gant to be naar
high .chool tor hi. tamily. He vent lnto mercantile buslneee on rather
a .mell .cale and tound 1t dld not pay - vhen trylng to rear and educate
a tamily ot tive - tor vhom he vae very ambitlous. So he appl1ed and va.
given place •• Bookkeeper at Sulllgent Lumber Company - then
Lumber Company. (He va. later promoted to general manager).
He he. glven hi. tour boy. and one girl - high .chool education. Tvo
ot the boy. bullne•• educatlon. These tvo nov live in Detrolt, Mlchlgan
and have tuil1es ot thelr ovn. The reverence thelr parente and thelr |
title |
"Short Stories and Sketches," Lamar County. |
titleStr |
"Short Stories and Sketches," Lamar County. |
url |
http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/871 |
id |
ADAHwpa871 |
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http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/wpa/id/871 |
_version_ |
1743797183699746816 |
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GSU# SG022775_00329-00358SG022775_00329_00358"Short Stories and Sketches," Lamar County.Folder contains 29 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Lula Gloe White for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.1939 circa1930-1939Alabama--Social life and customs; Alabama Writers' Project; Lamar County (Ala.); United States. Works Progress AdministrationTextDocumentsAlabama. Dept. of Archives and HistoryWorks Progress Administration filesSG022775WPA Alabama Writers' Project, Short Stories and Sketches by Lula Gloe White, Lamar CoAlabama Dept. of Archives and History, 624 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130EnglishThis material may be protected under U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) which governs the making of photocopies or reproductions of copyrighted materials. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research. Though ADAH has physical ownership of the material in its collections, in some cases we may not own the copyright to the material. It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in our collections.96 dpi tiff•
Dr. "ll1U1.·. 2
)(obl1. IIed1cal 0011-«.. Be cra4uated fraa )(obl1. in 1906. Be u.rr1ed .oon
aft.r thi. and .taned hi. practio., and the rear1Jlc of hi. f&81l7 (two bo7l)
1n tbe cClUlWl1t7 wh.re be va. born, twi.. aile••outh of lInl11«ent.
Dr. Box 11 onl7 f1ft7-.ix 7...... of 0«., but ."P.r1.ne. baa _. h1a
.0 old 1n kno"led8. tbat h. 11 conoulted for advic. about -DT thiD«. - be-aldo.
ae41cin. - b7 hi. ne1&hbore and fri.nd. who trult h1a b1pl1cltl7 and
lOT. h1a dnote4l7. Ita ·Dr. what do ;rou thilllt about th1. -ID for offic.'
And Dr. what ought I to do about Jq b•• that 11 und.r lortee«e" or .nn
th.lr f..ll7 ai0un4.r.tand1D«.: Dr. ·B1Ul.· 1. thought to kno" the .ol~
'1011 to all probl....
Dr. Box talr:.. gIl.t prld. ln hi. boa. and 11k•• to .p.nd 10.t of hi.
t1M tbare, whan be hao &lIT '1.. off an.t;r, vh10h 11 .aldoa. Jut AI be g.ta
h1aoelf ••tted, AI the le«ro "onld Ia7 • j .. fixed to reo to, her. ooae. a
'phon. call or .li••01. one runnlD« on a 1lUl•• or in a·'-'!'Od.!" for the Dr.
to ·coa. quiel<l' a. ln the ca•• of J.unt Marla, a lagro _Ill "ho had a
faall;r of children 11k••ta1r-.tep.. On. of tbe...tep. va. ouM.nl;r nr;r
alel< and tbe Dr. ".. ......01184 111 halt.. !he)' ".re all .tand1D« around eag.r
to h.... what YaI aald - when all of a ouM.n Marla aald 'Ion Borac•• I'.
guine to opH', and .h. epat •..b.r· at the fir••
Dr. Box hao an offio. ln hi. )'aJ'd, wh.r. be k.ep. drug. and .quipa.nt
for flU1D« hi. 0"" p.r.crlpUona and glviD« exal1nationa to paU.nta.
da;r a Jegrn wea.1I brought h.r ...11 ohild to tbe offlc. for 'Dr, Bllll. to
•••• "but ¥us wrOD«,' and the llttl. girl "ould net .how h.r tOIlf:UI, nor
_bait to 8Jl1 I<1nd of .xaalnatlon. Dr. Box oald, ')'our child •••• to b.
opol1..•• !he lotber repl1ed, '.0 Docta, all l1ttl. cullnd ch1Uuno ...U.
det a Ya¥".
Dr. Box 11 .0 ch••rful and al....,.. •••• tbe OUIIIQI' .14. of l1fe, tr;rlD«
• •
Dr. "Bllll.". .3
to chMr hi. U ...h aDd help to 4r1... _ ~he bl_ .. will .. clcn>4. ct
rill clIepa1l'. Ilo baa a\ u ••• alao.~ M4I • hooplRl ot hi. Iula. tor pa--
U ...h who 1I.'Oded hi.. aDd hi. viti". clo......... aDd 1lII1"I1Jlf;. Hi. COod
vit. 11 • r III helper at all ~1011. aDd DO 4oW>~ he could ......1' he... ncc.1<!ed
quU••0 voll. hall he 1lO~ hall nch • helpaa~••
!he JTocro who baa beaIl houe. ad4 all ~he ,.u. ot ~lr aarrled Ht.
I&TI Ihe 11 ". llox ~oo". IIbe hu bee....0 acolt.a~'Od ~ ~ taa1lT IU1'roUlld1Jlf;.
~~ .he baa reaJ.l7 l>ecom ~o till ~he~ ob. JlII~ bllo"C. ~o ~
t ..1l7. !he (Dr.) Bon. are 10T14 '07 all ~helr _."~. aIl4 "Manh.
Dr. Box 11k•• oporh aDd pa.. ct ell 1c1Dlla. Hi. t.TOrU. 41...rl1on
11 tllh1"C, bowI,..I', he baa oacrlt1c'Od all on ~. al~.r ot hi. prot.lllon.
which 11 ......IT hi. call1ll1!. .
Be hal • good road trca highWT JTo. 19 ou~ ~c hi. Iula.. Ilo 11.... on
Bach Jack.on - al.o • good roall trca Sulllg.n~ ~o Oolu.buI, Ml••l ••lppll
bu~ n r~hel••• , he hu INCh 'ball road ~o ~ra l 111 ~h. vid••cop. ot ~errl-
~o.,. co r'Od '07 hi. practic., vh1ch hu • ~w ~,.-t1.... 01' ~hlr~,. .U. ra41ue.
Ilueh ct ~he coun~.,. rourul .bou~ 11 hillT aDd in v1n~.1' U 11 • har4
_~ter to g.~ to Iula•• ou~ 0.. ~he 11~U. t ...... ln ~he hiU.; al.o 111 ." , .1'
the .....-bedo are deop aDd har4 pull1ll1!. In tac~ • d.ep .....~bed 11 .bou~
~he .o.~ iapo.l1ble ~ • car can UIldertak.. One cell go ~hrough 1IlIIIl, vi ~
~he aid ot cbeJ.... or go 111 el••~ aDd II10V '07 villl1ehield dnic•• aDd hM~.re,
aIl4 anti-tl'••••••to., bu~ Lord dell..... one tl'Oll • ....bed.. t.~, ~ Dr.
aue~ go it h. hu ~o bv.1ld ~. roall &I he CO." Ilo UI1all7 carrl••• obo...l
01' axe in ~h. car, or ~bI bo~, aDd 111 ~he cu. ot •••nd-bed, he aue~
eu~ brueh aDd lq down aheall ot hi. vboal. 1.. order to pull ou~; aDd .e •
~1011. it he do•• DO~ ha... cha1Il1, he no•• ~he ......,". tor golll1! oyer
dick clq.
• •
llr. "Billie",
llr. Billi. ball CO'" on hornbeck, in a bau7 ud nan -a:ad to ...
..... patiante. lov he "... the car altot;eth.r, for he ball l&lU'lla4 to co
UIld.r .o.t &lIT oondi tio.... On. Ilit;ht ill .14 vid.r when the COlUlt.,.a1de
..... conrad vith a I!.eep anov anI!. a f .....e on top; vhen it .e_eIl. 110 0 ...
coull!. be out - ud 110 0 ... coull!. unl••• they thout;ht it i. a lite ud death
cae. - ani!. .0 .. llr. Billie vu coatonabl, ...tad vith hie nevapaper, thinkinc
he woull!. wralT ba.,. a fev hour. re.t: th.ra n. a pouJ>il.inc cn the beck
porch ¥hera the "cuU1I4 folk." al....,. enter the ~. of the "¥hit. folb".
!he leero t;1rl lIMd.. opau4 the eloor ...el th. v1JI4 voulcl &Care.l, lat it
cloee ar;a1a, Rovner•• lapoo ruhell. in -.,inc "Lori lIM.i. taU Doc BUll.
c.... qIlialt, Li..'. cJ.T1n l •
llr. Box ruahacl into hi. wrap. &Del out to the oar hou8... quialt1T &Del
vill1nt;lT .. it Li.. hail. be..... ¥hit... the anov - &Del att.r a vh1le he r;tt
thet colcl .nt;1n. purrlllg, ancl bT the help of chelll.. &Del the Lori - he aacle
the trip to the cablll two mU.......,. !hi. ie what he foUlldI .l ••~ fraaUc
froa .nrl.t,. a claut;ht.r crcaIl1ll1 ill palll, who, • fev houra later p.,. birth
to • babT. !h. llr., in fillinc out the certific.t. of birth. aakell., what ie
the nne1 !he nev r;randaother ..iel, "D1pl' a 10 cla n.... V. aunt OIl>' cal
off to .chool ancl cli. 10 vhllt aha bl'Wlg hea•• "
Dr. Box 10 • D ""rat, full fiacJ.cad. IIa intora. hi•••lf anel feeh
praU, aure of hi. con'ticUona, &Del TOt.. accorcl1ncl1. He auat find • "err
COocl roe.on for changinc froa an opillion h. baa thout;httullT foraell.. II. 10
• 10781 ani!. lib.ral llUpporhr of the olmrch. .l .,.ber of the Methodi.t, &Del
tactfull, tolaraat of all el._i_tiona. IIa voull!. net 11.,. 111 • C( w,U,
wh....e thera vu ne clmrch. &Del he &Del hi••on "Billi. lluric." ban elo... llUCh
to bullcl ancl -.1ntain • clmrch in their cc w>1t,.
Dr. Box ball three cranl!. ohilelran. IIa 1& one of the pro1l4••t aacl 1Jl,dulgant
of r;re.ndpe.renh, ud the .... - which he n."er likell. in 111. 'OUUC
• •
Dr. ":BUl1." • 5
dqa - do.. not ••• at all unattract1'oa in hi. .u craa4.on, :B1111.,
Dr. :Box baa a ll&J'Taloua .other 11'01",. 1. 8IIlll.i;ant, to 1dloa II. 10
p.rfact17 dnoted. lie goa. to ••• »r .. ottan .. an opportun1 tT ooa•••
Sh. 10 prouder of »r eon for hi. I1f. of unealf1.h ..mo. to hi. f.llow
_D. than aha would b. of a vllol. gold dna, without hia. ":B1111o" ra1o••
hog. aDd Clh1ckan. on hi. fara. and at hoc 1d1l1",. U •• he brl",.. a hu aDd
all 1t111d. of fraah .eat to ".other", aDd chick.... - a coop at the ti... Loh
dght be aa1d for thi. daar .oth.r; but .. a clo•• frl.1Id haa aa1d, "what her
chUdr.n baTe acc,*!,l1ahed. and the character. th.,. heTe proTen to b. go to
ahOY what It1I1d of aother thaT ba.... " aDd antf1c. H to ...,. Dr. :Box 10 prolld
of hi. allC••t17, .apac1al.l7 hi. own .other and fath.r.
It ..... tbat the I1f. which a dootor 1.&4. would under-in. til. baalth-and
p.rhep. do.. - but Dr. :Box 11.... a t.-perat.,laclral I1f.. lie 10 .troDC aDd
robuat 1n pqaiqua. and hal b••n a haalthT un unti,l the la.t T.ar or aor.
h. hal antfued a pqaical laWown. lie 10••• mora .1.ap than 10 good for
haalth, for he go•• when called - n.n if h. 10 aick.r than the aick.
go•• in ra1n. al••t or .now, aDd "Ca1n .. a lIagro aa1d. "lie'. J'. a l11144.r
01.1118," which .hon how INCh our .outhern lIegro thillk. of hi. "whH. foLIc."
.apac1all7 hi. doctor.
AI to rell.i;1on aDd aoral•• Dr. :SOX'. r.ll.i;1on 10 hi••oral guid., for
h. thillka there 10 DO b.thr coda of 11T1ng than the Tan a_•••nh, aDd
the lloldan lIQl.••
If he .hould IU4Ual7 bacOll. Te17 vMlthT and could lq ..1d. hi. pracUc.
and r.t1re to a 11f. of .... aDd luzur,r; it 1••o.t c.rtain that Dr. :B1111.
would not g1Te up hi. work ..ODC the -41 in the great f1ald of .ed101....
.l poor whih faa1l7 had lah17 aoTed 1nto hi. 'I1c1nHT. and h. waa
called to att.nd the IlOther at the birth of a babT. '1'he 11ttla girl c...
in b.for. the doctor l.tt the hOll., aDd th1Ilk1",. th'T had aore fU117 than
• ,
t"f.l~~~ lox (wII1~l
hlU.-'. ~b .,
k1a ;].oe lIIl1,.
kerr Co V. Ala' 7 •
, JIr.»lW. te • IU'I.. 'Ul. I •• ....tuIl1ec " Id. oW III ,
I ..........Uoll1llc oU.. ".C \110.. "lie "t' __ 111II
t_ ..110M , .. .-IIeecl. It rtal .. IIan tll61J'. "lU.'
ro.... \0 \Ilea ••• ,,,., ....,," \0 11I: "UIl til n. "UIl 1_ fe. •
..tift. M\ ....,...... • ne1aU hi 11I:. Dr.MUle IIae 'PI I
'ru .. \110. 'ru' f •• III IIao re..l"od ill thl ell DIllt7 all \110
pan of Id. pneU.. of 804101... .. 10701 ., all ,ta.., U III n
I "ODllftftCOl\ w. pan .t hi. at1lro.
" ooIIDo1l .t Ide t.\Ilar 414 Do\ 4ep0D4 CIIl 'oedlen tor all \110 , .....
be of IIh _. .. Up' \110 No' of .....ta.. ad , \110 ro8l1T.
41tpHa1 of M. oIl114r1a ad •• 4oep17 414 "U"· appJ .ot ..
.... "14 .., .. on•••, .ble ,. alto'" U •
.... .. 1... ta ,.too, ad "lU.· 17 • ,).1 '-7J ........ all Id...,.
plekbc ••. '0 ~ Id. I .....t dM•
•• 1.\IIor .... _r ~. "UIl 114..... ad 117" 111. '0 Jwlp 111II
\0 oIIeo.. \110 lIee' '\epo " \Ib, -.4 Dr. 'MIU.n lion 11.... 1Ir \110..
14-.1e, "ldlo ...r1.. Idn _ f_117•
.. ta U. nohoo1n of 7 IIPI' 00 '., "UIl \110 _opU..
of _ r-n ta Jotfo~ 00""7. \Ill" '.aclWlc ....l1d..,. ad \oIdJII
.... Idgbor onu..., UM 0 .. 'SM 11 Ido 8041eal _0 _ lie.
ta 1902 - 'U fire' par of wII10ll I" lliralaclloa• .u.b·-. !Ilo DOZ'
, ... 7..... 1. lloapll1o 1lo41cal Co11 Ul4 'Ile lao' of 'Il. fOllr 7-1'1 a\
• .' .... 'HUh'. 2
1lo111h Iledlcal COU-.. .. erad-\e4 froa lIollU. la 1906. .. _me4
._ atwr tIl.l..... ,wne4 1118 preed", u4 \loo reanac of lila full¥.
(\..0 lIoT.) la Ul. 00 Wl1V vba... lie ..., 110m, -.1.. alh. 'Oll\!l of
Dr,Jolt 18 0DlJ'. flft.1-.b 7_rw of &«e, 1lla\ apen..... baa u4e lila
eo 014 1" lmowla4&e Ula\ h. h oOllnlWd for e4~ca all.".\ a • .." \hlap -
bed4&. 118410la. - 1IIr Ill. aelt:llllorw aa4 fnellA. wIIo h \ lila 1&p11oU17
.... 10" Il1& 4"'0\8417, h. 'Dr. vba\ 40 7 .... \IIbk \ tIl.la _ for
.mee' Ae4 Dr.....\ ncb' I \0 40 alIoa.\ rq _' • \ba\ h ....er ao"-,"
er ...e \belr f.-117 alna4.ft\ud1a«a; Dr. ~Uh' h Ulncb\ '0 Imov
\be eola'loa \0 all proU_.
1lr.1olt \eke. cr'.' pn4. 111 Ill. boa. aa4 11k.. w apea4 80.\ et Ill.
'lao Ul.ft. wba. ba baa ..." U .. oU 4av, vlllcll h ••14,.. 01..\ .. lie
p\. 1l1&••lf ••Ule4, .. \lie l.pO wn14 .&7. •J- fbecl \0 ra..., Ila...
c_•• 'phoa. call or .10••_ .........q oa • aul., or la • ",•••4&1·
for \be Dr. \0 .0_ qatell:" .. in tba cu' ot ....\ llana, • IfP'O va 7
vile Ila4 • t.-117 et cIlll4raa lllte -'al,...hp.. CIa. of Ul \epe -
n44~ "l'7 81...... \be Ilr. W... "".4 la baew. ~ all .W116-
lac arollll4 _r h lIeer ...., wae &&14 - .1Iea all of • &1144. Ile.na &&14
1JIo.. Ilonoe., I I. cala. \0 apU', AII4 .1Ie apa\ 'aberA .\ ua. fi ....
Dr,lolt Iled • offl0' 111 Ill. ~ vile... lie Itll'\ 4nee AII4 eqOll,..,
for flUlac Ill..... penenp"•• u4 Il~... -uaU•• \0 peU_'••
CIt. 4q • IfP'O vcae llroOlt;11' IIer _11 oMU '0 \he otfl0' tor IJ)r,BUll.
'0 .... vlla\ ..... vroac.' ...4 \110 11\\10 Ilrl WOlI14 DO' .Ilow IIer \oIlCU, DOr
..bod\ \0 ..." 1<la4 of _laaUca. Dr,Jolt _14, 'T01lI' ch114 ._. \0 be
.poUecl·. '1M ao\ller rep11ed, ' DO, Ilock, all 11\\10 0111184 oll1U •
• ell. 4at-. 1iJ1q,I.
Dr.1olt h eo OMerfal aa4 alwq..... \1Ie. "7 al4. of Ute, 'J'71ac
'tOIl" ....0 ....... 111..... 111. wi'." elo•• un .... Ptata,;. a .....
.-,. eo wll. Ita4 lie ..'.M4 noll & Ml,.....
!be ~ ....0 Ita4 ... II .11-.. -a.. all .. 7oa1"1 of 'hotl' -..t... u,•
•q • •h. to '0 lox '00·. Ill. IIu bee....0oocl1a&'''' .. 'h. , ..t17 -
ro....Abp ..., .M .. real17 ..% .. f ..l ..., .M J'" ...10llCl .. tM
,oat17. file (Dr.) 10_ &1'1 10.... 1I;r all "'11' 'n··'. oa4 ..........
Dr." lill:. opel''' ........ of all 1I::bda. Bt. 'o'l'OrU...h.1'I1...
to ftolWlc. Ilovnol'.M .. _rifte'" all ... ,lie al,"r of 111. P",•••t_.
wl11cll to 1IlI'I17 111. caUla,;•
.. .. 0 , .... 1'.... frOll I11PoM:r 10. l' OIl' '0 M. hoe.. .. 11'0.. ..
IIIch JocIc.... - 0100 po4~ frea IoIlU,"",' .. Col_bU. Ill••hatppt;
..., .....nIl.h••• boo .. av.chh04 road '0 'ra"l til tile wi... ooop. 0' tent....,.,
oon..... 1I;r 111. p....,Uo•• wl11cll .. 0 "'_'JOttn 01' 'I11rl7 II1le .....1...
_"or .. pt .. II" •• a"" ...... lUll. fa... 1& tbo I11U.; al.o 1&. .1'
\Ill lIe4. are deop .... liard poalliJlc. I. fac' 0 ".op .......lIe4 h ,
tho , t.po.atbl. tb1ac 0 .... OM l't&II:.. OD...... CO tIlro1IcIl with
'boo 014 of cll&1ao. 01' CO 1& .1.., ow 1I;r w1JI4.l11.ll .....so ,.....
oa4 ..U-freel _, I.erd ".11'0.1' OIl. frOll .."40....... T.'. tM Dr•
.., CO if M hal .. 'Rill 'Il roa4 01 M «HI. .. 117, oalT1•• & .110"1
or ax 1& 'h. car. 01' aqb. both..... 1& tho .... of 0 II..-b.........,
O1lt brull lq .._ &Il.... of 111. wbool. !II ordor to poa11 "'; .......
..... it M 110' han ohatll.. he ..... 'Il ._ &0&11. fol' coiJlc onl' .U_ alq.
1Ir.X11h 11M .- _ MI' 111 a ,... Ia4 •••• -n... '" ...
• _ ,.U_*.. • ... M .... ~ ear al *_. for M .... learae4 to ..
"'er _, .., 00.4UI_. ca. alp' 111 .U wtAWI' wlla tile _,~
__ 0_re4 wi*he AMp _ew u4 a tl'M" .. tepl .ea. It.. ... ...
••1114 M OIlt - u4 .0 ... 0ea14 wal... *1leT *1lnP* it h a life taetk
.... - Ia4 eo au Dr.Jtllh .... o,at.nablT ...teI with hh ....epapal'.
beek poreh vhere ,he ·CllI1b4 tolk.' al..." "'.1' 'h. ho•• ot "'. 'vhti.
tolk.·. !b•••CrG cll'l Denh. epaa" ,he 4001' ... *he wI.4 v0lll4 .care.17
le' U ct... apla. 1I000uyer. a .ecru I'IlUh" la eqbac ·Lert ll.nh ,.11
lloe lll11h "" , 'l'I1'*. 14sa'. 1r1II'.
lIr.llez 1'IlUhe4 111.. hh ....... ea4 ft' '0 *he oar 1loIIu. au 'l'I1ck17 aa4
wlll1acl7 au 11 14.. Ila4 be.. au vbU. a. ,lie DOW - 1Ul4 athr a vbU. M ..,
~, eo14 acta. poarrlac. ... lIT 'Ile 1le1p of eha1a,. ... "'. Lert - Ile .....
n 'rip" ,Ile cablll 've .U.. aq. !bh h whe' Ile to 4I.l n T. fraaUo
t!'fa -xl.V. a 4auebter eroaalac la pa1a. vho. a t ... hoar. later 16ft b1rtk
.. a ballT. !be llr•• la 1111lac 010' *he eerUfica'. of birth. au.... vba' h
*he •••, !he .... crea4ao'her wal4. "ll1p1_ 18 4. DO... II• .,., oar p1 ,
ott \0 .011001 aD4 db 18 vila, .Ile bl"DC llGol•• •
llr.Box h a llaoera'. N1 fie4ce4. • Wora. llGol••1f aa4 t ••le
pre'V An of 111. coDneU....... "tea aeeor41ac17. • AU' fillt a
ft17 goo4 rau_ tor cIIaD«lac tr.. IUl op1ll1. Ile ha. 'ho'llCb*ta117 torae4•
• h a 10)'&1 aDd llb.ral euppol'hl' of 'Ile olmrch, .l .aber 01 *he
_."'odh'.... \acUN17. "'bru' ot all d_DA1aaU... • veal4 .0' 119• •
la a co ,,'V vIotr. *here .... 110 oiDl.N, aIl4 h.... 111••• "b1111. lluIt.'
u,ft d... pell to bU14 _4 -a1D\ala a eharclllll tIlell' DC ....1*7.
Dr.Box 11M "'re. CI -4 eI111....... B. h OD. of *he pload.d aa4 111dill"""
ot craadpareh.... 'Ile Dn. - vl110llblle ••ftr 11k.. ~ 111. 7'" iC
4a7e - 4.... ..,\ II 1\ all .UracUn W h10 .11 t;ru4....JtlU••
h.IIoz ••• ..-1.....o\m> UftllC b "lUca'. \0 v_ ..
,.1'1..,1.7 d_'M. • PII \0 ... ber U onOll ... all oppor\...U, c .
A. 10 pr'Mer td .1' _ tor hh Ute td .....lnall ..moo w b10 tellow
U', ..... wnld '" td • wIulh &Old 8b•• wi \bft, 111.. ·1111"·a1o••
Iloc- _ olllot em 111. tam. _ .\ bot; k1l1bt; U •• be brtllCl a ball aIId
ell kbd. or t h _\ \0 "wlo\ber'. aa4 ch1ck1D. - • coop 1\ \be U ... 1.0,.
1I1cIl' '" 4 tor \111. doar 8O\her; n' ... c1011 hi.nd baa aa14. 'vIla' ~
liD04. aa4 \he cb&roc\.ro \hq baT' p.......... W '" &0 \0
.bow vba\ k1D4 or ..'ber \hq baft.' aa4 wttlc. U w oq. Dr.llo:< .. prolld
or 111. aac."I)'. ,opoc~ 111. _ .o\ber _d t.'ber.
It 'ba' 'be Ut. vhlch • doc\or 11&41 wnl4 *.1'111", hi. beal\h-aIId
porilap. 4 0 n\ Dr.Bos 11&41 • \""P"ra\•••oral Ut.. Be h '\wac
_ ro1nlo\ b pbTliqu. aa4 baa bolll a bea1\h7 _ .'11 'h. 1..\ ,ear or
.oro be baa wttor" a l'I\7lica1 10\-4_. Be 1.... IIOre ol.ep \haa h coo4
tor bea1\ho tor be "'81 vila cal104 - IT'" it be 10 .1cker \haa ,be liot•
.. "'.. brain••1.., or POW. aa4 a«a11l "' • -aero IOU. ''''. J" & llIiId4.r
J.lI1lII.' villch allow. bow _eb 0lIJ' .ma'berll -OCN \b1nko ot 111. ·vhi'. tolka'
.opoclell.7 Ill. doob1'.
Aa '0 rollt;101l MId IIOral•• h.Ios'. "U&1_ 10 111. IIOral pid•• tor
h. 'h1Ilk. \her. 10 110 boUer code ot llT1llC \hall \be , ... COM.n<la...h. aa4
\be Gold... Ibal••
It be .halald n4401l1, boc"". Tel)' v"UbT _ cmald lIlT ..14. hi.
prsc\le. oad 1'e\l1" '0 • 11t. ot ..... &Ild lUKUrTJ 1\ 1...., c.r'aill \ba'
Dr.111U. vmald no\ t;1" 1lp Ill. ¥OrIt .wmg \be -47 11l \be """\ thld ot
A poor whih t ..ll.7, bad 1&\01.7 ..Ted In'o 111. 'YiclnU,. &Ild h .....
call04 w d\llld \be .o\llr " 'h. lI1nh ot & _117. !h. 1Un. t;1r1 .
b.fore \be 400\01' 10n ,be h.... aa4 \bIdIlt; \hIT bad .01" t ..ll.7 \baa
Doon fa.'....d. aD:l uo", SOl of .,... , .......od. a'o tbo ••••ral 1ll;T.r. of
pip•• which are bullt 111. lIIldor 'h. kila. !he .,••' 10 ..., o.or from llo11.r
rooa a a «rea' pip. to ,he.. __ll.r 0"•• _ di.'ribv.'od. through the IrtlA.
Abou' 15 or SO houn vi 'h conota, ..... of sOl 10 ...od..d. to properlT dr7
l ....b.r which .hou1d "0' contola o••r l~o,o l5~ 8010',," for planillC.
!h. l ....bor 10 ....o..d froa tho 11.. a' 'h....d. of 'hi. d.r:rlDC p.riod.
and carriod. '0 'h. planer which 10 ho....od. 1IIId.er a lar«o &hod.. !he l ....b.r
10 plac.d OA ....rlll 2-wh••l carriap. callod. 'DollT·.' and roll.d alonl'
.lde 'h. roll.r cha1n-a 181'«. nat chei.. bull' 111. o..r a roll.r "p the
.laaUn« floor 1IIlder 'h. plaMr .hed. !h. l ....bor 10 1IIllood.ed frOll the 'dollT.'
oa '0 'hi. chela and carried tip 11:1 ,he 'rlaaer. B.r. U i. plaood. plece by
piece on the 'rlaa.r tablo, OIld 'here it pa.... - .ach ...d. - by a ...11
.av which 'ria. off the .nd. '0 aaII:. 'h. pi.c•• 1IIlifora l~h. rroa 'hi. it
10 camod. by feed roll.r. Into the planlDC "'H ..chlne penac thrOQ&h which
it co••• 0'" .8Ooth l ....b.r and 10 handod. o.er '0 ,be «rad..r and «l"ndod..
I, 2.63.
It an orAer cell. for l ....b.r of 'hicll:a... no' CD head. there 10 a re.aw
••chi.... which cub it '0 a thluaer d.ioo".lon _ 'hi. 10 done before it
10 ca nod. lIP ,he roll.r ohal.. '0 'h. 'riaaer. .l100 if a p1_· 18 of '00
wiAe th.re 10 a rip •• '0 cu, it d iJl width. !h.refore 'hi. 10 why
it 10 cellod. a lIu·ufacturill« pI ..
!h.,. pa.. tho f"-lohed. heber Oll' to B. R. can 'hat sr. "'" 011.' OA
old. 'raclto at 'h. old. of 'h. bulldin« .0 it 10 loadod. here for 1_dia'•
• hipe...'. 'l'lla' "hich 10 .old '0 local _rite' 10 load.d. 0" 'rucII: for 111Ced1a'e
d..U...,.. or .tored In th.d.. for futur. orA.r••
!!lere 10 a oachille for oaIrtllC 0011111« and !loonn«,'" "ell eo plala .'lIff.
J.ll ,he end. which are OIl' off a'''' ,n_.r ,le d""'PM 011.' bacII: _
'here le a ."" '0 cut 'h. lOll« plec.. '0 "ood. 1.D«th and 'hi. 10 .old for
(which cOlll1lt of two lars- pol•• fl'QlO gr"'Dd to Uuck bed) on to til•
track ...d 1lel4 b, wIlat 11 c.ll.4 .hock..... faat...ed "" .1d.. of truck.
!Il... lop han prert...... b.... 'onaIte4" 1Dte a pU. - bT lIo......4 cIle1D. to
b. o""....l ...t for truck load1nc.
low. till 1.... are carried to til. alll .d unloaded on to a .kidwq~
!Il1. 11 a .1uUng fioor 11&4. of pol.. placed on a .caffold oro..wi•••
aDd tile t1'llcD are 4rtnn aloJlCl14. of th1l .kidw.., and lop are 1l1aced on
.kid. and ,..lea••4 onl, on' at 0 U •• on to 0 carrt.r whlcll lIOn. til. 1Of:
back and fortll b, tile .aw cuUlOf: off .U... of tile tree for lunber of
.orioua th1ckn...... "cordlac to the w.., til. bl ock. han b.....et b, tile
block-utter on til. carri.r, wblch 11"1«. tile th1ckn... of tho pl.o.. of
lunber to b••awed off. !Illckn••••• ~ fron 2" to 61 aecord1nc to tha
purpose of tile luaber.
:waber 11 .awed 41ffer_t 18ll&tlle. o. long aa can b. cut fill. the tree
(or lee) In han4. '~fro,. 6 ft. to 28 ft.
!Ile eaw 11 0 lorp rOlUl4 ...n.t,. wttll .... bU. alone the e4p.
oDe 1Ir. lfrtcllt u... 11 a 44 bU .11••
!Ile alab (or 1laJlt plank) 10 tt...t eawed off, !Il1•• 0 7D catch.. aJ7I1
plac•• QSl the r.flu. pU., th.a til. log 11 turned &Il4 .awlllC lUlllHor beg1D.;
...otller nan catclle. till plec. of luab.r IIl4 plac•• U on the e4g1nc .chin••
!Il.... 11 a .... to take th1l lunb.r ...4 plac. it OIl tile .tack for truolt1l to
load and car.., to the pl....r.
lfh... tiler. 11 a ralJl7 .ea.on thou ••U alll. b.lng .0 op...l, Ileuoed,
c.nnot be operated. OIl till•• ~ and .0••U ......n, 1Ir. lfrtcllt IISld. hi•
• on oro Idl.. 111'. lfrlght .pand. thi. Une aro1l7l4 hoae. Be 4... not a.
hi. ho.. a. Ile baa to pIlt the ...t of hi. DCa., abo•• l1dag ."P-•••• for
hi. faa117 of fCllU', aD l'WlIl1Dg ."PIIl.... t1'llcD .4 17&Ob1ll• ..,....d op.raUag
hi. alll. So ho !lao aner acCNl7ll1ated "'oucJ> to ~ aile...
l'e ne in ubator
tra a and .ind if l'e
.s the dqte qnd breed is
rph says he orks for
Lula 'lloe ite
Lemar ounty
r und 85.
e e.r than "'ooe1 fa.
rio!'ove ant
ts en order for bab
ch co~part~ent is electrically hest-
en the chidtena are ta~en out, he are
rs r
his brooder is sbout six (6) stories righ, or
rph sa.s hen he
"lIrp y said "There is aa muc •
out t 0 weeks.
cJ-eck un ia oreer book and then cl-eck r s e
can handle the order in the desired tima.
on each trey.
ed and feedin and terin~ tn • ra arran ed n reac of I"e C1-iCKS
all ours. e aa t "nd drink mos all the time. \t least hile
some are slee in , others are eatin , nd so it aee[l'S !'e ,He con- •
tinua 1 e tin ny time ne loolra "t the , or ni ~r • e are
removed to the rooder house hOllr I"ere and a a t era to be aold as
tr ers or hens and roosters.
rather rire enclosed ahelve .
"'he I"ole set of 1:r', s of e s oan l\e t· rned in a few m' n-rooeers
hic are in the room -ith the incubator. ~re rem~in a-number
equired to fl11 sll booked ord rs are o18ced in b~ • oh ck
d rs of the tpent -one.
local trsde, and sella to trucks carr:in~ chic~ens to 0 her towns.
o~ever. he bandIes ia baby chicks timself. The cl'icks over the
orders are rom a distan e; ho ever, r.
placed directly in the ati in c ses end sent, arcel Post, l'ere
"'he e~ a re~Bin in te incubator compart~ent e I"teen (18)
d,:'a, then they re re oved to the I" t l'in. trl> a rich are directly
un er the ncubator compartment. pere tre ata the rernaininv three
utes whereas in the ol~ ty.a aoch e ~ had to be turned seoaretely.
over the old, a the new
rne for re iste?in the temoature, the other for r iter n the
h~'dity. ~he humidit should rtl
• •
rls !In educ!l-ich
to bUy
reet, one-1"51f
100.CO. Of
the difficult eroblem
LUla r;loe "'hi te
Lamar "'ounty
it s very profits le one.
"elonGs to the l"et1'odist
innin the lack ?ot
ne thinl<a
nd not"ltbstan 1
older brother '3dvlsed
9;ood citizen.
suoports the church.
'p j chicken tusiness.
'urphy said t.ls ecucation "38 li"'i te bec5use of financial
'r. 'urpby says be likes the hstc1'ery husiness better than
re s~ s there is no ~onOjr son et"cen his income JS a barber
c>ic}"en busine s.
block .'i'I~.t~,;from 1"l'-'hwsy 19, leavin
... .h
than in this ,,~ •
liz::ltations. 331d 1'e Is ver er to "lve >is s <l'1l'
tion for te f els that the ~oney could not be more prof •
Fe is a de~ocrat, and a probitionist.
'or. 'urphy hja t"o virls jnd t"o boys. Judging from their
to s anc the ~oney • •
SOffie cticYens nd
o 06~
course he was very much excited and after retiring t1'at nip1't 1'ia
parents overte3rd t1'e little to's talkin", , discussin"
atti tuge nd interest in thair daddy's business, t e ho s "ill be usethe
firm some tlme. The oun er "as lucky at the
feed nd ~roceries 1"olesale.
("hurch ;nd attends
on thing he hss ever
. ' -' •
.llabono _ ltull1gent LUIlber Co • 2
Principal. ot right moral.. Teaching them above all thing. to be "Pright
and honest in all dealing. with their tello....en• .ll80 he gaTe th"", educ~
tionel adTantagee unuaual in their community at that time (1896-1900).
Hovner, Dick, the eldeat ot .1:1:, had onq tvo yeare in W. A. A. S. IIam1lton.
Cwing to headache. hi••tudying va. prevented and later he .uttered partial
llut with hie aptitude tor matbematice and bookkeeping; out ot an
atmolphere ot learning, it naturally tolloved that he vould puraue the
cour.e ot business. 81. tather gan him a businees ot hie ovn about 1907,
and ln the year 1912 - undsr Wl1son'. pre.ldency - he va. appolnted Postma.
ter at Detroit, £labe.....
lie ie a Democrat and a good cltiun ln the true.t .enee ot the vord,
vorklng tor and .".,portlng echoole and church and TOtlng tor clean polltlce
and polltlclan.. He vote. accordlng to hl. conT1ctlona, atter careful conslderatlon
without prejudice, he choose. the candldate vho he thlnks most
naarly "lille the Bl11."
lie ia a total ab.tainer and hetea l1quor "like HellI , itsel!, and
takes hi. stand on the question at all time••
In the year 1907 he -arrled Mia. Beatrice It1rk ot J.cory. Miasiae1ppl.
!hey l1nd ln Detroit until atter the blrth ot thelr the children - In 1924,
D. W. ree1gned a. Po.t_.ter at Detrolt and moved to Sull1gant to be naar
high .chool tor hi. tamily. He vent lnto mercantile buslneee on rather
a .mell .cale and tound 1t dld not pay - vhen trylng to rear and educate
a tamily ot tive - tor vhom he vae very ambitlous. So he appl1ed and va.
given place •• Bookkeeper at Sulllgent Lumber Company - then
Lumber Company. (He va. later promoted to general manager).
He he. glven hi. tour boy. and one girl - high .chool education. Tvo
ot the boy. bullne•• educatlon. These tvo nov live in Detrolt, Mlchlgan
and have tuil1es ot thelr ovn. The reverence thelr parente and thelrhttp://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/871 |