Summary: | In the letter Milligan discusses his employment, working as both a storekeeper and a teacher ("I am teaching a mixed school, and it has opened with flattering prospects"). He writes of the tense political climate in the state and efforts to extend power to African Americans: "We have a conservative party composed of . . . old Conservative union men of the right stamp. Also a union league party composed of tories and a set of corrupt designing men to low and mean to have a place among desent white men, and have no asperations, such as white men have, but seek in a stealthy manner the degredation and ruin of the white man, willing to sacrafice him to elevate the negroe. Oh that such should live in the South who would be in favor of that iniquitous concern, known as radical Congress." He also mentions the dire economic situation affecting all citizens: "No relief has as yet been sent the suffering poor of this land or section of county. I know not what will become of the poor, both white and black. . . . No money no friends who are able to help no supplies to spare in all this part of the land." [Original spelling retained.]