Folklore, Elmore County.

Folder contains 11 pages of Alabama folklore and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.-1- o JOLILOIUl '!he ftithtU1 Sla.... and m. ReWard. S-24O ( ~ back 1n the da78 or the War Bot..een the state., there 11....d 1n the rtc1n1t" or the ~r etlllpka R...

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Format: Electronic
Published: Alabama Department of Archives and History
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Summary:Folder contains 11 pages of Alabama folklore and stories compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.-1- o JOLILOIUl '!he ftithtU1 Sla.... and m. ReWard. S-24O ( ~ back 1n the da78 or the War Bot..een the state., there 11....d 1n the rtc1n1t" or the ~r etlllpka Roa4 a "err ..ealth" r..u" b" the DOMe or Clul.mer•• In addit10n to Yaat .torellou.o•• or rood tor the tail" and .la..... the Chamber." hed a large UIIOUD.t ot .1lvar and gold. '!he Ilearer the battle. c_ to th1. MOt101l tho ,.,re "Iln"". the reJD1l" bec...... about their 'lqlpl1e•• l'1Ilall" the ala........... put to work d1sg1llg c.llar. to be oed ...torahOIl••• , and 1t 1. told todar thet the sreat rav1n. utell411lg to the old uPper W.twepl<a ROad ..e .tart.d b" the cellare dqg by the Chember. tamily. Wh.1l mooll'. raidera ..ere expeot.d, old "1.11••0· called on one ot her ,.,.t ra1thrul .la..... and .aid, · the raider. are COIIl1ng, we ml.t bury the eUver and gold·. lOr da"e h. dqg and tor 4078 "II1.a ~•• paoked jar eMer jar (b1g earthenware jere) or .nvar and gold. 'lhera ..ere 12 ot th..e jare and &rter all ..ere pack.d, they placed 111 the cellar.d 1l1gh~ SO 110 olla would mo.. the real obj act or th... mADy Il1l!llU" ""Cura101l,.. caeear oed .. an alibi that he _. tal<1qg 00.,. IlOmber ot the ramily on a 'ddt. Arter all 1lrel.... jare ~ earel" buried, 110 olle me.. ot location but the owner and th1e :JOWlg Ilesro bo'" ca...... ~. Whell the Ylmkee. CeM throu&l> and other. ill tho r.coll.tnlction per104, th.y hMrd that thi. bo" m ... wh_ all th1. gold .... buried. One dar a _ar ot iIl..a4are c_ out and threatelled to 1<111 ca.ear 1t h. d1dn't tell where the hiddan. He ..,re he d1dn't mow a th1Ilg aboilt 1t ' 1011•• ~1n. got hlll to dig up oome e1lv.r weitar., cupe and pUchar. that hed bean h1dden ill a bol. cloe. to the gard.n ten.ce. He took them to an old • tater bani<. OYer a 1111. a..." rrom where the gold .... really h1dd.ll. Arter IBldng a thorough March, r. Of.. _ 0 11., • balUlUtlll I1rl, ~. 111. 11ka 11&4. ) ,about 12 nu_ 1Jl laro 01 t lr ll1Jlla • _,t b1II. r the7 0 • b... ..."" eat'" OIl the ,.....1Il. ;alto !1 .. 4 r aa1 0 tar _'0 1» o;c.. ~_ oU • 'ftle1 414 .. Hka abit_ • ( \ho r ba4 10. to t r t J to be 8111 • eatba •• 1011111 tort ._ 1Jl •• ,1Jt1417. 4 t 1 1 _ ea. c DO r.4 Dla t: ••••11/6/36. 16 • 1I111~~0. r. -1- /Ju , , 1 e... Blddoa ~...ur•• • • 110 ,.....• .,.., U •• the o·e 'D~''l.. ot 1d • Uy w • burled 1. the tield. lIber. nIb, prlaon la now 100 ted • At y 10,. u •• people trl.d to looat. the tr.lUI\lr8 but wer. u.ouell, trlsllteoad 007 10, peoull r .1&1>'- ODd DOl ... On..l t a portr ot necro bora d.olded th.r would trr to tlnd the old and .qulpped•• with a blbl., leatera, .hoYSl rod. SOOn attar the rod • atuok 1a tha crowd ther were h ted lor loud yolo IIbi0h .81d: "Iler., her.;" tb. rod rolled 40n • U, upon 10h thay were dlWlI&, IlJId .topped, d aca11l the YOl.. aa1d: "liar., her.-. 'l'b1. trlslltellad the bera cr tly but d14 not .top "'eu 41 1 • le 0•• d , other the Bible• S 4anlr .y bear« the lou e. t .r ..w • larga whH. dog, whle _eYer, y 1 ed .. quloklr •• It ap "",red. IlJ thla ti_, the boya "er. l'lOr. trl taned than eYer, but aacar to tlal.h theor t ek. ".., turned to the aorlptura which raa4: ·Saarch 4 ra RaU tlnd", un4 with r.- Il..ed 4atarmlll 'lon th..,. h aa 41&&111&' • r. • doC atood • to ta betore, t 87 aa. III lal"ge wbite OOWi ah. aYe one 10 "MOO" d lb., WO, Br thi. t1aa • bera tullr reul&ed t • t.IuIr ...... tr1sllt...4, tal.... ot tha gold ka t t _ .t .ir ., hh 4 ••u toot hola, • r. about to gin up hope ot tl1l41 the tre aur. lib." mldenlr thar lID arthed a b1 ok objact, tr .hioh apM8l& ••hlte .ute 81th a ball aro,UI1O h1& ne It. !b1a ••• too "eh tor ,. bera; ·r ••r. ....t par f&wd w1th trlsllt. ,-",oy thr." tha 1 terll nd aboyd to the croun<\ an<\ y.Ued to th. bo7 .ho a r d1ll& the Bible, "hrl dut Bib1. and • lVOIIDda ••tll1 coll.14ered ha""ted lor the 01011_ to P". lor t plao. attar (\ 1<. tr. 0 0" lllta.