Essay titled "Alabama Folklore."
Essay on Alabama folklore written for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.• • -1- J •.Awnrd .10. Pot~or8on ~nr.on1. DaTU uoU, Ed! torial llepnrtm<nt • ~e oral ~rltor. lro~.ot Dlat.l. WA Pro~oo' aOl~. Identifioation J10.01~e-1737•.. ES$4,/.' A.r.t..BAJ.IA FOLJa,ORI&...
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WPA Alabama Writers' Project Essay titled "Alabama Folklore." |
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WPA Alabama Writers' Project African Americans--Alabama--Folklore; Folklore--Alabama; Alabama Writers' Project; United States. Works Progress Administration |
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Essay on Alabama folklore written for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.•
J •.Awnrd .10.
Pot~or8on ~nr.on1.
DaTU uoU,
Ed! torial llepnrtm<nt •
~e oral ~rltor. lro~.ot Dlat.l.
WA Pro~oo' aOl~.
Identifioation J10.01~e-1737•..
ES$4,/.' A.r.t..BAJ.IA FOLJa,ORI':
Ra-wr ten ¥ o.)
Alabama haa not baen the hUlllllD 11181'1118 pot thet 1IlaI17 othllr
.tnt.. have b.en, Ua growth ot trall1 tion haa not boe 00101'.4 117 1;
th. b.lleta ot varle4 na'1onel1U... Onl1 thre. broad oln.eit1oatione
• th. lor.-ot thl whit. 1Il8Il • ••
- .
I :
I ~.~.'.
. ,
This .sea; attempts to pr..ent th. aouro. 8I1d growth of auah lor••
lIanlteatation. ot th1e mOWledp will lie a. atori.a, traditiOn-
al or 1n th. prooe.. ot b.OOll1ng 'riLll1t1on, ball&4a, 8Onse, auperati'1-
ona, OQatolll8 an4 b.U.ta.
Indian folklore la the alll08';, natin 11114••I1".
ii8elt 1n trad! t1 on. whioh 41aol08 •• 'th. poeUo charaotBr18U 0 of the .
rao. in ita approach h thl proD••••• ot ll,w.r•• Indian lor. pn.rall,.
aooollDta tor IlO8t geographi081 nOIllC1ll01atlU". of the atate. Wlth Onl;, \wo
\- •_.
• xo.pti OU, •.,.r'7 1'1.,.1' 1n the State has an Indi lID tWB••
At till88 1t 18 ll1poa.ibl. to I.parate the white and n.gro lor•
lnto ••parate 01&181 A oati ons, Thill 18 lb. to two 1Ila1n faoU J firat,
. both rao•• 1n the .arl, 4&78 of the state tao.d oOlLlllon obstaol.s ln the
oharlng of the laD4 end .UebU8hlng th. agriouliQr.81· 4;rDaI1;y that
rule" lIDtl1 oOlllparaU.,el;, 1'00111\ 78arl J ••00114, the o1ooe a.1I0 o! at! on
of the wMtn and blaoD ln old.r 4qs, 1114 .Ull oonUnulng to a large
• xtent. I'roll lDfen07 to a _~orU;' of the whitOI ••re JaIlr-
ture4 b,. lI.gro nur... who lnstill.4 ln th.. the feno! el, folU'1l end
tabl•• lnh.rit.d frolll Afrloan .ouro••• Thl white llIIIl'a r.1181on an"
part! ClQlarl7 hi. hlIIDlI 1llrn1l1h.4 \he b&l18 for the ••gro Iplri Wal.,
through _loll raoul the \hou"" .f blo04 laarU;l •• 1114 10•• Ip.ot.O- ,
~..q I ..u.ABA!!t J'OLXLORR
ular a8selIt lnto heaTIil.
DaT14 Holt.
Ident.1 fioaUon 110.01411-1737.
ZederD.l liri hre rroJoot Disll.S
Wi4 J!roJ~t aoU. loloblle, .ua•
, .
• ,
fIb11e the .trlohst lnhrpretation ot tol.kJ:ore lIl1e)l.t eliminate
. •
• 0000e ot the eXlIllPle. 01 hd, n8Tert.hel". they are ln41oatiT. of the
"learn1ng" ot ih. age ln whloh thl\V b.o..... ourrent. It; wUl be tolU1d thalt
the 1I08t trequent baoltgrOand for .\lab lID a tra41t10n will be that ot th•
tenan1l tarmer, the .hereoropper and the lDollDta1neer. fhe.. were th•
tne. who bpt legend allTe by word ot .outh•
In 41eoua.1ng th. tolklore ot Alab_a. a w1d••pn&4 .1milarity ot
legell4 end table. ohanS-d to ...1l the .nTlroDJllllDi ot tft be or 00llllllun1'"
IIU.t be oODsUered In ola1l11ng .peOlAo oWDerBblp ot.n, .t0l'1. HoweT.r•
ther. are uoept1on•• MOna th_ 1. th. WON "Alab_a."
fh. Stll.t, Bam
. Until r.o.n1l17 111 wu 8'8n.ral1, the wor4 "Alablllla" ba4 ' ,
4.riT.4 41reo'1, fro. ·411b..o,· whloh .. 00netl'U84 to _en " w.
r ..t," and wae siTC legend&l'1 oftsln u th••xol...t1on ot a hOIl8- ;
le.. ant wandering party of ln41ana on behol41ng the Alablllla riTer fro, . I .
KontgOllery blutf•• (ObJeotlon to 'he llDpl10atlon of 1..1n•••• or a ~#
- ~- .
• taUo oon41t1on. WU behind th. 1881.1aUTe aU.pi to ohange AlaMaa'.
.10san froll "H.r. we re.t· to 10_ phrae. 1.plJ1ng aoUon."
Kuoh oontroT81'8J hal raget aboa ih. prop.r 4.An1Uon of th.
In41 en word an4 o.rtun .aTantl agr••d tha1l 1lI:i prop.r ••aning 11
·fo open or olear a 1lhlo1t8\."
Internal warfar. ot a '1'1 be 1n th. 80uthW.., ct.d w1th a croup ot_
In41an...'Ung Oll\ to An4 n." hllDUng SJ'01lD4I an4 a pe1'll8D8Di hOM.
Eaoh n18h' the le&4,.r "oUld .e1l up a w.nd. Itrlppe4 of U. bark.
In ihe lDorD1ng 1:b. w.n4 wou14 be leaning 1lowart 1lhe 'Ortheull••0 tllt
wan4artl'8 woUlt uaUnu. thell' Joun.t.
Da.,ld 110110. -
Identlfloatlon Bo.Ol.Il-1'13'1.
'ederal Vlrltel'll' Pro Je 010.11101;.1.
WPA. l'roJeot 3OU. Jloblle. Al..
"'eelt enUng Jlarah 26. 1113'1.
Th1e went on 4&7 after dq. lIDt11 one mornlng the we4 wa. 41..
GOTereA to be .tand1ng llpri ght.
• ...Uballlo. J.UblllllO." orled the ah1eftll1n an4 h1a tollowel'll eoho'd
hi. 0%7' 30 "&llbamo" the1 IllUDed the lZd. u \hiill' .e' abo.. olearlq
the 'hlolte' tor a pel'lllanent Tillage. '
Batura! or 31lpernatlU'al IllIIDlte.ta1010na., are the b&&1. tOr 1I000"
ot the Indian legend. handed down thrOugh the 78&1'11.
The &Un. the .q. the weaUler.. nowel'll bloolll1ng be.U, a hllDUng .
101'&11. 1lhlh wahl' o..oading onr a ollft. olear poole where the reneo-'
1010n of the .q lent adlted 4epth. the.. were the .ouroe. froll whioh the
aboriB1D1 drew hi••torl.. , olothing 'h. wlth toroe or poet%7 .. the
oooa.lon fithd hi. aBOd. The 1I01d riTer, blaok In lta deep.r poole and
Ulte war pelnt lIblte ,where U l'Illlhe4 oyer boulder. anll tall', troll the
oOal-lade hi'll. to reaOh the Yall.,. ot the Coa.tal Pla1.n
wa. nlllled the Blaok .arri Q1", tor e~ple. Behind 1I01l 10 lIDllllual nOllenola-
tllJ'e ot .pote ot lntere.' In 'he Stah • ., lie tblUl4 .olle tradition tha'
• OO.e down trOll the ,~ ,,_ 'he trib.. ot Tultalua and hie torbeue
. .a", In Ilatllral oOOllnenoe., _It..tati onl ot a power b.70n4 thelr
lIDlter.tendlJl8 • ,
The ralaUon ot Indian tolltlore ot Uabama to that Of other ..OUOD
eTen lntrinB1ng lomawha' on the Qe~10 tall" talel. 18 tIll17 111..,rated
b7 ,he 11;01'1 of "The Laq 811pper,· a woodlan4 nowlr, Thl
l.gend of the flower "111 be tbllJlll In TarloQl t01'll1 In liTeral .tah.,
though non. 1I0re poeU 0 thll1 ,. J.labaJla 'Ural on,
lnd1an 01nder~
Ju' al 1't " .. the UD1 Sl". IUpp.r of 01nd.rella that lIade
Prinoe Chal'll1ng pUl'lIue her to ,he wretahe4 .1Ime, .14. wh.r. Ihe .a' la
Uh.I, '•• Ut •• 4a11l" of lapl11&, "wi'Ohla, adt. ot the
Davld IiOU, - I
Identifiolltion 110.0149-17374
Federal I,dtera I l'roJo ot, 1110 t.I.,
Wl'/. Pro Jeot 3014. LIOblle. Al... ,
Creek nati on, attraot a bard7 70ung brave Who found it. The 18 gaM
relahs that In all the trlbe CIt the Ore.lts there w.. no toot ao lIIIall
tha' 0 f PapUla, whoee tamo was wldespreaO. So he hastened to flnd her
an4 retl1m the 1lI0ooaeln. Ue ope upon her ln a ro-.nUo spot aM epeeO,
was hie woolng. ,1'ogether the, went to- her father. the chief, IllId his
oon..nt w.. obtuned readU,:fbr their ..rrlage,
, ,
In hal' happine.. at the torthoolll1ng wll441ng, Pap1l1a'. Un, teet , ,
har417 toUched the ground .. ehe ,went to the 'epe. of her tuture huabant,
but each daintT aarlt ... tillet b, a flower.
Illooouln, ,
J.n4 then. eo eq'the Oreelte, 414 the Lad, 811p~l'. one ot the 00_
1lI0noat of AlebaJDa'S flOwere. 00_ to lie born.
, Paoaho tna
, ,
A turth,or 11111.11traU on of thie duplloatlon ot 1eg1llld 1Illl7 be found
in the taotuel 1114 h18tor1oel stor, ot )[1117. dlll1sl1hr oJ! the halt- ,
, , '
br..t chiettain H1111aha4Jo, who otteret bel'selt a. a eaoriA oe to
" .ava a whlte oapUve ot bar tather'. tr1be. in thie aot, 111117 parallel.t,
the fllllloue Pooahont..-Oapt. John Sa1th etor, of the Y1rg1nia OolollT.
beolllle the 111 fe CIt III In41an brave,
lUll,. however. unlU:e Pooahontae, 414 no1l 1ll&1'r, a white man. but
, tI ,
,, II
Ohief H111ishallJo wa. the .on Qjf Dr. llav14 lrano1s••110 aetth4
in Alablllla in 1761 at ,he In41an tolll1 of Ahsi '.(Autausa) about 12 mile,
fro. the p'e..n1l oapital of )lontgo_17. There he ..m.d III Indlan girl
and H1111aha4Jo w.. his oni7 dilld. Th. b07 beope the area' Prophet'of
the,Or..ks when be arew to manhood 1114 _me4 a 481lsl1tor at the .UOJl.
JUs Aret ohilt ... a sirl. Kalee, mom to the whihs .. )lillT, , '
, - Jlur1ng
the A shtlng betwe'" the Oreelte 1114 tM .hihs under
OeDeral AIlAre. Jawon. B1ll1eha4Jo ..114 btl talllU, IIOvd h '0.1 toc
I)aTid Bolt,
Identi float1on 50.0149-17374.
"e"'eral nri ter.· ProJoot, Jl1ot.1
W2A Pro Joot 3014. ~Obllo, Al..
, '
on the Apalaohioola R1Ter. One 4aZ ~nol81 Kon-ll11on. a )'oQUa aeorgla
1II111UUUG etaUone4 a' lort Gad.den•••• oaptur.d b7 tbe InUan•• lie
.....nt8OO8d to e:nouUon end Ued to a tree.
Jol111)' pleaded .ith hor father to BaTe hi. Ufe. but he ordered the
exeouUon to p:rooee~. Jol1117 the tbJ'e. hereelt 'bet.een tbe .hite III81l anll
hie thre.tened .1qer•• ner braTer.. am plea41nge 11011 Kon-ll11On hie Ute
and he .a. ,pared to lie 801d to the Spanlard. at st.llara. nOrlda.
, llhort;l;v thereafter Alon-ll11on eeo'apt4.
On the death ot H111hhadJO. Jol1111 ... ln want &III. AloKrll11on
• ,
learned ot lt and oftered to IUJ'I7 bel'. Jl1117. teellng th&\ the offer • .,
, - '
baaed on pit)' rath.r thll1 afteetlon r.:&..d. and l&\er aarr1e4 a _bel'
ot the tribe. , ,
• ,
an \1DhaPP1 fah 1•
lIIore then nat10nal 1n aoope. Alab... '. prototTPe 18 the be111 t1 fill
:Legend. do .. no' taa auah 1471110,t.1ete In allot Ala.a'a
I Indian folklore. There are the 12 In41an aaidene and,the lIIourn1ng
.aTe8 of PorteraTille Jlq (Tour #'111, whoae aUloide to noape marrlapi
wlthout lOTe etriaa a'noh 1n harmon;v wlth BIU'opean fblk tale••
ne tragio lII61den who .unendere Ufe to aT014
AlaTelda who threw herealt 1nto the talla of the looallua to noape
tbe peroletent attenUone of a Oheroae Ohieftain••
The 1111aginatlTe tOd&7 01&111 that tbe Tlnon ot tbe be..Utiflll
Alanld.. _ .. be .e811 ln, the otU1 oleaJ' wahl' below the fal18. three
• ' I
1II11e. from g..doden (Tour
Water••h.ther ln tbe ....... We CIl' aOD .wlft tlOw1na .tre... 11
the ••tUng at III&ZI7 legen48 ln all 1mu. A bo"olll1e.. pOOl 1n Borth-
.' ••et Al..belD... near Ru..eUTll1•• 18 .appo.e4 to _rk the wrath at ,he
SOu at a OOllJloU .Uoh or4ere4 the teeth ot two _\hen. ,
Wnk ml2l. ng Joiarah 26, 11137.
• .Dl!l.rt 4 Holt,
1400t1f100t10n Bo.0149·l737••
Fea.ral l/r1tera' l'roJoot,14allll.
U", 1'l'9 J.ot :101... , Mabile. Al..
Blu. 1'on4, .1 tile pool. I.Teral aor.1 1n ClIxtlO t. 11 Julorm, 111
or.4lt04 111 th haTing b••n or.ah4 wbel a Ch.rob. tri b. or-der.d tho
.x.oution at the moth.rl end thtilr lntam lonl. who had b••n born
Ipotted aa leOpardl•
I..gend .tah. that th. moth.r. plao.d on a blaa1ng P11'. and
that .. the tlamaB 11ok.d round th_. tho .arth 7awn.d. 10 that P7r••
Ti OUIIIII and the enUr. tnb. 4ro pp.d lnw a 110"0111... pi'. Jato.
, .
rUBh.d 1n end Blu. land wal born. •
• ..
1I1ght7 h.r..a &1wl7a haT' thtilr oounhrpart. In tolklore. lien of
lI1e'lt who wreak Tangeanoe on tbe oraTen a&7 k found .1n ."er'¥ )l ngaap•
• 0 lt 11 norlDDl to hoar tho hl. at TeoWllleh. who IhlDp.d hiB toOt an"
a TUlap hundr.dl at 1111410 aWI7 orumbled to apllnt.n•
• .
T.oulDBth 01llD. to Alablllia In 1811 w p.nuad. the IIllDberB at tho
Cr••k nation to Join tho war aga1net tho whit... In no tom oollld
h. tind Tolunhor•• 'lnl1l7 h••toad hfor... ptMring at ohiot. ai
Tuokababoho. Town••oath ot Tul..... (Tou.r lio. 6' end laeh.d th. wUh
"YOIl b.oolD••quaw••"
oall Illwallg•• a R.ll TOC
th.· ..J••tio T.ouma.h In••r.d at th.m. "YOIl
(wlr tOllll' bllt tho bloOd at ,our h..
turned 110 water in 'Ollr Tune. 'l.onr.h go.1 to Detroit to ourT tho /
..BIIag. that tho cI1lofB ot tho Upp.r Cr••k. ar. Squawl pe.rading in war,' l
paint. Jlhan T.ouma.h r.aoh•• Detroit. he will .tamp hil tOOt end ,oar"J . -
hOIlOO. will tall. "h.n thlV' faU 'TOIl .7 ~llw TOOWllUh 111 w1th hie p.opl••
Bin, 417. an.r TooWlll.h gallOp.d "wl7 tho 0nl7 .artbquab ~n tho
hi.tor7 at thlo part ot th. Std. ooour••"" and tho aahim at tho Cr.ek
tOwn. were ....h.d t. p1oo... I.Il4 wh.r. ' .....h .tOod In llJaor. 'count,
• -
Dand lIoH
Ideotlfioatlon No.0149-l7374.'U1 ~rltero' ?roJoot,D1ot.e
II?'" ProJon 3014, loloblJa, .+.1a.
and IIl8de hlll pronounoomlll1 10 more tban a oentll17 and a quarter ago, there
le a huge rooll: wlth the plain P'ln\ ot a toot on lU aurtaoe. It 18
known aa TeowaSeh 'a tootprint •
The etQlllP Of a toot that rooked the worll1 IIl8¥ be fOund. aleo In the •
Arablan poeUo fantas, ot 101ae Xing ~olomon, wllll p dq oTOrheo.rd a
butterfl, bOOSting to hie Wifo that be ooUld. shue tbe earth. Solomon
lIII11ed. aa be heard the 111 te deand of the blltterfl7 that he put hb
boast lnto aotlon. 110 the legend re., end. .tapped lnto vlew. The
wlfel7 butterfl, wae :!1'1~tene4 lnto ll1111e41 ate fl1B1lt, but the _le
w.. \00 terrlfled to .on. • ,•
. In k1nd17 tonoe. Solomon wantod. to know just what the hl1eblll14 w..
goln.g to do whan the wlfe returned and 4empnd.d that h. Btart etllllP1ng
• ,
and. ehoJdDg the earth. The buttarfl, oonfeoeed that there Wfll nothlng
he oou14 do. So SolOmon asree4 to let hilll &hake the earth on oon41\1on
that neTer again woUl4 he Ilalte a boaet to hie wUe that he oou14n"
lIlake good.. The bargain was .eale4. tha Wif,e rettlrll840 ~he mad. her
d.emllIld. IlIlll the husban4 etapeli hi. \1117 foot and th. earth tremblad to
llB1nta1n Ilale allpremao,.
, '
, "hile there 18 no analosr In 1I0U"e, there 18 In .a.oui1on and
oomparabla glor1t1oaU on.
There 111 alWf078 a Mnge bewelll faot and 'fanCl¥ anil 110 w111 be toun4
1n .+.lab.a ln the nailing of Shad.. Valle7. where wb1h and _10 fot.
the nlllll1ng of a aeoU on.
..., a polnt on the anolant trail froll the A.l1b8lll0 Countr,. to the
AUenUo Seaboard w.. a region of tear. 'hite tr.der. *0 att_phd \0
oro.. thU ....11 Tall.., rllllted tIl.r 11v.,. 10 t1'1endl, In41ana Plante4
. '
• •
Week en41ng )laroh e6, 11137.
Bssq: lILAB";'J< FOLXLORll:
Da1'1 d !lolt,
, Identifioation 110.0149-1737"
rederllJ, \'/r! tel'S' l'ro~oot Diet,l.
~A l'roJoet 301", Mob1le, Ala. ,
Tradition rlour18hel beet 1n a ho.egeneoUB popll1at10n end requ1r..
oentur1e1l to produoe• .Alabama 1& laolcll both ror Hs .lJ1t e rolklorl.
IiII ear17 population .u not homogenoollS, \l/1 th ..ttlers at .14017 van an'
pro41leotione eegregaUng thelllllelves in di rferen', seoU ons or tho State.
The Latill8 who coloni.ed the Southern portion olung to old OUII,tODli. The
Hordios in the Northern part were too bUB;' hew1ng oui olvilisation and
then II8ttl1ng 1nto whd amounted to a oaUe I7lt- \hen the wilderne!!s
w.. oonquered,
, ,
ThUll there ,111 no lum her010 f1gure in the State nor in the South
ad 1'8111 Bun;yon, that great wOodsllan of the Horthwost. Ror 11 there an;y
widely mown phantOll luGh .. 'uhington Irving d88or1bed in the 1.lg.1I4
of 8leep7 HOllow.
'hite tra41tion 1n th. Stat. il largal7 aneodotal. In s.otlons,
8\111 unreo.onlltruoted, and there are a f.w, h.ro10 tal.. of the I'lar\the Stat.. are gronng 1nto folklore proportions. Along the
Ooast, ttsh.rmen and other followol'l of t1M lea tell brave tales ot
Jean Lallttl and hie p1rate band rovlng the reaohee of KObile Boy and
',landing at Ba;you 1.a Batrl (TOur 112), Ho••ver, those are so val!lu and ao ~
. 'looal 1n upeot th.7 _y not be folklor•• Th07 have not 7'"
..lum84 the 10t7 .tBtal that 111.11 hold th. tal. true to form through
- 11&117 tell1nga, vU'7ing aa 1t dO.. w1th th. oonoept ot the tell.r•
• ,
To attempt to oollate the va1'1ed tal.. of either the looal heroel
ot the Oonfedara07 or the plrates ot the GUlf WOUld bl impoll1 ble .
withln m7 limned .paol and WOUld provUI ln th. end 1101'. nl1ghbor-
hOOd tal.. that 40 nO' t1, ,be O1...UlO.\1on of nlnor••
- - ,
Weelt en41ng »aroh 26, li37.
Dand Itolt,
IdonUfloaUon 1/0.0149-17374
J'oderal r.rltor8' Pl'oJ"o1. Die1;.,
24 PJooJeot 0014, !lobUe, Al...
h!wus llrllW!daj
Legend 1& beoolll1ng mixed wUh toot in tho .torle. of two at the
Sta1;e'e more famou. br1gande,
John Hurrell, whoae soUT1tie. spread from the Hatche. Traoe 1n
)Uu1u1pp1 to the mountain tr&118 at Oarolina, len IMDT etor1.. behiD4
him. 111. renden01l8 10 4labllJla near tho 1nterseoUon at tho Selm..-
CarlowT111e highw&7" Jiurrell 11''' not a lone Walt, llI1d hie gang 1Iall a
Yar1e4 oolleoUon. AIIong it. mlllbar. were an nangel1Bt II1d a beallUtll1
811'1, repu1ledlT the d8llghhr Of the pareon, the Rnerend Sorrell•
Stor7 ha. it Ulat the preaoher .oUld &Beemble a orowd for a ODlllP
" .
meeUng at .0.... bush arbor, !rher8 he woUld exhor1; the hmpora17 oon-
• •
gregaUon the whole 4111 thrOUgh. !l111 be&l1 tUlll daughter would lead 1;h.
.1n81n/:f ot .p1r1tuall. In the meantime Murrell 1114 the gang woUld be at
work 1n the palltur.. 1114 among th8 alaY8 Bhedll ot the oongr.gat10n. ,
l'oward 1;he tnd 0 t the n1nehenUl Oen1;lll7 Rllbe Burrow. -.ho 41 t
lIlOet at hi. "orlt alone, II1d tal.. ot h1a. explo11;11 are g1'01IinS" ,
in the raral 00 1IIllun1101.. 1;0 h8ro i 0 proporti ana •
In the Southern oounUe. ot the I10ah IIl&7 be heard no.. tBlell ot th•
d&7 "hen Geronil:lO, taDlOue Apaohe chiet,' "a8 osp1;ure4 and brought 1;° •
•110ri4a, then relllOTe4 to ~oun1; Vernon Ala., tor imprisonment. Tho
014er generaU on remembere the te&re of hi. poesi blo esoape an4 "hd
might tollow in 1;he wa;v of _ ..aor•• !rOld W11;h 00101' and oirolllll8llano. to
their de.oen4ant8, U 1. not llnlU:el~ that in the not too d1stant tlltll1'e
• - Oeronimo 11'111 hay. beoo..e a blOOdthiret;y braTe whO .natolied 'oup' and
burne4 .ettlement. wh.n he ..... brought 1;0 J'lorida and Alabema •
• The 8xplo11;e ot Oenerol A.ndre.. Jaobon, oolortul enoue;h aB the,
are 1n hilltor" are be1ng pa1nied nlll IIOre s10",1ns1¥ '1n oorner .tore
r.oo118eUol18 bT 0148hra 1Ifho heal'd it trom th81r ll'anUathera and ,
• • -13De:..
14 Ho11; ,
Ident1f1oot10n no,0149-l737~
led.eral llr11lu'l' 21"ll Jeo", Dilt.!!•
The following Oriole Ohanlon d. 'amolU' wal )lo)llllar from earl, 'r.noll
elql 1n Ooloniel Kob11., unUl th. Cllole ot th. 8panJ,lh R~sl", TM
aooompllJl71ng tr.. tranlat1 on 1nto Jl:ng1.111h 11 11, lrllloOP LIld.ger. Jl1arta
51 -to 101 't 1t ZOIO
&t ~ol-mom. mo ,. f~Di1
M9 11'. tohoue t01 • bouaJ ,
• •
It thOll ••n a 11ttl. lI1rt.
And I 11'81'0 a lUU e gun, \
I woll1el Iho~ the•• bangJ
• Ab, oller biJoll
D' aooJou
. Ko l'a1ll1n TOua
,00•• ooahon alll1n la
h .. !l'ft,DBlaUon
lnto &g1.iBh a
• •
oth.r )lobU. oount;r 00llJlll1ll11U.1 oongenlal md nl1l11bo'1'8 •
• • Ab, 11ttl.
)lebo 81lll¥ J8w81 ,
. I lOT. th.... a U\\lI P1S lonl the mlldl
Dlloendantl of J.1'oa41l11. who dr1fhd to th. Ooaat
tollowing thl1r expllll10n b7 the Bd.Ulh froll thtr1r Oana41an hOIl••
found 1n the OrlOlel of Jlon LOUI Illand. lI8Ilph1n Illand. and 11T8ral
KaTing the I .... rl11sl 0111I training and blU.f, the 11IlI. 11881 0 IIJl1~age
and An41ng thelllBlI'Yu IIl1l1llDd.l'8tood. b, thai!' &1g1.11h-Ip.aldng nol sliborB,
..Uh wIloa th., had. 11ttll 41lpo81t1on to allolllati. thq fllllUill
1nhr-IlIarr1.d md. lnhrm1n61.4. not OnI7 ..ith the fi"lIIoh md 5p81111h fa: ~
tamll1e1 aboll1; )lobUI but 1110 ..Uh lIholl. of thl PaBoagollla. Baok BaT of
B110Xi .nd. Wolf RiT.r l.ttl.llItntl In Jl1.liI11ppl •.Thol. lIIIong the. who
mad. thl1r hOIll. on or near the b., Or Bound 1110811I••xpert Ba110rB of
lmall oraft ...hioh fumbhed ••anl of oollllDlln1oaUon b.t....n
. ,
IOaUarOd. faailill. who ".1" Tl.1\1t ,.ri041 01117 111 Odho110 Jl111110naril
• • •
1'10.k .nd1ng llaroh 26. 18a,.
DaT1 d Holt.
I ont1f1oot1on no.0149-l7374
Fo .rol' ProJoot,~Bt.~
USIl'f() 'rna S-A)(J lI.'WlS OJ' tRAVl-Qi. Ohurlil reoorda Of Il8rr1agva. baptia..
end buriala are praoUoal17 the Onl7 watton rooorda of theu poopl. ,
that r.lIlll1n, nor 41d the7 proBerv. IIIlloh ot their Msto17 1n IIl1rv1v1ng
s ong. llto~ or' tradit10n. Broad.ning UB' IIIlOng tho prellllll t end 1_.41ate17
prooeed1ng genorat1ona ot the phonograph. then the rad10 the
movies 1llI4 the schoole haa tautj1t the use of the oOllillon lanBUng. ot the
region, BO U1all OIllT a trao. of the OaJllI1-0r.ole d1aleot r.ul&1ns BIIIong t~•.•
the older people llI1d ..,111 theT appear 1I0ra aJU10Qa to lao. thb 11npal of ldent1lloaUon than to perpetuate it.
- (
"Ef TaU aee ~ oow 'eroa. 4e b&7oa. puah heell hOIll.".
'I'Ma t1Ploal 88nt.noe 1'111 oonTe1 SaM 1dea of their old fol'lll
of speech. The old-UII.ra ne.,ar ..n.d able to get the1r peraonal
pronoune atraight. fh'7 habUual17 111:1:.4 "JU.." and "ll.r". 101llBUIII..
, . lI'lth amaing r ..ulU.
I. folk aong whioh wee lUll lung "7 oout ahrll11pars of tho old
,oout fllllllha twentT 78ar& aoo
lIelllbers telle qf the adYlllIturel
One of Ua n.ereUi .,orlle81
, - - , ,
Jean ~ab.all. poor Grabellll. h. ateal rq 1I0d and aWa;f he "" I
the rain lM fall 1lI1' 4e w1n' ab. lI10w,
All' 4al waa 4e ent of 1'1lI1 Qrabeaa•
...._--- ,
J'lorian Beale uI.d '0 reoUe the lIarrat1T., r.oou.nUng the 4e..Yl
tro. Tellow .feYer of hi. little trim4 Ball.tte. as to14 b7 the Clhi14'.
grief I tri eken papa I
_at for I.. lion Din. h.t 111 ohUe
• All ..It IIh.'s 8lOther al8lOa' W11e
"14 lou ot ou lUt 41..' 10 aWe"
Wat tor a. I!I' 1114 'ak'...Ile".,
W.ok .ndlng March 26. 1937.
Idontlfloa1olon no.Ol.9-1737.
'edernl \'1'1101>1'11' 1'1'0 J0010. ll10 10••
W2A Pro Jeot DOl•• UObl1e. Ala.
Die wo1'1 18 beeg an "01'1'7 w14••
01. age lIhould a11l1130 have a lJl14••
Jlow wat I doT JlT trembl1n feet
1iaIt Ill. fall 401lJl w1 tout Babette•
"Ood'e will be 4one~ •. 4e good pd,.' .q
. .An toll Ill. on rq knee for praTo
:jIut prll3er lllk dat I Oell' 10 repeat-
. I .... to mob Dat ohile Babett.. .
All 81.: eo 011. eoon I eP for el.p
An l.av. no one baUn' for ",op
But then- I walk 4e sollien .trut•
U4 haPP1. .mUn!. plU'. Bahth•
• ,
I IIl1n h.r whlll I f!P to bed-l~
o more oon pat 4at curly heodflhm
morn1n 00.. no one to greet
Papa-none like /lat ohil' Babotte•
• ••••••••••••
• Th. lIOuntain folk Of Alabama are raolal brothe~ o.:t thoa. of
• •
T.nn...... Oarolina. GIOrgia. V1l'g1n1a 1114 Kmtuoq. The naUvoo of the
Applaoh1an. an4 the Blu. R14g••10. :tl'olll tbe .11II. eouro•• In thlll.l'
oft to14 1001 •• 8114 1101'. :tr.qull1t .ong. 11I&7 b. follD1 a .Wlarit7 nO\
4ue to aoo14en t. So. 10000 wlth thlll.r ca.toll. and thelr habit••
~h. oblU'lll 11884 by 1I14t11v.. an4 othere for ewpplng blo04 18 OOlllllon 141
moet. lf not all. of 1be.e .tde. 8114 baa long be.n ln u•• among
.t.lallllllla mountain.en. It ooll.l181oe merel7 of thrloe repeatlntr "Vlhlll1 I
polluted 1n thln. own blo04. I .al4 IUlto
Liv.a 7ea. I 8814 unto th•• *111 thOll
Baek1al 16a6.
pane4 b7 th ••• 1114 .a. the.
wben thou waet ln tb;r blOOCl.
Wa.t ln tbJ.blo04. Live.
In the 401efUl tenor of thtll' Kalo 8114 the graveyarl1 Uraln of
thtllr 17l'10. 1. to be follD1 a l1hra1'1 glooa that .prlng. :tl'oa
all1l1lere IIOral1\1 an' the ."rn Btrllggl. far .x1a teno•• Th. 8011811
.1th tile .1apl.....I1\1al. of Uf•• lon an4 )La'•• hlwpl' 1114 0014•
w••1t .n41116 )larch 1!6, 1937.
»aT1d nOlt,
Ident1f1oatlon No.0149-17374
'.d.rol »r1tere' Frojeot »1et••
I'll'. l'rojeot 3014, )LobUe, .u..
1laD7 of the 80 oalle4 h1llb1l1, eonge 80 tr.qumU, heard OTer \b.
ra410 ar. b...d on ballada \bat wer. unwrl tten tor gm.rati o~, 1I.1nc
A o.1ebrat8d ballad deale wi tb the eTerlaatill8 \b.... Of the un-happln,..
that U .. 1n a lllarnag. tor gold allOT. on,'a atation. ~r
lIaDT gm.ratione 1I0untain tollt of l1arth .uab8llla haTe 111118 of \be aa4 "
aUlta ot _,111,', cholo, 1n tbe follo.1118 Tere,al
Co., 11BteQ to ., • etol'1 I'll tell,
A. etol'1 eo e.d 1111. eo tN.,
1 ono. 11T.d and oourted • d,ar 11ttl. lirl,
Wboe, ".e w.r, eoft end dark blu.,
• •
I mow that eh. lond a,
'or eh. told ... eo the and prolll1e.d to be rq W1f,.
Bo. hBpp, 1 t made me to bear that dear girl
Agre. to l1T. w1tb a through 11te.
rbe time 1 eaw bel' Dh. ba4 teare 1n h,r .,••,
Smng, -JohnI17, Dl¥ promiee oao't eten4,
Fapa and lIl8IIla are both anerT w1th a,
rhe7 e., 1 met merr, a nch I!lllQ."
rbe nest time 1 Beard from LitUe .el11.,
Sbe hat gone 11101. _1'1'1.4 that ,ouns Ilr. Brown.
Be w.. Wiokod b~ w.alth" Of,ned hore.. end Jall41
Little Bel11. w.. 11T1116 1n town.
Ue eoon oePJl.d to lOT. b.r and ..ranlt all tbe 1;1..,
And bel' 11 t. was eo lone and eo II ad, .
Bel' grief Boon o',roam. bel', ebe eenlt 1n ',apur
jnd notb1ng ooUld maJI:. hoI' beart glad.
rbe lJIOd Lord of Mero, toolt plt, on ber
And told th, br1Dlt angels to oom
And talt. 11ttle Bel11e, the 4runltard'e Wlf"
To wber. Bh. IIl1ght heTe a br1sl1t home •
I hop, that I'll 1I.,t 11tU•••111, up th.r"
Wh.r, tr1end8 Will n.T.r part.
The Ool, 1neorlpUon I went on rq Willi
Ie the t~. ot a bl'Olte heart.
. ,
• , .
DIlY1d }lolt, -U-Idontl£
Lontlon nO.0149-17374.
'oderal I.rl tur.' Pro Jo Ot, D1a t.1.
WFA l'roJoot 3014, ~0~110, Ala.
, '
wlth the 4e.o1aUon ot at. ahphoDB, whloh .. the metropoU.
12IVIli ~ YlRAl!U,
\ ,
Prolll Plonellr tra41U ona oom..
, -
tho .to17 CI: 411'lno wrath deallDg
of thll
Spanlsh frOntl.or 1n A1a~lIDa and wa. the ierrltol'1al oapUol. A
ualou. proaober .0Ughi to hold a r01'11'l1J. there lIui tound that the o~,}.
hall 1&1'88 mough for sueil 'a gathor1ng waS th. _in .aloon. Th••n
hel f r ••pon.ll11e fOr much of th. lIown. 1..1.0.n... not onl¥ r.1l.l••4 to
le' h1IlI preach' th.rll lIut aoiGal17 rill hi.. OU of town. AI the proacher
len ,he .1n.fl11 oapltal he ihr.aien84 110 prq God to "'l'U Bi. wrath
upon thd IIIOd.rn OolllOrrah. Wlth .tartUng .u44eOJ,... the p1&oe wu 41••••
.4 b7 the ellmen" that ha4 mad. it pl'o.per. The oapl tal. lmd ofA oe & '~
and bU81n... hou••• wer. 1'811I01'84 en4 soai. gra••4 In It••ir••t •• Thi. ,
, ,
punlBllmon' for Bin 1114 unrep.nianoe WGII 11'14117 atil'1 buted to thl
preaoher'. prqer. 804 gr.at17 l2&8'gerate4. at. 6tllphona ooouple. a
• UmBlton. lIluff high eIIOTe ihe To_blsbel 1'11'11'. Mllllolll of toll. ot • •
.xoellon' mahl'1al for ,h• ..nufaotur. of
0011I111' .uppor' thl to1lJl,
whi dl hal .,.14811t17 repente4 and be en .a1'14 for th.rl 1. not a IIIOre
ord.r17 1'l11atre. aDJWhere... the pe.o. r.oord. of "Uhlngion oount7
will .how. Itll bI181110., .11l1 aJl4 proaperlt7 wlr. lI01'e4 to )lollU. wh.n
ihe Spaniar4 11''' expelle4 frO. that .hore.
An oppoaU. 1'1" 0 f 411'lne aOU on 11'111 be fOUnd In the shu44.l'1ng ,
oaks of Oahaba. Oahaba 11''' the tlnt oapUal of Alablllla &fhr It 11'''
adlllUhd io ih. UmOn••Ullated Oil ,he Alab.a 1111'11' eIloui 8111'111 _11••
trOll Selma.. (a.. B1I'G017).
Whil. flo04. 414 not deUr07 Oahaba. th., weI'. trequen' In th.
apring _4 at U •• the llgin.tor. foun4 1\ neo•••&l7 to tau to
boat. to a1'014 the' l'1.11111 waiBra. Th. lnhallitani. of Oahaba noUo.4
\hID Ua' 1Il1fon laah ~&"lI1oe .t ,he r11'1r to large poOTe of ...
Week an41 ng Ilaroh 26, 11137.
Dand nOlt,
ldentifloation 110.01411-17374.,
Jadarlll \'Iri ten' Pro Ja at. Dia t •••
quiTard as thollgh ln apprehlll1al01l. Within a ~a. h01U'a tha fiood .aten
• • 01lJA deeoen&. l1nUl Oahaba .as abandonad ~1a was oonaldared a 41Tlne
warning of approaoh1ng fioo48.
Materlal1at1o angineers declde4 to IIlake an InTllaUgat10n and 418-
oOTard a geologioal f&lI11; whloh pal'llliUad rialng Watera to flow baneath
the groTa, ~UlI aha.k1ng thelll md oana1ng the qu1Tarlng which bad ono••
and aUll la 8IIIong the ,lIp.raUUoa.•• aa.lsn.d to .a.pernat.a.ral Oan••••
Ballaf In the aa.parna\lIral i. OODDon _ong tho l'IU'al naUT•• and In
. the _l1er oOlllllwlH1a•• rha lIO.t f_oll. of Ut. ~o.t .tori.. oono.rn.
• •
the llken... of a I.gro. ljU1ch.d aora ~m balf a o.nta.17 a800 mi. w..
1I1])rl.on.d In gla••.lD ana Of Ut. Win40n of the Old OOllrtholll. at • •
th. I.gro. lla.rkhalhr. wa. lIa1ng takm to the Stah Prloon a\
1l0ntBOIIl817 after being .00nTiohd of ba.rnlng the ooa.rtholl.a of Pioken.
OollD\T. J. grollP of Oarrollton 01Uun•••0 the .to17 goaa. too.ll: BllrJr..
hal te~ awq fro. the po". and hanp4 hi. to a tr•• In a .w&IIP 4a.r~
a terrlfl0 tha.n4.ratorm. Befor. h. was .11:111 ... the IIOb asked the TioU.
If h. want.d to _a a Itd_nt. .
. -I .. innooant.- !Ie .ald. -and 1011 Will elwqa haT. rq faa. to hallDt
1011- •
• •
l1n4eterr.4 bl the prot.. tat1 on ot h. lias IWIlDg a.p and ~.
the rope U~hnel th.r. was • blin4ing flash of li~tn1ng.
I.xt IDOrnlng on. vt til a IIOb. baclt home in Oarrollton. pa...d. the
ooa.rtholl.. and. .all Blll'khalhr'. llan••• on a pen. of gl... in on. ot
the windows. An inT••UgaUon frOIl the 1Dai4e .how.4 the pana p.rf.otl1
olear. RoweYe•• In O••tain Ught. -.nT 'aw ih. lian... ot the .agro
. tro. the Ollt.U••, 'h. l1as' ••aa1ned lD plaoa•.aTe d1U'1llg • '.Tare
EllSIl1' 'u.Al!A)lA FOLXLORZ•
3TOIUI ~ III OR SIIJ.SHlfD AIoKlla~ IN RRY 1n the blll1cl1ng. 'or 66 .,e~
• Week IndinS Karch 26,,1937.
Da...1d Eolt,
Id.ntif1oat10D no.0149-17374
'.d.ra! wr1hr.' Pro Je ot, U.'.•. •
the nppoSe4 taoo ot Burkhalter has l ..ro4 40wn d the 1DhabUanU ot
J:anoUton. -
!!mIrstHione Illld OhlU'lllll ~
~h. 0100. oonbot'for generation. "1th the more prilll1t1.... I.gro In
Alabeme hOllas has gi".n the "hU•• perhap. more than their l18uBl .har. ot
.upereUUons. hOIl oh11dhoocl on _t ot them ha"o heard ot the ...anoll'.
signs and portlnt. and the m.thode ot oharm1ng a.lI1' ll1poo.41ng dang.r.
Adult••ooft publl017 a' auoh .upor.t1tlon., but' UDd.r the .urteo. thor.
are lIeDT.ho oannot .hake ott the Daning ot omm. th •., learno4 trOll
, In the rural ••0Uons the hoot ot an owl 1. IU portentuou. a. 1t .11»
.hen Homer sang ot 'ho.,. In tho 1Ilaok B.n .uoh hooUD8 1s .topped b.,
twi.ting the heel ot a .ho" or hanging a orook.d hairpln In the oh1m.7
ot an 011 lalllp. hld.., the th1rteenth, b1ll0k oat., und.r 1114d.r., ,
a .hlto horae end a 01"O....7.d wolle "18••4 at the ..... U .. - all of
the a_nor .up.ret1tloJlll are oollmon b.ll.f••
rho hOIll8 ••ather lI' oph.t .Ull read. the 818J1l1 of hi. fathars In
bark and lea..... and tho aoUona ot blrd. and an1aal., ....en though he Will
UUon oaro:tu.l1., to the ra410 tor the go....rnamt pr.41 oU OJlll a. to OOn-dlUons.
Pha••• ot the moon ar••Ull .atoh.d d planting Umo, U
••10. "hen Dn f1rU learn.4 that .41bl. .004. anA fruit. ooUlA b.
" .
• • •
, ,
th07 /
grt1fI•D./ •
- _. .
• •
Week an41ng Marob 26, 11137,
li,;:;;no FOLRI;On:c:. ,
I1avi d noH,
Identlfloatlon No.0149-17374
'odaral ~rltora' Projoot9 Diat.I.
Wl'j, Pr:o joot 3014, MObl10, lola.
Tho folkloro or tho Nogro In tho South la gonono, not spaclfio.
na hOllogendtT laoldDg ln the whlU aaUlera 18 found to an ..tonioh- /
lng dogree 8IIlong tho blaoD who wara broUght in .. Ilani from qnT ,/,,~I
..oUons of Afnoa. - - -
While tn bel praoti ooa and Oll.ltDlI8 hava 41aappeared wl th thlt ad.
vantagel of aduGation and envlronmant u:tend04 to the .ogro, thera ara
aUll traoes of tha anciont ballofa aJIOng the olUten end evm tha
70unger gmerat! on ln tha OOll.DtrT. ,
Dangen and oroalUoa rel!lembarod or handed dotln from dqaof
- -
.avagl'T, .1avorT or 1Ilpr1son!lle!lt hava lan IIIOra thllll a mere aoho of
pre hat II1d foar ln \hlllr lore whioh .-rm Ughhci &traete lllld a fuller
undoretendlDg of ndural law. havo not 7at a1'a41oah4. Theil' aupor-
.UUODll aro too flr-.l7rootad to ba wlpad o. b7 a few gaooraUoDll of
, •
book oduoa" on,
Tha foar of 40ath and tha om1nouo warn1ng& thd portan6 1'1 arrlval
aro .'111 foUbloWD in tha _allar oOllaun1tlo., whara tho lagro ratalu
C'l hi. naturelnaea to a larga astmt. !lbe oon~oh 1I8Jl, evan 1n tha olUa.,
1a not wilthout hi. powor.
, .
tot thia 1& ••14& not ahown to tha white, who .a • 01... 18 not
IIl1ttod to tho lnnar ..,aten ... ~he7 11111 conAda in a white frlend who
haa won oompleh oonfldenoa but not to Ana thaT merall mow b7 al ght.
n. o1ann1shna•• of the Wogro 1a unllro ken, •• anT hOQllaho14ar ..elt1ng •
• arYant who haG falled to appaar 1n tha morn1ng oen taaU:!)'.
W1th the '_t puUe .p,, 1nqulr1a. in tha nalghborhood of
tha .arYant'. houa .. to tha auot looation w111 lIr1ng blank faoea and
••halte ,Of the lieu, aoOGapan18' 117 m -I I1On't mo•• - YOll ma¥ be -~ha
) , • •
, •
• -21-
DnT14 HOU. .
Idlll1t1f1oaUon 1'0.0149-1737'
'ed.ral ~r1tera' proJeot.D1ot.l.
n A Pro J eot 301.. ~Obll.. Ala.
:Law... an4 thoue)l the person 70U se.k 1. not he14 1n ••p.01all;y high..
••taGIII. eh. 1. blaolt aD4 th.r.for. 1. to be prohoh4. ,
Tha' 1••1IIIp17 811 ..148 to 1l11l8trat. ,he Uff101llt7 of 1eam1n,
IDOl'. than the ••gro 18 1II1111nl to 'ell.
. . "\
Throu!#l tho JIllItl7 popUlar boom of Jo.l Chandler Barrl. the n.. .
of Unol. RlIIlll8 .n4 hi••'01'18. haT. b.OOIllll &8Boo1ah4 wUh Georgia. HOWeyer.
the .tor188 do no' b.long .01el;y to Georg1a. Alablllla 0II114r1l1
11BtCle4 eager17 to tho IIarTeloue p.rforlD&llo.e of Br.'.r RabbU an4 Bro';
lox long botor.Kr. Harrh 00lllp1led hie .tor18 ••
rhe7 w.r. to14 th.m d 'he m ••• of their blaolt ...1llIlI1.. a. th.7
.to04 before tl101t.r1nl fir ••• The7 haT••xola1lllo4 OT.r the ..tllten...
• •
of Br.'r Rabbl' 11114 'remble4 a' 'h. 4811ge1'8 that b..., hill Whell Br.'r
lox threat.ne4 to throw him 111 th. bralllble patoho IlIlD1 a blaolt rag 401~ -
hu be.n mown a. th. Tar Bab7. 4erlT.4 41r.otl7 froll that flllloua f1gar~
111 011. of Bro'r Rabbit '. me7 1mportan' .1l00Ullhr••
So it 18 wlth other Iltol'188 11014 b7 tho ••gro nur... throuBtl
gCl.ratioll8 to their oharge. froll the Ohio to the GIllf. Tho p.:r&OIl1f1oation
of th. gentler wi14 'h1I1lf& r.peate 1teelf agall and aaull In 1ohoJ
bl... Th.7 probab17 ori81nate4 wUh trieD417 1n41an8 whell thl8 OOU'"
w.. new.
:L... geDtl. wero 'h••'ori.& that w.r. whleper.A 110 the 014.1"
abllArll1 aga1Il8' tho order. of par.nte. who 1n 70uth ba4 '1"••184
• •
In A.l1010u& fear at "Raw H.aA lilA Blo047 Bon.....
That wu a 'figur. that w.. oonJure4 up 1n 48b11 117 'h. l_ginaU Oil
. It wu pnn the app.Uat1on anA tho a1ll4 of tho l1&ten.1' wu p.rm1'te4
• •
to 40th. 1""'. "aaw H.a4 an4 Blooq lOll.... w.. 01117 a thr'a' to 1oho
- .
Week ending MU'ch 26. 1937.
DaVld Holt,'
IdenUf1 oa~lon no.OI4:J-17374.
Red.ral trltero' Projeot D1Dt.2.
EOBaT ALAB/J.lA FOLXLO III Wl'A. l'roj.ot 30l4., l'.Obllo, Ala. I
slnner. The PIU'. in helU't had nothing 1lO f.U' from him, but 8117 r.f.r.n~
..p.ol&117 in the twilight, was 8111'. 1lO b1'1ng • d..p .oU'obing 1lO _ki' .ar. that tb. BOul wa. free fro••lD•
A. touohed upon 1n liHU'K ~OLXLORJI BIllst of th••up.reUU one of
the X.gro were handed on to th. whU•• throllgh thi. obildhood ••eo o1.UOIl
wi tb nura.. end pla7Jl4te••
Oon.teb 1I1lll.'
Th•. 8II0r.07 lIU1'1'oun41ng the conjeh _811 .xhnded even to 711' bb:oldlllg ~
it froll obildr.n. Ue Was IImU oned bllt detail. were laok1llg. TheT oontlllue
to be. •
Tal.. of what hu h.ppene4 to tho.. who wor. conjured &1'e oountl•••
U.uall7 the7 had the IOTe moUf. A IIlaIl lIOuld bll7 • oonjoh to got a riv~
• Ollt ~ tho w&1 or insplre bie b.lov.d with prop.r affeoUon for bi••
00nv8re.17, • je&1ou. WOIllllD woUld .eak the .11m1naU on of a 1'1"&1
tor swo.theal'i 01' hUBband. The 411'. happc1n8B th.t would follow on euah
• oonjur1Dg weI'. whUpered BOmeUJI\OS to • favorsd "obil.... It wouJA "e ..
.tor7 or gruesoll. phl'Bloal change. in the "10'111, 81lah •• t&111nS hail',
dropping heth and body. th.rin! betore took the t1.ne1 toll.
6'~" J. HowBTer, all conjuring ... not rahl nOl' d'angeroU8 exoept to the
pursee ot those who 8IIIp107.d the ••nlo.. of the oonjeh dootor. U. &1.87.
chars... end oharge. a. 1IU0h a. the tnffiO Will beU'• .lIld III
explBJ'l&tlon of failure ja done with .0 _oh oirou_teno. end oonT1no1ng
det&11 that the ollent rU'e17 fall. to "ell....e th.t it ... _uGh hi. 0_ .
, fault that the ch&l'll tdle cI •
• ,
'" Bior7 o.f a conj.h dootor'. power, .0 often repeated tha\ 1'11&7 h
Inolu4e4 •• fOlklor., 18 that of ,he anz1ou...aln who .oaght .14 in "
winning. reo&101 trlll\ .14en•
ne oonJeh _en prepared thl "., (UllU»' Of red flannel). filled. it
, ,
Dand FoU,
Identt floatl on I/o,0149-17374
j'ederBl ';1'1 terB I 1'1'0 Je ot, Din t.1
111'& 1'ro Jeot 3:>14, &lobUe, Ala.
ln AlBbBllla for t~ lIegro. There la the Snake BOla, & lIIIlall oaYarn ln the
1I0unta11111 ln the iorthwellhrn porU on of the State.
A lIocro bOy one day, IllllJ1T years ago ot indetlnite daU, 41sappeare4 ,
in tho vlo1nltt ot the oaVorn. A uarober tound hia bOdT JQBt lnnlde the ,
ez(}ranoe and Itooped to drag lt out, when thl body Ilowly withdre. lnto
the hole.
The man dre. bBak and peered ln, to I ee a 0011 ot an enorllOQB lnai:a
wrapped aboQt the body. Be tire4 tmd aa. the bullat bouno. harmleBI17
• •
trom the eoal.1 of the eerp811t. J'r1ghhn.d, he ned ~d bl'Oll~t other __
b.ra of the ..arohlng party, Wh.n they reQlrne4 thl "07 and the enai:l h ,
haa Uaappeartd n.,.er to "e I.ID again,
Rllth OmenB••
The ullual aup.rsUtionB that 'Ul'l'OUnd hath and .arnlngl of lt1
approaob are all, ourr811t .1th thl .egro, '0 th.88 h. hal add.d oertain
8111'. B1 gna 0 this 01111. One 1. that a bQrned .adUng dren meana trage47
tor both the "r1de cd SI'00m. •
" ,I II'' '
,/," .
TheT ott.r the .tory ot Kelhea B.ard mil Oolonel LOUs .lle,
both Jregro.e, a.•• Ke11l1a .... to IlIII.rry Oolonel and h.r ~whlte
folD- ha4 prov1ded hal' .1th a beautitul ••d41ng flOwn, The da;y betore t
the .eddlng, ahe JIl".II..4 the dr... II1d hQnlJ 1t b.for. the tire an ahe .~t "
abou other t ...b. A ooal poppe4 fl'OlI the tire 1114 before ahe oou14
.1op the r ..ulhnt blue, the 4re88 ... allDOot oOlllPletely duUoy.4.
lr1en4_ an4 ralaU,... b.gged lIeUua to 01111 ott the wed41l18.
the portent " .. too 1lnIII1l1takable. But ),Ielle_a 1114' Oolonal 1.Qe)1ed at
thelr tean anA ••1'. _mad at the appo1nhd tiM,
Sev.ral ohildrm ••re bom to th_, "llt all 41e4 f1'o. bonlbl'e
41 Th. fath.r euttere' aoute•• tor -.01 ,.ar., wbill
• - •
• DaYi d IJolt.
Idantilloatlon lIo.014.9-17374..
Federal ~.rl\orDI Pro~f)ot.L1Dt..2
.'PA ProJeot. 3011.. KObUe. Ala•
So tew Negroe. W111 perlllU a we4dlng draBS 10 b. an; Doar 1.41".
l:.T.:I anor d.ath has eo... ther. are c.rto.1n propri.tie. that lIlut
• b. obeerud 1n graTe 41ge;1ng and bur1al. according 10 N.sro lore. All
GraTae lIlu.t b. dug Ea.t 11I14 w••t 1114 the hYJad ot the corps. OOuld b.
t.o the 11..1.. Burled lIorth anll SOllth the bOd7 111 "cro.l1fll¥. ot the wor14"
end U 01l~t to tILC. 10 the Kaot '0 it w111 neli baT. to tarn around
When .. ilabr1 el blo.. the bOrn."
rh. deTll 111 no' .. r.l1gloll. 11711lbo1 ot 1T1l·1I1. th the !lesro. H.
. -
18 a p.rllon °t 411.'. power and hi. realm 1. abla•• 111I1 th IT.rlaeting :fire••
Blri. mow Jllst what it 1. 11b....lllIIl1•• hll their wblte chargell.
The rob1n. tor lnetana•• la. a r.d br.alIt beODl1118 ot hi. del17 ,ripe
to nell to t17 to qll8nch th$
hi. bou. Th. blll.Ja;r 11 not
tire. wlth 4rope ot water h. oarri•• ln
a 91417 bird. n. 1e a tamiliar °t th.
. .
4eT11 and .pond••v.r7 hld.., ,'th hi. to belp rebul14 the ar•••
Thi••l1per.tition 18 not the blaelk "lin I. alone. beoau.e 1ll8D7 a whit. [p" ....)
1'111 tell 701l that 7011 neT.r .••• U' a Jll7blrd on J'r1dll7.
'l'h. lncarnation ot tho 4eT11 Will be tllllDl in DJ:ll' of the 1P1ritll018
111I1 th wbloh tbe N.gro collltlln8 hilllllelt in t11118 ot .1.1'••' or •••
to uplift hi••mUon•• Tbe•• ap1rltllo1a -7 'N17 b. 0&11.4 tolk .onga
in tbat tbe7 .xpr... hl17 ne rao1al inhrpr.taUoll ot 'h. 48U7 en4
h1I p'eahU to.. Saten.
Thi. 18 llt.mplUl.d in the tollowlllg Tor.. ot
-De Ship Owln'ter Land U.· On :De Shor." I
The elp pln'\8r ~1Id 118 011 the ahor••
'l'h.r. w. Will 11T. foreT.' _rio
• I 4cn ' t like 014 aatan.
014 aakA cliO." 11. _ •
• •
.-. •
• Week e4illg »arab 26. 193.,.
!laY14 }lOU.
I olltlt1oatlon 110.0149-1.,374..
"ederal "l'ltor.' Projeot.Ue,.1
WPA Pro Jeot 3014. ;,;oblle. Ala.
Ite an4 Satan oanDO' agr".
liblh in tbe lIlain IIplr1t1lll1' are tol'lD81 in ClOnh1t. 'U1ore are ~
TarlaUons daring \hell' 'lnglng b, oongregatlonl 1n oburab... AnUphonala
are frequenU, enemporaneou. 1114 a••uoh UDtI:lnunatol, oanno' lie
rooor4e4. •
n.e 'e81'o eln88 nato.ral17,and .aal1,. Se .1nge a' worll: en4 d pl.,.
hequlIlt1, he juat 'lnga. The Ter8e ia uDUa117 forml... but there are ,
(- oenun 80nge of "ork 8114 pla, 'bat haTe boen dlgn1tled b7 .um long
• li.age that tbero 18 a gem.rei rou~ tona in wbioh tbe,v are pr..e"e4
end thUD b8O""9 worth;, of inolusion .. to1lalongll. ,
Ohi1drlll In tbe lUral 00 mmUD1tlll8. both b18011: ent white. li••
, .
".n.s 1n 21J1;vtmlO ohlll\ that ".1'. IUJl& .. Ollltu,17 &80 on the plantaUoDii
in S...OI that .how 11\\le Tarlat.1on•
. In bide 104 ..BIt 104 .1l1ilar p.'. ,be taTOri h 1IU'I11ns of "U·
1. tbe fOllOw1Jl, (llatrain:
Bu.llo1 el' wbed.
Buebl1 er r,~,
Dem'. II1n'\ JU4
J... holl.l' I :
• ll87-ree ~aok
Druse4 1n blaok.
SUT.r bu\\on.
All 40111 her bao);.
j, tanoe. now limite4 to l'Ul'el .eottoll8. wa. benne4 UlDng the whi'.
,outb a glll.raUoD ago beOl1ue i' 1Iaa tel, to 11. a lIOuClh barbario. U
18 known 11, 'b. oolortll1 title ot "Poe.UID-g,h-J,ah" an4 i. h110.4 1I,
ooup18. tae111& eaCh o'l1elO, taDOl~ lIaok 8114 forth wUk geUure. ant
Weok IIIldiDIJ lEarch 26. 1931.
-ev- Ip
I:aT1d liolt
Idontif1oatlon no.o14g-l131.
ladaro1 111'1 hra' l'roJaot.Liat.l.
po••• that a1; UIlO. sr.... BugSoUh.. .lI1 integral I*r\ ot \h. 4ano. 18
the rh,.o •
• •
• Put yoar hlll14 on YOlU' h••••
Lot your 1Il1n4 r;o fOrwart•
Bilek bnck. baok.
.AIl4 loole at the star.
Shinoll 80 . brightly.
llhinsB 80 IIril!1l 1017.
Tha' '0 thlt 1'088um-all-Lah.
1:h8 cillldrm tr.quellt17 to tbolr 01IJl rh1ll1no. aak1ng .uab .bU\1
I~ • •
Th. ~ri: BOllgll ....hieh .1'. 1'..11, ebeD\1 111 rb7\bIIIld. ill the r1a. aD'"
tall of • plot or tbo .hOTe and un ot • mOTel. pUDO\llau4"'1th
boft7 grante 1n ahoral. aro moro oll;tcpOraD801l1 111 ollar.oter the.n
• f1Z17 0 f the 012101' fOrml. •
J. oOllg of thlt 11ob11. 4oalt8 ....hioh 111 1ta 4q rival.d. the "00011JlDe"
~111g18. pr•••rv.t 117 Roark Bradford. ln hia ~••1••1pp1 1101'1•••
1••Ull. BUDg tbou.~ machine. haT. r.plao.d Dl.\ ot Ul. un power ~I
once upd 110 la!lor. no foUolllng 111 the ootloll .tOT.40H'. abll1'.
Oh. beT8 7011 eva,. b8 till 1n KoIlU. JIIlt
Boll ,hat oottol1 40'11I10
Boll111g ootlon tor • l'lO lla1' • dq•
Boll \he' ootton down.
. Oh•• ploasan' plao. 1. ),(ob11. 8&1.
Roll th.t ootton down.
Wb.r.....bite QIJl gall'. a n1sgar'. PfII.
Roll th.ll ootlon l'lO...n.
Th. UD.Ulled. laborer who d.1p with ploi:~. IbOT.l Ilal 1m
100..1011&1 Gan'o, wbioh 1. oo.,m 1n ton•••••1'
• •
• •
Week ond1ng lIaroh l!6. 1937.'
~ 1:-1
DaVid Holt.
XU"" U.1l oation lIo.0141l-l7sa.
lo'odero.l ' '~i tere' Pro .loll\. ,1I18t.8
".PA Pro "alit 3014,. 1Iobl1 o. 41e.
All de nlSfS8r'. 100Jdng tar
Ie tat med md BUndollllo ,
lhe Negro treats hll oooaBionnl depsrt.ure. trom tho pe.toh of
r1Bbtoolllneu l1ghtl;r. Onoe Alabflllla le..eel lU oonnot... laborers 1n
the lIl1nea an~ 1n thoaa dillS thera was allOrk aong that rani
Po1100 ho oauebt me.
Judge .61d 40 fino.
'no Olerk write it down,
I 'ao baCllt In 40 lIl1no. •
InterosUng 11i lU philoep}lhT. le the tollOwing TeNO bl Jill
Tho...... one t1l1e a1 aTo ot JlIII.. ioUleton. a )lobUo AlloUon..r notod
tor hia Tit •.
ROlllembor. Illu.or. III1ncl \h1a DOlI. tho .1n1lllnoe. at oln ,Ii
18 'plll41ng 'pOD tho .pll'it thd .0 go .. and 4088 U In. ../,-
And In a dptoous traM of 11I1114 .0'. !plng to llanoo 1D4 aa.
J,..toollng 11ko Xing DaT14 whe ~ out tho pigeon '4118.
£212ftS1 Vernaoulor~
rho 4161001;10 varlationa of the Nogro 'a lpaooh haTe 61WB¥8 been
oolorfUl In DOng anel IWr;r and he add. to 1'a qUalUhl 111 the IlIO at '
oonein WOrdD and pua"l that OOnTal an Impor' ,all tholr Cl'WD .. 1._
tho 0018 with 00118 J'renClh and Spatli& 141011I that lIro not e087 at
trenal atl on.
110 glooear;r 0 t the blaolt IIIlln 'e Ternaolllar h.. blon oompUod b008lUO ' .
80 lIIloh of it le purel;r looal it 111 41!f1C111\ ot oompllatlon. Howner.
, thero aro aON brll. whioh haTe .lU"TlTe4 tor 811l0ratl0D8. thoile)l thq
grow 1..1 treqllllDt liIIlong the ;roanger .egrOOI who al'O f1n41118 tho 1101'0
oonTentlonal Il.ago at the whit. tithel to tho1J' JIlI.el. With t~lr en-lar,.
4 Tooabul81'I...
Iho, aro a to.... olW8Pl•• ,
• •
Week ending I4l1rch 26. 11/37, Dav1d ,,01t,
ldent 1ft oati on no, Ol~9-l7a71.
lod8ral trlters' projeot,~1st,3.
WP4 Pro j~o~ 30140. )<oll11e• .ua.
XcI 7°8 8d II. 01' dO•• I .&$ ~el" (1)0 708 .llpp17 lIoard eIl4
10dg11lg Ql' JIlU lot glJl8t I.
Bv.rn U' w1n4 (J,:ov. rap14 11 ). •
~jo7 d. b.d (B. 111 ln bedl.
KaU po' IlOllf (0181 .. a eian of poTer'7 thai; dlI •• not .u.,).
1'1\1 no 1Il1J14 (lJ1eregard).
117 foU. (Th. WbU8S 117 Wboll 8IIlpl07ed or proUOhd}.
~1lR111;7 (On.'. folb are e1ll'qa qlle1U, u are other
~lt.8 who unders'and the•
l'ol'~le ('lhe oondltion of health. no ..aUar what tear", .
.0 long al not oon:t1necl to _eU.
1'1II1n.1 p14411Dg (To work a111ll8ll111l a111ll••• f.
1l1ere_ber (POI' get I•
• plUlll' .1e;l1' (QoOd to look a'tl III amus1116 person).
IIuo-ou.. IBow 414 U happen that, Or wh7 414 ,oa dO 10 IIld 10;)
I'rojlaken (l'roJeoUng. ll8an1D1f tool1Dg wUh).
Joree, ~obile Illla,. 11'0 1111")•.
Sll1lOn-fllh IOanned 1e1l8On and e1wq•••, 11l.,!Ie pllll'al a.
• 4el:l 81llOn-t1eh" ).
:Seaten..t I In4e1l1'ibeble. ueqllalledo)•.
20ratln (4dYertll. b7 wor4 ot 1lO1l\h)•
OhllJlJt (To hurl).
Other fol'1U \hat 1111gb' eollZld lIDnal to 1lDa.oollltollllld .an
haT. linn iooepteA •• a part of .Ter, 4111 lan@lla,. ln the Stat••0 tha,
to plok th_ oa' •• 141011. woaU be .1mOe' lape..l111. to 'U • .,.rage
Jue' .1 no II•• folk tal.. arl... tbe langaap 1. DO' _.lng
IDrlab•• to &117 "'••, aulD. _7 ,. llpe a 'b... _'.1'Il ,.,.. .all .
holt end1ng JoIarob 26, 1~a7.
Dav1d li01t,
. Iden tif1oation NO.0149-17374.
J'edernJ. V,r1tera' PraJuoi.,101s;,a.,
Vil'.l EraJon 3014. ),iaglle, .Ala.'
he hM booome an 1ntegral pe.r' of ,be genoral edlloaUonal IlIOvolllon'.
mrovloe¢ 'ork 80nll!!l.
Otmga of f1814 Or road hAn4•
prioon farlll Dr highW,,¥, O&llJ{ls IIOmeUIIlGll ue. 'he1l' 111lprov1s04 work Ilonga
all a lIlun. of 00D1llunloat1an ani tho; aro oftill ueoll u a moan. of
oomment ln rsgar4 to thob' boaBl., worldll8 oond1 1.1ons and ,be woathor•.
1l1ng1ng abou' 014 Hannah 81d hoI' .lownus on a hot Auguat anernoon,
'ho, 1Illl,1 be llll'l81tlng tho 101olll'ol1 I18Mor In whloh tho BUn .oto on
thoir UrOIlOIll8 labore, "he Dho IIOIIlGUIIIO. appearll to ItMel 111.111 1n \he
ho"en•• Hannah .1IIbol1&1ng \he aWl, .001111 to be qll1 te OOIll'P()n llIIlon6 tho..,
t.hOllgb. oach pr1110n 4oTolopll It. 01111 Tooablll817 for roforenoo to tho Ja.h,. j
tho warellln the ga.ardl anel other p&1ntu.l inUlIl&tol. Ih..e longs 10Il1O\1Il1O.
talto a hUlloroul tlll'n. oooal10nll11, 08ll11ng a geJ)g to broak into laught.r.
where d1 oipl1no ill no' too l'181d. I
SO/lle of tho guard. hiI'd tram olltllido tho pr!80nl obJeot to thl •
•1n@i1llJ on tho be1iof. no' altogothor lID:follDdod. that pr1&Onere are
IIlnging their plota to 011 oape , Or at 10aut, alr1ng ;tun of thdr bon...
e though llIO.t of thie IICllo41 oxpr"sol tho lIegro'. t1atlll'll 10TO for
rh;rthm. Often 'ho loa.48r .1ng. tho lIOrd. along &Del tho gang J01na In'''' tilt
.0.. rhrtlll10 rotrain. UJIIOll. to tho IItroJto Of tho piolt ell' other iapltJllont
• •
• til wb10h thq ar. worldng. OIlcih aa I
Oh~ del' gall don't love me
1.8.& del' use to 'Wlgh'~
Oh nol 'ungb' J Oh no'. 'WlSb' I
In 1IOIIlll' of tho IItatell. lnolu41ng J.lia81Uippl, oonvioU arll guard••
b7 ·'rlllltill. from 1Ill0ng tho prll1Onllr. of 'bill' own raoo. Th... prloona
onoouago II1nglng al 111 IPotU toN lIOrk•. 1l&Jt.. tho pl'1l1onor'l 111n4 off
ot hie troubloll and 81 Villi hill en outlot to got thlDga "Off his oholt"•
Tho parte aro pr••ll..11 \0 llo alll0 to llII48l'lIhn4 tho a1l11l1t1oanoe. it ~•
• • |
title |
Essay titled "Alabama Folklore." |
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Essay titled "Alabama Folklore." |
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ADAHwpa836 |
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1743797183046483968 |
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GSU# SG022775_00001-00030SG022775_00001_00030Essay titled "Alabama Folklore."Essay on Alabama folklore written for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.1937 circa1930-1939African Americans--Alabama--Folklore; Folklore--Alabama; Alabama Writers' Project; United States. Works Progress AdministrationTextDocumentsAlabama. Dept. of Archives and HistoryWorks Progress Administration filesSG022775Editorial Department papers.Alabama Dept. of Archives and History, 624 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130EnglishThis material may be protected under U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) which governs the making of photocopies or reproductions of copyrighted materials. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research. Though ADAH has physical ownership of the material in its collections, in some cases we may not own the copyright to the material. It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in our collections.96 dpi tiff•
J •.Awnrd .10.
Pot~or8on ~nr.on1.
DaTU uoU,
Ed! torial llepnrtm<nt •
~e oral ~rltor. lro~.ot Dlat.l.
WA Pro~oo' aOl~.
Identifioation J10.01~e-1737•..
ES$4,/.' A.r.t..BAJ.IA FOLJa,ORI':
Ra-wr ten ¥ o.)
Alabama haa not baen the hUlllllD 11181'1118 pot thet 1IlaI17 othllr
.tnt.. have b.en, Ua growth ot trall1 tion haa not boe 00101'.4 117 1;
th. b.lleta ot varle4 na'1onel1U... Onl1 thre. broad oln.eit1oatione
• th. lor.-ot thl whit. 1Il8Il • ••
- .
I :
I ~.~.'.
. ,
This .sea; attempts to pr..ent th. aouro. 8I1d growth of auah lor••
lIanlteatation. ot th1e mOWledp will lie a. atori.a, traditiOn-
al or 1n th. prooe.. ot b.OOll1ng 'riLll1t1on, ball&4a, 8Onse, auperati'1-
ona, OQatolll8 an4 b.U.ta.
Indian folklore la the alll08';, natin 11114••I1".
ii8elt 1n trad! t1 on. whioh 41aol08 •• 'th. poeUo charaotBr18U 0 of the .
rao. in ita approach h thl proD••••• ot ll,w.r•• Indian lor. pn.rall,.
aooollDta tor IlO8t geographi081 nOIllC1ll01atlU". of the atate. Wlth Onl;, \wo
\- •_.
• xo.pti OU, •.,.r'7 1'1.,.1' 1n the State has an Indi lID tWB••
At till88 1t 18 ll1poa.ibl. to I.parate the white and n.gro lor•
lnto ••parate 01&181 A oati ons, Thill 18 lb. to two 1Ila1n faoU J firat,
. both rao•• 1n the .arl, 4&78 of the state tao.d oOlLlllon obstaol.s ln the
oharlng of the laD4 end .UebU8hlng th. agriouliQr.81· 4;rDaI1;y that
rule" lIDtl1 oOlllparaU.,el;, 1'00111\ 78arl J ••00114, the o1ooe a.1I0 o! at! on
of the wMtn and blaoD ln old.r 4qs, 1114 .Ull oonUnulng to a large
• xtent. I'roll lDfen07 to a _~orU;' of the whitOI ••re JaIlr-
ture4 b,. lI.gro nur... who lnstill.4 ln th.. the feno! el, folU'1l end
tabl•• lnh.rit.d frolll Afrloan .ouro••• Thl white llIIIl'a r.1181on an"
part! ClQlarl7 hi. hlIIDlI 1llrn1l1h.4 \he b&l18 for the ••gro Iplri Wal.,
through _loll raoul the \hou"" .f blo04 laarU;l •• 1114 10•• Ip.ot.O- ,
~..q I ..u.ABA!!t J'OLXLORR
ular a8selIt lnto heaTIil.
DaT14 Holt.
Ident.1 fioaUon 110.01411-1737.
ZederD.l liri hre rroJoot Disll.S
Wi4 J!roJ~t aoU. loloblle, .ua•
, .
• ,
fIb11e the .trlohst lnhrpretation ot tol.kJ:ore lIl1e)l.t eliminate
. •
• 0000e ot the eXlIllPle. 01 hd, n8Tert.hel". they are ln41oatiT. of the
"learn1ng" ot ih. age ln whloh thl\V b.o..... ourrent. It; wUl be tolU1d thalt
the 1I08t trequent baoltgrOand for .\lab lID a tra41t10n will be that ot th•
tenan1l tarmer, the .hereoropper and the lDollDta1neer. fhe.. were th•
tne. who bpt legend allTe by word ot .outh•
In 41eoua.1ng th. tolklore ot Alab_a. a w1d••pn&4 .1milarity ot
legell4 end table. ohanS-d to ...1l the .nTlroDJllllDi ot tft be or 00llllllun1'"
IIU.t be oODsUered In ola1l11ng .peOlAo oWDerBblp ot.n, .t0l'1. HoweT.r•
ther. are uoept1on•• MOna th_ 1. th. WON "Alab_a."
fh. Stll.t, Bam
. Until r.o.n1l17 111 wu 8'8n.ral1, the wor4 "Alablllla" ba4 ' ,
4.riT.4 41reo'1, fro. ·411b..o,· whloh .. 00netl'U84 to _en " w.
r ..t," and wae siTC legend&l'1 oftsln u th••xol...t1on ot a hOIl8- ;
le.. ant wandering party of ln41ana on behol41ng the Alablllla riTer fro, . I .
KontgOllery blutf•• (ObJeotlon to 'he llDpl10atlon of 1..1n•••• or a ~#
- ~- .
• taUo oon41t1on. WU behind th. 1881.1aUTe aU.pi to ohange AlaMaa'.
.10san froll "H.r. we re.t· to 10_ phrae. 1.plJ1ng aoUon."
Kuoh oontroT81'8J hal raget aboa ih. prop.r 4.An1Uon of th.
In41 en word an4 o.rtun .aTantl agr••d tha1l 1lI:i prop.r ••aning 11
·fo open or olear a 1lhlo1t8\."
Internal warfar. ot a '1'1 be 1n th. 80uthW.., ct.d w1th a croup ot_
In41an...'Ung Oll\ to An4 n." hllDUng SJ'01lD4I an4 a pe1'll8D8Di hOM.
Eaoh n18h' the le&4,.r "oUld .e1l up a w.nd. Itrlppe4 of U. bark.
In ihe lDorD1ng 1:b. w.n4 wou14 be leaning 1lowart 1lhe 'Ortheull••0 tllt
wan4artl'8 woUlt uaUnu. thell' Joun.t.
Da.,ld 110110. -
Identlfloatlon Bo.Ol.Il-1'13'1.
'ederal Vlrltel'll' Pro Je 010.11101;.1.
WPA. l'roJeot 3OU. Jloblle. Al..
"'eelt enUng Jlarah 26. 1113'1.
Th1e went on 4&7 after dq. lIDt11 one mornlng the we4 wa. 41..
GOTereA to be .tand1ng llpri ght.
• ...Uballlo. J.UblllllO." orled the ah1eftll1n an4 h1a tollowel'll eoho'd
hi. 0%7' 30 "&llbamo" the1 IllUDed the lZd. u \hiill' .e' abo.. olearlq
the 'hlolte' tor a pel'lllanent Tillage. '
Batura! or 31lpernatlU'al IllIIDlte.ta1010na., are the b&&1. tOr 1I000"
ot the Indian legend. handed down thrOugh the 78&1'11.
The &Un. the .q. the weaUler.. nowel'll bloolll1ng be.U, a hllDUng .
101'&11. 1lhlh wahl' o..oading onr a ollft. olear poole where the reneo-'
1010n of the .q lent adlted 4epth. the.. were the .ouroe. froll whioh the
aboriB1D1 drew hi••torl.. , olothing 'h. wlth toroe or poet%7 .. the
oooa.lon fithd hi. aBOd. The 1I01d riTer, blaok In lta deep.r poole and
Ulte war pelnt lIblte ,where U l'Illlhe4 oyer boulder. anll tall', troll the
oOal-lade hi'll. to reaOh the Yall.,. ot the Coa.tal Pla1.n
wa. nlllled the Blaok .arri Q1", tor e~ple. Behind 1I01l 10 lIDllllual nOllenola-
tllJ'e ot .pote ot lntere.' In 'he Stah • ., lie tblUl4 .olle tradition tha'
• OO.e down trOll the ,~ ,,_ 'he trib.. ot Tultalua and hie torbeue
. .a", In Ilatllral oOOllnenoe., _It..tati onl ot a power b.70n4 thelr
lIDlter.tendlJl8 • ,
The ralaUon ot Indian tolltlore ot Uabama to that Of other ..OUOD
eTen lntrinB1ng lomawha' on the Qe~10 tall" talel. 18 tIll17 111..,rated
b7 ,he 11;01'1 of "The Laq 811pper,· a woodlan4 nowlr, Thl
l.gend of the flower "111 be tbllJlll In TarloQl t01'll1 In liTeral .tah.,
though non. 1I0re poeU 0 thll1 ,. J.labaJla 'Ural on,
lnd1an 01nder~
Ju' al 1't " .. the UD1 Sl". IUpp.r of 01nd.rella that lIade
Prinoe Chal'll1ng pUl'lIue her to ,he wretahe4 .1Ime, .14. wh.r. Ihe .a' la
Uh.I, '•• Ut •• 4a11l" of lapl11&, "wi'Ohla, adt. ot the
Davld IiOU, - I
Identifiolltion 110.0149-17374
Federal I,dtera I l'roJo ot, 1110 t.I.,
Wl'/. Pro Jeot 3014. LIOblle. Al... ,
Creek nati on, attraot a bard7 70ung brave Who found it. The 18 gaM
relahs that In all the trlbe CIt the Ore.lts there w.. no toot ao lIIIall
tha' 0 f PapUla, whoee tamo was wldespreaO. So he hastened to flnd her
an4 retl1m the 1lI0ooaeln. Ue ope upon her ln a ro-.nUo spot aM epeeO,
was hie woolng. ,1'ogether the, went to- her father. the chief, IllId his
oon..nt w.. obtuned readU,:fbr their ..rrlage,
, ,
In hal' happine.. at the torthoolll1ng wll441ng, Pap1l1a'. Un, teet , ,
har417 toUched the ground .. ehe ,went to the 'epe. of her tuture huabant,
but each daintT aarlt ... tillet b, a flower.
Illooouln, ,
J.n4 then. eo eq'the Oreelte, 414 the Lad, 811p~l'. one ot the 00_
1lI0noat of AlebaJDa'S flOwere. 00_ to lie born.
, Paoaho tna
, ,
A turth,or 11111.11traU on of thie duplloatlon ot 1eg1llld 1Illl7 be found
in the taotuel 1114 h18tor1oel stor, ot )[1117. dlll1sl1hr oJ! the halt- ,
, , '
br..t chiettain H1111aha4Jo, who otteret bel'selt a. a eaoriA oe to
" .ava a whlte oapUve ot bar tather'. tr1be. in thie aot, 111117 parallel.t,
the fllllloue Pooahont..-Oapt. John Sa1th etor, of the Y1rg1nia OolollT.
beolllle the 111 fe CIt III In41an brave,
lUll,. however. unlU:e Pooahontae, 414 no1l 1ll&1'r, a white man. but
, tI ,
,, II
Ohief H111ishallJo wa. the .on Qjf Dr. llav14 lrano1s••110 aetth4
in Alablllla in 1761 at ,he In41an tolll1 of Ahsi '.(Autausa) about 12 mile,
fro. the p'e..n1l oapital of )lontgo_17. There he ..m.d III Indlan girl
and H1111aha4Jo w.. his oni7 dilld. Th. b07 beope the area' Prophet'of
the,Or..ks when be arew to manhood 1114 _me4 a 481lsl1tor at the .UOJl.
JUs Aret ohilt ... a sirl. Kalee, mom to the whihs .. )lillT, , '
, - Jlur1ng
the A shtlng betwe'" the Oreelte 1114 tM .hihs under
OeDeral AIlAre. Jawon. B1ll1eha4Jo ..114 btl talllU, IIOvd h '0.1 toc
I)aTid Bolt,
Identi float1on 50.0149-17374.
"e"'eral nri ter.· ProJoot, Jl1ot.1
W2A Pro Joot 3014. ~Obllo, Al..
, '
on the Apalaohioola R1Ter. One 4aZ ~nol81 Kon-ll11on. a )'oQUa aeorgla
1II111UUUG etaUone4 a' lort Gad.den•••• oaptur.d b7 tbe InUan•• lie
.....nt8OO8d to e:nouUon end Ued to a tree.
Jol111)' pleaded .ith hor father to BaTe hi. Ufe. but he ordered the
exeouUon to p:rooee~. Jol1117 the tbJ'e. hereelt 'bet.een tbe .hite III81l anll
hie thre.tened .1qer•• ner braTer.. am plea41nge 11011 Kon-ll11On hie Ute
and he .a. ,pared to lie 801d to the Spanlard. at st.llara. nOrlda.
, llhort;l;v thereafter Alon-ll11on eeo'apt4.
On the death ot H111hhadJO. Jol1111 ... ln want &III. AloKrll11on
• ,
learned ot lt and oftered to IUJ'I7 bel'. Jl1117. teellng th&\ the offer • .,
, - '
baaed on pit)' rath.r thll1 afteetlon r.:&..d. and l&\er aarr1e4 a _bel'
ot the tribe. , ,
• ,
an \1DhaPP1 fah 1•
lIIore then nat10nal 1n aoope. Alab... '. prototTPe 18 the be111 t1 fill
:Legend. do .. no' taa auah 1471110,t.1ete In allot Ala.a'a
I Indian folklore. There are the 12 In41an aaidene and,the lIIourn1ng
.aTe8 of PorteraTille Jlq (Tour #'111, whoae aUloide to noape marrlapi
wlthout lOTe etriaa a'noh 1n harmon;v wlth BIU'opean fblk tale••
ne tragio lII61den who .unendere Ufe to aT014
AlaTelda who threw herealt 1nto the talla of the looallua to noape
tbe peroletent attenUone of a Oheroae Ohieftain••
The 1111aginatlTe tOd&7 01&111 that tbe Tlnon ot tbe be..Utiflll
Alanld.. _ .. be .e811 ln, the otU1 oleaJ' wahl' below the fal18. three
• ' I
1II11e. from g..doden (Tour
Water••h.ther ln tbe ....... We CIl' aOD .wlft tlOw1na .tre... 11
the ••tUng at III&ZI7 legen48 ln all 1mu. A bo"olll1e.. pOOl 1n Borth-
.' ••et Al..belD... near Ru..eUTll1•• 18 .appo.e4 to _rk the wrath at ,he
SOu at a OOllJloU .Uoh or4ere4 the teeth ot two _\hen. ,
Wnk ml2l. ng Joiarah 26, 11137.
• .Dl!l.rt 4 Holt,
1400t1f100t10n Bo.0149·l737••
Fea.ral l/r1tera' l'roJoot,14allll.
U", 1'l'9 J.ot :101... , Mabile. Al..
Blu. 1'on4, .1 tile pool. I.Teral aor.1 1n ClIxtlO t. 11 Julorm, 111
or.4lt04 111 th haTing b••n or.ah4 wbel a Ch.rob. tri b. or-der.d tho
.x.oution at the moth.rl end thtilr lntam lonl. who had b••n born
Ipotted aa leOpardl•
I..gend .tah. that th. moth.r. plao.d on a blaa1ng P11'. and
that .. the tlamaB 11ok.d round th_. tho .arth 7awn.d. 10 that P7r••
Ti OUIIIII and the enUr. tnb. 4ro pp.d lnw a 110"0111... pi'. Jato.
, .
rUBh.d 1n end Blu. land wal born. •
• ..
1I1ght7 h.r..a &1wl7a haT' thtilr oounhrpart. In tolklore. lien of
lI1e'lt who wreak Tangeanoe on tbe oraTen a&7 k found .1n ."er'¥ )l ngaap•
• 0 lt 11 norlDDl to hoar tho hl. at TeoWllleh. who IhlDp.d hiB toOt an"
a TUlap hundr.dl at 1111410 aWI7 orumbled to apllnt.n•
• .
T.oulDBth 01llD. to Alablllia In 1811 w p.nuad. the IIllDberB at tho
Cr••k nation to Join tho war aga1net tho whit... In no tom oollld
h. tind Tolunhor•• 'lnl1l7 h••toad hfor... ptMring at ohiot. ai
Tuokababoho. Town••oath ot Tul..... (Tou.r lio. 6' end laeh.d th. wUh
"YOIl b.oolD••quaw••"
oall Illwallg•• a R.ll TOC
th.· ..J••tio T.ouma.h In••r.d at th.m. "YOIl
(wlr tOllll' bllt tho bloOd at ,our h..
turned 110 water in 'Ollr Tune. 'l.onr.h go.1 to Detroit to ourT tho /
..BIIag. that tho cI1lofB ot tho Upp.r Cr••k. ar. Squawl pe.rading in war,' l
paint. Jlhan T.ouma.h r.aoh•• Detroit. he will .tamp hil tOOt end ,oar"J . -
hOIlOO. will tall. "h.n thlV' faU 'TOIl .7 ~llw TOOWllUh 111 w1th hie p.opl••
Bin, 417. an.r TooWlll.h gallOp.d "wl7 tho 0nl7 .artbquab ~n tho
hi.tor7 at thlo part ot th. Std. ooour••"" and tho aahim at tho Cr.ek
tOwn. were ....h.d t. p1oo... I.Il4 wh.r. ' .....h .tOod In llJaor. 'count,
• -
Dand lIoH
Ideotlfioatlon No.0149-l7374.'U1 ~rltero' ?roJoot,D1ot.e
II?'" ProJon 3014, loloblJa, .+.1a.
and IIl8de hlll pronounoomlll1 10 more tban a oentll17 and a quarter ago, there
le a huge rooll: wlth the plain P'ln\ ot a toot on lU aurtaoe. It 18
known aa TeowaSeh 'a tootprint •
The etQlllP Of a toot that rooked the worll1 IIl8¥ be fOund. aleo In the •
Arablan poeUo fantas, ot 101ae Xing ~olomon, wllll p dq oTOrheo.rd a
butterfl, bOOSting to hie Wifo that be ooUld. shue tbe earth. Solomon
lIII11ed. aa be heard the 111 te deand of the blltterfl7 that he put hb
boast lnto aotlon. 110 the legend re., end. .tapped lnto vlew. The
wlfel7 butterfl, wae :!1'1~tene4 lnto ll1111e41 ate fl1B1lt, but the _le
w.. \00 terrlfled to .on. • ,•
. In k1nd17 tonoe. Solomon wantod. to know just what the hl1eblll14 w..
goln.g to do whan the wlfe returned and 4empnd.d that h. Btart etllllP1ng
• ,
and. ehoJdDg the earth. The buttarfl, oonfeoeed that there Wfll nothlng
he oou14 do. So SolOmon asree4 to let hilll &hake the earth on oon41\1on
that neTer again woUl4 he Ilalte a boaet to hie wUe that he oou14n"
lIlake good.. The bargain was .eale4. tha Wif,e rettlrll840 ~he mad. her
d.emllIld. IlIlll the husban4 etapeli hi. \1117 foot and th. earth tremblad to
llB1nta1n Ilale allpremao,.
, '
, "hile there 18 no analosr In 1I0U"e, there 18 In .a.oui1on and
oomparabla glor1t1oaU on.
There 111 alWf078 a Mnge bewelll faot and 'fanCl¥ anil 110 w111 be toun4
1n .+.lab.a ln the nailing of Shad.. Valle7. where wb1h and _10 fot.
the nlllll1ng of a aeoU on.
..., a polnt on the anolant trail froll the A.l1b8lll0 Countr,. to the
AUenUo Seaboard w.. a region of tear. 'hite tr.der. *0 att_phd \0
oro.. thU ....11 Tall.., rllllted tIl.r 11v.,. 10 t1'1endl, In41ana Plante4
. '
• •
Week en41ng )laroh e6, 11137.
Bssq: lILAB";'J< FOLXLORll:
Da1'1 d !lolt,
, Identifioation 110.0149-1737"
rederllJ, \'/r! tel'S' l'ro~oot Diet,l.
~A l'roJoet 301", Mob1le, Ala. ,
Tradition rlour18hel beet 1n a ho.egeneoUB popll1at10n end requ1r..
oentur1e1l to produoe• .Alabama 1& laolcll both ror Hs .lJ1t e rolklorl.
IiII ear17 population .u not homogenoollS, \l/1 th ..ttlers at .14017 van an'
pro41leotione eegregaUng thelllllelves in di rferen', seoU ons or tho State.
The Latill8 who coloni.ed the Southern portion olung to old OUII,tODli. The
Hordios in the Northern part were too bUB;' hew1ng oui olvilisation and
then II8ttl1ng 1nto whd amounted to a oaUe I7lt- \hen the wilderne!!s
w.. oonquered,
, ,
ThUll there ,111 no lum her010 f1gure in the State nor in the South
ad 1'8111 Bun;yon, that great wOodsllan of the Horthwost. Ror 11 there an;y
widely mown phantOll luGh .. 'uhington Irving d88or1bed in the 1.lg.1I4
of 8leep7 HOllow.
'hite tra41tion 1n th. Stat. il largal7 aneodotal. In s.otlons,
8\111 unreo.onlltruoted, and there are a f.w, h.ro10 tal.. of the I'lar\the Stat.. are gronng 1nto folklore proportions. Along the
Ooast, ttsh.rmen and other followol'l of t1M lea tell brave tales ot
Jean Lallttl and hie p1rate band rovlng the reaohee of KObile Boy and
',landing at Ba;you 1.a Batrl (TOur 112), Ho••ver, those are so val!lu and ao ~
. 'looal 1n upeot th.7 _y not be folklor•• Th07 have not 7'"
..lum84 the 10t7 .tBtal that 111.11 hold th. tal. true to form through
- 11&117 tell1nga, vU'7ing aa 1t dO.. w1th th. oonoept ot the tell.r•
• ,
To attempt to oollate the va1'1ed tal.. of either the looal heroel
ot the Oonfedara07 or the plrates ot the GUlf WOUld bl impoll1 ble .
withln m7 limned .paol and WOUld provUI ln th. end 1101'. nl1ghbor-
hOOd tal.. that 40 nO' t1, ,be O1...UlO.\1on of nlnor••
- - ,
Weelt en41ng »aroh 26, li37.
Dand Itolt,
IdonUfloaUon 1/0.0149-17374
J'oderal r.rltor8' Pl'oJ"o1. Die1;.,
24 PJooJeot 0014, !lobUe, Al...
h!wus llrllW!daj
Legend 1& beoolll1ng mixed wUh toot in tho .torle. of two at the
Sta1;e'e more famou. br1gande,
John Hurrell, whoae soUT1tie. spread from the Hatche. Traoe 1n
)Uu1u1pp1 to the mountain tr&118 at Oarolina, len IMDT etor1.. behiD4
him. 111. renden01l8 10 4labllJla near tho 1nterseoUon at tho Selm..-
CarlowT111e highw&7" Jiurrell 11''' not a lone Walt, llI1d hie gang 1Iall a
Yar1e4 oolleoUon. AIIong it. mlllbar. were an nangel1Bt II1d a beallUtll1
811'1, repu1ledlT the d8llghhr Of the pareon, the Rnerend Sorrell•
Stor7 ha. it Ulat the preaoher .oUld &Beemble a orowd for a ODlllP
" .
meeUng at .0.... bush arbor, !rher8 he woUld exhor1; the hmpora17 oon-
• •
gregaUon the whole 4111 thrOUgh. !l111 be&l1 tUlll daughter would lead 1;h.
.1n81n/:f ot .p1r1tuall. In the meantime Murrell 1114 the gang woUld be at
work 1n the palltur.. 1114 among th8 alaY8 Bhedll ot the oongr.gat10n. ,
l'oward 1;he tnd 0 t the n1nehenUl Oen1;lll7 Rllbe Burrow. -.ho 41 t
lIlOet at hi. "orlt alone, II1d tal.. ot h1a. explo11;11 are g1'01IinS" ,
in the raral 00 1IIllun1101.. 1;0 h8ro i 0 proporti ana •
In the Southern oounUe. ot the I10ah IIl&7 be heard no.. tBlell ot th•
d&7 "hen Geronil:lO, taDlOue Apaohe chiet,' "a8 osp1;ure4 and brought 1;° •
•110ri4a, then relllOTe4 to ~oun1; Vernon Ala., tor imprisonment. Tho
014er generaU on remembere the te&re of hi. poesi blo esoape an4 "hd
might tollow in 1;he wa;v of _ ..aor•• !rOld W11;h 00101' and oirolllll8llano. to
their de.oen4ant8, U 1. not llnlU:el~ that in the not too d1stant tlltll1'e
• - Oeronimo 11'111 hay. beoo..e a blOOdthiret;y braTe whO .natolied 'oup' and
burne4 .ettlement. wh.n he ..... brought 1;0 J'lorida and Alabema •
• The 8xplo11;e ot Oenerol A.ndre.. Jaobon, oolortul enoue;h aB the,
are 1n hilltor" are be1ng pa1nied nlll IIOre s10",1ns1¥ '1n oorner .tore
r.oo118eUol18 bT 0148hra 1Ifho heal'd it trom th81r ll'anUathera and ,
• • -13De:..
14 Ho11; ,
Ident1f1oot10n no,0149-l737~
led.eral llr11lu'l' 21"ll Jeo", Dilt.!!•
The following Oriole Ohanlon d. 'amolU' wal )lo)llllar from earl, 'r.noll
elql 1n Ooloniel Kob11., unUl th. Cllole ot th. 8panJ,lh R~sl", TM
aooompllJl71ng tr.. tranlat1 on 1nto Jl:ng1.111h 11 11, lrllloOP LIld.ger. Jl1arta
51 -to 101 't 1t ZOIO
&t ~ol-mom. mo ,. f~Di1
M9 11'. tohoue t01 • bouaJ ,
• •
It thOll ••n a 11ttl. lI1rt.
And I 11'81'0 a lUU e gun, \
I woll1el Iho~ the•• bangJ
• Ab, oller biJoll
D' aooJou
. Ko l'a1ll1n TOua
,00•• ooahon alll1n la
h .. !l'ft,DBlaUon
lnto &g1.iBh a
• •
oth.r )lobU. oount;r 00llJlll1ll11U.1 oongenlal md nl1l11bo'1'8 •
• • Ab, 11ttl.
)lebo 81lll¥ J8w81 ,
. I lOT. th.... a U\\lI P1S lonl the mlldl
Dlloendantl of J.1'oa41l11. who dr1fhd to th. Ooaat
tollowing thl1r expllll10n b7 the Bd.Ulh froll thtr1r Oana41an hOIl••
found 1n the OrlOlel of Jlon LOUI Illand. lI8Ilph1n Illand. and 11T8ral
KaTing the I .... rl11sl 0111I training and blU.f, the 11IlI. 11881 0 IIJl1~age
and An41ng thelllBlI'Yu IIl1l1llDd.l'8tood. b, thai!' &1g1.11h-Ip.aldng nol sliborB,
..Uh wIloa th., had. 11ttll 41lpo81t1on to allolllati. thq fllllUill
1nhr-IlIarr1.d md. lnhrm1n61.4. not OnI7 ..ith the fi"lIIoh md 5p81111h fa: ~
tamll1e1 aboll1; )lobUI but 1110 ..Uh lIholl. of thl PaBoagollla. Baok BaT of
B110Xi .nd. Wolf RiT.r l.ttl.llItntl In Jl1.liI11ppl •.Thol. lIIIong the. who
mad. thl1r hOIll. on or near the b., Or Bound 1110811I••xpert Ba110rB of
lmall oraft ...hioh fumbhed ••anl of oollllDlln1oaUon b.t....n
. ,
IOaUarOd. faailill. who ".1" Tl.1\1t ,.ri041 01117 111 Odho110 Jl111110naril
• • •
1'10.k .nd1ng llaroh 26. 18a,.
DaT1 d Holt.
I ont1f1oot1on no.0149-l7374
Fo .rol' ProJoot,~Bt.~
USIl'f() 'rna S-A)(J lI.'WlS OJ' tRAVl-Qi. Ohurlil reoorda Of Il8rr1agva. baptia..
end buriala are praoUoal17 the Onl7 watton rooorda of theu poopl. ,
that r.lIlll1n, nor 41d the7 proBerv. IIIlloh ot their Msto17 1n IIl1rv1v1ng
s ong. llto~ or' tradit10n. Broad.ning UB' IIIlOng tho prellllll t end 1_.41ate17
prooeed1ng genorat1ona ot the phonograph. then the rad10 the
movies 1llI4 the schoole haa tautj1t the use of the oOllillon lanBUng. ot the
region, BO U1all OIllT a trao. of the OaJllI1-0r.ole d1aleot r.ul&1ns BIIIong t~•.•
the older people llI1d ..,111 theT appear 1I0ra aJU10Qa to lao. thb 11npal of ldent1lloaUon than to perpetuate it.
- (
"Ef TaU aee ~ oow 'eroa. 4e b&7oa. puah heell hOIll.".
'I'Ma t1Ploal 88nt.noe 1'111 oonTe1 SaM 1dea of their old fol'lll
of speech. The old-UII.ra ne.,ar ..n.d able to get the1r peraonal
pronoune atraight. fh'7 habUual17 111:1:.4 "JU.." and "ll.r". 101llBUIII..
, . lI'lth amaing r ..ulU.
I. folk aong whioh wee lUll lung "7 oout ahrll11pars of tho old
,oout fllllllha twentT 78ar& aoo
lIelllbers telle qf the adYlllIturel
One of Ua n.ereUi .,orlle81
, - - , ,
Jean ~ab.all. poor Grabellll. h. ateal rq 1I0d and aWa;f he "" I
the rain lM fall 1lI1' 4e w1n' ab. lI10w,
All' 4al waa 4e ent of 1'1lI1 Qrabeaa•
...._--- ,
J'lorian Beale uI.d '0 reoUe the lIarrat1T., r.oou.nUng the 4e..Yl
tro. Tellow .feYer of hi. little trim4 Ball.tte. as to14 b7 the Clhi14'.
grief I tri eken papa I
_at for I.. lion Din. h.t 111 ohUe
• All ..It IIh.'s 8lOther al8lOa' W11e
"14 lou ot ou lUt 41..' 10 aWe"
Wat tor a. I!I' 1114 'ak'...Ile".,
W.ok .ndlng March 26. 1937.
Idontlfloa1olon no.Ol.9-1737.
'edernl \'1'1101>1'11' 1'1'0 J0010. ll10 10••
W2A Pro Jeot DOl•• UObl1e. Ala.
Die wo1'1 18 beeg an "01'1'7 w14••
01. age lIhould a11l1130 have a lJl14••
Jlow wat I doT JlT trembl1n feet
1iaIt Ill. fall 401lJl w1 tout Babette•
"Ood'e will be 4one~ •. 4e good pd,.' .q
. .An toll Ill. on rq knee for praTo
:jIut prll3er lllk dat I Oell' 10 repeat-
. I .... to mob Dat ohile Babett.. .
All 81.: eo 011. eoon I eP for el.p
An l.av. no one baUn' for ",op
But then- I walk 4e sollien .trut•
U4 haPP1. .mUn!. plU'. Bahth•
• ,
I IIl1n h.r whlll I f!P to bed-l~
o more oon pat 4at curly heodflhm
morn1n 00.. no one to greet
Papa-none like /lat ohil' Babotte•
• ••••••••••••
• Th. lIOuntain folk Of Alabama are raolal brothe~ o.:t thoa. of
• •
T.nn...... Oarolina. GIOrgia. V1l'g1n1a 1114 Kmtuoq. The naUvoo of the
Applaoh1an. an4 the Blu. R14g••10. :tl'olll tbe .11II. eouro•• In thlll.l'
oft to14 1001 •• 8114 1101'. :tr.qull1t .ong. 11I&7 b. follD1 a .Wlarit7 nO\
4ue to aoo14en t. So. 10000 wlth thlll.r ca.toll. and thelr habit••
~h. oblU'lll 11884 by 1I14t11v.. an4 othere for ewpplng blo04 18 OOlllllon 141
moet. lf not all. of 1be.e .tde. 8114 baa long be.n ln u•• among
.t.lallllllla mountain.en. It ooll.l181oe merel7 of thrloe repeatlntr "Vlhlll1 I
polluted 1n thln. own blo04. I .al4 IUlto
Liv.a 7ea. I 8814 unto th•• *111 thOll
Baek1al 16a6.
pane4 b7 th ••• 1114 .a. the.
wben thou waet ln tb;r blOOCl.
Wa.t ln tbJ.blo04. Live.
In the 401efUl tenor of thtll' Kalo 8114 the graveyarl1 Uraln of
thtllr 17l'10. 1. to be follD1 a l1hra1'1 glooa that .prlng. :tl'oa
all1l1lere IIOral1\1 an' the ."rn Btrllggl. far .x1a teno•• Th. 8011811
.1th tile .1apl.....I1\1al. of Uf•• lon an4 )La'•• hlwpl' 1114 0014•
w••1t .n41116 )larch 1!6, 1937.
»aT1d nOlt,
Ident1f1oatlon No.0149-17374
'.d.rol »r1tere' Frojeot »1et••
I'll'. l'rojeot 3014, )LobUe, .u..
1laD7 of the 80 oalle4 h1llb1l1, eonge 80 tr.qumU, heard OTer \b.
ra410 ar. b...d on ballada \bat wer. unwrl tten tor gm.rati o~, 1I.1nc
A o.1ebrat8d ballad deale wi tb the eTerlaatill8 \b.... Of the un-happln,..
that U .. 1n a lllarnag. tor gold allOT. on,'a atation. ~r
lIaDT gm.ratione 1I0untain tollt of l1arth .uab8llla haTe 111118 of \be aa4 "
aUlta ot _,111,', cholo, 1n tbe follo.1118 Tere,al
Co., 11BteQ to ., • etol'1 I'll tell,
A. etol'1 eo e.d 1111. eo tN.,
1 ono. 11T.d and oourted • d,ar 11ttl. lirl,
Wboe, ".e w.r, eoft end dark blu.,
• •
I mow that eh. lond a,
'or eh. told ... eo the and prolll1e.d to be rq W1f,.
Bo. hBpp, 1 t made me to bear that dear girl
Agre. to l1T. w1tb a through 11te.
rbe time 1 eaw bel' Dh. ba4 teare 1n h,r .,••,
Smng, -JohnI17, Dl¥ promiee oao't eten4,
Fapa and lIl8IIla are both anerT w1th a,
rhe7 e., 1 met merr, a nch I!lllQ."
rbe nest time 1 Beard from LitUe .el11.,
Sbe hat gone 11101. _1'1'1.4 that ,ouns Ilr. Brown.
Be w.. Wiokod b~ w.alth" Of,ned hore.. end Jall41
Little Bel11. w.. 11T1116 1n town.
Ue eoon oePJl.d to lOT. b.r and ..ranlt all tbe 1;1..,
And bel' 11 t. was eo lone and eo II ad, .
Bel' grief Boon o',roam. bel', ebe eenlt 1n ',apur
jnd notb1ng ooUld maJI:. hoI' beart glad.
rbe lJIOd Lord of Mero, toolt plt, on ber
And told th, br1Dlt angels to oom
And talt. 11ttle Bel11e, the 4runltard'e Wlf"
To wber. Bh. IIl1ght heTe a br1sl1t home •
I hop, that I'll 1I.,t 11tU•••111, up th.r"
Wh.r, tr1end8 Will n.T.r part.
The Ool, 1neorlpUon I went on rq Willi
Ie the t~. ot a bl'Olte heart.
. ,
• , .
DIlY1d }lolt, -U-Idontl£
Lontlon nO.0149-17374.
'oderal I.rl tur.' Pro Jo Ot, D1a t.1.
WFA l'roJoot 3014, ~0~110, Ala.
, '
wlth the 4e.o1aUon ot at. ahphoDB, whloh .. the metropoU.
12IVIli ~ YlRAl!U,
\ ,
Prolll Plonellr tra41U ona oom..
, -
tho .to17 CI: 411'lno wrath deallDg
of thll
Spanlsh frOntl.or 1n A1a~lIDa and wa. the ierrltol'1al oapUol. A
ualou. proaober .0Ughi to hold a r01'11'l1J. there lIui tound that the o~,}.
hall 1&1'88 mough for sueil 'a gathor1ng waS th. _in .aloon. Th••n
hel f r ••pon.ll11e fOr much of th. lIown. 1..1.0.n... not onl¥ r.1l.l••4 to
le' h1IlI preach' th.rll lIut aoiGal17 rill hi.. OU of town. AI the proacher
len ,he .1n.fl11 oapltal he ihr.aien84 110 prq God to "'l'U Bi. wrath
upon thd IIIOd.rn OolllOrrah. Wlth .tartUng .u44eOJ,... the p1&oe wu 41••••
.4 b7 the ellmen" that ha4 mad. it pl'o.per. The oapl tal. lmd ofA oe & '~
and bU81n... hou••• wer. 1'811I01'84 en4 soai. gra••4 In It••ir••t •• Thi. ,
, ,
punlBllmon' for Bin 1114 unrep.nianoe WGII 11'14117 atil'1 buted to thl
preaoher'. prqer. 804 gr.at17 l2&8'gerate4. at. 6tllphona ooouple. a
• UmBlton. lIluff high eIIOTe ihe To_blsbel 1'11'11'. Mllllolll of toll. ot • •
.xoellon' mahl'1al for ,h• ..nufaotur. of
0011I111' .uppor' thl to1lJl,
whi dl hal .,.14811t17 repente4 and be en .a1'14 for th.rl 1. not a IIIOre
ord.r17 1'l11atre. aDJWhere... the pe.o. r.oord. of "Uhlngion oount7
will .how. Itll bI181110., .11l1 aJl4 proaperlt7 wlr. lI01'e4 to )lollU. wh.n
ihe Spaniar4 11''' expelle4 frO. that .hore.
An oppoaU. 1'1" 0 f 411'lne aOU on 11'111 be fOUnd In the shu44.l'1ng ,
oaks of Oahaba. Oahaba 11''' the tlnt oapUal of Alablllla &fhr It 11'''
adlllUhd io ih. UmOn••Ullated Oil ,he Alab.a 1111'11' eIloui 8111'111 _11••
trOll Selma.. (a.. B1I'G017).
Whil. flo04. 414 not deUr07 Oahaba. th., weI'. trequen' In th.
apring _4 at U •• the llgin.tor. foun4 1\ neo•••&l7 to tau to
boat. to a1'014 the' l'1.11111 waiBra. Th. lnhallitani. of Oahaba noUo.4
\hID Ua' 1Il1fon laah ~&"lI1oe .t ,he r11'1r to large poOTe of ...
Week an41 ng Ilaroh 26, 11137.
Dand nOlt,
ldentifloation 110.01411-17374.,
Jadarlll \'Iri ten' Pro Ja at. Dia t •••
quiTard as thollgh ln apprehlll1al01l. Within a ~a. h01U'a tha fiood .aten
• • 01lJA deeoen&. l1nUl Oahaba .as abandonad ~1a was oonaldared a 41Tlne
warning of approaoh1ng fioo48.
Materlal1at1o angineers declde4 to IIlake an InTllaUgat10n and 418-
oOTard a geologioal f&lI11; whloh pal'llliUad rialng Watera to flow baneath
the groTa, ~UlI aha.k1ng thelll md oana1ng the qu1Tarlng which bad ono••
and aUll la 8IIIong the ,lIp.raUUoa.•• aa.lsn.d to .a.pernat.a.ral Oan••••
Ballaf In the aa.parna\lIral i. OODDon _ong tho l'IU'al naUT•• and In
. the _l1er oOlllllwlH1a•• rha lIO.t f_oll. of Ut. ~o.t .tori.. oono.rn.
• •
the llken... of a I.gro. ljU1ch.d aora ~m balf a o.nta.17 a800 mi. w..
1I1])rl.on.d In gla••.lD ana Of Ut. Win40n of the Old OOllrtholll. at • •
th. I.gro. lla.rkhalhr. wa. lIa1ng takm to the Stah Prloon a\
1l0ntBOIIl817 after being .00nTiohd of ba.rnlng the ooa.rtholl.a of Pioken.
OollD\T. J. grollP of Oarrollton 01Uun•••0 the .to17 goaa. too.ll: BllrJr..
hal te~ awq fro. the po". and hanp4 hi. to a tr•• In a .w&IIP 4a.r~
a terrlfl0 tha.n4.ratorm. Befor. h. was .11:111 ... the IIOb asked the TioU.
If h. want.d to _a a Itd_nt. .
. -I .. innooant.- !Ie .ald. -and 1011 Will elwqa haT. rq faa. to hallDt
1011- •
• •
l1n4eterr.4 bl the prot.. tat1 on ot h. lias IWIlDg a.p and ~.
the rope U~hnel th.r. was • blin4ing flash of li~tn1ng.
I.xt IDOrnlng on. vt til a IIOb. baclt home in Oarrollton. pa...d. the
ooa.rtholl.. and. .all Blll'khalhr'. llan••• on a pen. of gl... in on. ot
the windows. An inT••UgaUon frOIl the 1Dai4e .how.4 the pana p.rf.otl1
olear. RoweYe•• In O••tain Ught. -.nT 'aw ih. lian... ot the .agro
. tro. the Ollt.U••, 'h. l1as' ••aa1ned lD plaoa•.aTe d1U'1llg • '.Tare
EllSIl1' 'u.Al!A)lA FOLXLORZ•
3TOIUI ~ III OR SIIJ.SHlfD AIoKlla~ IN RRY 1n the blll1cl1ng. 'or 66 .,e~
• Week IndinS Karch 26,,1937.
Da...1d Eolt,
Id.ntif1oat10D no.0149-17374
'.d.ra! wr1hr.' Pro Je ot, U.'.•. •
the nppoSe4 taoo ot Burkhalter has l ..ro4 40wn d the 1DhabUanU ot
J:anoUton. -
!!mIrstHione Illld OhlU'lllll ~
~h. 0100. oonbot'for generation. "1th the more prilll1t1.... I.gro In
Alabeme hOllas has gi".n the "hU•• perhap. more than their l18uBl .har. ot
.upereUUons. hOIl oh11dhoocl on _t ot them ha"o heard ot the ...anoll'.
signs and portlnt. and the m.thode ot oharm1ng a.lI1' ll1poo.41ng dang.r.
Adult••ooft publl017 a' auoh .upor.t1tlon., but' UDd.r the .urteo. thor.
are lIeDT.ho oannot .hake ott the Daning ot omm. th •., learno4 trOll
, In the rural ••0Uons the hoot ot an owl 1. IU portentuou. a. 1t .11»
.hen Homer sang ot 'ho.,. In tho 1Ilaok B.n .uoh hooUD8 1s .topped b.,
twi.ting the heel ot a .ho" or hanging a orook.d hairpln In the oh1m.7
ot an 011 lalllp. hld.., the th1rteenth, b1ll0k oat., und.r 1114d.r., ,
a .hlto horae end a 01"O....7.d wolle "18••4 at the ..... U .. - all of
the a_nor .up.ret1tloJlll are oollmon b.ll.f••
rho hOIll8 ••ather lI' oph.t .Ull read. the 818J1l1 of hi. fathars In
bark and lea..... and tho aoUona ot blrd. and an1aal., ....en though he Will
UUon oaro:tu.l1., to the ra410 tor the go....rnamt pr.41 oU OJlll a. to OOn-dlUons.
Pha••• ot the moon ar••Ull .atoh.d d planting Umo, U
••10. "hen Dn f1rU learn.4 that .41bl. .004. anA fruit. ooUlA b.
" .
• • •
, ,
th07 /
grt1fI•D./ •
- _. .
• •
Week an41ng Marob 26, 11137,
li,;:;;no FOLRI;On:c:. ,
I1avi d noH,
Identlfloatlon No.0149-17374
'odaral ~rltora' Projoot9 Diat.I.
Wl'j, Pr:o joot 3014, MObl10, lola.
Tho folkloro or tho Nogro In tho South la gonono, not spaclfio.
na hOllogendtT laoldDg ln the whlU aaUlera 18 found to an ..tonioh- /
lng dogree 8IIlong tho blaoD who wara broUght in .. Ilani from qnT ,/,,~I
..oUons of Afnoa. - - -
While tn bel praoti ooa and Oll.ltDlI8 hava 41aappeared wl th thlt ad.
vantagel of aduGation and envlronmant u:tend04 to the .ogro, thera ara
aUll traoes of tha anciont ballofa aJIOng the olUten end evm tha
70unger gmerat! on ln tha OOll.DtrT. ,
Dangen and oroalUoa rel!lembarod or handed dotln from dqaof
- -
.avagl'T, .1avorT or 1Ilpr1son!lle!lt hava lan IIIOra thllll a mere aoho of
pre hat II1d foar ln \hlllr lore whioh .-rm Ughhci &traete lllld a fuller
undoretendlDg of ndural law. havo not 7at a1'a41oah4. Theil' aupor-
.UUODll aro too flr-.l7rootad to ba wlpad o. b7 a few gaooraUoDll of
, •
book oduoa" on,
Tha foar of 40ath and tha om1nouo warn1ng& thd portan6 1'1 arrlval
aro .'111 foUbloWD in tha _allar oOllaun1tlo., whara tho lagro ratalu
C'l hi. naturelnaea to a larga astmt. !lbe oon~oh 1I8Jl, evan 1n tha olUa.,
1a not wilthout hi. powor.
, .
tot thia 1& ••14& not ahown to tha white, who .a • 01... 18 not
IIl1ttod to tho lnnar ..,aten ... ~he7 11111 conAda in a white frlend who
haa won oompleh oonfldenoa but not to Ana thaT merall mow b7 al ght.
n. o1ann1shna•• of the Wogro 1a unllro ken, •• anT hOQllaho14ar ..elt1ng •
• arYant who haG falled to appaar 1n tha morn1ng oen taaU:!)'.
W1th the '_t puUe .p,, 1nqulr1a. in tha nalghborhood of
tha .arYant'. houa .. to tha auot looation w111 lIr1ng blank faoea and
••halte ,Of the lieu, aoOGapan18' 117 m -I I1On't mo•• - YOll ma¥ be -~ha
) , • •
, •
• -21-
DnT14 HOU. .
Idlll1t1f1oaUon 1'0.0149-1737'
'ed.ral ~r1tera' proJeot.D1ot.l.
n A Pro J eot 301.. ~Obll.. Ala.
:Law... an4 thoue)l the person 70U se.k 1. not he14 1n ••p.01all;y high..
••taGIII. eh. 1. blaolt aD4 th.r.for. 1. to be prohoh4. ,
Tha' 1••1IIIp17 811 ..148 to 1l11l8trat. ,he Uff101llt7 of 1eam1n,
IDOl'. than the ••gro 18 1II1111nl to 'ell.
. . "\
Throu!#l tho JIllItl7 popUlar boom of Jo.l Chandler Barrl. the n.. .
of Unol. RlIIlll8 .n4 hi••'01'18. haT. b.OOIllll &8Boo1ah4 wUh Georgia. HOWeyer.
the .tor188 do no' b.long .01el;y to Georg1a. Alablllla 0II114r1l1
11BtCle4 eager17 to tho IIarTeloue p.rforlD&llo.e of Br.'.r RabbU an4 Bro';
lox long botor.Kr. Harrh 00lllp1led hie .tor18 ••
rhe7 w.r. to14 th.m d 'he m ••• of their blaolt ...1llIlI1.. a. th.7
.to04 before tl101t.r1nl fir ••• The7 haT••xola1lllo4 OT.r the ..tllten...
• •
of Br.'r Rabbl' 11114 'remble4 a' 'h. 4811ge1'8 that b..., hill Whell Br.'r
lox threat.ne4 to throw him 111 th. bralllble patoho IlIlD1 a blaolt rag 401~ -
hu be.n mown a. th. Tar Bab7. 4erlT.4 41r.otl7 froll that flllloua f1gar~
111 011. of Bro'r Rabbit '. me7 1mportan' .1l00Ullhr••
So it 18 wlth other Iltol'188 11014 b7 tho ••gro nur... throuBtl
gCl.ratioll8 to their oharge. froll the Ohio to the GIllf. Tho p.:r&OIl1f1oation
of th. gentler wi14 'h1I1lf& r.peate 1teelf agall and aaull In 1ohoJ
bl... Th.7 probab17 ori81nate4 wUh trieD417 1n41an8 whell thl8 OOU'"
w.. new.
:L... geDtl. wero 'h••'ori.& that w.r. whleper.A 110 the 014.1"
abllArll1 aga1Il8' tho order. of par.nte. who 1n 70uth ba4 '1"••184
• •
In A.l1010u& fear at "Raw H.aA lilA Blo047 Bon.....
That wu a 'figur. that w.. oonJure4 up 1n 48b11 117 'h. l_ginaU Oil
. It wu pnn the app.Uat1on anA tho a1ll4 of tho l1&ten.1' wu p.rm1'te4
• •
to 40th. 1""'. "aaw H.a4 an4 Blooq lOll.... w.. 01117 a thr'a' to 1oho
- .
Week ending MU'ch 26. 1937.
DaVld Holt,'
IdenUf1 oa~lon no.OI4:J-17374.
Red.ral trltero' Projeot D1Dt.2.
EOBaT ALAB/J.lA FOLXLO III Wl'A. l'roj.ot 30l4., l'.Obllo, Ala. I
slnner. The PIU'. in helU't had nothing 1lO f.U' from him, but 8117 r.f.r.n~
..p.ol&117 in the twilight, was 8111'. 1lO b1'1ng • d..p .oU'obing 1lO _ki' .ar. that tb. BOul wa. free fro••lD•
A. touohed upon 1n liHU'K ~OLXLORJI BIllst of th••up.reUU one of
the X.gro were handed on to th. whU•• throllgh thi. obildhood ••eo o1.UOIl
wi tb nura.. end pla7Jl4te••
Oon.teb 1I1lll.'
Th•. 8II0r.07 lIU1'1'oun41ng the conjeh _811 .xhnded even to 711' bb:oldlllg ~
it froll obildr.n. Ue Was IImU oned bllt detail. were laok1llg. TheT oontlllue
to be. •
Tal.. of what hu h.ppene4 to tho.. who wor. conjured &1'e oountl•••
U.uall7 the7 had the IOTe moUf. A IIlaIl lIOuld bll7 • oonjoh to got a riv~
• Ollt ~ tho w&1 or insplre bie b.lov.d with prop.r affeoUon for bi••
00nv8re.17, • je&1ou. WOIllllD woUld .eak the .11m1naU on of a 1'1"&1
tor swo.theal'i 01' hUBband. The 411'. happc1n8B th.t would follow on euah
• oonjur1Dg weI'. whUpered BOmeUJI\OS to • favorsd "obil.... It wouJA "e ..
.tor7 or gruesoll. phl'Bloal change. in the "10'111, 81lah •• t&111nS hail',
dropping heth and body. th.rin! betore took the t1.ne1 toll.
6'~" J. HowBTer, all conjuring ... not rahl nOl' d'angeroU8 exoept to the
pursee ot those who 8IIIp107.d the ••nlo.. of the oonjeh dootor. U. &1.87.
chars... end oharge. a. 1IU0h a. the tnffiO Will beU'• .lIld III
explBJ'l&tlon of failure ja done with .0 _oh oirou_teno. end oonT1no1ng
det&11 that the ollent rU'e17 fall. to "ell....e th.t it ... _uGh hi. 0_ .
, fault that the ch&l'll tdle cI •
• ,
'" Bior7 o.f a conj.h dootor'. power, .0 often repeated tha\ 1'11&7 h
Inolu4e4 •• fOlklor., 18 that of ,he anz1ou...aln who .oaght .14 in "
winning. reo&101 trlll\ .14en•
ne oonJeh _en prepared thl "., (UllU»' Of red flannel). filled. it
, ,
Dand FoU,
Identt floatl on I/o,0149-17374
j'ederBl ';1'1 terB I 1'1'0 Je ot, Din t.1
111'& 1'ro Jeot 3:>14, &lobUe, Ala.
ln AlBbBllla for t~ lIegro. There la the Snake BOla, & lIIIlall oaYarn ln the
1I0unta11111 ln the iorthwellhrn porU on of the State.
A lIocro bOy one day, IllllJ1T years ago ot indetlnite daU, 41sappeare4 ,
in tho vlo1nltt ot the oaVorn. A uarober tound hia bOdT JQBt lnnlde the ,
ez(}ranoe and Itooped to drag lt out, when thl body Ilowly withdre. lnto
the hole.
The man dre. bBak and peered ln, to I ee a 0011 ot an enorllOQB lnai:a
wrapped aboQt the body. Be tire4 tmd aa. the bullat bouno. harmleBI17
• •
trom the eoal.1 of the eerp811t. J'r1ghhn.d, he ned ~d bl'Oll~t other __
b.ra of the ..arohlng party, Wh.n they reQlrne4 thl "07 and the enai:l h ,
haa Uaappeartd n.,.er to "e I.ID again,
Rllth OmenB••
The ullual aup.rsUtionB that 'Ul'l'OUnd hath and .arnlngl of lt1
approaob are all, ourr811t .1th thl .egro, '0 th.88 h. hal add.d oertain
8111'. B1 gna 0 this 01111. One 1. that a bQrned .adUng dren meana trage47
tor both the "r1de cd SI'00m. •
" ,I II'' '
,/," .
TheT ott.r the .tory ot Kelhea B.ard mil Oolonel LOUs .lle,
both Jregro.e, a.•• Ke11l1a .... to IlIII.rry Oolonel and h.r ~whlte
folD- ha4 prov1ded hal' .1th a beautitul ••d41ng flOwn, The da;y betore t
the .eddlng, ahe JIl".II..4 the dr... II1d hQnlJ 1t b.for. the tire an ahe .~t "
abou other t ...b. A ooal poppe4 fl'OlI the tire 1114 before ahe oou14
.1op the r ..ulhnt blue, the 4re88 ... allDOot oOlllPletely duUoy.4.
lr1en4_ an4 ralaU,... b.gged lIeUua to 01111 ott the wed41l18.
the portent " .. too 1lnIII1l1takable. But ),Ielle_a 1114' Oolonal 1.Qe)1ed at
thelr tean anA ••1'. _mad at the appo1nhd tiM,
Sev.ral ohildrm ••re bom to th_, "llt all 41e4 f1'o. bonlbl'e
41 Th. fath.r euttere' aoute•• tor -.01 ,.ar., wbill
• - •
• DaYi d IJolt.
Idantilloatlon lIo.014.9-17374..
Federal ~.rl\orDI Pro~f)ot.L1Dt..2
.'PA ProJeot. 3011.. KObUe. Ala•
So tew Negroe. W111 perlllU a we4dlng draBS 10 b. an; Doar 1.41".
l:.T.:I anor d.ath has eo... ther. are c.rto.1n propri.tie. that lIlut
• b. obeerud 1n graTe 41ge;1ng and bur1al. according 10 N.sro lore. All
GraTae lIlu.t b. dug Ea.t 11I14 w••t 1114 the hYJad ot the corps. OOuld b.
t.o the 11..1.. Burled lIorth anll SOllth the bOd7 111 "cro.l1fll¥. ot the wor14"
end U 01l~t to tILC. 10 the Kaot '0 it w111 neli baT. to tarn around
When .. ilabr1 el blo.. the bOrn."
rh. deTll 111 no' .. r.l1gloll. 11711lbo1 ot 1T1l·1I1. th the !lesro. H.
. -
18 a p.rllon °t 411.'. power and hi. realm 1. abla•• 111I1 th IT.rlaeting :fire••
Blri. mow Jllst what it 1. 11b....lllIIl1•• hll their wblte chargell.
The rob1n. tor lnetana•• la. a r.d br.alIt beODl1118 ot hi. del17 ,ripe
to nell to t17 to qll8nch th$
hi. bou. Th. blll.Ja;r 11 not
tire. wlth 4rope ot water h. oarri•• ln
a 91417 bird. n. 1e a tamiliar °t th.
. .
4eT11 and .pond••v.r7 hld.., ,'th hi. to belp rebul14 the ar•••
Thi••l1per.tition 18 not the blaelk "lin I. alone. beoau.e 1ll8D7 a whit. [p" ....)
1'111 tell 701l that 7011 neT.r .••• U' a Jll7blrd on J'r1dll7.
'l'h. lncarnation ot tho 4eT11 Will be tllllDl in DJ:ll' of the 1P1ritll018
111I1 th wbloh tbe N.gro collltlln8 hilllllelt in t11118 ot .1.1'••' or •••
to uplift hi••mUon•• Tbe•• ap1rltllo1a -7 'N17 b. 0&11.4 tolk .onga
in tbat tbe7 .xpr... hl17 ne rao1al inhrpr.taUoll ot 'h. 48U7 en4
h1I p'eahU to.. Saten.
Thi. 18 llt.mplUl.d in the tollowlllg Tor.. ot
-De Ship Owln'ter Land U.· On :De Shor." I
The elp pln'\8r ~1Id 118 011 the ahor••
'l'h.r. w. Will 11T. foreT.' _rio
• I 4cn ' t like 014 aatan.
014 aakA cliO." 11. _ •
• •
.-. •
• Week e4illg »arab 26. 193.,.
!laY14 }lOU.
I olltlt1oatlon 110.0149-1.,374..
"ederal "l'ltor.' Projeot.Ue,.1
WPA Pro Jeot 3014. ;,;oblle. Ala.
Ite an4 Satan oanDO' agr".
liblh in tbe lIlain IIplr1t1lll1' are tol'lD81 in ClOnh1t. 'U1ore are ~
TarlaUons daring \hell' 'lnglng b, oongregatlonl 1n oburab... AnUphonala
are frequenU, enemporaneou. 1114 a••uoh UDtI:lnunatol, oanno' lie
rooor4e4. •
n.e 'e81'o eln88 nato.ral17,and .aal1,. Se .1nge a' worll: en4 d pl.,.
hequlIlt1, he juat 'lnga. The Ter8e ia uDUa117 forml... but there are ,
(- oenun 80nge of "ork 8114 pla, 'bat haTe boen dlgn1tled b7 .um long
• li.age that tbero 18 a gem.rei rou~ tona in wbioh tbe,v are pr..e"e4
end thUD b8O""9 worth;, of inolusion .. to1lalongll. ,
Ohi1drlll In tbe lUral 00 mmUD1tlll8. both b18011: ent white. li••
, .
".n.s 1n 21J1;vtmlO ohlll\ that ".1'. IUJl& .. Ollltu,17 &80 on the plantaUoDii
in S...OI that .how 11\\le Tarlat.1on•
. In bide 104 ..BIt 104 .1l1ilar p.'. ,be taTOri h 1IU'I11ns of "U·
1. tbe fOllOw1Jl, (llatrain:
Bu.llo1 el' wbed.
Buebl1 er r,~,
Dem'. II1n'\ JU4
J... holl.l' I :
• ll87-ree ~aok
Druse4 1n blaok.
SUT.r bu\\on.
All 40111 her bao);.
j, tanoe. now limite4 to l'Ul'el .eottoll8. wa. benne4 UlDng the whi'.
,outb a glll.raUoD ago beOl1ue i' 1Iaa tel, to 11. a lIOuClh barbario. U
18 known 11, 'b. oolortll1 title ot "Poe.UID-g,h-J,ah" an4 i. h110.4 1I,
ooup18. tae111& eaCh o'l1elO, taDOl~ lIaok 8114 forth wUk geUure. ant
Weok IIIldiDIJ lEarch 26. 1931.
-ev- Ip
I:aT1d liolt
Idontif1oatlon no.o14g-l131.
ladaro1 111'1 hra' l'roJaot.Liat.l.
po••• that a1; UIlO. sr.... BugSoUh.. .lI1 integral I*r\ ot \h. 4ano. 18
the rh,.o •
• •
• Put yoar hlll14 on YOlU' h••••
Lot your 1Il1n4 r;o fOrwart•
Bilek bnck. baok.
.AIl4 loole at the star.
Shinoll 80 . brightly.
llhinsB 80 IIril!1l 1017.
Tha' '0 thlt 1'088um-all-Lah.
1:h8 cillldrm tr.quellt17 to tbolr 01IJl rh1ll1no. aak1ng .uab .bU\1
I~ • •
Th. ~ri: BOllgll ....hieh .1'. 1'..11, ebeD\1 111 rb7\bIIIld. ill the r1a. aD'"
tall of • plot or tbo .hOTe and un ot • mOTel. pUDO\llau4"'1th
boft7 grante 1n ahoral. aro moro oll;tcpOraD801l1 111 ollar.oter the.n
• f1Z17 0 f the 012101' fOrml. •
J. oOllg of thlt 11ob11. 4oalt8 ....hioh 111 1ta 4q rival.d. the "00011JlDe"
~111g18. pr•••rv.t 117 Roark Bradford. ln hia ~••1••1pp1 1101'1•••
1••Ull. BUDg tbou.~ machine. haT. r.plao.d Dl.\ ot Ul. un power ~I
once upd 110 la!lor. no foUolllng 111 the ootloll .tOT.40H'. abll1'.
Oh. beT8 7011 eva,. b8 till 1n KoIlU. JIIlt
Boll ,hat oottol1 40'11I10
Boll111g ootlon tor • l'lO lla1' • dq•
Boll \he' ootton down.
. Oh•• ploasan' plao. 1. ),(ob11. 8&1.
Roll th.t ootton down.
Wb.r.....bite QIJl gall'. a n1sgar'. PfII.
Roll th.ll ootlon l'lO...n.
Th. UD.Ulled. laborer who d.1p with ploi:~. IbOT.l Ilal 1m
100..1011&1 Gan'o, wbioh 1. oo.,m 1n ton•••••1'
• •
• •
Week ond1ng lIaroh l!6. 1937.'
~ 1:-1
DaVid Holt.
XU"" U.1l oation lIo.0141l-l7sa.
lo'odero.l ' '~i tere' Pro .loll\. ,1I18t.8
".PA Pro "alit 3014,. 1Iobl1 o. 41e.
All de nlSfS8r'. 100Jdng tar
Ie tat med md BUndollllo ,
lhe Negro treats hll oooaBionnl depsrt.ure. trom tho pe.toh of
r1Bbtoolllneu l1ghtl;r. Onoe Alabflllla le..eel lU oonnot... laborers 1n
the lIl1nea an~ 1n thoaa dillS thera was allOrk aong that rani
Po1100 ho oauebt me.
Judge .61d 40 fino.
'no Olerk write it down,
I 'ao baCllt In 40 lIl1no. •
InterosUng 11i lU philoep}lhT. le the tollOwing TeNO bl Jill
Tho...... one t1l1e a1 aTo ot JlIII.. ioUleton. a )lobUo AlloUon..r notod
tor hia Tit •.
ROlllembor. Illu.or. III1ncl \h1a DOlI. tho .1n1lllnoe. at oln ,Ii
18 'plll41ng 'pOD tho .pll'it thd .0 go .. and 4088 U In. ../,-
And In a dptoous traM of 11I1114 .0'. !plng to llanoo 1D4 aa.
J,..toollng 11ko Xing DaT14 whe ~ out tho pigeon '4118.
£212ftS1 Vernaoulor~
rho 4161001;10 varlationa of the Nogro 'a lpaooh haTe 61WB¥8 been
oolorfUl In DOng anel IWr;r and he add. to 1'a qUalUhl 111 the IlIO at '
oonein WOrdD and pua"l that OOnTal an Impor' ,all tholr Cl'WD .. 1._
tho 0018 with 00118 J'renClh and Spatli& 141011I that lIro not e087 at
trenal atl on.
110 glooear;r 0 t the blaolt IIIlln 'e Ternaolllar h.. blon oompUod b008lUO ' .
80 lIIloh of it le purel;r looal it 111 41!f1C111\ ot oompllatlon. Howner.
, thero aro aON brll. whioh haTe .lU"TlTe4 tor 811l0ratl0D8. thoile)l thq
grow 1..1 treqllllDt liIIlong the ;roanger .egrOOI who al'O f1n41118 tho 1101'0
oonTentlonal Il.ago at the whit. tithel to tho1J' JIlI.el. With t~lr en-lar,.
4 Tooabul81'I...
Iho, aro a to.... olW8Pl•• ,
• •
Week ending I4l1rch 26. 11/37, Dav1d ,,01t,
ldent 1ft oati on no, Ol~9-l7a71.
lod8ral trlters' projeot,~1st,3.
WP4 Pro j~o~ 30140. )<oll11e• .ua.
XcI 7°8 8d II. 01' dO•• I .&$ ~el" (1)0 708 .llpp17 lIoard eIl4
10dg11lg Ql' JIlU lot glJl8t I.
Bv.rn U' w1n4 (J,:ov. rap14 11 ). •
~jo7 d. b.d (B. 111 ln bedl.
KaU po' IlOllf (0181 .. a eian of poTer'7 thai; dlI •• not .u.,).
1'1\1 no 1Il1J14 (lJ1eregard).
117 foU. (Th. WbU8S 117 Wboll 8IIlpl07ed or proUOhd}.
~1lR111;7 (On.'. folb are e1ll'qa qlle1U, u are other
~lt.8 who unders'and the•
l'ol'~le ('lhe oondltion of health. no ..aUar what tear", .
.0 long al not oon:t1necl to _eU.
1'1II1n.1 p14411Dg (To work a111ll8ll111l a111ll••• f.
1l1ere_ber (POI' get I•
• plUlll' .1e;l1' (QoOd to look a'tl III amus1116 person).
IIuo-ou.. IBow 414 U happen that, Or wh7 414 ,oa dO 10 IIld 10;)
I'rojlaken (l'roJeoUng. ll8an1D1f tool1Dg wUh).
Joree, ~obile Illla,. 11'0 1111")•.
Sll1lOn-fllh IOanned 1e1l8On and e1wq•••, 11l.,!Ie pllll'al a.
• 4el:l 81llOn-t1eh" ).
:Seaten..t I In4e1l1'ibeble. ueqllalledo)•.
20ratln (4dYertll. b7 wor4 ot 1lO1l\h)•
OhllJlJt (To hurl).
Other fol'1U \hat 1111gb' eollZld lIDnal to 1lDa.oollltollllld .an
haT. linn iooepteA •• a part of .Ter, 4111 lan@lla,. ln the Stat••0 tha,
to plok th_ oa' •• 141011. woaU be .1mOe' lape..l111. to 'U • .,.rage
Jue' .1 no II•• folk tal.. arl... tbe langaap 1. DO' _.lng
IDrlab•• to &117 "'••, aulD. _7 ,. llpe a 'b... _'.1'Il ,.,.. .all .
holt end1ng JoIarob 26, 1~a7.
Dav1d li01t,
. Iden tif1oation NO.0149-17374.
J'edernJ. V,r1tera' PraJuoi.,101s;,a.,
Vil'.l EraJon 3014. ),iaglle, .Ala.'
he hM booome an 1ntegral pe.r' of ,be genoral edlloaUonal IlIOvolllon'.
mrovloe¢ 'ork 80nll!!l.
Otmga of f1814 Or road hAn4•
prioon farlll Dr highW,,¥, O&llJ{ls IIOmeUIIlGll ue. 'he1l' 111lprov1s04 work Ilonga
all a lIlun. of 00D1llunloat1an ani tho; aro oftill ueoll u a moan. of
oomment ln rsgar4 to thob' boaBl., worldll8 oond1 1.1ons and ,be woathor•.
1l1ng1ng abou' 014 Hannah 81d hoI' .lownus on a hot Auguat anernoon,
'ho, 1Illl,1 be llll'l81tlng tho 101olll'ol1 I18Mor In whloh tho BUn .oto on
thoir UrOIlOIll8 labore, "he Dho IIOIIlGUIIIO. appearll to ItMel 111.111 1n \he
ho"en•• Hannah .1IIbol1&1ng \he aWl, .001111 to be qll1 te OOIll'P()n llIIlon6 tho..,
t.hOllgb. oach pr1110n 4oTolopll It. 01111 Tooablll817 for roforenoo to tho Ja.h,. j
tho warellln the ga.ardl anel other p&1ntu.l inUlIl&tol. Ih..e longs 10Il1O\1Il1O.
talto a hUlloroul tlll'n. oooal10nll11, 08ll11ng a geJ)g to broak into laught.r.
where d1 oipl1no ill no' too l'181d. I
SO/lle of tho guard. hiI'd tram olltllido tho pr!80nl obJeot to thl •
•1n@i1llJ on tho be1iof. no' altogothor lID:follDdod. that pr1&Onere are
IIlnging their plota to 011 oape , Or at 10aut, alr1ng ;tun of thdr bon...
e though llIO.t of thie IICllo41 oxpr"sol tho lIegro'. t1atlll'll 10TO for
rh;rthm. Often 'ho loa.48r .1ng. tho lIOrd. along &Del tho gang J01na In'''' tilt
.0.. rhrtlll10 rotrain. UJIIOll. to tho IItroJto Of tho piolt ell' other iapltJllont
• •
• til wb10h thq ar. worldng. OIlcih aa I
Oh~ del' gall don't love me
1.8.& del' use to 'Wlgh'~
Oh nol 'ungb' J Oh no'. 'WlSb' I
In 1IOIIlll' of tho IItatell. lnolu41ng J.lia81Uippl, oonvioU arll guard••
b7 ·'rlllltill. from 1Ill0ng tho prll1Onllr. of 'bill' own raoo. Th... prloona
onoouago II1nglng al 111 IPotU toN lIOrk•. 1l&Jt.. tho pl'1l1onor'l 111n4 off
ot hie troubloll and 81 Villi hill en outlot to got thlDga "Off his oholt"•
Tho parte aro pr••ll..11 \0 llo alll0 to llII48l'lIhn4 tho a1l11l1t1oanoe. it ~•
• • |