Summary: | Plate 28 from FORTY ETCHINGS: FROM SKETCHES MADE WITH THE CAMERA LUCIDA, IN NORTH AMERICA IN 1827 AND 1828 by Captain Basil Hall. From the author's description: "The Chief on the left hand in this Etching, was the well-known Little Prince, who for many years was head of the Creek nation of Indians, and a man of considerable energy of purpose and respectability of character. At the time we saw him, he was upwards of 80 years of age; but he seemed much flattered by having his likeness taken before he died, an event which took place a few weeks afterwards. The position of his fingers, drawn into a point, was described to me as being characteristic of the old man; at all events, he was evidently satisfied to observe that the Camera had not omitted this peculiarity. The other Chief was drawn a day or two afterwards. I have inserted between the two a very different description of person,--one of those settles who, in other parts of the country, are called Squatters, but who bear the appellation of Crackers in Georgia,--men who set themselves down on any piece of vacant land that suits their fancy, till warned off by the legal proprietor. The man here sketched lived, I was assured, almost entirely by hunting and shooting."