Summary: | Folder contains 16 pages of a story about Marion Sears written by Hugh McEniry, for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.•
• can down to the D.P.;;. found out ahe was :o.kln l four dolJ.ars a veelt,
and he told me I couldn't work 1'0' him no mo'. I >rent up there and told
him jee' how hi t vas, but hit didn I t do no good at all.. I!e told me I
couldn't vor~ fo' dec no L~, : jeG' can't tell yo' ho" ve
lived here 1'0' a vhile. ...e: val j~81 ma.."<1n t one dollar a vael: and deY'
"as Boce ~'8 when we jes l d1d.n 1t 1..QV8 no food in the house at alJ..
:3ut de neighbors wae &><ful good to us, end the' hite folks was mighty
nice. Dey was always givin' us a little food and dey old clothes.
llossu..., 'W' didn1t have no money to b~ no clothes P.t sll. l:.r. ~te,
he ,,"'&8 de m was Yorh."'1n
fo l , he went a.'1d. wrote to the D.P.1:.
j 8' what lid been tellin l lem. 'Bout ow want 'Werkin , no 1110 1
1'0 'dem 'ceptin' jes I det one day a week, and I finally got back on
relief. But dey was still pJjenty of times when "e sat around this
house vi th no thin ' to eat.
and US a1nt got no chillun. !lossuh, I don' know not.•in'
II I aint never had no chillun, n088uh. I never was J"I\.:ril1d tilJ. I
took up "id
'bo~' t.At control business, and I didn't mind ef'n ve hod chillun.
I reckon we jas' never vas l~ky to get o:ny." But "1Il\ wunIt
lettitl& • fIl!xItUntT.!IU.Ix!lllllb: the matter drop
thare. It was the first chance she had received to occupy tha
center ot the stage.
" NOIr 141ms, you know dst aint de reason wa dnt had no chillun.
De doctor dona told me after ma "04 Toodlas had our third one
born dsad dat I couldn't lID....." ...." never birth no chillun." SIle
turned to ... DIb::Ja~.b explained," Yo' aee t lt1mIS bere, bet my
second husband. 'lbra I married up with him I was mrr1sd to
Toodles. He done acme trom down Where I _os born at rion
Junction. But me and him just naver could git along. lIef' him