Summary: | "Photo shows a general view in the House of Representatives here today as official Washington assembled to pay its parting respects to the late Speaker of the House, William B. Bankhead. Left to right front row: Secretary of Commerce Harry Hopkins; Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard; Secretary of Interior Harold L. Ickes; Attorney General Robert Jackson; Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson; Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; Secretary of State Cordell Hull; President Roosevelt; Senator John H. Bankhead; Mrs. William B. Bankhead and Tallulah Bankhead."
(Note: ADAH staff did not find this photograph when searching the Catalog of Copyright Entries published by the Library of Congress. Since material published before 1977 without a copyright notice is in the public domain, it appears that this photograph is no longer under copyright restriction. However, the ultimate responsibility for determining status lies with the patron.)