"Ex Slave Tales," Randolph County.

Folder contains 2 pages of former slave narratives compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.• rannie Riley wae bom in WhUeav111e, Barrie County, Georgia, rebruar:r 39, 1873. Ber parlll1te were Addie and Jack Johneon. Thq told rannle ehe a1ghi lbe a.Dy y8&1'11 b...

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Format: Electronic
Published: Alabama Department of Archives and History
Online Access:http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/823
format Electronic
collection WPA Alabama Writers' Project Collection
building Alabama Department of Archives and History
publisher Alabama Department of Archives and History
topic WPA Alabama Writers' Project
spellingShingle WPA Alabama Writers' Project
"Ex Slave Tales," Randolph County.
fulltopic WPA Alabama Writers' Project
African Americans--Alabama--Biography; Alabama Writers' Project; Randolph County (Ala.); Slaves--Alabama--Biography; Slaves--Alabama--Social conditions; United States. Works Progress Administration
description Folder contains 2 pages of former slave narratives compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.• rannie Riley wae bom in WhUeav111e, Barrie County, Georgia, rebruar:r 39, 1873. Ber parlll1te were Addie and Jack Johneon. Thq told rannle ehe a1ghi lbe a.Dy y8&1'11 beoauee I of the odd blrthlky, for in 1973 ehe would be only 35 yea1'll old oounUng one year for each blrthday. Addie' e parlll1te were Sarah and George Walnwrlght. Sazoah' a parlll1h were Gracy md Charl.. CoUon. Gracy waa nesro and Indian. Charlee w.. a ulaUo. Although a elave hima elf, he pald $300 and Gracy W8.8 e1ft free after all her ohl1dren were bom. Charlee wae disappointed for he meBDt for hls wife'e I freede. to entitle hh ohl1drc to freede.. George, a aulatto, was the eon of 1I1111e, a aooth-halred bro1'O'llwrnu oolored we.an, IIUppoeed 10 0 be a nat 1ve of ee.e laland. When George W8.8 about two years old, he and h1a aother were aold to a alave dealer who oarrled th_ frGil their aaster' a hClllle near P1ftenburg, TlrglnU to LaGnnge, Georgla. There W8.8 a ·blg drove· of Blav.. at flnt, bu.t they were eold on the block in aany towna through whioh they pa..ed 10111 at lut in LaGrange, Georgia, 1I1111e wae a1iripped to the waht and placed _ I upon 1ihe block wlth hllr boy to be ez.ained by purohaeen and aold. She oarried, in her b0l!oa, a 11ttle paclt&ge that W&8 givlll1 her by her aaater, not to be opced 10111 ahe waa at her n_ he.e in the deep south. Thh package waa taken frGil her when ahe waa a1iripped, ao 1ihat ahe never 1m.. what W&8 ine1de. She longed to hear wh1fther her ·mhth· had retumed to 1ihe hoae whioh ahe had deaerled because she hatedllUlattoes. Whlll1 George W8.8 about fourlelll1, he waa eold. to a aM who tra.ined hia to be a blaoltemUh whioh tra.de he followed the r.ainder of hh 1 11fe. Be took a elave wlfe and 1ihey had eleven ohildren who were eold off u f&at 8.8 1ihey gr_ up. When freedoa oUle, George 001­leo1ied the eight ohl1dren who aUll lived andwUh hie wife and. ao1iher 11ved. the reat of hh 11fe in Whlteeville. ·Granny· 1I111ie had eoae uuueual traih. When ehe rea.ohed the hClllle of her nn .aeter, he gave her a hut &nd a huaband. She wouldn't dare acoept old Clayborn whoee ·talk· ehe oouldn't under­atand, neither would ehe have old Tony whoa she aaid was a·Cub~ Ielander· ehe hated. So she 11ved on her aide of the hut and built her own firee in one cd of the big atack ohimney and eat with her baok to ·d_ n1ggere· and her boy between her Itoeee and grieved for ·ole rerginny.· She died in 1881 at the hlae of her (lilly aon in Whiten111e, Georgia. Only death oould oala the outbu1'llh of agony ehe IIldllred w he aroused by thoughta of the hoae and ftienda 10 ·ole J'erginyur· and the long t1'lllllP on foot all the way fre. Petereburg, Tirginia to LaGrange, Georgia to be eold. to a etranger and to Bpllld her life Ulong Btr&Il8en in the ootton fieldB. She hadn't eeen grodtig ootton, only big fieldB of tobacoo where ehe had never eet a foot for fear of the wonae whioh had to be pioked off 4&11y by the field handa. She waited on ·lIhUe· and wore a ol..n apron and a white headrag ever:r clay. Jack Johneon wae the eon of J'ranoee Johneon and Charlee 110­Clendon. rranoea wae aulatto. Ber mother was half Indian and her father white. Charlee IIoClendon'e aother W8.8 also par' Indiu. To be oollUnued. Blgned'TLt;~4ti1iW~~--
title "Ex Slave Tales," Randolph County.
titleStr "Ex Slave Tales," Randolph County.
url http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/823
id ADAHwpa823
thumbnail http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getthumbnail/collection/wpa/id/823
_version_ 1743797182834671616
spelling GSU# SG022774_00382-00384SG022774_00382_00384"Ex Slave Tales," Randolph County.Folder contains 2 pages of former slave narratives compiled for the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the late 1930s.1930-1939African Americans--Alabama--Biography; Alabama Writers' Project; Randolph County (Ala.); Slaves--Alabama--Biography; Slaves--Alabama--Social conditions; United States. Works Progress AdministrationTextDocumentsAlabama. Dept. of Archives and HistoryWorks Progress Administration filesSG022774WPA Alabama Writers' Project, Ex Slave Tales, Randolph County, #2.Alabama Dept. of Archives and History, 624 Washington Ave., Montgomery, AL 36130EnglishThis material may be protected under U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) which governs the making of photocopies or reproductions of copyrighted materials. You may use the digitized material for private study, scholarship, or research. Though ADAH has physical ownership of the material in its collections, in some cases we may not own the copyright to the material. It is the patron's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in our collections.96 dpi tiff• rannie Riley wae bom in WhUeav111e, Barrie County, Georgia, rebruar:r 39, 1873. Ber parlll1te were Addie and Jack Johneon. Thq told rannle ehe a1ghi lbe a.Dy y8&1'11 beoauee I of the odd blrthlky, for in 1973 ehe would be only 35 yea1'll old oounUng one year for each blrthday. Addie' e parlll1te were Sarah and George Walnwrlght. Sazoah' a parlll1h were Gracy md Charl.. CoUon. Gracy waa nesro and Indian. Charlee w.. a ulaUo. Although a elave hima elf, he pald $300 and Gracy W8.8 e1ft free after all her ohl1dren were bom. Charlee wae disappointed for he meBDt for hls wife'e I freede. to entitle hh ohl1drc to freede.. George, a aulatto, was the eon of 1I1111e, a aooth-halred bro1'O'llwrnu oolored we.an, IIUppoeed 10 0 be a nat 1ve of ee.e laland. When George W8.8 about two years old, he and h1a aother were aold to a alave dealer who oarrled th_ frGil their aaster' a hClllle near P1ftenburg, TlrglnU to LaGnnge, Georgla. There W8.8 a ·blg drove· of Blav.. at flnt, bu.t they were eold on the block in aany towna through whioh they pa..ed 10111 at lut in LaGrange, Georgia, 1I1111e wae a1iripped to the waht and placed _ I upon 1ihe block wlth hllr boy to be ez.ained by purohaeen and aold. She oarried, in her b0l!oa, a 11ttle paclt&ge that W&8 givlll1 her by her aaater, not to be opced 10111 ahe waa at her n_ he.e in the deep south. Thh package waa taken frGil her when ahe waa a1iripped, ao 1ihat ahe never 1m.. what W&8 ine1de. She longed to hear wh1fther her ·mhth· had retumed to 1ihe hoae whioh ahe had deaerled because she hatedllUlattoes. Whlll1 George W8.8 about fourlelll1, he waa eold. to a aM who tra.ined hia to be a blaoltemUh whioh tra.de he followed the r.ainder of hh 1 11fe. Be took a elave wlfe and 1ihey had eleven ohildren who were eold off u f&at 8.8 1ihey gr_ up. When freedoa oUle, George 001­leo1ied the eight ohl1dren who aUll lived andwUh hie wife and. ao1iher 11ved. the reat of hh 11fe in Whlteeville. ·Granny· 1I111ie had eoae uuueual traih. When ehe rea.ohed the hClllle of her nn .aeter, he gave her a hut &nd a huaband. She wouldn't dare acoept old Clayborn whoee ·talk· ehe oouldn't under­atand, neither would ehe have old Tony whoa she aaid was a·Cub~ Ielander· ehe hated. So she 11ved on her aide of the hut and built her own firee in one cd of the big atack ohimney and eat with her baok to ·d_ n1ggere· and her boy between her Itoeee and grieved for ·ole rerginny.· She died in 1881 at the hlae of her (lilly aon in Whiten111e, Georgia. Only death oould oala the outbu1'llh of agony ehe IIldllred w he aroused by thoughta of the hoae and ftienda 10 ·ole J'erginyur· and the long t1'lllllP on foot all the way fre. Petereburg, Tirginia to LaGrange, Georgia to be eold. to a etranger and to Bpllld her life Ulong Btr&Il8en in the ootton fieldB. She hadn't eeen grodtig ootton, only big fieldB of tobacoo where ehe had never eet a foot for fear of the wonae whioh had to be pioked off 4&11y by the field handa. She waited on ·lIhUe· and wore a ol..n apron and a white headrag ever:r clay. Jack Johneon wae the eon of J'ranoee Johneon and Charlee 110­Clendon. rranoea wae aulatto. Ber mother was half Indian and her father white. Charlee IIoClendon'e aother W8.8 also par' Indiu. To be oollUnued. Blgned'TLt;~4ti1iW~~--http://cdm17217.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/wpa/id/823