Summary: | "God Give Us Old-Fashioned HOMES, and Real Mothers in these Home, Not Political Females who Expect the Neighbors and Juvenile Courts to Bring Up the Poor Little Children."
Article reprinted from The Remonstrance, the publication of the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. In it, the author blames the suffragist cause "for much of the evil of the community," such as spousal abandonment ("wife-desertion"); juvenile delinquency; out-of-wedlock births (due to the failures of "public teaching of sex-hygiene"); and prostitution ("white-slave traffic"). The piece sums up its argument as follows: "The need of the day seems to be, not more 'mothering' of the community, but better 'mothering' of the individual child. This conclusion will be a welcome one to the multitudes of mothers who believe that they can serve the community better through the home than through the ballot-box."