Summary: | New banks - Union Springs, Alabama / Union Springs, Alabama / Banks: American National Bank / Expressing great confidence in Bullock County and the surrounding territory the American National Bank of Union Springs moved today into its new $150,000 bank building. Greeting the callers for the opening ceremonies who came from as far away as Atlanta, Birmingham, and Mobile, were Chairman of the Board Howard H. Morgan, President Sam Ranier, and the Board of Directors. / The new bank building is, according to architect Clyde Pearson, Montgomery, one of the most modern buildings in Alabama including snack bar for the employees, drive in service, electronic bookkeeping machines, and a private meeting room for the city's civic clubs. / Mr. Morgan proudly pointed out the steady growth of the American National Bank from in its inception 1916 with only $3,000 deposits. When Mr. Morgan assumed the presidency in 1937 the deposits had grown to $350,000 and now boast deposits of $4,750,000 with a capital structure of $560,000. / Photos 1, 2, 3, 4, The Bank Building / Photo #5 Mrs. Thomas B. Paulk, wife of Director Tom Paulk; Mrs. Ben Dempsey, First National, Eufaula, and Board Chair Howard H. Morgan / Photo #6 Mrs. Jack Anderson, Roanoke, Alabama observes the new bank's first cusTomr David L. Johnson, Eufaula, being served by President Sam Ranier / Photo #7 Mrs. Ben Dempsey, from the First National Eufaula, is being shown the display of national currency by President Sam Ranier / 8 the building - gosh, between the rain showers and heavy clouds - and early sunshine, I don't know how the buildings photos turned out. 'Tis a beautiful building though with its "community exterior" - The exterior [architecture] is designed to blend into the atmosphere of beautiful homes etc. in Union Springs / Note to state desk: If you possibly can, I would certainly appreciate your give this item good display. This Chair of Board Morgan has been my personal benefactor for 30 years. He's so modest though he did not invite any papers to come to the opening. He's not a glory hound. A dedicated, warmly human, understanding veteran of forty years in the business. He's devoted most of those years to helping less fortunate ones. No gimlet eyed, penny pincher is he. / [Notes included]