"Short Stories," Houston County.
Folder contains 15 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Bessie Bigbee for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s. The last three pages concern African Americans.• tBto...Uon lv' IIr. J. or. Wilbit•• Apjroftd b)' Ilr. Z. B.. Por-kr. 's r Rl'LAlIll Belol. B...
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Alabama Department of Archives and History
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Online Access: | http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/832 |
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WPA Alabama Writers' Project Collection |
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Alabama Department of Archives and History |
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Alabama Department of Archives and History |
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WPA Alabama Writers' Project |
spellingShingle |
WPA Alabama Writers' Project "Short Stories," Houston County. |
fulltopic |
WPA Alabama Writers' Project African Americans--Alabama; Alabama--Biography; Alabama--Social life and customs; Folklore--Alabama; Alabama Writers' Project; Houston County (Ala.); United States. Works Progress Administration |
description |
Folder contains 15 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Bessie Bigbee for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s. The last three pages concern African Americans.•
tBto...Uon lv'
IIr. J. or. Wilbit••
Apjroftd b)'
Ilr. Z. B.. Por-kr.
's r Rl'LAlIll
Belol. Bit:bi••
110". tOIl C"""t7. Ala.
Por,",r'l rair,.l""d can be reacbed b)' dr1Yinc out It Maill St....t
bN411lc dOlfll tb. Ceorcta hi~ two ""d on...balf .n.. di.....' ,,"t
ot Do\ban. TIle old II"•• giftll tbe rou val "th. old roa4 1roa Dotball
\0 OolUllbia". You go .bout two aIl4 on...10urth an.. 01 th. way "".re
th. hip...,. beg1ll. \0 broad_, tbell \alt. the Il&I'row dirt rou. 011
'h. 1.1t ol4. 01 th. rou about 01l...10urtb .u. tro. th. h~ 70U
can .0 t.U thd )'OU ban ....wa the plao. h ed 10r Poner'••
!wallt)'-11Ye ,...... a a ••11 11)' t.be 1laII. 01 JobIl lIiebanla. OWIled
a S]>rinco vb.... Por,",r'l J'&ir)'1aIld 11 1I0W located. IIr. Mellard•
allO opera\ed a .aall grid &iU h.....
In1914 Colollel hUt.... boucht th. S]>ril1p IIIld cbaIlie4 U'.
origiJlal " .... to rriU.r Spril1p. IIa ba4 a 1ew but • ani\er)' tixtu....,
a ewt-1Ilc pool aJIl1 a 1lab poc4.
IIr. W. G. !IobilliOIl lcueM th. Sprlnco 111 1917 1ro. 001011.1 rriu.....
but b.en•• 01111J1d. did not iapron tb. 11du.... all)'. Ilr. I. M. Por,",r
bough' \he 1lab lid 1rca 1Ir. W. G. Ilobill.oll 111 t.be _er 01 1925.
In 1926 b. pIlt ..,",r ill th. pom. !hell ill 1927 b. bo 'tbe r_illll....
01 the 1aIld. Por,",r'. lair)' d con... a .P"C. ot 40 0..... Mr. Por,",r
bough' lriU...'. Spr11lC ....t17 10r a bobll)'. IIa .pellt co...14. bl. acllll)'
111 b.auUt7111g it. ...,.ah1llg out tb.... la 1...., except t.be .wiamlllg
pool th t la open 10ur aollthe 111 tbe )'ear. Ilr. Porter .ald, II. mew
wbeIl be boUdlt thi. propert;)' it woul4 II""'" br1llc 111 all)' d1Yidlilld.,
but ba dih't care 10r \het. IIa JUlt wanted 10••th1llc 10r tbe people
ot Dothen to -Jo)'.
orb••brubber)' IIIld nove......... 01117 w t ...ture!lad proT14ed 1t
• • 2
vUh. '1'he dalol•• v.... prett,y, ol\Ult.red UJId.m.atll the huce oak. vha
W ••pot .. J'ritter'. Sprla&a. OIl it va. ~ \0 Port.r' • ralrlNld.
Mr. Porter plU'OIla.ed a large UIOWIC of ohrubbeI7.
Mr. J..,.. nllbrev ~pe4 011 t thi.lNld for til. falrlllll4. Jacobe
and If&rrlJlC\on Vlre th. olT1l 'llCinllre for \be vcr". In 1929. the
.w1-1Jl& pool ...... enlarp4, IUI4 M48 .011d ooncrete. botll old•• end bottoa.
'1'he pond. Ilu "'\7 Idad. of floh .uch at trol1t, peroh Nld WDD.l oat,
altlloU«llllObod,y ha. tbll prirtl'" to tiob, .xc.pt lIT ord.ra f Porter.
llo.rlDc thl ... Tear, a ladl•• ' drelllJlC roo. va. built, a brick
.\ora ...... built that ha. tha _1 it... III &D;Y druc .\ora. !rht .tor.
10 op.rated bT Ur. J. f. 1h1t.. It al.o hat on. of the nlo..t and
_t opaoiOl1' ~.DO' hall. &!lJ'VblI ... n'ar Dothan.
!o the r1&ht of the ~ pead lo tvo ...11 pendl for &Old flob.
on. v111 "' at the firet cliJlp.. of tilt pretty 11ttl. nob tvi...illC
in tilt pond, that tbllT ba.... b.en v 11 oared for. Mr. Porter built
enother .~l pond for 1111... It 11 bard '0 hll vhich 11 the beot
.ru.t back of tha .tora \0 til. l.tt of tilt b1e pond. 11...~ \be
baal1t1tul .Mn. in a 1'7 hip f.noed In plao. vi til vater flov1Dg
throucb it. !ht;y ha rai.ed \vent;y ...,.... in tha laat f~ T......
ft>oT al.o ralaed a v114 all.t dl1o1< ""d on. C)'Dedi COO'" You can
... that a lar&e ..-bar or .qu.1r...la 11.... in th, t ......
OD, can ba.... a plcnio opraa4 "alon of the Teer, for the... are
111.. Vlll fit ted. Nld one of the
baot 1m tilled barbacu. pU., f .... to the publlo'. 11 .
the 'w1aa1nc lIalon. the '''1aa1Jlc peol r -.. fro. twan\1'-tvo
lnohe. \0 .iI and on..halt f.,t in d optll. It furnhh.. the vahr for
the pool that 11 t1ttT-four ~re". lla' tilt lIItiaainol ,.alon 211,ooo
pllon. of water floVl in and out all til. \1.... v1dob keop. thl pool ptl1'I.
Bllas18 Bigb18
Hou.ton County
Thll IIxperillno. ot Mr. J. R. sumallrlin, who li.lI. at
702 South Appletr.. St., Dot ban , during a July .tora, oould
not bll oalllld a ~orou. onll. A big rll.iyal wa. blling hllld
undllr a tllnt on Ea.t Franklin and Soutb Appllltrllll Strllllt••
ar. ~'mellrlin took a grllat intllrll.t in tbi. rIlYi.al. On
tbll tirllt ot July, 1938, wblln thll .tora wall ragins, bll ran
out ot bi. hou.1I to lilt down tbll tllnt to kllllp tbll atora tro.
blowina it away. Tbll wind bllina 110 .trong and Mr. Suamerlin
bolding to tbll linll a paracbutll trying to land. Mr. SU.-IIrlin
not IInJoying thll ridll .0 muob, turnlld tbll linll 100.11, tllll
to tbll ound in onll plaoll and thll tllnt in anothllr. Hit
• nllxt .tep wall to try to aakll it back to th. bouslI. 1I11 wa•
rllllculld and taklln baok to thll hou.lI. Thi. wall thll war lit
.tora tbat had bappllnlld in Dothan in tbirty Yllar••
C. J. Rollin., tbll only a n to bll twio••lIlllotlld .bllrift
ot Hou.ton County dilld at hi. boall, 210 South St. Andrll••
Strllllt, Junll 20, 1934. Mr. Rollins at tbll ti II ot hi. dllatb
a obillt dllputy in tbll oftioll ot hi••on, Sbllrift JOII Rollin.,
bad tbirty Yllar. ot .lIrYioll a. a rllaclI ottiollr, .lIrYing in
aapacitill. ot policllaan, polioll obillt, dllputy .bllritt, and
oollllotor ot U. S. intllrnal rll.llnull. HII oa II to Dotban
• tbirty-tiYII YII.r•• go, wbllra hll oontinulld bi. oarellr ot polloll
ottioer wi tb applaoll on tbll local polioll toroll. HII ..r.lld all
an 0 tticllr tor ....r.l yllar., l.ter bainc lllect.ad Cb18t ot
PoliclI, in whioh oapacity hll worklld tor ten ears. For
tour yllar. hll all Unitlld t Coll ctor of In ernal evenus,
- -.
Houot.on Count.1 2
and during tho orld .r .hilo hio tour oon••or. in tbo Arm"
ho ••• labor ont. tor Rou.t.on Count.1 rooruiti .orkor•. tor t.bo
goYoraaont proJoct. .t. Muoolo Sho.l.. During Mr. Rollin. Yariou.
ottioo. ot pe.oo ottioor in Dot.ban, t.hl. t. o.n .0. one 0 t t.he
roughe.t. ln t.bl•••ot.lon, troa t.bo ot.andpolnt. ot 1•• Yiol.t.ion ••
Ro .ent. t.hrough ye.r att.er yoar .it.hout. a.rrlng bl. reoord.
Ro ••• on. ot t.be ao.t popul.r ottloor. to Yer entorco the
1•• ln t.hl. oount.y, 4 althoulh lIan1 other ott leer••ero .oundod
in batt.lo .it.h crilllnal., Mr. Rollino neYer 0.rri04 a .o.r ot
tbat kind.
On rebru.r1 9, 1925, tour al1e••e.tot Dot.han, Mr •• Bryant. B.o•
••• • bot. and inot.ntly kl11ed, her tour-ye.r old aught.er .11Iht.ly
injured .bon • pl.t.ol ball ont.erod ber ora. Bryant. Ba•• bad
o.oaped troa tho ••ylum at. Tu.o.loo•• about. thr.o ••ok. botoro
t.ho ourdor. Ro .0••oon at. t.h. ho.o ot bi. mothor, near whoro
hl••1te and obl1dron .oro 11Yinl tor the pa.t 'en do,.,
had .hom no .ian ot Y1 olellOo uhtll t be ohootins bad happe" d.
Ho ••• drinking boaYl11 .hon bo .pproaobed hi••1te .bo ... in
tbo fOrd •••hing her olotbo.. ltbout an1 .t.t••ent, Ba•• drew
hl. pl.tol and tirod ••bot int.o hl••ite'o beart. Ro tben
t.urnod and tlrod ••bot .t bl. tour-y••r old daugbt.r, tho
bullot. aakina on17 ••lilht. tlo.b .ound in tbo ora. .0 thoft
lot int.o • 192G oodol rord t.ourlng oar and droYo down to.ard.
Dot.ban. St.opping.t.. tl11lnl .\atlon ate. hundrod yard.
troll bi. booB and at tbo point. ot bl. pi.tol torood hl. brotherIn-
l•• \0 tl11 up bi.~k .1t.b 10•• Ro told tb. tilllng .tatlon
opor.\or tbat bo ••• ooalnl on to Dotban and "Cloan out" tbo
1•• and bo ••• tbon 101nl t.o roturn and tlnl.b "oloaning out
bl. t&ll11y. Sbortly botoro ooalng to tbe 00 nlt7, Ba•• 1.
- Hou.\on Coun\y
o.ld \0 h••o beon O••Q ln .0. Orl.ano, .bor. b••on\ .tt.r
bl0 ooo.pe tro. \bo .oylu••
• \urday, Oo\obor 1, 19~a, \bo Alabama Po••r C .pany
aQAouno.d a ~3,ooo 1.pro••••n\ d .ddl\lon pro rea tor 1\.
\ran~ 1.010n and dlo\rlbu\lon t.olll\loo ln Sou\b••o\ Alab....
Proll.lnary onglnoorlng work boo bosun on \bo projoo\, ma\orlalo
and oqulpa.nt aro alr.ady on band and aotl.o work 1n \bo tl.ld
.111 ostn Ootobor lS, 19sa. Tbo pr0300t lnoludoo a partlal
robuildina ot tb. prooont bl.b .olta.o oupply llno to Unlon
prlngo, tbo .xt.nolon ot 110,000 .olt o.r.loo 00 tar 00 Eutaula;
th rooonotruotl not tbo 66,000 .olt llno botwoon Butaula and
oxtonol.o 1.pro.o onto nd addltlono ln and around
Dotban'. ourb .arkot wl1l mo.o to a now looatlon ln 200
block ••0\ Cra.tord Str.ot on tho tlrot of No•••b.r, 19sa.
aro••• G. Pruttt 10 tbo .ark.t-.aotor and do.onotratlon agent.
Th. olto boo beon puroba.od by tbo county Bo rd ot Ro.onua,
.1tb tb tl\lo to tbo proporty to ro.aln ln tb. na.o ot tbo
A • pr0300t to oroot a now and por.a nt bul1dln. wll1
be oou&ht by \bo county, but ln tbo ••antl.o tbo prooont bul1d-lna
w111 bo .od to tbo olto and uood untl1 tbo PIA pr0300t
to co.plo ted•
• Communlty or.loo .00 bold on 'rlday, J.nuary lB, 1925.
Tbo oommunlty oooporatod wlth tbo olty ochoolo ln a Stophono
rootor Day, whlob woo colobratod ln .any cltloo ot tbo U. S.
Proara.o wor. gl.on ln oaob ot tbo tour oobool.. Thooo prolra.o
conoloted ot talko, and famlUar oongo t t bto bolo.od co.pooor,
who dlod on January 13, 1864, ln a obarlty boopltal ln •• York.
.-• --•
lira. t.llia Bigbaa
Dothan, .A.1ab'v
h ..... ~out Iline 0' olock ill the .0rniJlg. the aki.. varo co...r.d vi th
tiDT clou4a. I ..... AriTiDt; 40vIl the atro.t at a "'rr lov rat. of apeed.
Juat vonderiJlg hov mueh t'urther it vas to the placa I vas heded for. 'ro
Jani. Banton a hom. on the outall:irta of tovn. I ha4 not gone but a little
" diatanc•• vh.n I dilcoT.r.d I vas on the right atr••t. I look.d at the
numb.ra on the houa.. and aoon found lITa.lf roadiDt; Jani.'a haua. IlUllb.r.
Tou could I.a at onc.. that an 811bitiou f ..ilT l1T.d in the well kept ha•••
'rho nov.ra wer. b.lU1titul. in the attracti...17 arrang.d nov.r b.Aa.
'rhe h01Ul...emed aD qui.t. not a aound could b. heard in ADT dir.ctioll.
~ tirot knock vas heard. A .i441.-aged 1&47. but ;you could n....r guo.. her
age. beeaua. of her v.ll apt J.t blaclt: hair. and h.r aparkl1ng brown .y..
that gr••teA ... at the door vi th one of h.r ....rrdaT aIlU... V. aoon acquaillted
oura.1T.a. and vare a.at.d in a all&11 rooll. At onc. I knev that the on. I
vas .xpectiDt; to ..e vas ~Iant. !rho clatt.ring of the all&11 child vi th
b.autiful brovn aT.a and hair of y.llov that lay in curle all o...r her h.ad aoOD
lat .e know that h.r ..thar vao ..,q froll the houaa.
'rho blacll:haded la4)' that har name I later l.arn.d vas Sarah. Sha vaa a
aiater of "ani.'a huaband that ear.d for the b~y vh.n it'a .oth.r ..ao fJWfq.
10j, y.a, TOU auat b. vantiDt; to a.. Jane.· Jut vait pbao., and I ..ill call
her. b.c.u.. I kIlOv ahe ia not far uq. Her huband haa a a.all garAan,
and Jani. ia helpiDt; hill do aOIl. firat claal work.
Tim. vao flying but I glanc.d around the roo...bil. vaitiDt; fot Jani.'a •
arriTal. I caa. to the concluaion that aom. on. in the f..i17 II\llIt b. a 10Ter
of lII1aic. h.rr vq lIT .y.a turned, I gao.d upon a tlUdcal inatrua.nt of ao••
kind. Kight b.for... aat an old fa.hion.d piano. 'fo lIT l.ft vaa a Tic~ola, ann
in tho corn.r ..ao a radio.
'rho aoft footltepa of Jan. brought .. to lIT f ••t. I vao fac. to fac.
vi th a tiDT fraud woman. vhoa. ago vaa 30 y.ara. At tho tirot eight of Jan.
I learned to appreciata her. b,. her kind. lo~le tone of Toica. She wa•
oppcai te in l;ypa of the other ladT Sarah. IIer hair .... a brown1ah rad. and
her a,.e. ware .tT blue. which told ~ou of har 10Teabla di.poaition.
Jane waa born in the far north and of lIouaton count,. 30 ,.eara "CO.
lOT. 25. Her father .... a renter and fouud it difficult to aupport hi. larca
fu1lT. fro. ouch a ••ell aaount lan attar the landlord got what .... due
hi.. It ....n' t that each child did not land a helping band. Bo _tter how
larce or how e-.ll, each and ..aryon. had tar. dutle., Jane CeDDot remeaber
when .he bagan to contribute har quota of work hour. toward tilling tha .oil.
Jan.. two elder ai.tere aar!'T1nc when in the .arlT ,.outh of lifa. left Jana
the next olda.t girl to help lighten he~ .other'. dutiea. ~here wara ~ amall
childran that raquired men,. .tepa in caring for them.
J anea .-bition alway. lad her father to meneg••ome way to keep Jane in
.chool. 'ilen there ware extra dutie.. .uch ae hog killing•• _.hing and hou.a
cleaning. father would .&7 'bettar keep Jane at home todOT to help with tha
work.' Jane would begin crTing. and .&7. 'I don't want to mho achool.'
Soon .othar would .oila and .&7 'I will aake out wi thout her .oma W&7.' She
hate. to mi...chool eo bad. Jane knew then. that ahe would attand .chool
that de;y. Jan.. great deter.ination to han an edequate education ll:apt the
fam1lT deToting enr,. ..ena '" help. 'ilen Jane _. Juat readT to antar high
.chool, her &Other diad l_Ting a bobT a few hour. old to care for. Jane•
..bition waol<ened. knowing .he .... the olde.t girl at hooe and the onq ona
large anough to ahare auch a r ..pcnaibil1tT. Her aarriad aiater knowing that
Jane had counted on a hieb achool education. At one ahe mode plane to .0Ta
to father. and re.pcnd the dutie., .0 Jane could continue her .ducaUo".
Jane'. heart .... &ode liebt when .he enroU.d in HOUlton ~ountT high
.chool. ~o Tear. later Jane'. father decided he had found tha one to fill
.other'. place. lie turelT knew the right o"e to .elect to fill the ncanC7
in Jan.'. ho... Jane'e .topoother hal reallT been a .other to Jane, her
• i.ter. and brother•.
Jana • ho.. dutire. w.ra not lightened in the le..t •
bT her father aarrTing again. It onlT can her an opportun1tT to go on with
her educa\loD.
J ....e '. tather beiD« Te'r7 .trict on briD«iD« hh childr.n up IlITer woul4
let the girl. haTe elate. until they v.r. at lea.t 17 year. 014. He wao eT.n
aor••trict v1th J ....e. He woul4 not l.t h.r go to .chool aD4 MTe elat". J .....
ha4 a har4 .truggle to keep her tather troa knoYiD« about her ear17 boy co._.
She -.naced .o.e we:r to keep her tather tro. learuiD« that abe ha4 high .chool
boy trienela.
J ....e til11.hed the high .chool COurll in Mq 28, 1929. She Yal the poet
ot her cla... Her poor heart torrov.d .hen .he had to part tro. her d.ar
high ,chool chua.....d cla....te••
liov J ....e Val readT tor college, but 41dn~t know vhether .he Y&I goiD« or
not. ~ Te'r7 good triend to the tami17 ....d Jane'. tather'. landlord tor 14
years in lucc•••1oft C'". to Jan• l
• r••cue. Mr. R. S. Jon•• ot Dothan. who v..
the l ....dlord felt he owed .omething to the tamny, and knoYiD« how har4 J ....e had
vorked tor her education, turniehe4 the tundl tor Jane. tir.t year in college.
J ....e and h.r tamily were oTerJoyed to have hi. to help her.
liothiD« el.e tor J ....e to 40, but sake pl..... to go to lome teacher'. college,
&I J ....e ha4 alway. planned to be a .chool teacher. ~ll ot the tui17 were in a
ru.h to get lTe'r7thiD« read,y tor Jane '. ent'r7 in the State Teachert Colleg.,
'rroy, ~lab.... in the tall ot 1929.
The Ume W&l at hand when J ....e ha4 to leaTO tor colleg.. On a bright blue
8und.ay ill September, tather, mother ....d J ....e '. old"t brother drOTO J ....e in
the old t_ny tord to Troy, ~la. fhe car boiD« warn troll age could not aake
aore than 30 or 4c .n" .... hour. .About 12. o'clock tha old tord laDclad ua in
'rroy. J'ather .oon tound the place wh.re t _. to board•
)low, the .ad tiae ha4 coae, when J ....e'. tath.r had to leace her ....d return
ho.e. !he partiD« Wal OTOr ....4 J ....e va. lett in her room C'r7iD«. fhe bell
r&D« tor dinner, J ....e Jumped to her teet and dri.d her eye., ....4 tound her••lt
going dnwn.ta1r. tor dinner,
'rhe landlady helped to cheer J ....e up, when .he told her that .he would
haT' a roo.. mate co..iD« in on the afternoon train. J ....e W&I .0 happy when
.h. found out it wao a ,;irl froa h.r ho... town•
At lut the train cam. br1n«11lt: the roo...t.. 'ro Jan.' ••urprh•• it vu a
teach.r that t&«Uht Jan. vh.n .he vu in the third ,;r&d.. Jane knoov that Mro.
Ilpd vould aoth.r h.r. I •• , inde.d .he aoth.red Jan.. Mr•• Ilpd had b.en to
0011.«0 b.for., and thi. -ad. it .ui.r to acquaint Jan. vith the vaT. of
Jan. D..,.r knov or ..,.D t;ne...d on. could 1.aTe old friend., and fiDd nov
OD•• to talt. the plac. of the old OD... ColI.,;. ch_. of JaD.'. holdo a tend.r
.pet in h.r heart todq. 'ath.r vu not .0 .trict on JaD. nov. knoviJl4: the
coU.,;. rul.. aDd r.t;ulatioDO would talt. car. of her.
!hi. put JaD. on .qual buh vi th the other ,;irl.. !!er. a ,;r.at chan«.
c.... iD JaD.'. lite. She l.arn.d hev a ,;irl avq fro.. hoa. had to look out for
h.r••lf. 'rhi. va. a turnillt: peiDt iD her lif•• 'rho r ••pon.ibility v... vholly
upon Jan.'••houlder••
!h. year .nd.d with Jane ready to teach .chool. Her father vu .0 proud
of h.r, b.cau.., .h. va8 the only ODe that had the ".pUDk" to ';0 on to .chool.
In the fall of 1930, Jan••t.pp.d into the .chool roo.. to try out her t.aohill«
.bUity. z.r.rythillt: wu n.v to Jan., but .h. had learn.d to adapt her••lf to
nov and .tr&Dt;. thiJl4:o. !h. colI.,;. had .0 tr.in.d Jan•• that it va.n't any
trouble for her to aalt. a ,;rand aucc••• a. a teach.r. !h. 40 pupU. found it
Tery ....y to vork. vork and l.arn Tery fut.
!h. aiddl. of the tera of .chool vu another .light chanp in Jan.'. lif••
• 10Ter cam. into her lif., .outhill« .h. had n.Ter .xperi.nc.d. :foo .hoclt1ll«
to b.li.Te that .h. would 10... anyOD., but any yOU"« ,;irl vould b. proud to
ha.... nic. yoUJl« ~i.tian aan u Ilill waa for a lo...r.
School cam. to the .nd of the t.ra, with on. of the beet record. that had
b••n tGgllt in • ..,oral y.ar.. !hi. pTe Jan. a ,;cod r.co....nt.tioD ••• t.ach.r.
!h. aor. Ilill .av of Jan. the b.tt.r h. lik.d h.r. Soon th.y marri.d iD
July, 1930. !hq vere happy for Ja.t a .hort whil••
W.xt c.a. the ,;r.at••t .orrov in h.r lif.. The death of Jan.'. huoband
......d aor. than .he could b.ar. Lit.'. dark••t day. IIWIt b. OTerco.... .f.a
• 5
fate would heye it, ~ill left .oney enough to P&7 all expenseI of the death end
sicknell end then hen a good bank &Ccount.
Janl went back to her father I to liye &«&in. l&eh end BY.ryon. of the
family laying Jene 10 dl&rly did eyerything thet wal po••ible to help her oyer-co..
her lorrow••
It W&8 now alao.t tim. for another term of .chool to open. Jan. •e father
lc1ew how well .he lUed teaohing, end ude plan. for her to hen enoth.r .chool.
She .oon forgot .ome of her trouble••
Jen. knew thet the f..1ly had d.prind the....lye. in .ev w&7' of the
pleuure. of life Ju.t for her. She wa. able and did .h&r. her pleuuree with
the f..Uy. Jane bought a C&r for the fuily'. u... ~e bought clothe. for
.i.t.r. a. nice u the clothe••he bought for her.alf•
• Life wun't .0 happy for awhUe for Jane. Shortly. Jane b.c.... tir.d of
the hem co lucky lif.. She had Jut found hereelf aft.r her hubendI. death.
~he found her.elf in an e~ty .ort of world. without thet companion.hij. J ene '.
huabend .ee.ed u a perf.ct hn••n to her. giYing h.r ..ost anything life could
wiah for. Iler faaily wu good to her, but it va. f&r fro. thet wonderful co..panion.
hitl She had nBYer .topped to think of .nr heYing a lon a. de&r u
the fir.t.
UnbekIlowing to anyone. Jane found another .he thought .he could lin With.
the remaining half with. Dec. 27. 1935 Jene marri.d again.
The chenge of time made thing. differ.nt thi. ti..e for Jene. The .chool.
cloed two month. e&rlier than they w.r••uppo••d to, due to lack of fund••
TM. wu the begi""ing of the had time for Jan••
Job. were h&rd to get end work wa••c&rc.. Thet .t&rt.d Jane and U
.truggling to uke a fair liYing in the nry b.ginning. £a fate will hen it,
ve haTe ••naged to liTe.
In the .econd 78&r they had a precioua baby girl born to the.. , whoa th.y
nailed SylYia. She ia land by BY.ryone. becau•••he ia '0 tiV end .w..t.
The .mall but heppy ""der.on family wonder. ju.t ""!'t thi. lit. really
hold. for thea. |
title |
"Short Stories," Houston County. |
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"Short Stories," Houston County. |
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http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/832 |
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ADAHwpa832 |
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GSU# SG022774_01119-01134SG022774_01119_01134"Short Stories," Houston County.Folder contains 15 pages of Alabama short stories compiled by Bessie Bigbee for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s. The last three pages concern African Americans.1938 circa1930-1939African Americans--Alabama; Alabama--Biography; Alabama--Social life and customs; Folklore--Alabama; Alabama Writers' Project; Houston County (Ala.); United States. Works Progress AdministrationTextDocumentsAlabama. Dept. of Archives and HistoryWorks Progress Administration filesSG022774WPA Alabama Writers' Project, Short Stories by Bessie Bigbee, Houston County.Alabama Dept. of Archives and History, 624 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130EnglishThis material may be protected under U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) which governs the making of photocopies or reproductions of copyrighted materials. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research. Though ADAH has physical ownership of the material in its collections, in some cases we may not own the copyright to the material. It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in our collections.96 dpi tiff•
tBto...Uon lv'
IIr. J. or. Wilbit••
Apjroftd b)'
Ilr. Z. B.. Por-kr.
's r Rl'LAlIll
Belol. Bit:bi••
110". tOIl C"""t7. Ala.
Por,",r'l rair,.l""d can be reacbed b)' dr1Yinc out It Maill St....t
bN411lc dOlfll tb. Ceorcta hi~ two ""d on...balf .n.. di.....' ,,"t
ot Do\ban. TIle old II"•• giftll tbe rou val "th. old roa4 1roa Dotball
\0 OolUllbia". You go .bout two aIl4 on...10urth an.. 01 th. way "".re
th. hip...,. beg1ll. \0 broad_, tbell \alt. the Il&I'row dirt rou. 011
'h. 1.1t ol4. 01 th. rou about 01l...10urtb .u. tro. th. h~ 70U
can .0 t.U thd )'OU ban ....wa the plao. h ed 10r Poner'••
!wallt)'-11Ye ,...... a a ••11 11)' t.be 1laII. 01 JobIl lIiebanla. OWIled
a S]>rinco vb.... Por,",r'l J'&ir)'1aIld 11 1I0W located. IIr. Mellard•
allO opera\ed a .aall grid &iU h.....
In1914 Colollel hUt.... boucht th. S]>ril1p IIIld cbaIlie4 U'.
origiJlal " .... to rriU.r Spril1p. IIa ba4 a 1ew but • ani\er)' tixtu....,
a ewt-1Ilc pool aJIl1 a 1lab poc4.
IIr. W. G. !IobilliOIl lcueM th. Sprlnco 111 1917 1ro. 001011.1 rriu.....
but b.en•• 01111J1d. did not iapron tb. 11du.... all)'. Ilr. I. M. Por,",r
bough' \he 1lab lid 1rca 1Ir. W. G. Ilobill.oll 111 t.be _er 01 1925.
In 1926 b. pIlt ..,",r ill th. pom. !hell ill 1927 b. bo 'tbe r_illll....
01 the 1aIld. Por,",r'. lair)' d con... a .P"C. ot 40 0..... Mr. Por,",r
bough' lriU...'. Spr11lC ....t17 10r a bobll)'. IIa .pellt co...14. bl. acllll)'
111 b.auUt7111g it. ...,.ah1llg out tb.... la 1...., except t.be .wiamlllg
pool th t la open 10ur aollthe 111 tbe )'ear. Ilr. Porter .ald, II. mew
wbeIl be boUdlt thi. propert;)' it woul4 II""'" br1llc 111 all)' d1Yidlilld.,
but ba dih't care 10r \het. IIa JUlt wanted 10••th1llc 10r tbe people
ot Dothen to -Jo)'.
orb••brubber)' IIIld nove......... 01117 w t ...ture!lad proT14ed 1t
• • 2
vUh. '1'he dalol•• v.... prett,y, ol\Ult.red UJId.m.atll the huce oak. vha
W ••pot .. J'ritter'. Sprla&a. OIl it va. ~ \0 Port.r' • ralrlNld.
Mr. Porter plU'OIla.ed a large UIOWIC of ohrubbeI7.
Mr. J..,.. nllbrev ~pe4 011 t thi.lNld for til. falrlllll4. Jacobe
and If&rrlJlC\on Vlre th. olT1l 'llCinllre for \be vcr". In 1929. the
.w1-1Jl& pool ...... enlarp4, IUI4 M48 .011d ooncrete. botll old•• end bottoa.
'1'he pond. Ilu "'\7 Idad. of floh .uch at trol1t, peroh Nld WDD.l oat,
altlloU«llllObod,y ha. tbll prirtl'" to tiob, .xc.pt lIT ord.ra f Porter.
llo.rlDc thl ... Tear, a ladl•• ' drelllJlC roo. va. built, a brick
.\ora ...... built that ha. tha _1 it... III &D;Y druc .\ora. !rht .tor.
10 op.rated bT Ur. J. f. 1h1t.. It al.o hat on. of the nlo..t and
_t opaoiOl1' ~.DO' hall. &!lJ'VblI ... n'ar Dothan.
!o the r1&ht of the ~ pead lo tvo ...11 pendl for &Old flob.
on. v111 "' at the firet cliJlp.. of tilt pretty 11ttl. nob tvi...illC
in tilt pond, that tbllT ba.... b.en v 11 oared for. Mr. Porter built
enother .~l pond for 1111... It 11 bard '0 hll vhich 11 the beot
.ru.t back of tha .tora \0 til. l.tt of tilt b1e pond. 11...~ \be
baal1t1tul .Mn. in a 1'7 hip f.noed In plao. vi til vater flov1Dg
throucb it. !ht;y ha rai.ed \vent;y ...,.... in tha laat f~ T......
ft>oT al.o ralaed a v114 all.t dl1o1< ""d on. C)'Dedi COO'" You can
... that a lar&e ..-bar or .qu.1r...la 11.... in th, t ......
OD, can ba.... a plcnio opraa4 "alon of the Teer, for the... are
111.. Vlll fit ted. Nld one of the
baot 1m tilled barbacu. pU., f .... to the publlo'. 11 .
the 'w1aa1nc lIalon. the '''1aa1Jlc peol r -.. fro. twan\1'-tvo
lnohe. \0 .iI and on..halt f.,t in d optll. It furnhh.. the vahr for
the pool that 11 t1ttT-four ~re". lla' tilt lIItiaainol ,.alon 211,ooo
pllon. of water floVl in and out all til. \1.... v1dob keop. thl pool ptl1'I.
Bllas18 Bigb18
Hou.ton County
Thll IIxperillno. ot Mr. J. R. sumallrlin, who li.lI. at
702 South Appletr.. St., Dot ban , during a July .tora, oould
not bll oalllld a ~orou. onll. A big rll.iyal wa. blling hllld
undllr a tllnt on Ea.t Franklin and Soutb Appllltrllll Strllllt••
ar. ~'mellrlin took a grllat intllrll.t in tbi. rIlYi.al. On
tbll tirllt ot July, 1938, wblln thll .tora wall ragins, bll ran
out ot bi. hou.1I to lilt down tbll tllnt to kllllp tbll atora tro.
blowina it away. Tbll wind bllina 110 .trong and Mr. Suamerlin
bolding to tbll linll a paracbutll trying to land. Mr. SU.-IIrlin
not IInJoying thll ridll .0 muob, turnlld tbll linll 100.11, tllll
to tbll ound in onll plaoll and thll tllnt in anothllr. Hit
• nllxt .tep wall to try to aakll it back to th. bouslI. 1I11 wa•
rllllculld and taklln baok to thll hou.lI. Thi. wall thll war lit
.tora tbat had bappllnlld in Dothan in tbirty Yllar••
C. J. Rollin., tbll only a n to bll twio••lIlllotlld .bllrift
ot Hou.ton County dilld at hi. boall, 210 South St. Andrll••
Strllllt, Junll 20, 1934. Mr. Rollins at tbll ti II ot hi. dllatb
a obillt dllputy in tbll oftioll ot hi••on, Sbllrift JOII Rollin.,
bad tbirty Yllar. ot .lIrYioll a. a rllaclI ottiollr, .lIrYing in
aapacitill. ot policllaan, polioll obillt, dllputy .bllritt, and
oollllotor ot U. S. intllrnal rll.llnull. HII oa II to Dotban
• tbirty-tiYII YII.r•• go, wbllra hll oontinulld bi. oarellr ot polloll
ottioer wi tb applaoll on tbll local polioll toroll. HII ..r.lld all
an 0 tticllr tor ....r.l yllar., l.ter bainc lllect.ad Cb18t ot
PoliclI, in whioh oapacity hll worklld tor ten ears. For
tour yllar. hll all Unitlld t Coll ctor of In ernal evenus,
- -.
Houot.on Count.1 2
and during tho orld .r .hilo hio tour oon••or. in tbo Arm"
ho ••• labor ont. tor Rou.t.on Count.1 rooruiti .orkor•. tor t.bo
goYoraaont proJoct. .t. Muoolo Sho.l.. During Mr. Rollin. Yariou.
ottioo. ot pe.oo ottioor in Dot.ban, t.hl. t. o.n .0. one 0 t t.he
roughe.t. ln t.bl•••ot.lon, troa t.bo ot.andpolnt. ot 1•• Yiol.t.ion ••
Ro .ent. t.hrough ye.r att.er yoar .it.hout. a.rrlng bl. reoord.
Ro ••• on. ot t.be ao.t popul.r ottloor. to Yer entorco the
1•• ln t.hl. oount.y, 4 althoulh lIan1 other ott leer••ero .oundod
in batt.lo .it.h crilllnal., Mr. Rollino neYer 0.rri04 a .o.r ot
tbat kind.
On rebru.r1 9, 1925, tour al1e••e.tot Dot.han, Mr •• Bryant. B.o•
••• • bot. and inot.ntly kl11ed, her tour-ye.r old aught.er .11Iht.ly
injured .bon • pl.t.ol ball ont.erod ber ora. Bryant. Ba•• bad
o.oaped troa tho ••ylum at. Tu.o.loo•• about. thr.o ••ok. botoro
t.ho ourdor. Ro .0••oon at. t.h. ho.o ot bi. mothor, near whoro
hl••1te and obl1dron .oro 11Yinl tor the pa.t 'en do,.,
had .hom no .ian ot Y1 olellOo uhtll t be ohootins bad happe" d.
Ho ••• drinking boaYl11 .hon bo .pproaobed hi••1te .bo ... in
tbo fOrd •••hing her olotbo.. ltbout an1 .t.t••ent, Ba•• drew
hl. pl.tol and tirod ••bot int.o hl••ite'o beart. Ro tben
t.urnod and tlrod ••bot .t bl. tour-y••r old daugbt.r, tho
bullot. aakina on17 ••lilht. tlo.b .ound in tbo ora. .0 thoft
lot int.o • 192G oodol rord t.ourlng oar and droYo down to.ard.
Dot.ban. St.opping.t.. tl11lnl .\atlon ate. hundrod yard.
troll bi. booB and at tbo point. ot bl. pi.tol torood hl. brotherIn-
l•• \0 tl11 up bi.~k .1t.b 10•• Ro told tb. tilllng .tatlon
opor.\or tbat bo ••• ooalnl on to Dotban and "Cloan out" tbo
1•• and bo ••• tbon 101nl t.o roturn and tlnl.b "oloaning out
bl. t&ll11y. Sbortly botoro ooalng to tbe 00 nlt7, Ba•• 1.
- Hou.\on Coun\y
o.ld \0 h••o beon O••Q ln .0. Orl.ano, .bor. b••on\ .tt.r
bl0 ooo.pe tro. \bo .oylu••
• \urday, Oo\obor 1, 19~a, \bo Alabama Po••r C .pany
aQAouno.d a ~3,ooo 1.pro••••n\ d .ddl\lon pro rea tor 1\.
\ran~ 1.010n and dlo\rlbu\lon t.olll\loo ln Sou\b••o\ Alab....
Proll.lnary onglnoorlng work boo bosun on \bo projoo\, ma\orlalo
and oqulpa.nt aro alr.ady on band and aotl.o work 1n \bo tl.ld
.111 ostn Ootobor lS, 19sa. Tbo pr0300t lnoludoo a partlal
robuildina ot tb. prooont bl.b .olta.o oupply llno to Unlon
prlngo, tbo .xt.nolon ot 110,000 .olt o.r.loo 00 tar 00 Eutaula;
th rooonotruotl not tbo 66,000 .olt llno botwoon Butaula and
oxtonol.o 1.pro.o onto nd addltlono ln and around
Dotban'. ourb .arkot wl1l mo.o to a now looatlon ln 200
block ••0\ Cra.tord Str.ot on tho tlrot of No•••b.r, 19sa.
aro••• G. Pruttt 10 tbo .ark.t-.aotor and do.onotratlon agent.
Th. olto boo beon puroba.od by tbo county Bo rd ot Ro.onua,
.1tb tb tl\lo to tbo proporty to ro.aln ln tb. na.o ot tbo
A • pr0300t to oroot a now and por.a nt bul1dln. wll1
be oou&ht by \bo county, but ln tbo ••antl.o tbo prooont bul1d-lna
w111 bo .od to tbo olto and uood untl1 tbo PIA pr0300t
to co.plo ted•
• Communlty or.loo .00 bold on 'rlday, J.nuary lB, 1925.
Tbo oommunlty oooporatod wlth tbo olty ochoolo ln a Stophono
rootor Day, whlob woo colobratod ln .any cltloo ot tbo U. S.
Proara.o wor. gl.on ln oaob ot tbo tour oobool.. Thooo prolra.o
conoloted ot talko, and famlUar oongo t t bto bolo.od co.pooor,
who dlod on January 13, 1864, ln a obarlty boopltal ln •• York.
.-• --•
lira. t.llia Bigbaa
Dothan, .A.1ab'v
h ..... ~out Iline 0' olock ill the .0rniJlg. the aki.. varo co...r.d vi th
tiDT clou4a. I ..... AriTiDt; 40vIl the atro.t at a "'rr lov rat. of apeed.
Juat vonderiJlg hov mueh t'urther it vas to the placa I vas heded for. 'ro
Jani. Banton a hom. on the outall:irta of tovn. I ha4 not gone but a little
" diatanc•• vh.n I dilcoT.r.d I vas on the right atr••t. I look.d at the
numb.ra on the houa.. and aoon found lITa.lf roadiDt; Jani.'a haua. IlUllb.r.
Tou could I.a at onc.. that an 811bitiou f ..ilT l1T.d in the well kept ha•••
'rho nov.ra wer. b.lU1titul. in the attracti...17 arrang.d nov.r b.Aa.
'rhe h01Ul...emed aD qui.t. not a aound could b. heard in ADT dir.ctioll.
~ tirot knock vas heard. A .i441.-aged 1&47. but ;you could n....r guo.. her
age. beeaua. of her v.ll apt J.t blaclt: hair. and h.r aparkl1ng brown .y..
that gr••teA ... at the door vi th one of h.r ....rrdaT aIlU... V. aoon acquaillted
oura.1T.a. and vare a.at.d in a all&11 rooll. At onc. I knev that the on. I
vas .xpectiDt; to ..e vas ~Iant. !rho clatt.ring of the all&11 child vi th
b.autiful brovn aT.a and hair of y.llov that lay in curle all o...r her h.ad aoOD
lat .e know that h.r ..thar vao ..,q froll the houaa.
'rho blacll:haded la4)' that har name I later l.arn.d vas Sarah. Sha vaa a
aiater of "ani.'a huaband that ear.d for the b~y vh.n it'a .oth.r ..ao fJWfq.
10j, y.a, TOU auat b. vantiDt; to a.. Jane.· Jut vait pbao., and I ..ill call
her. b.c.u.. I kIlOv ahe ia not far uq. Her huband haa a a.all garAan,
and Jani. ia helpiDt; hill do aOIl. firat claal work.
Tim. vao flying but I glanc.d around the roo...bil. vaitiDt; fot Jani.'a •
arriTal. I caa. to the concluaion that aom. on. in the f..i17 II\llIt b. a 10Ter
of lII1aic. h.rr vq lIT .y.a turned, I gao.d upon a tlUdcal inatrua.nt of ao••
kind. Kight b.for... aat an old fa.hion.d piano. 'fo lIT l.ft vaa a Tic~ola, ann
in tho corn.r ..ao a radio.
'rho aoft footltepa of Jan. brought .. to lIT f ••t. I vao fac. to fac.
vi th a tiDT fraud woman. vhoa. ago vaa 30 y.ara. At tho tirot eight of Jan.
I learned to appreciata her. b,. her kind. lo~le tone of Toica. She wa•
oppcai te in l;ypa of the other ladT Sarah. IIer hair .... a brown1ah rad. and
her a,.e. ware .tT blue. which told ~ou of har 10Teabla di.poaition.
Jane waa born in the far north and of lIouaton count,. 30 ,.eara "CO.
lOT. 25. Her father .... a renter and fouud it difficult to aupport hi. larca
fu1lT. fro. ouch a ••ell aaount lan attar the landlord got what .... due
hi.. It ....n' t that each child did not land a helping band. Bo _tter how
larce or how e-.ll, each and ..aryon. had tar. dutle., Jane CeDDot remeaber
when .he bagan to contribute har quota of work hour. toward tilling tha .oil.
Jan.. two elder ai.tere aar!'T1nc when in the .arlT ,.outh of lifa. left Jana
the next olda.t girl to help lighten he~ .other'. dutiea. ~here wara ~ amall
childran that raquired men,. .tepa in caring for them.
J anea .-bition alway. lad her father to meneg••ome way to keep Jane in
.chool. 'ilen there ware extra dutie.. .uch ae hog killing•• _.hing and hou.a
cleaning. father would .&7 'bettar keep Jane at home todOT to help with tha
work.' Jane would begin crTing. and .&7. 'I don't want to mho achool.'
Soon .othar would .oila and .&7 'I will aake out wi thout her .oma W&7.' She
hate. to mi...chool eo bad. Jane knew then. that ahe would attand .chool
that de;y. Jan.. great deter.ination to han an edequate education ll:apt the
fam1lT deToting enr,. ..ena '" help. 'ilen Jane _. Juat readT to antar high
.chool, her &Other diad l_Ting a bobT a few hour. old to care for. Jane•
..bition waol<ened. knowing .he .... the olde.t girl at hooe and the onq ona
large anough to ahare auch a r ..pcnaibil1tT. Her aarriad aiater knowing that
Jane had counted on a hieb achool education. At one ahe mode plane to .0Ta
to father. and re.pcnd the dutie., .0 Jane could continue her .ducaUo".
Jane'. heart .... &ode liebt when .he enroU.d in HOUlton ~ountT high
.chool. ~o Tear. later Jane'. father decided he had found tha one to fill
.other'. place. lie turelT knew the right o"e to .elect to fill the ncanC7
in Jan.'. ho... Jane'e .topoother hal reallT been a .other to Jane, her
• i.ter. and brother•.
Jana • ho.. dutire. w.ra not lightened in the le..t •
bT her father aarrTing again. It onlT can her an opportun1tT to go on with
her educa\loD.
J ....e '. tather beiD« Te'r7 .trict on briD«iD« hh childr.n up IlITer woul4
let the girl. haTe elate. until they v.r. at lea.t 17 year. 014. He wao eT.n
aor••trict v1th J ....e. He woul4 not l.t h.r go to .chool aD4 MTe elat". J .....
ha4 a har4 .truggle to keep her tather troa knoYiD« about her ear17 boy co._.
She -.naced .o.e we:r to keep her tather tro. learuiD« that abe ha4 high .chool
boy trienela.
J ....e til11.hed the high .chool COurll in Mq 28, 1929. She Yal the poet
ot her cla... Her poor heart torrov.d .hen .he had to part tro. her d.ar
high ,chool chua.....d cla....te••
liov J ....e Val readT tor college, but 41dn~t know vhether .he Y&I goiD« or
not. ~ Te'r7 good triend to the tami17 ....d Jane'. tather'. landlord tor 14
years in lucc•••1oft C'". to Jan• l
• r••cue. Mr. R. S. Jon•• ot Dothan. who v..
the l ....dlord felt he owed .omething to the tamny, and knoYiD« how har4 J ....e had
vorked tor her education, turniehe4 the tundl tor Jane. tir.t year in college.
J ....e and h.r tamily were oTerJoyed to have hi. to help her.
liothiD« el.e tor J ....e to 40, but sake pl..... to go to lome teacher'. college,
&I J ....e ha4 alway. planned to be a .chool teacher. ~ll ot the tui17 were in a
ru.h to get lTe'r7thiD« read,y tor Jane '. ent'r7 in the State Teachert Colleg.,
'rroy, ~lab.... in the tall ot 1929.
The Ume W&l at hand when J ....e ha4 to leaTO tor colleg.. On a bright blue
8und.ay ill September, tather, mother ....d J ....e '. old"t brother drOTO J ....e in
the old t_ny tord to Troy, ~la. fhe car boiD« warn troll age could not aake
aore than 30 or 4c .n" .... hour. .About 12. o'clock tha old tord laDclad ua in
'rroy. J'ather .oon tound the place wh.re t _. to board•
)low, the .ad tiae ha4 coae, when J ....e'. tath.r had to leace her ....d return
ho.e. !he partiD« Wal OTOr ....4 J ....e va. lett in her room C'r7iD«. fhe bell
r&D« tor dinner, J ....e Jumped to her teet and dri.d her eye., ....4 tound her••lt
going dnwn.ta1r. tor dinner,
'rhe landlady helped to cheer J ....e up, when .he told her that .he would
haT' a roo.. mate co..iD« in on the afternoon train. J ....e W&I .0 happy when
.h. found out it wao a ,;irl froa h.r ho... town•
At lut the train cam. br1n«11lt: the roo...t.. 'ro Jan.' ••urprh•• it vu a
teach.r that t&«Uht Jan. vh.n .he vu in the third ,;r&d.. Jane knoov that Mro.
Ilpd vould aoth.r h.r. I •• , inde.d .he aoth.red Jan.. Mr•• Ilpd had b.en to
0011.«0 b.for., and thi. -ad. it .ui.r to acquaint Jan. vith the vaT. of
Jan. D..,.r knov or ..,.D t;ne...d on. could 1.aTe old friend., and fiDd nov
OD•• to talt. the plac. of the old OD... ColI.,;. ch_. of JaD.'. holdo a tend.r
.pet in h.r heart todq. 'ath.r vu not .0 .trict on JaD. nov. knoviJl4: the
coU.,;. rul.. aDd r.t;ulatioDO would talt. car. of her.
!hi. put JaD. on .qual buh vi th the other ,;irl.. !!er. a ,;r.at chan«.
c.... iD JaD.'. lite. She l.arn.d hev a ,;irl avq fro.. hoa. had to look out for
h.r••lf. 'rhi. va. a turnillt: peiDt iD her lif•• 'rho r ••pon.ibility v... vholly
upon Jan.'••houlder••
!h. year .nd.d with Jane ready to teach .chool. Her father vu .0 proud
of h.r, b.cau.., .h. va8 the only ODe that had the ".pUDk" to ';0 on to .chool.
In the fall of 1930, Jan••t.pp.d into the .chool roo.. to try out her t.aohill«
.bUity. z.r.rythillt: wu n.v to Jan., but .h. had learn.d to adapt her••lf to
nov and .tr&Dt;. thiJl4:o. !h. colI.,;. had .0 tr.in.d Jan•• that it va.n't any
trouble for her to aalt. a ,;rand aucc••• a. a teach.r. !h. 40 pupU. found it
Tery ....y to vork. vork and l.arn Tery fut.
!h. aiddl. of the tera of .chool vu another .light chanp in Jan.'. lif••
• 10Ter cam. into her lif., .outhill« .h. had n.Ter .xperi.nc.d. :foo .hoclt1ll«
to b.li.Te that .h. would 10... anyOD., but any yOU"« ,;irl vould b. proud to
ha.... nic. yoUJl« ~i.tian aan u Ilill waa for a lo...r.
School cam. to the .nd of the t.ra, with on. of the beet record. that had
b••n tGgllt in • ..,oral y.ar.. !hi. pTe Jan. a ,;cod r.co....nt.tioD ••• t.ach.r.
!h. aor. Ilill .av of Jan. the b.tt.r h. lik.d h.r. Soon th.y marri.d iD
July, 1930. !hq vere happy for Ja.t a .hort whil••
W.xt c.a. the ,;r.at••t .orrov in h.r lif.. The death of Jan.'. huoband
......d aor. than .he could b.ar. Lit.'. dark••t day. IIWIt b. OTerco.... .f.a
• 5
fate would heye it, ~ill left .oney enough to P&7 all expenseI of the death end
sicknell end then hen a good bank &Ccount.
Janl went back to her father I to liye &«&in. l&eh end BY.ryon. of the
family laying Jene 10 dl&rly did eyerything thet wal po••ible to help her oyer-co..
her lorrow••
It W&8 now alao.t tim. for another term of .chool to open. Jan. •e father
lc1ew how well .he lUed teaohing, end ude plan. for her to hen enoth.r .chool.
She .oon forgot .ome of her trouble••
Jen. knew thet the f..1ly had d.prind the....lye. in .ev w&7' of the
pleuure. of life Ju.t for her. She wa. able and did .h&r. her pleuuree with
the f..Uy. Jane bought a C&r for the fuily'. u... ~e bought clothe. for
.i.t.r. a. nice u the clothe••he bought for her.alf•
• Life wun't .0 happy for awhUe for Jane. Shortly. Jane b.c.... tir.d of
the hem co lucky lif.. She had Jut found hereelf aft.r her hubendI. death.
~he found her.elf in an e~ty .ort of world. without thet companion.hij. J ene '.
huabend .ee.ed u a perf.ct hn••n to her. giYing h.r ..ost anything life could
wiah for. Iler faaily wu good to her, but it va. f&r fro. thet wonderful co..panion.
hitl She had nBYer .topped to think of .nr heYing a lon a. de&r u
the fir.t.
UnbekIlowing to anyone. Jane found another .he thought .he could lin With.
the remaining half with. Dec. 27. 1935 Jene marri.d again.
The chenge of time made thing. differ.nt thi. ti..e for Jene. The .chool.
cloed two month. e&rlier than they w.r••uppo••d to, due to lack of fund••
TM. wu the begi""ing of the had time for Jan••
Job. were h&rd to get end work wa••c&rc.. Thet .t&rt.d Jane and U
.truggling to uke a fair liYing in the nry b.ginning. £a fate will hen it,
ve haTe ••naged to liTe.
In the .econd 78&r they had a precioua baby girl born to the.. , whoa th.y
nailed SylYia. She ia land by BY.ryone. becau•••he ia '0 tiV end .w..t.
The .mall but heppy ""der.on family wonder. ju.t ""!'t thi. lit. really
hold. for thea.http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/832 |