Summary: | Left to right: Bull Connor, Handy Ellis, Jess Edwards, Sidney Smyer, and John Lusk. A similar image was published in the Birmingham News on June 19, 1948, with the following caption: "Map New Revolt Strategy - Some of the leaders attending Friday's statewide meeting at Tutwiler Hotel to intensify the fight against President Truman and 'civil rights' proposals are pictured above. They helped form a permanent campaign organization to oppose measures aimed at the South not only in 1948 but in future years. They are (left to right) Public Safety Commissioner Eugene (Bull) Connor, delegate-at-large to the Democratic National Convention; Handy Ellis, Columbiana, also delegate-at-large; Jess Edwards, Brighton, Ninth District delegate; Sidney W. Smyer Birmingham attorney and resolutions committee chairman, and John Lusk, Gadsden, anti-Truman pledged presidential elector nominee.