Summary: | Governor and Mrs. John Patterson / With relatives / General appropriations bill now law / Governor John Patterson signed into law the large budget appropriations bill yesterday while interested legislators watched. From left are Jake Jordan, state budget officer; House Speaker Charles C. Adams, Tallapoosa; Representative Joseph W. Smith, Russell, chairman House Ways and Means Committee; Senator E. O. Eddins, Marengo, vice-chairman Senate Finance and Taxation Committee; Representative Ira D. Pruitt, Sumter, vice-chairman House Ways and Means and Senator Vaughan Hill Robison, Montgomery, chairman Senate Finance and Taxation. / First lady's relatives visit / Accompanying Mrs. John Patterson, left, to the House chamber for the governor's address yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Reynolds of Clanton. It was the first official visit for Mrs. Reynolds, sister of Mrs. Patterson. / On Education / Governor Patterson / Governor addresses educator-packed house / At opening of special session for education / [Notes included]