"Short Stories and Sketches," Clarke County.

Folder contains 53 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Annie Webb for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.• "• teu ~ri a to 1\ • a u...... II 11 OCUll it. • n e • U... 0 f .t 0 1. Ut .) . at 11 aa1 e4 .Ul1ll,YU1 t f oa nllo. • 1. • _.0 • 1 riluAI • • • • • • • -l-oo...

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Format: Electronic
Published: Alabama Department of Archives and History
Online Access:http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/869
Summary:Folder contains 53 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Annie Webb for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.• "• teu ~ri a to 1\ • a u...... II 11 OCUll it. • n e • U... 0 f .t 0 1. Ut .) . at 11 aa1 e4 .Ul1ll,YU1 t f oa nllo. • 1. • _.0 • 1 riluAI • • • • • • • -l-oot. .bb. Clark. COUllt7. rpret Brown. pr.t 0.11 ... borl1 al1d r.ared ia a nr7 IIIIde.t 1Io1H.bar motb.r ba three ohildrea. two .oaa and a daughter, thelr 11f. • 011. of llriTatioa aad .trug81., 11...1llg oa a fUm out ia t • 00Wltr7. ahe bad 11llited eduoational alld sooial ad"flUlt­agea, bad ao l1e1lfhbore alld Juat 801Illf to llublio aohool wi th other ohildrea. allel1dil1g a ll1lfht wi tb a lfirl friead ..a about ih. 01117 r.or.atloa ahe lied. liar Il1O tbar a l.ft a .140••hel1 aha a about .iBbte.11 7eara old. their oiroumatalloea beil1g lloor it b.oame l1eo.aear7 tor rpr.t to le.... bOH tbat ahe IIl1gbt lie.... adTal1t8ge of a bei.r aohool. he .el1t to li.....i th an U1101••bo li...ed aear 8 8004 aohool, the llr1lloilll. of thia aohool alld the teaohera nre board1l1lf ill tbie he •• garet hel1l1l1lf wi tb the oooJc1ac, ..l t­iag on the ta leo al1d oaring for the 70Ullger ohildrel1. ahe 1ll thia "7 jl&id her board an tuition. he a Il&tural17 of a nr7 ball1l7 diallou tiOI1 al"7a ainging aa ahe .eat about her .orlt. 110thiag a.em.d a hardahill to her. 111 thia hOH there ••r. a large falll117 of ohildr.11 .ho ba 11....er beel1 reqUire to llerfor. an7 of the 7 expeoted a reat de 1 of her. ijhe .ent oa ia her ball1l7 oh.rtul • 7 DOlain tIU of an7 Bligbta alld did .bate....r a r.quired of II her. atudie bar and toolt ad"'alltage ot .....r7 0llllortun1t;r. hUe attendia, the sooial .....nta ot the neighborhood Ht • 70Ung ah. b. e iatereate in. thia f ••ling ..a ~tual, tbar. a a .hirl.ind oou.r t.bill and aoon a qUie t ••dding ia the hom. 111 . .- -2- • • l' pra.loual7 arrang _a 1Ia a:fa1'lll anA &1'a the; lIep..ll t all' t .or~ m&a7 • pa.. ....1' 0hU.11. van 11'•• a 00 t sut:tlo1ent. 80 1 t • a .:.w:t1'a a W wi til the b1IJIl, .hiob .b. li.. • 10. ot rr71l18 ° t • pl a. ot .0om1l1s. t.ao .1'. • anA •••1'7 .~pl. bo 7' turola ad. lita to • l' .hila 1 t a tlll o1'lficea • t 7 wera PP7. I.. raa ..ra 1101'0 10to t 11' • 1'• tn. lao oaoa.ear; tor a1'. to 1 lIalp WQPllOrt t U7. thi. lett dea at oarl for t 0111l rea aa4 110 tlIe farm. l' Q III&D.tlS fl'. aaa t .1.1 t noma to ad.l.. an .1100111'- a ar wi .11 aoono 1 auooaada 111 1IILlt1og allO 8 to ..a their obil rea to t a nalpbor ood aob;)o and an 81.. t Opp01' tw11 Ua. .be na..r bad• 1.1 tllough liar lita a t.l.Ua .1 th work aa4 t to ~.lt hal' nalgh 1'. an lp 0 10 .10ua•• &Ad trOll la.. atwa4a 87 obool pra olllng aarnoa.. 0&1'1'71og her 11ttle ohildrell with heJO I.. t ar.,. a re .ara ot ar 0 U ell a lnw the lloala un tU t ra .ara Q of the • obU rail tria to 0 t.bell' t a. lI'a. 01 ar tot fro o. ne of t ; carrl .u 0 a l' al 1'0 teo OQa of tile 1 pentaI' 'lI01'~ other 1101 'lI01'Ud on t ta1'III. two of t.'le 1'1•• 1'lta t 11' 7' tr 111 a.... 0 glrl••aAt to 0 0 01. and repara tal... tor teaober.. a 11 ttla 07 418 1n a 17 0 ldbo04, t o. l' WO • • • • lila ho e toa;r 1'0)'&117 eatertain thllir at .ixt. a wnea .be leU in 10,.. wi t .0t. 1 40 t appro,.. ot. .0 wl tl1011 t thelr owl.4 a tlon. to ther ln t • home. a en4­h~ tl ~lro•••qUirrel•• wl1 tur~e7. a a lonl;r 111'1 that her par­tlle~ ..at to tera 11 t • l~ .pea 1. ell' 1 I. ell' 1. Q ••r. 10 tbU 0 mlal a 1I0epl tI7 ld.a •• oal•• I. • .1 .et at l' a n. -b7 to an ara 1'1. • lter 00 i 1'.000011 wlt ir peOple. 1. a7 .ant to 11,.e 10 I. • ho .11.0 .1' tller lor a 0 t a .re t!UlO th.7 bnil t a a utita.l 11 t Ue o. 4 1. an are 18 1 a happ:r an l1e.- t<1l lit•• <n.7 bal'. a e l' little uabt.r to 61 d eo tell' 11ve. nth. heart. at all thier love 04••• 1'7. no' a n004 a Ilter 1. now a 1 7. a llol. e, iah 0 001 4 1. oow attendil1l t .00 :rear at olles-. abe 1. a brl bt, 10wlll .at airl till ot 11. a tllQ• •1.'. 01 •• t airl wbO • a tr 10 o-..re. 1'01llQte l' 4ur- 1 tne 01'1 a l' a. a • 1'0•• Q~ • 1 I. e 0 1. er ai'<%' a• ar. to ao wltb b.r e all. at I. 10. tate. ond. a I • l.tt alone wltOOllt trl. • or lo,.e oooe to so wl t.Q hill' bill. .be br ,..17 want on 01'.1' to aoe. alt.r r1'lyln 0,..1' t r. abe 1.1' a.t.rre to I. • r. l' l1l3. a a. tloa. ria .u'1o t .atil'. ur Uoa of t • WlU'. " 11e e,~ .0o~eTllle, ;I.. • • • ebb' Jor4al1 a born 10 a ho n r uoffeeTll1e, wlarLe ~unt7, 1a e Jor J rclan • • lIe.a t cla hter of Clement • Bbe .a 0 of aix 0 Udre a fal_r but 10 001111 otlon .1til ~-_1t and wood orJt abop to lp t .. &lW7a r ln a little 11.l1ne at. ..be oll1l4ren were no t 0017 • t to 0 t tar.. worJt. the 11 ttle Jo a around tlle bat &l learned to 0 tile 41f-ferel1 t 1:111 e of worJl: 10 tbe ellop. op r w.al t;r to ge t an uo tlOIl rled • el1 no till ore tool1 a ob11 10 a • aad al 7a liT 18 t II trier of four te 11 oblldrel1. BO e of.ho are ~o.n, BUooeedlna ln 11fe a ln goo aabatanUel olthal18. ~ air o tller knowlnS the lDIpor-tan e of tinal. 7a trled to anoour e her 0 1 ren to tU;e a of eTar7 opp r tun! t7 an no. oat f t a ollU4ren Ta 01. • 1 .lIen aoa e Ju tao 11 of 011001 ga 8014 iUa proper tat offeoTUJ.e an il, a piece of land. re .J»til t fr e nta1n1ns lITaral • wi t1l fron t j)Oro_ an" four roo a, .. ro .ere "",ro tM 0 tller • J1:1 tollen an ln1ng ro nou.. 1e 00 bloe • little f Il1ture 0 a e. 0 a fe. - • • • - 3 - 80 001 alld 00 pl.te ,. oOUl'a•• 811. a T.ry popular w1th t _tron an ao. of tile teao rs. tnar aas1.t.d er .Ter7 poss1bl. 1187. :5be •• requ1rad to make sore t1Jle t n ,be T.rase girl••11..... ..,.ry br1ght and 'lf1 t­tl at wa. or e an 1'0 11 1n ner nner. an ae.he w1.b­• to e a teao .1' t 7 trl. to tral11 bel' to be 1801'. re­f1ne alld po118 .d 1n bel' "nner. and the "'7 1n wh10h abe expreaeed hel' IIltlf. fter fin1ahing ao 001 abe only ta ht a ahort time. t ell rled Char11a ebb. a oalor.he ..a tall broad-ahouldan& blue e7e•• aUbUl'll ha1r, fa1r oomplexion. dr.... T.ry ll••t 17. e 11Ted on a fara near CoffeeT111•• Graoe Jordall. waa ark oompl.x10n. wa1vy rown hair. whiob ana w.ara ahort. Graoe when a girl a n.Ter taugh L 1n er bo e how to kaep a sa. for b.r mother haTing so man7 dut1.a to perfor n.Tar took allY interset 1n , • •• ;roa naTer went thare an fOilll al17tll1ng ol.an an tid7. tile beda w.r. al"7a aol1. • the noore looke aa t oag tlle;r wera neTer .w.pt or mopped.1n faot ne1tber tt1e or t a ohildren eTer be on frean ole n olothes.Grao. would go a"7 for a whil. an a•• how 0 ther p.opl. 11T. and when ahe would ra tarn Ilo e alIIlloat work bera.lf to eat tr71ng to lIllLi:e th1n look deoent. after .ha f1l11ehed aohool her bl'other. added lIIl .xtra rooa J at apeo1all;y for bel'. wbere abe oould h T. her ooapan7 al1d ooald T. it 11k•• e pleased. • • •• - 5 - tl:M h II and dOll11 Jilt a a ooul. • Graoll B abo t 100 hi te Leg orn a • IIJ:l6 r IBl1a 1 erB o~ ~rIarB rol1erB ~or t e r et an lI11a 10 t o~ egg • In tills T Bn lDIlJtell mones 0 p rc renB 010 tOllB alld. Mrlle ebb waa a e bora 611 t 1e ohil - ver t!'lGT need. r er makIng ~lae crupe. Bnd ~tllr la7- , ing oy t II crop woal worL 111 tlm llr buala" 0. In thia very a coaae~al. noma ~or a perl0 o~ ttie being old nd ~eeble. thelr 70.lllg8Bt ohild Gr o.'a parente went Bad liTe In 1er aboot two ;years. Ole ent .ellin hi ho in Grove 1 and @l.rl. ed Hued lived wi tit t m. a G h vin d In:! n t11e aral7asa When a 8'll1ill ob114 weB ia bad a.ba e. oan bar '1;1 lk or talk. la Baoh acre aad will n8ver e aar etter. Cle ent abo t tar•• 7 rs a 0 o~g t a ~llr a t ~rom Grov• about aix 1II11." .." building them a holll" but " tak"n aio.lO: aod die .~or" 00 letln it and one o~ the 078 took ~t ov.r Ull tti•• Gr 0.'" aotn.r t " dfiio te girl 1 - r" oamll oat to t le ~rom Jraoe' b"ol t tUe 111d DOt liv" very 10 g b.~orll " too pB3 n 7. 1 'Yin 1ldr"d wit er brot1er. 1t aa t e irl 'lI8a eo iBBBt1~ie withov.t a mothera oare. BO • e B riel; 1> c;r to c • rIle'. lllt &I ~alled. 80 no thOr va e pa. a o~ oet or tne ~ar (; r 1 II C tUe an oga ~or rut. In thia t ,,;y to iV8 ;y hia oapl11aJ. 811 tooter Ula. - .- • - 6 - e aee::! to e ..t1sfied and rea1!118d to Mr lot 111 life. • is oheerful a anxiou for r ohUdren to to ve .~-nta s. ~b... are n r eno~gtl for tl18 0 Uuea to to ot~ evUl. .be chUdren are all :all and it will taJ(e a Oll t eoool III • w er. t • ve aood eMole. - tiOIl. .he e chil ell all ad. ODO ieal pl ing for t to even veto t iSb ohool reare- •dres..4 all4 cue for in every rtioular, Ull.t1l tbsyare old snoup to to bslp tlteir llOther• • • ir fat .r. con itlon 1s uoh e will not ever be .trong again, Graoe will have t e woole reaponaibUity of the f\lI:lU;r to be r alone, It i fine ahe i. able to nage all t e 81neS8 a:tt81re of the no , ebe i. elle oated d • d experl.noe whioh will be a gr • h Ip to /lOr. .he cere ot er iaTalld 1eter 8 '" :1. nel w 0 1. neftr well will " ite a e. nelb111 101' all4 11. JD' 0 orlflce aed d r.c. for tier. ce 18 re11g10:1.ll an tr1'in to 0 r rt and ra18e t e tDll 0 lldren wi th t r1 t 1deal .hi8 fa'l1ily 40e n: 0_ 8 e t haw '" It on triJ.OJ: whle Grace ~ a nO" to CO! e 111 to to n an rillS all tlle prodllce to r.t" t. ac. 1a v r7 e nal 1. anel alway. trie. to e .. tiafi.el wi th wbatenr i. beat for t'l8 f U7. • '!. bapruo . 111'0"" ..1111, lao ' ibe Obepwn'o. 111118 .e b b Cl 1'40 "Ollot;r ovolllber tl pt: 11l~8 • wl t. the • tor7 at thl. taaU7 7Q11 PP7 oontent.d .~r•••lon on 1441. how 1 t 11s4to up .n.n an70n. aeko tac•• an lntero.t ln her and tbo en 7011 otar t to Jut gin. the p' al • o. an o... t bel' 11te oMl r.n. nnie • • orn at oot nu. lal'ltO ount7, AlabUIa. l' other 11".0 on a ru.l" 1 tara ot aaollt 120 aoree, • • ot tol. n .0 around toe ho a or lt do n on tbO 1'1"..1' plantatlon a Ollt a 11e tro the bo •• 441e three bra there ( .blt waD tno onl7 811'1, turall;v tb87 pe He dertv.J.. l' 1lI0th.r l' an t 0Ulnt .be no won- Tlns 00 181p In the ome, at an 001'17 as. lnnl. tausht to do the ma07 thl • t t baa to bo dono ln an about tbe t bo e, tlho .hon onl7 a 11 girl le rne, to e. 010.11 n all bel' 0.0 olotb.e ao' aeol. wlt 17 e.ln. 3he • e 8J1X10 .... to • the 0 e pretty an attl' otlTO • 00 0 e GOon loarno to cia or tbinso to brlg"lten up tho 110 o. hor 11T8 In a t 0 .torr 10& bo o. tha t • oel1ed and palnte .Mto. no bO!11 t on a nill. tooag 1 t 1180 1104- ootl t na t'le appoaranoo ot a ....'0 o1oer o 7•• 10h P o.~ ln tront ot t • hou tro tha 1l1g - at t e toot at the h111. nolo .ont to .0 olin til nelabU 1'400 • t 0 .0bOol- ouoe .r - - • • belnl a1IIoU ln allM of her ho e. 80 t1JDe. t e aobool would l.at 001.., three aontha an tben a in It would lae' the enUro nln ont a. nnio O<1t IIOTen teon :'liar0 ld. 48r parent. oant r ~ lro ilia to II bo r 1 0'1001 .t OrOTO • iUJ.l. wiler a 00 eo Gol adVBJ1te o locate. 00 the. t a a IIl1 llt a oont1.n118 t tl110 eO:1l)o... ~or o oara WBKin nloo progroao In her oohool w"r", fter at eadin ohool Obe ro tlU'nod. to tho farm all4 o~n tin e lplng in the no e wlt~ eT r..,thins. bat .lthough U 0"-'3 u efal 11fe. II e Illn,na au t'J mlx ao e plo - LU'O a .ell s work In 'ler <Jail.., ro tlne. Sho often had er ~rleodB to Tlelt an ter i an ta for the r in thelr ho e. 0 a woul slTe nd ln the proper .. aona SlTO flah fr..,o own on t e rlver wlth a plonl0 dlnner and ln tnle enJoy t eir Tlelta. ~nio enJoyo daUoln a~ ou oor aporta: orae-b ok rldinS.flahing. an 110 tin hey 11TO nolU' t no rlTar an oftan a trlpa to Ja aon and 0 110, fro ;.len tl.., traTell1 on t 0 ate - oate. a atte a r 1 Ioraa qul to often in bl1e. innla a II prett.., IIttraotlTo 11rl Chap' a fro nOllr rOTa 111. a II trlp OT r to t a nol~hbor- 00 whero abe 11TO • t r. an .a attrlloteu to or an ao;,n ahe bo a lntereate In hll11, not ....r;y lons after M3-v t a.., ooldo to marry. .>no an r 7 a'l\ bo th rri n tbe Qi) • ao 'he7 a dou 10 wo dlng. • 0 a 0 t In a oat two al1aa o~ OT. 4111, an 11Ted • • - la th. homo wlt b.r mother-la-law f l' about two )'. ra.ber a all4 0 a1 bOllao &11 a traot of lao aaarbr bul1t a mo o.t fr • • tna a f I'm. wnaro th.r liTa uatl1 t • 01 - o t 01111 waa 01 oao<ljJb to go to eo' 001. tben tbor nao opportlll11tJ' to aoU tl11a bo a ao f 1'lII for an attr oUTa prl.a eO dooi a lt wo~ o ba t to 00. a lnt" town. wblob tboJ' ell an plU'O ea a 0 tel. weI''' u.nn1e 11TO for ;r.are .ne 01 oet bo)' barl1e finlebed i8 Ohool. an aa ha wae a. rlght promielng )'out hie other bJ' ing _nr orlfioa ent bi~ to llb~o. whera e fin1ane • aider w 10h n. at ono. a.oured a finO po01tiOO. wh10h he nold for 80m. time. then 0 e bo e an aoon rr1a b t 1t iel no t 1:'11'n out Ter;r aUe-faotor; an' t a; ..ar. 1voro 1n a o~t two re l' • ... tar .I1I11a er te" to ;) anot or about oeven mila o.. t frolll to n. t e; borro.a 11I0nar fro tha I or-al to b~J' 1 t. tber t en eol t 0 botel an OT. to • - ., - - Ml. ball 1. 0. a "'fer;r atrenuo • 11t • n V8 a 11 U:le IlIOn rUl0 • to .da t. t • obUdr.o. l1I1 t ~. lut DOW II the ohil en are 0 0 ILl1 the f 1'111 pal OUt, .Ile hel}l t oug wi til 1. of 18111ure In whioll to do t 8 t In 8 t t a'!. uJ.d 11k•• .bel do oot Oft ILl1 au to bUe, \) t "8 n new or lf ton tra wl th a oloe. 0 b, .0 when II e WAll til to 00 10to to 0 t 7 br,1ns l' 10 t 18 11t tlo trtlo.oC. :5 e 00-114 ba". pOll • r bat h. tlli4t1l t t t i8 ta on the ~~Ul re gr uallT l' pairin reno UO! .1'8rrth1t1s a tho J30 e. tbeT 1'800..,.1'8 t e ho111lG.P'J.t a n.w fen88 aroan tJ:18 181'd. palOte t'l8!ll.~:1Ele and ao e ruse wlndow dr per18 • he 1I0U88 . II lx bedroo a. livln roo, 61nln roo od 1'0 kitoheO. troll t 901'0 a lOll hall. le t re la 01111 few of t to liTe 111 t 0 e.' •• t entire 1u%111ahe , ao t t tbe 0 I1dreo 0 II • "1 it t J at tl ... tbe;r lS'lt abe 1I8 ple'lt of fUn! t:.l1'. l.tt 8:>.n IIh "e tro the iog 0 se, ao II ball 1 t all 1'8r;r 01 1 • • he 0l1U4rell .aJo ooJll1n .......lng a Tial t 8 0 t balllta-slV1.4a to 'unt, .a tner8 111 len t· of rig t aroua4 t • 110 80. • n t T re turn 81 '1 f lot of t e wltll tbe lani. 8111 40 Dl 80J01 a ,,181t t 18 tall. for abe eoJo18 wltll bel' 11ttl8 1Ll1400.t oat t t a tal a .bo t DOW )11 n8 18 for t la • • tile; 1 ~or 01 -2- alghty aora o~ 1&00, wlllol .::.arla Beotion worJt ~or 'ooton L ber om 117. 1 t toOlt a out alg t ;e ra o~ worlt to p&; ~or 1 t. ...ur1.118 tllla wa r 1 a oorn,p41 a,potatoe , aod -o&I1a, 01.118 aU t.oe war er.al~. w1t w t nelp tno o lldran 00 • the 11I111 b.lJ'no t en rla turne Ill. attention to ~ l'l:l1ng, '1'."" !lc)<lla e o ot.. a fr a DO .. wlth front paron aoro•• tlle ontire froot,fo.lJ' room. a a 10 U down throug tllo oon ter. ee at tn Be ro • aro bodroo a anI t e at or a dlning roo anal. .ltl.coea 00 oln , ~ .0 ~ a 18 p Inte n aot .or.en , • 087 ne a nloa tarm er• Broun t • o e,atter rlo no longer worked for 'loa to er Ompa07, lla be n ole rins more ot bl. 18 anu now a a out thirty aore. In oaltlYation, In GO Itlon rent. a ut twenty tlya oore. eaoll ;ear, IiYlnS ana to tll o~ tM orop tor rant, a. 1. yer poor an eandY, od orop. but, the graater pay ~or ~art111sar, aoe. rt of hia pro~1t to to aton-woo an 1 t 1.. Oll:lI<1 In tron t o~ t e boolae r &n t e ro 1 .. a Int ~lr-a, all lJ004 a etwa t tM er t t la 1 ren 01 r en o~t t e , 1I r, a at tbia .~a 11"1 In t'll. e of onl7 t ea a roo a tlllr te.n people. i. la t 0 aot or of ola"an o011dren, toot w lob wora t In • w cU. In 1~ n07, tile • , - bUQren r age In aae ho twen t ;rear. to ~0l1l' ontb • rle &11 &81e ln spea.kll18 o~ the 0 !ldren al_.re 0011 the obage. ~h. bedroo e 1n thle • ~ nl.b wltll tn• .,.r 0 apeet 1ron be e. two to a rooll an bo ­_ e 0 12'. • e.r Ila"e a Jl:eroeene l.a.mp an plaeltno 1. ~lre in 1.11. ~lre plaoee to light t e bou... Jobe 1 p 1. rel)' ee exoept ~or 000~1l18 br taet oetore a711gbt.. 41n- 1118 roo an :n t0h84 I".a.,. oalt a ••11 • - ole ao eoobe. to B1 1. on.1h8.r bo.,. 1. oBt ord1llar7 ooolt- 1118 utlln.l1. an ta le reo e 01188 noore are ltept nl0. aad ole n. b 1. 1. .7 do not pay ob atte4tloo to It••pl tainse .tr labt aoa uet1ns. tbe JlU'de are ...pt 01. nut ;rou n• .,.r e. a nower or anythlng 11.11:8 1. 1. ~e 1. loolt attraoti.,.•• ere le oblne In 1. e bo b 1. • 0.0 a orowd ot 0 lldren tm;y are ne,..r a 1. to turniell tile o".r two 0 agee ot 010 toe. 6rO:lll. eltblJr rl. or rM or wrl til ao their obUcir.n attll .obool. "er7 irr.pl 17 a. 1. .n t. al 7. 11 1. WOr)[. tir.t a 110.1. !)lortant. ...,.20 w n 1. .0.11001 attll lIlnoe ollloer 1I&.r8 1. a "1 11. to .e. aoo 1. 1. e 0 1 r.n Ing to .0110 1. t..7 al 7. 01 1 .r 0 no 1. .,. all Ul le to • ttllr '3 e n ~.w 0101..• 1. • at o. pl0 • P little b 1. it. 0 •• not 1 e 0 lldnn • all &:12'1. b 1. • 00. a 07 a 0 1. .." n tII.n ;re r. 01 • 11 07 abo 1. tbl''' • r. old. • • -6- • orop he ..de hie rep17 would be " llight7 porely. the r ina wus 110 late 1ll the apring that 1 d1dnt g1 t notb1ll plante t1ll late••hen tbe dry apell oome- IIlld the gg1e abe W1lS al11n all r an 1 din t Te nobo 7 ter 1'Ull r plow. 1 eTen ter hire aomabody ter ° her part ur tbe ootton p1ak1n. an lit the dootor ter 00 lIee her belli e •• " ben 7011 allk hilll how he plalla to ep8n hill time tUl til orop planting t1llle again he lIIIya. "1 a1.lll ter olear a 1'1.0. ur - U-81'OUll OTer to ther .1d. t e t1ll1d and tllen apl1 trail. ter t1:ll: tenoe." 0:1 Ilk hia what dad ot ao 001 tbe7 TIl IIlld e lIIIya. "the7 a1nt oh ur a 1I0hoolthill ;rear caua the te oher a1nt no OOtUlt. 1 t1ggerll 1117 ohap. 111 461ll better tar llta7 home when 1 ne•• e tar help me. 1 •• me e W1Tout any ed1oation and they _w haa too 110 the;y aint no • ur 8m goln all tlme. le don t nee 1II1l0b larnin nOW8;YII." ben ;you a h1lll a oat the ohuroh whiob 1. a out a q rter ot II adle fro b1a ou.e he 7a" 1 ooul t tel 70U muoh out eln all bow 1 ont neTer go. but the pre ohar nt got no 0 rel1gon t n 1 got. we ate 0 I'll goea 110 et1llle tough." Atter 70U baTe talke wlt 1e a while ;you are oonnnoed t hill highellt IIlIb1 tion la to al_;YII ~e a 19ger orop tne 7 r than e 1 t e;rear etore IIlld to get ore ot hill own lalld re 7 tor oulti_tion. r1. ° nil two mulell. a r. and ° ooltll. tour 00 n milk OOWII. de II a t.w bea ot ogll but noth1llg 11ke • • • • - 7- rd. '"' ahou; a hundr hen.. 0 1000. • • r. tra eel 111 • re a Ollt tOllr and a balt lee a_,. ln .xobaaae tor lard.oottee,rloe••aatt a to ooo.olll;, on Ter;r• rare 000 aioa. are 0 ole.ns an eggs .erT.d et t '- le 0 ee t 8;' et p&;' tor t 8e n.o•••l tie•• W·'· rl. ter, her hi' 111 the o e wl th t~.. a"out o mont aso. ~. daughter etor. this 11n 111 a roo 11" on r ta t er-ln-·.1ll... plao. bat a••M ow. 110 t t along wl tb her ot r an .1.ter In-law.. s to her tat r, deolde • -.nte to go baok ora rle thl. rle daughter 1. tne 08 t talJl:au '"' bJeot upon w.ll1o .he nenr eee • to tir• Il1O er ot t e tam117. t tba trOct le••he ba. er"ln-law." 1. the .At present Oti. 2ugh 11 8r h • , 1. wlth 10_4. 100e tbelr marrla o 78 • a • refuse to tria alt hi. tather • l.an 171128 O:1t tor want ot SOlIMOII. to 011l. U te 1 to Ou. • a lit. to ~e hi. lJ.Tl b,. dol nibl10 work. ..wed 1.ogs tor abo t a 78 r alld a halt after hi. rlage. ••n war e Oil ooatrol proJeot it ... at t.l11s ~ tor a out t e. ilion tao t two aGath. ago Ted. on a mosquito .s la1 oU, • - 2 - Gr dull; aa tapa aa • .,.eral. ohUdren were born 111 to their o.e, W1til there were four, t"Ml g1rl.a and two bo;a. Tbe ol.deat bo r tar, wilen a waa of eo ool. age wae near enougb to 00 .. t~ (hoo.,.. litll, where e en tered gr de aohool. whioh he finiebed in •• ;ear.a, then ha 0 e on here to Jl1gh ,;;obool until be finiahed a 0 t three :re re ,during thia tae wen not attanding eohool, l1e. • e" helping hia father wi tb all tile far. ork. de 18 a fina l.ookin a trong ;oung _n and now baa a good poai tion near n tgOlller;, he Tiai tB bia pareata alld thel are .,.er1 prOUd of h1ll, .a ie auoh a 1110e 07 an nr7 induatrioua. e next two oh1l.drea are girl a, .ranioe and .reen 81tua ted 80 .e to ba abl.e to OOllle in to digh ~ohool. on a eohool bua, both theea girla haw finiahed dit*l aohool. eduo tiona. i08, being the ol.der finiahed one 7 r efore her 8ieter but e id wi th er tber hel.ping wi th e""r.vthing in tbe ho e, f tar .rIn a finiahed ao 001. 1&a t 7ear, abe 8 ao wor.ll:, whioh a b elll a gr t help, a being aole to wor.ll: a l.ai tad n bar houra eao perio, and al.eo it ia goo train­ing for wbea oaa wan ta to wor.ll: it ie neoe.aar7 for th to ha.,.e had exper1enoe in order to get almoet &117 k1l1d o:f empl01Jllllnt. e/18 e taught them to eew .nd the7 are I10W in a poai tioa to _.-:e tbeir own 010 thee aad al.eo t e" ha.,.e learned to do the thing. tha t e to e done in aroUl1d t e ho e and fal'lL \ • • .' - 3 - 001114 eea. aDd 10 vlla"nr .h. like4. oOll1d .... vhd _q .he ad. tor her _ pl......... ~it uqvq thet ab. llked. She .... a pert"ct b......"tte. tall. .lead.r. vi th bw· q ••• blaolt 0'IlJ'17 ha1r. dam C'*Plen_. ve1pe4 abc.t 135 pou4.. .... vo~4 at ti_ ban her trl8llA. cea. te n.u her llIId _tertelll tha at her h •• DebT. '1_ a prl. a .....r had n-q ..cit ."P.rl..c. ill ho.. Oare. _ 414 aot t-q to leara to .ft or aaTtUac like thet tor .h. tlllra«lt vllea the tia. _ ••he vcnald th_ lea.. all the•• • ...T 4.th. thet ba. to be p"r­tON. 1a ....-q h..... 1IIIn ab. va. abeat t_tT-e1pt Teare .14 abe .... urrl. to Jolla P.Arai.t_. who 110m 1& .oma. Olarl<a Co"'\7. ~ b_. Jept_ber 18th. 1861. lie a ••U ••11. with blaolt ha1r. 4artr: q •• llIId 4artr: C'*Pl.noa. IIa ..... a widower wi th tin ch11drea. three 1107". 14418, J'" aDd 1071 two lid., 1Iui. llIId Anlll8 .rle. John Ara1.tea4 ovaad a atc. hooo. at W••t Jea4. Ala"e-. !hi. he.. __ at...... hou. with .....0 roCla•• a 1011& trollt po..... 41a1llf: roow. It1\ella. a clou4 hall. baeIt porch. paat-q aad .....eral clo••ta. !he hou•• 18 podated vhi t. with ere­bl1a4a, there vera bealltiful 0IlIt ahad. tre... aaId.Ilt; the lar,;e 1.....1 7"r4 .0 cool ead .hadT. OIlt 1a tront of the ho." va. a lenl )IllIII. with a gro•• of brIO ow a44iDg ••-q W11Ch to the baalltT of the plac.. !he lead all ar011ll4 the ho...... pret\7 aa4 lenl allot it ill cultha • !hl8 b vher. 1Ia1q _t a. a bride to aaIt. her boa.. .. at 110& the 1_ aad re.p.ct of JoMI. aIo114,.... llIId __ a real .oth.r to toaIt1a« care aad tra1atl1& th_ •• a _ther ..-u4. Ae the Teare paaa•• childrea v.re 110m late the Ilea. 11Ilttl Da1.T __ the .other of .1:1: ohi14.... !he" 'I.riI foar lirle. ladle. Ilargu.ritao Illth • • • II • aII4 ••11. two "7. 11c1J1q ud Iollert. !Il. later died wh... abollt three Tears of qe. lIaie7 aII4 Jollll liTed iJI thi. hoe. where \hI7 vere haPP7 ud COlltUte4. Jolla 1IaT1Jlc a lal'&l plutatia. 011 tM !a.blCHe lIiTer a. vell &I the fare arOIIII4 the hea.. .. ..ot oD17 hid hie _ crep 1Illt hid t-enta OIl the plutatio" who vere .Ilare cropp." thet he .,h..."ed to rach 7&&r• .. aII4 hi. 1107' voned a. the f.re. ha teach1ag thea ud COlD« with thea all the ti"•• aloo ha kept tvo va«" Me" the ...tire pu. "_ed fiJI• .-lee aII4 __ which _ ...ed 011 the fare 4&117. haallD« all the crop. wood for hoee COD.,.,tia. aII4 Ul7thiD« that val ...eded oa the fare. Jolla _.d two oott.. c1Jl'. oae 0 .. the riTer plutattOll &ad the other out ln the hill...ear hi••e. Be c1Jlaed the cottOll for the whole CO__U07. A.t the ciao ha boacJlt oottOll ea4 ~t1tie. of cotta. ee" aad 117 belD« eareM aII4 keeplD« .. wi tIlt.u -n.t. unal17 all4e " proflt ... both. Be oCllOtracted hi. e••d with the 011 81U. at eo JI1lCh a toa. 4e~ hered to a e_boat ClIO rher beak &ad 1a thi. Wi( V&I eat. iJI blIIr1ag thea. IIh va«" Mad. helped at the eta &ad did ..,~t _. to bo dOlle be.Ue. worl<1ag a. the fare. Joa _. "r7 ncce.aM ud a IOOd 1Illol with fiJIe Judge t aII4 all4e .oae7 iJI WhateTor ha _ertoolt. Qa the fam ha rahed cottoo. core. Ilelr. gro1lDdpe&l. ea4 potatoe•• .. evaed cove eo .. to haTe 81l1t &ad 1Illttor for hoe..... rat..d pcaltr7 ud hOP. rek1Jlg their _ ••at ea4 lard. aleo ."OIIgh for all the huda. • • -6- .aIdDc a bridal .rip .hq .........04 .0 u... plac.. vh.... Wal tor .....04 a h.... Iho 10 cOllt.....d ...d bapJIT ln her cClllfor-.1ll. II· •• aad he••vo fln. bOTO, 1>oth of .h_ nov alao•• p'0vn. !h. bo 1lo7'. John lII1d BoT. are bo~ ....ri.d and 11ft ln O~caco vUh ~.lr foaUlo•• !h.T .... nccee41n« lII1d t;etUJIl; along "'rT nlc.lT. Mnl. larle. ~. o~r dauetor. afhr fln1ohlJll; a\ lIoD..tTa1lo. ...t for ••.,.ra! T.are••hen ••• a fino T01IIII; ..... fis Oarl.dOll. MOIlt"u.rT. Ala­_ •• vllo va. a100 a teacher••ow 1>o.h of .1uI ar. teachlJll;. ft..... ao. In the .....cllool. !l'he7 _ a alc. he•• In M....~rT. ar. t;etUJll; alOJll; J.... fln. lUl4 ... w b. ftrT haPPT and coaha.o4. !h..,. are ••ch of .~ a ••edlne .choo1 .ach .' or vork1Jll; for a d.er", JollD lII1d llahT .old n.lr h......d all of .heir Prop.rlT at W••t :Bed ...d caa. to Gro.,. Bl11 and P1lX'Chalad .hea a !loa. ln ordor for llahT'. chlldrea. to b. able to .~ la .h. ho•• and T•• han .clloo1 ad......~•• Jolla. haTlJll; al.....,. lead I1ICh an acU.,. 11f•• .....to4 tUac .. do aftor .....lJll; here. ao he vllllt In.o ~ ••rcaatU. buln ftt did no• •uce.ad .. he vanted t•••0 did no. keep .Ill. buln... for T.rT 10Jll;. for h. f01lJld 0 .... it ... aot aaklnc hla U(f profit. and ~•• la.th4.... ca"'lJll; .0 10•••on..,.. Ba .old out a. qulck1T .. h. could find a 1n>,y.r. wu. and 81c!Jl.T bo.h eOllple.ed 1Il«h School ln Gro.,. 11111. LueU. va. a "'rT bri«h. lnh111t;en. clrl, nrT qui•• and .~.... , II8Ir:lne th. be.t of hor oppor\v.nl th., fin10hine vi ~ Illeh..t honor. lII1d a. .IM _. Un. \akine a coap.tUh. nnnlnaUOIl and plnlJll; n t1.ooo.00 acllo1ar"lp a. :Brenuu 00110«'0. In Oeorcla. Bar parente declded to 1.t llar tak. adTantaee of U • • 0 till. 10 vh.re .Il eOllple.ed llar edv.eaUon. Aft.r t ••chine a fow Tun••he Darried (J1'Il7 &'Uh. of OI1Hon, ,ua""_. , • -7- !h.T blIllt \h_ a .eat....fonab1. llU18 h......t lA that 0..-w>1'T. S10q. wh.. Ju.t a ..... bOT. fell 1. 10n with. _d aarried Clario. Cart.r. !hq 1hed h.... for ••,"ral Teare. S10.T WOrkill« lA the _. !h.1l thtlr .ond \0 llllU.r. Ala"&••• wh.... th.T 1hed for .....ral TO&n. S10TT workin« for \he .\r\8. Be haa r.c..tlT .0TEd \0 Cla.OIlta wh.... he 1a cuU.r ill \he _. !hq haTE ... iIlt.reaUac f_1lT. two prla TIld a boT. !hq had oth.r boT but had the Ilbforllm. flIf 10.lA« hia. Be .... drowned acc1d tlT, vbU. rldUn« hi.......t Ipp•• lA a oreek Il&ar th. _ •• at \he &«T of fh. Teare. 1\ .... FIlCh a .hock \hat it .... hard for all of \bra. Ilar«&r1t•• after fin.hin« lIl«hlchoo1. VEllt to L1rln«.toll. to .choo1. tek1n« a Iforaal cov.n.. After «-tUn« h.r c.rUf1cate. .h. "'v.«ht \h.... Tran....d durin« thi. '1••••t BTIUl1. 1I1n«18t...., of lilt..... Alabn •• a flA. TOIl"« boT. with w_ .h. fell 11l lOT•• af\rr a .hrt courhhip, VEIlt \0 lI.ridi.... lI1adppi. TIld w.... aarried. .. ._. &aU.f1ed TIld haPPT ill her IlTV T1Ul......diJICT. !htlr. U.,. at Putna•• "lab.... with hi. aothel'• • th. aft.r coap1eUn« !ligh School ill (Iron !lill. VEilt to IIgllteft110. took a two Tear••ecrrtarial cour••• caae _ •• worked a fev .Ollthe at \he !lip Ilcho01. thEII accepted a po.it1.... ill ... Orle..... Lcv.1.1ane. wherr The iT BOW va rtdnc. Bell. \he TOIl"«T.t child. iT ill her la.t T&ar '* Rip Ilchoo1. She b a pr.t'T, attract1TE TOIl"« ladT. Jeha TIld Ila1aT DOW haTE a Dic. hoa••• fr_ hou. with two .tori••• a 10D« froDt porch. fov.r roo••• a 10"« hall, k1 tcbe EDd beck porch. • -, - 10- 1Ia. 'rh. '0 be braft ad keep _OIl. fro- IaIoviBjf bov .1Ie voni... 1Ia. llel a .ad IIlil. ad paU.... ow.., apro.o101l OIl IlIIr f ......... of .u '1••• U]. ~. cll1ldl'Olll••_ .1lII aarrlod OIl•• vbo are ."" frOll 11011•• 40 all .1lII7 pOlo1b17 C&Il '0 lI.lp &Ild le.UIl IIor car... If .1Ie did Ilo' lien LDc11. &Ild Orq vi~ ller l' vCll114 lIld.ed be hard. for .1Ie &Ild ••11 are ~. oal7 011.. l.n 1Il .u 11011. 0Il4 ••11 10 avq a' .cbool all 4&7. vb1cll venald loaft 1la107 al•• vi ~ Jollll. and all .11. boa. duU•• '0 athad '0. 1la107 OUCh' all .11. gtrlo lIov \c koop IIC1l1•• ad Ilov '0 .w. Ill. te a good -."I~r. koopo ller Il<m•• Ilaa' ad chao 1Ia. 10 1l&'1U'al17 .lov 1Il dolac IlIIr work. bIa. vllell .IM fW.1Ieo l' te voll dOll•• 1lat.7 rate•• qul. t. a Il_bor I¥f cll1ck.....0 ha. 1110. fr••11 Tard OUO ..... of .IM U••• IIlo lie. flov.ro 1Il \Ii frOll' 7ard. vll1cll aok•• \Ii plac. look ,..,ro aUracth•• Ill. tak•• a atore.' a culU....Uac &Ild ko.pl"4!: '11_ vatorod. !Ilo7 alva,ro haft a mc. prdOll ...d pl_V of "OCOt&bl••• c&l1l1lac _ .:dra *".u7 han for vtn'.r u••• al.o '1Ie7 put I1p pro••r.,.•• plckl. ad J.Ule. for ilia. C......jlUOIl. Jollll •••• '0 be be"or .1Ilc. cool v..'lIer le lI.ro. bIa' IlOV ~I IlII vould Uko \c go hack \c .u 014 ilia•• who... ~ ope,,' .0 ·.117 poacMul 7.ar•• WIla TOll uk 1lat07. about lor Uf. a' V••• :B0Il4, .Ile oq.: .1 would 1.... 'C ova ., old !loa. aad go b...k '0 V.lt Boad io 11.,••" IIlo of'... •q., "I -, .011. 4&7 \c b".T. 'h. old !loa. and go back, bu' do Ilot vaa' _ I¥f ~. othor Prop.rtT." 11""07 &Ild ..til bo~ CIa. ilia. durtac .110 I1oU4&7. for a IlIDrt U ••• Jollll 0IlJ071"4!: illolr U"l. n.l'.