Summary: | During the Civil War, Alfred Moore served in the 33rd Alabama Infantry Regiment. In the letter he discusses possible troop movements; the construction of local defenses; rumors of Union advances; conditions and activities in camp; and the cancellation of furloughs ("A great piece of humbuggery. I have given up all hope of getting a leave of absence"). He also mentions the possibility that he will be promoted to captain of a company: "It is a good deal the largest Company in the Regiment & I think about the best one & I should feel proud to command such a one...Do not mention this to any one not even at home. It is very uncertain about my getting the position & don't want any one to know I am trying to get the position...I have an easier time perhaps in my present position, that is more privileges, more work be Captain, but still I would take a great interest in commanding a good company. I know of one Captain who accepted an Adjutants position just for to get the privilege of riding on the march, and this is worth more than the rank."